THE OMATTA DAILT BEE: PATT7KTAY, APRIL. 2C, 1002. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES! Adeerttseaaea te far these) eolaaaas will t taken aatil 12 aa. for Ik sealBij ealtloa aad aatil s):3o . am. far moralaa sad Bandar ! Mates, 1 l-2 a ward Brat laeertlea. ! a ard thereafter. Jthlaa takea far less thaa Sfta for the Brat Uir tlaa. Thri advert leesaeate aaaet aa raa eeaaeeaHvely. ere eaeek, raa have answers reeaeel ta a naktrrf letter la oars) f Tka Baa. Answers aa adress will heek only. WASTED MILK HELr. WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagons. Heady work and gJOU pay. w. . Adams v.o.. iu xiowara ou UOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. A. U. I. CO., iU South JilQ. B 4ISJ 15 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you It va In lha country or in a small town and have a good acquaintance among ma farmer ana stock misers In the neigrtoornoou you can make K easily by tour or hve hours work. Write us and we will seno you our proposition. The lira Subliming Co., boilclturs' Dept., Omaha, Neo. a ant WANTED, a rood man In every county to take subscriptions lor toe iwaninw Century Farmer. Our agents make gooa wages everynere. neiercnces requirru. Aduresa, TWRUlielh Ceutjry Farmer, Omaha, Neo. U al THREE or four good men wanted; Sluv per month. Call C! Fax ton block, B Mm WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on tir.w iironoMiiian liv which vou can earn U to $6 a day; young men from ZJ to ;a I desired, who ara bustiers and well recom- snendea. Koom loo, Uiuaha Bee bldg. B Usui WANTED, first-class painters and paper Hangers. A. 1. eeaDrouk, sua f. in si. li WANTED, a gentleman desires to taka brtvare lessons In French to evenliiKS esch week. Musi call at my residence. I Address, stating metnod of teacnipg, I WANTED, experienced Invoice clerk; must be quick and accurate at i'.sJrta: eive age, previous occupation ar.d salary wanted. Address X 44, Lice. B MS6j G. R. RATH BUN gives private lessonsln DooitHFf ptng. iioom 1J. commercial .na tional bunk. ll-Mlw) FLORI8T wanted, flrst-clnss man, who also knows gardening; steady ponition all tne year around to the Hetu man. Apply en premises or bv mall to Ueorge A. Jos in, Dvenport St., Omaha. Neb. B-MK31 29 EXPERIEN.dKb clerk, one who has been employed In the city; references required; call at store after p. in. ine I.ans;e Orocery Co., 606 8. 13th. B M sou 2 WANTED, deserving; young lady or gen tleman to take life scholarship In Omaha's best business and shorthand college, and pay for It when course Is finished and position secured. Address . Y 7. - B- WANTED, carpenters. Claus Ptange. con tractor, Yutan, Neb. B Mull 2S' TRAVELING salesmen, also advertisers; straight salary: answer if you want busi ness, otherwise don't. Triumph. Dallas, Tex. . u M7KI Ml SALESMAN wanted to carry samples of niinKvii ana nry aroon nn commission; 1 retail iraoe; no miooieman s proiiis. r. f. Rollmann A Co., mfrs.. FhllHdelphla, f'a. in- ANTED Good middle-aged, all round Dutrner; must n a sooer. energetic man, ready to do all kinds or work around lantlc. Iowa. B M918 28 MEN to learn barber trade; special offer Mav 1 to 15: board, room, scholarship and outfit of tools: eight, weeks completes; steady prartlce, exert instrjctlons, po sitions guaranteed. Write today, Moler T ) ."'..II i,'Ol " . t-. T I 8AI.EtME V ANTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit free. Iawrence Nursery Company. I-aw- rmee, Kan. oss ji'J- WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, ' two young lady students to learn lialrdrenslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write ppfm an, ue uiug. v; vn ;00 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th 4 Dodge. C odt WANTED, aged couple living in modern house near High school desire middle- aed housekeeper. Address, with refer ences, X as, fciee omce. c MW7 2d' WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Mrs. A. B. Jaquith, 2017 Spencer Bt. C S44 WANTED, lady to demonstrate perfume. WANTED, a first-class demonstrator. An- I ply ribbon counter, Boston Store. Miss I'norie. v. eo a WANTED, half-grown girl to take care of child b years old. Room 