Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tets. 618-694. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT I P. M.
Special Sale on
Foulards, 10c yd
Tlii in a fine mercerized fabric that only an expert can tell
from the real silk.. The regular price is 23c yard. The color
ings are beautiful, but the assortment somewhat broken. This
Is'not a time sale and you can
for everybody will want this beautiful material at only 10c per
yard. Hale commences at 8 o
Just One-Half Price
On limited line of RIFFLED BOB-
Monday. II-87H per pair, reduced from
Monday, $2.00 per pair, reduced fron
Mondar, $2.25 per pair, reduced from
Monday, $2.75 per pair, reduced from
Thompson, Beldeh 2, Co.
how that ralna have fallen generally
throughout Missouri and Illinois. The pre
cipitation was sufficient to give relief from
the drouth. Heavy rains are reported from
Columbia, St. Joseph, Chllllcothe, Marshall,
Warrensburg, Keytesvllle and Klrkstllle.
At St. Joseph the municipal electrlJ light
plant was wrecked, leaving the city In
A farmer was killed near Chllllcothe by
a limb' blown from a tree.
Telephone and telegraph communications
In many sections of the state are broken.
In Nevada and vicinity a number of barns
were demolished and hundreds of orchards
'and forest trees were uprooted. At Lex
ington the Baptist church was unroofed, a
hugs smokestack at the water works pump
house was blown down and trees and fence
were laid low. In the vicinity of Warrens
burg great harm wu done to orchards an 1
shade trees, and numerous outbuildings
were blown over. Near Centcrvlew a resi
dence on the Robinson fnrm was demol
ished, but the occupanls escaped injury. In
Kansas City the damage was light,
lteanlta Farther Ent.
CHICAGO. April 26. The gale of wind
which passed over the city last night did
considerable damage. Windows were
blown in, roofs ripped up and signs torn
from their fastenings.
J. McCloud, who was riding a bicycle on
West Madison street, was caught by a
heavy gust ot wind and blown against a
passing horse. He was badly trampled
The wind blew over a sheetlron smoke
stack of the Barber Asphalt and Paving
company, uerlously injuring Simon Teron,
a watchman. ,
At Whipple and Van Buren streets the sa
loon of John Maroney was demolished by
the gale.
The Santa Fe express train that was
stalled near Willow Springs last night wu
brought into Chicago at 4 o'clock thin
morning. The -road official reported that
the cars d!4 not leave, the rails and that
no one was Injured.' ' .''
CLEVELAND. O., April 26. A fierce
fifty-mile southwesterly gale Is aweeplng
over the lower lake region today. Accord
ing to Information given out at the local
weather bureau the wind will shift to
northwest before nlgbt and reach a still
greater .velocity. Thus far no damage to
hipping has been reported. The 'storm
has, however, prostrated the telegraph and
telephone wires in all directions, many
points being reported entirely cut oft from
telegraphio communication.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., April 26. A ter
rific wind storm, assuming the proportions
of a tornado, did several thousand dollars'
damage In Marshalltown and Jasper coun
ties last night. Many barns and outbuild
ings? northwest ot the city were destroyed
and. In Melbourne, In the southwestern part
of the county, considerable damage is re
ported. North Jasper and the vicinity ot
Baxter report heavy damage to buildings
and much stock killed. Bo far as known
so Uvea were lost.
Snow Storm la Wisconsin.
PHILIPS. Wis., April 26. A heavy anow
torm has been raging here since mid
night and about four or five Inches of snow
has fallen. It Is very wet and heavy and
many telegraph wires are down.
RHINELANDER, Wis., April 26. High
winds, with sleet and snow, swept thla
section during the night. The weight of
ice on the telegraph and telephone wires
ha raised havoc with the systems.
BLOOMINQTON. III.. April 26. Reports
from the storm district say that last night's
Visitation caused more damage than was
at first supposed. The hurricane came
from the west and passed over McLean
county, leaving a trail of wrecked build
ings, uprooted trees and injured stock. In
Bloomlngton the total loss will aggregate
many thousands of dollars. -
The Chicago A Alton shops were par
tially unroofed and fragments of slat car
ried a long distance. Every township In
the county reports wrecked buildings and
losses In orchards. The storm was the
most severe that has visited central Illi
nois in thirty-five years.
KINGSVILLE, Out., April 26. The.
fiercest gale of the season arose suddenly
this morning from the southwest and ship,
ping In the bay here Is in great peril.
You will never have the gout If you stick
to Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
It la made of the pure Juice from grapes.
That's a Common Spring Condition.
' . ' v It's n Bign tliat the blood is deficient in vitality,
just na pimples and other eruptions nre signs that
the Mood is Impure. It's a warning, too, which
only the hazardous fail to heed. .
HoqcTs Sarsapnrilla "moves
it, gives,
new life, new courage, strength and animation.
It cleanses the blood and clears the complexion.
Accept no substitute.
Bee, April 27, 1901.
have all you want, but come early
Monday, $3.00 per pair, reduced from
Dress Goods Special
Handsome new spring dress goods, In
mail shepard checked effect, all this
season's goods, beautiful line of col
ors to choose from, never sold for
less than 60c a yard, Monday morn
ing, 25c yard.
Herkimer, Near the Nebraska Line, ia
Destroyed by Tire.
Business Section Almost Entirely
Consumed and tlie Property Loss
Is Estimated at One Hundred
Thousand Dollars.
MARYSVILLE. Kan., April 26. The town
of Herkimer, on the St. Joseph & Qrand
Inland railroad six miles west of here, was
almost entirely destroyed by fire which
broke out shortly after midnight.
