Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
v. 8 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AritlL 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bullish rctort Are Oyerlooked and Weather Holdi Pricei Back. PROVISION GAINS OFFSET LOSSES Wheat Valors Dip and III, bat Finally Close Down and fr'laarrs 1 la Cora and Oats Suf fer Shrinkage. CHICAGO, April 2S. It wss bail weather for the bull-traders In grains today. Al though the reports Indicated diminishing Supplies of old wheat and offering In corn were ait 1)1 light, tha crops were receiving too much benefit from the seasonable weather to allow prices to hold advances. These variant factors, however, caused several rapid changes of sentiment. In the end July wheat lost Wo, July corn c and July jata Stfc. provisions closed lower to 2rc higher. Trade In wheat was only fairly active, though the frequent change of front of the speculators made the tension somewhat marked. At the opening the news of gen eral rains In the principal wheat states, ex cept Kansas, started wheat at a liberal decline from Saturday's closing prices. The southwest sold liberally and helped hold jirlces back. The situation, however, for some time seemed to favor tha bulls. Cables were higher, primary receipts were still light, showing rapidly decreasing stocks, and the northwest bought well of cash stuff and started an advance. Prices worked up a little and were helped considerably by the remarkable decrease In the visible sup ply 3.V92.0HO bushels. On the strength of this last Influence July rose to TBc, after opening Vd'Hc to Vac lower at 7dtr7aSc. The pit crowd, however, was considering the heavy world's shipments and the gen eral weather situation and fought hard against the advance. When reports of n6re liberal offering!. In the northwest by the farmers and of rains in Kansas ar rived there was a renewal of the soiling movement that had weakened the market at the opening. Prices steadily declined, with active and heavy selling at times, 4intll July reached 75c. A show of an Im provement In receipts (though they are still small) had a bearish effect. July .closed weak. lfilHc lower at 754c. Local "receipts were 23 cars, 1 of contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported 1230 cars, making a total for the three points of 263 cars, against 237 last week and S57 a year ego. World's shipments were 8,963,000 bushels, compared with 7.47O.0UO last week and 7,794, Coo a year ago. Primary receipts were 82,OiiO bushels, against 625,010 last year. Kreadstuffs on passage decreased 6-12,010 bushels. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equalled 268,000 bushels. Trade In corn hinged on the action of the leading bull crowd. Influential buying pre vented this cereal from following the course of wheat, although the break In the other ilt eventually hud Its effect. At the open ing prices were very steady and practically no attention was paid to the general rains In the southwest and to the unresponsive cables. Offerings were very small and were readily taken as prices advanced. The leading house that Is supposed to be carrying twice the amount of corn In ac tual existence, did good buying and sent July prices from 63Sc to 6c. Trade was lather quiet Hie greater pai t Of the Ses sion, but as wheat weakened there was anme active short selling, and prices slipped off. The marked feature of the market was the good show of strength at the close In spite of the bearish weather conditions, (September closing c higher. July closed ic down at 63',-jc. Receipts were Improved .. at 1(4 cars. Interest in May oats relieved the mo notony of a quiet market and helped up liold the other options. There was fair buying of the bear option -and prices ad vanced somewhat. The generous rains, tiowever, have increased the prospects of the coming crop and as receipts grew larger and wheat and corn weakened oats receded. The cash article was In good de mand, but there was something of a dispo sition to keep out of the market until the possibility of a corner In May is past. May Mold to 43ifi43l4c and closed firm 4c up at YiVc. July new closed lower at 37c. Receipts were 193 cars. The provision market was manipulated again by packers today for higher prices. The early tendency was to sell on the eraln situation and for profits. Ilrokers at once began buying for packers, especially of lard and ribs, and prices fluctuated ner- Vouslv. Offerings bv scalners. as well by packers, became liberal after the price tlad been pushed up and on an absence of any urgent demand and the wheat break most of the early gains were lost. The hoar market was strong. July pork closed Ho lower ai nivt, arier selling ai 117.I1V1; July lard 2c up at $10.10 and July rib-, a anaue mgner hi eB.tiwri'v.ou. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat K cars; corn, 115 cars; oats, 260 cars; hogs. The leading futures ranged as follows; Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat'y Wheat I I May Hai,m&K 73 July Ta(i Wl 75 Sept. 75I4&H 76 74 j R2HW4 6.1 62J July tWSiu 64 6.H4 Sept. 63 & 63V0 62 Oats I May 42'4;43tttV; 424 a July 35V(i4l 3ft 35V, fcjuly 37Vi;37V'i 36 Sept. , S 3H30Vn-4 fcBept. 82 32fy 32 Fork May 16 80 16 95 16 80 July 17 05 17 17V4 16 97V, 8ejt 17 12V4 17 25 17 10 May 9 92 10 07H 92 July 10 05 10 20 10 06 Sept. 10 22 10 30 10 20 Itlbs V May 9 35 9 40 9 35 July 9 45 9 40 9 36 K Sept. 9 67 9 65 9 57 75' 76 76tff 74, 75 62,' 6.1 62 42V1 62 63 V. 63 42H S5V S5V 57 378 304H 32&& 82 16 m 16 82 17 02 11 no 17 15 9 95 10 00 10 10 10 20 10 07 10 17 9 37 8 37 9 85 9 474 67 60 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follows: KLOOK BleaUy; winter patents. 33.7UtUtl.60 winter straights. 8a.20fe3.70: winter clears 83 00fft3.50; spring specials, t4.10t4.9l); spring iiatents. J3.3tnjj3.70; spring straights, $2.9O0 .2". WHEAT No. 8, 7276c; No. I red. 8S CORN No. 3 yellow. 3Ve. OATS-No. , 431.4c; No. 8 white, 4&34594c; wu. o wiuifj, WTS'tlwTMJ, RYE No. 2. 68Vc. BARLEY-Falr to choice malting. 6B6c, occi a iiu, i.oo; ro. 1 nortnwest' ern, 81-79; prime timothy, 87.28; clover, con tract grade. 88.36. PROVISIONS Mess nork nee fchl ft an T716.BS. I,ard, per 106 tbs,, J10.0la,10.07. Short ribs sides (loose), 89.35169. 46. Dry salted shoulders (boxed . 87.75iff7.87V4. Short clear WHISKY On bssls of high wines. 31.30 1 The following were the receipts and ship. Jrnents y-sierdyt Articles Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls. 20,0110 11,0110 43.0K) 3S,0u0 12.000 623.0H) Wheat, bu Corn, bu. Oats, bu. , Hi 163,000 23S.KIO 2.0rt0 1,0110 25.000 MdO jnrley, bu. . on me rroouce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 17 Wc; dairies. nifiCoc. Cheese, steady at 12Vi('iac. Kggs, firm; fresh, 16Val6V:. KB YORX GEMCRAL MARKET, daotatloaa of the Day on Varloaa. Commodities. NEW YORK. April 2S.-FIOCR Re, celpts. 19,t9 bbls.; exports, 2.962 bbls. pull and barely steady; winter patents, 83iS tri-4.06: winter eiratghts. 83.7Va3.90; Min nesota patents, 3-i "4l-4.20; winter extras. 33.liKilJ.lU; Minnesota bakers. 33.0uu3.3o; winter low grades. 82 ftvi3 15. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good, 83 15 j 3. 40; choice to 'Jaiu-y, ta Ml3.65. CORNMEAI-Steady; yellow western. $1.30; city, 31 .2; Rrandywlne, 83.sVV(1a.65 RYE Steady; No. I western. 