Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1902, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Oleomargarine Bill as Amended by the
Eome ii Fused by Senate.
Gockrell of Missouri Makes Motion to Agree
to the Modifications.
Teller Offen Amendment to Tax Trusts
Ten Per C ,. "Capital.
'' ''frt
It Anticipated IlestrK .;.'
Combine Which Might Be -
the Law.
WASHINGTON. April 18 After a brief
discussion today the senate agreed to the
bouse menilmpn; to tho oleomargarine
tilll. The measure now gone; to the preal
dent for signature. , At effort was made
by Mr. Teller to amend the measure so a
to levy a tax of 10 per cent of the capital
or asset on any butter trust that might be
formed, but It was defeated.
Mr. Simmons of North Carolina addresse-.l
the senate on the Philippine bill. He
urged that the Philippines ought to be
turned over to the Inhabitant of the
islands. , He denounced 'he cruelties ant!
barbarities alleged to have been committed
by the American army, and said he felt
like calling upon the great, brave and hu
mane man now In the White House to probo
these things to the bottom.
The conference report on the Chinese ex
clusion bill was adopted. Consideration of
the sundry civil appropriation bill was be
gun but not concluded.
Mlllera Wsst Reciprocity
Mr. Harris of Kansas presented the fol
lowing telegram he had received from the
Kamas Millers' association:
Kansas mlllera, on account of foreign
discriminations, with the best wheat in
the world at their door, are not producing
over one-third of their full capacity, Un
less your committee on foreign relations
can give us relief through reciprocal con
cessions, placing our millers on an equal
basis with foreign mills, many of our mills
will shut down Indefinitely and some of
tfTf-m will be forced to the wall. In our
distress we look to our senators for relief.
The telegram was referred to the commit
tee on foreign relattoas.
Mr. Teller then offered an amendment
to the reaovated butter section Af the bill
as passed by the senate defining a butter
trust, and providing that a tax of ten per
cent, shall be Imposed upon the products
of such a trust and upon capital and assets
of sucb a trust The amendment was de
feated 25 to 28, the detailed vote being as
Yeas Bacon, Bate, Blackburn, Clark
(Montana), Clay, Cockrell, Culberaoa, Dan
iel, Dubois, Foraker, Foster (Louisiana),
Heltfleld, MeEnery, McLaurln (Mississippi),
McLaurln (South Carolina), Mallory, Martin,
Mitchell, Patterson, Rawlins, Stewart, Tel
ler, Tillman, Turner, Vest 25.
Naya Allison, Burnham, Burton, Cullom,
Ieboe, Depew, Dillingham, Dolllver, Fair
banks, Foster (Washington), Frye, Oamble,
Hansbrougb, Harris, Hawley, Kean, Kltt
redge. Lodge, McCumber, McMillan, Nelson,
Terklns, Tlatt (Connecticut). Piatt (New
York), Proctor, Quarlea, Simon, Wet
more 28.
Paaaatte of the Bill.
Mr. Cockrell of Missouri Interposed with
motion to agree, to the house amendments
nd the motion waa agreed to without di
vision thus passing the bill and it now goes
to the president.
Mr. Piatt of Connecticut presented the
conference report on the Chinese exclusion
bill. He briefly explained that after
somewhat strenuous discussion the con
ference had decided that no limit could be
placed on the operation of the Qeary act
as re-enacted, and thought that it ahould
remain In force until otherwise provided by
law. In response to inquiries by Mr.
Teller Mr. Piatt explained that the opera
tion of the law In the Philippines, Includ
ing a registration of the Chines in the
islands, had been placed In the bands of
the Philippine commission, but the commis
sion would bave no authority to admit
Chinese to the Ulanda.
Without further comment the conference
report was agreed to.
rialatltr In One of t Northern
Securities Salts la Cltlsea
of New York.
NEW YORK. April 28 Peter Power
plaintiff in one of the Northern Securities
suits, who waa popularly supposed to be a
myth, baa, through a mortgage Juat Bled
been found to fee a citizen of New York
City. All through tbs period when testi
mony was being taken in the caaes there
were loud cries for Peter Power. It was
Terred he wss in court Dearly every day
when counael were denouncing him as
xnytb Twice he traveled incognito across
tha continent.
Power's home Is In West Ninety-eighth
tree. He Is ths son of a wealthy plasterer,
nd, with a brother, inherited his father's
state. The mortgage In which hla Identity
became known waa filed to secure a loan of
1 10,000 from Attorney George A. Lamb, who
prosecuted ths Northern Securities suit.
Aaked why bs kept the plaintiffs identity
secret Mr. Lamb said: "I did not wlah to
have him caricatured and talked about, for
that would obscure the real issues. I
bade him to be silent. It was bard work
for him. for Mr. Power likes to talk. He
la the bona fide owner of 100 shares of
Northern Pacific stock. He waa In court
nearly every day. He waa often at my
Bide, yet tobody recognized him."
