TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEK; PATUKDAY, APRIL 20. 1902. 0s sgggsjQ HATDEI BROS. Eentleaaen'a ITInrwt gprrtna; "alts at Redared Irlces. FOR SATURDAY. 1,(00 corn's finest spring suits, bought late at grea!t reduction (or spot cash. The Bteln Blrcrh company and n. Rothschild & Co. of Rochester, N. Y., make of suits for lees than the coat of fafcrlc. Lot 1 Men's very finest suits. ma1( of the best Imported and domestic worsted and tweeds, containing only the newest and most fashionable patterns, made In the new 'varsity 8 and 4-button cutaway and 2-but-lon double-breasted sack styles. Actual 122.50 to $30 values. Extra special Satur Jay only $15.00. Lot 2 Men's extra fine spring suits, made of very fine worsted, vicunas and tweeds. In ltpht, dark and medium shades, made la the new military and 'varsity sack Styles, with haircloth fronts and square shoulders; all sizes, 83 to 44: about eighty tyles to select from and not a suit worth cr sold etsewher for leas than $15.00 and kip to $20. Special for Saturday at $10.00. Lot S Man's extra fine $12.60 and $l!i.C0 lulls for $7.50. Tou never saw such bar gains. Suits made from pure worsted, cheviots and Una oasslmeres, cut In the new 'varsity and military styles, with haircloth fronts and square shoulders; all sizes, 33 to 4. Special for Saturday, $7.50. Our new spring line of H., S. aV M. spring ults at $12.60, $15.00. $18.00 and $20.00 can only be compared with the $35.00 to $50.00 made to measure kind. , HAYDEN BROS. TRY IT ON BAILIFF'S DOME How Jndg-e Read Propone to Teat an Aliened Counterfeit Hair Tonic. 1 Judge Read has found a way out of a perplexing problem, but he doesn't know yet whether the supreme court would sus tain him In taking the position that he wishes to. In his court for several daya there has been dragging on a suit brought by a hair tonic company against a local dealer who. It alleges, has been counter felting its elixir and selling the same In Its bottles at Its price. The dealer denlea any counterfeiting and the tables of the court room have been given over to general exhibit of the goods. Tlio judge sees no btber way to make certain of the matter than to teat tbe goods that are alleged to be fraudulent with the goods that are gen uine and be governed by the result. He has a full hirsute covering himself, and at first was at a loss to know how to make the tests, but from this perplexity he has been saved by Earl Bone, his bailiff, along the dome of whose brain pantry the golden locks are dying out and off like young choats la cholera district. The Judge proposes to apply tbe genuine elixir to one side of the clearing and the alleged coun terfeit to the other, the reeult to decide the case fur him. Purify the blood and put toe system In order for summer work by using at this tima a short course of PRICKLY ASH BIT TERS; It la tbe greatest blood purifier on earth. You'll find Hayden Bros.' Read every word of It. ad. on page 7. AN IXTBKKSTIMU TELEGRAM. NEW YORK, April 23. 1902. HAYDEN BROS.. Omaha, Neb.: Cloaed yesterday for spot cash the entire stock of two largest commission bouses. This la the largeat purchase we have ever made. All new, aeaaonable dry goods, no tions, cloaka and suits, carpets and draper ies. Make room and arrange for big sale. Oooda on the way. Johnson and Henry 'leave for home tonight. WM. HAYDEN. Particulars as the goods come In. Watch papers for advertisements. HAYDEN BROS. Sam'l Burns Is selling a beautiful Have land berry set at $3. Saturday will be another busy day at the trig atore ot Hayden Bros. Read our ad. on page 7. Aaaoanre-ments of the Theaters. The contributors of entertainment at the fOrphenm this week are putting up a bill (that is proving a strong magnet, drawing ttf audiences, whose enthusiasm manifests a strong approbation. Two monologues ,whlch in no wlae confllot or detract from .each other are furnished by Lew Bloom 'and Loney Haskell. Lea Troubadours Tou lousalna have certainly acored tbe vocal "hit of the season by giving vaudeville pa trons a pleasing aample of the kind of music that one Is accustomed to hear only in grand opera. Variety la added by the Harmony Four, a quartet which renders soma vocal and Instrumental mualc and comedy; tbe Dancing Dawson; Oleai broth ers, gladiatorial gymnasts; Dooley and Fowley, singing comedians and pictures by the klnodrocns. The