Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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There's Nothing So
Bad for a Cough
as Coughing
The poorest doctor in
town will tell you that. The
best one will tell you he prescribes
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for all
throat and lung troubles. We send
doctors the formula for this medi
cine. They know it's a splendid
prescription for colds, bronchitis,
hoarseness, and even for con
sumption itself.
l coughed terribly after having a hard attack of la
grippe. If it had not been for Ayer' Cherry Pectoral, I
do not believe I could possibly have pulled through."
E. B. Dana, Providence, R. L
There's Nothing So
Good for a Cough as
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
, tl-M.
J. C ATEt CO, Uaen. Msas
0., B. A Q. Eailroad Granted Injunction
Entraining Collection by Cm Oount j.
Kara Caa Be Lea-ally Lev-leal I'poa Oaly
r Ptat aad Cite Similar
Rallaara ay gaprrnae
PLATTSMOtTH. Neb., April 25. (Spe
cial.) Judge Paul Jessen baa Issued a tem
porary Injunction against the Case county
authorHlea, restraining tbetn from collect
ing on the west half of the Chicago.
Burlington Qulncy railroad bridge, witch
croaaea the Missouri river at thia place.
The railroad company brought ault In the
district court here agalnat J. L Barton,
county treaaurer. and the county of Caaa,
In which It eeeks to evade the payment of
tatea on the west half of the bridge which
rpane the Mlaaouri river at this point. The
petition recltee the hlatory of the railroad,
the building of the bridge and the transfer
from the B. A M. to the Chicago. Burlington
Qulncy. and atatea that the middle of the
river la the dividing line, and that the west
half of the bridge haa been asseesatl for
state and county taies on a valuation of
$28,000, on which tbe tat amounts to $679.04
per year. It alio allegea that the bridge la
a part of the right-of-way and railroad bea,
and aa auch can only be legally assessed
by the State Board of Equalization and not
by tbe county.
The injunction asked waa to reatraln the
county treaaurer from collecting by dlatresa
warrant the tazea already due, and that the
aaaeaaor be forever reatralned from Hating
the bridge for taxation. Alao that the taxes
'Jfeedy cBaraad a-etnet bridge be an
nulled. In aupport of their contention almllar
caaea axe cited Involving the taxation of
the bridge at Nebraeka City and Rulo.
wherein the supreme court ruled that thea
structure ahould not be taxed by Oto and
Richardson counties.
mate child, waa releaaed from Jail last
evening by the paymrnt of part of the
money and giving a bond aigned by his
parenta. who reside at Avoca. for the pay
ment of the balance. Judge Paul Jeaaen of
Nebraska City refused to grant a writ of
habeas corpus for the release of Peters
and the caee was taken to the supreme
court, where the decision of Judge Jessen
waa sustained.
Cxpehment Station Point 0nt Borne of the
Advantage of the Orop.
Receipt at Ike l.larola Postefllre
bw Gratlfyiaa larrraee ( oa- lrr.
pert La ad la Jail.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., April 25 (Spe
cial Telegram.) The polire last evening ar
rested a young man about 24 yeara old. giv
ing the name of Henry Berkshire, who
waa trying to dispose of some cheap
Jewelry to an inmate of one of the houses
of 111 fame in the eaat end. He resisted
arreat and was shot in the ankle before
he could be captured. He la suspected of
being Implicated In the burglary at Stahl
hut's store a few nighte ago. He was taken
before Judge Hill thia aftenjoan on a charge
of vagrancy, and on pleading guilty was
fined JiO and costs, In default of which he
went, to Jail.
VaJsaralaa Maa, Deaf ta Oaeeaalaa;
C am. Heals Iastaat Death
VALPARAISO, Neb.. April 25. (Special.)
J. M. Edwarda. a respected cltlsen of thia
place, waa Instantly killed by a train about
nooa yesterday. Edwarda waa a deaf mute
and did not hear the approaching cara. He
has resided in this vicinity about eighteen
yeara. He leave a wife, one eon and two
I....,.,., r.aae. Blaae at -.array.
