Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    ArniL 20. 1902.
Great Sole of the
From ' -better. . Y.. and Drockton. Maw. Tbe IIocboMcr finu made none but tbe Ix-et prades of ladies' t-ha-K.
I-atent lid in Her la. & F.no1b stock. TbeT are made to wll for 3.r,0 and 4 00 Rantrni.t dale t.rif-e onlr J1.96
Tber are made in tbe li?t Tici kid. fitted vvitb .ilk, oak solen, patent leatber and kid tips also patent lea tber and
Tbe Itrockton firm v'T makrof menu bipbet prade "-br-.. Tber are made in relonrs calf calf, rid kid aDd box calf
fitted with silk, with tbe tert oak soles and in (Joodvear weltn, English welts and McKay pcwvu, with liglt
ml bearr nth-, tbe regular 13.50 and 4.00 men' s-boef Rankrupt sale price only $1.96.
Ltctt jiair na carefnllr fitted as if too fmid tbe repnlar price. Extra help to wait on tou prompt It. Come early if possible
None fold to dealers.
B 170 Dig 0
Shoo Stoc is
Saturday In tho Bargain Room
freclal fales is ctert department in the bargain room eatvr-dat.
VP TO Ml CT8.,
AT 10c
Grind Silk Sale
II no foulard!, over 200 styles, oa Mil Satur
day Id the bargain room at it eta. a yard:
ftfrr ahade.and blank and whites, silver
, gSr, lavender, rcsedia green old roar.
rick, mauve, wm and In Tart every
aha d in tbe Bf spring gooda.
lAll at
.The new Morris ailka. Id all tbe new spring
shades, crpim. baby blue, pair pink, oil
.rose, retiedla and all tbe ataple shades.
Regular tl Oft value, will go
One lot nf children a
60c gowns, on aale
E.n's &sd Bays Pants
Men hdc spring underwear,
Shirts and drawers,
Mens SKr work
abtrta oa aale '
Men 'a and boys' 25c
Cither silks at 10c. Uc. lie. lf"C and 2ac,
worth from 60c to 7oc.
Wash Gsods
IE. II and 25 rt. dimities, organdie, ba tit
tea, Irish and Scotch and Prenrb dimities
and white uadraa and other wash gooda,
worth up to FiO eta. a yard.
All on thla aale
Greatest line of dlmltiea ever shown in
Omaha, every abade and deaign for tbe
prlng of 1H02, will be placed
on aale at
Tbouaanda of yard! of other waih gooda.
dlmltiea. bat let en, organdlea.
on aale at
Men 'a 12.60 and tt .00
all-wool panta
at .
12.60 men i all
wool panta
t:.t,0 and tl.OO boys'
all-wool panta
11.50 and S1.25 boys'
all-wool p.nts
11.00 and 75c boya'
all-woo panta
R5c and 75c boya'
wool panta
75 and 50c boya'
wool panta
' Suits, Skirts, Viists
Four tremendoua manufacturer' atnrka
now crowding thia department to fulleat
I capacity. Tbe greatest selling of women's
garroeata ever known In Omaha.
400 more of those women's ruita at tS.71,
' worth. 2o.00.
i 300 more auita, silk lined throughout, at
8.000 skins from tbe well known manu
facturers. Max Solomon. J. Levin. Grlswold
Broa., and several others, at a fraction of
their value.
Women'a rainy day skirts for, ea h 11.00.
HO0 sklrta, rainy days, wool skirts and
ailk skirts, worth up to 112 00, at I6.S8.
Women's rainy day skirta. trimmed with
braid and aeveral rows of stitching, worth
S6.50. for 12.50.
Women's wash sklrta. In colora and white,
at 50c, 75c and 11.00.
One case of Scotch lawns, regular 7e
and 10c gooda, on
sale at
We are headquarters for hammocks of
very description, from
60 eta. to
Croquet sets In the bargain room, starting
from 30 cts. a set
up to
Attend Our 3 0-Hi nut e Specials
Great Kat Sale
A swell line of Derbys, In high and low
crown, with or without ventilated eyeleta;
coiora. black, brown and nutria, at $1.50;
other Fpecial values st $1.00, $1.75 and
$2.00; tbe regular $5.00 gradea on aale at
$2.50 and $2.00.
A new line of Pashas Just received. In 2
s'yles. wide or narrow rlm. high or low
crown, all colors, worth $2.50, at $1.50.