One f Them Is Killed, bat tha
Officers Escape Without
CHICAGO, April J. In a pistol fight be
tween tw policemen and five burglars hers
early today one of ths alleged thieves was
Pollcsmaa O'Connor saw two men, one of
whom he reiognlzed as a thief, standing In
front of store on Archer avenue, at
Loomp street. Whea he approached the
men opened fire, fleeing at ths same tlms,
, Ths officer gave chase, returning tbs shots
The Bring attracted tbs atteotlos of
Pollcsmaa Herman Marinds, who cams
hurrying past ths store Just aa three msn
cams out of a sids entrance. A pistol fight
between ths trio and tha policemen then
baa and oo of ths men wss shot through
tbs bead, dying tuaUat:?. Neither of tbs
Officers a as hurt.
Members of the rm of the hlcago
Sentenced to Prison In
VENICE. Italy, AjtII IS Ml the mem
bers of the crew of the Cnlted States
cruiser Chicago, arrsted for disorderly
conduct here yesterday, have been sen
tenced to terms of imprisonment ranging
from three to four months each.
Captain Robert P. Wynne, commanding
the Marine guard of Chicago; Robt. E. Led
better, assistant surgeon of Chicago; Lieu
tenant 8. John Doddridge of Chicago, and a
marine named Wilfred Langtry, who
were arrested Friday Bight on the charge
of disorderly conduct, were brought up at
the San Marco police court here today.
Captain Wynne was sentenced to four
months and ten daya imprisonment. Tha
other prisoners were sentenced to three
months Imprisonment All the prisoners
"ere sentenced to pay costs and damages.
A8HINGTON, April 28 Captain Day-
.1 of the Chicago has so far made no re-
jrt to the Navy department respecting the
.rouble which has arisen at Venice, result
ing In the arrest 'of the officers of
the ship on a charge of misdemeanor. It Is
said at the department that It Is not cus
tomary for such Incidents to be reported by
Some of the naval officers on duty In the
department who have had experience in the
Mediterranean service express the opinion
that the American sailors may be the vic
tims of what Is known as the "trick table,"
which is a device used In some of the sa
loons frequented by foreign sailors. This
table Is constructed to collapse at a slight
touch, breaking all of the dishes snd
glasses and a claim is Immediately made
for extortionate damages on "the jacktes."
Reports Persistent that Tsar 'Will
Shortly Inuugurate Greater
ST. PETERSBURG, Sunday, April 27.
Persistent reports are In circulation to the
effect that the czar shortly will Issue a re
script giving Russia a constitution similar
to the scheme for administrative reform
drawn up by the late General Lorls-
Metikoff, when he was minister of the in
terior, and was sanctioned by the late
czar, Alexander II.
The rioting contlnuea to spread In South
Russia. The military thus far bave been
unable to prevent Incendiarism, terrorism
and plundering. The landed proprietors
throughout the government of Poltava are
seeking refuge in the city of Poltava. Prince
Obolensky, the governor of Kherson, Is ap
prehensive of a rising in that government.
The police forces in many cities have bees
Increased in strength, notably at Irkutsk
and Archangel.
Balachancff, the aasassln of M. Slplda-
gulne, the late minister of the Interior, la
now reported to be very sick, due to volun
tary starvation.
London Newspaper Criticises Speech
Made by Secretary of Treasary
at Pittsburg.
LONDON, April 28. The speech of the
United States secretary of the treasury, Mr.
Shaw, at Pittsburg at the banquet April 20
in celebration of the late General Grant's
birthday has thus far passed unnoticed by
the London press, with the exception of the
Olobe, which Is exceedingly wrathy at auch
a responsible politician "tickling the eara
of groundlings with a speech full of menace
to America's only friend among the powers
of Europe. After quoting the speech ths
Olobe continues:
We are not greatly concerned either for
the threat or the crude vulgarity which
causes Mr. Shaw to apply it to a particular
power, but what Impresses us with a sense
of American cadence Is the manner In
which the absurd speech was received.
Were an Engllxh minister of Mr. Shaw's
position to make a similar allusion to a
foreign power all the chancellories of
Europe would be convulsed. But England
heeds It not a whit and the rest of the
world shrugs its shoulders and talks about
diplomacy In shirtsleeves.
Refases to Issue Summonses Asked
Far by Protestaut
LONDON. April 28. The efforts of the
Protestant alliance to expel the Jesutta
from England under tha act of George IV
have again failed. 'The alliance originally
applied to a magistrate for summonses on
ths ground that certain Jesuit priests were
guilty misdemeanors which under the
anclen . . .:.d banishment for Ufa.
Tha magistrate declined to grant the
euramonsea, holding that the act was ob
solete. On appeal in the king's bench di
vision of the high court of Justice today
the lord chief Justice, Lord Alverstone,
held that the magiatrate had the right to
refuse the summonses and refused to Issue
a mandamus to compel ths magiatrate to
do so.
daeen Has No Fever In Morning; aad
Temperature Reduced In
THE HAGUE. April 18. The bulletin
posted at Castle Loo th!a morning an
nounced that Queen Wllhelmlna paaaed a
quiet night, that ber mornings are now
teverlesa and that her evening temperatures
are decreasing.
