Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APK1L 27, 10013. ON TRAIL OF BEEF TRUST William A. Day, Assistant to Attorney X General Knox, Arriyei in Chicag-o. INJUNCTION IS NOT READY TO FILE Matter Placrd la Hand of District At tornrr Ilrthra and Mrlhodi o( the Packers to n Bob Jrrt of Inqnlrf, CHICAGO, April 2. Vllllam A. Day. assistant to Attorney General Knox and pedal counsel to the Interstate Commerce commission, arrived In Chicago today to confer with District Attorney 8. H. Bethea relative to taking action against the lo cal I r; beef trust. Mr. Day said he did not bring with him the application for an Injunction which the attorney general has ordered filed against the packing flrma of Armour at Co., Swift and Company, Nelson Morris & Co., the G. H. Hammond Tacking company, the Cudahy Tacking company and the Schwarzschlld & Sulzberger company. Further he said no bills would be filed by him today. The matter of the Investi gation, he said, bad been placed entirely lu the hands of District Attorney Bethea. Attorney Day said: I want to correct a mlnconceptlon of my position In this cnne. 1 am here mtTrly as the representative of Attorney General Knox. Dimrlct Attorney Hethea Is to have sole charuo of the prooecutlon. I have no authority to direct his actions, but merely to ronvey to him certain Induc tions of hln superiors in Washington as to the outline of the bills. I also have brought Home additional evi dence which 1 secured lu New York. This will be sifted by him and will be used to supplement his iiroof of the existence of n rneut trust. I lo not think the bills will be drawn hurriedly, for they must stand the severest scrutiny of some of the best corporation lawyers. , Care Will fie Taken. For this reHBon enro must be taken to withstand the assaults of a demurrer. I have no authority to say anything con cerning the evidence 1 have secured. It Is suflirlent to state that the attorney gen eral has approved of the proofs secured by Mr. Hethea and myself and unless he was certain ibe evidence was sufficient to sup port the applications for Injunction under the Sherman anti-trust law he would not have ordered the prosecution started at this time. As soon as the bills are ready for filing notice will - be sent to the defendants. Thirty to fifty day will be allowed to file answers or demurrers. It Is stated author ttively that the center of the government's action against the packers will be Chicago and If any bills are to be Bled at New York it will be later. WASHINGTON, April 26. Second Vice President J. A. Hoffman of the Retail Butchers' and Meat Dealers' Association of America, said today that tha officers of that association will be called to Washing ton to assist In any investigation the gov ernment may desire to make In the beef trust question. He said the attorney gen eral cao get all the informaton aganst the beef trust he wants without going beyond the city. "The beef trust," he said, "Is responsible for the present almost prohibitive prices of meat," Nebraska will bare their annual session In this city next Friday and Saturday, and the local committees have all arrangement In readiness. Between 200 and 600 of the knlghta of the grip are expected to ba lo attendance, a few having already arrived here from other states to work this portion of the territory the first few days of next week and to ba on band tor the meeting. In the evening of the first day a dance and reception will be given at the Ancient Order United Workmen hall. On Saturday morning the members will again be en gaged with the business of the organiza tion, and on Saturday evening there will be a band concert at the Ltederkranx ball and garden. The elegant and commodious rooms of the lks and the privileges of the bowling alleys and pool and billiard tables will be free to all visiting United Commercial Travelers. Odd Fellows Celebrate. TECUMSRH, Neb., April 26 (Special. ) The Odd Fellows of Tecumseh very fitting ly observed the eighty-third anniversary of the founding of the order. A big social and banquet was held at the hall last evening, in which the Odd Fellows. Re bekahs and the members of tbelr families participated. The speaker of tho evening was Hon. A. H. Weir of Lincoln, and for fully an hour be discoursed on the subject of "Odd Fellowship" in a very entertain ing and Instructive manner. RED CLOUD. Neb., April 26. (Special.) The Independent Order of Odd Fellows of this city celebrated the eighty-third anniversary of the order