See our eOera at $1.00, $1.15. $1.75 and $2.00.
We have a line of Fedoras that will suit
any good Judge of a bat. Tbey come In
II colors, wide and narrow rima and silk
bands; our leader at $1.50; other excellent
valuna at &uc, 75c, $1.25, $1.75, $2 00 and
The newest and most stylish hat out this
seaaon Is the Panama. We have tbe finest
line In the city. Tbey are made in small
itnd large shapes and all colors, in raw or
bound rims, the best value on the market,
at $2.00; also see our Panamaa at 85c, $1.00,
$1.25. $1.60 and $2.50.
riOX lO TO IOiSO A. M.
Wa will aell double-fold, 2&-lnrh, strictly
fast-colored dress plalda, worth l?Sc a
yard, only 10 yards to
a customer, at, a
7b aa
35e Underwear at 10c
One bargain aquarc of ladira' and chil
dren's Ilght-wrlgbt and medium summer
wear in resta and pacta,
la long and short sleeves,
worth B5c, as aala at
500 doaen of ladies' and children's fast
black, full, seamless hose, every pair
warranted perfect. These
are worth 15c, on aale
at, a pair
We will sell Amoskeege check ginghams.
worth 7c a yard, only i
yarda to a customer, at, a
FROM 4 TO 4til0 T. M.
Wc will aell dlmltiea, over 150 new de-
surna, regular izvc gooda.
only 12 yarda to customer,
at. yard
Wa will sell bleached muslin, tbe regular
ac graae, only 10 yards
to a customer, at a
yard ,
Other special aalea between these aales
during the day.
Grand Killinery Sale
Saturday is millinery day at Haydena'.
Special offerings In exquisitely beautiful
and artistic trimmed bats. Many direct
copies of imported pattern hats, worth
$15.00 to $30.00, on sale at $4.50. $5.00,
$C.OO and $7.50. Splendid values in aty
Iiib trimmed hata at $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 and
All the new shapes and creations in
atreei bats, including the most popular
Tou are sure to find tbe most becoming
style here and to aave money. Try on
some of the new hata. See our profuse
display of all tbe up-to-date flowers and
J"! ."d. ?"ler5" s!e 1 025iSSf!SdiBl LSS.CM I 'gh Grade Dress Goods Department
Large silver-plated fern diFhes. regular
$fi values, on aale Saturday at $2.95. j
Silver-plated bread trays, plain, pollsbel i
or satin finished. $1 4R. I
4-plece tea sets, with tray, silver plate,
Silver-plated chocolate pots. $1.PS.
Cream and sugar Bets. PSc.
Child's cups, 25c.
Silver mounted Jelly dishes. 49c,
Men's 20-year gold cases, fitted with
Elaln or Waltham movements, $R.05.
Mea'a 15-Jpwel Wsllham and Elgin
watcbea. In dustproof cases. $7.75.
Ladles' enameled chatelaine watches,
guaranteed good tlmekeepera, at $7.25.
Boys' nickel watcbea, good American
movements, at $2.4K.
Men's nickel wstcbes. good reliable time
piece. Pftc
Sberbert cups, 45c; salt and pepper shak
era, PRc pair; berry dishes. $! value, at $8.50;
cream and augar sets, $2.0; large fiDely
rut finger bowla, $1.35.
Wbeat graham flour, per sack. 25e.
Rye graham flour, per aack, 56c.
Rye flour, per sack. 39c.
Lima beans, per pound, fSc.
4 pouncis tapioca pearl. Inc.
Fancy evaporated peaches, fc.
Throe 2-pound cans grated pineapple, 25c
Two -pound cans sugar beets. 13c.
2 pounds baDd-plcked navy beans, 10c.
1-pound can cove oysters. 7c.
4 pounds Ruby prunes, 15c, j
Saturday we will demonstrate free crack- ;
era, chocolate and cocoa. Try these.
Special on Telhrga. Voile and
Eiamlnra. from 60c yard to...
5nfl i Prieatly a $1.26 grade for Saturday TfZt
UU jonly. at. a yard f U
, Other aalea during tba day.
Grand Furnishings Goods Sale Saturday
Hcsfe Sale
Sheet Elusfc Specials
60c sbeet music Beturday only 19c.
