.U. The Omaha Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE IU, 1H71. OMAHA, MONDAY MOltNINCi, APItIL 28, 190'J. siNiiLi: corv five cents. Daily M ORGAN TH E B U C BEAR British Public Greatly Worried Oter Hit Control of Ocean Shipping. ffEAR THAT HE IS AFTER ITS RAILROADS Console! Itaelf with Thought the Ships Are Still to Oarrj British Tlag. LIVERPOOL SEES LOSS OF ITS PRESTIGE v.. Eelief ii Common Combination W Trade to Southampton. N VISIT TO. PARIS STARTS FRENCH GOSSIP fttatemeat Made that tioTernment Would Not Permit the French Company to Become Part f Combine. (Copyright, 1M, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, April 27. (New York World Cablegram, Special Telegram.) The panic caused by Ibe Morgan ship combine Is in creasing Instead ot diminishing. It Is sgaln reported that Mr. Morgan Is aiming to secure control of a railroad from Southampton to London and aleo of the great central line from Liverpool through the midland manufacturing districts to tbe metropolis. It is believed that tbe ocean combine Is only part of a scheme Involv ing British railroads as well as shipping. Despite the assurance that the British hips aroncernod will not pass under tbe American flag, the public, remembering the equally strenuous assurances recently from tbe same quarters that no combine was contemplated or even possible, natur ally la skeptical. Anyway America has obtained control of the trans-atlanttc ship ping and that has deeply wounded British elf-esteem. The only consolation furn ished by tbe Times, which suggest that "'Cautious people are Inclined, to be uneasy when they contemplate the huge propor tions of fabrics created not out ot nothing, but out of materials whose collective financial bulk before tbey were combined became appreciably greater by the mere In parliamentary circle, the government' 1. severely censured boc.u.e. unlike the German government. It permitted a combine Involving all of its most valuable auxil iary cruisers to be organised without in forming itself aa to its bearing on the national defense. The ministerial statement that In case of war between tbe United States and Great Britain the combination would col lapse automatically means notblng, because In -Bih emergency all ships under the British flag In American ports would be eized Immediately, as would all American hips in British ports. Liverpool Badly Frightened. Liverpool la prey to terror at the threatened possibility that Its ocean trade . tuay be transferred to Southampton. The ' : Courier -nf . flint fity .eooveya . the depth of feeling by exclaiming ' " "Never In all Us history did this old country stand mora greatly in need of a peer In, wisdom and a Napoleon in action." J. Plerpont Morgan Is aatd to have been teen In Paris depot despite tbe report that he had left and is quoted as saying to the Dally Telegraph correspondent bluntly; "I am not going to tell you what I have come to Pari for, certainly not." The Tmea correspondent says the Campagnle Generate Tranaatlantlque (French Hue) de nies unqualifiedly that Mr. Morgan or any one in behalf of the combine has ap proached It. But denials are -a part of tbe gam. Tbe Cunard company aleo denied that It will Join and reckons that Its being the only first-class British line outside the combination will secure for It increased custom from patriotic. Britishers. ' Starts Paris to Talk In. PARIS, April 27. J. Plerpont Morgan's- tnysterlou flying trip here remains a mat ter of eager speculation for the publlo and press. He remained only two days, re turning to London Wednesday. None of his usual associates knew he was coming or were allowed to see him, except Mr. Harjea. his partner in Pari. At first everybody thought Morgan's pur pose was to get the French Transatlantic line into the shipping combine, but as he well knew the government would never allow such a combination. It is now ex plained that be came In order to get American securities listed on the Paris bourse. If proper legislation could be ob tained relieving foreign securities from the prohibitive taxation now Imposed, New York financiers could use the Paris mar ket to excellent advantage. But Mr. Mor gan is not likely to try lobbying of such , magnitude as. would be necessary to over ride .publlo sentiment in this matter amid the present electioneering turmoil. The truth is that all Information about Morgan's maneuvering while here must be discredited, for never waa a secret so closely guarded. Nevertheless, It la not Unlikely that be met Premier Waldeck Rousseau on Tueaday at a strictly private luncheon, purposely arranged by Ambas- ii(a. ToW r Kvarvnna in W m r r m ihm premie' Included, is curiously deslroue to know everything possible about the famous Yankee conqueror. TALKS GLIBLY OF MILLIONS Karara 'a Partner Aaloalahee Parlia mentary Committee on Rapid Tranelt Franchise. (Copyright, UQ2. by Preea Publishing Co.) LONDON, April 27. (Nsw York World Cablegram. Special Telegram.) A gigantic Struggle between J. P. Morgan and Charles Yerkes for the control of London's under ground rapid transit baa been proceeding all this week before a Joint commission of House ot Lords and tbe House of Com mons. The committee desired to get Mr. Morgan on the etand but be sent hi. Eng. i..u junior partner, vimioo wws.u.. in