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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1902)
THE OMAHA PATTA BEE: SUNDAY, AritIL 27, 1002. 17 bo I Just as the hacking cough indicates a deadly disease, so dandruff indicates . , . , Falling Finally air, n asaness NEVBRO S I1ERPICIDE IS THE (MIY Dandruff Cure Itooanse it is the only preparation that Mill de stroy the Dandruff germ. Dandruff is a perm disease and you cannot cure dandruff unless you kill the perm totally eradicate it and you cannot do that unless you use Newbro'a Herpicide. Beware of Imitations. The marvelous success of IIERriCIDE has caused others to put preparations on the mar ket, claiming that they also destroy the dan druff germ. They are all spurious, and some of them are dangerous. There is but one prepara tion that will and that does destroy the dan druff germ, and that is NEWBKO'S HERPICIDE. Falling Hair and Baldness. Dandruff is the cause of falling hair, thin hair, brittle hair, lusterless hair and, finally, baldness. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dandruff germ with NEW BKO'S IIERriCIDE and your hair will thicken and grow luxuriantly. Herpicide is also one of the most -delightful dressings. Allays itch ing instantly. For Success With Herpicide. Before starting treatment with HERPICIDE, the hair and scalp should be washed thoroughly, and regularly about once in ten days there after. The best' soap for that purpose is HERPI CIDE SOAP (aseptic tar.) There is not one case reported where persistent and proper use of HERPICIDE has not cured dandruff, stopped falling hair and thickened thin hair. 9 Dandruff Is a Germ Disease jy u j v v is v v v i v v h "Destroy The Cause You Remove The Effect." ........ Kill the Dandruff Germ with Herpicide ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE AT ALL..... DRUGGISTS Will Prescribe It. I have tested the merits of New bro's Herpicide, and am very much pleased with the results. I will certainly prescribe and recommend It when In need of a remedy for dandruff. Pruritus and Urticaria. DR. K. E. REYNOLDS. Green Block, Court St., Beatrice, Neb. A Doctor's Opinion I find Herpicide a most excellent hair dressing as well as a specltlc for dandruff. 1 have used It for dandruff, and find my hair and scalp In flood order. Can recom mend It as an excellent prepara tion. A ONES V. SWETLAND, M. D. 204 Bee Building:, Omaha, Neb. Best In Thirty Years I have been exclusively In the barber business for over thirty yearn, and have given Herpicide a fair trial ajid can say that It Is the best preparation I ever used. It cures Dandruff, relieves ltchliiR of the scalp Instantly, and Is a delightful hair dressing. I use It now to the exclusion of all other dressings. S. S. STUART, Barber. 1615 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb, GETTING READY FOR GOLF Omaha Players Await Toraal Opening of Season on Links. TWO CLUBS MAKE MARKED IMPROVEMENTS Coantry Haa Remodeled Groaada and Field Haa Extended Grounds and Balldlaa-a oa Amnio Scale, Next month will bring with It the regular opening of the gelf season, so It la now but two weeks or lesa till this loved aport .will be 03 In all lta fervor and fanaticism. As usual, tbe new reign of "King Kaddy" will be ushered in with elaborate tune tions, for 11 la a feature of golf that It la used aa a vehicle for more social cele orations than any sport known. In Omaha all due reverence will be paid thta trad I tlon, and both tbe Country club and the Field club are planning opening affairs well . calculated to start tbe season's play on lta way with an impetus of Interest and conviviality that will help out more than little In tiding the devotees over tbe totter portion of the season. May. I is the time set for the Country Club opening, and It will be an affair of many ramifications. To those who are la the game for the golf Itself the most In terestlng feature of opening day will be the completion of the many improvements on the links. Last year the club had a good course, but there waa very little be Idea the ministrations of nature Itself to make It so. This season, however. Country club habitues will have tbe pleasure of feeling a share la the possession of aa completely equipped and aa modern course as the most fastidious rould desire. Of course tbe most important thing In the way of Improvements' Is the piping, This is a big task, entailing the expend! ture of several thousands of dollars, and when the golfer contemplates tbe fact that It means to him a green of live sod all the year round he realties to the full what a great benefit tbe - water service will be. To remove grease-ipota from garment : fine, get a bar of moisten a eponge or cloth in hot water j rub on soap i lightly ; apply sponge vigor ouilyj rinse with warm water. ... Quicker and better than gasoline no danger. Tht liw- Uaadry, ne Wlk sad kxli jej stsI to lei, jc Writ tot heokta fiviaf eiracucu lor wuhiag veukat, sad Mhw So Thi Cvdaht Packimo Co. Oauha...lfiaaM City. Work