Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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'If You Have) Them From Us, They're Rlht."
Davis fill drugs.
Btockert ells carpets and rugs.
Wollman, aclvntlllc optician, 4 B'way.
Take home a brick of Metzger s Ice
Cream. Vantla. loc; Neopolltan, Sic.
J C. and W. Woodward, architects, room
t, Everett block, Council Mutts, la.
New goods and outfits for pyrographle
work at Alexiudur s Art Store. ii way.
Go to Morgan & Klein for upholstering,
mattress making and teuther renovating.
122 South Main street. 'Phone MS.
For sale, excellent building lot In Central
ub., slse 44x121). This Is a bargain for
Some one, for cash sale or will sell on pay
ment plan. Lot In located on Avenue B,
within several blocks of good school, . ail
or address K. F. Watts, Hee oftlce, Council
John Mulquren, sr., has Bone to Excelsior
Springs, Mo., for the bcnelit of hla health.
W. O. Letton, munnger of the Grand
hotel, has gone to Clayton, N. V., on a
Miss Mankcy of New. lt, la.. Is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. C. W. I'ember of bouth
First street.
Excelsior Masonic lodge will hold a spe
cial communication this evening for work
In the third degree.
Justice J. W. Kerrler went to Ottumwa
yesterday on business connected with the
Knights of Pythias.
Mr. end Mrs. Harry Pierce are home
from Texas, where Mr. Pierce went to loott
after hla oil land Interests.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to L. M. Khaw, aged iiT, and Dertha Mer
rill, aged 2o, both of irnderwood, la.
Mllllnerv reduction sale at Mrs. A. Mus
ters, 321 Broadway. All trimmed hats are
reduced to cost price for Saturday only.
The windstorm yesterday blew down the
billboards In all parts of the city. 1111
poster Nichols estimates his loss ut low.
The Juunlta Ctlee club of Chicago will
rive a sacred song service at Trinity
Methodist church Sunday morning at 10:)
Harry Nicholson complained to the police
yesterday morning that while he was call
ing on his sweetheart Thursday night some
one carried off his bicycle.
William Babrlck, the Itinerant mender of
umbrellas who tried to dispose of express
money order receipts, representing they
were bills of lading for goods he had pur
chased, was fined $5 and costs In police
court yesterday morning on a charge of
general vagrancy.
The Grand Hotel company has decided
upon a number of Important Improve
ments. The dining room will be changed
from the sixth to the ground floor, neces
sitating a complete change In the arrange
ment of the rotunda and olllce. The room
now used aa a dining room will be kept
for dancing purposes and as a meeting
The mcr;ttng of the Council Bluffs aerie.
Fraternal Order of Kagles, last night, at
which between forty and nrty business
men were to have been initiated, had to be
postponed on account of the hall t.ein
flooded by the rain, which poured down
through the roof. The roof had been
partly torn off during the windstorm on
Wednesday and the repairs had not been
Judge Wheeler has overruled the motion
for a new trial In the suit of H. L. Tin
ley, administrator of the estate of Leo
Bteln, against the motor company, and en
tered Judgment for the plaintiff In the
um of I2.0U0. Leo Stein, tho young son of
Jacob Stein, was run down and killed by a
motor car on Broadway. The case wua
tried In May, 1901, and resulted In the Jury
giving the plaintiff a verdict for fcl.uuu.
A telephone message was received at
noon yesterday at police headquarters to
the effect that there was a dead man hi a
boxcar on the Burlington tracks on Elev
enth avenue. Uetectlve Murphy was de
tailed to Investigate. Instead of a corpse
be found a tramp sleeping off a drunk. All
efforts to arouse the fellow proved futile
and It was two hours alter he had bten
locked up at the city Jail before he sobered
up sufficiently to give his name aa Mike
Go-Won-Go Mohawk, the Indian actress,
will appear at the Dohany theater tomor
row night In Lincoln J. Carter's border
melodrama, "The Flaming Arrow." Miss
Mohawks support Includes a large cast ot
white actors, a band of full-blooded In
dians and four finely tra'ned horses. As
White Eagle, the hero, Miss Mohawk Is
Jlven the opportunity to handle a rather
lfticult male Impersonation, And Is said
to do credit to herself. She Is given
numerous opportunities to deliver some
very thrilling lines and to participate in
many exciting and sensational scenes.
