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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1902)
13 THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SUMa, AlMtlL 27, 1002. mlm$mm zrz t sows SwipPI Great Sale of Lace Curtains llH An importer's entire stock of Fine Lace Curtains will be placed on sale tomorrow at half price and less AN EASTERN importer who desired to discontinue the lace curtain branch of his business sold us the entire stock he had on hand. The curtains come in a great variety of rich patterns, all are new and absolutely the latest. The lot includes curtains of almost every description. The fine qualities and extremely low prices will make this one of the greatest lace curtain sales ever held. You can glean an idea of the great saving in store for you by the following items: $10.00 Lace Curtains $4.98 Pnlr In this lot we have placed all the finest' lace curtains from the purchase, including Arab Ian curtains, genuine Brussels net curtains, Irish point, Point de Calais and Itococo cur tains. The patterns are A f very rich. This quality usu ally sells for $10 pr., we offei jjC choice of all tomorrow, pair. $3.50 Lace Curtains $1.98 Pair his lot comprises elegant bobinet' curtains, fine Nottinghams in beautiful new designs, cable net curtains, etc., all fine im ported goods, usually sold for $3.50 pair, special sale price 350 1.98 $7.00 Lace Curtains $3.50 Pair The $3.50 lot comprises immense quantities of very beautiful lace curtains in Cable . net, ruffled nets, Nottingham, etc. the designs are decidedly handsome. You can choose from this great variety t of $7.00 curtains , at, per VM" pair $2.50 Lace Curtains $1.39 Pair The $1.39 lot includes imported Nottinghams, ruffled net curtains, beautiful swiss curtains with lace edge and insertion and other novelties in lace curtains, with the new ruffle effect border and lambrequin top, worth $2.50 pair, on sale $5.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 Pair n the $2.98 lot we have placed fine Cable net curtains, ruffled bobinet curtains with lace edge and insertion, Irish point, Point de Calais and fine lacey effect Nottingham curtains the values average $5.00 a pair on sale tomorrow, at 298 1.39 $2.00 Lace Curtains C8c Fair Full size Nottingham lace curtains, the very newest patterns in fish net weaves, ruffled effects, border and lambrequin top. These curtains never retail for less than $2 pr., tomorrow you can buy C ihem for just $ price, per pair ..... .i x-J W Brass sash curtain rods Extend to 42 inches, special sale tomorow each -w 25c Each for ODD CURTAINS Worth Up to $2.00 a Pair All the odd curtains that came In this purchase will be aold at 25o each. They are full length and Include the most beautiful styles. The price Is remarkable each ... 25c Brass curtain rods-Heavy Inoh tube, extend to 54 inches, g speoial sale price.. ....... 1UC VERY SPECIAL SILK SALE Some unusual silk bargains await you Monday. "We give the news of the remarkable values below in detail, but if does not impress you as much as a glance at the silks would. Such prices are seldom linked with such high grade silks and for which there Is so great a demand. 45-inch Black All Silk Grenadines 59c Yard W.rth $1.25 M ore than 1,500 yards of these desirable sllka 45 inchee styles satin striped, ribbon striped, wide and narrow stripes. wide In alt the newest stylish for gowns, per yard waists and trimmings $1.25 values Monday, 59 c Moire Velours at 49c Yd. Worth $1.00 7 ou would call tbat a bargain, wouldn't you? We have 60 ploeee of this extremely A modish fabric furthermore we have the wanted shades blues, modes, resedas, pink, del, creme and black. These are new goods real si.uu qualities xnonoay, per yuru 49 c All Silk Totfetas 55c Yd. Worth 85c a saving of Just 30c on every yard. We have every shade of the rainbow. yard guaranteed strong and perfect, made with a soft mellow finish 125 pieces Monday's special price , Shantung Pongee Tussore Silks In plain dots, fleur de lis and tucked with embroidered dots very beauti ful and popular fabrics and immense line at prices ranging (E-f EZf from 69o per yard to. .... Special Shantung: Pongee, 30 inches wide worth 11.5(1 por yard Japanese Washable Silks 24 inches wide, in black and white, OOf per yard... Washable Silks In black 3H inches wide per yard and white, ..50c Black llabutia Silks 36 Inches wide, prespiratiun proof, worth QC. 1.25 a yard, special Monday Ou w White Washable Silks-45 Inches wide, extra heavy quality, Jf OEI 12.00 value, Monday a yd kH.ttKJ Black llabutia Silks 27 Inches wide looks tike taffeta.. has a soft finish like a Japanese silk the very latest in black soft silk. 11.60 Q quality, per yard........ VOL SALE OF "JOSEPH" PATTERN HATS TT 7E purchased from "Joseph" America's famous designer (15 TP. 31st St., New York) 163 Paris and New York pattern hats at a tremend ous reduction from their original figures. These goods are the cream of the world's styles and materials and not one of them could have been pur chased four weeks ago sale Monday every at . . . . ... nd materials and not one of them could have been pur ago for less than $25.00 at whole- rjFf -d jf V one of them will be off ered Tf I II jl - , - eas s Trimmed Hats $5.00 the Best Values in America Ladies' & Misses' Trimmed Hats $1 Trimmed Street Hats 49c These are the hats tbat have made the name Brandeta a synonym for all that la cor rect In stylish millinery. We repeat once more that these hats contain more style and value than any other five dollar hats In America, and are as good as any sold generally for $8.00 and 110.00 Monday Ladies' & Misses' Trimmed Hats $2.40 t.nd $3.49 Flower and foliage hate, some with pretty Gibson c.Uffon drape, others trtmmtd with piMty novelty goods, etc. an unusual gathering of goods at these figures, which ordlnarly are priced at nearly double $2.40 and $3.49 $5 Here Is what we can safely say Is the great est offering of new, seasonable stylish trim med bats ever made. They are shown In white black, pink, malts, light blue, etc., and are tastily trimmed by expert artists, with soft chiffon flowers, ete. Every hat la guaranteed worth $2.50. ma are $1 In Basement 75 dozen trimmed street hate, the sample lines of three large manufac turers. The assortment is a toagnlfl. cent one and contains values up to $2.00 Monday 49c REMARKABLE CLOAK AND SUIT SELLING 0 )UR sp:dal purchases of Women's Stylish Suits, Coatj, Jackets. Skirts, etc, offer great saving opportunities. You gain every price advantage we gained Here are instances: A Sample Line of Ladies' Tailored Suits at 24.50 Worth Up to $45.00 Silks on Bargain Squares 39c, 49c, 69c Yard All kinds of plain and fancy silks In black and colors, including Japanese silks, printed warp, Loulaenes, 27-inch tucked taffeta, fancy printed and satin striped crepe de chine, Cheny Bros, pretty twilled and satin foulards also silk naUtings S to 20-yard lengths, at 39c, 49c, 69c a yard IA1P0RTED WASH FABRICS Main Fluor First Aisle NOTEWORTHY savings on high clasa washable dress stuils on tale iu dress goods department. Moussslinc de Sole In white and plain colors the reirular 60c quality -per yard White Damasks, Oxfords, Madras, etc A splendid array special sale price, per yard "Whit Etumine, Crash, etc 32 inches wide, tho regular 4oo grade, jjj . per yard 4uC Mercerized Eta mine Id Pongee, rose, green and all stylUh tints, the 50c quality, per yard Pure Linen Dress Cloths 33 inches wide, in all colors, fc?fwi., svt j m .............. .......................... 39c 35c 29c 45c We have a very complete line of silk a nd linen novelties. The patterns are beautiful and exclusive in this section of the I'nlted States. Our prices are less than similar qualities uaually bring. O eautlful silk lined tailor-made suits the newest creations, made of the very fleest M-f imported cloths, handsomely trimmed. These suite retail in the feremoet eastern stores for $35.00, $37.60, $40,00, $42.50 and $45.00. Being samples we bought them at a price that enables us to 'sell them for ! LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Supply your present and future lace and embroidery needs when you can buy bargains like we offer for tomorrow. 5c Laces and Insertings at 5c yd., worth 15c Torchons, Valenciennes and fancy wash laces and insertings very pretty styles worth 15c a yard Monday per yard . Jew Style Laces 10c yd., worth 25a II vast assortment of the newest styles In laces suitable for trimming summer dresses in platt Valenciennes, net top orientals, fancy cotton and silk galoons la serpentine effects white, cream, ecrue and Arabian shades, also -v black silk chantlllas all widths and patterns 25o qualities If lO per yard Embroideries at 5c, 74c and 174c yard 24. 