Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE- OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, AritlL 20, 1002.
Davis s11s drugs.
Btorkert sells carpets snd rugs.
' Vollman. scientific optician. 4"9 Bway.
I'asturage. Judson. 9J9 th ave. Tel. 348.
Tike horn' a brick of MeUgers Ice
Cream. Vanlla, flic; Nenpolltan,
J C and W. Woodward, architects, room
t, Everett block. Council Bluffs, la.
New goods and outfits for nyrngraphlc
vork at Alexanders Art Store, 443 Bwsy.
Go to Morgan & Klein for upholstering.
Cattress making and feather renovating.
2 South Main direct. '1'hone bW.
Mllllncrv reduction sale at Mrs. A. Hup
fer'a 321 Broadway. All trimmed nata are
Reduced to coat price for Saturday only.
For sale, excellent building lot In Central
gun., slse 44x120. Thla la a banmln for
Some one. fur caah sale or will well on pay
ment plan. Lot m located i.n Avenue B,
within several blocks of Rood school. U
or address K. F. Watts, lice office, Council
Excelsior Masonic lodge will hold a spe
cial communication thla evening for work,
fin the third degree.
r John M. Horn and Fred Ford left yester
day for a trip to Han Francisco and other
ofnts In California.
Mrs. J. W. McMullIn of Emerson, la.. Is
aruest of her sister, Mrs. t. J. Whlttaker,
237 Seventeenth avenue.
Mrs. W. A. Moore will leave today for a
two months- visit with relatives and
friends In Io Angelea, Cal.
Word haa been received here that Mra.
Charles Hetalllck of Billings, Mont., for
merly Mlsa Hollls, who was critically 111,
js much improved.
Mra. C. M. Harl of Oakland avenue la
liome from a three weeks' visit with her
daughter, Miss Nellie Harl, who la attend
lag the Jennings school In Aurora, III.
. Mrs. Walter Avery of St. Paul, Minn.,
ho haa been the guest of her parents,
JMr. and Mrs. N. W. Williams of Stutsman
atreet, returned home yesterday morning.
Mrs. Sylvia M. Deacon of Cedar Kaplds,
Ja., who has been attending the Presby
terian Woman's Missionary convention In
Omaha, la the guest of lie v. and Mrs. U.
V. Snyder.
Orand Master Workman Jaakalek of Ne
braska will address the members of Coun
cil Bluffs lodge No. 270, Ancient Order of
JDnlted Workmen, this evening In their hall
lathe Merrlam block.
The meeting tonight of the Council Bluffs
erle. Fraternal Order of Eagles, promises
to be a red letter event In Its history. Be
tween forty and fifty of the business men
Of the city are to be Initiated.
Members of Lily camp No. 1, Royal
Neighbors of America, are requested to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Marie A. Smith,
which will be at 9 o'clock thla morning
from St. Peter's Catholic church.
The Young People's 8oclety of Christian
endeavor of the First Congregational
church will entertain the congregation and
young people of the church at a free so
cial this evening In the church parlors.
' Rev. W. J. Calfee, pastor of the Broad
way Methodist church, conducted the serv
ices last evening at the Salvation Army
Yosrrscks. This evening Rev. Hiirvey Hos
teller of the Second Presbyterian church
jwlll conduct them.
Council camp. Woodmen of the World,
tfrlll team will meet this evening for drill
In the Trl-Clty trophy contest. The com
mittee In charge of the reception to be
sjlven by the camp Friday evening. May 3,
to Woodmen and their families will make
Its report.
Patrick Ronan of North Eleventh street,
one of the first engineers on the North
Western road when it began running Its
trains Into Council Bluffs, has disposed of
his property Interests In this city and will
fremove to Wyoming, where he has a cattle
A deed from the Sprague Iron Works
company to W. I. Walker of Its equity of
redemption In the property and machinery
of the company sold at sheriff's sale Feb
rusry 17 of this year to Charles F. Hendrle,
was filed in the recorder's office yesterday.
The consideration named Is $J6t).
The condition of Captain J. J. Brown,
who was Injured In a runaway accident
"Wednesday, was said last night to be
berlous. In addition to his other Injuries
the attending physicians have found that
his hip is fractured at the Joint. If he re
covers he will be permanently crippled.
Word was received here yesterday of the
accidental death of J. C. Cole, a former
resident of Council Bluffs, at MasonvlUe,
2a,, Wednesday evening. He was killed In
runaway accident. Mr. Cole was for
merly proprietor of the Ogden livery barn
tn Broadway, but removed to a farm near
Afasonvllle about five years ago.
