Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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    TirE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY, APRlTi 27, 1902.
Nebraska and South Dakota Oet Some and
Iowa Farei Well.
nnri iajffk money for new buildings
Creas No
Titan This Ws Deeper Cut
in HosiPiaios
To reduce the eti stock of pianos
Which crowded ounrooin on Douglas
treet, packed ou'ehouse on Izard
street end kept t depots Jammed
and many pianos e way which were
contracted for du the winter, we
Inaugurated the b piano and organ
ale the west ever enred.
To make this a I success the in
struments were tnalown regardless of
former prices, costipense; every ln
truraent was inclthe highest priced
pianos down to thiper ones, nothing
Bome marked as is one-balf former
prices, some two-1 and all of them
priced In plain fig no more will be
asked, no less take
Having already sed of a great
number, we And thru ore quickly move
this great stock oflnest pianos right
from the factory, tst make a deeper
cut; therefore, beg tomorrow, Mon
day. April 28, we Ml the $200 to (250
at $05, $115, $133, $ $176. This beats
cut-in-half prlceiy per cent; on
terms of $10 cash I $6, $7 and $8 per
Then we will oft? $300 to $450 for
from $205, $216. $!45, $267. $307 to
$330; only $15 to h and $10 to $15
per month. Why . this better than
two-thirds the beses made by any
one? When you consiAt you are buying
the finest, highest ost artistic planes
In the world, back factory guarantee
and the written gee of this house,
you have perfect ty that you are
getting value recen every sense of
the word. lie me nit cut is on all the
pianos, the worlius Knabe, the
Kranlch A Bach, Imball, the Hallet
Davis, the Sterile Mathushek, the
Schumann, the Kne Melville Clark,
the Needham, the all, the Whitney,
the Victor, the K yes and twenty
other well known 2putable makes of
This takes In tand planes, the
cabinet grands, flights, the cottage
grands, in the flnahogany, rosewood,
Black sea walnut, arian and French
walnut, quarter-eaolden oak, birch
and butternut vent
The variety we she terms we offer,
the low prices we the absolute se
curity we give wlllel you to Investi
gate and make yaectlon with this
bouse, which has i continuous suc
cess since 1874, wht sold more pianos
In the last twentt years than all
the existing houseitogetber. Buying
for cash, with the amount of run
ning expenses, we given the great
est amount of valuth means a saving
of from $50 to $10aiano at all times,
and; in thin sale nfouble. the. saving.
Mail orders have I attention" Every
piano is accompanlh stool and scarf.
Organs selling at $12, $22, $28. $31;
Dew organs from , with stool and
took, on payments ' as 60c per week.
Oet In early and Irst choice.
Lincoln, Hastings and Norfolk Sersre
Appropriations Cattlemen Tell
Committee What They Want
In Leasing BUI.
615 Douglas St.
White Rib Remedy
coltee nl.huui i'a kuuwletlfc.
White Klbbon Its w ill cure or ae
stroy the t!s?EcSt fur alcoholic
stimulants, v. neihepatlent Is a cou-
Aruied Inebriate, upplur," uc;al
drinker or OTunkarpuksible for ai.y
one to have an ,e tor aicoliullo
liquors alter using 1 tliuuon iteuiuuy
biudvrtvd by luel ui v . c 'i'. 1J
Mrs. Moore, I'resrtntendent of the
Woman s Chrmliauueranc union.
Ventura, Cal., wriMiave touted Wluie
Hlobon Remedy or ooatlnate drunk
ards, and the cur been many, in
many cases the Hetas given secretly
1 cheerfully recoinind endorse White
Klbbon Itemed y. in of our union Hre
delighted to mid a.cai and ecouoml
cat treatment to an our temperance
Mrs. M. A. Coof the' Woman's
Christian nlou, states:
know of so rtpeople redeemed
(rum the dime Ink by the use
of White Klbbon V that I earnestly
request you lo ail trial." Druggists
or by mall, $1. Trttage free by wilt
ing or calling on .V M. Townsend (for
years secretary or. cman s c hristian
Temperance unionrremoiit St., bos
ton. Mass. eon ina iy
uunH.r. o DMbottot
Phone 747. 8. W.6th and Chicago.
