Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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After Years of Mental
and Physical Sufferings and
Failures with Ordinary
Cures a South Carolina
This Marvelous Medicine is
Heartily Indorsed by the
Ablest and Best Physicians.
What blessing It would be to humanity
In general If all suffering men and women
knew Juat what Palne'a Celery Compound ta
able to do.
The work that cannot be done for the
lick and suffering by months of experi
menting with the common medicines of the
Say Is successfully carried to victory by
Palne's Celery Compound In a few short
The cufe of Mr. Murph proves fully the
Insertion made above. After years of
failures, misery, agony and despondency,
Palne's Celery Compound made a "new
man" of one who had become a mere wreck
one who was fast nearlng the grave.
Have faith, sufferer! You have a strong
iellverer at hand, able to rescue and save
rou. From today let your bopo be cen
tered In Talne's Celery Compound and Ita
mighty power to cure. It has never dls
ippointed any sufferer; It will not fall In
your case.
Mr. R. H. Murph. Rich, S. C, under the
direction of a kind Providence, was led to
use the medicine that "makes sick peoplo
well." His testimony Is strong and con
rinclng. It shows unmlstakeably that
Palne's Celery Compound Is the true health
builder for weak, weary, sleepless and run
down people at this season. Mr. Murph
"I have had nervous prostration for sev
eral years. I was troubled almost contin
ually with nervous headache, could not
Bleep well, had become absent-minded and
was conlsderably run down in flesh and
general health. A friend advised me to
try Palne'a Celery Compound. I used four
bottles and am now In excellent health
nd weigh more than I have for five years,
11 of which I owe to Palne's Celery Compound."
Diamond Dyas
Original and only rellnhle.
Beware of poor Imitations.
"The Foremost Tailoring House of
It's Taken
Many Years
To bring our business to its present
colossal proportions. It would be
suicidal to pull down what It has
taken so long to build A few seasons
of selling unreliable cloths would
bring this disaster. We know it
and only present fabrics for your
Inspection that we are certain are
measure viiur
104 C ICIU CI Near Cor.
Ita. Oi IUIII Oil
of Douglas.
Nationals with the new red finish
are the finest the National Cycle Mfg.
Co. ever put out.
It will pay you to see them before
you buy a bicycle. When you ride a
National you have the finest bicycle
Roadsters, MO; light Roadsters, $40.
Racers. 150; cushion frame Na
tionals, 150: coaster brakes, $5 extra.
$36 Imperials fur 125; Monarcha for
50 Regals for .). These are 191
models; that la why you can buy
them so much less.
A good new wheel as low as 115.
We can aave you $5 to 11a on a bi
cycle. Cash or easy payments as low aa
16 down, 11.50 a week.
Phonoatrapha and Ulcyrlea.
Ancient Method
of Selling Shoes
In the days of our forefathers shoe
merchants used to carry a dosen lines
of shoes. They had a few pairs of
ladles', boys', misses', men's, Infants'
nd a small line of horse
shoes. They sold them from 60c to
17 60. bimt merchants of today are.
? Tactically carrying out thla same an
iquaud method.
The Regent Shoe Co's
modern method of manufacturing
men's "Onlmod" shoes exclusively and
selling them direct to the weurer at
11 Uj and fci.50 has been a great auc
ces.u The hundreds of Omuha men
who wear ' ON 1 MOD" shoes render
the verdict as to the aucess of our
modern method.
More Capital is Bequired to Paj for Plants
Being Constructed.
Plan Is to Retire Seven l'er t ent Pre.
ferred Stork for Honda aad
Ssre Difference la
the Interest.
NEW YORK, April 25. Stockholders of
the Cnlted States Steel corporation received
today the circular letter of the corporation,
setting forth the exact terms under which
It is proposed to retire $200,000,000 of 7
per cent preferred stock and issue $250,000,
000 of 6 per cent bonds, thereby Increasing
the bonded debt from $300,000,000 to $550,
000,000. Accompanying thla' circular was a
report of the finance committee which set
forth in detail varioua reasons why the re
funding plan should be approved, together
with a series of resolutions reciting bow
the plan is to b6 carried out. The stock
holders' report, signed by President Schwab
and Chairman Gary, say In part:
In February, lixil, various subsidiary com
panies had under contemplation, and In
many cases actually had begun, the con
struction of additions to their plants, which
in some instances would have duplicated
the facilities of the subsidiary companies.