Plumbing and beating. Uliby Son.
Imagines He Is Kins; of Sweden.
The fact that Chrta Johnson labors under
ths hallucination that he Is the king of
Sweden and not the son of Nels Johnson, a
well-to-do farmer of Pottawattamie county,
baa Induced his father to file an Informa
tion against him, charging him with being
mentally deranged, and the commissioners
for the insane will Investigate the case
this morning.
A tew weeks ago while young Johnson
was boarding at the Chicago bouse In this
city, he showed signs of mental derange
ment, and at the request of his parents !
was placed in St. Bernard's hospital. His
condition Improved and he was taken to
the homo of bis parents in Garner town
hip. Within the last few days he has
again become possessed of the Idea that
be Is Sweden's ruler with purple blood
flowing through bis veins, and hla actions
becams such that his family feared for their
safety, so they decided to apply to the
commissioners to have him committed to the
State asylum In Clartnda.
Gravel rooting, A. H. Read. 64 1 Broadway.
H. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Tightening l'p oa Saloons.
Mayor Morgan yesterday Instructed the
police to see that all saloons are closed
tight at 12 o'clock at night on week days
and ( o'clock tn the evenings on Sundays.
The order Is to go into effect today.
All of the ssloon keepers In the city were
notified of the mayor's order last night, and
but few of them raised any objection to
Closing at midnight on week days, but
most of them protested against being com- i
palled to close down Sunday evenings at 6 1
i'clock. They assert that It will drive their
patrona across the river.
The mayor also Instructed the police to
rigidly enforce the order prohibiting the
opening of front doors of saloons on Sun
days, It being reported that a number of
saloons In the outskirts of the city violated
this rule.
Davis sells glass.
i 3 vJ
Davis sells paint.
Sunday, April 27
In a Picturesque Western Play,
Tha Flaming Arrow
Aft V I D.i.1.1 A R
citing hor race, the "eclipse of the
moon, the council nre and the ghoi
dance, the flaming arrow, the aiUik
on old Fort Keuo. and th wonderful
horses, Wongy and liuckskln.
ryd and preased. Special attention
given ladles' garments. Also chenille
curtain neatly cleanrd. dyed aid
pressed. 'Phone A -till Iowa Steam De
Works. U4 Uruadway.
Funeral Direc'or-
(Successor to W. C. Estap)
M raiHL STHfcKT. Tkuas 7.
Valuation of $19,297 Placed Upon the Por
tion Eemaining Unsold.
This, with Money on Hand, Makes
F.nonh for Another Dividend to
Creditors of Twenty
Per Cent.
The real estate holdings of the Thomas
Officer estate, to which the creditors of ;
the defunct Officer & Pusey bank look for (
payment of their claims In part. Is worth
I19.29T.50, according to the report of the
appraisers filed yesterday. The appraisers,
who were appointed at the request of Ad
ministrator Stewart, are: J. R. McPherson,
8. O. t'uderwood and H. Ouren. The real
estate belonging to Thomas Officer remain
Ing unsold consists of lpts In the cty of 1
Council Bluffs, Including the homestead on '
Willow avenue, valued by the anDralsera at .
$8,250. one lot In Bayliss' second addition li property, with a probable right to lmme
appralsed at $3,000, another in the same ad- j alat possession and that the property Is
dltion at $1,800. and one in Haifa addition ' likely to suffer through lack of proper caro
at $1,600, while the rest average about $100 I n1 repalra. Frank T. True Is appointed
each. j receiver with power to collect the rents,
Since Attorney Stewart was appointed ad- J make the necessary repairs and conduct the
mlnistrator In place of Charles T. Officer, ha i hotel he deems best for the interest of
has completed the sale of what was known the owner. George W. Matthews, the pres
as the Hardin township farm belonging to j fnt occupant, who claimed an equity In the
the estate, (or $17,442. Of this amount 1
Officer had received $2,000, and had included
It In his final report. Officer turned over to
Administrator Stewart $14,749.84, which,
with the proceeds of the Hardin township
farm, makes a little over $30,000 In Mr.
