Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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rill b takes aatll IS . for !
edition aad aatll A .to p. aa.
far aaoral aa aadar rdllloa.
Rates, 1 - a word Aral tasertlaa,
la a word thereafter. Aatalna; take
far Irs ttiaa . lor Ike rst laser
tloa. ThfM aartlsesas)t aiaat ao
Advertisers, lr rraaatla av
ered rkrrk, raa kava answer
stressed ta aaatatrvd letter la
f Tba Bee. Aaswer mm addraaaad will
dallvrrad as wreseataUea taa
keek aalr.
a DESERVING vounir lady, who in fin
ployed during the day. would like eltua.-
tlon In a home to aci an companion.
n .- r. A Hi,'. 27
.WANTED, two or three men to work from
ur wagons; ateaoy word and good pay.
C JT. auuius Co., 16U Howard SL
B M439
OOOU messenger wanted; Increased pay.
A. D. X. Co., .ili South Uih. M 9u
If you live In the country or in a small
town and have a good acquaintance
among the farmers and stock raiser In
the neighbornooa you can make Jo eaally
by four or nve houri' work. Write us
aud we will send you our proposition.
Xfae Bee publlsning Co., Solicitors' Dept.,
Omaha, Neb. B M2U
.WANTED, a good man In every county to
take subscriptions for the Twentieth
Century Farmer. Our agents make good
wages everywhere. Heierencea required.
Address, Twentieth Century Farmer,
Omaha, Neb. B U
THREE! or four good men wanted: $100 per
month. Call 627 Paxton block. B M491
.WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on
new proposition by which you can earn
Lt to to a day; young men from XI to XI
desired, who are hustlers and well recom
mended. Room 106, Omaha Bee bldg.
B &IS69
WANTED, first-class painters and paper
bangers. A. L. beabrouk. 4o N. 16ih St.
B 624
WANTED, a gentleman desires to take
private lessons in French two evenings
each week. Musi call at my residence.
Address, stating method of teaching,
X 42. Bee. B-M970
WANTED, experienced Invoice clerk; must
be quick and accurate at fig ires; give
age, nrevloua occupation and salary
wanted. Address X 44, Bee. B M965
O. R. RATHBUN gives private lessons In
bookkeeping. Koom 16. Commercial Na
tional bank. B Mltto
FLORIST wanted, first-class man, who
also knows gardening; steady position all
the year around to the right man. Apply
on premises or by mall to George A. Jos
lyn, 3902 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb.
B-MS31 29
WANTED, deserving young lady or gen
tleman to take life scholarship In
Omaha's best business and shorthand
college, and pay for It when course Is
finished and position secured. Address
Y 67. B-889
WANTED, carpenters. Claus Stange, con
tractor, Yutan, Neb. B Mill!) 29
TRAVELING salesmen, also advertisers;
straight siilnry; answer If you want busi
ness, otherwise don't. Triumph, Dallas,
Tex. B-M9D8 Ml
WANTED flood middle-aged, all round
butcher; must b a sober, energetic man,
ready to do all kinds of work around
butcher shop. R. M. Westphalen, At
lantic, Iowa, B M918 28
MEN to learn barber trade; special offer
May 1 to IS; board, room, scholarship and
outfit of tools; eight weeks completes;
steady practice, expert Instructions, po
sitions guaranteed. Write today, Moler
Barber College, 1623 Farnam street.
B 915 Nl
WANTED An experienced bill clerk. Ref
erences required. Address, Z 4, Bee.
B 924 29
WANTED Electrician, one line man and
engineer for night run; country plant.
Call at Room 129, Her Grand. Monday,
8 a. m. to 12. B 923 27
ANT energetic man can make money dis
tributing samples of merchandise, circu
lars, etc. We secure advertising matter
for distribution In every section of the U.
B. and want men to do the work: good
pay. Horn Adv. Ass'n, 1193 Broadway,
New York. B 119 27
WANTED, young man, traveling position;
experience unnecessary: salary 150 month
and expenses. Plough-Williams Co.. Man
hattan Bldg., Chicago. B 120 Z7
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing, gooa pay. Bun Anver'ts
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 9j9 27
. e
MEDICAL bonk salesman wanted by the
leading firm in the business on a desirable
proposition; state run particulars or eX'
perlence. P. O. Box 868, Philadelphia.
B 112 27
BILL clerk, by a wholesale house. Ad.
dress. Z 10, Bee. B 967 27
WANTED Young man, resident of South
Omaha, who can use typewriter for real
state omce. Address, z 6, Bee.
B-065 27
WANTED, manager for a branch office in
Omaha of an old Incorporated company,
doing business for 20 years; manager will
be required to take not less than $1,600 of
stock In the company : none but reSDonsl-
bla parties need reply. Address Lock Box
626, Chicago. B 13S 27
ON SALE this week, 6.000 shirt worth 11.00,
your cnoice oc. Aaiera, iui vnrnam.
B 169 27
WANTED, three salesmen; high grade
gooas; direct rrom factory to merchant;
good pay to right man. Address Y 64,
Juee. B 973 27
BICYCLE riders to ride and exhibit our
wheels in spare time; free wheel and
ll.oiiO in cash; big proposition. Write
today, cash Buyers Union, Chicago.
. B-991 27
WANTED, a registered driiRglst. at once;
eweue preierrea. A. u. HeU bloom
Stromsburg, Neb. B 132 27
CIGAR salesmen wanted, experience un
necessary, good pay. Emanuel Co.,
Dutuon j, irw xora. IS
CIVIL, service government positions; 9.SK9
appointments made last year; probably
iu.uw mis year; only common scnool eou
ration required for examination; rata
logue of Information free. Columbian
correspondence College, Washington. D,
C. B
THOUSANDS are successful, gaining bet
ter salaries and positions studvlns elee
triclty, mechanical engineering, mechan
ical drawing at nome by correspondence.
