Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    ago his eon Paul took him to Mexico, hop
Ing that the change of climate would do
him good, hut he did not re-uperate aa
fast aa be thought he ahould and Instated
on being brought home. The weather was
very raw and cold when he reached thla
city and ha Buffered a relapse, from which
be never recovered.
The city la tba recipient of many valuable
Sifts from hla generous hand. The beauti
ful park that beers hla Dame, the public
library that bla aoo Joy presented to the
city and the valuable historic documents
teat Jt contains.
Hla Career In Washington.
WASHINGTON, April 27. Julius Sterling
Morton waa ia Washington for four years
as secretary of agriculture In President
Cleveland's aecond administration. He was
a man of ateadfast convictions, unswerving
honesty and undoubted ability. By nature
a controversialist, Mr. Morton came to the
cabinet with many fixed Ideaa about the
government service. He waa a practical
farmer and ran hla department along prac
tical lines, but nevertheless not without
many squabblea. He regarded the dls
trlbutlon of aeeda as paternalistic and on
that subject found himself In opposition
to congress.
The ex-aecretary was the author of Arbor
Day, April 22, which began to be obaerved
generally during bis Incumbency aa head
ot the Department of Agriculture, and ia
bow generally obaerved in all the atatea.
His constant motto wss to "plant trees,"
having It stamped in larr,e lettera under a
picture of a tree on hla stationery.
Inveterate Letter Writer.
He waa an Inveterate letter writer. He
found keen enjoyment In answering the
communications from fsrmers. and it was
Bo unusual occurrence for him to call
aewspaper men into his office to read the
anawera ha waa writing to farmers, often
giving out parts of them for publication.
The ax-secretary waa exactly 70 yaara
old, today being the anniversary of. hla
birth. Ha waa of Scotch-English descent.
Ha was born In JelTeraon county. New
York, but his .parents moved to Michigan
whan he waa very young. He waa a grad
ual of Union college. New York. Mr.
Morton waa connected editorially for
time with the Detroit Free Preas and the
Chicago Times, and then located at Belle
vue. Neb., in November, 1R5. where In
April following he Issued the first number
of the Nebraska City News.
Political Career Begins.
Ha was elected to the territorial letlala
ture tha same year and re-elected In 1867.
He waa appointed secretary of the terri
tory In 1858 to fill the vacadcy caused by
the dVath of Thomas B. Cummlng, and
aerved until May, 1861, part of tha time
s acting governor. He waa elected to
congress In 1860, but waa unaeated aa the
result of a contest. Ha waa four times
nominated by hla party as governor of Ne
braaka.abut waa defeated each time. Ha
waa a atalwart "gold man" and had an
early falling out with William J. Bryan,
whose political aspirations he vigorously
opposed. He waa Identified officially with
many agricultural and horticultural organ.
Coroner'a Jary Returns Verdict an
Kllllngr of Horsethlef Near
' Loop City.
LOUP CITY. Neb.. April 27. (Special
Telefram.) The finding of the coroner'a
Jury in tha Inquest held today over the
body of, the horaethlef Baldwin, allaa Ben
nett, killed at tha Van Home ranch In the
Bortheaat corner of Sherman county yes
terday by tha sheriffs posse, la aa follows
At the inquisition held at the residence of
jay van tiorne in oak Creek township.
Sherman aounty, April 27. 1902, before me,
George W. Hunter, coroner of said county,
upon the body ot Baldwin, lying dead, by
the jurors whose names are hereunto sub-
Rnwo, me saia jurors, upon their oaths,
do aay that on April 26, 19v2, said Baldwin,
allaa Bennett, whose true name Is to the
iurors unknown, died by a gunshot wound
lawfully Inflicted by a sheriffs posse while
resisting arrest for the crime of horse
ateallng, with force and arms, and had
shot at members of aaid posse at the time
of hla death, and we further find that said
shooting of tha said Baldwin, allaa Ben
nett, whose true name la to the aald Jurora
unknown, waa Justifiable.
From tha evidence It waa shown' that
tba two horse thieves had escaped from
a aodhouae. In which they were aurrounded,
And wars traveling up a deep draw when
een by tha posse. Two men started up a
draw on horseback on one alda and one
up a draw oa the other side, while the
balance followed up tha draw after tba
fugitives, who, aeelng they were followed,
alarted at right angles up tha hill, coming
faoa to faoa with Mr. Van Home, , when
hots were Immediately exchanged, with
tba result of tha killing ot one and tha
surrender of tha other.
. ,
Tlasa Before It la Breagkt
Under Control.
HASTINGS. Nab.. April .7. (Special Tel
egram.) Mark Levy, who. won an automo
bile la a raffle laat weak, took tba ma
chine out for tha first time thla morning.
Ha waa In company with an axpart and
everything moved smoothly. This after
noon Mr. Levy felt aatiafled that ha could
operate the machine, ao he took hla wife
vout riding. Shortly after they had cleared
tha B. M. tracka on Hastings avenua tha
automobile begaa to buck and finally
topped. Mr. Levy got down to Investi
gate tha trouble, and wbtla doing ao he
touched a lever, which started the ma
chine off at a high rate of apeed. The
automobile ran around In a circle like a
dog chasing Its own tall, and Mr. Levy
waa kept busy trying to catch It. After
considerable excitement the machine waa
conquered and turned over to a mechanic,
Vho took It In charge, while Mr. aad Mr.
Levy continued, tbalr Journey on foot.