Goods delivered F) any part of city.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. April 25. (Special Tele
gram.) The public building bill, which will
be reported tomorrow by the chairman of
the public buildings and grounds commit
tee of the house, contains the following
provisions for Nebraska: For addition to
Lincoln postoffice, $300,000, being an In
crease from $227,000; for new building at
Hastings. $125, oBt), the site having been
purchased by an appropriation made by the
Fifty-sixth congress; for a new building at
Norfolk, $100,000, the site having been pur
chased. t
Iowa probably fares more liberally than
any other state, the following provisions
being made: To complete the postoffice at
Burlington, $20,000; Oskaloosa, an Increase
of $4,000 for the completion of the building
at l hat place; Centerville. $35,000; Atlantic,
$30,000; Marshalltown, $85,000; Waterloo,
$150,000; Boone, $100,000; Iowa City, $60,000;
for Des Moines $123,000 Is appropriated for
the purchase of the entire block of ground.
After the purchase Is mado the secretary of
the treasury is Instructed to Inform con
gress as to the style of building which Is
best suited to the capital of the state and
the cost of the same. For Ottumwa $65,000
is appropriated for the purchase of addi
tional ground.
Sonth Dakota Fares Well.
South Dakota Is especially well taken
care of. Aberdeen Is given a $73,000 In
crease over previous appropriations; DeaJ
wood gets $200,000, while $5,000 Is appro
prited for the purchase of a site at Tlerre.
Representative Burkett was enthusiastic
over the treatment accorded him by the
committee and said the amount, would give
Lincoln a building such as Nebraska's cap
Itol should have.
Senator Dietrich, speaking of the amount
given Hastings, ssid It was none too large.
as his home city was growing rapidly, and
Its railroad Interests wsrranted a building
commensurate with Us Importance.
Senators Dietrich and Millard Joined
today in nominating C. W. BarneB, editor of
the McCook Republican, for receiver of the
land omce at McCook. vice J. A. Piper,
whose term expires May 6. There were
only two candidates for the place, Barnes
and Piper, but Barnes had the backing of
tne state committee and the visit of Chair
man Lindsay to Washington this week Is
believed to have clinched the matter. While
this, of course, is In Senator Dietrich's
territory, Senator Millard Joined In the
recommendation, according to an agree
ment when the senators entered upon their
terms that they would Join In federal appointments.
Senator Dietrich recommended the ap
pointment of Taylor McCullough for post
master at Elsie, Neb., vice W. F. Howe,
Lyman Richardson of Omaha, who has
been spending a portion of the winter In
the east, la In Washington, enroute to Nebraska.
Senator Dietrich Introduced an amend
ment today to his Cuban rebate bill provid
ing tnat Cuba should grant us a coaling
station or stations In addition to other fea
tures of the measure. This amendment the
senator thought necessary In order to al
lay criticisms that the measure he Intro
duced in behalf of Cuba earlier In the
week was not constitutional.
J. O. Pratt, formerly of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
but now a resident of Honolulu, Is In
Washington for the purpose of getting con
gress to appropriate $2,000,000 to Hawaii
for the purpose of recompensing the na
tives and others who had their property
destroyed during the bubonic plague.
I rate Laud Leasing Bill.
The representatives of the cattle Inter
ests. h?adcd by Bartlett Richards of Ells
worth, who are here for the purpose of
arousing Interest and Inciting legislation
looking to the leasing of the public domain
appeared before the subcommittee of the
senate committee on public lands this
morning. Senator Gamble being chairman
or the subcommittee. Mr. Richards, who
Is probably one of the largest cattle grow
ers In the United States, made the princi
pal address to the committee. He stated
that the immediate removal of fences by
the government, as contemplated by the
secretary of the Interior, would cause a
financial panic and bring ruin to countless
homemakers of the arid west. He urged
upon the committee a land-leasing bill
safeguarding the Interests of the aovern
ment that would relieve the present sit
uatlon, protecting forage and restore the
range's departing vigor. Such a bill, be
said, would Invite settlement and enter
prise, serve the material interests of the
whole nation and substitute law for law
He said Senator Millard's bill was fa
vored by tho cattle growers of the west,
but any measure that would permit the
rattle growers to lease the lands included
In the arid and seml-arld west would be
acceptable to them. He said that 10,000,.