Saturday we will place on sale five of our
"leaders:" Down Where the Cotton Ftlo
some Grow, I'll Be With Tou When the
Roses Bloom Acaln. Hello. Ceatrel, Give Me
Heaven; Tbe Tie That Binds and It's Not
Always Bulieta That Kill. These are all
pretty, popular songs and are the best sell
ing songs on tbe market at present.
We are still selling tbe Star Dance Folio
and Harris' Song Folio at only 4Sr per copy,
regular price on these two books is 75t
each. Everybody that likes popular music
should get a copy of these books, as tbey
are tbe only collections of popular music
in book form to be bad.
Call or send for our nioe new catalogue
of 10c abeet music.
Mall orders receive our prompt attention.
Great tleney Safins; Sales en
Teas and Coffees
First crop, sun-cured Japan tea only 82c.
Basket-fired Japan tea, nioe, clear drink,
O. K. E. B. tea and Gunpowder tea, 40e.
Broken Mocha and Java coffee, 16c
S&ntos coffee, fresh roasted. lTVc.
A fresh-roasted Mocha and Java coSee,
Good Rio codec, per pound. 10c.
Cheese Specials
Boys' Suits
A Fwell line o! panamaa, fedoras, derbya.
crush and Florodora hats In all colors on
aale at 40c, 60c, 75c, $100 and $1.25.
fine line of boy'a and men'a caps at 25c,
85c. 50c. 75c and $1.50.
Tarn O'Shantera, In all colors, at 25c, 60c,
Full line of trunks and valisea.
Drug Prices
Saturday tvvtuug from i to 6.30 o'clock
we will sell Goodyear's Hygeia water bot
tlee worth $1.50, at, earn 49c.
2-qt. fountain syringes at 29c.
Wisconsin Limberger, HHc
Young America, llc.
Wisconsin cream, UHc
Appetitost cheese, each 4c.
Keats and Fish
No. 1 California hams, Fc
Potted hams, per can $c
Best brand bologna. 6c.
Boneless rump corned beef, 6Sc
Pickeled tripe, 8Vc.
K. K. K herring, each 2c
Large, fat white fish, per pound, 12c.
P.olled mops, per pound, 15c.
; Ladies' 60c lisle thread Stock
' 1ngs. in plain blatk or fancy
colors, at
Ladies' 35c plain blatk lace
Stockings, also in fancy colora,
on sale at
Childrena lisle thread Piock-
lnga, regular Sic quality.
The Paney brand Stockings for
! boya and tbe Shawknlt for girls
on sale at
Childrena' fast black aeamless
Ladiea' 25c fast black and fancy
colored Sioiklrtgs
Boys' 6c Shlrtwaara, In all
sires from 4 to 12.
Boys' $1.00 Colored Laundered
Ehlrtwaista. from 4 to 12 years
Underwear Sale
When Tired Shopping
Oo to Harden Bros' for a cup of cocoa and
a tasty cracker.
We are giving free demonstrations now to
lntrodu?e our delirious cocoa and pure,
fresh crackers. Nothing nicer made.
Hair Goods Sale
Special price on finest quality hair
switches; all sbadea perfectly matched.
New fancy ribbons, worth up to 25c a
yard, at 7Vc.
All-silk taffeta ribbons, all colora, tbe
25c quality, at 10c.
Ladies' pure linen, hemstitched handker
chiefs, worth 12HC, at 5c.
New belta. In all styles and aires, the
usual $100 kind, at 60c; the regular 60c
quality at 25c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Testa,
long sleeves, in all sizes from
4 to 8, at
Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed
Panta, In regular aiaea and
extra alaea. at
Ladies' Fine Lisle Thread Tests,
low neck and sleeveless. In
regular and extra alcea, at
Ladles' Fine Jersey Ribbed
Testa, low neck and eleewetaae,
Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed
Combination Sulla, umbrella
style, at
Ladies' Fine Lisle Thread Com
bination Suite, in low neck,
aleeveless, lace trimmed, at....