Stewart's hands. The receivers of the bank
have about $25,000 In their hands and to
this will be added the amount owing by
Miss Julia Officer which U hotwoon 14 00ft
and li 000 This added tn tha fnnrt.' In 1
ana i.,uuu. i nis aaaea to the funds In ,
possession of Mr. Stewart will enable the
payment of another dividend In the near
future of shout ia ner rent hn. . Ul. 1
r-- . a i
oa per cent mat me creditors win nave
received on their claims against the bank.
The remaining assets outside of the mines
In Colorado of the Thomas Officer estate
will not exceed $3,000. The value of the
mines In Colorado Is problematic, but In
order to acquaint himself with the prop
erty there. Administrator Stewart will leave
next week for Colorado, tn or"der that he
may be able to make a report to the cred
itors. Homes for All.
at low prices
ror saie at low prices and easy
payments, home's In all parts of the city,
Including some of the nicest - residences
and those of moderate size. Also dwell
ings and business property In Omaha.
Farms bought and sold. It will pay you
to see us at the abstract office of J. W.
Hesldents Will Enjoin Spraarae Iron
Works from Occupying;
New Location.
The Sprague Iron Works company, which
has sold Its Interest In the foundry at
Twelfth street and Tenth avenue to W. I.
Walker, has announced Its intention of
starting a foundry In the buildings for
merly occupied by the electric light com
pany as a power station on Third avenue
between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, and
In consequence the residents and property
owners in that vicinity are up in arms.
When It became known yesterday that
the Sprague company Intended transferring
Its foundry from Its old location to the
old plant of the electrlo light company
on Third avenue there was a scramble on
the part of adjoining property owners to
consult their attorneys with a view to
bringing injunction proceedings in the
courts to restrain the creation of such a
"nuisance" In their midst. It la expected
that one or more such suits will be begun
In the district court today.
The law provides that a nuisance, such
as a foundry la claimed would be, cannot
be created In a residence district to the
annoyance of adjoining property owners
and residents. Residents in that neighbor
hood put up with the electric light plant
as long as they were compelled to, but
now that' the plant baa been abandoned and
the machinery all removed, will resist to
the last the Installation of a founndry, with
Its Incessant nclse, in their midst.
W. I. Walker of Rock Island, who has
purchased the property of the Sprague
Iron works, plana to move bis Implement
specialty manufacturing plant from that
city to Council Bluffs. For the operation
or his plant here Mr. Walker figures on
forming a new company, with a capitaliza
tion of not less than $150,000, and expects
to materially increase the output of bis
The Sprague company will retain pos
session of Its present premises until Oc
tober 1, but In the meantime proposes to
proceed with the remodeling of the build
ings of the electric light company for Its
future use and to begin the erection of a
now foundry building on this property.
Property owners in the vicinity, however,
say that not a brick or tne new lounary
w,u be U(, untU , rlght to do i0 ha.
beon UsUd , tho courU.
pcpif flRIFPT Tfl FRFF7F0IIT
Declare Ills Intention of Flclitln- It
Out on This Line It It Takes -All
Colonel Beck, who during the short life
of Manawa at an Incorporated town, was
Its mayor, has declared his Intention of
flyhtlng the motor company to the bitter
end If it persists in what he terms its game
of freezeout. Colorcl Beck is proprietor
5 of a cafe, which Is located directly opposite
what last year was the main entrance to
the Laike Manama resort. The motor com
pany having changed the plans of its
grounds this year, by enclosing Manawa
park and moving Its fence to the far side
of the street, will practically shut oft ac
cess to Colonel Beck's place. This is not
to the liking of Manawa's erstwhile chief
executive and he Is consequently up In
i arms.
He baa declared hla Intention in the
event or the motor company persisting to
' build Its fence directly In front of his place
' enforce the law and prevent the sale of
liquor at the company's resort, and to
further enforce tha law prohibiting public
entertainments on Sunday. The colonel
states ha is tn the fight to atsy and that
the Injunction proceedings begun In ths
district court by himself and two other
property owners at the Jake is but the
commencement of the trouble which the
mjtor company will bring on Itself if it
persists in Us gams of freessout.
nistrthatlaa; Taa Money.
County Treasurer Arnd turned over to
the city yesterday $W,0O$.09. being the
municipality's proportion of the tax collec
tions for March. Of the amount $:6.496.74
represented regular taxes and $8,50.35 spe
cial assessment taxes.