a.. r'. . . Mr. Dawkta deeply Impressed the com - muiM oy ins noncuiaooe who wmca as talked In millions. When be waa asksd It he knew the condition on which the Yerkes cspltal was raised be answered that be bad no official knowledge, but be heard reports. Then he smiled In a manner that conveyed to the committee aa Intima tion that the conditions were never likely lo be realised. Owing to tbe vast num ber of most eminent engineers, architect. railroad experts and parliamentary coua del concerned the Inquiry will be tbe cost ' llest ever held in Westminster. It I esti mated that the outlay 1 nearly S1&0.000 a day and that it will continue a month. The caa tor the Yerka scheme ha not bees spened yet. but tbe Morgan evidently have aukO a Ughi. Xavwabl to&tegiloa. CONTROVERSYJWER PICTURE Aliened Phntosraplia of Christ Taken from Shrond Stirs Ip the dentist. (Copyright, 1W, by Press Publishing Po.) PARIS, April 27. (New York World Ca blegram Rperliil Telegram.) The sensa tlonal story that portrait! ot tbe dead body of Christ have been obtained at Turin by photographing the shroud preserved la the cathedral there has been revived by tbe Figaro and Is causing a huge stir. The famoue relic, which belongs to the royal house of Bavoy and has long been recognized as authentic, shows numerous blood stains which are faint ordinarily, but it Is alleged that they turn a vivid scarlet j.Al.on Holy Friday. rly two years ago a Turin photogra- -serted that negatives of the ehroud j perfect resemblance to Jeeus. To V 'e examined by chui b au tborlt!. xand that they bore evi dence of c etouchlng, and therefore a sensation was dipped In the bud. Now the photographs are exhibited In the lobby of the Figaro's building and thousands are thronging the place every day to see them. A good idea of what they took like may be bad from any of the later bearded por traits of Alponxo Daudet.. The forehead is terribly lacerated and the hands are crossed over the body. The nail do not appear to have been driven through the palms of the hands, aa It Is generally believed they were, but through the wrlets. Concurrently with tbe exhib iting of the photographs two eminent pny slclans, Drs. Pe Large and Vlgnon, have communicated to the Academy -)t Science theories explaining tbe miracle, basing their argument on M. Gautler's discovery that the body of a dying man emits an al kaline perspiration, and that Colson's pre vious discovery that certain chemicals could Impress sensitized plates In absolute darkness or leave traces Invisible to tbe human eye but capable of being photo graphed, and De Large and Vlgnon believe Christ's dying torture emitted a perspira tion which enabled the shroud to preserve an invisible likeness which now fbr the first time has been revealed by the photo graphic negative. The World correspondent visited today some prominent scientists, who ridiculed the Ingenious theories. H. Berthelot, for Instance, said: "First, the negatives, It baa been proved, were doctored. Second, after nineteen, centuries such chemical forces would have long been evaporated. Ju 1 n,J" , h,0, WfAP ' ,hr0Ud ,n rph ' "' " obtain the continuous y uio duw tv u IU IUVDO piULUrcll. CONCESSION J0 THE PRESS Correspondents nt Coronation Will Be Allowed (a of Parliamentary Press Gallery. tCopyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. April 27. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tbe Amer ican and colonial Journalists coming to London for the coronation are to be en tertained May 1 at a banquet In the Cri terion by their London conferees. Am bassador Choate and other notabilities will be among the guests. On request of the committee of the Institute ot Journalists the sergeabt-at-arms of the House of Com mons has courteously signified to the for eign and colonial Journalists working in Westminster Abbey that tbey may have the privilege of using tbe writing rooms In the houses of Parliament reserved for the press. This Is a great concession, as It Is the first time any newspaper man not in cluded among tbe 150 having tickets for the parliamentary press galleries ha been per mitted to enjoy the pre facilities within tbe palace ot Westminster. Prince Edward of York, tbe prince ot Wsb' eldest son, who will be king some time If he lives, will be 8 years old a few days before his grandfather i crowned and is taking a lively Intsrest in tbe prepartlons for the coronation, as would be expected from a boy ot his age. He is said to have expressed profound disgust and disappointment at bearing that the royal party will ride on horses or in carriage in the coronation procession. He thought that on such a gala occasion they might at least be mounted on elephants and camels from the Zoo. Though the streets are to be lined with 60,000 troop on coronation day, It Is feared that tbe police will be insufficient to cope with the concentration not only of giant crowds, but of all the crooks on the earth who can scrape together the price of a ticket to London. It Is suggested that the police be reinforced from other cities with men to do patrol work, while the London conatablea are detailed to watch the scat tered gangs of crlmlnala who are expected to visit the metropolis the next two years. The officers' estimate I that the corona tion will attract far larger throngs ot visitors than either jubileea, despite tbe fact that up to now London has been rather emptier than in normal years. EMPEROR SAVES TROUSERS Grants Peculiar Petition of an Old Soldier W ho Waa Golnar on Retired List. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) VIENNA, April 27. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) An extraor dinary petition for imperial grace reached Emperor Francis Joseph from the email Galaclan town of Cxernowlti. The former mieeenger of the courthouse there asked his majesty to save hie trousers, which be bad worn ten years and which his superior offi cer ordered him to give up on the day he was pensioned. "I have served your majesty faithfully for forty-two yeara five montha and alx days." wrote the petitioner, "and to be deprived ot my official pantaloon in my old age la a great hardship, one thst your imperial maj esty will not inflict upon an old soldier I ain aure. When I was pensioned the court decided to let me retain my cap, but the pantaloona. It said, must be restored to the state. Having only this on pslr, I refused to iccede to the demand and In consequence am threatened with Imprisonment tor con tempt ot court." The emperor made basts to telegraph to ,D ,utnorttle, Bot t0 enforc, th, ,,tter of tft. ,,w inat th. poo,. feMow Md at I same time eent blm a new suit of clothes 1 ,.,, to drlnk tn. imptiriaJ healtn BURY GOLD NTHE GROUND Pale Dlstrnst Banks aad See ret Han. dred Taoneaad Dollars la Excavations. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April n. The discov ery was mad taday that large number of Polish emigrants located la the eastern part of town have buried about $100,000 In gold, cut up Into small amounts. In various dooryards. Th Pole wit) not trust banka and insist en maklag secret excavation for their earnings, which remain tinder constant guard of soma Sftsaibar at fea tamiljb j FAILS TO LAND AN HEIRESS Impecunious Austrian Prince Attempts to Mend the Family Fortune. BORROWS MONEY TO COME TO AMERICA Member of Royal Family Gaaraateee Payment and Defaalt Caasee a I.awaaft, Which Creates a Sensation. (Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) VIENNA. April. 27. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The imperial court of Austria is in a turmoil because some ten or more years ago Prince Leopold Isenburg failed to marry Consuelo Vander bllt, and thereby acquire enough money to pay his own and his papa' debt. The mat ter leaked out at the trial of a suit brought by the estate of the late Lawyer Umlauff against Archduke Francis Salvator to re cover $15,000 lent to Prince Ieenburg under hi Imperial highness' guarantee. It appears that the Isenburgs were mortgaged up to their ears When young Prince Leopold started for America with borrowed money to attack the hearts ot American heiresses, notably tbat of Consuelo Vanderbllt, who was singled out as the richest plum In the bunch. In order to pay his traveling ex penses Papa Ieenburg borrowed nearly 160, 000 on his estate, and when Leopold re turned minus wife and helresa the things were looking black In the principality, the servants went without wages, the hores without fodder, the princesses without pin money and the prince himself without the wherewithal to play baccarat and other no ble games. In this crisis Isenburg senior persuaded a Hungarian gentleman named I'mlauff to loan him the $15,000 now sued for, but Urn lauff insisted upon a guarantee by Isen burg's Imperial ralatlves. This guarantee was finally obtalnd from Archduke Francl Salvator, a nephew of the princess of Ieen burg. Francis, It appears, wrote Umlauff a letter setting forth tbat he, the archduke, would repay the loan If his nncle did not. As It turned out, Isenburg didn't, for it was agalnat the old man's principle to pay anybody or anything. So when be died Tjm lauff tried to levy on his eetates, but the German law, guaranteeing the integrity of entailed estates, barred blm. Then Umlaff sued Francis Salvator, but here again tbe law stood In his way, for on archduke can not be sued like ordinary debtors, so there are miles and miles of red tape to protect him and the minister of the Imperial family shields him against rude attack by cred itor. Twice Umlauff carried his case be fore tbe cabinet court and twice he wa de feated. Blame the American. Thl misfortune excited and chagrined Umlauff to such an extent that he laid down and died, leaving hi family of young children In want. Now the socialists have taken up the matter In Parliament and promise to make it warm for JrancU Salvator. who will have to either pay or give up his position In the army and forfeit his right to th throne. Tbe socialist are determined to force the minister of Justice to answer tbe complaint of th de frauded family In public no more secret cabinet courts for them. The whole, truth will have to be told and if there was a conspiracy between an imperial archduke and an heiress-hunting bankrupt princel ing to fleece a confiding man out of his money that conspiracy will have to be laid bare. Tbe socialists say that Francis Salvator and Archduchess Marie Teresa, widow ot old Prince Isenburg, are Jointly responsible, as ber Imperial highness helped to persuade Umlauff to part with his money for the benefit of the