Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Etat Board Pji Visit to Feeble Minded
and School for the Deaf.
Trouble In a Relic of the Faalon Sot the Pf, aad
Mill Require aa Espert to
(tralcbtra Them Oat.
From a BtalT Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 2S. (Special.) The
State Board visited tbe Institute for the
Feeble Minded at Beatrice last Friday and
found the affairs of tbe Institution In a
poet satisfactory condition, although there
was still abundant evidence of the neglect
and waste for which the last administra
tion waa responsible. An Instance of this
Is the bad condition of the books, and It It
probable that the board will authorize the
employment of an expert to straighten out
the account.
There Is now on hand at the Institution
over $1,200 In state warrants Issued while
ijag was in charge, and which the officers
are unable to ov to use on account of the
deplorable conation of the books. The
Warrants seem to have been secured on ac
count of the per capita expense money paid
In by the counties, but It will take an
exrert to find which Is tbe proper account.
Forae of the warrants are Included In tbe
last call made by the state treasurer.
Rome of tbe state officials have also Just
recently vlsted the Institute for the Deaf
and Dumb at Omaha, and the report of Its
management under the prsent officials ta
as flattering as that from Beatrice. Auditor
Weston said today: "I am not a member
of the board, but I was one of those who
ylslted the Omaha institution, and I wan;
to say that things could not be in finer
ahape. Everything Is neat and clean, ana
among the Inmates, pupils and employee
there Is an air of contentment. There Is,
however, great need of repairs In the old
building, and no fund available at this time
for that purpose. The school bulUfng
which was built recently la In good con
dition." Ueneral Tsi Reform Needed.
Discussing today the coming meeting of
the State Board of Equalization a prom
inent republican said: "What we need
more than a raise In the valuation of any
certain apeciea of property Is a general re
form In the methods of ssseesmcnt and an
enlargement of the powers of the State
Hoard of Equalization. At the present time
the powers of the board are limited, and
the so-called 'equalization1 Is a farce. For
Instance, one county with 60,000 head of
cattle values them for assessment purposes
at )3 per bead. An adjoining county pos
sibly fixes the rate at $6 or $10 per head.
In some counties land Is valued at one
third actual value and in others at one
tenth. There seems to be a total lack of
system, and the State Board Is helpless to
provide tbe remedy.
"Tsks fot Instance the assessment of cat
tle the state bver. In 1893 the total assess,
ment on this property was the highest It
has ever been. It was 12 per' cent lower
last year than In 1883, although there were
400,000 more cattle returned for assessment,
and the actual value of cattle was much
greater than in 1893, as those who have
purchased meat are willing to oertlfy. If
more revenue must be raised, and it Is evi
dent that the state must have more then
let us have a new law and a systematic
valuation of all property."
State Officials to Attend Funeral.
All of the state officials who are In the
city will go to Nebraska City Wednesday
forenoon to Jttend the, fuperal .of J. Ster
ling Morton.. It Is probable that the offlce
of secretary of state, where Morton once
served, will be closed during the afternoon,
and possibly others of tbe offices will also
close. Quite a large party of prominent
citizens and old settlers will accompany
the party to Nebraska City.
Articles of Incorporation for the Provi
dent Land Investment company were filed
with the secretary of state today. The
authorized capital stock is $100,000, and
the business to be conducted Is a real es
tate and loan buslneaa. The Incorporators
are C. M. Chittenden and O. M. Davidson.
The application for a charter for the new
tank at Decatur, Burt county, has been ap
proved. State Treasurer Stuefer Is detained at his
home West Point by the Illness of Mrs.
Norrls Brown, deputy attorney general. Is
alck at his borne at Kearney. While he has
been In bed for five or six days. It Is not
apprehended that his Illness Is likely to
e serioua.
J. R. Buchanan of the Fremont road, ae
ocmpanled by John A. Kuhn and R. W. Me
Glnnls of the same company, took luncheon
at the Commercial club today. Governor
Savage and Secretary of State Marsh were
also cf tbe party at luncheon.
Westers Teachers la Earnest.
Stats Superintendent Fowler has just re
turned from a trip to Sidney and Ogallala.
At the latter place he attended the meet
ing of teachers, several of the adjoining
counties taking part In a union association.
