TIIE OMAITA PAILT BEE: lUUItSPAT, MAT 1. 1902. I0DEMA5D HIGHER WAGES ! court -w- III be cuasbed Tb remenetrane I rate will lisea is be w itbdrswn. " Tb Ptste Bos- of Health met tonight Iinooi Ebwm Annt G.ja City 6c: nfter tbe ca r r. truing r Axteii. . , , j o ' bB charged wtth sleBfler. bvt at the ve il IiOW bUrnynnLLg UtlOA Oueet oT aUorawv for both side a ren- ! tlnuance w-a granted until tb July meet- txrtcT to arbitrati DirrtKcucts ix FARMER MEETS FOUL PLAY i BcrvrlklH K litre Br Mrrmi roeaty rnw I A-etlSd By Morel a rllrt as beet Maa frees Ala- f Pm a Ptaff CorTerjvmftert ) UXCOUV. Aj.rU 80 Special iebor leader of that city have bees e,netly i wwrs several week on a j.ian te rats lb wags xiV af various building and etbeT trades Tba tlfftnt tabor organisation are being toed stronger. ukmi are being tw and through tba Ostral Labor union tb vorklngTuca of tb trade art being brought to: brr for coorea tratefl actios. Tbey have n hostile inten tions, bat bop ta secure tba desired in creee tB pay through erbttretloB wits tb employers It la asserted by tb leaders ta tb meve soest that wages P-M la thle crty arc Tar below tboaa af other cities of liBcela't ais Comparhwa with scales la Omaha show? as average dlecrepeBcy of almost one-third Tba following statement, com piled by tb deputy labor commissioner, shows tb wages aod hours of employ aMt at carpentere. painter, bod earn- asd bora abeer la Omaba end Unrola: VaiM ta Omaha. Hour per Per Per Pr Tv Umit T t H'k rnt!tr " K" " I r-atnters I t ! Hod Carrier . X 12 I F-.rw.T-TT) .. '. 1-1 1 " rirenwE t IDMIU Si atgM la 14rola- I a Rla Parrk r 1 1 Wr aaa Atlra Calprit Ewy froaa bri. ILEER. Neb.. AprU n (?rrlal KWt Moobrrry. aa old and riK-td rlU aa of tfet tTUB'y, a a that oti bit porc.a of bla farm booo. ahmil ta icli t of brr lam Btrbt about t o'rlork by Out 'Wb)T. Tb dd a flour a-ltb a abotfua a; a flivtaanr of about tttt Irrl. lb chart mritig bH far and aban)or and maktnf a Oanrorou vouad. Tb caua of tb abootlair 1 auppaoFd tab robb-y. aa tb young maa bad ae moopy ta Mooaerry a baoda JuM bfor tba affray. After don; t tb abnotlni tb maa took a bora from tb tabi and a-oct rvar te a nlt:bbor a. brr Mr. Mooborrya oi: bad ba abl!lnt rora aad toid tbra tbat aonbotiy had abot tbrlr fat brr H rot bom 1tb tb ana aad on tbrlr arklnc tbeir fatbrr abe abot bim. Moobrrry aald Guy '"blr " "W"b)r lft Imiardia ely. roi&C ta a arlcbbor'a arrrral mllra aootb- rat. wbr b a-aa found later by tb aberlff. At b -aa brine takra to tb bunrr be a-rnrbd looa azd mad Bit oacap la tb dark. Tb abrrlff la atill la purautt. Ir. Lev. bo baa tb caa hi band. aaya Mr. Mooberry may reeowr If ronrpllca tlona do not art In. Wbwlrr bat bra ttarlnf around tb nrlfbborbood and la a man of rorkiet dtt- poettJoii. H 1 the graDflton of Hmry Wheeler, aa old aetUer of tb county, abo died aomc time ago. t arpntira fainter Hod earner ... ti oraeahoera Flonrinen . . . Fireman Hrur per Per Ia y H our ... 10 ... I .. lb f.3 TVr Per I iav. Wek S2 'f flli ' ll.rfi .. w . i.r li. The orkinaiiB of tb build and Vbr tradaa to not Intend to ak a Seroard anything Bnraaeena.bla. aald on of tb labor leadera. '"Tb aaaee paid are prob ably oommraturai with the amount r rereed by the amploTora. but tb tact re main that tbry are far below tb atandard tor cltie of tb Bin of Lincoln. "TCa, e'r sot thinking cf a atrike. If an; gt eercr mc e?r,jc t aralea through arbitration or oo-operatlnn. a-r rar't aeeare It at all. a-ant tb em- ployera ta rale their price and to a rlv u a rata, la tbat way tb employer! w'.n not loee aEjtbing. whil tb wage worker aril be getting batter pay." laeatlSea Iea4 Talef . Ed Rimmona te th tru nam of tbr bora tbtef killed In SbermtL routity V,y the aherlff poaa and aboa luentttr tat keoa a matter of cerjerture. Tb body wa abtpped te LlDcoln tor dimertion at tb hand of tb Ltlnrela mdlral Btudenta and IwtaetlT rranklla auereeoed IB MenUfyteg htm. H went by vartaua aliaee aad wa auppnaed Yy the Fhertnaa cennty people ta be Chart Wileon. Slm oona balled from Oklahoma. Two week age ha mao hie way ta tac eaadhllla of th sor'aweet as horaeback. trTratng the eouBtry betwoeB ratrmoat and Haetlngs. LlBoola anthorltlea belter tbat Simmon ra lmpIlcBied la the robbery af the 4ar Itngtoa train sear Pt. Joaeph eome time ago. Hie rearm blab or t tb oeerrlptiont est out furBlahea the beeia far their be- Jtef. . ..... . . CoroDer' Orahaaa ha fleriard that he ln uat win be held over the body of SrtM Hermans, managing editor of the Prl FTeaa. whoa death wa oaueed yeaterSay by pneumonia eombtsad with an overaooe of Bnlpbesal. Thle la th theory of death adrasoad by the phyaletana. Many Intlmat frlende of Hermann, however, believe that he took th eedativ with the Intention of ending hla life. Nothing haa yet been beard from hie wife, whom b married a tew week ago. and the rumor te sow gain ing credence that domeatie trouble rauaed th maa te and hi Ufa. 