Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Sent Free
Jo Men.
Fr Trial Package of thia New Dia.
covery Mailed to Every Man
Beiuing Name and AdJresn
Quickly Restore Strength
anJ Vigor.
Free trial packages of a moat remark-
tbta remedy are being mailed to all who
rite the State MedUal Institute. They
tared ao many man who had battled for
A. E FtOBMSON. M. D, C. M Medical Director
rears against the mental and physical suf
fering of lout manhood that the Institute
bus decided to distribute free trial packa
ges to all who write. It Is a home treat
ment and all men who suffer with any
form of sexual weakness resulting from
Mouthful folly, premature loas of strength
and memory, weak back, varicocele, or
emaciation of parts can now cure them
selves at home.
The remedy has a peculiarly gratefnl ef-
!ect of warmth and seems to act dlrert
3 the desired location giving strength and
envelopment just where It la needed. It
urea all the ilia and troubles that corns
rom years of misuse of the natural func
tions and has been an absolute success In
fll cass. A reoueet to the State Medical
nstltute. 770 Elektron Building, Ft. Wayne
nd., stating that you desire one of their
frea trial packages will be compiled with
promptly. The Institute Is desirous of
reaching that great class of men who ore
unable to leave home to be treated and
the frea sample will enable them to sea
ow eaay It la to he cured of sexual weak
Oeee when the proper remedies are em
ployed. The Institute makes no restric
tions. Any man who writes will be sent .4
a rree sample, carefully sealed In a plain
Baokage so that Its recipient need have no
fear of embaransment or publlcltyt Read
Ms ara requested to write without delay.
Only $45
and Return
First-class round trip open to
evil .'body 145 from Omaha to
Loo Angelas and Ban Franoleoo
ROUTE, on sals
April 21 to 27
tickets good tor return until June
Only 63 hours and
. . 40 min utes
Omaha to Los Angeles
la Kl Paso Bhort Line. Choloe
of routes going and returning.
For further Information call at
r address
"11 IMS Farnam fit.
Rock Island Route)
Gale of Unusual Severity and Duration
Strike Omaha.
Thlreea-Vear-Old Boy flerloaaly In
jured aad Xomerone Minor Aeel
deata Reported from All
Seetloaa af Cltr.
The wind that swooped down from the
northwest Friday afternoon was In many
respects phenomenal, and brought varieties
of weather ranging all the way from sun
shine and balmy air to snow, all In the
space of about six boura. At It o'clock
the thermometer stood at 75 degrees
and then declined at an almost uni
form speed until 6:46 It stood at 36 de
grees a tall of 39 degrees. The wind rose
until Its speed rate reached forty-six miles.
This was accompanied by rain and spitting
snow. At 6:45 o'clock the snow fell for
a few minutes In big flakes, although not
thickly enough to eover the ground. At I
o'clock In the evening the strength of the
wind declined and the rain stopped falling.
The cause of It all was that centering
In Omaha was an area of low barometer,
the reading being below that In any other
part of the United States. ' The fact that
Omaha was In the center resulted In th
comparatively warm and bright weather In
the forenoon. This area of low pressure
moved northeastwardly to the lakes, and
It was after the center had passed Into
eastern Iowa that the high wind began to
make Its fores felt and the rain Increased
In volume.
Catches People Enroote Horn.
Not a great deal of attention was given
to the storm until In the late afternoon
when the sidewalks were crowded with peo
ple going to their homes. Then everyone
realized that the gale was not a laughing
matter. Umbrellas were Jerked to pieces,
hats went sailing high In the air, and peo
pie discovered they could not walk without
danger of being thrown down. Signs were
blown down and loose objects of various
kinds were hurled through the air, making
walking a hazardous undertaking to those
who felt strong enough to force their way
In many parts of the city tin roofs were
torn up and hurled In great rolls to the
street. Plate glass windows In a number
of stores broke with a crash, littering the
The electric wires began breaking from
their fastenings at a large number of
places and ths telephone and telegraph lines
were special sufferers. In a number of
Instances It became necessary to place om
cers to guard the live wires. The police
alarm system all over the city was disabled.
Several People Injured.