Mr. Fowler says of them: "The western
teachers may be deficient In the matter of
fine furniture and apparatua tor their school
rooms, but they make it up la earnestness,
so thst they do not take second place to
the tsachers of the more favored counties.
They make tbe association meetings bright
and Interesting."
. There Is a general movement in Lancas
ter county toward a change In the primary
system, the tendency being toward some
thing like the Lincoln system which is In
use In the city nominations. Tbe principal
1 rzr:.- i ine newspapers neep you
the best tonic you can possibly taLe. There's
nothing like it for building up the nerves, for
throwing off that feeling of exhaustion, and for
making rich blood.
Suppose you ask your doctor how often he
prescribes this splendid tonic.
"After suffering terribly, 1 was laducsJ to try your S&rsa partita, 1 took three
bortles and now feel like a atw man. I woold advise ail la need of a took to try
this medicine." I. D. Good, Brgwntowa, Va,
lis a
AH tractate.
objection to the Lincoln or Crawford
county systems comes from the coaatry pre
cincts, where the fesr Is that the city
would monopolize all the nominations. Aa
soon as an arrangement can be arrived
at for an equitable division of places be
tween the city and country It Is likely that
the Idea of some sort of direct primaries
will be adopted. The matter will be dis
cussed at the coming meeting of the county
central committee, and It Is possible thst
action will be tsken at that meeting.
Tbe Lincoln Woman's club held the closing
meeting of ths year at the university this
afternoon, the program being under the di
rection of Miss Bsrr, physical director
at the university. After an exhibition of
Swedish movement exercises, drills snd
games. Miss Barr made an enthusiastic
talk urging tbe club women to put forth a
united effort In behalf of physical culture
In tbe public schools. She was warm In her
praise of tbe results attained by the women
of Omaha along the same line, meeting as
they have with opposition from various
sources, and saw no reason why a little
systematic work here would not establish
a first-class gymnasium In the public
Man Had Joat Stepped from Room
When Shot Was Fired Which
Killed Him.
McCOOK, Neb., April 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Doctor J. Walter Rowland of Hern
don, Kan., was shot and killed by an un
identified person this morning la a small
room adjoining G. W. Dolls' general mer
chandise store. .He was shot through the
head and stomach. He bad been talking
with Mr. Doll, who stepped out of the
room and. returning after hearing the
firing, fcund Rowland dead.
John Rowland and Harvey Rowland,
father and brother of deceased, live in
Grant precinct. Red Willow county. Neb.,
Just across the state line from Herndon,
Kan. Tbe doctor Is widely known In this
county, where he lived for many years. He
wss a Mason and Workman.
Developments are anxiously awaited by
those acquainted with the dead man.
Two Beatrice Dealer Charged with
Selllns; Liquor Wlthont
BEATRICE, Neb., April 28. (Special Tel
egram.) On complaint of J. W. Grimes In
county court, Joseph Johnson and Martin
' Schldlowakl, two saloonmen here, were ar-
rested today on a charge of selling llqucr
j without a license. The plaintiff alleges that
defendants were selling under the lapsed
license of the former proprietor. 8. B.
Dodge, decessed, which he claims they had
no right to do. When Dodge died last fait
his eon Bert was appointed administrator
of the estate and he filed a new security
bond with the city and continued the sa
loon business by hiring Johnson as agent
Tbe question at Issue Is whether or not
these psrtles can continue the bualness
! under present conditions. . Tbe defendants
gave bond In the sum of $300 each for their
1 The saloon is closed.
W. O. Mi-Kay Organises a Trading;
Company and Gets Produce on
I'nredeemed Dne Bills.
RANDOLPH, Neb., April 28. (Special.)
About 200 farmers In this vicinity are
wiser but poorer for the confidence they
placed in W, O. McKay. He came here as
agent for a Chicago grocery bouse, but
later organised the Farmers' Trading aseo
elation, the members of which were to
receive 16 cents per dozen for eggs and 20
cents a pound for butter in cash the year
round. A membership fee of $10 was col
lected from each farmer. From this source
McKay got about $2,500. All produce
brought him was taken at agreed prices but
paid for In due bills, redeemable In caah
or goods, and the produce sold to the
Hanford company at Sioux City for cash.
He Is a married man and took his wife
with him.
Republican to Meet at Lincoln.