bankrupt prince. Tmlauff, they ssy, was dazzled by so much imperial prestige and his loyal heart broke when he discovered afterward tbat his nephew and niece of Francis Joseph so far lowered themselves aa to refuse payment of a Just' debt. All Vienna is on the tiptoe of expectation, for It Is ex pected that the socialists will bring about such an airing of Imperial soiled linen a never before has flaunted In the breeze of public opinion. Besides the archduke and arcnaucness named anotner prince ot a reigning. house Is Involved In the conaplr cy, th ex-duke of Parma. Thl prince 1 said to have exacted a commission ifrom Umlauff for getting him a customer of the rank and prestige ot old Isenburg. Part of tbe loyal Austrian press blames Amer ica for the scandal. "Why didn't some rich American girl marry Isenburg, Jr., and forestall all tbls scandal?" argue th paper. Meanwhile Umlauff'a widow and children are kept from atarvlng by public charity. BEGGAR LEAVES SNUG FORTUNE People Who Pitied Her Sapposed Poverty Are Sarprlaed When Old Woman Dlee. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, April 27. (New York World Ca blegram 8peclal Telegram) Leonora Land ing, an aged American profeeslonal beggar well known at the American colonies In Paris, Nice, Florence and Lucerne, has Just died here leaving a fortune of nearly $60, 000. A granddaughter Is a muslo hail singer now In Birmingham, England. The old woman, who called herself the dean of the Children of tbe American Rev olutlon, had a remarkable career. Once she was a dashing heroine of California mining camps and with ber husband cut quite a fig ure in the Paris social whirl In the last days of the empire. During tbe siege ehe wa caught by the communards and nearly ahot a a spy. Her husband and married son were both killed on the battlefield aa French volunteers, but she wa never able to get a pension from France because she could not furnish doc. umsnts to prove ber marriage. Bhe always dressed neatly and modestly Wealthy Americana pitied ber distress and gave to her generously. Now they have found that Leonora owned four big tene ment bouses which were bought with her saving In the begging business. Ker tea ants say she waa th hardest kind of a land lord. ASKS MONEY TO SOOTHE HEART Andrew W. Lyons Baee Hasbaad l Camilla D'Arrlll for Alleged Alienated AaTeetlons. SAN FRANCISCO, April 27. Andrew W. Lyeas, formerly aa acrobat, has brought suit la thl city against H. W. Crellln, husband of Camilla D'Arville, tbe opera singer, for $50,000 for the alienatlod of bis wife's affections. In hi complaint Lyons allege that be was th former husband of Mr. Crellln. who In 1900 obtained a divorce In Chicago without Lyons' know! sdga aad subsequently married Crellla. Mr. Crellln la now la Brooklyn appoaxlcg SONS OF THE . REVOLUTION Delegates Are Reaching; Wanblaatoa far Their Katloaal Congress, Which Bealn Wedneadny. WASHINGTON, April 27. Arrangements have been practically ompleted for tha national congress of the Sons of the America Revolution which assembled in this city Wednesdsy. The sessions of the congress will be held st the New Willard hotel. Tbe arrival of delegates hss al ready commenced. Preeldent Ben Walter Seth Logan ot New York arrived in Washington yesterday and several others from various parts of the country have registered at the hotels. ' While the congresa does not assemble until Wednesday a ceremony of consider able Interest will be held Tuesday at Con gressional cemetery when a company of New York delegates will vlnlt the ceme tery for the purpose of placing one of the society markers at the grave of General George Clinton, an aide to Oeneral Wash ington In planning his campaigns. He died in this city and was Interred at Congressional cemetery in 3812. A monu ment was plsced over the grave by the eta. of New York. A floral offering from the White House will be placed on the grave and the marker will be put In position with simple ceremnny. no speeches being msde and no service- being held. PLANS OF WEEK IN SENATE Nothing Definite Beyond the Contin uation of Debate aa the Philippine Bill. WASHINGTON, April 27. The plans of the senate for the week do not extend be yond the continuation of the debate on the Philippine government bill and the consideration of minor matter when there Is no one prepared to apeak on the Phil ippine bill. There Is no prospect thus far for speeches In support of tbat measure, and consequently all the talk bids fair to continue to be on tbe negative side of the question. Up to the present time the speeches all have been made by minority member of tbe Philippine committee, but it Is stated that other . democratic sen ator have promised to lift their voices in opposition to the bill, among them being Messrs. Turner, Clay and Simmons. Senator Hoar aleo ha made known his In tention to speak on the bill, but It I not expected he will be beard during the pres ent week. In the committee ' the Inquiries Into tbe sugar question as relating to Cuba and into General Crozler' connection with gun carriage inventions probably will be begun. The committee on the Philippines will also proceed with it investigation into the con dition of affair in the Philippine. OPPOSES THE CORLISS BILL Joseph Nlmaso Waald Limit Com merce Commission's Power Over Rate. ( M WASHINGTON. April 17. The house committee on interstate commerce, which has been holding a series of hearings on the question of granting enlarged powers over railroad rate to the Interstate corn- men.