Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha
PAGES 1 TO 12.
Queen Overlooks the Senior Duchess and
Emiles Upon Marlborough.
Smart Women Forced to Wear Unbecoming
One at Coronation Eerricei.
Cut Out Expensite Present and Much of
Exercises Are Eliminated,
(-rath More Likely that Portloa of
Tlnr-lloaorrd (rrailil WoiU
Sot Be Appropriate
at Preseat.
(Copyright, line, by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON, April 2. (New York World
Cablegram Spertal Telegram.) Queen
Alexandra ha chosen the duchess of Marl
borough, it la laid, aa a special compliment
to Americana, to be one ot her attendant
at the coronation. The other attendants,
it la reported, are to be the duchesses of
Sutherland, Portland and Montrose. This
election la purely arbitrary and the senior
duchesses are affronted because their claims
have been overlooked.
The peeresses are mora than ever dis
tressed about their coronation robes. They
imply loathe themselves In them. The
robes are thick about the wai.l, heavy,
unbecoming and the smart ones complain
that there is nothing to dlstlngutc h them
from the dowdies. Then the peeresses are
drying to know what kind of a crown the
queen Is planning to wear, but the queen
Won't tell, and even keeps' secret where
her diadem ts being made. They only know
It will contain the Kohinoor, and that ane
baa refused to wear the trying kind ot
robes the prescribed for them. When one
of their number deplored to the queen that
the peeresses would look Indifferently, the
queen is said to have- replied: "Individ
ually you may not look smart, but the mass
ot crimson velvet and gold should make a
very fine effect on the abbey.
King Carries His Polat.
After a prolonged tussle with the arch
bishop of Canterbury and other ecclesi
astical dignitaries King Edward succeeded
n cutting out of the coronation ceremonial
11 of Ita moat tedioua and ustfally costly
part. The ceremony of first oblation is
to be excised. This consist In the king
and queen each presenting an expensive
cloth of gold altar cloth to the archbishop,
together with a wedge of solid gold weigh
ing one pound. He haa also abolished the
reading of the ten commandments and his
olemq adjuration to faithfully observe
them. Also the hallelujah, the anthem
and long final prayer. He compromised on
the litany, which la to be reduced one-half,
and on the benediction, which is to be
curtailed. Only the senior peer of each
degree of the nobility is to make an act of
fewrage instead -of the whole lot ot them.
The coronation oath la to be altered by
omitting reference to the church In Ireland,
which ha been disestablished since the
last coronation. No mention la expressly
made of the communion, but that is be
lieved to bave gone with the rest. The
king's declared object U to save time, bnt
it la felt that he has also aensibly denuded
the ceremonial ot formalities which would
not be edifying ander the circumstances.
Show the Kslare Emperor of Aastrla
Trick Wits Me Pats
Oa Airs.
(Copyright, 19(0, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, April 26. (New York World
fablegram Special Telegram.) The heir
to the Austrian throne is morganatically
married, and so his sons, if ever he has
any. cannot succeed to the crown. His
brother Otto'a eldest son. Archduke Fran
cis Carl, is therefore the heir presumptive
after him. It waa considered a very lib
eral measure that Carl was put to school
with other boys, although hi tutor. Baron
Wallla, a major in the army, accompanies
blm and stays with him during school
time. The boys In the same claas
naturally felt proud to have such a
distinguished schoolfellow and con
sidered It an honor to help blm put his
overcoat on. But when he began to look
round with a frown if they did not run
for hi overcoat they stopped being at
tentive to him, and now It is the major
who helps him put his coat on. Lately
be borrowed a pencil from a schoolfellow,
lie ail near the major, on a chair placed
a front of the front row of benches. He
rled to return the pencil by holding It
fver his shoulder for the boy behind him
to take aad did not look round. The boy
thought this a piece of Impudence and did
not take the pencil. Then the little arch
duke dropped It, There it lay and nobody
picked it up. The boys resolved that un
jess he offered some sort of apology they
would "plane" him, the aevereat punish
ment Vienna boys apply to a schoolfellow.
They aelie the delinquent by the feet and
Shoulder, lift him oa the professor' desk
aad push him light and left a great num
ber of times, aa they would push a plane
were they anxioua to embellish the pro
fessor' desk.
DIkbuUs Started la a Frleadly
Spirit Wlaas la la a
Desperate Klot.