PLATTSMOVTH. Neb.. April 25. (Spe
cial.) During the thunder storm laat night
the barn of Samuel Letts, in Murray, waa
struck by lightning and tbe building with
lta contains and four horaea were con
sumed by flames. The fire apread to the
barn of Dr. G 11 more and for a time it waa
feared that tbe entire portion of the vil
lage would be wiped out. but the heroic
efforts of the cltiiena with bucketa finally
extinguished the flame.
Peters Pays trash aaa Is Released.
I PLATTeMOUTH. Neb.. April 25. (Spe
cial.) Geo. s Petera. who haa been con
fined in the county Jail her for aome time
because he refuaed to pay the aum named
y the court for the aupport of his lllegtl-
Vork Women Promote Improvement.
TORK. Neb.. April 25. (Special.) The
City Improvement society, woman's organi
zation, is Inspecting atreets. alleys and
yards, and where work la necessary, they
are requiring it to be done. Por the pur
pose of raising funds, they will have a
damage sale of housekeeper's articles on
May 2 and 8. The following are the presi
dents of the various wards: Mrs. F. P.
Van Wlckle. First ward: Mra. S. H. Sedg
wjck. Second ward; Mrs. TV. A. Miller,
Third ward; and Mr. G. H. Jereme, Fourth
Harvard Safe Trackers Get Xa,
HARVARD. Neb.. April 25. (Special.)
During tbe cracking of the aafe 4n the
Northwestern station by robbers early this
morning the outside door of the depository
waa blown across the room, but the inside
door was unmoved and the content of the
aafe were left Intact. Several window
lighta were amaahed by the force of th
explosion. The agent. Mr. Kempeter. ie
taking an inventory of ticketa and valua
bles and no losa haa yet been diacovered.
There la no clue to the purlolnera.
Rayel Achates Vlalt Blair.
BLAIR, Neb.. April 25. (Special.) A
special train bringing 100 member of tbe
fraternal order. Royal Achate of Omaha,
arrived here laat evening. A meeting waa
held in tbe opera house and twenty-five
candidates were initiated. A drill team
composed of twenty women did clever work
in forming fitting figures. A program was
rendered, followed by a banquet. Dancing
waa then Indulged in until an early hour
in the morning.
Will Dedicate Hew Lath era a Charch.
BLAIR. Neb., April 25. (Special.) The
Danish Lutheran church which haa been
under construction during the winter Is
now near its completion and will be dedi
cated next Sunday. The church edifice is
of brick, built in Gothic etyle. It seema
quite imposing with lta high tower, when
compared to the little old. wooden struc
ture, which It la to replace.
From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN, April 25. (Special.) Winter
abeat as a crop for Nebraska haa enor
mous possibilities, declarea Associate Di
rector Lyon in a bulletin Issued by the
Nebraska Experiment station. Not only
are tbe large ylelda of thia wheat auch as
to recommend lta culture to tbe farmers
of the state, but the quality of Nebraska
winter abeat gives it a high standing
among buyera and consumers.
The northern limit of winter wheat pro
duction tn the tranomiKKouri region lies In
the state of Nebraska, thus limiting the
output to a portion only of the arahle land
in the state The spring wheat region pro
truding south from the Dakota overlap
the a inter whest region to aome extent,
and thj winter wheat and spring wheat
are talned Ride by aide.
The chief condition that discourage win
ter a near proauctlon in northern r.eprHa
1 the dry. cold, winter weather. Spring
wheat suffer from a number of adverse
conditions, due mainly to It late rloenlnar
Thi hshlt Increase the liability to Injury
from chinch bug and gra.hojier depreda
tion, and especially to injury from dry, hot
i he condition or climate that produce a
mining mneat or superior excellence are
found In the region of country bordering
on me eemi-ana ji is wortny or note that
the great prlng wheat producing region
corner on the semi-arid be t In the north
while the region that ie fat becoming the
center of ainter wheat production occupies
a similar position tanner outh It 1 very-
noticeable that the quaJlty of hardness In
wheat Improve a It culture approaches
tne eemi-ana belt. its advantage over
pnng wheat 1 evident In Its larrer vleld,
when not winter killed. In It comparative
ireeaom irom insect aepreaation and In
the protection it afford the aoll during
considerable portion of the year. All thee
consideration make It highly desirable to
improve tne winter wheat In hardlne and
qjality. o a to extend Its growth more
widely throughout the etate and to Increase
in proauctivenee.