The Creston hotel property on Bouth Main
fttreet has been sold to Thomas Burke. The
hotel was built In the early by Max
Mohn, who conducted it until about a year
V.f?L,wnen 11 became the property of Mrs.
i-ldrldge, an eastern party, through fore
closure of a mortgage. The price paid by
Jtfboi? th propertjr '8 a,5 e
William Babrlck, an Itinerant doctor of
a umbrellas, was arrested yesterday
ornlng by Detective Murphy as a sus
picious character. He attempted to dls
fose of money order receipts, representing
they were bills of lading for goods he had
r were oius oi lading for goods he had
(red, but waa unable to wait here for
n. He offered the purchaser of the re
ts the goods he claimed they called for.
Plumbing and beating. Uixby ft Son.
1 N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone ISO.
Saloon Mei Mast Obey Law.
County Attorney Klllpack is' determined
that all saloon keepers doing business In
Council Bluffs shall comply with the law
An regard to filing bonds In the sum of
13,000 and yesterday began proceedings
gainst ten more to enjoin them from sell
lag liquor. The suits brought yesterday
ars against M. J. O'Connor, 923 South
Main street; Olsen sY Mortenseo, 219 South
Wain street; 8. J. Boysen, 1600 South Sixth
treet; Auguit Wentlandt, 33 West Broad
way; A. Hahan. 645 West Broadway; Peter
Jlaph. 1001 West Broadway; F. Scbroeder
ft Co., 13 South Main street; William
Pfaff. 619 Bouth Main street; John Gun
drum. 301 South Msln street; J. L. Prlt
chardt, 663 West Broadway.
' John Oundrum and J. L. Prltchardt as
soon as ths notice of the suit was served
upon them hastened to comply with the
law and filed their bonds as required.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 64J Broadway.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tbesa transfers wars filed yesterday In
tbe abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Pqulre. 101 Pearl street:
VVIUIam Moore and F. J. Day and
wives to Minnie May O'Brien, part
. of w4 ee- um 31-76-41, w. d..$ BOO
Jians Rlef and wife to B. F. Free
man. nw S-75-43, w. d 10,000
George F. Hughes, executor, to Mary
Cennor. w4J feet lota If and 17,
block 6. Williams' lt add., e. d.... 460
JUary A. Hayiwa and husband to P.
D. H oyncs. 40 fert front on Main
and Pearl streets off north end of
block A, Jefferls' subdiv.. w. d g.000
UlnervU D. Dodge and husband to
Emma M. J nil J, lot 4, block 14,
Everett's add., w. d 800
Henry C. Cory and wife to Thomas
H. Richardson, lot 13, block 3,
Howard a ailrt., q. c. d
William I. White to same, lots 11. 13
and 13. block I. Howard's add., w. d.
O. O. Baird, commissioner, to ssme,
tame, c. d
William Shaw to Sarah F.. Shearer,
lot 3 and wU lot 4. block a, Everett's
add., w. d
Nine transfers, total
fM. tli siollr silt it mlnc AIIm'i root-Ra, ft
powtto to b hktm loio ih tho. It mk lihi
vtt'sM ( iMiftj . glvva tnaiat rltf to torn
an 4 bunion. U'n th irMittt comfort dtacovtrr el
Ut as. l'ur n4 prvvoota swollen ftMl blUtar.
inlioun a4 or toot- Alton's rMK.-B In cr
ttua cur for awMting. kA, nchlug tt. At nil
4r p' no Don't nccrpt nnjr
wtsMUutsi. Trial prnst fhltB by BtAil. Anoroaa,
Alloa A. 01mt. Kuy. S. T.
tITt 4 1.KASKD
Dyed anl pressed. Special attention
given ladles' garments. Also chenille
curtains neatly cleaned, dyad and
pressed. 'Phone A-St. Iowa Steam !)'
Works. 9H wnaaway.
Funeral Director-
(Successor to W. C. Eatsp)
m aa rKAKi trjcbt ' Ti
Mmt Look to Crystal Lake Bank for Honey
on Orenihaw Aooonnt
If It is Allowed to Stand Will Cmt
Amount They RerelTC from As.
sets of Groreryman la
the Middle.
At the hesrlng yesterday before Referee
Mayne In the W. H. Crenshaw bankruptcy
case the creditors passed a resolution di
recting that the trustee make no claim to
the bank at Crystal Lake, la., the control
of which young Crenshaw was alleged to
have secured on a capital consisting solely
of nerve as an asset of tbe estate. In view
of the fact that O. 8. Gllberteon and C.
J. Thompson, the owners of the bank, had
agreed to make no claim against the funds
of the estate In the bands of the trustee.