- commission, held a eoloo yesterday evening, when Joseph Nlmmo formerly rf the treasury department, appeared as the first witness in opposition to the Corliss bill. Mr. Nlmmo said that the recent appeal to the circuit court at Chicago was the first attempt to apply the civil remedy pro vided by section 16, of the act to regulate commerce, and asserted tbat the Corliss bill In terms alms to destroy that remedy. A lively colloquy ensued between Mr. Nlmmo and Judge Knapp of the commis sion, the latter stating that there had been no reduction In transportation charges la this country during the last ten years. Mr. Nlmmo strenuously denied de claring that the statistics of the commerce commission show a reduction of 22 per cent. Mr. Nlmmo opposed placing absolute power over rates In the Interstate Com merce commission. RECORD OF CUBAN EXCHANGE Increase of Five Per Ceat la Import aad Eleven Per Cent De crease la Exports. WASHINGTON, April 27. The Insular division of the War department has pre pared for publication an extract showing In comparative form the commerce of the island of Cuba for the seven months ending January $1, 1902, and 1901. The total value of merchandise imported during the seven months ending January 81, 1902, was $0,043.986. against $38,038,930 for tbo corresponding period of 1901, and the exports of merchandise against $26, 970.220 for 1901 was $24,113,419. These figures show an Increaae of 6 per cent In the imports and a decrease ot 11 per cent in the exports. Tbe value ot merchandise coming from the United States for tbe seven months ending January 31, 1902, was $17,118,839, a slight Increase over the corresponding period of 1901, while the export for 1902 amounted to $15,174,48$. a decrease of $349,742. VARIETY PROGRAM IN HOUSE Mlscellaaeoa Subjects Will Come I'p Led by. Omnlbns Pnblte Bnlldlng BUI. WASHINGTON. April 27. Ther is a mis cellaneous program ahead for the. house thl week. Tomorrow the special rule for con sideration of the omnibua publlo building bill will be brought in and passed and tbe remainder of the day will be devoted to District of Columbia business. Wednesday the consideration ot the agri cultural bill will be considered and after it is disposed ot the District of Columbia ap propriation bill will be taken up and prob ably passed before the end of the week. With its passage only two appropriation bills will remain to be acted on by the hoiue the naval and general deficiency bill. Seldom hav the; appropriation bills been o well advanced at a long session of congress as tbey are ifbls year. j C0NATY WILLV NOT RESIGN Reetor at Catholle tl'alvereity Denies Report Concerning HI Leaving; the Inelllntlon. WASHINGTON, AprllW Bishop James Conaty, rector of tbe Catholic University of America, emphatically denies a pub lished report that he eoaumplate resign ing ths rectorship of tb university. He ssys there are no dissensions at tbe uni versity and that he baa, no Intention of resigning. He also authorises the statement that there ia no foundation whatever for tbo reports concerning the financial con dition of the university.! ' The Catholic University of America, like all other edu cational institutions, he aay. need larger endowment for broader development, but I U tai received iarou jipporw, . 1 YANKEES IN SOUTH AMERICA United States it Forging Ahead in Commer cial and Educational Lines. v MOST ON TRADE MAKES RAPID STRIDES Lamer Gains Predicted la Colombia, Ecaador and Other Northera Mates When Facilities ot lathmlaa Canal I Available. WASHINGTON, April 27. Frederlo Emory, chief of the bureau ot foreign com merce, made public today ' another extract from the volume entitled "Commercial Re lations of tbe United State During 1901," which is now in press. The extract given today deals with the trade of the United States with South America last year. American coal, it is reported, find a steady Increasing sale in Braxll, despite deep seated prejudices and the antagonism of competitors. The export trade of the United Statee to Brazil, however. It Is said, never will reach Its proper develop ment so long as our merchandise has to seek foreign bottoms. It is pointed out tbat if a line of modern steamers wefa operated between New York and Brasll there would be no lack of return freight In coffee, rubber and like products. Ameri can hardware. It I also ststed, has earned a reputation for quality and finish which places It beyond competition. Typewriters, sewing machines, watches and electric goods hold their own everywhere end the United States is gaining a foothold In bicycles, locks, firearms, cutlery snd pic ture frames. Get Educations Here. Brazil recognlsea tbe value of an educa tion in the United State and it 1 a notable fact that many young Brazilian are eomlng to this country to complete their careers of learning. Until this year the better class of young Brazilians were sent to Portugal, France or Germany to acquire their liter ary, professional or scientific training and It was as rare to find a Brazilian speaking English as it ia -to find an American speak ing