10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ATOL 27, 1002. Whcue CuAury and Cyko Photographic Paper Cyko paper gives absolutely black and white results ta easy to manipulate prints by sunlight or artificial light, and comes In all alxea, at the following prices: Cyko Carbon Matt, 4x5, fftr Cyko Carbon Matt, 6x7, Iflfi per doien per dosen "Ul, Cyko Carbon Matt, 4x5. f etfi Cyko Carbon Matt, 5x7, 1 Hfl per gross s.JVf per groaa KJi Cyko Developing Powder, sufficient for two dosen 4x5 Cyko, If,-, per tube IVW Monday Specials in Good Stationery Where Cuauty and Price count price Count Fancy abelf paper, assorted colon, to eheets, for Taper Napkins, with assorted colored designs, put up In lota of 100 8peclal at , Extra floe quality Bos Note Taper with Envelopes to match. A regular 10o ralue. Our special price, bos .... 5c 8c 5c WE WW We Win fc-JlAHNEY 5TS. OMAiiXJON. gl $' HAHNEY 5TS. OmAImTS Wall Paper Attractions (Third Floor.) Monday opens a special sale of high frfade wall Paper. Large stock every mnglnahle rolorln or design to choose from. Hntise-pap'-rlng satisfaction a cer tainty. Come and Inspect these attrac tive offer-Inns. 6-eent White Okn Blanks 9 -cent White Blanks -cent An Ollts 5o and W 10-cent fr Gilts-Re and Room Mouldings up from IXn pr foot Paper Cleaner J0(n one pound eai ) stJS Foreign and domestic goods at bottom prloes. 3c Bsne stirs till A guarantee means all that THE THESENT. EVERYTIIIN Mistakes and defects are the lot o a kick coming, by all means let u YOURS. We rectify any dissatis QUALITY RULES throughout nett's seeks your business. Make a man's sense of honor puts into it. Our business rests not merely on our reputation but' on the CEASELESS ALERTNESS OF G YOU BUY HERE CARRIES OUR ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE WITH IT AND THE GUARANTEE COSTS YOU NOTHING, f mortals. At times they cannot be avoided, and the man who claims they can has a big slice of life's lesson to learn. If you have s have it. YOU NEED FEEL NO DIFFIDENCE in making it known to us. You cheerfully take our word we cheerfully take faction PROMPTLY if apprised of it', either by REPLACING GOODS or by REFUNDING YOUR MONEY just as you wish the HOME MAKERS' EXPOSITION and OUR TRICES ATTRACT THE THOUSANDS. No more dependable house'than Ben- it your center or supply. Monday Art Attractions SECOND FIWR. Just received, a full linn of ready-made rrnmiw-oval and square very suitable for portraits Sizes lftx2ik em $2 25. $i.M and 1. 25 20x24-12.25. 2.00 , mn and " 1.50 An extra lnrge sixe, 20x30 o E six-Inch pattern at C Da Tn,.abov' fs Include glass ami fitting OVAL, KKAM ES Our lesurr-lfioviVhr"?: Inch Florentine pattern full gold bur nishFrench gold nnlh or ebony ami gold worth 14 at A very line heavy ornamental full sold burnished 16x20 worth 55.00 Sg 20x24 Ovals up r from .. O Mouldings In the length up from 5 per foot 46 W Monday Dress and Silk Attractions Ton will not And In this newspaper such your orders are neither limited by time nor Bargain Circle Dress Goods It pieces pretty Plaid Dress Goods, for ' children's dresses, and a lot of plain Serges and Cords, 28 Inches wide, a regu lar 20c quality Monday on our f 24c bargain circle per yard A big lot of pretty Dress Goods, our reu . lar 25c quality, Monday In the f 7C bargain circle per yard w Roller Toweling, heavy quality, the o Jrade, In our bargain circle Mon- Jll n ay per yard ....-a At c Fringed Dollies, all linen, a regular . 4o dolHe, in our bargain circle On each " w Short lengths of Table Linen, In lyards, 2W and 1-yard lengths. About 800 ends In this lot to be found In our bargain circle much reduced prices. TABLE NAPKINS 100 dosen of fine Irish Linen Table Napkins, full bleached, full aiae, great bargain at J1.75 per dozen (Main Floor.) bargains In quality dress goods as are here quoted, quantity. Have all you want till all's gone. - Each Item la a bona fide bargain and will be found In our bargain f OQ circle per doxen . I.OCT HEAVY COTTON TOWELS, 4c EACH 100 dozen of 22-inch Long Cotton Tow els, good 8c towel bargain circle An each 4 Fine Wash Goods 9c per yard Bargain Circle CO pieces fine Wash Goods that are a little imperfect would sell in the regular way at 20c per yard bargain circle On price per yard 7W AT THE SILK COUNTER 100 pieces fine Foulard Silks, all qualities the regular price we will not count our big fn sale Monday morning per yard. ....