Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Efov. Craig, Eecentlj of 8t Louis, is in
Charge at Trinity.
loanaer Man, ho Takes Mia riaae
fur Sla Mnntha. Will Work la
Mia Una Way. Which
la Xew.
"Although I had not originally planned
to do ao, I have derided, artar sleeping
upon i tie proposition that has been msdo
n. to remain In charge here for six
month," announced Rer. Robert E. Lee
Craig to the vestrymen and congregation
of Trinity cathedral at morning service
Sunday. "Since first speaking to you a
week ago 1 have had opportunity te talk
with Dian Fair, by whose Illness the va
cancy occurs, and found him so anxloua
that someone agree to assume the place
I for the half year and relieve him of the
! worry of uncertainty that t accepted It
'.r myself and gave up other things I
bad In contemplation. I hare not the ex
perlence of your dean and I told him that
bis armor would not fit me, but be tery
graciously gave me rein to conduct mat
ters In my own way,' should I undertake
the work, and It Is In this way that 1
ahall have to conduct them, hoping you
will bear with me and will aid me always.
I ehall need and want your sympathy and
assistance. "
He Cornea from St. l.onla.
Rev. Craig la a young Virginian, who
graduated from a theological school at
Suwannee, Tenn., and entered the ministry
six years ago. Since then be has been at
Jackson, Mls., Clarksvllle, Tenn., and Bt.
Louis. In the last mentioned city he was
rector of the Church of the Holy Com
m union until last Easter, when he re
signed. He is alone and la at present mak
ing his home at The Othello, Twenty-sixth
and Fa mam streets.
Dean Campbell Fair, It i stated, will
now complete arrangements and leave soon
for some sanitarium, probably that at Lake
Geneva, near Chicago. Ilia physician has
also advised that he cross to his former
home in Ireland and do such Junketing
as he feels disposed to do for at least
six months before returning to Omaha,
train's Style la New.
Rev. Craig disclosed In hie remarks Bun
day morning that he Is to bo rather an
Innovation for the parish. His delivery
has all the vlgor'of young manhood and
In addressing hla appeals he unbenda that
he may fairly grasp and hold his auditors
until the point is driven home. A member
of the church said, after the morning
service: "He fairly carried us away with
him. We have never had a speaker with a
style such aa he employs and I cannot say
yet whether we are going to like It or
Among hla first announcements was one
that the Sunday afternoon organ recitals
would be discontinued after that of yes
terday, but that there would be a special
musical service on the first Sunday night
of each month, the organist and choir par
ticipating. He stated also that Bishop
Williams and Right Rev. Dr. Rowe from
Alaska are to be present next Sunday
and one or the other is to speak.
Gleaned from Hla Sermon.
Rer. Cralg'a sermon was of "Jesus, the
Fulflller," the text being found In the
fifth chapter of Matthew, wherein Jesus Is
made to say to the apprehensive Jews: "I
am not come to. destroy the law but to
fulfill It." From the sermon' these are
"In their extreme seal for the Lord the
Jewa aeemed to forget the real purpose of
Christ's coming. In the plan of divine
economy the law and the prophets served
one grand purpose to convict people of
sin and convince them of the need of a
redeemer. The very best of the Bible
saints was unclean as compared to Jesus.
"Did you ever think that if you or 1
could keep these ten commandments per
fectly we could walk to the gatea of
eternal life and demand admission demand
It of God, for He made the promise, the
Inexorable law. Jesus' whole life from
Bethany to Calvary was a fulfillment of
that law. It required righteousness and Ho
was absolutely so; It required obedience
and he waa obedient ever and always,
(even In his tempttngs oa the mount and
his sufferings at the bands of his perse
cutors. Jeaaa la All la All.
"Jeaus Christ Is not only the fulfillment
of the law but of every requirement of God
of man. Take Jesus Christ out of human
history and It has no meaning and no pur
pose; one can no more write a history
leaving Him out than one could make a
map of 8wltxerland leaving out the Alps.
