THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SUNDAY, Al'RIL 27, 1002. 1!) HELD THE LBESK WAR USE Farvcmtl OHeri of President McKinlej Ikiring the 8paniih War. CLOSE WATCH ON EVERY MOVEMENT late-reetlng ldllM on Mea and . Meaeares aa the FlfU ( Actlsa for tba Libera- Hob of Caba. la the forthcoming May number of The Kstlonal Magazine W. 8. Coursey, former privet secretary to the aecretary of war, "writs a followi of tha personal part taken hT President McKtnler In the direction of affair in the Spaalah war: Much has been written regarding the per sonality of the late President McKlnley. Tela article deals with Mr. McKlnley as the Ideal commander In chief of the army and nary of the United States. Never before In the history of our country was there a president who ao absolutely and devotedly eommaaded the fighting forces of the t'nlted States as did William McKlnley. During the civil war the conditions were widely different. The the commanders In the Held had almost entire authority te do as they plesaed with the forces of their commands. Oeneral Grant seldom asked for ordera from Washington, and he only Infrequently received any. Not so dur I Ba the Spanish-American war. Mr. McKlnley waa, at all times, fully cognisant of even the minutest details affecting the army and navy. Conferences were held at the White House every avenlng, and often lasted until 1, 2 and I o'clock In the morning. There were present, usually, Secretary of War Alger, Secretary of the Navy Long and Oeneral Corbln, the adjutant general of the army. The president required all military orders to be submitted to him before being Issued, and many of them today bear his corrections In pencil. Preparing for Invasion. Tha night of June 7 and morning of the th will long be remembered by those at the White House. On the evening of the .fth, upon the advice of Admiral Sampson that he had bombarded the forts of Santiago and urging that an army of not less than 10.000 men be sent there at once, a direct wire was secured from the White House to Tampa and General Shafter was Instructed to rail Immediately. Within five minutes a reply was received stating that It would be impossible for him to get away before day light the next day. Until about 2 o'clock in the mornlcg telegrams were going to and coming from Oeneral Shafter. The presi dent wv-ited to know how many troops and horses, would go with the first expedition; If adr.quate quartermaster, commissary and medical supplies were on board the ships. Aft?r all this Information had been ob tained the prealdent said to the operator: "Tell him" (meaning General Shafter) "good night and godspeed." Early that morning, however, fe dispatch wa received by the Navy department from Admiral Remey at Key West, stating that "Spanish armor cruiser, second class, and Spanish ' torpedo boat destroyer seen by Eagle, Nicholas channel, Cuba. Destroy cenvoy. Details follow." The secretary of the navy aroused the president from his slumbers, and after reading the message to him urged that Oeneral Shafter be directed to delay the movement until further advised. Again the secretary of war and the adjutant general were summoned to the White House, and as soon as they arrived instructions were given to delay the movement. It was not until the 14th that the first troops left Tampa for Cuban watera. It waa at such timea as these, when most of the officials were greatly excited, that Mr. McKinley'a noble character and presence of mind were most striking. Not once did he become excited or ruffled, and he seemed never to tire. On the other hand, he was bright and cheerful. Information at First Hand. All cipher cablegrams received at the Etate, War and Navy departments came over wires that passed through tha tele graph and cipher bureau of the White House, and, under the direction of Captain B. F. Montgomery, signal officer, U. S. A., these messagea were Immediately de ciphered and handed the prealdent, so that he waa Informed of all that waa transpiring a soon as the officiate to whom tha mes sages were addressed. Mr. McKlnley very often would come to the telegraph bureau and read the messages sheet by sheet, ai they came over the wires, and not infre quently the secretary of war, while reading the same telegram, would receive a mes sage over the telephone from the prealdent directing him to come to the White Houae Immediately to confer In regard to the dis patch Just received. The secretary of war would prepare a reply to a message, then hand It to the president, who would make his corrections. ' Colaoel Miller's command aalled from Manila, to Hollo la December. 