Mtnees' Kid Gloves, in all the
latest spring sbadea.
at 75c and
Misses' Lisle Thread Glovea.
in modes, tan. grey, white and
red. at
Misses Silk Gloves, in modes.
grry, tan and unite, w
"Kayser" patent tlpa, at 89c
Corset Sale
Glove Sale
The "Keyniet." regular $2 Glove,
one of the best gloves made.
on sale at
Ladies' Kid Glovea. all the
latest spring shades, three-
claepe, at
Ladies' Kid Glovea. la all the
latest spring ahadea, twa-claap,
Ladies' Silk Gloves, In black. White,
modes, grey, with "Kayeet"
patent tip, at
60c, 75c and
Ladies' Lisle Thread Glovea,
modes, grey, black and white
at 25c and
C. C. and
lien's and Boys' 50c Keck
wear at 15c
One lot of Ladies' Corsets. In
standard makes, $1 and $1.50
quality, at
Ladles' and Misses Summer
Corsets, in batiste and venti
lated, at
One lot of batiste
Vt. Warner's
Rust Proof Corsets,
at, up from
A full line of W. B. Erect Form
Corsets, in all tbe new spring
atylea, at, up from
Also a full line of Kabo. W. C. C. and
Thompson's Glove Fitting
Corsets, in straight fronts.
The Nemo Self Reducing and
Delta Pip Corsets for atout.
figures, at
The La Grecque Lanier Corset
for amall and medium figures,
The La Grecque Belt Corset i
for at out figures,
S00 doxen Men'a and Boys' Silk Neckties,
In all the new styles for spring,
regular 60c values,
200 dor en Men'a Lisle Thread
Cotton Sotka, in plain and fancy
colora, worth up to 35c, on aale
Men'a and Boys' Sucpendcra,
regular 26e auspenders,
Men'a and Boya' One Dollar
Colored Laundered Shirts, in all
the new colors, at
Men'a Plain and Fancy Colored
Balbrlggan Sblrta and Drawera,
regular $1 values, at
Men'a $1.50 and $2 Madras Suits,
in all tbe best makes,
and Fine
Tatei Eoomi "Without "A View" ud Turns
Down All Otrdi.
Lral ate sorters Prwwr taeejMl
Teak mt Prerarlra tlas Tkreaselvea
late tbe Frnearf mt tbe
Wlaawaae Artrraa.
Maude Adama of "Quality Street" arrived
yesterday morning with Mr. Sam Myers, her
manager, and a petite, black-eyed gtrl, who
ia her maid, but with ne dog. Mlaa Adams
la one of the few actresses visiting Omaha
thia aeaaon who have not found It desirable
to freight themselves with either a fussy
little lap pet that la always ill or a mon
ater mastiff that acaree everybody else out
of appetite every time be otarta down the
The trio arrived with the rest of tbe
company shortly after 11 o'clock, drove di
rectly to tbe Her Grand and were abowa
to autte 821-22-28. which had been anetlally
prepared for tbe actress and her attendant.
It la oa the aecond floor and at the east
aide of tbe house. Some people might com
plain of it because there is no "view," but
that's Just wbat Miaa Adama likes. It la
a) were ordered In advance that abe be pro-
Tided with apartments which are cory. quiet
and dark. One room Is for the maid, an
other la furnished as a dining room and
tbe third Is Mies Adams' own.
Except ouch aa tbey obtain at Port s
u ii
Of bealth has ao atfornied g-nardiaoa
of ha peace. If h had there would be
arrears innumerable in evarv rewtaurartt
every day of the year. Both in the
quantity and quality of trie food they
aa aaj ia tbe manner of its conaump-
, uoa men ana
theater, her Omaha long distance friends are
destined to secure few glimpses of tbe win
aome young actress. Aa ahe atepped from the
carriage at the hotel ahe amlled graciously
oa the porter and the bellboy, but she
didn't tarry for the public longer than
the twinkling of an eye. Those whom abe
passed oa the way to tbe elevator had a
transitory vision of a lithe figure in black
and a face not beau.lful, but kindly and
taarlnatlng. Then the gentle luminary was
obscursd la her flight by tbe Blower mov
ing figures of a maid wbo doesn't appear
to be French, and a manager who isn't. Its
a cinch. Irish.
Taraa Ikevra All Kessrirrt.
