Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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THE OMAHA DAILY NEE: S U K DAT Ai'mti :m, iws.
; "ZL,JZZw
Boporifio Effect of Spring's Coming Hu Not
Yet Worn Off.
Opening of Country Club Season
Promises a I. Mile Addition to
l.ornl tialrtr and In
Eagerly Annllfd,
Another serene week In the social realm
has passed. Even tbe Country and Field
club have been deserted, owing to the
Inclemency of the weather, preventing the
ardent golf enthusiasts a privilege of play
ing at their favorite sport, consequently
there, baa been little to do, except stay In
doors and play ping-pong. A few Maude
Adams theater parties were given Friday
and Saturday evenings, which afforded a
little diversion for some, and bo breaking
the monotony of the otherwise quiet week.
The future aspect of the social calendar
la anything but promising. Everyone
aeema to have grown weary of tbe formality
of the aeaaon just passed and are longing
for the Informal sports of the summer to
be found at so many places on the golf
links by the lakes or aeashore and among
tbe mountains.
Of course the event of next week will
lie the formal opening of the Country club
on Saturday, May 3. All society U looking
forward to It with a great deal of anticipa
tion. A number of Omahans now out of
the city visiting will return for that event
and hope to bring friends with them.
Yellow and white ribbons, fastened with
the golden rod buttons, were very much
In evidence at the Burlington station
Thursday evening when many of the Omaha
club women and friends gathered to wish
godspeed their fortunate slaters on their
departure for the biennial convention of
woman's clubs to be held In Los Angele.j
May 1 to 8. A delightful Informal recep
tion was also given Friday to the New
England delegation of club women, who
made a short stop In this city enroute to
the Los Angeles convention.
Weddina and Kntcavrments.
Mr. Palmer of Omaha and Miss Margarete
Sogers were quietly married In Chicago
Saturday, April 26. They will reside In
Mrs. Edward C. McShane announces the
engagement of her daughter. Miss May, to
Mr. William J. Foye. Mr. Foye leaves
Cmaha shortly for Kansas City, where
he expects to make his permanent resi
dence. On April 16 at Havana, Cuba, Mr. Mark
Polack, formerly a resident of Omaha, was
married to Miss Carmen Casuso, a Cuban
girl, daughter of a well-known physician
of the Cuban capital. Mr. Polack arrived
.yesterday In New York and will visit
Omaha on an extended honeymoon trip of
the states.
The wedding of Mr. Richard M. Bunnell
and Miss Maud Walt man waa solemnized
at the First Christian church on Tuenday
evening at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Harry Granl
son Hill officiating. The church was pret
tily decorated with palm's, ferns and
bride's roses. As Miss Cora Babbitt played
the wedding march the bridal party enter
ed, preceded by the four ushers, Messrs.
beorge M. Southmayd, J. H. Taylor, O. W.
Oarlock and W. F. Van Aernam. The bride
was pretty In white organdie over white
silk, carrying a bunch of lilies of the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell will be at home after
May 1 at 1003 North Twenty-ninth street.
At the bride's residence ou Wednesday
Judge E. R. Duffle and Miss Estelle Wlllsey
were married.
Social Chit Chat.
Mr. Nat Brown la back from an eastern
Ex-Oovernor Boyd went to Chicago last
' week.
Mr. E. D. Lomax returned from .Chicago
last week.
Dr. Hirst Is convalescing at Excelsior
Springs. Mo.
Mr. J. H. MclntOBh left for Peoria, 111.,
last Monday.
Mr. Charles Keller Is back from a vlalt
to St. Joseph.
Mrs. A. J. V'.erllng has returned from her
Chicago visit.
Mr. C. B. Ilorton left Monday for Denver,
his future home.
Miss Agnes Weller left Friday to visit
friends in Lincoln.
R. W. Breckenrldge spent last Sunday
at Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Mr. H. K. Harrleon leaves soon to spend
everal months In Oklahoma.
Mrs. John A. McShane has gone on a
few weeks' visit to California.
Miss Louise Korty has returned from a
five weeks' visit in California.
Mrs. F. A. Grten baa returned from Colo
rado, much Improved in health.
Mlaa Preston arrived yesterday and Is
Staking her home at the Madison.
Mrs. A. K. Oault left Saturday on a trip
to Loa Angeles and San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gates sailed from
Hew York for Rotterdam yesterday.
A May party will be given Thursday
venlng by the Capitol Hill Dancing club.
