Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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I 1
f Grace co
In four big productions.
This Afternoon. Tonight, Monday Night,
Howard Hall'a Big Success,
Slaves of Russia
Tuesday Night, Wednesday Matinee and
Night and Thursday,
Sot Smith Russell'a
Peaceful Valley
Friday Night and Saturday Matinee,
Saturday and Sunday Matin? and N'gbt,
'Reaping the Whirlwind
Special acenery and effects with each
High riaaa Vaudeville between acta.
PRICES Matinees. 10c and 25c;
nights, 10c, 20c, 30c, SOc.
On Wednesday and Thursday evenings
and Thursday afternoon. May 7 and 8,
KATHItYN KIDDER will appear In a
grand revival of "1T1E COITNTKY GIRU"
pat aale will commence Saturday, May 3.
On account of the large nun-.oer of In
qulrlea at the box office applications for
seats sent In before the opening of the
'ale will be filed In the order of their re
. celpt.
Telephone 1631.
7eek Commencing
Sun. Mat.. April 27
Today 2 ;30 Tonight 8:15
Fanny Rice
In "Surprises."
James F. Kelly
Dorothy Kent
In a "Ginger Snap."
Esther Fee,
Far-Famed Instrumental tat,
.lay De Sousa,
Tha Charming Singer.
La Fuppe,
Mechanical Doll.
Hendrix and Prescott,
Singers, Vocallats, Comedians.
Primrose and M'lntyre,
Black Face Comedians.
The Kinodrome,
New Moving Scenes.
Prices, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Waco's Trocadcro k
Entire Week, Including Saturday Evening.
High Rollers
Extravaganza Co.
Good, Exceptionally So; Preaentlng
Tha Rnnaway Olrla
MeTaander's Blunders
Indescribably pretty girls.
Original music. Beauty and
Dlson and Holmes,
Character Impersonations.
Howe and Scott,
Hebrew Comedians.
Dot Davenport,
America' Comedienne.
Verdler Slaters,
Pat White,
Burlesque Comedian.
smoke ir
Two ahowa dully matinee, I;18; night,
I: IS. Telephone 2809 for an unusually
clever show.
Peoria vs. Omaha.
April 27. 28, 29, 30.
Oame railed at Take South Omaha
Cars South.
Mrs. Thomaa J. Kelly, Soprano.
Mlsa Nora MoCabe, Contralto.
Mr. MeCreary, Tenor.
Mr. Stein. Baaso.
Engagements limited to funerala,
ktasonlu rituals and muslcales. Ap
ply to
THOMAS J. KELLY. Duvldge Block.
1" earner of Mandolin, Gallar A Banjo.
Ill Ramge Elk., Ut,h and Harney Streets.
Studio hours. 10 a. m. to I p. m., except
Tuesdaye and Friday.
Telephone B2St,
IpiUmHU, DntB.. r.ifuriM. Ljofc t
llfeilr', "u lk," l.lru iuauw .r.
o-fd. 4a) I.lul..lUM, fri, it
1ta bud 34u,t a IntlraaMon, faff
Mttr H.i.4. Bii,mt im lasus-
If ON t MEALY. ? !$ ft.. Chicsc.
Ik. W-rit't L-.V-wt fe-t M iw.i. afc,
II p. a a-.. J
Aslde from Richard Mansfield there Is
perhaps no other theatrical star whose
coming brings as much real pleasure and
Is looked forward to with aa much eager
nrs by Omaha theater-goers as that of
Maude Adams. In Miss Adams' rase this
desire may be whetted somewhat by the
fart that Instead of coming annually, as
does Mr. Mansfield, ahe visits us only every
other year, although were ahe to come
oftener It is likely that the frequency of
her vlalts would tend to Increase her popu
larity rather than to diminish It. It Is
not surprising that her engagement last
week was more largely attended than any
other theatrical attraction that has been
seen In Omaha this season. Considered
from a financial atandpolnt It was a record
breaker for many seasons, the receipts far
exceeding those of Viola Allen. Sir Henry
Irving asked a dollar more for seats down
stairs than did Miss Adams, yet there
was but a very little difference In the
receipts of these two attractions fcr a
comparative number of performancea.