Treasurer Arnd Is sending out the quar
terly remittances to the school treasurers
of tho county, amounting to $129,049.77. The
school tax Is distributed quarterly among the
country districts, but the proportion of
the Independent district of Council Bluffs
Is paid monthly, that for March, which
was turned over yesterday, amounting to
The road money derived from the road
fund tax, will be distributed this week to
the township clerks, amounts to $13,916.89
for the quarter.
Treasurer Arnd reports that the tax col
lections for the first quarter of this year
are above the average and more than $50,
000 over those for the corresponding period
of 1901. The collections for the quarter
ending March 31, this year, were J356.3S8.20,
as against $29S,175.67 for the first three
months of last year. The collections for
the month of March this year amounted to
$279,647.16, as against $264,504.59 for the
same month In 1901.
Receiver for Osden Hons.
Judge Wheeler of the district court
handed down hla decision In the application
of Charles E. Kimball, the recent purchaser
of the property, for the appointment of a
receiver for the T)gden hotel. The court
bolds that Kimball Is the owner of the
property, on account of money alleged to
have been expended by him In keeping ths
hotel open, Is permitted to retain possession
of the rooms he and his wife now occupy
for a period of thirty days.
Ileal Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
lne abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Thomas D. Metcalf and wire to J. W.
jjeii, t I7 nn(1 5 fePt )ot 16 bIock
2. Turlev & White's subdiv. w. d t
jonepn Bomervme to c. U. Tyler, sw4
. ,nwH, !--. w. d. .. .. . . 1.S00
oeivey ana nusnana to Mil
Moss, lot 10, Hanthorn's add. Love
land, w. d
Total, three transfers $ 3,165
Ban Illinois Central.
CEDAR FALLS, la., April 26. (Special.)
The action started by the city council
three weeks ago to compel tho Illinois Cen
tral to run its trains from Mona Junction
to this city may result in the roadbed of
the Lyle branch of the Central being
changed The company which built this
branch was organized In Cedar Falls In 1858
and the road when built was known as the
Cedar Falls & Minnesota. Owing to the
prices asked for land over which the road
bed was built the company avoided the city
limits by one mile and no trains stop here
and the Improvement started by Cedar Falls
capital became a benefit to Waterloo and
was the primary cause for the location of
the shops there.
The articles of incorporation state that
the road shall enter the city limits and It
is on this point that the case will be based.
The company made a survey of the pro
posed changed route a year ago and esti
mated that the improvement would cost
$36,000. ' '
Two Biases at Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH, la., April 25. (Special.)
At 4 o'clock yesterday morning flre de
stroyed the house occupied by S. P. Clift
in the west part of town. The family bad
not yet arisen, and the origin of the fire
la unknown. The bouse was entirely de
stroyed, though the greater part of the
contents were saved. Wednesday morning
a hog house owned by A. J. Swanson, north
east of this place, was discovered on fire.
The bouse and eleven hogs were burned
and it was only by persistent effort that
Mr. Swanson's big barn was saved.
Iowa Keeps Its Professor.
IOWA CITT. Ia.( April 26. (Special Tele
gram.) The board of regents of the Univer
sity of Iowa today met the offer of Western
university for Prof. Harvey Sanger Rich
ards of the law faculty and ha will remain.
A dinner, was given the retiring regent,
Harvey Ingham of Algona, and resolutions
adopted recounting his useful service to the
university. The board determined to erect
three modern medical buildings in a group
for the College of Medicine. The purchase
of ground and selection of an architect was
left to the building committee.
Northwestern Wants Iowa Professor.
IOWA CITY. April 26. (Special.) Ths
Northwestern university school of law has
extended a call to a professorship to Harry
Sanger Richards, professor of law in the
college of law of the University of Iowa
and secretary of the law faculty. Prof.
Richards has taken the matter under ad
visement and will make known his decision
next week. He will probably accept tho
offer. His present salary Is $2,100 and the
salary tendered hm by the Northwestern
university is $3,000.
Wisconsin Sheriff Gets Ills Man.
IOWA FALLS, la., April 26. (Special.)
Henry O. Smith of Phillips, Wis., was ar
rested here last evening, charged with
seduction. He Is a young man and was at
work with a fence gang along the line or
the Des Moines, Iowa Falls t Northern
road. Deputy Sheriff Hunt of Price
county, Wisconsin, left last evening for
Phillips, the prisoner waiving requisition
Poor Health Causes Suicide.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., April 28. (Special.)