Mrs. J. 8. Knox Is still quite 111 and
Confined to ber home, 1029 Georglt avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Klpllnger returned
Wednesday from a week's visit In Crestou.
Mr. and Mrs. Sprague are located In
their summer cottage near tbe Country
Colonel Wlnne leaves thia week for his
home in Baltimore. He will be retired in
Miss Margaret Pratt sails on Pretoria
1B10 Uoaalas St.
The style you've been thinking
about the color you want tbe
cloth you like, and man tailored
and finished In the very best manner
ready for your Inspection and will
be perfectly fitted to your form
the price you'll find la something
less than you expect to pay
enough less probably to pay for
one of our handsome silk waists
to wear with the ault. Call Mon
day or as aoon as convenient.
u I ammuijca
I a To uiu k
on Tuesday for an extended tour of Sweden
and Norvav.
Dr. W. O. Henry has leased the Thurs
ton home, "Thorwold," Twenty-fourth and
Farnam streets.
Captain and Mrs. If. E. Palmer are ex
pected borne this week from an extended
trip south and rait.
Judge and Mrs. Vlnsonhaler and daughter
left last week for Arkansas on a ten days'
business and pleasure trip.
The many friends of Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis
were pained to hear of her mother's sud
den demise on Saturday morning.
The last meeting of the Thistle club will
be entertained at the home of Mrs. George
P. Moore next Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weller returned
on Thursday from a litre? weeks' western
trip spent In Colorado and Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Guniher left Wednes
day for New York. They expect to sail on
Pretoria next Tuesday for a year's trip
Mrs. B. E. Betebener and daughter, Mrs.
Falls, have Issued Invitations for a card
party on May 1 and a kensington on Sat
urday afternoon.
Ex-Mayor George P. Berais Is confined In
the Clarkson hospital with a broken limb,
the result of an accident received during
Friday night's storm.
Mrs. Jesse Bowie Hart and sister, Miss
Tina Bowie, leave Omaha Tuesday for a
trip to Europe, visiting Scotland and Wales,
expecting to be gone about a year.
A cablegram has been received by Mrs.
Will Crary announcing the safe arrival
at Manila of Lieutenant and Mrs. Wade of
the Twenty-second infantry and Miss Ma
rie Lowe.
Mrs. H. H. Meek will entertain the
Ladies' Aid society of the South Tenth
Street Methodist Episcopal church at her
home, 1318 South Eleventh street, Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. W. W. Keysor's mother, Mm. Ellis
of Minnesota, has assumed charge of the
Keysor home while Mrs. Keysor Is attend
ing the biennial convention of woman's
clubs in Los Angeles.
Invitations to the two dancing parties
which were to have been given last Mon
day and Saturday evenings at tbe Shelley
home were recalled on account of the Ill
ness of Mrs. Shelley.
Dr. James F. Goetz landed In New York
on Wednesday, having sailed from South
ampton, After a vlalt of two weeks, visit
ing relatives in Cincinnati, he will return
to Omaha, his native city, to locate.
Miss Elizabeth Allen spent last week
with Mrs. Hoxle Clark In St. Louis, and
numerous functions were given In her honor.
Miss Allen, who Is at present In Hannibal,
Mo., guest of Muss Plndell, Is expected
home May 1.
The Charmante, club and a number of
men friends will be entertained at cards
next week by Mrs. Guy French, Miss Daisy
Rogers, Miss Lilian Trill and Miss K.
Smith at the home of tbe latter, Twenty
eighth and Ames avenue.
Pleasures Past.
The Clio club met with Mrs. D. W. Menon
on Monday evening.
The closing ball of the Metropolitan club
was given last evening.
Mrs. Luther Kountze was hostess of the
Cooking club on Thursday.
Mrs. H. N. Woods entertained the Har
mony club Saturday evening. '
The members of the Casserole club were
entertained by Mrs. Joe Barker Saturday
The Crescent club gave a dancing party
at Thurston Rifles' new armory last Tues
day evening.
The mejvbars of the South Side Whist
club met with Mrs. Dalton Rleley Tues
day afternoon.
Tbe members of the Et-A-VIrp club gave
an enjoyable dancing party at Chambers'
on Thursday evening.
Lola Irene Green celebrated h'- fifth
birthday on the 18th by entertaining twenty
of her little friends.
Miss Hattle Driefuss entertained the A.
O. T. Bowling club at the Metropolitan
club Tuesday afternoon.