Residents of Castle Loo say the queen has
so far Improved In healthas to be able to
leave her bed today for a few momenta
and that the queen-mother la quite satisfied
with the progress made. This afternoon's
bulletin from the castle, however, did not
mention these facts. It merely said that
her majesty's Illness waa pursuing Its nor
mal courss and that thus far no complica
tions had arisen.
Reports Reach Haytl of Another Dta
lag Republic,
PORT A" PRINCE, Haytl. April 18 It la
rsportsd that another revolution haa broken
out In Santo Domingo. The telegraphic
communication between that republic and
Haytl is entirely Interrupted.
May Caaaalso Chlaamaa.
ROME. April 58. Ths claim for tbs beati
fication of the Chinese Catholic convert
Jos Kbaag. la before the congregation of
rites, under the presidency of tbs pop.
ids resuu is not announced, out if ap
proved Khang will ba ths Brat Cbinamaa
to ba. canonized.
Rev. Joseph Parker 111.
LONDON, April 28. Ths Rev. Joseph
Parker, minister of ths City Temple. U
seriously UU
Representative Sibley Wants f resident to
Give Him a Dishonorable Discharge.
rrnnirlvanlsn Vehemently Condemns
the Methods EmsloT ei ana) the
Departare from the Keg
alar Rales of Army.
WASHINGTON, April 28 Representative
Sibley of Pennsylvania created something
of a sensation In the house today during
the general debate on the agricultural bill
by denouncing General Jacob H. Smith for
the orders he Issued In the Samar cam
paign. He declared General Smith waa a
disgrace to (he uniform he wore, and he ex
pressed the hope that the president would
strip him of bis uniform within forty-eight
Mr. Sibley's: speech waa enthusiastically
applauded by the democrats and was re
ceived with some evidences of approval on
the republican side. The speech was con
sidered the more remarkable Is that it
came from a republican who left the dem
ocratic party on the issues raised by the
Spanish war and who since has been an
ardent expansionist. Mr. William, demo
crat, of Mississippi, Indorsed what Mr. Sib
ley said.
Curtis Defends Funston.
Mr. Curtis of Kansas made a brief but fer
vent defense of General Funston against the
criticism to which he had been subjected.
"The people of Kansas," he began, "are
proud of the brave and daring record of gal
lant Fred Funston. (Applause on the re
publican aide.) He has been criticised here
for an act, which for daring and conception
and execution, ranks with the greatest
feats of srms he captured the new Georgo
Washington Agulnaldo.
"If another had accomplished what Gen
eral Funston did," he said, "the democrats
would have made him their candidate for
president." He called attention to the fact
that his promotion had been recommended
by General Wheaton and General McArthur,
"both soldiers of the civil war, soldiers who
knew more of wsr and rules of war than all
the politicians in this country combined."
"And his commission," he added, "waa
signed by, the greatest president we have
ever had the soldier, statesman snd mar
tyr, William McKlnley." (Applause.)
Mr. Sibley, republican, of Pennsylvania,
said he had been an expansionist and de
fended the policy of the administration in
the acquisition of the Philippines. Duty
and honor, he said. Justified our position
there. The commercial welfare of the
nation demanded that we should control
that archipelago, which stands as the gats
way to the oriental world.
Sees Vision of Herod.
He then continued:
When I have heard the statements made
that we were cruel in the conduct of that
war I have thought, perhaps, the partisan
was speaking. Hut when I have read, as
1 have within the past forty-eight hours,
that a general wearing the uniform of
the army of the United 8tates, one who
stands under the shadow of .our flag, Is-
but to leave It a howling wilderness and
to kill all above 10 years of sge, thn It
seems to me that humanity must-have
marched backward for eighteen centuries
and that Herod again appears. I have
read of Tlmour, the Tartar: I have read
of Achilles, I have read of tha Saracen
scourge, but I thank Ood that since the
tragic scene on Calvary It has taken
In h teen centuries to produce a Smith. I
have read of the water cure. I believed
that It was exaggerated.
Can any man whose blood Bounds in hla
pulses, any man who has read his Bible
or who has been reared at the knee of a
Christian woman. Justify the perpetration
of such cruelties upon another man who
wears the guise and the image of his
Creator? And yet we hear this man at
tempting to Justify acts bv which men
are pumped so full of water as nearly to
drown them and brought back to life by
mumping tnem over tne stomach with
butts of muskets. That Is not civiliza
tion; that is not Christianizing the world.
Wants Smith Discharged.
T hope the president of the I'nited States
will nave tne courage, upon what the man
admits, to discharge him dishonorably from
me service mat ne nas aisgracea. (Ap
plause.) The conference report on the Chinese
exclusion bill was adopted without debate,
This sends it to the president.