The place had a population of about 500.
The origin of the fire Is unknown. The
property loss Is estimated at $100,000.
The losers in the business section are:
A. Garish, general merchandise; N Hard'
ware company; Henry Dune, lumber yard;
George Hoorth, general merchant; Mat Ma
linger, restaurant; Carl Voghtman, restau
rant; Henry Schretffer, machine shop; St.
Joseph A Orand Island depot; Huber Bros.,
opera house and dance hall, besides many
residences and smaller buildings ot miscel
laneous character.
Herkimer baa no fire protection and a
Kansas gale Increased the fury of the
flames. Nearly all of the property was In
sured. Only one business house, a drug
store, escaped the Dre.
Lake Steamer Indiana.
MILWAUKEE, April 26. Fire broke out
In the Ooodrlch Transportation company'
steamer Indiana this afternoon and before
the blaze was subdued damage estimated at
about $10,000 waa wrought. The losa Is
covered by insurance. The case ot the fir
Is not known. Indiana waa lying at it
deck when tb fir broke out.
Norfolk, Va.
NORFOLK, Va., April 26. Fir broke out
at 11 o'clock today In tha residence of Dan
lei Mayo, corner of Chapel street and
Princess avenue, and in less than an hour
six houses had been destroyed. The fir Is
still raging. A high wind I blowing and
weak water pressure at first made the work
of the firemen difficult. '
Mr. JaICa A. Harper.
NEW YORK. April 26. Mrs. Julia A.
Harper, widow of James Harper, founder of
the publishing firm of Harper Bros, ot
New York in 1844-45, Is dead at her home In
this city from heart failure. Mrs. Harper
had been an Invalid the greater part of her
life. Mr. Harper died In 1869, the result ot
being thrown from hi carriage.
Rev. L. Maeller, Elm Creek.
ELK CREEK, Neb., April 26. (Special.)
Rev. L. Mueller, pastor ot the Long
Branch Lutheran church eeat of town, died
at Auburn today from the effects of a surg
ical operation performed on him In Omaha
two weeks ago. He leave a family.
Thomas P. MrCabe, Tragedian.
EL PASO, Tex.. April 26. Thomas F. Me
Cabe, a tragedian formerly well known on
the stage, is dead at the age of 49 of con
sumption. It you wish to be always satisfied, ordsr
no other Champagne than Cook's Imperial
Extra Dry. It has quality and purity.
WEST POINT. Neb.. April 26. (Special.)
Miss Olga Waldo and Ernst 8hultx ot
Pender were married north ot th'a city yes
terday. The West Point cadet band played
during the wedding reception. The young
people are popular resident of northeast
Cuming county.
-BEATRICE. Neb., April 26. (Special.)
Luther Arthur Walther of Wymor and
Margaret Florence Tracey of Lincoln were
married her Thursday afternoon. Tb
young couple will live in Wymore, where
the groom ha resided for some Mm.
"As a spilng medicine Hood Barssparllla
Is excellent. 1 dispels that tired, languid
feeling which makes lit a burden." Lora
Feeny, Hannibal. Mo.
Pitohet Milwaukee to a Standstill After
Starting Wrong.
Third Consecutive Victory Perches on
Banners of the Roarke Team
Through Some Splendid
Ball Playtaar.
With its percentsge still unassalled
Omaha remains at the top of tha Western
league column, but It third victory over
Milwaukee yesterday was due solely to
the Inability of two Angels to control
their whips at critical moments, and the
laurel Anally cam to the Rourke Rangers
only after the keenest work and by tb
close margin of S to 2.
Aa It turned out, friendly error by
Lucia and O'Neill helped the locals to
win, and with that tact registered tb
gam developed chiefly Into another dis
play of the remarkable pitching resources
of Mr. Mordecel Brown. This twirler did
a foxy stunt yesterday. In the very first
Inning the Angels landed on him fiercely
for three bits and two runs, the first two
men up poling out singles, and an error
by Hlckey, another hit by Thornton and a
a base on ball for Gatins helping things
It looked very gloomy, and Brown'e
friends began saying that it was too cold
a day for a man to pitch good ball any
way. The visitors, too, were elated, and
Captain Duffy stood on the sidelines lead
ing a rooters' chorus of thirteen voices
during the half. After all this demonstra
tlon Brown' subsequent work wa the
more surprising. He was utterly un
daunted by hi own poor beginning, by the
taunt of Angels or by the serious anxiety
ot the crowd. He began to grind right
away, and for six straight Innings no gray
coat scored a run or even a hit.
In those six Innings, moreover, only
twenty-three Angels cam to bat, and the
three that did see first base got there on
gifts from Brown himself. In the third,
the fifth and the seventh the first three
men went out In order, while the other
Inning saowed only four up. And Brown
gave most of these twenty-one a fair swipe
at the ball) too, striking out only three
of them.
Roarklte Work Hard.
Meanwhile the Rangers were going
through all colors of calisthenics in an
endeavor to mend the score. Tbey took
on tally In the first on O'Neill's wild
throw to first base, and tied the game
with another in the third on a base on
balls aided by Oenlna' double. But O'Neill
wa also throwing a great game, and
from then till the seventh Omaha scratched
In vain for that remaining run necessary.
