Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 13 TO 24. t
The most ntupeiidoux purchase ever made. These houses supplied only the very beHt dealers in the east, and tarried only the highest grades of
The damp, cold season caused the cancelling of hundreds of their biggest orders. They had enormous amounts of money tied up in large stocks of high priced merchandise, on which they could not realize. Foreign manufac
turers pressed them for settlements and THEY WEHE COMPELLED TO CLOSE. Our buyers, headed by a member of the firm, were on the spot and realizing the tremendous output llayden llros. have throughout the Trans
Missifwit ji country, made a spot cash offer on each of the stocks. Eastern merchants were already overloaded and stood aghast at this big plunge by a western house. HAYDEN'S OITEII WAS ACCEPTED. THE MONEY
WAS IJiAXKEI) DOWN AND THE (lOOl)S A HE AHH1VING ItY THE CAKLOAD IN OMAHA. Every available man and the entire forces of the different transfer companies, so far as they could be secured, are employed
In transferring these gigantic stocks to Hayden Urns', unpacking, checking and marking them, and MONDAY THE FIHST INSTALMENT OF THIS MOST ASTONISHING I'UKCHASE WILL GO ON SALE. Customers
Lave a i idea what such a sale means at Hayden Bros, but never in our history have we been able to offer SUCH SENSATIONAL F.AHGAINS IN SUCH VAST ASSORTMENTS AND SFCH UNHEARD OF YARIETIES OF
NEWEST, CHOICEST, MOST DES1RAHLE AND HIGHEST GRADE, SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE IN ALL LINES. If will pay customers to come hundreds of miles to this sale. Such values were never offered before
by any house in America. Despite the astonishing magnitude of the sale, Hayden Pros, will open at 8 o'clock, Monday, as usual, so that early buyers may avoid the later crowds. We have made arrangements for the largest
force of clerks ever employed by any house west of Chicago, and every inch of space in the store will be utilized to make selection and purchase as convenient, rapid and satisfactory as possible. ENTIRE STOCKS OF-TWO OP
Ths New York Cloak and Suit Sale
The moRt.'faliMbl part of thla purchase
.-ajra the d' a and aulta.
If rou i' ot prepared to purchase you
ran select ur garment and make a de
posit on 'Do not pay full prlcea for
your suit,'- rt or waist any more thla
Season. H i prlre la enough.
700 aulta. In bloufiea, Gibsons, etons. single
nd double-breasted, In Cheviot, Venetians,
tiroadcloths, homespuns and other materials,
In bluea, blacks, browns, tana, castors and
red, not a ault In the lot worth leaa than
116.60 to J2B.00 Q "IE
, OilO
(From a New York Stock.)
too aulta, made from finest materials. In
cluding the new etamlnes, broadcloths and
pebble chevlota and Imported Venetlana,
Ilk llnrd throughout. In Gibson, etons and
blouse, browna, blacks, bluea and castors
,Bot a ault worth leaa than $30,00 I J? ff
to $35.00 sale price IwiUU
(From a New York Stock.)
400 aults, well made, new atylea, all
wools, allk lined Jackets, percallne lined
klrts and velvet bound; size 32 to 46
Worth up to $15.00 P AA
your choice for UlUU
Silk and Wool Skirts
(From a New York Stock.)
$00 women'a ailk aklrta from the great
manufacturers. Crystal Bros., Broadway,
made of very best Gtvernaud taffetas, all
the new atylea, extra wide worth up to
200 skirts, In children' mlssea and wo
men's, with several rows of stitching, worth
$3.90, from
New York Stock, at
2 large tables, about 1,300 skirts In all,
fine broadclotha and Venetlana, trimmed
with from 8 to 6 rows of stitched taffeta,
deep flounce, lined with near allk and vel
vet bound, aklrta worth up to $12.50, from
New York Stock
175 beautiful fine drees aklrts, worth up to
5S:. 18.50
275 women' spring Jacketa, made In
whipcords, broadcloths and light weight
kerseys, everyone lined with Gtvernaud taf
feta, made up In the newest styles
worth $12.50 aale price
The atock of silks from thla great purchase Is so large that we have not sufficient room to properly handle it, therefore we
must Bell In the quickest possible time. The world'a finest black and colored silks will go at the most eeneatlonal prices, thla
will truly be the greatest silk sale of modern times. MONDAY AND TUESDAY YOU CAN BUY SILK BARGAINS SUCH AS
(From a New York Stock.)