Ex-Councilman of St. Louis Is Locked
Ip la Guadalajara
WASHINGTON. April 28. The state de
partment haa bad soma correspondence
with ths government of Mexico respecting
the case of ex-Councilman Kratz, who is
a fugitive from Justice from St. Louis,
charged with bribery.
The man at the department's Instance
haa been arrested and Is locked up at
Guadalajara, but aa the offense with which
he la charged Is not ons of the offenses
named In the treaty as aubjeet to extradl
tlon, the department haa been trying to
procure hla delivery to the Mlsaourl au
thorltles as a matter of comity.
A considerable obatacle baa been encoun
tered in the shape of a polite suggestion
of the Mexican authorities that they will
do this, but only upon ths understanding
that ths United States government will re
ciprocate In kind when tho occaalon arises
Thia la an embarrassing condition. Im
possible of fulfillment, for no American
court could deliver a fugitive from Mexican
Justice if bis offense is not set out In the
extradition treaty. It Is thought an effort
will be made to aecure the punishment of
Krats by Mexican courta If hs cannot be
returned to Missouri.
ST. LOUIS. April 28. Chief of Detect
Ivea William Desmond and Detective
Thomas McGrath will leave tonight for the
City of Mtxlco to bring back Charlea KraU.
ex-clty councilman. Indicted for bribery
and a fugitive from Justice, who la under
arrest at Guadalajara, Mexico. Chief Des
mond will carry letters to ths American
association at the City of Mexico, and It Is
believed that when the St. Louts officers
reach the Mexican capital all will have
been arranged for the surrender of Kratz.
Conferee Deride on Extension of All
Existing Laws to Preseat
WASHINGTON. April 28. Tbs conferees
on ths Chinese exclusion bill havs reached
a complete agreement on the bill. It strikes
out that portion of the bill limiting the
exteueioo of all existing laws to the pres
ent treaty and re-enacta them so far as
la not Inconsistent with the treaty obliga
tions until otherwise provided by law and
extenda the law to tbe Island territories so
far aa applicable. It allows Chines ta
enter for exposition purposea and retains
the provision regarding certification la tha
rbJitpplB islands.
smith trial is resumed I
Witnesses Testify as to Kffert
Drastic Order Given by
the Utaeral,
of !
MANILA, April 2S The trial by court
martial of General Jacob H. Smith on the
charge of conduct prejudicial to good order
and discipline waa resumed here today.
Major Littleton W. T. Wallr of the marine
corps testified to receiving from General
Smith the orders to "kill and burn" and
render Samar a "howling wilderness." pre
viously referred to In these dispatches.
"The natives of Samar," said Major Wal
ler, "were more treacherous and Implacable
the the tribesmen of the Soudan. Without
General Smith's drartlc measures the war
there would not bars been ended yet. Gen
eral Smith never intended killing women or
Corporal Pritchard of the Ninth Infantry,
who took part In the fight at Gandara, tes
tified that be saw boys 12 years of age
fighting and slashing wHh bolos.
Sergeant Bonicsstle of tbe Ninth Infantry,
at Apache, testified regarding Captain P.
K. 8cbopffl's fight at Dspdnp province.
Samar, against Dloa Dlos fanatics. He saw
a soldier attacked by two boys under 15,
one armed with a bolo and tbe other with
a dagger.
Private Nlcklo of the Ninth Infantry ex
plained the dangers and 'llfftcultles of
service In the Island of: Samar.
Private Nanjot of tbe Tenth cavalry told
how Americanists (natives irlendly to the
Americans) were butchsted there In cold
blood. -
Seregant Brumley of the Ninth Infantry,
a survivor of the Balanglga massacre, de
scribed that disaster. Including the mutila
tion of the American dead by the Samar
Ambushed bjr Filipinos.
MANILA. April 28. Five men of the con
stabulary have been ambushed at San Juan
Del Monte, near Manila. One of the party
was killed and one Injured. The Filipino
band consisted of thirty ladronea well
armed, most of them carrying Mausers. A
force of constabulary Is scouring the neigh
borhood for the bandits.
Samar Insurrection Ended.
MANILA, April 28. Tbe surrender of the
insurgents of the island of Samar, headed
by General Guevarra, who succeeded Gen
eral Lucban In that Island, has been offi
cially effected, though some southern ports
are yet to be heard from. It Is believed,
however, that the Insurrection In Samar Is
United Copper Company Incorporated
with Capital of Eighty
TRENTON, N. J.. April 28. The United
Copper company, with an a ithortzed capital
of 80,000,000, was incorpor ited here today.
The company Is authorize I to mine, melt
end manufacture copper. sold, silver and
other metals.
Tbe capital stock is dlvidid Into S5.000.0O0
preferred and 875.000,000 common stock. It
Is provided, however, that tie issued capital
stock shall not exceed SS.(inO,000 preferred
and $16,000,000 common, ev.-t upon an af
firmative vote of three-fonnns of the direc
tors of the company, and the holders of two
thirds of the stock of each class. .