Portuguese. Now English Is being taught In aome of the higher schools ot Bra11 and many young men go to the United States to study engineering, elec tricity, law, medicine and dentistry. In tbe Argentine Republic the American goods making the greatest headway are tools and Implements, cottons, hat, shoes and specialties. A banker In Rosarlo re cently reported that for the half-year end ing June 3d, 1901, the increase of trans actions between his house and the United States had been 131 per cent and he under stood that other bankera had similar ex perience. But while we are materially Increasing the aggregate of our trade with Argentine, here also the absence of direct steamship communication is a handicap. Yanktes Invade Other States. Lumbering la the chief Industry in the southern provinces ot Chill, and practically all of the wood is cut by mills of Ameri can construction. All of the machinery used In the production of flour aleo come from the United State. On account of the politi cal disturbances in Colombia, Imports from th United State have Increased only slightly. The' ImporU from all other coun tries have remained stationary. A rising demand for our shoes and for negligee shirts, collars and cuffs is especially noted. Uulted States trade with Ecuador shows a gratifying Increase, due to purchases for the Guayaquil Quito railroad, better and quicker communication, lower freight rates and the coming of American commer cial travelers. "Our trade will eteadily advance," it ia stated, "but- an Isthmian canal alone can give us the advantage we should occupy." A large variety of American auppjles Is appearing In the markets ot Uruguay. "When our manufacturers mako the ef fort," It Is stated, "they can place there goods that in quality and economy that will conquer the market." SENATOR ELKINSWAR RECORD West Virginian's Service 1 thai. Icnged, bat Proven by His torical Paces. WASHINGTON, April 27. The attention ot the War department has been attracted by reports appearing In print that Senator 8tephen B. Elkln ot West Virginia bad seen no military service. Tbe records show that Senator Elkins saw service in the west as captain ot Company H, .Seventy-seventh enrolled Missouri mllltla, which, by direc tion of General John M. Sc ho ft eld, was placed under the orders of United 8tates officers and wa honorably discharged there, from In 1864. A regulation of tbe Grand' Army of the Republic admlta to membership those who served In' state regiments that were called Into service and were subjected to orders of general officer between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1866, and under this regulation Senator Elkins became a member ot the Grand Army of the Republic post at Elkins, W. Va REPORTS OF IOWA FARMS Total Valae Reaehea Over One and a Half Mllltoa Dol lars. , WASHINGTON. April 27. The census report on agriculture In Iowa shows that in 1900 there were in tbat state 228.622 farms valued at $1,497,554,790, of which 1 per cent represents the vslue of lands s el improvements other than buildings. rue value of farm implements and ma chipery was $57,960,660 and ot live stock $278,830,096. These values added to that of farm give $1,834,454,546. a total vslue of farm prop erty. The total value of farm product tor 1899 waa $366,411,528, a gain of 129 per cent over 1889, and the gross farm Income was $263,388,488. CHOLERA KILLS OFF NATIVES Disease Rases Amoaa" Filipinos, bat Is Kt Attacking the Amer ican Soldiers. MANILA, April 27. Tbe cholera situa tion In th Islands does not show any Im provement. Cholera cases are reported among the American soldiers in tbe Cam arlnes provinces of Southern Luzon ami elsewhere, but so far few Americans have been attacked and the disease is mainly confined to nstives and Chinamen. In Ma nila there have been 566 cases aad 411 deaths from cholera, while the provinces report 1.(99 ease and 1,169 deaths. arveylagi Coal Lands. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April 27. (Special.) A corps of Union Pacific surveyors Is now in the field la Carbon county survey ing coal land and making testa of the coal toun4, CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Temperature nt Omaha Vesterdnyl Hoar. Drs. Hoar. Ilea. K a. m 47 1 p. m...... T B a. m 4T 2 p. m Tl T a. m . . . , , . ft 4 :i p. til fi N n. nt R.t 4 p. m tt a. m BT R . m .TO 10 a. m. nit l p. m UH 11 a. m t:t T it. m 7 111 m 07 S p. m (to n p. nt ..... . ftU REFUSE TO JOIN BESANTS Members of Theosophlcnl Society of America Keeps Aloof from Hltala. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 27. Ibe six teenth annual convention of the Theosoph Ical Society of America met in executive session here today. The society declined to consider any overtures toward a coalition with the Besant camp of Tbcosophlsts snil took favorable action toward uniting the American, Engllrh, German and Scandinav ian branches of theosophlcal believers. A. S. Spencer, president of the society, was unable to be present and his report wss read by the secretsry. A letter was read In which tbe convention was asked to adopt resolution" looking toward Joining the forces of the Theosophlcal Society of America with those of the so-called Besant camp of Theosophlsts. Such action was regarded as contrary to the constitution, as It was held tbat It would be a virtual acknowledgement of the charges preferred agalnat William Quan, judge of tbo other party when the split took plice. A communication was received from the English society submitting an international constitution for adoption. A resolution was adopted to the effect that the conven tion approve ot the sentiment In the Eng lish resolutions, but that final decision on the question of preparing tbe constitution should be deferred for discussion by the branches In the various American cities; the constitution to be adopted with pos sible modifications at the next convention. The convention then proceeded to the election of officers. Dr. Thaddeus P. Hyatt wa re-elected secretary and H. B. Mitchell was made treasurer In place of A. 8. Spencer. The executive committee: George Dewey, San Pedro, Cal.; J. D. B"rd, Tort Wayne, Ind.; M. D. Butler, Indlannpolls; H. A. Bunker, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Mrs. Charles Johnston, Fludhlng, N. Y., and Dr. A. P. Buchanan, Fort Wayne. The principles contained In the platform adopted at Boston in 1895 were reaffirmed. C0RRIGAN MAJKES FAIR GAINS Archbishop Khows Satisfactory Pros ress, According; to His Physician's Official Statement. NEW YORK, April 27. The physlctsns In attendance on Archbishop Corrlgan visited him today about 10 o'clock and after a consultation upon the morning's develop ments the following bulletin was issued: The archbishop's condition is in all re spect satisfactory. (Signed) FRANCIS DELAFIELD. F. L. KEYES Father Curley, Archbishop Corrlgan's sec retary, aatd the patient's condition was so far Improved that the doctor had decided to add to bis diet of kumyss small portions of broth, salads and beef. At St. Patrick's cathedral Father Patrick McAleer, who delivered the sermon at htgh mass, snnounced from the pulpit to tbe satisfaction of the large number present, tbe hopeful condition of the pre late, and delivered a prayer for bis speedy recovery. From the pulpits throughout the city prayers were offered for tbe archbishop's early recovery. Referring to a cablegram from Rome, printed today,' to the effect that the pope bad dictated letters to American bishop with a view of making Archbishop Corrlgan a cardinal, tbe bishop said the report was not true. CAPTAIN AND FAMILY DROWN Lose Their Live on Schooner Which Founders In Pat-In. Bay. SANDUSKY, O.. April 27. Tbe schooner Barklow from Marine City has foundered In Lake Erie, bait a mile from Put-In-Bay, and three persons have lost their lives in consequence. The dead are: CAPTAIN ROBERT PARDY of Marine City. MRS. PARDY. ALEXANDER MORRIS, hi stepson, aged 16 years. Dick Burke, a sailor of Port Huron, sur vived the wreck and was brought to San dusky today ,by the life-saving crew .from that port, who had tried several times during the night to reach ths wreck. According to Burke's story, when the boat seemed hopelessly in ths power of the fearful storm the party got Into the rig ging, the captain, hi wife and Morris on theh lee side of the boat. The boat soon filled with water and fell over onto tbe lee side, throwing the three persons into tbe water and drowning them almost im mediately. Burke retained bis position on the rigging, having fallen asleep from exhaustion, and waa thus found by the life- saving crew today. GRANT GUN NEARLY FINISHED Slsteen-lnru Caaoa to Harl Shell Flfteea Miles for Fort Hamilton. TROY. N. Y.. April 27. The authorities at the Watervllle arsenal expect to com plete work on the 16-lnch gun to be placed at Foil Hamilton, in New York harbor, by June 1. The gun, which has been In the course of construction about four years, will be sent first to Sandy Hook for proving. Last week the war department decided to mount the gun oq a disappear ing carriage. Its first trial is eagerly awaited by all the gunmakers of ths world. It is claimed that the gun will borl a shell twenty-one miles. Thl is disputed by tbe Krupp's, who claim it will aot throw the shot more than fifteen miles. In order to discharge tbe gun it will require 1.000 pounda of powder and a $0,000 pound pro jectile. The gun when completed will weigh 150 tons. TWENTY-0NE CARS DESTROYED Filed Ip la Wreck of Freight Trala oa the Lake Share Head. KALAMAZOO, Mich., April 27. A freight rerk occurred on th Lake Shore and Michigan Southern road at th Grand Rap Ids and Indiana crossing tbls evening. Twenty car were piled up and twelve ear burned. One man ia missing. Th loa is , very bear. Ex-Secretary of Agriculture and Founder of Arbor Day Dies at Lake Forrest. PASSES AWAY AT HOME OF HIS SON Illness Dates Back Several Months and Deoline Unchecked from First. DEATH IS DUE TO CEREBRAL THROMBUS Stroke of Apoplexy Last Week Hestoned End of Noted Nebraskan. WILL BE BURIED AT HIS OLD HOME Remain Uatt Lake Forrest Taesday Afternoon for Family Residence, Arbor Lodge. Xenr Ne brnska City. CHICAGO. April 27. Hon. J. Sterling Mor ton, former secretary of sgriculture, died at 4:30 this afternoon at Lake Forest, at tbe home ot hie son, Mark Morton. . For several weeks Mr. Morton bsd been gradually falling. The interment will be at Nebraska City. A special train bearing tbe remains of Mr. Morton and members of his family and friends will leave Lako Forest at 4 o'clock Tuesday ifternoon for NebrasKa City. Death