On Friday evening Mrs. George M. South
mayd entertained about sixty guests to
meet Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bunncl..
Mrs. H. M. Ittner gave a family dinner
In honor of Mrs. Frank Crelghton, sister
of Count Crelghton, on Tuesday evening.
On Monday evening Mrs. Currier and Mrs.
J. B. Porter were hzstesses at the Currier
residence to tbe members of the Whist
club. ,
. r
In honor of Mrs. O. L. Hart, who leaves
soon for her future home in Hastings, Mr.
Roy W. Moore entertained Informally Fri
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Iman delightfully en
tertained the South Side Whist club
Wednesday evening at their home on Geor
gia avenue.
In honor of Mrs. Blanche Williams and
Mrs. Douglas Groves, Mrs. E. S. McShane
gave a charming luncheon on Thursday.
The table was decorated with white and
yellow jonquils and plates for eight.
Miss Leopold Heller entertained at whist
Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs.
Marks of St. Joseph, Mrs. Hadra of Seattle
and Mrs. Oberfelder of Chicago. A de
licious luncheon was served from tables
prettily decorated with red fairy lamps
and red roses.
An elaborate pre-nuptial dinner was
given last Friday night by Miss Mabel
Spauldlng in honor of her cousin. Miss
Bertha Bird. The table was prettily deco
rated with green and white. Covers were
laid for fifteen. Miss Bird leaves soon for
her home in Pittsburg, where she will be
married tbe first week In May to Mr.
George Wright of Pittsburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bedwell very pleas
antly entertained tbe members of tbe
Nameless Card club at their final meeting
last Saturday evening. Tbe first prises, a
handsome painted cream and sugar and
hand-painted stein, were awarded to Mrs.
Arthur Wolcott and Captain Charles Rich
ards. Tbe secoud prizes, a hand-painted
plate, cup and saucer, were won by Mrs.
James Robb and Mr. Reld Talmage.
About sixty guests were entertained at
the Havens' residence by Mrs. T. B.
Havens and Mrs. O. W. Trlbble at two de
lightful euchre parties Wednesday after
noon and evening. Tbe rooms presented a
springlike appearance, decorated with a
profusion of tulips and daffodils of various
colors. Mrs. Q. F. Richardson and Mrs. W.
D. Williams carried off the prizes In tbe
afternoon. In tbe evening the fortunate
winners were Mrs. W. Fahs, Mrs. C. Har
ding. Mr. R. F. Hodgln and Mr. William
Oal-t-Towa (iittlt.
Mr. Dudley Smith of Chicago was in
Omaha laat week.
Mrs. Marks of St. Joseph is Mrs. Nathan
Splesberger's guest.
Mrs. Eugene Levi of Nebraska City Is the
guest of Mrs. Rehfeld.
Mlas FUher of Florence, Wis., ts the
guest of Mrs. Arthur Pinto.
Mrs. L. M. Coy of Cblcsgo ts visiting
her brother, Mr. Walter E. Wood.
Mr. Russell Lemlat was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. II. T. Lemlat last Sunday.
Miss Molll Paul of Harlan, la.. Is tbe
guest of Uiu Edith Burns, 1021 Csss street.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Carter s gueat. Miss
Carter of Bt. Louis, returned to her boms
last Sunday. j
Miss Louise Diets of Aurora. Neb.. Is
nt of
spending a few weeks with her grandmoth
er, Mrs. O. P. Diets.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stevens, who have
been visiting Mrs. 8. N. Dlctz, returned
to their home in Minneapolis last week.
Mr. James B. Cortelyou, who has been
In Omaha some weeks on a business trip
returned to his home In Los Angeles on
Mrs. F. E. rerkins and daughter Ethel
of Lincoln spent Thursday In Omaha, the
guests of Mrs. E. B. Stephenson at the
Millard hotel.
Seasonable Fashions.
4064 Tucked Blouse Waist. 33 to 40 Bus!
3826 Tucked Skirt, aa to 30 Waist. '
A Dainty Afternoon Gown (Woman's
Tucked Blouse 4064 Tucked Skirt with
Flounce 3826) Embroidered albatross Is
among the season's novelties and makes
charming gowns for afternoon wear. This
very charming model shows the material
In meteor blue, dotted with black and
trimmed with black velvet ribbon, but the
design Is equally well suited to foulards,
Indlas and all tbe many tempting cotton
and linen fabrics.
