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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATTIWAY. AV1.I1. 2i. 1002. OBEYS MANDATE PROMPTLY Citj Cjcil F.e:ci.yers m a Board of HLARINGS SET FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY t Ity f lerk Directed t lasae ! li poma for Ihr Flit Ia title pear with Tbelr Rooks. The city council, puru2t !a the supreme j court mandamus, met yes'erday morning as a board or equaliia' ion, dJ imroMliiHr ; afterward took a recs to Wednesday, j April 30, at 10 a. m. Mean bile toe 6e puMic service corporation will be notified ! and word will be im to Cuuncllmca Mount aDd Burkley, w bo are out of the city. It ll the purpose of the board to deal with one corporation at a time and It U likely that the strtet railway company will be the first on the carpV- The city clerk bat ben directed to r.rrpare sub pocnaes summoning the officer to appear next Wednesday ar.d bring their books. Tbla action was taken In response to th! writ of peremptory mandamus, certified coplea of which were served Tburaday nigbt upon eight of the nine ccuncilmen by deputy ..herlffs. The text of the writ follows. What Ibc tunrt Orders. Now, th' ri fore. we command you. Im mediately uKn receipt nf this writ, that jod, as the city council and board of equallmtlon of the city of Omaha, rn onvriic as a Ixmrd of e.uallra tion at the city of unci! chamber, in said city of lmh, it a convenient and early day arid hour afur the service of this writ on vou. flrct giving to aald relators, William U. Khrlver and iW'orge T. Morton, ar.d the said limaha Ktrpet Kailway com pany. Omaha Water company. Omana Js company, Nebraska Telephone company and New Omaha TliomS'ifi-itouston trlc Light company, oue and reasonable notice of the place and time of said meet ing. In aald notices to said corporations advising each of lhrn elo of the substance of the prayer of. said several complaints filed with you as a broad of equalisation by said William O. Fhriver and George T. Morton. January is. VA;. that a reasonable time before the time net tor said meeting, and at all ttmi before the final adjourn ment thereof, you rtdly cause to lw ii-sued all process of subpoena for witnesses to appear before you to testify on said hear ing that said relators. William G. Shrtver and George T. irton. or any of said c-r-porations. may rerjueet, and that upon the convening- of said meeting you first cor rect your said final report made before your adjournment on January !(. 1902. as a board of equalisation, to conform to the facts, by making aald report ihnw that said board did not hear or consider said complaints filed with ll by said William O. Phrlver and George T. Morton on January IK WI. but refused to do so; that you then proceed to hear and consider said eeveral complaints of said William G. Bhriver and George T. Morton against said several corporatlms. filed with you as ald board January in, lri, and fully and care fully to examine Into the question of the fair cash value of all the personal property and franchises of each said corporations within the cltT of Omaha, and subject to taxation therein for said liC city taxes as of the date of said 12 assessment, and Into the question of the ntatxlard of valua tion adopted and employed by the tax com missioner. hl deputies and the Board of Kevlew Pf said city In making said )H"2 assessment, and that, for the purposes aforesaid you require said corporation to produce their books and record for examination, and that you wear all witnesses and faithfully hear all competent, relevant or material evidence that may be produced beftire you touching the matters and things aforesaid, and that from the evidence before you you deter mine the fair cash value as of the date of said 19W2 city assessment, of all personal property anf franchises of each of said corporations Srlthln the kaid city of Omaha and subject to taxation therein for said ld city taxes, and that you also ascertain from the evidence the standard of valua tion adopted and employed by the tax com missioner, his deputies and the Board of Kevlew of said city In making said assess ment of all taxable property within said city for said ISM.' taxes, and that you bring the amount of the several assessments of the personal property and franchises of said several corporations within said city and subject to taxation therein for said 19ol taxes to said standard and certify the re spective amounts so ascertained to the tax commissioner of said city as the corrected and equalised assessment of the personal property and franchises of each of said corporations for city of Omaha taxation for the year llsC. said assessment to be by said commissioner extended on the tax list and duplicate against each of aald several corporations and delivered to the city treas urer and city