000 acres were under fence In Nebraska,
notwithstanding the law of 18S5, which has
never been generally enforced, and he pre
sented a petition of 2.0o0 men residing In
Nebraska west of the 100th meridian In
favor of the land-leasing measure.
eareaatlon of Irrlsiable Lands.
At a conference between the delegation
of cattlemen and senators and representa
tives from Nebraska held Thursday night
at the Ebbltt It was suggested that the ir
rigable land of Nebraska be set aside from
non-Irrigable or arid land, which should be
leased at some fixed price under proper
regulations of the Interior department. It
was shown that there were 10,000,000 acres
of public domain In Nebraska, a very great
portion of which Is non-irrigable, but which
yields a grass upon which cattle thrive.
The Nebraska delegation in congress ex
pressed themselves In favor of restricting
the number of acres of land that shall be
leased to any one Individual, so that It
would In no wise interfere with Intending
homesteaders and settlers. Representatives
of the Cattle Growers' association said they
saw no objection to such a measure and
recognized the necessity of having some
prompt action taken In view of the recent
order of the secretary of the lnetrlor to re
move the fences. Mr. Richards and his
party will meet the senators and members
of the lower house from Nebraska tomorrow
afternoon In Senator Millard's committee
room to review the situation and decide
upon a future plan of action.
E. H. Bank of Huron, S. D., was today ap
pointed a messenger in the weather bureau.
The postoffice at Florenceville, Howard
county, (a., will be discontinued after May
E. E. Needham was today appointed post-
roaster at Arnold, Custer county, Neb., vice
W. W. Beach, removed.
Albert Ludenberg was today appointed
assistant engineer in the public building at
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued twe of Humphreys'
Witch Hazel Oil permanently cures
I'Ues or Heiuorruoltlst External or In-
teniHl, HUnd or Bleeding, Itching or
Painting. Figures and Fistulas. Uellef
liu mediate cure certain.
Three alses, 2.1c, 51 and fl.OO. Sold
by draaatlata or aeat prepaid on re
retpt of price. Humphreys' Medicine
Co., Cor. William and John Bts., Sew
Many Old
Time Riders
Are com! with new ltOt wheels, with cushion frames, coaster
brake and prks nothing will do you more good than to take a bi
cycle ride et the morning. It Is the best tonic you can take. We
have the fla of wheels ever shown In one bicycle store and our
prices are $3 $15.00 leas than you can buy the same grade of wheel
Katlunai elanda and Haerelee, fSS.OO to OO.Ott. '
$35.00 lis). $35.00. $35.00 Mooarchs for $20.00.
$10.00 Retade by the STEARNS BICYCLE AGENCY, $30.00.
A good beel. made by the American Cycle Co., for $15.00.
Second-Hbeels. $5.00. $1.00 and $10.00.
Cash or fts as low as $5.00 down and $1.50 a week.
Blogle tup, $1.25. $1.50 and $3.60.
Fdkon PhftnhC I wen you buy an Edison you buy the best
LU13UII rilUfpilS I made. Prices. IW.UO, UuuO and U0. 00.
40 per cSount on Oraphophones, Horns, ete. . $50.00 machines
for $30.00. Machines. 115.00. $5.00 Horns $3 00. t
Ut Place to Buy Bicycles and Phonographs.
Comer Itijj Uiicso Sta. EJ T. lleyJen, Prop.
Election Contest May Yet Change Make
Up oi Council.
Treasurer Howe Promisee to Flstht
Mr. Hoetor's Salt to n Finish
Windstorm Does Conald.
erable Damane.
Wlflovrs of General William Lndlow
and "Parson" Dronnlaw Among;
the Reneflelnrlee.
WASHINGTON, April 26. The house to
day passed 143 private pension bills, in
cluding bills to pension the widow of the
late General William Ludlow at $50 a
month and the widow of the late "Parson"
Brownlow of Tennessee at $30 per month.
The remainder of the day was devoted to
general debate on the agricultural appro
priation bill. Mr. Lessler of New York
discussed the necessity of a new postoffice
at New York, Mr. Cochran of Missouri the
trust question and H. C. Smith of Michi
gan "good roads."