1898. Upon hie arrival he met resistance and, having no war abip, be was unable to. effect a landing. Upon General Otis' report of this fact and that the soldiers were suffering greatly from the crowded condition of the transpprta, the secretary of war prepared an answer. The message was written on New Year's dsy of 1899, and was aa fol lows: "It la of first Importance that ceafict Anxious thougbta sometimes perplex the wife who sees maternity before her. If aha ia treading an untried path, ahe sometimes frets herself into a nervous condition which ia injurious and pros trating. If motherhood haa already been painful experience aha ia apt to ahrink from the coming trial and by her very mental anxiety increase the, possibility of her Buffering. There ia no cause for anxiety for those Prospective mothers who use Dr. Pierce'e avonte Prescription. It tranquilitee the nerves, encourages the appetite, in duces refreshing sleep and produce mental cheerfulness aa well as physical vigor. It gives strength and muscular elasticity so that the baby 'a advent ia practically painless. It ia the best tonic mc nursing mother a. I am so thankful for what Dr. rime's Fa writ rencriution has dooe for , writ Mr. joaa T. Smith, of elucaa. Brit. Col.. Boa e. "It ipca at The dealer aha offers a auhatitnia for "Favorite Prescription " (Iocs ao to gain the little more profit paid on the aele of leaa meritorious medicines. Ilia profit ia your loss, therefore accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. 8end at one-cent stamps for the book in paper covea; or 31 stamps for .Dm Wa -boned volum. Address Dr. ft. V. Pierce, ttuSslo, N. Y. W y& " - inraugh the long month, before baby cam aa I hav a big. strong babv girt, tha healthy of th three, and ft cured tue e( a lataat which wa taking away all my etreeata. Installing Interesting Side NEW YORK. April 22. (Special Corre spondence of The Bee.) The exercises at tending the Installation of Dr. Nichols Murray Butter aa the new prealdent of Columbia university Saturday were the most Impressive I bsve ever witnessed, and I have witnessed a grest many formal ceremonies, from presidential Inaugura tions, church conclaves and national con ventions down. The past year has marked an era In great college functions, particu lar among them, the Yale bl-centennlal, the Johns Hopkina quarter-centennial and the Columbia Installation. While I was not present at either of the first two, those who were In attendance upon all three generall agree that tha last one outranks the others In representative character and la Imposing simplicity. An assemblage of all of the leading lights In tha American educational world would of Itself be a notabla gathering, and' in this case the Importance haa been enhanced by the pres ence of the chief executive of the nation and representatlvea not only of the various branches of the government, but also of several foreign governments through their members of tha diplomatic corps. The handsome buildings In which the university Is now boused on Mornlngslde Heights never looked more Inviting, nor could the occasion have been favored with more propitious weather. From first to lsst the program was carried out with no perceptible hitch. In the room given over to the reception of the Invited guests, col lege presidents snd college professors were welcomed by President Butler and a verita ble reunion was brought about between educational associates hailing from all sec tions of the country. The academic procession constituted a display of university Insignia, which would have been confusing were It not ao attrac tive. Each member, arrayed in the aomber academic gown, yet differentiated by vari colored hoods, Indicating the degrees with which he had been honored, joined In the proceetlon, headed by representatives ot the undergraduates, and closed with Presi dent Roosevelt, Mayor Low, former presi dent of the university, and Dr. Butler, the new president. I had a most advantageous