When one stops to consider the matter
it Is really a remarkable thing that a
woman should be able to win aucb laurels
on the stage as has thla apparently frail
little being In so short a space of time.
Until four seasons ago Maude Adams held
the modest poeltlon of leading woman for
John Drew. Since that time ahe has be
come a star and one of the best beloved
and moat admired women on the Ameri
can atage. It would be a difficult matter
for even an admirer of this wonderfully
clever woman to give a logical answer to
the question, "What Is there in Maude
Adams that fascinates?" Surely it la not
her beauty, for ahe la almost wholly with
out either beauty of face or figure. It Is
not her vivacity, for that she doea not
possesa even In a limited degree. Neither
Is It her gracefulness, for she Is far from
being graceful on the etage and at times
actually awkward. This Inexplicable
aomethlng seems to be in her acting rather
than In her personality. She has the
faculty of being able to lay bare to her
auditora a wholeaome soul; the charm that
she exercises is Innate and subtle, but ren.
dered all the more forcible for the very
sympathy that ahe arouaes. The unseen
tie la always the strongest. She enters
Into her part with all her soul, making it
sweet, pathetic and droll as occasion de
mands. Her sudden charm -In natural
glances, beautiful smiles and piquant stac
cato blta of speech la bewitchingly ex
emplified. The fact that John Drew, from whose
company Maude Adams graduated Into the
position of a star, is to be the next theatri
cal personage of prominence to appear
here brings to mind a story told by a well
known manager of an equally well known
star during the tatter's appearance here re
cently, that Is worth repeating. Inasmuch
as it shows the value of the opinion one
peraon in the theatrical profession of an
other following the aame calling. It seems
Mr. Drew and his company, which at that
time Included Miss Adams as leading lady,
were billed to play in Utlca, N. Y. It
wae shortly before Miss Adama left Mr.
Drew's compaay to become a star. The
press agent of Mr. Drew's company had
tailed to leave a sufficient number of cuts
of his star in Utlca to supply the news
papers, and the publisher of the theater
program, as well, and as the manager of
the theater happened to have one of Miss
Adams in his possession, and knowing that
ahe was Mr. Drew's leading lady, he In
structed the publisher of the program to
prist this cut on tha front page of the
program for the engagement. When Mr.
Drew arrived at the theater he asked to
sea a program, thinking, of course, that his
own picture would adorn the title page.
When be found that one of Mlas Adams
appeared there Instead, the story goes that
he flew into a rage and aent for the man
ager of the theater, when the latter ap
peared he demanded to know why the pic
ture of a "mediocre leading woman who
did not draw a dollar to the theater" should
be uaed lnatead of that of a atar of his
prominence. Of course explanations failed
to pacify Mr. Drew. Subsequent events
prove bow poor his Judgment of Miss
Adama' ability, for today she occuplea a
position In the theatrical world of which
Mr. Drew might well feel proud. Besides
being a star with ability, she is conceded
by theatrical managera throughout the
country to be the best paying attraction on
the road, capable of attractlag more dol
lars in one performance than many others
who poae aa her superior can in two.
Miss Ellen Terry likes many things about
America, and dlallkea a few, according to
the Dramatic Mirror, which says:
Mlsa Terry, at home In London, haa ex
pressed her satisfaction with her recent
American tour, "it was the same old
atory of perpetual kindness, the same old
friends for twenty years, the aame cities
and the same plays," she aald. "The
American people are always Interesting and
I enjoy those In the west especially. There
was not a crumpled roseleat along the
route except the dressing rooms in the
theaters. English theaters are bud enough
in that respect, but the American are worse
no ventilation, no drainage they are
No doubt Mlsa Terry's criticisms are
Justified, but bad aa many of our dressing
rooms are there has been a decided Im
provement In the conditions that existed
when Mlsa Terry flrat came to this country.
Actora have done much to remedy the
state of affairs that formerly existed by
protest and complaint
Miss Terry admires our quick way of do
ing things and our appreciation of art
"But." she says, "there Is too much hurry
In their art and too much of the rapid
transit Idea In all the art of the day In
consequence. The highest form of art, In
my mind, U the cathedral, and what
cathedral waa built In a dav? They laid It
atone by stone, through the long, quiet
j "j i. 'uret?a 11 ana gave
It time. Now everything must be done by
lightning; chickens must be produced with
out being hatched; we want the treea with
all the blossoms and no leaves. There must
be eonstant change at the theater and good
actora and actresses are 'resting' because
novelty has -become the rage."