The conference report on the Chinese ex
clusion bill (a disagreement) was made by
Mr. Hltt of Illinois. The bouse inslsed
upon its disagreement and the bill was sent
back to conference, the same conferees be
ing appointed.
The house then resumed general debate
on the agricultural appropriation bill. Mr.
Cochran of Missouri made a speech on the
spread of trusts and combines in this coun
try and the necessity of curbing them. He
declared that corporation lobbies were re
publican In republican states and demo
cratic In democratic states and that al
though publlo sentiment demanded legisla
tion It could not be obtained.
The trusts, he said, contributed to both
parties and tied tbelr bands. It was time
for someone to speak the truth and he
warned the American people that no relief
could be hoped for until there was a com
plete divorcement of legislatures and con
gress from corporation lobbies and Influ
ences. The point had been reaehed, he
said, where the attorney general and even
a member of the aupreme court had been
taken from the employ of great corpora,
Mr. Cochran said It was a matter of pub
11c notoriety that in some states senator
ships were bought and aold just as pro
duce was bought and sold In the public
'Does anyone doubt," be asked, "that
one state (Delaware) is now without sen-
torial representation because a bargain
cannot be struck on the senatorshlp?"
Salts W. B. Vioshn, Former Mayor
of Council Bluffs, and Justice
Party Founder.
WASHINGTON, April 28. W. R. Vaughn,
the founder of the new justice party, which
bea.s his name, said today:
The party has come to stay. Justice will
be our slogan for all men or women, be
they white, black, yellow or red. We are
not worklnar in the Interest of anv narttcu
lar political candidate; we are playing no
favorites, w e snail select as our standard
bearer the man who comes nearest to repre
renting our ideals and the principles enunc
iated in our platform. Personally, however,
I am Inclined very tnucn toward William
R. Hearst. If the republicans wish to win
votes in the south they cannot do better
than to nominate Roosevelt. He la half
southern and the people like his dauntless
Veterans of niale Close Their Annual
Reunion with Cannon and
DALLAS, Tex.. April 23. The twelfth
annual reunion of the United Confederate
Veterans ended this evening. The boom
of a cannon and the sounding of taps by the
buglers and camp Albert Sidney Johnston
was no more. The last delegations of vet
erans died out of the fair grounds and
workmen began striking down the tents
The Sons of Veterans' convention, like the
one held by the older men, adjourned after
a short session devoted to passing resolu
ttons of thanks.
When the last session of the United Con
federate Veterans' convention was called
to order today a resolution by Commander
In Chief John D. Gordon, "a loving fare
well," was adopted with cheers. General
Gordon said In response:
"Comrades: I have been touched many
times and every year this old confederate
heart grows more tender and loving as the
end approaches. When the end comes
want your hands to bury me and on my
tomb I would have written: 'Here lies
confederste.' "
At the csmp todsy a feast unique In the
history of reunions was prepared, at but
faloes having been slaughtered for a bar
Worthy of t'!4r ration.
An editor's opinion la alwsys worthy of
consideration, for he Is accustomed to glv
leg a rustler due considerstlon before ex
pressing his Ideas of It. David R. Forbes.
editor of the Sun, Quarryvllle, Pa., says
The nana Chamberlain la synonymous
with everything that la good. Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy I can particularly
endorse, having used It myself quits fre
quently with the bst results, whenever
bothered with a cold."
. Marriage Licenses.
The following licenses to wed have been
Issued by the coucty judge:
Name and Residence. Age.
Lee Hurhett. ouiaha 34
Injra Blackburn. Omaha 1
t; J ward R. Duffle. Omaha 55
Kstelie Willaay. Omaha 2
Maurice Terkelien, Omaha 45
LU M I hapman, Omaha
Htrry Qolrisbcrry, Nebraska City
Uitte M. MoAuiey, AlbUu la ....
Even though the city couueii has finally
organised it appears that the contest cases
are not all over and It may be that the
political complexion of the body may yet
be changed. As slready mentioned Barney
Luckey of the Third ward is contesting
Mike Smith's seat. Now comes Rasmus
Larson of the Second wa.'d with a propo
sition to contest the right of Myles Welsh.
