THE "OMAHA PAII,V TIKE: MONDAY, ATIIIL 28, -Unrj. NEWS OF. INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIXOR MEJTIO. Tevla sella drugs. etockert sells carpets and rug. "Vvollman, scientific optician, 409 B'way. Take, horns a brick of Metsger s Ice ga-eam. Yanlla, Z&c; Neopolltan. 26c. J. C. and W. Woodward, architects, room , Everett block. Council Bluffs, la. New goods and outfits for pyrographlc Jwork at Alexander's Art Store, ia li way. Oo to Morgan Klein for upholstering, tnattrees making and feather renovating. a South Main street. 'Phone M. For sale, excellent building lot In Central Hub., slse 44x120. This In a bargain for gome one, for cash sale or will sell on pay ment plan. Lot Is located on Avenue B. within several blocks of aood school. t.aji or address ii. F. Watts, Coe office, Council Ulufrs. Born, to Mr and Mrs. K. I. Mathls, 1128 South Eleventh street, a daughter. White Rose Itebekah Mny Pl? dance 'April SO. Hughea' hRli. TUkets 25 cents per couple; extra ladle 10 cents. Everything In the house furnishing line 'old on the easy payment plan at the Iowa iirurnlture k. Carpet Co. s, 4u7 Broadway. The Council Uluffs Ministerial associa tion will meet Monday morning at 10 (dock In the liroadway Methodist church. The social which was to have been given fcy the young people of the First Congre gational church Friday night last, has fjeen postponed until next Friday. Carpets, mattings, rugs,- linoleums, rope fvorllerea, window shades, etc.. In endless variety at the Iowa Furniture A Carpet Co.'s, 407 Broadway. 'Phono L. 61L . At a meeting of the board of park com gnlssloners yesterday afternoon the pavilion privileges In Falrmount park were leased 4o C. Mynster for the summer for $107. Mrs. Anna Peppell, committed to the (tats Insane asylum yesterday morning by the commissioners at Avocs, was taken to Claiinda last evening by Sheriff Cousins. John Fltspatrlck, who fought Officer Jeusch Friday night when placed under surest for drunkenness, was fined 125 and costs In polios court yesterday morning by Judge BcotL Cases of smallpox In the Overmeyer fam ily, 2&l South Seventh street, and the Mc Kown family. Twenty-eighth street and avenue J, were reported to the health au jthoiitles yesterday. Chris Johnson, the young man who la bored under the hallucination that 'he was king of Sweden, was committed to St. lier rard's hospital yesterday by the commls- ran BIOC ners on insanity. A new anthem. "The Hymn of Uu Fath ai,4 ,xmrxuA hv W- 1. ThinKatiin n f 'ht cltv. will be tuns for the first time In Council Bluffs this morning at the First 'JbTesbyterum cnurcn. f Colonel C. O. Saunders delivered an ad dress Isst evening before the Odd Fellows tt Weston. Ia., at tbs exercises held In i commemoration of the eighty-third anni versary or mo oraer. ) St. Albans lodge. Knights of Vythlss. 'will entertain the members of the order land friends Monday night at a card party, 'There will be a program of speeches and tnuslo ana refreshments wiu te served. Gertrude Oarrett, the 14-month -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Oarrett, Iu) Graham avenue, died yesterday after noon from measles. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at 2:30 o clock from .the residence. ' Too many organs taken in and run for 'pianos; come soon; no time to write long ,adn., no money, either, to. fool away for big ads., ss we want to save you money. Bourlclus Muslo house, 33S Broadway, where the organ stands upon the building. County Treasurer Arnd yesterday re. mltted -SlL&'iO to New York to take up .I10.0U) of Pottawattamie county refunding I bonds and pay the Interest. He also re mltted to the state treasurer 116.127.86. the state's proportion of taxes collected during- juarcn. i Clara, the 11-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ballev, died suddenly I yesterday morning. The funeral will be 'this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the fam llly residence. Forty-second street ajid Broadway, - and burial will be In Walnut ijlll ceroutry. . ' Wofi nas Hr'n received here that Rev. ;Myron C. Waddell. former pastor of the . Broadway church, haa been compelled to enter the Methodist hospital In Des Moines to submit to snother operation for relief from the abscess which has again formed in the pleural cavity. George A. Hoagland obtained a permit i esterd&y for the erection of a frame of ce and lumber shed at the corner of KLjhtn, avenue and Main street to cost ,2,oo0. J. A. Uolllnghorst took out one for i the erection or a one-story trame cottage lat the corner of Seventeenth avenue and rieventn atieet to cost H.ouu. ! The Jury In Judge Wheeler's court In the suit or George unase against the city of Council Bluffs and the Chicago & North western railroad brought In a verdict yes terday morning for the defendants. Chase sued for ttflO damage to .his property on Uleventh street caused by the overflow of j pntllan creek In July, 19u0, and September, 5901. 