comptroller of said city, as required by law. and that you do such other matters and things and perform such other acts In the premises as the nature of the case may require, for the purpose of fully equalising and assessing the per sonal nroperty and franchises of each of said several corporations for said 19B city taxea at the same standard of valuation adopted and employed by the tax commis sioner, his deputies and the Board of Re view of said city In making up said C assessment roll, and that you return this writ on or before the Eth dsv of May, 11. with your certificate of having done as you are herein commanded. Hereof fall hot urder penalty of the law. Wltneas the Hon. John J. Bjllivsn, chief Justice of the supreme court of the state of Nebraska, and the seal of aald court hereunto affixed, this 23d dav of April. lfn-C l8eal.) (liignedt I. EE HERDMAN. Clerk of the Supreme Court. Indorsement on back of write The within and foregoing writ of mandamus illy allowed this 23.1 day of April. A. D. 19.J. iSlgned) SILAS A HOLCOMB. 0n of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Diversity of Oplaloaa. Although the writ was most explicit and concrete In Its Instructions, there was a treat variety of opinion among the mem bers of the council as to how they should proceed. Never before has ther been so much concern manifested for keeping a "straight record." A majority of the council was on band at ' 10 o'clock, the time set for the meeting, but an hour elapsed before the tap of the gavel called them to order. Meanwhile a caucus waa held In the private office of the city clerk. These were present: Has rail, Karr, Whltehorn, Zimman. Trostler, Hoye and Lobeck. It was announced that Burkley and Mount were out of the city. though the former had left since service bad been obtained upon hlaa Thursday evening. Besides the foregoing. Attorney ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature) ef rtl lIAlltlE. roi IU2IMUS. rxi Eiucomsi. fsi Tctna UYU. roi eoxsTiPATici. rtitAUiwtui. rctmccKfuxici CURC tiCK HCAPACH1V CARTERS n sTftJaesay J. H. Mdr'osfc. City Attorney Cornell. City rirrk Eibourn ar.d several unofficial spectators were rresnt The "big five," Haali. Whltehorn. Mount. Kerr and TrosUer. though shy" one of their n imbcr. sMll held the balance of power, fcr toe opposition was also de ficient ty ore man but there was little disposition apparently to make use of It. There was man fee? a studlej attempt to spresr unconcerned Hkltekora eem Weary. Whltehorn stretched himself at length upon the eoui h. pulled his cap ever b i eyes and tried to go to sleep. In his hands were written notices sddressed to all the general officer of the Inion Pacific Railroad rompary. Informing them that there would b a hearing of the foundry matter before the city council Id general committee Mcnlay afternoon, and these, to all outward appearances, absorbed all his attention. Mcintosh restrained his exulta tion with a aure hand; Hasrsll wss cb structlve and dictatorial, a usual; Hoye was suspicious and emphatic; Trostler was mute and bewildered. Lobeck. serene and happy; Karr. humble and penitent; Zim man. Ingeniously argumentative; Council, audible and sure of his ground; Eibourn, full of concern for the accuracy of the record. Hascall wss for going slow. "Mr. City Attorney," said he, "you are trying to rush us Into a meeting hre before we are ready for It. We can aave time by hav ing everything prepared before we call a meeting. These absentees, Burkley and Mount, have a right to be notified, and the corporations have a right to aay when tbey will be ready for their bearings. We can't take snap Judgment on them." Hoye (alls Hasrsll. "Yes, I'm on to your curves," retorted Hoye. "You're trying to do something that will Invalidate the tax." Hascall was studying up a saury retort when Whltehorn woke up and wanted to know whether he should notify the In Ion Pacific to be on hand Monday afternoon. "Because If we're going to meet Monday as a board of equallxatlon." he added, "we can't give them a hearing." Nobody paid any attention to htm and the discussion was resumed. Mcintosh wanted the council to meet at once as a - board of equalisation, set the time for hearing the complaints of Relators Shriver and Morton, instruct the clerk to Issue notice and subpoenaea and then ad- ourn to that time, and this program, over the protest of City Clerk Eibourn, waa finally carried out. The following notice was prepared and signed by all of the councilmen present: In pursuance of the mandate of the su preme court ordering the city council to reconvene ce a board of equalisation, a meeting is hereby called for Friday. April 26. 