position along the center aisle In the Improvised audi torium into which the gymnasium had Co-Operative Housekeeping The co-operative housekeeping experi ment started In Sioux City, Ia.. soma months ago la attracting considerable at tention, and rightly ao, as It foreshadows a possible solution of the servant girl prob lem, which haa become a perplexing one to housekeepers. The experiment Is such s pronounced success that a second league of tha same sort Is being formed to accom modate famillea seeking admission to tho first. The organisation la known aa the Parkslde Co-Operatlvs Housekeeping asso ciation. It has a membership of five fam ilies comprising fifteen persons, all of whom livs within a radius of a block. The cost of board averages $2.11 a week for an In dividual. 'The project aeemed feasible from tha first, because several students' clubs bsd flourished during the school months of the yesr in Mornlngslde, the suburb In which the association Is located." said Mrs. W. W. Brown, one of the members. In an In terview with a New York Tribune reporter. "The first step In establishing the enter prise was to organize under a constitution and by-laws and to elect officers. The next waa to rent a commodious centrally located two-story bouse. Membership Is limited to not less than fifteen or more than twenty persons, and no new member Is admitted without the unanimous consent of the asso ciation. Ths by-laws provide that no re duction shall be made for meals in a mem ber's absence, unless he or she Is absent two meals in succession. For visitors pres ent less thsn three days a charge of IS cents a meal Is made to the host or hostess. For ft longer visit, regular rates are charged for guests. A housekeeper prepares the three meals a day, and keeps tbs dining room, kitchen and store closets, etc.. tldv. She receives In remuneration for her serv ices $5 a week and board tor heraelt and little aon. A student from Mornlngslde col lege walta on the table and washes the dishes for his board. "vary Friday evening the women of the organisation meet and make out bills of tars for the coming week. .Each of ths Ave woman snd tbs housekeeper preparea be forehand menus for three meala beslnnlna with tho avenlng dinner and the breakfaat be avoided at this time, It possible. Can not Miller get Into communication with In surgents, giving them ths presldent'a proc lamation and Informing them of the pur poses of this government, that there Is no other purpose than to gtvs them pesce, prosperity and protection in all their clrlo rights" The president Inserted la the dispatch. following the word "conflict," -the phrase. 'brought on by you," snd amended ths concluding lines to read, "that Its purpose Is to give them a good government and se curity In their personal rights." He added: "It IS moat desirable that Miller ahould hold hla ground, and as the hearth ot the soldiers may not psrmlt of their remaining on traasports,. jould not a landing at aoms healthful place, convenient, be affected without a conflict "The report of excited condition In Manila makes It lacumbent upon you not to weaken your forces at that point." Ralsta ' flax la Cabs. On the sams day, upon advlcea from Oeneral Brooke that the United Statee flag had been raised over the inland ot Cuba, a dispatch ot congratulation waa prepared by Secretary Alger at the White House, aa follows: "January 1, 1809. Brooks, Major Oeneral: Ths president Instructs ma to send to you and your command hla best congratulations upon ths auccesatul and peaceful turning over of the Island of Cuba by the govern ment ot Spain to your forces." Ths preal dent corrected ths dlspstch to read, follow ing th word "peaceful," "events of the day," and by atrtklng out "beat" before "eongratulatlona." The order below shows that President MeKla'.sy at times even designated the reglmenta for active service: "Washington. D. C. General Corbln: If wa need more troops for Manila, after the force now at . F. haa gone. I direct,, that yoq will order ths Twelfth N. Y., Colonel Leonard, eomdg. ' ' WM. McK. "Aug. 11. V Oa July t, ths dsy aftsr the naval battle at Saatlago. Mr. McKlnley aent ths follow ing order to the secretary ot war: "To the Secretary of Wsr: Oeneral Shaf ter and Admiral Bempsoa ahould confer at ones for co-operation