last evening. Pub lic services were held In the opers house. Hon. O. W. Norrls of McCook gave an ad dress. After the services at the opera house the members and their wives, with the visitors from neighboring lodges, ad journed to Potter's hall. Dancing and other amusements occupied the time until a late hour. The lodge here has now near ly a hundred members and is In a very flourishing condition. BEATRICE, Neb.. April 26. (Special.) The Odd Fellows of this city will observe the eighty-third anniversary of the order by attending special services held in Cen tenary church Sunday, April 27. Rev. D. L. Thomas will preach a sermon on Odd Fellowship. Family Rnntnre fleanlta In Arrests. BEATRICE, Neb., April 26. (Special.) David Pahl, a prominent German resident of West Beatrice, who was recently di vorced from bis wife, was fined $1 and costs In Judge Inman's court this morning for n'snultlng his daughter, a young woman, who swore out the complaint for or n h ir's arrest. Immediately after the hear ing Pahl had h's wife, Katherlne Pahl, and his daughter arrested on a charge of steal ing some of his household goods. Their hearing was set for Monday. ENCAMPMENTS IN WYMORE O. A. R. and W. It. C. of Southwestern Nebraska, Meet and Kama Officers. WYMORE, Nob., April 26. (Special.) At the regular encampment of the South western Nebraska district of the G. A. R. held in this city a few .days ago the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensu ing year) District commander, W. M. Tay lor, Blue Springs; senior vice commander, C. F. Steele, Falrbury; Junior vice com mander, D. K. Calkins, Dlller; chaplain, P. C. Johnson, Holmesvllle; medical di rector. Dr. W. H. Johnson, Wymore; coun cil of administration, J. W. Powant, Paw nee City; E. A. Yountz, Falrbury; D. L. McBrlde, Liberty; V. V. Roop, Blue Springs; M. B. C. True, Tecumseh; C. B. Jamea, Endlcott; John L. Dawson, Wy more. The W. R. C. of the Southeastern district met at the same time and the following officers were elected: President, Miss o:ive Ballard, Dlller; senior vice, Mrs. C. J. Crawford, Wymore; treasurer, Mrs. R. Dan, Beatrice; chaplain, Mr. Fisher, Ta ble Rock; secretary, Mrs. E. Zook, Dlller; executive board. Mrs. L. F. Taylor, Blue Springs; Mrs. Calvin, Table Rock; Mrs. Samuelson, Falls City; Mrs. Miller, Paw nee City; Mrs. Buffln, Tecumseh. Travelers to Meet at Grand Island. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. April 26. (Spe cial.) The United Commercial Travelers of Tramps Steal n Bonnet. FAIRBURY, Neb., April 26. (Special.) Three tramps were arrested yesterday charged with stealing a hat from a milli nery stcre and two of the fellows pleaded guilty and received a Jail sentence. About $50 worth of silk goods were stolen from Sarbach's and $15 worth of goods from Jenkins'. The latter was sold to a resi dent for $3. The purchaser returned the goods, but the thieves escaped with Mr. Sarbach's property. Will Survey Plattamonth Railway. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 26. (Spe cial.) J. E. Riley and his corps of en gineers were In the city enroute to the western part of the county, where they will resume the survey for the Plattsmouth electric railway. The survey from Omaha to Weeping Water has been practically completed and they will now push the work south as far as Nebraska City and west to Lincoln. Disease Changes Color. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 26. (Spa clal.) Colonel G. C. Mayfleld la the owner of a Poland-China brood sow, which, he alleges, changed from black to white within a few weeks. She took the cholera and upon recovering her hair commenced t turn white. She now has a fine litter of pigs, but, unlike their mother, they are as black as crows. Nearly "evers Foot with As. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. April 26. (Spe cial.) While James Clark, who resides south of this city, was chopping wood today his axe slipped and came nearly severing bis foot from the anklo. Silver Creek Principal Named. SILVER CREEK, Neb., April 26. (Spe cial.) The school board of this district has elected Prof. Grundy of Louisville prin cipal of the High school. CARMACK ON ANXIOUS SEAT Tennessee Senator Display! Boiicitnda for Filipinoi in Attack on Administration. FINALLY COMPLETES HIS SPEECH Hopes Philippines Will Have Better Government Than tailed States Had After war and Therefore Offers Amendment. WASHINGTON, April 26. Mr. Carmack cf Tennessee, In the senste today, com pleted the speech