Platte Willi ray ft, BOO of tae
Anaast Owlngr hy Lynch
the State.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. April 27. (Special. )
The supervisors, la executive aeaalon,
passed a-resolution authorising the pay
ment of $1,600 by the county, providing the
bondsmen make up the balance necessary
to aecure a release Aom the state en ac
count of toe Lynch shortage. The bonds
men wanted the county to put up 18,000, but
will new a meeting to eoaalder the propo
altloa made by the supervisors.
Sea Enoea of the Warts.
TECUM S EH, Neb.. April 27. (Special.)
rank Harmon, Ray Phillips aad Frank
Itehead, sans of farmers who live near
city, wheee ages range from 1 to it
ran away from their homee a week
They appropriated the old family
1 a bread. new baggy, tbe property
V Phillips' father, aa their mode of
Ve, and stared out "to aee the
m here they went ta Lincoln,
the week visited many points
easy to opatats
in Lancaster and Gaga countlea. , Mr
Harmon, father of one of tbem, tried to
overtake the boya, but was unsuccessful
In the course of a few daya their pocke
money gave out and rather than "rough
It" they decided to return home, and
reacned here yesterday.
Lodaee la Varloas Parte f the Stat
Observe ll with Appropriate
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. April 27. (9peclal.l
Tha eighty-third anniversary of Amerl
can Odd Fellowship was celebrated I
Table Rock at Odd Fellowe' ball last night
by the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodgea of
this place. There waa music, social game
and a aupper.
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., April 27. (Spa
clal.) The membera of Platta lodge No. 7,
Independent Order of Odd Fellowe, cele
brated the eighty-third anniversary of th
order In their hall In thla city last evenlni
Among the speakers were Grand Master
C. A. Randall of Newman Drove. Hon. 8
M. Chapman and. F- H. Stelmker. After
which all enjoyed a bountiful banquet.
GENEVA. Neb., April 27. (Ppeclal.) A
number of Odd Fellows went to Exeter yea
terday to attend the anniversary exercises,
Case f'oanty Man Decides (hat
Does Not Dee I re ta Be
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. April 27. (8pe
clal.) Hon. E. M Pollard of Nehawka,
woo has been prominently mentioned
throughout the state aa a probable candl
date for the office of governor at tha re
publican Kate convention, was In the city
and aald that he had decided to not be a
candidate for the office.
I.lttle Lltlsiatlon In Dodge.
FREMONT, Neb., April 27. (Special.)
At a session of the district court yesterday
Judge Hollenbeck called the docket for tba
purpoae of setting cases for trial at tbe
next terra, which convenes next week, th
docket waa the smallest In the county for
twelve yeara. Only eight civil and one
criminal case were aet for trial. Jamea
Stewart waa before the court en a writ
of habeas corpus to aecure hla release on
a charge of contempt In refualng to give
his deposition In a caae pending In the
court. He waa discharged, the judge hold
ing that aa hla witness fee had not been
paid be could not be compelled to testify,
Pierre to Have Gas Plant.
PIERCE. Neb.. April 27. (8pecial.)
Benjamin Lindsay, one of the representa
tive citizens of Pierce, haa aaked the town
board for a franchise to Install a lighting
plant. In weeka past he haa Investigated
the lighting question quite thoroughly and
la now convinced that the cold gaa process
Is the cheapeat and best for a town the size
ot Pierce. The light will be used for light
Ing the busineaa placea and atreete, and
also used for cooking purposes and fuel
Mr. Lindsay has Interested a number of our
citizens In the enterprise) and they have
expressed tholr willingness to co-operate
with him in tbe enterprise.
Pawnee Republican Convention.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., April 27. (Special.)
The republican county central committee
waa called to meet at Pawnee City yeater
day, and the county convention, for the
selection of delegatea to the county, sen
atorlal and congressional conventions, and
the nomination of two membera ot the
legislature and a county attorney, waa
called to meet at Pawnee City on Saturday,
May 24. Things have been very quiet here.
ao far, In a political way. but from thla
on more activity ia expected. If there
are any Savage men In thla locality they
have too much discretion to let it be
Dry Bandni- at Plattamoath.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 27. (Spe
cial.) Plattamouth waa aa. dry aa a dust
storm In Kansas today. Tbe aaloona were
all closed at 8 o'clock thla foranoon and
remained ao during the day. Many visited
the drugatores, but were promptly turned
Clothing? Store and Shoe Factory.
GLENS FALLS. N. Y., April 27. A die-
aatroua fire visited Glees Falls today, caus
ing a property loss estimated at over half
a million dollars. The fire started In the
clothing store ot Webb Brothers on Glen
street and spread to the large plant of the
Fowler Sblrt and Collar company, occupy
ing the upper story of nearly the entire
block. Then, fanned fey high wind, the
flames communicated te tbe neighboring
buildings. The destruction of the Fowlsr
sblrt plant throws nearly too operatives
out of employment and 200 more will be
out of work temporarily. It la thought tbe
Insurance will nearly cover the losses.
Five Balldlacs at Repahllean City.
REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb.. April 27.
(Special.) Another large fire occurred here
last night, five buildings being destroyed.
The estimated loaa on the buildings It
$3,000 and $6,000 on merchandise. The
printing office and contents owned by N. J.
Ludl waa a total loaa. bla lnaurance being
email. O. W. Underwood, general store,
$1,500; total less; insured for 2800. A. A.
Malay, merchandise, 12,000; Insured for $t60.
A. A. Maley, two store buildings; Insured
for 2850. C. Rlter, meat market; loss. $700;
small Insurance. C. W. Graves, building
valued at $400; no Insurance.
Sheets-Wilson. '
PIERCE. Neb.. April IT. (Special.)
Thomas P. Sheets aad Mlae Roes Wilson,
both of thla place, were married Thursday
evening at o'clock at the residence of
County Superintendent Stevenson. Rev.