'With the excep tion of a ooualn la New Tork no relative if th dead maa caa be found. Hermann had aa boacm friend aad tboae who knew cltn Ultimately caa tell nothing of ht tnwtneet er family affaire. Vewr Con i a !!. The reul County Telephone eompany of Thappell haa filed article af Incorporation. Th etock of tb company ia limited te COOO and !'. Incorporator are B E. Fiah. T. H. KoudrbBkh. T. O UaReTl. T. B. Barber ltd Joha O'NelTl. The Victor Whrta company of Omaha haa ilea iBoerporatoA. The etock ia fino.noo, and Ita tstw puiatore are Victor H'hltc. C S Diou aad Gould Dleti. Traaurar Etueter haa leaned a call tor net warrant regiatered from 7s.S3t te W.I.U. aggregating tM.OM. They wtU be payabl May t. All atal emcee were cloaed thia afteroooa la reaped te 3. Sterling Morton. Stat oth rtele aad cltlaes left for Nebraaka City thle Booralng ta artead the funeral aad ra turned early tonight. Chief Donahue of Omaha haa notified the Uncela aolto that he will pay III reward far tb apprebeBstDa of Andrew Kaaa. a cattJamaa mleaUig troaj ham and Jaat aeea ta Linoola. Tb officers her looked for Haaa today aad tailed t local horn. Be la euppaaad to e oaaaaotad. Thamee Kyaa hat eetOee hla dtaputa over a salary clahm with the Baakare Tatea of Omaha of which Dr. K C. Spiaaey t aa eBecutre emoer aad the eeee ta dletiirt FILLS HEART WITH LEAD Farmer wear Oereolo. eb. Ooea Belf. Dewtrwettwa wrlth a bat a aw. OS'TSCTLA. Neb.. April SO Fpeclal Tel egram ) E. 1. Cheoowith, a young farmer 1'rli.g about two mile from town, com mitted outride at E o'clock thlt morning by ebootlng htmeelf througb tb heart with a abotgun. dying Instantly. The eulcide occurred near the home of the deceaaed. Cbenowitb had gotten up and. taking hi gun., etarted down the road Hie a-ife arnae oon after and noticed the gun gone. Sbe rent their little eon after hit father and the bey found the body of hla parent a few minute later. The reeeon given wby Cbenowith committed the deed 1 that lately he bat been greatly troubled with intomnia. Be wa a member of tb Independent Order of Odd Fellow and Modem Woodmen of America. He leave besides hit wife ane child., a boy of 10 years. CROSS A BLACKENED MASS uhM Forum of Stbruke Tew a Ofaiitentfd Vy DairieB. Firi PRDB.Bi.Y WOPK OF IKCtVDAFY Maay Btaslaew Howaea flak learo Terrible Ctatrttl ttl laa la Thirty Tbooaaoa Dollara, wrlth Oae-Thlra loeoraooo. GROSS. Neb.. April 80 Special Tele gram The bu Inert pomoa of tfct towa wa obliterated by tre. probably of Incen diary origin, whirh KArted In the rear of Korab aaioca at 11 o'clock laet sight, never rearing la fury oatll the work of oe rtructloa wa completa. Tb eomblsed ef fort of the rltiaena agatnt the awful roe flagratioB wa of se svtll aad building after buildirg melted before th roar IB g Samoa. Thle place waa a thriving towa. la epit of Its having beea left out of direct rail road communication, bat It will probably sot rle from thle body blow The following are the lueeea. which I amount te nearly tM.Ma. with but eoe thtrd of that amount of laturasce: Mar rellu restaurant, bowling alley, Korab t saloon. Seller baraea bop. Blair gen eral siore, M. E. Smith A Co.. general mer cbandkar; Groat Hardware and Furniture company: B. B. Gross, general merchandise; Bank of Grow and Slmms' bars Bert rear ta th echoele af eur city : &V E. Davie. Auburn, principal; Mire Mtra Kern arete tart prtse'.peJ. Mkas Xo4a Stood ley. Mir Minnie Bagoa. Kir Kstk C. Chambe-t aad Mle Elsie F)ber. Vrwoko dry Ha Ftooe Ur Jewel. NEBRASKA CTTT. Neb.. A?rO W i Spe cial Jame H Butler, the man ab loat tb XI. W diamood last week bas found hi property. Tuesday eveBtng w hli s and ltit la front of bis home he noticed some thing glistening la tbe grae and upon going over te investigate he Clauovered that It waa the lost Jewel. bear Cwooty laortaYO BEATRICE. Neb.. AprU 0 .Special Telegram V Following It the mortgage re port tor Gage county tor tbe Bsoath of April, lani: Farm mortgages Sled. 77; farm mort gages released. C: amount. W&SM. city mortgagee filed. J, amoust. Xil.oRK; city mortgagee released. TI; amoust. W.7P0. PRINCESS COES TO PRISON Owrirted f TtrfWf Jots Purjortrf b Cjtv Cexal EkbdM BifSAtnra. SCKTttCD TO Tv0 YtS W JWl Attoraer Oewerml AAaaoalabra 4ory Agslowt IHegram by W tlMtai T. Flea A. W hoaa ttt Dsm la beveev Terasa. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it YOUNG BOY DRAGGED TO DEATH Halter FoateateA Irani Hie BtoAr la Florae ( Avray Hear BraAabaw. Sjer.ro ska. BRADSHAW. Neb April B (Special At aa early hour thia morning tbe 12-yra.r-old eoa of Charle SenS. living five mile northwest of thle tows while watering a horse, met with a frightful death. The boy had the halter fastened about hi body. The horse becam frightened and ran and the rope tightened. Tbe boy wat dragged several roda. wbes hie older brother came to hi assistance. Be was yet alive whea released 4rom tbe rope, hut before medical aid could reach him he died. Be was covered with bruise from head te toot aad a puncture la the ekull just back and above tbe left ear la supposed te have caused death. Oo Fellowship Celebrate. FTTERJOR, Neb, April JO. (Special. V The eighty-third anniversary of Odd Fel lowship was celebrated here Monday. In the afternoon there wa a parade of Odd Fallows, headed by the Superior band. At tbe Methodist ch-rch Captain C. E. Adam and Rev. v. G Brea-a delivered appropriate addresses. In th evening a banquet wu served at the Methodist church. A number of visiting members were present from the surrounding towns. HrMBOLiT. Neb.. April 80 (Special ) Tbe Odd Fellows and Rebekabt of this city celebrated Monday evening the eighty third anniversary of Odd Fellowship at their hall. A fin program waa rendered by the members, at the do of which a very elaborate supper wee eerved. ToJaai alaa Faetor Haa lestkers Coll. KNOXVUXE. Tens.. April M. (Special Telegram.) Rev. W. 1 Harris of Valpa raiso. Neb- will succeed Rev. 'W'niiam Bur leigh as pastor of the Christian church la Bristol. Rev. Brrlelgt recently resigned to accept the pastorate of tb Chriaruan church at Hanimaa. Th cum mil lee te eerure a pastor advertised la the papers that a pas tor was wasted asd received a number of replies asd 1b this way the sew pastor waa secured Mr. Harris la 80 rears of age and married. He will take charge of the work June 1. Bristol has a populatloa of 12.600. Two Dirsrsea tVroaeoA atl Oeraela. OBCEOl-A. Net . April St. (Special. V The April tarn of the district court ooa wesed bare Tvaaday morning end. after a tour boars' eesstoa. adjourned uatll the lat ter port af May. Judge Good granted divorces, sm te Salamoa and Mary E. Far ley asd the other to Frank E. aad Au gusta E. Jar leg The Daughter of ignorance It's consumption. If you hid only known how your cough wis going to hing on, you would hive done something promptly, wouldn't you? But even now, when you hive eirly consumption, the best medi cine for controlling your cough ind h tiling your lungs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. You hid bet ter tiik with your doctor ibout this. If he knows of mything better, be sure ind get iu The one greit object is to be cured. My SMxaot ha4 castas sy tow for assay rears. At Bast ab waa areaa aa e Va. A anfhbe aosr bar as ry Avar's Cbary rwcsoral bo V4 so aad was osea asetejy eves. aa4 at SoOav at the er n oi aait eg eo4 sea ba.' IX f. )l, Aran, X. T. ' A C area cv. SALOONS MUST STAY CLOSED Await Deelsleo of Heaeatra ters' As. peal aal bat Tw Are G res lea Llremeea. FEATRICE. Neb.. April 80. (Special Tel egram I Four of tbe s'.i remonstrtnc casrt Cled agtlnst saloon keeper here were beard by tbe city council today. In each case the remonstrances were overruled and tbe applicants. Meers. F. E. Cook. Arthur Betouroay. Faddork Bote! company an! Byron Braflt were granted licenses. The attorneys for tbe remonstraton tp paaled tbe case of the last two named te the district court and conseouently their satoon sill be closed until tbe tppealt are decided. Tbe council met tonight to hear tbe re monstrances against Emanuel Sr bee berk Ind Joe Johnson, but tbe hearing wat con tinued until 'BTednesday at 8 A m. Na ap peal were filed axilnst rook and sietmi-p.y , so they took out tbeir license tonight. For a whil at least only two saloon will be la operation here. Dlstrlet