Warner Hooker of Walla Walla, Wash.,
son of P. R Hooker of Essex, this county,
committed suicide by taking poison. Mr.
Hooker was well known In this section and
his parents and his wife's parents reside In
Essex. Mr. Hooker was in poor health for
some time and It Is thought despondency
caused bis act. He carried $3,000 lite In
surance. Library Site Hard to Choose.
IOWA CITY. April 26 (Special.) The
site for the Carnegie library building in
Iowa City iias become the leading theme
in Iowa City. One location was selected by
the library board opposite the University
hospital, but the city council defeated it
by a strictly party vote. The library board
has recommended another site in the same
block as its first recommendation.
Ilepabllcans (uuttut at Kldorn.
IOWA FALL8. Ia., April 26. (Special.)
The republican county convention con
venes at Eldora today to nominate dele
gates to the Third district congressional
convention at Waterloo May 1, when
Speaker D. B. Henderson will be renom
inated for another term. Delegates to ths
state and Judicial conventions, which have
not beeo called as yet. will be named.
Forty Baker Btadrats Suspended.
BALDWIN. Kan.. April M. Forty stu
dents of Haker unlverttliy here have been
suspended for breaking into the gymnasium
Thursday during a basket Dal" ganis be
tween two ladles' teams nt the college.
The officials say the offenders can be re
tnatattd only on petition to the faculty.
Opinion Expressed Ho Will Be Unani
mously Elected Commander of 0. A. E.
Congressman Hall Itrcommends Mc
Kay for Postmaster at Des Moines,
but the Drpatyahlp Is
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, April 26. (Special.) "It
Is certain that John Lindt of Council Bluffs
will be elected the next commander of
the Iowa department, Grand Army of the
Republic." This statement was made today
by Commander George Metzger of Daven
port, who airlved In the city last evening
for the purpose of getting out his final or
der relating to tho state encampment,
which Is to be held in this city May 20, 21
and 22. Llndt Is an enthusiastic Grand
Army man and has before been a candi
date for the high honor of state com
mander. It is the general feeling of prom
inent members now that he should receive
the unanimous vote of the delegates.
Contracts have been made for the dec
orations for the encampment. About
$1,200 will be expended by the department
for the beautifying of the streets and the
halls where the meetings are to be held.
This, with the private decorations, will un
doubtedly make the greatest showing of any
similar gathering ever held in the state.
It Is expected the attendance will be grati
fying to the local committees, inasmuch aa
the railroads have made concessions re
garding the term of the special ratea that
will give the visitors nearly a week in the
It has been arranged on the opening day
to have a public reception in the executive
chambers at the state house at 4 p. m.
and another in the evening at the conven
tion auditorium. At the latter will be
given an address of welcome by Mayor
Brenton, a welcome on behalf of the state
by Governor Cummins and a response on
behalf of the organizations represented
from Commander Metzger.
Among the campfires arranged for the
most notable is Wednesday evening, when
General Dodge will read a paper giving
personal recollections of General Sherman.
General Williamson and other prominent
Iowans will also contribute to the enter
tainment, besides there being a musical
program arranged. This will be given at
the Auditorium and the public is invited.
Another campflre will be held by the vet
erans of the Spanish-American war, at
which the principal speaker will be Hon.
Claude Porter of Appanoose county.
Examination of Law Students.
Arrangements are now being made for
the semi-annual examination of law stu
dents for admission to the bar. The ex
amination begins May 13 before a state
board appointed by the judges of the su
preme court and will be held at the state
capitol. A class of about thirty is ex
pected. Had it not been ror the change
In the rules laid down by the court requir
ing that students now take a three-year
instead of two-year course, as formerly,
there would have been 100 or more In the
class. As It is, many are now going east
to take the finishing touches required by
the .Iowa examiners.
Governor Cummins today made an ap
pointment of the commissioners for the
riverfront improvement In Cedar Rapids,
authorized by an act of the last general
assembly, giving special charter cities of
certain population control of meandered
streams parsing through such corpora
tions. The act affects only Cedar Rapldt
and Ottumwa and as the result those cities
will make great improvements in the ap
pearance of this portion of their cities.