Copenharve is contesting in the Fifth and
It was reported last night that Vansant of
the Sixth would ask for a recount.
The right of contest la not, however, to
be confined to the candidates for council.
John J. Lark In gave It out yesterday that
he would ask the court for a recount. Lar
kin was defeated by Dana Morrill of Al
bright by a good vote. It Is alleged, how
ever, that If some alleged irregularities can
be rroved, the second precinct of the Fourth
ward may be thrown out entirely, and this
may result In several changes.
As Treasurer Howe now has possession
of the office and the city funds he Is not
at all worried about the contest of Mr. Hoc
tor. In speaking of this matter yesterday
Mr. Howe said that he had been elected
reasurer and as he had qualified and given a
bond, he did not propose to give up. "I
will," he said, take the matter to the su-
rem9 court If necessary."
Storm Causes Damaste.
The storm of yesterday afternoon and
ast evening caused damage to property
11 over the city. Windows almost without
number were blown In and quite a num
ber of awnings were torn from their fasten
ings and carried away by the high wind.
As the storm Increased toward nightfall
business was practically suspended and the
streets were deaerted. Entertainments
billed for the evening were abandoned and
everyone who could remained indoors. Tele
graph and telephone service was greatly
Interfered with the wires becoming crossed
and the electric light company was put to
considerable inconvenience on account of
the swinging of wires. No accidents of any
moment were reported to the police.
Ailrfted Incendiaries Fined.
After the burning of the Fourth ward
fire hall the police arrested Dan Lucey and
Mike Maloney and held them as suspicious
characters. These men were seen about
the fire hall on the night of the fire and
both were present when the alarm was
given. Although Chief Brlggs felt confi
dent of convicting the men of arson at the
start, he found that If such a deed was
performed no witnesses were present. He
therefore filed a complaint charging Lucey
with carrying concealed weapons and for
this the judge fined him $10 and costs.
Maloney was charged with malicious de
struction of property and drew thirty days
n the county jail. No settlement has as
yet been made between the city and the
Insurance company.
Koutsky Opens Headquarters.
While Mayor Koutsky has practically
opened offices In the Masonic block, he is
still and will for several days to come
be . engaged at the treasurer's office in
closing up the books of school dUtrlct No.
The data which It Is necessary to com
pile makes quite a lengthy report and this
must be submitted to the Board of Educa
tion before Treasurer Howe can assume
the duties which naturally fall upon the
city treaaurer. The Board of Education
allows no compensation for the work of
keeping Its books, handling Its warrants or
giving a aurety bond, but under the law the
city treasurer must perform these extra
duties. Mr. Koutsky expects to have his
report ready before the board meets to
organlxe on May 6.
Funds Transferred.
The official transfer of funds belonging
to the city from former Treasurer
Koutsky to his successor, Edward L. Howe,
occurred yesterday noon. The outgoing
and Incoming treasurers proceeded, with a
amall party of friends, to the three na
tional bsnks In the city, where the money
was counted out In cash and turned over
to Mr. Howe. As has been the custom In
the past, when the money was turned over
to the treasurer he merely opened an ac
count as city treasurer, leaving the funds
In the banks designated as city deposi
Mr. Koutsky turned over to Mr. Howe
$41,127.71. This amount includes city
money only, as the Board of Education has
not as yet designated a depository for the
school fund. Pending such action on the
part of the Board of Education the school
money will remain In the Packers' Na
tional bank.
It Is understood that Treasurer Howe
will follow his predecessors and deposit
money In all of the banks here.
Manlo City Gossip.
Mrs. H. L. Dennis left yesterday for
Joe Mallander will open his Sarpy Mills
park on Sunday.
Mn. Denna Aiinery nas gone to Kansas
CH for a snort trip.
There Is only one case of mallpox at the
r.ptrgency nospitai now.
Mrs. Henrv Klsfelder Is recovering from
an attac-K 01 tynoiu rever.
C. M. Hunt has gone to Colorado to look
after his property Interests.
Attorney W. C. Lambert has closed un
the cases he was handling for the cltv ami
the appointment of an assistant city at
torney is now in oruer.
he drill team of the Red Men will eive
a ball at Odd Fellows' hall on the night of
Jlay lo.
v. ... . i., u.i. v. . .i.c v. 1 1 1 i.iin
boys here, is still seriously 111 at the home
01 relatives at Indiana, fa.