(Copyright. MOS, by Preaa Publishing Co )
MOSCOW. AprU 2. (New York World
fablegram Special Telegram.) Several
persons were killed and two score wounded
ft a riot In a church in the village of
Bogodukh, Kharkoff province, growing out
of a theological discussion. After the
usual service the priest had invited the
leaders of the Stundiats, a sort ot semi
communistic Protestant aect, to discuss the
difficulties between their tenets and the
orthodox Russian creed. The whole con
gregation remained to bear the discussion,
petting warm la reference to orthodoxy,
(he priest applied epithets to the Stundists.
which they resented. Then the orthodox
peasanta, seeing the Stundist were wrath
ful, also became angry, and as the priest
Continued to about abuse of the "heretics"
the congregation attacked the BtunJists aad
drove them out of the church amid scenes
f terrible disorder, trampling oa women
aad children la their eagerness to get at
ae aaother. Outside the church the Sere
fight waa renewed, and not until a strong
body of troops arrived could the infuriated
KMkVata&u be pacified.
Prof. Moraaa Saecreds la Deciphering
Tablets Fossil la Itnlaa
of Sara.
(Copyright, 1H, by Tress Publishing- Co.)
PARIS. April 26 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Prof. Morgan,
the srchaeloglst, has succeeded In decipher
ing the laws of King Kammouradl of Baby
lonia, a contemporary of Father Abraham.
The law books, written on clay, were dis
covered by the French exploration party
digging up the ancient city of Suxa and will
be the principal attraction of the archeo-
loglcal exhibition at the Grand Palalse, to
be opened May 1. The parts of the code
deciphered by the professor deal with crim
inal, civil and commercial law. Here are
extract from the fundamental laws of the
anctent Babylonia:
"The man who robs a house afire shall
be thrown Into the fire."
"The burglar discovered In the act has
forfeited his life If he carries weapons on
bis body. He shall be buried on the spot
where he entered the house."
"He who destroys a fruit tree shall be
fined ten pieces of silver."
"He who drives another man's ox to
death shall give ox for ox."
"He who Injures an animal shall be fined
half the worth of the animal."
"A woman Inheriting house, field or
orchard from her husband must not be
molested In her possession, which she ahall
be free to leave to her favorite son. Her
husband's children shall not be entitled to
fight the testament."
"He who enters into a contract without
witnesses or without any Instrument in
writing shall not be allowed to carry hla
case before the courts."
Former Belle of Haaaary Slags oa
the Stage to Sapport a Spend
thrift tlanbaad.
(Copyright, J902. by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. April 26 (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Much to
the surprise of everybody Count Eugene
Klnsky Is one of the nine titled members
of the Pioneer Jockey club arrested for
heavy gambling after Count Joseph Potockl
had lost $500,000 in four hours' play at
baccarat. When, ten years ago, he marriel
Ilka Palmay, the aweettet girl in Hungary,
he had gambled away all hi property and
had little to spend in extravagant living,
Now they are so badly off the has to appear
on the stage every night, although ahs
realizes that her voice Is gone and only a
small portion of her once all-conquerable
beauty and grace remains. Three of the
nine are foreigners. Count Potockl being a
Russian subject, Herr von Szelnlra and
Herr von Pechy being Hungarians. Siel
nlre was the lucky winner of $500,000.
Emperor of Abyaalnla Will Visit the
LodIiIsos Parrhaae Expo
sition. (Copyright. 1902, by Presa Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, April 24. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Walter WU-
Hams, a cocimlssloner of the St. Louis ex
position, la here after having made a pro
longed trip around Europe to Interest the
governments, press and people In the ex
position. He also visited Egypt and Pal
estine. In Cairo he met the representa
tive of Emperor Menelck of Abyssinia, who
promised that the negus (emperor) shall
visit St. Louis. The khedlve ot Egypt
also expressed a wish to visit the exposi
tion, accompanied by a large suite of offi
cers. Efforts are being made now to in
duce the shah of Persia to go to the United
States, but hla representatives decline to
give any pledge. Mr. Williams ha se
cured promises from Influential European
Journalists to visit the international press
congress to be held In St. Louis during the
Looking A row n 4 for ProBtnble Invest
ment (or American Money
la Cypras.
(Copyright, 1902, by Presa Publishing Co.)
LONDON. April 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Charles T.
Yerkes is busily looking around among the
British coloniea to find a good investment
for American capital. At present he 1
considering a scheme for developing the
great, but neglected, resources of Cyprus,
which may materialise it he 1 satisfied with
the security. Ha 1 beiug pressed to' lnter
eat himself In the developing of railway
In West Africa. Ha i assured of enough
returns, but Is deterred from availing him
self ot this glowing prospect because it
confessedly is Impossible to make any
harbors, and the difficulty of shipping com
modities presents a big obstacle in the way
of profit of the scale he likes.