Referee Mayne, although no order lias
yet been made by him to this effect, de
cided that the Omaha National bank, which
cashed ose of tbe 15,000 certificates of de
posit secured by Crenshaw from the Crys
tal Lake bank and which filed a petition
of Intervention in the bankruptcy proceed
ings, will have to look to ths bank or Oil
bertson ft Thompson for the payment of Its
Crenshaw's mother and sister, whose
claims aggregate $4,950, waived any claim
to preference under tb mortgages given
them by Crenshaw the diy he disappeared
from Council Bluffs, bu'. agreed to allow
their claims to go In as general creditors
and to participate In the assets. The
claims of Mrs. Crenshaw and her daughter,
however, are objected to by tbe general
creditors on the grounds that the mort
gage given to them by the bankrupt was
for tbe purpose of defrauding bis creditors.
Referee Mayne took under advisement the
adjudication of the claims of Mrs. and Miss
Makes Considerable Difference.
In the event of the claims of Mrs. and
Miss Crenshaw being permitted to staud,
the estate will pay about 40 per cent, but
If they are disallowed tbe creditors will
receive between 80 and 90 per cent of their
claims. The schedule of Indebtedness filed
In ths proceedings amounts to $8,389.13,
Including the claims of Crenshaw's mother
and sister. The funds In the hands of the
trustee amount to $4,086.09.
F. A. Rlckman of the First National
bank of this city, who In the earlier stages
of the proceedings acted as receiver, was
appointed trustee for the creditors.
One of the creditors who since the bank
ruptcy proceedings against Crenshaw were
commenced has given the acquisition by
Crenshaw of the control of the Crystal
Lake bank some Investigation, gave It as
bis opinion at yesterday's meeting that the
young man was not the Napoleon of finance
that he was credited with being. He stated
that he believed Crenshaw, In being , in
duced to buy the bank, had got the worst
end of ths bargain and that it was when
he saw be had assumed a load he could
not carry he availed himself of the oppor
tunity to cash one of the certificates of
deposit and decided to go away rather than
face the music.
The Investigation made by this creditor
shows that on February 1 Crenshaw went
to Des Moines, where the negotiations for
the sale of tbe bank by OUbertson and
Thompson to blm were begun. That was
on Saturday. On the Monday following
Crenshaw, accompanied by one of the own
era of the bank, went to Crystal Lake. He
was only In .the town one hour and when
be left he had with him certificates of de
posit aggregating $20,000, Issued by ths
cashier who was In the employ of Gllbertson
and Thompson. From Crystal Lake Cren
shaw went to Slouz City, where he at
tempted to cash the certificates, but failed.
On February 6 he cashed one for $5,000 at
the Omaha National bank. The Omaha
National bank corresponded with ths Crys
tal Laks bank regarding the certificate and
all of this correspondence shows that the
certificate was guaranteed by the cashier
of that bank. Neither the Omaha National
bank nor OUbertson and Thompson have
made any effort to apprehend Crenshaw and
it was stated at yesterday's meeting that
neither of them wanted to. On behalf of
Crenshaw, It was stated that If be had been
In entire control of the bank, as had been
asserted, he could have taken possession
of the cash which was In the vault and
which amounted to over $3,000.
Homes for All.
For sals at low prices and easy
payments, homes In all parts of tbe city,
including some of the nicest residences
and thoee of moderate else. Also dwell
ings and business property In Omaha.
Farms bought and sold. It will pay you
to aee us at ths abstract office of J. W.
Wlelthaan Contract Held to Be Valid
- and Property Liable for
the Tax.
Judge Wheeler In the district court yes
terday morning handed down his decision
In the suit brought by L. C. Baldwin and
other property owners in the Fourth ward
against the city, in which tbe validity of
tbe contract awarded to E. A. Wlckham
for the paving of certain streets and ave
nues in thst ward was attacked. The pe
tition of ths plaintiffs that ths contract
be declared null and void and that the city
be prevented from assessing against tbe
abutting property the cost of ths paving Is
denied. The streets involved In ths con
troversy were: First, Willow snd Fifth
svsnues and Sixth, Seventh and Eighth
The petitioners attacked the validity of
the contract between the city and Wlckham
on' the ground that the entire proceed
ings of the city council In ordering the
Improvement were irregular In that suf
ficient notice wss not given ths property
owners interested and that In the resolu
tion providing for tbe paving of tbe streets
named the material was not specifically
designated. The plaintiffs also allege fraud
In the letting of the contract and that It
was not awarded to the lowest bidder, as
provided by law.