on the Philippine gov ernment bill which he began yesterday. He continued his exceedingly caustic criti cism of the administration's policy and the ultimate end to which It would lead, and concluded by expressing the hope that the administration would turn from the "bloody gospel of the strenuous life" to the paths of peace. The earlier portion of the session waa de voted to routine business. Mr. Jones of Nevada, chairman of the committee on contingent expenses, re ported fsvorably the resolution of the com mittee on relations with Cuba, providing for an Investigation by that committee of the alleged control of the Cuban sugar crop and sugar lands In Cuba. Mr. Teller of Colorado, who hsd introduced the reso lution, said It was not what he wanted entirely and was not what he thought ought to be passed. Teller Corrects Report. Mr. Teller said that be desired to deny that he had ever said that the Colorado sugar producers were willing to have the duty taken off sugar. He made this state ment In view of such a remark having been attributed to blm by a witness be fore the ways and means committee. He would not object to a reduction of the duty on sugar, he said. If there also were a proper reduction on other things. , The resolution was adopted without fur ther comment. Piatt Reports on Exclusion. Mr. Piatt of Connecticut presented a conference report upon the Chinese ex clusion bill, asking that the senate dis agree with the report and Insist upon a further conference. He explained that the only point of difference between the con. ferees of the senate and the house was that the house conferee asked the senate conferees to eliminate from the substi tute passed by the aenate that portion which provides that the present Chinese exclusion law be extended through the life of the present treaty and remain In force until another treaty snail nave oeen ue gotlated. Mr. Platt'a motion that the senate In sist upon Its amendment and agree to another conference waa agreed to. Messrs. pitt niuinrham of Vermont and Clay of Georgia were named aa conferees on the part of the senate. Bills were passed to authorize the Issue of three duplicate . gold certificates for $10,000 each to the collector of customs of Hawaii In lieu of three .similar certifi cates lost In the wreck of the steamer Rio de Janeiro; to provide that the circuit court of appeals of the Eighth Judicial circuit shall hold at least one term of court each year at Denver. Colo., or Chey enne, Wyo. Carmack Renews His Attack. At the conclusion of morning business Mr. Carmack resumed his speech on the Philippine government bill, which he be gan yesterday. By the terms of the pending bill he said the Islands were for the Filipinos, aa the pasture was for the sheep they lived and browsed there In order to raise wool for others to wear, and mutton for others to eat. "If the carpetbag government you propose to establish In the Philippines," he cried, "Is not a thousand times better than that which you established in your after the civil war. Lord God have mercy on the people of those Islands." In the course of his remarks he called attention to a report that an American corporation which proposed to raise rub ber trees In Mindanao had arranged with the dattos for slavs labor and be had read an amendment, which he proposed to offer, prohibiting tho granting of any franchise to persona or corporations which proposed to employ slave labor. He asked Mr. Lodge If the amendment would be agree able to blm. "I cannot speak for the committee," replied Mr. Lodge. "For myself It Is per fectly agreeable " He then gsv notice .of an amendment .(!)$.$S8SS S 8$'$' 150 YEARS OF SUCCESS.! e 0 I & THIS MEDICINE "r Cilia ha. rio;: STOMACH iJT, ' .i. aKT 4 Has been before the public for 50 years, bringing good health to thousands of people who had almost lost hope of ever getting well again. It has therefore been thoroughly g tested and found reliable. Then do not ex- periment with unknown remedies when the Bitters will cure you. 1 HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters Will cure BELCHING, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION and BILIOUS NESS, also prevent CHILLS and FEVER and MALARIA, FEVER and AGUE. Smithflt'ld, X. C. Dear Sirs I have used your Hit U'i'8 aud can truthfully my it its the loxt nieditiiie I have ever ustnl for chilis and fever. M. NKKDHAM MUXDEN. . s A New York, N. Y. Dear Sirs I have used your Bit ters and found It very beneficial while suffering from