Aarrlesa Vt'tnrs Give One la London
with Eifrns Permission of
the Kins.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 2. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) With the
express permission ot the king. Mrs. Arthur
Paget is arranging a gigantic coronation
ball, to be held In Crystal palace July 2, in
aid of King Edward'a hospital fund, which
will get $1 benefit on every ticket issued.
The price of 1 guinea will Include the rail
way fare to the palace and back and a
chan.pagne supper. There will be an open
air ballet. , .
The Americans assisting will Include Lady
Essex. Mrs. Ronalds, the duchess of Man
chester, Mrs. Brown Potter, Mrs. George
Cornwall is West, Miss Van wart Reginald
Ward, Sir Hiram Maxim and Morgan
Meets Irl.h Members ( Parliament
and Sea.lon af the
llonse of Commons.
(Copyright, 1902, by Preaa Publishing Co.)
LONDON. April . (New York Worl 1
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Bourke
Cockran waa John Redmond's guest at din
ner in the House of Commons this week, to
meet Meaars. Blake, Dillon, T. P. O Con
ner and other Irish leaders. On Tueaday
night be was in the diplomatic gallery ot
the house by special courtesy of Speaker
Gully to hear the debate oa the corn (grain)
tax. He seemed much amused by the
prcUetations ot the chancellor of the ex
chequer. HUks-Beach, that this duty was
cot protective.
Mr. Cock ran came here direct from Rome
and looked to be la excellent health. Hs
sailed for New Tork vYedaesday morning
trosi Southampton,
Hew Commander of Force in Canada Shines
in Both of These Roles.
Won Hi Firrt Military Olorj in Egyptian
Campaign in the Eighties.
Add Materially to Hit Renown During the
Campaign in South Africa.
Una a Wife Who la Pretty and Hsi
Bhowa oa Several Oecaalona
that She Haa a Will
of Her Own. ,
(Coryrlght, 1C. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. April 2. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) One of
Great Britain's popular heroes will be lost
to the mother country when the earl of
Dundonald sails away to "anada to assume
command of the Canadt ''itia. He Is
in every sense the prf .ler. Tall
and handsome, with o cji r and soft,
haxel eyee, this ultrz ,ble was the
darling of the dra- n before the
South African camp '-- ned his splen
did soldierly abi) i the meed of
marked ditlnctio .reer In the Sec
ond Life Guar' ? . he commanded
until 1SS3, was .m uneventful. He
and his reglny . in Egypt In 18S4-85
with credit,; . c the earl won the
attention of . . experts by his in
ventions for equip-, .nts, of which the chief
was the Dundonald gun carriage.
With Buller In the Boer war, however,
he brought himself before the world. His
dash into Ladysmlth at the head of the
Imperial Light Horse and Carbineers, the
first of the relieving force to reach the
unfortunate town, was the crowning
achievement of a long list. His promo
tion to major general followed.
Wife Haa Will of Her Own.
Lord Dundonald, who is 50 years old, has
a personal hold upon his men which, per
haps even more than his conceded quali
ties as a leader, has contributed to his suc
cess. His wife, who was a Welsh heiress,
inherited her beauty as well as broad acres
from her family, the Hesketbs, with the
addition of a very pretty will of her own.
When the district council of Abergale, near
her aeat, Gwyreh castle, tried to popu
larize the place as a seaside resort and
set on foot compulsory parliamentary meas
ures to force desired Improvements, she cut
down a beautiful avenue ot trees that had
stood fo- centuries, thereby destroying its
principal beauty.
Canada will welcome the earl, who suc
ceed Major General O' Grady Haly. He
will have the satisfaction of commanding
some of the finest men the British lion
boast. The minister of militia and staff
will wait his arrival at Halifax, where
be Is expected the latter part ot May,
though It Is reported In London that be
will cot sail until July. Lord Dundonald
will make bis headquarter In Ottawa.
Lord Raasell Introduces New Divorce
Laws Vader Seal of aa
(Copyright, 1B. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Earl Rus
sell Is giving the House of Lords the
benefit of his expert knowledge of divorce
laws by Introducing a bill to amend the
divorce act. He proposes to altar the law
In every respect in which he suffered under
it. Infidelity, cruelty, penal servitude,
lunacy and desertion for one year should
each be sufficient ground for a divorce, he
argues, while he would make it legal for
divorced persons to marry as soon as the
decree Is Issued. He would legitimatize
children whose parents marry after their
birth and make marriage with a dead wife'
sister legal. There Is little chance that
these sweeping changes will be adopted.
The whole tendency ot modern feeling la In
favor of divorce laws more Instead ot less
Russell frequently attends the sittings of
the lords, being contemptuously indifferent
to the rigorous boycott to which he Is per
sonally subjected by the other peers.