In giving his decision Judge Wheeler
ststed that be had not taken time to give
the subject as careful Investigation as
would hare liked, owing to tbe pressure
of other business, but bad decided that It
was Important that a decision should be
reached in tbe ease, as Thursday was ths
last day allowed property owners on Sixth
strset, the paving of which has been com
pleted, to determine whether they pre
ferred to sign walvsrs or pay for the im
provement la cash-
Judge Wheeler In bis ruling held that ths
designation of "vitrified brick" In the reso
lution passed by 'the council la ordering
lb imgantanak suttalsaUr, DeolAa
as to the material to be used and that tbe
city should not be held to a more specific
designation of material and manner of
construction of the work In the prellraloafy
notice, the purpose of the resolution being
to advise property owners of the Intent to
Improve the streets named and to afford
them an opportunity to file their objec
tions. In general the court held that the law
had been conformed with by tbs city coun
cil In its proceedings ordering the paving
snd awarding the contract to Wlckham.
As to the allegation of fraud In tbe award
ing of the contract Judge Wheeler said
thst there was not tbe slightest evidence
to substantiate this charge.
Judge Wheeler's decision la sn Important
one for the city, as the future of psvlng
In Council Bluffs depended to a grest ex
tent upon It. Tbe petitioners bad not de
cided yesterday whether to take tbe case
to the suprtme court.
Davis sells glass.
Matters In the District Conrt.
Judge Green held session of district
court yesterdsy to hear arguments In ths
suit of J. J. Rauer against Louise Douglas.
Benjsmln Douglas, the founder of Dun's
Mercantile agency, who died about two
years ago In California, owned a large
amount of land In this and other counties
In Iowa. This property was subject to liens
amounting to $30,000 In the event that his
general estate was not sufficient to pay
them. The heirs cold their Interests in tbe
land in this state to certain real estate
dealers In thla city, who are really the
plaintiffs In this action. They contend that
the general estate Is ample to pay these
liens, while the defendsnt. contends that
the property In this state should be made
subject to them.
Mrs. E. Button was granted a divorce
from James L. Button and given tbe custody
of their minor children. O. W. Dalton was
granted a divorce from Susan J. Dalton.
George Oerner of this city brought suit
yesterday In the district court against Max
and Morlts Meyer of Omaha to recover
$400. Years ago, when John L. Templeton
was city marshal. Gerner signed sn In
demnifying bond for the Meyers to Temple-
ton, who had attached a stock of cigars
here. In February, 1901, Templeton secured
judgment on the bond against Gerner.
Davis sells paint.
Entertainment for Veterans.
At the meeting of Camp John L. Moore,
National Society of the Army of the Philip
pines, last night, plans were discussed for
entertaining the meeting of the national
society In Council Bluffs In August.
Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., George L. Judson,
Richard Rutherford and Sumner Knox were
appointed a general "hustling" committee,
and Arthur Van Slyke of Oakland was ap
pointed a committee of one ,to hustle In
the east end of the county.
One of tbe amusements for the visitors
decided upon Is a sham battle, to be given
at Lake Manawa, In whlsh the veterans tn
Omaha will be Invited to participate.
Another meeting will he held next Thurs
day evening In Dr. Macrae's office.
Golden Anniversary of Charch,
The Broadway Methodist church will cele
brate the fiftieth anniversary of Ha organi
zation Sunday, May 26. The services will
be In charge of J. W. Powell, national
organizer of the Brotherhood of St. Paul
and member of the general conference of
the church. It Is expected that several of
the former pastors of the church will be In
attendance and assist In the services.
The Broadway Methodist church stands
on the atte occupied by the Ocean Wave
saloon, a notorious resort in the early days
of Council Bluffs, which was struck by
lightning and burned to the ground. , The
present building was dedicated May 15,
Held in Davenport and Change Made
In Stock and C. E. Yost
Elected President.
DAVENPORT. Ia., April 26. (Special Tal
egrsm.) The annual meeting of the Iowa
Telephone company was held here today.
The principal business transacted was the
adoption of a resolution amending the arti
cles of Incorporation of the company to the
following effect: That the $1,276,000 of stock
Issued and outstanding of tbs company's
$4,000,000 authorized capital shall be com
mon stock and that all stock Issued in ths
future shall be preferred stock, drawing 5
per cant annual interest. The change af
fects nearly $3,000,000 of stock yet to be
Ths acceptance of this rule is made op
tional with the present shareholders, who
may, it they wish, exchange their present
stock for preferred stock.
That most of them will take tbs new
common stock Is Indicated by that fact that
$1,261,176 of the $1,275,000 of stock outstand
ing was voted for the resolution.
The new officers elected were: President,
C. E. Tost of Omaha; vice president, F. H.
Griggs; secretary and treasurer, J. B. Ma
son; general manager, E. B. Smith.