Thomas A. Edison endorses institute,
Book. "Tan I Become an Electrical Enai
neerT" mailed free. Electrical Engineer
institute, mw lorn. u
LEARN proofreading: situations secured
$15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence
Bcnooi. rnuaaeipnia. u
WANTED, competent tinner who can make
himself generally useful In hardware and
furniture store. F. L. Dunn. Osceola,
Neb. B 92 2)
WANTED Traveling men on salary or
i rommtsslon basis to sell fine grade Whis-
key dlreet to consumer: permanent posi
tion, but Al references required. Han
I ever Distillery Co., Independent. Ill Main
St.. Peoria. 111. B-3ui 27
WANTED Experienced cigar salesman,
one having established trade. Nebraska
, territory. Marx & Co., Des Moines, la.
I B-230 27
SALESMAN Black underskirts, west of
Missouri river; a good opportunity for
one who has a personal acquaintance
with the buyers In this particular line;
to handle on the side, a strong, stylish,
ropular-prlced line; eastern make; state
full particulars, reference, etc. Address
Za Bee. B-M3U) 27
GOVERNMENT positions, where they are.
how obtained, salaries paid; examinations
soon In every state; particulars free.
Write for circular 161. Nat'! Cor. Insti
tute, Washington, D. C. 13
BOOKKEEPERS increase Incomes by
learning lo audit books. Complete printed
Instructing, mailed. $1. F. Whlttemore
Richardson, Certified Public Accountant,
164 Fifth eve.. New York. B
JpAOPVDAVlS CO.. Chicas-o and New York,
teach advertising by mail; employed grd
uatea testify. Write for facts, free.
B 130 V
ANY person who will distribute circulars
for .! nnny snouiu aaoress Mianaara Co.,
4 Welis, Chicago. No canvassing.
B 129 J7
WANTED, clothing salesmen to open and
operate sales agencies ror America s
greatest tailors; exrljslve rights given;
proper facilities furnished to right par
ties; woolens In the piece for display pur
poses supplied If required; sample fur
nished free, also advertising matter and
stationery. A number of our sales agents
ire making from $1.2K) to 13.600 per year.
Write for terms and full information.
Address Agency, Dept. P., Lock Box .6,
Chicago. B
MECHANICS qualified for advancement.
our tree Booklet, "Are lour Hands
Tied?" tells how thousands have doubled
or largely increased their earning capac
ity through our spare time Instruction by
mull. Write to the International Corre
spondence schools. Box 16fiS. Scranton,
Pa., or call day or evening. Omaha office,
ttl7 Paxton, block. B 131 27
W. F. Stlmpson Co., Mfrs., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED, rood architecture! draughts-
man. Apply Fisher & lAwrle. Paxton
block. B 221 27
SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit
and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit
free. Lawrence Nursery Company, I,aw
fence, Kan. -488 J19'
WANTED, salesman, exclusive or side
line, lo handle our large and elegant
line of Duo Tone and Photogravure Ad
vertising Art Calendars, copyrighted Ufa
subjects, entirely new Ideas, every mer
chant a prospective customer, large as
sortment of fans, blotters and advertis
ing specialties Advertiser, care Lord &
Thomas, Chicago, 111. 121 27
SALESMEN, steam specialty salesmen who
command respect of the trade and want
well advertised side line should write at
once to E. A. Kellogg, Albany, N. Y.
123 27
WANTED, by well established house.
traveling salesman; very attractive, sal
able line, yielding large profits; liberal
and unique Inducements to retail trade;
high-priced men Investigate. Box 22S. De
troit. Mich. 106 27
WANTED by old established house, ex-
periencen Traveling eaieeiiiMn nr mm
state: permanent position to right man.
Box 608, St. Louis. 940 27 I
WANTED, by old established house, ex-
fierlenced traveling salesman for Ne
iraska, must have first-class credentials
and give bond; none other need apply.
Box 614, Chicago. 939 27
WANTED, bright salesmen to present old
reliable manufacturers line to pest mer
chants. Address William Dlx, 119 Dear
born, St., Chicago. 935 27
WANTED, energetic traveling" man who
can sell a nrst-rate line or Blankets ana
dress goods to retail town and country
trade. Address Salesman, Box 1192, Phila
delphia, Pa. 131 27
WANTED Salesman for all kinds of dupli
cating sales books ana an Kinns or
R rlnted matter. Only experienced man.
to others need apply. Nebraska Print
ing Co., Lincoln, Neb. 986 28
WANTED Experienced salesmen to call
on all kinds ot misineas nouses, manu
facturers, wholesale and retail stores and
banks, to Introduce and sell our mag
nificent advertising calendars, compris
ing over 2i0 different styles, all original,
late, handsome patterns; nothing like
them ever seen before. Customers want
and buy at once on seeing them;
really no competition: wonderful works of
Those giving exclusive time to the work
readily make 1100 to $150 every week.
We guarantee them to be the best side
line for traveling men ever heard of.
PROMPTLY. Success assured. Ameri
can Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O.
SALESMEN Wanted, hustling; salesmen
for Nebraska, by well established whole
sale house. High commission contract
with $25.00 weekly advance while travel
ing. Jess H. Smith, Detroit, Mich.
WE HAVE a side line for ctrar salesmen
on cash, commission or salary. Only first
class men need answer. norm Z4tn,
South Omaha, 06027
WANTED, a high-grade specialty sales
man, capable of earning la.ouo a year:
good territory and liberal contract to
right man. Address 1615 Manhattan
building, Chicago. 100 27'
WANTED, a man to take charge of a re-
tall lumber yard in a Nebraska town of
8,000 population; salary not less than $75
per month; must be thoroughly ac
quainted with the retail trade; must have
had experience in a town of about this
size and must be an Al salesman. Ad
dress Z 14, Bee. 156 27
SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps,
penses. Plumer Perfumery and Mfg. Co.,
Bl, LiOUlS, MO. 142 27
WANTED, salesmen, by manufacturer of
flavoring extracts, etc.: long established
riranas. uooa salary, box 617, Chicago
BALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers
$100 per month salary and expenses: ex
perlence unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co.,
Dl. U1U1I, JUO.