60 dozen waists at 19c.
75 dozen waists at 49c, worth $100.
150 dozen white waists, trimmed with
3 and 4 rows of embroidery and lnser-
tlon. all atylea, worth $3.60 to
$3.00, at
1U tuoi -
25 dozen fine white shirt
walets, worth $5.00, for
800 women' black silk waists, made In
Gibson atyle, sizes 32 to 44.
$6.00 quality, at
600 fine allk waists.
worth $7.00, for
The New York Wash Goods Stocks in
llayden's Wash Goods Dept.
Secured by the purchase of these two Immense New York .stock some of the most
sUrlklog real, genuine bargain that have ver been placed on aale anywhere or at any
time. Our own Immense assortment bought early In the season takes up more room
than we can afford to give It with theae additional stock to sell, and as fast a possi
ble we wlH dd tne8 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, each succeeding SALES DAY being
full of Interest to all bargain seekers.
Over 8,000 yards of the neatest, bright
est and prettiest style In the fast-color
mercerized Chambray fabric, all sorts of
tripes and plain shades.
2fte YAKD, WORTH BOfl.
100 pieces of sllk-embroldered Dot Mous
ellne de aole; color, black, whits, cream,
linen. Nile pink, light blue and old roae.
(Thla la the best quality manufactured.)
2ftu YARD, WORTH 60c.
Scotch linen madraa .(all pure linen) In
atrlpea and plain ebadea, showing a range
ct 60 excellent styles, all of this season's
choosing and a bargain you couldn't help
J)ut appreclste.
30c YARD, WORTH 6Se.
2,600 yards of Bilk Oxford walattng. In the
plain ahades, basket weave, pink, cadet
blue, navy, black, old roae, Nile, cardinal
and linen colore.
lOei YARD, WORTH 10.
Over 200 pieces of choice dress-style
dimities and batistes. In all the latest de
signs snd colors, white grounds or colored,
better fabric than la usually sold at 20o a
29c YARD, WORTH 80.
38 pieces of the finest grade, absolutely
shrunken linen suiting, used by tailors
for men' linen vesta, etc., snd a most de
sirable linen for ladies' suits and skirt.
(Positively shrunken.)
Finest quality Saint Oaul hand-loom
swlasea, the daintiest and at the same time
serviceable fabric. In pink, light blue, white
and black, black and white and linen.
All the finest Cambrics and Percale, In
both light and dark color, all the best
makes, standard fabrica, yard wide noth
ing reserved, as we want their room.
Silks for 14c from the New York stock.
100 pieces of plain and plaid silka In fine
line of shades, would sell In regular way for
40c to 50c. Monday we will sell at
N. Y. stock special price
Silks for 25c from New York stock. All
china silks In cream, white, black and all
colors, also all the heaviest and beat qual
ity corded wash silks. These are regular
50c and 75c silka. N. Y. OK
stock price sCwG
Extra counter spare and extra salespeo
ple to make buying easy.
Silks for 39c from New York atock. All
the fine white wneb silk In 24-inch, 27-Inch
and 36-inch wldtha. worth up to $1.00, and
warranted to wash, all go at N. Y
stock Bale prices
Silka for 49c from New York stock.
Heavy colored taffetaa, heavy stripes and
plaids, elegant fancy silka for waist and
skirts, worth $1.00 and $1.25. All will go at
New York stock sale
Every yard of silk in this sale Is the big
gest bargain ever offered.
Silka for 62Hc from New York atock.
6,000 yard fine black silks, peau de sole,
wash taffeta, arm u re, 27-inch and 36-lnch
taffeta, brocade satin, and all kinds of
black silks, worth $1.25 and $1.50 Cf 1A
the N. Y. stock sale price la 0 uC
Silk for 69c from New York stock. 75
pieces of finest crepe de chene In black and
all colon, also big lot black grenadines,
44 Inches wide, worth up to $1.60, fSQ
N. Y. stock sale price U?U
150 bolta of fine Foulard' silk In newest
1902 styles from N. Y. atock. All will be
priced to close out quickly, don't miss this
Foulards from New York stock, worth
$1.00. on sale at 49c.
Foulards from the New York stock, worth
$1.00 and $1.25, on sale at 66c.
Foulards from New York atock, worth
$1.60, for 96c.