Oeorge W. Maxaon. 712 North Twenty
fourth street. Is offering some special bar
gains In choice vacant and Improved prop
erly. Anyone intending to ouy lor a home
or Investment will do well to see him.
May Yield to F.utreatlea of Friends,
Although Ohjeetlnsr to the
THE HAGUE. April 2. The report pub
lished In rarlo that President Stejn of the
Orange Free State Is coming to Europe
to consult with Mr. Kruger, Is entirely
without foundstlon. On the other hand it
Is true that the Boer agents In America
are renewing their entreties that Mr.
Kruger visit the United States next June.
He probably will comply with these re
quests if sufficient pressure Is exercised,
although he has often personally expressed
his dislike of this plan.
....Sydney Brough
....William l.ewers
Arthur Harry
(IcorKP Irvlr.rf
.Frederick Spencer
..Joseph Francoeur
..Charles Martin
At the Boyd
"Quality Street." a comedy In four acts
by J. M. Barrle. Produced for tho first
time In Omaha at lioyd's theater Friday
night by Maude Adams and her company.
The cast:
Valentine Brown
EnslRn Hlades
Mujor l.lnkwater
Lieutenant tiplcer
Maior Hubb
A Kecrul'.lng Sergeant.
An old Hitlrller
u..ta, i.ihnr wllpslfv Tnmsnn..
Fred Santley
Mlss 'Susan Throssell Helen lx;well
Miss Phoebe Throssell .Maude Adams
Miss Wllloughhy Ida Wat.-rman
Miss Fanny Wllloughby... .Sarah Converse
Miss Henrietta Turnbull Sara leriy
putty Marlon Abbott
"Quality Street" is a child of Barrte'a
maturer genius. Such crudities as marked
"When a Man's Single," for example, have
disappeared, the development of the master,
through his Thrums biographies, to the
place which is now undoubtedly his by right
Is most forcibly borne in on those who hare
proceeded along that way with him. His
pathos Is still his own, as Is his humor, and
nowhere do smllea and tears follow with
such facility, flow with such ease or shine
with such sparkle as do those of Barrie.
Qualntnets of conceit, subtlety of expreaglcn
and charm of conveyance are all his. in
"Quality Street" he has given his genius
unrestricted sway and a perfect story Is
told In a well-night perfect way. Those
who laughed when Tammas Haggart be
came a humorist, who alternately roared
and sighed wiih Gavin Diabart and Lady
Barbara, who enjoyed the mature eccen
tricities of Thomas Sandys before he was
lgnominlously sent to the herding, and who
owned to a relief of no uncertain degree
when hie career as a popular author came
to a sudden and Inglorious end by means
none but a genius would adopt, thank Bar
rie for a new delight and gladly place
"Quality Street" on the pedestal "Tommy
and Grizel" were to have occupied.
The story Is an old one. Love in a maid
en's heart. Indecision In a man s. Separa
tion, and that which comes with passing
years. Phebe of the Ringlets becomes
Phebe of the Tired Eyes, and the dashing
Mr. Brown has won his commission by gal
lant deeds and paid for It with an arm and
gray hairs. Her heart mourns a youth It
never had. His awakens to the tact that
he loves the woman and not the maid. In
the unfolding of what la patent comes tho
beauties of the Barrie genius. Its quiet
humor, its simple pathos and Its powerful
but homely lesson are so put as to fairly
enrapture the lover of good literature.
And what a charming celebrant of his
theme the gifted author has In the no less
gifted actrese. Miss Adams' last appear
ance here was as the hoydenlsh, madcap
gypsy girl, from whose blood no amount of
seminary training could eliminate the wlld
ness of her nature, but who found In the
crucible of love the touchstone which trans
muted her from a veritable pixy into the
capable and appropriate helpmeet for an
Auld Llcht Presbyterian minister. In
"Quality Street" her buoyant youth Is sunk
beneath a wave of adversity, but years of
patient toll find her longing for what she
had been denied. Only a little brief ex
perience is needed to show her how empty
are the joys she pines for, bow "like Dead
sea fruits, that tempt the eye and turn to
ashes on the lips." From the middle of
the second act to the end of the play her
Phebe Throssle la made one of the mo,
delightful of comedy parts. It is the charm
of her exquisite acting that wins for her the
enthusiastic endorsement of her audience.