1S2. at 11 a m.. for the purpose of fix ing the time for proceeding aa a board or equalisation and giving notice to W. 8. Bhriver and George T. Morton and also the five public service corporations. Sessloa Is Brief. The caucus then broke up and the coun cilmen an 3 others adjourned to the city council chamber, where the councilmen were called to order by the city clerk aa a Board of Equalisation. The business here transacted waa brief and to the point. A motion waa made that the clerk be directed to issue subpoenas to each of the five pub lic service corporations, and thla carried by a vote of 1 to a. Trostler voted nay. Another motion provided tor the notifica tion of Mount and Burkley. Whltehorn asked bow be ahould proceed in the matter of the Union Pacific foundry hearing and waa told that be could set the hearing for 2 p. m. of next Monday. The board then adjourned to 10 a. m. next Wednesday. BURG GOES T0 MILWAUKEE Roarke Releases Hla Little t'tlllty Mia to Flay Third for Brewers. Peter Burg, the nlgmv base hall tlaver whom W. A. Rourke has been keeping aa a utility man for the Omaha team, will play third base for Milwaukee this season. Hugh Duffy haa concluded arrangements witn Mr. nourae Dy wnicn the latter has let Peter go to the Angels. This now nxea Huffy a Infield, which has worried him. He has been In crying need of a second baseman. The rest of them. Cockman. Oatlns and Thornton, are god men. and have shown up well during their two games here. Burg will now be put on third and Cockman moved tn second. Tbls should make a fairly strong fielding circle. As batters, too, the four will be good, for Cockman and Oatlns are ready hitters. while Burg's propenalty In that direction Is well known. It Is expected that Burg will be more of a success as a third baseman than aa an outfield. He played the bag twice for Omaha during the early practice games and looked well to the fans for a rub. Lufrv saw him In practice Thursday, and aaya the boy la Just what he wants. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Bllentljm association win hold lia regular meeting at Modern Woodmen hall. 119 North Sixteenth street. Saturday even ing. John H. Price of Broken Bow. a farmer. has filed application to be declared bank rupt. He lista debts of and assets of W0. A porch climber attempted to gain en trance to the residence of Mrs. uutvey. i-A Wool worth avenue. Thursday night and waa ingniened away. The Trt-Olty Racing club will hold a meeting at the Millard Saturday night and arrange for the coming meet June 24-27. It Is expected that IM members will be pres ent. Jerry Jelen and John Harrington were fined tt and costs by Judge Berks for driving over the sidewalk, and Ed Kitten- berg waa given ten days in jail for va grancy. James Harold Herskind. son of S. T. Hersklnd. treasurer of Florence, died yes terday morning and will be buried this afternoon at 1 o clock from the i'resby terlan church of Florence. Mrs. Addia. at one time an Inmate of the Omaha Rescue home, has been arrested on complaint of the ofilclals of the home and charged with soliciting money for its ben efit without authority. John Relnholt of South Omaha reported to the police Thursday night that he had been robbed of llh bv a colored woman near Ninth and Douglas streets. Irene Smith was arrested on suspicion. George Williams, who confessed to steal ing a tray of sixteen watches from a Doug laa street Jeweler s and pawning them at shops here and in Kansas Otv. has been sentenced to two years In the penitentiary. All societies ate requested 'o send rep resentatives to meet with the Memorial day committee of the Grand Army of the K public at the- rooms of the Hoard of Health in the city hall at I o cloia neat Monday evemrg. The Ladles' Aid society will give a "milk n'aids' convention" at Washington ball Tuesday. April r for the bencnt of the Monmouth Park Meihudlet Episcopal church, whose edifice was recently Qe- stroed by wind. Peter Scale, who was released from the penitentiary at Lincoln in I'M. after hav ing been sent up for murder in the second orgr has been srrrded in Chicago and the officials of that plc have written Chief Duashje for the man s record. Burglars entered the residence of T B Maionr. enermsn avenue. Thursday nijitit and sfter searching the house sto e a pair of Mr. Maiones trousers, from the pockets of which they extracted a go.d watih and chain. The troucers were foirid la an aiiey in the rear of the house. The plan of the ritual committee of the b"ard of governors of the Knignts of Ak-Sar-Ben to have no initiation at the intro duction of members of the order this fail aet with the hearty approval of the fvw workers who la previous years assisted at the initlatloca and who were invited to inspect me wuraings of the plan Thursday A lock specialist U getting in his work around the hotels of the city and the tele phone company is the loser. Testeruay the stranger picked the lock on the cash drawer of the ioi.g distance 'phone at the l'er Grand and alter taking all the money in sign I Wft the box apart, giving an hours wvra to the teWoho&e uvauic. 