The Hpgregate of thes contemplated ex
pemliuiifs was something like !50,(),0W.
As stHted In the preliminary report at the
time of organization It was hoped much
might be accomplished In the way of avoid
ing wasteful expenditures for urncessary
enlargement of plants and mucn has been
accomplished by co-operation among the
several companies, enabling one to utilise
the facilities of the other. However, owing
largely to advance commitments, It was
Impossible to stop all construction at the
time your corporation was organized, and,
In order to finish work then already under
way, cash payments have beei. made dur
ing the year to the amount of llo.OUU.OUO.
it was not possible to determine how
much of this contemplated exendlture of
about $5n,WH,Ufio would have to be made,
nor In advance of sutllclent experience
would It have been wise to capitalize any
part of the S15.U0,00U that huve been ac
tually expended.
Panienta Palling Hue.
Within the next few months will fall due
payments aBRreRatlng about $10.iXi,0h0 for
properties purchased almost Immediately
after corporation was organized. In
the preliminary report to stockholders
these payments were described as "purchase-money
obligations. " The finance
committee is unanimous In its support of
the executive committee's recommenda
tions and believes that, as desired by the'
executive committee, I26,WO,IUO should be
made available for Improvements.
Thu lliiunra rnmmlltn olnn rnni m m onill
capitalizing both the J15.txio.000 expended
uuimgT me jrni ioi coiiimiimf iu iiiuub
tel.. in vnnr nnrnnpulliin'i (irirunfaMnii
and the I1o.ikmi.0ijO yet to be paid for prop
erties as above stated. These three pur
poses in tne aggregate can ior sou.wv.imi.
n'ha tirnhlm cnnfrnntlnr lha Annnna
committee has been to make provision for
this 150.iKin.ouo without Issuing preferred
stock, which stock cannot be sold at less
than par ana wnicn, ir sum hi par, won in
be entitled to dividends at the rate of 7
per cent, and would Increase by 3,(0,(K
the present annual dividend requirements
of the corporation.
To Rearrange Capitalisation.
After discussion with some of the prin
cipal stockholders It appeared practically
to rearrange your corporation's capitaliza
tion (which. In round numbers, now con
sists of $3K),Oun,Oi4 oJ bonds, 5"0,oiio,ooo of
preferred stock anS $5uo,otM.nnfl common
stock) by substituting for $2W,n0O,flOu of the
preferred stock jLVO.uiiO.lKiO of si. iking fund
sixty-year 5 per cent mortgage gold bonds,
end by selling $50,000.1100 additional bonds
of such issue for cash. As the preferred
stock carries 7 per cent dividends, while
the bonds would bear but 5 per cent In
terest, the 150.000,000 desired could In this
way be added to the corporate resources
and the aggregate of the annual charges
for interest and dividends, instead of being
Increased W,5tHMRK, would be decreased
11.500,0(10, as compared with the present
sum total or meat two requirements.
The unanimous conclusion of the finance !
and executive committees is that, consld- j
erlng the vast aggregate value of the
physical properties, the proposed 1250.000,- '
mi Increase of bonds from $:iu0,fti0.uu0 to i
.50.0ipn.0J Is wise and conservative, tho i
preferred stock Issue being simultaneously ,
decreased u per cent, or jiiu,ihjo,ooo. The
consequent tU.onO.OuO reduction of dividend
payments, as compared with the 12.50O,o00
Increase of Interest would result In an an
nual saving of ll,&on,i.iO, exceeding bv HSO,
utrf) the annual sinking fund contribution
of to be required by the proposed
mortgage, and which, invested at 4 per
cent, would be sufficient In sixty years to
pay on all ot tno ibo.txjo.ouo bonds.
Syndicate la Formed.
To further the success of the plan there
has been formed a syndicate Including
some directors which will receive four
fifths of the 4 per cent compensation to be
paid under the contracts with Messrs. J.
P. Morgan Co., mentioned In the notice
of stockholders' meeting.
The stockholders' meeting to Vote on the
proposed changes in the company'! securi
ties will be held at Hoboken, N. J., on
May 19.
at the tame tirno retaining
the old ii the weekly record
of The Illustrated Bee. Its readers
look forward to lis coming each Sun
day, because It always brings some
thing fresh, something timely, some
thing that Is entertaining and elevut
ing and never anything that is not
worthy of a place In a high-class
publication. Illustrations and text
are always of the best. That Is why
The Illustrated Bee ta making new
friends with each Issue.