1 I Council Bluffs traveling men began yes terday arrangements for entertaining the 'meeting of the grand council, State of 'Iowa, of the United Commercial Travelers ,of America, which will be held In Council iBluffs June IS and 14. The sessions will be finld In Koyal Arcanum hall and Lake 'Manawa will be the scene of the attend ant festivities. t, ; Go Won Go Mohawk, In a new play writ ten especially for the well-known author manager. Lincoln J. Carter, entitled "The ijrlemlng Arrow," will be the attraction at vine Iohany theater tonight. The play Is Id to contain many novelties and sterling effects. To add to the realism a number i of famous Indians plsy active parts In the Interpretation of the story. Among others eye the famous old warrior, "Moon Dog," who Is remembered In connection with the ,Custer massacre as a scout, and Red JfUune, ' Custer's famous runner. Fun lovers will have a surfeit of amuse rnsnt next Thursday night, when the Uagles wlll put on their big show st the Dnhany. The Old Homestead" Itself Is brimful of comedy and clever work and with the spe cialties, the audience will certslnly get Its money's worth. There are eleven specialty arti.ts on the bill, and those who have seen the turps state there Is not a poor one In the bunch. There will be songs and dances galore, three or four monologues and the cleverest boxing turn ever put on In Council Bluffs. Mogy Bern eteln. the king of the Omaha newsboys, svlll have his fastest two proteges go three or four rounds. These tiny fellows hsve carried off about all the amateur medals offered by the Omaha theaters and will eur- firlse lovers of the manly art. Among the 1st on the specialty bill are: The Drake plsters, O. W. B. Westerdahl. I M. Trey ,.,oijl B R Wadsworth. Harvey DeLong. . F."T ltoU? J,rv'. A. Goldstein, bro!t"- he midget boxers, and p. Balfour In the Highland fling. Pa vis Mils glass. Real Estate Transfers. (These transfers were Died yesterday la the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. f quire, 101 Pearl street: Sheriff to L P, Judson, lot t. Auditor's subdlv. neVa swW. and lot 3. Auditor's subdiv. nw, sw4 lS-75-43. s. d $ 260 (lenrletta Rogers and husband to Jessie Rogers Mellor, lot 11, block 34, Baytlss it Palmer s sdJ., w. d 1 y. M. Parker and wife to W. M. Jackson, lot i, block , Baylies Palmer's add., w. d 260 P. 11. Marsh and wife to R. M. Smith, lot U. Auditor's subdlv. seW swV ,12-75-40, w. ,1 17$ IVUllam li. Griffith and wire to Peter Jacobsen, ewV sw? 16 and n nwU J3-76- w. d T.200 Five transfers, total.. .$7,876 Marriage Licenses. ' Licenses to wd. were Issued yestsrday to the following- Name and Realder.e. Age. W. C. Swaney, Council muffs 2S Msagle J. Zentg. Council Bluffs 1 K T. McQInness, South Bend, Neb Jl Lola.h, M. Clifton. Aahiand, Neb 18 K. L. DeVol. Council Bluffs 46 C harlot t M. Smith. Council Bluffs 46 11T tLEAJtu- Dred and pressed. Special attention given ladles' garments. Also chenille curtains neatly cleaned, dyed and pi-eased. 'Phone A-621. Iowa Steam De Works, H Broad ay. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director C (Successor te W. C Estsa) 6 FEAHta TliST. Then T. BLUFFS. CITY IS PAYING ITS DEBT Decrease is Both Hosting and Bonded Ob ligation i During the Year. SOME ARE PAID OFF BEFORE DUE Cask In the Treasnry to Pay O All the Outstanding Warrants of the Manlrlnallty laterest Pay ment Reduced. The annual report of City Auditor Evans for the fiscal year ending April 1, 1902, completed yesterday, shows that the city Is In a much better financial condition than It has been for a number of years. Ths general indebtedness of the city dur ing the year was materially reduced, as was Its Improvement obligations. Not only Is there ample money In the treasury to psy all outstanding warrants, but there have been paid and canceled within the last twelve months $9,600 regular per cent Interest-bearing bonds, which were uol due until October, 1903, and $11,500 of 6 per cent Intersection bonds, which were not due for several years, thus saving the city a neat sum In Interest. Intersection sewer bonds to the amount of $12,000 hsve been called for payment, the cash being In the treasury, but they have not yet been presented. The net Indebtedness of the city on April 1, 1902, was $199,254.45, as against $21, 948.78 on April 1, 1901, a decresse of $17. 692.33. The cash balances on April 1, 1903, were: Cash In Treaeorr. fleneral fund n.tXUl Sewer fund .. w Hrirlve fund 8.115.14 Koad fund 1.631.94 Judament fund 601.18 Ushtlna- fund 3,412.31 Water fund 1.4R2.27 Funded debt fund ?.2t 88 Uond loan Interest 7,844.72 Total, nine $38,680.86 Isnmsry for the lean Net debt April L 1901 $21S.MS.78 Warrants drawn during year Interest paid during year 10,670.10 Total ....$329,217.1 Less cash received by treasurer during year $129,962.71 Making net Indebtedness April 1, 1902 . 199,254.46 Improvement Obligations. The gross amount of improvement obll gatlons outstanding April 1, 1902, was $l0.803-92. as follows: Jntersectlon paving bonds $lnft.S" ntersectlon grading bonds 19,000 Intersection sewer bonds 84.6") Special aasessment paving bonds.... 2.400 Special assessment grading bonds.... 1,100 Improvement fund warants not pre sented 303 The total cash balances la the Improve ment funds was $38,746.65, making the net Improvement obligations of the city April 1. 1902, $122,067.27, as against $161,976.03 April 1, 1901, a reduction of $39,818.76. Net Cash ta Trestsry. .The cash on hand April L 1902, was $79. 686.66,' as follows: In regular fund $38,680. 85 Improvement fund 38,746.06 Library fund." 1,767.84 Park fund .; 601.20 Warrant Statement. Warrant were drawn durlsg the year, amounting to $114,211.67, as follows: Salaries of officers and clerks $10,860 Police department 1J. 8.11. 