Fatal Accident at WlafleM.
WINFIBLD, la.. April. 26. (Special.) A
fatal accident occurred at the Iowa Cen
tral depot, which resulted in the Instant
death of Albert Thurston of Middle Grove,
111. A double-header, westbound freight
was taking the sidetrack when Thurston
attempted to cross In front of the engine,
caught his foot and fell. He waa dragged
about thirty feet over a cattle guard. His
head and body were horribly mangled, tbe
bead being nearly torn from ths body.
Cora Brit Editors to Meet.
LEMARS, la., April 16 (Special.) Ths
ninth annual meeting of the Corn Belt
Editorial association will be held In Le
mars on Thursday and Friday, May 22 and
23. Ths association bsd Its inception in
this city nine years ago and ths anniver
sary will be observed in a fitting manner.
Friday evening a banquet will be tendered
ths visiting newspaper men by the cltlaens.
Want Doors Closed ea Sabbath.
CEDAR FALL8, la., April 25. (Special.)
A crusade has been Inaugurated against
ths keeping open on Sunday of the bus!
faess houses of tbs city. Tbs churches
bavs a committee at work and they will
soon go before Msyor Robinson and ask
that hs take action ordering the restaurants
and livery stables, among other places, to
suspend operations on the Sabbath.
Lesaara Newspapers Merge.
LEMARS. Is.. April 25. (Speclal.)-
two democratic papers published In this
city have consolidated. Rslcbmana Bros.,
publishers of tbs Post, disposed of their
plant to A. P. Cramer, proprietor of tbs
Lemars Globe. A. P. Cramer will con
duct the paper under the name of the
Olo be-Post.
Has Monopoly oa Arses Hotels.
AVOCA. Ia.. April 25. (Special.) Charles
8chmldt. jr., hss purchased ths McCandless
and Rockwell, the only hotels la town, and
It Is reported that the new owner Intends
te opt a a whoiecala house la ens of ths
Such at Least ii the Opinion of the Dealer
Throughout Iowa.
Governor ommlas Has a I.onsr List
of Invitations to Make Speeches,
Several of Which He Has
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. April 25. (Special.) The
second annual convention of the Iowa Grain
Dealers' association commenced here to
day, with nmriy 200 members present. The
sssoriation Is the outgrowth of sevesal
recent meetings of grain dealers and a de
sire to get the business to a better basis.
Last year the national convention of grain
dealers was held in Des Moines snd the
Des Moines Cereal club entertained it.
The program was very limited today, except
as to social features, the address of Presi
dent King snd the report of Secretary 8Mb
bens showing that the association has been
growing steadily and now numbers prac
tically all the grain dealers of the state.
Secretary Stlbbens of the national associa
tion read a paper on terminal methods.
The formal address of welcome was by
Mayor Brenton. A luncheon was served
and In the evening the delegates had a
smoker. The business before tbe conven
tion la largely In the nature of discussing
various technical matters of Interest to ths
trade. The members are almoat unanimous
In the opinion that grain price will rule
high the next year or two and that the
prospect for poor crops is now such as to
warrant a continuance of high prices for
small grain.
Hlah School Contest.
The state high school declamatory con
test Is to be held in Anamosa tomorrow
evening, and the following are the numbers
to be given:
Oratorical Class "Regulus to the Roman
Senste." Lee Brlttell of Maquoketa; "The
Black Horse and His Rider," Lester Morris
of Wintered; "McKlnley's Faith," Blaine
Nicholas of Williamsburg; "The Power of
the Imagination," W. G. Stack of Grundy
Dramatic Class "How the La Rue Staka
Were Lost," Grace Griffith of Anamosa;
"The Passing of the White Swan," Ada
Lit tell of Esthervllle; "Zlngarella," Edna
Smith of Centervllle; "The Last Song of
the Robin," Grace Tripp of Colfax.
Humorous Class "Ruggles Family,"
Margaret Feyerelsen of Greene; "The Folly
f Telling Lies," Acbea Lucas of Indlanola;
"Christmas at Trimbles," Garnet Romans
of Denlson; "The Bear Story that Alex
Made Up His Own Self," Grace Smith of
Military Examination.
A military board is engaged today In
making examination of the following elected
officers in companies of tbe Iowa National
guard as indicated: Thomas C. Dalzell, ap
pointed battalion adjutant Fiftieth Infantcy;
Francis M. Cory, second lieutenant Com
pany M. Fifty-second; John H. Hsnks, sec
ond lieutenant Company C, Fifty-first; Guy
H. Baker, second lieutenant Company H,
Flfty-nrst; Walter, M. Fowler, second lieu
tenant Company L. Fifty-first; William H.
