14 TIIE OMAITA DAILY J1EE: SUNDAY, ArKTT 27, 1002. IN THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. 99 8AI.T WATEH STYLE". Mar Orarfftl, Modish mn4 C'oqaettlah Tkaa Err Before. NEW TORK, April 25. A flannel that wilt not shrink and a mohair with a thread of pur wool la It ar Inventions that prom la to make for (he happiness of the women who relish their salt sea baths. Two months ago the novelties In bathing suits were sold to the happf few who seek the Florida beaches and the West India Islands In the depths of our winter, and the non hrlnkable flannel and the wool warp mo hair were pronounced worthy of a long period of watery usefulness. The Im proved flannel does not thicken or shrink after prolonged wear, the mohair Is given snore body by virtue of a heavier thread Only a few, women patronize the bathing corset department, where really eecstble little stays of heavy net, stiffened merely with cordinga, are made for those whose figures do not otherwise display to advan tage In the easy-going swimming suits. Boatlnsr Toggery. In the true seaside, yachting and plain boating dresses the struggle this spring Is between wool and linen. Cotton beach and deck suite have been weighed In the bal ance and found wanting, and the oddest compromises are now seen of wool suits trimmed with linen and linen skirts and waists weighted with wool bands, collars, cuffs, etc. The most sumptuous thing In yachting toilet Is a colored linen encrusted with very stout guipure or Russian lace, under which the goods Is cut away to show Mfc' ii-1 ivy A NET ROBE WITH LACK ENCRUSTATIONS. and the shoppers for bathing suit ask with rare exceptlona for white and silver gray swimming costumes only. White suits, garnished with braid, or atitched bands, or .facings of a clear, cheer ful color, promise to predominate on the sands this summer, though there are a few expert floaters and paddlers who ask for all white beach gowns, and there Is always the wise and temperate stout woman who clings to black and dark blue. Given a white flannel or alpaca, the rule Is to round .the blouse of It out flat about the neck with a square sailor, or long dresa coat collar. A sailor's vest fits into the V In front and a floating scarf of gay, washable silk knots In a four-in-hand on the bust.' The Dominant Collar. Very, much stress la laid on the collar's shape and a most surprising amount of variation la expended on Its decoration. There are abawl collars that roll back over the ahouldera with straight-edged or notched revere tapering as far as the waist line; short, shaped collar and double sail or. Some of them are braided In patterns, som are bound with a color and speckled with French knots on the broad binding, ome have gay applications of elaborate colored silk, or flannel, or linen flowers, and some show stitched straps further set off by groups of tiny pearl buttons. Whatever may be the decoration of the collar its form and color are the motifs used In repetition on the belt and dress hem, and, while all collars are flat, no 'pretty or fashionable suits are ever cut jnore open in the neck than Is in accord ance with th custom followed by profes sional sailor. 81eeve are shorter than ever. A puff or broad band covering just (ho top of the arm Is the requisite of fashion, and the blouse pouch and bag more generously than ever. A woman who know how to set her figure off to advan tage In th water will never economise in th material of her bathing suit. A wide collar and a full shirt Increase the sllmness of waist and hip and the one fault to be found with the model of beach dresses shown tor this season 1 th scanty hip measure allowed them. A corseted figure la a habit back dress I not to be criti cised, but th habit back bathing suit I a downright atrocity. Batata Skirts. Number of women . who take their fashions with a pinch of salt are ordering their bathing sklrta made with three pleat folded toward the central rear seam of the skirt and th placket hole open a little to th left aid la froat Others pleat th klrt all around In fold deep enough to throw the fullness of a flounce In at the bottom. Such pleat ar stitched down flat and the proper way of achieving this result Is shown In a sketch of two white flannel and one silver gray mohair suit. Silver gray, by th way, 1 by no means a poor choice for a bathing suit when touches of sea green ar Introduced In th decoration or warm coral red 1 worn with it Cay Water Kerealefs. Th scarlet, whit, navy blue and bright plaid handkerchiefs will be worn aa usual over the oiled silk cap as hair protectors, and the proper bathing etocklng I black, with what ar called triple feet, to protect tender aolee and toe from rough stone. Th best bathing boa ar wem with sup porter that ar fastened to the belt of the blouse and An tab in loops that catch about buttona ia th stocking top. A few, but white linen beneath. A hat of colored linen qulto