regular Saturday mat inee will be given this afternoon. Fanny Rice, tha popular little star, will head the bill next week. The opening bill ot Ferris' Grace Hay ward company at Boyd's Sunday will be the 'thrilling Russian melodrama, "The Slaves of Russia," It will be given at the matln -e, night and Monday night performances. Tuesday night, Wednesday matinee and sight and Thursday night Sol Smith Rus sell's quaint comedy. "Peaceful Valley," Will be tbe offering. Kathryo Kidder la aure to be greeted by ne ot tha largeat and most fashionable au diences of the season, when ahe appears liera at Boyd's on May 7 and 8 in her re vival ot David Garrlck's sparkling old awmsdy. "Tha Country Girl." Miss Kidder has gradually risen to a place in the front rank of American actresses. Her greateat uoosss la reported to be her impersonation of Peggy, tbe comical heroine of "The Country Girl." This play is one of the claaslra of the English stage. It haa stood tbe test of centuries and every revival has Bwt with much success. Gra.aopho.a at a B.r.al.. FOR SALE Latest model type. A. O. combination graphopbone, which plays both large aid small recorda; list pries, $90.00. This la especially designed for concert pur poses, having a tblrty-slx-lnch horn and stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi son records and carrying case of twenty tfour records. The machine la entirely new and haa never been used. Will aell at a bargain. Address X $1. In cars of The Bee. Ws nsvsr Invite business except on the fjaala of tha loweat prices. Hayden Bros. Our ad. la on rage 7. Shampooing and hair dreesmg. Soe, at the feathery, 216-210 Bee Bulldin. Tel. 1714. Bend articles of Incorporation, noticea ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bus. Ws will give then proper legal Insertion. Dee telephone, 1X8. Publish your legal notices la The Weekly Dee. Telephone 2W. Etlllman aV Pries, att'ys. law. collections. A. P. Lillia. notarn t$ U. 8. Nat. TeL 1739. Shampooing and halrdrcsalng, 25c. at the Bathery. lle-220. Bee Building. TeL 171$. It Isn't the price it's what you gat for tbs price that counts. Haydea Bros. Read oar ad. oa page 7. Nlfr IV. f l t sj m mm WRECKAGE SALE OF SHOES '1,200 Women's Shoes 900 Women's Oxfords 600 Girls' Shoes 800 Boys' Shoes 600 Men's Shoes 250 Men's Oxfords TODAY! SATURDAY! On Main Floor and in Basement All on Bargain Squares 89c For Ladies' Oxford Ties 6c For Infants' Moccasins 19c For Ladies' Slippers 59c For Children's Shoes 89c For Girls' Shoes $1.39 for your choice of all the WOMEN'S fine Kid and Patent Leather Shoes. The ordinary prices and values of these Ladies' Shoes range from $2.00 to $3.50 a pair. Take your choice for $1.39 $1.59 for your choice of all the MEN'S , fine SHOES and PATENT CALF OXFORDS In this entire lot none worth less than $2.50 and many worth. $3.00. Take your choice on the Bargain Square for $1.59 as B J. L. RRAXDEI8 & SONS J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS One Price to all. CLOTHIERS. FURNISHERS & HATJERS Extra Specials for Saturday Men's Suits Sulla that are being sold everywhere at $22.50 are priced here at, only We make a special offer on suits, ac tual value $15, at the exceedingly low price , of only soia everywnerw $15 $10 People who are looking for a line of suits at popular prices and at the same time nobby and dressy should not fall to examine our JntF C r large line at the low r 5 vl price of M m We carry no shoddy of any kind, but do carry aulta In all wool blue serges. black clays and fancy cheviots, sold In a good many places at $10.00 our price only lUVVIUUB, BUJU $5 Gent's Furnishings and Underwear Four-ply collars In all tbe leading shapes, at 9c each, or f e? 3 for KjC Balbrlggan Underwear at ffm 45c, 25c and JZXJG Each and every one under regular value. Suspenders In great variety and styles, -4 C at 45c, 25c and IOC Each one a great bargain. Overalls At 45c and 39c the best values in town for the money. Alao a full line of the celebrated Carbardt Overalls, etc. Shirts The very latest patterns and styles, up from Hats All the popular shapes in f JJ? soft and derbys, up (rom...,VOC 45c .