George E. Taylor of tbe Congregational
church officiating. Mr. 8hets haa been
one of the old settlers of Pierce county
and a farmer, and haa held tbe. offices of
county commissioner and aasesaor. Miss
Wilson Is one of the county'a aucceaaful
achool teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Sheets wilt
leave next Monday for Squirrel, Idaho,
where they will make their future home.
Her Ban's Llfe'tavcd ay Ch-asaerlaln'a
Calls, Chelera and Diarrhoea
"A neighbor ran In with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy when my son waa auSerlng with
severe crampa and was given op aa beyond
hope by my regular physician, who ataada
high la hla profeealon. After administering
three doees sf It my son regatnsd con
sciousness aad recovered entirely within
twenty-tour hours." says Mrs. Mary Haller
of Mount Crawford. Va.
Killed by Blow la ateaaaah.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. April 27. (Special.)
Cbarl-a Lion, one of Cheyenne's oldtime
residents, was Instantly hilled in the Union
Pacific aupply yards here at o'clock yes
terday. Linn waa assisting a bridge gang
m loading timbers whea one of the large
sticks swung; arose d aad struck him a
blow la the pit of tha etomaca. Linn fell
to the ground aad died la a tew mtnstea.
Charles Linn was tha father of a large
family. He came te Cheyenae twenty
years age, He waa about a years of age.
No arrange me ata have bee a made for the
fttaeraL , .
Peoria Pirates Put a Crimp in tha Bonrke
Team's Average,
Throaah an Error af Stewart's In the
lsth the Visitors Raah la
Two Rana and Win
ueiore a crowd of 6.000 people the
Omaha baseball team met its first reverse
at the hands of the Peoria Pirates Sun
any aiternoon by a acore of 2 to 1. In tho
sixth Inning Captain Ace Stewart of th
Rourke Rangers committed an error of
Judgment that cost the Rame, allowing
Peoria both of Its tallica
Despite the disappointing result the
game was easily the best yet seen here on
the present season's schedule. From the
very beginning the result bung in the bal
ance with the turning of a hair aufflclent
to decide It, and the great assemblage
which overran bleachers and grandstand
ana nowed out onto the field by hundreds
was in a state of excitement from Inning
to inning.
in tne nrat Inning Genlna scored for
Omaha on hla own atnale. followed h
Fleming's double. From that time the
visitors fought to overcome the tally, but
did not auccecd till the sixth. Then Stone
hit safe aa first man up and Truby followed
with a ground ball to Stewart. It waa
alow, and Ace ran It up well into tbe dia
mond. He waa then cloee to first base and
could easily have caught Truby there, but
some strange twist of his Instinct led blm
to turn around and try for 8toae at second
Dolan caught the ball, but It was too late
and both men were safe
Then did "Podge" Alloway gird up his
loins and pitch baseball, and Lazotte and
vaugnn went out In ahort order. Not ao
Maloney. With a single already to his
credit he hit the double that won the
game. The next man up flew out
Ronrke'a Men Serlona.
More serious play than Omaha showed
during tbe next four tunings was never
seen. Every man who came to the bat
quivered as he faced the twlrler and
gnashed his teeth when he failed to do
execution. So vital waa the situation that
even Johnny Oondlng teased a double out
of bla usually disappointing willow In the
aeventh, but It availed naught. Pitcher
Cox waa on hla mettle and proved equal
to the occasion at every turn. Meanwhile
Podge waa alao Invincible, and Peoria
could not better ite lead, despite errors
in the aeventh by Dolan aad Hlckey.
To add to the climax rain threatened and
huge dropa fell and the visitors exercised
every creed of their craft to delay the game
till It rained so hard that It would be neces
sary to call it. But Pluvlua waa with
Omaha, though he alone of all the gods
showed the Rangers favor yesterday. He
held off the rain and allowed the game to
go on to the end
Tbe ninth came, and Peoria was put out
one, two, three. Dolan came to bat and
made a single. Stewart sacrificed him to
second. Hlckey batted him on to third.
going out himself at first. Two out, with
Oondlng due. Jack Thomae was' substl
tuted, and tbe crowd waa fairly on ita
knees In prjyer that he might repeat hia
wonderful performance of the ninth Inning
In the laat game with St. Joseph, when he
batted for Oondlng and made a home run.
Thomae Haa Stage Frlarht.
But the responsibility of 5,000 heart
aches and 260 points ot percentage In the
league standing waa . too much for Jack,
He took atage fright, and made fouls out of
three balls, then striking out.
Peoria showed a great ball team, and
Cox la a pitcher. Alloway, too. deserves
much praise. Neither team hit well, though
Peoria batted when it waa needed, and
Omaha did not. Stone, whom Rourke haa
farmed to Peoria, waa a great favorite
with the crowd, and Bill Wilson, tbe old
Gate City catcher, was met at tha plate
hla first time to bat with a huge bunch of
roses from old admirers and frlenda.
Maloney did wonderful hitting, batting two
Ingles and a double-out ot three times
up. Today Is ladles' day. Attendance,
,000. The acore:
AB. R.
H. 'O. A. E.
12 0 0
0 2 4 1
0 0 0 0
2-15 0 0
2 3 0 0
0 0 3 0
118 0
0 4 0
0 0(0
T 27. U 1
H. O. A. E.
12 10
12 0 0
1 2. 0 0
0 12 0 0
12 4 1
0 12 1
0 2 1
1 0 t 0
0 0 0 0
"s 27 14 3
Stone, cf
Truby, 2b
Laaotte, rr
auahn. lb
Maloney. If
Tlbald. 8b
Mahoney. aa
Wilson, c
Cox, p
U 3
AB. R.