Golaa; ta Ararae Kraiari Case.
Attorney General Prout left tonight for
washing-ton. D. C, where be will argue the
T. P. Kennard case before the Vnlted Etatea
euprtme court. This la the case tn which
Mr. Kennard is seeking to collect upwards
of 112.000 from the state. He alleges the
morey Is due him for tervlcea rendered In
effecting a settlement of a government land
transaction with the national authorities.
The suit has been ponding in the courts
for several years. In the trial court of
this county Mr. Kennard waa given a
judgment, but tbe supreme court decided
In iavor of the state, and the case waa
taken to the Vnlted States supreme court
about a year ago, on writ of error.
The Nebraska State Penitentiary haa been
equipped with a water plant of a capacity
sufficient for any emergency that may arlae.
The work was done under contract by Jo
seph Burns and the total cost of the wella
and machinery, with other necessary ar
rangements, was $3,600. The four new well
put In for this plant have an average ca
oi aw Darreia per hour, which ia
greatly in excess of the old system. In a
recent test tbe old wella were pumped com
pletely dry in twelve minutes.
Members of the Btato Board of Public
Landa and Building a seen that the aupply
of tbe new plant will be more than auffl
cient for fire protection and will give all
the water that ia needed for domestic pur
poses. The board lnapected the work of
installation eeveral daye ago and waa well
pleaaed with the results obtained.
Postal Receipts Iarrease.
The first quarterly report of Postmaster
E. R, Slaer. shows a gratifying increaae
in all department of the mail and money
order business in thi city. The total pos
tal receipt for the flrt three month of
1902. aa compared with the prevlou year,
ahow an increaae of 14 per cent, while the
aecond-claa mail, despite the recent re
strictive order of the department, ahow
the astonishing increaae of 50 per cenL
Thia indicate that the newspaper of Lin
coln are growing rapidly in outalda circula
tion at least. Her are aome of th figures:
Stamp aJe Mmusra
Special request envelopes 2.4no!!
Deoona-ciaaa matter 8,472. 75
HI .MO 62
1.13. W
12.7KO &4
laspeet Beatrice laatltate.
BEATRICE, Neb.. April 25. (Special
Telegram ) State Treaaurer William Eiue
fer. Secretary of State George Marsh and
Commissioner of Public Landa and Bulld
lnga George Follmer, comprlaing the State
Board of Public Landa and Buildings, were
here today Inspecting the Institute for Fee
ble Minded. They returned to Lincoln this
Total I3..133 S3 144 47
Laat year the receipts were about evenly
divided between the months, but thia year
juarcn anowa up with receipts of 117.701. 87,
aa compared with $12,172.11 of March. 10L
The money order business shows an in
creaae of but 1 per cent in the total amount
of money handled, with a corresponding ad
vance In the number of ordera. Theae fig
ure cover thia department, the first column
repreaenting the flrat quarter of 1S01, and
the aecond column that of 1902
No. Amount.
Orders Issued 7.1)63 $ 52.046 47
Fee 45177
received . . . 1.726
Orders paid
snd repaid. 64 .086
F.nTert t
C. H. Gordon, who haa held held the pol
lion for the last three yeara. The Board
of Education will vorganlxe early in May
ana the election of ecbool officer 1 an
order of business for early consideration
after the reorganization. Complaint
against Dr. Gordon are numerous and have
frequently been aired in the local oew-
papera. It Is asserted that he haa shown
partiality In tbe matter of employment of
teachers, that he haa not visited acbools
with any degree of regularity and that he
neglerta his ecbool work to conduct a class
at the university.
