Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Vet by the window, and, lifting up the
sleeping babe, pressed It Jealously to her
(Copyright, lm, by B. R. Crockett.)
Aad as I stood trsmbllng and greatly
afraid la tho little passage which leads to
ay own chamber, the English surgeon
Warner laid In my irmi a baby boy.
"The hair of Caetle Oower!" he aald with
atrange smile. "Take good care of htm,
Miss Fair lie 1 It I mistake not, he will
seed It!"
Ood helping me, I mean tot and of his
other, toot" I made answer.
And I think I have kept my word.
My Kate my sister! How I prayed out
there In the darknesa, fronting the tempest
oa the Uland brow, praying that the bitter
ewp first brewed In Eden might pass from
kar. Mow I trembled and shook more with
agar than fear, whan I bad to giro her up
tato tha hand of Warner and old dumb
Janet. I had bean strong before, but sow
I felt all tha weakness of girlhood.
Bat when at laat tha day emerged out of
darknesa and I saw Hamish take tha new.,
and Surgeon Warner together across the
ferry, I could have danced for rery Joy.
Xata herself waa given back to me. The
faaelnaUd look seemed qulto gone out of
her eyaa. A aw eater amlle, a mora gra
cious manner womanhood in a word, had
eomo to bar aa aha lay with her baba on
bar arm, still and alow-breathing, reborn
to ma out of a great weakness and tha val
ley of tha ahadow of death.
Haver was thera a better nurae than this
good, old vote-bereft Jonat proved herself.
I waa ao glad that I could have hugged her
vary five minutes, but since aha waa al
ways busy with mother or child tha exer
etao seemed aa much as my Ufa was worth.
To Joaat I could not apeak to Kate I
must not. Books were vain things. 60 as
a laat resort I betook myself to wait for
M Hamlah's return upon tha pier, where
I waa standing, wind-blown of akirt and
hair, whaa tha old man came back.
I was ready for him aa soon aa he stepped
ashore, and, putting my arms about his
aeek (for X felt I must hug somebody), I
cried. "O, I am so glad!"
"Hera, let ma be, hands aff dell's I' the
laasl" waa Hamlah's uncomplimentary re
Jjolader. "ken ye ao I am a marrlet man?"
'1 know, Hamish," I said, meekly, "but
Joaat won't mind. I'll go and ask her if
70a like. Tall ma, do you think Mr. Rupert
will be glad of tha newer'.
"Mr. Rupert. Mr. Rupert?" he repeated,
going oomposedly on with tha chaining of
bis boat, "what mlcht Mr. Rupert ha to
do wf tha balra?"
"Why, It la hla own son and heir." I
cried Indignantly, "my sister Is his wife.
To know that vary well!"
"Bob!" said Hamish, unemotionally, "ow
ara dooUeas!"
"I wonder If he will coma tomorrow?"
I want on, for it seemed aa if I must ask
C somebody tha questions which ware
troubling my own heart.
"I wonder!" remarked Hamish, untying
a knot with hla teeth.
"Perhaps Mr. Olendonwyn will coma or
van Mr. Mr.. John" I went on, "perhaps
bow ha Is settled in bis parish, they will
tall hla tha secret I"
"Maybea!" aald Hamish, turning his quid
var la hla mouth.
"O, Hamish," I eriad, "you are so disap
pointing. Ton will answer roe nothing.
And you could help us ao much, Hamish,
If you would only be kind and without
doing harm to anyone."
The silent Highlander meditated a while
a thla. aad then with a staccato utterance
ad a eurloua movement of the mouth, as if
ha wars chewing tha words before uttering
them, ba aald: "He-aah, ass far as he
hens, Hamlab McColl la payed to look after
tha aheap, to row tha bit boat! and to keep
hla tongue frao meddling In what doeina
aoaeera him."
Aad so without beat or manifesting any
sealing ha betook htmaelt through the little
eapaa la tha direction of the long, low
aeatataak which ha was alowly rearing on
tha moor to ba fuel for the winter's fire of
Inch Jonet
Whereat I waa so much subdued that I
aetually ran after him crying, "Let me
coma with you. Hamish, and I promise not
ta ask any questions."