Prince Xapoleoa Creates a Sensation
aad Seta Good Example for
Othera to Follow.
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG. April 26. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Prince Louis Napoleon, commander of the
Empress Lancers, haa created a aensatlon
in society by summarily dismissing from
the service a young Russian prince, a lieu
tenant In his regiment, who had addressed
insulting words to a woman sitting next to
him In the theater and got bis ears boxed
by the woman's husband. As usual In such
caaea a duel was arranged In which the In
jured husband might bave been killed, but
Prince Napoleon called upon him to aay
that a duel was impossible, as the lieu
tenant, though a prince, waa not in a posi
tion to give satisfaction, having proved
himself a loafer and blackguard. Prince
Napoleon, having been informed of the oc
currence by telephone, acted the same
night, calling the court-martial, kicking the
lieutenant out of the army and informing
the injured husband within three hour
after th happening.
In. alt Women aad Aa.aalt Their Es
cort When They Heaeat
Sarh Action.
(Copyright. 19u2. by Preaa Publishing Co.)
BUDA PESTH. AprU 26. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Sev
eral Hungarian army officers were sitting
drinking recently In the Hotel Prince of
Temesvar when ' two handsome young
women, escorted by several men, entered
the room. Two of th officers, who were
In uniform, began aa outrageous flirtation
with the women, who were utter stranger
to them. Th escort objected, and (aid to
la no measured language, whereupon the
two uniformed officer drew their (word
and made for the civilian, who made a
faint resistance and fled, while the women
fainted. The omrer rushed after th
flying men, prodding aad slashing with
their swords until three civilians tell, two
slightly wounaed and on wilt hi bead
cut Oia,
English Pe.almista Believe American
Flaaarter Deals Body Blowa
to British Commerce.
LONDON. April 2. The Americanization
of the British mercantile navy will again
be the principal subject at "questions
time" In the House of Commons Monday.
Members have given notice of a dozen In
quiries, covering a variety of points, In
dicative of widespread apprehension, that
despite assurances to the contrary, lae
shipping combination menaced not only
Great Britain's naval resources, Lut ber
commercial Interests.
Further information will be asked of the
nitnlsters as to whether the British com
panies enter the combine on precisely the
same terms as the American and German
lines; whether British companies will be
required to disclose the terms of their
agreement with the American syndicate,
and whether the obligation of the Wbit
Star line to recruit half its crews from
the royal naval reserves will hold good,
The pessimists refuse to credit the as
surance that the Atlantic combine Las no
ulterior design to cap the naval strength
of Great Britain. Mr. Morgan is held up
as a monster dealing a reeling blow to
Ill-organized British commerce and calmly i
organizing earthquakes with designs to
s allow up the world.
The St. James Gazette wants a re-enactment
of the navigation las and falls foul
of the airy Indifference of the president
of the Board of Trade, Gerald Balfour,
aa indicated by his replies In the Houee
of Commons to questions on the subject.
The Westminster Gazette takes a calmer
view. It thinks the combination will easily
change the character of British trade and
says: "Whether Great Britain likes it or
not, the trust movement is part of the
evolution of modern business and there is
little chance of resisting It. The shipping
companies merely propose to adopt a char,
acteristic American organization under the
guidance ot Americans who are paatmaster
In that particular line of business."
As to how combine shall be compelled
to regard public convenience, the West
minster Gazette finds legislation Ineffective
and thinks there is no other corrective but
the enlightened self-interest ot the com
bines themselves.
Kins Edward Inveata a Foldla
Table for I ae la Hla
Theater Box.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 26 (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) King Ed
ward's collapsible refreshment table for
the theater box is an ingenious affair.
Decanters and glasses are fixed in the cen
ter and the table fold up into a small
space. The center part, which contain
brandy and whisky decanters and three
thin tumblers, can be pulled forward, and
underneath are found three small bottles
of seltzer water. On one side of the tray
are three coffee cups, saucers, allver spoons,
receptacles for cigars and cigarettes, three
liquor glasses, an ash tray and a match
afe, all neatly and compactly arranged, o
that th table can fold up like the two
aide of. an oyster shell. .....
The king intends to Inspect Westminster
abbey aoon to see bow the arrangements
for the coronation ara getting on. He will
time hi visit so aa to be present at the
"Smoke service," Arranged at the noon
hour for the workmen who are engaged In
preparing the abbey, by Canon Wilberforce,
archdeacon of Westminster and chaplain to
the speaker of the House of Commons.
The services are held In the cloister, and,
although Canon Wilberforce has been much
criticised because of them, the dean refuses
to Interfere, because there 1 no woodwork
there to catch fire. The men attend in
large numbers because they are permitted
to enjoy their pipes.