Hull Selects a Postmaster.
It was ascertained today upon apparently
reliable authority that Congressman J. A.
T. Hull has written a letter to John Mc
Kay, sr.. Informing him that be bad se
lected Mr. McKay as the successor of Post
master Lewis Schooler and has so Informed
the president. No public announcement
has been authoritatively made, as yet, for
the alleged reason that the deputyshlp It
occasioning considerable difficulty, Mr. Mc
Kay desiring that County Chairman Lay
man, deputy treasurer, be given the place
and the congressman being unwilling to
unseat George Van Dyke, the present in
cumbent, unless he is able to procure an
equally satisfactory position for blm, It
Is said Secretary Shaw has been approached
with a view to make a place for Mr. Van
Dyke, and that the difficulty be adjusted In
this manner. Mr. McKay Is now serving
his second term as county treasurer. Prior
to bis election to the treasuryshlp, he
had served two terms as alderman. He
was manager of Congressman's Hull's re
cent campaign, and scored a success In the
face of determined opposition.
Marder Still a Mystery.
It is now apparent that the Peterson mur
der case la destined to go down into his
tory as another mystery, a parallel to the
Mabel ScoDeld case. The various suspects
taken Into custody by the police have been
released from time to time until at last
the detectives announce th-y have ex
hausted all clues, and will henceforth pur
sue a waiting game, hoping against hope
that the murderer or murderers will event
ually grow careless and betray themselves
In some manner. Approximately $2,000 re
ward bas been offered for the apprehension
of the guilty person or persons.
Helps Out Army Post.
The seeming Interminable wrangle over
the Dea Moines army post passed an
other mile-post today when Judge McVey
of the district court refused to dismiss the
Injunction proceedings Instituted with a
view of releasing $50,000 that has been tied
up by socialists, at a time the money was
most needed for the purpose of laying
water mains to the site of the post. Just
as the mists that have enshrouded the post
for two years seemed to be clearing away
and by special act of the legislature tho
money for the waterworks seemed available,
John M. Work, the socialist candidate for
maydr, filed an Injunction suit, preventing
the transfer of the fund, on the ground
that it had originally been raised tor an
other purpose It was conceded that the
action was brought by the socialists merely
as a dilatory proceeding, and that when tba
matter came to trial, it would result In
dismissal of the Injunction. But the social
ists refused to permit the case to come
to an early trial. It waa thereupon deter
mined. to file a bond Indemnifying the city
auditor against damages, and thereby en
able blm to transfer the sum Immediately.
Upon learning that the socialists would In
stitute another injunction suit against this
proceude, the friends of the post has
tened to bring such suit first, as a test
rase, and submit It to immediate trial.
Hearing was had today. The socialists In
tervened, alleging that the Injunction pro
ceedings was brought through collusion and
with the intention of defrauding the social
ists. McVey late today ruled that there
bad been no collusion and refused to grant
the Injunction. It is therefore probable
work on the army pest, ao long delayed
and so often postponed, will be rtsumed
at aa early date
Negligee Shirts
Getting in new designs and patterns aa fast a they are pro-
duced by thren of the beat manufacturer! in America
Monarch, Wilson Bros, and Gold and Silver, at
50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50
Men's Shirt Waists
Don't wait, as you did last year, until the lines are broken,
but come in and pelect your pattern early from the swell
est line that will be shown by any house in the west from
Every Train for Wheeling Filled to Over
flowing with Delegates.
No Objection to the Scale Itself, bat
to the Manner In Which
Officers or Federation
Sign It.
WHEELING, W. Va., April 26. Notwith
standing an overcast sky, cooler weather
and occasional showers, the union Iron
workers of the trt-state radius are coming
to Wheeling this morning by thousands.
Every train Is filled to overflowing and
the delegates from Pittsburg and Youngs
town districts and from Cumberland, Md.,
are notable for their size and enthusiasm,
while the nearby towns of the Wheeling
district are dumping their population into
the city almost enmasse.
The parade occurs at noon and the Indi
cations are that there will be 10,000 men
in line If showers do not interfere with
the turnout. Following the parade the
crowds will assemble at Wheeling park,
where addresses are to be made by Gov
ernor White of West Virginia, Congress
man B. B. Dovener, J. W. Slayton of New
castle. Pa., a labor leader; President
Shaffer and Assistant Secretary Tlghe of
the Amalgamated association and others.