Then it came, but only because Pitcher
O'Neill hit Hlckey with the ball and
Catcher Lucia made an error that let him
The Angels strained mightily In the
eighth to tie this or beat It, and they did
contrive to break Brown' hitless record
with another safe one by Thornton, but
no runs resulted. Oenlns made another
hit for Omaha In the eighth, but that was
also unproductive. So the Angel came to
bat in the ninth with that one tantalizing
tally to terrify them. Tb way things
started it looked aa It they would soon
annihilate it. Cockman wa first, and he
singled. Then Brown gave Hanford hi
base on balls, Lucia batted the ball to
Brown, who fielded it to Hlckey, catching
Cockman at third. Then O'Neill atruck
out and Lucia started around, aendlng
Hanford on towards home. It was a slow
play, and Hanford got half way between
third and the goal when Dolan started the
ball back to Qondlng. The runner saw It
coming and hesitated, stopping In his
sprint. Oondlng dropped the ball and It
rolled to on side. Hanford pitched for
ward again, but Johnny picked up the
leather in time. Had the fielder kept on
running at first he would have tied the
Oenlna made three hit for Omaha, one
a double. Brown took two or tne oiner
three, thus adding to his pitching feat by
leading seven men ot his team in batting.
Carter's catch of a foul and McVlcker'a
and Duffy's of long running flies were the
fielding featuren, Oatlns, Dolan and Hlckey
doing great work on ground balls. A good
cold day crowd was out, about 1,200 strong.
Today cornea Peoria. Score:
R. H. O. A-E.
10 10 0
1 8 8 0 0
0 0 10 0
0 0 11 0 0
0 0 0 7 0
0 0 18 0
1 0 8 8 1
0 17 10
0 2 0 S0
Carter, rf J
Oenlna, cf 4
Fleming. If I
Calhoun, lb 4
Dolan, ss 4
Stewart. 2b 1
Hlckey, 8b 1
Oondlng, c 8
Brown, p 9
.29 8 6 27 15
AB. R. H.
O'Brien. 2b
McVlcker. rf
Duffy, cf
8 1 1
2 0
4 112 0 0
4 0 0 6 0 0
4 0 2 10 1 0
3 0 0 1 1 0
Thornton, lb
Oatlna. ss
CiH'kman, 3b
Hanford. If
Lucia, c
O'Neill, p
8 0 113 1
2 0 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 3 1 1
4 0 0 0 8 1
Total 31 3 6 23 10 3
Dolan out In second, hit by batted ball.
Omaha 10100010 3
Milwaukee ..2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Earned run: Milwaukee. Two-base hit:
Oenins. Double play: O'Brien to Thornton
to Lucia, stolen oases: uoian, u tinen.
Sacrifice hit; Fleming. Bases on balls:
Off Brown, 4; off O'Neill, 1. Hit by pitched
ball: Bv Brown, 1; by O'Neill, 1. Struck
out: By Brown, 4; by O'Neill, 1. Passed
ball: Lucia. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Moran.
Denver 5, St. Joseph O.
DENVER. April 24. The first serie of
games of the season ended today with a
shut-out for St. Joseph. The feature of
the game wa McCloskey's pitching, which
held the visitors down to two hits. At
tendance, l.bU). Score:
Denver 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0-4 B 1
St. Joseph 00000000 0-0 2 3
Batteries: Denver. McClonkev and Wil
son; St. Joseph, Maupln and Both.
Kansas City 6, Colorado 4.
rm)RADO SPRINGS. Aoril 28 TnAov'm
game was an interesting contest through-
erai respects, but the locals mad coatly
error at critical moments. Store:
Kansas City... 03011010 06 3
Colo. Springs.. 001 30000 14 13 4
Batteries: Kansas City, Nichols and
Messitt; Colorado Springs, McNeeley and
Dm Noises 8, Peoria 5.
DES MOINES. April 28. Dei Molnea took
the but of the series with Peoria. In a. well
played game. Score:
R H V.
Des Moines ... 00311030 3
Peoria 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 3
Batteries: Des Moines. Hill. Wllklna and
Smith; Peoria, Schofatal and Wilson. Um
pire: Latham.
Played. Won. Lost PC.
s 0 l.oo
Denver 4 3
Kansas City 4 3
.2 0
Ies Moines 3 3
Peoria 8 1
St. Joseph. 4 1
Colorado Springs 4 1
uuwautM 0
Boston Oatdoes Philadelphia la m
lacaTlas Match that le la
V-oar Pitcher.
ting by bvia club was ia Xcatur ot tu-
day' fame between Ronton and Philadel
phia. Irx-rg and 1'lttlnger were forced by
the bombardment to retire and Mullarkey,
who was substituted by Boston, was mure
effective than Voorhees, who took Iherg
place. Jarklltsch whs Injured In sliding to
eecrnd base and could not continue. At
tendance, 4,145 Score:
ft H O A E H H O A B
Pooler, ft. . . 4
4 1 0 Thomaa. of... 1 1 1
Tenaee, Ih. .. 1 I 10
1 Barry, rf I
0 Iriivne, If. .. 1
t 1
1 It
0 I
Iemnnt, 2b.. 1
Courtney, If. 1
Camer. rf . . . 1
Oremlnser, Sb 1
Long, h 1
IlOUftlBH. 111.. 1
Jarklltark, e. 0
Pooln, c 1
Hulioltt, aa. 1
Hallman, 3b. 1
Itlllda, tb...
Ibere. p 0
Vnorheea, p..
Snnn. c 1
Putlnser, p.. t
Mullarlter, p. 0 0
Totals ...ii ii rt ix "j
Total! ... t II 17 II I
Bated for Voorhees In the ninth.
Koston 2 0 17 10 10 1-13
I'hilatlelphla 0 01022400
Earned runs: Boston, 6; Philadelphia,.