la taking Santiago.' After the fullest exchange of vlewa tha Columbia's Lights on a Notable Academic been transformed, and waa In close prox imity to the procession as It passed. Not only were the familiar faces with which I bsd become acquainted during my college days numerous, but also a generous rep resentation from the west of people welt known in this section. In the procession were two chancellors of the University of Nebraska Dr. James H. Canfleld, who now presides over the deatlnlea of the university library at Co lumbia, always with fond recollections of his career in our state, and Chancellor Andrews, who Is now guiding Nebraska's Institution of higher learning. Another striking figure was that of General Brooke, resplendent In military uniform, who later asked after a number of friends, dating from hla location In Omaha aa commanding general of the Department of the riatte. Still another familiar countenance was that of James M. Woolworth, who passed along with the other gowned dignitaries In his capacity as chancellor of the Epis copalian diocese of Nebraska. Around about In the audience were sev eral people well known to Nebraskana. Just behftid me sat Professor Frank A. Ftttpatrlck, formerly superintendent of the Omaha public schools, but now connected with a book concern of Boston, who had been associated with President Butler la his work In the National Educational asso ciation. Near him was W. E. Annln, who shines In Omaha on occasions, though now located at Denver In a responsible posi tion In the poetsl service. He la s cousin of President Butler and had come on to participate in the Installation ceremonies. On one side was Dr. Albert Shaw, the bril liant editor of the Review ot Reviews, who greeted me and recalled his visit to Omaha during the great Transmlsetssippl expo sition. Close by waa Horace White, the veteran editor of the New York Evening Post and one of the few remaining repre sentatives of the old pioneer school of Journalism. Not far on the other elde was Carl Schurz, still active and vigorous In spite of accumulating years. A few rows In front of me eat Andrew Carnegie, the great ateel master, who la planting publio l'brarles all over the country, and to whom South Omaha, Lincoln and many other Ne braska and Iowa towns owe a special debt of gratitude. It is needless to say that Mr. Carnegie on his entrance received spe cial attention, and that nearly every ons and planning the luncheon ao as to use left overs of the first two meals. Members are at liberty to Introduce dishes that are fa vorites In their own homes, and If they wish to do so, to prepare them In the kitchen In their own way. . This plan Insurea a good many especially toothsome dishes prepared by women whose specialties they are. One of the women and her husband, with the housekeeper as counsel, act as purchasing committee. All bills are paid by the treas urer. "All ths members of the association are friends of long standing. They comprise the county superintendent of public Instruc tion and hla family; his brother, a minister, and hla family; the deputy reeorder and wife, a retired farmer and wife and a com mercial traveler and family. All own their own homes and are people of moderate means who have been accustomed to keep one servant. All agree that the acheme hag. reduced their household expenditures, to say nothing ot the gain In health and patience to the wlvea and mothers of the community. To them the aervsnt problem la solved and the queatlon dropped. "The social feature Is a etrong point In favor of the association. One learns to look forwsrd to ths ( o'clock dinner with pleasurable anticipation. The plan has worked wonders In bringing Into the fresh winter air threo times a day women who have formerly housed themselves carefully from cold and atorm. Families in which mincing at table and delicate appetites have been ths rule have developed startling ap preciation for their meals, and the table ia aurntunded dally by 'good eaters.' "Company at meal times has lost Its ter ror. When a visitor drops In before dinner there are no longer furtive glances through Icebox and atore closet, and brain racking problems of feeding a crowd with a dinner prepared for a few. Instead, there la plenty of time for visiting, and hostess and guest