While telling atorlea. here Is one about
Charles Frohmau and Maude Adams which
Is not bad. It is told by the New York
When Maude Adams ' played "Quality
Street" in Scranton. Pa.. Just before the
production of the piece In New York a
modestly attired gentleman who occupied
an end seat well back near the door waa
approached by an usher, who handed him
a telegram during one of the daintiest
scenes of the play, while Phoebe of the
and 6Jd St.
N. Y. City.
Fireproof Modern
Moderate Hales Exrlaalve
Eateatlvo Library Aeeoaalbl
Orchestral Concerts Every Evening.
Alt tars !' the L nipt re.
Send for descriptive Booklet.
VY.. JoH.Noo.N VIUINN. Proprietor.
12.1s TO I P. M.
la a special Millard feature.
i E . MA RK EL SON. Props.
H. P.rplea, Manager.
B. DavewKwt. rmKlpal Clark.
f ,. J
Ringlets and her sister were discussing
llmlr trouble. The gentleman got up as
quietly as he could and left the theater,
nut not without arousing the ire or a laoy
who pat Just behind htm. The ladv
scowled her displeasure and. fanning her
self vlgoiously. said to her escort In an Ir
ritated undertone:
"I wish people would stay away alto
gether from performances they cannot ap
preciate. That man probably never saw
a decent play before In all his life. 1
could almost cry to think he la so heart
less as to have no appreciation of that
beautiful scene."
Her escort, who had been posted bythe
UKhor on the way In. smiled and said: "I
wouldn't feel o badly about It If 1 were
"And why not, pray?"
"Because that's Mlsa Adams' manager,
Charles Frofiman of New York."
Coming; Events.
The Grace Hayward Stock company opens
a twelve-performance engagement at the
Boyd thla afternoon. The company la un
der the personal direction of Dick Ferrla,
its organizer. During the engagement four
plays will be given. This afternoon, to
night and Monday night the Russian melo
drama, "The Slaves of Russia," will be
given. Its scenes are laid In 8lberla. It li
said to be thrilling in Its climaxes and
scenes. Tuesday night, Wedneaday mat
inee and night and Thursday night Sol
Smith Russell's quaint comedy, "Peaceful
Valley." will be the offering. "Carmen''
will be given Friday night and Saturday
matinee. Saturday night the sensational
melodrama. "Reaping the Whirlwind," will
be presented. This drama depicts scenes
and events during the siege of Mets at the
time of the Franco-Prussian war. All of
these plays are promised with elaborate
scenic environment. Mr. Ferris will be
seen In the leading roles in all of these
plays. Practically all of the old favorites
who were seen here before are still with
the company. They are: Thaddeua Gray,
A. E. Bellows, Jacquea Caldwell, J. S.
Macy, John T. Powers, Charles Ferguson,
Malsle Cecil, Lola Morrlsse, Dallle Temple
and Grace Hayward. Specialties will be
given between acts by John T. Powers,
Jacques Caldwell, McConnell sisters, Fer
guson brothers and Malsle Cecil. Very low
prices of admission will prevail through
out this engagement.
"When Reuben Comes to Town" Is the
title of the last booking made at the Boyd.
It comes May 15 and 18. The title conjurea
up visions of rural life and country simplic
ity, but the title is misleading, as the at
traction is the latest musical comedy sent
out from New York. It employs a com
pany of fifty people, headed by Douglas
Flint of comic opera renown. Its scenes
are laid at the home of a wealthy New
York clubman. It la of the same class as
"The Burgomaster" and "The Strollers."
Fenny Rice comes flrat in the bill open
ing the matinee today at the Orpheum. The
program embraces eight varied acts and for
the most part has the advantage of being
new to local patrons, as five of the stunts
are by vaudevllllans who have not been
seen here. Miss Rice haa a new vaudeville
act called "Surprises" said to be positively
a novelty, differing from any that haa been
seen here. In this she opens with a reci
tation of the thrilling kind, after which she
gives a number of character Imitations,
with appropriate songs for each, giving her
an opportunity to show how gracefully she
can step from the sublime to the ridicu
lous. She has assisting her Alice Beach
McComas, a pianist of note. James F.