75 Fire department 15.600 Streets and alleys 10,160.23 Electrical department 1.9t7.&4 Engineer's department 4,0u0 Printing and supplies 1,093.39 City pound n 60 Elections 977.21 Contingencies 2.974.28 Lighting 9,791.62 Sewer " 2.490.51 Bridges , 1.8M.30 Judgments and costs 2,072.86 Water hydrant rental 26,160 Improvements 10,338.93 Special assessment grading cer tificates 13496 Intersection paving and grading... 37.60 Bonded Debt. The total outstanding bonds ef the city April 1. 1902, amounted to $890,500, as fol lows: Regular bonds $230,000 Intersection 167,000 Special assessment 8,600 In 1901 the outstanding bonds amounted to $419,200, as follows: Regular $239,600 Intersection 168,ti0 Special assessment 11,200 On April 1, 1901, unpaid Judgments against ths city amounted to $10,713.22, but the greater part of these will be taken up within the next few weeks. Tax Levy. The city tax levy for 1901 of 89 mills on an assessed valuation of $$,589,687, now In course of collection, is expeoted to bring In a revenue to the municipality of $142, 684.04, ss follows: . Mills. Total General fund 10 $35,85.37 Bond loan I 10, 768.61 Intersection paving and grading 6 17,947 68 Funded debt fund 3 10,76.61 Intersection sewer 1 7,173.07 General sewer 1 3.6S9.63 Judgment IV 8.281.68 Bridge 1 3,6X9 68 Library 1 3.6K9.63 Park 2 7.1707 Water , 6 17.947.68 Lighting 3 10.768 61 Improvement 2 7, lis. 07 Oravel rooting, A. H. Head. 641 Broadway. Omaha Wins Ball Game. Th Council Bluffs High school bass ball team opened the season yesterdsy with a game with the Omaha High school nine and was defeated, by the boys from ths other side of the river. The Bluffs boys were completely outclsased and failed to reach the home plate at any point in th game, while the Omshaas rolled up a score of eighteen runs. This was the lineup: Council Bluffs. Omaha- Scott catcher... Falrbrother (C) Sulhoff pitcher Lowell Lacey first base Robertson letton second bsse Englehardt Barn-s. . .third base Kennard Smith .. Marrow. Crow.... Martin.. Score: ..shortstop..... Hayes ...left field Cog .center field Orlfflth ..right field Loftus Omaha 083901 016 Council Bluffs OOOeOOOOO 0 The Flower Mission ladles will give dsnce Tuesday evening, April 29, at Royal Arcanum hall. Admlislon $1. All friends Invited. Two Fires ta On Day. Fir partially destroyed ths small bakery conducted by Charles Wldmaler. at 823 West Broadway at 1.30 yestsrday morning. A pan of doughnuts was responsible for the blsis. which destroyed the workshop in the rear and a small frame connection be tween the shop and the mala building. Aftcy being one subdued the flames broks out again about an hour later and gav th department a second run. During th second bis is Wldmsler waa severely In jured by stepping on a nail, which pens, trated his foot. The building 1 ewned by th Joha Chapmsa estate and was - In sured. Wldmaler estimate hi loss at about $500. which, la covered by Usuraae. Tat family, ha pscupi jgema gtvw ta shop, were forced to leave tbs building In their hlghtclothes. Ho-aee for All. For sale at low prices and eay paymenta, homes In all parts of ths city, Including some of the nicest residences and those of moderate alio. Also dwell ings and business property In Omaha. Farms bought and sold. It will pay you to see us at the abstract office of J. W. Squire. The "Wilcox Mansion. A rsrload of porch columns and capltols for the Wilcox residence has lust arrived from Philadelphia, Pa., and will be put la place next week. The design for the porch as well as the bulldlog Is strictly up to date and was approved by the East ern manufacturers before being ordered. Archltecturslly the Wilcox residence Is the most artistic, up-to-date residence In this part of the country. Plumbing and heating. Uixby Son. Davis sells paint. WEEK IN THE SOCIAL WORLD Weddlnizs and Namerons Small Kn tertalnments Fill In the Time. Dr. 3. C. Deetken left last evening on a visit to Chicago. Miss Blackweli of Des Moines Is the guest of Miss Marie Bryant. Mrs. George Remington of Neola wss the guest lAt week of Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Miss Helen snd Miss Florence Robinson will visit friends at Red Oak today. Mrs. Gsfford and sister. Miss Grace Fer guson, are visiting friends In Manila, la. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cromwell are home from an extended sojourn In California. The Woman's Whist club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. C. Cory. John Ott of Washington avenue left Monday for San Francisco to visit rela tives. W. K. Everlngham returned yesterday from a visit to Peoria and other points In Illinois. Mips Bowman Is home from Mississippi, where she passed the winter with relatives and friends. Miss Helens Blxby entertained a num ber of friends Informally at her home Wednesday evening. The regular musicals of the Derthlck club will be given st the Royal Arcanum hall Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sweeting entertained a number of friends informally at their home Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. A. Hastings and daughter, Mabel, of Seattle, Wash., are guests of the fam ily of Rev. R W. Erlckson. The Daughters of the American Revolu tion were entertained