overlaid with lace and bearing big whlto or gray wings Is a chosen accompani ment to this. The bond of union between wool and linen is clearly set forth In the sketch of an Ideal boating suit In sapphire blue Trou vllle serge; a lightweight, springy and al most dustproof goods. Strap of turquoise blue linen are stitched on aklrt and waist, and a little chemisette and scarf of liaen, in the same tint.. Oil In the open space left by the broad rolling collars. The remain der of this simple scheme of decoration is carried out In fiat dots embroidered on In turnuas. blue linen thread, and a hat of fetltcbad 'blue linen, with a pair of dark blue wing, Ogives the reasonable final o-a quite perfect costume. Homburg Robes. Net robes treated with the Inevitable lace encrustations, or trails of applied silk figures braided down on the transparent web, are called Homburg robes, or spa cos tumes, because there la a tradition that they were first worn at those gay health resorts of Germany and Swltserland. Over here we give them no special name, but no woman feels she can clearly read her title as a fashionable woman unleas she owns one of these confections. If she is an eco nomical woman she buy a point esprit robe threaded with applications of imita tion Irish lace or -point de Venice; if she enjoys a long purse she buys a complete robe of wbnt Is called lac net and on this appear applications of silken flower, Brus sels lace, real Valenciennes flounces at the toot and motifs of the richest guipure laid on wherever a space or opportunity offer. To tell the truth, we wear too much lac, and the rich women are to blame. They like to have their gowns of solid duchess, ruffled with mechlln and overlaid with th most costly Florentine Renaissance, and though the result ia rich in the extreme, it Is not artistic at all. A ftnmmrr Dinner Drese. Another vulgarity of fashion la the spang ling Of real lace, and all the lace Inlaid silk muslin ar beepangled like the heav en on a clear night. On of the chaster sorts of lace garnished robe is sketched to show the form of the most modish pos sible summer dinner dress. This I a pearl gray point esprit woven with tiny black dots and dropped on an under slip of rosy lilac. Very delicate tendrils of Imitation chantilly are applied with big convention alised Bilk passion flower. Lilac chiffon flounce, edged with black baby velvet rib bon, fluff- at the toot. Among th dainty Inventions for the glorification of an even ing toilet ar the boa, shoulder knots, etc, made of chiffon rose. Trail of these deli cately lovely flower ar appearing on the gown of th spring debutante and all th young girls take a lively satisfaction in tb big Liberty satin ribbon rose that ar mad for th hair. Green; blue, red, white and yellow roses ar all mad of ribbon loops, aad oo such blossom nestled In th low-pinned folds of hair ia esteemed an adequate and becoming ornament. MART MAN. THE PRESIDENT OVERRULED. Miss Roosevelt Had Her Own Notions of a Fashionable Hat. When Miss Alice Roosevelt was about to make her debut ii Washington aoclety, re lates the Saturday Evening Poat, it wa found by correspondents seeking her photo iiii Game Every mother feeli great dread of the pais and danger attendant upon the most critical period of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of Joy to all, but the suffering and danger incHnnt to the ordeal makes its anticipation drs of misery Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the grea pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman'i severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready fot the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critics,! hour are obviated by the use of Mother' Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold, says many who have used it. fi.oo r bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, H be sent to any addreu free upon apph ClASnilO ISIGUIATVR OO.t Ail ica.i t Rioters ng graph that the charming young girl had none to bestow, her latest likeness dating back to her eleventh year. In this she shared the reticence of Mrs. Roosevelt, who for years steadfastly 'refused to have her picture published. Mr. Roosevelt, when assistant secretary of the navy, was asked to furnish his wife's photograph. "If I should," he replied, "Mrs, Roosevelt would consider my act Just ground for divorce." Later In his career he convinced her that the public and popular rights In the matter and she complied with the demand. But Miss Roosevelt kept away from the photog rapher. When, however, the president's daughter began to receive national and even Inter national attention, and all of the most gra cious character, publishers eager for her photograph were not to be dented. Snap shot methods, witbin wrecking distance or strenuous objection, were not to be dared, but an alert artist found opportunity to make a hurried sketch. A copy of thle, with due