"Hoota, lassie," said Hamish, with par
toot aplomb, "dlnna strain yourael'. Nan
your kind wars ever able to accomplish
that fraa tha time o' Eva. Sneer a' the
jwaetloBS that coma Into your bald. Only
gla It piaaao ya, dlnna aompel pulr Hamish
to answer them, that's a'!"
"Oh. how I wish I could compal you,
Hamish!" I cried. "I doa't know any way
to do It I"
Ha appeared to revolve tha query
araaatly for a good mlauta, and then
rapUed, "Troth, an' I dlnna kea that,
8a tor hours each day Hamish and I
betook auraelvaa to aad fro over tha whole
faoa of tha Island. For. though within
door I waa allowed to do many things
for my aiaUr. thaaa muat not -bo 1mm
dlataly oanecUd. aa it ware, with, the
technique of tha situation. For Jonet
brooked no interference within her own
Kata mended quickly and la a week ahe
caald ba moved to tha open window in my
room, which aha preferred because she
waa a hla to lawk aero the water, la the
dlraeUoa at tha laadlag place waara Rupaxt
would take boat.
by S .
Each day she sat there a little longer,
gating wistfully out to sea, but with more
of her old, winsome hopefulness showing
in her face, for abe would cooroo to the
child and talk to it' by the hour. Now It
waa me loveliest baby ita own father's
own son! How pleased Rupert would be
etle could hardly wait to show baby to
Nevertheless, Hamish had gone twice
to the mainland and twice returned with
empty excuses the lame leg still inflamed
and painful, summoned to Drumfern by
urgent business, friends arrived unex
pectedly to visit him before Mr. Rupert
Glendonwyn came to Inch Jonet to kisi
wife and child.
Kate was sitting up with the babe In
her arms when Rupert came In, a sweeter
picture of young motherly grace than my
yea had aver seen before aye, or since.
Bhe held up the baba to be dandled, her
own face to ba kissed. How could any man
resist that mute appeal, that adoring
glanca. Ha waa come Kate's universe was
"Ia ho not lovely? Kiss him, Rupert!"
she cried, clapping her hands to sea him
hold the child gingerly aa it he would
"Coma and sit by me, Rupert," she said.
"I am strong. See, I can hold him myself.
You think he will tire me. Well, you shall
hava him to hold for five minutes, no more.
Then you muat give him back to me. He
Is so precious, you know that tils mother
cannot do without him no, not for a min
ute. But she will lend him to you while
she counts a hundred because you are his
father, but to no one else in all the world!"
Rupert had perforce to alt beside bia
wife, and, knowing that I waa waUaUng
him, he put a strong constraint upon him
self, and began to talk with aome appear
ance of goodwill of tha beauty of the babe,
of his own unfortunate accident, of tha
slowness of Warner's cure, and especially
of the terrible straits to which, if relief
did not come soon, they- would be put for
All the time, however, I could see Mr.
Rupert growing perceptibly uneasy. He
wished to have an Interview with his wife
alone, in order, aa I anticipated, that he
might be able to get her consent to soma
arrangement disadvantageoua to her, to
which be knew I would never give in. His
continual referencea to the family difftcul
tlea pointed that way. As also the numer
ous errands which he Invented In order to
get me out of the room. He put tha mat
ter mora boldly when next he spoke.
"Mademoiselle," he said, "will you per
mit ma to hava a few minutes' private con
versation alone with my wife? I hava
aomething to aay to her which concerns
herself and our future."
Kata raised her head from the babe, la
eurprlse at hla tone.
"No." I said firmly, settling myself to
my sewing. "I will not leave the room.
Enough mischief has been done already by
Kata and you having secrets from me. I
have given up enough and suffered enough
to give ma a right to share in any plana
you may form for my alster or her child.
She is still weak and. I consider, in my
charge, ao long, that is, as you cannot or
will not give her bar proper position la
the world aa your wife. So aay what you
have to say in my presence, if you please,
Mr. Rupert Glendonwyn!"
''This la past bearing!" ha cried, leaping
to hla feet. "Have you forgotten that you
are In thla house on sufferance? You came
here without being asked you stay here
against our will and yet you will cot per
mit me to speak tor Ave mlnutea alone with
my wife!"