Kelly and Dorothy Kent present a breezy
little sketch called "A Ginger Snap."
Esther Fee is down for the principal In
strumental feature, while May De Sousa, a
sweet and pretty young singer, who was
educated at the Sacred Heart academy in
this city, will be greeted by old friends and
admirers. A number of young people have
engaged aeata for theater parties to see her.
La Puppe is a novel mechanical doll act
described as very illuslonary and difficult
to determine whether it Is doll or man.
Hendrix and Prescott will entertain with
singing, dancing and comedy. Black face
comedy will serve to acquaint us with
Primrose and Mclntyre, the latter being a
son of Jimmy Mclntyre of the team of Mc
lntyre and Heath. Entirely new pictures
of timely interest projected by the kino
drome completes the bill.
Beginning with the matinee today the at
traction at Miaco's Trocadero for the week
will be the High Rollers, an aggregation
of more than a acore of pretty burleaquers,
with a half dozen comedians to lend fun and
variety to the entertainment. The bill
opens with a pleasing and humorous skit
entitled "The High Rollers Ladles' Club,"
showing them having a good time in Paris,
and "The Filipino Princess," In which the
entire company participate. The foremost
In the olio are Dixon and Holmes, char
acter impersonations; - Howe and Scott,
comedians; Dot Davenport, comedienne; the
Verdler sisters, and Pat White, burleaque
comedian. Amateur ntghta have been an
established rule at the Trocadero every
Friday evening, the next one being without
a doubt the best of the season.
Plays and Players.
Sir Henry Irving Is to revive Tennyson's
Annie Russell is mentioned as wanting to
pluy Joan of Arc.
The French opera season In New York is
a financial success.
Sadie Martlnot la to appear in vaudeville
In a one-act comedy, "Fashionable Intelli
gence." Anthonv Hope has dramatised his little
story, "The Philosopher In the Apple
Wilson Barrett's new melodrama, Just
produced In Australia, la called "The Never
Never Land."
Berlin haa seen Duse In her famous
"Francesca da Rlmlnl" and does not espe
cially car for either.
Next year the Boatonlana are to revive
"Robin Hood," with aa many of the orig
inal cast as can be got together.
A feature of "In the Daya of Noah,"
played the other day on Long Island, waa
"a realistic representation of the flood."
George R. Slmms Is to write a big spec
tacular melodrama of London life for Klaw
& Erlanger production in this country.
Clara Morris Is said to be seriously con
templating a reiurn to the stage, appearing
In a new play, possibly one of her own.
Fifty thousand dollars have been offered
Maude Adama, it is claimed, to play ten
weeks this summer In London in
At a late professional matinee of "Du
Barry," by Leslie Carter, all the profes
sionals who came had to pay the regular
prices of admission.
Jerry 8ykea of "Foxy Qulller" fame, the
man of preternatural sagacity, waa
buncoed on Hroadway lately out of t9 by
the ancient fllm-tlum game.
At tht close of the Modjeaka-Jamea
tour In a week or two. the famous polish
actress will sail for Europe, probably to
remain there permanently.
The atage brlnga about strange combina
tions, in Stuart Robaon'e company are
two lawyers, a former student for the min
istry and an ex-clergyman.
Ethel Harrymore will sail for Europe on
Philadelphia on May 7. She will visit Eng
land. France and Italy and will return to
America early In October.
Frederick Bryton. well known as actor
and manag'r, died of apoplexy In Koch
ester on Sunday. He was 45 years old.
He once starred Jointly with McKee Ran
kin in "A Kentuck Colonel."
Joseph Jefferson's youngest son. Frank
Jefferson, made his debut as a player last
Saturday night at Morrlstown, N. J., In
an amateur performance given by the
atudenta of the Morrlstown school.
America can beat the world In most
things. Here :a another chance lor It to
enter Into competition. The oldeat rhorua
girl In the world U claimed to be Frau
YValdau of Dre.den, Uerroan. She waa
born In 1.
Since Charles Frohman got to Ixndon
It la said he has acquired two new thea
tres, thirty-four new olava and aeveniv.
JsU new stars. L'uliks anoUiar Xanwua
Charles In English history. It seems they
can't head him off.