248. ller Grand Motel. c bw -t WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Uood wages and steady Dlace to trustworthy, capable girl. Only man and wife. Location close In. Ad dress Z 1, Bee. , C SJ27 WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take life scholarship in Omaha's best business and shorthand college an pay for It when course la finished and Dosition secured. Address A L Bee. C 890 liM MONTHLY copying letters at home. either sex: send two stamps for particu lars. Micks supply -o.. at; iiiistead. Chicago. , c 36" WANTEIV- Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial maseaxe. only four weeks required by our method of free clinic, expert Instructions, etc.; begin not and complete for summer resort positions: top wages paid graduates. Call or write Moler college, irci rarnam Bt. C-M915 Ml HELP W ANTED. WANTED. Sunday school teachers. Apply North Bide Christian church, 26th and Grant eta., noon bunday. MwiZ rOH HENT-HOlSEa. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btorsge CO.; omce iniyi ruruira. or leia. HOUSES, tores. Hernia. Paxton block. D-400 FOR KENT 7-room hojse, 2td and Cali fornia, Bt.. al. modern. In good repair. large yard- Inquire at fc7 N. T. Life buUdlng. D 141 1 I-M If CC F. Davla Co.. sol Bee Bldg IlVjUOtJ in all ban of city. The D 491 EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace. 2l G. M. Nallinger. Bee lildg. Phone 4nd. D 49 UK CALIFORNIA, t-room furninhed house. Call afterDoona. D 423 A- HOC8ES and flats. Ringwalt. Barker block SEE PAYNE BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice huUMt. tul-3 N. I. Life Bldg. iei. ii D MX THREE & 4-room apartments. HI S. I2d St FOR RENT. S-rooin. modern, detscbed house, newlv Djtnra.f and Dalnted. VAa iuil Capitol Ave. Tat 7i B. ti. Roblsoo. HOUSES, ate. IT li. WaaiL 1AM Douklas D 4 '3 Mag gar 4 V. 8. Co. 1711 W ebster. Tel I4M POSITIVELY Ihe most modern resident?. rooms, sew, aaa, worth eta. 3418 liattiii- , ten. TtL AJ72&, . DMiso la-ROOU modern house, 1001 N. S'th st; atber houaea. Chris boyer. 22d and Cum. "a- iai. VANtf and baaaase w sauna. Tel 119V . D-AI 0. 1-HM)M hooae. with baaament Sbth and yon iie!it-hiiiiei. VERT desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern cnnvpnini'-f a, p4 Oeorgia Ave., im. medlme possession; references required. Inquire of W. C. Aioss, lOfJ I'ark Ave. D 6vl FOR REST, 1W No. 2!1.. 5-room, two- st'iry hnuse, rlty water. ii.w..iw vmana Realty to., 191 Douglas. l 8.1 2 FOR RKNT, two-story S-foom. moiern dwelling, furnace, complete nstn room, gas, etc., corner ,15th and Davenport sts. Wyman, Shrlxr Co., N. Y. Life bldg. L-K7 iT 7-ROOM modern fist, steam heat. ldth and lerige. The Putnam Co., . i,!ia Bldg. D M70 M FOR RENT, 5-room house. H6 8. 18th st. U A1 FOR RKNT. the Shelwm, 101 8. 2Sth St.. a l-ronm, modern house. In one oi tne orst locality In the city: rent J per month; furniture for sale; possession Ma i. Howard Kennedy & Son. Real Estate, 1Onn, Rentals and Insurance, 2 Flnt National Hank Building. D Ml 17 FOR RENT, modern brick houso. 2Vil Capitol ave. D MSTS ! MY RESIDENCE of 11 rooms, alt modern. unfurnished or partly furnlsnei, to pri vate family. Mrs. M. A. Detwcller. 34 N. 21M. D-MV4 FLRNI8HED house for rent for I or I months. No. 412 N. 22d St. Inquire of Howard B. Smith, 419 N. Y. Lire Wrlg. D 8t3 2s mu WEBSTER. 11 rooms, modern. -: XT-T Harnev, 8 rooms, modern, Ko; Ml No. lst, 4 rooms, Is; others S3 to 175. Ringwalt Pros., Barker Blk. D MM FOR Ht.VT-Fl RSISHED HOUVI. DKWET Ejropean hotel, 13th and Farnam. fcr oui LARGE front room, also south room. 2015 Douglas. K MS BEAUTIFI'L rooms, furnished or unfur nished, for light housekeeping, modern, .large lawn, private family, via uurt oi E 1M FI RNISHED rooms, all modern. 320 N. loth Bt. t-o3 Mis ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. IV 0 Capitol Ave. xv Mo ROOMS 1908 Capitol Ave. E-MM9 2S WANTED, a man and wife, or two gentle men to occupy apartments In a beautiful summer home, with widow lady and riaua-hter: very near the best car line In city- references exchanged. Address Box 4i3. ller urana notei. rv FIHMSHED ROOMS A.ND BOARD. NICE home for young: men. 108 B. Ktn 8C DESIRABLE sulfa of rooms, first floor, unrurnisneti, aiay 1. ice iratt, m a. 26th St. F-902-M-6 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or wttnout ooaro. jniuiana hole.. 18th and Chicago fcts. so ROOMS and board Glencalrn, 1609 Douglas. 