EXCELLENT side line for traveling men
with established routes; demand already
created: no samples to rarrv: blar com
mission. E. V. M.. 61 Franklin St.. Chi
CIGAR8 Salesmen to sell cigars on prem
lum plan; best proposition out; full size
samples, 10c. Western Cigar Co., Pozsonl
xsiug., Bt. LOUIS, MO.
WANTED, three Al salesmen willing- to
hustle six days In the week and ten
months in the year for an Income rang
Iuk from $2,000 to $5,000 net ver vear:
.others are earning It; why not you? For
run particulars write ttuanway, Brltt &
Co., uecatur, in.
WANTED, salesman: $0 monthly and ex'
nenses: permanent. Perry Nursery Co.,
Kocnester, in. x.
SALESMAN High grade man for high
grade work road. Ask for shoals. Mer
chants, today. 246 27
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn halrdressing, manicuring and chi
ropody and scientific massage. Call or
write form im, dm aiag. c in
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge.
C W6
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. A. B. Jaqullh. 2oU
Spencer St. C 844
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework. Good wages and steady
place to trustworthy, capable girl. Only
man ana wue. vocation cioae in. au
dregs Z 1, Bee. C 696 27
WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle
man to take life scholarship In Omaha's
best business and shorthand college and
pay for It when course la finished and
position secured. Address A i, lieu.
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing
manicuring or facial massage, only foul
weeks required by our method of free
clinic, expert Instructions, etc.; begin now
and complete for summer resort positions:
top wages paid graduates. Call or write
Moler college, tarnam - Hi.
C M915 Ml
COMPETENT girl for general housework
3 In family. Mrs. J. t. Mawhtnney. i0i
Dodge. C 154 27
LADIES, ropy letters at home, $4 to $6 per
week; send (tamped envelope for applica
tion. Atlas Novelty Co., Dept. 92. Chi
cago. C 996 17
LADIES, something new making sofa pil
lows at home, $8 to $16 weekly; materials
furulfrhed. no canvassing; steady employ
ment guaranteed; send stamp, d,. ad
dressed envelope. Household Mfg. Co.,
Erie St., Chicago. , C 944 J7
$60 MONTHLY repylng letters at home,
either aex; send two stamps for particu
lars. Hicks Supply Co., 6067 Halsted,
Chicago. C 913 27
$9 TO $16 weekly, no canvassing; if now
employed sn hour or two evenings will
add $3 to $t to your weekly Income; en
close stamp. Work mailed on applica
tion. JHh Century Mfg. Co., Toledo, O.
C 136 27
MILLINERS wanted; first-class preparers
ana, makers. Joyce, ltfc4 uougias bt.
C 949 27
WAITED, competent girl
hoJework. Louflsa
for general
EXPERIENCED talloress to sew on Jack
ets and skirts. Room 51, Douglas diock
C-171 28
WANTED, a girl to help with housework
in ramily of nve adinis; one io go nome
at nights. Call at 19"2 Cass St.
C 150 27
WANTED, young ladles to study French
by mall; ea. t, rapid and morougn course.
For particulars and circular addres Cor
respondence School of French, ll West
89th St., New York. C 126 27
LEARN proofreading; situations secured;
lln to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence
School. Philadelphia.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
washing and best of wages paid. I all at
4(16 Farnam St. C M201 29
WANTED Lady of sterling business get-
up in domestics; reiereucee exchanged;
permanent position to proper erson;
good pay for brains. Address Bee.
C M244 2M
WOMAN having experience In scale of
fice. City Scales, 14th and Nicholas.
C-M241 29
WANTED Lady stenographer and office
assistant; give age, experience, refer
ences snd wages expected. Address Z 25
Bee. C 23 27
$3 DAILY copying letters at home, either
sex: Inclose two stamps with application.
Illinois Industrial Colon, Dept. 2!), Ma
sonic Temple, Chicago. 1000 28
$11 WEEKLY for copying letters home,
eitner sex; sena two stamps for particu
lars. Eagle Supply Company, 69 Dearborn
street, Chicago 997 27
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam,
LARGE front room, also south room. 2016
uougiaa. tunitu
BEAUTIFUL room, furnished or unfur
nished, for. light housekeeping, modern,
large lawn, private family. Stud Burt St.
E 497
FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 320 N.
Uln Bt. U 639 MIS
ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the
city. 19UB Capitol Ave. E M835
ROOMS-1906 Capitol Ave.
E-M849 28
WANTED, a man and wife, or two gentle
men to occupy apartments in a peaut'rui
summer home, with widow lady and
daughter; very near the be it car line In
city; references exchanged. Address Box
453, Iler Grand Hotel. E 867
TWO very nice rooms; modern house;
private family; near city nan; gentlemen.
Z 8. Bee. ' E-920-29
DOUBLE and single rooms, 2201 Douglas.
13, 180 Zl
TWO nicely furnished rooms, $5.00 each;
UVUBO IllWri II. WW UUIl. 01, Id
LARGE, also smaller room. 808 N. 19th St.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent, also
for light housekeeping. 2310 Douglas St.
E M248 27
TWO housekeeping rooms.
2623 St. Marys.
E M214 M26
VERY desirable rooms at reasonable rates.
112 N. 26th St. E M261 28
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, mod
ern, detached house, lawn and shade,
close in. 2216 Farnam St. E M246 29
NICE home for young- men. lot S. 2otn St
it ousi
DESIRABLE suite ot rooms, first floor,
unrurnisneo. May i. ice iTati, zvt o.
26th St, ' F 902 M-
FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated
rooms, with or without board. Midland
hotei, 16th ana Chicago ets. Xf vn
BOOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1609 Douglas.
jr 601
ROOMS "The Farnam," 19th and Farnam.