Nor have reporters made any progress
with Miss Adams since ber arrival. Four
aaw ber enter the hotel and lour had been
la her raoma before she took possession,
yet four cards came back at various times
with the Information that abe waa "not
in. Her absence waa not to be doubted,
because abe herself bad assured the bell
boy that ahe waa elsewhere. This, however,
aurprises no one who knowa anything
about newspapers and the people wbo get
into tbem or stay out of tbem, for Maude
Adama has the reputation of being
harder tAV reach than any other
American actreaa wbo tours. Re
porters have tipped porters. bribed
maids, cajoled managers and corrupted bell
boys and waiters all the way from Gotham
ta tha Golden Gate with unvarying failure
except la a single instance. Thla a ingle
lnatanos waa ta Wichita. Kan., where single
lnstanoea are a a per laity. A reporter there
wrote oa bis card that his father had
kneara her folks ta Scotland, that he hhn
eelf waa a cripple and In deatltute ctrctm
etaaeea and that his paper calculated to
amputate his name from tha pay roll If he
didn't get aome kind of a story from her.
Misa Adama. who la American aa many
fenerations beck as abe ean trace, con
cluded that euch a liar as that waa worth
loekit-g at. even In Kanaaa. and abe ordered
him shewn up.
Brick Hitler Kike Demand for Increase
in Vagea,
J 4
en atn
each day
afrainet the
laws of health.
Those who
will not heed
warnings can-
wot escape ber pun-
iihmcn ta, and dye
I prpaia or atomacb
trouble " ia the inva
riable penalty of eara
leas eatinc.
There is ao other
medicine for disease
of tbe atomafh and
allied organ of di
featioa and autrrboa
which caa fottrpare
with Dr. Fierce a
Coldea Medical Dia
covery. It cures
theae disease perfed
lv and TwnnawirOv,
and enables tba b-mld-iuc
as at tbe vboia
body iota rincona UraUh.
1 taot twe hattl
Mrdioal Iiniei a
to n Att bm A fin tHI 1
I ac veii mwi mt a I kart' s.m hew
So iiiawa via tur Mur a.ta hm i..'mm $
rW a wutMT hoc arf catnfw ksluc 1 mtmt
fi Tht waa a aMr
J nraioM B b4 o.rr Mi mitt. I
t i I wuuid t a ttlr td B. I g I
c 4 I I aw vw I wmki4 h
it it I ! nt Bar te. rmw. mnrm Basis
Si l'iMncrry
I t ) .ius' riramawt TtXx'Ji cire oua-
is-e tke CatU-HsvUf
Health featalnlsser i
area Pavarlie la
Bla Haw.
All Queatloa aa ta whether measles ia
singular or plural has been sectlea. locally
at least, ainr la Omaha It la distinctively
Mural. Bealth Comaiiaaiooer Kalph aaya
there are between 2U and lu casae in the
city and that new cases are coming la oa
an average rate of ati a day. He estimates
that there are a large number of caaea
which are sot reported.
"at aulas la a ceatagloua disease. aaid
ha, "and aa we reeuire physicians to report
it, but the city p revises a quarantine tor
meaalra, aa It doe for acarlet fever, diph
theria and aauUlpoa. A patient rarely dies
of measles and he rarely has It twice. Tbe
reason adults have It ao rarely ia that moat
people have It tn their Infancy.
"Thar ia a popular belief that a person
caa't have the smallpox but once, but thla
sr. aet true. Withia the last year I have
kaowa twa patient la Oavaaa wha had the
amallpax twioa. the aisesas recurring after
virtually all cracea at the Brat attack had
fiaBappearoA. Pwraese have been knawa ta
have k the aecoad time after aa elapse of
aeveral pears. The aaaie la true of auaalea,
hat aaca scataaoaa are rare."
I aires Traale la Settle at Osre Us.
Btrwetlew Work oa Firw Balld
laaa TTaroaghoat the City
Mast Be fraseaded.
layers can work. Carpenters will be able
to work tn aome cases after tbe bricklayers
have quit, but this can last only a short
time, and by tbe end of the week every
mechanic employed on new construction
in the city will be practically out of work.
"We hope, of course, thst tbe trouble
will be ended before that time and that no
inconvenience will be put upon contractor
and owners of buildings, but we cannot pay
the high wages demanded certainly
cannot pay for longer distances than thoaa
tbe brick are actually hauled."