J. E. Dodson and his wife, Annie Irish,
are to be stnrred next season. They are to
have comedies by Mrs. Madeline Lurette
Hyley, Mrs. Sarah Grand (In collaboration
with Charles Marlowi. snd Mrs. Cralgle tin
collaboration with E. Rose).
Annie Russell's play for next season
will be Mrs. Ryley's "Mice and Men,"
now being so successfully plaved In Lon
don by Gertrude Elliott and Forbes Rob
ertson. It was written here with a view
of Miss Russell playing the leading part.
A. L. Erlanger. who has Jjst returned
from txindon, where he went to superin
tend the production of "Ben Hur" at the
Irury l.ane theater, pays a high tribute to
the skill of American theatrical mechanics
and says that It takes 1 more men to
handle "Bn Hur" In I.ondon than the
force now engaged In handling the play at
the Colonial.
Klrke La Shells', four new plays for pro
duction next season are Elwyn Barron's
"For Love of a Lady." Augustus Thomas'
"The Love of the Miller." A. R. Hovey's
"O Klku San" (a modern comedy of
diplomatic circles In Washington) and Eu
gene Walters- "Comrade In Arms." Mr.
Barron wrote the "Romona" dramatisa
tion for Julia Marlowe and Robert Taber.
Mr. Hovey wrote "Josephine" for Rhea.
The prehs agents are working themselvea
good and tired In order to appreciate the
rest of the summer vacation. The master
of the pen attached to Buffalo Bill's show
says gold has been found on that gentle
man's ranch. Lulu Olaser's man states
she has been presented with a young lion.
Emma Karnes, according to hor press
chronicler, wos slightly poisoned In eating
fish. Edna Wallace-Hopper's agent tells
how she lately whipped a "masher" In
Central Park, and similar veracious state
ments like In purpose, but differing in
story, are reported of other artists.
That music of the best kind Is being more
and more appreciated in Omaha is being
proved by the Immense audiences which
are overfilling the largest church audito
rium in Omaha on Sunday nights to hear
the various schools of composers as repre
sented by the "Historical Cycle of Com
posers," now In progress at th First Meth
odist Episcopal church.
The gratifying part of the matter Is that
the programs are strictly educational, be
cause thoroughly re -sentatlv of the
strongest men of each school.
There haa been no attempt to eater to a
popular idea, nor to descend from a high
ideal. And the people have come. The
offertory has been generally good. And
last, hut not least, the daily sod weekly
press has given more than ordinary notice
to the work. This is surely a combination
strong enough to encourage further efforts
along that line.
It was a wise Providence that placed the
vocal ligaments In such a position that a
person cannot easily find them with the
naked eye (and a laryngoscope Is sot al
ways available).
There is more trouble caused by looking
into one's mouth for throat troubles, lumps,
bumps, mumps, etc., than there is by actual
tonsllltts. I am inclined to believe that the
honest throat specialist will agree with me
that a fair percentage of cases coming to
him are the result, direct or indirect, of
worrying over and tinkering with the
The singer should know how to "loosen"
the throat, and how to keep it free and un
limited in Its tone-coinage.
But the teacher who simply says, "sing
easily, now Just breathe easily, naturally,
like a baby," without first diagnosing the
case sufficiently to ascertain the present
cause of ease-absence, and, without show
ing definitely, very definitely, the way to
get rid of stiffness is simply fooling the
pupil by the utterance of pretty but in
effective formulae.
It ia as though s violinist should sit st
the window of his studio and repeat again
and again to his pupil, "Just play with a
loose, wrist, my boy, that'a what Yaay
does." - - -
We all remember the old story of Edwin
Forrest and the stage "supe" who, when
asked by the famous actor why he did not
repeat his lines in the way that Forrest
showed him, gave the naive but forceful
answer, "If I could say them the way you
say them I wouldn't be acting here tor $4
a week." The story Is as old as the first
minstrel Jokes, but 'twill serve.
Could the pupil sing with an entire ab
sence of effort, where would be the need of
a teacher? But there Is always, and there
always will be, a multitude of unthinking
people who will flock to the studio of the
teacher who poses, struts, says "H'm-aw-yes,"
with a languid drawl, and saya "Just
do it naturally Just do it with ease."