TUB ROBE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board.
Jf lot M-iS
PRIVATE homelike place; references ex
changed. e3 b. zisi Ave. truu zr
FRONT room and board In private family
at lux bo. nn Ave. si air
FOR one or two gentlemen, room and
board. 2301 Douglas. F 925 M-2
FURNISHED room, with or without board.
laua b. ratn Ave. w& zi
FRONT room and board. 1922 California.
F 170 M26
DESK room space. 15 per month, ground
floor room In me Bee ounoing. iaciii
Farnam street: no expense for light, hea
or Janitor service. R. C. Peters A Co.,
Kentai Agents, Bee ouuaing. u lit
SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping,
616 Georgia Ave. U M861
FOR RENT, second and third floors, 1415
Farnam at. Inquire of Hugo F. Bill,
bar and restaurant. Koom suitaoie for
billiard, club, lodgea or anyuiin.
800 28
I ROOMS, or entire floor, modern, close In.
2206 Farnam. U-M5 28
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at 911 Farnam St. It has
four stories and a basement whlcli was
formerly used as The Bee uress room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
interested apply at once to C C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Be building.
FOR RENT, store In first-class location:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A
Co., ground noor. net mag. xmt
LARGE room In the Paxton block to let.
suitable for lodge purposes. Apply room
63o. raxton mock, or w. jaksam
Inquire 1203 Farnam Street.
$8.00 upward.
STOREROOM. 701 S. 16th. R. C. Peters &
Co.. Main Floor Bee Bldg. 1218
now occupied by
t 1307-09 Howard St.
This Is a fine location for a commission
house or other wholesale firm; will be va
cant May 16, when the Festner Printing
company move Into their elegant new
building adjoining on the west and may
be leaned for a term ot years at $1,200 per
annum, iviiani io maae an repairs.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
STORE FOR RENT Good storeroom. 1433
S. 16th St., $12.50. George & Co.. 10 Jl
r arn&m. 119$ 27
WANTED, canvassing ageiits in every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
1 c 1 IX, 1 M cumuki FARMER
steady employment with assured good
Income; agents In the country with
horse and buggy especially desired; can
vassers make easily to $10u per month.
Additus, Century . Farmer , solicitors'
Bureau, i-bo building, umaha. 213
AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making
all branches of C, B. & Q. In southern
Nebraska tc take a good side line on
commission. Address X u, Beo.
J-M430 M16
LIKE OF TALMAGE, by his son, large,
fully Illustrated; low prices; best terms;
freight paid, credit given, outfit free. P.
W. Ziegler ft Co., $24 Dearborn St.. Chi
cugo, 111. J ril 27
AGENTS make $8 dally sailing the cheapest
and most perfect water filter ever In
vented; retails at $l.f: big profit; exclu
st e rrltArs alansta Filter Co., Seneca,
Ma. j-ma $7
AGENTS wanted for the self-heating flat-
iron, economy, convenience and pleasure
combined; every lady who sees this Iron
wants it; exclusive territory tn active
parties. Address Gen'l Agent, 2213 Doug
las St.. Omaha, Neb. J 177 2t
AGENT8 for a new article on the market
(recently ps tented) sells readily to resi
dences, business houses and In fact every
where; big profits to agents. Nevlus Mfg.
Co.. 2226 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo
.tstH r:
AGENTS everywhere, $S hour guaranteed;
greatest discovery or the age; sometning
entirely new and attractive; no competi
tion; 600 per cent profits; tor sample, etc..
Inclose stamp,
Albaugh Mtg. CO., t ni-
J 116 JT
WANTED, manager In every city, county.
to handle best-paying business Known;
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., 13 W. 28th St.. N. Y. J-115 27
AGENTS wanted, $16 to t a week easily
made: something entirely new; no can
vassing; sells at sight; send 2c stamp for
particulars. lrophvlHX Co., Vincent Bldg.,
Broadway, New York. J 114 27
AGENTS to canvass offices and stores
everywhere with quick seller: large
profits and permanent work In exclusive
territory. Levlck, 48 Marlon St., New
York J-110 27
PORTRAIT agents, quick, write now; Illus
trated catalogue, portraits, crayons and
picture for home decoration; best line in
market today. Hyde Art Co., 469 Wells
St.. Chicago. J-938 27
AGENTS, wonderful photographic appar
atus: any smoker can make a picture;
cents, sample 10 cents. Dept. 157, Na
tional Mercantile & Mfg. Co., Rlchmoud,
Ind. J 936 27
ONLY authorised life of Rev. T. peWItt
Talmage, by his son. Rev. Dr. Frank
Talmage, and aasoclate editors of the
Christian Herald; book of 600 pages), mag
nificently Illustrated; retails at $2.00; outfit
free, postage 20 rents, best terms, freight
paid, premiums given; order Immediately
and secure choice of territory. Union
Book & Bible House, Denver, Colo.
J-139 27
AGENTS to sell Royal Pepsin Bitters; big
commission, easv seller, sample tree io
responsible parties. L. & A. Scharff,
St. Louis, Mo. J-135 27
SALARY or commission to sell the Famous
Glass Burner, an electric light on a kero
sene lamp, a million in use; sample by
mail, 60 cents; illustrated literature free.
Monarch Novelty Co., 311 N. W. Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn. J 133 27'
AGENTS Wanted. Handsome Morocco
card case and ion calling or Business
cards, 60c. Brnwnwell Novelty Co., 8670
Finney Ave., Bt. Louis, Mo.
AGENT8 Americus Leather Suspenders
sell themselves; $25 to $.t weekly easy.
Exclusive territory to hustlers. Intro
duced bv agents only. Samples furnished.
Berry Mfg. Co., B 67, Cincinnati, O.
1 cent a day; small model sent free to
those wishing to work for us. Empire
Gaslight Co., 90 W. Broadway, New York.