The waist Is made over a snugly fitted
lining and closes at the center back, tbe
front Is tucked at the upper portion to
give a pointed yoke effect, and again at
the waist to simulate a pointed girdle, but
the backs are tucked for tbelr entire
length and give a tapering effect to the
figure. The sleeves are entirely novel and
can be made In elbow length when de
sired. The skirt is cut in seven pieces and
is laid in three narrow tucks at each front
and side seam, the fullness at the back
being laid in an Inverted plait. The flounce
Is tucked at the upper edge, but falls In
graceful folds as it approaches the floor.
To cut this gown In the medium size
14 yards of material 21 inches wide, 13
yards 27 Inches wide, 10 yards 32 Inches
wide or 7Vi yards 44 inches wide will be
required. To cut the waist alone 8 yard
21 inches wide, 2V, yards 27 or 32 Inches
wide or 2 yards 44 inches wide. To cut
the skirt stone 11 yards 21 inches wide,
10 yards 27 Inches wide, 8 yards 32 or 5
yards 44 inches wide.
The waist pattern 4064 ts cut in sizes for
a 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40-Inch bust, measure.
Tbe skirt pattern 3826 Is cut In sizes for
a 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30-inch waist measure.
For the accommodation of The Bee read
ers, these patterns, which usually retail at
from 25 to 50 cents, will be furnished at a
nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all
expense. In order to get any pattern en
close' 10 cents, give number and name el
pattern wanted and bust measure.
Rock Island Lines West of Missouri
River to Be Bear
ranged. It was learned yesterday that the present
.eastern division of the Chicago, Rock
Island ft Pacific railroad west of the Mis
souri river is to be divided Into two di
visions, the change to date from May 10.
That means a new division superintendent
for the extra division, and this place will
probably go to Mr. Burleigh at Falrbury,
Neb., now assistant superintendent of the
present eastern division under Division
Superintendent Jones at Horton, Kan.
The eastern division comprises the line
from Council Bluffs to Philippsburg, Kan.,
from Kansas City to Topeka, from St. Jo
seph to Harrington, Kan., from Horton.
Kan., to Falrbury, Neb., from McFarland,
Kan., to Belleville, Kan., and from Falr
bury, Neb., to Nelson, Kan. Tbe new
division as planned will embrace all the
lines named except that between Council
Bluffs and Phlllippsburg and between
Falrbury and Nelson. The reason for the
change Is that the present aize of the east
ern division makes it unwieldy. No change
In any operating headquarters Is antici
Has Thlrtj-Klaht More Votes Than
Vnltt at Close of Second
H. C. Miller, the democratic incumbent,
was unofficially announced to have a ma
jority of thirty-eight when the second re
count of ballots cast at last fall's election
for county rlerk was completed In Judge
Baxter's court yesterday. The official
returns gave him a majority of tbirty-two
over Charles Unltt. republican, and the
first recount, which was In county court be
fore Judge Vlnsonhaler, gave him twenty
five. The case Is not yet disposed of, bow
ever, as I'nltt's attorney has excepted to
tbe counting of forty-eight votes cast by
voters whom Vnltt alleges are non-resident
and made false affidavit. There will be evi
dence and argument on this Monday and
Proa ram for Meeting of State Balld.
lac aad Loan Association League
at South Ouiaha.
A program of seventeen numbers has
been prepared for the eleventh annual
meeting of the Nebraska State League of
Local Loan and Building associations,
whU h will be held in South Omaha on
Tuesday next. Tbe meeting will be held
In tbe city council chamber, beginning at
I p. m. Among the papers prepared for
the meeting are: "Co-operative Almses,"
by Hon. E. Royse. secretary of tbe State
Banking board; "Should Building and Loan
Associations Advertise?" by C. W. Brim
Inger, Grand Island; "Muttal or Trust Sav
ings Banks." Hon. P. L. Hall. Lincoln;
"Torrens System of Transfers," G. M. Nat
tlager, Omaha; "Tern Ufa Insurance Poli
cies as Collateral." Howard Kennedy. Jr.,
Omaha; "Bogus Home Companies," T. J.
Fltzmorrls, Omaha; "Some' Late Building
and Loan Derisions," Hon. A. H. Mur
dock. South Omaha.
Some of these papers cover topics of Im
mediate Interest to association people, and
will doubtless provoke considerable discus
sion. Much routine business will come up
for action. Including the election of offi
cers and tbe selection of delegates to the
July convention of the Totted States lesgue.
