Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA -DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1003, 0 SPECIAL NOTICES A4Vvr.-ttaesaea4a far taeaer ealaaaaa will aa taken astll SB aa. far tha Mtl edition aad wattl ft no p. as. far Mania, aa al edltle. Kales, - a-3 a, ward Bret Insertion, ward thereafter. Nethlaa taken far leee than BS far . tril later, tlta. Tata ad vertf seaaeate aaaet aa raa aaiaeeatt-ors; AltcrUirrt, a raaaastiasr anas. eseel, eaa km aaastsra as. dr-eeaad to alirl lattar la tar t Taa Flee. Answers aa addressed will delivered aa trnraUMaa af cat hank a air. , ITlATIOxi WAHTED. A OOOD bekr wests position In a. country town AddrfM 1Ho2 Seventh gve., Council RlurT. a M.'S WAITED MiL HELr. WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagon; sieaay work and good cay. C. F. Adarus Co., 1619 Howard St. " B-Mt GOOD meengrs wanted; Increased py, A. D. T. Co., ZU Sou lb Utb. B 490 IS FOR HAI,i' A DAY 8 WORK. If you live in the country or In a email town and have a- good acttuaintauce among the Uimct aiKi atock raisers in ine neigtioornooa you can make fc many by (our or five houra work. Write us and we will aena you our proposition, 'ibe Bee Puuusning Co., Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha, Neb. B MZi3 WA.NTtU, a good man In every county to take sutnciiptloin or the Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents inane good wegns every wn-Tev References required. Aaoreas, 'Iweuueth Ceutjry Farmer, Omaha, Nb4 ' B 014 IHHEK or four good men wanted; 1100 per month. Call Ji Paxton block, U 41 WANTED, salesmen to solicit oruVn on a n nroDOaltlon by which you can earn U to So a uayi young lotn from U to 2 aesirea, wno are nustieri and well recom mended. Hooni lot, omaha Bee bldg B A4M WANTED, first-class palntere and p.iper hangers. A. La Beabrook. 4vS N. 16ih Ht. . . UCii WANTED. ' a gentleman- dVsires to t.ike private lessons m 1 reuoti two evenings each week. Musi caJl at my res.dence. Address, slating method of teaching, X 42, Bee. ' U-Ml') O. R. RATHQtJN gives private lessons In uonai Dana. D M1W WANTED, deserving young lady or gen tleman Mo take llf scholarship In V Omaha's- best businessand shorthand college, and pay for It when course Is finished and bosltlon secured. Address S Ol. - r rm R'AXItD, .carpenter,,, Claua 8targ con tractor, Yulan, Neb. U M'.l:l ffl TRAVF.LIXG-saiesmen,.. also advertisers; straight salary ;; answer tf you want busl ness, otherwise' don't. Triumph, Dallas, ' Tex. . B M908 Ml WEN to learn barber trade; special offer May 1 to 15; TwJiifd. rrtMn, Scholarship and outfit of tools;, eight weeks completes; steady practice, expert Instrjctlons. po sitions guaranteed. Write today, Moler B 915 Nl WANTED An axperlencod bill clerk. Ref . erences required. . Address, Z 4, Bee. B-9.-4-29' WANTED, competent tinner who can make himself generally useful In hardware and mrnuure snn-e. i Dunn, Osceola, r-Neb. - i ... -v B 992 WANTED, "boy aolng to' High school to carry route. Apply rne Chicago Heeora Herald, 81 Ramge Block. B 265 27 WANTED, bright boy living at home; good opening for right, party. Apply 8. R. Muryhy. 1201 Jones St.- B 2S MEDTCAL. book salesman wanted by the ' leading firm 'In the business on a desira ble, proposition. Stste full particulars of experience.. . f. u. uox 8o. 'nilariclpni B M277-'' AM' pemun. aha. .will JlWribiiU;ulculars . lor p dally should a1dresa Standard Co., vt ens, v.nicago. no canvassing. B Ma76 !9 ALBttMI35r" WASTED, SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit . and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit Tree, liwrence .nursery company, Law fence, Kan. 683 J 19 WANTED Salesman for all kinds of dupli eating sales books and all kinds of printed matter, tmiy experienced man. No them need apply. Nebraska Print ing Co., Lincoln, Neb. 98 28 WE have a number- of aaenclea in Ne braska arid western Iowa where we use gooo; men selling our Standard Btock Food to farmers and feeders: thev moat have - teams- and ' give full - time to the business; . tney . must. he. men . . of bitch landing.' have Some knowledae of live tork and good business ability; we fur nish wagons for such men and offer ex ceptional - Inducements to' permanent salesmen; uo4U- reiiiirea; senu ror appu cation blank. The F. B. Sanborn Corn par y, Omnha, Neb. M287 M2S w aNteo-fSmale help. WANTED, two young lady students to learn hairdraaslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or writ iocm wu, uea, uiag. : c Vrl XOOQlrls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. .. . ; - ... , .,, . Ot-iM WANTED, descrvlna vouna ladv or aentls man to. take Ufa schlmhlp In Omaha a best buslneea and ahorthand collage-and pay for it when course la Onlslied and poeiuou aaourea. - Aaaress A 1,. uee. ' C-90 WANTET Ladies- to learn halrdresslns- manicuring 'r facUl massage, only four - week, - required by our method of ' free clinic, expert Instructions, eta.; begin now and complete for summer resort positions; too wages paid graduates. Call or write Moier i onege. ,iva t arnam t. ' - CN-M915 Ml WANTED, oompettr.t girt for general nousewora, jiuz Douglas. c MiO 19 EXPERIENCED talloress to sew on jack ets ana sains, naom 61, uouglas block. ,;''' C-171 24 WANTEI-Oirl for general housework; no . washing and best of wages paid. Call at wis ruwin o. C MjOI 39 e- ' WOMAN havtng experience tn scale of nca. ttry ocaies, jtn and Nicholas. ' C-HW WANTED, half-grown girl to take care of cnua year oia. rtoom Z4S, Iler Orsnd notei. o i9 M WANTED, a rood girl for general house worn, ma case at. liiia SO "WANTED, young -girl general housework 191 . BUvner at. . C st27g ClIAaV E. WUXXAU8QN. 13U9 Ftrnus St. D 1m VERT fine 10-room stone front residence. . 