FREE sample; to agents. Self-lighting
pocket lamp, size or lead pencil; burns
nAA,t... nl 11 .. ...In. I . lull
i ... i it., i ... , inriu BriiDi , r-. .iii in n. v
ing. Send stamp. Fountain Pocket Lamp
co., uranam nunaing, isew. xorx.
I J-979-27
pays Agents 100 per cent profit; retails
$25: largest field and best seller known;
agents fully protected. 8AYLER-CAREY
micu. co., Cincinnati, o. J Hit i'
GREATEST invention of the age, imported
Hamburger Automatic uasiighters; re
Quires no matches; Just turn on the gas
and our chemical marvel does the rest;
useful in every home: big inducements to
agents; send 25c for sample. Hamburger
Automatic uasugnter co., vh-bi t inn Ave.,
cnicago. j loa zi'
AGENTS wanted for the best and only
nnsltlve Skirt BuDDorter ever invented:
liberal terms. George N. Sceets, 1062
Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago. J 101 27
ONE evening each week gives you $5.00 to; start profitable manufacturing
business at your home; either sex; no
capital required. A. Willow, 247 Atlantic
Ave.,' Boston, Mass. J 999 27
AGENTS wanted: $100 weekly easily made:
let us prove tnis to you; namepiates, num
bers, signs, reanaDie aarkesi nignts; sam
ples free. Right Supply Co., Englewood,
111. J 998 2i
AGENTS wanted In every, county seat In
Nebraska; salary or commission. For
particulars inclose stamp and references.
6i Norm istn street, omana. j 148 Z7
DOME-SHAPED ventilated lids, unad-
Justable and adjustable (new); prevent
rreHe spiaenins;; niiy oiner sellers,
American Novelty Works, Reading Pa.
J-147 27
LIFE of Rev. Dr. T. DeWItt Talmage free,
The nook war is on. To introduce and
advertise the only authentic Memorial
Edition, 600 pages, price $1.60, and to dis
courage the sale of spurious editions, we
win employ agents to give away to re
sponsible people 6.000 copies tn each state.
We pay agents flfto, on each book given
away. Agents can make $10.00 to $20.00
per day. Outfit free. Bend 15c to cover
postage. Begin work at once. Address
Monroe book co., cnicago. J 146 27
HOW I made $76,000 in three years: ruar.
antee success ir you take my advice; my
plan for 20c In stamps; all publishers know
me as reliable; employ 100 people; started
mrtthmir rs nit a I ' rich InHn v rhon. fn.
you. Frsnk R. Carter, 12 East 42d street,
New lorn. j
AO V. NTH, $18 per wek to men and women
wun rigs to sen our goons to farmers.
People's Supply Co., Dept. 67, Kansas
City, Mo. J
WORLD POCKET ATLAS. 460 pages. 90
colored maps; every country described :
official 1900 census; everybody buys; 100
per cent profit; $20 weekly; copy and
terms mailed. 25c. Our reputation behind
it. Rand-McNally Co., Chicago, 111. J
AGENTS wanted, four big sellers-, 150 per
cent pront, samples iree. Dayman, Bt.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS wanted with horse and wagon to
make . weekly selling to rarmers a
household necessity that they are glad to
buy. Clean, p easant, profitable employ
ment. Particulars free. Add. Mercantile
Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas City, Mo.
IiADY agents wanted for a labor-saving
ariii-ie ior women; new, vow price, big
profit, exclusive territory; write now: if
convenient send stamp. Kent Mfg. Co.,
Racine, Wis. J 210 27
AGENTS Automatic Washera sell them
selves; one agent writes he exhibited his
sample to ten women and took ten orders;
time required, 46 minutes; profit over $ii0;
guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes;
furnishes its own power; requires neither
labor nor attention; costs less, than any
other machine; free samples and exclu
sive territory furnished agents; 150 a week
guaranteed; thousands of testimonials.
Automatic Wabher Co., Station U, Chi
cago. J
AGENTS WANTED, either sex; my plan
shows how you may Increase your In
come without capital, outfit or previous
experience; my plan does not Interfere
with any occupation you may be en
gaged In, because no one need know you
are my representative: If you are out of
work you can earn I M0 per month work
ing for me; you can learn how to work
for me successfully In five minutes' Ime
and the work Is ttrlctly honorable, legiti
mate and permanent. Address W. M.
Griffin, Key 164, Fort Wayne, Ind.. for
free particulars. I do not want one penny
of your money. J
AGENTS Competent salesmen to present
attractive roods In towns and countrv:
liberal contract and guaranteed unworked
territory: state experience. The True Art
Co.. 150 Fifth ave., New York. J
WANTED Board and room in private
family by three young men; best of ref
erences givtu. Address X 62. Bee.
K-MS60 V
WANTED, to rent 10-room house, modern
conveniences; south side preferred. Fred
Loewe, Bunion- Store. K 183 29
WANTED For few weeks, room and bath
on first floor, with board. Mubl be ex
cellent 'ocatlon, quiet and strictly private.
Z 11. Bee. K-9o-27
WANTED Room and board for man and
wife; close In; private family preferred.
Z 11. Bee. K 178 27
WANTED To rent 5 to 40-acre tract near
or In city. Address Z 24, Bee.
K-M366 17
WANTED, furnished house for the sum
mer. T. F. Btroud sV Co.. 12th and Far
nam, ' Je-47t2I
WANTED Furnished house or part of one.
Ove to eight rooms. Hcasonabie rent to
first-class tenant. Close In preferred.
Address, Z 9. Hee. K .l-27
YOl'NG man wishes room or room and
board In strictly private family; price no
object; best of references. Address Z 13,
Bee. K 153 27
WANTED. two upstairs
rooms with bath, elderly or sdult peopls
where there are no other roomers, by
quiet old lady. Z 16, Bee. K 141 28
WANTED, good secondhand furniture;
highest prices paid Enterprise Furniture
Co.. 103 li. 14th. Tel. 2296. N-9S2 M9
WANTED To buy, medium sized fireproof
sate tor hooks; inside measurements aunut
24x36. Must be cheap. State price and
where same can be seen. Z 7. Bee.