5G Tailor Made Suits at $15. CO Werth Up to $30.00 HP his $15.00 lot Includes a number of the most stylish creations produced this season a. Gibson, Maxim and Blouse styles. T he materials are the very finest and the colorings the newest. The regular retail prices are $22.50, $25.00 $27.50 and $30.00 all on sale at : 15.00 Tailor Made Suits at $8.75 Worth Up U 517.50 mj ou wm De tKreeably surprised at the flae tailored suits we offer la this I8.T5 lot. JL You caa choose from all the latest styles, newest fabrics and colors. The regu- lar retail prices are $12.50. $15.00 and $1T.50 choice of lot tor "" 875 a Immense quantity of fine embroideries and Insertings on sale tomorrow at very Pecial prices. They are made of flae Swiss, nainsook and cambric. You caa choose from a very splendid variety of handsome patterns. Note the values. 10c Embroideries and Insertings 5c yd. 20c Embroideries and Insertings 74c yd. 30c S 35c Embroideries and Insertings 174c yd. Handkerchief Bargains The following special prices on real good handkerchiefs merit your consideration: - MEN'S All Linen Handkerchiefs-In all width of hems-those ?1 are qualities that you usually pay 15o for C Special price Monday 2 LADIES' Fine Handkerchief Made of linen, also fanoy embr' idered handkerchiefs, very pretty styles, I2io qualities, for . Muslin Corset Covers ond Drawers WOMEN'S Corset Covers Very handsome styles, nicely trimmed with laces and embroideries Also Wcmcii't Mua'in Drawera A very preitlly tuckeUand trimmed full size. These are aVC very fine quahtlee Special Kale price Ladies' and Children's Underwear f adiea', mlssee' and boys' summer under wear, in lisle and cotton tlc a- quality garments worth 2Sc emh sals price 15c Wool Skirts at $4.98 Silk Skirts at $9.9S Very stylish skirts made of choice wool fabrics. In all colors all A new styles, nicely trim med extra special values, at 4.98 i effects values f to 120 choice of y (3 choice selection of fashionable silk skirts garments that powcets every attribute of quality and style remarkably handsome effecis values range tip lot . Silk Ulsters at $8.93 to 50.00 Have you noticed the grace these long coats give the wearer? Their distinguishing feature Is style of course they are worn for effect but the effect Is a -very., desirable one to attain. We have a very complete line of; these "swell" garments prices rang from . $8.98 to $50.00 Exceptionally good values at all prices. Silk and Chiffon Veiling 19c Yard All silk chiffon veiling la black, white and all colors, silk embroidered, "V chenille dots and oilier fancy and etyl tub designs. - The are r(jular J (Oe qualltlce pcil sale price, per yard $15 Jackets $8.98 $10 Jackets $5.00 $7.50 Jackets $3.98 All the best grades of Jackets that came la the sample lot. . go at SI.8S. They are made of broadcloths, Cheviot and moire silk, la Olbsom, etoa and blouse styles. values range up to $15 choice 8.98 Exquisite' garmeif j of cheviot, broadcloth and coverts, la 'etona and blouse effects also silk etons akd moire etons. They are worth 1 10 each ell are samp sale price III .IV T ... iplee epeciaft ice a.. $5 Slmi'lo, styllab little eutergarments bandkoracly trimmed, l!k lloei. " made of Hoe cloib,-ln all colors.. They, will afford the wearers eotutort the cool summer evenings f" f") !or"'"!? JZJC)' NOTE HOW VE CUT DRUG PRICES There is a good dial of wnilhi? among tLe maun fact uren and jobbers on account of the Iar? retailors cutting their prices bo ruthletil j. We do it, not bee..u.--o the manufacturers don't like it, but because the public ap;m Lite it. You nave money on every, cut' price. lVlow are instances. Pimm . rMolir Drloe 11.00. I !! 9 f .eU-r y l. mpounj, nurml.a 7c II. UU SUo 75 PerfLii.iisJ Tuijtim Powder. I'inUi iw'i Vegetable CuiiirouuJ 10c kind .. 78 I.-Uumcl Littera. a iMoJrull l.urc, -, , , 7j M'J buttle 762 ' FUcr 1 lower Soap. 2 cab fe lor. . B ! u.Jvrme, for the hair IR4 ;iyccri'-e J-oap, 3 cakes fvr HKs '-' Uruat.tfs, eit-el'eut valuea.. UK Mtjot;. 1 -.. worth luo f..r i lUaJ liritsitu. t-feoial jrie .6 OiHii I a I'ort Wife ; l-:iiii-, tfn-iO. quality.. Idc O.idtt I -iiU Mrry Vtu.- ; oiling Iron,, c,-..cnl t.rice!s ivi, 8t iKHtte.. l.i 1 1 y . !' l-r... ts, IJO.'JTON utoi:u I T T TO!:!". 6C V: UOSTOX b'TOKE J. L. lillANDEIS & SONS. UOSTON STORU .... !