Two-base hits: Demont. Courtney, Long,
Iooln (2). Hulswltt, Hallman. Three-base
hlt: Tenney, Mornn, Barry. Sacrifice
hits: Tenney (2). Stolen banes: Cooley
13), Demont, Carney (3). Double playa:
lAmn and Tenney (2), Carney and Tenney,
Douglas (unassisted). Left on banes: Bos
ton, 8; Philadelphia. . First on ball": Off
1'ittlnger, 4; off Mullarkey. 3; off Iberg, 1.
Hit bv pitched ball: Mornn. Struck out:
By Mullarkey, 2; by lberg, $. Passed
balls: Moran. Wild pitches: Voorhees 01).
Time. 2:06. Umpire: Brown.
New York 4, Brooklyn 1.
NEW YORK. April 2.-The second game
of the series between the New Yorkers
and Brooklyns was played today at the
Polo grounds and New York won by a
score of 4 to 1. Attendance. 12,600. Score:
Keeler, rf 0 1 0 0
Dolan, cf . . . . 0 0 1 0 1
MHVr,, lb.. 0 1110
Dahlen. aa... 0 0 1 f I
Klood, lb 0 14 10
HMdeb'nd, If 0 1 I 1
Irwin, lb.... litis
hearn, c... 0 1 I 0 0
Klteon, p.... 0 0 t 0
VanH'n, rf.. 1 1 I o 0
Hrndle, cf.... 0 0 1 0 0
Lauder, lb... 1 1 1 1 i
Doyle, lb.... 1 1 in 0
Smith, lb.... 1 t I ( v
jacaeon. If.. 0 fl a a l
I Dunn, aa 0 4 1 (
uower n, ... 0 0 4 I I
Sparka. p.... 1 o 0 S :
Total! ... t 0 27 11 Totala ...1 6 14 11 I
!ew lork o 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 4
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 9 0 10 01
Two-base hlts. jnn(jer. Sacrifice hit;
Brodle. Stolen banes: Lauder. Smith,
1-lood, Irwin. Double plays: Dahlen, Mc
Creery and Irwin. First base on errors:
New York, 3; Brooklyn, 1. First base on
balls: Off Sparks. 4; off Kltson, 2. Left
pn bases: New York, 6; Brooklyn. 9. Hit
by pitched ball: By Sparks, 2. Struck out:
By Sparks, o; by Kltson, 3. Wild pitch:
Kltson. Time, 1:40. Umpire: O'Day.
FMtahnr T, 111 lea no O.
PITTSBURG, April 2G.-Chlcago failed to
get a man beyond second base until the
J!. lnnng. when an error put Lynch on
third. Leever hart the visitors at his
mercy throughout, while Rhodes gave nine
"IA" the flrst two innings. Attendance,
b, tvO. Score :
Lrnrh, cf.... 0 0 1 0
Miller, If.... 0 0 10 0
Deiter, lb... 0 1 1 0 1
fongalton, rf 0 0 t 1 0
Kllng, e 0 14 10
Lowe, lb 0 0 t I 0
)'Haian, lb. 0 0 t 1 0
Tinker, aa... 0 1 I t I
(nodes, p.... 0 0 0 1 1
H H o A E
Darin, rf I 1 1 o o!
Clarke, if.... 1 I I 0 a
Ueaum't. cf.. 0 I 1 1 0
Wagner, ... 0 1 I 4 u!
tirananeid. lb 1 1 II 0 0
Kltchejr, lb., till;
Leach, lb..,. 1 1 0 6 i
Ztmmer, a... 0 0 1 i
Lr, p.... 1 l j i
Totali ... 7 11 27 14 Totals ... 0 1 14 II (
Pittsburg i 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
Chicago o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: Pittsburg, 6. Two-base
nils: Davie, Clarke, Dexter. Stolen bases:
Davis, Leach. Double plays: Beaumont,
Vagner and Zlmmer; Lowe, Tinker and
OHagan First base on balls: Off
l.eeVfr 1 nft It III K., r.1
nail. Zlmmer. Struck out: Bv Leever, 3:
. . Til 1 n . . . . - .... ...
! imuupo, a. fossea pans: nung tzi.
Time, 1:36. Umpire: Cantilllon.
Cincinnati 1-if, St. Looli 4.
CINCINNATI, April t6 Cincinnati won
today through hard and timely hitting, to
gether with a comedy of errors on the part
of St. Louis. The latter team could do
nothing with Heisman until the eighth in
ning, when he let down, having an easy
lead on the St. Louis team. Attendance,
1,400. Score:
R.H.O. A.E.I R.U.O.A.E.
1110 0 Parrell, !b... 0 14 14
1110 0 Donovan, rf. 1 0 1 0 1
Hoy. cf.
Dobba, If...
Heckle?, lb.. I 4 11 1 1 Smoot, cf....l 110
Crawford, rf. 1 1 0 0 0 liarclar, If... 1 1 0 0
ecs. jo s s i a o Kruger, aa... 1 1 I 4 I
Corcoran, aa. 1 0 1 I 0 Hartman. lb. 0 1 0 1 0
Stelnfeldt, lb 1 I I 1 0 Haielton. lb. 0 0 11 I 1
Uergen, C....I 111 0 Nlchola, C....0 till
Heliman, p.. 1 0 1 f 0 Yerkea, p.... 0 0 110
Adam!, p.... 0 0 110
Totals ...14 17 17 II lj'O Nell 0 0 0 0
I Totals ... 4 10 14 17 10
O'Nell batted for Terkes In the fifth.
Cincinnati 08231006 14
St. Louis 000100 1204
Earned runs: Cincinnati, 1; St. Louis, 3.