Reports of delegates chosen to attend the
meeting insure a representative gathering
of honiemakers. The meeting will be open
to the public.
Over Three Millions Gain Reported for
the Week by Got ham's Anno
plated Banks.
NEW YORK. April 26. Tbe New York
Examiner this week says:
The official statement of the New York
associated banks for last week showed an
Increase of $3,325,500 In cash, of which
1761,600 consisted of specie and 82,563.300
legal tenders.
This increase of cneb Is only $811,200 be
low that which was estimated from the
traceable movements of money during the
week, the estimated sum being $4,613,600.
In the previous week there waa a difference
between tbe estimated and the official gain
of $1,173,900, the latter being $860,100, while
the former was $2,134,000. This wide dif
ference, It was then believed. Indicated
that the statement was made on rising
averages, which belief it now appears was
most likely correct. Therefore It would
seem that the bank returns of last week
reflected aotual conditions as regards cash
more closely than has been tbe case. Tbe
cash movement was well distributed
throughout the week, money coming from
nearby points in fair amounts each day, at
tracted by the opportunities for employ
ment in the New York market, and it
seemed to be evident that the monetary
tide had quite decidedly set toward this
center not only from neighboring cities,
but from all parts of tbe country. The
loans were decreased $1,097,300, making
$13,829,300 since April 12, Inclusive, during
which period stock transactions were In
large volume.
The reduction In loans last week appear
to reflect continued conservallem on the
part of the banks. Tbe requirements of
stock commission houses have been largely
met with offerings from country bankers
in the West, who have loaned the balances
with their New York correspondents, also
stock exchange borrowers have been en
abled to obtain all the money they needed
elsewhere than from the local banks or
trust companies.
The deposits were Increased last week
$7,112,400. The statement Is therefore out
of harmony, the gain in cash less the loss
in loans calling for an increase In deposits
of $2,228,200. The required reserve was
augmented by $443,100, which amount, de
ducted from tbe gain In cash of $3,325,300,
leaves $2,882,400 as the increase In surplus
reserve. This Item now stands at $9,461,
050, against $16,759,775 at the correspond
ing date last year.
The cash changes by individual banks
were comparatively small during the week.
Nine Wall street institutions showed a net
gain of $12,200,000, two of this number In
dicated an increase of $4,100,000 and one
a decrease of $1,400,000. The bank clear
ings for the week were nearly $2,000,000,000,
an Increase of $369,710,010.
Suit Piled Throwing: w Light on
Colorado Ilj t- -tiling
DENVER, April 26. A suit has been filed
In Hinsdale county which, It is said,
throws new light on the dynamiting out
rages and riot which occurred on HenBon
creek, near Lake City, in March, 1899.
T. J. O'Donnell and George D. Barkwell,
attorneys for the Hidden Treasure Mining
company of Hinsdale county, are the plain
tiffs and P. F. McCarty, defendant. Dam
ages In the sum of $50,000 are demanded,
the allegations being, in brief, that Mc
Carthy instigated the riot and strike and
concealed the state's arms. In a con
spiracy to force Chauncey E. Dewey and co
owners in the Hidden Treasure Mining
company to part with their Interests at
much lees than their real value.
Threatened with Destruetlon by Fire
la Its Dock at Milwaukee.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., April 26. At 2:40 p.
m. the steamer Indiana of the Goodrich line
was discovered on fire at its dock here.
Three alarms have been turned in and the
fire Is threatening.
Board of Public Works Gives J. P.
Connolly Kl ve-Thoasnnd-Dol-lar
The Board of Public Works has awarded
to J. P. Connolly the contract for laying
two miles of sewer at an approximate cost
of $5,000. A part of this Is twenty-inch
main sewer, on the line of the proposed
Central boulevard, and will extend from
ThVty-fifth and Leavenworth streets
south to Mason street, thence east to
Thirty-fourth, thence south to Poppleton
Smaller sewers, made up of twelve, ten
and eight-inch pipe, will be laid in sewer
districts 274 and 270. In the first named
district the aewer will extend from Dorcas
street to Castellar on Eighteenth street,
and In the second north on Twenty-fourth
street, from the north line of the viaduct
to Marcy street.
Work on these Improvements will begin
as soon as the contractor has perfected
bis bond. The three contracts will Involve
about two months' work.
Railway Holes and Personals.