on thla is now well toward com pletion. The course at present presents the aspect of a battlefield on which a Lilli putian enemy has been advancing by the ilg-zag trench method. Ditches traverse tbe links In all directions, leading to the different greens and almost all of the pip ing la now down and ready for use. Some delay has been caused recently because the workmen ran out of pipe and have had to wait until more could be procured. This system of water works la being very carefully and cleverly laid, and no place In the course do the trenches crose live playing ground except in a few apota where it is absolutely essential to do this In order to tap the greens. Ail the ap proach pipe la laid in dead ground, either where a ball should never light. If prop erly driven, or between the playing lines of the course. Players who grew really efficient last year and conceived the notion that the Country club course was growing a little too easy for them will be rejoiced thla season to see tbe Improvement that have been estab lished in tbe way of new bunkera and other bastards. These are many per cent more difficult than what was seen on the course laat season and no one can complain that a trip around the eighteen hole this year will be too much of a cinch to be good fun, A few of tbe more expert golfers visited the links one day this week to have a view of tbe Improvements and they were astounded at the enormous mounds of earth that loomfcd up between certain of the holes. Wtere last year was a small trench with a three-foot wall of dirt behind It there now looma a barricade that will take a boy all day to climb. Those playera who laid away their lofters last season because there was ne real use for them can get them out again now, for their mid-Irons will no longer serve the purpose. It will take a stick with a real steep dip to fat to put a ball over one of those bunkers from a lie that Is within tbe ten-yard limit of it. The course will be all ready by May 3 and tournaments In twosomes and four somes for men and for women, as well aa a few mixed affairs, will keep the golfers busy all day long. As usual, the morning will be given over to tbe women and In the afternoon tbe men and tbe mixed couples will do their little stunts. Then at nlgbt will come tbe dance, the first one of the season. Thus will Country clubbers beguile tbe hours of their opening day. Not until three weeks later, on May 23, will the Field club give lta Initial soiree for 1902. Ttal is because the extensive remodeling of the club bouse and the erection of tbe new buildings planned cannot be com pleted until shortly before that time. Ever since the frost left the ground vork has been hustled on the buildings and the directors are sow satisfied thst all will be well within a month at the eutslde. Improvements and changes In last year's club house are now finished. The wing which was used far bowling has been stripped of Its alleys and converted Into a huge locker room with accommodatlona for all the possible membership of the club. This Is a vast improvement .ever the cramped locker service of last year. The new building, meanwhile. Is fast taking oa the semblance of what It Is Intended to be a dancing pavtlten and all-around summer loafing place. It la rising Just west of the club house and the cootract for Its erection promises its completion lu every particular by May 15. vIn the base ment will be four bowling alleys; also ample accommodations for raddles and pla boys. Oa the first floor Is tbe large danc ing area and to one end la a little sitting room with a huge fireplace. The fencing of tbe grounds la bow com pleted, pickets being substituted for the wire where the fence borders the tennis courts and base ball grounds. Last year's golf course has been enclosed and Is now guarded with "keep off" signs while the seeding gets a start. Meanwhile golfers are using the new tract of forty acres to the west, nine holes being laid out there. About June 1, or a little later, the two tracts will be combined Into one elghteen hole course, which will be the only golf ground of standard length in Omaha. In structor Sherwood expects to have more be ginners than be can handle this season. The Field club opening will be very elaborate. Everything In the way of sum mer Joy Is planned, song, dancing and women, golf, base ball and bowling, or chestral music, paeans of praise generally to the spirit of the springtime. POST-SEASON BOWLING TALK Oae-Maa Toaraey and Germaaa Against Amerleaas la tae Wind. Now that the season of the Omaha Bowl ing league is concluded the rollers are cogitating on what to do next, and a con siderable variance of opinion haa been un earthed by the general discussion. Some players are in favor of more contests, tour naments and matches of different descrip tions; others flatly oppose any continua tion of formal play. Tbe proposition of holding a one-man tourney and the other of having a series of match games between two teams, to be known aa the Americans