N-921 28
HORSE wanted; will pay part cash snd
part groceries. 2006 N. 26th. N 154 80
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
iiKu. New ana seconananu, uougni, soia,
exchanged. O 608
WITH every $10 sale we will give FREE a
beautirul oil painting, we have a com
plete lino or l:Ouse furnishings, new snd
secondhand; prices right. Enterprise Fur
niture Co.. 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 296.
0-983 M9
FOR SALE The entire rurnlshlngs of a
15-r. house, separately or altogether. 101
South 25th St. O 218 27
GOOD Studebaker top buggy, cheap. See
A. w. Johnson, wun jonn jjeere 1'iow ua
P 699 M-6
FOR repair work on light and heavy
wagons see Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
p we
FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages.
runabouts, new and zo-nano, at cut
prices. Repairing and trimming; also put
on rubber tlrjs. Pfelffer, 27th and Iav
enworth sU. P 888 M24
FOR SALE Rubber-tired phaeton; good
as new. Address 2516 . 32d ave.
P-239 27
FOR SALE Pony and cart, harness, etc.,
in good order. Address r , ii. loneck,
1106 Douglaa st. P 231 27
FOR SALE Very cheap phaeton; two
poles. 8. W. corner 18th and Spruce sts.
P M287 27
FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71
feet; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas.
U 610
100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and
Dodge, Omaha. Q 616
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical Instrument; $i up. The
Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 613
IDHAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Farnam,
INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam.
- Q-611
IDHAND aafa cheap. Bchwartx, 114 S. 13th,
Q 614
FLESCHER sella bicycles. 1622 Capitol Av.
WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and
yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire
Works, 617 So. 16th SU Tel. 1590.
Q M972 July
FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha
shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bee
Bldg. Q M968
STAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 A Far'm
Q-872 M23
FIR timbers for house movers, etc. 40 to 71
feet; poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas.
BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay
ments 5 down, $1.6o per week: 2u hand
wheels, $5, $8 and $10; new wheels, $16.
Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sis.
SOUTH DAKOTA MAP, official, showing
boundaries and descriptions according to
government land office plats to date; free
homesteads and land to be opened for
settlement: 2oc silver or 30c stamps, de
partment Q, State Pub. Co., Pierre, 8. D.
Q-M463 M2
TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington, Smith
Premier, Densmore, replaced by THE
UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals. $2.60
to $4 per month. A. H. Workman St Co.,
1617 Farnam. 'Phone, 2439. Q-M532
GOOD sound hay, $7.50 per ton delivered.
Wagner's feed store, 1909 to 1911 Cuming
St Q M852
SEABROOKE Wall paper.
408 N. 16th st
Q M879 M24
SAM'L BURNS for gaa fixtures.
Q-M845 M23
Former Next
Price. Week.
Singer $ 6.00 $ 2.00
Domestic 10.00 6.00
Household 10.00 6.00
White 15.00 . 7.60
Singer, good as new 30.00 15.00
Singer 25.00 12.60
Singer, high arm 10.00 6.00
Domestic 14.00 7.00
Tailor 25.00 12.50
We rent machines for 75 cents per week.
We repair and sell parts for any machine
George E. Mtckel, Manager, Omaha, Neb.
Corner loth and Harney, 'phone 1663.
612 N. 24th St., South Omaha., 'phone 3618;
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
FOR SALE, buggy, harness, riding bridles,
etc. Apply 2518 Caldwell. Q 950 28
40 PER CENT discount on graphophones.
norns, etc. irniana nicycie lo,, loin and
Chicago. Q 172 27
FOR SALE or trade, a large secondhand
refrigerator. 622 North 16th street.
Q 149 27
FOR SALE, one billiard table, one pool
table and all fixtures, one bar, one back
bar with large mirror, one ice box and
all other fixtures belonging to a first
class saloon; store In Courtland, Neb. For
full particulars address Samuel West
helmer, St. Joseph. Mo. Q 143 27
FOR SALE, violin, more than 100 years old,
at 101 8. 25th St. Q 219 27
FINE rubtrer-tlred phaeton in good eondl.
tlon. Address Z 20, Bee. Q 217 27
WANTED To sell two fine children's beds,
one brass, cost $48: one mahogany, coat
$36; will sell very cheap. 116 So. 32d Ave.
Q 213 29
FOR SALE Delivery wagon, single, with
sideboards; address Z18 Bee office.
Q-234 17
Closing out sale of the Hardman Piano
stock furnifhes the greatest money saving
chance of years. This Is the last week
and prices are cut deeper than ever.
All used uprlkhts, Orsans and Square
Pianos at little of nothing prices.
Twenty square pianos at such low prices
as 10. 15, 20, 30, 35 and so on any of them.
All well worth double the price.
Bee our large ad. on page 15.
1313 Farnam St.. Omaha, and
602 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
J-204 27
$250 per week
No risk In your piano buying here. The
factory guarantees U one price, $Jbo HO no
more, no les. Piano deaJers charge $J50 to
$jo for same kind. INVESTIGATE. Terms
cash or $2.i0 per week. New and beautiful
up-to-date styles. You can call during day
or evening.
FRED R. WALTER. Mfgrs. Agent,
3112 California St.
Walnut Hill Cars. WM 1
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co, 912
$14 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van Stor. Co . UllVi Farn. Tela. 1569-861.