Charchmaa Declares that White aad
Black Are Xot Treated Alike
la Sew Galaea.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The bishop
of New Guinea, Rev. Dr. M. J. Stone-Wlgg,
caused a sensation at a rellgloua meeting
in St. James hall, presided over by the
archbishop of Canterbury, by declaring
that the boast that there is equal Justice
for black and white men throughout the
British empire Is not true in New Guinea,
where a white man may shoot any native
for $25, but if a native kills a white he is
hanged. He then exhibited the Jawbone ot
a boy who was killed and eaten last sum
mer in bU diocese, the native police sent
to prevent the outrage Joining in the canni
bal feast.
The surest sign that the native are
lowly beginning to improve and enjoy
some feeling ot mutual security, he said, is
that they are giving up living In trees.
Heretofore a native who lived on the
ground waa certain to provide an early
meal for his carnivorous fellows.
Pet Terrier Is Stolen aad Chef Ha.
Severe Aecldrat While
Taklnar Ride.
(Copyright. 1J2. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. April 26. (New York World
Cablegram 6peclal Telegram.) Mra.
Mackey has lost her $500 toy terrier. The
costly dog was stolen In expectation that a
large reward would be offered for the pet's
Mrs. Mackey's chef met with a aevere
accident while taking a morning ride In
Rotten Row this week. His thoroughbred
was run Into by another horse and the chef
was thrown heavily. He Is an accomplished
rider and follows the bounds during ths
White Star Line Not Sold.
LIVERPOOL. April 26 J. Bruc Ismay,
chairman of the Whit Star line, In an In
terview thl afternoon positively denied the
report that the White Star line had been
sold aad also denied that the American
shipping syndicate" held any share what
ever In the company.
Troahle la Feared Betweea Bancher.
aad Settlers la Raw Una
C'oaaty, Wyoming.
AT WOOD. Kan . April 26. Ranchmen and
settlers are arming themselves and trouble.
It I feared, will come as a result ot a
quarrel over land la Raalin and adjoin
ing counties. ,
It Is feared it may becot&s necessary to
call oa th stat troop to prevent bloodshed.
Library of Eight Thousand Volume Col
lected for Skibo Castle.
Choice Selection of American Works Con
taining Only Masterpieces.
Embraces Much Poetry and Philosophy,
but Not Much of the Classics,
Xo Particular Effort Made for Costly
Binding, or Hare Edltlona, the
Idea Betnar to C ollect a Prac
tical Working Library.
(Copyright. 1!''3. by Press Publishing Co)
EDINBURGH. April 26. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) As
soon as Andrew Carnegie had Skibo caetle.
his residence In Sutherland? hire, rebuilt
at a great outlay, he gave instructions to
have the bookshelves of the library fur
nished. The room or rather hall is a
handsome apartment of up-to-date archi
tecture and the books are to be of sub
stantial appearance. Tie bindings are
evidently not to be selected as a rule and
the room will have a quieter appearance
than would be the case were elaborate
bindings chosen. It is to be, In fact, the
home of a truo bibliographer, not a bibli
Lord Acton, the gifted professor of his
tory in Oxford university, finished the list
of editions and Mr. Hew Morrison, the
custodian of the Free Library of Edin
burgh, Is gathering the books together.
There will be about 8,000 volume and the
probable cost la upward ot $50,000.
The American literature selection will
be particularly choice. On that point the
great steel master left specific Instructions.
He will have only the masterpieces and
those works which should be represented
In a first-class private collection. Scot
land naturally enough Is well In the front,
the authors' names Including Sir Walter
Scott. Black, Stevenson, Barrle, Crockett
and Conan Doyle. But as novels are al
ready well represented In Mr. Carnegie'
old collection the recent purchases do not
number many books of fiction. Both
poetry and philosophy, Mr. Carnegie's pet
subjects, are prominent. A Scotch Doug
las edition ot Scotland's national poet.
Burns, Is Included. The edition of Shakes
peare (forty volumes) is bound in th best
levant morocco, with gilt edges, each
volume containing one play,
o Liking- for Classics.
Mr. Carnegie haa no particular liking
for the classics, andeocly the best ot them
In translation are to be seen. Theology
is not greatly In evidence, the outstanding
volumes being Ieremy Taylor's works and
John Knox'a books. There 1 a very choice
collection of travels and several books
have been acquired about coaching, Mr.
Carnegie's favorite means of traveling
about the country. The library is rich In
speeches, one collection running to over 100
volumes, all In red morocco. "The Story
of the Nations," "Heroea of the Nations."
and similar works, are represented In beau
tiful leathers, and there is a particularly
fine set in natural history, extending to
forty-nine folio volumes and bound by
Riviere In full green morocco.