waa due to cerebral thrombus. Mr. Mcrtoa hegau ailing several months ago and In hopes that a change of climate would re store his health ne went to the City of Mex ico, accompanied by h i son, Psul Morton, vice president of the Ssnta Fe road. Mr. Morton continued to grow worse In the southern country and tlx weeks ago be re turned to hi old home In Nebraska. He then returned to Chlcso, where It was be lieved he would have better medical atten tion. After he arrived here he Improved somewhat, and it was thought he would en tirely recover. Lest week he Buffered a stroke of apoplexy, from which he never re covered. He suffered a second stroke todsy and. as he had become so weak from his long slcaness, it proved fatal. HI thre sons, Paul Morton, Joy Morton and Mark Morton, were at the bedsido when the end came. Wife Credited with Arbor Day. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., April 27. (Special Telegram.) Word was received here this afternoon that Hon. J. Sterling Morton, ex-secrctary of agriculture, had died at the home of his third son, Mark, In Lake Forest, 111., this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, after on illness of several months. Last Tuesday was his seventieth birthday and the usual celebration was omitted here out of respect to Mr. Morton's condition. The fact that be waa In a dangerous condition was not generally known here, as the reports from hi bed side were to the effect that he was doing nicely and the specialists who had charge of the case reported that they expected to have him out and about In a short time. The new of his death cam a a shock to every one snd tonight groups, of men may -be seen standing'' about the street with sorrowful faces talking in subdued tone ot the friend that had gone. He came to Nebraska In 1854 and settled with his wife on the farm that has been his home ever since and which, by the force of tbe man, has become known throughout the country. The first Arbor Day was celebrated at tbls home by the family long before It became a world holi day. The conception of Arbor Day was one . of the flashes of genius which J.Tr. Morton always attributed to his wife. II was to her a) so that Arbor Lodge owes Its name, but to Mr. Morton belongs th fame that has been shed from Its hospita ble doors. On this farm tbe four sons, Joy, Paul, Mark and Carl wsre born and grew up to carry the name of Morton oul Into the world. Joy Morton Is now one ol the powerful figures In Chicago finance.. Paul Morton Is vice president of the Sant Fe railroad and Mark is at tbe head of several of the great Morton Industries. ,Carl, the youngest and best loved, is dead, having passed away at Waukeegan, III., a year ago last January. Ever since bis coming to Nebraska J. Sterling Morton has been a mighty factor In the development ot the stats. A man of powerful physique and more powerful mentally, he has brought his whole strength to bear on the problem of con verting the trackless plain lato a garden ot plenty. How well be has wrought can be seen by a glance at the highly culti vated acres at Arbor Lodge. How thor oughly he la loved can be seen tonight In the sorrowful faces of the men and women who walk quietly through the streets. Helpful to Vonua Men. The young men ot Nebraska are more particularly Indebted to Mr. Morton. To them he has ever been a resource upoa which they might draw for help In getting a start In the world and all over the United State are young men and women who are winnlug for themselves golden honor, and wbo, were they asked for tbe keynote to their success, would say that to J. Bterllsg Mor ton they owed their start and th Incentive to go on and win. He has said to them all the secret ot all successes wa work, work, work. His own life was an example of the value of this maxim that was constantly before them. A man of the most catholic tests and the widest scholarship, be welcomed all men, and particularly young man, to come to him for advice and help. The strength of bis convictions were such tbat when he had settled In his own mind the right and wrong of a matter It was almost impossible to cbange blm and no amount of abuse could swerve h'.ra an (neb from the course he bsd laid down. v Upon bis retirement from public Ufa be organized and started the Conservative, and about one year ago be purchased th Tri bune, an evening paper. Tbe Overland theater, one of the neatest and most com plete playhouses in the west, wa erected by him that the people of Nebraska City might have the educational advantage of such an Institution. He waa Interested la a number of other Industrie that sre nowj In course of construction or only being eoa templated, among them being a cremators which wa one of hi pet ideas. ' The news of hi death wa 'nnouJ from tbe pulpits of the various cbiboa.iL ttia evening. aadfax The remains will be brought 1LpUth'd burial, and the funeral will taed to La Wednesday afternoon, when all business in tbe city will be clo "JJE?. respect to our greatest citizen, af dim. Bladder JU la- He had been ailing ever sljJ JrjujaV of hi boo Carl, who bad be. Q BoB companion since th death;, batweaa Far eighteen year before. L traoted a aever eod, whlcV ' a congestion of the brand th ! ibi Heaib resulted, uinCTakisu , ha vaudevUI. . , - ft T i iirt. T