Congressman Burkett telegraphed Post
master Slrer from Washington this after
noou that tbe committee on public lands
and buildings would tomorrow unanimously
report In favor of an addition to the Lin
coin postofflce costing $3(tO,00. This will
place the bill on the calendar ao that it
la very likely that U will be reached be
fore the end of tbe session.
Mere Appeals ta Coveraer.
Governor Savage has been asked to com
mute the sentence of E. L. Cook of Case
county, who has been sentenced to one year
In the penitentiary for forging the name
of D. E. Thompson to a check for $10,
Cook waa brought to Lincoln today by tbe
sheriff of Cass county and appeared before
the governor.
Dr. Haggard of this city ha interested
himself In tbe case of P. Coursey Richards,
who aaa recently sentenced to twelve
year1 Imprisonment for assaulting hla 12-
year-old stepdaughter. He Interviewed
the governor this afternoon and is under
stood to have said that he waa convinced,
after an examination of the girl, that there
had been no assault.
Judge Frost of tbe district court has
promised to announce hla decision in the
Lancaster county bridge contract case to
morrow morning. This is the action la
which William Clark, a taxpayer, 1 aeek
leg to annul the county' contract with
C. G. Sheeley on the ground that It waa
illegally made. Hearing of the evidence
and argument occupied the attention of
Judge Frost for nearly one week.
Articiea of Incorporation of these Insti
tution have been recorded in the secre
tary of atate'a office: The Aetna Trust
company, Omaha: capital atock, $100,00;
In corpora tora. E. W. W. Homan and Charles
B. Prlchard. The Farm Land Improvement
company, Omaha; capital stock, $100,000;
incorporator, Clarence S. Paine, Jay Amos
Barrett, Charlea A. Mangum. Robert M.
Clark. Louis R. Smith, Jacob H. North.
Will E. Lower, Marlon E. Purcell. J. T.
Wheat on and W. A. Saundera. Klnsella
Grain company, Omaha; capital atock,
$125,000; Incorporatora, W. E. Klnsella,
John R. Brown and Edward Tortlcell. The
Burt Trading company. Alliance; capital
atock. $5,000; incorporatora, J. B. Burt, C.
C. Barker and F. M. Broome.
Fire Csasasaes Graai Island Pleat,
Eatalllnsx Total La aad En
dangering Otbera Property.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., April 25. (Spe
cial.) Fire last night destroyed the Grand
Island brewery, owned by Mra. C. Ott. The
blaxe was discovered at 11 o'clock and within
five minutes after the frame work of the
beer cellars, were completely enveloped in
flames. The fire department could do little
but save the surrounding property, the
flames having reached the roof of the three
story brick structure before the first stream
waa turned on. The residence of Mra. Ott,
lying directly In the path of the wind, waa
saved by hard work, and for two block a
abower of eparka, compelled roofs and
barns to be kept well dampened.
Thia la tbe third fire within a year to
occur to this property. On May 2, 1901, the
residence, of Mrs. Ott va burned, the
family barely escaping and; very Ilule of
the household gooda being eared. In Jan
uary, the brewery property, leased to the
Grand Island Brewing company, consisting
of an Ice house and fermenting rooms acre
consumed. The fire of last night made
complete work of the destruction of the
plant, both machinery and buildings being
total losa.
Tne Brewing company, which had decided
to dtaaolve, had lta stork on hand, auppllea,
eg. articles of machinery, etc., covered
with $2,000 insurance. The brewery prop
erty ana machinery is eatlmated at from
$8,000 to $10,000. with Insurance of $4,200.
"Pe-ru-na Is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I am as Well as Ever."