00J ROOMS "The Farnam.' 19th and Farnam. F 472 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. 404 M-IO LARGE nleasant rooms, furnished or un furnisneci, witn gouq tauie Doaru. Cas. F KJO 26 PRIVATE homelike place; references ex changea. B. Zlst Ave. r ttv zr FRONT room and board In private family at 1126 Bo. 80th Ave. r 842 a' FRONT room and board In private family at lias Bo. 3th Ave. r i air- KOH HK.T-tSFlR5iI8HKU KOOMs. DESK room space, ti per month, ground rloor room in The Bee building, facing Farnam rlreet: no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. K. C. meters c Co., Rental Agents, uee uunaing. u us Sl'ITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping 616 Georgia Ave. O JH5l 3 ROOMS, or entire floor, modern, close In. 2 Karnam.. - i oism zo- FOH REJIT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by lha uee at ma farnam ai. it naa tour stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if interested apply at once to C. C. Rose' water, secretary, room iuu, oee ouiiuing 1 .01 FOR RENT, store In first-class location rent reasonable. Apply K. c. meters Co.. sfiound noor, uee muf. imd I. A HOE room In the Faxton block to let a j liable for lodge purposes. Apply room 636, Paxton block, or W. FARNAM SMITH at CO. I JtoJ FOR RENT, second and third floors, 1418 f arnam si. inquire or nugo r. una, bar and restaurant. Room suitable for billiard, club, lodges or anything. G M800 2S FR RENT, unAirnlshed rooms suitable for light, housekeeping. Wlthnell Bldg., lMn and Harney. G R70 26 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents in every county to solicit suDscnpwuns to inr, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: steady employment with assured good Income; agents In the country with horee and buggy especially desired; can vassers make easily 160 to 1100 per month. Addiess, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Lee buUding. Omaha. 213 AT,0'"0, s"0.0 r'1lla'i!er,'fnt makln all branches of C, B. & Q. In southern Nebraska tc take a tood side line on commission. Address Y 19. Bee. J-M130 M15 LIFE OF TALMAGE. by his son, large. fully Illustrated; low prices; oest terms; freight paid, credit given, outfit free. P. W. Zlegler & Co., 3.4 Dearborn St.. Chi cago. Hi. J-il 27 AGENTS make IS dally selling the cheapest and most pertect water niter ever In vented; retails at tl.6o; big profit; exclu sive territory. Beneca Filter Co.. Seneca, Mo. J-MK12 X7 LIFE OF REV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE. by his son. Rev. Frank IeVitl laimage. Only authorised life of Dr. Talmage and only edition endorsed by his family. Pub lic interest Intense. Beware of misleading advertisements. Don't waste time with "fake" books. Large volume, finely il lustrated. Retail price, 12. Special confi dential terms to agenta. Full or part time. Agent a beautiful outfit free for 15c postage. Rare opportunity. Act ?ulckly. Addreas authorised publishers, nternat.onal Publishing Co., Dept. D, 44 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. J M90t 26 A OF. STB to Introduce new plan ef shoe selling: big pruma. i ept. Si. Monoiast Shoe Co., 171 5tb ave., Chicago.. j ai 26- W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room In private family by three young men; best of ref erences given. Address Si. Bee. K-M 27 WANTED TO HI Y. I WANTED cood aeewndhand furniture highest prices paid, enterprise rurnnure Co.. lux B. I4t n. lei. knx rwt jus WANTED To buy boy's second-hand wheat Address x 63, Bee omce N Mil S6 .' FOR SALE FlRNITl'HE. fHirinn Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. Z't. rsew ana secunananu, ueugni. auiq. exchange. . . u ous WITH every 110 sale we will give FREE a beautiful oil painting, we nave a com plete lino of Louae furnishings, new and secondhand; prices right Enterprise Fur nture Co.. 102-4 U. 14U). Tel. ra6 C Ssj M9 rOH S ALE M HI E S, W A tW N S at TC COOD