compliments, regards and apolo gies, was aubmitted to the president, to gether with an Intimation that though the outline failed to do Justice to his daughter. It would be reproduced unless he should consent to furnish her photograph. Miss Alice was summoned to the family council. "Why." she exclaimed, "that hor rid artist has sketched a bat several years out of date." "But, Alice," came the protest, "is not the face a fair likeness?" "Perhaps." she replied, "but, papa, yon know you never compelled me to wear an ancient hat. That picture," she added with emphasis, "must not be published." "Is It really so important?" pleaded the president. "I should think, papa," responded Miss Roosevelt, naively, "that you would be the last to question the utility of the proper hat In one's career." Her remark was greeted with unbounded merriment. Within a few minutes the car riage had been ordered and In It Miss Roosevelt was whirled away to the studio of a fashionable photographer. Since then all America has adr.lred her published pictures. ME AXD WOMEN IX DENTAL CHAIR Latter Show Greater Ability to Endure Pain Without Flinching. Dentist have an excellent opportunity for observing the varying distinctive actions of men and women while endurng the Intense pain usually accompanying dental surgery and they are authority for the statement that men are "natural born cowards" when it comes to facing an operation which tbey know will set their nerves to Jumping and cause them much physical suffering. A woman will sit for hours and allow a dentist to gouge and prod her gums with any number of sharp steel Instruments that he chooses to use, without whimpering, and if the operation Is not completed sbs will come back the next day and have the pain ful ordeal repeated. But a man! Not so with him. He may show up for the first day' treatment, but the chances are that on the second day his appointment will re main, unkept. He hasn't the necessary nerve, and. inclination to subject himself to another siege of torture, - and so he gives the dentist' office a wide berth. - v. ,-JLL is,', not foot,, however, that, all men .are cowards when, facing a- dental' ehalr.'OOr I It true that' all women are brave under similar "circumstances, tut, taken a a class and viewed under the Inspecting glass of the D. D. S., women show more courage than men when called upon to endure treat ment which at the best is anything but pleasant. A Chicago dentist has observed the dis tinctive characteristics of men and women who occupy his chair from day to day and has gathered some Interesting facts. "The actions of a man In my chair are as differ ent from those of a woman as day Is from night," he said to a Chicago Tribune re porter. "In the first place a woman will present herself at the appointed time, trembling perhaps, but determined to see It through, no matter how great the pain may be. 8he gets Into the chair, settle back against the head-rest, and, though she may flinch when the nerves are aggravated, she will not Utter on word of complaint.- "A man comes In maintaining a bluster ing, bravado attitude and gets into tbe chair with so much apparent resignation and determination that it you never had seen a man in a dentist's office before, you would declare he was woman' superior in point of bravery at every point. But Just wait. The minute you begin to hurt him you hear something, and this something depends, upon the religious tendencies of the particular man. If he is profane he swears, and if he Js not given to profanity he uses language so close to a violation of moral law that it is rather hard to draw a distinguishing line. "Th woman will go through the first op eration, and when told to come back the ... -t FROCKS FOR A CHILD AND A YOUNG GIRL. following day will agree to do so. What la more, she will keep her word. But a man will go away gnashing his teeth, and the chances are you won't see -him again for a week. You have to use all sorts of means to get him back. The fact of the matter Is he hasn't the courage to undergo a repetition of the pain to which he has been subjected. "There is another great difference be tween men and women which involves per sonal pride. If a woman has bad teeth she wants them treated in the best possible way, no matter how much physical suffer ing is Involved. She will sit for a whole day and subject herself to any sort of treat- m1p A BLUE TROUVILLE YACHTING GOWNt ment in order to have a crooked tooth straightened or some other natural defect remedied. This, of course. Is largely a matter of pride, but a man won't do It. He wants good work, certainly, but he wants It done in the least painful manner, and lan't so particular about hie personal ap pearance that he is willing to endure 'tor ture' to bring about the result. In Justice to the men It must be said that in casas of audden shock they have more nerve than women. This is evident in the pulling of a