Two-base hits: Farrell, Smoot, Hartman.
Home run: Beckley. Stolen bases: Hoy (2),
Dobbs, Beckley. Double plays: Kruger to
Farrell to Hazelton (2), Adams to Nichols
to Haselton, Adams to Hazelton, Beck to
Corcoran to Beckley. Flrxt bane on balls:
Off Adams, 3; off Heisman, 1. Hit by
Bitched ball: Adams, Heisman. Struck out:
y Heisman, 2. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Ems
He. Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
Pittsburg ....
New York...,
Brooklyn ....
Cincinnati ...
Bt. Louis... .
Cleveland, with Jo In the Box, Shnts
Out St. Lonls Sins
aters. ST. LOUIS, April 26. One hit of the
cratch variety was all St. Louis could
make off Joes, who pitched his first game
for Cleveland today. The locals were shut
out, but Sudnofl s effectiveness prevented
a larger sec re. Attendance, 3,500. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.U.O.A.E.
Plckertns. c! 0 1 I 0 01 riurkett. If . . 0 1 I 0 1
McCarthy. If. 0 1 I 0 0 Heldrlck. cf. 0 I 4
Hanrer, rf... 0 0 1 0 0 Jonea, rf.... 0 1 0 0
rVhreck, lb.. 1 1 11 0 0 Anderaon, lb. 0 0 T 1 0
Honner, in... s a 1 0 waiiac, as. . 9 e 1 1 1
Thoney. Ib... 0 0 1 1 redden, lb
Rradler. lb.. 0 0 1 I 0
McCor'k, lb.. 0 0 1 1 1
Oochnaur, aa. 1 0 1 I 1 Donohua, e.. 0 0 7 1 0
Heinle, o 1111 0 BudhoB. p... 0 1 S
Joee, p 0110
J Totals ... 0 lit 11 I
Totals ... I I 17 11 11
Harvey out on third bunt.
Cleveland 00000080 0-3
Bt. Louis 00000000 0-0
Earned runs: Cleveland, 1. Two-base
hit: Joss. Sacrifice hits: Donohue, Mc
Carthy, Harvey. Stolen base: Jones.
Double plays: Oochnaur to Hchreck, Don
ohue to McCormlck to Anderson. Hit by
pitcher: By Sudhoff, Bemls. Left on bases:
St. Louis, 6: Cleveland, 6. Struck out: By
Joss, 6; by Sudhoff, 6. Bases on balls: Off
Sudhoff, 2: off Joss, 4. Passed balls: Don
ohue, 1; Bemls, l. Umpire: Carruthers.
Time: 1:60.
Baltimore O, Philadelphia 3.
BALTIMORE, April 28. The horne team
won today by sharp playing, Howell doing
perhaps the beat work. A heavy wind
made it unpleasant for both players and
spectators. Attendance, 3.910. Score:
Ollbert. aa. .. I I Hartaell, If., 110
Bhet kard. cf. I I 0 0 0 Fulti, lb I 0
Keller, lb... 1 I ( 4 1 bavle, lb.... 0 4 1 0
Seymour, rf.. 0 0 1 0 0 L. Croaa. tb. 1 1 1 1
Williams, lb. 1 I 1 I 0 Flick, rf 110
Selhach, If... 0 110 0 Reybold. ef..O 110
McOann, lb.. 1 0 II 1 0 M. Croaa, as. 0 1 I I 1
Hoblnaun, . . 0 1 4 1 Hteelman. e. . 0 1 4 t
Howell, p.... 0 1 1 4 llussleby, p. 1 1 1
Totals ... I 10 17 1 1 Total! ... I 4 14 14 "t
Baltimore 11013000 4
Philadelphia 10010000 03
Sacrifice hit: Gilbert. Two-base hits:
Selhach. Kelly, Steelman. Three-base hits:
Koblnson. Stolen banes: Hheckard, Sey
mour, Flick I2i, McOunn, Davis. Flrat base
on balls: Off Duggleby, 2; off Howell, 3.
Hit by pitched ball: Flick. 2. Struck out:
By Duggleby, 8; by Howell, 3. Left on
bases: Baltimore, 6; Philadelphia, 6. Time:
1:46. Umpire: O'Laughlln.
At Chicago Detroit-Chicago gam post
poned; wet grounds.
Washington IS. Boston T.
WASHINGTON, April M.-Today'a game
between Washington and lioston was a
slugging match. In which Washington did
the better work. Attendance, 3,uuu. Score:
R.H O.A g.l R.H.O.A K.
Ryan, rf Ill Parent, as.., Oil
Kelater, cf .. I 1 1 0 Stahl. cf 110
Wule't'Q, lb. M I I 0 Colllna. lb... 1114 0
Iwl.a'ty. It . t 1 1 t 0 rreaman. rf. I 1 I 1 0
Couanlln. Ib. I 1 1 a Hukmau. If., 1 1 I
Carey, lb.... 1 0 I Lal'h'ca. lb . 1 1 11 0 0
1 I T 0 Kerne, lb.... I 1 1 I
''"II. 1 0 I 0 OCrlger, c 0 0 1 1 0
I. P 1110 Dlneen. p.... 0 0 0 0 0
jliosr. p... 11
Totals ...U 14 IT 11
I Totals ... t 11 14 1 I
Washington 43000(18 16
B"ton 0 0 0 2 2 0 3 1 07
Earned runs: Washington. 7; Boston, (.
Two-base hits: Delehanty (2). Ryan, Ely.