(.SCOFIELD IxaoAmuiTca 1S10 Dasslsi at. Shirt Waists, $1 Whits and colored, best ever sold for a dollarSaturday, Mercerized Petticoats, $1 You ran compare them with $1.50 ones anywhere Saturday. Ladies' Wrappers, 75c Saturday and Saturday evening we will give wrappers for .75 cents that usually sell up to $1.50. Tbey are musily 32, Si and 36 alsea. A few la.'ger ones. Ladies Jackets la cloth or ailk. Best assortment of the new styles to bs found In Oraana. SCQFIELD cuwasuiTco. vus. . Postal Card Will Get It SAUPLJC COPT OF TUB Twentieth Century Farmer Th. Beet Agricultural Weekly, areas, Ouulb. Men. MA- 4 stands for Dr II m fl G2f a mm i Boy's Shoes will wear about so long, although the Drexel boys' shoes will wear longer than most any other kind. Ws know this, becauae It baa been demonstrated so often. Your boy will like our shoes, and ao will you, for at $1.50 we sell ths best shoe that waa ever mads tor $1.60. Saturday Is boys' shoe day and we have a special force of clerks that understand the fitting of children's ahoea. There Iran awful lot In the fitting of the ahoes. . Com fort and wear depend upon it. Drexel Shoe Co., c..i... r. fo, ... A.ki-. Omaha. ln-t-afe Maoa Uoi rABIAM STftEKT. a N Women's Tailored Suits If only for the ideas that may be had, any woman of style and taste will enjoy looking through our wonderful suit department liints of the latest fashions, hints of greatest economy. The advanced spring season finds us better prepared than ever, to supply your desires in the matter of suits. The smartest and most fetching styles, from the leading American makers are represented. Particular attention is directed to our man-tailored suits that we place on special sale Saturday. They are made in the new "Gibson" blouse and eton effects, made of this season's newest materials, in light and dark shades, handsomely trimmed and perfect in fit and workmanship these are regular $25.00 suits and 1 f r-j will be sold Saturday for IjJmJL O Women's Shirt Waists This is to be a decided shirt waist season, there being a, strong tendency toward the finer garments. Much care lul study has been given in the selec tion of the new styles and we feel con fident that a superior showing cannot be found in the west, certainly not one that can be compared with ours in Omaha. The fabrics are the daintiest and prettiest that the magical fingers of the modiste ever made into shirt waists and the prices are absolutely the lowest ever quoted on such excellent qualities. 95c .45 .90 Q.9Q $10 7.50 Men's Serviceable Suits 7.50 Does everybody know how good these $7.50 suits are? Suppose you do. All right. You are a "Nebraska" customer as long as you buy clothes. Supiwse you dont. Then you had better join the many that do. They are just the very best $7.o0 suits that the wisest buving and expert judgment can gather of flannels, cheviots and cassimeres, in gray, green and olive Bhades. And all the style a-going is put into them. $10 Men's Nobby Suits $10 We can't begin to tell you how stylish these suits are, nor how good they are, nor how very low is the price. Come and see. Dressy men will admire them at sight. Made of flannels, cheviots and worsteds, in stripes, plaids and broken plaids the very toniest patterns. Young men, this style is perticularly attractive for you and is the style young men are asking for. $12 Men's Decidedly Swell Suits $12 Nowhere that we know of can you buy the equal of these ready-to-wear suits for less than $18.50 and they are equal in every detail to the best that your tailor can turn out at $25.00. Made of American silk mixtures, English fancy worsteds. Scotch fancy cheviots, Trench striped flannels, three and four-button straight front coat, with a bit nipped' off at the corners, stationary stiff front, with hair cloth through shoulders, hand padded collar, hand worked buttonholes, high cut vest. Where on earth can you get such suits for $12.00 except at this store? Men's Underwear Our assortment of men's under wear is complete and for Saturday we will place for special selling sev eral . cases of shirts and drawers. Shirts have French neck and peail buttons; drawers are nicely finished with pearl buttons, double gussets and reinforced throughout. In good full regular sizes. Think of the very best you've seen at 75c, at. . then see these 45c Men's Fancy , Shirts Here are some values in men's fancy shirts that thrifty men have been waiting for. They are the most beautiful styles and colors that we have shown this spring. The line' is made up of fine French percales and madras cloths, in small, neat figures, stripes, dots and