malaria and general debility. C P. IIUUHT. t DON'T FAIL TO TRY IT. IT WILL SURELY DO YOU GOOD. he would offer to prevent the entry of the Philippines aa states In the Union, and asked for Mr. Lodge's opinion, but the latter declined to reply, categorically say ing he would answer In his own time In his own way. Mr. Dolllver of Iowa asked Mr. Carmack to define his own opinion, having first In veighed against holding the Islands In "perpetual despotism," and being now so licitous lest they be admitted as states. ' Sir. Carmack responded that his own position was clear. While the carpetbag gers and adventurers were plundering and getting control of the Islands, he said what the government provided In this bill would be just what they wanted. When they had everything they wanted Jie said they would clamor for American marketa and American statehood. DE ARMOND VOTES NEGATIVE Mlsaoartan Opputri House Kitendinn Thanks to Hay for His Mo Klnlejr Knlotty. WASHINGTON. April 26. The house to day, after devoting an hour to the passage of bills, by unanimous consent suspended public business and for the remainder of the afternoon listened to tributes to the memory of the late Representatives Stokes of South Carolina and the late Representa tive Crump of Michigan. Mr. Orosvenor asked unanimous consent for the consideration of a Joint resolution to extend the thanks of congress to Hon. John Hay tor his oration on the occasion of the memorial McKlnley services. Mr. De Armond, Missouri, objected. Bills were parsed to restore James G. Field, assistant surgeon U. S. V., to the active list; to apportion the terms of sen ators elected at the first general election In Hawaii; to extend for three years the time within which the Omaha & Northern railroad can construct a railroad across the Omaha ana Winnebago Indian reserva tion in Nebraska. Those who spoke of the public services of the late Mr. Stokes were Messrs. Lever, Elliott, Scarborough, Johnson and Talbert (South Carolina), May (Virginia), DeArmond (Missouri), Jenkins (Wisconsin), Williams (Mississippi), Wadsworth (New York), Gilbert (Kentucky), Richardson (Tenneeeue), Lamb (Virginia), Thomas (North Carolina), and Candler (Missis sippi). Eulogies were then begun on the life, public character and services of the late Representative Crump of Michigan. Tho speakers were Messrs. Alpin, Ham ilton, Bishop, W. A. Smith, H. C. Smith, Gardner, and Corliss (Michigan). REPORTS OF IOWA FARMS Total Valne Reaches Over One and a Half Million Dollars. WASHINGTON, April 26. The census report on agriculture In Iowa shows that in 1900 there were in that state 228,622 farms valued at $1,497,554,790, of which 16 per cent represents the value of lands and improvements other than buildings. The value of farm Implements and ma chinery wss $57,960,660 and of live stock $278,830,096. These values added to that of farms give $1,834,454,546, a total value of farm prop erty. The total value of farm products for 1899 was $365,411,628, a gain of 129 per cent over 1889, and the gross farm Income was $263,888,488. TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION De Armond Presents Joint Resolution Chans-las- Terms of President and Vice President. WASHINGTON, April 26. Representative De Armond of Missouri today Introduced a Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution making the term of the president and vice-president begin April 3 Instead of March 4. and flxlnv tho ismhiI Thursday of January as the time for the or congress beginning with the sixtieth ongreas. Parker Granted tw Trial. BUTTE, Neb., April 26. (Special Tele gram.) District court adjourned Tuesday, In the state against Parker, who shot hiB father-in-law. Spencer, last fall, Parker was round guilty but a new trial was granted. E. O. Sears of Tekamah de fended the accused and John A. Davles and Tate of Omaha assisted the county at torney. In the state against Pohl, who shot and wounded a boy, Pohl was found guilty of assault and battery and fined $100 and costs. Judge Harrington arrested a couple of drunken cowpunchers who were giving a wild west show on the street yes terday. They pawned their saddles to pay their fines and rode home bareback. There waa a fine rain yesterday and crops are booming. Worthy of Consideration. An editor's opinion Is always worthy of consideration, for he la accustomed to giv ing a matter due consideration before ex pressing his ldeaa of it. David R. Forbes, editor of the Sun, Quarryvllle, Pa., says: The naxie