The first aocldent occurred on Military
avenue. The wind turned over a large
section of the plank sidewalk and struck
Robert Maxwell, aged 13. He re
celved a deep cut over the left eye and
bis front teeth were knocked out. Ha
was insensible when picked up and carried
to the house of Louis Jonkowskl, at 1420
Military street, with whom the boy lived,
wnen examined by the physicians It was
found that the blew oa the head bad caused
serious Injury. Young Maxwell was taken
to Clarkaon hospital this morning and the
physicians expect him to recover.
Lawrence McTaggert was Injured about
6:20 on Thirteenth street between Harney
and Howard. His wounds were dressed at
the police station and be was sent home,
His Injuries were not serious.
wnue ex-mayor ueorge v. Bemls was
walking on Farnam between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth a large billboard gave way.
Mr. Bemls tried to run across ths strset.
but hsd taken only a few steps when the
falling debris caught him, pinning him
down. He wss released by several men
and carried Into Hahn's drug store, where
It was discovered his left leg was broken.
He was severely bruised. He was later
taken to ths Clarkaon hospital.
Show Windows Blows la.
PR. McGREW (Age 53)
Diseases aad Ulaviam mi Stem Only.
ptt years' Experience. IS Tears la
If IDIPflPCI C cured by a treatment
YAKIbUutlX which Is the QUlC.Ki.81-.
alesi and most natural that has yet beau
discovered. No pain whatever, no cutting
and doea not Intertere wlin work or bust
poaa. Treatment at omce or at home aad
a permanent cure guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment toi Syphilis
And all Blood Diseases. No "BRUAKINd
OUT" on the kin or face and all externa
algns el the diaeaae disappear at once. A
treatment thai la mora suicesatul and far
mora aallataelory Uiui) lha "oid form" of
treatment and at leaa than HALF Til hi
CoaT. A cure that Is guaranteed to tie
permanent for Ufa.
niCu nf( cases cured of nervous
I) I Lit lUtUUll debility, luae of vitality
ki.u ai4 uuuaiuial weakueeaea of man.
fcUrloture. U.eet, Kidney and bladder Dis
eaaee. llydrucele. cured permanently.
Treatment by mxlL P. O. Box lb.
Offaca over 21S H. 14th etreat. between Far
am and Uouglaa aie.. OaiAUA. MKB.
S5.Q0 a normi ;
of MEN.
12 year la Omaha
cured by the QUICK
EST, eafeat and moat
natural method that
aaa yet been discovered.
Moon every sign and symptom dleappean
loinoletaly and (oravtr. No ' UltEAK INJ
OUT" of the disease on the akin er face.
ao detention (rom wc
A sure that la guaranteed to be permanent
lor lire.
cured. Method new.
without cutting, pain;
work: permanent cure
WK4K MK.1 front Excesses or Victims
to Nervous Debility or Exhauatlon. Witt
tug Weakneaa with Early Decay In Young
and kit. Idle Aged, lack of vim, vigor anJ
suvngth. with orgaua Unpaired and weak.
BTHICTIRK cured with a new Horn
Treatment.' No pain, no detention front
business. Kidney and Bladder Troublee.
CoaeoMatlaa r'ree. Trramiil by MalL
. cmakoks low. , lit- a. lata at.
Jr. Searies & Starlet,. Qsuha. Nib,
Two large, plate-giass windows In the
front of ths People's store were broken
Into small pieces and considerable damage
done to the stock displayed. Plate-glass
i windows In Schaefer'a drug store, corner
Sixteenth and Chicago; In front of ths
Mawhlnney Ryan company at 201 South
Fifteenth street were broken by the wind.
A flag pole over the Turf saloon on Doug
las street tell and plunged through a large
window into the saloon, hurling broken
glass in every direction. The large window
In front of a saloon at the corner of Four
teenth and Dodge was broken. The win
dows in the Jewish church, 1112 Dodge,
were all broken. A large transom window
In the store of K. H. Sprague 4k Co., cor
ner of Eleventh and Farnam, was blown
in. A number of the windows on the
Douglas street slds of the building occu
pied by M. E. Smith 4t Co., corner Elev
enth street, were also broken.