It is provided that the preferred stock
shall draw a six per cent cumulative drvl
dend payable semi-annually. The articles
have a proviso that the company may sell
lta entire plant with the consent of three
fourths of the directors aad the holders
of two-thirds of the stock of each class.
The registered agent of the company la
tho Hudson Trust company of Hoboken, N.
J and the incorporators are Horatio Whit
ridje Trumbull, New York; Arthur A.
Brownlee, Princeton; John French, New
York. The papers were filed by the law
firm of Cary and Whltridge.
NEW YORK, April 28. According to Vice
President John MacGlnnls of the Montana
Ore Purchasing company and other Helnze
propertlea, the new company will have in
lta treasury 95 per cent, of the capital
stock of these companies: The Montana
Ore Purchasing company, the Nipper
Consolidated Copper company, ths Minnie
Healy Copper Mining company, the Cobra
Rock Island Copper Mining company, and
the Belmont Copper Mining company.
The company also will have $1,000,000 of
the first mortgage bonds of the Montana
Ore Purchasing company and $2,500,000 first
mortgage bonds of the Nipper company.
These bonds represent the only bonded In
debtedness of the companlea named.
About 18,0u0 shares of United Copper
company common were traded In on the
"curb" (when lasued) today. The stoctt
opened at 33, sold off half a point, advanced
to 35, and closed at 31 5-835c.
Archbishop Haa Comfortable Nlsjht
and Friends Think He Is
Oat of Danger.
NEW YORK. April 28. Archbishop Cor
rlgan paaaed a comfortable night and tliose
who watched at his bedside were greatly
encouraged early today. The archbishop
was restless at times, but slept several
hours and was able to take aome solid
Dr. Joseph Corrlgan of St. Leo, Fla., and
Rev. Father George Corrigan of Newark,
N. J., brother of ths archbishop, who
arrived here yesterday, spent laat night
at the archepiscopal bouse.
Father Corrlgan, speaking of the condi
tion of hla brother, said:
The archbishop passed a very favorable
nlaht. He practically cussed the crisis yes
terduy and I now think he Is out of
Father Curley, the archbishop's secre
tary, was equally aanguine. He aald the
archblahop was vsry weak and Inclined to
be restless, but bis condition was In all
respects encouraging.
Dr. E. L. Keyes gave out the following
bulletin at :30:
All physical symptoms sre favorable In
the archbishop a condition. Weakness
alone remains and convalescence probably
will De slow.
The bulletin this morning was signed by
Dr. Keyes alons. Dr. Delafield not being
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the two
Dbvalclana will hold another consultation
Dr. Keyes said that ths archbishop's
temperature waa but two-fifths of a degree
above normal, that the crista had been
paaaed and that the patient was out of
Troops Retarn from tuba.
NEW YORK. April a -Ths First
squadron or trie necono. l nuea btatee cav
airy, composed of Troops A. U, C and D,
unaer command oi Major waiter n
bVhuyler. arrived here today from Matan-
sus. Cuba, on the steamer Cunty Ba. The
troops, wnicn consist oi nine om rs and
2J0 men, have been In Cuba since February
, They will gu to Fort Kthan Allen.
Vt. Ninety men of the First and Third
squadrons of the Second cavalry and IS
horses arrived here last Bight, bound fcr
President Indicates Plainly He Will Not
Interfere is tbe Matter.
to Possibility of Lands In Rosebud
Reservation Be In a Opened Refore
Summer and Possibly
Sot Then.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 28. (Special Tele
gram.) "Fences on public domain are to
come down on July 1," said a gentleman
who had a talk today with President
Roosevelt. "No matter how much pressure
Is brought to bear on the Interior depart
ment I am fully satisfied that the president
mill not permit the order of Secretary
Hitchcock to be modified," said Tbe Bee's
Tomorrow the delegation of stockgrow-
ers who have been here for nearly a week.
headed by Barttett Richards of Ellsworth.
Neb., will be presented to the president
by Senators Dietrich and MIUaM. Mr.
Richards will ask the chief executive to
postpone the removal of the fences until
late In the fall and It will be Interesting
to note the result of this request In view
of the statement above.
Today Messrs. Richards, Modisett, Hill,
Ferdon snd Harris, representing the big
cattle growers of the west, finished their
hearing before tbe house committee on
public landa.
Acting Chairman Mondell arked Mr. Rich
ards If it would not be well to attempt spe
cific legislation for Nebraska, providing the
delegation In congress from that state
could unite on some measure. Mr. Richards
said he had been contemplating snch a bill,
in view of tbe opposition that seemed to
exist against a general land-leasing bill
and his associates had about concluded to
ask for relief along the lines suggested.
Shallenbarscrr Declares Himself.
Representative Shallenberger, who Is a
cattle owner himself, when asked If he
would favor such a measure, said: "I would
object to any plan of leasing the public
domain that doesn't have in It Its essential
feature a homestead or Homebuilding Idea.