THE GARDENERS protect old sge as well
as Ufa. Charter men be rs free. Psrtlo ti
lers from Frank IVosewater, supreme
auacr, 221 fee Bldg. -Ti
Scientific Palmist,
Palmlstrv Is todav the only recognised
method of life reading. It Is so because
it Is purely scientific, being the only
method which Is absolutely void of super
stition. There Is nothing In palmistry that
Is odious to the thinking or well-balanced
mind, tin the other hand. It attracts seri
ous thought and an Investigation will con
vince any fair-minded man that It Is a
natural and true method of predicting the
future. All others are the outcome of
eliln-r spiritualism or astrology. Spirit
ualism Is the quintessence of superstition
and astrology Is an exploded science which
has long since been supplanted by astron
omy, tivlmer has been In Omaha for five
years and there Is not a single Instance
wherein anyone has been dissatisfied with
her readings. She interprets the lines In
the palm correctly and her advice can
not help being beneficial. She Is tin
parllleled in her profession. Se this
gifted woman; parlors 316 S. 16th St., in
Grante block. 2d floor. 8191 27
Every hope, fear and wish of your life,
faults, quality, capability, trade or pro
fession you are best suited for, fortunate
and unfortunate periods of life, breHks all
evil Influences. He will tell you how to
win the one you love, conquer enemies,
restore lost affections and how to win in
business, love and marriage,
Is the maglo wand that rules the world;
It sways the minds of millions and regu
lates the destinies of nations. IT IS THE
Oh! wives with aching hearts, maidens
with unfaithful lovers, men and youth
who are struggling with sorrow and
despair call on this gifted man immedi
ately. He will set you right Has helixsl
thousands. Why not you? (All business
Parlors, 1BI9 Dodge Street. Hours, from
9 to 9 dally and Sunday. Fees, $1.00 and
$2.00. Satisfaction given or no pay.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. Kit Cass 8t.
MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist. 816 8. li
mmrj. I'AbMbK, t'bAlKVOIANl,
Pawt. present and future positively told;
advice on all affairs of life; charge rea-
- a V wBB--e-. t a
BuiiHuie. x-ariors io'u uavenport.
8-249 27
MME. SMITH, baths, lit N. 16, 2d floor, R. 1
T-H M-6
MME. AMES, vaoor baths, 124 N. 15th, r. 7.
T-M317 Mil
Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739.
U M758 M
DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12,
Frenser Block. U 619
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con
finement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St
Mra. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. U 618
FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right
u ;
HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro
pody, for ladles only. In connection with
The Bathery. 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 2hS
RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to 69
days; send for circular. O. B. Wood, M.
D., 621 New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 & Douglas.
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug
las. . U-621
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
with The Bathery, rooms 116-220 Bee Bldg.
Tel. 1716. U-621
SHAMPOOING and halrdressing, 26c. In
connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Be
building. Tel. 1716. U-626
RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from
business; send for circulars. Empire
Rupture Cur Co.. 912 N. Y. Lite Ride.,
Omaha. U M52
GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. for all
kinds of pleating. Their new machinery
enables them to do better, cheaper,
quicker work than ever before. 2oo Doug
las block. U M114
VIAVI, woman's way to health. Hums
treatment. Booklet free. 146 lie Bldg.,
Omaha. UIZI
ELITE PARLORS. 615 So. 16th St., 2d floor.
U-627 M7
PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur
ing confinement: babies adopted. 2620
Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M126 Mil
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r. 2.
U-M173 M16
EARN $2 per day; dresscutttng by ma
chine. 1607 Douglas, Room 1.
U-M777 M21
WANTED, to know the whereabouts of
.Fred Leach, who was last known to be
'at Dead wood, S. D., in 1W2. I would be
thankful to any one knowing of him to
write to me, his brother. Mathias Leuch,
sergeant Company B, 4th Infantry, Fort
Sam Houston, Tex. U M911 27
IMMENSELY wealthy, handsome and in
telligent lady wants, immediately, good,
capable husband. AddreBs Era, 112 Clark
St.. Chicago. U-942 27
ATTRACTIVE' and unincumbered Ameri
can lady, aged 30, worth $75,000, wants
good, honest husband. Address Pacific,
69 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. U 941 27
SUCCESSFUL business man, very wealthy,
middle-aged, wants sincere, honeat, home
loving wife. Mr. Clark, P. O. Drawer 158,
Chicago. U-945 27
YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave.
What I tell you comes true. Send dime
and birth date. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer
704, Chicago. U-934 27
YOUNG widow of independent means and
owning her own home, would correspond
with refined gentleman: object matri
mony. Cora K. R., Box 848, St. Ixruls, Mo.
U-933 27
RETIRED business man, Independently
wealthy, never msrried, wants a poor but
honest wife. Address Mr. Weller, Real
Estate Board Bldg.. Chicago. U-932 27
HANDSOME lady, worth $26,000, would
marry and financially aid a home-loving
husband; no trlfler. Koselln, 78 La Salle,
Chicago. U-931 27
COUNTRY widow, has $10,000 in cash and
farm would marry and financially aid
honorable husband. Martin, 19 N. Clark
St. Chicago. U-930 27
ECZEMA Parties who have written W. A.
Paxton in regard to the salve which
cured hi face can now be supplied by
addressing B. J. Scannell, f Ware block.
U-190 27
A SCHOOL teacher, also farmer, never
married, would like to correaond with a
lady willing to marry; no ttifiers need
answer. Address Y 37, Bee. U-137 27
WANTED, the address. If living, or, if
dead, the place of death, of Joseph Ed
ward Harvey, otherwise Hamilton, llu
was In Omaha June, 1900, with son, Robert
Alfred N. Harvey, otherwise Hamilton.
Joseph E. Harvey, alias Hamilton, Is
about 84 years old and slightly lame. In
formation wanted by relatives In Ireland.
