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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1902)
THir OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. APRIL 29. 1902. Jar Ro 1 1 Soap 4 Jl one-sixth pure glycerin, is moderate in price but unsur passed in quality. With the perfume of nat ural flowers, there is no trans parent soap so agreeable and delightful for toilet and bath. Its maker's reputation is a guarantee of its high quality. JAMES S. KIRK It COMPANY Kirk's Rain Water Maker Softens the Hardest Water Send tea cents postage for free sample DECLINES THE INVITATION Taioa PiciJc Doei 5rt Appear Eefore Council lcm day. rr$ posmoi cn folndry qlestkw Attmrr Bal.wl. Write Cart st to Cosasaltte Hailif Faaa4rr Matter la Haa Cans rtlnven Talk. Ta ta'on Pacific P.aT.road -company was a at represented at tie "bearing" a hub tb city council volunteered to give tt Monday afternoon la the matter of tie removal of It. foundry. The an! response made to th council's Invitation nine in tie form of a letter addressed to Counciimin Wbiie bora. which la a follows. Mr. W. B. Whltehnm. Cit airman of the Committee on pjj,r-s Ttin'tt and Telephone lear Sir- Your Wir of the Sta Inst, to Horace G Burt, president of th liilon Paciiic Rjimiad oompAuy. has bees referred to me (r reply. In your letter yoy state as follows- "If too daatr. a bearing on your -orojlaint made to the city council at it. last meet lrg. you alii be given such bearing- Mun d.y next " 1'nion Pacific Railmed company has not made any rmip.unt to the city council of the city of Omaha. The cdffim'inK-i-tion th company Cied with the ritv coun cil Artll 22. lfciSi. stales It. position with rrference to the matter. refrrS to tberein. Tours truly. J. N. EALI'Wl.v, Gfmrtl Attorney. Tba ccismunlcaiioB referred to in Attor ney Baldwin's letter, which was published, la fall la The Bee at AprQ complains that th company bad received no notice of the iron moulder.' besnts of April It, At which time tba council adopted resolu tions protesting against the removal of the foundry, and urging the rompany ta con form ta Its part of the contract with tbe city. The cammunicatioa went on ta aay that ta removing its foundry tbe company la set violating its contract; that It Is. on tbe contrary, building shops an a much mors extensive seals than was contem plated at tbe time the contract with tbe t city was entered into, and closed by aak !rt that tbe council take no further action i In the cremiaea. j Referred te Cease II. " The letter, which is regarded as th. rail road company's ultimatum, was referred by Mr. Whitehorn to City Attorney Cocnell. , who has drswa up a resolution to be con sidered by the committee on railroads, tel egraphs and telephones and reported at to night's meeting of lha city council. The eCect at this resolution is to refer ths entire matter te tbe lee;al department, wrtn tnejtrscUotkS ta the city attorney advise the eoatcll as ts how it shall proceed to compel the railroad company t. conform ts tts contract with the etty. Mr. Conseil said: "It la sot say purpose te tevBpcrlxe with the feioa Pacific torn- - paay. hat at the aame time I doubt the ex pediency af bet eg too drastic with it Just - H present. U is now building extensive shop, la Omaha, aa aadertakiiig which will larahve the expenditure ef - ever l.'.W. ttnft. 'aad I aay let It ge ahead with this worn. There Is tm doubt la my mind but tbst ths eeSEBear realises saw that it made a mistake la ordering: the foundry cioMd. snd I think If we give It a little time K wCi correct the er-ar by reopening th. .bop. but we eea"t warn ta appear ta usb 1t Tea caa lewd s serae to water but you css't ssahe hiss dnak. I am for giving ths ompaay a iKtia time and aee If this diffi culty caa't has removed wf hoat lltlgstioti. Serster Udell, who was present, repre- stsBe the lroa sBoieera. waa for getting asnediato ax-uon and bnnging the matter ta a tec us at tonight s ceunc:! meeting. Watteaterw aid USwIl Talk. Conttrllmsa Whitebors aaad: "For mr part I would be Is favor ef hold'ng tbe ceopany etrtctly te Its coo tract. The fact that tt la building more extensive ahepa lhaa vera eanfeapiabsd is a child s arg-a-sneat aad tssa at ta aay way abaolve tse ' GIVE YOUR HAIR A CHANCE Healthy hair cannot prow on a diseased scalp. Dandruff smothers the roots of the hair, pro ducing Ecrema, scalp troubles baldness. COKE ' DANDRUFF CURE Cnrea dandruff, makes the scalp healthy, gives the hair a chance. lis monderful suc cesa has produced imitations. Avoid bldnea by burin the rjrnuine Coke Dandruff Cure. In. 1100 and 5V tKittles. For sal by all drujrjriots. Appliei by all barbers Call for sample at The Bell Drug Co.. 1216 Famam Street. Omaha Neb. company from conforming t Its part of Tie corTrart-" Wblle a majority of tb council wera tt tie council cbaaiben Monday afteraoon o Dee:lzf of tie feseral