Wettkr CWaasarrsitawa,
Aa editor s eptaloa la always worthy of
reualderaUoa, tor he Is secuataased ta giv
ing a Blatter due ooaaideratloa before ex
arsesiag bla ideas at tt. I via &. Forbes,
editor at the Sua. QaarrTvilla. Pa, aaya:
The aae CkajcWUta la syaucymoua
with everythiiig that as geoA. Cnuu aer
ials a Camgh aasfty I caa partictiaxly
eBdora. hsvteg wasg it anyaelf uita tre-ajufw'-'y
with tha ae raUus whenavar
twaXaraS a-ih a ttuald. "
Every brick yard in Omaha waa abut
down laat nigbt and unless matters change
within the week all building operations In
the city will be suspended. Trouble in tbe
labor world, which was thought to have
been avoided thla aeaaon, was precipitated
Thursday by a demand on the part of
driven of wagona delivering brick from
tbe yarda to the buildings, the men de
manding an increaee in wages. Just what
the exact demand is cannot m learned, aa
heretofore different rates have been paid,
aa tbe occaalon warranted. A year ago th
drivers formed a union, but no action waa
takes oa tbe wage acale. This aeaaon,
however, the union waa perfected and the
demand made. Owners of brick yarda In
many caaea offered t concede aome ad
vance; others refused and the men con
cluded to atand tor tbe full demand.
Speaking of tbe demand one of tbe
drivers aald: "We derided to make the
price for hauling brick uniform, baaed upon
the length of the haul. The acale contem
plated aa advance In moat caaea, but prob
ably not In all, especially where the dis
tance Is short. The prloes of all thing
used by tbe owners of teama have advanced
and there la no reason why we should
be required to pay two price for com and
other feed, high price for hay and higher
prices for all that we consume and work
for the same wagea."
Carateer ftak. far Eaaatlayera.
S. A. Comeer, one of the owners of yards
te be affected, aaid: "Tbe demand of the
men Is virtually asking for 16 a dsy wages
for themselves and teama. We offered to
compromise on a basis which would pay
tbem I L day, but tbey will not listen te It;
therefore every yard in the city will abut
dowa today ae tar aa I have been able te
learn. Thia course haa been made Impera
tive by tbe position taken by tbe men who
work In the yarda. Tbey have refused to
load brick tor drivers of wagons who take
the place of tbe men on the atrlke.
"la tbe case of our yard, we are faced
with a proposition different from tbe gen
eral one. Our yarda are aouth of the
Twenty-fourth atreet viaduct and all of tbe
brick delivered in tbe central and northern
part of tbe city paaa over that viaduct.
According t tbe acale aubmltted to us we
are to pay 7i rents tor hauling brick arven
teea blocks, with cents additional for
each block over that distance. Thia would
not be bo bad, but ta figuring the dletaace
from our yard to tbe renter of town tba
men figure the blocks up bill and dowa
between the points touched by the ends of
tbe viaduct.
Clert Will B Wlaeeitrrasl.
The shutting 4own af the yards will
throw about 1M aaea directly eut of work,
hut that la nothing rem pared srtth the auav
her waa will a eut of work withia a tew
aaya unleaa the strike Is settled by the
tret of the coming week. There as not
eaough brick at mast of the hulldiaga aew
ia lenree of eoastructtoa ta rua the
artiaaiis tor aere thaa forty-eight hours.
I'aleas aadiuoaaj snateruU at delivered the
bf-irk layers will tee Tores ta utt try Maa
oay aserauig aa auaay uba. aaany snare wta
follow try Twasoay a&araisia; aad r Thura-
WiJ tso tea j terse waare artua-
Jadge Deeiaea that Jsrr ta Taylor
Case Was Kot Improperly
Judge Fawcett has invest iga'.ed tbe al
leged mlaconduct of Bailiff Morgan of bis
court and sutes that he Una him v holly
guiltless of tbe charge of talking to tbe
Jury in tbe Taylor-South Omaha case la
such a way as to Influence ita verdict. He
haa also informed the plaintiff that If be
will agree to remit fl.bOO of the (2.000
verdict given by the Jury tbe :nurt will
overrule the motion of tbe defendant for a
new trial, and baa given' him twa Cays ia
which ta think it over.
J. W. Taylor sued tbe city nf South
Omaha for 110.000, alleging that be had ius
talned personal Injuries in that anount
wben ha fell through a hole in a sidewalk.
After tbe Jury gave a verdict tor S2.000 the
defendant moved tor a new trial, filing the
affidavit of Juror Bates, who alleged that
Bailiff Morgan had told Foreman Peck
during tbe deliberations of tbe Jury that be
had heard that tbe city had offered to pay
ll.6r)0 to have tbe case dismissed. Tbe af
fidavit further alleged that when Peck re
ported thia te tbe other Jurors Morgan waa
called ia and repeated it, and that the
Jury's verdict waa much influenced by thia.