resrt (eaveoee at Harrisbors; BARRIFBrRG. Neb.. April 80 (Special Telegram) District court convened here yesterday, with Judge B. M. Grimes on tbe bench. Fifty-five cases were docketed, most of shicb were foreclosures ad con firmations. Tbe only criminal rase, that of th atate against J. E. Bnldow tor as sault with Intent te commit murder, waa remanded to tb lower court on technical grounds. About all of tbe cases docketed were disposed of and court adjourned to day at nooa. Visiting attorney were: Messrs. F. A. Wright and Ed Mann of Gering and J. Boagland of North Platte. Th preliminary bearing of Mr. Taunt oa complaint of F. M. Troy, charged with horse stealing occurs tomorrow before Iert Srhooley, county Judge. Fsrairra Fear Seworve frees wVeraaa. FARNAM. Neb.. AprU 8fl (Special.) Tne farmers In this section of tbe county are much annoyed and dismayed because of tbe depredatlont er ravages of a worm. Specimene of It have bees oent te Prof. Bruner of the TJstverstty of Nebraska, who pronounce it a "species of army worm." Quite large area of winter wheat and rye have been ruined. The worms multiply la numbers very rapidly. Although the weather and Boil are favorable, farmer are delaying corn planting for fear of the worm. Never ha tb Boil been In better condition or tbe season more favorable for a crop than now. Treasswrrt Mast Rectify latrwsloaa. FREMONT. Neb.. April 80. (Special.) At tb regular meeting of tbe city council last evening liquor licenses were granted for twelve saloons and four drug stores. The report of tbe water commissioner sbowed that the city water plant had paid all expenses and left a good profit. Ab or dinance was psssrd requiring the removal of all bams, houses, fences asd building which encroach on any Btreet or alley. A large number of people have built bam on alley aad erected fence over th Itn of their lota, and an ordinance of thle character waa badly seeded. Frmak Parker Mae Par Cowta. BEATRICE. Neb.. Apr So. (Special ) In .the rate of Frank B. Parker against 1 C. Parker asd at b era. ta whlck tbe plaint! Bought o set as 13 title te real rata.. Judge Stall found for tbe defendant, X.. C Parker, aad taxed the eoste against tbs rlalntlS, Frank H. Parker. laeeaalary atlas at Lysek. LYNCH. Neb April 80 Special.) Two Urea of in ren diary origin within ten houre have created much excitement here. At 1:80 Monday night D. S. Miller as ok te find hie building on fire. Quick work ex tlnrulahed tbe blase with but llttl dam age. Bay, cob and board had been piled against a corner of the structure, saturated lib oil and ignited. Tbe previous morning a fire of similar origin was discovered be hind Edwards Bradford e hardware store. iar Trlrgrssk Chaoses Haeaa. SII'NET. Neb.. April 10 (Special ) A sewspaper change took place her this week. Charle Calls ban disposing of tb Telegraph te Fred A. Gapes, whs will be Ka editor and publMber la the future Mr. GApea hat beea the Vocal editor of th paper for the last tour years. Mr. Calla han will officiate as cashier la the newly ergasiard First National beak of thlt city. Th Telegraph is on of th oldest repob licea papers tb westers Nebraska. watl Tw.ro Dtva DrataiMa. XEBRASEA CTTT, Neb.. April re i Spe cial l The city eouncQ met ta regular ess sloe Monday Bight sad grasved twelve ae loos licenses Th cjuestlea of graat!ag druggist permits was brought up asd turned dowa. They have beea ta the habit of paying tit per annum for th prmieg. asd the council concluded that that wee sot enough. Today th chief or police notified all druggist that th permit would be granted npoa payment of S2M. Ma rv test foe Ftrty loara. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. April 8 Special.) Th golaea wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Charles V. I'lmoa was celebrated here Monday. A rocepuoa was glvaa at tbeir house te over lOv guests Mr. sad Mrs. Dimes he l:sd her tor torty-tve rears, comirg here la IK from P easy Hat la The wedding case, aa which war placed eight te gold pieces ares preeeated te tbe aged roupi Mr. Pimoa I ft year old asd tj wile 71 wieeleroa Prof esass Steels as- rxTVERSTTT PLACE Neb. April It 'Special -.