-' Black Dress Counter AT 29o PER TARD 10 pieces 44-Inch Fig ured Black Dress Goods, the 60c 2Qc grade at per yard " w AT 39c PER TARD 38-lnch Black Frll llantlne special 39C AT 46c PER YARD 58-'lnch black, all wool, dustproof Storm Serges special 4Sc sale price per yard cw AT 69o PER YARD 15 pieces very fine Black Goods, In 56-Inch Meltons for sep arate skirts, 42-lnch Mistrals and Can vas Cloths, 42-lnch Serges and Cheviots floods worth up to 85c per yard all go n our special Monday sale at fiOn per yard At Out Colored Dress Goods Counter, At 4So per yard we will put on special sale Monday 100 pieces of line Colored Dress Goods, In Venetians. Tailor Suitings, Granites, Serges, Mistrals, silk finished In al colors, Henriettas, Sicilians val ues up to sac per vara an go in our special Monday sale at per yard 48c if, ft At the Wash Goods Counter 100 pieces fine Imported Mercerised French Sateens, all colors, with pretty foulard designs, the quality that sells for 25c at our special wash goods sale 4 Cn at per yard IcJV 100 pieces of fine Imported Cambrics, light ground with pretty colored figures they sell for 25c per yard every place our blgsale price only per 12 lC At 1214c per yard 100 pieces of the daintiest of fine wash fabrics they take In finer Imported Swisses, Dimities, Lawns and numerous other fabrics. In this big lot you will find goods worth up to 25c per yard all go In Monday's sale lOin t per yard Big Cut Sale of Dress Linings 12Hc quality of Silesia per yard 25c quality of Percallne per yard 10c Sateens per yard All of our black linings are Nubian fast black and therefore are guaranteed not to crock. ..9c 15c 19c In the Woman's Realm (econd Floor.) FOULARD SILK DRESSES We made a clearing of 25 handsome satin foulard costumes, worth from $18.00 to 125.00, that our clearing discount purchase en ables us to sell at 16.50, O Sfl 14.60 and . 1.6.0U 119.50 This amount will purchase an ele gant all silk lined tailor-made suit, all black fine cheviot serge, satin straps and stitching, waist and skirt lined with fine tn(Tta silk this Is a $25.00 in Rfi suit for 1V.OU $9.00 See our Combination Suit, silk eton, full silk lined, skirt of fine all wool cloth, hairline stripe, deml-walklng length, flounce and stitching either of these garments is worth almost Q ffi the price of the suit .V.tjlf NEW ETAMINE SUIT-Unllned skirt, silk lined eton Jacket, fancy and satin trim ming, flounce skirt, two bands of satin you can't duplicate It at less 1 C CI) than $25.00 our price aV.OU NEW ETAMINE SUIT-Drop-slIk petti coat, eton Jacket, taffeta silk band, silk lined, pcplum style, flounce skirt, three bands of taffeta and stitching this Is one of our late purchases and the regu lar price Is almost cut In O 'A Rfl two now on aale at aOvl GOLF WALKING SKIRTS-A speclat drive at two prices the best values ever put on a counter In Omaha K , C $4.75 and O. O Monday Furniture Attractions Third Floor. Our selections are the fruits of experience and are not sur passed in point of neatness, durability and genuine workman ship by any furniture house ANYWHERE. If you are refur nishing, you need our experience to guide you. If you are taking up housekeeping getting married perhaps YOU NEED IT ALL TIIE MORE. It's our overflowing pleasure to serve you. Leather Couch new In design, quarter sawed golden oak frame, hand polished, gondola shape, spring edge, seat and head . it has a tow foundation and principally hair stuffllng, covered In the very best grade of olive leather 31 OQ OS Inches wide, 80 Inches long sS.O Handsome Nurse or Sewing Rocker eolld oak, golden finish, big, broad seat, hand caned and braced to posts, back very neatly embossed strong and f EQ . durable-et l,uo Go-Carts We received a new lot of all descriptions, all prices as a special for this week we offer a Go-Cart made of hand woven reed, finely finished, rub ber tire wheels, patent f AQ brake-at U.