1 hurvti r the sseae performance waa enacted at the fasten, and djrng the wee four holcia have Buffered In the aame way. A descrip tion of the Bian haa bees enured bm4 the umcvn we eceruutig jr bios. SHOOTERS IN BETTER FORM High Wind. EcwereT, Kara Third Tsj'i Sport at Gun Club. MORRILL WINS STATE AMATEUR HONORS er Chamrloa Has to Kill Forty Fight Birds Oat of Fifty to V la Elliott- roshy boot Today. The third day of the state gun rlub tour nament was undoubtedly the beet si far. The day was at no time as pleasant as Wednesday afternoon and the targets were not as easy on account of the strong wind which blew them down and many of them were broken below the fence line. At the aame time the men were In better shape, as is shown by the scores. The high score wss little higher than that of Wednesday, but the average was ftu h higher and the number of men tied for first place waa aomething unusual. In the third event, one for twenty targets, there were ten men tied for first place, and this number was rcpested In the ninth event, for fifteen birds. In th fourth event there were fourteen of the shooters who had clean scores, and an even doxen tied for first place in the aixth event. In the first event there were six tied for first place, and tn the second the numb-r reached seventeen. There were seven men with clear acores in the fifth and tenth events, eight men at the same point In the eighth race and five men tied far first tn j the seventh. Fifty-one men shot through all events and sixty-seven were at the traps during the day. Fred Gilbert was the high man for the day, his score 'being lf5. He was followed by William Crosby, whose score was 163. Spencer and White were tied for third place on the score for the day, with 162 targets to their credit, and Burns! le was fourth with 160. J. A. R. Elliott, who today will defend the castlron medal chal lenged by Crosby, made a fair showing, but was behind his rival five targets when the day's program closed. State Aanatear Champloashlp, The feature of the day, however, was net the shooting of the men In the regular program of events, but the state amateur championship, in which twenty members of the Nebraska association took part. The shoot began at about 3:30 o'clock and waa finished about Of the twenty entries five men were left to shoot off the tie. that cumber having acored twenty-four targets out of twenty-five. These men were Illion. Dominie, Bray, Morrill and Rogers. Rogers was the first one to miss a target. He missed his secend and fourth, but with that exception the men shot perfectly until tho tenth target wss thrown, when Illion. Domi nie and Bray esch missed a tsrget. leaving Morrill the only man with a clear score. He kept this score clean until the twenty second target, which he missed. In the meantime others had missed more, leaving htm the high man at the time the .twenty fifth bird waa thrown, with a score of twenty-four. The new champion of the state of Ne braska la a resident of South Omaha. To win he killed forty-eight birds out of fifty, an average of 99 per cent. At the close of the program It waa an nounced that the Crosby-Elliott shoot would begin at 2:30 o'clock sharp today and that it win be hurried through aa rap idly as poasible ao that the regular pro gram can be completed. A fifty live bird contest between Shamwell of Colorado Springs and Chris Gotlieb of Kansaa City baa been arranged to take place after the Crosby-Elliott shoot If there la time after the regular program haa been completed. The score in the regular program la: Targets Tot. 16 15 Z0 15 10 16 15 20 15 20 ....13 14 16 1! 1 1! 1 16 12 lfi-l?9 ....14 14 18 12 ) 14 IS 19 13 19 l.i ....14 15 20 15 15 14 18 15 14-1'. ....15 14 20 16 14 15 12 20 15 2 li 11 14 17 12 17 14 11 16 12 IS 142 ....13 14 17 14 16 12 12 16 12 IS J 4 13 13 lg 14 19 13 12 19 14 20 1S5 ....15 14 20 14 20 11 14 19 13 2 112 ....13 13 19 14 17 9 13 19 13 10144 ....14 12 IS 14 1 14 11 20 IS 17-1M I.oomis ., Relhl ..... Gilbert ... Burnside Grant Pomlnle Bray Ppenoer Heer illion . Cunningham Captain Money H. Money ..13 13 19 14 19 12 13 17 14 19152 ..12 11 13 9 15 13 11 16 11 11-121 ..14 14 20 15 16 15 14 19 10 lv-156 tion ....15 13 17 14 16 13 14 IS 13 IS-l.Vl ....12 15 17 15 17 14 12 14 11 16143 ....14 15 1 13 20 14 15 20 14 1 ISi ....14 13 20 15 1 7 15 13 1 9 13 1 9 158 ...11 14 17 12 16 12 13 18 13 1SH ....11 13 20 14 20 15 11 18 14 IT 153 10 14 20 14 15 12 14 16 13 1614 ....11 13 17 14 14 15 15 19 13 19149 ... .10 12 18 15 19 12 13 18 15 17149 .....13 15 19 10 13 13 1? 