-.:: ia E Kirk iBstramor Latla aad Greek asd prtartse of tb Academy of tb Nebraska BT soleras univer sity, ha C his rtgBAta aad aa souscsd that h will atios Columbia nei veralty duriag lb 81 tws years Mr Elr cam to tb uBjTerr-y v year ago as instructor te tba aapanmeat of Lsua aad Ta A trews Lamievltae Coeveartwm. BEATRICE. Neb. April 80 (Special Telegram. I At the flsnrart ronvratloa cf tbe Kolgbls asd Ladies of Security held here today Charte McCoU of Beatrice wa elected a delegate to attend tb grand lodge ettsg which Is te he held la Leulrville. Ky., June V next. lertrtsl Brratt Hosae Asa la. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 8C i Specie! ) Sergeant William 'Werrer of th Eighteenth I'ntted State Infantry, who ha beea la tbe Philippine for th last three years ar rived home to visit la the ritv with hi parent. Mr. and Mrs G. C. 'Werner. CATETO'W'N, April 80 Prinoes Radii win. whs hat beea oa trial here before tbr i supreme court on the charge of forgery it connection with Bates purporting te have beea endorsed by tbe late Cecil Rhodes, was sentenced today te twe years' confine- i attest la the house of correction. The attorney genera made a long ad- i fl areas, in run n caouaaea id jury agaisst being mystified by telegrramt from "hare-brained Individuals like Win lam T. Stead and others and alleged tacrimlnat tag docsmeeta. which were merely the or dinary armament of a blackmaUar. CostlBulsg. be said: "Nothii could be car gross asd treach erous thaa tbe pnsener't behavior through out." Be appealed te tbe Jury te arrive at a vermin on tne evioence wotcs wotus na To Prove What tbr. Grext Kidacy Remedy, S vamp Roc, Will Do lor YOU, Every Re-ier of The Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Seat Absolutely Free by Mail- lt sood to b caeiBloei ed that aaly nrtsory ant bsaooor trawbeee wars ta be traced te the kid- sera, bat Bow aBoAera setose proves tbat nearly at have their beg inning ts tbe datsidee of tboaa Boost rampertaat orgwaa. The sAAsej a Cltar aad purttp tba kkaid that 8 their wwrh, TboTofote, wbea roar kidaor are a ask or out of Bloat, fob aaA Booerstaad bow eotckly your ootlr '-T at aSaoteA. sad bow evwr org as awana te tail to to ttt duty IT poo ore at ok er fool baals." hagis taktsg tba fa mews sow gt: ueiary. Dr. aUlmer Swwxj.. Beet. bscaBsa as sacs aa pour fcldseys ore well they wifi help aJI the otbar orgaaa te health A D eorlety. temporarily at least, asd dangerous woman. " bo BeBeetlea oo Mrs. bebalta. trial will Bwa'isiia asrese. oak ao4 Bsboalrhy kldaeya Bar macr ktsos of Ballet Peartratra ara Raat. BEATRICE. Neb.. April Stv (Special tThlle playing with a C -caliber revolver Charle Mann, the 10-year-old eon of Wil liam Mana. was accidentally abot through the palm of the left hand. Miae Keelw Tabee Cherate. BAFTINOS. Neb.. April 86 (Special. ) Miss Maggie Kealy went to Kllford. Neb.. today te begin upon her sew duties a sn pertBteBdest of the Bom eif th Friendlet at that place. Te tbe Worth Pole by Ballooa. Touting the past few yean many attempts have been made to reach tbe North Pole by ahlp. but on account of the ice have all been faDuret. It would seem, therefor, that the only way te reach the coveted spot Is by the balloon. There is aleo but one way to obtain good health tor those who suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia, cen stlpatioa or liver and kidney troubles, aad that Is by using Boatetter's Stomach Bit ter. Doa't fail te try It. HYMENEAL Perklaa-Hsstlsglsa. RAN FRANCISCO. AprU 80 The wedding of Miss Carrie Huntington, daughter of B. E. Huntington, and Gilbert Brooke Perkins of New Tork was solemnised at Trinity church today. Rev. C B. Brent, bishop of tbe Philippines, assisted by Rev. F. W. Clam pet t. rector of Trinity church, per formed the ceremony. The wedding was one of tbe social event of the aeaaoa and Trinity church wa crowded with the friendt of the bride and groom. The groom wse Attended by How ard L. Huntington, the only brother of tbe bride. A wedding breaktast. for which 80 tntitatlon had bees Issued, was at r ted at th Huntington residence Immediately after the ceremony. Clifford N. Forbes and Alto E. Ferguson were married at o'clock Tuesday evening at the residence of the bride' parents. Judge and Mrs. A. N. Ferguson. 