re undisturbed by culinary plans and preparations. "Tha auccess of the enterprise haa given rise to the suggestion that a suitable build ing be erected with two or more well equipped dining rooms, each ot which will seat about thirty persons. Interest la the plan has been aroused In other cities and should be left to determine the time and manner of attack. "WILLIAM M'KINLEY." barter's Sarprlalag Dispatch. On July 15. just after the land battle around Santiago, General Shafter, la a dis patch to tha adjutant general regarding the surrender, reported that the Spanish com mander desired that hla troops be allowed to retain their arms. The following answer waa written by Secretary Alger, under di rection of the president: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington Major General Shafter: Your dispatch Is a surprise to the president and me. What you went to Santiago for waa the Spanish army. If you allow It to evacuate with lta arms you must meet it somewhere else. This Is not war. If ths Spanish commander desires to leave ths city snd Its people, let htm surrender, and we will then discuss the question aa to what aball be done with them." The order below la In the handwriting of Mr. McKlnley, and waa aent to General Miles aa soon as ha landed in Porto Rico: "How many troops will you require for ths csmpalgn In Porto Rico After being on the ground do you revise your orlginsl figure of 40,000" It will be remembered that when our soldiers were encamped st Chlckamauga and other places their friends and relatives aent them all klnda of dellcaclea, such. In many Instances, being very detrimental to the health of the men. To ahow the presi dent's personal supervision over such small details, below la given a copy ot aa Item prepared by the adjutant general for pub lication in the dally press, which It waa thought would atop tha practice: "The sending of dellcaclea to tho army by generoua people will not longer be en couraged by tha War department, aa It baa been found that auch delicacies for troops In the field are Injurious rather than help ful. The aecretary of war euggeata that doaatlona of this character be sent to ths bospltsls only, and that tha Burgeon of the army be consulted aa to where they will be most needed." This ths president emended to read: "The sending ot dellcaclea to ths srmy, 'although moat generous and fully appre ciated by tha authoritlea,' will not be longer encouraged by the authorities," etc. Ons et ths most Interesting, and at the same time unique, follows: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington President Procession, ia the procession of caps and gowns stopped before him to shake bands with him. A noticeable feature pt the celebration was the pert assigned to the women. If any ooe harbored doubts that co-education was part and parcel ot the modern university they would soon have been dis pelled. In addition to the platoon of Bar nard girls In the undergraduate division and their chaperonea ot Instructors, nearly every large woman's college was represented by its president and principal professors, equally, distinguished with the men with their gaily colored caps and hoods that pass In collegiate circles as the only recognised rewards ot merit. Not that the women predominated In num bers, nor that they occupied a place on the epeaking program, but their partic ipation on equal terms was the significant point. I have witnessed several college formalities at various Institutions, but In none were the women so prom inent aa here. I believe it would have been an Inspiration to all women sincerely Interested in achieving equality ot the sexes to have viewed this striking object lesson, teaching that In the field of higher Intellectual endeavor the real work ot men and women In the cause of aclence, literature and art receive equal recognition whenever on the eame level, It la unnecessary to go into the speeches that were delivered at the Installation ex erclsea nor the after dinner talks at the alumnae banquet that followed. They were all In the happiest vein, particularly those of President Roosevelt, Mayor Low and President Butler, and all opened up a vista of glorious promise for the useful ness of Columbia under the guidance of lta new executive. Special stress was laid on the fact that the great universities of the country are no longer rivals, but helpmeets a truth reinforced by the character of the Installation exercises, par tlclpated In aa they were by official mes sengers of good will from nearly every educational Institution ot Importance. Entering upon his new work under such ausplcloua circumstances and equipped for hia duties aa few college presidents have ever been. President Butler Is sure to keep the standard of Columbia In the very front rank oft the onward movement ot American education. VICTOR ROSEWATER. Facts About the Sioux City Experiment. 