ccmmluea aa bela. VAN SANT PUTSUP CONTEST Catra4. taat He Rcawf-ra Mare Leajltlasate Tatea Taaa Dia. William B. Van Bant, who waa the reyeb Mraa ncmlne for councilman from ti. C'irttt trard of boon Cnnaiia Is tbe rarest municipal election, ti tbe lataat nominee to file a complaint In county court pre liminary to contact proceeflintm. Tan Sant acta forth tba.: althmijb tbe oflrial board credited W Hi lam Queenan, demo crat, wltb I.OTi Toe and him irttb I,SI4 he (Vaa Sant I ri;y received the greater number of legitimate vote, and Is en titled to tbe office. He attacks tba affi davit! of aome ccrefiatered voters and c barrel tilt several quaked voters were denied tbeir nrbt to cast balloti that wouid tsve been for the republican nomi nee. It m understood that tbe attorney reprrsen'.lnc; Van bant expects to be able to have throws out that precinct at tba Fourth ward wherein tbe ballots were marked prcmlacsoualy sod t the favor cf the democratic candidate. CONSULT LANDSCAPE EXPERT Ceataattteee ef Ed scat tea tWaral Get tla Pelatera ea Hihv Scheel Grwaaela. Testerdiy there was a meeUcg cf tbe building and property and the High school committees of the Board of Ed oca tloa, wltb J. T. Craig at the HI(rt school for the purpoae of discussing the proposed change la the grade of ths grounds previous to sodding ths land and placing permanent sidewalks. At tbe meeting Saturday no satisfactory co elusion could be reached and Mr. Craig, as aa expert landscape gardener, waa Lalled apes for advice, te give the aaem hers of the committee aa Idea as to the amount of grading which would be re quired to securs ths results desired by some of the members and ths cost of such change. Ths committee wfll report next Mob dsy evening to the Bosrd of Eduostioa snd work will then be started usosw the grounds, either to change the grade or te aad aad lay the walks upon the present grade. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN CHURCH Tvre Mem Killed la Eirk(t ef-Sketa After a Blast as ( veatieav. NACOGTXHTHES. Tex., April II A doobl killing has occurred at Palestine church, thirty-three miles west of her. At ta close of a sieging rosventles. sfter a heated arg-umest. Else Cllftos shot Jim Oewenger. killing htm instantly. Then someo shot Clirtoa dead. Joseph Clevenger. a brsther ef Jim Oe-rengtr. told Sheriff Spradley ts day that he would surrender "Monday. irs.em Star ret. of beer are kept continually "on lager" from four to six months by th Anheuesr Buech Brewing Asa'a. St. Lou.i. C. 1 A, before being offered to the public, assuring full maturity, punty aad wholeaomeseaa. Orders promptly filled by Geo. Xrit manager Aeheuser-Buscb branch. Omaha. Hall Dwe-e Meek Laaasaa. NTrVADA. Ma. Aprf! 3 A heavy barl svorm. sceorapanted by vvVgk ertsxls and eov mwyrm a nkAkim at tn ml ai uusd Kevada. prevailed eariy thu mortito. Oolng ccn I i4raoie danuige Hotitfreas f penes of ! glass r br"k.en st in. State asyium. i ivnees were destmved for Snd fruit bloeaoms were seriously damaged. j A pur Juice 1 A natural ferment! Ths ! ingredients which compose Csok B Imperial xtra Dry Champagne. i ADDITIONAL POSTAL SERVICE Twti Jew SsVutioti to Be Opened H.r. of izlj. TO TRANSACT nZSVT OPDF" BUSINESS Mall May e Rrlatrrr4 at .ta ll.. Ala. Vat All Letters 'Will Se Delivered front Ceattrnl ossee. At the beg'BnlBg cf the Cscsl year, cn July 1. Omaha will have twelve sub ststicas of tbe soetoffiie. as well as f?ur regular stations, word bavtax been re ceived yerterday mcr-si-g for tbe locatica of sa even dosen sub-sts'-icns la various parts ef the city. Ten locations are de- j rldad spaa by th department, but twe ! are 'to be located a"er consultation wl:h j the postjoas-er. Accord-rs- to Instrurticns received the locatloss of these sus-itatiooa are sa follows: Ne. i Twenty-fourth snd Ds ven pert streea. No. I Park avenue and ieveawcrth street. No. 4 Thirteenth snd Jackson s'reeta. No. S Tenth and Farnam streets. JJa. t Twesty-fotrth aad Famam streeta. No. 7 Fortieth and Fumara atreeta. No 6ix"eenh and Webrrer tie-s. No.' Sixteenth and Locust strets. Ne. 1 Twenty-fourth street and Ames sveaue. No. 11 sad No. U To be locsted later. Facilities ef wb-statleae. These sub-stations will have facilities for lee sale oi stamps, tse regisiraiioii i tei- ters snd the issuance of money orders, j performing all of ths functions cf th- cen tral effice except the delivery and receipt of mail They will be placed la charge cf the proprletcrs of the houses in which they are located aad will he located la places where sa esubliebed business is main- taiaed. but none will be placed in bouses whers express money orders or intoxi cating liquors are eol. The location cf these sub-station is in harmony with the advice of Postmaster Crow, who would have th. present stsuons abolished and sub-stations locsted where tbe stations sre sow in operation. K said: -The suh-stattoa gives tbe resjjent of the neighborhood all advantage he would have by residing close to the central office, and as the mall Is aot delivered from the sub-ststion. he will receive his mail much sooner. 