Chamberlain la synonymous with everything that Is good. Chamber- aln's Cough Remedy I can particularly endorse, having used it myself quits fre quently with the beat results, whenever bothered with a cold." JURY BRIBING CASE IS IP Indictments At. Tiled Against Seven Men Charged with Conspiracy, PROMINENT ATTORNEYS AND OFFICIALS Dills Are Hetarned In Jnriae llnnne'a Court as nesnlt of Allraril Cor ruption In Transfer Warfare. CHICAGO, April 26. Indictments fnr conspiracy In relation to the Jury bribing scandal in the transfer warfare in Jus tice Wood's court against the Union Trac tion company were returned against seven men today In Judge Dunne's court. Among the more promjnent men against whom true bills were voted are Patrick H. O'Don ncll, public administrator and attorney In the transfer case for the traction company, and James T. Brady, his law partner. Tho other men Indicted are: John O'Don nell, brother to Patrick II. O Donnell and especial agent In the traction cases: Sam L. Lawrence, member of the Jury which de cided a transfer suit In favor of the trac tion company In three minutes; Herbert Rothery, venireman, called for Jury serv ice In Justice Wood's court and excused; William Gallagher, promoter, and Cyrus S. Simons, alleged "go-between" In the se lection of Jurors. Bills also were returned against the fol lowing named men for co-conspiracy, al though they are not named as defendants and will only serve as state's witnesses: Homer Michaels. Juror; W. F. Sheridan, Juror; Clark Rolfe, W. R. C. Jones, consta ble. The evidence on which State's Attorney Deneen secured the indictments was first brought to the notice of the Municipal Voters' league by Herman Greene, who al leged that Gallagher approached him with a view to bribing a Jury. The Union ar Consolidated Traction companies were to be sued for not granting transfers Into the suburb of Austin, as had been filed by an other court. Over fiVe hundred suits were Btarted, of which two have been tried and decided in favor of the companies. Greene's story told of several meetings between the men who have been Indicted, of pins stuck crosswise in the lapels of the coats of the men to be selected by the constable and of quick and corrupt verdicts. CARMEN WIN THEIR STRIKE Street Railway Kmployes Obtain Con cessions to All Their Prin cipal Demands. SAN FRANCISCO, April 26. The strike on the street railway system of the United railroads, which went Into effect last Sunday night, was officially declared off tonight. Victory rests with the em ployes, who are conceded all their principal demands. The United Railroads have granted an advance In wages, a ten-hour day and in a measure recognized the car men's union. On the question of unionism the agree ment provides that the company will main tain such regulations as will enable full attention to be given to all complaints to be made directly by its employes will cause prompt Investigation to be made of such complatnU, and when It discovers the same to be well founded will rectify any wrongs found to exist. It will not, however, deal In matters involving the management of Its own affairs with other than its own employes or committees thereof. The com pany recognizes the right of every person to beloug to or refuse to belong to a labor union and It will discharge no em ploye because of bis connection with such a union. The company agrees to pay a flat rate of 25 cents an hour or 23 cents an hour, together with a bonus for long service as the employes may elect. A rate of 30 cents per hour will be paid for overtime. All runs are to be finished within fourteen hours from the time of commencement. The employes are to be allowed full liberty when off duty. Traffic will resume In the morning. ROBBED AND PLACED ON TRACK Lead Man Knocked Insensible and Placed Between Ralls, but Train Brushea Ilody Aside. LEAD, S. D., April 26. (Special Tele gram.) While going home last night from his work J. R. Curnow, one of the foremen of the Homestake mine, was assaulted by three men, robbed, and placed on the rail road track. He had Just gained consciousness and was attempting to rise when a passing train pushed blm from the track. He was cot badly hurt by the train, but the In juries which be received from the hold-ups are very painful. The men who assaulted and robbed blm were arrested and placed In the city Jail, but during the night managed to make their escape. Curnow lost $120 and a gold watch and chain. CHANCE FOR CHURCHGOERS Weather Forecast