The tin roof on the building at 1110
Douglas street occupied by J. P. Ely ft
Co. was blown completely off and a large
section of It was carried to the south side
of the street. The Drexel hotel roof was
partly blown away. A section of the root
on the Young Men's Christian association
building was torn loose. The flat at the
corner or Sixteenth and Webster was
nearly stripped of Its roof. The root over
Crsne ft Co's building, corner Eleventh and
Douglas, was badly damaged.
The roof dome over the elevator shaft In
ths McCague building was partly dsstroyed,
A building at Twenty-eighth and Farnam
was blown down. The front of the build
log at 1112 Harney was blown In. The
rear porches on ths Langs hotel building.
Thirteenth and Jackson, were destroyed
and the chimneys blown down.
A large tree was blown across Seven
teenth street south of Cass, blocking all
Large billboards at Eighteenth and Far
nam, Fifteenth and Chicago and Twelfth
and Douglas were thrown down.
Officers were placed on guard over loose
electric light wires at twelve points.
Alarms Marias Stoma.
The fire alarm system was disabled, but
tho breaks will not be located until today.
o alarms were sent In by telephone dur-
the storm. One was at 4:10 o'clock.
small blase caused by hot ashes at 526
Pine street. In the dwelling of Allen Ser
geant. The services of the depsrtment
were not needed. An alarm at 6:40 was
dua to the crossing of two electric light
wires at Sixteenth and Dsvenport.
One of the large covered wagons of the
United States Express company was over
turned by the wind at the corner of Tenth
nd Jackson streets. No damage was done
either to the two horses or ths wagon.
At 7:15 a largs electric light sign, weigh
ing about a half ton, fell with a crash upon
the portico of the Orpheum theater and
only ths iron girders which span ths roof
prevented ths sign falling through it to
the pavement. It was a double sign, cost
ing originally 1400. The words. "Cretghtoa
Orpheum" appeared oa both sides of It
and to spell them 800 electric lamps were
A tall brick chimney which one adorned
the home of Attorney Sylvester ft. Rush.
4931 Webster strset. went down la the
breeze about dusk, causing ths furnaae to
smoke to such sn exttnt that Mr. Rush
aad te carry water Into the basement and
put out the Are.
Four eleotrle light pole between Thirty
ninth end Fortieth streets oa Farnam
blew down about 6 p. m. and fell across
the street railway tracks. Besides plung
ing this portion of the west end In dark
ness they stopped the street csrs for nearly
halt hour
The plate-glass front of a bsrber shop
st Twentieth and Leavenworth streets blew
In about 7 p. m., much to the surprise of a
customer who was being shaved at the
time. No one was hurt.
Over the north entrance of the Masoa
school at Twenty-fifth and Mason streets, a
portion of the roof was blown off and con
siderable of ths second story Immediately
under the roof was pulled down with It.
The debris was piled up In front of the
entrance several feet high and a portion of
the root was left suspended over the entrance.
At Sixteenth and Jones streets a por
tion of the front end of the roof of the
brick building occupied by the Champion
Iron and Wire works wss blown off.
At Sixteenth and Webster streets the rear
end of the roof on the three-story brick
bolldlng on the northwest corner was blown
In and tne occupants of the place fled
to the neighboring buildings for safety. A
high board fence recenty erected around the
vacant lots at Seventeenth and Cuming
was blown down and portions of It blown
across the street Into the front end of
Swansooa undertaking parlors.
Close Call for Yoana Maa.
At Twenty-fourth and Paul streets a por
tion of the roof of a three-story brick wis
blown off and fell In the adjoining yard ot J.
A. Monahan, damaging his porch and barely
missing a young man who was leaving the
house. Between Sahler and Sprague on
Twenty-fourth street, nearly every outhouse
waa blown down.
Two frame residences In course ot erec
tion at Twenty-ninth and Miami were de
The cupola on the car barn at Twenty-
fourth street and Ames aveune, waa blown
off and the timbers In the roof twisted
nd misplaced. The large Iron dome on the
cupola fell down on the roof and did con
siderable damage.
The roof ot the Martin flats at Seven
teenth and Webster streets was blown off
nd to add to the excitement 'of the occu
pants of the place flue caught Are. The
blase, however, did no damage.