ALL MAIL ORDERS sent In for these special ellk bargaina will be filled promptly and to your entire satisfaction
ordered that does not suit in every way can be returned and we will refund money.
Black moire silks now all the style from
New York stock, at half price.
Black moire velour from N. Y. stock,
worth $1.25, only 69c.
Black moire velour from N. Y. stock,
worth $1.50, for 87c.
Black brocade moire, pure Bilk, worth
$2.00, for 95c.
Black moire Francaiae, pure silk, worth
$2.50. for $1.35.
Black peau do ide from the New York
stock, at half price.
Black peau de sole from N. Y. stock, pure
silk, 21-iuch wide, worth $1.60, on sate at
only 82c.
Black peau de sole from N. Y. stock, fine
grade, 24-Inch wide, worth $2.00, on sale
at 95c.
Black peau de sole from N. Y. stock, 27
Inch wide, and worth $2.25, on sale at $11H.
Black peau de sole from N. Y. stock, best
made 36-inch wide, worth $4.00, on Bale
at $1.82.
53 Paid.
lleceived at" MAIN OFFICE,
(Where any reply should be sent.)
New York, April 23, 1902.
Hayden Bros., Omaha.
Closed yesterday for spot cash the entire stock of two largest commission houses. This is
the largest purchase we have ever made. All new seasonable dry goods, notions, cloaks
and suits, carpet's and draperies.
Make room and arrange for big sale. Goods on the way. Johnson and Ilenry leave for
home tonight.
Wm. llayden.
The above Is a copy of telegram as shown in our 16th window.
Shoe Sale
We cannot send any samples of any of these lines above mentioned, but will
fill any order subject to goods being unsold at the time of receipt of order, and we
ask that you specify colors wanted that you may havs the full 8ALES BENEFIT
and our very best efforts.
Great Hew York Stock
Sale Table Linens
and Napkins
68-Inch bleached Damask, regular 85c, for
.19c yard. 1
68-inch unbleached Damask, regular 35c,
lor 22c yfcrd.
' (4-Inch unbleached Damask, regular 60c,
for 39c yard,.
. 66-lnch bleached Damask, regular 65c, for
j49o yard. t
72-Inch bleached Damask, regular $1.00,
or 72 Vic yar.l.
27-Inch unbleached Damask, regular 8o,
A2Vie yard.
' 68-Inch Turkey red Damask, regular 25c,
for KHe yarl.
68-inch TuV? red faat color Damask,
regular 36c, for 25o ard.
go-Inch Turkey red faat color Damask,
regular 60c. for 35o yard.
SO-lnch Turlfsy red faat color Damask,
regular 65c, fur yard.
Bleached Napkins, regular 5c, for 4 So
dozen. I
Bleached Nankins, regulsr 85c, for 69c
doien. .
Bleached Napkins, regular $1.25, for 98c
dozen. )
Bleached Xsvklns. regular $1.60, for $1.39
Half bleached Napkins, regular $1.85, for
11.15 dozen.
Half bleach! d Napkins, regular $1.65, for
1 49 dozen. I
Three ToweW for 10c.
Three targe Turk la h Towels for J5e.
Checked TovMlng. regular c, for 3c yard
Corset Sale
From (lew York Stock
One lot of ladles' corsets. In standard
tnakes, $1.00 and $1.60 quality, at 49c.
Ladles and mUsrs summer corsets la
batiste and ventilated at 49c.
One lot of batiste girdles at 49c.
Dr. Warber's rust-proof corsets st $1.00
and up; a full tins of W. B. erect-form
corsets, in sl the new spring styles, at
$1.00 and up; also a full line of Kabo, W. C.
C. and Thompson's glove-fitting corset In
straight fronts at $100.
Tho new self-reducing and Delta Dip
cornets for stout figures st $2.60.
The La Orerque Lattirl corset, for small
and medium figures, at $1.50.
Tb la Orecqus belt corset, for stout
, figures, t $175.
Hew York Stock Sale
of Shirt Waist and
White Dress Goods
Checked Nainsook, regular 10c', for 6c
India Llnon, regular 10c, for Ec yard.
India Llnon, regular 12Vc, for 84c yard.
India Llnon, regular 15c, for 10c yard.
Victoria Lawn, 40 Inches wide, regular
12V4c, for 10c yard.
Victoria Lawn, 40 Inches wide, regular
15c, for 12Vio yard.