20 15 18148 ....14 15 IS 14 18 14 14 1 15 17155 ....13 15 17 14 17 15 11 18 15 2o-155 ....14 15 20 15 18 IS 15 20 15 1816.1 ....15 13 20 13 18 14 14 19 14 18 1S8 ....13 14 19 15 17 14 12 17 15 lfc-IM ....10 14 16 12 11 lo 10 15 12 17127 ...11 12 18 10 17 13 11 13 12 17-134 ....11 14 IS 11 ....13 15 17 14 20 13 12 17 14 18153 ....13 11 20 14 16 13 9 IS 14 19 147 ....12 15 16 12 14 12 11 15 12 16-15 ....IS 7 16 14 15 12 13 14 12 ....14 15 19 13 16 13 14 18 14 16153 IS 15 16 15 19 15 13 19 14 2o f. .. .M1J 16 15 12 9 11 14 9 1612.1 ....14 15 17 15 17 16 14 20 10 18 li3 ....14 10 8 19 12 1" .. . ...12 13 14 1! 10 10 19 13 17-126 ...14 14 19 IS 20 15 15 16 14 19 1S9 ....11 12 15 14 17 15 10 16 13 15 I'M ....12 11 11 13 19 13 11 15 12 1V-132 ....12 13 19 15 16 12 IS 17 12 1715 K 15 18 14 16 15 11 20 13 ia-lM ...13 13 16 1? 16 12 13 16 12 15138 ...13 15 17 13 17 11 13 19 13 17-148 ....12 13 17 11 17 14 hi 18 13 20-145 .... 6 12 13 14 17 14 14 16 13 2o 138 12 15 13 14 14 ....11 11 15 11 17 17 " ....12 15 IK 15 16 13 14 17 19 i 15 Townsend "White SVettleaf Hlnshaw Kline Duncan Garrett Phamwell Budd Hlrwchy Badger Crosl.y EllMtt Fanning Furmeleter . McDowell ... BlmDson Ssundera .... riurke Roberts MUler Klrab&ll Pndv M oore Pevler Thurston Btmpkins Carter Forney Copsey w Iggtns Morrill Ixird Miller Gray v a rren 8tarkey Taylor I.lndermann Brewer 15 15 16 12 I 14 12 2o Ji 19 r,5 13 14 15 11 lg 13 12 U IS liu Rogers Otis I 71 l' . 15 15 15 15 .. .. 14 16 ii is;;" 10 13 13 11 i U 13 9 .. .. 16 10 11 9 12 16 13 14-'." 11 10 10 . 9 12 10 T 17 . . . 17 13 10 17 15 16..; 15 12 11 18 13 17-... 11 15 .. 12 .. ...... Beed Hulslxer Hafer Terry er.thcrhead Htingate B 27 Fogg Lewis Cheyney fr-ore in the Nebraska ihamolonshin eon- test: w S mpkins 0111 loon oioo mm nni oi'll 14 Brewer 1-11 111.) mi IP'l (.111 11111 i Lynch mi mi mi om cm con h b-27 mi up mi om om inu- Moore pill mo noi 0111 11 H'll-H Paunders Il l 1111 1110 nil 1111 mil 23 Burke li;i mi mi nm om him Kimball .. im ni4 mi mi mo nim-: Grant 1111 ill 1U1 ll. 1 1110 111"1M McDonald mi mi mi mi iiv nm v, Roberts mo ion mi mi iv.1 nm l-ewis 0111 mi n, n mi ni ('1-1-19 iuion na mi n 1 1 mi mi iimih Tiomtnle 1111 111' nil 11' 1 1110 mil ".'4 Terry 1111 m'1 11. il oni l.nj w 0-18 Townsend l'W l'lft nil 1111 1111 11M1 3 ogg mi u"i im :i .i ,. mv-vi Bray 1111 1111 1111 1110 ll'l 11111 "4 Miller Ill" nil im 111 I'll l.H';j Morrill im mi mi mi nn imi V4 titmoson im mi mo iim im n. iM Carter ll'l 1111 1111 1311 fill i(,.M2 Rogers im mi im p. u mi nm-'j Lindermann .. 1111 1U1 lluo iHl 1111 ll'.n JX Score of the shoot-off: iuion mi nn i-mi mi nil viii-j' I'omlne 1111 ll'l 1' 1 0111 1111 01111 i Bray I'M I'll Ml 1111 11"1 11111--3 Morrtii mi nn nn i n mi nm-; Rogers lolO 1111 1111 oi;i mi 1 o.l an "TIPTON SLASHER" GETS FIGHT Bessy leaser Is Glvea Derlslaa Over A We Attell la a Karleas Battle. ET. LOI I3. April 25. The fight tonight at the Wst End club between Benny Yanger. the "Tipton Elashrr" of Chicago, and Abe Arrell of San Francisco, waa stopped by the police in the nineteenth round, the offi cers of the law figuring that Attell waa on the point of being knocked out. Refi Oeorg Slier gave the decision to Yacgvr, annougn aiteu waa still run or nam. The affair was ethedjled to sv fifteen roubds. with the pnvilrse resting with the referee of extendi!. It tlve snore rounds In rase he was net eatisflee' that either man had a distinct advantage at tUe ckw ef the r.n-enth Interval When the ta'-Ue bad prurvaMd U lae foil llsuU Ut I men were on even terms sod "Referee S'ler csiiel ui'.m them to go the additional live I ri'jtuls i The ficht prnbablv was the m"st scien tific best aid fiercest ever seen in Pt. j l.' Vsnger's aneressi vt nes. and ter rific hltin .wer won him the decision. the aM'urnlj buy s to a st"r?n of blws In the last fov.r rounds txhlbited remarkable c"iiraire and fvught with ileprt..n !' the very last In the first m f i rnur.rts Attell made Tatiger I'.i k like s. fourth-rate fighter. He wns h ei isive to the c'h'cag'i pet as a phantom Try a hard ts he might Targer inuli n't land in effective b'.nw. Atteil slipped or blov ked hi bum hes. all the time rinl::g s shower of left Jabs on Tan gier s face. Theye blows maddened Yat.ger and he ite-ame wild in his delivery, sev eral times going to the floor from the sheer force of his endeavors to land Ya".gr begun to ret-h A'trll s wlrd In the eighth and from there on to the fifteen ruinii be male gains thst placed hira on a par with his aJvcrsary. RUMORS ABOUT TICKET OFFICE It IwTolves Board of Trade Cerarr aad tlrs Railroad Mea Three Stories Are A dost. Commotion existed In the city railroad i offices yesteraay because of a widely disseminated report that some road would move its uptown office Into the Board of Trade building, first floor corner front, at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, as soon as improvements now in progress there art completed. It was said that no lease was yet signed for the place, but that three