Studebaker lop buggy, cheap. Sea A. W. Johnaon. with Job Deere Plow Co. P-4-M-i FOR repair work on light snd heavy wagons sea Froal. lUn and Leavenwur h. FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carnages. runiDuun, ne. ana sa-aua, ti iui price. KpaJrtng and trimming; also put on rubber tlr is, p(iar, tlh and Leav c war ta ii P UM rOHa.Bll4 KLLAJROI . FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to TI feet; cribbing and hog fence, isjl Douglas. (J ill l'0 STYLES trusses, catalogue fre. Sher- man A McDonnell Drug Co., ism and Dodge, Omaha. y Si FOR SALE, phonographs, superior tj any ctner musical instrument; j up. ins Wittman Co., lbjl Farnam. Q&U 2DH AND safe cheap. Derlght, 111 Farnam. W Oil INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Vi an SDHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. 13th. W all FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol AT. FINE (-passenger, rubber-tired, open car riage, i; extension, learner top, I seated carriage, rubber-tired, used t times. Ilia; 20 other phaetons, surreys an 1 carriages. DKUMMGND CARRIAGE CO., lMh and Harney. J ii A2 WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and vara, nitcn posts, tree guards. v ire Works. 617 So. 16tb St. Tel. 1 Q M972 Jul- FOR 8ALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand scnooi. cheap, inquire 222 Hee Bldg. Q M9C8 STAMP photos, lc esch. Velox, 13 Far m FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to "1 feet; poultry ana nog fence, vol Douglas, BICYCLES snd phonographs on easy pay ments o aown, n do per weex: la nana wheels, t Vi and 110; new wheels. Ho. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts. (J-M1.52 SOUTH DAKOTA MAP, official, showing boundaries ana descriptions according to government land omce plats to date; free homesteads and land to be opened for settlement; 2.;c silver or Sc stamps. De partment g. State Pub. Co., Pierre, 8 D. Q-M463 M2 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smith- iTemler. Densmore, replaced by lHh ' VNDER WOOD; low price. Rentals. 2 .50 to 14 per month. A. II. Workman r Co.. 1617 Farnam.. 'Phone, 2439. y Sioii WE FURNISH estimates on rebuilding, re- ftnishtng, tone and action regulating. e make a specialty of scientific proof test piano tuning. All work guaranteed. Schmoller & Mueller, Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Piano Dealers. 131.1 Farnam sL an2 B way. Co. Bluffs. Tel. 16J5. Tel. 36. Q-M729 FOR SAIJC, steel founts for soda fountain. Box 621, Omaha. W 839 25 GOOD sound hay, IS 50 per ton delivered. Wagner's feed store, 19"9 to 19U Ctimlng St. Q-MSi2 FOR SALE, sash, doors, frames, furnace, plumbing and other building materials and kindling. See contrator at IMS Doug las St., Omaha. Q 8 25 SEABROOKE Wall paper. 4S N. 16th st. Q M379 M?4 4 PER CENT discount on graphophone, horns, etc. Omaha Bicycle Co., im" na Chicago. Q-892 2t SAM L BURNS for gas fixtures. Q MM5M23 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass 8t S 61b MME. OTLilER, genuine palmist. 316 S. It S 617 ELECTRIC lltt-AlME.II'. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R. 1 T-o4 M-6 MME. AME8. vaoor baths, 124 N. 15th, r. 7. T-M317 M1Z PEHSO.NAL. Mlddlemiss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U M7i& M& DR. ROT, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenser Block. . TJ 619 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con flnement; babies adopted, zjue urant Bt Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. U-618 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle light. u . 181 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chlro- pody, for ladies oniy, in connecuon with n wit U 2i 'ihe tumery, uo-ju use jaiag. RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send ror circular, u. a. wooa, M. D., 621 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U-62v ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 & Douglas, is. 21 u u- ORAMOPHONE8 and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co.. 1622 Doug. las. . t tJJ CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The uatoery. rooms zia-v uee uiag. TeL 111. U-621 svi a l pool NO and halrdresslng. 