and the Germans, have been the Immediate causes of the argument. Those who urge more bowling asy that for the real enthusiasts It Is an all-the-year-round game, anyway, and that there is no danger of those who are devoted to the sport growing tired of It. Mean while, they say. tbe ones who do not feel so keen after it can drop out for the sum mer if they wish, and they will come back again next fall, while the "fans" will be there all the time. Just as hot after the alley game as ever, and anxious for the beginning of another winter of general play. On the other hand. It Is said that there is a time for bowling, as for all things, and If the devoteea of the sport in Omaha are wise they will drop It flat now that the season has ended. , "It Is for the best Interests of the game to let It die here this summer," said one well known crack. "If we keep up thla tension all aummer, with repeated and contlnuoua tournaments and contests, it will kill the interest In bowling In Omaha, and next fall will And us la deplorably weak standing compared to what we have been. You see, the seaaon baa been some thing fierce here all w-rnter, and I do not believe the game Is sufficiently estsblished even her to stand murh more without a reat. As a matter of fact. It I creed the local alleys I would close tbem up tight during July and August at least. It would pay, for the boys would start in again with moro than redoubled vigor when cool weather came." A sentiment such as tbls, which has pre vatled quite generally, has militated some what against the one-man tournament scheme and has caused a delay in the ar rangementa for it. The situation Is now such thst the idea may be dropped entirely, though that ta not yet certain. Dad Hunt ington, who is chiefly Interested In lta launching, says that the tourney may be started off thla week. His Idea Is to have sixteen entries and to play each man twenty games of ten frames each. By using four alleys each night and playing two nights a week the tourney could be bowled off la four weeks. Although nearly a doteo of the most prominent bowlera la thelty have signified their willingness to participate, no entry list has yet been com pleted or closed. It seems certain, how ever, that if the affair Is started It will ba a fast and keen tournament, for the men who would go in are "high rollers," one and all, from the arbor vita standpoint. Meanwhile the series of games between the German and American teams is prac tically decided upon, and this should prove as interesting a match as was ever rolled In Omaha. On the German team are found such men as Al Krug, Beselln, Zarp, Rolls and Weber, all top-liners, while the Ameri cana comprise Individual Champion Emery, Denman, Bmead, Clarkson and Hunt When such pastmasters as these meet in a bowling contest there will be aomo lively alley work, and It .would not be surprising if a handful of local records were laid away during the course of the tourney, both short and long distance and Individual and team. The Idea Is to have nine games of ten frames each, divided Into three series of three each. Three are to be played on Clark'a alleys, three on Lents ft Williams alleys and the team which lead at that point of the tourney will have the privilege of choosing the location for the final round of three games. It Is expected that this tournament will begin this week or next week at the latest Should it prove a auccess others may fol low and, Judging from the rumors that are now circulating in the bowling atmosphere, a few Individual compeUtlona between the respective champions, real or alleged, of the different teams of the Omaha Bowling league may materialise. OIT OK THIS ORDINARY. William McDougall of Rockland, Me., haa a genuine Stradlvarius violin, which he ob tained from a Nova Scotia Frenchman, bearing the date of 1721. Senator Hanna haa a dinner aet of twelve plates, originally made for the Austrian emperor. The decoration of each plate la a facsimile of aomo famous painting. Charles Michaels of Indianapolis has the finest collection of mound bulklers' pottery In existence. Most of the relics were dug from a mound some thirty miles north of New Madrid, Mo. Major General Henry Dearborn's sword, used by him in the battle of Bunker Hill, Is for sale in New York, also the gold laced dres coat which he wore when In 1W2 he was presented at the court of Lis bon as first American minister to Portugal. The discovery of an old bible In the barn loft of Sarah Scarakading, In Huron county, Michigan, will be sufficient to establish the rights of the heirs to the Leonard Case millions. Mr. Case died in Cleveland, p.. In 164 and his millions have never been distributed. Horace Day of New Haven, Conn., owns the romDlete bed chamber set that be longed to Lord Percy, who commanded the reinforcement of the British troops at Lexington on April 1, 1776. The furni ture came to him from a long line of New England ancestors. The musket used by Major John Buttrlck at the North Bridge In Concord on April 19. liiS, has been DresenLed bv M n great-grandchildren, the only remaining members of tbe family, to the state of Massachusetts and it Is to be deposited in the state, house in Boston for permanent A Kansas editor reecntly contradicted a report that a young woman In his county waa about to abandon school teaching In order to get married, adding. "She la not that kind of a girl" whereby he meant that she would not break a contract. But the girl Interpreted the phrase differently and wrote to the editor to give him "a peace of her rr.lnd." "I ilnn'i know" -h. .