Morgan filed affidavit denying thla. and
Foreman Peck and five other Jurors filed
other affidavits exonerating him.
Elevaty-Talr Aaalveraary of ae
Orer to Be OberrveA la
The eigbty-tblrd anniversary of the
founding of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows ia the Vnlted States will be cele
brated by the members of the subordinate
lodges and Rebekah degree lodges of Omaha
and virlnlty at Senilis roof garden Saturday
rventng. Tbe principal speaker will be
Paat Grand Maaler Louie is of Fremont and
addresses will be delivered by (.iLer officers
of the state grand lodge and meftbers of
the order. All OCd Fellows In the vlcnUty
are invited ta be present and tbe privilege
of Inviting a friend has been extended to
each. No admiaaion fee will be charged.
There will be ao parade nor other demon -stratien
during the day. One reason tor
abandoning the idea of a parade la that tbe
sovereign grand lodge will meet in Ilea
Molnea thla tail and every canton ia the
state will probably he preaent at that, ao
it waa deemed best not ta ask the membera
of thee cantons to go en dress paraA
twioa during the year.
A tea-tisksal Baat.
Experiments arc being made oa a device
ta prevent boats from sinking. By tura-
iag a waetu several wauir-iigai floors are
Instantly closed. If tt Is a success tt will
make ansae travel as free from danger aa
Hoartetter's Stomach Bitters does the road
through lila. !t is a specific remedy tor
etameca tils, oarh aa belching, flatulency,
heartburn. Indigestion, dyspepsia aad con
stipation It is alas a anleadut hUto4 tauri
ne aad arevvBClve of la grippe, auuarla.
tear aad ague, be aura a try a.
Women from Eastern Btttet Enroute to Lot
Angela,! Convention.
Means-era of Omaha M oaaaa'a Clab El.
trrtaia the Toarlats aad area
Thesa oa Their Way
For a little more than two hours yester
day afternoon the union station literally
swarmed with membera of a party from
New England who are croaslng tbe conti
nent to los Angeles to attend the alxth
biennial of tbe General Federation of
Woman's Clubs. There were 211 vivacious,
happy women and eight men, wbo appar
ently realised the hopelessness of their
minority and remained complacently in
tbe background.
Tbe party travels in two special trains,
one of nine sleepers and two dinera and
tbe other of eight sleepers and two diners.
Tbe first section arrived at 2:10, the second
at 8:10. Twenty-five local club women did
tbe honors tor Omaha, aome arriving at
the station a little tardily because of hav
ing been misinformed aa to tbe hour ot
the trains' arrival. They gave their vis
itors each a rose and entertained them ta
such manner aa the circumstances would
pormlt, escorting many of tbem . over the
city in open trolley cars and abowing them
tbe varloua points of interest.
Fall Week's Travel.
The New Englandera left Boaton laat
Wednesday and expect ta reach Los An
geles next Wednesday noon. They have
made no stops enroute and will make none
except such aa tbey make Sunday while
passing over and through the Sierra Ne
vada. The trip haa been, they nay, most
enjoyable since tbe moment of tbe start
and they have made excellent Bpeed. From
Detroit to Jarkaon. over the Michigan Cen
tral, they rode 111 miles In 100 minutes
and reached Chicago one hour and twenty
minutes ahead of schedule time. From
Chicago to Omaha, too. the aervice had
been most aatlsfactory, tbey aald, and they
expected to be prompt la their arrival at
Los Angeles. The first sectloa left the
union elation at 4 26 and the aecond sec
tion ten minutes lster, with the local club
women waiving adieu. Many of them had
te aacrlflce their goldenrod club buttons,
to which the visitors bad taken a great
Mwt of Tbeas fraaa aew Ea(lsa4.