Carter, rf
enlns. cf
Fleming. If....
Calhoun, lb...
Dolan. aa
Stewart, 2b....
Hlckey. 3b
Oondlng, e
noway, d. ...
Thomas batted for Oondlng In the ninth.
Earned run: Omaha. Two-base hits: Ma
honey, Maloney, Fleming. Oondlng. Sacri
fice hits: Maloney, Carter, Stewart. Double
play: Mahoney to Truby to Vaughn. First
baa on balls: Off Cox. 2. Struck out: By
Cox, 1; by Alloway, 6. Time: 1:25. Umpire:
Colorado Springs 12, St. Joseph S.
Joseph played a loose fielding game, bunch
ing nve errors in me nrai inning, wmcn
allowed four runs for the local team. Tbe
pitchers both had an oft day. Attendance,
suu. Bcore:
km. is.
Colo. Springs. IIIIMI1 18 2
8t. Joseph 000020003 6 10 8
Batteries: St. Joseph. McFadden and
Roth; Colorado Springs. Gaston and
Kansns City , Denver
TJKNVER. Colo.. April 27. Robinson's
timely hitting, coupled with bases on balls.
ava Kansas City tne victory in tne open-
n aama. Tne aitenaance. was ina
largest atnee tbe organisation ot the West
ern league. Score:
Kanaaa City.. 20030010 0-4 I 3
Denver 00OOO1 SO Ot 1 I
Batterlea: Kanaas City, Welmer and Mes-
sltt; Denver, Frisk and Wilson.
Des Melaea 11, Milwaukee .
DCS MOINES. April 27. Des Moines de
feated Milwaukee by the decisive score of
11 to 1 In the fifth inning the visitors
used ud three pitchers after nine runs had
been made. Never afterward was ths re-
ult of the game In doubt. Attendance.
t,ix0. Score:
Des Moines . 0 2 0 0 0 0 11 14 4
Milwaukee ,.l I 1 I I I I M.. I U 0
Batteries: Des Moines. Rarry and Smith:
Milwaukee. Thornton, Mcpherson, Frlcken
nd Lucia.
Steadiest at tha Teaaae.
Played. Won. Loot P C.
Kanaas City a
Omaha 4
Dea Molnee 4
Denver t
Peoria 4
Colorado Springs, a.... a
St. Josvph..
Pirates Shnt Oat the Reannnnts fas
hlcaeo waa ahut
toners' battle. St.
ha etishih Innlnar.
hittlnf ' baumen. An error and. two
I Time.
CHtCAfK April 27.-
out by prftaburg In a pi
Vraln loit control la t
singles did the rest.
Attendance. 14.500.
rirrsnrao i chicaoo.
R.H.O.A K It H O. A E
ps1s, rf l s e 1 l.Ttich, rr.... S I
'J"k. If f a S S Mlllr, If S t S 0
!U..imnt. cf S J S s Imur, IB...0 i I
Vtsnr. n... s t i t ilronMlion. rf S 4 1
Brnfl.J, lb ) t'hllng. C....S SIS
Rltchey. Jb.. 4 s lx. Jb Sill
;. lb.... ,r H.n. lb. 0 I I
O nnnor, e.. J Tlnkr. .... till
Pkliirpl. p... 14 4 ipt vrla. . I 4 I
. In'hanr 1 4
Total I 1
I Tell .... I 27 IS I
Batted for St. Vraln In the ninth.
rittsburg 000000020-2
Chicago o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Ifft on bauM' Chlavn P1fMir 9
Two-base hit: Clark. Sacrifice hit: l.vnch.
Stolen bases: (lark Honumont SiriK'k
put: By St. Vraln, .2: by Phlllppl, 7. First
Dane on nails: OfT St. Vraln, 1 Hit with
pitched ball: Hy St., Vraln. I'hlllppi, Clark.
Time: 1:26. Vmplre: Cantlllon.
St. I.oala 5, Cincinnati 3.
CINCINNATI, April 27.-Clnc1nnatl could
not hit Wicker at opportune times today,
though Hoy succeeded in tlelng the acore
by scoring on a bunt from aecond base In
the seventh Inning. Barclay's home run
won the srame for St. Ixnils In tha eighth
Inning. Bergen's -catching was the great
est ever seen here. Attendance, 13,000.
R H.O.A C lt.HO.l t
rirrell. lb... e t s'u. -f n f t
i.onoT.n, rr.. i I o 1 rvibh. If I 1
Torbot, cf.... 1 1 4 Berkley, lb.. Ill
nrtly. f... i i t rrfurtl, rf. I
Kruser. m .. 0 I I 1 1 Beck. Jb 1
Iirtmn. Ibi t 1 t'orenmn, n. 114
ErV', lb 4 Dtelnfetdt, lb 1 4
Ntcholi, e.... 1 l 4 Bergen. c.... I
Wicker, .... 1114 Sworrartea. pi t
. , I'Pelti 4 4
Tol f 11 n It 1
4 4
0 I
I 1
i :
I 4
Tnt.l t I n II I
Batted for Swormsted in the ninth.
St. Louie 100030020-1
Cincinnati 0000111001
Earned rnn- rininnati at lnii, s
lwo-Mie hits: Donovan. Three-base hits
vrnwiora. Home run: Barclay.
bases: Dntiha l'nr,.ran rmat.lA
Hartman to Farrell, Bwormsted to Hergefi
iu uecaiey. r rrst base on balls: Off Sworm
Jted. 1; off Wicker, 4. Struck out: By
n iincr, i. 1 raei i:ta i.mDlre: femsile
Standing; of the Tenaas.