-ij "that It la any of your business, but I give w uiiuci itiiiu man i mn not ins alnd of a girl you say. 1 can get married if I want to. "The original map made by George AVaahlngton In 1776 of the lands on the j.i jvanawna nver. weal Virginia granted to him by the British government In 1763 for hla services In the Braddotlc ex- f edition, is now in the possession of the Jbrary of Congress," says the National Geographic Magazine. "The man la about two bv Ave fet and la entirely in the handwriting of Washington. The margin la fitted with notes, also in Washington's handwriting. describing the boundary marks aet bv Washington and different features of the Utu L" TENNIS VOGUE ONCE MORE Eacqnet and Net and Ball Come Back for Aotive Service. REVIVAL OF GAME IS MOST MARKED Promise of Last Year Redeemed by Bathoslasm of rresent and Oat look Excellent for Far nit of tbe Game. If earllness signifies eagerness, then the lawn tennis season in Omaha for 1902 promises to be the keenest since the palmy days of the game In the early '90s. Here it is. still April, with the weather rang ing from a simoon to a symphony, and the temperature varying from that of Indian summer on one day to that of chill spring on the next, and yet several tennis nets were stretched last week on different courts, and the familiar cries of "deuce," "vantage out" and "thirty love" were heard in several different neighborhoods during the late afternoons and the early evenings of the pleasanter days. This would seem to Indicate that the regeneration of tennis, begun laat year, waa to prove a reality, not a mere state ment, a permanent renewal of Interest, not a temporary fluttering of fickle athlette fancy la that direction. In 1901, when, after the game had lain aa good aa dead for live or six years, a sentiment toward Its re-establishment In popular favor seemed to be arising. It was difficult to persuade many people that thla waa actu ally the case. They were unable to under stand how a aport of this nature could revive when once dropped, and they were loath to accept any of the signs that such waa to be the fact aa having any real meaning of that kind. But tbe game' came out with the begin ning of tbe spring season and waxed with the growing warmth of the weather. One by one the predictions that such and such a number of courts were to be rebuilt and others ia other placea newly located were verified by the deed, and by the time June he'd come around the athletes realised that they were In the midst of a fairly ener getic summer of tennis playing. From a city of no courts Omaha had sprung la one season to a place dotted with acorea of them. This waa Intensely pleasing to the tennis enthusiasts, for whom no slow-going golf nor arduous base ball could ever replace the swiftest and keenest game of them all, Their sole anxiety was that the reaalma tlon might prove only temporary, a mere final rally before the death rattle. It w realised that one year could not tell the tale, that It remained for 1902 to decide whether or not tennis waa to stay. They realized also that 1901 would yield a vast Influence in determining the Judgment which 1902 would give In the matter. So every nerve was bent by tennis play. era to keep things hot All aummer long tennis was played and played, tournaments were contested, everything possible waa done to keep the game a live Issue. From the first of the season to the last there was no abatement. The reward has come, So many new recruits were enlisted by thos methods that they, with the old ones, promise aa army of tennis devotees this seaaon, and with such backing the game's success Is almost assured already in Omaha. It seems certain even this early that tha Interest will prove to be oa tbe Increase Instead of on the wane or at a standstill and In that event nothing more will bs necessary to show that the revival of tennis begun la 1901, la real and Is to grow each year. About the first courts to get la operation this spring were the Shrlner piny grounds at Twenty-sixth and Harney streets. Tlay on them haa been going on for a week. Not all three of the courts are in use yet, but the two to the went have already felt the rubber footstep. The six grand clay courts at the Omaha Field club will be better than ever this season, not because of any Im provement In surfacing or grade, for that would be well nigh Impossible, but because more room has been given at the north end