She Interprets the idea of the author and
gives the life of warm flesh and blood to
the heroine he has conceived in his mind.
Miss Adams Is surrounded by players who
are as conscientious and as painstaking a
she herself. Not one In the cast Is weak
each fitting well Into the part assigned and
all contributing to a most meritorious
whole. Not the least pleasing feature of
the production la the fidelity to detail and
the care taken to preserve the verities In
the staging of the piece.
Another pleasing thing was the warmth
of the large audience which was present at
the Boyd laat night. It la seldom the ap
proval of Omaha people Is so generously
ult May Be Started Aaalnst Western
Lines for Making Secret
CHICAGO. April 28. The Chronicle to-
moricw will say:
Action may bs started soon to provs that
a number of railroads operating out of
Chicago, are violating the recent United
Bta'es court injunctions, forbidding ths
making of secret rates.
Siuce the injunctions were issued no fewer
than 600 notices of reduced tariff ratea
have been filed with the Interstate Com
merce commission. It was presumed at
first that these reductions were merely the
result of putting In effect publicly changes
thst had been msde secretly. It Is now
said that these reduced rates were estab
lished for the benefit of shippers and that
the shipments were contracted for In advance.
Walk- Mz
"afceST 1---. - - c
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Rem
edy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The Bee"
May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness
and suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect
or other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results
arc sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most,
because they do most and need attention (irst.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin t.tkiiu Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.
Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder rente Jy. because as soon as
your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A
trial will convince anyone.
The mild and Immediate effect of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands
the highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing OBes. Swamp-Koot will
set your whole system right, and the best
proof of this Is a trial.
14 West 117th St., New York City.
Dear Sir: Oct. loth, W0.
"1 had been suffering severely from kid
ney trouble. All symptoms were on hand;
my former strength ami power had leit
me; 1 could hanlly drag myself ulong.
Even my mental capacity was Klving out,
and often 1 wished to die. It was then 1
saw an advertisement of yours in a New
York paper, but would not have paid any
attention to it, had it not promised a sworn
guarantee with every bottle of your mcii-
clne, asHerlliiK that your Bwamp-Koot Is
purely vegetable, and does not contain any
harmful drugs. 1 am seventy years and
four months old, and with a gooil con
science I can recommend Swamp-Koot to
all sufferers from kidney troubles. Four
members of my family have been using
Swamp-Root for four different kliiney tils
cases with the same good results."
With many thanks to you, 1 remain.
Very truly yours,
Robert berner.
You may have a sample bottle of this fa
mous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free
by mail, postpaid, by wticb you may test
its virtues for such disorders as kidney,
bladder and uric acid diseases, poor diges
tion, when obliged to pass your water fre
quently night and day, smarting or Irri
tation In passing, brtckdust or sediment
In the urine, headache, backache, lame
back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
heart disturbance due to bad kidney trou
ble, skin eruptions from bad b!oo, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, blonting. ir
ritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition,
loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or Drlght's
If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty
four hours, forms a sediment or settling or
has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that
your kidneys and bladder need itnmcdlats
Swamp-Root Is the great discovery of Dr.
Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospitals use it with wonderful
success in both slight and severe cases.
Doctors recommend It to their patients and
use It in their own families, because they
recognize in Swamp-Root the greatest and
most successful remedy.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and ta
for sale the world over at druggists In bot
tles of two sizes and two prices fifty cents
and one dollar. Remember the name,
Swamp-Koot. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Blnghamton. N. Y., on
every bottle.
EDITORIAL NOTICE. If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or blad
der trouble, or if there is a trace of it In your family history, send at once to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mall, Immediately, with
out cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing many of the
thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured.
In writing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Omaha Sunday Bee.
Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer
stf;0 1Mys' ireatMcnt!
Jty Air
Spring Is the golden season of the year
for the cure of nlBease and Dr. Burkhart's
Vegetable Compound proves Infallible In
cases of Rheumatism, Constipation and
Kidney Trouble, Headache. Fains In
Shoulders, Bide and Hack, Dizziness, Skin
Eruptions, etc. Ten days' trial treatment
free. All druggists.