Played. Won. Lost.
Pittsburg ....
Chicago ,
New York...,
Mrooklyn ...
Cincinnati ...
St. Louis
Fifteen Thonsnnd People See Detroit
Administer Defeat ta St,
ST. LOCI9. Anrll 27. A trlnle Into the
crowd In the ninth Inning by Wallace was
all that saved the St. Louts team from
another shutout in the opening game of
the series with Detroit. The visitors did
some good sticking and this, coupled with
iuur worn oy roweu, accounts ror tneir
victory. Attendance, 16,000. Score:
DETROIT. f ST. LOl'18.
Barrett, cf... t 1 Burkett, If... 1
Holmes, rf.. (lie H.Mrirk ct.. sales
daer, lb.... 1 1 t Ion, rf I t
Harlejr, f.. 1 I 0 0 Anderson, lb 0 1
Elb.rf.ld, M. a 4 I w.ino. as.. 114 10
uinRon, SD.. 1 B S B 4
Dillon, lb.... 0 1( 4 0
Padden, lb... 1 1 t 0
M'C'orm'k. Ibt I I I
Masulra. e... 1 1 s n
Donohue. c. 0 0 4
Powell, p.... I 1 I
Mlll.r. p 114 4 4
14 17 li ol
1 4'ti t I
Miller and Elberfeld out on third bunt
Detroit Aioooiftot i
St. Loula OuOOOOOA 11
Earned runs: Detroit J Twn-haaa hit
Holmes. Three-base hits: Magulre and
Wallace. Sacrifice hit: Heldrlck. Stolen
oaae: Casey.' Double playa: Powell to
Anaerson to Donohue, Wallace to Padden.
lzi on oases: Detroit, 8; St. Louis, 6.
Struck out: Bv Miller. 2: hv Powell.
Bases on balls: Off Miller. 2: off Powell.
3. Wild pitch: Miller. Time: 1:U. Um
pire; uarrutners.
Chicago .A, Cleveland O.
CHICAOO. Anrll 27 Chlcavn e.n to
day's game by bunching hits with a base
on balls. Garvin's fine pitching prevented
ivemnu rrora scoring. A home run by
Davis was the feature. Attendance, 13,500.
lb... I I 11 0
Pickering, ef.
Jooaa. ef I 11 . ol
McCarthy, ir.
HarTay, rf... 1
Phreck, lb... 1 T
Roanar, tb... 1
Oreen, If 4 110 0
Darla. aa 1 1 I 14
Merles, rf.... 1 1 1
Daly, lb 41140
Bradler. lb., till
labell, lb...
1 1 11 0
4 T I 4
I I 1 4
Oochnaur, as. 1 I I 4
Bulllvan, .
Oarvln, p..
Kemis, e S I A 1
Moor, a l a
Vaablndar, p. 1 1
Total I IT U 1
Total I 14 1
Chicago 00310301 -
Cleveland 00000000 00
Left on basest Chlcavn rM,.l.t s
Three-baae hlta: Isbell. Ureen. Home rim:
Da Via. Sacrifice hit: RraHlev Utnl.n
bases: Miles, Isbell, Strang. Dcuble play:
Strang to Daly to Isbell. Struck out: By
Oarvln. 4; by Moore, 2; by Vasblnder, 1.
ruaes on Daim: on: Oarvln, 1; off Moore,
5; off Vasblnder. 7. Wild nltr-h- v.,.
binder. Time: 1:00. Umpires: Connelly
and Johnstone.
Standing ot tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
St. Louts....,
Cleveland ....
.... t
.... 3
.... 6
.... 6
.... 6
.... S
.... 3
Baltimore ...
Keller's Salats Give Colansbne First
Defeat af Seaeon Before In
reeerfented Aadleaea.
COLUMBUS. O . Anrll 17. The Coli.mhua
team met Us first defeat today at the
nanus ot oi. raui, uunnam waa hit very
hard toward tha end of tha nm arhii
Chech kept the ' home team's hits scat
tered. Tbe crowd waa the largest ever at
tracted by a ball game tn Columbus. At-
icuuance, lv.vw. score;
Oeler. ib-as.. Ill I H.rt. cf....
K H.O.A E.
t 1 4
Dlllard, M... I
t I; Mean, rf..
t a iHr. If...
1 eOrlm. lb...
O'Erana, lb..
Sh7. aa
Plana, ef....
K.llr. lb I
1 14
Bhan's. cf-lb 1
I llTurnar, lb.
Lumley, rf...
Nattraea. as.
Po. a
Uanhaia, p..
Mccaan, e.., 1
Hurley. 1
1 1
Cbecb. 1
t 4
ToUt 1 14 m n i
Total 1 11 17 IT Tl
St. Paul OAioiata ta
Columbus I 0 1 l a 1 1 07
Stolen baaea: TCvana. Meanou trn..
Sacrifice hits: Orim. Turner, i 'rvinh.m'
Three-baae hlta: Hart t1. In a,.
Shannon, Chech. Home run: Qeief. DouM
alia: Off Dunham f: nnl HimI, i tn
by pitcher: By Dunham. I. Time:' :oi
Umpire: TyndalL ,
. Toledo 11, Minneapolis 4.
TOLEDO. O.. Anrll rr TaI,4 ...
nd out piayed the i..k
Score1"1 WO" 'th A,,n,1ne. WO-
R.H.O.A E l R Ml. A w
Bhefbeck. ss. I 4 I Qalllln. aa... l'l a i
Miller, rf
lilt rnru. 1 i 4
1 4 4 4 Wllmot. rf... 1 I 1
1 1 II IWerd.n. b.. in 1 I
4 11 tiMcFarlla, et. t 1 I
til (Carllels. If... 1 1 4 T
111 Momaaej. lb 1 1 1
4 Bjara. a 1 I I
mlta. lb.