' liaro Henry Moody of Massachu
setts, who succeeds John D. Long of the
same state in President Roosevelt's
cabinet, is presented on the first
page of the next number. In con
nection with the picture Is a care
fully written character sketch, telling
of thla man of force and energy, who
greatly resembles the president In his
personal characteristics. This article
will be of uncommon Interest, as It
will give the people of the west the
first detailed Information they have
had of the new head of the Navy de
partment, i
" aa much appreciation of tho
passing of winter as does humanity.
The Bee's staff artist has made some
splendid pictures of the magnificent
specimens in the Riverview park
zoo. Bear, buffalo, mountain Hon.
"bob cat," wolves, elk, deer, all stood
to have their pictures taken and are
shown In characteristic attitudes. A
well written article accompanies the
Widow of President of Guatemala Makes
Charges Agaimt Minister Hunter.
and It Is understood a company wilt be
formed and a well put down at once. People
are coming In every day, some to file on
and and others to make arrangements to do
development work on land already acquired.
Several drilling rigs are now enroute to the
fields and active work will have been com
menced In the search for oil by June 1.
C laims I nlted states Ambassador Il
legally Retains Her Property In
der Plea of Payment for a De
linquent Iloard Illll.
to be accepted as a necessary
part of the complex life of large
cltlee. In New York a few years
since It waa thought the elevated
road had solved the rapid transit
problem. Thirty-five millions of dol
lars are now being expended to con
struct and equip a subway in which
the demands for rapid transit may
probably be met. Illustrations show
ing the progress of the work, accom
pany an article telling about It, giv
ing a very clear and comprehensive
idea of the magnitude of the undertaking.
about by Frank G. Carpenter in
his weekly letter. Mr. Carpenter gives
a gossipy account of the criminals
who Infest the Islands, particularly
the water thieves, who are so numer
ous and daring in their operations.
He also describes the rapidly becom
ing famous Btlibla prison, and a tem
porary Jail constructed by Colonel
Jacob Smith, to take care of a bunch
of derelicts. The article is illus
trated from photographs made In the
Representative of Baltimore Syndi
cate Agrees to Concessions Which
Are Submitted for Approval.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 25. The strike
situation is unchanged here thla morning.
It la expected that the local representatives
of the Baltimore syndicate will be ready
for a final conference with the strikers'
committee this afternoon. 1
The cars of the Geary street road are
running today, the owners having come to
an agreement with thi strikers last even
ing. At a conference ot the local representa
tives of the Baltimore syndicate It waa
agreed that a number of concessions should
be made to the striking car men, and a
telegram embodying these concessions was
varied. Incidents and indi
viduals are made the subject of illus
tration and every department of the
paper will be found complete in all its
details. Nothing has been omitted
that would add to its value or inter
est. If you are not already a sub
scriber you should order the paper
today from your newsdealer.
MOBILE, Ala.. April 25. Mrs. Eglrla Bar
rios, widow of Relna B. Barrios, president
of Guatemala, who was assassinated In
1S'j8. sought safety In the home of the
American minister to Guatemala, W. God
frey Hunter, and moved all her furniture,
brlc-a-brac, draperies, diamonds and Jew
elry, thither for safe keeping.
It appears from an affidavit sworn before
Richard Weskatta, vice consul general at
London, that Mr. Hunter is charged with
illegally retaining her property under the
plea of payment for thirteen weeks' board
and lodging of Mrs. Barrios and her at
tendants and services rendered. Mrs. Bar
rios denies any obligation or contract for
board and lodging or services, saying:
AVhen personally solicited to live at the
legation by the minister I thought that by
reason of the muny courtesies shown the
minister by President Harriot and myself
Minister Hunter In gratitude for the same
had invited me to live at the legation as his
guest, pendltiK the settlement of my affulrs
with the Uuatemalnn government, which
Mr. Hunter whs Instructed to do by the
Department of State. In gratitude for what
I suppose was the disinterested and kindly
disposition for the reason aforesaid of the
said Minister Hunter, 1 did give to Minister
Hunter ami bis family valuable pieces of
diamond Jewelry of a hundred times the
value of the board and lodging at the lega
tion of the I'nlted States, and for the un
official services the said Minister Hunter
pretended to render me and which he was
instructed to render by the Department of
Btate of the I'nlted States.