Hickman. In-Inner. Freeman. Three-base
hita; Le-e, Colllna, Hickman. Delnger. Free
man, Ferris. Chance (21. Flrat base on
balls: Off Lee. ; (,n D.ini(er, 1- Hit by
pitched ball; Drill, Stahl. tJuutk out; By
APRIL 27, 1902.
tee. 6: by Delnger, 3. Left on bases: Wash
ington, t; Bmiton, 8. Wild pitches: Bv
lelnger, 2. Time: 1:6(1. Umpire: Sheridan.
At Chicago Chicago-Detroit gam post
poned on account of rain.
Standing at tb Team.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
St. Ixmls....
Cleveland ...
Baltimore ...
Keatnekr Colonel Take Another
Game from the Men of
IIISVILLK. April M.-The pitcher
where hit haro. but the Louisville were
lucky In bunching their hits when hits
meant runs. The visitors almost pulled
the game out of the Mr In the eighth, but
could not quite reach. Attendance, 1,400.
R.H.O. A. a. R.U.O.A.E.
Ofroerer, rf. . 0
Gannon, cf . .. t '
Flournnr, If. 4
Oanael, lb... I
Spied, c 1
CooRan, lb... 1
Tannehlll. aa 1
P-haub. lb... 0
Flaherty, p., 0
0 I
0 0, Nance, cf.... I
0 Rothfuae, rf. 1
1 0 Smith, If.... 0
0 0 Oradr. lb.... 1
0 9 Reyllle, c ... 0
t 1 O'Brien, lb.. 1
1 0 Lewee, aa. . . . 1
I 11
1 lMcRijrde, lb. 1
I OjWolte. p 1
Curtla, p 0
Oear 1
McDonald, p.
Totals ...11 11 17 11 I
Totals ... II 17 II I
Oear batted for Curtis In the eighth.
Louisville 30122020 111
Kansas City 0120000(09
Left on baoes: Ijoulsvllle, 6: Kansas City,
6. Two-baje hits: Tannehlll, Bothfus.
Three-base hits: Smith. Kothfus. Sacrifice
hits: Ganxell, Spies. Stolen bases: Flournoy,
Spies 2. Coogan, (Jannon. Grady. Struck
out: By Wolfo, 6; by Curtis, 1; by McDon
ald, 1: by Flaherty, 3. First base on balls:
Off Flaherty, 4; off Wolfe, 4. Wild pitch:
Curtis. Time: 2:10. l.mylre: Haskell.
Colombo 12, Minneapolis 2.
COI.t'MBI'S. O., April 26-Columbu
knocked Collins out of the box In three In
nings and hit Luther hard, while Wagner
held Minneapolis safe at all times. The
game was played -In a gale of wind and
the low temperature kept the attendance
down to 4!H. Score:
R. H.O.A. E
Hart. cf....
Meaner, rf.
Lallf. If ...
Orltn. lb...
Etrana. lb..
Turner, lb.
Nnttroaa, aa
FtlX. R
Wagner, p.
1 1 1 e
Qulllln, aa... 0
Phrla, lb.... 1
wiimot, rf... 0
Werden, lb... 0
McFarland. cf 0
Carllale, If... 0
Uulsley, Sb.. 0
ZaltiKkjr, c... 1
Collet, p 0
Luther, p.... 0
Burns 0
1 1
1 II
1 1
1 0
1 1
1 I
1 1
Total 11 ll 17 II 1
Total 1 6 17 14 1
Batted for Luther In the ninth.
Columbus 10(01400 012
Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 02
Stolen bases: Grim (4), McFarland. Sacri
fice hits: Hart, Meany. Two-base hits:
Evans, Nattioas. Three-base hiia: Lally (1).
Home run: Nattross. Double play: Qulllln
to uulgley to Werden. Struck out: By
Wagner, 2. First base on balls: Off Wag
ner. 3: off Collet, 2; off Luther, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Luther, 1. Passed balls:
Zaluuky. 2. Time: 2:05. t'mpire: Tlndlll.
Game Postponed.
At Toledo St. Taul-Toledo game post
poned; wet grounds.
At Indianapolis High winds and rain
prevented name with Milwaukee.
Standing; of the Tennis.
Played. Won. Lost.
. .250
Columbus 4 4
Louisville 4 3
Indianapolis 3 2
St. Paul. 3 2
Toledo 3 1
Mtlwaukee 8 1
Kansas City 4 1
Minneapolis 4 0
Fleet Amateur Race.
PHILADELPHIA, April 26 The fleetest
amateur runners in the United States at
the various standard distances, from 100
yards to a mile, met on the cinder path
this afternoon at the annual carnival of
relay races and field sports under the aus
pices of the University of Pennsylvania.
The star events on the program are the
iivo national relay cnampionsnipa tne one,
two and tour-mile races for colleges, the
one-mile race for preparatory schools and
i no one-miie contest lor ine nign acnoois
In these rive race tne cream of the Quar
ter, half and mile runner from the country
east of the Mississippi are entered and
record-breaklna- Derformances are looked
for. There will be sixteen other relay race
for contestants not entered In the cham
pionships and eight field events. In the
latter contests most of the nresent Inter
collegiate champions are entered as are
also several new men who give promise of
Deing dangerous opponents to tne veterans.
une weatner was clear and the track
was in splendid condition.
Negroes Object to Appointment of In
tltntlon Set Apart for Their
TOPEKA, April 26. The colored people
of the city today applied to the aupreme
court for a writ of mandamus against the
school board to secure the attendance of
colored children at the school In the Low
man hill district set apart for the white
children. The negroes have been making
much trouble in the district, alleging that
their school was not equal In appointments
with the white school. The negroes re
fuse to attend the school that has been ar
ranged for them.