Friday evening at the home or Miss Cora iiarle. Mrs. L. C. Km p kin has gone to Los An- feles to attend the biennial of the National ederatlon of Woman's clubs. Mrs. John N. Baldwin and son Jack will leave tomorrow for Waterville, N. Y where they will pass the summer. The young women of the Flower Mis sion will give a dancing party at the Royal Arcanum hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. H W. Rothert entertained a number of the women of this city Mon day afternoon at the Iowa School for the Deaf. Rev. and Mrs. George Edward Walk en tertained Informally at dinner Thursday evening In honor of Mrs. Colte of Chi cago. Mayor and Mrs. M. M. Hesd of Jeffer son, la., who have been visiting friends and relatives In the city, have returned to their home. Miss Bullard entertained the members of the Tuesday Euchre club last week. The club will meet Tuesday with Mrs. Em- roett Tin ley. Mrs. Schnorr of South 8eventh street will- entertain the University club this week Instead of Mrs. Dawson, as previous ly arranged. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Mont somerv of thla city and Mr. Grenvllli Parker will occur at New York City to morrow at noon. Miss Genevieve Baldwin of thla city will be among the guests In attendance. Miss Freeman of Iowa City, who haa been visiting Miss Smith at the Catholic rectory, left for home Thursday, accom panied by Miss Smith. Miss Jessie Alworth entertained the members of the First Avenue Card club at the final meeting of the club Thursday afternoon at her home. The women of St. Paul's Episcopal church are arranging to give A Trip Around the World" entertainment for the benefit of the church debt. Rev. W. . A. Moore and daughter. Miss Nelle, left yesterday afternoon for Cali fornia, where they will attend the Club Woman'a convention and visit friends for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs H. P. Weir of La Porte, Ind., are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Cutler, and fsmlly en route home from Eureka Springs, Ark., where they passed the winter. The sisters in charge of St Mary's home gave a reception -nd card party to the young women of the city Monday evening. About alxty attended. Refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jennings enter tained the members of the Oakland Ave nue club at their home Friday evening. Prises at cards were won by Mr. and Mrs, Eldln H. Lou gee. The club will be enter tained Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shea. Mrs. Douglas Graves and Mra. Blanch Williams of Boston were tendered a sur prise party Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard of Park avenue. A pleasant evening waa spent In games and music, followed by refreshments. , The members of the Calendar Card club were pleasantly entertained Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCune. Mrs. Arthur Hoftmayr and Mr. A. B. Cook were awarded the prises. The club will be' entertained May 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkins. Francis E. Dickson of Clay Center, Neb., and Miss Grace Lamble of Fairfield, Neb., were inarried Wednesday noon at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter on Eighth avenue. Rev. James Thompson of the First Congregational church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson will make their home In Clay Center. The marriage of Miss Clarabelle Gray and Mr. Richard E. Rodd occurred Wednesday evening at 8:30 at their home, 847 Avenue G, Rev. W. S. Barnea officiat ing. In the presence of a large number of the friends of th contracting parties. Both the bride and groom are well known in this city, the groom being the sssistsnt general manager of the local office of the Long Distance Telephone company. The bride was employed for some tlms as stenographer at the Monarch Manufactur ing company. The couple were the recipi ents of numerous handsome wedding gifts. N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone 2S9. Jenloas Man Attempts Marder. DES MOINES. Ia., April 27. A aensatlon was caused here today by an attempt to shoot Dr. E. B. Walston, a prominent physician. Jealous of the physician's at tention to his divorced wife, Jesse Ham mond, a cigar dealer, shot at Walaton la the boerdlngbouse where the doctor hsd gone to call oa Mrs. Hammond. Th ball missed the doctor by aa inch. Hammond surrendered himself. A warrant Is out for Walston. Des Moines Firm Goes Broke. DES MOINES, la.. April 27. The War-eld-Chase company, wholesalers of toys, notions and sportsmen's goods. Bled a vol untary petition In bankruptcy today. Lia bilities are scheduled at $33,000 and assets at $43,780. W. E. War&eld of ths firm also tiled aa Individual petition, listing liabilities at $68,646 and asset at $41,310. H includes In his liabilities all ths debts of ths Wsrfleld-Chas company. Meant Ayer Doctor Aesjaltted. DES MOINES. Ia., April IT. (Special Tel (gram.) The Jury at Mt. Ayer today ren dered a verdict of not guilty In the case of Ira Hammond, tried for complicity In the murder of Maud Ston through a criminal operation. Dr. 8 ro fiord of Lamooa was last summer found guilty X causing her death at bia aaaiuttun, FOUR PAROLES ARE ISSUED Two of Them Are Ven Sentenced to the Penitentiary from Mills County. SECURE CAMPUS FOR STATE UNIVERSITY Plan la to t'so Land Between Present Buildings and the Hirer for that Pnrpose and Also Dam the Hirer. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, April 27. (Special.) Gov ernor Cummins today approved the last of the paroles recommended by the state legis lature. Three men, serving life terms for murder, will accordingly be released at once. Two of them, Theodore Bushlck and Jeseph McCreary, are from Mills county. The former will locate in Missouri, where he will remain until he can earn sufficient money to take him to Haytl, where he ex pects to mak his permanent home. The latter will go to South Dakota to reside with a brother. The third, Joe Otten, waa sentenced from Fort Dodge. He will locate at Sioux City and embark In th photograph business. He acquired his tal ent as a photographer during his Imprison ment, having been appointed official photog rapher for Anamosa prison. A special election has been called in De catur county for May 26, at which bonds will be voted on for a $65,000 court house. The following are announced as the suc cessful one in the examination held by Adjutant General Byers last Thursday: Thomas C. Daltell, appointed battalion ad jutant. Fiftieth infantry, February 20, 1902; Francis M. Cory, elected second lieutenant Company M, Fifty-second Infantry, Febru ary 27, 1902; John H. Hanks, elected second lieutenant Company C, Fifty-first infantry, Msrch 10, 1902; Ouy H. Baker, elected sec ond lieutenant Company H, Fifty-first In fan try, March 10, 1902; William H. Gllbrlde, elected captain Company F, Fifty-second infantry. March 12, 1902; Daniel W. Tur ner, elected major Fifty-first regiment, April 7, 1902. Campos for I'nlrerslty. Governor Cummins and Stat Superln tendent R. C. Barrett, ex-ofnelo members of the Board of Regents of the State unl verslty, have returned from Iowa City, where they attended the meeting yesterday. Superintendent Barrett was much elated with the plans revealed at the meeting as to tho future of the university in the way of securing a campus adapted to the growth of the school. Briefly stated, this consists of securing all ths grounds between the main buildings and the river, damming the latter and parking both side. The main building of the university is about eighty rods from the river and the regents already have holdings of several lots between those points. There is an in cllne of about seventy-lire feet between the buildings and the river and it is planned to terrace this with a broad boulevard ex tending through. This ground now la well built up, but the buildings are not of a substantial character and It is believed can be had at reasonable rates. The board yes terday took action by instructing the ex ecutlve committee to get options on the premiers. It has developed that it waa th reveal Ing of these plans that caused the death of the rumors at the last session of the leg is la tur tbst the university .would eventu ally be forced to move beyond the corner , ate limits of the city for the location of ail buildings erected In' the future. The plsa as now stated 1 regarded as Ideal by all woo have seen the plat prepared. So far aa the new medical buildings are concerned It is practically decided that these will be built In the rear of the main buildings on the block and one-half donated by the city and on which the hospital Duuainga are now situated. It Is consld ered desirable that the medical building and the hospital be In proximity to each other. Instead of one large building the indications are that three will be erected, me total cost being about $125,000. Plan will bo made by the building committee sc cordlngly. The chemical and dissecting de psnmenis win De in one and the other de partment distributed between the other two. Thla Is in accordance with the modern idea or what a college of medicine ahnnM be. The committee In charge consists of judge w. i. Bsbb of Mount Pleasant P K Holbrook of Onawa and Alonzo Abernathy ui usage. Visit State Institutions. Chairman Cownl and Judge Kinae. the oiner memner of th State Board of Con trol, visited all of the state Institutions witnin th last fortnight. They devoted some time to the purchase of the new land authorized by the state legislature at th last session. They were only able te make contracts at Davenport and Clarinda. At Olenwood aad Mount Pleasant It was found mat tne owner of land near the InstHu lions had taken advantage of th time In tervening between the public announce ment of the authority to purchase given me ooara py the legislature, with the re suit that prices hsvs been raised. The members of the bosrd state they will not anew tne state to be bled and that the own en will come to their prices or keep their lend. Inasmuch ss It is not necessary for the land to be adjacent to th farm, it I oeuevea th state ran get reasonabi prices. Contracts wer entered into for eighty acre of land at Davenport, making a total of 262 acres at that place. Land was also purchased at Clarlada. On hundred acre were bought at $75 and 206 and a fraction over at $96 aa acre. This will make a farm at that .institution of a fraction over 858 acres, as the farm originally consisted or 661H seres. The high standard of perfection of ststs schools for th deaf and dumb and th fee ble minded attained under the Board of Control system Is having a serious draw back. 6 great