YORK, Neb., April 2. (Special.) The
republican chairman of the Fourth congres.
slonal district has called a committee
meeting for May 6, at Lincoln, Neb. Th
Fourth district has a large number of
candidates for congress. In the north
Charles Aldrldge of David City, ex-Lleuten.
ant Governor H. H. 8hedd of Ashland.
Hamilton county announces the candidacy
of Eugene Halner. Fillmore county has
two candidates, Hon. C. H. Sloan and
Peter Youngers. Hon. E. H. Hlnshaw of
Jefferson is a candidate. J. D. Pope of
Friend announces his candidacy for renoml
natlon. General Colby of Beatrice an
nounces his candldscy.
Dedication of Harvard Church.
HARVARD, Neb.. April 28. (Special.)
Dedication services were held yesterday In
the new Christian church. Just completed.
In this city. Dr. Haggard of Drake uni
versity at Des Moines conducted the serv
ices. Rev. Mr. Shirley, pastor of tbe church,
was In charge of tbe exercises and arrange
ments. The other churches of the city
joined In the services, which were largely
Odd Fellows Celebrate at Harvard.
HARVARD, Neb., April 28. (Special.)
Harvard lodge of Odd Fellows celebrated
In an Interesting manner tbe eighty-third
snntversary of their order last Saturday
evening. They were Joined by members
from other orders In the county.
Read this one and you will
learn that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
J. C ATM CO., LereM. Mass.
Public and Manj Private Buildings Draped
in Black in Memory of Morton,
business, Pablle Offices and
the Schools to Be Closed that
All Mar Fay Respect
to the Dead.
NEBRASKA C1TT, Neb.. April 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The news of tbe death of
J. Sterling Morton has caused tbe town
to take on the garb of deepest mourning.
Long streamers of black crape are hang
ing from tbe front of both public and
private buildings. All day long telegrams
of condolence have been coming In from
Mr. Morton's friends all over the country,
bringing additional evidence of the great
regard In which be waa held wherever be
was known.
Tbe remains will be brought to Nebraska
City on a special train Wednesday morn
ing, arriving here at 8:30 a. m., and will
be accompanied by relatives and friends.
They will be taken direct to Arbor Lodge,
from whence the funeral will be held at
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The services
will be conducted by Rev. A. E. Knicker
bocker, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal
church In this city, and Rev. F. W. Eason
of Lincoln. If possible. Bishop Williams of
Omaha will also be present and ass let.
Mayor Bartllng will issue a proclama
tion tomorrow closing all business houses
and all places of public entertainment Wed
nesday afternoon from 1 until 4 o'clock.
AH of the factories of the city will close
down for the day and everything that can
be done to show tbe esteem the people of
his home town bed for him will be done.
The schools will close at noon in order
that tbe children may have an opportunity
to take a last farewell look upon their
old friend.
Government to Be Represented.
WASHINGTON, April 28. Officials of the
Department of Agriculture today adopted
resolutions on tbe death of Former Secre
tary Morton. Dr. O. E. Dyson of the Chi
cago headquarters of the Bureau of Animal
Industry; H. J. Cox of the Weather Bureau,
at Chicago, and Dr. D. C. Ayer of Omaha,
were appointed a committee to attend the
fuueral as representatlvea of the depart
ment. Humboldt's Corps of Teachers.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. April 38. (Special.)
The Board of Education held a special ses
sion Saturday evening and elected teachers
to fill the vacanctea existing- in the publlo
schools. The corps of Instructors for tbe
ensuing year is as follows: Prof. R. L.
HofI, superintendent; Prof. C. O. Stewart,
principal; Mies French of 8alem, assistant
principal; Misses Rose Novsk, M. Bella
Ebright. Daisy Morris, Minnie Clift. Mar
garet Bracelen, grade teachers.
Clay Center Chorea. Dedicated.
CLAT CENTER, Neb., April 28. (Spe
cial.) The dedication of the German Evan
gelical church recently built at this place,
was completed daat evening. Tbe services
commenced Friday evening. The building
is a commodious frame structure and the
organization is in a flourishing condition.
Declare Woman Insane .
LONG PINE. Neb., -April 28. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. T. 8. Cook was examined
by the Insanity Board today and will be
sent to the Lincoln boapital. Mrs. Cook
has been in the asylum before. Lately shs
bss threatened to take the Uvea of her five
Oseeoln Odd Fellows Celebrate,
OSCEOLA, Neb., April 28.(8peclal.)