Alas! poor deluded would-bes, have ye
not read, have ye not discovered, have ye
not ascertained that the ease of the actor,
of the singer, of the orator, of the painter,
of the sculptor, is the one art-pearl of
great price, for which he or she has sold
all bis possessions and then aome.
Ease is easy, but It's hard to get.
And while on thla aubject I may add that
the easy, natural way of doing anything la
the one which la arrived at by dint of hard
work. Go out and try to mow with a
scythe, but look out for your feet!
Oh! the faddlsm and the fetlchiem of the
age! As waa once said by a great teacher
to a very inquisitive but studious pupil
near a certain well in Samaria, "Ye wor
ship ye know not what."
There It, however, one enduring comfort
for the earnest student, snd that la the cer
tain decay and phthisis of all fads. Each
one plays his part snd shuffles off to make
room for another, it is true but each one
makes its exit forever.
They are parta of the play, but the
downtrodden aon of truth In the flrat act
usually becomes the vindicated hero in the
When discussing ths subject of the wily
teacher snd the willing prey with a promt-
Trouble begins with the back,
'Ti the first Bymptom of kidney ills.
The aches and pains of a bad back
Are the kidneys' call for help,
Neglect the warning.
Urinary disorders diabetes Bright s disease.
Quickly follow.
Doan's Kidney Pills
A remedy for kidneys only.
Will cure every kidney 111.
Any bladder trouble. x
Endorsed by Omaha people.
Mr. J. Flick of 1601 Cass strss
the best remedy I ever used tor kid
recommended them to ms snd I pro
store. I was troubled for several r
snd the Irregular action of ths kid
caused aas much misery. Doan's K
faction. They sr so mild you har
they curs. I hav advised friend
results were obtaiaed."
nent. pianist tbs ether night he brought up
the fact that we have no first-class music
publishing house In Omaha or ta any of the
western cities that he knew of. We
thought a good deal on the matter snd re
flected on Ine fact that western composers
stand so little show with eastern publish
ers, while tons of drivel and elementary
harmony-studies are published for eastern
musicians (who have perhaps come from
the west) under the names of songs, son
atinas, etc.
We were forced to the conclusion that
the real reason ia that the people of the
west want their purchases to come from
the east. They will not In very truth
"stand up for the west."
Apropos to this, I heard some time ago
of s man who would not purchase s most
excellent musical Instrument made In his
own town, I think it waa in Kansas, per
haps Missouri. No, he must seeds send to
New York for sn Instrument, snd when It
came, lo, and behold, it bore the name of
his fellow merchant In his own tows. It
waa one of the beat In the New York mar
ket. '
Miss Bella Robinson gave recently a
very interesting series of piano recitals at
her studio. Mrs. Cudahy sang at each of
Mr. W. B. Graham, choirmaster of Trin
ity Methodist church, announces a series
of musical services at that church, begin
ning tonight. The choir will be assisted
by Miss Luella Allen's orchestra.
Mr. W. L. Thlckstun haa been present
ing some Interesting musical programs at
the Flrat Congregational church.
Mr. J. H. Slmms, organist of All Saints
church, will assist at the French program
of the Composers' cycle at the First Meth
odist Episcopal church tonight.
Paderewskl, I am told confidentially by
an outsider, said some nice things to Mr.
Joseph Gahm recently about the latter's
songs. I am glad to see that they have
found place on many eastern programs.
Mr. Blgmund Lsndsberg will present a
most attractive recital by advanced pupils
In the early part of next month.
Mr. W. W. Hinshaw of Chicago is doing
much to popularize grand opera. From
his School of Acting in Chicago he has
sent many singers to the English grand
opera companies. There Is a chance for
great work along this line. I see that
Homer Moore is developing a similar
project in St. Louis.
Mrs. Manlove will have charge of the
program tomorrow at the Woman'a club.
It will begin at 1:30 r. m. She will have
the assistance of Miss Corlnne Paulson,
Mrs. A. O. Edwarda, Miss Cahill of Roch
ester. N. Y.. Miss Cook. Mr. John Brown
snd Mrs. Howard Kennedy. The program
ranges from Handel down to Sudds and
our old friend and author, "Selected."
Marie Swanson, Harplat, 829 S. 18th St.