15 N. H6th St. 1 hot water heat, two -blocks north and two weat ef Hlh school, on Harney !rv-t car Has. Keys one door aoutiu Ji. 1. Clarke, 9M iianiue Mock. 1T36 Ave g-pen. aionLh. rooms, modera. nesti Dauared. aood eondttlnn VK& e). 30th" Ave.' llvroants,' bNck. tlrat clasa, snoderru a-tuo ianndrV. full, rallar. cistern, hardwood Moorvand-ilnlsh. Ad- are sa, w. IX Hctfi gr.-.-York. Neb. "v D 179 a TOH WEBSTER. U roomsmodem. ISO; ,.uiir, ( moms, moo-ern 31 1 ri. 4 rmms, ; ' others P Aa- ;(. Rlpi St. s-mi te-Utos JTOR- RENT, jnodern brtefc- bouse -Capllui avo,.. , - -y- D VIS71 ; i - ,1. i . - . ' ' , j rVRNJSUE-D. house for rent-for pr roonths No; t!N. 2.4 st. Inautra of Howard B uarn;-l J. V. U:a J ldg. . ';-'- . - . c.; v- I-W VAN a and bass age wagous. TtL li4. , . .. U-MM TU MOVS light ft Omaha Vsn Stora Co.; omca UU Farnam, of Tata. l-w J. yfR RENT 1-room- hauL HA n. r'a II fornl 8t. al. modf-ii.. In .a'vou, .-' l ard Iniiuws at X : bi. . T. . Ufa . kail!-. . '. p iu soyej&a, suties.- LacUx Pivxton bi.k. FOR RET HOt 9ES.' " in 1QPQ Pr of cltr. Tha Ol IUUjCJ f. Davia Co., fcl Bea BMg. D i9 EIOHT-HCWM. modern, except furnace, X O. M. Nattlnger, Bee Bing. i'none ua. DeVI VX CALIFORNIA. -roora furnished hous call afterooons. V sa AJI HOUBlS and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block BEE PAT NE BOSTWirK CO. for cholca houses. il-Z N. Y. Life mug. lei. D-M4 THREE A 4-room apartments, gig 8. 22d St. u 1 flW FOR RENT, l-room. modern, detached house, newly papere.l and pnintca. t-n. :621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 571. B. 11. Rblsnn. . D M-3 HOt SES. etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 IXug!aa Msegard V. & S. Co. 171S Webster. Tel m U-Wl 10-KOOM modern house, K)S N. 29th St.; otner nouses, enns uoyer, zzn ano cum. Ing. Tel. 2044. DWJu-Aa VERV deslrsble 7-room cottage, with mod- .w .... .. I ... . 1... ( 1 n A I ... mediate poasselon ; references required. Inquire of W. C. Goss, luU Park Ave. D oi 10-ROOM house, with basement, 28th and Jarkon, SJa.oD, good location. O. ri Turklngton, )6 Bee. D M361 4-ROOM house. 1722 N. 15th St., S? 0. D 27 -Ml 17SS PARK ave., $!5 per mo.; 8-room,' mod ern, newly papered; good condition. KG ft. 3"th ave , n-room brick; flnt-clsss; modern: 3-tub laundry; lull cellfir; cis tern: hardwood floors and finish. Inquire of W. D. Mead. Dellone hotel. D MJM SO FOR RENT FIRMSHED ROOMS. DEWEV European hotel, 13th and Farnatn. 1LI WJ1 BEACTIFl'L rooms, furnished or uufur- nlehed. far light housekeeping, modern, large lawn, private family. 2uu Burt fit. ti 497 FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 320 N. loth St. E d39 All J ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 1908 Capitol Ave. E TWO very nice rooms;., modern house; private family; near city hail; gentlemen. Z 8, Bee. i.-9a-29 TW'O nicely furnished rooms, 5.ooeaoh; nvuse mouerii. ouri. mu ih ta- LAROE, also smaller room. 808 N. Hurt St. TWO housekeeping rooms. .2623 St. Marys. Ft'RNISHKD rooms for. gentlemen, mod ern, detached house, lawn and snade, close In. 2215 Fanlam fit- EM2W ROOMS 1908 Capitol Ave. E-M2S8 TWO well furnished south rooms. )15 Douglas. E M272 FLKNISIIEL. ROOMS ASB BOARD. NICE horns for young men. 108 8. 26tn 8t ooa DESIRABLE Suite of rooms, first floor, unrurnieneti. May u 'ina trait, a. 25th St. F-4sj2 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, witn or witnout Doaru. Mioiana hotn, 16th and Chicago Sts. F 604 ROOMS and board Glencalrn, 1809 Douglas. ROOMS "Tha Farnam." lth and Far nam. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. FRONT room and board In private family at nztt do. jijtn Ave. t si w FOR one o two gentlemen, room and board. tw Douglas. bvz-M-i' FRONT room and board. 1922 California. F-1Z0 MM NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; bath, gas, electric light and telephone. 411 N. 25th. F M2K3 FOR REST CKFIRNISHED ROOIU. DESK room space, IS per month, ground Hour ruviu 111 i u. wuiiuiuf, ibuiiii Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Baa building. ' OUt SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. 618 Georgia Ave. G lidsl FIVE unfurnished room 2519 N. 15th. G 266 M4 3 ROOMS or entire floor, modern, close in. 22 Farnajn. t-nrn-r FOR MfelMT STOREI A 3k it OFFICES., FOR RENT, tha building formerly occu pied by Tha Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has - tour stories and a bwsotnenl which was ; formerly used as Tha bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if - Interested apply at once to C. C. .Hose water, secretary, room 100, lie building. i-'M. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rest reasonable. Apply R. C Peters at Co., around floor. Bee Blag. - 1 itt LARGE room In tha Pazton block to let. Billable for lodes Durooscs. AduIv room 6JA. Paxton block, or. W. FARNAM BMl iri as cu. , A SM STOREROOM. 701 B. lth.- R, C. Peters & Co., Main Floor Bea Bldg. , . l-riM- THREE-SYORY AND BASEMENT BRICK BUILDING now occupied by FESTNER PRINTING BOMPANY, . at 1307-09 Howard St. This is a fine location for a commission house or other wholesale firm; will be va cant May 15, when the Festner Printing company move into their elegant new building adjoining on the west and may be leased for a term of years at S1.200 per annum, tenant to make all repairs. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ,'.' Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. I-M232 FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable tor mercnandlae. broker or party doing business In wholesale district. In autre Hene ok Co.. 916 Farnam St. I-M2S4 DESK ROOM with desk and 'phone serv. Ice. J. 11. Johnson, 4S N. V. Life. I-M273 SALARY or : commission to sell tha Fa mous Glass Burner; an electric light on a kerosene lamp; a million In use; sample by mall, fifty cents; Illustrated litera ture free. Monarch Noveltv Co.. 311 N. W. bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. J-M275 29 MOLL1E: What bea makes no honey? Page 13 May wnat to tau oaorge. J-M274 29 AUE?tT WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents in every , county to solicit subscription! to THE TAtklTlKTH CKNTMRV V Lb M u lT. , ataauy . employment with assured good lucomc; Agents in the country' with horae ar.d buggy aepectally desired; can- im tuaae easily eu to tiuu per month. Addieaa, Century Farmer . boUcilora' Bureau, East building, Omaha. ... iii J Mist MIS AGENTS wanted for tha aelf-heatin. ftl. trim, n-unror, convenience and pleasure combined; every lady who aeea this iron wants it; exclualve territory ta . active ttaruea. Adaresa uen t Agent, uu Ikjug. as St., Omaha. Neb. J in sji" WANTED TO RE4T. WANTEb. to rent 10-room house, modern convenlenoee; south alda preferred. Fred Loewe, Boaloa btora. K 181 2 WANTED. two upstair housekeeping rooms with bath, elderly or aatult vopla wher triees are no ether 7umara, by ui. iwuv. is, - . K HI XS ; . - . J i. , WAH1KD-T6 Ltt. WANTED, good secondhand furnlturs: b'.sheat prices paid. 1 riluuuo Furmtura AT ONCE, a good reliable agent making all branches of C, B. t Q. in aoutliain . Nabraaka to take a. good alda Hue on coai mlna Ion. Ado rasa I 19, Bee. , WASTflD-TO RfT. W' ANTED To buy, medium si ml fireproof rn,T- hit- poors; insioc measurements annul 24x36. Must be cheap. State price and where same can be seen. Z 7, Hee. N 921 28 HORfgj wanted; will pay part rash and part groceries. 2.rt N. 2tri. N 1M an FOR SALE KlHSITt RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tet. 2o20. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 6ug WITH every tlO sale wa will give FREE a beaul'ful oil painting. We have a com plete lino of i:oiise furnishings, new and secondhand; prices right. Enterprise Fur nit j re Co.. 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2296. " t-trU MO FR SALE HORSE. WAGONS, ETC. OOOD Studebaker top buggy, cheap. Sea A. W. Johnson, with Johu Deere I'low Co. P--M-a FOR r-ra!r work on light end heavy wagons see Frost luh. and Leavenwor h. P09 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runnbouta, iiew and id-hnn.l. at cut prices." Repairing and trimming; also put on rubber tj.a. Pfelffer, 27th and Leav en worth, stu. P fS AI24 FOR SALE Mlt EI.LAEOl . FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 feet; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Dougias. Q 510 100. STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man & McConDcll Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. W 616 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other mtfelcal Instrument; Si up. . Tha Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. QtU 2DUAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Vi 611 INDIAN goods and relics. lilJ Farnam. 2PHAND safe, cheap. Sch warts, 114 S. 13th. W-614 . FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Av. y-lSl WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire Works. 611 So. 16th St. Tel. 1j90. W-M9;2 Julys FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school,, cheap. Inquire 232 Be Blu. Q-M963 , STAMP photos, lc each... Tejox, 13 & Far m . . . , Q 72 M23 , FIR timbers for hduse movers, etc., 40 to 71 ten; poultry ana nog lence. sen Douglas. Q-S10 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay ments 15 down, tl.ou per week: 2u hand wheels, 13, SS and 110; new wheels, J16. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts. g-MliU SOUTH DAKOTA MAP, official, showing ui'uuuitiKD anu arBcnpuons accoraing to government land office plats to date; free homesteads and land to be opened for settlement: 2oc silver or 30c stamps. De partment Q, State Pub. Co.. -Pierre, S. D. . Q-M463 M2 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smlth- fivnuci, iensmore, repiaceai oy liirJ UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, ao to 14 per month. A. H. Workman & Co.. 1617 Farnam. 'Phone, 2439. 4Mii'i GOOD sound hav. 17.50 ner ton delivered agners reed store, 19U9 to 1911 Cuming - W SEABROOKE-Wall paper. 40S 'N. '16th" st. Q MS79 M24 SAM'L BURNS for gas fixtures. Q MS4a M2S FOR SALE, buggy, harness, riding bridles. WANTED To sell two fine children's beds, one brass, cost 148: one-mahogany, cost too, win ecu very cneap. lei. 11M. ! Q 213 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass 8t MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist. 6 8. IS 8617 KLECTRIO TREATMENT MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor. R. 1 - T 9o4 M-6 MME. AMES, vaoor baths, 124 N. 15th, r.-7. T-M317 Mil PERSONAL. Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1731. U-M73S MS DR. ROY, chiropodist, coma and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. ' R. 12, Frehxer Block. . V 619 PRIVATE hospital, before and during coo-' h.iii.a .Hnnt.H V'tflA 1 1 r .. . U Mrs. Gardela. Tel. F-U82.' U 6i FLEBCHER will fix your bicycle right. u-isa HAIRDRESSINO. manicuring and chlro- pody, for ladles only, in connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 2sS RUPTURB permanently cured In 30 to 6 days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M. I)., 621 New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U 620 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best arva quickest Mrs. A C. Mark. 17 Ac Douglas. U-i21 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesaia and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug, las. - - . . U 6Jf . CHIROPODY a specialty.