"Very likely. It U all true." I aald. very
calmly, "the last accusation certainly Is.
What you have to aay to Kate you must say
also to me. unless you propose to call Ha
mtsh up and carry ma down atairs between
At this be tried another tack.
"Mademoiselle," be said, softly (and when
he chose no one bad a softer voice or a
mora winning Way with him than Mr. Ru
pert), "when people love one another
they do not alwaya wlh to ahow It before
all tha world"
"Oh. aa to that." aald I, "I will alt by
the window and turn my back I will shut
my eyea, but not my ears!"
Whereupon Kata laughed aloud with per
fect uncencern and Joyousness.
"Why, I will kiss you. Rupert." ahe aald,
"before Falrlte or aaybody. Who, Indead,
has a better right?"
And drawing bia faca aowa between hr
two palm, aha klaa4 hiia. soiling and
aoddlag over te ma with a hind ot triumph.
t- , -7 , - ;
R .Crocictf
and defiance very pretty to see. So (thought
I) I have seen children brought to visit a
father's grave, sporting about the grave of
burled love.
When 1 looked again Mr. Rupert wns
standing erect by the window, frowning and
gnawing his moustache. The expression on
bia face waa not pleaeant or amiable. I
think If he only could have slain me with
any chance of safety at that moment he
vculd have done It. But I sat and eewed
with great calmness at the small white gar
ment I was making, looking up occasionally
at him. Kate was again wrapt up In her
"Well let us have It! Out with it!" I
said at last. For I waa pleased that the
game was, sa I thought, in my hands.
"I will," he cried, with a quick spirit of
anger, "and on your head the conse
quences!" HE 13 MINE. ALL I HAVE, AND I WILL
He paced up and down the room with
rapid, nervous footstens. I had n.v.r !
him so moved before. His bearing was that
of a man who waa wishful to save himself
at any expense of sorrow and pain to others.
Suddenly ha stopped, hla hands caught
behind him as If to nerve himself for what
ne was about to say.
"I have come to take away the child," he
said, "my father and I agree that It is for
the beBt."
Kate sprang to her feet, swift and sud
den as a lioness when her cubs are threat
ened. "What," she cried, "not from me? He !s
mine alt I have! And I will keep him."
"Kate," said Mr. Rupert gently, taking
her hand, "if your alster had allowed us to
speak of the matter alone I could havo
showed you proved to you better than I
can now. that this Is a step of the utmost
necessity to us all."
"Rupert." said Kate, "you can do with
me what you will, but leave ma the babe.
T , . .
I my comiort you are so often away
so mtie with me. He is all I have. And
he Is growing so like you I meant to call
him after you. O, I thought you would be
so pleased!"
And ahe sobbed upon his shoulder softly
and heart-brokenly.
I could see the man nerve himself up to
go through with that which he bad begun.
I do not think he was devil-possessed that
dav -onlv (lmrrrAtltv iln. V. - i.- i.
' iu ill uuu uoen I
told to do, obeying the one strong mind '
wnose lorceiuiness had been able to master
and control bia. If Kate had ever possessed
a tithe of the Influence over Mr. Rupert
which Oregory Glendonwyn had they might
have been happy together today.
"My father wishes to take him away," he
aald, "and the sooner it Is done the better.
It Is for your own good, too, Kate, for the
longer It Is put off tha more you will suffer.
Besides.' any day tha retreat of the Island
may bo penetrated. Moreover, to hava you
discovered here would be bad enough two
girls Isolated on a lonely island belonging
to Mr. Gregory Glendonwyn. but a child
also would be fatal. Ha will be well pro
vided for, I promise you. My father hss
promised to see to that."
Kate stood pale as ashes, her fingers
clenched upon the back of the chair on
which she had been seated. I went to her,
and as gently aa I could compelled her to
sit down again.
Then I spoke to her husband.
"And pray Mr. Rupert Glendonwyn, hav
ing obeyed your father and taken the babe,
what do you propose to do with us?"
I thought tbat the abade of shame seemed
m grow aaraer on his face.