Rising Star Lodge No. 75, I. O. O.
F., on Saturday night celebrated tbe eighty
third anniversary of the order in a fitting
manner and the Rebekah degree aided In
making the affair a success and $33 waa
J. Sterling Morton
Among the many brilliant qualities of the
late J. Sterling Morton none surpassed
the rapler-like keenness of his wit. When
directed at an opponent on the stump or In
eoltorlal controversy It Invariably reached
the spot and was enjoyed most by hearers
or readers. On off hours, among his
friends. In social converse or at the ban
quet table, his vein of humor flowed mer
rily and was Infectious. Once upon a
time a neighbor farmer, who had spent
a great deal of time and money develop
ing a bank of Clay In the hope of estab
lishing a vitrified brick plant, called upon
Mr. Morton and complained that after all
tie toll and expense he had discovered that
the clay was not adapted to that 'purpose.
Mr. Morton breathed words of encourage
ment. "Do not murmur or repine," he
said; "you can at least establish a French
csndy factory."
Mr. Morton had reached the dignity of IS
years when he showed a primitive grasp
of ths hard money and cheap money idea ao
conspicuous in his writings and speeches
In later l.fe. He was Intrusted by his
father with the purchase of a load of hay.
Tbe boy looked on as the hay waa weighed
and then, in a businesslike msnner,
counted out the money. In making the
change, however, he lacked 1 cent of the
right sum and afterward was dunned by
the "hay man" for this amount. Young
Morton, having- recently heard of settle
ments of 60 cents on the dollar, concluded
that here was a fine chance for some fun.
Accordingly hs took a copper cent to a
blacksmith snd had It cut In two, then
seeking his creditor In a crowd said to
him politely: "Sir, you have dunned me
for that cent, but my finances are frail
and I am now paying only 60 cents on tbs
dollar." Whereupon he handed out half a
cent. Tbe majority of the crowd appre
ciated the Joke, but tbe creditor was very
angry and actually took his revenge by
suing the young debtor's father, thua mak
ing the fun rather expensive.
Soon after qualifying as secretary of ag
riculture in March, 1885, Mr. Morton sent
letters to each of the professors In the
department the meteorologists, ths ento
mologists, the soologlats, the ornltholo-'
gists, ths msmmaloejlsta, the nomologists,
the pathologists, the etymologists and all
ths rest asking them it describe their
duties and to give the ratson de'etre, so to
speak, of their official existence. When
the replies came, all general In their nature
of course, the secretary returned them
with a request that they be given mors In
detail "the number of observations
tsken. ths number of bugs examined, etc.,
with a succinct 'statement of definite re
sults obtained." Of course, the learned
"scientists" were helpless, and at each
attempt to make the practical aecretary,
a layman of the most pronounced type, see
the value of their services, they sunk fur
ther into the mire. At last they gave up
the struggle in despair, and the secretary
retained their services purely as a matter
of sentiment, but reduced their salaries
as a Just and necessary measure of
economy. The secretary's letter book. In
which the correspondence with these sages
Is preserved, would be as Interesting read
Flames, Aided hy Explosives, Destroy
Grata Fa lace. Residences
aae" Barns.
ABERDEEN, S. D., April 28. (Specie".
Telegrsm.) Aberdeen's beautiful Interstate
grain palace exposition building was totally
destroyed ' by fire lest eight, together
with two residences and large barns. In
volving a loss of several thoussnd dollars.
The conflagration would have swept the
entire business psrt of the city bad It net
been for the recent rains. A Urge
quantity of fixed ammunition was stored in
the exposition building, creating much con
sternation when it exploded.
Nellie Tnrrenee Dlea from Injnries
Received In (loath Dakota
TYNDALL, 8. D., April 28. (Special Tel
egram.) Miss Nellie Torrence, a photogra
pher, died at Tabor yesterday. During a
recent wind storm an outbuilding was
blown over onto her, causing paralysis.
Summit Sties Railroad Company.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., April 28. (Special.)
The town of Summit Is engaged In V legal
controversy with the Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul railroad company. The town
alleges that the depot building of
the railroad company Is situated ex
actly In the center of the atreet
running north and south through the tows.