for Nebraska. Is Fair and Warmer on Bandar. . WASHINGTON, April 26. The forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and warmer 8unday; Monday fair, variable winds. For Missouri, Indiana and Illinois Fair and warmer Sunday; Monday increasing loudlneas; fresh northwest winds, becom ing variable. For Iowa Fair and warmer Sunday; Mon day fair; freth southwest winds. For Nor'h Pakota and South Dakota- Fair Sunday; warmer In east portion; Mon day increasing cloudlr.ess; probably show ers and cooler In rest portion; variable inds. For Montana tler.urally rdr Sunday and Mondsy, except r-r'3bly showers In north portion; west winds. For Wyoming Showers Sunday, with cooler In western portion; Monday fair; west winds. For Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday; variable winds. Local Ueeord. OFFICE OP THE WEATHER BUREAU7. OMAHA, April M Official rcord of tem perature and precipitation compared wltn th corresponding day ol the last three years: 1J. 1901. IMO 19 Maximum temperature... & Mi 7S si Minimum temperature.... an of di rs Mean temperature 48 H 70 Precipitation "0 U) .SO .22 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. 102: t Normal temperature 6T Deficiency for the day Total excess since March 1 lbi N'trmal precipitation - 12 inch Excess for the day inch Total preclpltstlon since March 1.. 1.47 Inch Deficiency since March 1 1.67 inches Deficiency for cor. period 19ol 119 Inch Excess for cor. period If . Inch L. A. WEfJM. - Local wt OffiilaX KMtredae for Booth Dakota Senator. DEADWOOD. S. D., April 26. (Special Telegram.) The republicans of Lawrence county met In convention this afternoon In this city and elected sixty-nine delegates to represent the county In the republican state convention, which is to be held to Stoux Falls In June. The convention en dorsed the candidacy of Kittredge for United States senator, the national admin istration, and Instructed the delegation to the Sioux Falls convention to vote for the nomination of Eben W. Martin and Charles H. Burks for congressmen. Lawrence county will have the largest delegation In the state convention of any county in the state. The instructions for Martin and Burke meet with the unanimous approval of the republicans of the Black Hills. FURNITURE MAY FOLLOW MEAT Honaehold Goods Probably- Will Ad vance In Prlte to Offset Lum ber and Wanes. KANSAS CITY, April 26. Representa tives of furniture manufacturers of Mis souri, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota met here todav behind cloaed doors, presided over by F. B. Brace of the St. Anthony Table company of St. Paul and aucuseea raising prices. J. L. Abernathy, local manufacturer, aald "We iri now ronfrnnf Ins ImDortant mat ters. The lumbermen have increased prices of wood and wages have advanced. as ii ii i .. .'Ilk - . i i i ' A i i i i,i i ii .Hi .1 ii balduffs I lKEtPHAR62H0URS0IIAH0TP if IlllAM S.BALDUFr, . I IC Ht ... ...... i ''ii una rdinanidTo uinam ' '"' 'ii ""S Pure Delicious 40c Quart, 5c m !.,rrr Dish. BALDUFF'S NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM Quart Barrels-Enough for 8, 40c Pint Barrels-Enough for 4, 20c THREE FLAVORS. A BARREL WILL FIT IN YOUR POCKET. GET ONE TO-DAY. W. S. BALDUFF, 1620 Farnam Street. gwanwtt.jigaa (XTBlA U not tha peer, but th superior of foni en-made Qiampauics, it. ..itu u auured. Its aroma ww excelled. It hat becoma famous ba. causa kt deserve U GVJ87 & StOil! Furniture Company 11.5-1117 Farnam Street A large consignment of Sideboards, Dressers, Chiffoniers, China Cases, Dining Tables and GoCarts just receive ed and ready for display Monday, SIDEBOARDS- 112.75, $15.50, $17.00, 122.00, $23.50, $26.00 and up. DRESSERS- $'.).7u, $11.00, $12.50, $15.50, $17.00, $20.00 and $23.00. CHIFFONIERS- $6.25, $7.75, 9.00 and up. CHINA CASES fl3.7j, $15.50, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00 DINING TABLES- $6.00, $7.50, $8.25, $10.50. $12.00 GO-CARTS- $3.50, $4.00, $5.25 and $6.50. Reclining Oo-Carts at $7.50, $8.00, $9.25, $10.50, $12.50, $13.25, $14.50 and up. Although the assortment is very large and the prices extremely low on them all, a first chance is always an ad vantage, DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE GO III5-III7 Farnam Street. ONE PRICE. UlU SJMLnuMM PLAIN FICURES UNION PACIFIC to California and Return April 21 to 27 Three Trains DaJly Only Lin Running Through Trains 16 Hours Quicker Than Any Lin TICKET OFFICE 1324 Faxnsm St. $v9v3i$v'SvHSvSv$vff vlivfSf vi)HvlvSvStiTlSv