Toa Hark far Kansas
Dlacaaalas; the Reciprocity
$ 47,446 f
197.391 21
191.342 e4 1,802
:93.C2.16 63.W5 2i0.S7.50
eapplaat Gerdoa
A cystematic, though quiet, effort ie be
ing made to have another man elected au-
perintendent of city ecbool in place of
Chronic Stomach Trouble
It to rector the inner lining of the stomach to healthy condition, subdue this
local Inflammation, destroy the unhealty mu:oui which
prevent; the proper flow of digestive fluids-
It ia a tried and eucccasful treatment, containing no artificial digeetor like
pepain aaj similar preparation, which only rliev.-, hut do not cure. Thia
remedy effect a gradual and complete cure, restoring the stomach to its nor.
mil condition.
la your case any wort, than thesi were?
an atnta. (
m Hi'asia
aa am tiaair tint tu
trar as sner4s. Wat wm
si s tuae I sew etnas aver thxn
hsais la is amy m. aaa ta tsa
aw a in ii Un I nmlha tha
-. aaa ait sii. r
aiia eat n-aur sua teas taiu
f hot aacnr ana la latanaa aaa
tv4M aa an aaae. anas
taa anus aa ana a!
natf ta
km' rH
anaaaaiurt ta i
netruM. that an
m st s taaiaa I trlas
aaaakmatr win
wall a
ava nana tome- I a
like a chit, sat thr
eat?. Srata atirtbia
aaa la aft at air
aa aaa iwa mn la rikt i
Saily. n aaltKn la vl
aaa certainly grateful." GRAHAM
Ol-ASSt. -'R. Portlani. Or., of tna
area ml Ohaaa a rrsiShmaa. Frist
era. Plana lioo alaaara. Latae
(rasaera aaa a.atiobara.
HaiTe Zrappua Cara faee pa
". ' aai cur. a ir rauroly.
Otrar ef my mtoa aa am aaf
rrr have found im raiwf an.rh
aath.ns at aeuia ' 1 anal) 4.1
uara I ,a Uiat 1 aaa ta trip
Portland aa aiharuiaa 1 ahoul
have aaaa laaoraai cf y-ar pracioua
ray"-a 1. HAHN. Bloa.
Maaa . artm E. C. ItMaaot a Ca..
aaoaata. 121 Pevoaaiura at.
"I take rat plaaaar ta atalln
that la ua of Naa a Kvauara.a
Car haa a a tb vary tatai r
aniia aatvaiia amy anavt aaaeaiaa
"I haa mm a aaSarar rrsai Dre
easaaa ar lad gaatlja tor raara, aad
at ttmae. ta aplt of ears aai pre
caution ia aa:!i aad dnnaia was
4i fcyact ta tr muat laie&aa pain,
a hie ao ana. ran rla aaoapt
Oiaaa she hav ad expanane. At
tar th uaa of fuur botilaa of fcaua
I'vawaia Cur I aaa aracUoally
riiva. eouid aat aad ana any
thing and ev-rrt r.tric. takT.g iaaa
thai 1 had not tasted far rara arita
aut tb laat bad rowtufftcta. 1
aav barn lntana)y prajudioad
aaainst all pat ant nsadlrlnaa durtn
ai Itt. and only tried your raady
at trta earnest reommndatlen of a
I net i d au n r rura oannoi a sariia
d to imiiiran'a ar faith 1 oan
therefor. cheerfully raaosataana
Nau a I'vapepaia Cur ta all ani
laity affirtas. hapln that all may
attaaa lha aum rauit
"Very thaakfuUy year.
far Sal j Saeraaa i iUCaiaVu I rf Ce ." ieVk i wt St " Wha. KebJaad Itadiar atrnirfst
k O M HottlM. -. nrSfra aa -r-
aa. a akraa.., n. far aaskat aal txaar'latariaattaav
rraat a
UNCOLN. April S5. (Special Trlrrram.i
ine achatera of the I Diversity of Ne
braska won In the contest a-lth representa
tivea of the University of Kansas tonight.
me question aaa, "Resolved, That the
I tilted States Should, by Appropriate Con-
ceealone in It Tariff Dutiea, Extend It
Export Trade and Cultivate Amity." The
negative aaa supported by the Nebraska
debater, who were: Charlea M. Barcelen,
John C. Doubt, Jr.. and Samuel C. Haw
thorn. The Kanaaa debater were: L. H.