Petition of Territory Denied.
SANTA FE, N. M., April 26 The terrl
torlal suprema court has denied the petition
of lntervenor ot New Mexico to be mad a
party defendant In the case of tha United
State against tha Rio Grande and Irriga
tion company, and then In accordance with
a mandate of the United Statea supreme
court remanded the case for the second
time to tho district court of tha third Judi
cial district for the taking of further testi
Better Glv Children Deliclon
This Candy.
Bom foods will cur dyspepsia and other
foods will causa it. Tb safest way to get
well 1 to us tha food that agrees with
in siomacn ana permits nature to go
along In a thcroughly natural way.
A lady says, "I have at last found a true
way to get well and keep well and that Is
by the us of Grape-Nut Breakfast Food,
For six years I suffered with indigestion
and palpitation of the heart so that I
could not sleep night. I tried a great
many different kinds of medicine and a
lot of different kinds of cereals, but none
of them helped me, my stomach seemed
to get worse and worse.
I became very despondent and was at
a loss to know what to do. On day I
read in the paper that Grape-Nuts Break
fast Food would cure Indigestion and build
up the body. I wondered it It contained
any medicine, but learned that it did not,
but that It was only a food prepared so that
the stomach could eaally digest It.
The next time I went down town I bought
two package. This was on Tuesday and
It waa all gone on Saturday, for w all
liked It so much, so I sent down and got
three more package and from that time
I have oten using Grspe-Nuts steadily and
mr Indigestion ha entirely disappeared.
Sometimes when my little girl has been
playing extra hard after supper h will
climb on my knee, pat my cheek and whis
per in my ear, 'Mamma, pleas glv me
something good,' I say (knowing all tha
time) 'What la good, dear?' She say,
'Grape-Nuts with cream on top,' and there
I nothing, candy or anything else, that
sb enjoy better than this good, whole
some food. She eat It for breakfast every
morning and prefers Grape-NuU pudding
for dinner. At night aba ha Grap-Nuta
for her supper with a aoft boiled egg and
she thrives wonderfully on this kind of
food." Nam given by Post urn Co., Bat
tle Creek, Mkh.
Want a Leasing Bill for Nebraska Land if
They Can Secnre No More.
"peelal Bill Which Save It Rlaht-of
Way Thronah the Omaha and
WlaaebaK? Indlaa Reset-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, April 26. (Special
Telegram.) Bartlett Richards and the del
egation of stockgrowers from Nebraska
had a hearing before the public lands com
mlttee ot the house this morning. Repre
sentative Mondell, In the absence of Major
Lacey, prtcided over the deliberations of
the committee. Mr. Richards, as In th
case before the sub-committee of the sen
ate committee on public land, was th
principal speaker, and for upwards ot a
hour occupied the floor, Colonel John I
Irish, who Is the representative of the Cat
tie Growers' association occasionally Inter
ruptlng In order to make more clear Mr
Richards' argument. The members of th
commttteo asked a great many question
during the progress of Mr. Richards' pres
entatlon of the case. Acting Chairman
Mondell calling attention to the fact that
there were no mountainous regions In Ne
braska and that In view of the fact that
there was a very large irrigation project
pending before congress, asked Mr. Rich
ards whether It would not be better to
pass a specific act relative to Nebraska
and the lease of the public domain in that
state than to depend upon congress to pass
a general leasing measure. To this Mr
Richards replied that since he cam to
Washington the question of specific legls
lation for Nebraska had been submitted
to him by the Nebraska delegation an
that he looked with favor upon the meaa
ure It no general land leasing law be
enacted. In view ot the vast, interests
which were represented by himself and his
associates of the delegation he felt that
some general measure ought to be passed
but he would be content st this time If
some special act could be passed which
might be an entering wedge for future leg
(station of a wider scope.
He presented similar petitions to those
submitted to the senate aub-commlttee and
he had not concluded his argument when
time came for adjournment. It was there
fore agreed by the committee that they
would hear other members of the Cattle
Growers' association on Monday morning
Meet Nebraska Delegation,
This afternoon the delegation of cattl
growers met the senator and represents
tives from Nebraska in Senator Millard
committee room, all members being pres
ent with the exception of Mr. Mercer. The
whole subject of leasing was again gone
over, the stockmen being especially en
thuslastic over the treatment tbey had re
celved before the committee, which had
accorded them hearings during the psst
two days. No definite conclusion was
reached, however, as to future action.
Today Senator Millard made arrange
ments to present Mr. Richards and his
party to the president on Tuesday morn
ing before the meeting of the cabinet, and
it Is expected tha entire Nebraska delega
tlon will accompany them to the White
The bill granting to the Omaha North
ern Railway company an extension of
three year In which to construct their
road across the Omaha and Winnebago
Indian reservation passed the house to
day. Representative Robinson secured
unantmoua consent for consideration of the
measure and It passed without opposition
The bill passed the senate several weeks
ago and now goea to the president for
signature. The Omaha Northern Railroad
company Is a Nebraska institution and
plana to build an air line along the Mis
ourl river to Omaha. It has secured
right of way through the Omaha and Win
nebago reservation and has paid the
Indians for the same. It could have ex
tended the time In which to complete the
project under what Is known as Lacey's
"omnibus extension" bill, but that bill has
been held by the Interior department and
by attorneys for the railroad company a
defective because It failed to contain
mortgage clause, and in order that the
Omaha Northern might be safeguarded so
far as this feature Is concerned It was
thought best to secure this special leglsla
tlon. E. P. Reynolds, Jr., of Wymore
has been actively identified In securing
this legislation. Senators Millard and
Gamble have been Interested In the meas
ure in tha senate, while Mr. Mercer and
Mr. Robinson were looking after Its Inter
ests In the house.