local railroad offices were vleing with each other for the corner. These were the Chicago, Milwau kee at St. Taul, the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific and the Wabash. Offlciala In charge at each office named, however, flatly deny that any change on their part ia con templated. The fact remains that George t Co., who handle this building, are apparently fixing the room designated for occupation by a railroad office. Every special arrangement necessary for such a purpose is being made. The firm, however, gays that tt has com pleted no arrangements for occupancy with anyone. Which road will move there is a puzzle. All admit that it Is a most desirable loca tion, with advantages of floor space and square room and two fronts aa well. But the Milwaukee people Insist that they are still after the Mandelberg corner in the Paxton block acroaa the street; the Rock Islsnd officials say they have a two years' lease yet on their present location, and have apent much money on permanent fix tures, while they will shortly spend more on Improvements, so it Is preposterous to think they will move; lastly, the Wabash men say they would like the place, but thai the price ia entirely too steep, and they will not go there. George t Co. have recently approached the Wabafh on the matter. They ask 110,000 for the lease be sides the rent. Four years are yet to run on the lease. As a last stab It waa suggested that the Burlington waa going up there. This caused the facea of Milwaukee officials to light up, aa they aald they would then knock out the wall between their office and the Burlington and occupy the whole corner at Fifteenth and Farnam. The Milwaukee la worse pinched for room than any of them. Lake Shore to MoTe West, Another great step In the progress the western country toward greater lnl ncc In national railroad affairs la mar:..d by the removal of all the general offices c th Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern railway company from Cleveland to Chicago, which has Just been announced, to take place as soon as the new. Lake Shore-Rock Island passenger station at Chicago is completed. This will be the first road having Chicago aa ita western terminal te have . general offlciala located 11 the Windy City. A few others, such as the Baltimore ft Ohio and the Michigan Central, have general passen ger agents there, but the operstlng, audit ing and traffic headquartera remain In the east. The projected move by the Lake Shore will bring every official aave Presi dent Newman and Vice President Brown, who will remain in New Tork City. They have advocated the move since their first connection with the Lake Shore. They were formerly Chicago men. Four new stories will be added to the sta tion to be used for the general offlcea. The change Involves the moving of about 500 officials and employes from Cleveland. The ststlon will now be thirteen stories high and Is to be completed by January 1 next. The offlciala to be moved, together with all their respective department help, are: General Manager P. S. Blodgett. Assistant General Manager P. P. Wright, General Su perintendent A. H. Smith. Chief Engineer E. A. Handy. Assistant Treasurer and As sistant Secretary Nicholas Bartlett. Auditor R. H. Hill, General Passenger and Ticket Agent A. J. Smith. General Baggage Agent J. L. Freeman, General Traffic Manager O. J. Grammar, Purchasing Agent F. H. Greene. Lumber Agent R. A. Bury. Super intendent of Telegraph William Kline. Car Accountant H. 'J. Merrick. Chief Claim Agent W. T. Smith, Superintendent of Mo tive ' Power Waldo H. Marshall. Superin tendent of Car Conatrurtlon John Kirby. Mechanical Engineer H. F. Ball. Railway Xates aad Persoaals. Superintendent Baxter and Assistant Su perintendent Ferris of the Nebraska divi sion of the 1'nlon Paciric railway, have gone west together. Thomas G. Mclellan. general western agent of the Nashville. Chattanooga ft St. Ix-uls railway, with headquarters at Pt. Louts. Is In Omnha. The Fremont. Flkhorn & Missouri Valiey railroad operating department reports news of general rains practically covering the en tire system, being heavy over the v.csurn portion. A special Pullman will carry Mr. F-arhart and a party from New York City throuyh Omaha Saturday on the Barllngton enroute for Denver. The members will be In this city all day, coming in at a. m. and remaining until 4.25 p. m. Assistant General Passenger Agent J. O. Phillipi'i of the Missouri Baciric railway has returned from a trip over the central branch, and brings bad reports of crop conditions In Kansas. "Winter wheat." says he. "is already damaged 50 per cent, while the ground Is hard and in bad con dition for othtr grains to come." General Superintendent D. Hardy of the Missouri Pacific railway, accompanied by Superintendent C. M Rathbum of the same line, were In Omaha over night on an Inspection tour. They went south yes terday morning on No. IS, leaving at 10 o'clock. They were riding in the private car Magnolia. Anheuser ; 2) wop '.; -wfle ' " I V. ....Ma. ..