J "I think." he began, "that la. my father
thinks that ia, it has been decided that lu
the meantime you shall remain upon the
1 Island till an opportunity be found of con
I veying you to an eatata which my father
' possesses in Cumberland, where It is possi
ble you may find the babe established on
I your arrival. For this, however, a larger
boat is reaulred than w h. v. ,,
of obtaining immediately, having consid
eration to the necessary privacy."
Aa he spoke Kate came quite near him
and looked into hla face. Her hands were
claaped before her. her lips and face like
"God knows I would give my Ufa for
you. Rupert." ahe cried, "I have always
been ready to do that. I am still. But I
must keep tha babe. He may aoon be all
I have. You are slinnin. .. v m.
I can sea that. I can feel it. I do not
I think it ia your fault, but that of your
I father, who hates me. If ha hate ma be
j would bate the child also I know he
j would. And ao I cannot give him up even
to you I caanat and I will not. You will
have to kill ma first, Rupert!"
I And ska stooped to th lltUa bit) ba-
Anility of Marriage.
That was one interview which aerved
to shake the foundation of my darling's
reason, thank God, only for a time. The
other I shall relate more briefly. For It
Is as useless as It Is painful to dwell on
these attempts of wicked and weak men
to sacrifice the Innocent over the graves of
their own sins.
That which Rupert the son had been
unable to effect by persuasion, Gregory, the
father, came some time after to carry out
by sterner means. It was that day In lata
November to which and the night that fol
lowed It, so many referencea have been
made In this history.
When I saw Mr. Olendonwyn disembark
with Mr. Surgeon Warner, I knew that the
battle so long imminent must now be
fought to a finish.
And I do not think that I was very
sorry. These Glendonwyn, with their pitl
ful shifts and their pride in tha wrong
p'sce, their willingness to sacrifice all
for their great name the woman who
loved them, the woman who had aided
them, the babe that had been born to
them, stirred every bit of combattvenesa in
me. Of course I expect John, who, though
he bore the name, was as different from
the others aa God'a gospel is from the
devil's lie.
But our assailants did not appear to be
In any haste to begin operations. Indeed
I grew to wonder whether there waa to be
any direct attack that day or no, and to
dread their proffered gifts more than their
openest enmity.
It was already afternoon before Mr.
Glendonwyn opened hla batteries. Kate
waa sitting with the child in her arms,
llent mostly, or lifting the babe In her
strong arms that she might tell him for
the hundredth time how surpassing lovely
he was.
Mr. Glendonwyn hsd seated himself at
the table with a largo pocketbook full of
papers, which be presently spread out be
fore him and studied intently. Warner
had brought a book from the library, which
he was pretending to read.
"Now for it," I thought, "how I wish
John were here to help me!"
Quite abruptly Mr. Olendonwyn turned
to Kate, who started violently as ba ad
dressed her. "
"Madam," be said, "I am aware that upon
a certain date of January of this present
year my son, Rupert, foolishly and without
my knowledge went through a form of mar
rlage with you. Into the legality or ille
gality of that ceremony I shall not enter.
It Is sufficient that the fact cannot now be
proved In any court of law"
"But the witnesses tha minister?" I
cried. Indignantly; "I myself was pres
ent!" "The first Is dead," said Mr. Glendonwyn
gravely, "the second (here ho turned
toward the surgeon, who bowed silently)
will not, I think, be able to give such evi
dence as would tend to establish your
sister's claim. There remains yourself,
Miss Falrlle and, I believe, a certain cer
tificate of the form of marriage gone
through between my son and your alster,
written in the hand of the barrack's chap
Iain, who officiated or pretended to offi
cial." "I will certainly not keep silent tor a
day," I cried; "my sister was as truly
married aa any woman as your own
mother, Mr. Glendonwyn!"
Mr. Glendonwyn made a little Imnatlent
movement with his hand.
"I think," he went on, "if you will do
me the favor to glvo mo your attention,
that I can show you some good reaaona why
you should either deliver that certificate
Into my hands or. burn it before my eyes;
and. secondly, why your sister and your
aelf should sign a paper which I have
here, renouncing all claims on her own
account or on that of her child to any
properties which might accrue to them
from such a marriage, supposing that Its
legality were unquestioned."