Mora In Charge of Branch.
Senator Millard today secured the ad
vancement of Harvie Morse, clerk In th
Omaha postofflce, as superintendent of the
branch postofflce at Fortieth and Cuming
street, at $1,000 per year, effective July 1.
This promotion Is entirely within the civil
Senator Dietrich and Millard today united
in the recommendation of Frank M. Rath
bun as register of the McCook land office,
the term of which expires on May 6, tha
same aa that of Receiver J. A. Piper, who
Is to be succeeded by Editor Barnes ot the
McCook Republican.
J. W. Blytbe, general counsel of the Bur
lington railway, is in the city.
Congressman Burke of South Dakota asked
the house today to pay a fitting tribute to
the memory ot the late Senator James H.
Kyle on May 10. Tb following represen
tatives will deliver eulogies on that occa
sion: Martin and Burke ot Bouth Dakota,
Burton of Ohio, Marshall ot North Dakota,
McCleary of Minnesota, Mann of Illinois,
DeArmond of Missouri, Stark of Nebraska
and Bell of Colorado.
Judge Charles E. Magoon of Lincoln, law
officer of the insular division of the War
department, ha been signally honored by
Acting Secretary Banger by being appointed
to take charge of the division of Insular
affairs during the absence of the chief.
Colonel Clarence R. Edwards, who has been
granted a month's leave to accompany Mrs.
Edward to Germany, where she Is going to
undergo a course of treatment. Colonel and
Mrs. Edwards leave Washington tomorrow.
the former to return to bis desk about
June 1, the duration of Mr. Edward's stay
being indefinite.
The Seventh National bank of New Tork
was today spprovtd as reserve agent for th
Bouth Omaha National bank.
C. F. Hackenberg wa today appointed
postmaster at Richards, Fremont county,
Wyo. ,
No Hope for Broneon Howard.
NEW YORK. Adi-11 26,-Bronson Iow.
ard, the dramatist, whose greatest success
was "Shenandoah," Is in such a low state
of health In the south of France that Uttl
nope 01 recovery is entertained by hi
friends. Mrs Howard ha decided to bring
him back to New York.
HOWE George L., April 25, 19u2, aged 80
yev rs.
Funeral from the residence of his daugh
ter. Mrs. H. F. Benedict, 411 North Twenty-
fifth street Sunday at t;to n. m. Inter
ment Forest 1-awn cemetery. Friends in
vited. M I'RPHY Maggie, aged 26 years.
Funeral Monday morning, April 28, at
1:30 o'clock from the rt-sldenc-a of her
mother. 913 South Eleventh street, to St.
I'bllomena's thurch. Interment Holy
Bepukjivr cemetery. Frleud invited.
The Biggest Cut in
Price Ever Of
fered, Start
ing May I.
$35.00 Crescent most popular bicycle
made now $22.50
$25.00 Stimulator, now $15.00
$40.00 Andrae, now $30.00
$30.00 Shaplelgh Special, now $17.60
1902 Tribune is the finest and easiest
running bicycle ever made It has
no equal price $40.00 and $50.00
Louis Flescher,
1622 Capitol Ave.
Open Evenings.
FREE to all FREE
Owing to the large number of patients
whom we were unable to wait uuon. we
nave aeciaed to extend tne
time until May 5. We will
make a full set of teeth for 1
old 4 rowna 2r
CLINIC we want every man. woman and
child In Omaha to have their mouths exam
ined by the protossor of thla college. AH
your work will be done free. Small
charges for material. WE DO AS tt'li
Teeth Extracted FBER
Teeth Cleaned . ) Cmoll rhi
SIlTer FllllBK., t !,a'?a
soft FiiiinK ... ) iur materia
fiold Crown fU.HH
1622 Douglas. Opd. Boston Store.
Open dally night till t. Sunday. 10 to 4,
Tuesdays, May 6th and 20th.
Colonist excursions on sale dally
during month of April,
May 4th and 6th.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Knights ot Pythias.
Travelers' Protective Association.
Ancient Order United Workmen.
For further Information write or call
Company's Offices,
S. E. Cor. 15th nnd Doasla St.
T. F. OODFREY, P. 4 T. A.
Have You from
$500 lo $1,000
that you wish to Invest and make from 600
to 1,000 per cent on the Investment?
nd do not want on cent of your money
until you ar perfectly satisfied that every
thing I all right.
of your Ufa to make a fortune.
Call r.
208-210 Bee Building;, Omaha, Neb.
lever in the History of
the World
ha the medical profession made such ad
vances to relieve the afflicted of constipa
tion, kidney and liver complaints, aa has
been accompllxhed within th laat few
years. Bhrader 's Laxatlv Fig Powder
ha surprised all medical men and chem
ists. It waa never thought that alvlne
poison could be removed with a medicine.
It Is a well known fact that 90 per cent
of all ill are caused by alvin poison. Ap
pendicitis, gall stones and all fevers aris
ing from alvin poison may ne prsventad
by one done? Bhrader's Laxatlv Fig
Powder, sold at all drug store In 10c and
25c boxes.
W, J. SiiradBr, Medicina Co.
Trade supplied by all wholesale drug
ifr V'UuTt
Hood's Sarsaparllla promises to cure and keeps the promise.
: V