2Bc. In connection witn ine cainery, aio-uu ilea building. Tel. liio. u RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; senu lor circulars. empire Rupture Cure Co.. 9x3 is. x. Lite mag.. Omaha. u-mi GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds 01 pieaung. ineir new macninery enables them to do better, cheaper. Quicker work man ever oeiore. sun uoug Us block. U M214 BECK 4 CO., wall paper cleaners. Tel. 747, VIAVI. woman's way to health. Home treatiae Omaha. treatment Booklet free. 4t Bee Bids. EL1TH PARLORS. (15 80. 16th St., 2d floor. u s-1 an PRIVATE home for ladies before and dur Ing connnement; uaoiea auupieu. lqjij Lurdette. Mrs. Burget u Mt!t Mil MME. SMITH, baths, lis N. 15. 2d floor, r. 1 u jnta mid- EARN 12 per day: dresscuttlng by ma- 1 . 1 ... .l I , n . . . . 1 . Unn.n 1 c nine, iwi vuufti.,, .vvwa . U-M7TT M21 The Supreme Court Decision. Was certainly a good one, and It Is In most every man s moutn. so are tne STOEKER CIGARS. U-MS86 26 FOR 8ALE. finely established dress-mak Ine- and ladles' tailoring business of Mrs. Prank Brown. Well furnished reception room: thoroughly equipped work room. Call at room 4u7, 16th and Douglas, Brown building. u 6i4 a WAfs'TED. to know the whereabouts of Kred Leach, who was last known to be at Deadwood. S. D.. in lv2. I would be thankful to any one knowing of him to write to me, his brother. Mathlas Leach, sergeant Company B, 4th Infantry, Fort Sam Houston, Tex I' M911 27' MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. 4Vi PERCENT on business properly. ( per cca, on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 4ul d. LHh St. W-&29 MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. iirenuan-iove Co.. run so. litn. VfbJi FOR SALE, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., lout irarnam bt, owaha. w MiJ W-4K WANTED, city loana and warrants. W Farnam Smith as Co., 1120 Farnam St. w-uo FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. 1 nomas, xai pil vua oiug. ici. iosa. W-Ul I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. IX Farnam. W-aJ7 CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR 8 ALE. R. C PETERS ( O 17U3 Farnam 8t W-MifcJO-M 7 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bond ana warrants, xv c. pclera to. 17 Farnam St. Bee Bldg. W-33 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1K4 Dougias . w 04 4V TO P. C. money. Br mis, Paxtrn Blk. v aJ PRIVATE money. Eherwood. St7 N. T. U H1 1 I IAMCrV CHARLES E ibumiwuii, Faraasa airwat .V.'-i MONEY TO lA M4TTF.I.". MONEY TO LOAN" CHATTELS. I I II I I MON C.TI MONK T I WHEN IN NEED Or MONET DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. I I LOANS FROM $10 TO IMO MADE i On Furniture, Flanos, etc.. and to people holding a steady position, without pub licity or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATEd than elsewhere. Tou can have the money on the same day you ask for It. and the loan can be paid oft in easy weekly or monthly payments, or as your circum stances will permit, thus enabling you to pay without inconvenience or worry. Come In end talk it over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room Jo3 Third Floor, Faxton Block X-M53J WE make loans on Furniture, Plar.os. Horses, Wagons, Carriages snd other chattels. We make SALART LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. Yoj can get the money on very short notice and pay t back In one month, or keep It longer, and pay for it only what time you keep it. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We Live you the full amount of the OAN in cash. We always "try to OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2:93. Established ls92. . S. 16th St X-640 M O N E Y MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, nrrses, cows, etc. ' . . neea. nis A 647 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-644 MONET loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley 1-oan Co., sue. to Duff Grean, I Marker Blk. X-641 LOANS on CHATTELS and RALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE. 63i Faxton block, JC-641 MONET loaned on plain nots to salaried people; M'S.ness