1th these suo-staturas es Laiil. iieJ Omaha will be la excellent shape aad there will be cotwpe rati eel y little aoat to the government. The proprietors will be clerks in charge and will receive $100 a year from the government. They will be under bond and all business will be secure." Walawt Hill Mall. Station D, on Walnut Hill, which will be opened July 1. will probably be the starting point for five esmers. No ar rangement has yet been madi for the de livery of man from the central office to that station, but steps are under way for the letting of the contract. It hss bees suggested that the carriers carry the mail from ths central office to the station before starting sot oa their routes and bring tbe mall from the boxes under that station aa at present, and this plan may be adopted temporarily If satisfactory arrangements for the carrying of tbe mall cannot be mads before the sfflcs is to opes. WHEN MONEY WAS REAL EASY Fells fssssssky Talks ef Laav4 Ctak klac Ttsse la Osaaka la 1S8T. Felix Pocnansky ef Rapid City. S. T., a pioneer sf the west, Is la Omaha after a winter spent ta th east oa business. Mr. Pozaaasky first visited Omaha is 1S5 aad atrala ln 18S7. going then ts Montana. Since that time he has lived continuously is th mixing country of th west and has beea actively Identified with that in dustry, la court, of a conversation h "Wall I hsv beea more than forty year la the mining country aad has seea many booms, with gold as rotnzaos almost as dust ta the streets. I sever saw any thing Ilk the plestltade of money that existed ta Omaha oa tb occasion of my second visit her la lil. tasters specu lators were gobbling up the lands around th then Tillage, aad had all kind sf mosey ts aoeod. About th usual experience oa landing wss this: Th traveler was hardly a the beat whea he would he met Toy a stranger with: "Pay, mistsr, hat yes exercised psur riatsr " 'Ne; what rights T" " 7 11 givs you 30 for them. "This would mystify most of th ar rivals, and hil they were seeking ex planations ether ruaaers wsuld osm sp, aad Anally It would be made dear te tbe arrival .that h had th right ts enter a cartaia amount of government land aaoer th aew homestead law. By th time bs ssa ready ts exercise his right the price offered hiat wonld have acoe up ts & ar fe0. The, he would proceed to eater a claim. Out where ta laad ageat wasted hlai he would find s few boarta. aot up t sraks a teat-shaped structure, with a j blanket at each end. Here he would sleep tea eays ass tars come to ta land office ts take out th papers. " 'Kav yes lived es th landT " 'Y.' ""Have yea house oa tt" " Tea. What kindr "A hoard house.' "What ktad of a window T - 'A blanket. "sTaat kind of a bootT - 'Dtrt.' "sThat kind of doorT ." 'k hianket. "That was alL The aettier had swora ts th truth, aad the papers would be siad. out. Omaha sua foil f loafars tbea with their sockets full of goldpioces. left her by th laad grabbers. Never is all my ex penesoe kav I seen moaey s pleat iful aa n a as la Omaha tbea." C0NY1CT10N IS THE TWELFTH J. A. 3mmm riaew la Polie towrt foe Cokalolis Vltkttl Stat Jamas A- Jasds was tned ISi and cos's ta pal ics court yesterday morning tor prac ticing ecu balm lug without a license, thai being the twelfth eecvtrtioa for th earn eteaae during th last thro years. Janda opeaed up aa undertaking establishment at Thirteesta aad Vtstea streets and ro eeeUy embalmed a body. H waa reported ta Secretary W. H. HOI ef Hebron of th oar af lasalBtrt, wss cast ts usnaaa aad praascui.d th ease. Jaada took the sumiT.srtPB before ths Stat Board ef Zjb halaners about s year ass aad failed ts ARGUMENT ON ELECTION LAW It a koes Taklosi Ttaa Dtetrte C.ort to toits-MIUer Coatee a. TV Cattt-Minsr sostsat for ta sffio ef couaty ciark has reached ta stage of argu- tarn? on the va'.iiirr ef tie affidsvtt f ms-ret-stered voters, raitt s'toroey ri:n i statutory provision thst two fr-eroldert must e;sa tbe 51it:; ad cirri that swa frebe'ders must rs:de ia tbe pre tisrt ;a whih the tWff voted anf 11 reel deal, asset1, lag thst those b utraed fee some of Millers supporter! were gathered from ill ever ths ward. Millers attorney ta k e tb. ground that tie ward bneadarie ar tariftt and arguments are ta be beard it once, wl-h antra evidence to be Introduced. PLANS FOR THE NEW MARKET t My Eaaleeer Reeewater frees te Kaaaaa Cltv te Gitker s caret tee. a. Plans Inr the Capitol aveaue market house are new being rawn snd City J Ena-ineer Rnsewater went to Kanrss City j Iset even:-.