64c f. o b. afloat; state. til(tj2c, c. 1. f. New York car lots. BARLEY Dull' feeding. Stfifiec, c. I f New York; malting, (7Si73o, c. J. f. New York. WHEAT-Recelpta. tM tj bu . ,xporU 72.528 bu.; spot easier; No. 3 red, 87c ele vator; No. i red. tSc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. KJSc f. o. b afloat No 1 hard Manitoba. 867,c f. o. b. afloat. Options (ipeiiovl easier because of rains in the south ,wt. A rally on the btg visible supply decrease at noon was succeeded by ex treme late weakness under tired selling further talk of rains and light export In quiry. Closed weak at HiSlo net decline May. bu'qii-c, closed Mi'c; July. wi M 11-Mc, closed SoSe: September. 74 - .v.. v."wvj utiTmutr, 0WK closed klWc. 1 CORN Receipts, 19.200 bu. ; exports. 8.475 bu.: spot, steady; No. 3. Hc elevator and 'c ( o. b. afloat. Options market opened easy with wheat, but rallied and became firm on good western support and higher cables, after which it broke with wheat closing Vo net lower May. 7vy-iS'ic' rloK.-d 6S0; July. 6Mt,ii-V(c. closed x 6sV; September. 67'J-Hc, closed 7e. OATS Receipts. 163.(00: soot easv: No Kc; No. 3, 47Vc: No. 8 white, Mc; No 3 white. 62c: track, mixed western. 4.V11 , track, whits, 61fe6c. Options quiet and eas ier witn otner markets. 0k4 crop, la 20c; 1ma crop, U<c; old, 5 c: raclfle coast, 1901 crop, 15519c; 1900 crop, I jjffluc: 010, juc. 1 HAY Dull; shipping, 65'95c; good to I choice, 874 gc. HIIKS wulet; Oalveston. 90 to 25 lbs., lie; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 18c; Texas dry, 24 to lbs., 13c. l.KA THbK-yuiet; acid, zistj&c. WOOL I'ull; domestic fleece, 2fS29c. RICE Firm ; domestic, fair" to extra. 4H tjV; Japan, itic. MULAHSK8- Firm: New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, arsenic PROVISIONS Heef. stronger: family. 116 f; mess, 813.00; beef hams, 8J1 00 toX.W, packet, 114.00; city extra In dia mess, 823.0KU 24.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 104QUc; pickled shoulders, 4c; pickled hams, HVtf iMrd. firm: western steamed. 810 3' "di 1040: refined, tlrm continent. 810.05: com pound, 8.25i.6fl; South America, 811. i: Pork, family. 8l9.nniiift.BO: short clear. IU20.00; mess, 817.0018 (t. Tallow, firm; city, c; country, ee. HLTTER Recepits. 5.M0 pkgs. ; firm; state dairy. lMi'stc: creamery, state. 2"W 23c; June creamery, imitation, l&tf21c; fac tory, 1 1 'n -11c. CHEESE Receipts, 810 pkgs.; firm; fancy, large, full cream, colored and white, 12 l:'4c; fancy, small, state, full cream, early make colored and white, LVaLmc. KtKJB Receipts, 13.146 pkgs.: steady; state and Pennsylvania. WaUWa western, at mark. l(il"vc. MObAKSKH-Firm; New Orleans, 3rawc. POCL.TRY Alive, quiet and uncertain owing to Jewish holiday: turkeys, Iced, averusre best. nVi'&Uc: fowls. Iced, west ern, Ucj turkeys, trosen, llifclSc; chickens, iroin, C(ji9i:. M ETA IjH At lODdon and p.ew yorx ? rices for tin were considerably higher, xindon closed los higher for the day at 129 15s for spot and :12S1& for futures. New York closed about 35 points higher. with snot at 328.1ft'&'28.35. Conner was weak snd lower at New York, with lake on spot at 8ll.75f(f12.oo, electrolytic at 811.offall.75 and casting u.Z5fl 11.75. Htanuarn copper on spot and for June and July delivery was quoted at 810.7w311.26. Iondon copper closed 2s 6d lower at 52 7s 6d for spot and futures. I,ead was steady here at 14 1:'i,i andI,ondon wss Is 3d higher at 1113s9d. Spelter ruled steady at 34.42 at New York, while London waa 2s 6d lower at 18. The local Iron market was steady and un changed. Pig Iron warrants continued nominal in l rlce. No. 1 foundry, northern, 819.ff(r2O.0i; No. 2 foundry, northern, H.WY(t 1H.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, 817.50wion; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, 817.50(6 The English markets were higher, with Glasgow at tits and Mlddlesborough at 48s 6d. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Including new No. 2 cases. 15c: cases returned, 14Hc LIVE POULTRY Chickens, &3Hc: old roosters, according to age, f!c; turkeys, 8'aUc; ducks and geese, &38Vc; broilers, per lb., 25c. BUTTER Packing stock, 16Hc; choice dairy, in tuba, 2Ka'.'2c; separator, 25a FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 9c; crapples, 10c; herring, 6r.; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c: perch. 6c: buffalo, dressed. 7c: sunfish. 5c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, lie; catfish, 13c; black bass, l&c; halibut, 13c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each. 60c; shad roe, per pair, 3oc; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb. 25c. OYSTERH Mediums, per can. 22c: stand ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can, 33c, New Yolk Counts, per can, 4c; bulk standards, per pal., 31.25; bulk extra se lects, 81.6fmjl.65; New York Counts, per ga) 11.75. nuEUNS-Live, per aoz., l VEAL-Cholce, 6&8a COHN-60C. OATS 48c. BRAN Per ton, 31" HAY Prices Quoted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 linlnnd tH Rrt Mo 1 maHlnm tfi K7a 1 coarse, 37.60. Rye straw, 85.50. These prices are lor nay ox gooa coior ana quality, ue- mana tair. Receipts ugnt. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu., Ohlos, 3160; Rose. 3125; Triumphs, 31.15. POTATOESNorthern. 31.154M.20: Colorado. $1.35. green onions per Oot.. according to size of bunches, 154f26c. TURNIPS Per bu., eoe PARSNIPS Per bu., 90c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per doi., 40 WIC. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., 11.50. SPINACH Home grown, per bu., 75c LETTUCE Hothouse, per dot., CK345c. PARSLEY Per do.. 8o&35!. RADISHES Per ooi., 2(Ka"25c; per box, WAX BEANS Florida, per basket, 83.60 f.w. GREEN PEAS Per basket, 75ci2l. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 3(340. CABBAGE California, new, 3e. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, 32; Ohlos, per bbl., 84.50. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, 83.00QJ.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82. FRUITS. FIGS California, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 124)'14c. bTRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, 4.50(o6.00; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case, 82.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, fancy. 84: choice, 83.76; budded, 83; Mediterranean sweets, 33.264ra.60. LEMONS Fancy, 33.60; choice, 83.26. BANANAS Per bunch, according- to slse, $2.2&2.76. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-section case. 82.75S3.0O. NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., UStc; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 6c; Braalls, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c: hard shell. 15c: pecans, large, per lb., 13c; small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per sacK, IimWO V r, 1 .Man Iti ' XTn 9 -... K No. 1 salted, 'Vhc; No.' 2 salted, W.c; No. i veal can, 8 to ins., tic; no. 2 veal calf. 13 to 16 lbs., 6c: dry hides, 8d2c; sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides, H.wai to. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., 83.26; New XorK, 1.1.0U. POPCORN Per lb.. 6c; shelled, 6c. St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 28.