All the windows of the residence of S.
Levlne, Thirty-third and Cuming streets
were blown out, as were also the windows
in the houses on each side of the Levlne
The cornice wss blown off the butldlcg
occupied by Henry Keating, at Sixteenth
nd flavenport streets.
A portion of ths roof was blown from the
residence of Judge Anderson on Twentieth
street, between Fernam nd Douglas.
Ths wind did a freakish turn at Sixteenth
and Farnam streets. A carriage was blown
completely over aad almost Instantly was
A woman crossing the street at Seven
teenth and Farnam was blown down and
rolled over and over down the hill. She
was finally caught by two men. She was
not Injured.
Most ot ths billboards at the Vinton
Street park were blown down.
At Fort Crook, according to report re
ceived at army headquarters, the wind
blew down several chimneys nd damaged
roofs to buildings and windows to sn
amount estimated at between $750 and
The chimney on the restdenca of Erastus
Toung was blown down and the bricks fell
upon ths roof, causing considerable damage
In addition to the loss of the chimney.
At the federal building the canopies on
the chimneys were blown off, entailing con
siderable expense, as It will be necessary
to erect scaffolding to make repairs. A
timber from the new addition waa blown
into the work room at the postofflce, break
ing four windows, and a large number ot
slates were blown from the roof. .
Cat oa the Head.
Albert Davlea was cut on the head and In
ternally Injured by a flying sidewalk at
Thirty-sixth and Hamilton streets. He
was taken to his home at 2527 Charles
At All Saints church the wind carried
many shingles from the roofs of the church,
the choir house and the rectory and scat
tered the fences all over the yard. Ths
damage will not interfere with the usual
The county hospital was among the suf
ferers, the wind ripping off a space of the
roof shingles ten feet square over the In
sane ward and also some of the slate over
other parts. The damage Is roughly esti
mated at $100.
At Benson the wind tore off a corner of
the Are wall of Joseph McGulre's new store
building and upset a number of small out
A large barn belonging to Charles Tost,
seven miles west ot Benson, was lifted
from Its foundation and upset.
The barn on the premises of Aaron Ru-
bensteln, 1814 North Eighteenth street, was
half wrecked.
Two large trees at the residence of H. A.
Haskell, 1826 North Eighteenth street, were
blown down and the chimney on a house at
2216 Maple street, owned by Mr. Haskell,
was carried away.
Three hundred feet of the high fencing
round the Vinton street base ball park
was blown down by Friday night's storm
but It was all up again In time for the
game thia afternoon. Manager Rourke is
also bemoaning the demoralization of the
cew hanging sign he had Just stretched
across Farnam street at Sixteenth. He
ays he will have this again swinging to the
breeze by tonight. The fencing which was
tipped over was on ths esst and west stdss
of the park.
save one, which la up In South Dakota.
"Ten miles of the seventy miles ot grad
ing Is done. The heavy rock work along
the Missouri river bluff west of Niobrara
is four-fifths completed and will be finished
by May 13. The railroad Itself will be built
nd In opeeatlon by October 1.
"An important portion of this extension
la the bridge across the Niobrara river.
Thia will bs 000 feet long and Its construc
tion will be: Three spans each 128 feet
long, reaching across the main channel;
Ave spans seventy-two feet long, st either
end, and the balance, 156 feet. In trestle
work at either end. False work for this
brldgs sufficient to carry trains will be In
by June 1, some months before it Is needed.
The permanent bridge may not be com
pleted befcre winter. The false work will
be used for trains as soon as the rest ot
the line Is ready, however.
"A fall of three feet of snow In week
t Dead wood has again delayed the work
on the Lead line, but I am now informed
that It there is no more snow grading will
be finished by May 1, In which event we
will have a railroad built by May 10 or so."
Petition In District Court Seta Forth
Story of Alleged
"Freeae Out."
Helen K. Hancock and John D. Hancock
hkve petitioned tho district court for the
appointment ot a receiver for the Cotton
Livery company and for an accounting by
the defendants in the suit, who are Wil
liam M. Mace, Oeorge F. Munro, John W.