- .1 '.-. rf.':i-.-;;-'.':!!::thU:V '4 ! 'NUtU. . B.v?. l; mmr GOODRICH SEEMS SURPRISED Saji Street Eailwaj Company Will Obey Order, However. MORSMAN WAITING FOR THE BRIDGE Telephone Compaay's neprrsea ta tlve Says lie ' n't lee Wsat Will Be Galurd by tbowlsg ' of Books. Secretary D. H. Goodrich of the street railway company waa surprised when, at 2 yeaterday afternoon, a reporter for The Bee notified him that the supreme court had granted a writ of mandamus, the effect of which would be the summoning of the officers of hla company to appear with their books and records for a re-assessment. "I had beard nothing of it," aald he. "Certainly, we will bring our books and records If the court orders us to do ao. We were all ready to do that the other time, but the referee aaid he didn't want to see the books. However, it will surprise most people to see how little the street railway company Is making." E. M. Morsman, secretary of the Ne braska Telephone company, had heard of the Issuance of the writ, but "wasn't cross ing any bridges until he came to them." He aald: "We are waiting to aee what shape the order will come to us In. and then, if everything is regular, we shall, of course, obey the order of the court. We are already aasessed at our full valuation. I don't aee what the city hopes to gain by bringing our books Into court. Then there a another aide of the question: If the five public service corporations are as sessed too low, how about a hundred other concerns, public and private, of which the aame may be aaid with equal truth? Where ia It going to stop? This is a broader question than appears at first glance." E. M. Fairfield, general manager for the water company, aaid: "There will be no attempt on onr part to evade the order of court, and when we receive notice to ap pear before the board with our books and recorda we'll be there." Seasay Schools ta Meet la May. ABERDEEN. S. D.. April 25 (Special ) C. P. Gregory, preaident of the South Da kota Sunday School association, announces that the stata convention will be held at Sioux Falls. 6. D.. May 21, 22 and 2S. An Interesting program la being prepared. Speakers from abroad will be present and a moat interesting aesalon ia assured. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Judge M P. Klncaid of O'Neill. Neb , Is In the city on his way home from Grand laland. where the central committee of the republican party of the Sixth congressional district has been in session. Colonel John M. Pullman, chief quarter master of the Department of the Missouri, is at Fort Niobrara, where he has (cone tn make that for' ready for the arrival of the Twenty-fifth infantry, which will reach the department In a short time. At one time Fort Niobrara was a regimental post, but Istelv has accommodated only one or two companies. It may be necessary to hsve a number of temporary buildings con structed fcr the accommodation of the headquarters and two battalions of the regiment which Is to be stationed at that post. t . v- V'K VV-.'-X.,': Mr-. .. ':x..;.,fc".S-.3s VIA 1 When Food Fails of its Purpose with consequent poverty of blood and energy ANHEUSER-BUSCrfS ia a sure and positive correc tion. It aids digestion and Is in Itself a food in liquid form. Att drngtUU ,tl it. Trtpar.d cnlg bv - Busch Brewing Ass'n St. L.u. V. . A. & WW Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured ?nd the well-informed and tothe healthy, because its com, ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable --if .J.J -. " 1 sti -ii. T ' -av f Sevr Frvrcico, LCAJisviIlev. Ky, For Jc by oil druejiats. DR. McGREW (A8 53) SPECIALIST. Diseases ! Utssratts i Mea Oaly. J 24 Veart'.Eiaerlescs. IS Years la j Oasis ; VAHlr.lir.PI F .Cr.i,.,r.t-i?L.-?Sx safest and most natural that haa yet been discovered. No pain whatever, no euttlruf and does not lnterlere with work or busi ness. Treatment at office or at home sod a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Diseases. No "UK. A KING OUT'' on the K.ln or face and all external aigna of the disease disappesr at once. A treatment that u more successful and far more eatiataeiory than the "old form'' of treatment and at less than HALF THal CuST. A cure thai is guaranteed to be permanent lor life. iiycu Ofl n, lfl cases cured of nervous UVLn ,UUUU debility, loss of vitality k..u all uaiiaiurai weaknesses of naaa. Stricture, Uieri. Kidney and fciladder Lis easea. Hydrocele, cured permaaeuiiy. lliArkubl LUW.lOsllLTATlOX FREE. Treatment by milL P. O. Boa Tss. Office over 21 . 