-WHEAT-Lowtr 83i.c; May, 78Sac; July, 7370; No. 2 nard, 7,fnS0c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 66c; track, 66c; May, 63c; July, 64Hc; September, 6214c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 44c; track, 44H tf45c; May. 43Uc; July, 34c; September, juste; no. 1 wnite, itxattrtkc. RYE-Dull at 80c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 83 709 8 85; extra fancy and straight, 83.403.60; Clear, fi.wuv.OA CORN MEAL Steady, 83.15. SEED Timothy, nrm. 85.0wiT6.25. ll IJ A M U A An ! .nLA I a. BAAM. HAY Better; timothy, 312.5015.50; prai rie. fll.DO0'lA.W. WHlBKY-Steady. 31.30. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, 11.06. BAGGING Steady, 1qc. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old 817.50; new, 317.65. Lard, higher, 39 75. Dry salt meats (boxed, stronger; extra shorts, 3 75; clear ribs, $9. 624; short clear, .87. Bacon (boxed), stronger; extra shorts. 310624; clear ribs, 310.50; short clear. 810.76. METALS Lead, steady at 83.a74nj-l.0o. Bpener. nrm at H i. 4. poultry Hteaay; cnicRens. 9c: turkeys. 10c; ducks, 10c; geese, 4 4 'a 6c. MUTTER weak: creamery. 20(ff24c: dn.lrv iri-ic. EUGS tsteady at 15c. Receipts. Shlnments Flour, bbls ll.ono 5.000 wneat, uu n.oou g.nno Corn, bu 68,000 62.000 Oats, bu 81,000 28,000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 28. WHEAT Snot Quiet; No. 1 northern spring, 6s 34d; No. 1 lauiornia, os iwa. futures: uteady may. os i'u JUiv, ss 14a. corn spot: uteaoy; American mixed new, 5a 3d; old, as 9d. Futures: Closed steady: July. 6s Z"d. September. 5a 2d 0'tober. 5s. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, ts tkl. HOPS At London, Pacific coast, firm, ad ineiga.4 ids. PEAS Canadian. Arm. 7s. PROVISIONS Beef, strong: extra Indian mess. 97s 6d. Pork, strong: Drime mess. western, 76s. Hams, short cur, 14 to 18 lbs., firm, 5s6d. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., firm. 60s: short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., firm. 52s 6d; long clear middles. 28 to 84 lbs., light, nrm. Us: Ions c ear middles. heavy, nrm, 3D to 40 lbs., 62s Id; short clear backs, nrm. if to 30 lbs.. 62s: clear bellies. Arm, 14 to 16 lbs., 52s. Shoulders, square, nrm, 11 10 is ids.. 40s n. Lara, prime west ern. In tierces, firm. 61s; American refined in nails, firm. 61s 3d. BUTTER Finest United States, firm, 59s. CM ELSE Firm ; finest American white, 67s: finest American colored, 5Ss. TAIJIW-Prlnm rttv. Arm la The Imports of wheat Into I.lverpocl last week were 31.H ausrters from Atlantic ports, none from pacific and 19,0uu from otr ports. Tr.e Imports of corn from Atlantis fc-it last wet were .iu quarters. Evaporated Apples anal Dried Fralta NEW YORK. April. 2i. EVAPORATED AtTl..h-ln moderate supply and prett nrm In tone. Jubblna trail e latr and con siderable export Interest noted for prime fruit. Prices unchanged. State, common to rood, 7djc; prime, 944i4Hc; choice, 944 loc; fancy, 104Hlc. 1 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Prunes tsadier la too and lot job blag account fair business Is reported for large sites. via rrulta sllgntiy in puyers isvor. Apn- cots and peaches, steady and In demand by V (. I . ...II. n lK,ln... b... Iotf'l3p; bnas. p12c. Peaches, peeled, 149 18c; unpeeled, Sifllc. Kansas City Urala mn4 Fravlslens. KANSAS CITY, April 28. WHEAT May, c; July, 72Se; cssh. No. 2 hard. 74o; No. 73c; No. 2 red, 79Hj-fV; No. 8, 7S71c. i.Ann may, u.) , r',ni tri , y T , ash. No. 2 mixed. WVac; No. 2 white. 684tieic; No. 3, 7i(ti68c. oath No. z wnite, iixgifViC. RYE No. 8. V. HAY-Choice timothy. 313B014.00: choice prairie, 8'3.0O. la n t.n v reamery, aic. EOUS Steady: at mark, new No. 2 white- wood cases Included, 14c per dot.; cases re turned, 13Vic. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu... ...28. turn ...eo.oro 19.2H0 orn. nu 64. 40 18,000 Oats, bu ....13,000 Visible "apply of Grain. NEW YORK. April 2S. The visible sun- ply of grain Saturday, April 26, as com plied by the New York produce exchange, e no iouuws: Wheat. 40.449.000 bu.. a decrease of J.R8.1.. 000 bu.; corn, 6, bu., a decrease of 338,000 bu; oats, 3.114.000 bu.; rye, l.RSs.nno ou., a acresse or bu. ; barley, 1,131,000 bu., a decrease of 233,000 bu. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. TOLEDO. O., April 28 WHEAT Dull. weak; cash, 844c; May, 63c; July, 7c. CORN Dull, steady; cash, 62c; May, 634c; July, v'; September. 634c. OATS Dull, firm: cssh. 43c: Mav. 43Vc: uly, 36c; September, 31c. SEED Clover, dull, tlrm: caeh. 85J7H: April, 86.27H; October, 85.40; No. 2, 24.67 to 84.974. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Anril 28 BUTTER Dull; western creamery, 2Sc. EGOS Steady: fresh nearby. 16c; fresh southwestern, 16c; fresh southern. 15c; western, 16c. CHEESE Firm: New York full creams. small, Ufi 13c; New York full creams, fair to choice. ll'124c. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. HI.. Anrll 28. BUTTER Took a decided drop on the Board of Trade, de clining from 28c to 22c. An offering of 1,440 lbs. was sold at 224c and the quotation committee made the market firm at 22c. This is 8c lower than It was two weeks go. Ihe output of the week was 624.000 lbs. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 28. WHEAT Steady ; No. 1 northern, 77"g77Hc; No. 2 nonnern, iwic July, 7D Vac. RYE Steady; No. 1. 60c. BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 70Uc: sample, 60 70c. CORN JUly, B30. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH. April 2S.-WHEAT-Caah. No. nard. 74c: no. I northern. 72Sc: No. 1 northern, 754c; May, 754c; July, 75B 7b4c; September, 744c. OA I B 4340. CORN-620. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April 28 CORN Nominal: no sales quoted. OATS Inactive: No. 2 white. 44444c. billed through. whisky on the basis of 21.30 for fin ished goods. NEW YORK STOCKS AM) BONDS. Speculative Interest Relapses and Prloes Not I'nlform. NEW YORK. April 28. Speculative Inter est In stocks shared considerable falling rr today and the full day a transactions reached a million shares for the first time In two weeks. The feveriBh activity which has characterised the recent leadership of the market waa decidedly lacking. If the rather leading dealings In Reading be ex cepted. The tone of the market was halt ing and the movement in prices was not unitorm. The predominant movement- while It failed to embrace the whole list, . Itself hanged ft number of times during the day. The failure of the conference committee of the miners and operators to agree on terms on Saturday was a dl-' ppolntment and the tone of the comment of the par ties to the conferer"e created a dlsagree- bie impression. 