Martin M.iurd. traveling passenger agent
of the White Star line at Chicago, is in
O. W. Entrlkln. division freight agent of
the Wabash road, has returned from a trip
over the line and mutes that the rain has
put the ground of eojthwestern Iowa and
northwestern Missouri in perfect shape for
corn, which is the whole thing practically
in that t-ectlon.
A group of prominent Chicago & North
western railway officials went through
Omaha Friday with the New England club
women. They were Assistant Ueneral Pas
senger Agent J. L. Ferguson of Chicago,
Northeastern Passenger Agent J. K. Brit
tun of Huaton and Ueneral Km stern Agent
H. A. Gross of New York City.
Illinois Central train No. 1, westbound
from Chicago, was three hours late Into
Omaha yesterday because of a freight
wreck on the main line near Evarts. ill.,
jUBt the other side of Freeport. When
No. 1 reached there at o'clock Friday
nlnht It found the track blocked and was
compelled to wait over some hours before
the line waa ojwn. The train Is due here
at :o a. m.. but did not arrive till 11
o dock.
.Friday nUht's storm caused great distress
and much delay in the different railroad
yards here. It endured during the period
when many trains are being made up and
it waa almost Impossible to accomplish
anything till It had stopped. The engine
men were all right, as they were Inside,
but the yardmen and switchmen and
brakemen were compelled time and again
to seek shelter, as they could not endure
the stinging wind and rain. One engineer
was telilng of a train of only five cars,
which he helped to make up during the
storm and which, took an hour and g half
to got tugetber.
A (Ireat success hundreds have mailed themselves of this ureal discoualo. Axk
jour neighbors if they visited Mandelberg, the Leading Jeweler, Northeirorner Six
teenth and Farnam Streets if not, tell them it will pay them to purehanw. .lust
think of it. you tan save from 20 to 50 per cent' on the dollar Watches, Inonds, Sil
verware, Cut Glass. Plated Ware, in fact, all merchandise in my line cai purchased
for what other dealer pay. j
A great opportunity to purchase wedding presents we have the tlniolection in
the city, the latest in Howls. Sugar and (reams. Chocolate Sets, Itnn-llotdicK, all in
the new gray finish notice a few special prices as space will not alloM hundreds
or bargains we ran quote.
$.r)0,000 worth of Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Cut Class, and nil late novelties in Silver and
sacrificed, pothlng reserved, at a discount from 20 to 50 per cent for the next 30 duys.
i Ware, to be
Rings from
$5 to $300.
1-5 carat
Diamond at
a bargain.
int i w - s
rv i
a uidlllUIIU
r from
7 n
$200. '"
cmj km?
Studs from
$5 to $300.
I 2?-carat
Diamond at
a bargain.
Plated Ware
$2.00 Rogers' Knives, set 1 Afi
of six, sale price I0
$1.50 Rogers' Tea Spoons, set QCp
of six, sale price Out
$3 Rogers' Dessert Spoons, set O ffi
of six, sale price .VJV
$3 Rogers' Dessert Forks, set O flfi
of ulx, sale price UVJ
$3.60 Roger's Table Spoons, O Efl
set of six, sale price s50J
Berry Spoons, nutter Knives. Sugar
Spoons, Soup Dadlea. Chicken Bets, all
sold at the same discount.
S3.Y0O Solid t'.nhl
prl"perh.-..?r.,r. 25.00
tJM Solid tlold
KV".1... 18.75
K'i.i") ir o id Killed
iir'.1ich:."f!e.. 18.75
$15.' Gold Killed
Price h.."r!e.. 10.00
ivno Silver Watch
snip price O r?ti
only a.JJ
Beits, Ha, Gut Glass
1" Kdtia Hills, double
Inu'klrK frol buck, the lat
est bolt on the straight
front, worti
at, each .1...
ftn Solid SlUitplns
worth Sl.'Hj
2S Silk CmlJ worth
..;o, sale l
M rut (ilnlni'Kar
worth I3.HM
prlct ).
25 Cut Olnils,
worth $o, Hjce..
Visit our store: It will pay you to pcrchaee for weddings and birthdays in advance, even if youiot In want of
them at once. SPECIAL PRICE on 100 Solid Gold Turquoise and Pearl Rings, former price $3.00, sice $1.60. Jew
eled Hat Pins, former price $2.00, sale price 98c. All other goods In my entire stock cut equally as
l oar show wladow.
Extra, help eusasied
for this sale.
Northeast Corner 16th and Farnam Streets.