Victoria Lawn, 40 Inches wide, regular
20c, for 15c yard.
Mercerized Oxford, In satin stripe and
plain, regular 60c, for 85o yard.
Mercerised Cheviots, regular 60o, for 85o
Open Batiste for 85o, 40o and 60e yard.
French Batiste, 48 Inches wide, 49c. (Oo
and 65c yard.
Imported Madras In aatla stripes, regular
60c, for 35c yard.
Colored Dreea Linens, 26o, t&c, 40c and
60c yard.
Persian Law a, 20c, 25c, 80c, S5c, 40c snd
60c yard.
Piques, plain, figured and open work, from
15c to 60o yard.
English Longcloth, 85c for a 12-yard bolt,
Remnants of Table Linen at greatly re
duced prices In 2, 1 snd 1-ysrd lengths
Muslin snd Sheetings at greatly reduced
prices. ,
Hen's 25c Socks, 15c
From Hew York Stock
200 dozens of men's lisle-thread and fin
cotton socks, in plain and fancy colore,
worth up to 15c, on aale st 15c
Men's and boys' suspenders, regular 26e
suspenders, at 12e.
Men's snd boys' $1.00 colored, laundered
shirts, n all ths new colors, st 49c.
Men's plain and fancy-colored Balbrig.
gan shirts snd drawsrs, regular $1.00 val
ues, at 60c
Men's $1.60 and $2 00 madraa shirts, in all
the best makes, at 98c
The twe big factory failures has placed
it in our power to give you shoes at prices
never before sttempted in Omaha. Made
up of the finest leathers in LATEST
TRADE. We have them In all leathers.
Men's black vlcl kid bals, Goodyear welt.
worth $3, at $1.96.
Men's velours calf bala, Goodyear welt,
worth $3. at $1.96.
Men's box calf bals, Goodyear welt, worth
$3, at $1.96.
Women'a vlcl kid lace McKay welt,
worth $3, at $1.96.
Women'a vlcl kid lace Imi. turn, worth
$3, at $1.96.
Women'a vlcl kid button, Imt. turn.
worth $3, at $1.96.
We are aole agents In Omaha for the
Stetson and Croaaett ahoea for men and the
Brooke Bros', and Ultra shoe for lsdtes.
Men' fine satin calf bals worth $1.75, at
Boys' satin calf bala. worth $1.60. at $1.00.
Women's best vlcl kid lsce, worth up to
$3.50 a pair, narrow wldtha, at $1.39.
Child's dongola lace, 6-8, worth 60c, at
Child's dongola button, 3-6, worth 25c, at
Optical Dept
No Cbargs for examining your eyes. Gold
filled frames, 10 years guarantee, $2.50
value, $1.69.
Fine Alumlnold frames, fitted with fine
eystal lensea, usual pries $2.00, at 98c.
Colored spectacles, protect your eyes
from dust, 60o kind at 24c.
Hew York Carpet Stock
RUGS All wool Smyrna Rugs, worth
$3 60, st $198.
36-Inch Axmlnater Ruga, worth $4.50, at
27-inch Axmlnster Ruga, worth $160, at
27-lnch Persian Wilton Ruga, worth $2.00,
at $1.25.
Men's and Boys' 50c
Neckwear at 15c
600 dozen of men's and boys' allk neck
tie. In all the new atyles for spring, reg
ular 60 vslues, at 16a,
Room-Size Rugs
9x11 Bruetels Rugs, worth $18.00, st $10.98.
8-8x10-8 Axmlnsters, worth $25.00, at
9x12 Smyrna Rugs, worth $25.00, at $16 98.
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs, worth $30, at $19.98.
9x12 Wilton Ruga, worth $40.00, at $25.00.
Wilton Velvet Carpets, come with bor
ders to match, worth $1.25 yard, 89c
Bruasels Carpets, 39c.
Brussels Carpets, worth 90c yard, at 69c.
Union Ingrains, worth 40c yard, 25c.
Alt wool Ingrains, worth 75c yard, 49c
Al wool Ingrains, worth (Oc, 39c.
New York Stock
Dress Goods Stock
The leading dress goods
house in the west. Spe
cial sale on high grade
dress goods.
Priestley's black veiling, our regular
$1.25 goods, from 9 to 11 A. M., only one
pattern to a customer, at 75c a yard.
FROM 2 TO 4 P. M.