1230 North Eighteenth street. Rev. Joha Williams of St. Barnabas church officiated. Mr. Forbes It county assessor tor tbs Fourth ward and a brother-in-law of Councilman W. B. Whitehora. Bee Boa's lAfe ftaveel by Cboaaborlola'a Cell. Cbolerw, aal EHeerboea Hessewr. "A neighbor res Is with .a bottl of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy when my son wa suffering with severe cramps and waa given up aa beyond hope by my regular physician, who stand high Is hi profession. After administering three doses of It my bos regained cos eciousncsa asd recovered entirely within twenty-tour hour." aaya Mrs. Mary Bailer of Mount Crawford. Ta. OCCASIONAL SHOWERS TODAY Frist a r Fair ta wVret Portlea wrlth sbewere aal Cooler la Eaaa era Webraaba. WASHINGTON. April 80 Forecast: For NebraskA and Kansas Occasional ab overs Thursday, wih cooler la west por tions; Friday fair In west, showers and cooler Is east partios; south winds, be coming west. For North and South Dakota Sbower and cooler Thursday: Friday fair and variable win da. becoming sorth- For Wyoming aal Coloraoo Fair ta west, showers Is east sortaos Thursday; Friday fair sad warmer, with variable winds. For Illinois. Iowa asd Missouri Showers Tours 4s y asd Friday; warmer Thursday: fresh east te eoatheast winds. floral treara, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BTTlEAr. OMAHA. April tti. (tfnaal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding oar of tb last thro tears: m wn me, uat Msximua tempera ror .. at a 7 H Minimum temperature ... K! G e) Average teoJicraiur SI ',4 i Mean tempes atare " e C r-recipltauon . .( .a )ucors of temperature ana aredpttetlea at Omaha lor taua Av an einos March i. mc. Normal temperature Excess for tbe Aay Total eaoeas slnor March 1 N(rmai precipitauon Iiehririicy for tne osy Total rainfall since March 1. Iririenr since March 1 ... Iieftctency for cor. period 101. J f m h h.xceas lor cor. penua, a inch tawaa saausa al t a, a. M J ... 5 12 lm a U inch .. 1 at inc h i iC lticbes sverooaa H x CObtWTJOl CF TU 't:'; a WRatUAB. :':' m Tsaso storb SiaarA boasea t ea beea. TASLE RCCb1. Nek. Apn: M 'Special) The halloa lag aaawA taarbers wees easio4 A4 lbs evert aes4 last Akt Xar Cmaha. rsrar ..1 7 to .r Vsaerun. ctouclv ' "H Bft T Nona J'tatt. clear a M CWtr.M cloudy I b ?4 Wii Lea, rs'tar.g a si r apid iii part cioudy . IB 75 av Hurn. roudr 1 C T MiKartnei, part ciouAy . to 73 "tu-agt' near o it t U'ua. part rlnuoy 1 1 T hi tOk. part ro3J ...... 1 W la as Iwvetiawri rlaar S Ta T kanaaa Ci- ruar . t aa T Havre rtnttv ISM Hea rajau ; A3 a T rasarea. fl I a r a Gamataa. riawAy 1 IB .as of a cruel are respeaslbl e in n BDBuaae xBuca sunenng wits ratau resui are Summing up. tbe chief Justice eaid there 1 ears te yoilew. Kidney trouble irritate th wse sot a suggestion throughout tb corre- serwa. aaakw vwv giaxy. reetlasa. sleeplose aad sposdrBce that Mr. Sr bulla had given the , trritabiA Makes yoa pass water often during prlsoser the b:Ih st slieged Thit wat lm- j the day sad ebllaea ran te set ur manv times I portast. he said, because If tbe Jury found during tb sight- lahoalthy kidneya osnae tbe accused had received tbe blllt they rbouBaatJaia, grawal. eatarrh of th bladder, must t acquit her. but If attlrfied ab had ' frr or dull bastsrkt ta tbe back, Jolaaa and' used fraudulently tbe name sf tbe Ute ' sauaclea ; makes rour bead ache and back ache, Cecil Rhodes, they must roevtrt her The ! eatasa tasUgwsUos. stomach aad liver trouble, contention of th defense that se on hed ' w, got s wallow. weTiew oomploxlos. makes von suffered la ronseouesce of tb forgeries be ( eaaj as tboti3i pos hat bean trouble, vou may declared te be untenable. Be cautioned the 1 fcev, plaoty sf smblrlOB. but as iwsg-h. get Jury te disregard tbe prisoner nobl birtb ' weak aad was la swag. aad BBteceoent and te eoride th ca ac- , Th euro tor these trochlea ha Dr. Kilmers cording te strict Justlra. waap.ia the wartt-ftBsewa kldory reasodv. After a brief reUrement th Jury brought u taking Swsap-Boat ros aBord natural help IB B verdict of guilty on all tbe count to N.tnr, tor wamp.Bot. is tbe Dost porfect agaisst her. beater and gratis aid ta tb kifiBers that Is Th chief Justice then addressed tbe ; w . , , - aaedloai ooence. prison r impressively, n reierrea to ner birth, her education and her position iu society. Be deplored the two dark feature of her ease, namely, tbe attempts to in criminate tbe innocent Mrs. Srbulti and tbe bribing of a boy in tbe employ of tbe , poetoffice tr forge a date line on the al lered cablegram from B. A. Bsaktley. la Htiaee of Cerreeflea. Xf there is say doubt is yowr tslad as te your saadttton. sake trots your uria on rasing about fear ovaoaa, place It In a glass or bottle aad lot it stand