1 1 result was free sen na of Reading In the open dealings, which 1 noted the whole market. This weakness was overcome by a strong advance In some of the high-priced coalers. The part played In the market by the high-priced stocks, of which the floating upply is very small, was notable ana heir wide movements resulted from a light volume of transactions. as tne upward mgnt or Delaware Hudson and of New Jersey Cen- ral rallied the Readings. aa did the spurt In the Chicago & Northwestern stocks gave some strength to the Grangers and Pacifies. St. Paul was lifted two points over last night and there were gains of one to two points among the southwest- ems. The sains were not well held, however. and there were constant relapses when the market was allowed to become quiet. New York. New Haven Hartford was an other of the high-grade stocks to move, but it saved only a point of its seven-point advance. Among the industrial specialties there were wide advances in Pullman, Interna tional Power, American Express, Pressed Steel Car Preferred. Railway Steel Spring and some others which are even more act ive. Cotton Oils, Virginia-Carolina Chem ical and American Agricultural Chemical were advanced on talk of consolidation. Colorado Fuel and Tennessee Coal were bid up late In the day as the local trac tions had been earlier, but relapsed again without much effort on the general mar ket. The varvlnc movement In the grain mar ket was reflected from time to time in the stock market, but not In a decisive way. The usually active industrials were quite generally heavy. United States Steel seemed to reflect dis approval of the bond Issue. The firmness of foreign exchange reawakened discussion of probable gold exports, but the money market was unaffected. The market closed dull and easy. The bond market was moderately active and strong. Total sales, par vslue, 34,045,- 000. United States bonds were all un changed on the last call. The rouowing are ins closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrhlaon ... J I80. Pacific rr ... VBo Rallwar t7 ...loS do pfd MU ... s TMaa A Pacific 414 ...l4"Tol.. St. L A W.. tJ ... -V "do pfd it 40 pta . O do D(a Canadian Pacific. Canada Southern., Chea. Ohio Chlcaso A Alton.. do pfd Chicago, I. at L... do pfd Chicago A E. Ill . tk 4 un Ion Pacific KMX do pfd 7'i . T . 704 . ft'i .! Wabaah 6 do pfd 46 H Wheallng A U E.... 214 do td pfd.. I4vk Chicago at u. w. . 24 Wla. Cantral tV do lat pro do 14 ptd . M ao pia at ... 44 Adama El 1 .. .194! American Es 230 Chicago N. W. C, R. I. P ...1744 walla-Fargo El... ... St Amal. CoDpar 110 Chicago T. T. . 44 do pfd ti4 Amar. Car T... . 104 C. C. C. St. Li. ..104 do pfd. . ai . 20 . (4 Colo. Souihara.... .. 214 .. 14 .. 4( Atner. Llns Oil. do lat pfd do td pfd do pfd Amer. S. A R do pfd Anac. Mining Co. .. . 434 .064 Del. a Hudaon... ..U4 rw .. L. a w ... ..287 .iiz Donrar A R. O... .. 434 Brooklyn R. T 71 do pfd 14 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 1084 Erla 14 Con. Oaa .227 do lat pfd T4Con. Tobacco pfd. U4 Oen. Electric ..1224 ,.124 do Id pfd Ot. Northern pfd 187 "Hocklng Coal.... Hocking Valler 844 Inter. Paper ,. II .. 514 do pfd oo pro. 75 Illlnoia Central. Iowa Central.... ..I48 Inter. Power 1MU .. 4 Laclede Caa M do pfd .. a4 National Blerutt Lake Erla A W. .. 414 National Lead... ..12a i National Salt. ..127HI do pfd ,.lX4No. American... 18 10 do pfd L A N t 1214 Manhattan L. ... Met. St. Rr ..IbZX serine t oaat. aa 42 Mexican Central It Pacific Mall Mexican National.... 1S People' a Oaa... 1044 Minn. A St. L.. .1114 Preeeed S. Car fa Mo. Pacific .... ...1004 do pfd .... 874 M . K. A T ... la ... U ...184 ...142 ... M4 ... to Pullman P. Car 245 do pfd Kepubllc Steel 114 N. J. Central... N. Y. Central... Norfolk A W... ao ma 7S sugar iiiu Tens. Coal A Iron... 7(4 do pfd whwh . m r Ontario A W... Pennarlvaola ... Reading ... 144 ...1(3 ... ?4 wv via 10 C. S. Leather.. . 114 . 144 . 11 do pfd U. S. Rubber .. Pfd V. S. Steel do pfd W eaters Union. do let pis.... de Id pfd St. L A S. r. do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw. do pfd ... S44 ... 18 ... aa ... S.-4 ... T14 . 4 . 414 s.1. ... 14 ... 414 ...1704 Am. Locomotive le do pfd p4 St Paul do pfd .1114' do pfd o eoutnern xe Trust receipts. Let sale. ottered. Fere tan Financial. LONDON, April 28 There was a strong demand for money today owing to repay ments due to ths Bank of England every day thla week, besides month and require ments, iiscounis were nrm. On the stock exchange generally cheer rul business prevailed, but It wss re stricted, outsiders doing practically noth ing. tonois wavereo out had a nrm un dertone. Some home rails Improved. Amer leans opened weak, notable exceotlons he. Ins New York Centrals snd liulavtlle A Nashville following New York's lesd. Ths business transacted was very small. Prices rallied somewhat later in ths day and closed firm. Kaffirs were dull with frac tions! docllnes. PARia, April 28. Business on the bourse today opened quiet and undecided. Rio tlntos and Kaffirs were sold for Iondon account. Chariereds were particularly af fected. Internatlonsls were easier. Rentes, Spanish rsils, Spsnlsh fours snd South American securities declined. Italians and Turks developed great strength. Thom-son-Houstins were firm. Prices closed heavy. The private rate of discount was 24. Three per cent rentes, ino francs 774 centimes for the account. Spanish fours closed 78.72. BERLIN, April 28. Exchsnge on Ixwdon, 20 marks 484 pfgs. Discount rstes. short bills 14 per cent, three months' bills IS per cent. International were maintained on the bourse todsy. Canadian Pacifies and Transvaal rails were steady. Locals hardened on bear covering. New York Money Market. NEW TORK. April 28 -MONEY-On call, steady, 3'544 per cent; closing bid and asked, 3'84 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4ii4 per cent. STERLING I EXCHANGE Firm. with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.874 for demand and at 34.86S 'or sixty days; posted rates, 84.8Mft4.864 and 34.K84'4.s; commercial bills, $4.84Va4.R&V SILVER Bar, Rl-Ve; Mexlcnn dollars, 41c, BONDS Government, steady; state, easier; railroad, Arm. The closing quotations on bonds ars as follows: U. g. ret. ta, rf. do eoupon do la, reg do coupon do new 4a, reg.. do coupon do old 4a, reg... do coupon do fta, reg .. .1141,. A N. unl. 4a 1024 ...14 Mei. Central 4a M ...10 Mex. Cent, la Inc 144 ...14 Minn. St. L. 4a. ..104 ...171 M.. K. A T. 4a tnt ...U(4 do la M ...lliV.N. T. Central la lo ...1114 do gea. 4a 1 ...1MVN. J. C. g. ra 14 ...1C i No. Pacific 4a 1U6H 00 coupon Atcniaon gen. a lost do la 74 do adj. 4a 4VNnr. W. con. 4a. .1014 B A O 4a 1024 ! Reading gen. 4a t do I4a H St. L. A I. M. c. 6a 114 do cotir. 4a le iBt. L. 8. F. 4a.... Can. Southern la loo 1st. h. Southw. la I004 Central of Os. ta 112HI do 2a n4 dn let Inc KlVSan. A. a A. P 4a.. t04 Chea. A Ohio 44a. . . .104 So. Pacific 4a 64 Chicago Ac A. 24a... 4in. Rallwar ta 12! C , B. A Q. new 4a ' Texaa t Pacific la..IJH4 C. M S P g 4.. ...1164 T., St. L A W. 4a. M4 C. A N. W. e. 7a... .13(4 t'nlon Pacific 4a 1054 C. R. I. A P. 4a 112 I do Cflnv. 4a V C C C A St L g. 4a.l(44:Wabaah la 120 Chicago Tar. 4a I do 2a 1104 Colorado Bo. 4a do deb. B 77 Denirer A R. O. 4a. .1044 1 Went Shorn 4a 1134 Erie prior Hen 4a. . . .1004 1 Wheel. A h. E. 4a... ta dn general 4a H Wla. Central 4a 6 r. w, A D. C. la llf4 Con. Tobacco 4a ilorklng Valler 44a..lU4l Itnaton Stoek Qnotatleas. BOSTON, April 28 Call loans, 1W$4 per cent; time loans, 44Va per cent. Official cloning ot slocks and oonds: Atchlaon 4a.., 1024 Adrenture Oaa la 87 Aliouea Mexican Central 4a... 82 Amalgamated N. K. Oaa A Coke.... K54 Bingham Atchlaon S14 Calumet A Hecla.. do pfd M4 Centennial Boatnn A Albanr 1M4 Copper Range eon-J. Boaton Elevated 1694 Dominion Coat . 14 . 4 . f4 .as .(4 . . M .1424 .111 . 14 . 14 . . la 2' . 24 .iat 1 .171 .100 :S?' . 24 . . I . t N. Y , N. H. A H...24a4rranklln Fltchburg pfd ...1444 lale Rorals.. t'nlon Pariflo Mex. Central Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Tel. A Tel.. Dominion I. A 8. General Electric Mans. Electric... do pfd ..1044 Mohawk . 114 .114 Old Dominion Oaceols Parrot Qulncr Santa Pa Copper., Tamarack Tritnountatn Trinity t'nlted States Utah Victoria Winona Wolrerlne .11114: .1134 '12s . 444 . N. E. Oaa A Coke.. United Fruit ICS U. S. Steel 424 do nfd M Weetlngh. common. ..lis I I.oadoxt Stock market. LONDON. April 28.