Mrs. Barrios further charges that a re
ceipt for $1,000 that Mr. Hunter obtained
from Is-dor Schwartz, executor of the Bar
rios estate and which Hunter makes part
of the basis of his claim to furniture and
valuables. Is not bona fide. Mrs. Barrios
declares fbat Hunter never paid a cent to
, the estate and said he wanted the receipt
, to show the Department of States, should
his right to charge for board and lodging
. be disallowed.
The original of this affl''alt was entrusted
to J. S. McNally, I'nlted States consul gen
eral at Guatemala City, and after being
photographed was forwarded In January to
the State department at Washington.
To Be Made Subject of Investigation
by Interstate Commerce
Deo Want Ads
Produco Results
forwarded to the company's agents at New
York for approval. An answer to this tele
gram is expected some time thla afternoon.
It Is understood that most of the demands
ot the car men will be granted.
Sugar Market.
Very strong; open kettle, 2H5i3S-16c; open
kettle centrifugal, 2'3c; centrifugal yel
low, 13-lGc; seconds, 2V8'34c. Molas
ses, dull: centrlfUKal. TftlSe.
LONDON, April 25. Sl'GAR Itaw, Mus-
cavado, 7s; centrifugal, is so; beet sugar,
April 6s lHd.
NEW YORK. April 25 SUGAR Raw,
firm; fair refining. 2'fcc; centrifugal, 96 test,
3'Sc; molasses sugar, 2c.
ST. LOL'IS, April 25. Interstate Com
merce Commissioners Prouty and Flfer and
Special Agent Marchand are In St. Louis
for the purpose of investigating the matter
of rates, facilities and practices applied in
the transportation, handling and storage of
grain and grain products carried from
western points to the Atlantic seaboard and
other destinations. The hearing begins to
Last evening at the Southern hotel re pre
sentatlvcs of the Wichita Chamber, of Com
merce and others concerned In Wichita
business Interests on interstate shipments
had a conference with the commissioners
furnishing material which may later on
form the subject ot an Investigation. A
committee Of the Southern Millers' asso
elation Ukewls had an informal talk with
the commissioners.
The executive and the chief traffic officers
ot the 'Frisco and the Mobile & Ohio were
requested by Secretary MoBely of the Inter
state Commerce commission to attend the
bearing today, when complaints of dlscrlm
Inatlon will be taken up. A Vlcksburg firm
figures as one of the complainants.
The executive officers of the 'Frisco and
the freight traffic managers are out of the
city. The president is In Europe and the
general manager in the southwest, while
the freight traffic munager is on the Pacific
coast General Counsel E. L. Russell of
the Mobile ft Ohio and Traffic Manager Poe
arrived here last evening from Mobile to
attend the hearing.
At Prevailing; Prlcea It Will Bring
Three and a Half Million
CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 25. (Special.)
Reports from all sections of the state lndl
cate that Wyoming's production of wool
this year will approximate 31,000,000 pounds,
the estimate by counties being as follows:
Albany, 897,854; Big Horn. 3.180,179; Car
boo, 4,971.432; Converse, 2,643,385; Crook,
633,150; Fremont, 2,994,053; Johnson, 1,658,-
715; Laramie, 569,256; Natrona, 3,727,943;
Sheridan, 245,735; Sweetwater, 4,626.427;
L'lnta. 4,080,607; Weston, 870,413. Total
30,901,258 pounds.
Figuring on a basis of 11 cents per pound.
the' prevailing average price, Wyoming's
wool crop will this year bring to the atate
the euin of $3,555,000.
Developing Xew oil Field.
BASIN CITY. Wyo., April 25. (Special.)
A party ot North Dakota capitalist has In
vestlgated the possibilities of the Bonanza
oil fields southeast of here and many secured
locations. Samples ot the oil were secured
"Let tho COLD DUST
twins do your work"
wv spy
Tha orarworkad housewifa should call
totha raacua. It will ahorten her work and langthen har leisuxa. Claani everrthing- claanabla from eallar to
attic dishes and dothea, pota and pant, floors and door.
Houaawork ia hard work without OOLD DUST tha modarn elaanaer : bettar and mora aconomical than aoap.
Chfcaf, Hw York, Boston, St. Louis Maker of OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
Partington Surveyors Aflelil.
CODY. Wyo., April 25. (Special.) M. W.