-wV Massive and very handsome Iron Bed, in colors, white, pea green and black height of bed 70 inches, pillars 1 6-1 inches thick, heavy brass vases, 2tt Inch brasa rods. 7-18 Inches thick it Is an artistic bed and fit for a palace here Is a chance you don't often get special value MONDAY - O 7tt ONLY Vs-IO Brass Bed beautiful and rich In design, massive, made of all brass drawn tubing, not wood tilled and seamed large, heavy vases, swell foot and made of the very best of material and by skilled work mennone better special 24.98 Sanitary Steel Folding Couches the queen folding couch strongest on earth closed they make a fine couch open, the most comfortable bed $9.60 R QQ values at O.O Dressing Table made In golden oak, quarter-sawedthat's what makes them very desirable artistic design has an oval French bevel plate mirror and T fiR shelf-sale price '-'- Dresser solid oak, beautifully finished, brass trimmed handles, patent casters. French bevel oval mirror, shaped top, elegant dresser for $14.00 Q 7B our price V.O Dresser golden oak finish, two swell top drawers and two long drawers, beveled plate mirror, slse 22x28, brass trimmed, nicely carved a well made article and avery cheap one 948 Splendid golden oak, massive Sideboard, with French beveled mirror, handsomely carved, trimmings cast brass, drawers extra large and fitted by expert cabinet workers, swelled shape front ordi nary value $17 60 our f f QQ price - Effgant Couches massive, heavy solid oak frame, carved, roeoco shaped, claw legs, 30 Inches wide, 79 Inches long, steel con struction, covered In a very fine grade of mohair crushed plush sold by most dealers at $18.00 to fc.00- 1 1 Afi our price .I1.C7 This pretty Parlor Stand, golden oak fin ish, has 18-Inch square top, extra strong legs, braced, with large shelf below stand that Is both attractive and dur ablespecial sale Afin price Ofc Hanging Book Shelf made of solid oak. golden finish a useful article In every home on sale Monday and fCn ...... Tuesday at speolal price. Chiffonier eolld golden oak. nicely fln- AmWA .nnmv mneA wnrkmAlllhlD. brass trimming, best of casters A KQ worth $fOO-at this sale Solid Oak Chiffonier finely finished golden, has six large, roomy drawers, large handles, patent casters a bar- QU gain at almost twice our price Chiffonier bird's-eye maple, handsome and new In design, 8 drawers, I full swell top drawers, oval French beveled plate mirror, French legs, solid ends, finished inside as well as outside, highly polished like your piano worth &- IH Afi nrlca.. IOtO Tmn HMfanrv enameled white or green. pretty scroll design, steel rails, finely finished, certainly a wonderful US bargaln-t this sale Jron Bed very elegant, full brass trim med, heavy iosts. In either colors, white, black, poje blue, carmine or pea green your choice extended foot rails and made of the very best of steel big bargain for Monday and A Tuesday only at w Crockery Attractions-second floor. Monday Crockery Attractions. Thousands have expressed their pleasure at seeing the superb piece of porcleain art by the artist Donoit of Dresden it's an immense vase it's the poetry of porcelain see it. tl . , , CROCKERY BARGAINS. Sherbet Glasses .5c Tbl;7- 10c .I5c 15c 29c six for, Crystal Water Pitchers , Fruit Bowls new Vienna Cake Plates Salads 3Qc at.... .................... 7 All fine china decorated. Clearance table of fancy china fin Decorated Plates JW Crystal Engraved Water Sets QEP complete OCH Gold and Floral Teacups and ROr Saucers set of six OVf W Factory ends of Tea Saucers 0 plain and decorated Our One-Price Piano System a Success Carpet and Drapery Attractions (Third Floor.) Superb qualities only. All thoroughly dependable and some even luxurious. Here are some very special offers for tomor row's selling. 128.00 Axmlnster Rugs slie xi2 all colors 1 23 50 Axmlnster Rugs else 8xliH $4.00 Axmlnster Rugs slse 36x72 13000 Axmlnster Rugs -slse tx!2 $160 Axmlnster Carpets an carpet a full line of the Ings and designs per yard 21.98 19.35 3.25 24.48 elegant parlor newest color- 1.19 1.08 $1.35 Axmlnster Carpets all new goods per yard 80c best quality Tapestry Brussels an ele gant assortment of patterns- 79C Der vard Good nuallty Wool . Faced Brussels without borders per 54 C Best quality All Wool Ingrain- 65C uer vard Extra Heavy Ingrain all colors 49 C j.n J u Lace Curtains. K M Lace Curtains 3.48 per pair $4 .00 Lace Curtains 3.00 per pair w.ww $3.75 Lace Curtains 2 40 per pair .