Turner, lb.
Mrera, Ik..
Oilka. cf..,
Bums, If..,
raSloa. c.
n is n l ft Totals..
h 11 11 01 Totals a 1 aj .
Toledo A 1 1 D 1 1 A a a
Minneapolis o 0SO4000O 1
Two-base hits: Bhelherk ifv-. run..
Phyle. Three-baae hit: Oulllln n
Smith. aertrlc bits: Miller, Ollka Stolen
baars: Turner (2). Duble playa: Myers to
Bhelbeck. Miller to Turne?. Struck ou
Bv Corbett. 2 First .ha. on balla: Off
Hughey, 7: off Corhfit, (. Wild pitch
Hughey. Hit with jfalf: By Corbett L
Time; 2:20. Umpire: Ij Nelll. ' L
Mllwankea l'l Loalavllla 1.
LOUISVILLE. K1 Aoril 27 Ii.ii-
waa unable to do isnythlng with Altrock
today, while MllwaXkee hit trJLii ,
locale played a miserable game in the field
Attendance. 7,000. Acore:
B H O A .'a I B u To a a
allmaa. If., tit I'ofraerar. rf a i ' ,' . .
MeBrtde. .. 1 I l t (.aauoa. af... 1 a a a .
Pareau. rf... 1111, r'lournay. If 4 l i a?
Pangaa. Ik . 1 I 14 Oanael. Ik... 4 I a 1
M'Aad'ws. Ik 1 I 9 1 kbnaw. .. I a a
liuaataa. aa I I I a 4 osa. Ik... I I I I i
'('oaaetl. Ill 1 I I Tanaealll. ... a i . 1 i
Pr- a 1 1 I. Sfhaua, lb .. 4 i i I
raoaa. p. . .
; Kerais, p
..II II 17
Tel 1 4 ii i
1 4 4 0 1 1 1 1 eu
.ueii oa da: vouIiv1U. Z; likM
Two-baaa kite
O'ConnUl-at oacri H
I f llnan
tit; lid
APRIL 128, 1002.
plays: Parrott to Dunsan, Tannehllt to
Bch.tuh. Stolen bases: Cannon m. Struck
out: By Altrork, I: by Coons, I; by Krrwln,
l. rut rv pitcher: t lonrnoy. nri OH?e on
pans: urr t oon. l; oft Kerwin. i. lime
1:80 fmpire: Haskell.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 27. The In
dlanannlls-Knneas City American aasocln
tlon game scheduled for today, was post
poned until later In the season owing to the
Sunday laws.
Staadlasr af the Teams.
riayetl. Won. Lost.
Columbus ....
St. Paul
Ixvilsvllle ....
.. 6
, S
.i 0
Milwaukee ...
Kansaa City..
Minneapolis .
On the Way Home from Victorious
Game with Minnesota
With a ruddy glow of collcfrlate pride
mantling their cheeks under cuta of tan,
the University of Nebraska base ball team
spent Sunday In Omaha enroute to Uncoln
from Minneapolis, where they defeated the
University of Minnesota on Saturday by
a score of 4 to 3. Captain Bell and his
men were greatly elated. They feel that
this victory ovir so strong a team is a
prediction of what the Cornhuekers will do
on their long trip, soon to begin. A clean
record among college clubs has been
propheeled for the 'varsity boys thla vear,
and hope la strong that they will fulfill It.
Iast year Minnesota defeated Nebraska
at Lincoln. to 3, 4nnlng on a fluke In
the tenth In.ilng. This made rivalry In
At the Dollone hotel, where the team
spent Sunday, a throng of former Nebraska
men, now living in Omaha, gathered to
congratulate tne players and tn I m nine
' again s little of the old spirit. The team
. weni to oincoin in ine evening, i nis ween
I xAu--i. i .. v.i it r...
dsy and Kansas university on Thursday
ana t-Tiany. an games neing at Lincoln.
Saturday they leave for the big trip, which
will comprise about sixteen games with
tne leading middle-west colleges.
Waahhnrn aad Crelghtoa Today.,
Crelghton field will be the scene of
base ball contest this afternoon, when
Washburn college of Topeka. Kan., will
line up arainst the local university men
nnd d good game ia expected. Washburn
is lust completing a victorious northern
trip and it will make every endeavor to
add Crelghton and Nebraska to Its Hat of
vanquished. Saturday both Yankton col
lege and the t'niveralty of South Dakota
became Ita victims. The Crelghton men
are determined to capture this, their fir
heavy collegiate game. The batteries will
be: Washburn. Owen and Blake; Crelgh
ton, weicn ana u re. uame called at
3:15, sharp.
Defeat for the Orocere.
The West Omahas defeated the Omaha
Retail orocers' team, 9 to 4. Sunday after
noon, and now wish to play any amateur
team In the state. The feature of the
game was the work of both pitchers.
In Southern I.easiae.
At Bhreveport Shreveport, 7; Little Rock
At New Orleans New Orleans, 17; Mem
phis, 3.
Blffhth Annual Convention Progrsn
Will Take In Some Prom
inent Rzperte.
PHILADELPHIA, April 27. Tbe program
of tbe eighth annual meeting ot the Na
tlonal Municipal league and the tenth an
nual conference for good city government
to be held st Boston May 7, 8 and 9, baa
been completed. The president of the
league, Jamea C. Carter of New York,
will preside at the several sessions of the
meeting, except on the third night, when
he makes his annual address. In which
caae Hon. Charles P. Adams will preside.