Ensign, one of the Burlington's chief engi
neers, has been here looking over surveyed
lines and routes for new surveys. It is
learned that surveyors will soon be put In
the field to find a feasible route between
Billings and some convenient point on the
Tolura-Cody road. Engineer Ensign came
over from Billings by team and It is under
stood was not pleased with the country
through which the proposed cut-oft will
pass. It will be a difficult matter to And a
route where the grades will not be too
heavy and curvet too sharp.
War Survivors Remembered by the
General Government.
WASHINGTON. April 25. (Special.) The
following western pensions have been
Issue of April 4:
Nebraska: Oiiatnal Charles J. Lewis.
Mullen. IS: John H. Mockett (sDcclal Aoril
9), IJncoln, $10; Alois Petracek (war with
Spain), Mllllgan, $8. Increase, Restoration,
Reissue, Etc. Henry Woods, Aurora.
Sylvanus B. Rowe. Hartley, 30; Christian
Artlmnd, Ashton, IK.
Iowa: Orlsrlnal Joaenh Schwartt. Hunker.
ton. t; Joseph M. Ieonard, I"Wls, $s; Silas
Stephenson. Montour, JH. Increase, Kesior
atlon, Reissue, K'c. Amns Julian. Kamrnr,
f 17; William Pelany, Norway, $24; Andrew
Martin, uunneiis, n; Isaac l. uardner
(deceased!, Ellis. $12; Peter H. Albert (war
with Spain). Kast Cedar Rapid. SH. Orig
inal Widows, Etc Agnes 1. Uardner, Kill".
$S; Nancy J. Sham'blln (special accrued
April 7), lowell, $H.
South Dakota: Increase. Reatoratlon. Re.
Isiue, Etc. William 1-ehnn. Castalla, $10;
Oerhardus T. Oantvoort, Clear lke. $H.
Colorado: Original George W. Wilson,
Cripple Creek. $. Incresse. Restoration,
Reissue, Henry Orterlow, victor, s.
issue or April 6:
Nebraska. Original John Singleton. North
Platte. $t: Francis Kordney. liattsmouth.
$10. Increase, Restoration, Reissue, Ktc
Charles I Smith, Lincoln, $17; Martin
Brott, Auburn, $17; Andrew D. Murphv (de
ceased). West Point, $12; Frederick Ooble,
Red tioua, $14; John J. Ilunii, Soldiers and
Pallors' Home: Grand Island. $8: Dmtel
Collins. Arcadia. $12; Jacob C. Cumins,
Lincoln, $1": WIIIIhiii Bell. Beatrice. Is;
Jason W. Dorwart (special April 10), Friend,
$S. Original Idows Marin v. Smock
(special accrued April R), IJncoln, ; Aner
Podson, Brownsville. $s; Elizabeth Rodden
(mother, war with Snain. soeclal April 1).
North Platte. $12.
Iowa: Original Herbert W. Allen. Sioux
City, $12. Increase, Restoration, Relseue,
Etc. Charles A. Weed, Hawkeye. $12;
James M. Lewis, Arch' r, $12; William
Brown, Clinton, $s; George W. Phillips,
Summltvllle, $S; James Pickett. Tbanon,
$17; Frank Capsen. Cain. $12: Cyrus R.
Babbitt, Soldiers Home, Marslv llty-vn, W,
Peter Ruble, Medlapolls, $1!; ohn Mc
loughlln, Cherokee, $12; Iaac Eastlack,
New Sharon, $17; Harris Howry (special
April 10), Wapello, $.S0. Original Widows,
Etc. Nancy Gabriel (rpeclitl accrued April
&, Keokuk, $8; Amy Tnylor, Mt. Pleuaant,
$: Annie j. jameRon, unsworn,
South Dakota: increase. Restoration. Re
issue, Etc. Nels Severson, Hot Springs. $12.
Original Widows. Ktc came Williams,
Dell Rapids, $8; Elisabeth Connell, Yank
ton, $12; Prlcllln J. Green, Beln, $S.
Colorado: Original F.lljah V. Iovejoy,
Berthoud, $6; Lyman W. Austin, Rifle, $8.
Original Widows, Etc. Hancy J. Sellnrs
(special accrued April si, casiie hock, i.
issue or April i:
Vl. . InAAa.n TAtnalnM DalD.lln
Etc. William Wheeler. Central City, $8;
Daniel Ralchart, Stratton. $10; Joslnh A.
Mathews. M nden. $12: Nell Cartwrlght.
Genoa, $12. Original Widows, Etc. Harriet
Keoch (speclai accrued April V), Hayes
Center, $8.