Ruskin haa a place of honor and appears
In the very best editions, although there
is complete set of the cheaper modern
editions for general use. A copy of the
Ruckln work entitled "Poems, J. R., Col
lected 1850," cost J57.50, but the librarian'
aim ha not been to secure rare editions.
Mrs. Carnegie baa taken an active part
in the library and her taste Is evident in
many way. In addition to the splendid
collection in the library of the castle,
books will also be features In the furnish
ings of Mrs. Carnegie's boudoir and Mr.
Carnegie's private room, while the wait
ing room will be well endowed with book
of reference.
Fifty Person. Either Killed or
Woaaded la Coafllct with
VIENNA, April 26. A dispatch to th
Allgemelne Zeltung from St. Petersburg,
published today, announces that serious
riots of striker bave taken place at Mos
cow and that the military dispersed the
rioters with much bloodshed. One report
says that fifty persons were killed or
Revolt of peasantry In the province ot
southern Russia, the dispatch add, are
ciustng a more critical situation, particu
larly at Kleff and Poltava, where the troop
were required to suppress the outbreak.
Con. Ins Act aa Retreat for Xomlnal
Raler of Get man Princi
pality. (Copyright, 1902. by Pres Publishing Co )
BERLIN. April 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Another
lunatic ha been placed on a German
throne Henry XXIV of Rous Grlez, etc.,
who 1 crazy aa a March bare. However,
hla subjects Insisted that he be declared
ruler by the grace of God, while one of hi
cousins seta regent. The other crazy
German monarcha are King Otto of Bavaria
and the prince of Llppe. A fourth, the
king of Wurtemberg, died some year ago.
Rise la Tern pern In re af Shorter Dora,
tloa. Deaotlaar Improvement
la Condition.
THE HAGl'E. April 26. In their morning
bulletin from Castle Loo Queen WUhel
mlLtt's physicians say the rise in the pa
tient temperature yesterday afternoon was
of shorter duration than previous, conse
quently the queen had a restful night, re
sulting beneficially to her condition.
Arrhhlahop Sleeps Five Hoars aad
Able to Take Some Soar,
NEW YORK, April 26. It wa taid at
the archepiscopal residence this morning
that Archbishop Corrlgan was holding his
Rev Father Forsythe, the archbishop's
secretary, said that the archbishop had
slept about five hour last alght, that hi
temperature waa a trUe lower, and that
he wa able to lak km BouruhmeJU.
Fonrnt for Nebraska Eair and Warmer
Su nnay.
1. I'rerra.ea Offended at Qneea.
ev Commander t'aaadlen Arm),
i arn-alr Day. Book.
Storm. Throaahoat the Coantry.
2. Kan.aa Town Wiped Oat.
Ba.e Ball.
Stockmen lrr l.ea.e Plan.
3. fn from Stria Capital.
I'ii.bI- Kill, a Hor.e Thief.
4. On Trail of the Beef Tra.t.
I hlraao Jirr Briber. I p.
C'onare. .tonal I'rorerdlnaa.
B. Money for Government Btflldlassa.
Soath Omaha ew.
O. Society Xrw.
T. Elliott Hold, (hamploa.hlp.
liana'. Commercial Review.
H. Iowa ew.
t. Storm la Omaha.
C orporation. ' Brlaa; la Books.
11. Weekly Sporting- Review.
14. Woman'. World aad Work.
l.t. Ama.emeata. '
let. Story, "Manner of Blue."
17. Golf and Tennis Xewa.
15. Editorial t'ommeat.
II. McKlaley and Spaalah War.
iM. Market..
314. Local ew.
Temperatare nt Omaha rater
day I
. At
. ns
. n.1
. tut
. so
. 4
. 4T
. 41
. 41
1 p. m .
2 p. m .
.3 p. m .
4 p. m .
5 p. m .
tl p. at.
T p. m.
H p. m .
U p. m .
5 a.
T a.
M a.
I a.
HI a.
11 a.
lit m.
Conciliation Committee Endeavor, to
Compromlae Settlement Betweea
Miner, and Operatora.
NEW YORK. AprU 26. The conciliation
committee of the National Civic Federation,
which Is endeavoring to compromise the
differences between the anthracite mine
operators and their miners, met here today
with representatives of both sides of the
The conference adjourned at 2 o'clock
and the announcement was rsads that no
definite results had been reached. A sub
committee of employers and men waa ap
pointed to tako up the matter In dispute
and will report on Tuesday next.