- to look ever tbe tr.srket bouse there snd gather some idea as to inferior arrangement cf b'hs. Tbe p'.sns rca tcrcplate a builS'.hg IMm fet. one stcry high save in the rclid'e. bere an exTra story will be sided for off?e purposes. The width cf the sidewalk cn both sides of the svenae opposite tbe rite w"3 be reduced in crier to leave a flrlvewiy twenty-six feet ei3e on es'h side. The I plsns will be stbraitted to the council for sprrwal st the recr-isr meeting on the evening of May f. DEATH OF FRANK I. JOHNSON Well Ka.wa Traveltas 4a aad Meaa ker ef Ornish a G.t ri Away. ! 1 Frank I. Johnson., aged IS. who ba been j living with his mother and three sisters I at IT11 Davenport street, died vesterdsy J after several months" euSerirg with stori sch trouble. He was a member of the Omaha Guards, which organ ten will have charge of tbe funeral from tbe bo-use at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. John son hsd beea is Cmaba since lfK?. and when taken 111 was traveling for the M. E. Smith company His brother. J. W. Johnson, a Fremont newspaper man. has joined ths other surviving members of the here. Te the t.nk Pele ky Bailee. rniring tbe past few years many attempts have been made to reach tb North Pole by ship, but on account of tbe Ice have all beea failures. It wouid seem, therefore, that the only way to reach the covetea spot Is by the bslioon. There is also lut oae way to obtain good health for those who suffer from ind-e-estion. dyspepsia, con stipation or liver and kidney trochlea, and that la by using Hostel ters Stomach Bit ters. Don't fail to try it. LOCAL BREVITIES. Jcrh P Oa'lsghr. a reFirt-it of Omaha, hss ben disc barged as bankrupt ty Judge Manger. Cm and after Tbtroday. May 1. riolice court will b-gln at 7 o ci-k in the irortv- lr.s and adjourn st IT o'clcxk No sessions wlj be beid in the afterniKm. tt-putv County. Jailer Thomas MoClene ghati. Dot to be outdone by his superior "ificw. has acquired a tub)- cf his own The ynur.g man arrived yrsterday In gw1 heal'h snd Is said to be ern hard- eorr as his daddy" and a.most as s:--r.g. Cit-il service examinations are schai led for Omiiha. June S. as loilow!- Ft.r matro- Inuian servk-e. at saiarv i.; snd &J per year; physician Indian eerrloe, salary per year; reametrt-es Indian service, ssiary t'-4i per year; aasistam en gineer T"rit"d States peruiectiary eeri'lc. saiary V per year. Henry Weg-worth was sentenced to thirty dsvs ta Jsll in police court for abusing his family. Wtrsortii went home whlie in toxicated and started a "rough house. ' causing a breakage of assist of the furni ture and difbea. liuruif isr f.sht a mem ber of the family iaxxMoV oa iiiis wita a tftcup and biackeg an eye. Albert P'jder.burg has recerved per manent appointment as aeelsnant engineer cf tbe federal buiidlrg. The matter has been penfiir.g for over a year and an ap pointment made to another man was re fused. Mr. Sudenburg has acted as assist -ant engineer for more than two years under temporary appointment. Reports from tbe varto-js schools of tbe city to 6-iperiDtenderjt Pesrse show thst there are Wis lees pupils Is school than at this time last year, tae failing off in attendance being due to the prevujence of measles, whooping cough and pinkeye. Tbe average April attendance last year was l&.al-, this month It is Tbe Park board at its regoilar monthly meeting Tuesday wU consider a cumoer of propositions looking to tbe improvement cf para management. Among tnese will be tne question submitted by "Saxon" on the phraeecmrgy of para signs, another will be as anonymous protest sgalnst tn rule for bidding the tar.girjg cf mammocks in city parka. When the Adrleory board meets Wednes day It will taat up the subject of a public dump and wul also consider tbe atvisabtiity of putting In a crematory for tbe lncmera tlos of garbage It is likely that tbe lauer will receiv sertoua conwderatlon, as the efforts of th. mayor and ta city engineer to find a place suitable for a public dump bave met with lndiBrrect success. W. J Gavin was arrested Sunday nlebt br Officer Mctwnaid and ocaed up. charged with Impersonating aa officer. Gavin, the orBcer said, arrested a couple of women on the street and insisted o thtm giving blm money to releeae them. Instead ot dntng so the women Ckneti C'fficer Me TKtnald and Gavin was srrested. The womes failed to appear against him in police court. All the men employed by The government for the weighing of maila on the railroads la tbe fourth contract district have hsd their pasee. extended until tbe end of May, Indicating that the weighing will continue lor several weeks. There wul be a change in tbe .urtiRgun time tate In a week and It ss beiixved tnat tbe'ng wm be eentinued until tbe weigh t of mail affected by the cnacge can bo aetermloed. Ctty Elect ruian Sohurlg reports thst tmtity-wo poes carrying eiettrie m ava i.f varloua kino, la ranotis parts of the city were tuown dows by Friday sight's wind storm. Tbe telephone and electric lient companies had gangs woraicg ail day Sun