Liberal reward given. Apply R. J. Holm
den. 714 New York Ufa Bldg.. Kansas
City. Mo. U-9M 27
A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what
he tells comes true; send 10c Vnd birth
day. Prof. 0. Garnot, Box 8, Provi
dence, R. I. U-974 27
WEALTHY gentleman, with beautiful
home, excellent character and liberally
disposed: will marry fur love and com
panionship. Mr. Edgar, Room D. 404 Vine,
Cincinnati. O. U-975 27
FORTUNE told; will tell your fortune by
the stars and answer two questions; send
date of birth, JO cents and stamp. Prof.
Zorre, Drawer 17!. Chicago. U 990 17
M. I Your slater has no desire, to vilify
you. She does not believe what'they say.
Do as you said In letter and If at first
you don't succeed try, try again. Same
Place. M. C. U 987 27
RETIRED banker, middle-aged, seeks af
fectionate, home-loving wife. Address J.
C. Hamilton, 4u3 Omaha Bldg., Chicago.
U-995 27
HANDSOME young wlr v, independently
wealthy, seeks kind, affectionate husband.
Address Bell, 134 Van Bureo Bt.. Chicago,
111. U-944 17
Bt'PERFLUOUS hair, warts and moled
permanently removed bv electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allendcr. 1613 Doug, as,
Private Work a Specialty.
U 2 27
MOLLIE Keep on a moving; see page 16i
May What to Eat. George. U 200 2;
AMERICAN gentleman, Nebraskan, would
marry nice appearing home-loving Imly
suitable age. Z 19. Bee. U-207 27
FOR RENT 3 to 6 rooms, rurnlshedor
partially; kitchen, moilern, plnno, no
children; fine for summer; call evenings
2117 Sherman Ave U 20 27
WOULD YOU consider marriage? Write
oox two inr particulars. U 243 27
NEW OPPORTUNITY for ladles em-
ployed: call and Investigate, 11 Douglas
room 1. U-M777 Mil
"Ask the Man"
ind he will tell you all about why th
quality, flavor, etc., excells In
U-M247 M3
ty PERXENT on business property.
I per ceiTT on residence property.
Options to pay whole or part any tlma
W. B. MEIKLE. 401 B. 15th St.
IF YOU own a lot In desirable location I
will r.ian you money to build a house. W.
H. Thomas, First National Bunk Bldg.
W 160 11
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. Breunan-Ixive Co., 109 Bo. )3th.
FOR SALE, choice mortgage loans, Garvla
Bros., 1604 Farnam St., Omaha. W Mo9
. city loans and warra
Farnam Smith & Co., 1J-0 Farnam St.
BUILDING loans made In sums of $l,u lo
$:in,u. W. Ji. Thomas, First National
Bank Bldg. W InS 27
FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 11.
Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164a.
t PER CENT loans.
Garvin Bros., 16 ;t
R. C. PETERS tk CO., 1702 Ft r nam St.
W M920-M 7
WANTED, city am' farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C Pelera & Co., 17nl
Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 633
W. II. THOMAS loans money on City prop
erly. W 169 27
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 15:4 Douglas
4H TO S P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk.
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
vy lULiniiuun, Farnam street.
W. H. THOMAS loans money. W-161 27
1203 Farnam St.
$ $ I $ $
On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people
holding a steady position, without pub
licity or removing the property, and at
than elsewhere. You can have the money
on the same day you ask for It, and the
loan can be paid off in easy weekly or
monthly payments, or as your circum
stances will permit, thus enabling you to
pay without - inconvenience or worry.
Come In and talk it over with ua.
Room 303 Third Floor, Paxton Block.
WE make loans on Furniture.
Plar,oi. jiorses, Wagons, Carriages
end other chattels.
We make
without mortKage to persons who
have permanent positions, loj can
get the money on very short notice
and pay t back In one month, or
keep It longer, and pay fur It only
what time you keep It. We are
leaders In low rates, quick aud con
fidential service and courteous'
treatment. We Invite comparisons
of rates, time, payments, etc. We
give you the full amount of th
LOAN In cash. We always "try to
119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2.'95.
(Established 1892.) 306 S. 10th Bt
MOXET loaned on pianos, furntmre. Jew
elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Reed, 319 S.ll
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin
cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad
Bldg. 1 X-644
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock.
Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan
Co., sue to Dud Green, 8 barker Blk.
J. W. TAYLOE. 63 Paxton block.
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
people; business confidential; lowest rates.
Il4 Paxtor. block. The J. A. Hutton Co.
LADIES, if hopeless, worried or discour
aged, write ws lor our regulator; one
treatment guaranteed tu ivlljve abnormal
case of suppression, any cause. Dr. Mul
Rem. Co., 21 (Juincy st, Chicago.
M649 M l'
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leadlns
Bpeiiallfct tn diseases of women in ( Uriah c.
would call the attention or sufTerniK
ladles to hi unsurpassed accommodations
before and during confinement and hl.
treatment for Irregularities, no matter
what cause. Call or address, with slump.
Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 13 Dodge,
Omaha. "3
LADIE8, a new, absolutely harmless reiiu
lator. will relieve the longeat ami most
obstinate case of delayed monthlies and
leucorrhoea, or the whites, and all female
sickness of any kind, $l.oo. Send stamp to
P. B. 279. Crete. Neb.
LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best. Safe, rellab!;. Take
no other. Send 4 stamps for particulars.
"Relltf for Ijidles," In letter v return
mall. Ask your druttcist Chichester
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia.
LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de
layed or suppressed period; it cannot
fall; trial free. Purls Chemical Co., Mil
waukee, Wis.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, socialist of wf.moii
!K1 cniinren, 1","".""
2Jo5 Cuming. Residence telephone, I--2,!i;
office. B-JW0. -XH-X
P MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma,
chlnlst M3
OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a tpe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, door a'ij
tufts. Q. Andreen, Prop., lug Bo. loth ril.
subject to test for tuberculosis. M.inilury
Dairy, Ml Farnam street; 'phone No. 411.
M6 3,
cesspools vnd ault. lemovrs garage ur.l
dead animal at reduced prices. 6-1 N H
TL 1779 -al.