a reputation for proficiency has been mad that' eastern schools ar coming to Iowa in search of teschers and offering greater salaries than ths stat au thorizes th board to pay. Considerable difficulty has been had in holding many of the best teachers, three having departed for the east in the last year. While the board was. at Council Bluffs President Gallandet of the Gallandet Col lego for the Deaf at Washington, which Is recognized as the foremost college of Its kind in ths country, was there. After In vestigating th Iowa school thoroughly Prof. Gallandet pronounced it on ef th best la the country. Organising- Veterinary Force. Hon. P. O. Koto of Forest City today took the oath of office as state veterinary surgeon. Goveraor Cummins also appointed twenfy-slx deputies upon ths recommenda tion ef Dr. Koto aa follows: Henry E. Tsl bot. Des Moines; John J. Repp, Ames; D. E. Bsughmsn, Fort Dodge; J. W. Orlfflth, Cedar Rapids; J. D. Inger, Waverly; J. Q. Parslow, Shenandoah; Peter Malcomb, New Hsmpton; L. V. Shipley, Sheldon; D. H. Miller. Hsrlsn; G. E. Noble. Ossgs; 8. K. Haielett, Oeleln;'C. E. Stewart, Chariton; H. Johnston, Carroll; J. H. Sanders, Corydon; W. L. Evsra, Iowa Falls; E. O. Piper. Ida Grave; W. B. Miles, Bldasy; 8. H. Bsuasa, Birmingham; W. H. Austin, NwloB4 J. U, Mcb&8d, CJiaxlea Clti JU. c! . ) 8impson. Denlson; O. A. Johnson, Sioux City; Augustus Lames, Dyssrt; F. J. Nle tnan, Marshalltown; F. A. Dolton, Dubuquo; Bernsrd Hsrmon, Decors h. The result of the military examination at the state house of officers recently elected In th National Guard was ma le known today. Following are those that passed: Bsttalfon Adjutant T. C. Dalzcll, Fiftieth infantry; Francis M. Cory, second lieutenant Compsny M, Fifty-second infaa- ry; John H. Hanks, second lieutenant. Company C, Fifty-first regiment; Guy H. Bsker, second lieutenant, Compsny H, Fifty-first regiment; Wllllsm H. Gllbrlde, captain Company F, Fifty-second regi ment; D. W. Turner, major Fifty-first reg iment. Articles were filed today with the sec retary of state by the Incorporated towns of Ryan and Masonvllle, both In Dels- wars county; also by the Midland Tele phone compsny, MUford, capital, $25,000; Sprlngvllle Building and Improvement com pany Sprlngvllle, capital, $50,000; Colfax Telephone company, Colfax, capital, $10, 000; Linden ft Adel Telephone company. Linden, capital, $6,000. Inquiry seems to show that there is no available tract for the location of the new poBtofOce that can be had for $125,000, the sum appropriated for that purpose. It ap pears that the lowest figure yet secured for ground of close to 80,000 square feet was $150,000, and that was a conditional option. Other sites range from that amount up to $200,000. However, it Is said that the government will not stand bark at even that amount If the location is deemed sat isfactory to the Postofflce department. TWO CHILDREN LOSE LIVES Little Ones Killed In Windstorm and Mother Is Fatally In jured. J MARSHALLTOWN, Ia.. April 27. Fur ther reports of last night's tornado in Jasper county show that two children named Brown were killed. Their mother was blown into a wire fence and fatally Injured. Many residences and barns were destroyed and much stock killed. KEOKUK, Ia., April 27. Farmlngton, a town of 2.600 inhabitants, thirty miles northwest of here, suffered heavily from the windstorm yesterday. All telegraph and telephone wires were blown down and communication with the outBlde world was entirely cut off until today. The Rock Island depot, a long brick building, was unroofed and the lumber sheds of Mulevllle compsny were blown entirely away. Many residences and barns were bsdly damaged. The storm was in the nature of a tornado, lasting five mln ute and being followed by a cloudburst. Water also did considerable damage. BOY CHARGED WITH MURDER Alleged to Hare Killed His Stepfather nd Then Attempted to Born the Body. DES MOINES, Ia., April 27. (Special Telegram. ) Henry Meyer, a youth 14 years of age, waa arrested at Newton late this evening charged with having murdered his stepfather, Frank Lavelleur, and then set Ore to his remains. A small one-story barn 'on the Lavelleur place was discovered by neighbors to be on fire. In extinguish ing the flames they found Lavelleur'a charred and dismembered body lying in the debris. The boy said the fire had started from a bonfire which he had built and that be did not know that his stepfather was within the building, or he could have res cued him. An examination of the body by the coroner disclosed that the skull had been crushed In two places by blows from some instrument. As the stepson was known to have quarreled more or less with Lavelleur, bo was at once placed under arrest. Fort Dodge to Contest Land Dlspnte, FORT DODGE, Ia.. April 27 (Special.) President J. W. Colt of the Mason City & Fort Dodge railroad, haa announced that the dispute over a ten-foot strip of ground in the foundation of the new freight depot. which has arisen between the railroad com pany and the city of Fort Dodge, shall be carried to the courts for decision. It Is expected that legal proceedings will b be gun immediately and the matter will come to trial at the next term of court. Pend ing the settlement of the question In the courts the improvements which are being made at Fort Dodge by the Mason City ft Fort Dodge Railroad company, acting for the Chicago Great Western, have been discontinued. Republican Meet at Waterloo. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., April 27. (Special Telegram.) The republican county conven tlon waa held at Waterloo today. A Hen derson delegation was selected to attend the district convention. Judge Piatt was allowed to name hi own delegates to the Judicial convention. MAY GO TO THE ROCK ISLAND Colorado Midland Is Said to Be Slnted by the Leeds Road. DENVER, April 27. A special to the News from Colorado Springs aays: Rumors are current ia this city today that oo May 1 the Colorado Midland road will pass into th control of ths Rock Island. A few days ago the Rock Island officials went over the Midland road in a private car. In the party were a number of engineers, who stoppsd at several points along the line and made ex tensive surreys. For the last week large gangs have been engaged la relaying portions of the track with heavy stsel, while other hav been doing extensive grading with a view of re moving unneccessary curves and steep grades. Ia the Colorado Midland shops It I reported that the capacity of the shops is to be doubled immediately. It Is said that while all the eastern roads have been giv ing their through freight to the Rto Grane, the Rook Island haa lately been giving all It business to the Midland. FIGHT FINALLY REACHES END Legal War Between Freedman and gpaldlagr Close by Common Consent. NEW YORK. April 27. The legal war be tween Andruw Freedman and Albert G. Bpaldlng for control of the National League of Baseball clubs was brought to an snd today, when by consent of all the parties Justice Gregorlch In the supreme court made an order permitting the dis continuance of the "ult for an Injunction brought by Freedman against Bpaldlng and his sdherents. Ths consent to the discontinuance of the suit waa signed by all the lawyers engaged In the litigation. Grlnnell Jnnloro Vlctorlons. GRINNELL, Ia., April 27. (Special Tele gram.) The Grlnnell home field meet was held here today on the Ward Held. The track was heavy and unfavorable to fait time. The sensation of the day was the defeat of Welker, Grinnell's crack colored bike rider, who was regarded aa Invincible. Home records mere broken In the high jump and in the relay race events. Ths meet waa won by the juniors, with KM points; seniors, 27; freshmen, 2W; sophomores. 21V Summary: loo-yard dash gpauldlng won, Baer sec ond, Wilson third. Time: 0:11. Pole vault King won, , Davis second. Walleser third. Height: 9 feet 1 inches. 16-pound shotput Harris won, Goe sec ond. McKeag third. Distance: 30 feet 6 Inchea. Half-mile, bicycle Wood won. Van Evsra second. Welksr third. Time: 1:28. XM-vard dash Baer won, epauldloa gc 0U4 JVligOft JWtus ffUuoj tli H, Hslf-mlle' run W. t. JTvans won. Moore second. Chspln third. Time: 2:11. nrsl Jump User won, w linon seconn, Fike third. PlMance: fnet 1 Inches. . t I .. I P.rb. SAC ond, Smith third. Distance: S3 feet 6 Inches. ia-yard hurtflr Hoer won, Brown second. Spencer third. Time: O tS. Running high Jump Haines won. Harris second, third. Height: 6 feet ncnes. 440-vard dash W. D. F.vans won. Denlse second, HesM third. Time: 0:M. Discus throw ltsggs won, IJster second, Hnrrls third. IMstHnce: KS feet 3 Inches. 2:)0-yard hurdle Parr won. Spencer sec ond, Brown third. Time: 0.30 4-6. Running, one mile Moore won Mcllrath second, Hlcketts third. Time: R::2. Hop, skip snd Jump Klekn won. Spencer second. King third. Distance: 44 feet 2 Inches, Mile bike Wood won. Van Kvera second, Walter third. Time: 3 IS. llHlf-mtla relav Junior team, consisting of Evans, Bner, SpauUllng and Wilson, won. Time: l:3ts. FRESHMEN WINNERS OF MEET Hare Sis Points to the Good la Field Contest with the Sopho mores. IOWA CITY, Is., April 27. (Special Tel egram.) The freshmen of the college of niH'rm arts or tne t niversiiy oi inn r fenteri the sophomores 64 to 58 points In a closely contested meet on Iowa Field day. 8carr. a freshman, who has been trying for the base Imll team, whs the surprise of the day In his performance In the liW- yard dash on a soft tracg. rne result: Hlnh JumD Schenck. Barker. Miller, five feet four Inches. Broad Jumo C'hesley. Barker, Schenck; distance, twenty feet two Inches. Hop, Step and Jump Hoss, Chesley, Schenck; distance, forty-three feet. Pole Vault Schenck, Harker, Davis; hela-ht. elffht feet elvht Inches. Hammer Throw Uorruy. Jackson, Dono van; distance, seventy-nine feet. Shot Put Buckley, Chesley, Seldle; dis tance, thirty-two feet six Inches. One-Hair-iWllo Kciny iiace ncarr, nui ler, Jennings and Blnkley, freshmen, first; Chesley, MnCrery. Willis. Briggs, sopho mores, second. Time, 1:494. Hundred Yard Scnrr. Barker, Jennings; time, tt-n and two-fifths seconds. Two-Twentv-Yard Dash Scarr. Briggs. Jackson; time, twenty-four and one-tifth seconda. Four-Forty-Yard Dash Briggs, wyiand, Randall; time, one minute, llalf-Mlle Run Hlaklev. McCroy. Sav age; time, two minutes, t end four-fifths seconds. Mile Run McCrov, rhelpsj. mtnger; time, six minutes, six and four-fifths sec onds. One-Twenty-Yard Hurdles Barker. Jack son, Brown; tlmo, eighteen and four-fifths secondB. Two-Twenty-Ysrd Hurdles Jackson. Jen nings, Brown; time, thirty-one seconds. Ames Hnrlee Normal Nine. AMES, Ia,, April 