Iowa: Original Nelson H. Carney (de
ceased), Belle Plains. $12: Henry 8. Rice,
Renwick. $6: James W. Guy. Mt. Vernon.
$; Phillip Lentr, King, $6; Henry H. Kellar,
Ottumwa, $8. Increase. Restoration. Re
Issue, Etc James E. Wllklns. Fairfield, $12;
Reuben K. Andreas, wooosiock, w; jonn
Hnoddy, Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown, $10;
Henry Pearsall, La Porte City, $8; Hugo
Holdoegel, Dunlap, $12; Mathew D. Hutson,
Manrhoster. $8. Original Widows. Etc
Christian Kock, Council Bluffs. $8; Frlede
rika L. Helnkel. Fort Madison, $8; Elisa
beth Carr (special accrued April 9). Musca
tine, $8; Susan w. Jacoo, lowa citv, re:
Angellne Schartz, Lamotte, $3; Mary Reeve,
Brownville, $8.
L3 U na1,Ata. Hrfnlnal WMnwl V In
Gertrude H. IJon Smother, special April 12),
Sioux Falls, $17.
Colorado: Original Estellus Aaron Gove,
Denver, $8. Increase, Restoration, Reissue,
Etc. James vv. Hamilton. Liongmoni, w;
Reuben C. Gose. Denver, $12.
Cotton Market.
krvw VORK. Anrll 25. COTTON Snot
closed steady, 3-lrtc higher; middling up
lands, 9 11-lc; middling gulf. 915-16c; sales,
12") bales. Futures closed firm: April, 9.58c;
May, 9.52c: June, 9.52c; Jjly, 9.46c; August,
921c; September, 8.54c; October, 8.29c; No
vember, .lc; uecemoer, o.ic; jauuttiy,
The market opened firm, with prices un
changed to 10 points higher, and after a
slight reaction under realizing by the more
timid holders, turnea strong on duiiikii
nws from all Quarters and good support
ing orders from substantial Interests. There
was little coiion ior saie una me iirnr i-uu-tlngent
were compelled to compete vigor
ously with the enthusiastic frlenda of the
market for the present crop positions,
which led the rise. Whereas Liverpool
waa due to come H4tff2 points higher that
market worked up Sg-t'i points on fu
tures, while spots were firm at an advance
of 1-lBd, these prices being new high record
figures for the season thus far. Export re
ceipts were large, the export clearances
were large, the weak-end statistics were
exceptionally bullish and southern spot
tuaikela were strong at further general
firm. 9Sc
fair demand; prices l-16d higher: American
middling fair, 613-32d; good middling, 5d;
middling, 6'41: low middling, 6 5-32(1; good
ordinary, 5 1-32d; ordinary. 4 2o-32d. The
sales of the day were 10.00 bales, of which
1,000 were for speculation and export and
included 7,700 American. Receipts, none.
Futures opened firm and, closed steady;
American middling g. o. c, April. 6 7-ld,
sellers; April and Iay. 5 8-64d, buyersrMay
and June. 5 6-64 d, sellers; June and .July,
5 5-64i(c5 8-64d, buyers; July and August,
a fi-647'5 66td. sellers; August and Septem
ber. 5s, sellers; September and October,
4 46-64.1. sellers; October and November,
4 36-Wd, buyers; November and December,
4 S3-64d, buyers; December and January,
4 32-6ld, buyers; January and February,
0 Xl-64d. btivers.
Strong; sales, &. .i) Dales; ordinary, vc;
good ordinary, s'.c; low miuoung, s-i.c;
middling. SVjc; good middling, D3-16i:; mid
dling fair. 10 7-16c; receipts, 2. Mil biles;
stock, 2i4,378 bales. Futuren, steady; April,
9 6iV. bid; Mav. 961c; June. 9 66'(i9.6-c; July,
9.720i9.73c; September. 8 52f.i8.64e; October,
H.VZfaKVic; November, 80l4jS.O5c; December,
ST. LOI'IS. April 28 COTTON Firm, Kb
higher: middling. 9c; receipts 2.3S2 hales;
shipments, 1.342 bales; stock, 3a,923 baled.
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
71V?72c; July, 72Mn7;1jc; cash. No. 2 hard,
73'c; No. 3, 72V4&73c; No. 2 red. 7S&7t4c;
No.3, 77M.C.
CORN May. 63'4&63Hc: September, 4?
6oSc; cash. No. 1 mixed. tiaVybtic; No. 2
white. 6Vic; No. 3. 67i68c.