Take Him out of architecture and the
world's beat Is gone; take Him out of art
and you destroy the finest canvasses we
have had since Raphael and Angelo to Oie
present day; take him out of music If you
dare and you alienee the aweetest strains
that ever thrilled human soul. Take Him
out of I n history but you cannot da
that, for whole history of this world Is
but a preparation for Hla coming.
"We are not saved by a creed, a bible
or a book, but by the living personal
Christ; by being grafted Into hla body and
having Him In us."
Bealaa Series of Services at llaaaeem
Park C'harek.
Cbarles Cullen Smith of Chicago, an
evangelist, preached at the Haascom Park
Methodist church 8unday morning, the oc
casion being the opening one of a series of
evangelist le services to be given there by
Rev. Smith during the next three weeks.
For his text the speaker chose the entire
fifteenth chapter of John, harking back
Proof Positive.
The occasional beer
trlnker aa readily as
the aoaaelseeur will
atsoo-er "B L A T Z"
I genuineness and pur
ity Is the Brat elaes.
The aroma suggests
parity the taste
proves It.
Export. Welner, Pri
vate Stork. Mutnoh-
nee, are the brands.
I Each a leader In Its
(Nea-!r.t3sl3ant) Tonic Druggists
or direct.
VAL tun BIEWina Ce. Milwaukee.
ia bMlu St, Ta. IML
i Ttt
through his discourse to divers verses and
phrases. He said In part:
"You must serve Christ, you must ahlde
in Htm. you must bear fruit for Him.
These three things constitute your duty. Do
cot think you must be a big branch of the
tree tit none at all. Do not shun the unlm
portent roles. Be a real branch rathr
than a large one. Remember that a fruit
lest branch always means a fruitless vine.
No Christian good may obtain unless
someone enters Into the work. We may
not leave It for the pastors; for the elders
It la the others who must aid as well with
all their hearts.
"That was a wise man who said 'Christ
alone can save the world, but Christ can
not save the world alone.' It Is not suf
ficient for you to come to -church and
enjoy the music and the service snd then
go away and drop every such matter from
your mind till the next Sunday. You should
let a tangible Christian Influence of your
own make Itself definitely felt for the bet
ter from day to day.
"Abandon yourself to Christ. That is a
better word than surrender. Abandonment
Is complete. Is perfect. I know a man
worth thousanda of dollars who says that
his business is working for Christ, that he
runs a packinghouse merely to pay his ex-
penaea. That la the true spirit. Make Christ
the essence, the real object."
So Saya Rer. H. C. Herring of First
"Scattered over the treeless prairies of
Nebraska are twenty or more Christian
college upholding the standard of religion
making character, teaching Christianity,
and these colleges are Nebraska'a best in
vestment," said Rev. Hubert C. Herring at
the First Congregational church Sunday
morning. In his sermon on "In What to
" undertaken for the betterment
of the world is In the line of education
or training," said the preacher, "and along
these lines Is where the most good Is done.
with the exception of the field of charity.
And even In this field education le not
absent, for people are taught to better
their condition, guard and guide their
Uvea. It la the fact of the world's needs
that has produced educational enthusiasm
"In Investing for the betterment of the
world there are many things to consider
We should first think of what would benefit
the largest number. We should further
the broadeat education. If we establish a
law school we should not have the students
believe that everything good was in the
walla of that building. We Should put em
phasis on the highest form of education,
training the conscience, teaching hope and
fear and truth.
"Modern life has become a wonderful
field for Christian statesmanship and man
Is compelled to make an effort to keep
from putting his all on the altar In the
name of Christ. Ia our south land we
bave the black man, alwaya an object of
pity. Among them Is an opportunity for
the Investment of millions for their en
lightenment and education; the large cltlea
are drawing upon the people of the coun
try and before maay years over one-half
of the people of the country will have re
moved to the large cities. Here Is another
great opportunity for Investment. Pastors
need helpers, and the establishment of
training schools Is another great place for
Investment. Industrial expansion among
the women of the country affords another
place for Investment. In Omaha there are
8,000 self-supporting women. Here we have
a grand opportunity for furnishing relief.