UH.'W, S. tUHKIIART, Cincinnati, O.
Our Special Underwear Sale
was a winner. It brought hundreds of
new fa es) in our store anil did for us
what we Intended It wouhl made a
good advertisement for us. Many
seemed surprised at the excellent qual
ity of kimiiIh we handle and said tliey
did not know before there was such a
More at Kllli ami Chicago.
The Bee for All News
President of French Singers'
:oclatlon of Chicago.
Vllllaca ftecds More fr'naaa.
VILUSCA, la.. April 2. (Special.)
The $14,060 voted by the town tor a new
building not being sufficient, the towa Is to
vote on whether a special' tax shall be
levied pf 13.000 to complete the sum neces
sary. Ths towa Is already bonded to the
full limit, so this Us U1 have lo be
levied oa assessment.
CHAIN is only as itrong as its weak
est link, and the weak link must
bear ail the strain. It is just to with
the human body a weak heart, stomach,
liver or kidneys or a weakness in any other
organ makes a sick person. Exposure inva
riably strikes hardest at the weak point.
In many instances irregular menstruation
is the weak link in a woman's health, and
a cold in this instance especially is attended
by harrowing results. Menstruation be
comes suppressed and painful and excruci
ating suffering results. The nerves give
way and ailments multiply fast until dis
ease has weakened the whole system.
Meanwhile the weak link bearing auch a
terrible strain snaps. Death is the broken
Madam Rosa Marliani, who Uvea at No.
2935 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, is one of the
leaden in French-American society in that
city and is President of the French Singers'
Association. She is held in high esteem
by her associates who are drawn together
in social life by the mutual love of music
Music is an elevating influence in a com
munity and Madam Marliani is encouraged
and helped in her musical work by the
health and energy she derives from taking
Wine of Cardui. In writing of her case
she says:
"I consider Tlne of Cardui better than
doctors' prescriptions or any other remedy
tor female trouble. I have tried many, both
la this country and abroad, having been a
sufferer eleven yean, and nothing cured me
unt'l I used your remedy. I had such ex
cruciating pains at times that I wanted to
die, and indeed a life of suffering is not allur
ing to anyone. Your splendid medicine
stengthened my nerves, restored my appetite
and built up the entire system and I now
enjoy perfect health."
Madam Marliani was right when she
said a life of suffering was not alluring to
anyone. After suffering eleven years she
was surely fortunate to secure a remedy
that would restore her to health. She could
not get it from doctors although she went
abroad searching for relief. The tower of
Wine of Cardui to resWe w eakened organs
after years of suffering has been put tj the
severest tests, but it has never failed to
benefit and seldom failed to effect a cure
even in the most complicated ca-ies. An
other proof of the work of Wine of Cardui
of Mrs. Susan Lee, of Deraop
. 'vno suffered nine years and was
cured ukincr Wine of Cardui. She
I have been sick for nine years and was
not able to do my housework for over five
years. Since I have been using your rcme
dies I have been able to work. I have only
used three bottles of Tine of Cardui and a
package of Thedford's Black-Draught. I
can do almost as much work now as I ever
did, I cannot say enough about your medi
cine. I will come to the fact I am feeling
almost young again."
After reading the letters of Madam Mar
liani and Mrs. Lee, the only reasonable
thing for an afflicted woman to do is to go to
her druggist and secure a bottle of Wine
of Cardui and begin the treatment at once.
You can begin the treatment today in the
privacy of your home. The chance for the
better will begin within a week. The Wine
strengthens the weakest link first. Natur
ally that is where an improvement would
be most noticeable.
Do not go 0:1 suffering for years like
Madam Marliani and Mrs. Lee. Those
anxious years are gone- lost whn they
should have been enjoyed in health. Every
day you hesitate is lost and gives to useless
suffering another day of your life. If you
need advice write The I.aJiiV Advisory De
partment, The Chattauxga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Decrile your symp
toms as fully as possible and a free letter
of advice will be sent you. All druggists
sell 11.00 hottU of Wine of Cardui.
Women who have suffered and are
now cured know how great
a remedy this is.