Gllbrlde, captain Company F, Fifty-second
Charles T. Cotant, second lieutenant Com
pany F, Fifty-second; Daniel W. Turner,
major Flfty-nrst regiment.
Stock Pavilion Contracts.
The executive committee of the Slate
Board of Agriculture adjourned and went
borne this morning without letting con
tracts for a largo amount of work on the
state fair grounds. Including the building
of the new stock pavilion, which was au
tnorlzed by the legislature. The board
made an examination of pav'llons in
number of other states and secured bids
on the construction, but found thst the cost
la going to be considerable more than bad
been anticipated. The cost of tbe steel
work, If done at once, will be very great
as the steel mills report that they are so
crowded with work that It is almost Im
possible to promise any material for the
summer. They are asking a heavy bonus
for Immediate deliveries.
Cummins to Make Speeches.
Now that the legislature Is out of the
way Governor Cummins is again In demand
for speech msking In tbe state and In
other dates. Tomorrow he goes to Iowa
City to attend a meeting of the Board of
Regents. Next week he goes to Mlnne
spoils, where he addressea the republicans
at a banquet. Next month he will go to
Rock Island and address the Illinois Grand
Army encampment... He will go to Colorado
to address the graduates of ths Colorado
Agricultural college and has agreed to
speak before the republican state conven
tlon In South Dakota. He has also accepted
speaking dates at Burlington, Grlnnell,
Earlham, Corydon, Wlnterset, Stuart and
Vllltsca Vcteraa Dead.
Levi Oallanar, a veteran of the civil war
and an Inmate of the Soldiers' home at
Marshalltown since March 25 last, died in
the hospital Tuesday evening. Mr. Gal
lanar after supper went to one of tbe lava
tories and upon opening ths door fell to
ths floor.
Cltlsena Already Preparlas; to lit
baild on the Halas of
Baraed Blocka.
RED OAK. Ia.. April 25. (Special.) Red
Oak Is only beginning to realize the extent
of Its loss from tbe fire of Thursday. Mer
chants who could find vacant rooms on side
streets have moved the wreckage of their
Its Influence Has Been Felt
by so Many Omaha Readers.
Ths soothing Influence of relief.
After suffering from Itching Piles,
From Ecsema or any Itchiness of ths skin
Makes ons feal grateful to the remedy,
Doan's Ointment baa soothed hundreds.
Here's what ons Omaha citizen says:
Mr. James Grace, lineman for tbe Thomson-Houston
Electric Light Co., living at
107 North 17th street, says: "If every
body receives as much benefit from using
Doan's Ointment as L I certainly advise
them to use It. Doctors trestsd ms, each
and all guars n teeing a cure, but they did
not relieve me. Doan s Ointment, pro
cured at Kuhn 4 Co's drug store, corner
of 1Mb and Douglas streets, much to my
surprise and more to my gratification, has
up to data so allayed the annoyance from
Itching hemorrhoids that I am practically
' Tap k all .laalcra Drica St caata.
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Huflalo, N. T.t sols
eats for tbs. V. B
$1.25 and $1.50 Misses' and Ladles' Trim- i 5 $10 and $12 trimmed millinery, a ery TV
med hats. In black, white and colors; on VJliC large assortment In this line, I 1
ssle Saturday at V- W to go SllturaRy " '
$2.00 snd $2.50 trimmed hats, -4 rj" T"V
on sale Saturday, I ilf Higher grsde trimmed hats, comprising the $15.09 to $25.00
at w styles, st
iiv:iTet' irimmei htiB' o 7S Extra Cut Prices Saturday
$5.50 to $1.00 trimmed hats. In large rj f f 11' J
sszisx. 5-00 Children s Hats
We also show a big line of Flowers and trimmings and nl ,,ne of -hildren s trimmed rcady-to-wenr hats, a very ex
tensive line and fine assortment, ranging In prices from
Ladies' Walking Hats 50c to $5.00
A special v thing In
Ladles' Black Silk Eton
Jackets; on sale
stocks and are nreparlng to open for busi
ness. Just as soon as the losses are ad
Justed the work of rebuilding will be begun.
H. C. Houghton, In whose besutiful bank
block the fire originated, will begin at once
the erection of a new building fully ss good
as the one destroyed. W. M. Maloney will
erect a new building on the site of his old
one. James Hyshaw has already arranged
for the erection of a brick building cover
ing three lots, the entire second floor to be
occupied by the Knights of Pythias lodge
and clubrooms, making probably the finest
lodgeroom In southwestern Iowa. Mrs. H.