Our $1.60 voiles snd etamlnes, at 75c a
FROM 8 TO 6 P. M.
We will sell all our silk warp eoliennes.
In colors, "no black," tbey run in prices
from $1.25 to $3.98 a yard, your choice for
theae two hour, at 76c a yard.
Extra specials on other lines during the
dsy. Be sure and attend this dress goods
Glove Sale
From Hew York Stock
The "Reynter," regular $2.00 glove, on
aale at $1.60. This Is one of ths best
gloves made.
Ladles' kid gloves In all the latest spring
shadea, three clasp, at $1-60.
Ladlea' kid gloves In all the latest spring
shades, two claap, at $1.00,
Ladles' allk gloves In black, white, modes,
gray, with "Kayaer" patent tip, at 60c,
75c and $1.00.
Ladlea lisle-thread glovea in modes,
gray, black aud white, at 25c and 60c.
Misses' kid gloves in all the latest spring
shadea st 75c and $1.00.
Misses' lisle-thread gloves In modes, tan,
gray, white and red at 25c.
Misses' silk gloves In modes, grsy, tan
and white, with "Kayaer" patent tlpa, st
89c and 60c.
Underwear Sale
From Hew York Stock
Ladies' Jersey-ribbed vesta, long aleevea.
In all sizes from 4 to 9, at 25c.
Ladles' fine Jeraey-ribbed pants, In reg
ular sizes and extra aizes, at 25c.
Ladlea' fine lisle-thread veata, low neck
and sleeveless, in regular and extra aizes,
at 25c.
Ladies' fine Jeraey-ribbed vests, low neck
and sleeveless, at 10c.
Ladles' Jersey-ribbed combination suits,
umbrella style, at 25c.
Ladles' fins Uals-thresd combination suits
In low neck and sleeveleaa, lace trimmed,
at 60c.
New York Stock Laces and
Wide net top laces and Inaertlngs, worth
up to 40c and SOc yard, at 9c.
Black, white, ecrue and cream galoons,
2 to 5 Inches wide, worth up to 40c yard,
at 9c.
10c embroidertea and Inaertlngs, at per
yard, 3c.
20c embroideries and inaertlngs, at, per
yard, 6c.
30c embroideries and inserting, at, per
yard, 74c. t
60c embroideries and inaertlngs, at, per
yard, 10c and 16c.
Hose supporters, rubber button, all sizes,
regular 25c value, at 7Hc pair.
Beat machine thread, 200 yard spools,
Ladles' pure llsen hemstitched handker
chiefs, the. 16c kind, at 6c each.
The New York Stocks in the Bargain
- Bargains from the Now York -stocks, on sale in the Bargain
Thousands of dollars' worth of new clean
merchandise slaughtered at a trifle of its
value. Dress Ooods. Wash Goods, Silks,
etc. New full Standard Prints, lc a yard.
Lawns, lc a yard. Silks, 9c a yard. Wool
Dress Ooods, 10c a yard. And 10,000 other
bargains too numerous to mention. Do not
miss this se.le.
10.000 yards of Dress Goods In wool, and
silk, wool and cotton, worth up
to 60c a yard, at
64-lnch all wool suitings, 38-Inch all wool
German Henrietta, $1 Black Brllllantines,
75c Black Fancies and other goods worth
up to $1 and $1.50 a yard, all will
go In this sale at, per yard
All wool French Cballis, the 60c
grade, at ,
Grand display of Silks.
Regular $1 Foulards, $1 Strifes and
Fancies In this sale st, per yard...
Liberty Satines at,
per yard
Plain colored Silks at
per yard
Other Silks, they are worth three times
the price asked, 25c, 39c, 49c, and Q.
as low as Iw
In wash goods we beat everything. All
new, fine styles. 25c French Batistes, 25c
Irish dimities, 25c Scotch dimities, 35o
French organdies, 50c white goods, and
every grade and quality made, from 19c to
SOc a yard, all will be on sale In the
bargain room at, a yard
We will put on a large line of organdies,
dimities, batistes, regular 15o and 19
goods, all will go in this sale
at, a yard
36-Inch Percale "Domestic,"
at, a yard...'.
3S-lnch Tercale "Imported,"
at, a yard
mf.vs amd nor' clothmg.