"The people at large need political edu
cation. A Christian newspaper without
party prejudice would be the greatest
factor tn their education and development.
Such a newspaper properly conducted
would be successful. But above them all fa
the Christian college. And the time has
come when rich men should leave In their
willa a clause providing for their main
tenance; checks should be signed for them
and our money should be freely donated."
Rer. H. C Hill Speaks of Grow Inn
Christian Work.
At the First Christian church Sunday
mprnlng the pastor, Harry Granison Hill,
preached on the subject, "A Larger Field
for the Church."
'The Influence and power of the church Is
growing day by day," said he, "and never
before waa It aa strong as It is now. Never
before was the army of churchgoers so large
and at no other period In the world's his
tory have aa many men admitted Christ to
their hearts. We are disposed to regard
this aa a material age, but that Is because
we are too close to It; we need the pers
pective of time tn order to see It as It really
is, and the day will come when the world
will look upon this age as the beginning of
a crisis la God's kingdom on earth.
"There waa a time when men quibbled
and split hairs about sectarian matters, but
that time has pasted. People are tired of It.
They now concern themselves less with
what men say and more with what Christ
says, and the result Is a broauvr lire for
the church.
"We aee evidence on every side of In
creased spirituality. We see it In Dowlelsm,
In so-called divine healing and in Christian
science. These, to be sure, are distortions
of Christianity monstrosities of the real
faith but they serve to show none the leas
that man Is disposed to recognlxe a power
outside of himself, and to depend upon that
power In the affairs of his dally life."
Philippine Veteran Ctatehes Rlrrtrla
Mshl Crossed br Trailer Lino
aaa laataatly Killed.
BOONE, la., April IT. (Special Tele.
gram.) While washing a horse with a hoae
Henry Eoelk grasped a swinging electric
light with one hand and a current of 1,100
volta passed through hie body, killing him
Instantly. During a storm the electrle
light wire had been crossed by a trolley
The victim lived U Wisconsin and was a
Philippine veteran.
Mar Meaa law Mlaa Mercer.
OTTUMWA. Ia., April 17. (Special.) A
$600,000 deal In mining property Is In
progress la this vlelnlty and Is thought to
be a atep la the mining meraer which has
excited the coal Interests extensively la this
ana the surrounding counties. J. Z. Evans,
a millionaire coal miner at Hyaes, who
has options on all the available coal land
In Monroe county aaide from hla mining
Interesta, baa beea approached by a com
paay of eastern capitalists with a view of
buying his property. Mr. Evana haa put a
price of 1500.000 upon his holdings, but re
fuses to give the names of the persons
with whom he la negotiating.
Davenport K. ef t Wlaa Fla.
OTTVMWA. Ia.. April IT. (Special Tele
gram ) The Davenport company. Uniform
Rank. Knight of Pythias, won the Sag
offered by Brigadier General J. C. Manches
ter, commander of the Iowa brigade, aa a
prise for general excellency in Inspection
sad drUl.
Kaaalnatleaa br lbs President.
WASHINGTON. April J7. Ths president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate: Postmasters:'
Iowa-George Metsger, Davenport.
.. "5"-1 '''- Herbert. Commerce; Wil
liam Nagle, Ixnlaon; Henry L. Soroervtlle.
rtl.hmond; William rtlley. Wills Point;
Hiram T Am-wk. i - i . . . n
- - . nwn viij, Jtnua -
Crawford. I'aneroa.
1. MeUia M. TfeerleL Park City.
famous Soldier-Preside Dt ii Eulogised by
Bilver Tongues in Various Cities.