"I shall be glad to hear your reasons,"
I aald; "they must be grave indeed to
Justify us In taking such a step."
"They are of the gravest or I should
not be here today in the attitude of a
suppliant," said be. with a kind of mock
humility. "Briefly, then, they are three.
First, if our requests are not complied
with and my son declared free to marry,
Rupert will go to prison as a forger, I as
an embezzler. Again, I have legal opinion
that in the absence of witnesses In your
favor, the quasi certificate, a purely In
formal document. Is -quite valueless; and.
thirdly, which may Influence you most. If
our demsnds are not complied with Dr.
Warner and I Intend to take with ua the
child which has been the issue of my son's
unfortunate mesalliance." ,
He had hardly the words out of his
mouth when Kate waa on her feet, breath
ing deeply and fiercely, her head thrown
a little forward and her splendid hair fall
ing in disorder about her neck. With a
single motion ot her hands abe pushed back
the chair and stood with clasped Angers
and flashing eyes between the men and the
"You shall not you csnnot take my
child!" ahe cried. "You only do thla to
frighten me, I know. I will call for help.
I will strike you dead with my hands.
Falrlle Hamish Jonet help me! They are
going to take him away to take my little
child from me. Oh, no no no!"
I had risen and gone across to her, but
with one hand she put me essily aside. She
waa wonderfully strong. She held out the
other with a paper in It.
"There." she cried, "take It! Read It!
Burn it! I desire never to see it again!
Or him either. Ha has sent you to take my
boy away from me. See, I a 111 burn It my
aelf before your eyes."
And before anyone could stop her she had
thrown the psper Into the fire and stamped
It down with her heel. It flamed up mo
mentarily in the bright bias of the pine
branches, and aa it crumbled Into black
ash I could see a new expression come Into
Gregory Glendonwyn' eyes. When next he
spoke It waa with quite a new tone of au
thority. "So far, good," be aald; "and now,
madam. I must bava your signatures to
this document also. After that I will leav
you la peace. It goes to hla heart to be
Docs One
It is a well-known tact among the medical profession that
baldness in seventy-five per cent of the cases brought to their
attention is caused by dandruff. . VVc do not guarantee to
grow hair on a bald head, although in many instances the
continued use of Coke Dandruff Cure has surprised and
delighted the purchaser by starting a new growth of hair in
its original color. We do guarantee it to absolutely cure
any case of dandruff, which, of course, at once stops the hair
from falling, and we will refund the money if it fails.
A good article is alwaya imitated a poor one never. Beware of spuri
ous preparations sold as Coke Dandruff Cure. The genuine was never
known to leare the hair greasy or sticky. It contains no oil or anything
that will injure the hair or scalp. Buy the genuine of your druggist.
To mmat m popular demand, wo havo nlaoad a mpeofal ftftyoont ulxo
bottki on tha markot In addition to our regular SI.OO mlxo.
sminn.mi.ii.Ki.innL ,11111 11.-1.
compelled to appear hard to you, but all our
aafetlea require It."
And he pushed across to me a paper
which set forth "tbat In consideration of an
annual payment of . 300, Kate or
Catherine Glendenntng, daughter ot David
Glendennlng of Boatcraft, In the parish of
Gower, was to bind herself to renounce all
claims and rights ensuing from any Irregu
lar or apparent marriage between herself
and Rupert Glendonwyn, younger of Castle
Gower, and to declare that she was not
legally married to the aforeaald Rupert."
All in a moment the possibility ot meet
ing stratagem with stratagem flashed upon
me. I knew, of course, that the paper Kate
had burned was not the orlgnal certificate
which the minister bad written and which
Warner and I had witnessed. I had the
best possible reasons for my knowledge. In
fact I bad carefully copied It out upon
paper of a similar quality, Imitating the
signature as beet I could. I had doue this
as soon as Kate and I came back from our
first carriage Jaunt together. I had then
put the original with all my parchments
and certificates in a sealed envelope in the
little safe wherein my father kept his
moneys, his papers, his plans and his draw
ings. I marked tha outside "Falrile's cer
tificatesSchool!" And I knew that It would
rest there till the day ot doom safe and In
tact. For this reason alone I bad permitted Kate
to carry the copy about with her which
otherwise would hava been a foolish and
fatal thing to do. In days when Mr. Rupert's
word was her law, and when, if he had
asked it of her, she would have given
him the very head off her shoulder to do
him pleasure.