-4. p. m. Closing: Conaola for money .do account. Anaconda Atchleon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific... Cheaapeake A O... Chicago O. W C, M. A St. Paul. Denver A R. O.. do pfd ErU do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnnla Central.... . 44 Norfolk A Westers... S0 . 44! do pfd aa . 4 Ontario A Weatern... sr4 . 81 Penmylvanla TI4 1014. Reading 234 ..1114 ..1.11 .. 4 .. 24 ..1H .. 44 .. 4V .. 404, .. 724i .. (64 do let pfd 444 ao 2d pro it Southern Railway.... 29 4 do pfd 4 Southern Pacific S14 Union Pacific 101 4 do pfd 204 United states Steel.. 434 do pfd M4 Wabaah 27 do pfd 444 Spanlah 4a '14 Rand Mines 124 De Beers 414 ..1(14 Loulrrllle A Nah...l4 M., K. A T 244 do pfd (64 N. T. Central 144 BAR SILVER Easy at 234d per ounce. MONEY 243 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for both short and three-months' bills is 2 13-l&tiV per cent. New York Mlntna; (gaotatlona. NEW YORK, April 28. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice II recce Brunawlck con Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va... Deadwood Terrs..., Horn silver Iron Stiver Leadvllle Con .. n .. (4 .. (4 ..1M .. t ..138 .. 70 ..144 .. ta .. 8 Little Chief a. . 11 .220 .130 . s . 28 . 8 . 10 . 40 .140 Ontario fOphlr Fhoents ,. Potoat Ravage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopea... Standard Bank Clearings. OMAHA, April 28. Bank clearings today, 31,041,115.42; corresponding day last year, 31,15o.7u6.04; decrease, 1116.oltf.62. CH1CAUO. April 28. Clearings, IZ8,877,43: balances, 32,&57,145; posted exchange, 34.84 for sixty days, 14.8x4 on demand; New York exchange, 10c premium. nr. lAJCia. April . eiearinas. H.7is.s4: balances, 31,435,734; money, 444i per cent.; New York exchange, 10c premium. CINCINNATI. April ZH. Clearings. S4.23&.. 650; money. 4(J8 per cent; New .York ex change at par. NEW YORK. April 28. Clearings. 3128.- 087,838; balances. 35.641,316. The subtreasury had a credit balance too ay or ia,S(B. BOSTON. April 28. Clearings. 87.1K8.270: balances, 31.726.782. . PHlLADELPHrA. April 28. Clearings. 813.101,296; balances, 32,SOO,22S; money, 4' per cent. BALTIMORE. April 28. -Clearings. 83.015.- 037; balances, 3537,151; money, 6 per cent. Condition of the Treasury. . WASHINGTON. April 28. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150.000,000 re serve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash -balances, iw,d40,b4; gold. 890.908,833. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 28. COTTON Spot closed quiet: middling uplands, 84c; mid dling gulf, 104c; sales, 600 bales. Futures closed very steady: April 9.6dc: May. 8 69c: June,, s.sfc; July, 1.8.1c; August, v.suc; Hep. tember. s.64c: October, s.aic: November. 8.26c: December. 8.26c: January. 8.27c. The market opened steady with prices for near crop months 11 to 14 points higher and new crop months 9 to 10 points higher 111 response to- strong Liverpool cables ana bullish information from domestic crop centers. Snot cotton waa up another 1-320 Fort recelDts were very light compared with those of a year ago. Southern spot markets were described ss strong and 1-lsc to 4c higher. Crop reports reflected a decresse nenerally In acreage a smaller use of fertllVers this year than last and a delay of alkiut two weeks In the season. Though profit taking around .80d for July for a time held- the market In check, the whole list stiffened up In the late session to a basis of 9 64(1 for July and to .40d for August on a fresh scare of shorts and brisk new buying. Trading was active all day with the close very steady at a net advance of 11 to 20 points. ST. lXICIS. April 28 COTTON Firm, t,c nigner: middling. H4c; sales, l.oso nates; receipts. 927 hales; shipments, 1,262 bales; siock, 3x.zx nales. GALVESTON. April 28. COTTON Firm 8c. LIVERPOOL. Anri 28-COTTON-8not fair demand; prices l-32d higher; American middling fair. 6d; good middling. S15-32d; middling. 6 11-32d: low middling. SKa: good ordinary. 54d: ordinary. 44d. The sales of the day were 12.000 bales, of which 1.500 were lor speculation and export and In cluded lU.Jiio American. Receipts. 7.000 bales. Including 8.900 American. Futures opened stesay ana closed steady: American mid dllng I. m. c. Anril. 5 14-64W5 15-Md. buyers April and May. 613-646 14-64.1, buyers; May ano. June, a value; June and July 5 12-64'ao 13-4d. sellers: July and August 512-64.1. huvers: Autrust snd Bent em her. 6 6-64fr5 7-4d. buyers: September and Octo ber. 0 -64d. sellers: October and November, 4 3S-64d, sellers; November and December, 4 m-mo, Olivers: lJecemrter ana January, 4 34-64d, sellers; January and February, i st-Mn. ouvers. NEW ORLEANS. April 28.-COTTON Futures, nrm; April. 9.78'g9 80c; Msv, 9 ltf soc; June. 9 k3i.84c: July, ttvni tc August, 94Sfi94c; September. 8.turi8.68c octoner. s.zifjt ?2c: November. s.itKua. luc December. 8 (itaijS. 10c. Snot, strong: sales. 7.z naies: ordinary. Sj-isc; cood ordinary, 8 15-'lc; low middling. 9 8-lSc; middling, 9 11-lc: good middling. 10r; middling fair, lWc; receipts. 3.799 bsles; stock. 189.419 bales. Dry floods Market. NEW YORK. Anril 28 DRY GOODS The new week has opened up quiet with a numerate amount or mall oroers to nana. The demand coming forwsrd. however, shows little change from that of last week Cotton ducks have advanced t per cent owing to advance In raw material. Outside of this the market remains firm ana uncnangetL OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Bteert Aotive and 8tron--Cow Buff Jut About Steady. HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS Oeeal to Ckelee Iwsnabs In Active De mand at Fally steady Prleea sad Choice Sheen olsl Well, bat Cent anon Staff Was Heglected. 8OUTH OMAHA. April 28. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.49 3.w4 Bime day last week 3,474 4.$ game week before 2.o73 2.U41 Hame thiee weeks ago.. 8.6.U i.l.n 8ame four weeks ago.... 3.2M 4,14o Hame day last year 2.813 3,7ti7 7,i l 4.V06 4.00s 6, 6.1 J iUs.t,Ellr8 KOK THE YEAR TU DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattie, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for the year to Date and comparisons with last year; 1W3. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 2o9.417 218,302 41.115 Hogs 842.6:48 74,68 Se.770 Kheep W),843 377,674 87.231 PACKERS' PURCHA8ES. The following purchases were made today by local lacaers. Cattle. Hosts. Sheeo. owiri ana company 412 Armour t co 14 Onwha Packing Co 22 Cudahy Packtw Co 218 arto ',JS 1.0K3 726 4o 1,04 The following table shows the average price ot hogs sold on the South Omaha maraet the jjast several days, with com parisons wltn tormer years: Date. I 1902. 1901. 1900., 1890. l(t!. 1897. 11896. April 1.. April ... April 8.. Aljrn a.. April ... I 86 I 87 ( 3 M 1 t to o e, e oof 80 8 801 8 3 e3 6 et7 8 Mi I 8 M 6 88 fe ti t S3 M 8 67 6 831 3 83 6 40 3 61 6 48t 3 67 3 72 6 46, a f I 72 6 49 1 tVti 6 4! 3 1 6 4u 8 76 I 3 721 6 36 6 S2 3 871 6 84 8 6o 6 39 3 641 5 34 8 67 6 27 3 69 1 3 84 3 9J 3 54 8 ? 8 92 8 64 I 3 81 8 86 3 73 I 8 i 8 79 8 90 8 i 3 85 87 8 U 3 83 8 59 8 'ill 8 SU 8 41 8 Vol 8 8o 8 82 I 8 801 8 sS 8 71 1 3 7 3 71, 3 7 3 87 8 97 3 6 8 7VI 3 S5I 8 49 3 7 8 8u 8 38 i 8 7 8 tit I 3 91 3 80 3 0 I 8 43 3 1 3 (If 3 i 3 84 8 85 e to, k W 8 88 I 6 l5 4i e o, 634! 5 K4 I I M C UUi e , April .. April 7.. April .. I hi Vi g Oil April I t k7si a April I s tI si, . s, 6 1 I 6 8 i i04 I w . 