Boys' $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 all wool suits,
sil sizes, from 4 to 15 years old andl AC
all colors, at llHU
Men's $3.00 and $3.50 all wool
pants at
Men's $2.50 and $3.00 all wool I OK
pants at Is 9
Boys' all wool rants, worth up to QCf
$3.50 a pair, at WW-
Boys' $1 sll wool pants,
at 40c and
Boys' $1 and 75c all wool panta, "It'Aflf
double seata and knees at "fU
Boys' 76c all wool pants
Boys' 75c and 60c all wool pasts, HCp
sll sizes, at
d chll-under-ng
35c underwear at
One bargain square of ladles' and chil
dren's medium and summer-weight under
wear. In vesta and pants, with long and
short sleeves, worth 35c, on
sale at
500 doz. ladlea' and children's fast black,
full seamless hose, every pair warranted
perfect. These are worth 15c a pair.
On sale at, pair v)-
One lot of children's gowns IQr
on sale at IJ
Men's SOc underwear in shirts and 9lr
drawera at I ski 2
Men's 39c work shirts on Ifl
ssle at IUC
Men's and boys' 25c suspenders will
go at
A Special Sale Every 30 Minutes
In these sales we almost give the good, away.
FROM : TO 3 1
China Dept
Beautiful crystal glassware, finished after
the atyle of cut glass. You csn hardly tell
the difference, consisting of
French dishes. Sauce dlahea, vaaes, mugs,
tumblers, pickle diahes, wins glaaaea, jugs,
olive dishes, spoon trays, sugar bowls and
creams, stands and trays, and bundreda of
other artlclea at a price on the lot that
IT Your choice 6c each.
All alzea of plate, cupe and saucers.
Vegetable dlahea, meat platters, soup
plates, oatmeals, water Juge and dozens of
other articles. Theae goods are all semi
porcelain, gold striped, filled In decora
tion, not a piece in the lot worth leas than
from 25o to 60c, for tomorrow, your choice
at 9c.
Decorated Flemish stone cuspidors, 10c.
Bouelsa Jardinieres, 95c
Decorated dinner acts, 100 pieces, Ameri
can or English goods, for tomorrow onry,
New York Drapery Stock.
600 pairs lsce curtains, worth up to $2,st
79c, 69c and 49c.
500 pairs lace curtains, worth up to $2.50
pair, at 9Sc.
500 pairs lace curtains, fancy novelties,
all new patterns, worth up to $3.50 pair, at
All of the lace curtains that sold at $4
to $5 pair, at $1.98.
Fine lace curtalus, new noveltlee. Tam
bour Irish Point Brussels, etc., that aell
from $5 to $7 pair, at $3.45.
All the beat lace curtains, such ss brua
sels, Battenburg, Chins and French, cur
talna worth $10, for $4 93.
Tapestry curtains, the greatest varieties
ever shown, $1.9$ to $4.85 pair.
Rope curtains, endless varieties, $1.75 to
$5.00 a pair.
Hair Goods Sale
All the finest quality hair switches. In
sll shades, at cut prices.
Get ths new book, "The Mississippi Bub
ble" by Emerson Hough, at Hayden Bros.
FIIOM t TO Ui.'iO A. M
We will aell Amoskesge apron-check ging
ham, regular 6c value, only 6 yards to a
customer, at, a 0'-
yard g5'2C
FROM Ri.tO TO in A. M.
We will sell German Indigo blue calico,
32 Inches wide, the regular 10c value, only
10 yards to a customer, at,
a yard
We will sell Scotch lawns and Ariel dimi
ties, the regular 7V4c and 10c value, only
10 yards to a customer, at,
a yard
FROM 10:tO TO 11 A. M.
We will aell the celebrated Lonsdale and
Hill's muslin, regular 9c gooda,
only 10 yards to a customer, at
FROM 11 TO.lli-'IO A. M.
We will sell Mother's Friend boys' shirt
waist, made of the finest madras cloth
and percales, worth $1.50 each, size 14
years only, st
FROM littO TO 3 P. M.
We will sell full standard prints, dark
and light colors, regular 5 and 7VsC grades,
only 10 yarda to a customer, at,
a yard
FROM 3 TO 2i.1t P. M
We will Bell $1.00 and $1.25 silks, not mors
than 10 yarda to a customer, at, a
only c
i cloth
ilia 11
We will sell plaid dreas goods, 30 Inches
wide, good, solid, heavy gooda, perfectly
fast colors. In sll the nice, bright shades
tor children's school dresses, only 10 ysrdt
to a customer, at, a !'-
yard lC
FROM 3 TO 3i30 P. M.