So, with this knowledge, and believing
also that a marriage la a marriage, and
no paper renouncing It of any legal value
though algned by either or both parties
I whispered to Kate thst, for the sake of
peace, it would be well that she should
sign th document.
"And If I do, no one will tak away my
child?" she cried. For that was ever upper
moat in her mind.
After I had given her this advice Greg
ory Glendonwyn aurveyed me all over with
hla deep-pterclrgj gray eye, as If to make
out bow much I knew. But I continued to
sew tranquilly, and bore his chilly inspec
tion to all appearance stolidly enough.
Kata accordingly signed the paper with
out troubling to read It. For since baby
chanced to require apecial attention at the
moment, what were papers to her whose
very life was at the service of those whom
she loved that Is, ot the Ruperts Glen
donwyn, elder and younger. And I be
lieve. In a leaser degree, also of me, her
sister. As before. Surgeon Warner and I
formally witnessed the transaction, which,
I admit, caused ma no little aecret satis
faction, remembering two similar signa
tures adhibited to another document locked
up In the little aafa along with drawing
of farm carts snd plans ot greenhouses.
Even if Kata could sign away her own
rlghta what about those of this clamor
ous young gentleman whom bis mother
waa Just now enveloping with the help
of numerous safety pins, till he looked
like a cocoon through which a llttl
rubicund-faced silk worm has Just be
gun to eat Its way.
"Now," aaid Gregory Glendonwyn,
pushing a thick envelope over to Kata,
"be good enough to sign a receipt for
that. There la a form lncloaed. You
will not, however, need the money till
such time aa you are landed at some
Cumberland port or wherever we decide
that It will be best for you to settle."
Kata looked helpleasly over at ma for
Instructions. Bo I counted th notes, which
wer upon the bank of England and
amounted to 150, glanced at the form of
receipt and ahowed my alster where to
write her name.
"Write 'Kate Glendennlng!" aald Greg,
ory, who waa watching us closely.
"Yes, writs your maiden name, dear!"
I whispered. For I remembered John
one telling ma tbat down to a very recent
data it was ths custom In Scotland for
married women to aign their maiden names,
even to legal documents. 80 no harm could
cam of tbat.
Thla being done, Gregory Glendonwyn
and Surgeon Warner gathered their papers
Thing and Docs It Well.
11 .1 -
and went out together without any leave-taking.-
It was with a smile that I thought that,
though at present we could not get out
of the .island, it would be a very faraway
port, Indeed, which would prevent me com
municating with my father and John.
Nor did I feel the least remorse for the
part I had played. Our enemies were try
ing to hoodwink and outwit us. I held it
no aln, therefore, to overlook their cards
as much as I could.
The Tower Chamber.
No sooner had the latrd ot Castle
Gower and his satellite betaken themselves
out, than Kate sprang to her feet with
swift, tigerish energy.
"Come, sister," she said. In a low hushed
whisper, "quick let us get away. They
have come to take baby from me. I saw
it In their eyes all the time. Why
elae did Rupert's father bring the doctor
to help him? They want to steal my boy
away! Perhaps to kill him at least to
take him away where I shall never see him
And she proceeded to roll up her work
and make a bundle of several things which
the baby might require, as if she would
leave the house Immediately.
I had, therefore, to get her away Into
her own room, where I Impressed upon her
bow Impossible It would be for us to lesve
the island in broad daylight with three
men all on the lookout, carrying a baby,
and the available boats all locked in the
Kate listened without speaking. She
seemed to be taking in what I said, but
I perceived a strange lack-luster deadness
in her eyes.
"I must go to him," I heard her wbiaper
more than once, "he will surely protect his
own. It is his father who has set him on
to this. He is good be la kind he loves
I did not hear all thia at one time, but
in snatches as I went to and from, con
triving work to keep me near my sister.