day putting in new poie. and strlng-'r.g wirs. "Th. cetera L nion m as tbe on y concers In tbe city owning wires that did not shew a disposition to meet the emer gency promptly." skid be. A plea of not guilty was entered by Thomas Joyce and Ed Clark yesterday wben i hey were arra,gned Iiefore County Jucgs V liann of Sarpy county at Papi.uoii. Teir beanr.g was set for Thurdsy. May 1. They in the men charged by the pftToner with being responsidie for the demise of Ed W onci. ho s a. found dead n toe rai.r'ad traca. near Fort Crijoa a little more than s wees agn. snd hare been krvt in Doug-aa county Jai. a. nee iast 'ed neetia y The following buildirg permits hsve been granted. To Juge L'uncan M V:n"n haJeT. ts build a frme aJr. at Thirty ninth snd Laodge streets .1 a cost of '': to M Zier. tc. bui.d s frame at 4 I Erssiae street, at a cost of $-.ji. ta T M. Mommy, to buiid a frame dwelling at North Nlneteeinb street, to John Lea-n. to build at Tweety-eeventh and IkjCi r streets a frame dwe.iirg 11. m, te tbe U'slnut Hill Hfiswuit Episcopal churcia. to buiid at Forty-Crst and Cbaries streets a frame parsonage, C& K. Jotnaoo. kill North Twenty -second street, reported to the police that stu bs family was snaert at enures eundav msnt on on. entered tn boui by racing a winoow sto.e a. caul Moag.ana whirf piing tuil! at Ti.irty-etxtn and Cer.ier streets, lett a pair ef trousers lu a locker, and wben be sent to get them discover thst ae bad been moc-d of a coetip watch I- Jae M'Mj.jh .aid E. C. Spencer ror.Oed bim cf ti m is a ..inon at E.ever.tb and Ioege street, and spencer was arrested. Aout ir comp.aint ha. been fted against Tom W mte. the colored man unarr arret charred wits breaking tee bouae of T. B ilaiooe. Jame. Vl vj Nei-1 aaid that a k-.if. f-und oa Ut'hite had bees stoles from tls restdeoce some no ago From Judge Keyenr Water l oelbv has secured an order restraining C J Al-iaon and J B Uo as from a .atiataction ef lud-meni gtes ty Sel&y utitu a bear tr.g set fr Mv IS S-:cy k liege. tt.i e. oeptember ".. l-o. be Mt-ured a Jjiament ...met AiluK'tn and A. A W. ;.-.a,-r f.:r I'M with g-n roata snd that Ai.!k,,n tin fc:m u!l rikim aeed u a quarter section or laad in H ..t court t urh be later dJK-vered A.iiecte bed Dot prr(.er ti ie He tfte pjuttiffi has given A.iieor. a s.tis-J'-ti.-,e of judgment, wntcb Lurai. to whom AlVeon has aesiged it threa ers ti tt ee ry plead. lLat if the witia'ac'iori b. fe.ed H wilt i-eceeeitse Burn neediea. lailg.tloo wbes be anSertakes prx-c:?vgs la reti.l and it was ica 6 if,.t be brayed as ttjy-.uoa. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Hidden Torirs Locates la F;ast m iWi- j s-Tod Crk 5-ar C:ty Lixits. DEtL0P!NS Pl'BY GllCH PFOTtST;E.S j . Serth star (,aMar Hat Its Mill the tsawhlaery. IB kick la Eiserlrt . i I EArwoTD g r . Apr! I!i Special.'' There has ba for some time past much coc.ctare as to tt tbe Hi'MfS Fcrt-ne j Mining rottpany would locate the l.(ft-tca j treetaect plant wfc cb tt is the tatetuciB cf j that rompany to erect to irea: the ors frosi its mines, which are locsted ra IeaiTod creek, extenfiir.g ever to the cfy linn cl VtA and abutting oa tba grouad ef tbe Hcmestake company ca that side ef tbe divide. The question was settled lste Fr'Jar m.ght. shea s comm.t tee of the board of directors of tbe com pany fixed the location cf the s te on Wht-e- ood creek, tee miiee below tij e:ty. Sev eral towns hsve been enleavor'.ag to se cure the location of tbe plant, some of tbra o"-rtng b:g kocuees in land snd privilege. but tbe lommlttee of the drecore. trtff renl.Vrni the '. rr,m of mxrrr nr. nf thelsrtT has been UOeeCUted Stesdlly for the cani.da.lea. has chosen the Iesdwood site it the most convn,nt to its m.nea. the best adapted for the e-osomleal hand ling of l'j o"es aad tbe tnist desirable by reaeon of Its aeressibi.'Uy by two trink Lnci cf rai:road. Tie s.te selected was :be property of Thomas TVajdron cf the First ward cf this city, and had beeB worked ty him for years as a placer mine. It has a large acreage of level ground, which is bsrked by a gently ascending hll. making an ideal site for a plant of tbe magnitude of the one sbich 1t is proposed to erect by the ecmpsry. On tbe ground is a good water right which will be sufficient la itself to supply wster for almost ail the needs of the plant. The con sideration tamed in ths tranj-fer calls for the payment cf 16.000. ew Life la ttaky Gslek. In tbe early history of the Black Hills Ruby Gulch, situsted in the Bear Butte district. as noted for its rich placers, from some cf tbe claims located on tie rule number of small fortune baving been taken. Tbe gulch is a short one. and was soon worked ever, although today fair pay is found in lis gravels and some parts of it are worked whenever there is water enough to give a sluice head. Many years ago 1. was abandoned by men e bo are looking