I am opposed to any bill which contem
plates that because a corporation or Indi
vidual having large private holdings should
therefore be entitled to lease corresponding
large tracts of government land, as this
would tend to perpetuate the owning of tbe
public domain. I would favor a measure for
the leasing of public lands In small hold
ings sufficient to support a man and fam
ily, and it Is well known It requtres a
larger number of acres to support a man
west of the 100th meridian than east of It.
"A bill along these lines or similar onea.
leasing the school lands In Nebrsska to
settlers has proven entirely acceptable and
the state has withdrawn all lta school
lands from sale, preferring to lease rather
than sell."
Delay In Opening: Rosebud.
Senator Gamble stated today that an
agreement had been reported whereby tbe
Rosebud treaty bill, opening tbe lands in
Gregory county, 8. D., to settlement, would
be taken up at the close of tha morning
business tomorrow and be bad no doubt as
to lta passage. "From papers received
here," said the senator from South Da
kota, "somebody has a mlsconcer.'lon aa to
what is still to be done before the presi
dent Issues orders opening the land to set
tlement. Before the order can be Issued a
bill must pass both bouses of congress and
become a law. This haa not been accom
plished. After that the secretary of the
Interior must have the lands surveyed and
monumented. Then the president will
Issue bis order opening the reservation to
settlement. At best the order cannot be
Issued before summer and it may go until
fall. There will be much to do before the
Rosebud reservation la thrown open to the
Lincoln Is to bave a practically new
public building, and If Supervising Arch I
tect Taylor's plans are carried out It will
be colonial In style and will occupy the
center of the postodlce park. Instead of In
the unsightly place it now occupies. Just
as soon as the public building bill becomes
a law Supervising Architect Taylor will
probably go to Lincoln and look over the
situation, With a view of giving Nebraska's
capital a building aucb as It deaerves. Mr.
Burkett haa had a number of conferencea
with Mr. Taylor and he la enthusiastic over
the prospects for the new building, which
he believes can be built for $300,000, the
amount the omnibus bill carries.
Why Plattamouth Was Left.
Explaining why Platiauioutb was left out
of the bill, Mr. Burkett said: "The com
mlttre on public buildings and grounds
passed a, rule that they would not appropri
ate money for a public building In citl
that had less than 10,000 inhabitants unlesa
the site had been previously donated or It
was headquarters of a revenue collectlou
district, or seat of a state university
Plattsmouth occupied none of these posi
tions and so It could not get sn appropria
tion. I labored earnestly with the com
mittee in behalf of Plattsmouth and filed
a brief that waa voluminous in character,
but the rule shut ms out. 'Better luck
next time' Is a motto that may be ap
pllcable here."
Senator Allison baa returned from Iowa,
where he went on private business. He la
enthusiastic over conditions as hs found
them. He said that the country was in
splendid shape and big crops of wheat were
promised unless something unforaeen should
Interfere. "Politically," he said, "Iowa is
In a grand condition and Just as soon as
the congressional conventions are over you
will aee tbe old state trying to outdo the
victory of 1901."
Ralph Van Vecbtan, a well known banker
of Cedar Rapids, la., is In the city on a
abort visit.
Jacob Fisher, postmaster at Hastings,
Is In Washington on matters connected
with bis office.
Representative Connor of the Tenth Iowa
district, will leave for Denlson, hla home,
next week, to attend hit congressional
convention, which baa been called for May
The committee on Irrigation of the house
today Instructed a favorable report on
Representative Martin's bill providing for
the construction of reservoirs on ths public
domain along tha lines of railroads or along
driveway for watering stock. An amend
ment was agreed to limiting tbe grazing
area around auch reservoirs to two miles
He also secured a favorable report from
the public lands commutes on his bill au
thorizing the secretary of the interior to
Issue a patent for forty acres to be used
as a cemetery by ths town of Rockford
8. D.
Attorney General F. N. Prout and A. S
Tlbbets of Lincoln are In ths city, to appear
In the supreme court In tbs ease of Thomas
Kennard, plaintiff in error, against ths
state of Nebraska, oa appeal front tbe
supreme court of U state,
Fororast for Nebraska Generally Fair and
i. oiier.
Temperature nt Omaha irsterdsjl
Hour. Dec. Hour. Mrs.
n a. m fi t l p. m
tl n. in Hi SI p. m 71
7 a. ui A t it p. in T'l
a a. ni . . . . . 5l 4 p. u 7rt
1 a. m M ft . ii 7.1
10 a. ni 1J II i, ni 7v
11 a. m...... 1 7 p. in 7H
12 m Wl ft p. n m
tl p. m HA
Train Collides viltli freight and More
Than Thirty Passenger
Are Injnreil.
FORT WAYNE, Ind., April 28. A Sun
day excursion train on the Grand Rapid
tc Indiana railroad collided with a freight
train at Wallen, six miles from here, late
last night. Two coaches were overturned
and more than thirty persons were In
jured. A relief train aent out with several
physicians brought tbs Injured to Fort
Wayne early this morning.