Traces Development of aaatry,
Showing Trend of Thought
Toward Central Gov
ernment. PITTSBCRO, April 27. The elxteenth
annual dinner of the Amerlcus Republican
club of this city In commemoration of the
birthday cf General V. S. Grant waa held
at Hotel Henry tonight, and because of
the many bright oratorical stars present
waa one ot the most brilliant of the many
banquets given by this well known organ-
ixatlon. Hon. P. C. Knox, sttorney gen
ersl of the United States, officiated as
toastmaster, and among thoae seated about
him were Hon. L M. Shaw, secretary of
the treaaury; Hon. H. C. Payne, postmas
ter general; Congressman Charles E. Little
field of Maine, and Hon. John P. Elkin,
attorney general of Pennsylvania. Cbarles
E. Llttlefleld of Maine responded to the
toast "Grant."
Mr. Llttlefleld'a eulogy was received with
rapt attention and at Its conclusion Mr.
Knox Introduced Hon. L. M. Shaw, secre
tary of the treasury, whose response to
the toast "The Governmental Evolution,"
was greeted with applauae.
Traces Country's Progress.
Secretary Shaw in a few words traced
the development of the country from
scattered colonies, each Independent of the
other and not infrequently antagonistic.
to its present commanding position aa a
unified sisterhood of atatee. He noted the
dangers common to all the colonies,
which resulted in a continental congress
and a Joint enter rise of resistance to
Great Britain, followed by a Declaration ot
Independence, then articles of confedera
tlon, and finally a constitution.
"The trend or thought," said Mr. Shaw
"haa been ever towards central govern
He referred to the contending and an
tagonlstic schools of political thought that
during seventy years of the national exist
ence struggled for supremacy. The one
taught state sovereignty, the other found
voice in the immortal words of Webster:
"Liberty and union, now and forever, one
and lnspearable."
"If the door set ajar in the spring of
1896 by the unanimous vote of both houses
of congress ever swings wide on Its
binges the United States will police not
only the street on which It lives," he de
clared, "but the entire western hemisphere,
and with It all countries and all islands
by the Pacific."
He said we must have the largest
merchant fleet ever kissed by ocean
breezes, and these carriers of International
commerce must be built ot American ma
terial. In American yards, by American
labor. They are to be manned by American
sailors, fired by American coal, or mora
probable, oil, and they are to float the
stars and stripes.
Memorial in Kew York.
NEW YORK, April 27. The anniversary
of General U. S. Grant's birthday was cel
ebrated tonight by the membere and guests
of the Grant Monument association, with
a banquet given at the Waldorf-Astoria.
Prominent military men and national pol
iticians from all sections of the country
were present. General Grenville Dodge
acted aa toastmaster. At the guests' table
with General Dodge were Senator. J. . C.
Burrows ot Michigan; Congreeemsn J. E.
Watson of Indiana; Congressman Cbamp
Clark of Missouri; General Thomaa Hub
bard of New York; General Anaon Mc
Cook, Major General Brooke, Major Gen
oral Howard, the Rev. Dr. MacArthur,
Thomas Hodge, Colonel A. L. Mills, Major
General James R. Wilson, Governor Wil
liam H. Taft of the Philippines; Cornelius
N. Bliss and Oeneral Henry L. Burnett.
NEW YORK, April 26. General Grant'e
birthday was celebrated in Brooklyn to
night by a dinner given by Grant post G.
A. R. and the Union League club.
Senator J. R. Burton ot Kansas was the
chief speaker, responding to the toast
Grant as a Friend." He said among
other thlnga:
"Grant's campaign and hla work aa pres
ident will never grow dim. Men of mar
tial spirit will ever think of him at Fort
Donaldson and at Vlcksburg. Grant, with
a nation weeping at his tomb is a grander
picture than a Napoleon dying In exile.
Nor Is It the least of the difference in
the lives ot these great men that one was
true to his friends and the other thought
only of himelf. The mighty genius of
Napoleon cut off the day ot retribution,
but that day, prolonged, had at laat to
come. The simple faith and confidence of
Grant In mankind enshrined him In the
hearta of millions no leaa than did his
great deeds."