tooth. A man stands this ordeal better than a woman, but where endurance enters Into the operation he is not her equal in point of nerve. In any respect." For and About Women. Miss Carrie Wilkerson. the lifelong sweetheart of Alexander Stephens, has Juat died at Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster of Washington, D. C., will sail on the 30th to be prevent at the fifth international congress of Red Cross solcetles, to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, in May. Mrs. Koraker, wife of the senator from Ohio, has Just had hung In the ball room of her Washington residence a new oil painting; of herself. She is seated, and her gown is of wine-red silk embroidered with red roses. Mrs. Emma E. Foreythe. whose father was an American and whose mother was the daughter of a Samoan chief, is the richest woman In the South Pacific Islands. She lives on the Inland of Neu Pommem, where she has a plantation of 120,000 acres. About one-third of all employes In the government department at Washington are women. Several receive over $2,600 per annum, about fifty receive Jl.flno per annum, loo receive $1,400 per annum, 450 receive $1.30, 3"0 $1,000. and the remainder receive from $60 to $1CK) per annum. Governor Odell of New York has Just signed a bill which provides that a mar ried woman may work for and receive wages In that state. About a year ago a woman sued a street railway company on account of injuries sustained. The courts decided that she could not recover In such a case, because, according to an old law still on the statute books, a woman was the servant of her husband and was not entitled to her own wages. Mrs. Utile Deveretix Blake thereupon got a judge of the state supreme court to draw up a bill reforming thle conditions of things. That is the measure which has now become a law. "The Little Madame with the Iron Cros," Baroness von Olenhausen, born Phinney. in Lexington, February 4. 1817, died at ner home In her native town Saturday. She was a factory girl in Manchester, N. II., In the early days of cotton mills, being; a designer of calicoes, and there she met and married Baron von Olenhausen, who was chemixt In the same mill, a man whom Theodore Parker called "the most profound trholnr I have ever known." The relation was happy, but It only lasted a year and a half, when her husband died. She went to the war, serving as surgical nurse for four years, and returning became the first superintendent of the nurses' training school at the Massachusetts general hos pital in Boston. Frills of Fashion. in one of the green moss-trimmed hats a, pretty combination Is made by Introduc ing forget-me-nots Into the moss. Belts of tan or gray suede; embroldere.d with gold or silver paillettes mingled with brilliants, pearls or emeralds are among the effective novelties. A touch, of coral In the embroidery on the yoke of a blouse on the palest yellow lib erty satin seen recently imparted a most artistic color note. Odd belt pins are la the form of safety pins, ornamented with roud or oval seal, in dull gold, and the wearer's monogram may be engraved on the seal. Flat purses as well as carriage bags have chain handles and fasten with a flap at one side, the clasp in a little projection of the leather carried down lower than the body of the flap. Very effective Is a large hat made of a silver gauze braid, draped with black lace, with long ends of the lace hanging at tho back, and for flowers many close deep red roses. The latest In parasols is a small shade, with high dome and unusually long handle. Ruin and sun umbrellas are much mure elaborate this year than heretofore. Mauve candle shades are In great favor at this season and harmonise very effectively with the violets, lilies of the valley and Jonquils so much used for decorative pur poses in the spring. Miniature brooches for belt clasps are beautiful. In some of these are the pictur esque art nouveau heads and a setting of dull-toned metal with imitation Jewels in beautiful colors. Other heads are more like the old-time miniatures. The faded tints known as pastel retain marked popularity, particularly with those of artistic tendencies, but more decided, even gay, tones are worn also, among them Doing viviu oiue ana pink, pronounced green and deep cerise. Anv amount of monev ran be rxnenrlerl nowadays for hosiery by the woman who admires elaborately embellished hosiery. Embroidery in contracting and striking colors is conspicuous ana me lace adorned looking ls also on view. Medallions of point and C'hnntllly decorate the Instep and the butterfly design In lace is another form of hosiery beautlfler. . "THRIB 8 MART, SENSIBLE BATHING DEE88ES. Employers Should bo M6ro(3onsl3 erato. Mrs. Pinkham Asks Tirod Women to Write Her for Advice. In the vast retail establishments of large cities, many tromen are employed as saleswomen. Men formerly held the positions that women now hold, and