Secretary Easley of the civic committee
said that the speaker went over the situa
tion very carefully. He said that the gen
eral tone of discussion was very friendly,
but that no prediction a to the final out
come could be made.
The members ot the committee present
at the meeting were: Senator Hanna,
chairman; Cornelius N. Bliss, Oscar S.
Straus, Bishop Totter, Ralph M. Easley,
secretary of the National Civic federation;
Charles A. Moore, Lewis Nixon, M. K.
Marks, William H. Pfhaler, Samuel Gornp
ers, Jamea Duncan and John Mitchell,
president ot the I'nlted Mine Worker ot
America. Mr. Mitchell, however, at
tended the meeting In hla capacity aa pres
ident of the mine workers.
In addition to President Mitchell, rep
resenting the men, there were three vice
presidents of the Mine Workers' branches
of the affected districts. These are T. D.
Nichols of the First district; Thomas
Duffy of the Seventh district, and Thomas
Fahey of the Ninth district. There were
present also twenty-one other mine work
ers delegates from the various branches.
On the side of the employers there
were; Chairman Thomas of th Erie
Coal company; President Truesdale of the
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; Presi
dent Baer of the Reading company! Pres
ident Ollphant ot the Delaware & Hudson;
John Maikle, an independent coal operator,
and Congressman Connell, who represent
large coal Interest In the neighborhood of
Scranton, Pa.
Prlaoaers Apply for Writ of Habeas
Corpas oa Illegal t'oart
Martlal Plea.
LEAVENWORTH, AprU 26. Willie 'Wll
aon, a private in the Forty-alxth regiment,
V. 8. V., who was convicted of murder
In the Philippines two years ago and sen
tenced to be hung, and whose tentrnc
wa commuted to thirty year in the fed
eral penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth by
President McKlnley, filed application in the
federal court for a writ of habeas corpus.
The grounds Wlleon takes are that the
court-martial that tried htm was com
posed of both regular and volunteer offi
cer. This Is the same contention as that
made by Captain Deming, which secured
the latter'a release.
Joseph Carmon, sentenced to sixteen
year for arson and robbery committed in
the Philippines, also filed an application
for release on habeas corpus, making the
same .contention employed by Wilson.
Prof. Strenar, at Oae Time Saperla.
teadeat of Llaeola Schools, Goes
ta Kaa.aa Valverslty.
LAWRENCE. Kan.. April 26. (Special
Telegram.) Th Board ot Regent, this
morning unanimously elected Frank Strong,
president of the University of Oregon, to
fill the vacant chancellorship of the Uni
versity ot Kansas. The place pays $4,500.
Strong s graduated from Yale In 1S64.
He has spent most of bis lite In the west,
being principal of the St Joseph (Mo.)
High school from 1S88 until 1S42. where he
put great life and stability lU that
school. From 1S&2 tilt 1815 he was super
intendent of schools at Lincoln, Neb., and
was for a time first vice president of the
Nebraska Association of Superintendents
and Principals. From ls7 to U9 he lec
tured on history in Yale university and
has been for a number of year a fre
quent contributor of historical article to
many of the leading magazine.
PhHippla Veteraa Matches Electric
Light Crooned hy Trolley Line
aad la.taally Killed.
BOONE, la., Apr 26 (Special Tele
gram.) While wahlog a borse with a hose
Henry Zoelk grasped a awinging electric
light with on band and a current of 1,100
volt passed through hi body, killing blm
Instantly. During a storm th electric
light wire had been crossed by a trolley
Th victim hved in Wisconsin and waa a
PhUlpplaa veteran.
Prom Eastern Border Line to Ohio ths
Wind Does Great Damage.
Three Resident Killed, Thirty Seriouslr
Hurt and Many May Die,
Sioux City Suffers Damages to Extent of
Twenty-Fire Thousand Dollars.
Uale Sweep. Northern Ohio at Klftrt
Mile eloclty and Mitpplnst oa
Lakes la 1'oa.rq.aentlr
JOPLIN. Mo., April 26. Today It la
known that three persons were killed and
about thirty injured in the tornado that
swept through Joplln late yeou-rday. Of
the Injured perhaps eight are fatally
hurt. A conservative estimate places the
tout loss at 1100,000. The casualties were
caused by flying debris or falling walls.
Two of those killed lived on Moonshine
hill, in the outskirts of Joplin.
The district swept by the tornado was
about four blocks wide, commencing in
the western limits of the city at Seven
teenth street and ending at Seventh street
on the east side of the city, Perhaps two
dozen houses in the southern end of the
city were either wholly or partly demol
ished, while In the mining district heavy
loss was caused In the wrecking of mine
Scarcely a building In the course of the
storm escaped damage. About fifty fam
ilies are homeless. In the residence dis
trict the loes fell principally among the
poorer classes. Many lost everything they
owned and are destitute. Plans to care
for these were arranged this afternoon at
a mass meeting called by proclamation of
Mayor Trigg.