C. Shank will rebuild at once and It Is
probable that practically the entire block
will be rebuilt within a year or two at the
Today the ruins are still smoking snd the
scene of desolation Is disheartening to tho
people of the city, but everyone Is cheerful
as possible under the circumstances and
there Is no doubt but the rebuilt block will
be much finer than the one destroyed.
Morgan's Atlantic Scheme 8ald to In
volve Junction with Hill's
Lines on Pacific.
NEW YORK, April 25. One of the lead
ing spirits in ths International shipping
concern organized by J. P. Morgan A Co.
today Issued a dental of tbe report that
pressure is beiag brought to bear to force
tbe Compagnte Oeneral Trans-Atlantlqne
Into the combination. It Is admitted that
negotiations have taken place between Mr.
Morgan and representatives of the French
line, but they bsve not advanced to that
stags where they can be publicly discussed.
It hss been suggested that the new com
bination probably will enter Into close re
lations with the Pacific steamship lines
controlled by J. J. Hill, thus effecting a
world-wide "community of steamship inter
ests" with resultant Increase of business to
tbe transcontinental railroad lines. Such
suggestions are said to be premature, but
It Is well known that ths Morgan and Hill
Interests in the steamship business, no less
than tn several railroad schemes, are prac
tically Identical.
There is no thought at this time of tak
ing any of tbe coastwise lines Into the
Morgan combination, although it is pointed
out that several such lines running to Mex
ico, Central and South American ports offer
grest possibilities in tbe way of Increased
William R. Grace, who controls large
South American Interests, has been a fre
quent visitor to the, Morgan banking house
recently, but his business, It Is believed,
bss nothing to do with the stesmshlp com
bine. LONDON, April 24. Replying to n ques
tion in the House of Commons today as to
whether the Board of Trade had received
Information that several steamship lines
hsd been sold to an American company,
with its principal place of business in the
United States, and whether the vessels so
sold would retsln the British flag, the pres
ident of the Board of Trade, Gerald Bal
four, said be had no Information showing
that the sale had been accomplished. If
the vessels had been sold they would pass
to another flag.
galntarr Effect Wrought oa Moros by
Cap a re of Saltan
MANILA. April 25. Lieutenant Colonel
Frank D. Baldwin, who Is operating against
the Moros on the Island of Mindanao, tele
graphs that th3 capture of Sultan Pualos
Forthas bad a most salutary effect. Ths
dattoa are submitting. White flags are
taking the place of the red battle flags. The
sultan of Annutbak urges that tlms be
given htm In which to give up tbe assassins
of ths American soldiers', and ssys that the
advance of the Americana will mean Impas
sable barriers, with Ood judging tbe right.
Colonel Baldwin bss received orders to
suspend operations against the dattos. Gen
eral George W. Davis, In command at Zam-
boanga. Island of Mindanao, believes that
ths majority of the dattos sre friendly and
that they bavs not had time to co-operate.
He thinks their alarm may cesse snd prac
tically a bloodless victory has been accom
Grstasl Jsry laalcts Raw In Starrher
(er Allege Crime oa
Lass Proof.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. April 25. (Special
Telegram.) The United States grand jury.
which is In session bers this afternoon, re
turned an Indictment sgaiost Edwin M.
Starrher, county judge of Gregory county.
for the alleged forging of the final proof of )
8amuel R. Cotton covering a quarter sec
tion ot government land sltusted In Oreg
ory county.
Tbe alleged forged Instrument contained
tbs testimony ot two witnesses who pur
ported to testify as to Cotton's alleged
continuous residence on tbe tract, his iu-
provemeata, etc.
Ths county judge, 11 is lurtner alleged.
forwarded the final proof to the United
I Stales district land office at Chamberlain.
kaewlaf Us imbs U ta Xeried aad. coua-;
Saturday only on our entire
cures Rheumatism in the only effective
way by removing the cause.
If you are a sufferer from rheumatism, you must agree
with us, if you think the matter over a little, that you
cannot hope to cure it unless you romove tho cause of it
External appliances and medicines which only give
temporary relief can be of no permanent use to you.
what you want to do is to get rid of the cause and the
rest will take care for itself. Clean up your system and
get a new supply of blood, and you will soon be all right,
we have the medicine you need.
The way to get rid of the trouble is to take Smith's
Green mountain Renovator. You won't have to take
it very long, but you want to take a good course of it in
order to make sure that you are completely cured- and
haven't the slightest trace of blood impurity left.
This famous medioine has cured thousands of poople
and it can cure you.
Cuyahoga Falls, o., Mar. 4, 'oi.
St. Albans Remedy Co.,
i St. Albans, Vt.