14th street, between Far ro and Oougiaa Bta.. uaAUA. N&B. i World Famous Marian. Tonic A SMALL WINEGLASSFIL IS A LARGE. DOSE Op Health. Strength and Vigor At Druffist throuftiout the world. There ' a better way than , medicine to rid your face of thote unsightly blotches use It opens the pores of the kin, enabling them to throw off the impuritiei of the body. DiaicTiOKi. Soap the face well, rime with hot wa:er, then wkh cold. Dry thoroughly. Three bum Uuadry, tee; bath and toilet, 5c; aval Iclet, sc. Thi Ci'Dahy Packing Co, Omaha.. .Kansas City. CURl YOURSELF 1 m Bif 4rf li r nwtttnru 4 nr, M r ea J t 4 . Mi k 1 1 J Ual, of m ta c mr hri CsuiYlTQa raVlBUaaS ! aVM mtftm 4ywal M pcaw.MtlaV 4 vrsjrsxOk "Man wiDti but little here below Sstid t morbid poet long years ago, I'm prone to doubt that ancle nt sage When I look at The Bee's great "Want Ad" p-tge. fllFORtflApfi 7 f7 1 ss. f JW (ftvuwvl SB 1,-1 1 tTsltHttlUUS rTJitsMn,a S-eij cts pie2vSAitly, fjcts Berxe-ficiallyi cis-truly as a.Laxaiivce. quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syiup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the .- ' C&t. new York.N.Y. Price fifty ccrxta per bottle. TIME C1KD. I MO STATIC lOTH ASD MARI T. laloa Parlfle. 1 Overland Limited a t 4ft am a pm , Fast Mail at'foism a 1.2i pro California Exnress a 4 25 pm ' pacific Express ali.stpm ! Eastern Expresi. i ) B pm j Atlantic Express a 7:00 are I Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex b -"S pm Mi i pm Grand Island lineal b s v pm n :3j am klraao Milwaukee A St. Pawl. Chicago Limited a :00 pm a l:V am Chicago & Omaha Ex . b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Chicago, stock Island A Pact Sr. EAST. 1ive. Arrtvs Chicago. Daylight a 7: are a 1 Ji pm Chicago Exprrss bll:Uam a &:U& pm Dee Moines Locsl a 4:ou pm bll.oo am Chicago Fast Express . a 4:35 pm a l.JSt pm Les Moines. Kock Is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm 1:2 are WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Rnrlnss. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm 4:1 pm Colo., Texas. Cal. Oklahoma Flyer a 5:15 pm a :30 am lllluols t rulisl. Chicago Express a 0 am a i:10 pre Chicago, Minneapolis at 1st. Paul Llmitt l a 7:40 pm a 1:0s am Minneapolis At fit. Paul Express o 7:20 am hi', r. pm Chicago Express alO.35 pa ikU-aao A. .Northwesters. "The Northwestern Line. Chicago Special a i:10 am all.29 pra i.nicago DBrl itl i.w yin uln-tcrn Epreb alu: am Eastern epeial a 4:6 pet r est Mail a :, pin Omaha-i. hlcago L t d.. . 7:4J p:n a t :w am a 4 At, pm a 4.u6 pm a 2:lu piu a am a :J am a 6. no pa alii.js pm a k tw am a pm Fast Mail C'eaar Haplds Pass Twin City Express a 7:06 am Twin Cl'.y Liuilted a ":ja pm Sioux City Local a t.U am Missouri I acltic. St, Louis Expreas ali:00 am a r j pm K.. C. ttU L. tUprtSj..ai0U( pu a U an tv abash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" express a IM am hi. Local. Council toluOa ...aiuiOO am akiu pm WEBSTER litl'Ol-lSTH A WCBITLB Kreasaat, tlkhors Mlaaoorl alley itMve. arrive Black Hills. Dead wood. Hot Springs a l:0 pm a i:u cm VL, -aper and Douglas ....... J S.uw pm e i W pra Vora, David Cil. superior. Geneva, Exeter and beward 1 t:ut pm o i 00 pra Nortoik. Lincoln and fremorit i iIub i)l:tani Fiemunt Local ! aa Mlsawurl t'arlac. Nebraska Locul, Via V.eping Water ft 4.10 pm al0:3 am Caiissc si. i-aul. Wiaa.cai.o4t, a uskaka. Twin City l'asacnger....a 1.30 am a :u0pm bioua Cuy r-aeaei. .... i.uu puj liJuui buicraon Ltai b.evt.iu iic;skai UlltLLNtsTOA iAHU-IUTU fc MaSO.l Cnlcaas). Bariiajjioa A. t alary. wave , r Chicago Epecial a , ca aio.. pra Cbicaao Vt-atiouled ti.4 4.w pm a i:ti am toicsfu Local a . .ui i.-j, j,u Chicasu Liinitea a !.. t .. M r'a.l Mail a r.u usilli turn A Missouri hiitr, Winiore. Ueairioe and Lincoln a 1:40 am Nebiajtaa Lxpresa a w aui iscbver Llu.Kcu. a pal huts ai.d Paget bound Lxprese... a 1:U0 pin Llucuu. taal Mali u t.w ru j ui 1 1 ruuit anu r'lta- ntoulii 0 3 -30 pin Lciittue ar Paclnc Jci..a .w ixiistuuar. fuuc 4CI..S 4i sw t i i pm a w.w yiU a C: aoa a a. u oil Jj aia a ui swaasas as. Cuaacii UlBSTa. Kansaa City Day Ex. ...a . am a C OS tm 6l Louis r iyet a e.iu pm ail:U aiu Kar sas City Night tx.aliiJu pm a am a Daiiy. b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dan) tXctrpL baturuay. e Dai. tacept albuday. Is tho open door to all diseases. Violsra cathartics Wav. ,0. grH than tkry t,4 yon Ttf is enly coi smom Ust arts sswlr.yst siircly, asoa Iks kowrta klU arting at a tor, an aostairi iluk vrrcfsbK prusenwi kick set ipo ih sisiit, lisr, kcs aa4 kloao, aU tttt SMOlClAS is wiir p sw iriZwkiAj V. IWflCLAXAIIVE CONSTIPATION "V7 Si ex f r Isakols w sul Iks auast sScicm al haul SUBSOMS. kut Ik. sos vuWm krcMl M o kiM. I BM4tOMS, TU : UlAU.C f4 IOQU, kt 4 Snu k. SW wsisimi M ssrk lH '. ssr Al ir'Ufiiti, l a4 u , If wr.4 tt i rt SSBSISM UlikOUCl , 1)J mih MfM, M (. Fur sals t Eitarmaa 4 McConncU Drug CO.