while women's organism is Iors strong than men's, they are expected to do the same work. Their duties compel them to bo on their feet from morning to night, and many of them, in a short time, contraot those distressing complaints called "female diseases." Then occur irregularities, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, indigestion, loucorrhoea, general debility, and nervous pros tration. They are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, laasi tude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone " and " want-to-bo-lcft-alone " feelings, blues, and hopelessness. In such cases there is one tried and true remedy. Lydla K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The following letters prove this. They also prove the Yalue of Mrs, PLak ham's advice. I Can Work Every Day in the Week Now." ' " Dkak Mrs. Pinkham: I write this letter for you to publish for the benefit of poor, suffering' women. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done me a great deal of good. I have taken three bottles and feci like a new woman. When I began the use of your medicine I was hardly able to be up; could not do half a day's work. I ached from head to font, wai almost crazy, had those bearing-down pain, and stomach was out of order. Now all of these troubles have left me and I can work every day in the week and not feel tired." Mrs. Jessie Fbeimax, 402 Pennsylvania Ave., Lima, Ohio. Dear Mrs. Plnktinm : I have read with Interest your nd vice to others so much that I thought 1 would write to you for I have been suffering for a long time. This I did some time ago. "Now I can hardly find words to thank you for your wonderful Vege table Compound and advice. " 1 was in a terrible state, every part of my body ached, was very nervous, had hysterical spells. I think I would have become insane had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Your medicine has cured me and I cannot express my thanks." Miss Hattik DkGboat, Succasunna, M.J. (March 8, 1001.) '." Ko other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. iNo" other person can give such helping advice to women who ' are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, for none have had such a great experience her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice free if you are sick write her you are foolish if you don't. Owini to the (art that dome ikepttral prepls have from limt to time qutationed the Kiuin nu ol tin testimonial If lltra e are comtantlr puhliihina; we have deposited with the National City Bank, oi Lvnn, Maaa., f .ooo, which will ho will ahow t-at the above teatimoniala an sol the witter a apectal permia- Lynn, Mass. REWARD b4 oiid to anv Tteraoa ft?nuine. or were puhlUhfd before obtaining ion. I.rdl K. Pinkham MedlolnoCi Redeem Your Wrappers limn in April April is the mouth when you should redeem your Diamond "C" Soap wrappers. It is the month when one wrapper counts for two, 10 for 20 and 50 for 100. Call at the new DuMMmdG m Sou do F have premium store next time you are down town. If not already use Diamond you will when yo examined the premiums. Tho Cudahy Packing Company,! New Premium Store, 304 So. 16th Street. KKW PI BI.ICAT109. Tour Mm Told Free IT THE 200I1C. iui.or.iis'i lf of your Me aid o moil lnUrtUif UiH'fc on As trology, it you Uift Ut of your Urth and itamp fur return post a. Our redlnjn tut made euile happy rul. of hope and auccoaa. Addreaa MlOsUlKl Of MTTHiri,a . TlUU0t.,.f T. ty. D A SKIN OP BE.iUTY IS A JCY fOREVEl R. T. FELIX G Ol't All 'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL 8EAUI1HER. Hamuvta Itn, iMaipUs, rrecfclea, Moth Vaiohs, ttaan hio dl. ua, ssa avert 'J'blamteh oa beaut. ana vena inn tins, it bu stoos th test Of 64 y.ara. and Is as h&rmlass wa taata H to be aura ' ta properly mas. Accaut no counter fait of aimllaf iiaa.. Dr. U A. sayra aald ta a la dy ol ttt baui-las) ta watlantll "As you ladles will us tham. 1 recom- msnd 'UOUKAl'D'8 CREAM ss tbs laast Baxmful sf ail tba Bktn preparations." or saie or an uruitoti ana irancjr uoaai IVMtsrs ir. me u. a. ana tturopa KHD. T IIOPKI1S, Vrea'r, 7 Great J ones fit.. H. T. r9 &7 llflifl FALLIFiii OUT. Daadruiraad All Scale Are.ilona ( a red at tour Home by urj'e Mvet'lal Treat uii-f ta. Wlien ourscalii dry. full of I Dandruff or irritati 1; when the hair falta out, split! fudcit, loses its lustre orshowsoiiiT evidences of decay or dineuse. .riiiatciloifibt Woodbury ran positively t-nilicaut all ab normal condition and protiil te a new and healthy Krowtli. ThoubaiJ s owe their beautiful hair to a timely callvn him. Con sultation is free, and 30 yeariraUca ex perience ia a guarantee of the Leat poaaible results in all taaea. Thtixe unable to call at the olilce may write fur hook and full information. Address JOHN H. W00D UUBY V. I.. 163 fcitate Street, Chicago. Pianos Tuned A. HOSPEi The Bee lor All News Vj no oououi n Yiif I TEL us I If?