twoBtr-four hirer If an examinsrinti It Is milky or cloudy. If tbere la a brick-duei set- CiA. or If bbaU paruclas W about la ii. year kidBoys are la seed at lm mediate attention Swamp-Boot Is pleassat te take and Is used ta aV sWtLRoart OURS. nMcrtsR-s. er bw 111 s in' u Wtnw I at soar aaana aal at Bw t raise as, ass 111 Itiag I . '- bar imia m weft 11 OSSjaawi ! , 41 Sua) er ear, a tb asaa wsasaawtwiusa. - - Tb aval iw,aci sura) at tn ass, ovaa. baaoay. as tfj sjm rat tairviaansa a ewA ksv an auat as waaa. ottaa aw as a, tars, rlmniii Bum. silSwj i. aSi healit ,w,wkIo. wsaJ bamaBayBass, "I US saaasacw BSta pgrpAsta ob st BR. KBJKBk CO, sisSHAarroa. k. r. f : tbe lead teg hospitals, rwcommaadad by Xibyal I etaa ta tbotr srlvsto prartlos. asd Is taken by I aootore thetBBatwas who have kidney allmosta. j baeaus tbay reoegsiae ta tt the greatest asd 1 j snoat Buocossful remaAy tor kidney, liver and 1 biadccr troubiea. Owing to her delicate health, th chief Justice eaid ehe would not hsve 10 perform hard labor, but that ah would be confined tor twe year In tb house of correction or any other place tbe governor wa pleased te appoint. The prisoner bowed her besd and re-j If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root , celved her sentence calmly. . 1 1 what yon need, you can purc-hae tb reg- Counsel for tbe defease. In addressing the ular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottle at th Jury, denied tradulent intention oa tbe part of hi client and dwelt upon the unrevealed mysteries behind the case. Be appealed te the Jury oa tbe ground that nobody had suffered by the frauds and said that a ver dict of guilty would be equivalent te hang ing the princeet to tbe nearest tree, tor thea every door la Europe would Is the Xu tare be closed te her. (Swamp-Root la pleasant to tvhs ) true Ftt. ret- everywhere. Iim't make aty a. lFtakt but remertbfr th nam. SsAmp-Rout, I'r. K'i mrr't Swamp-Root, aiid tb adcl-et T... ra every bott't. Faaeral at ftol bsaltb ttaeeell. WASHINGTON. April 80 -Funeral serv. ices ever the remain of Sol Smith Rus sell, tbe actor, ware held thl afternoon at the residence of Frederick Berger. Mr. Russell't brother-ln-lsw, end lifelong ftiena. Rev. Dr. Perry J St Andrew s Brrteon psj chirrch. officiateA. Tbe remain were Interred In Rock Creek cemetery- Th floral offerings wore numerous and beautiful. Binghamtor. EDI TORIsVL XOTE It you have tbe sligb'ce: eyrrrtcmr t.f i iCnt y t.r Mi a.i r trouble, or if there it a trace of It In your family biorj. send at once to I'r. K 1 mer A Co., Blnghamton, N. T.. abo will gladly cnd ycu by nitll, immediately vi:l out cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root, and a bock rc-nkitiu.c cmi.y it tb tbouaanda upon thousands of testimonial letter received from zm n tt.d wou.rn cured, la WTlticg be sure to aay that you read thlt gept rou ctrr in Tte OuiLla Morning Bee. DON'T BORROV TROUBLE." q BUY SAPOLIO TIS CHEAPER IN THE END T B Air. ties trass af swetsos'ie I- A st f.fH M tti set w Only Safe Medicine for Babies. Tb iciidCbt ! beVbewisHraTint afid little chflt5rea tvre very delicate and tecSw. Iwlotberv matt sot be ickiem in tbe use oi pk'siciy. kaUe nfOtdom tor M.biee: sM-Bnitbs- mr ttrw ftrT I4VSV Wftt TlfTtw. as bf kMt tstlftl srwr UQ FtllC tTDB sBMtTvetttej bUiB-BB. 1 um iri wtt tVm'.ry n wat pTMUN. - X-eV.l.txnfLa. onbbiwliSld. TcX. 'l iVrTslItt OassVBtWPwTtm. 1 tb rabsV ft WJ baV rw wh ta bbm yy trmif hm ry hmm fXtabdlClaVw I Vmt BtarwtL TbJ .teaaU VMI yn rMaT.ati4 -Mn ft. M.. Cksviibw mlwtia MiXte.K T. "I sBaVwh? BoBfeTtlt frfeTl blirrT t tofa ft Bebar Oi CMCleaTttW. lWT MiJ heahf ebwl llaVM "1 tntfek Ci mwmm sfdd. Tlsharv I W 9m4 aM VMaVal". Mf baVr" vf1 amitrwtrtl wtifc rpwnup mxtC C'srArTa aff oroacl tits "-Ha ins 1. 'sbrArTa Atrnraaa imm . aUi XseBfbSt, bO. Obit. There is only one pct'at, perfect. fpWsVi Irfltifftl. ftl tillUXf ilF t- -r w-oiiQfw. !m aiTiii j-ve tij'-Tr to out tkbj tmlnrc lit VsVf tllT waaar HIT. " -aVlicf gvt-weii. 6Wi . 1crtu.i1 Bt-. fc. triwirm. 