1 atates, and the officers are besieged with letters asking for Information and details The following Is a bill of fare for one week: Monday Breakfast: Oatmeal, potato balls, crackers, bread and butter and coffee. Luncheon: Beefsteak, hot rolls, butter, plum butter and tea. Dinner: Veal pot roast, potatoes, pickles, bread and butter, cream cake, cranberrlea and coffee. Tuesday Breakfast: Cornmeal pancackee, oatmeal, syrup, bread and butter and cole. Luncheon: Cold veal, potato salad, ginger cake, brown bread (steamed), white bread and butter, tea and coffee. Dinner: Boiled beef with dumplings and potatoes, pickles, cake, cherries (oanned), brown bread, white bread and butter and tea. Wednesday Breakfast: Cereal, warmed potatoes, bacon, bread and butter and cof fee. Luncheon: Meat pie, bread and butter, blackberry jam, chocolate and tea. Dinner: Roast pork with potatoes, onlone, bread and butter, orange pudding and tea. Thursday Breakfast: Cereal, griddle cakes, syrup, bread and butter and coffee. Luncheon: Cold pork, potatoes, baking powder biscuit, plum butter, tea and coffee. Dinner: Liver, mashed potatoes, pickles, tea cakes, bread and butter, strawberry pre serves and tea. Friday Breakfast: Oatmeal fritters, fried potstoea, syrup, bread and butter and cof fee. Luncheon: Creamed aalmon, potato balls, bread and butter, baked apple dump lings, tea and coffee.. Dinner: Boiled din ner with beef (cabbage, turnips, potatoes), corn bread, peach sauce, bread and butter and tea. Saturday Breakfast: Hot biscuits, syrup, oatmeal, hash, bread and butter and coffee. Luncheon: Tomato aoup, raised biscuit and butter, auet pudding, chocolate and tea. Dinner: Baked beana with pork (Bostont, brown steamed bread, baked potatoes, whits bread and butter, mince pie and tea. Sunday Breakfast: Ham, fried potatoes, pancakes, syrup, cracker bresd and butter and coffee. Dinner: Stewed chicken, mashed potatoea, celery, white and brown bresd, butter, apple pie, oranges, .nuts and coffee! Luncheon: Bread and butter, cake, canned peaches, suet pudding and chocolate. Secretary of War: Make the necessary order which will enable the regiment of W. J. Bryan to be accepted under the quota of the atata of Nebraska. WM. McK." PRATTLE OF THE YOUNGSTERS. Teacher-Whers was the Declaration of Independence alined J Dot On the table, Teddy Pa! Pa Yea. ' dear. Teddy May I ask a queatlon Pa Certainly, Teddy. Teddy Where's the wind when it don't blow Four-year-old Tommy waa rolling hla hoop oa Sunday. "You mustn't roll your hoon in th r.nni yard on Sunday," said his mother. "You must go into the back garden." . "Isn't It Sunday In the back garden, mamma" aaked Tommy. Mrs Mann Tommy you havs been a very naughty boy. When your papa cornea home shall I tell hlrn about you Tommy I think, mamma, it will be more Interesting If you remind htm of those happy days when your lovea were young and fresh. A man likes to hear aweet things when he cornea borne at night, tired and weary. "But, don't you want to be an angel" asked the teacher. "No, I don't," replied the up-to-date little girl. "Why not" "Because they wear the aame kind . of clothes year after year, while the fashions are changing. They're awfully behind the times." Congressmen Brownlow ot Tennessee bas a smart granddaughter, whose clever ssy ings are the delight or her parents. The other day she came to her grandfather with her fare all smiles. "Grandpa." ahe said, "'I saw aometblng this morning running across the kitchen floor without any legs. What do you think It waa?" air. Brownlow studied (or a while and gave up. "What was It" he aaked. "Water," said ths youngster triumph antly. Early Spring Bargains It is just at this season of the year that bargains may b obtained and they are not bargains simply because the price is low, but because quality and pood construction are com bined with the low prices. This is what makes them real bar gains. Our stock is made up of bargains as a visit to our store will convince you. Note a tew of the offerings LIBRARY TABLES At Half Price Less than 50c on dollar. Yes, we have too many mahogany must move them. Monday we place on mahogany library tables at half price and as they will not loot long at these prices. reductions, all of which are bona fide $24.00 mahogany library table $29. 