The railroad company refused to comply
with the demand of the town that the de
pot be moved to some other location, and
a criminal action, by summons, was com
menced. The justice before whom the case
was tried has decided against the railroad
company, and Imposed a fine of $75 and
coata, amounting to an aggregate of about
$95. The railroad company has given no
tice appesl, and It is probable the case
will yet reach the supreme court.
Methodist Ministers Convene.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., April 28. (8peclal.)
The regular meeting of the Methodist
Ministerial association of the Watertown
diatrict, was concluded this evening after
a two days' sessloa at Clark. The program
was an iateresting one. Among the fea
tures of the session wss an address by
Rev. A. 8. Stevens, one of the leadtug
clergymen of the state, on "The Student
Volunteer Movement."
Republicans to Meet at Starajla.
STUROls, 8. D April 28. (Special.)
The Meade county republican central com
mittee met In this city Saturday afternoon.
Tbe date for holding the county convention
to elect delegates to the state convention
was set for May 24. at 11 o'olock a. m., in
this city. The primaries will be held In
the different precincts on May 14.
Stnrsrls Juniors Trent Superiors.
STURGI3, 8. D.. April 28. (Special.)
The junior class of ths Sturgls High school
last Friday night banquetted the senior
class. A number of Invited guests consist
ing of the teachers. Board of Education,
with their wives and relatives of some of
tbe pupils participated.
Pierre Bonds to Be Refanded.
PIERRE, 8. D.. April 28. (Special Tele
gram.) At an election In this city today on
the proposition to refund $106,000 Board of
Education bonds for twenty years tbe prop
osition carried with but two dissenting
May Yohe fn New York.
NEW YORK. April 28. Ex-Captain Put
nam Bradlee Strong and May Yohe, the di
vorced wife of Lord Francis Hopa, were
passengers on Kalserln Maria Theresla,
which arrived today from Mediterranean
ports. Their names appeared on the pas
senger list as Hcrr Strong and Frau
Cat In Refined Bnarar.
NEW YORK, April 28. All grsdes of re
fined sugar have been reduced five points
by the American sugar refining and other
independent companies.
ing as the diary of a professional humorist.
As aecretary of agriculture Mr. Morton
took special delight In cutting the combs
of senators and representstlves who claimed
the light to dictate to him with regard to
matters entirely within the Jurisdiction of
his own department. On one occasion the
entire democratic delegation from a weatern
atate began a campaign to secure the re
moval of a republican who held an Im
portant office under Mr. Morton's .prede
cessor, "Uncle Jerry" Rusk. In vain Sec
retary Morton pointed out that the man
was the most valuable clerk In the whole
division; that there was no cause for his
removal and that he ought to be retalped.
Tbe statesmen were obdurate; they wanted
his place for a democrat, and they must
have It. Finally tbe aecretary aet a day la
tbe near future when the case would be
finally decided. The day arrived, and so
did the delegation. The scalp waa called
for, but the secretary blandly aald:
"Gentlemen, there is one phsse of this
matter that has not yet been discussed and
It Is a serious one."
"Well, what is it?" Impatiently asked the
"Why, the truth is, this man's office is
within the terms of the civil service lew
and hs csnnot now be removed except for
cause, and bis succeeeor cannot be appointed
except through the mechanism of the Civil
Service commission."
"Who did this?" indignantly asked the
"The president," replied the secretary.
"When?" they gssped.
"Oh, a few days ago," answered Mr. Mor
ton. Then It dswned upon them that the sec
retary bad slipped up to tbe White House
and persuaded the president to throw the
protection of the law over his valuable
During pioneer days Mr. Morton was
editor of the Nebraska City News, one of
the earliest publications In the territory.
Along In 1851 "Jim Lane's free state army"
camped near the town. Editor Morton
criticised Laos savagely and his office wss
mobbed, which caused this correspondents:
General James H. Lane Dear 8ir: When
your men attacked me this morning I was
unarmed. Since then I have procured two
of "Colt's speaking trumpets" and propose
to use them on any of your men that
come within shooting distance of this office.
Lane at once replied:
"J. 8. Morton, Editor: I suppose when my
men read your article criticising Lane's
army they became so Incensed that without
consultation they at once conferred with
you. I beg to aay they have been 'court
martialed' and la due time will receive
their Just punishment, and In tbe future
you may rest assured thst you and your
property will not be molested.