The neat little aouventr roster Issued for
tbe trip reveals that on the first section
tber were 1L2 passenger, in charge of
Mr. Gosa of tbe Chicago A Northwestern,
who will go as far aa Denver, and 167 on
the second section, which was under the
personal supervision of Charles Aides
Cooke, representing tbe Kaymond A Whit
comb company. Moat of the passengers
were from Maaaacbueett and Connecticut,
but there were eight a la from Dela
ware, two from Virginia, eighteen from
Pennsylvania, an from New Jersey, twa
from Maryland, tblrty-aix from New Tork
City, slxteea from Kkode Island, five from
Vermont and others from Maine and New
Among the asost prominent of the e-xrur-siocists
were: Mrs. May Aldea Ware,
president of the Massachusetts FeCeratioa
of Woman'a Clubs, under who a u
tbe party makes thia tour; aire. E. L
John soa of CeatraJ Fall, pre i dent of the
Ehode Island taderatloa: Mrs. Aaae IX
W ast of SummervUia. Msas . aaa of tha
directors of the sjeaaraj saooraOoa, Mlaa
Mary Merruaaa Abuott of Watartowa, area
ident tn the Connecticut federation: Miss
Dotha Ston? Pinneo of Norwalk, Conn.;
Misa Helen Wlnslow. editor of Club
Woman; Mrs. Sally Joy White, a newspa
per wotnsn and lecturer of Boston; Miss
Helen Wllliston Smith, president of the
Vermont federation; Mrs. D. B. Hamilton
ot Waterbury, Conn.; Mra. I. B. Mason of
Providence, R. I.; Mra. A. Hunt, president
of the Maine delegation; Mr. and Mra. L
W. Sweet cf Waterbury, Conn.; Mr. and
Mra. Taylor of Waterbury, onn.. and Rev.
W. H. Cunningham of Water-town, Conn.
Three Officials af Oaaaha Water Cosa
aaa y tkakrs la aa4
Tbe breaking of tbe king bolt of a buggy
belonging to tbe Omaha Water company
threw three of its representatives out on
the pavement in the alley In the rear of
The Bee building at 2:20 yesterday afternoon
Tbey were E. M. Fairfield, A. B. Hunt and
Captain Frank Reynolda. ATI were badly
shaken and aomewhat bruised, but no bones
were broken. Tbe trio was Just starting to
drive away from tbe bam and Mr. Hunt
held the reins." When tbe bolt broke the
horses went on ahead with tbe pole and tbe
front wbeela, dragging Mr. Hunt after them
by the lines. The front of tbe buggy
dropped to the ground and the occupant
pitched forward over the dashboard.
Blg-a far Fsarral. aa tbe Sehaetb
Day Will Teat More
Aa increase of 20 per cent in tbe cost of
carriages at funerala held on Sunday will
be Inaugurated la Omaha oa April 27, at
the result of s conference held by tbe man
agers ot livery stables this week. Hereto
fore tbe cost of a carriage at a funeral oa
Sunday haa been It, next Sunday and there
after the cost will be fS.
It Is said that thla action la taken for
two reasons, the most Important of which
ia to discontinue tbe Sunday funeral, as It
requires the undertakers and liverymen t
work on that day. An additional reason
given ia that the men employed aa drivers
ask more money for driving oa Sunday than
they do on week days.
Indigestion la ths direct cause ot disease
that killa thouaands of persona annually.
Stop the trouble at tha start with a little
the stomach aad aida digestion.
riarkaaa Takee the Oath.
KEW TORK. April B General J. S
CiatkKun of Iowa lias taken the oath of
office aa surveyor of rustoma of the port
of New Tork. Colonel Bwerda. deputv col
lector, la charge of the public a lures. -s-corted
him to the custom house, and a aon
of the general and two or three rrtends
were aleo in tbe party. Has bond will tie
sent ta Washington at once, and as aoon
aa It la acepted he will resume office.
WLea lie fuAlt appe
tite of tLa irritalila coi
vsleatormt rrjocta evarr
tLirg tiiee yea caa tiUTik
of in tba food line, try
hi with A cop cl lef
iflrfc Euada from
OT KFTT. Odds aratLatL takes)
it f-raicfuTj and lWa Letter mtux.
5 o
Usting Popularity
only comes throufh intrinsic
merit and the rnr;h standard of
has won the confidence
of the public
It is always
g Pure, Old and Meftow
q and the finest type of tha
V best whiskey made.
SOaat at all tnuaa eafa aa hv nssa
a LaKaBa a JK, auuaaat. at.
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A rharaataa; lave err. lav
traeety latrreatla. Ready aest
at era.
: New a?-.
AsWf CbarilcUrfct
Price &1.60.
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