Many Houaea Demoll.hed.
The residences of Thomas Smith, Mrs.
Nellie Sullivan, Mr. Uabts, S. I). Brower
and Mr. Thomas were completely demol
ished, while a (core or two of othera were
more or less badly damaged. I. W. Rey
nold' house was overturned and badly
damaged, but the five members ot tho fam
ily were released uninjured. The 'Frisco
roundhouse waa partly destroyed, the roof
waa blown off the Joplln hoofing company'
building and the Joplln Ice and Cold Stor
age Supply company suffered and the Jop
lin Hay company'a barns were demolished.
The new Baptiet church waa unroofed, the
Methodist mission church was completely
demolished and the base ball, grandstand
waa blown away. The office ot '.he 'hits
lead work, Cooper' carriage shop and the
building on the Plymouth River ml1, the
Blackburn mine and the Cumberland Lead
and Zinc company'a mine were destroyed.
Albert Frey'a mine suffered heavy damage
and the American Concentrating company'a
mill wa badly damaged. St. John' bos
pltal wa damaged to the extent of $1,000,
the Mineral Belt Telephone company suf
fered a losa of 3,000 In poles and wires.
Bell Telephone company 11,000, Steven
hotel 2,000 and the Roosevelt flats and the
Joplln Ga company' plant were badly
damaged. The nouses of John Wlburne
and Walter Chapnv.n were blown com
pletely away, but the family escaped.
Mills aad Mine. Sailer.
The oxide plant, the Iennox Milling com
pany'a mill and the Walcott mine were
each damaged 11.000; the IsabeUe mine waa
wrecked; Major No. 1 and No. 2 milla on
the Rexland were blown down and many
other mines suffered more or less damage.
Passing east to the main portion of the
city, the storm (pent Its fury on the subur
ban districts, known at Moonsine Hill and
Villa Heights. Three people were killed at
Moonshine Hill. New ot the terrible de
struction there did not reach the city until
late tonight, and Investigation will not be
possible until morning. The Hill 1 now a
tangled mass of debris and not a single
bouse la left standing. It Is populated
mainly by miners who live In little shacks.
Of the home of Bidwell Hunter not a t. ru
ber la left atandlng and the three inmatea
of the house are dying, all having had their
skulls fractured. It is feared that the
mining camps farther west, which seemed
to have been in the path of the storm, suf
fered great damage, but no reporta bave
been received from there.
Revised Llat of taaaaltles.
A revised lisv of the casualties resulting
from yesterday's tornado 1 aa follows:
The dead:
ESTER HUNTER, I years of age.
MARTHA COPE, colored, frightened to
The injured:
John Kuger, Villa Hughes, fatally In
jured. Mr. Thomas Smith. Newburg, Mo.,
thought to be fatally hurt.
Whole Smith family of seven injured
from house falling on them.
Unknown wom.n, Byersville, fatally.
Anna and Bidwell Hunter, fatally injured.
G. W. Uarkham, badly Injured.
Dave Cote, bruised and cut.
F. B. Kelly, badly bruised.
Charles Click, Injured.
Mrs. MattU S. Walker, badly Injured
while driving In storm.
Mrs. Nellie Sullivan, badly cut on head.
Her four children also Injured. One baby
blown 200 feet away was uninjured.
Miss Rex, injured internally; also two
Rex children lntured.
Mr. Moody, visiting Rex family, cut and
Mra. Anna Hunter, badly bruised on
shoulder and head.
Mrs. Hick, badly Injured; eyesight de
stroyed. Miss Nora Winburne, seriously Injured.
O. E. Oakes, collarbone brok4iv toot
crushed; serious.
Slows City's Heavy Lo...
8IOUX CITY, la., April 2. Today re
ports show that the atorm damage In Eious
City will be over 2j,000. Nearly every res
idence and buslnes house suffered some
damage from torn roof or broken glass.
Special trains with linemen were sent out
today to repair telegraph line.
ST. LOUIS, April 26. A wind ttorm that
gained velocity of forty mile or more an
hour raged In SU Louis nd vicinity mojt
of last night and tMt xcrning. It a ac
companied by a heavy rain. The weather
bureau' anemometer wa blown away froia
the top of the government building ul
other havoc wrought In varlou part af tbe
city. Tree were uprooted nd broken, til
boards and fencea were bloan do. a and
chimney wrecked. Sheds and barn were
Telcgranic report to tbe Pot-binatcb