"JAMES H. LANE. General."
Mr. Morton published all this. It raised
a great laugh In Washington and led to
his being appointed secretary of the terri
tory by President Buchanan.
In his early career as an editor Mc
Letter Shows Woman Killed the Little One
and Then Hong Herself.
Last seen of Wsaisa and Child Alive
by the Kelsjhhora Was Aroaad
Their Homo Last Thurs
day Evenlnsj.
WINSIDE. Mo., April 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Katie Dimmell, the divorced
wife of John Dimmell, and her young baby
born since the divorce waa granted, were
found dead in her little cottage in the east
part of the town todsy. She had last been
seen alive on Thursday evening.
The woman was found hanging to the bed
post, having died by strangulation.
The baby was lying on the bed. Coroner
Williams summoned a Jury, who found
from a letter left by the woman that abe
had first killed the child and then com
mitted suicide. She has been subject to
Insane spells for several years.
Invitation for Roosevelt.
CHICAGO, April St. Benjamin J. Rosen
thal, president of the Lakeside club, one
of the leading Jewish clubs of the west,
left for Washington this sfternoon to In
vite President Rooxevelt to attend a lunch
eon and reception to be given In his honor
wnen ne visits inicago next rail.
Fair In Nebraska. Tuesday and
Wednesday, with Varia
ble Winds.
WASHINGTON. April 28. Forecast:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Tuesday
and Wednesday; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair and cooler Tuesday;
Wednesday fair, northwest winds.
For Illinois Showers Tueaday, with
colder In northwest portion; Wednesday
fair, fresh south winds, becoming north
For North and South Dakota Fair and
warmer Tuesday; Wednesday fair, variable
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair and
warmer Tuesday; Wednesday fair; variable
Local Record.
OMAHA. April 28. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
1S01. 1901. 1900. 189.
Maximum temperature,... 76 79 69 82
Minimum temperature 52 M 57 51
Mean temperature 64 68 63 66
Precipitation 08 T .20 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at omana lor tms aay ana since March U
Normal temperature 56
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1 2n9
Ntrmal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. 1.55 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 2. S3 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901.... 1.43 Inch
Excess for cor. period, 1900 44 Inch
Reports tram htatieas at T p. as.
: B
. e
: b
Omaha, partly cloudy
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, cloudy
Bait Lake City, cloudy
Rapid City, oiear
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, cloudy
St. Ixiuls, cloudy
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
"Kansas City, cloudy
Havre, partly cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, partly cloudy
76! .00
661 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official,
Characteristic Ancedotes of
the Eminent Nebraskan.
Morton waa a hard worker and was particu
larly proud of his editorial columns. On
one occasion, It Is related, he worked
three days In getting figures and statistics
for a heavy leader which he wanted to
print to startle the world. He wrote and
rewrote the article. He watted for the
proof, and he read it; he revised It, took a
proof home with him and read it aloud,
and he aald that he was satisfied he would
awake the next morning a famous man.
"I got up early," said Mr. Morton, "and
hurried down to the office. I met a friend
on tbe street and he came up laughing
and smiling and said it wss the best thing
he had seen in the paper for many a day,
and, while I wondered what there waa
funny about It, I was flattered to think
that the article had been read and appre
ciated. I met a dozen more friends and
some said it was the best thing, the fun
niest thing, I had yet written; it couldn't
be beaten. I was a good one, so I was, and
all sorts and styles Of flattery and com
mendation. When I got the paper I saw
It all. The reporter had written a very
humorous account concerning a ctttxen and
a cow and a calf and a dog, and bad intro
duced about forty local names in It, snd It
caught ths town. I turned over to the
second psge and looked at my article. In
making up the forms the foreman had got
about half of It upside down. But no one
ever noticed thst I am sure thst do one
ever did."
When Mrs. Morton died, Mr. Morton, who
was greatly devoted to her, erected over
her remains a tombstone which bore this in
scription: "Caroline French, wife of J.
Sterling Morton and mother of Joy, Paul,
Carl and Mark Morton "
"Why did you put the boys' names in?"
Inquired a friend of him one day.