The greater number of those Injured re
ceived scratches, bruises aud cuts. The
most seriously Injured are:
John Hedges, hurt about bark and arm.
F. P. Wlltzer, seriously Injured about
Miss Norma Allen, both arms broken.
Herman Durnell, badly hurt about head
and arms.
All of tbe Injured were residents of this
city and were conveyed to their homes
with the exception of Durnell, who wss
taken to St. Joseph's hocpltal in a critical
The engineer, fireman and brakeman of
the passenger train are among those
slightly injured.
Five Persona Are Killed. Forty In-
Jnred and Mich Property
DALLAS, Tex., April 28. A telephone
message to the Dallas News from Morgan,
Tex., says a tornado passed over Glen-
rase, a small town in Somervllle county,
between 6 and 6 o'clock this evening, kill
ing five persons, Injuring forty more and
demolishing much properly.
Tho dead:
REV. MR. FORD, pastor of the Meth
odist church.
The names of the injured were not ob
tainable at this hour.
One-third of the business houses of the
town were demolished. Assistance has been
sent to GlenroBe from Morgsn, but It will
be morning before anything like definite
particulars are obtainable.
Grief Over Husband' Crime Sends
Antoinette Gallaher to the
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 28 (Special Tel
egram.) Antoinette H. Gallaher, wlfs of
Lee A. Gallaher. the embezzling paying
teller of the First National bank of St.
Joseph, died today from grief as a result of
tbe scandal and humiliation since Galls-
ber's arrest and confession.
Gallaher was taken from the county Jail
to the bedside of his wife today In the
hope that his presence would cheer her tip.
Before he arrived she lapsed Into a atate
of unconsciousness and remained in that
condition until her death three hours later.
Mrs. Gallaher was 29 years old, of pre
possessing appearance, was born and ralsen
In Springfield, Mo., and married Gallaher
there ten years ago. They have no children.
Surprise the People of Kansas City by
an Advance on All Grades
of Beef.
KANSAS CITY, April 28. (8pectal Tele
gram.) The beef packers, contrary to ex
pectatlona, made another raise In prices
today. Heretofore there baa been a class
of beef which wss sold for 10 rents per
pound to the butchers, 10 ',4 cents being
charged for the best quality.
However, no kind of beef excepting the
most inferior graBS fed quality ran bs
bought for less than 10ty cents. A propor
tionate raise wss made in the wholesale
prlcea of all beef parts, loins, ribs, etc.
At the same time that the prlcea of beet
were strengthened pork and provisions also
were Bent up. There wat a general raise
of half a cent on porkstuffe of all kinds.
St. Joseph Police Judare Declares In
valid Sunday Closing Or
dlnaace. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April JS. (Special Tel
egram.) Police Judge Peter J. Carolua, al
though a member of the Flrat Baptist
church, tocight created a sensation by de
claring himself In favor of most liberal
Sunday law, after having today declared
Invalid a Sunday closing ordinance which
has been In effect several years.
An attempt Is being made to prevent
Sunday baseball and to close the theater
and other places of amusement on Sunday.
Judge Carol us tonight presented sn ordin
ance to tbe city council which forestalls
tbe Sunday closing movement and he haa
asaurance that It will be passed.
Three Persons In Buggy Are Killed
by a Train IVear
JOLIET. Ill-, April 28. Three people
were killed at the Paterson road crossing
of the Santa Fs road Just south of Jollet,
Isst night.
A fast passenger train craahed Into a
buggy containing Mrs. M. B. Mullock, ber
daughter, Orda, and a young man, Floyd C.
Pearce. The man and young woman were
killed outright and Mrs. Mullock died
shortly after reaching the St. Joseph hos
pital. Tbe watchman had the gates down, but
ths horses broke through, getting upon the
tracks Juat In front cf tbs train.
Wreckage on lillasw Bay.
PORT Ht'RON, Mlcb., April 28-Tha
captain or the oarge Bacremnnio reported
here today that he sighted a qusntity of
wrst-kaae on tiaginaw bay Saturday after
noon after the terrirlo storm, which evi
dently came from some steamer, it In
eluded a deckhouse, lifeboat, a water bar
rel and a lot or lumber. The steamer
Pavneo has not been heard from since ths
storm and there are rears that tba wreck.'
ag nay be) fart o( lU
Governor Formally Announce! Cii With
drawal aa a Candidate.
Declares Action Prompted to Believe
friends of Embarrassment.
State Press Had Made His Benomination
Practically Impossible.
Public Withdrawal .ot Kntlrely In.
expected. Yet Hardly Looked
for at o Early a
LINCOLN. April 2S -(Speclal.)-Oover-nor
Siivage has withdrawn from the '
race for renominatlon, his formal an
nouncement having been made publlo lata
this afternoon. This movement haa not
been unexpected, and the general expres
sion Is that 11 relieves tbe governor's
friends from much embarrassment. The for
mal announcement is ss follows:
"Executive Chamber, Lincoln. Nehrasks.