At His Old Home.
GALENA. 111.. April 27. The eightieth
anniversary birthday of General U. S.
Grant was celebrated In this city today
under the auspices of the Grant Birthday
association ot Galena, Thla marked the
tenth obaervanee of the day.
The orator of the day at the first cele
bration In 1S93 waa William McKlnley, fol
lowed in succeeding yews by orators of
nstlonal reputation. Including Luther Laf
Un Mills ot Chicago, Theodore Roosevelt,
Cbarles Emory Smith and othera.
The speaker of the day, Hon. William
T. Calhoun, arrived from Chicago ahortly
after noon, accompanied by many distin
guished visitors, who Joined with thou
sands from this and adjoining counties
la the celebration with marked enthusiasm.
8peclal trains were run from various
polnta, bringing in numerous visitors to
swell the throng. The commemorative ex
ercises were held in Turner hall and Mr.
Calhoun'a addreas was warmly received.
trlbstlea to tbe Tory Cam.
pnlara Fnnd.
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 27. (New York World
Cablegram, Special Telegram.) Lateet of
ficial report has It that William Waldorf
Astor will be created Baron Cliveden of
Taplow next month. How popular a peer
the former American will be waa proved
this week in tbe House ot Commons. Mr.
Astor strongly opposed the granting of a
concession whoss fate for long years haa
trembled In the balance.
"Shall the public comfort be made sub
servient to the personal convenience ot
this domineering millionaire. Astor?" cried
aa advocate ot granting the concession.
That ended tbe discussion, the doubt ot
two years vanished, the concession was
Mr. Astor's ennoblement Is certainly un
popular and causes resentment even In
ministerial circles. But it Is said for him,
however, politically, that he contributed a
1:50.000 to the laat tory election
fund and will give as much more
before the next general election. Tbe man
whose tremendous fortune wss made In the
country that thraahed George III. is a tory
ot tories. It is authoritatively said, too,
that Mr. Astor will sell the Pall Mall Ga
leae at the moment of his ennoblement.
Ho does sot coaslder the proprietorship "M
. . .
'"" ts as naaii sniss n aa . f i ".'- --i " i iimr i i a .. mil i ia
to every person whose stomach or excretory organs tre in bad working order. The
body has become a poison producing mechanism instead of a health and joy bring
ing organism. Courage, Hope, Cheerfulness are destroyed, and Gloom, Despair
and Hopelessness reign supreme. A change can be made promptly from Gloom
to Happiness, from the Blues to Brightness, by using
It will act as a gentle laxative, stimulating the muscular coat of the intestines to
steadv, permanent work, without filling the system with injurious drugs. It will
aid the digestive apparatus, the stomach and associated organs, to recover tone,
strength and working power, and keep them in a condition where just to be alive is
a continual joy.
v,"u""- "uuui" num unjjsiicu uigcsuuu, na ineir name is legion
promptly succumb to this kindly, palatable medicine that, properly used, will keet
one always on good terms with himself. Try a bottle and see if you are ever agaii
without it.
' Send us the name of your druggist for free sample bottle. State your case, and let us tend you
records of actual experiences of others which will be of inestimable help to you.
a newspaper to be consonant with the dig
nity of a peer of England. Nevertheless,
Lord Glenesk, proprietor ot the Morning
Post, Is one of the ablest, most respected
members of the House of Lords. Lord
Gleneek has never dreamed of aelllng his
newspaper, which, however, is an ex
tremely valuable property.
To Pay OIT Soldiers President Saye He
Would Have to Lraae
HAVANA, April 27. General Babl. Lona.
Sacedo and Capote have tried to obtain
from President-elect Estrada Palma an
assurance that the Cuban army would be
paid. Replying to the generals, Senor Es
trada Palma said he fas disposed to pay
the army, but to do so more resources
would be needed than Cuba now has. He
never suspected, he said, that the list of
those to be paid contained 70,000 namea,
and the estimate of the amount due sol
diers 180,000,000 frightened him.