"Because," said Mr. Morton, "I took my
boys out to the cemetery and I showed
them their mother's grave. 'Boys,' I said
to them, 'your mother Is burled her. If
one of you ever does anything dishonorable
or anything of which shs should be ashamed
if she were alive. I will chisel your name
from ber tombstone.' "
In 1887 Mr. Morton bad been In Europe,
and upon his rsturn concluded to avoid the
big sblps and corns boms with lesa crowd
thaa hs was bored with In going over. Bo
be secured passage on Queen a .little
English ship, but an excellent aea tub. The
time to cross waa about ten days, but he
wanted that ship and he took it. It wss In
ths fall of the year, and some ef tbe wildest
storms tbe Atlantic had experienced com
menced when hs was about three days out.
All the p.-sssngers save himself were Eng
lishmen, and as the little tub would plunge
and roll, grew more nervous, and finally one
very grave and devoted gentleman called
the passengers to order and auggestad that
they all engage In prayer for some length
of tlms. Mr. Morton was approached on the
subject, and he told me the pious old man
wss shocked sad wept when he told him:
"I don't care a damn about praying, but I
would suggest thst we all sing 'God Save
the Queen.' "
Queen afterward burned at Liverpool.
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp
Root, will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee
May.Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall.
W. F. Lohnes, a prominent business man of Spring-field. Ohio, writes the follow
ing strong sadorsement of the great kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, to the Editor of
the Springfield, Ohio, Republic:
Springfield, Ohio, Feb.. Slat, 1901.
"Having heard that you could procure a aample bottle of Swamp-Root, free by
mall, I wrote to Dr. Kilmer Co., Blngbamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle and It was
promptly aent. I waa ao pleased after trying the sample bottle that I aent to the
drug atora and procured a supply. I have used Bwamp-Root regularly for soma Urns,
and consider It unsurpassed as a remedy for torpid liver, loss of appetite and gen
eral derangement of the digestive functions. I think my trouble was due to too close
confinement In my business. I can recommend It hlphly for all liver and kidney com
plaints. I am not In the habit of endorsing any medicine, but in this case I cannot
speak too much In praise of what Swamp-Root has dona for me."
(W. F. Lohnes.)
43H West High Street.
The mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder rem
edy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, la aoon realized. It atanda the highest for Its won
derful cures of tbe most distressing cases. v ,
EDITORIAL NOTE If you are sick or "feel badly," tegin taking the famous nsw
discovery, Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Roet, because aa aoon as your kidneys are well they
will help all tbe other organa to health. A trial will convince anyone.
You may have a sample bottle of thla wonderful remedy, Swamp-Root, aent ab
solutely free by mail, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root and containing many
of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women
who owe their good health. In fact their very lives to the great curative properties
of Swamp-Root. In writing to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blngbamton, N. Y., be aure to say
that you read thla generous offer In The Omaha Morning Bee.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root la what you need you can purchase
the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slxe bottles at the drug stores everywhere.
Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllraer'i Swamp
Root, and the address, Blngbamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
AC itos
We are quiting business a limited time left to dispose of
the balance of this high grade shoe stock, the cost and value is
not to be taken into consideration. We positively are forced to
vacate this store within the next 60 days. Hence you can buy
shoes at 25 per cent lower than manufacturer's cost.
Hon's Shoes.
Values. Going at.
17.00 .Nettlet'on's Shoes.. $4.98
f6.00 Nettleton's Shoes.. $4.38
5.00 Hanan'ri Shoes . . . .$3 38
15.00 Stetson Shoes .$3.38
$4.00 Tilt's Shoes $2.88
13.50 Walkover's Shoes. .$2.38
3.00 Schwabe's ...$1.98
Broken Lines... 98c
Misses' and children's shoes going at less than 50c on the
dollar. You can't afford to miss this chance. .
The Rochester Shoe Co.
Forced From Business
1516-Douglas Stroot-1515
-7- ;
PARTS 1 to 14
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail IS cents
Ladies' Shoes.
Values. . Going at.
17.00 Armstrong's Shoes. $4.68
16.00 Hanan's Shoes ....$3.98
15.00 Foster's Shoes ..,.$3.38
14.00 Foster's Shoes ....$2.88
All Jennesse Miller Shoes $2.88
J3.50 C. P. Ford's Shoes. $2.38
f3.00 Queen Quality Shoes$1.98
Broken Lines '. .'. ...98c