Among the features of the program la a
discussion of the franchise question and
tbe referendum, with papers on tbe Bos
ton, Chicago, Phlladjlphla, Cleveland and
Detroit situations. Those, contributing pa
pens to this series are: E. H. Clement,
editor of the Boston Transcript; George
C. Slkes, secretary of the Chicago Street
Railway commission; Charies Richardson,
vice president of tbe Philadelphia Municipal
league, and Superintendent E. W. Bemls
of the Cleveland waterworks.
Tbe secretary of the league, Clinton R
Woodruff of Philadelphia, will review tbe
year' development In municipal affairs in
an address entitled, "A Year's Municipal
Tbe subject of uniform municipal ac
counting and atatlstlcs will form the. topic
of one whole session's discussion. Friday's
sessions will be held at Harvard university
at the apeclal Invitation of the university.
In the morning tho Pittsburg political
situation will be discussed by George W.
Guthrie of that city, who was chairman
of tbe eltliene' committee. Tbe New York
situation will bs discussed by Dr. Albert
Shaw, the editor of tbe Review of Reviews.
former District Attorney Pbllbln will
present a paper on "A Nonpartisan Ad
ministration." Prof. J. H. Beale ot Har.
vard will discuss "Charter Legislation In
New England."
Grant Brtnars Troops.
SAN FRANCISCO. Anrll 27. The trana-
port Grant arrived early thla morning from
Manila with 1,610 passengers, including the
Twelfth United States Infantry and four
companies of casuals.
Showers Followed by Fair aad Cooler
Weather Monday tn
WASHINGTON. April 27. Forecast:
for Nebraska, North and South Dakota
Showers, followed by fair and cooler Mon
day; TOesday fair; west winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Showers Monday,
with rising temperatures; Tuesday fair and
cooler; southeast winds, becoming north
west. For Colorado Fair and slightly cooler
Monday; Tuesday fair; warmer; variable
Local Vacord.
OMAHA, April 27. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day ot the last three
1907. 1901. 1900. 189.
Maximum temperature ..It 71 79 74
Minimum temperature ... 47 11 11 6t
Mean temperature 60 65 70 66
Precipitation T .00 .06 . 31
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March L
Normal temperature U
Excess for the day 4
Total excess since March 1 200
Nirmal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for the day 13 inch
Total precipitation alnce March 1. .147 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 1.79 inchea
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901. .1.21 Inchea
Excess for cor. period, 1900 34 Inch
Btegterta trans Btaiieas at T a. aa.
: c
: S
Omaha, raining
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, part cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lakti, clear
Rapid C'lly. cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllliaton, cloudy
Chicago, part cloudy
St. Loula, cloudy
St. Paul, part cloudy
Davenport, part eloudy ...
Kanaas City, cloudy
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Btnmarrk, part cloudy ....
Galveston, part cloudy ...
. .00
T indicates trace of precipitation
I I A. Vlt'lill.
I Local Forecast tjfflclal.
S7 771 T
7'J 7s T
'' 7 .00
5 M .U0
Ml 54 .Ou
58! 70 ,01
68 71 T
21 70 T
64, .00
6ai 72 .00
, m .ou
62! bj .00
: M T
4! 6! .no
4 T
bsi -,4 ,0
House Bill Frovide for New Oruiser in
Answer to Publio Clamor.
tntlrlpated that In Thla Manner Itel.
alive Cheapness of Government
and Contract Work Can
Re Ascertained.
(From a 8taft Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, April 27. (Special.)
Chairman Foss of the house committee on
nsvsl affairs, iu speaking of the action ot
his committee authorizing the construction
of one of the proposed new vessels in one
of the government yards, said today: "It
Is an open question as to whether or not
It Is wise to build veseels In government
navy yards. The general belief Is that
money can be saved by giving such work
out under contract. This belief la based
upon the fact first, that government em
ployes work eight hours a day, while
those In outside yards are employed nine
or ten hours. Second, the rate of wages
for government labor Is relatively higher
all along the line than outsiders rav.
Third, the government allows Its employes
two weeks vacation each every year with
full pay, and in addition to thla there are
six or seven public holidays during which
employes do no work but are paid full
wages Just the same.
"I have made a personal investigation
and quite an extensive one at that Into the
methods prevailing among European gov
ernments. I find that In England about
one-half of the vessels now building for
the royal navy are being constructed In
private yards and the other half In yards
belonging to the crown. As Dearly as 1
could ascertain the cost of construction is
slightly lower In the private yards In Eng
land than In those of tbe crown. During
the recent visit of Prince Henry the chief
constructor of the German navy called on
me here and we bad a talk about this sub
ject ot tbe relative cost ot private and
public construction of vessels of war. The
German admiral said that In spite of the
fact that wage are lower In the govern
ment yards than they are In the plants of
private builders a great deal of money could
be saved by giving out contracts to the
private individuals and corporations.
Yields to rnblle Demands.
"We have decided," continued Mr. Foes,
"to make the experiment because of the de
mand from every section of 'he country
where the government yards are located.
The eecretary of the navy will be author
ized to have a battleship or a cruiser built
tn one of tbe government yarde. He Is In
structed to keep an absolute account of
every .dollar expended on this vessel so that
by the time it Is finished congress will be
In a position to Judge as to tbe advisability
of building vessels in the public navy yards
rather than through the contract system."
Representative Hugh Dinsmore of Ar
kansas has won out in the primaries and is
sure of another term In congress. Mr. Dins
more Is a man who Is moat cordially liked.