We will sell regular 7'c and 10c Shaker
flannel, only 10 yards to a customer, I;.-,
at, a yard It
FROM 3iSO TO 4 P. M.
We will Bell 5c and 70 towels, only 2
pairs to a customer, at, I
each C
FROM 4 TO 4i30 P. M.
We will sell 15c, 19o and 25c dimities,
lawns and organdies, all colors of the rain
bow and every quality, some mercerize!,
some with silk stripes, oily 12 ysrds ij
a customer, at, a O'r
yard 4t2
FROM4I30 TO 5 P. M.
We will sell the best yard-wide L. L.
muslin made, only 10 yards to a cus- sF4 1
tomer, at, a yard sas2
And thousands of other sales throughout
the bargain room.
We are headquarters for hammocks ot
every grade from 60c to $10 each.
A carload of croquet aeta, 4 balls, 6 balls
snd 8 balls and amateur and profesalonal
sets, from 39c to $5.00 a set.
The New York
Furnishings Stock
Ladlea 60c lisle-thread stockings, in
plain black or fancy colors, st 25c.
Ladlea' 35c plain black lace atocktnga,
slao In fancy colors, on sale at 19c.
Children's lisle-thread stockings, regu
lar 35o quality, at 19c.
The Paney brand stocking for boy and
the Shawknlt for girl on sale at 25c.
Children' fast-black, seamless stock
ings at 12c.
Ladles' 25c fast-black and fancy-colored
stockings st 12Hc.
Boys' 60c shirtwaists, In all size from
4 to 12, at 25c.
Boy' $1.00 colored, lunndered shirt
waists, in all alzea from 4 to 12, at 49c.
The New York
Flannel Stock
15 pieces 27 inchea wide, whit linen
and wool flannel per yard 28c. Regular
price 40c. 30 different patterns of 36-Inch
wide embroidered flannel per yard 69c, worth
65c. 2 casea Sllkollne per yard Bo and 6Hc.
The Hen York
Bed Spread Slock
I cases 82-lnch wlds 8-inebea long Mar
set Hies patterns, each $1.25. Regular price
$2.00. 1 case extra large fringed bed spreade
cut corners, suitable for Iron beds. Mar
seilles patterns, each $1.60. Regular price
1 case crochet fringed bed spread, each
1 case fringed pink and blue bed spread,
each 98c, worth $1.50.
1 caae full else Maraelllle pattern, each
$9c. Regular price $1.25.
2 case extra wide bed spreads, each 49c,
1 caae extra heavy fringed Maraelllle
spreads, each, $2.9$, worth $5.00.
Good Groceries at Low Prices
Granulated coromeal, per sack, 15o
Wheat graham flour, per sack, 25c
Rye graham flour, per sack, 65c.
Rye flour, per sack, 89c.
Lin a beana, per pound, 4o.
4 pounda tapioca pearl, 15o.
Fancy evaporated peaches. So.
Three S-pound cans grated pineapple, 15a,
Two S-pound csns sugar beets. 13c
pounds band-picked navy beans, 10c.
1-pound csn cove oysters, 7 He.
4 pounds Ruby prunes, 15o.
Monday we will demonstrate free crack
ers, chocolate and cocoa. Try these.
Great Money Saving Sales on
Teas and Coffees
First crop, sun-cured Japan tea only 22e.
Basket-Bred Japan tea, nice, clear drink,
O. K. E. B. tea and Gunpowder tea, 40e.
Broken Mocha and Java coffee, 15c.
Santos coffee, freah roasted, RHc
A fresh-roasted Mocha and Java coffee,
Good Rto coffee, per pound, lOo.
Cheese Specials
Wisconsin LImberger, 12ttc
Young America, 12 c
Wisconsin cream, lie.
Appetltost cheese, each 4c.
Meats and Fish
No. 1 California bams, 814a.
Potted hams, per can lc.
Best brand bologna, (c.
Boneleaa rump corned best,
Picketed trips. $Hc.
K. K. K herring, each 2e.
Large, fat white flan, per pound, 12Hc
. Rolled mops, per pound, 15a.
When Tired Shopping
Go to Hsyden Bros' for a cup of cocoa and
a tasty cracker.
We are giving free demonstrations new to
Introduce our delicious cocoa and pure
iresh crackers. Nothing nicer made.