- In connectioa with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg. TeL 171. U-6J SHAMPOOING and hatrdresslng, 26c. In connection with The Bathery, 116-220 Bea building. Tel. 1716, . U-626 RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; send for circulars. Empire Rupture Curs Co., 932 N. Y. Lite b.dg., Omaha. U HaM GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating. Their lit machinery enables them to do better, cheaper, quicker work than ever betore. loo Doug, las block. U-A1214 VIAVI. woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free, lie Bee Bldg., Omaha , U 627 ELITE PARLORS. 615 Bo. 16th St., Id floor. U-927 MI PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2t Burdeite. Mrs. Bui get. U M126 Mil MME. SMITH, baths, 11 N. 15, Id floor, r. 1 U M471 M16 EARN 3 per day: dresscuttlng by ma chine. 1607 Douglas, Room 1. . . U-M777 M21 NEW OPPORTUNITY for ladles em ployed: call and Investigate, 1&7 Dous-las, room 1. U M777 M21 "Ask the Man" and he will tell you all about why tha quality flavor, etc., excella in THE ' STOECKER CIGARS. U M247 MS MONEY TO LOAN REAL ST ATE. 41 PERCENT on business property. per caiii. on reauleuce property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. ;B. UElK-LE, vl a.,liih St. , ,. ' w-sa MONEY, to loan on Improved Omaha real aatala. Brennan-Ixave Co., Sol So. 11' h. ' . W i4 FOR SALE, cholc mortgage loans. Garvia Bros.. Mo4 Farnam 8u. Omaha. W MM! ... W 6j WANTED, eltr Farnam Smith ai Co.. U30 Farnam St - W 60 FARM and cltr loans, low rates. W. li. Thomas. Ut NaC Bank ldg. Tel. 1. W-Ul I PER CENT loans. Farnatn. Garrin Bros., iH . W aJJ CHOICE FARM IX1AN8 FOR SALE. R. C. PETERS at CO, 17ug Farnatn 8t. ; W-M9JO-M I WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and wairanuv R. C. .Peleca v i-o, n.a; arnam bi., xiea Bldg. W-utt PRIVATE money. F, P. Wead, IB24 Touglas W'-Oi JIO'ETTO I.OA!t-"RtL F.STATK. 414 TO I P. C. money. Bemls. Psxton P. W-635 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 987 N. Y. L. WILLIAMSON.arS'nfSfr lK w-a MOHEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. 11)11 money 1 , 1 J Money 1 WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY PEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM' f!0 TO $200 MADE On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without pub. liclty or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATEd than elsewhere. You can 'have the money on the same day you ask for It. and the loan can be paid off in easy weekly or monthly payments, or as your circum stances will permit, thus enabling you to Say without Inconvenience or worry, ome In and talk It over with us. ' AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room SOS Third Floor, Psxton Block. X-MiJJ WE make losns on Furniture. Plai.ot.. Homes, Wagons, Carriages end other chattels. Wa make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. Yoj can get the money on very short notice and pay 't back In one month, or keep it longer, and ray for it only what time you keep It. We are leaders In lov rates, quick and con fidential sen-Ice and courteous treatment. We invite comparisons of rates, , time, payments, etc. Wi give you the full amount of tha LOAN in cash. We always "try to pleare." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 2295. lEslabllsned 1S92. 3o6 8. 16th St. X-640 M O N E Y MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, hrrses, cows, eta, C. F. Reed, 311 8.11 X Ml LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity.; easiest, terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X v44 MONEY loaned, on furniture, live stock, lewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue. to Duff .Green, t .Marker Rlk. X-644 LOANS o CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TATLOE, 63 Paxton block. X-641 MONEY loaned on plnln note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. , 614 Paxtor block.- The J. A. Hutton Co. X-e4i BISINKS3 CHANCKS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411 McCague building. Y-S41 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. li. Johnson, 143 N. Y. Lite. 'Phone L-2270. FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about flO.ouo; prorlls large; must close up an estate Interest the only reasou tor selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y M426 IF YOU to BUY or SELL real es tate call 01 write Nj;W SNOW-CHURCH CO., 4th .floor N. X. L ! Bldg., Omaha. Y-871 STOCK ot about 13.0u0 In good location. Would take Omaha residence property for about 11,600. Address, Box 164. Ute, Iowa. -Y-27S-M-12 FOR SALE, good clear, up-to-date stock of Jewelry, crockery, musical Instru ments, sevi.ig machines, notions, etc.; about 15.6w.Oo; also good brick building, 25x100, with Jot 25xluo. Brock located fii good county seat town N W. Iowa, Stock running and doing good- business. Fins opening for right man. For particulars address P. lL.Cagady,,Sluux City, la. Y-5S7 28 FOR SALE, a good, clearr-stock -of grocer ies, queensware and notions, one of the bail stands In a live Nebraska town, doing a good business; reason for sell ing, poor health. Aduresa Grocer, Bea office, Council Bluffs. Y M727 HARDWARE stock tor sale. W. J. Deor lng. Cart oil, la. Y 720 2n FOR SALE, cigar store doing a paying business. A snap. Addreas Y 52, Bee office. Y-MT91 FOR SALE, small Jobbing business; about $1,500 required. Must go at once. Addrex Y 63, Bee office. Y M792 FORTUNES easily made by small but wise investments; the' small capitalists' and rnorty wavers' opportunity: write for our Guide to Wealth." Tralse & Co., 2:'3 Unity Bldg., Chicago. - . , Y M.S5SM23 FOR SALE or trade, doctors practice and drug store for sale in western Nebraska; the only drug store In the county; must be for cash, or will trade for cattle; a good chance for a physician. Addreas ox 569, Cheyenne, Wyo. - Y-M910 M2 CIGAR BUSINESS, elegant furniture and fixtures. In tine location. South Omaha; good business. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-223 28 FOR SALE, drug store on 6th and Pierce Sts., cheap.. .- Y 107 M4 FOR SALE New- stock, of general mer- cnanaiBe. locatea in gooa town In best Jo' art of Nebraska: death of owner reason or selling. Address 21 Bee. X M242 23" ASSURED SUCCESS. Gleatest dividend, paying investment of the 2"th century; business based on facts and figures; pay. Ing large weekly dividend. For particu lars address EQINE RECORD CO. (in corporated), 2j6 Broadway, New York City. , Y M24a.1l FOR RENT, good bakery, good trade. Ad dress Z 26. ee. . - - Y-26S 30 AN opportunity to obtain over SC000 on sn Investment of one dollar; national bank reference. For full particulars address Kentucky Mutaal Sweepstake associa tion, iJllton Young, Manager, Islington, Kv. Y-M'J2!t FOR EXCHANGE, WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 45. Bea. Z M610 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Three lots and six-room cot tage In Walnut Hill. Address, Z 13. Bee. RE ia THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas St., upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap b aiding lots. Call for catalogue and pries list. Private money - to loan on easy terms. RE-Uiol RANCH and farm lan-la for sale by tha Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllrster. land commissioner. Union Pa ct lie Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-464 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. ' 1 RE 61 BUY best Louse paints, varnishes, etc.: quality highest, prices lowest. National Oil and 1-wlnt Co., Iul5 Janes St. - .1 . : - ; RE M848 MM ON" account of leaving city whi sell at -sacrifice my heme, 1530 S. 26th St. 'Inquire 'on premises. ' C.'B. Horton. RE lift 19 ALFALFA farm for sale: 1 acres, V, in alfalfa; well Improved. Going to Canada. Writs to Jurlk Johnson, R. 2. Lexington, Neb. RE o4 M-21 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also firs Uisursnue. - Bemls, Paxton Block. RE UA FOR BALE.' 1120 acres of good farming r land.- 1JU acres In crops this year, t a' atfrrflce In. central part ot Nebraska.. Q. H. Peterson, 622 N. 16ih. Omaha. RE-661 Ml BUY THIS S!0 acres of well Improved land, two miles ef Cedar Raplda, Neb.; 2u acres cultivated, balance grass land; well fenced; land worth from $5uo to 140.00 ell around this: for a short time you t-an get this for 422 Ott per acre; well rented for this year to a good man.' Ad dress Lock I Sox 23, Cedar Raplda. Neb. ItE Mm SO HOUSES aad lots In all parts of city; also acre praparty and farm lands. The O, F. L'avla Co., Room 661. Bea Building. R-K1 FOR SALE HF.AL ESTATE. ALL ABOARD for California! oOn.onn acres government land In southern California open for settlement; the largest irriga tion canal in America Is now completed through these Unds; soil Is very rtt h and fertile; fluent alfalfa and rattie country on earth; 30 acres allowed each person; fermanent water rights sold 011 easy rrms. railroad through these lands will be completed In short time; end 10 cents for books and map and full Informa tion Held & tleber, agents, 107 South Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal. RE M470 M16 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK at CO. for cholea bargains. 60I-I N. Y. Ufa Bldg, Tel 1016. RE M697 WILLIAMSON, ree1?:' RE 651 IF YOU want one of the nicest -roora homes In Hanscom Place I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must seiL J. 11. Sherwood, 9J7 N. Y. U Bldg. RE-MISS FARM LANDS FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF FARM AND TIMBER LANDS IN SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI AND NORTH WESTERN ARKANSAS. RUNNING WATER ON NEARLY EVERY PIECE. SOME IMPROVED. FINE CLIMATE. WILL SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS OR EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED CITY PROP ERTY. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1301 DOUGLAS ST. UPSTAIRS. RE M2S5 1 WANTED, pi'nes and addresses of those wishing to-b'iv northern lands for which we will pay you well. Write us for our proposition. North Dakota Iinil Co.. I-e Mars. lows. RE M2X6 30 FOR 9ALE, cheap, or would trade for a farm, one good 10-room house and two good barns with about one acre of ground on grade 45 blocks from P. O., three blorks from car line; have also one double beam Howe's scales six-ton ca pacity, for sale cheap. Z 2i, Bee. R R M 279 Ml MEDICAL. LADIES, if hopeless, worried or discour aged, write vs for our regulator; one treatment guaranteed to relieve abnormal case of suppression, any cause. Dr. Mead Rem. Co., 21 tjulncy St., Chicago. M649 M3 DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specisllst in diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. Sua LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, rellab'r. Take no other. Send 4 stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," In letter bv return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Cheinlcal Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. PIANOS. $250 per week No rick In your piano buying here. The factory guarantees It one price, $250.00 no more, no leas Piano dealers charge lii&O to $io0 for same kind. INVESTIGATE. Terms cash or $2.60 per week. New and beautiful up-to-date styles. You can call during day or evening. r litu . WAL'llSK, Mfgrs. Agent 3112 California M. 966M 1 Walnut Hill Cars. TREES. TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of every variety. Sales grounds, 18th and Douglas, Frank R. Martin, prop. Tel. 29S1 662 M4 FOR shrubs, vines, trees, etc., see tha Crescent City sales ground, south side of Farnam and 21st Sts. 