His .friends stretch from one side of the
bouse to the other and it Is doubtful if there
i another man tn congress In whose suc
cess In bis primary campaign so many of his
associates were eo sincerely Interested. Mr.
Dinsmore has served In the diplomatic corps
and haa had a military training. He Is a
member of the Army and Navy club and Is,
besides, one of the regents of the Smith
sonian Institution. These latter facts were
used by bis opponents in an attempt to de
feat him. A statement was made on the
stump something like this: "Dinsmore Is a
member of tbe Army snd Navy club In
Wsehtngton. ' That club Is composed of men
who are heroes la war and loafera In peace.
He Is also a member of the Board of Re
gents of the Smithsonian Institution. That
organization is one of the swell social clubs
or waemngton. Its members are all dudes.
Do you want to be represented by ouch a
renow as this?" But Dinsmore won out In
spite of the fact that be remained In Wash
ington Instead of proceeding to bis borne ta
rerute these peculiar charges.
Chairman Fowler of House Banking
BUI Speaks to Masses
Throaah Malls.
WASHINGTON, April 27. The majority
report -on the house banking and cur
rency bill la being circulated to an extent
probably without precedent. Chairman
Dr. Lyon's
r perfect
Tooth Povder
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century
Only $45
and Return
First-class rousd trip opra to
everybody 4S from Omaha to
Los Angeles and Ban Fraaetsee
ROUTS, ob sale
April 21 to 27
tickets good for return until Jus
0 -J 63 hours and
40 min utes
Omaha to Lot Angeles
via El Paso Short Lin a. Choice
ef routes) golag sad returning.
Por further Information call at
er address
Mil Farnam St.
Rock Island Routoj
ft Jt 1 WW SarvuKMirM.atlraau.iawtaiMiMi,
LVI W il fallu aiaauvma, eralni. iutmrt.
VI gaf M 11 Mamaa uina ana iwn Inland. u(
!S mZrriwlt ia a .; salvias uy raalia;
Fowler of the committee reporting th bill,
when asked today ss to th rxtent to ablch
the report was -being mallei, said:
' To be accurate. I am sending the report
to l.o:,si persons, classified ss follow:
1M.159 clergymen: 12!.S64 physicians: US.
7 lawyers: ,0i0 teachers, principals aad
profrspors; 16.2J5 hanks and bankers; 21.000
newspapers and periodicals; 10,491 manu
facturers. 32.2S0 Jobbers; 410.000 farmers;
total. l.o:.g. The form of our finance
and currency Is. to my mind, the most Im
portant question now before the American
people, especially are those who use their
credit or the borrowers tf money, the true
builders of our nation, deeply and materi
ally interested. Convinced aa I am of this
fart, 1 deem It ray first duty to do every
thing In my power to bring to tbe attention
of the people full Information a boat a
subject which I regard as the most vital
question of our time. 7
This enormous circulation is being ac
complished by contract covering the fore
going addresses.
Victims of Saploalon.
JOLTET, 111., April 27.-Ten men were
severely Injured today by an explosion of
hot metal In a blast fjrnace at the Illinois
Steel works. Jerry Crelghton probably
waa fatally hurt. Five tf the Injured
workmen are at the Sliver Cross hospital.
The others were taken to their homes.
retards the circulation, weakent
the stomach, deranges digestion,
pollutes the blood, destroys the
nervous torce and saps the
vitality of the whole system.
It causes pains in the side, pal
pitation, shortness of breath,
smothering, dropsical swellings,
sinking spells, and frequently
ends all suffering in sudden
death. Whv tempt death
when a cure is within easy reach?
"My head would tret so hot it
seemed to bo burning up, whila
my tot were like Ice. My limbs
would swell and get numb. I
had to sit in a chair day and
night for months and ray heart
throbbed and pained roe terribly.
After nslng threo bottles of lir.
Miles' Heart Cure I could do a
good days work."
J. M. Maclat.
Sbippenaburg, Pa.
Dat. Miles'
Heat Cute
never fails to relieve, and few
cases are too severe for it to
cure. Sold by druggists on
. r. lilies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Have You from
$500 to $1,000
that you wish to invest and make from 600
to 1,004 per cent on the Investment?
and do not want one cent of your money
until you are perfectly satisfied that every
thing Is all right.
of your life to make s fortune,
Call or
808-210 Bee Bnlldlnn;, Omaha, Keb.
I70Q I
Tot 193 yr tha
(Johana Maria Farias)
tn Barope. Jspea, India. Sooth
Africa ana Australia, i. most
dallrata, refreshing and iaatlng
PERFVMR for rednad people ;
la rapidly gaining favor her.
S. W. Cor. 16th and Harney fits.
Telephone lfiSl.
Matinees Wed., Bat., Sun., I: It. Every
Night. 1:15.
Fanay Rlos, James F. Kelly and Dorothy
Kent, Esther Fee, May De Bouia. La
Puppe, Hendrtx dt Prescott, Prlmroat1 4
Mclntyre and the Kinodrome.
Prices 10c, lie, 60c.
Peoria vs. Omaha.
April 28, 29. 30.
Oame called at Take South Omaha
Cars South.
and 6Jd St.
.N. Y. City.
Moderate Ratea Eselaslve
Esteaslva Library Aeeeeslble
Orchestral r-mrerte Every Evening.
Alt tare I'ass the Kaanlre.
Bend for descriptive Booklet.
W. JOHNSON (.LINN. Proprietor.
Donclaa Bla,
A. M
U. TO i V. M.
la a special Millard feature.
J. E. MA REEL st SON, Props.
C. H. Peeplea, Manager.
A. B. LavenpoTt, Principal Clerk.
i " " i-ir..' i