27. (Special Telpgrara.) Ames defeated the State Normal here to day In the first schedule game, t atcner Cotton of the Normal retired In tho fifth Inning with a split finger, weakening the team. The main feature was a double play In the- ninth imra second to nrst, retiring the Normals. Reese of Ames secured one 145 :Q f UNION n7 7 and Return April 21 to 27 Three Trfvins Dtvily Only Lino Sunning Through Trains from Omaha 16 Hours Quicker Than TICKET 1324 1 . PARTS 1 to 14 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY - At The Bee Office ; . Price 10 cents By mail IS cents S5.00 A MONTH Specialist In U DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. IS years la Omaha, SYPHILIS cured by tho QUICK fctlT, safest and moat natural method that haa yet been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom dtssppeara completely and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the akin or face, A cure that la guaranteed to ba permanent for ltrs. VARICOCELE Z no detention from wi cured. , Method new. Ithout cutting. Dsln: work: permanent eura guaxemeeo. WEAK MKW from Kxoenses or Victims to Nervous Debility or Ks heustioo, Waat Ing Weakness with Early Ixx'-aj In Young aad Middle Agsd. lack of vim, vigor and atrength, with organs Impaired and weak. TfticTUM: oured with a new Horn) Treatment. No pain, no detention from business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Consaltnrton Free. Treatment by Mall CHAROIiia LOW. 11 . lta at. Dr." Sa ad! j & Ssarles,. Omaha, Nib, Postal Card Will Get ft SAMPLE COPT OF THE Twentieth Century Farmer The Best Agricultural Weekly. Ad dress. Omaha, Neb. three-bsgger and three two-baggerg made by Ames. Score: R. If. F Ames 1 8 3 2 1 4 0 0 0-16 It (I Normal 0 0000000 0-0 6 town State formal Field Meet. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., April IT (Special Telegram.) The State Normal field meet was held today under unfavorable condi tions. A high wind was blowing and the track was heavy. Two home records were broken. The winners of first place In the sixteen events were: l'-ysrd dash Warren Phanton, 11 s'ec omls. Pole vault Joe Roberts I feet 3 Inches (record broken). S'.'o-ysrd dash Warrent Phanton, 24 Seconds. Half-mile bicycle K. I Bronson, 1 min ute 36 seconds. 16-pound shot-put J. Earnest Carman, 30 feet. Half-mile run Don Campbell, S minutes 12 seconds. ifi-pound hammer throw T, E. Jones, 75 feet 9 Inches. LSVyard hurdle Roy Leener, If seconds. 44u-yard dash Warren 1'iiantoii, S3 aec onds. 2-V-yard dash Warren Phanton,' 94 aec seconds. Mile run Bert Callison. 6 minute 13 sec onds. One mite bicycle 1L G. Martin, t minutes 26 seconds. Running broad Jump L. O, Absl, f eet 5 Inches. Discus throw J. M. Dunkerton, 83 feet t Inches. Hop, step and Jump Don Campbell, 43 feet. Business College Student Piny. An Interesting? gsmfl of base ball wss played Saturday arternoon by the students of Boylea' Commercial college and . tho Omaha Commercial rollcgn at Forty-fourth and Howard streets. Tho feature of tho same was the imcmng or f tho Omaha college, who struck out twenty-ono men. Bovles one score whs made by Weeks, on a passed ball. Score: Omaha 52100017 R-23 Boyles 100000 000-1 Friend 8, Wealeyan 3. FRIEND, Neb., April 27. (Special.) Friend won a game of base ball plsved with Weslyan university at this place. Score : Friend 0 0 0 ft 1 0 2 0 Weslynn 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 i Batteries: Friend, Moore and Whltcomb; Weslyan, K inkle and Stephenson. . . I. I. Defeats Orlnnell. GRINNELL, Is., April 27. (Special Trie gram.) Iowa defeated Grlnnell In the first exhibition game of the season on the Grln nell grounds today with a acore of 8 to 4. Grlnnell did the best work, but lost on a percentage of errors. The score by Innings: Iowa -....2 0 0 0 j! 0 3 1 08 Grlnnell 2 01000100-4 On the College Diamond. At Ann Arbor Michigan, 6, Relolt 6. At Minneapolis Nehraaka 4, Minnesota 3. At Chicago University of Chicago 6, Uni versity of Illinois 6. At Columbia, Mo. Kansas university 2, Missouri university 1. At Des Moines University of .Iowa 8, Iowa college, 4. At Evanston, III. University of Wiscon sin 9, Northwestern university 7. PACiriC to V ' i-r ? Any Lirt OFFICE S M Farnam St. . DR. McQREW (Ags53) SPECIALIST. Diseases and Dlnarsu a Yaae Ks.osioaoo. a of M&m Oaly, I Years ta naaan. VlDIPftPCI C cured by a treatment lAnlUUutLt wllch U bf QWCaUiiaT, safest and most natural that baa yet bean discovered. Me pain wbeteves. no cutting and dee net Interface wtta work er bust Bees. Treatment at eflloe or at home and a permanent cure guaranteed. . Hot Springs Treatment tor Syphilis And all Blood Disease. No 'BKh.AKIbll OUT" on ths akin er face and ail external signs ef the dlseaae dUapoeaj at enoo. A treatment that la mere suaoessful and tar more satisfactory than tiis "old form" of trsatmsnl and at less than HALF TUB COBT. A cure that la guaranteed to bo permanent for life. , UVEH 2Q,0QQ?.Xtu2. w i.u li bflnalufal weaknesses ef Ben, btrtoture, Uieet, kidney and. Bladder 1 la eases. Hydrocele, eured permanently. IHAtfcGtba IXJW, COftsULTATHM rttnV Treatment by m-OL P. O. Bog Tig. Office over tli a. Uth street between Vmr rasa and Dougia ola.. oat AHA, hi& This aigBatare is oa every box of the geaulae I HY.tlv RromrwTt'nin'rki.L. . rtsegj u aeurca gold la m U