bright colorings. They are properly cut and finished and would be extremely good value-? for $1.25 and $1.50. Our price Saturday I 1 I 1111(1 J 1.00 Men's Hose We are going to place on sale for special selling Saturday one lot of men's hosiery that we believe to be the best ever offered by an store in the laud; 120 dozen extra fine Sea Island cotton hose in solid black, tau and fancy colors, with the new drop stitch and lace effects. They are the regular 25e quality and we have them in all sizes for Women's Silk Dress Skirts No other asssortment of silk dress skirts in this sec tion can be compared with our showing at the present time., Our aim is to prove more clearly that this store is the best place in Omaha to do your silk skirt buying. For Sat urday we will offer for special selling 75 women's silk dress skirts. They are made of the best taffeta and peau de soie silk, trimmed with ruffle and rib bon niching. They hang very grace fully and are as good as you will see elsewhere for $15.00. Saturday i 99 "High Standard Liquid Paint Is ranentlally a house paint, made to sup ply all need In-tioliiK nrt-claa house work. , -. . T i .v. . . tt nu n i .Ian mall. I lit? I.u.r HMJl Itri r . - - - ..... rxcrllent pliit, particularly Intended for Hu.r In.l.l. flnl.h Witfld Stftln. TUdlatOrS. roofs,' structural Iron work, metals of va rious kinds. ror-bHrn. farm implements, buKKtes, wagons, etc., etc. We make the price on paints. Bee ua hvfore vou nuv for the best paint at the beat price. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam taMC SHAPE. VWO JUAUTIESy EVERY TIME our brew Is put In competition with other beers It alone stands the test the rest are knocked out. Has a reputation gained solely on Its merit. Noted for purity, tone and strength and universally popular. Highly beneficial for the Invalid. Equally so aa a table beer. Stimulating, health giving, palatable. Why not try a case of two doaen quarts or pints? Metz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. US), Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., cars Neumayer Hotel. Council Bluffs. Iowa. MANY OF THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TOME GUTS USED IN THE ILLUSTRATED BEE from time to time are for aala at tbs publication office all in good condi tion low prlcea. 15c Rain Coats That Shed Pain. Boys' Mackintoshes. ...$2.25, $2.60, $3.75. Ifi.flo Girl's Cape Mackintoshes .. Hoys' Hubber Coats $2.50 LMHtu,An-m proportionate alsea for large and small children 76c l M and $1.2S. OVERALLS for boya and girls, 25c, 40c and ry Pant and Jumper suit 75C Headwear, we have It, price 26c to .... $2.U) Io our INFANT SECTION we show a complete line of RUBBER GOODS aurh .. BIBS. DIAPERS and STOCKINETS, In .11 alsea. Stockinette and rubbcr aheetln, V I DO ycLaQ. Ti. w iniosnes to Girl a automobile Mackintoshes 1350 and &s cvenette autos. l and . f 1 1 S PARASOLS In many .Ues. hue." and coverings, Boc, )c, Tbi- $ S, 25 These " Xlr'' bUt rv'l. damtyTt! .Ws",.?"?Sb. M o M.0OL jnumtumnJj Talker ASStl azaar Catalogue on Request. "Will You Join Us?" Man and woman alike must be refreshed In mind as well aa In body and the world would Indeed be dreary without the cheer ing Influence of wholesome fun. Our lives are not ao accurately compounded that as do not all taste, at times, the dash of "bitters" concealed therein, a fact which la apt to make us Just a big jealous of CLl'B COCKTAILS, the proportlona of which are so nicely adjusted that they blend In one delicious whole, wherein noth ing Is bitter, nothing disagreeable, but everything smooth, delightful and delicious. Half pints. pints, 75c; quarts. $1.25: vee pocket site, 16 cents. Special for Saturday Gallon jug Claret Wine, 0 ceuta. CACKLEY BROS. Fins Wines and Table Liquors. Opposite Postofflce. Telephone Hit auz.iv is svav tns CELEBRATED HVN - TKR UYB. . A SUSPENSORY Is a very useful and necessary article, es pecially for eummar wear. We have mads arrangements with a manufacturer for a epeclal make similar to cut, which Is made from silk and elastic and Is equal to any $1 26 suspensory we have ever seen. We will sell our special at Ac; sent postpaid to any addreea We have a full line of all other branda from 2Cc up. Bend ua your nmll orders for anything In the Rubber (ioods line WE NEVER CLOBE. SCIIAEFEFI'S I "" w J C WtsV Cs 1 Tat, T4T. . W. cat. let a aaA Catesa,.