Ing Jeweler
' 1 1 ' -L
Bessie Shandy has commenced divorce
firoceedlngs against Jacob C. Shandy, al
pging nonsupport. They were married in
Council Bluffs, April 29, 1892.
Pending the decision In the divorce suit
of Klla Wlthnell against Krank R. Wlth
nell. Judge Dickinson has ordered that the
defendant pay Into court for the plaintiff
$8 per week.
Judge Keysor has granted Emma Elch
divorce from John, who, she alleged, was
cruel and often brutally drunk. She is
given the custody of their daughter Minnie,
aged 8. Her husband, she stated on the
stand, was formerly an Omaha mail car
rier and served in tne penitentiary for mis
appropriation of money.
A theatrical performance will be given
by the Bohemian American Dramatic club
on Sunday, May 4, at New Turner liall,
Thirteenth and Dorcas streets. The play
will be "Down in Dixie." a civil war drama
in four acts by Charles Townsend, under
the management of F. W. Bandhauer.
Chairman Charles L. Patton of the com
mittee on arrangements for the meeting of
the supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias, In
San Francisco, has written Judge W. W.
Slabaugh asking him to address the su
preme lodge on the first night of the con
vention, August 11. The Judge expects to
accept the invitation.
A deputy from the city clerk's office
served yesterday upon Horace O. Burt, pres
ident of the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany, a written notice that his company
would be given a hearing at 2 o'clock Mon
day afternoon before the city council in
general committee on the subject of
whether the company Is violating its con
tract with the city by removing its foun
dry from the Omaha shops. The Iron
moulders have also been notified, and It is
likely that next Monday afternoon both
sides will be represented.
George Revens was fined $5 and costs In
police court for leaving his team un
hitched. ,
A permit has been srranted to Krank
Erlon to erect at 2615 South Thirty-second
street a frame dwelling to cost S2.0U0.
M. B. Aakison of Tekamah died at
St. Joseph hospital Friday night. The body
was removed to the undertaking , parlors
of Heafey & Heafey and will be sent to
Burglars made an attempt to enter the
building of the Paxton & Oallagher com
pany Friday night, and after raising a
window were frightened away by the night
A. W. Carder, charged with having kicked
John Ackenga in the stomach several days
ago, was arraigned in police court yes
terday and his hearing set for April 30.
Ackenga is still at the Clarkson hospital
and is recovering.
E. J. Holstrom says Charles Chambers
threatened to beat him and otherwise make
life miserable for him, and he wants the
said Chambers to give bond to keep the
peace. Justice Altatadt has set the hearing
for next Wednesday.
Mildred Chouce, who was returned to her
mother laat week seriously 111, after having
been taken away by her father almost a
year ago. Is no better and has very little
chance for recovery. No answer to the
message sent the father has been received.
Mrs. Chouce Is still able to be up, though friends fear that she will never regain
her strength.
Tom White, colored, who has spent twenty
tight out of his fifty-two years on earth
In the penitentiary, has been arrested and
Is believed to be the man who entered the
residence of T. B. M alone, 1422 Sherman ave
nue, Wednesday night, and stole a pair of
Mr. Malone's trousers and left them in the
alley after taking $1 from the pockets, Mr.
Malone positively Identified the colored
Friday afternoon the McCague Invest
ment company closed the sale of the Ogden
house property, at Council Bluffs, for the
sum of tJO.OUO, Charles K. Kimball being
the purchaser. In order to close the sale
and get possession of the property it was
necessary to have a receiver appointed, and
K. T. True of Council Bluffs was appointed
to. the position. Mr. Kimball expects to
spend several thousand dollars remodeling
the building, which will then be opened as
a hotel and apartment house.
Notwithstanding the storm, the meeting
of school principals In the rooms of the
Board of Education In the city hall Friday
evenina was well attended. School gardens
constituted the principal topic oftdlscuHsion.
The nnanciai status oi ine learners lecture
course was reported to be excellent.
Superintendent Pearse reports "pinkeye"
ss quite prevalent In the city schools, the
Cass, Farnam, Lincoln and Central schools
heln esueclallv affected. The principal
symptoms of the disease are red, inflamed
eyelids and eyeballs, accompanied by an
aggravation of tbe lachrymal glands.
The Insuraace company in which the city
recently Insured the emergency hospital
for t&.uuO has revoked the policy, giving as
a reason that It never Insures pesthouses,
because people living in tneir vicinity are
prone to burn them down. The name
''emergency hospital" deluded It into writ
ing the policy.