No session of the association Is being
held today, but on Monday the recom
mendations of the several committees will
be made to the convention, after, which
several pretty contests will be Inaugurated
upon the floor. Foremost among these
will be that on wage scale. The majority
report of the committee, that the action
of the national officers In signing up the
scales in advance of the convention be
endorsed, probably will be adopted, but
not without a strong fight for the adoption
of the minority report, which takes no
exception to the scales in themselves, but
registers constitutional objections.
Late Information Is that the federation
of labor representative, F. H. Flynn, will
not be accorded the floor of the convention
for making an attack upon Shaffer in re
turn for tba letter's strictures upon
Gompers. If Flynn Is not accorded a hear
ing it Is said Gompers will make a public
statement through the press of his attitude
during the 1901 strike.
Removes All Obstacles from Comple
tion of Salt I.ake-I,oi
Anareles Line.
LOS ANGELES, April 26. As a result of
E. H. Harriman'a visit to Salt Lake and
his Inquiry Into the cause of delay in work
on the Oregon Short Line's extension to
Los Angeles, it is now given out from a
reliable source In this city that all obsta
cles to construction have been removed and
the new railroad between thla city and Salt
Lake Will be completed and In operation
before the end of the present year.
Orders have come from New York and
the engineering department of the railroad
will rush the work of surveys. Materials
are ordered and are already arriving and
workmen are being employed wherever lh?y
can be found and are sent to several ram;s
on the line of the road. There remains less
than 300 miles of now rood to be built to
complete the line. About the same mileage
of old tracks will be relald with heavy
ateel rails and 110 miles of road southwest
from Salt Lake forming the cut-off through
Garfield beach and Into the Tlntlc mining
district will be .constructed to shorten the
distance covered by the present line. The
order contemplates a complete rebuilding
of the railroad from Salt Lake and Calient.
the present southwestern terminus of the
Oregon Short Line.
The new line is surveyed from Caliente
to Ludlow, on the Santa Fe, and it Is semi
officially announced that a Joint traffic
agreement with the Santa Fe has been
made whereby the Short Line will use the
Santa Fe tracks from Ludlow to Los An
Youoa: Physician Is Denied Title to
Ills Late Partner's Property
and Money,
KANSAS CITY, April 26.-In the circuit
court today Judge Teasdale held that Pr.
Leon Kosenwald was not entitled to tha
estate of hla late partner. Dr. Charles W.
Adams, valued at between $.'.0,000 and 175.
000. Adams was an eccentric physician, aged
65. When he died he left no will and there
were no known heirs. Dr. Kosenwald, 28
years old, brought suit to secure the entire
eetate, contending that Dr. Adams had
verbally promised him that If he (Kosen
wald) would become his partner and care
for him in time of sickness be should have
all his property at his death. Funh rmore.
Roeenwald alleged that he and Adams had
agreed to make wills, each bequeathing b'.s
property to the other. Dr. Rosenwald
made his will In Adams' favor, but Dr.
Adams failed to will his belongings to Ml
Defy Kansas Aathorltles ssl Do
Rrrklesa BlinotlasT, bnt Are Over
powered by t'ltlseaa.
WICHITA, Kan., April 26 Homer Lan
ham. a ranchman, went to the city of Meade,
la southwest Kansas, last Wednesday and
$1.00 Up
became disorderly. He sought the marshal
with a threat to kill him. He met the offi
cer and shot .him . four times. He hit a
young man named Ed Kragh, who will
probably die.
The marshal grappled with Lanham and
took bis gun from him and aimed a bullet
at his heart. Hla life was saved by a book
In his breast pocket. He was arrested and
put in Jail.
The next day Jesse Lanham, a brother ot
the prisoner, came to town with revolver
and defied tne authorities. A public meet
ing was held and R. W. Griggs ordered
Lanham to surrender, but Instead he fired
his revolver recklessly and the first bullet
grazed the cheek of C. B. Campbell, who
sat in the hotel parlor near by. He was
finally disarmed and Is In Jail with bis
Eightieth Birthday Anniversary of
National Hero Commemorated
at His Old Home.
GALENA, 111., April 26. The eightieth
anniversary birthday of General U. S.