"The payment of this enormous sum
would annihilate us." aald the president
elect. "I would have to lease Cuba to
raise the amount."
Senor Estrada Pal ma's idea was to re
vise the lists and to negotiate a loan of
$10,000,000. providing for the interest by a
sinking fund as outlined In the constitu
tion. Ht expressed regret at the tact that
no provision had been made to pension
tbe widows of war heroes, mentioning par
ticularly in this connection the widows of
Generals Maceo and Marti. He proposed
also to do something for those Injured In
the war.
Senator Allison Aaaerts ( xnarress Will
Not Act on Reorganisation
Measare Tula Seaalon.
CHICAGO, April 27. Reciprocity In some
form will be granted to Cuba, was tbe
statement made today by Senator Allison,
who atopped in Chicago a few hours and
left the city tonight for Washington. He
was In doubt as to the exact form which
legislation for the island would finally as
sume. Senator Allison aald:
"Some form ot reciprocity undoubtedly
will be granted to the Island people at thla
sosslon of congress, but what form It will
be no man knows now. I should not care
to forecast."
"Do you think it will take the recent
form of. ths bouse amendment?" was
"Will the beet sugar interests of tbe
west be looked after at all?"
"The amendment aa passed by the house
will not be repeated by the aenate. That
does not mean, however, that the beet
sugar lntereata will not be cared for."
"Will the army reorganixation bill be
disposed ot at this session of congress?"
"No, I can state positively that it will
not be acted upon at thla session."
"Is that because the session Is to be cut
"No, congress will not adjourn till the
last of June. I do not wish to say why the
bill will not be taken up."
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 27. (Special.)
Miss Olga Waldo and Ernst Shults of
Pender were married north of th s city yes
terday. Tbe West Point cadet band played
duriug the wedding reception. The young
people are popular residents ef northeast
Cuming county.
BEATRICE. Neb.. April 27. (Special.)
Luther Arthur Walt her of Wymore and
Margaret Florence Tracey or Lincoln aere
married hers Thurecley afteraooo. The
young couple will live in Wymore. where
ths (room haa resided for soma tlma.
5Vlet . A .'.'.'. i
"The day darf and cold
and dreary"
Chronic troubles arising from impaired digestion, and their name is Iettion.
bottle free
Horse Owners of Three Cities Organize
Gentleman's Eacing Olub.
Horaes Will Be Tested In Half-Mile
Ileata on Saturday Afternoona
Dnrlna: the Coming
A meeting was held last evening at the
Millard hotel for the purpose of organizing
an association to be composed of tbe ama
teur road drivers ot Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs.
Awaiting the arrival of eeveral gentlemen
the company apent an enjoyable half hojr
In talking over the prospects for the sum
mer and reviewing the results ot past
The meeting was called to order by A. S.
Thomaa, secretary ot the Omaha Trotting
club, tbe association in charge of the pro
fessional June race meeting. L. O. Cro
foot waa nominated chairman of the meet
ing and A. C. Thomas secretary.
A motion by Harry Dunn that the chair
man appoint three, one from each city rep
resented, as a committee to devise by-lawa
and to give the association a name was
adopted. Mr. Crofoot appointed Nat Brown
of Omaha, A. W. Wyman of Council Bluffs
and Dr. S. E. Cosford of South Omaha.
It was decided to hold the first amateur
meeing on the afternoon ot May 10 at the
half-mile track. Tbe date of ths second
meeting was decided as May 24. The Brat
and second meetings are to be half-mile
dashes, probably two claasea for pacera
and two for trotters. On Decoration day
amateur races will bs held, conditions to
be half-mile heats, best two In three. Ia
order to keep these strictly amateur races,
no admission fee can be charged and only
amateura may drive. After Decoration day
tbe meetings will occur every second Sat
urday. Tbe question of classifying the horses
waa given to a committee of three appoint
ed by the chair, W. A. Watson of Omaha,
Harry E. Tagg ot South Omaha and W. H.