OATS No. 3 white, 46c.
RYE No. 2. c.
HAY Choice timothy, $13.50fj 14.00; choice
prairie. $13.(vni3.5i).
BUTTER Creamery, 23c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Firm, unchanged; new No. t
whltewood cases included, 14c; cases re
turned, 13Hc
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu. 1-'"" "0
Corn, bu BO.fiO !ft 3
Oats, bu 16,uc0 15,'JOO
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Lower; extra western creamery, 24c;
extra nearby prints, 26c.
EGGS Iower; fresh nearby, Iftc; fresh
western, lbr; fresh southwestern, 16c;
fresh southern, 154c.
CHEESE Steady : New York full rreams.
fancy small, 12,fcl3c; New York full
creams, fair to choice. llfcl2Hc.
Minneapolis Wheat, Flour aad Bran.
May. 73Va"31-4c; July, .4VS74Sc; on traek.
No. 1 hard. 77c; No. 1 northern, 74Vj75c;
tin t northern. Tiv,r..
FIOl"R Lower: first patents, H Outfit 10;
second patents. $' 853.95; first clears, $2.9";
second clears. $2 M.
BRAN In bulk. $14.bo6l40. .
Waal Market.
ST. LOI'IS. April 25 WOOL Nominal ;
medium grades. 14'i'frl7c; light fine. liHc;
heavy flue, fruUc; lub-wa&hed, lt'tfUu.
Grand-Nieco of Ex-President Jamos
K. Polk, Writes to Mrs. Pinkham.
Thankful for Health Eestored by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
T)id you ever atop to reallr.e what keen satisfaction one experience when
we find that some kind and helpful thlnjr we have done for some one else haa
leen aincerelr appreciated ! At such times, how truly we understand the ea
preasion " it ia more blessed to give than to receive."
Think, therefore, of the pleasure and genuine satisfaction Mra. Pinkham
experiencea when auch letters come to her aa the one from Mrs. Roser which
we are herewith permitted to publish.
Think what it means to her ; it meana first, that one more lovely woman
haa been relieved from sickness and distress through her assistance ; it meant
aecond, that thia woman who ia cured ia so grateful that the wanta other
women in the land to know of it; and it meana lastly that Mra. Pinkham'a
claims for Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound are fully sub
atantlated by testimony of auch high character that every woman who reada
thia must believe and hope.
To be appreciate! is a great pleasure, but to bring peace and happiness to
the suffering is heavenly. Such is the mission of Mra. Pinkham, and auch A
letter aa the following provea her aucceaa I .
-I'siV-'L lil
MRS. IDA L. ROSER, 32rt E. 18th Ave Denver, CoL
Grand-niece of ez-Pre6ldent James K. Polk, and Assistant Grand Secretary of
Colorado, 'Wyoming, and New Mexico Independent Order
of Good Templars.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have been married for nearly two years,
end bo far have not been blessed with a child. I have, however, suf
fered with a complication cf female troubles and painful menstruation,
until very recently.
"The value of Lydiu E. Pinkham's Vcpetable Compound vaa
called to my attention by an intimate friend, whose life had simply been
a torture with inflammation and ulceration, and a few bottles of your
Compound cured her: she can hardly believe it herself todty, she en
joys such blessed health. I took four bottles of your Compound and
consider myself cured. I am once more in fine hei.lth and spirits ; my
domestic and official duties all seem easy now, for I feel so stronp I can
do three times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Den
ver, and among the best count, Yours very gratefully, Alas. Ida I
Roskr, 326 18th Ave., Denver, Col."
When a medicine lias been successful In restoring to health
to many women whose testimony is so unquestionable, you cannot
well say, without trying It, " I do not lelieve It will help me." If
you are 111 don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass., for special advice It is free and always helpful.
W. have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, ISOOO,
id to auvperaoo who can find that tha above twtlmonlsl letter
genuine, or was pnbluusd before obtaining tbn writer's special pet
l.ya i a k. rind nam noaioin, .ynn, in.
11 be paid I
Lf and Return V;
April 21 to 27 J KVf
V ' Three TreJns DaJly '
Only Lin J
V ' Running Through Tralna , J
from Omaha
16 Hours Quicker '
V Tha.n Any Line A
1324 Famam St.
v wJCfN ""'liir .
PARTS 1 to 14
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Ree Office
Price 10 cents I3y mail IS cents