'fiir hftirf wm mrfc T'fl We jro.p H'rle ToT r ehrsrT. fc m m m-tirr!' t-i;rtu. Vl ramvl Xm ti lj'-r it .rttn.r nf f . It ew-r-.awflllC ibt.SJTl.iil; a.t LFtlJMlllr- 11. rt-f!Tevadi nrr rdiett''lJBtif t 'T '"Ulil CtUOTwIli KiitJ ' iull. IrtMtl rwsSl-tti. " -iifUlFt eioym. at.. Vbwli j . K. Z. CBarwtw Wfrr and wHhnrft in. 1 llV t;'Ii lilClss aa tla AraVlJlthft WlSti r.U a wUfi abawaUssV.'' Mr. . Jifn4,. t, IX'Vir . Xa. i v 81 s 1 w s valMS" MAtoms takes a CASCARET. bAtw feta the benef.t. Ii,ct that r,! sense f Tbs gwrset, palatAbae Candy CAthartic Cutcaret, ta'ta by tn bsrsiiir re other, not only Tee-hlste her Fystem and lrjcroasc her Sow of milk, bnt mAkes her tnik rtilfijT pcrjrattve. Baby cct the rft-t-T dilnbsdl And at part of its re-nlar, natcraJ iooi, so vKK-rjct nc can gtr pcriocthr narnral rcroita. No more soar etirda m Uaby'a rtorcAch, bo roars wind, colic, resiles nights. Beet far tbe Bewsia All draggier. ik. vjc. wt. Sieve sol is bwla. Oeouine tablet stamped C C C. &uaraznes as cor or your snoney Berk- batrp.e sbd houi. in tre. AAAraas btarUng fcssusa (tn Clin sgfc er New I ark. as MRS. W. L. BUTLER Sbso and Guard ef th O.R.C.Feoac Drvbtio No. , Kaaast Cry, Ma. I Lib. womaa w-bo rooe; vet the real bosn I j (be of tie worid it bot tbs sac wboas I I ba.oUAotkdsbdsltoBBibetb Lnrhteat ia ball rooms, but she w-ncoe veaith is bright 070, a clear cotrpWrioa, tirekai tmerfv, as afoctumate aatur abb a rwort oigpoaitioA. It is b woman whose heal'Ji make her fit tar bB the dutie of lift wno it needed ia the world today. Her tawaoxkality it reflected by bor wJ froerei home, ber waU traiaad aad well cared for chiidrea. And aha is ohoa s iksainc to BeT ooshBinAity by tbs interest ajbs taAos is tbe popular naovemonta la chArity. is tbe ciinrck and ia oiber useful aryaLixaiicm. Paint and tn apparal may restare a semblAnos of beejih ts tb face rarml be stiff ermr. bot nothing bat beak itseif caa restore tbe oomeJj wife. ti esrrrUc mother or tbs womaa that make herself felt is ber oomm unity. Wis of Cardui it tbs mexhcise that it rrt&g thit ksd of real bealtA to suffering- women to day. lira. W. L Bntior, who Lees at Na. BaiWraew Avenue. Kansas City, Ks it a wobbab whs was aa isvalid for years ji feSj) j I nod BBaaVin- for reseral wai karat, I save Load it the boat I wcr tried tor lernak ai 1 1 aisa I sutiarad bar st ssaal yaati wrath hrrcrwiar sad sassid nirsstrsitiiis sad wat werr ssaseb rant aWa ta suwaftb and be ea ox this. My ssBcr aersisd to st throw away that dtnlisl rosrls-raea, rUrmmg- that tbry wsssc enly tiBuumntaf st seal, sad as tabs tbs iwiibt wrbach bad always stood the test Tins oi Caress. Sbs cbaesad co .sadletariaaasassbwrA. barb boats I SBBwaClDt r muiuB. all its mystery thd untried danrrr. W'j make tlit gtAtemext as tbe strenr-.b of 10,000 other letter besides Mr, fiutier which Are before ot. Tbonsaodt of wmm have diBTArded erneririieritin docturt fur tb OBrtain cure Wine of Cardui tritt. If yon Are tufferu.f rnd yuu take TV'iiie d Cardui you need ; fcju tLat tie pure Win wLkL La rfLmed tver a c 1 1 ' k hi women it an exjieriiiieitt. Thit prest remeCT bat loj pataed tbat Rape., lira. Butier found that out w bin die txsc tat ibj tbe Viae. Err "l.-b i, pa- feet recovery a ere mure tiAti realixod. sns sxriset iBXOwerf . Bwt that I Ban.. Is fait, so itie far as kes thaa meet it too stmnf fur ber to use ta praiae ask bettor tbas lit medicut tLat ae prrar:i.LlT rsl.rved Ler but at Wih of Cardui has rewtored her I bad tot ycata. j gacfc tufferms at t protratOcd case cf oeaiix aaa aa as an uu-y w KenstruaJ txiSmmtg u liaha. is sxtavA a paixuui xDonaxruatioB oro&ru. xi yuu ara car tor ber besne and discasr ber botoe voxnas at any tima. A slirnt ecud may duuea. bat an takes aa activ tnlerest is j hrj it oa and womea tbotud hsv oa ber baaband t work. So at tb bemior ! baItd B bocuc of Wine of Cardui. tb Bd Eistar aad Gwd of Foots rinsKat No. 4S j wi.lck cured Mrs. Butier se quickij of tbs Cwer uf 12 way Coodnrtors. Is effsctuaiy. VTia of Cardui toaet tb. pcoJUos an discbarfat ber duUas aad BB svwtesi and rives perfect boaJU U is respected bad estoemad ky sxa and j gry, 1B ber (Ud-a-nx year; to wrossem Aw he la teil-i-f ox aar cure ry ta need of bdruw write to Th Ldia' Ad visory Iirpnn.,t, The Ci.a"ai..fa V ei icins Ct... CLArtAi(-, Tex. Iscrllw your tr jut te as cioarly a yoa can axd a oonldt.t.aJ re;cii.ia will u.t yuuty mure xla-1. but relief it (ifferei ta v .s Wis of Cardui. an say: -Thiis sat d today. Too ehx-id f-j to yaur drui'ciJt tbs xaaCbcr antnxiwsted by tb bsajabod ; today if yo are tii"eru. Ar pet a l.otC ; dstuaa, pr.uf tb ctatf of ' Ja, asd to A 1 Ua bti li-a just ataraaf woa at Uif4 wits i of wi ins of Cards. All cr; I bott of Wjs of Caroui. II X WINE OF CARDUI REUEVES AUL "fEMALE ILLS. 1