-v $1.00 Lace Curtains 1 Ofi per pair a.x $2.75 Lace Curtains per pair Heavy Wool Pillow Cords all colors per yard All 811k Pillow Cords- extra heavy per yara.. Heavy Opaque Shades on good rollers. M Inches wide 33c seven feet long 1.55 7c 16c Rug Fringe-any color Qr per yard w Wftidow Shades. 27c 38 Inches wide six feet long. Trunk and Valise Attractions Special No 1 8teel bound Trunk, canvas covered, two leather straps, covered tray, extra dress tray and hat box no better trunk on the maraei a bargain .4.98 Special No. I Canvas Telcope, leather strap ana cuvtr icui. il.n 50 arth le " ' . Complete line of fine Leather Goods, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags latent .h.n a ,.,t atvles dependable goods all very low prices. Woodenware Attractions Baa Meat. Willow Clothes Baskets Eight-drawer Spice Cabinet Fine Washtubs r.nrv Imoorted Bait VLiaa jlardwood Brea4 35c 48c . .38c 10c ,.10c Lre Site Wash Qc A large line of Imported novelties In wood and willow ware. Carved Salad Sets, "read Plaus. KoUlug Pins. Palm Kulfe "t'c'rry0 tuU Una ol good churns, ail 'f!2cknov our line of Refrigerators be fore buying. No belter maue. Prloes MUSIC DEPT. SECOND FLOOR. Our piano business Is ample evidence that the piano buyers of Omaha appreciate a SQUARE PROPOSITION. We offer no Job lots or bankrupt piano stock, but BRAND NEW t'P-TO- DATE 1902 styles t prices Just a little lower than the others can be bought for. .. .... We sell on the easy payment plan In the west Our line of Pianos Includes the following: THE EVERETT, the piano with soul, conceded two years ago to be the world's greatest piano and now popularly spoken of as the NEW ARTISTIC 8TANDARD. We carry a full line of IVERS & POND, STARR, RICHMOND, SMITH BARNES, WILLARD, ARION and other makes of high grade Instruments. We will cheerfully refund your money If you are not pleased with any piano you buy. TUNING, MOVING or exchanging done on terms that are designed to please YOU. -"" " " - We have the largest and most complete line of sheet muslo and musio books Full line of small musical Instruments. VISIT THE PRETTY MUSIC ROOM. Monday Jewelry Attractions Royal Elastic Belts You will find here the lar est assortment of these splen'' did belts in Omaha, They are the acknowledged "correct thing" to wear. They give that much desired long waist effect of the swell dresser, at $1.00 up. T S ' Bennett's Shoe Attractions We carry exclusive lines of shoes of glove-like fit, extraord inary wearability and neatness and every, pair a sound earnest bargain. The famed Franklin shoe is sold only at Bennett's. franklin hoes. The only reliable and fixed price lint before the people to-day. No shoes have ever been made that met with such universal favor. Do not take substitutes. Every pair warranted per fect, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. BOOT isJJoe WORKERS UKIQS. n 111 Wm mi Monday Millinery At tractions Second Floor. A salon of beauty where quality rules and prices do more than attract. Every thing In ladles' and misses' headgear, all touched with a charming originality. No. 1 A lovely Black Chiffon Hat-trlm-med with lace and velvet some with flowers, some without a sfk 15.00 hat for lU.Uvl iN. 2 A very nobby, pretty piece of mil linery art-different styles-swell or sub dued effects a 16.00 hat e ir for O.UU No. 8 A remarkable millinery bargain nothing like It at the price In the city made of bent webbing trimmed with lace and flowers a 15.00 hat o ru for sV9 Monday Grocery Attractions Tea, Coffee and Spice Sectioi. Bennett's teas are bought solely on cup CUallty are guaranteed absolutely pure and acknowledged to be the best values ever offered to the public. All varieties give It a name no. genuine 60o values per pound OOC Every buyer of one pound of tea at 3Sc or any other price gets a pretty picture free. Bennett's Coffees are coffee standards- fresh roasted every day sold unground, ground or pulverised. No finer coffees procurable. A splendid value , 1W 12c Basement. 