McMath. C. M. Brobat and R. C. Martin.
The Judgea were: W. G. Hastinga of Wil
ber. W. D McHugh of Omaha and Roecoe
Pound of tbla city.
EXPECT TO CARRY THE THIRD Tails the reavratloa ta
Meet at Frraaeat
Jaae 10.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Aaril 26. (Special Tel
egram.) The republican congressional
committee for the Third dlatrict met here
today, with every county except Thurston
represented. There waa a general senti
ment that with a good candidate and an
aggressive Bght tbe republicans would carry
tbe district.
The convention waa called to meet at
Fremont June 10 at 10 o'clock a. m. The
convention will have a total of 240 dele
gates J. R. Gurney of Wayne waa selected
for temporary chairman and John W.
Graham of Fremont for temporary eerrc-tary.
Detectives lat far Libel.
BEATRICE. Neb.. April 25. (Special Tel
egram.) A libel ault waa brought In county
court here today against Mayor Dodda of
Wymore and editor of tbe Arbor State by
C. D. Evans and W. A. Beniley of the
State Detective association. The ault ta
baaed on alleged libelous articiea appear
ing in the Arbor State against the com
plaining wltneaaea. tbe Women a Christian
Temperance union and tbe ministers of
Wymore. Evans and Bentley are the par
ties a ho ferreted out the Sunday liquor
selling caaes there recently. County Judge
Bourne refused to take cognlrce cf the
caee until the platntllta put up security.
Peleaaed ay Eatlaa Salaaea.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. April 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) William Secord. a fireman
at tbe elarch worka, aaa poisoned and la
seriously 111 at hi home in Elmwood from
eating canned aalmon. Hi physician now
think that, he la out of danger. The aal
mon waa alloa ad to remain ia tbe can for
several hours after it was opened aad It
ia thought that the poiaoa ia the result of
the chemical actlona of the Juice oa the
ra Dies aa the ballenta.
PLATTE CITT. Mo, April S.Oenra!
Araialrt.i colored, aged ta, aaa hana-ed.
her uxlar. He aer.i to " T
bravely. Armstrong was convtctM ,.f
criminally saaaultu.g Iva Turney the
oaugLier of Cuiilon county faxaucT, two
aAA C-Vas-.. 5 V"'-
Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department. In a letter writ.
ten from Washington, D. C, says:
Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived
from one bottle of Peru n a. One week haa brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best
spring tonics It is an excellent catarrh remedy"
In a recent letter he say:
"I consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote
vou last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
country asking me if my certificate is genuine. I invariably answer,
yes. Dan. A. Grosvenor.
A Conn t J rontmltoarra Letter.
Hon. John Williams, county commls
"I can conscientiously recom
mend your I'cruna as a fine toaic
and all around good medicine to
those who are in need of a cut jrrh
remedy. It has been commended
to me by people who have it
as a remedy particularly effective in
the cure of catarrh. For thoae v ho
need a good catarrh medicine 1
know of nothing bitter." II. W.
W. E. Griffith. CoDcan. Texas, ante:
"I suffered with chronic catarrh frr mnry
years. 1 took rerun and It completely
cured me. I think Te-una it the best
medicine In the world for catarrh. My
general health I much Improved ty It ue.
a I am much stronger than I have bwa
for yeure " W. E. Griffith.
A onarreeaaaa'a Letter.
Congressman H. Bowen. Rurkin, Tate
well couDty, Va.. WTltes:
"I can cheerfullv recommend
vour valuable reme'dv. I'cruna. to
any one who it suffering with ca.
tarrh, and who Is in need of a per
mancnt and effective cure. II.
Mr. Fred D. Scott. Larue. Ohio. Rlcht
Guard of Hiram Foot Ball Team, arlie:
"As a apeclflc for lung trouble I place
Teruna at the bead. '1 have need it my
self for colds and catarrh cf the bowels
and It la t splendid remedy. it restores
vitality. Increases bodily strength and
inakv -k person well In a short time.