00 mahogany library tablo . 132.00 mahogany library table . 110.00 mahogany library table $46.00 mahogany library table $48.00 mahogany library table $58.00 mahogany library table . $62.00 mahogany library table $90.00 mahogany library table . DINING ROOM FURNITURE You should see our stock and get our prices before mak ing your purchases. All that is new and novel In designs, styles and finishes In dining room furniture at prices that are Inducements to purchase If you are In need of tho goods. Our new lot of dining room chairs at 85c, $1. $1.10 and 11.20 lire at least 25 per cent les than regular. Fine box frnme dining chairs with shape seat, are mde of quartersawed gl'lil"" .it,. plHiio polished. French shape tegs, regular $3.75. "iWBom oak dining talVes. $7.50. $10. $11 112 $1$J0. $1S 50 and up. China closets, swell glass ends, 116.76. Full circular ct'lna closet. I1K.5". Sideboards, unmatchable values at JU.&o, $14. So, $21.00 and i&.OO. ROMAN CHAIR :n til ;ViQ rn) Roman seat !j- )', nd atrongl: S quartarsaw .fei finished, ah trongly quartersawed hogany finish. and turned would sell regu larly at $4.00. special ....... SPECIAL ONE WEEK SALE NAVAJO BLANKETS Mondav we place on sale our entire stock of Nftva300i,1!?"k ets. genuine vegfttable dyed, ranging in sise 3x4 ft. to 9x12 ft.. at S3 1-3 off. New Importations of cotton Japanese rugs in blue and white, green and white and pink and white India Durrles, made of cotton and washable, suitable for v,nri rnnmn cosv corners, porch or lawn use- 2-6x5. $3.0X6, $4.254x7. $6.25-9-9x8-9. $9.25-6x9, $12.00. Largest Illustrated Catalogue mailed free to out of-town requests. rchard &.Wilhelm 6 arpet Fair and Timely Warning We desire that none shall be left out. but that all aball have an opportunity to come In before the offer cloaea. The first announcement of ' ' . OUR UN PARALLELED OFFER waa made a few montba ago. and It waa the intenUon to continue this special offer only a few weeks, but the de mand waa ao enormous that the Bale has been kept open beyond anticipation. We now give fair warning that our Less Than Half ITlcc Sale will soon end. To those who have deferred ordering this is a reminder that you have ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT. It la your lust opportunity to own a complete library on ' ao favorable terms. Some people would not take the wisdom of King Solomon aa a gracl .. . . i ,iiiin- innrn mill trt know. Home Deoulu ous girt. i5ui mosi ieuv"- Ulc - - - will not get in on this wonderful chance to own the new Twentieth Century Edition of Brltannlca, which Is the repository of the wis dom of all tho Kings of Knowledge . . ... . ...m t.a. ..v.iii nt It 18 a iiurary juu own it is about as unpopular as not not put off a good thing. Send at once and full particulars BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Now is the time to make sure of this indlspeuslble set of books. If JOU put it off, you will have to pay tho publisher's price. If you 8 .. will net it euro li uui -at Less Than Hall Price mm fr, r sV m Masslie r X Volumes ; 'j Weight ! TTi i ;-' r v 7 I i X If 'Ml Whaf Is Said of It "I will tf sir aa Is bar S.OOO tslsaci that will cIts kiss as a worklac library as Is faralab4 la tbs ENCYCLOPAE DIA MRITANNICA alaaa." E& rrsalssat Dwlfbt, Yala liiftf altr. atrarad, tbs Blbla ssrestas, tba warla woala laaa bat Hula af lta lataraaatlaa." Issits DRESSER SALE th e library tables and sale our atock ot less. Come early Note eome of the We have the largest line of odd dressers In all woods and hsvs some exceptional val ues to offer. Some very pretty, new de signs In bird's-eye maple, curly birch, mahogany and oak. Dresser exactly like cut, has full quarter sawed, smell front. .. $12 OO .. $ Iff. SO .. SIK.7S ..19.7S ..2I.7S .. J5.00 .. S2H.OO ,. $33. OO ..