Cotton and William J. Clair.
The petition narrates thst John D. Han
cock bought tho Cotton livery stock and
consolidated It with Mace's stock Novem
ber 8. 1899, all the property of both being
accumulated at the Cotton barn. Because
of the prestige of the old name the Arm
Incorporated as the Cotton Livery company,
all the fifty $100 shares of stock being Is
sued to Hancock, who assigned twenty-five
of them to Munro to hold In trust for Mace
as representing his (Maces) share, and
twenty-three to Helen Hancock. Plaintiffs
further allege that in June, 1901, on a day
other than the regular meeting day and
without notice to plaintiffs, the defendants
held a meeting at which they pretended to
reorganise and to elect a directorate. Since
that day, the plaintiffs say, they have not
been allowed to inspect tb,e books, although
they have repeatedly requested such per
mission. They say they believe the bus
iness Is netting $500 per month, although
they are told that it Is being conducted at
loss. They allege, also, that at the meet
ing Mace's salary as manager was raised
from $50 per month to $100 per month.
Elkhera Geaeral Maaaarer Bays Mots.
taro Ftta Ml tow
"That rain was worth a million dollars
an hour to Nebraska," said General Man
ager Oeorge F. Bldwell of the Fremont.
Elkhorn ft Missouri Valley road, yesterday
morning. "I was out In ths storm, driving
tor Ave hours across Holt and Boyd coun
ties in the worst of It. Ths wind and rain
were the fiercest I hsvs ever known.
'The extent of the rain was remarkable,
The entire portion of Nebraska north of the
Platte liver was covered, and the fall was
heavy everywhere, being less. In tact, right
hers around Omaha than anywhere elss
As I rode down from Verdigris on the train
yeeterdsy afternoon I noticed that every
foot of the territory through which we
passed was soaked. Ths South Plstte was
lso rsmembered, though ths fall was
lighter there, and died out entirely toward
the Kansas line.
"This rain came at critical time, and
Its value Is vast accordingly. Plowing was
going an, aad the ground was In bad con
dlttoa for tt. Corn planting was to begin In
May, and tor that the ground was in mis
arable shape. The heavy rain put It In
perfect fitness. The water went right into
the ground as in a sponge, aad the earth
la simply In Ideal condition for plowing
tor planting corn and for the small grains,
lr- Bldwell has Just returned from so
other trip up to the Verdigris extension
nd brings nsw Information regarding the
work, while he announce soma positive
dates of completion. "There are (00 mea
working oa that extension." said he. "and
tit teams are being used by the grading
outfits, of which there are twenty, scat
tared along? at different place oa the line.
All the outfits ara working la Nebraska
Haatlnaja Womaa Rrqneste Omaha Po
lice to Look for Oacar
A. Tranbull.
Mrs. Oscar A. Trunbull ot Hastings, Neb.,
wrote to the police that her husband, act
ing under the Influence of his brother, had
deserted her and she wanted him located.
Mrs. Trunbull said her husband was 20
years of age and they bad been married six
months, during which time she had made
his living and bad spent $800 of her money
la providing for him. She Is employed by
Wolbach ft Broch of Hastings, and said
during her six months of married life her
brother-in-law bad been doing all he could
to persuade her husband to leave her.
Mrs. Trunbull said that recently she had
nursed her husband through a four weeks
spell of smallpox and that she is worn out
nd needs htm. She had recently beard
that he had Joined the army and was at
Fort Crook. Ths police learned that Trun
bull had been at the fort, but had left some
time ago. The letter waa addreased to the
best policeman In Omaha."
Council Send, Urgent Invitation to Official,
of Corporationi.
Notices Are Served oa Three O Blears
of Each of tho Five Poblle
Service Companies City
Clerk Explains.
Whatever may have been the delinquency
of tho city council last January In ths way
of sending out notices to the corporations
na to the t'me and place of hearing cof
plalnu against their assessments, no such
charge can He against It this time. Com
munications galore of this class were going
out of the city cledk's office yesterday. Sten
ographers were busy writing them out, clerks
were busy copying them In letter files for
record and deputies were busy serving them.