for something belter than "wages." and it is only occasionally that a person is met w.thin the gulch who Is willing to spend his time in buatlng for placer gold, the rich quani ledges which run into the gulch from Stras berry and Two Pit rla'ming the attention of tie miner today. Some strong and rich lodes ars being opened up in the gtilch. which for the most part are owned by individuals, who within th last few years have shipped isrre quantities of high-grade ore from it. The location cf the guieh, its difficulty of access, and tbe long haul that has to be made ty wagon to get tbe product of the . mines to a treatment plant, has la tbe past militated agaixst its development, but with the completion of a Use of railroad to ' Galena within tie last year, below which ; camp tbe gulch comes into Bear Butte i creek, has in part removed this obstacle to development, and the district is taking ! on a new lease of life and beginning ts : On the B. a M. group of claims, owned by Baggaley a McBratney of this city, s tun nel has bees run which has uncovered four-foot vertical in tbe porpnyrys. This vein has sot been prospected sufficiently as yet to determine its extent, but this much is known. It carries very high values la gold and th or Is easily eyamdei. Haass Onto Claim. Probably the best developed group of claims ca th gulch Is. that owned by Janes Coiixette of this dty. who located ths ground shortly after the placer diggings had played out. aad ho has hung onto them ever since, doing work whenever he could aad pcttiag his mocey into the ground. This group of claims is known as the Port land, snd has several openings on It, la all of which ore ha beea struck, some of It very rich, the rich shoot asving been struck only this last winter. Ths principal work has beea confined to a tunnel, which !i following along a large vertical coming up through th porphyry.. This vein, which i really the northers extension of ths famous vels which cuts through tbe Dakota Maid and Gilt Edge mines of Two Bit, has beea cross-cut for a daitaac of twenty feet and the walls have sot yet beea struck. This vein has been sampled for tts entire distance where exposed by the tunnel and the average cf the samples taken (I've assay return of belter than 125 per ton gold. From this tunnel, at a d .stance ef 110 feet from Its mouth, aa upraise c as beea started and is this uprise, which is rapidly ap proaching the surface, free geld specimens have beea found, they coming lata tbe lav t few feet of th working great fre quency. The Cooper ground to the southeast of the Portland is another group oa which much development work has beea done in ths past, but whlcb baa been idle ail of th winter. Prom this group there has been more ore shipped than from all of th other mines la ths district combined. On ths Cooper ground the most of ths work has beea put ta en a five-foot vertical which occurs ia the porphyry. From this veia many tons of ere have beea shipped to Colorsdo for treatment after having been hauled sixteen miles by wages over a hard trail t ti cars, and the returns from it have beea big. ia fact, two tons of ere from this vein were sacked aad shipped by express, and it was so rich that it paid well after the cost of this ex pensive mode of shipment had beea de ducted and added ts th treatment charges. Negotiations ar sew tor its sale ts eastern parties, and it is expected that the deal will soon go through. Tie prop erty is caned by Edward Gaivia of S: arris and Mrs. Gaivm of Galena. To ths oast of th Cooper ground is a group of claims owned ty ravtd Galvts a Son of oho have wsrked It for years, aad which at looked epoa by mining' rn a n - huoanm pure. Tbe critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, bowerer, is so fraught with dread, pain, sutTeriag aad darg-gr, that the rery thoc-rht ef it fills her with apprehentioQ and hcrror. There it so avecet.ity for the reproduction of life to b either painful or dargeroTia, The use cf Mother Friend the its tem for the corning erent that it ia safely pasted without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always appleiexternaly,and has carried thousands of women through the trring" crisis without suffering. seas for frw. book sanni stig of pruw.ea. vaise te ail .zpectaat ssocbera. Tat IrUUU lUgBlatsr Ca, Aflaata, (a, 1 men as cne of tbs ptsi proraminf preposl- t era !a the d'-:rt. Mill Head fee Ma-bleerv- CtfTEH CITT. S T . ;r'l : ep"-isl i .ztl 'Nr --iae cr star js.niag cMrpacy as. irv . i ml" wfc.fh ir is buillme on us rr-nnd. ! ': s-ves mi.'es west f-ra th.s e:ty. fey fori tb maibinerr. the Erst cf esirb s-r-.ved tk.s week. Tbe m.lU shMh will h$ ten run has bees ralit so thst It -nay at t 1 lit time be eclarged lata a thin y-:aasp riant, tbe foundations snd btlld.ns room I beea ar.