conndentiai; lowest rates. Sl4 paxtor block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-64J Bl SIN ESS C UANCRS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Koom 411 Mccague building. T-S43 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. U. Johnson. M3 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. I 64 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of lowa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about tlO.ouo; prodts huge; must close up an estate interest tn only reasou lor Belling. Addresa V 40, Bee. Y UtZi IF YOU want to BUT or SELL real es tate call o: write NEW SNOW -CHURCH CO.. 4th Floor N. Y. L fa Bldg., Omaha, Y-7J STOCK of about 13.000 In good location. would take omana residence property lor about xi.&uo. Adorees, box 14, ute, lowa. Y 273 M-12 FOR BALE, easy terms, small cash Day. rr.ent, Daiance mommy, my entire livery stock, hacks and hearae; excellent chance to step into good paying business. W. C. Utterback, Ogden barn. Council Bluffs, la I-aai A2b FOR SALE, good clear, up-to-date stock of Jewelry, crockery, musical instru ments, sewing machines, notions, etc.; about 15. 600. IX': also good brick building, 25x100, with lot 25x150. Stock located in good county seat town N., V. Iowa. Stock running and doing good, business. Fine opening for right man. . For particulars address P. M. tasady, Sioux City. la. r, . Y-687 28 FOR SALE, a good, -clean -Block of grocer ies, queeneware ana notions, one 01 tne , atartAm In a HVn 'TCaHraalrn r,.-n doing a good business- reason for sell ing, poor health. Address Grocer, Bea office, Council Bluffs. T-M727 STOCK of books, notions arid stationery; live business in live town; gooa point to work In drug line. Aaaress x t, nee. T-722 26 HARDWARE stock for sale. W. J. Deer- Ing, canon, la. iim js FOR SALE, cigar store doing a paying business. A snap. Address 1 .1-', ne ofllce. Y-M791 FOR SALE, small Jobbing business; about 11.500 required. Must go at once. Address Y 63, Bee omce. ' 1 aiisw FOR SALE, a clean stock of groceries and fixtures. Y 68. Bee. 1 mkb Zi FORTUNES easily made by small but wis Investments; tne smaii capitalists ana money savers' opportunity; write for our Guide to Wealth." Tralse & Co., 223 Unity Bldg.. Chicago. Y MS5SM23' 11,000 PER YEAR income can be secured by any one wno win taae tne trouoie to investigate our plans: no gold mine or gambling scheme; simple, straigntiorwsra business proposition or unusual merit. Jumlapa Co., Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. I" 900 WILL buy complete butcher shop, with icebox sxiu. irom naiier-itver u., aim lanahter house: Kood business, low rent cattle snipping point, mining ana larming community. Address 1 do, 1)1 Y M914 28 FOR SALE or trade, doctors practice and drug store for sale in western ieorasxa; the only drug store In the county; must ba for cash, or will trade for cattle: a good chance for a physician. Address Box 669. Cheyenne, W yo. Y M910 M2 FOR SALE All the buildings on 31st and Spauldlng sts.. also our wagon scale ana about six carloads of'stone. Inquire John F. Behm. 1459 80. 15th. Y M917 CHANCE for a woodworker to buy interest In manufacturing plant and also run a planing mill. Address -i. Bee omce. Y-M9U1 28 FOR SALE Interest In rapidly growing manufacturing business; business new and a little money buys large share. Ad dress Z 6. Bee Office. . X M'JOO 2 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49. Bee. Z M510 ISQUITT In Improved level quarter for trade, box zc cnapman, iveo. Z 7 26 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nra insurance. Benus, raxion uiocn. RE Cot FOR SALE. 1120 acres of good farraln land, M acres In crops this year, at sacrifice In central part of Nebraska. G. 11. Peterson, 622 N. loin, omana. RE 668 M19 IF YOU want one of the Dloest s-roora homes In llanscom Place I will give you a bargain, uwner ien cji. aiuai aeu. - . it bherwooa. wi r. 1. 1 iag. . RE-M13 ALL ABOARD for California! 