6 904, 4 01 91 I 8 94 .1 6 96141 M I I sl . 6 9641 9 I I S8H i 6 8641 81 .; 6 S041 6 80 .1 6 6 76 1 7 08S I 77 '1 9' 6 771 I 72 I 7 07m April 11. April U.. April 13. April 14. Apru la. April 16. April 17. April 18. April is. April 30. April 1.1. i .M 9 S3 9 eU April 22., 8 84 3 841 8 741 3 82 I 883 3 3 April 24., 3 28 3 36 3 el April 24. April 28. 8 71 April 26.. April 27.. April M., 3 841 3 811 3 "9 8 71; 3 28 3 9 3 75 3 26 Indicates Sunday. SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTB. The following list shows the number of cars of cattle shipped to the country eaiuraay ana tneir destination: Cars. E. M. McNaught. Wray, Colo. B. & M... 2 ma outciai number ot cars ot stock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.Hses. C, M. A St. P. Ry 2 Union Pacific system.... 37 6 14 e C. A N. W. Ry 8 7 V., E. A M. V. R. R 6 18 2 C, 8t. P., M. A O. Ry.. 9 .. 1 B. A M. R. Ry : 20 7 4 C. B. A W. Ry 3 3 K. C. & St. J 7 C, R. I. A P., east 4 4 Illinois Central 6 1 Total receipts 99 62 20 7 The disposition of the day's receipts was s follows, each buyer Durchaslnar .ha number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co..... Swift and Company...., Cudahy Packing Co...., .. lib .. 424 .. 261 .. 160 .. 242 .. 162 .. 46 .. 40 .. 30 .. 64 .. 77 .. 60 .. 62 .. 24 .. 1 .. 81 466 ' 1,873 866 1,018 1.044 231 1.582 676 Armour ec uo , Swift and Co.. country G. H. Hammond Co...., R. Becker A Degan...., Vansant A Co Lobman A Co Yv. I. Stephen , Hill A Huntslnger Livingstone a Bcnauer Hamilton A Rothschild H. L. Dennis A Co B. F. Hobblck Wolf A Murnan Other buyers 359 Totals 2.358 3,947 3.798 CATTLE There waa not a heavy run of cattle here today, as a decrease la noted as compared with last Monday. As com pared witn tne same day or last year there Is not much change. The demand was In fairly good shape, so that trading was active at fully as good prices as were paid at the close of last week. Beef steers again made up the bulk of the offerings and the quality waa good on the whole. The' demand waa liberal from local packers and also some outside pack ers were on the market. The desirable grades could safely be quoted strong and lulte a little higher. It waa onlv a ahnrr time Deiore tne duik or tne good cattle was out of first hands. The commoner grades of course did not move as freely, but still they sold for fully as much as the same kinds brought laat week. The cow market waa not particularly active and could probably best be described by calling It steady. Buyers took their time about looking at the offerings, but as supplies were not large practically everything was disposed of In good season. The good stuff moved without much trouble, but the commoner grades dragged more or less ths same as usual. As com pared with the close of last week there was not enough change in the prices paid to be worthy of mention. Bulls, veal calves and stags sflso sold In just about last week's notches. There was n rainy gooa aemana ior ine better grades, but the common kinds were neglected. . There was not very much life to the stocker and feeder trade this morning. There was very little good stuff on sale, but the few that were offered sold at Just about steady prices. The common kinds were in light demand and sold slowly at about last weak's quotations. Representa tive sales; BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. lr. .1141 t Ot I.... 1.... 480 1 00 11 .1020 4 40 10 Ml 4 10 It 1140 4 16 1047 4 20 41 1187 4 16 20 1148 4 40 27 1201 4 40 18 1208 4 46 , 14 INI ( 46 I 18 1247 to 4 1290 4 45 27 1280 6 1 1142 4 76 84 1421 a an 14.... . 840 4 80 . 11 3 00 .... II.... K1 8 10 1130 I ftl 1175 I 10 109 8 78 .841 I 80 1146 4 86 1068 I 80 1210 4 00 .107 2 4 00 1 11. 4 10 14 1.. 6 20 1 I 1 4 1 1 11 1 1 1 8 1 1 V 1 1 1 I T 1 1 1 1 I........ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 t 24 t t 1 I 1 1 1 t t 1 HO 4 04 LVWB. , 480 1 76 . 1...... 930 8 25 10...".. , t0 1 15 I 918 1 11 1 ........ 8O0 I 60 li 870 I 40 1 418 I 16 1 810 I 00 I Ut lei t 910 I 00 I Mi I 10 I 806 1 26 1 980 1 26 1 940 I 25 1 1110 8 16 " 1000 1 26 1 965 1 25 4 1 25 9"7 I 40 8 760 1 60 13. 1140 1 60 L 910 2 60 1 !10 I 10 1 : 1060 1 60 I 400 I 15 HEIFERS. .... 4S I 0 64 '' 40 8 1 e0 4 16 1 " 470 4 40 1 880 4 15 1 ' 646 4 76 BULLS. 144 I 1 1 1214 I 10 1 1614 1 26 1 1120 I 40 - 1 1160 8 16 CALVES. 184 8 SO I 140 4 14 1 10 i 16 I .... 880 8 74 .... 844 I 15 .... 601 I 76 ....71 1 0 ....1(11 8 14 ....100 4 Aft .... IH ll ....1181 4 16 1026 4 15 .... 9H& 4 60 .... 85 4 60 ....110 4 16 .... 110 4 16 .... 926 4 16 ....1044 4 80 .... 96 4 SO .... 644 4 90 ...110 I 00 ... .lorn 1 so ....loal 60 ....1170 4 00 ....1110 4 00 ....1140 4 40 ....114 4 44 Til 4 9 764 f 19 114 I 60 196 I 78 600 6 76 ..129 4 U ..1400 4 6 ..1610 4 SO ..UN 4 90 .. M a .. 210 a ..164 II 99 4 SO I 199 4 OS 1 II 4 4 8TOCK CALVES. 8t 8 It 1 10 1 71 18 11 26 10 6 25 124 4 76 280 t 00 21 I II 1.. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 784 I 0" 11 l 4 10 411 1 10 11 0 4 11 STAGS 1018 too STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. aw 16) 1 4Ki 1 ie 60 t 76 1 960 I 24 16 IN 1 61 : 16 . . 6M I ea 22 ... 441 I as I.. 8.. 1.. 14.. at.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 40.. 4 . BTOC K E R8 A U rctDERS. MB X l 4 8 66 2 40 I fl 96 I a HI IW . 77 I 76 111 I 76 , M I " C. F. .8-9 4 46 . 875 4 00 11 1. .... u II . 44 4 60 4 4 Si 9t4 4 HI 411 .122) I 14 1 I 11 9 Fish Wyo. 1 steer., 21 feeders. 2 feed'rs. HOGS There was about a normal run c-f hogs hsre todsr for a Monday, and as the demand wsti In food shape the msrket opened sctlve and fcwlrtn higher. The qual ity of the offerings was pretty good, and trie msrket on paper shows up In good shape. Packers all seemed to be anxious for supplies, and It was only a short time before everything on ssle was out of first hands. The good weight hogs sold largely from 37.18 to 87.30. The medium weights went mostly from I7.i to 37.15, snd the light stuff sold from 8 to Todsy e sdvanre csrrles the market to the highest point reached this yesr, as the loss of Sat urday was more man regained today. Representative sales: No. 94 . 0.. . . II.. 78.. :.. 71.. 94.. 67.. 0.. 76.. 14. . 92. . 18.. 11.. 80.. 74.. 88.. 56.. 84.. 71.. M.. 88.. .. 74.. 1.. 67.. 64.. 70.. Av. ...11 ...171 ...174 ...177 ...00 ...212 ...100 ...ll ...209 ...1l ...2O0 ...1 ...204 ...188 ...206 ...111 ...204 ...201 ...221 ...212 ...217 ...225 ...211 ...24 ...21 ...211 ...249 ...219 rr. I 86 I 90 I 1 90 I I 95 96 4 95 J OH I 97 I 97V, 4 97S 1 00 t 0.1 1 00 T 00 1 no 7 00 1 00 1 06 T 05 . 1 5 7 06 T 06 1 04 T 06 I 06 1 05 No. 76.. .. 46.. aa.. 71.. la.. II.. 4.. 74 . .. .. 41.. 10.. 10.. 17.. 12.. II.. 67.. 2.. 84 . St.. 0.. 6.. o.. 22.. 71.. 70.. SO. . AT. ...Ill ...2?6 ...144 ...944 ...2M ...20 ...241 ...126 ...IV. ...Ill ...141 ...166 ...II ...184 ...212 ...24 ...279 ...94.1 ...140 ...248 ...26 ...180 ...12 ...t8 ...941 ...16 ...27 ...14 Pr. 1 05 T 07 4j 7 10 7 10 T 10 7 10 T 10 7 I 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 16 1 II 1 15 1 II 1 II 1 16 7 15 1 IS 1 15 7 I7V4, 1 26 1 26 1 16 7 26 7 17V 7 to T 20 7 10 .926 1 05 57 .116 SHEEP There wna tuat fnle run of sheep and lambs here today, and packers took hold In fairly good shape and bought up me more desirable grades at right around steady prices. Lambs In psrtlculsr sold well and clipped stock sold ss high as 36.50, and wooled lambs brought 86 90. Wooled ewea sold up to 85.65. The better grades of sheep also sold freely snd a bunch of clipped wethers weighing 115 pounds brought 86.00. Toward the close of the market packers did not seem quite as anxious for supplies and the feeling was a little weak. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lightweight yearlings. 36.00Q6.25; fair to good. 85.75126.110: good to choice wethers, 85.86.00; fair to good, 856Kti.75; good to choice ewes, 86.0CK&6.25: fair to good, 34.65 6.00; good to choice lambs, 36.2V(I6.40; fair to good, 35 756.15. Wooled stock sells about 25a50c above clipped stock. Choice Colo rado wooled lambs, 86.9OJj1.00; fair to good, 36.6596.85. Representative sales: No. 11 cull ewes 10 cull ewes 2W western ewes 61 western ewes 1 clipped ewe 10 clipped lambs 478 C0H-.I0 ewes 240 cl'ttx'd lambs 1 cl.ned lamb 1,366 clipped lambs 282 Colorado lambs, wooled Av. Pr. ,65 2 00 .75 4 60 , S3 4 60 ,70 6 00 .60 6 00 ,70 6 25 ,82 6 65 , M 6 15 ,90 6 50 ,85 50 ,76 6 90. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Lower, Hobs Strong; and Higher nnd Sheep Slow. CHICAGO. April 28. CATTLE Receipts 18.000, Including 100 Texans and 400 west erns. Slow; weak to 10c lower; good to prime steers, 36.KKff7.40; poor to medium, e4.75tg6.60; Blockers and feeders, 32.50ffi6 25; ww, 8i.40tg7i.0O; heifers, 32.5tX7j6.16; cannem, $1.40tg.40; bulls, 32.60t&6.50; calves. 33.00 6.50; Texas fed steers, IS.SOtJfe.W; western steers, hay fed, 85.50fo6.25. HOGS Receipts 30,000: estimated tomor row, 20,000; left over, 2,600. Strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, t6.Stxg7.27H; good to choice heavy, 37.2fyfr7.40; rough heavy, t6.fxVf77.lB; light, 36.7046.96; bulk of sales, 36S5(p7.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000. Slow; lambs, slow; good to choice wethers, 85.4Otji6.00; fair to choice, mixed, 84.75'ij6 40; western sheep, 34.76(ij6.0O; native lambs, clipped, 34.75fti6.65; western Iambs, 35.25a.65. Official Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 264 351 Hogs 10,873 2.2X6 Bheep 1,056 66 New York Lire Stoek Market. NEW YORK, April 28. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,904 head; extra steers, stesdy to a shade lower; all others, 10rjil5c off; bulls and thin cows, steady to strong, all sold; steers, tS.0tXa 20; tops, 37.25; bulls, 83.60 6.76; cows, 32.50tg4.fli. Cubic, steady; no shipments today; estimated tomorrow, 750, OUO head rattle, 1,000 head sheep and 2,640 quarters of becf. CALVES Receipts, 7,440 head; demand fairly good; prices steady to 25c lower, all sold; veals, 33.6ora6.50; some early sales, 37.00 top". 37.25; general sales, 36.O0tU6.60; city dressed veals, Sfq'loVic per lb. HOGS Receipts, 7,211 head: feeling weak; state, 37.00tiB7.26: western, 36.75. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 8,400 head; prime clipped stock about steady; everything else 10c off; 11 cars' unsold; un shorn sheep, 34.oOtiJ6.40; clipped sheep, 34.00 (&6.00; unshorn culls. 84; clipped lambs. 35.40 6.75; unshorn culls. 85.(8)rn6.75; clipped culls, J4.5oy4.56; spring lambs, 82.Oij6.6o. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.400 head natives, 800 head Texans, 200 head calves; market steady; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, J6.60U'7.10; fair to good, 86.6at(6.60; stockers and feeders. 33.75tit6.56; western fed steers, 35.0Oja6.5O; Texas snd Indian steers, 33.75S.Ou; Texas cowl, 83.6t36.00; native cows, 33.oOfeo.25: na tive heifers. 34.0inij6.50; canners, $2.6ug3.60; bulls, 33. out! 6. 26; calves, t4.6oa6.t)0. HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; market 5c higher; top, 37. .15; bulk of sales, 36.9Kg.7.26; heavy, 37.2offl7.35; mixed packers, J7.0O(i7.25; light. 86.65&7.15; pigs, J6.15a6.6ft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,300 head; market steady to shade lower; na tive lambs. J6.60fd7.00; western lambs, J6.40tai 7.00; native wethers, J6.60tij6.-00: western wethers, J5.66ta6.86; ewes, J5.OTVfjb.50; Texas clipped yearlings, J6.0OaA2O; Texas clipped sheep, J6.0066.65; stockers and feeders, J3.00 66.00. St. Lonla Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUI3. April 28. CATTLE Receipts, 2,6u0 head. Including 1,800 head Texans; mar ket steady to strong; native shlrping and export steers, J6.60iii7.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, J4.70fij6.5fl; steers under 1.009 lbs., J4.00ra6.25; stockers and feeders, 32. 60 4 85; cows and heifers, J2.26Q5.0O; canners, J1.60290; bulls, 83.00fn6.10; oalves, 32.6016.00; Texas and Indian steers, grassers. J3.40f 4.50; fed, J4.60tir6.26; cows and heifers, J2.66(3 4.45. HOGS Receipts, 4.200 head; market strong; Pigs and lights. J6.86f7.00; packers, W.9.Vh7.26; butchers. J7.10g'7.40. SlfEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head; market active, steady ; native muttons, J4 65 fhtjOo; lambs, Jo.508.50; culls and bucks, J2.50(S6.f0; stockers, J2.00fg3.00; western sheep, J6.25. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market ST. JOSEPH. April 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head steady to 10c lower; na tives, 85.25g'7.25; cows snd heifers, J1.2&0J) 6 25;, J3.IAX7j5.50; stockers and feeders, JI. 0O(g5.25. , , KOUa Jteeeipts, a." neaa; sieaay; ngni and light mixed, J1.0m97.2o; medium and heavy. J7.1or-7.i0; pigs. J4 SFifa6.00. SHEEP AND msbb- neceipts, o.?! head; sheep steady to strong; Ismbs, steady to 'veak: western lamps, tn.iuai.w: western sheep. J5.00tao.35. Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOl'X CITY. Is.. April 28. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3,500; best stockers and killers steady; beeves, 34 50a 6.50; cows, bulls and mixed, J2.00fq5.25; stockers and reeaers, a.waitxj; yearlings and calves, J2.75fa4.26. HOGS Receipts 2.200; strong to 6c higher, J5.S04i7.2O; bulk, J6.90fs'7.0O. Stoek In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of csttle, hogs snd sheep st the Ave prin cipal markets for April 28: Cattie. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha 2.469 3 94 6,ll2 Chicago 18.000 8O.O1O lH.On) Kansas City 8,2oO 4.5) 4,300 St. Ixuls 3.6.10 4.200 600 St. Joseph 800 8,300 6.200 Totals ..36.969 18,964 33,22 toffee Market. NEW YORK, April 28.-COFFEE Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6c. Mild, dull: Cordova. 8fel2c. The market opened steady, with prices unchanged to t points higher knd wo'ked an additional 3 points higher by ml.-dsy on moderately active pull support, profit-taking by commission houses, which were short, and light support from reactionists. Importers and bear leaders sold at the higher prices and brought special pressure near the close, tnereby forcing sales off 5 points. Receipts in Brssll were heavy and clearances from the crop country for the t'nlted States were larte. The market clossd steady, with prices net unchanged to 3 points higher. Total sales were 56.000 bass. In cluding: May. 4 "f4 .'.; June. 4 9"4i4 96c; July, be; September. 3 i6.25c: October. 6 25 4i535; December, ot"fj0 4ic, Janusry, t.50c; March, b.VjiS.7'ic. iv uei ni Kaiuni il.olf.os lbs. for the same period In 1901. The stock In hi. nd in U stnn Janusry 1, 1Sj2. was 77,:tO,4b4 16.; the total stock today Is Id.- W110I Market. tAUT IV Anril ?K Wl W1 Th. I ... . In hnMon January 1. 1902. havs been 7K.741.96S Ih.igslnst Ki.K3.552 lbs. for the una period )91. The Boston shipments . . 