Gentlemen : I am very thankful I have at last dlscovded a remedy to
cure ray rheumatism. I have had rheumatism for twenty years, aud for
the past fourteen years I have suffered pain constantly from the top of
my head to the tip of my toes, and for the past three years I had been
unable to sleep very much and would be more tired when I would get
up in the morning than when I would retire. After taking Smith's
Green Mountain Renovator three weeks the pain entirely disappeared
and I can now sleep well and feel like a new man. I am very glad to
recommend it to others and give all the information any one desires,
(Signed) Chas. . Ourandlr.
Smith's Green fountain Renovator has enjoyed a
large sale for many years, although it has not been ad
vertised until recently. It is a Vermont medicine
known to all Vermonters made of the roots and herbs
of the Green Mountain State. It was formerly the prop
erty of a man who had neither the experience nor the
ambition to introduce it throughout the country, but was
satisfied with its great success in his own vicinity.
Now it is within everybody's reach.
It is not only the suro cure for rheumatism, but the
best thing in the world for anything due to bad blood or
not enough blood. It also cures liver and kidney troubles
and the long list of dangerous diseases which follow
troubles in those organs.
This medioine 1b better than anything else for the reason that it is a
compound of roots and herbs whose curative properties are absolutely
Drugs soothe and seem to be beneficial.
Nature's own vegetable remedies really cure.
That is the diflferenoo, and a very important difference It is.
If anybody in your family is weak, sickly or ailing, dragging around
in a half dead condition all the time and not seeming to get any better,
you can't be too quick in getting hold of Smith's Green mountain
llenovator. It will do for you what it never fails to do for other
We absolutely guarantee this medioine. This is something we can't
do for anything else ; that is to say, if you stand in need of a medioine
of this character, oome in and buy Smith's Green Mountain Ilenovav
tor, and if it fails to benefit you, you oan have your money back.
terfelt, for the purpose and with tbe In
tent to defraud the United States,
Punishment for a forgery of this kind,
upon conviction. Is a fins of not mors than
$2,000 and Imprisonment at bard labor for
not more than Ave years.
When arraigned Judge Starrher waived
tbe reading of the Indictment and asked
that he be given until tomorrow forenoon
to plead, which was granted. Tbe case
against him was instituted by direction of
tbe Department of Justice at Washington.
Sowth Dakota Prlsoarra Flad Idleness
Bordrnaoate aad Heaap Mill
May Be lastitated.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., April 25. (Special.)
Tbe State Board of Charities and Cor
rections and Warden 8wenson of the Sioux
Falls penitentiary have for some time been
confronted with tbe necessity ot adopting
some wsy by which the convicts confined
In that Institution csn bs given stesdy em
ployment. As matter stand at present it Is Impossl
bin to keep tbe men employed, snd this lsck
of employment Inflicts grsat hardship upon
men who are, because of It, compelled to
remain Idle for tbe greater part of tbe time.
Tbe Board of Charities and Corrections
reslizes that the labor organizations would
oppose the establishment of a factory whlcb
would com ID compewiiuu who iree uuor
within the state.
With this Idea In mind the board has been
investigating tbs feasibility of establishing
blading twins plant at ths penitentiary,
line of 1. ndlcs Trimmed
Children's Ready-to-wear
Summer Suits, sizes
i to 14 years; at prices
J. P.
Those suffer) n from weak
nesses which sap the pleasures
of life should take s dollar bot-
tie of Juven Piils. One bottle
will tell a story of marvelous results and
create profound wonder. This medicine has
more rejuvenating, vitalising force than haa
ever been offered. Bent by mail in plain
package only on receipt of this adv. and II.
Thla Is K worth of medicine for one dollar.
Made by ita originators ('.. I. Hood Co., pro
prietors Hood's ciarsaparilla. Lowell. Mass.
Major Waller and Llfstesast Day
Acqaltted by Military '
MANILA. April 25. Major Waller and
Lieutenant Day of the Marine corps, wbo
were tried by court-martial here on the
charge ot eiecutlng natives of the Island
of Samar without trial, have bee a ac
qcitted. Will Test Safes with Kaploalves.
HURO.V, 8. D.. April 25. (Special.) The
locsl committee having In charge arrange
ments for the meeting here ot the South
Dakota Bankers' sssoclstion on tbe 21st, Is
busy planning for the gathering. A feature
of the program will be a safe test, partici
pated in by manufacturers of wbat are
claimed to be burglar-proof eafea. Dyna-
1 mite
nitroglycerine and other explosives
, will be used In making the test. Already
i wen inuito vvw " wwi'iim
the committee that it will be represented hi
tbe contest, snd correspondencs is going on
with other firms that propoae to be on band
with their safes.