Grant waa celebrated In this city today
under the auspices of the Grant Birthday
association of Galena. This marked the
ttnth observance of the day.
The orator of the day at the first cele
bration In 1893 was William McKlnley, fol
lowed In succeeding years by orators cf
national reputation, including Luther Lat
lln Mills of Chicago, Theodore Roosevelt,
Charles Emory Smith and others.
The speaker of the day, Hon. William
T. Calhoun, arrived from Chicago shortly
after noon, accompanied by many distin
guished visitors, who Joined with thou
sands from this and adjoining counties
in the celebration with marked enthusiasm.
Special trains were run from various
points, bringing In numerous visitors to
swell the throng. The commemorative ex
ercises were held In Turner hall and Mr.
Calhoun's address was warmly received.
Plot Discovered to Wreck Property of
Canadian Power Company
at Masrara.
BUFFALO, N. Y., April 26. A special to
the News from Niagara Falls says: As the
night shift went to work last evening in
the tunnel ot the Canadian Power company
discovery was made of an attempt to wreck
the tunnel and kill the men, thirty in num
ber, working 160 feet below the surlace of
the earth.
The shaft leading down to the tunnel la
160 feet deep. The bottom of the tunnul
runs north and aouth atid men work at
both headings. The blasts are dluchargel
by means of batteries, which are operated
at the foot of the shaft, the wires extend
ing to the beadlnga.
One of the "nipper" boys discovered that
one of the batteries had been cut and a
cartridge tap connected and placed In a
stick of dynamite. Tbe dynamite had been
placed between two boxes of dynamite con
taining seventy-five pounds of material.
Had the explosion occurred the havoc
wrought would have been fearful. No mo
tive can be ascribed for the plot.
Maa Aerused of Wife Marder Ha oars
Himself to a Door
CLEVELAND, O.. April 26. Martin
Lynch, who was arrested a few days ago,
charged with ths murder of his wife at the
home of the couple, (03 Tod street, com
mitted suicide early today in bis cell at the
county Jail by hanging himself from tbe
door knob.
Tbe knob was not more than three feet
from tbe floor. Lynch had carefully tied a
sheet to tbe knob and then tbe other and
about bis neck. In order to accomplish bis
purpose It was necessary for blm to ait
down on ths floor of bis cell and alowly
strangle to death.
New Styles
in Chandeliers
and gas fixtures for halls, libraries, par
lors, reception rooms, dining rooms and
bedrooms. We nave In a multitude of
handsome designs. Ry having your gas fit
ting done by us you secure mechanical
perfection and gas fixtures that are up-to-date
and teasonable In cost.
J. C. Bixby & Son,
202 Main St it 20:) Pearl St.,
The Song
of the Shirt
That comes from our Laundry Is one
sweet lay of Joy and gladness, so sweet,
so pure and clean. Collars and cuffs Join
in the chorus and you can this summer
symphony if you become a customer.
Wallace & Grout, Proprietors.
22-21 North Main Street,
Telephone 311. Council Bluff.
High Grade
75c, $1, $8.25,
In DeLong's Stationery Department tor a
few days only.
We have Just made arrangements with
the Waterman Fountain Pen Co. to handle
their pens exclusively for the next two
years, and under the terms of the agree
ment we must at once dispose ot all pens
of other makes now in stock. To make
them disappear quickly, we have decided
to cut the regular prices squarely In two.
$1.50 Franklin Fountain Pen 75c
12.00 Wirt or Parker $1.00
$2.50 Wirt or Parker $1.25
$3.00 Wirt or Parker $1.60
Each In box, with filler, complete. Ten
centa extra if ordered by mall. Satlsfai
tlon guaranteed.
307 Broadway. - Council Bluffs
A Constant
Of delicious drinks will flow from our
fountain beginning this morning (Sunday)
and will be kept going through tbe entire
summer months. This means that you can
get your choice out of about fifty different
flavors of the finest.
Summer Drinks
That Flow
From Any Fountain
in Council Bluffs.
We invite you to come in and compare
our delicious drinks with any others served
In this city. It means that you will givo
us tbe verdict of keeping tbe best to be
had anywhere and they are not only de
licious, but pure and wholesome that
means a good deal.
UlilaslUMnlsr I
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