J. B. Hummel, street commissioner, was
bjsy yesterday gathering up wrecked urn
hrellas and battered hats with which the
streets were strewn by Friday night's gale.
He ssys he collected a wsgon load or such
refuae between Eighteenth and Tenth
Streets and Harney and Dodge. There
were nearly as many women s hats as
The Latest in Shirt Vsts
Gibson patterns. In sllre black or
white prices, $6.75 and j
Handsome peau de Bokta - .
Bilk Waists black and .
A very large line handsomest
White Wash Waists tte made open
In front or back longbow sleeves
prices, from $1.00 up to
mercerised granite! Shirt Waist
In colors, trimmed with
stitched In black, Gibs
silk buttons,
le, chean at
$3.00 we will sell them .87.
A fine quality of fanmlne WalMs,
In the new shades of pink, white,
etc., embroidered front, ur price $3.00,
we sell them for $2.25.
yyyi . , i i
1 sse-
Cut Glass.
Our new shapes and cuttings are more attractive than' Our mirrored cut
glass room is always filled with the latest designs. Nothlrlos a more desirablo
nawhintiOV a livan Pa Wthandpo) Jewelers and
,,,VJ "JMii wui Street Art Stationer.
Mortality statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported at the office of the Board of
liealth during the twenty-four hours end
Ins Saturday noon:
Births Edwin U Mathles. 112 South Elev
enth street, girl; James Hansen, 17 Bur
dens street, girl; George Benson, Eleventh
snd Ixard streets, boy.
Deaths Baby Thomsen, 2547 Chicago
street, aged 11 days: Muntrevllle Gray,
Marcy street, aged 62 years; Catherine K.
Bird. 2211 Howard street, aged SI years;
1. W. Roe, lii louglas stavet. aged 71
year '
H an
n the mixed footwear stores there
Shoes and Shews
Sorosls Are Shoes Kxelnslrely
and C3.50 Always.
Dull Kid Colonials, with gun metal
buckle, Cuban heels and extra hlnh
arch, are one of the swellest SoroBis
novelties for women now being shown
by us.
Patent Kid Oxfords In very new pat
terns are also considered right by
Sorosls wearers.
n i -i r-K
Also an elegant line of children's and
misses' Strap Slippers. Children's 5
to 8. $1.00; children's 8 to 11, $1,25:
misses' 11 to 2, $1.5!), arid children's and
ml Hues' patent leather Colonials in
beautiful styles.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. lBthSt.
Black Log-Test
Stock breeders throughout tbe west will
be Interested In the comparative test of
HIA('K I,EG VACCINE recently made at
FARM, Madison, Neb., which resulted an
in cattle vaccinated with government vac
cine SIX (6 DIED.
113 cattle va'climted with Pasteur Vaccina
FOl'K (4i DIED.
Ill Vaccinated with Parke Davis A Co. (test
was conducted by Dr. lvu-rs of Hlute
I'nivenilty, Lincoln) BLACK LEi JOIDS
(vaccine In form of small pills which are
placed und. r the skin by un InHtriiment
devised for this purpose) ONE (li
We sell Parke Davis & Co. BLACK LEG
OIDM In viuU containing enough fur ten
cattle for 1. 5u pt-r vial. "BLACK LEGOID
INJECTOR "Instrument for placing the
blackleg pill under the skin) for L'it
Sent by mall on receipt of price. Write for
Sherman & McConnell DrugCo.
I', Dodge Its., O alalia.
Bicycl Cheep.
Our store is f them anil lea
me room ana jbney. Special prices
during tbe cntltth.
Rambler,lumbia and
Wolf jrican at
Reliance, $30.
market for tbe
Or a good, chei,
Morgan & WrlgH
best wheel on the
with choice equip-
el with
Wheel Wilson
Ball bearing miachlne for cash or
on monthly payl Free sewing school
all day Saturday
Second-hand nes, from $1.00 to
$15.00. We rent nes, 75c per week or
$2.00 per montb.-epklr and sell parts
for any machlmfsctured. We have
Just put In a fulof
With full elocdison and Columbia
moulded records,
NebrasKycle Co.
Phone V,i3. t- lr'tb and Harney.
Phone B618. roadway, Co. Bluffs.
612 N. 24douto Omaha.
CEO. E. MICKEkger.
Carey Roof d
Omaha Rco
Any Building.
a Supply Co.,
Long buklepboac 871