Town of Council Bluffs. This committee
will be known aa the raolcg atewards.
The question of vehicles came up. and
while the matter comes under the jurisdic
tion of the by-lawa committee, It was
thought best to find the consensus of opin
ion. A vote by roll waa taken, ths result
being 12 to 2 tn favor of uaing racing carta.
The reason for this was that there are
enough racing carts In Omaha to give every
amateur a vehicle of approximately the
aame weight.
A. L. Thomas addressed the meeting on a
p!n of tne trotting club to give four racea
for the amateura at ths Juns meeting and
asked thoae Interested whether the prlxes
should be for money or not. In case the
prizes were for money, a horse so racing
would rease to be an amateur racer. The
boraemen decided to remain amateur and
voted unanimously that tbe prises be some
thing other than money.
It was decided that the qualifications of
membership bs the payment of 15 for a sea
son ticket, the money to prepay the ex
penses of keeping the track In condition.
A. L. Thomaa. speaking for ths Trotting
club, offered the amateurs tbe use of ths
track every Saturday afternoon ef aa ama
teur meeting free ot charge, also giving
each member the privilege of working hie
horse over ths track at any time.
The following were present and enrolled
as members: Dr. S. E. Cosford of South
Omaha; Harry Dunn. C. C. Kendall. H. J.
Root. A. C. Thomas, W. A. Maekey, W. H.
Dudley, Council Bluffs; A. W. Wyman,
Council Bluffs; W. A. Wataon. John Bishop,
Nat Brown. L. r. Crofoot. Torn Dennlaon,
T. C. Byrne and R. A. Thompson.
Ths meeting adjourned till Saturday
evening at the aame place.
Wasasara t allrSa Defeats Yaaktoa.
TAJSKTON, S. D., AarU J7.-(Bplai Tel-
you are ever again
egram.) The baseball game between Tank
ton college and Washburn college of To
peka, Kan., played neri this morning, re
sulted in a victory for the Jayhawkers.
At no time were the Yankton boys In the
game. The score by Innings:
Washburn 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 0
Yankton 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 01
Kehraska t'nlveralfy Baae Rail Men
Pile t p Focr Hans tilTu
neeota'e Three,
ST. PAUL, Minn., April 27. (Special Tel
egram.) It was a great game, and Ne
braska succeeded In hreyr.lng the spell
that had permitted Minnesota to triumph
In baseball, football and basket-ball. The
corn huskers won from the gophers by the
score of 4 to S. Nebraska may well fee)
proud of the nine men who capered over
the diamond in its defense.
The nUt waa witnessed by a crowd of
Minnesota rooters, who yelled the tiring
tirade that enoojrnged the football team
laat fall. There were no friendly faces to
wave the scarlet snd cream when Ne
braska entered the field. Th'ey were alone.
When the last Inning was played anil
the corn huskers hnd won they gathered
in a tiny bunch and amidst the howling
crowd gave the "I'-U-U L'nl" yell for the
first time vli-torlously on N -ri..rup field.
I.etherby waa In the box and Bender be
hind the bat. The work of both waa up
to standard, Letherby fanning four. Ne
braska's whole team played veteran ball
Minnesota, although tieing the score In the
second Hnd running even along to the fifth,
waa not on a par with the smaller players
from the Platte.
In the ninth It did look black for Ne
braska. In this Inning the Northerners
on an error by Gaines got a man on first
and second with no outs. Render then
caught out a hard foul. Letherby fanned
the Indian Rodgera and the nine Nebraska
hearts beat naturally again. The third
man knocked a grounder to Hood, who
threw him out at first.
The athletic board of Minnesota urged a
game for Monday , and met In, session on
the ball grounds. The defeat they ack
nowledged was oulte surprising.
The aoore by Innings:
Nebraska I S 1 0 1 o 4
Minnesota 1 10 0 0 0 10 03
Struck out By Letherbv 4. hv,
Bases on balls Off Letherby 4, oft Brig
ham 1. Hits Nebraska 10 Minn.i.