Exhibits Criminal Disposition More
Hardened Than Ever Seen
In Parla Court.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, April 26. (New York World Cs
blegrsm Special Telegram.) The medical
authorities are examining Into the caae of
a little girl named Georgette Fabeyre, 12
years old, the most hardened youthful crim
inal ever before a Paris court. After a
dispute with a playmate she ran to her
father's workshop, took a bottle of acid
and deliberately threw It at her playmate.
The boy dodged and another child was
struck and fearfully burned. While the
Ilttlo one lay on the ground writing in
agony Georgette locked the door, stuffed a
handkerchief In the poor child's mouth snd
then danced around hla body, watching him
slowly burn to death.
When arrested she said: "I intended
the acid for the other boy, who angered
me, but Francis being in the way he got
the punishment Instead. It was all the
same to me, though; I enjoyed his agony
aa much as it it bad been the other."
The Judge waa so astonished he ordered
Georgette placed under the care of physi
cians to ascertain whether ahe la a born
criminal. If that be the case Georgette
will be locked up for life.
Millions Left by Reclnse Goes to As.
slat People In His Native
Town la Scotland.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
EDINBURGH. April 26. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Chicago Smith's native town of Elgin, Scot
land, la benefiting hugely from hla millions,
which fell to Colonel Cooper, a local law
yer, who married hla adopted daughter.
George, nicknamed "Chicago" Smith, died a
few years ago at the Reform club in Lon
don, where he bad lived In a single bed
room as a recluse for forty years. "His
estate paid ,4.500,000 duty to the British
exchequer. Coloael Cooper is giving as a
coronation present (500 to every one In his
service. He paid the whole expense of
sending 250 local Imperial yeomen to the
war and Insured the life of every soldier
In the Seatorth Highlanders for $500 for
the benefit of relatives. Ha I ss unos
tentatious as the man whose millions he
Inherited, having ia do way altered his
comparatively modest way of life since ne
became .a millionaire.
t, says: "Doan's Kidney Fills are
nay oomplalnts. A frlesd of tains
cured them at Kuha ft Oo.'a drug
ears with sharp pains when stooping
ney secretions, especially st night,
idney Pills gave ms complete satis
Sly know you are taking them, yet
S t us them and ta all cases good
; 1 -'
1 taSeiFg
j I jj5 I
Ths balance of this elegant stock of high-grade pianos will go
quickly. There were 175 pianos in this stock two weeks ago.
You will be surprised to see how they have diminished. The
people know a good thing when they see it, this is evidenced by
the large number of instruments already sold.
If you want one you'll have to wake up.
Opportunity of a Lifetime
We assure you most positively thaf this closing-out sale of
the Hardman Piano stock, at 50 cents on the dollar, of the Mueller
Piano and Organ Co-'s prices furnishes ths greatest chance to
save money Omaha people have seen in years.
Peremptory, Imperative!
We must dispose of every piano in this stock this week as our
lease on the building now occupied by the Mueller Piano and
Organ Co. expires May 1st, and pianos must be either moved or sold.
This Sale is Unparalleled
The herculean task of selling 175 pianos in two weeks was
never before attempted by any house In the west, but if quality,
prices, and easy terms will do it wi shall certainly succeed.
Banner Week
This week will be the banner week for bargains. What we
lack in selection we'll make up for in price,
Deep Cut
will be made in all the prices to insure the sals of every instrument
in this stock. Used uprightsand square pia&os will go for little or
I Meyer
I Monitor
' f $20
i Darl,ss$.0o:..S25
1 sf!le.,?.?.a,,,.S30
I Grou & Chris- COR
i J-,ii" g45
I Hardman
You can secure any of these square
piano bargains on extremely easy
terms,' a small cash payment and from
SI to C3 per month will be accepted,
Some of these pianos are actually worth
three times the price we are asking.
Now if you are really looking for a
genuine bargain don't let this week
pass without seeing this greatest of all
sales. The quicker the better for you,
1313 Farnam Street.
602 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS.
I Jas. Holsfrom gJJ5
I Grass Brothers ggQ
',?'". .$65
1 9!?.... $70
1 ar,adber.7 S75
I Llhfe & Ernst gQQ
I Chickering
I Jas. Holstrom ggQ
I Knabe