I give Pnruna my hearty endoraemrnt."'
Fred D. Scott.
Gen. Ira C. Abbott. 0 M street. N. W.,
Wahlngton. D. C. write:
"I am fully convinced that your remedy
I an excelent tonic. Many of rr.y friend
have used It with the most beneficial re
sult for roughs, colde and catarrh trouble.'
Ira C. Abbott.
Mra. Elmer Fleming. Orator of Reservoir
Council No. IRS. Northwestern Legion of
Honor, of Minneapolis. Mlr.n., writes from
ir.35 Polk street, N. E :
word for the tonic that brought me imme
diate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad
case of catarrh and l Vnnm- it mill .nr.
aioner. of 617 West Second street, Duluth. ; other eufferer from that disease." John
Minn., say the following In regard to Pe
"A a remedy for catarrh I ran cheer
fully recommend Peruna. I know what It
A Conareaamaa'a Letter.
Hon. H. W. Ogdcn. congressman from
Louisiana. In a letter written at Washing.
la to Buffer from that terrible disease and ton, D. C, say the following of Peruna
I feel that It is my duty to speak a good jthe national catarrh remedy:
r ft
Mrs. Elmer Flrmlns.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. Elmer Fit m-
" I have been
'roubled all my life
with catarrh In my
head. I took Peruna
for about three
months, and cow
think I am perma
nently cured. 1 be
lieve that for ca
tarrh In all its
forms Peruna ia the
medicine of the
age. It cures when
all other remedies
fail. I can heartily
recommend Peruna
aa a catarrh remedy.
Treat Cntarra la Sarins..
The spring la the time to treat catarrh.
Cold, aet, winter weather often retards a
cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna la
taken during the early spring months lh
cure will be promrt and permanent. Tht re
can be no failure If Peruna Is taken Intelli
gently during the favorable weather of
Aa a systematic catarrh remedy Peruna
eradicates catarrh from the pywtem atierr
ever It may be located. It cures catarrh
of the stomach or bowels with the name
certainty as catarrh of tbe head.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory result from the use of Peruna, write
at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a full state,
ment of your rase, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratia.
Addrepa, Dr. Hartman. President of The
Hartman Sanitarium. Columbut., Ohio.
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APRIL 24 TO 27
Liberal return limits and stop-over privileges.
Tbro' cars pass the grandest scenery in the world
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Standard Sleeper to San Franriaro leaves Burling,
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Tourist sleeper to San Franciaco and Loa Angelet
Thursdays and Saturdays, i2i p. m.
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Successful professional
and business men have
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The Bee Want Ads Produce Results
This mean Ju aha
it aa.ra. boring 4u years'
prm-tine I diaruvervd an
iutaliltjle cure for 8en.itiul
aad kervoualta-blilt.T.aiiil
aill sead a lull rurhui.
annrsa ol th Bamady. loatlug thras to
any ons oa tiiul. to b paid lor U aaualm vury.
No Cura. Mo f'ay. Blniply aead your same ulJ
addraaa. aunarar frora arteowia. Blrod Polev n,
Uupmre.KtdDey. hlal-ier aad rrnatatM Uiaaaae.
trlwtnr ar Unaa TnatoeM rwa, A1dixaa,
- atLUaJU, Uaalth UB. W kUtennti hav.
Ar. ."V.' ."U..a Itav 1-rura
rHiratarriia en.lih
al fc.l a.. "-
ell neee 1 eke aa e4e. tWaaa
entaea esaalMUejj aa llLa,
aaa. j t ?..) li4 ej e 4bl ia
'n,a1t"i?.', aaa.elia
aaa a.ear I aalaa.wia uer re-
ell l.afiu. Wlaeeie l. ..leal
i anaa aaun, -ll., fAa
intl.aTt t. It mL.
.LAjU M I fc'nf.j:
1 i.f . rcttlif !'&. . UvM S.l.f ir urt , MH-t rati
tataaVi aaVe ei.re4. iu Av (r (Ut ,tA, 4VA