Two-base hits Bender 2, Letherby 1 Er
rorsNebraska 2, Minnesota 4. Batteries
beinrruy snu tJenuer, rlgnm snd Jones.
Whltlac 13. Uaawa II.
ONAWA, Ia., April 27. (Sncclal Tale-
fram.)-The Whiting High school team da
jea'eu the Onawa High school nine at
rt lining touay in a tweive-lnnlng game by
ecore of U to 11. Batteries: VV lilting,
" ' fi i iii i v ml
You feel old. Hour after hour
you slowly drag yourself through
your work. You are tired out all
the time. Night brings no re9t. .
What is the cause of all this?
Impure blood. Get rid of these
impurities. Put your blood in
better condition. Build ud vour nerves
The doctors report to us the best of success
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's the only Com
pound concentrated
I have used Ayer's SaraaparilU la
snv eeaeral has
ilth. It f avs me ths
took." F, h. UcCt.Y, Tripton, 111
SIS. ASsnwrtne.
1 '
Syrup Pepsin
E2. lifts tel
" toofnvt oui r64
aits men oranra sisam sj
atSHSL Btt Ittfatt.
Iter tleaac ass Issrttsrs; use
Base?, Ursr sss Masser frssMa,
raerawstaf aavnt HUom ar
faMfS a at 4pi OfUt,
yi SfJimitmit J LJtJ..
Tmt 8Ywl'faCl'jwCv4j).i:
m, IWwr aS IMr U. tats
ar adaa aisshu
Atm lar law tn eve JTaMakol
CBwgWw. ramjet., a
Hi Dirmtum, tato fnm a if to
a SawlaytosW earrr mt
Mat fail. ar aMMraa sm 'from
U aMMaaaaM, ainraw f
ao. atrwtfk aMsaNoaTaV eotnb
aad aiili id. atai ania
rfr kon if acaayira.
Mbavrftavvns eatv av
m vHTiiv. in... v.m.m
Russell and Harkness; Onawa, Robinson
and Copple. Umpire: Perkins.
Mill v Mart anit Mia at..
Tbelr Bow to Omaha
Billy Hart you all know Billy, the only
man who ever knocked a ball over center
field fence at the old Miami street park
arid hla Peoria Pirates will come to Omaha,
today to atrfri a aeries of four games. Hart
and hla team have been doing well snd
promise to make the Knurke family hustle
all the way. "Hlg Bill'' Wilson. Willy
Hilly McGlll, Vaughn Hnd a lot of olJ
favorites are In the team, and a promising
bunch of youngsters, Including Stone and
Haya. who atarted with Omaha. Monday
will be ladles' day, on which occasion there
la nothing too good for the women. The
Omaha. Trorln.
Calhoun first base Vaughn
Stewart second base M i honey
Dnlan hhortstop OIIIIksm
Hlckey third bne TibHld
Fleming left field Moloney
Genlns center field Htoiiv
Carter right field L.-sutia
Open geaalon of Omaha Council, Fol.
lowed by a Social Hour of
Knjoj ment.
Last night, at the lodge rooms in The
Bee building. Omaha council No. Ill,
United Commercial Travelers, held a pub
He installation of odluers. C. W. Htnaay
acted as Installing officer and Inducted ths
following Into their atatlons for tbe next
term: F. E. Bookmiller, senior counsellor;
C. P. Hamlnghouse. Junior counsellor; W. A,
Green, past counsellor; G. F. Schouek, sec
retary and treasurer; C. C. Patrick, con
ductor; F. F. Osborne, page; F. B. Hoi
brook, sentinel.
About 100 members and their ladles weri
present. At the close of tbe Installatloa
exercises thor was dancing, music, car
playing and other amusements, followed b
txtract of Sarsaparilla.
order to maka mv blooH r.r. .- t
best satisfaction of any medicine I ever
J. C AVEt CO.. Uw.ll, guts.
i lima