$45.75 double, built up top 21 Inches deep by with solid cast brass handles, finely f olden finished, haa targe pattern 'reneh bevel mirror $4x30 inches, very speecial, each like cut, substantially made ot eelect figured golden oak, finely made of birch, ma Has pretty beaded spindles, full size. 2.75 o im D0Ugias the world has ever known. if rnn own it. and not to . - to own the Bible, Do for aauiplo yagea Fill out and mall this cou pon today for partlcu lars about our great offtr. The American Newspaper Association. Bca Building, OMAHA, NEB. ma frss of chares ad full particulars af your EDC7clofa41a offar. Name Street- Town State - Omaha Bee Bureau. r- - " i. XA7jrVAAW ttlhe rate . - ---- j sr ar r m w mm . aa- saa m mw ir . . I gj m.1 inn sample paes a j i li irfrar Trir-M. 1- V 3i filliii 42 Inches long, fitted 13.50 RUG SALE room size rugs We place on eal Monday a large lot of room slse carpet rugs. These we make up from short lengths of carpets ss they sccumulale from our large stock and place them on sale at '.4 and less than the carpet could be purchased for. Urlng measurments of your rooms. Note some of the prices: g-$x8-ll Velvet $12.50 7-3x9-8 Axmlnster ,...$l.tO 8-3x12 Velvet $18.00 8-3x9-6 Axmlnster ....$15.00 8-3x9-8 Brussels $12 60 8-3x11-8 Velvet $18.50 8-3x8-5 Velvet $12.50 8-3x10-1 body nrussels.$20.00 ' 8-3x12 Velvet .. $20.00. 8-8x10-5 Velvet $16.50 8-8x10-7 Brussels $15.00 8-3x13 Velvet $20.00 8-3x10-8 Velvet $16.00 8-3x8-5 Brussels $10.60 xll-3 Velvet $19.00 8-3x13 Velvet $2100 8-8x8-7 Axmlnster ...$14.50 8-3x11-10 Brussels ....$13.50 10-6xl Brussels $25.00 8-3x11-3 Brussels $16.50 10-6x12 Velvet $24.00 ' 8-3x9-9 Brussels $16.60 10-6x10-7 Velvet $20.00 8-3x13-6 Wilton $26.00 10- 8x13-11 Brussels ...$25.00 8-3x11-6 Brussels $16.00 10 6x13-3 body Brussels 25.00 12-9x14-5 Wilton $35.00 11- 3x12 Velvet $22.50 10-6x12-6 Brussels $23.60 10-6x12-3 Velvet $36 00 REFRIGERATORS Bole agents for the Herrick refrigerator, the refrigerator that is built upon scientific principals, has dry air circulation guaranteed and fully warranted by ourselves and backed by the manufacturer. Some very pretty ones In the opallte tile lining and the white enamel. A full assortment ready for your Inspection. If you are In need of a refrigerator see the llerrlck before placing your order. A full line of ico chests and other refrigerators. Ice chests Rt $.00, $7.00 and $9.50. Hefrlgeratora at $10..5, $U.50 and $14.00. Mail orders promptly attended to Brlnfi Yog Thla Entire. Vol. Set af The New 20th Century Edition. tha balancs of ouly 10c a Day for a short time. l Volsaass la All. SB Volamaa Edlaksrsh Edlttsa. B Volames Assarleaa Atultlsaa. 1 Vslaae Galas 4o Srsleasatla Ra4las of lbs whals wtrk. IT CONTAINS! llfiOB articles, averaging 1U sacb. parsa t,t articles written and slansd by specialists, or 141 par volume. lf,X6 pares compiled by special eoo tribjtors. forming four-fifths af ths entire work. MX full-paa-a engraved pistes, contain ing over feti aeparsts Illustrations. 75 maps snd plans, Including Kl col orcd msps. Nearly 11.000 illustrations, of maps snd plans. exclusive Special reatares of tba B Val. anas Amarlesa Aaaltlaas. 1. An extension of tha original arti cles on tha srta and scieuces down to tha present day. I. Introduction ef naw toplca either artel ng from ths differentiation of new departinente of sciences (as Ecology, Sense-Organs, stc), or from dutoovery snd invention (as Tenia's Osi-ltlstor, Argon, Roentgen Rays, etc.) 1 niogrsplilcaJ enlargement to in clude eminent living persons and Ilia hundreds who havs recently woa dis tinction. i. A particular survey of American Interesta In their various phasea. A nreaeniatlon of tjtfilfai mK. jevta In a form comprehensible te or 01 nary readnra, es In In the In&tm.nt of Kloctrlcity. Morsholoay. eta Klo Coi Copious illustrations, ovsr l.aO la number. The Ualdo te treteiaatle Heaalass subdivides ths whole work Ints saner nients in accordance with the slrter ent occupations of all (he a. peoples (outlining n different cSuraea uf read. Ing) and polnta out the things V14 may want to knew or ought tt know about your bualnesa or profeealeii. rinnunm, n mases ayaiei reading along any Una aracUvai, gawwiBJIssw! m