"But all her excitement of the afternoon
paled before what was to come, when about
4 o'clock in the afternoon Hamlnh entered
by the great door in evident baste. He
went into the back parte to see old Jonet
and there unseen and, of course, unheard
by ua, conversed in signs with bis dumb
wife. It was not long before the two ot
them came up to our room the little bed
room with the window upon the sea, which
I had chosen for myself when first we came.
Then Hamish without any preliminary In
formed us tbat "Ta gentlemen would not be
crossln' fn the boat that nlcht. but would
be stoppln' ower till the mornin'."
Accordingly he desired Kate and myself
to change Into the pair of communicating
rooms which gave upon the court yard,
while, as be said, "him and Jonet would
mak' up ahak-doons for to gentlemen" In
my little chamber.
It seemed a thing natural enough, for
it was late, the wind was rising and ther
was every prospect of a storm.
But who was to convince our frightened
Kate of that? She leaped up at the word.
"No no." he cried, "I will not leava
this room. I will not go Into the other
chambers. I will not be parted from
my boy. Let them go Into the front rooms
it they like. W will all three stay here
together. See, tvere Is a lock upon the
door. Falrlle. you and I will lock our
selves In. I will sit up all night. They
want to take my darling from me. But
they shall not no, they shall not!"
I had to quiet her aa beat I could, at th
rame time explaining to Hamish tbat the
gentlemen could have the other two rooms
but that Kate and I would remain where
we were.
"Aa ye like, mem," said Hamlah.
"There's nae objection tbat I ken o' why
ya ahouldna sleep in the meat safe gin ye
want to. Dell bite me, but there's nae
end to weeman's vagaries!"
Hamish went out, and tha moment he
was gone Kate threw herself upon tha door,
locked and barred it, and began to drag a
heavy cheat of drawer Into place across It.
I assured her that there waa no danger,
and succeeded for tha time being in per
suading ber ta restore th chest of drawers
to Us place. But I could see that so fat
as her suspicions were concerned the mis
chief was done.
However, for the time being I seemed to
convince her, and to have made good my
point. She even took little Rupert in her
arms and went with me down to the sitting
room, where a bright fire was lighted. We
had the room to ourselves till supper time,
when Mr. Glendonwyn came in, and with
the greatest politeness proposed that wa
should all sup together.
As soon as she heard bis foot come to
ward the door, I could see Kate clutch her
child so tightly that the youthful Rupert
promptly objected and sent far and wide
a lusty proteststlon. But when Mr. Glen
donwyn came In, Kate met him smiling.
There waa Indeed (as I remember now) a
strange fixity In her smile, and she said
but little. Indeed, I do not remember
much of what passed at table, save that
there was a great deal of talk.
I heard the worda come out and go. I
noted the expression of Interest or In
difference on the face of the laird ot Castle
Gower. But somehow before the meal was
over a curious warm tingling drowsiness
stole over me I knew not whence or why.
I had only time to warn Kata that I must
go at once to our room. I dared not even
wait for her to gather the various prop
erties, infantile and Invalid, which she had
brought with ber. I could only seize the
taby, say "Good night" in some fashion
and, stumble upstairs. But ere I closed the
door I seemed to see an expression of In
telligence pass from one to the other of
our guests In the house ot Inch Jonet. As
to this, however, I own myself uncertain.
I remember locking the door.
Then, after an Interval which seemed In
terminable, there came a knocking, again
and again repeated. Kata went trembling,
and, after some parley, opened the door.
It was Hamish who stood without, with a
folded paper, which Kate took Into ber
hands. Then ahe locked, aa it seemed to
my dizzy brain, very many doors, and
brought me the little sheet of white with
a frown upon her brow.
"Tell me what It means!" she said, as if
she were tot able to understand.
I was lying on the bed as I bad flung
myself down, w ithout undressing. I took the
paper out of her hand. I saw the writing, Mr.
Oregory Glendonwyn' beautiful round band,
but, curiously enough, though the Individual
words and letters stood out like type, the
meaning of the whole wavered to and fro
before me, dim aa a shadow on the wall.
Mine eyes ssw, Indeed, but between them
and my brain there swept that blurring,
hurrying mist. I knew no more.
(To Be Continued.)
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