of the row. Last year the high bank which marked that boundary was a little too close to the back court lines for comfort. Things were crowdsd when the play was In the back court, especially In returning vicious serves from tbe other side, to handle which It is necessary to play considerably behind the extreme back line. Then, sgaln, an opponent in the south court, with a tendency to lobbing or playing the back line a great deal, could make It very un pleasant for the man in the north end, for every ball which he sent well back meant cramping in order to play it back across the net In good style. Now, however, the courts are to be moved bodily several yards further south, giving almost enough room between the back lines and the bank to put In another court. One feature that will bring tennis out earlier thla year is the fact that most of the courts are In fair condition to start with. Even a lazy man will have no excuse for not beginning early. Last season it wa ainerent, for that summer marked the first stab at the game in years and the old courts were In such bad shape from long disuse that fixing them up was as hard work as making new ones. When they were Anally ready, however, they were In such good condition and were kept In such good condition that this spring finds them needing but very little work besides lining. In fact, the early players who have been out the past week went on the courts with out having them touched by knife or drag. LABOR AD ISDt'STRY. Robbers Frightened Away. CAIRO. 111.. April 28.-The vault of the First National bank of Wickllffe. Ky.. was blown open by robbers at 2 o'clock thla morning. The sound of the explosion awoke the citizens of the town, who drove the robbers off, but did not succeed in capturing them. The robbers, four in num ber, did not succeed In getting any money. The fifth annual convention of the. West ern iJibor union will begin at Denver on Monday, May 26. Kvery cotton mill In the Ftlackxtnnn Vol- ' ley, MasiKachuKPttH, with two exceptions, advanced the wuges of Its employe 111 per cent. A recent rnnvnun of th nitv ma.ia k . biiHlnesB agents of the carpenters' union , Knows that t per cent of the men in that irmio art wunin mo ranks of the organi zation. . The emnloven nf t 1ia T.nkn rarpi.,,.' as sociation have drawn up a scale of prices In advance of the prevailing wage laat eeaaoii. No difficulty U untlcipatud In com- n u BttiiKidciory agreement. The wage schedule under which tho fire men of the Krle railroad hivo worked for many years pant ia being revised and con cesslona have been made to the men which will materially increase their pay. Moving on May 1 in Chicago will be ron ducted on strictly union principles. Tha van drivers are thoroughly organized an! will make a demand for higher waguM than heretofore and an eight-hour work day. Secretary Frank Morrison of the Amerl-' can Federation of Labor reports that March was the banner month In the history of that body for organization, 137 applica tions for charters having been received. Two-thirds of the various building trades or Baltimore demand aa Increase of wages to take effect May 1. In more than twenty cases the employers have been notified and in several Intitancea they have conceded ths demands made. Tn o it , 1 1 f ) n n It,. . ki t. and open hearth plant that the Union Steel '""'i'"".' niini to Dinia in Donora, Pa., a contract waa awarded laet . week, by that corporation for a new blooming mill that is to adjoin tho other-departments. The State Board of Mediation and Arbi tration, at St. Joseph, Mo.. afrr hearing evidence for two days on the big carpn- ters' strike, decided that tho mn Hhould receive 35 cento an hour. They tlomandd 37 cent. Both sides are well sutlalled with the result Members of the Iron Moulders Union of North America working in stove plants throughout the United States will receive a 6 per cent increase In waxes through an agreement reached between repruHenta.tlve of the Stove Founders' National Defense association and the union. The bill introduced Into the la.s' legis lature of Alabama to regulate the labor of children only reached the stage of publlo hoarings which were largely attended. But the agitation In favor of such, legislation la gaining organized strength, -Is Inevitable that factory ginlatlon for the ' protection of children should ultimately be adopted In the south as It has been elsewhere In tho manufacturing! world. feKRATSl EAT iSfearas' Electric Rat and Roach Paste and die out of tha boutc Otvs irurrcilent dries up their bodies, leaving no odor. It Is a safe and sure exterminator also of Mice, Water Bugs, Croton Bugs, Cockroaches and all other vermin. It has been in general use in houses, stores, hotels, factories, offices, public buildings, eta, for twenty-five years. Absolutely guaranteed. CAUTION" 'trt'rts m4 Imttrtlaas srs WverfalMg. M cent a box at DruggisU and Grocers or sent direct by Express prepaid. STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE CO, Chicago, !U.