'Phone 1626. MS MS SHADE and fruit trees, shrubs, etc.: TREK'S PROPKRLY TRIMMED. P. L. Forgan, 314 N. 16th St. M 269 M5 SHORTHAND AND TYP WRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. CoL, 17thoVDoug -666 . A. C VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Ufa. -660 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 061 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. St ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1664. -571 DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. TeL 2261 -672 DR. MRS MUSICK. Douglas BIk. Tel. VOt -671 11 AN l FACTORING. P. MELCHOIR, 12th and Howard, ma. chlnist. M663 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 So. 10th St Miie FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 Bo. 13th. 65 CURTAIN'S CLEANED. LACE curtains cleaned, 25c a pslr. Farnam Street Hand Laundry, 2210 Farnam St. 62 A 30 STAMPS, COIN'S, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 So. 13th. 667 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 Ac Jackson. Tel. SK46, -Ml us Mlo BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale He Co.. all Norttt 16th. -6C4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reaucea prices, si a. is. Tel. ii. FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 12o9 Farnam. ITS COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 9TL IMS MS DRESaxtAKINO. DRESSMAKING In families or at- home. Alias bluray. u vwrnam. auo M-s LAIN DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. So; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. -474 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable. Ing; all business confidential. . 1301 Douglas, -670 LOST. LOST-Knlght Templar charm with tnKlets anu date on oaca. nnaer pieass leave at E. E. Bruce Co.'s and receive re ward. C. E. Redwell. BICYCLES. START1NO May 1, 36 Creaoents $22 60 cash; Tribune, easiest running bicycle made, $40 and $fto; best coaster brake put en. $4. Louis Fleacliec 164 Cw. Ave. iUil Ml NOTICE, PArEft HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Taste Co, mfrs. cf paste for all purposes. In bbls. and bbls. Write for price. S210 Cuming. oi W ATTOR1K1 S. MACFARLAND & MAT. 905 N. Y. Uf 27o M27 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bea Bldg. Tel. tS.' at STAMMERING AND STITTERING. CURED. lulls Vaughn. 430 Ramge HI ig -S3 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2Hh and Lake streets 370 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. TeL 12S 669 lIIOTOURAPHS. MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty. 612 80. 16th. 17 M26 COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for rows, subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, S0I6 Farnam street; 'phone No. 411. MM6 ) STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 114 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -60i OM. Van Stor. Co.. Farn. Tela. 1669-863. FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect Old age as well mm Ufm Phi,l., n. . n Kr f-u P.rtl.M. lars from Frank ltosewater, supreme jnanager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724 DP The Picture of Happiness Is presented when one of the ratrons of this office le seen, t Is our ambition to please each and everyone who visits us and we guarantee every thing to bs as represented. 1 D Bailey tk Dentist, 313 Paitoa Block, 16th and Farnam Sta. Lady attsndaat . Phone 10SL d o LJ fcJ D POSTOFFICE NOTlCa (Should ba read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending May S, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cafes) at the General Pontotnce, as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. l'aiceis post mans lor uerniauy close at b p. m. Wednesday. Regular and Supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time siov-n below, texcept that supplementary mails tor Europe and Central America, via Colun, close one hour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m for ITALY di rect, per s. s. Archtmede (mall must be directed "per s. s. Archlmede"). WEDNESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Ht, Louis, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. St. Louis'-); at 7:30 n. nj. (supplementary 9 a. m.) fcr EUROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, via Ouenstown; at 0 a. m. for BEL GIUM direct, per a. a. Zeeland (mall must be directed ."per a. s. Zeeland"). THURSDAY At 6:i a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Fuerst Bismarck, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for Franca must be directed "per s. s Fuerst Bis marck"): at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY", SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA end LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per B. a. La Kavnlo, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe muut be directed "prr s. s. I. 8a vole ). SATURDAY At 7:80 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Hyndam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ryndam"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbiia. via Queens town; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Furnessia (mall must be directed "ner s. s. Furnessla"); at 9;:) ' a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. a. K. M. Theresla (mall must be directed "per s. s. K. M. Theresla"); at 11 a. m. for DEN MARK direct, per s. a. llekla (mall must be directed "per s. s. llekla"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers, and saraoles for Germanr only. Tha same class of mall matter for other parts . of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of tha supplementary Transatlantic malls named above, additional-supplementary mail are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within 10 minutes of tha hour ol sailing ot steamer. Malls for Soath aad Ceatral America, Wast Indies. Ete. TUESDAY At : sr. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per a. . Finance, via Colon (mall for Gvateniala must be di rected "per a. s. F .lance"); at 10 a ta. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per s. s. Silvia; at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Fanagut, from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 8 a. m. for MACEIO and SANTOS, per s. e. Catania (mall for other parts of Braxll mum be directed "per B. B. Catania' ); at 11:30 a. m. for . FL0RIANOP0LI8 and RIO GRAND DE SUL. BRAZIL, per s. s. Horrnx. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YU CATAN, CAMPKC1IE, TABASCO and C1IIAPAB, per b. s. Yucatan (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Yucatan"); at 8 a. ra. for BERMtTDA, per . s. Trinidad; at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston; at 11:10 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. s. Siberian, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At IS m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Seneca, via Tampion (mall must ba di rected "per s. s. Seneca"). SATURDAY At 2 a ri. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Alnwick; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 ' a m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savanflla and Cartagena must be dl- ' rected "per a s. Caracas"); at 9 a. in for ST. KITTB, ST. MARTINS and 8T. KU8TAT1U8. and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. a. Uller; at V:3o a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. ro.) for fortune, island, Jamaica, bav- ANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. Al leghany (mall for Costa Hlca must be . directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10.30 a. m.) for CAPK HAITI, PORT DE PA1X. GONA IVKfl, ST. MARC, JEREMIE and SANTA MARTA, per a. s. Alps (mall for other parts of Haiti must be d rected "per s. s. Alps"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per . a. Prlna William III (mall for Curacao. Venesuala, Trinidad, Brlt . ish and Dutch Guiana must be directed . "per s. s. I'rlns William III") J at 12:30 ?. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS SLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. s. New York: at 12:30 p m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curltyba, via Matsnsss, eta. (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per a. s. Curityba"). Melts for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney. And thence by steamer, close at this office dally at :30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston and Ihenca bv steamer close at this office dally at 6 90 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thenoa by Steamers, are -dispatched daily, ex cept Thursday, final connecting cloara, for dispatch via Port Tampa on Mondays, Wednesdsys and Satur days st 5.1v a. m.. for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Satur days at 6.80 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, artless Specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closa at this office dally exoept Sunday at 1:40 and 11:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 xa n m. Malls for Coats Rica, Bellas, Poena Cortes aad Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thnse by ateanier, alose at thtis office dally excent bund-ay at i:W p. in.. Bun days at t s a. m. (caoaaodag clessa aJS Mondays; for bcllse, Puerto Cortes and POSTOFFItR NOTICE. OiMten.sls. and Twsdsy for Costs Rica ) K-KlMrr.-d mall .los at :v0 p. m. pre vious day. TraaspaeIHe Malls. Malls China and Japan, via Seattle and Victoria, B. C, cloe here daily st 6 3) p. m. up to April .ih, inclusive, for dis patch per s. s Empress of Chics trgis tered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for the I . 8. PoMal agency at Shanghai cannot ba forwarded via Canada 1. Malls for Tahiti snd Marquesss Island', via San Francisco, rlo here dally at 6 : p. m. up to April .'Pth, Inclusive, for dlpsuh pee s. a. Australia. Mills for China and Japan, via Seattle, cliwe here dally at 6;3o p. m. tip to April 'th. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. lyo Maru. (Registered mail must be di rected "H-r feattle ). Malls for Hawaii, Japan and China (al.o letter mall and separately addressed perl- -odlcais for the Philippine Islands, via Manila), vln San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to May 4th. In clusive, for u.spatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, cto here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to -May 5th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Metis for China and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally at :. p. m. up to May 9th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Olympia. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.3) p. m. tip to May 11th. Inclusive, for dispatch per 1'. S. transport. Malls for Hawaii, China an.1 Japan, via Pan Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to .May 12th. Inclusive, for dis patch per s s. Peru. Malls for Australia, (except West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:,0 p. m. after April "26th and up to May 17th, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Campania, due at New York May 17th, for dispatch per s. s. Ventura. lAIMVAY TIME CARD, INION STATION J OTU AND M ARC Y, Inlna Paclae. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a s:W am a 1:25 pm California Exnress a 4:25 pm Pacific Express all :30pm Eastern Express, a 4:!W pm Atlantic Express , a T:00 am Llncoln-Stronisburg Ex.b 4:09 pm bl2:) pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 om b 9:16 am Chicago Mllvrankre St. Pant. Chicago Limited A 6:00 pm a 1:05 am Chicago A Omaha Ex ,.b 7:16 am b 1:40 pre Missouri Pacific. PL Louis Express al0:00 am a 6 .25 pm K. C. St St. L. Express.. s 10:60 pm a s 15 are Wsbaah. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express .a S:lt pm a 1:10 are St I.- 'is Local. Council Bluffs ,..al0:O0 am al0:30 pm Culcng-o. Rock Island A Paclae. EAST. Lvve. Arrive. Chicago, Daylight a 7 .00 am a 9:35 pre Chicago Express bll:13 am a 6 05 pm Des Moines Ixical a 4:00 pm bll:50am Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:15 pm a 1:26 pre Des Moines. Rock Is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 1:1 am WEST. Lincoln. Co!o. Springs. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:11 pm Colo., Texar. Cal. Ac Oklahoma Flyer ......a 6:30 pm a 9:50 are Illinois reatral. Chicago Express ...a 7:20 am Chicago. Minneapolis & St Paul Limited a 7:60 pm M'nnespolla tc St. Paul Express b 7:20 am Chicago Express Chicago Jt Northwester. "lbs Northwestern Line. Chicago Special a 7.10 am Chicago Passenger. .....a 4:15 pm Exnress ..al0:5A in a 1:10 pm a :0C are b1fl:3. pm 010:15 pm all :Z0 pm a 8:00 are a 4:05 pre a 4:06 pm a 2:40 pro a S:2 am a 1:80 am a t:So pm al0:a pm a 8:40 am a 8:60 pm Eastern special a 4:65 pn ..a i.o, pm ..a 7:s5 pm ..a 7:06 am ..a 7:6 pm ..a 616 am Fast Mall Omaha-Chicago IV td Fast Mall.. Cedar Rapids Pass.., Twin City Express... Twin City Lluitted... Sioux City Local..... WEBSTER DEPOl- 15TH cc WEBSTER Fremont, EiUkora a Mlssoarl Valley. Ismts. Arrive. Black Hills. Doadwood, Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6 pm Wyoming, t-asper anu Douglas .......... A 1:0 pm a 1:00 pm Hastings. York, David City, Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 8:00 pm b 6.00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont Fremont Local........ D 7:so am tinKa .0 7J0anT - Nebraska LocuL VI lebraska Local. via Weeping Water 4:10 pm al0:26 am CUlcaato, ' Paul slluueapolis A tiuiaoa. Twin City Passenger.... a 6:30 am a 9:00 pm Bloux City Passenger. ...a 2:0upm aU:20am Kmerson Local ..-b 6:40 pm b 8:tf am BURLINGTON BTATtO.N-lOTIl at UASO Chicago, Burlington Qalaey. Chicago 6p!!',--r' I:JS,m fiS:?m Chicago V hbiiuuiv. -K" ana Chicago Local a 9:M am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited a 7.60 pm a 7:46 am Fast Man vm Wymore. Beatrice and . IjinCOlU " - Nebraska Express a 8:40 am w 7:38 pm Denver Limited. ....;. a 4:i pro a 2:vv lilac a iims sound Express... a 9:00 pm a :4i am Lincoln Fast Man ti M pai a U1 am m bu: .m Bellevua AV Paclilo Jct..a 7:4o pm a jm am Believua at aw..v w. - tvansaa City, St. Jusepk Caoacll BIubIs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a JJ0 am a :0S pm St Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:JS am kiansas city Night Ex.alO JO pm a 6:14 am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, c Bun. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. i.'' Wan FOUR SEPARATE AXD DISTIX8T SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers gall Ing regularly from Boston, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston -to Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, etc., apply to local agent or - company's 0 flics. UU Dearborn St., Chicago, III. N&w York to Havro 6 Daym t'ompagnte Oeaarale Tremsatlantloue SaUiuga Hrrntr Thursday as if A.M. La Tourtlne Mar tl. June it, July IT La Barole May I, May tt. June 14. juiy 14 L'A attain sUf S. Juua t La Lorralo air II. Jvu U. July It fjMZ. ll!S ffiEWHUsJ MOOOflt Caatury d.te. rsiauala fcy --- as h' wneara tiaaurtas Maa f WinS3rO ( wa diertpltn. Lurarloa mmH F unanaa eomlorU. I-ertactcala. TJ V. ... phaaeslneaMaa. WlrrtMatl OtOBntOfB araphf awaracua Sailtasa trm StJaSSKajr ufunaun eall ar atllt s B. a. aoaausaM,Saa. KM.lmU ,ajaai " j-.rr HARHT B. MCKiREg. 1414 rarnam it t. g. M'N'ALLT. lill Parnam St., Pint Nat' I Bank. OBOHUg B. ABWIT. 111! ructa gt. H. . JOS Hi. 144S rarsaia Al. ANCHOR UNI-U. S. MAfL-STEAIfBkf - Sail Ins rasularly betvaaa NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY A OLASOOW; KSW TORK, OlBkALTAR NAPUfA. Susarlor accommodations, Kiaallant Culalss, Ivary rasanl (0 tba oaalort el sasaaagars etaaieaaly caa aldaraS aii 4 praetiaaa. aiafls t Kou4 Trl tickets lames batvaas Caw Tr mm acock. Kbfllib, Irtab a4 all rrlsclpal CoaUnaoul solata at a LCrart I ea rata Par tlokats or gaaaral tefurmatloo applr to HRNLiBRBON BROS., Chlcase. or Say LOCAL AGENT. HOLUKD-kMERICA like New York-Roturdam. via Boulogne, 8. M. Haw Twln-AWrew a. a. of LLOjO toos ragistsr. Steamer May Ik 14 av m. Suaamar w Rotterdam May 10, 10 a. ra. Steamer May 17, 10 a. ra. Apply to Harry Moorea. ICS rarnam Ptraat, J. 4L ldcN'aily. 1X& Fa mam straat; H. tL Jonas. Isus Faruam si; Louis aSsssa, Hirst Natio&si liatik, unisaa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port Of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of tliclr uninterrupted overn.n.1 transit. Registered mall close at :00 p. m. previous day.