The documents are divided Into two classes
"notices" and "subpoenas." The notices
set forth the nature of the complaint anl
the hour and place of hearing. At least
three general officers of each of the five
public service corporations, as well as Re
tutors Morton and Sbrlver, receive these.
The subpoenas sre formidable document,
so explicit In detail as to be almost iron
ical, and are couched In legal phraseology.
Text of the Subpoena.
Here Is a sample subpoena:
State of Nebraska, Iiouglas County, s:
To C. E. Yoat, K. M. Morsman and H V.
Lane: You are each hereby commanded to
appear before the city council, sitting bs a
board of equalisation at the city council
chamber, in the city hall, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Neb., on Wednes
day, April W, 1902, at 10 o'clock, central
standard tlmo, on the afternoon of said
day, to testify before said board as a wit
ness on behalf of the complainants In a
certain complaint now pending before eald
board, wherein William O. Shrlver and
Oeorge T Morton are complainants, and
the Nebraska Telephone company Is de
fendant. And you, the said K. M. Mori-man, the
secretary ar.d treasurer of the Nebraska
Telephone company, are also commanded
to bring with you and produce as evidence
at the sfnresald time and place, the fol
lowing books, papers and documents of
the Nebraska Telephone company, towlt:
1. All ledgers ot said company for the
year 1901.
2. All Journals of said company for the
year 1901.
3. All day books of said company for the
year 1901.
4. The trial balance of said company tor
October, 1901.
6. The annual statement of the assets ind
liabilities of said company for the yj-ar I'M.
6. The annual Inventory of said company
for the year 1901.
7. All other books, papers and documents
of said company, showing In whole or In
part the assets and liabilities of said com
pany, or the fair cash value of the prop
erty and franchises thereof as the same
existed between the 15th day of September
and the 15th day of October, 1901, Inclusive.
In wltnees whereof I have hereunto set
mv hand and affixed the seal of said city
this April 26, 1902.
W. H. ELBOURN, City Clerk.
Iltrertrd to Chief Officials.
Subpoenas have , been served upon F. A.
Nash, W. J. McManigal and S. E. Schweit
zer of the electric light company; Frank
Murphy, O. W. Clabaugh and Isaac Battln
ot the gas company; E. M. Fairfield, Stock
ton Heth and A. B. Huut ot the water com
pany; Frank Murphy, D. H. Goodrich and
W. A. Smith of the street railway com
pany, and C. E. Tost, E. M. Morsman and
H. V. Lane of the telephone company.
City Clerk Elbourn says that a statement
In The Bee of Friday ftfternoon, to the ef
fect that the city council took Its action
Friday forenoon over his protest, bas been
construed by a good many to mean that he
was advocating the evasion ot the supreme
court's writ. ."A, a matter of fact." s&ld
i fiPpf
I - ' -r -a. " l. '
I mm w ' W -
of in
Our Llectro.Mcklicnl 'treatment
which combines all of tho curative
powers of Imth Me,ll'iti.' and Elec
tricity. The most womlrrftil curative
treatment ever known. Discovered,
perfected and used only by the aM
and rklllful epcclnlists of the Siat.
Eloctro-Medicnl tnstltute. Any others
claiming to use It are only initiators.
The trouble Is not so much thnt you
have fallen into evil habits or
contracted diseases, but thnt you
have neglected yourselves or have
been' made worse by rurglral pio
-vtir. ceaures or improper treatment.
The expert skill of our specialists, together with our new svstem of
which combine all the curative powers of both electricity and medicine,
gives us complete mastery of the maladies of men and women. We guarantee a
Safe and Positive Cure
by our new and original method of Electro-Medlcat treatment In as short a
time as the nature and extent of the disease will permit without Injuring the
Decline of the powers of manhood signalizes the presence of one or more
weaknesses of tho Genlto-Urluary system, which are due to Inheritance,
habit, excesses or the effects of rpeclflc disease.
and all reflex complication nnrt asso
ciate diseases Hnd weaknesses of men.