10- pound lots.... he union rm FRANKLIN SHOES Fit the Foot, Fit the Eye, and Fit Your Purse. kci's. $2.00 ??bV. Vdl lime itei's. $1.25 FRANKLIN SHOES. IN placing this line of shoes before the people, we' have endeavored to see how much (not how little) we could give the purchasing public for How well we have succeeded a critical inspection will thnur for itself: bv wearinE. the shoes will speak for themselves. WE GUARANTEE THhSi. MIULS because we Know inai rveryming that can be put into a shoe to make it wear, that every device known to strengthen a shoe has been used, and that they were made by the most skilled workmen procurable. I THE y -a sk w ir m f-jJi (J It - J Vv Sr rJi Monday Cigar Charms (Mala Floor.) A 12ic Cigar for - 5c Tor Monday we offer 1,450 atrlctly clear Havana i egular slse Cigars Ri at each I c'w Wt sell them regularly and In abundance at two for Zuc. and you get your money's worth at that. It's a elgar snap such as you never had before. Please take our word for It our word means much. To give everybody a fair chance of partici pating tn this unprecedented offer we can not sell more than ten to each buyer a nickel each. Florence so Cigar '" fc . for each t ow nrxr J.SQ Sur. ... Uncle Oscar Cigar seven fur Fifty for Porto Rico Cigar lib In can Flor de Teller four for Fifty fr , Bull Hern Cigar Clippings half pound for Battle Ag Tobaco Wc pound Itc cut fur Corn Cake Smoking Tobacco oue found tur... Wt ...25c .1.75 ..50c ...25c .3.00 ...17c Oc .25. Grocery Section. Beans. Beans. Beans. MONDAY SPECIAL Navy Beans 2ic Per Pound. per pound.. Bennett's Capitol a S5o value satisfying anadeuclous one-poud 28c The most economical vegetable now on the market, In view of the advanced price of potatoes. If you "know .beans" and you do you'll store your larder from this big bargain snap. You are paying 4o for them and they are cheap at that hilt 2l( A rwvmH M.inHou nnlu I. h iMKKeni goon dinner snap you ever met with per pound Soda Crackers per pound ...2ic 5c 5c ou.r P8 Department we carry a complete line of Imported and Domestic AU of the above are positive bargains. Eat. eat and be merry. It costs little to Uennelt s. Fact! Oyster Crackers per pound Ginger Snaps per pound .5 Bapollo 0 per cake OC Mustard Sardines large cans "C Queen Olives per bottle )C Capitol Pancake Flour ' per package lUC Capitol Maple Syrup guaranteed A i quart can I7T....4UC Standard Strawberries g per can IUC i "piioi v neat two-pound package , Nice, Sweet Oranges per dosen Choice Lemons per dosen Bananas according to slse per dosen auc. 15c and ,.v.. Armour a r rencn Pntage i all flavors per Jar lalC Fancy Table Peaches ou large can laSfC Cheese at lowest prices. be merry If you buy your groceries at 9c ....15c ....15c 10c Monday Candy Attractions We are positively offering the choicest and best made candies under cost and It is solely because we want you to make our Candy Department a shopping stop every day. MONDAY SPECIAL 1.600 pounds fresh made and dell clous CHOCOLATE CItEAMS hardly matched at 20c pound MONDAY FOR sflr. POUND IUC tirtly away they are so cheap. Assorted Cream Wafers per pound Cracker-Jack per pound Assorted Tld-Blts per pound Pineapple Slices per pound Vanilla Fudge per pound Burnt Peanuts per pound 35c ..18c 20c 20c 25c ..18c Half pound box Marshmallows., Butter Com per package.,., 7c 5c Butterscotch m per package OC Above prices mean much. Each meana a candy offer that no store In Omaha can match. Monday only. Soda Fountain Attraction Mala Floor. Only the purest juices used for flavoring. MONDAY SPECIALS. Ice Cream Soda any flavor glass. I Why Dav hlKh Drlce for fancy drinks I finer refreshers are lmposslble-th. finest I 0Uef f. ?'... '.'!?., ,WW are HERE. 10c Monday Meat Market Attractions Meats that whip tlie appetite into action that makes the stomach groan with gratitude that leave the least possible impression on the pocketbook and that' make Bennett's the talk of the town. MONDAY SPECIALS. - 10c 10c 121c 15c 5c Roaat Beef per pound lie, iPrgO and. Choice Steak per pound Legs of Mutton per pound Legs of Lamb l.-r pouud Mutton Stew per pound Boiling Beef per pound Pickled Pigs Feet per pound Round Steak per pouud Honey Comb Tripe per pound Choice Breakfast Bacon per pound boneless Ham per pound t 5c 5c 12. c . .. 5c 121c .121c 15c 12tc .71c 6c frosen Salted or Smoked all varieties rock-bottom prices. Boiled Hams per pound Columbia Hams per pound Hme-made Sausage per pound Ba log ne per pound FISH FRESIl-not flats. !