1 . . . ju , 1 , . - A 1 . Sa IKa Tl. V I a 11 iv. , - - . . . - - K VII a,.Il4 AKTII , , 19M1. waa .810 lbs. BT 1 J tl'l U Anvil . V , .-I T - , , medium grades, ItHc; Ilsht fine. 12tfl4c; 11 , w ,1,,. exinc: itm wflinwi, lfl-4C. I-ONIXiN. April 28. The closing list of srrlvsls of wool fr the forthcoming wool suction sales shows the following: New Pouth Wslee. M.M1 hales; Queensland. 15.. 254 bales; Victoria. 83.&.M bales; South Aus tralia, 13.585 bales; West Australia. 3. Ill bsles; Tssmanla. 2.554 bales; Cape of Good Hone and Natal. 48,011 bales, of which 1.1,ai bales are forwarded direct. Sasjar Market. NEW YORK. April D8 SI 'GAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 2c; centrlfugsl, 94 test, 8Sc; molasses sugsr, 2V; refined, ateadv; No 8. 4 16c; No. 7. 4.08c; No. ft, 3c; No. 9, 8oc: No. 10. 8 S5c! X'n tl xsn. v.. n 1 :ia. S 76c: No. 14. 8.75c; stsndard A.' 4.5tV; irciioners a. a ,hc; mould A. 4 5io; rut loaf. 62c: crushed. 6JOc; powdered. 4 80c; grHtiulHted. 4.7iV- cubes. 4 96c Gsd1 ' APr" 2R-8l"OAR-nt- AP1"". NEW ORLEANS. April s.-SrOAR-Very strong: open kettle, 2StiJ8-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, -Sfa.lV; centrifugal yel low 8ViXtH,c; seconds, iJiao. Molasses, dull; centrifugal. 7W18c. , Oil ss4 Roils, OIL CITY. Pa.. April 2S.-Credlt bslances. J1.20; certificates, no bid. Shipments 1S6 -M bbls., average 109, 4S7 bbls.; runs 109 479 bbls., average 7M91 bbls. TOLEDO, O., April 28 OII-North Lima 88c; South Unia and Indiana, Mr. NEW YORK. April 28 OIL Cotton seed oil. firm. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. LONDON, April W. -OIL Unseed oil, 30s 9d. Turpentine, spirits. .IPs 3d. SAVANNAH, Ga . April 28. Oil. Tur pentine, quiet. 43c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C, D, VL20; E, 81.25; F, $1.30; O, $1 36: H, J1.5R; I. li .95: K, $.'.46; M. J2.85; N. J3.26; WO, $3.50; WW, $3.60. ' HAS HUNGRY RIDE IN BOXCAR Boy Foaad et Chernne Trostrate from Ilanaer and Thirst When Seal le Broken. CHEYENNE. Wyo., April 28. (Special.) When the I'nlon Pacific freight platform men broke the seals on a Chicago A North wesern car In ths yards here Saturday night the pallid face of a young boy loomed up through the darkness. The boy was st first unable to talk. He would not give his name, but said he had entered the car at South Omaha several days ago. In tending to steal a ride westward until hunger compellfd fclm to get out at some station. The second Jay out of Orcsha, he said, he attempted to get out of the car, but found all of the doors locked. Ha shouted and pounded with his fists, but he wss unable to trake anyone hear. The car was sealed up at Chicago and there Is no record of these seals having been broken or tampered with between Chicago and Cheyenne. If this is true the hoy got Into the car at Chicago and was without food or water for Ave days and nights. SHEEP LOSS VERY HEAVY More Than Twelve Thonsand Head Perish In Storm In Wyoming. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aprlt 28 Reports recetved here from various sections of the state Indicate that the unexpected storm of last week killed 12.000 or 18,000 head of sheep, the losses running from 2 to 10 per cent. The heaviest loss occurred In Natrona county, where shearing hat) commenced early. The loss there is estimated st 3,000 head. To Restrain I'se of Wyoming; Water. LARAMIE. Wyo., April 26. (Special. ) Local authorities will probably bring suit against the state of Colorado for appro priating and diverting water from the streams of Wyoming, which. It Is claimed, rightfully belongs to this stats by reason of prior use. The case promises to bu very similar to that of the state of Kansas against Colorado. It Is alleged that thu Eaton ditch In Colorado, Into which the water will be turned in a few days, will take water from the Big Laramie river and Its tributaries. Sand creek, which is dotted by many fine ranches, will suffer the most snd many of the ranches, it Is claimed, wilt be ruined. Nothing will be done In the matter until the actual diversion of the water takes place. Soldiers to Have Rifle Range.. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., April 28. (Special.) The members of the two Sioux Falls companies of the South Dakota national guards sre arranging to have rifle ranK'" laid out on the Coats farm, situated south east of the city, sad conduct regular prac tice. OOTEHXMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Office ot in alau affairs, Waanington, D. C, March 1, IwU. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the oase may be, and "Directed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Nos. 7V and 79. Wuosler street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock p. m., ot Tuesday, May 13, 19u2, for fur nishing for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notion, hats and caps. Bias must be made out on government blanks, bchedules giving ail necessary Information tor bidders will be furnished on application to tne Indian of fice, Washington, D. C; Nor 77 and 79 Wooster street. New York City; Z36 Johnson street, Chicago, ill.; No. 816 Howard strest, Omaha, Neb.; the ccmmisaarles of sub sistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenntt, Leaven worth, St Louis, St. Paui and Sap r'ran clsco; the postmasters at Sioux Cll , Yank ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour ana days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves tha right to', determine the point of delivery and to reject in and all bids, or any part of any aid, VV. A. JONES, Commis sioner. Aprl6toMay7 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE of the Sujervlslng Architect, Washington, D. C, April 21, 192. Healed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock 1 m. on the 27th day of May, 1902, and then opened for the construction (except heating apparatus, electrlo wiring and conduits) of the 17. S. postofflce at Creston, Iowa, in ac cordance with the drawings and specifica tions, (oples of which may be had at this office or at the office of the postmaster at Creston. Iowa, at the discretion of the su pervising architect- JAMES KNOX TAY LOR, Supervising Architect. A24-eod6t WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 85, cltlxena of United States, uf good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writs English, f or information apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge ats., Omaha, and poatofTlce oulldlpg, Lincoln, Nsb. LEGAL NOTICE. TO ALL CREDITORS AND HOLDERS of Debentures of the East Omaha Land Company: You are hereby notified to file with me on or before May 18, 1901, a verified statement of any claim or demand you may have or may assert against tha East Omaha Land company, stating particularly whan and for what purpoee your claim was con tracted, and the amount you claim to be due. with Interest. ' GEORGE H. THUMMEL, A2dlM Special Master. cum TouRtcir Ilea Slg 44 tot sssatsrsl 4leeSra,la4Uai, iittalles el alcersaUsi f JZZ-. , sVsaa I rr'av, ' MBieaa, m4 aw sasa TMifuCsia.ioa strso4aassfc sen ww ngs aalaV . . ' seal Is state erf . nr k ar t . - ansT M I BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Ream 4. Now Verk Life Bll. GRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought snd sold for cash or oa margin. All telegraph, telephone or mall order will receive careful aud prompt artentlea. TsliiiBOua HM. OUAiiA hZU. A 4HJBSA "V I 1751 VMsrssin,.! I 1 . rr - 1 a7aJTLJCn?Nv' .A