We will spare you the penalties asso
ciated with Nervous Debility, Weak
ening Ir: lus, Self-Abise. WustinK of
Organs. ITemnture Decline, Loss of
Memory, Knersv ami Ambition, Nerv
ousness, Pimples, Palpitation of tho
Heart, Shortness of Urea In, Unac
countable Apprehension of Calamity,
the Cliaarln ami Mortllleatinu of
WeaklliiKs. the KrUht of Contem
plated Matrimony, ami 1 will render
you robust ami slrotiK, mentally,
physically, sexually.
President Batler and Prof. Caraeatcr
Write ot Schors Fel
lowship. John L. Kind has Just received from
President Nicholas Murray Butler of the
University of Columbia offlcjal notice of his
appointment as Carl Schun Fellow, to
gether with the welcome Information that
the total value U $869.97. The fellowship
maintains from July 1 next to June 30, 1903.
Mr. Kind has also received from Prof.
William H. Carpenter, head ot the German
department at Columbia, a letter regard
ing his atudles. They will be carried on at
Columbia university and will embrace both
the Ungulstlo and the literary side ot Germanics.
Prof. Carpenter adds that Carl Schuri
has asked him to bring Mr. Kind to Mr.
Schurs at once upon his arrival in New
York City, as hs Is very anxious to meet
the first man to win the fellowship named
for him. Mr. Kind was chossn out of fif
teen competitors from all over the country,
representing many different Institutions.
C. N. Diets Eotertalns R. S. Earhart
sal Party of Eastora
A special Pullman sleeping car on Bur
lington train No. 6 brought R. S. Earhart
of Boulder, Colo., and a party ot eleven
eastern capitalists Into Omaha at 7:45 a m.
yesterday. The car was cut off here and the
men spent the day in this city, being the
guests of C. N. Diets at the Omaha club.
At 4:25 in the afternoon they went out be
hind No. 1, enroute for Denver and Boulder,
where Mr. Earhart expects to Interest the
easterners In some projects he has under
way or lu view. The eleven gueets were:
Major Morrla Hoats, Lewis Nonnemaker
nd O. C. Aechbacb. Allentown, Pa.; L. E.
Williams and F. A. Kreits, Blatlngton. Pa.;
W. H. Hunslcker, Senator Peter Steckel
nd Dr. E. J. Danowsky, Allentown, Pa.;
Dr. Thomas A. Scherer, Catasauqua, Pa.;
James Barton, 8outh Bethlehem; Judgs C.
E. Coboon, Emmetsburg, la
J. J. Larkla Claims Morrlll'a Place as
Member of tooth Omaha
8outh Omaha foisted upon the county
court another election contest case yesterday
morning, John J. Larkln, democrat, having
designs oa Dsns Morrill's teat as a mem
ber of the Board of Education. In hla com
plaint Larkln alleges that ha received 3,654
votes Instead of 2,439, as shown by the offi
cial returns, sod that Morrill received 2,348
lnatead of 2,464. There la no allegation of
fraud, but merely errors of counting, and
Larkln's attorney seems to have no very
clear Idea of where such extensive errors
were made. Judge Vlnsonhalar Is down in
Arkansas now and might be tempted to stay
there If be knew what bunch ot these
contests is piling up for bis di.posal.
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. April 2 (Spe a i oart warren nauain, with the
Kicnardsoo Drug company of Omaha, and
Mlas Msrgarette Oliver ot this city were
married at the home of the bride's mother.
are. aate unver. ine ceremony was per
formed by Rev. J. T. Batrd of the First
Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Hallam
aeparted oa the evening train for thslr tu
tura horns la Omaha.
If you are suffering from any of the dis
eases neeuliar to vnnr sev neh n
ACHES. SPINAL WEAKNESS or any disease of the Kenlto-urinarv organs,
call on or write to me and I will tell you Just what can be done for you.
Is it not worth your while to investigate our Electro-Medical system of
Treatment that has made life anew to multitudes of MEN and WOMEN
after all other treatment hsd failed?
RY xflllH QYQTPII of improved Electro-Medical Treatment we
Dl xUUil dldla.111 cure DISEASES OF THE HEAD. THHOAT
AND NOSE. Catarrh. Deafness and DISEASES OF THE CHEST, ttronrhltlx
epsla. Indigestion. Constipation, Bright' Disease, etc.. DISEASES OF THE
.,i'.A.VDKK ANL) RECTUM, Difficult and Pnlnful Urination. Piles, Fistula, etc .