"It now seems to be the proper time to
announce as final my decision In regard to
beliijt a candidate for renomlnutlon for the
office of governor.
"After thoughtful consideration of the
matter I have concluded it best not to fur
ther embarrass my loyal friends and more
especially my par'y by remaining longer In
the field, thus standing In the way of
some one w ho could bring more peace and
harmony Into the convention.
'In my official capacity I have tried to
give the state an honest, strong and eco
nomical administration. Looking back over
the year already spent as Nebraska's chief .
executlve.l would not, bad 1 the power,
change one Important official act.
"My action In commuting the sentence of
J. 8. Hartloy met strong disapproval of
many, mom of whoru, are less conversant
with the facts than I and to most of whom
I give credit for honesty In their
opinions. I now state frankly that
with all the results of that act before
me, I would commute his aentence today
were It still undone.
"Fully appreciating the honor of being
the governor of a great state, and of hav
ing the opportunity to serve the people
through many avenues, under existing cir
cumstances I hereby announce myself not
a candidate for office.
"Hoping to see some strong, honorable
republican nominated and elected aa my
suecesHor, and, 'with malice toward nons
and charity for all,' 1 am, reenectfuMv,
tSapertrd to Cons Later.
While the elimination of Governor Savage
from the list of candidates before tha rs
publicsn state convention was hardly ex
pected at this time It Is known that con
sldersblo Influence haa been exerted upon
him by political frlenda and InCoentla!
party leader to bring about this result,
which wss confidently expected would be
accomplished before the tlms set for tha
Ever since the pardon of Bartley waa an
nounced tbe republican preas of tha status
has been almost unanimous In declaring,
that tbe governor had by that actios
made his nomination politically Impossible
and the decided stand taken by many of tha
most outspoken party orgaaa Indicated that
iven If nominated he would lack the
hearty support necessary to election. Not
withstanding the adverse conditions Gover
nor Savage had up to within a very few
days rspeatedly reiterated his Intention to
stand before the convention and ask an en
dorsement of his official record. His origi
nal announcement of hla candidacy was
made nearly a year ago, within a few
montha after he had aucceeded to tbe exe
cutive chair, vacated by the promotion of
Governor Dietrich to the United States
Storle Which Have Been Hlfe.
Following upon bis release of Bartley,
gossip was rife that the consideration had
been promises of politics! support from
people Interested In Bartley's freedom, In
cluding certain large railroad corporations.
When It became apparent that theae prom
ises were not to be fulfilled Intimations of a
new campaign upon tbe issue of railroad
taxation came from the executive mansion,
but while the plan outlined was disclaimed
by the governor aa coming from him, ha
yet expressed 'his sympathy with the
Another atory waa to the effect that Bart
ley and his friends would startle the state
on tbe eve ot the republican convention by
paying Into the state treasury tbe cash, tbs
$200,000, for embezzlement of which ha bad
been convicted, relying on the momentum
of tbe reimbursement to carry the gover
nor Into unanimous renominatlon. That
thla story was the work of mora or less
fervi' paginations waa plainly discernible
all the time, and is clinched by tbe gov
ernor's withdrawal.
What effect the new turn will have en
the political chessboard Is not easy to fore
cast. People here think the atmosphere
will be clarified noticeably within the next
few days. 7ive or six aspirants for gov
ernor are already In the field and may be
expected to Increase their aotivlty. None
of the county conventions bavs yet been
held and only a few bave been called. The
atats convention Is set for June 18 aad la
sure to precipitate a brisk competition for
Governor Savage's succession.
Attornrr General of Missouri Be.
cures Citation Against Them
In Supreme Court.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 28. (Spa
tial Telegram.) Attorney General E. C.
Crow this afternoon presented a petition
to Chief Justice Cava- Burgess of the Mis
souri supreme court asking that he laaue
an order directing Charles W. Armour and
Kirkland B. Armour of tbe Armour Pack
ing company, Kanaas City; J. C. Dold of
tbs Jacob Dold Packing compaoy. Kanssa
City; O. W. Walle, agent of Swift lc
Company, South St. Joseph; Gus Blschoff,
secretary of tbe St. Louis Dreaaed Iifif
and Provlaion company, St. Loula, Mil
Walter Pfelffer, president of ths St. Loula
Butchers' union, to appear before Judgx
Burgess oa May C, 1902, "to answer aucb
relevant and material questions as may
be put to them by the attorney gen
eral ot the state of Missouri, concern
lug any alleged Illegal contract, agree
ment, arrangement, combination, pool,
understanding and ocnfederatlon to flx,
maintain and regulate tha pries to b
paid by all retailers and consumers of
dressed beef and meats of all ktads, and
to limit tb supply and production thereof
and to maintain aucb fixed aupply, produc
tion and price as agrsed upon."
Judge Burgess Issued an order as re
quested by the attorney general, summoning
the above named persons to appear In Jef
ferson City on the data mentioned, to
Clv lesUmoar rel&llva to ths betf trust.