-rr4 for such a chaes- ahd khotLd :h oaatse at any t'.tre be I r.aOe It will net Interfere wh the runn sg i cf tbe a 31 as it Is tow ar-ttrd fte Tb propery is eared ty Oaeha and C-cun.-il F!?s psrttes. bo hsve spest m'ch money in 6ev.Hpmest w-wk sod ta the mstsli'rg of milling sad busting plants. Tbe ground has bees opened ty severs! shafts snd Israels, snd ra ft hsve beea dlscinsed seme very good ere bodies. At preeol wrwk is being pmsxented la a deep shaft, wblrb Is new down sirething over 3"fl fee oa a gciod strong vrrtical ve;a. whwh cir- rivs ore racc'tg in value frrm t6 to Sir. per ton. Tbe ore is resl'y a free-miliirg a 3d crnrentrating preposition, but experi ments hsve proven it to be eepecial'.v amenable to the cyanide process cf tres--ment. and tbe company in Luiidiag tts stamp mJl has prcvlded also for tbe erec tion of a cyaniJe annex aboald the treat ment of its ores la the mill prove satis- tacTory. I'eveiormeai wpt on ibii pt - 'Tr - " : rraiy to -e-'lve ore the mis w-.Il be n good sbspe to famish it. Tbe Chicaao Mlrs company, wtich Is rorkJI tbe Crown miae near th'S city hss shipped another carload of mica to Valparaiso. lad Tbe c;y for some tlr-c hat been shipping three carloads of g'lod. merchaatable mica eTery three weeVs. ?" . .... - . . . rui tipe-i to locreee . ' ' short time, nr last week another vein or mlcs was frufk in one cf the drifts which Is being ma cb tbe grocBd. The Dew deposit, from appesrsnces. is qu.te ext-nsive aad of a fair commercial grade. Before the recent str ke the company had been getting cut a ton and a half of mica of a good grade every day. Cellege H HTRON. . V. s Ge4 Prwea-ecta. April IS Special I TT. C. H. French, president of Huron college, tit received drawings for laying out tbe rw rrlfi r-r nr. dk rwcentiv obta.ned from ; lne Western Tows Lot company. The pia' I 1T,ri,lrt-. . iir tTm,, lrms between Sixth street and Sterlings add i tloa ts tbe city of Huron, and at oa of the prettiest and most valuable location ia th city Presi dent French has also outlines of proposed buildings to be erected en these reminds. Tbe entire cost is estimated at 1200. (. the larger part of shich still be by endow ments which are already in sight. The college is meeting with marked success ia every department and Is a permanent fixture in Huron. Taxes Almost Fear Million, PIERRE. ?. D.. April IS. ( Special, i Iiepnty Swarix of the state auditor s office has compiled tgures ca tbe taxes levied la j tie state for ihe present year, and gives a total cf SS I fi5 of all taxes, state, county and local. The total state tax is :.lZZr for WL n increase of il40.S3 ever tie tax for 1SW. the difference being caused by the levy for lie brad staking fund. The total of county taxes levied is 11.141. !4. aad tbe total school district taxes are tl.vM.18S. whUf township taxes amount to SZIUU- Th balance of the total Is made up by city, village and miscellaneous taxes. Another tkare for McCoy to Face, SIOCX FALLS. 8. D . April IS. Special.) McCoy JaacBetxe, tbe young desperado who recently escaped from )ail here and was captured at Beresford. has had aa ad ditional charge mads against him as th resut of bis escapade. In escaping be stole a valuable horse from a Sioux Falls citiien. A complaint has bow been made charging him sith horsestealing, and la default of (500 heads be bas beea takes back to jaiL His trial will take place during a term of the state circuit court which convenes la this dry oext week. Ilnar Preerreeelna; Raldly. ABERDEEN, a IX. April TI Special) The recent storms have delayed seeding to quite as exunt, but tt is again tn full blast. The soil is in excellent condition and grain wiil sprout quickly. A large acreage of corn trill be planted tn tbs part of the state this spring. Tb ten dency Is mors and mors each year toward diversified farming, which Is followed by increased prosperity. WIND STORM PLAYS HAVOC Kills Two Mea sal Destroy Taat Jtsaonnt of Pre reefy B PesnsylTsnls. PTTTSBCF.G. April IS Th windstorm cf almost cyclonic pre port lots which prevslled in this city during all cf yesterday and th grea'T part of todsy was followed by much destruction cf property aad caused the loss of at least two live. As the Cumberland accommodation oa the Baltimore a Ohio was approaching the city ti engine was throws from the track and overturned st Port Perry by tbe roof of s freight ear standing ca a aiding being blown in front of it. Edward G. Sparrow. the f reman, tat caught aader the wreck I and so badly scalded that he died shortly afterward. Today at McDonald aa Italian, who name cannot s learned, was crushed ta death by aa oil derrick blowing over oa him. Another death, tbe result of ths storm, is reported from Rochester, Pa., but not confirmed as yet. Tbe wind played havoc with telegraph and telephone wire general y, a condition wslcb has contr.buied to maks tie etrike of tbe linemen a serious mstter ts tbs various companies. W Know avo