SLii-A'.J'Lg'D AND SKIN DISEASES and all Diseases of the
ItltOl S bi STEM.
Tountr. middle-aired and old men, call at our office todnv or write for our
book. free, which will explain the diseases we cure and how we cure them to
stay cured when others fall.
a fSXFVyiSJlSfi JERE5 Bt offlre or by ,eMcr- am "trlctly confidential.
A LhttAL CONTRACT and guarantee of cure given to every patient. Olllee
Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
References Best Banks aad Leading; Uoalneaa Men In Thia City.
State Electro-Medial Institute
Longest established. Thoroughly reliable. Authorized by the laws of the state.
1308 Farnam St., between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
he, "the council did exactly what I wanted I q
It to do. The disagreement between Mr.
Mcintosh and myself wss on another point
Board of Education Members Consid
ering Grade of High
School Lot.
. e
Members of the Board of Education were
t the High school grounds yesterday look
ing at the lay of the land previous to decid
ing the matter of sodding the grounds and
laying permanent sidewalk. It Is esti
mated that this work will require the ex
penditure of about $2,000, and several of
the members ot the board do not desire to
have this amount of money expended while
the grade Is in the present shape.
"At the present time," said member ot
the board, "the ground south and esst of
the new building gives that edifice the ap
pearance of being In a pocket. A little
grading would give It the same appear
ance from the southeast as It has from the
northesst, where the ground slopes grad- i
it 1 1 7 iruui LUC 1UIIUlUg IW iud icmiuiub
wall along the street. This grading has
not been authorised yet,. but several of the
members of the building and property com
mittee desire to have the sodding and
permanent walks placed In position at this
members of the building and grounds com
mittee and several other members of the
board desire to postpone the permanent im
provements until the ground has been
graded, and It la probable that course will
be pursued, as I understand a majority of
the building, and grounds committee
fvor it."
Harrisburg, Pa., and Return
with Stopover at Niagara Falls
:: Si :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: THINK IT OVER AND TRAVEL
Arranging to Stop Sale of
Cat Rates by Retailers.
Soap at
While the committee of the Grocers' as
sociation charged with the arrangement of
a plan to stop the sale of soap at cut
prices made no report on Friday afternoon,
was expected, the members have done
considerable work, their attention being
turned in the direction of the soap manu
facturers. Some of the manufacturers havs
signified a willingness to cease supplying
soap to the cut rate houses, alleging as a
cause for this thst they have lost consid
erable money by the failure of firms which
have sold goods below cost. The commit
tee Is still In conference with persons rs
sponslble for the existing condition and
hope to have the matter In shape to handle
within a week.
PARTS 1 to 14
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents
The Morning's Mourning
As George Ada lays, in bis new opera, "Ki-Rara:"
"It It ao time for mirth and laughter
"The cold gray daws ot the morning after,"
A fur overcoat on your tongue; "hair oa your teeth;" a taste, "as if a cat hat)
littered in your month;" nerve a-tremble; aching hair; a "bust-head of splitting
agony;" appetite none; movement of the bowels'-not a sign; present (unwelcome
visitor). Gen. R. E. Morse. Never do it again, ehf Oh yes, you will. Remember
"The Devtl was elck; the Devil s monk would be.
"The Devil got wall; the Devil s monk was be,"
and a Caacaret three times on the day of misery will make you well. Put, for good
ness take, be wise, up to the century, and the next time you go out with the boys, eat
toe much, drink too much, irritate your stomach, block your bowelb, don't forget
that you can prevent the "morning's mourning" by taking a Cascaret Candy
Cathartic before you go to bed. They work while you sleep and make you awake
bright as a new dollar in the morning. Always carry a box in your pocket, and
have another on your dresser and another on your night table. Also one
"la your grip oa trip." '
lest yon forget.
Bast for the Bowel. All drugglata. Ma, 15c, joe. Never aold ia bulk. The
k tar lug MaMay CesBpary, Chicago er New Vera.
fenuine tablet atempes cil. Uuaranteea le cure er your meoey
Saaie au eooaiei nmw. aww