Ion Know. Ts meet tbs growing demand and con sumption, prompted by general appreciation of high quality. Moet a Chaadoa Cham pagns imported I52.43I bottle la 1W1 ia excess of the year lMi. greater thaa Vt per cent of ti eccb'aed tncreaa of ail the other champagsos imported. Moat 4 Chasdoa Whits Seal. Epemay. Fraaca. Dry, delicate and delicious. Adv. No woraaa's htppi nesa can be corcpleta without children ; it U her n at are to kv and want thera beautiful aad CjWtilhl(BD1 IS Fnu(Bidd BRIGHT'S DISEASE Of Long Sraniing. Said to B Incurable, Ccrr.plctely CURED la Four Months BY Warner's Safe Cure AWenswts Srstsf Gratefswy Tells aW Th't wssdcTfsl ledk.iBe Csrc4 fT;ia sf tW-ig-ht't Disease 4 fntc boulevard. i"Mctn V. U, Ontieroe-i. Atxut Two rears ags I had ene foot is Tbe grave as the aayng g-t snd ate loosed preitr tca to cw. trie iox-TorB caie It Er.ght 4 .. I wj alve a-i 1 had to ! cured. Cut neta- tr.g imfi to do roe bj-9 gjod acrl a netov reeom Biended that 1 tre Wsr I rer s Safe Cure It wa with b.t Ift'e ' b-pe that I trwd !t b"t wt-hm two wwka - . - my ini'rt. rea.Tn wa ittjiti-vwo in la our IWf'M 1 wss for'' . t--e nice, out I fcsv. mi kt a , noT h. , fcn ,tJj. or t;n einrm. j to oris s rr. t ut ;oor to eior-s y i:o- tue 1 ,rs rru y. H. af t'TcBW -a,- dermal . h ware TKJT Ti'k'R VR1NE PMt wme rnir-air.g , ut-e m a g sa. or beetle, et it nan .,1" & . Cinulr ,T r-.i sr or if yoj see parrtriee or ' grm 1 .ting iIkui b It j l .r aiawis 1 are d.e.e-1 and yi"J anouid k e re tirre. pu. a-et . bolt cf Warner Se fjre get It IS dar.grous to negiect yo-r k'.dr.eys for ev-n one day WARNERS SAFE CVRK Is tbe only riattiv cure for a.l firms of kidney liver, adder snd bi.iod dieewses. uric acid poi ou. rheumatic gout. n.tete. pair, rn tbe hark. B-.iJ:r.g and paintu, paaease of urine, frwejert oeeire to urtnsie. 'Sinful periods !-. rg otivs and so-calied ts Biaie wex.tiees WARNEH S PA FE ri"FF. is purely vege table and ortains no harmful dru. it doe oot ron";i. it ts now put uc ia two regular e e and Is soic. by ail crug-gts-s 'T direct at M ."EVTS AMI 11 UU. A BATTLE .ee tr.aa ? ceat a dues. . Refuse e-beti'-e There Is none "i'let aa go ' as 'Carriers .Sfe Cure It has cured aJ forms cf kidney disease during the last thir-y years it is preeenoed by a.l doctors snd ueed in the leadir hospitals as trie uniy absolute cure ftir a.i fur ms of disease of the Sidney, liver, biad er aad biood aad sv-cauec female aeak- ""trijil bottle free. To convince every sufferer from disease of th kidney, liver, biadje-r aad blood that Warners Sale Cure wiil cur them a trial bottie wM be sent sneolinely free to anyone who will write Warners S.fe Cur Co. F.ochrver. N T, and'ia savin seen this liberai offer in The Omaha Pally bee The genuineness of this offer is ftillv guaranteed br the pub Usker I'tir doctor wi.) send rel!e book let containing symptoms and treatment of each and manv convincin teetj momais. free to any one who wlj write 66 Why Best jTVasB rVskOoianU Pr-USSSt St LVl ) "As a ty-ie and r-p-eaertativ-oi a superb cass oi Hunter Baltimore Rye Stands Preeminent and I'rutvakd It fat trade frcm ths chacest cf 1 select rra.n and ; LeMl Br.derf.oea thor- jp oufa aje.r. thus, 5 sec ur.r.r per ect sn z. ef llavar arid bou- J quel." asssis! aVt hil flrtstBSssuS rSs aVTlfi rF jobsa-Ts s . saakaaasAiffmts,iaaMaassa DON'T MAKE QPEHIKE&ii. Smitb'a Grsea Mountain Eeoovator ia eompouaded ef roots and herbs oay, sod ia a quick aod sure rare far Hood trouble, weak or diseased alociach, liver, kidneys aad bladder, rheunsatlsTa, dytprps., or ajovthiiij else that is tbs matter with too provided tb blood or ths orf aos mentioned ar reepoca-bla which they probably are. This medicioa is new to yem, jterbaps. but old in fact for 25 years tb family medicin of Old Vermont, ths Lome st strong, bearty. Ion (-lived men aad women. Give it a trial, aod if it don't bereft yon w will givs yoa your money back. That shows bow ranch we believe !a the merits of Smith's Green Muutaus Eenorator. fTs are sola afeata. Boston Store DRUG DEPT. SOLE AGENCY. BLOOD POISON Is tbe worst aises .. oarts. yet th easiest te cur. "fiit 1jC ILNGW V HAT TO Do. Many l -. pimpie, svta ob tbe aaun. aoroa Is tbe mouth, ulcere, failtruf bair buue paina. caiarrs; Sun t kr.ow It Is PLt I Pvlex 'N Send te DR. BROWN sw Arch st . ji'a. Ka , for &KOWNR hUniD ClUK. CMS pmt kortie. lasts one month. Soid ooiy by Sjaorsnas a MrOocnsil Lfrug f . ista aa4 xlge Sis . CUtL Bnw's Cap.aSes cJZA"'7te'& iJMdgs sta. nowell Is safe for ths baby. la saf. for tbe old folks Is cure to curs s cough. It stops Anti-Kavf a cold- It cures sore throat. ro sot allow a substitute. No o'ber i as guod. Remember Aatl-Kaf is "it.- bot tle at drug s'ere. "Mia wants "ut httls here below" Said in or bid poet lonx j oars ago, I'm prone to doubt that ancic at aa When I look at Tbe Bsc's great ' Vrot A4" rn- mo.) ' tfe