500.000 acres government land in southern California open for settlement ; the largeat irriga tion canal In America is bow completed through these lands; soli Is very rich ana fertile; finest alfalfa and cattle country on eartn; &M acres siiowea eacn person permanent water rights sold on ess terms; railroad through these lands will be completed in short lime; send 10 centi for books snd maps and full Informa tion. Reld ft lleuer, agenta, 107 South Broadway. Los Angeiea. cat RE-M470 MIS FOR BALE, at a bargain, that desirable 7-room residence, bath room, etc.. No. 2113 ixtcusl St.; owner leaving city; price oniy I2.IUU. Howard Kennedy ft Son, Real . k.stste. Loans, Rentals ana insurance, xm First National Bank Building. RE-MS82 21 HOUSES and lots In all parte oi citr: ali acre property and farm Unda. The O. V. uavia co- Hvum su uuuanig. BEE PAYNE. B09TWICK ft CO. for eh aca) bargains. 6vu-2 N. T. Lafe Bldg. Tel. 1016. Riwllutl WILLIAMSON, .'.itJr FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MODERN cottage. I roonss. entirely new. paved street, brick sid.-walk, nar 2-th and 8t. Mary's ave. ; esy terms. HJ. O. C. Otsen, 1701 Farnam st. RE M.iJS 2 RANCH and farm lan-la ror sale by the I ,il,.n Pain Hallroad eomDanv. B. A. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters. Omaha, Neb. RE &4 'OR 8 A I.E. ten-room modern house. West Farnam; good barn, snsde trees; very chenp. I'.enson ft Carmichael. Paxton block. hi NtW COTTAGE FOR SALE. on Hurt hetm-een ?7th and 2sth avenues. Six living rooms, six guod closets, com plete bath with porcelain tub. marble washstand and b-st make of closet; hot and cold water and gas. with fixtures ail complete: cemented cellar under entire house, fitted with coal bins: nice tu: 'Mi and splendid lot: price only t2.enn; .hi cash, taiance to suit, 6 per cent. Just the place for a small family. C'a'l us tip. teiepnone, and we win snow you in- hovse. PAYNE .INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. Main Floor New York Lite Bldg. RE W7-26 BUY THIS-3?o acres of well Improved imiu. two miies m ipflur riapins, et. ; t acres cultivated, balance grass land; well fenced: land worth from tiT, ui t. 150. i'v all around this; for a short time you can get mis ror tszw jr acre; well rented for this year to a good man. Ad dress Lock Box 23, Cedar Rapids, Neb, RE-U 30 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas St., upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap b illdlug lots. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on ensy terms. RE MxJ BUT best house paints, varnishes, etc.: quality nignest, prices lowest. .National Oil and Paint Co., Iul5 Jones St. RE MMS M23 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block RE 651 ALFALFA farm for sale; Irtn acres. 4 in annua: wen improve, uoing to Canada. Write to Erik Johnson, R. 2. Ixington, Neb. RE 8o4 M-21 FINELY' Improved half-section, splendid farm, 14 mile from Wayne, l0 per acre, easy terms. E. R. Surber, W ayne, Neb. RE M SIS 28 EVERY ONE A BARGAIN. WALLACE. Brown Block. 11.600 2639 Seward, 8-room, modern, rents 116.00. I2.'" Four 3-ronm cottages, city water, al ways rented 6 each, ought to brln more, Patrick Ave., near 27th; will sell in pairs for I1.00. $550 i-rnom house, 2 lots, etty water, S1C9 iseward. 2.75" 9-room. modern house, hot wrater heat, rent HO; near 33d and Mason. ll.4oo2"44 N. mh, always rented 115; easy terms. $!, 2619 Chicago, 6 rooms, 33x132, close in, easy terms. VACANT. 1300 So. front lot, Meredith Ave., bet. 27th and 2stn. $400 40-ft. lot on 36th, one blk. south of Ieavenworth. I61O Fine south front. California, near Lowe Ave.; goo houses being built ad joining and all about this lot. 11,601110x285. suitable for subdivision, fine building site, near 27tn and orant. GEORGE a. WAL1-ACE. 16th and Douglas. RF.-S41 25 K. 21 8 rooms, modern, walking distance, only 12,100; terms to suit; monthly payments to responsible party. Stringer, 634 Paxton block. RE MS3 27 We Write Cyclone Insurance POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420 N. Y. Life. Tel. 470. RE MS99 26 416.0OO ACRES choice farming land to be given away by the government; send 2oc money order to D. W". Forbes, Bonesteel. 8. P.. who will send you the Home steaders' Guide, official maps, etc. RE M 907 26 PIANOS. Suggestions TO ' BUYERS. Disrobe the piano price of its expensive Duroen oi store rents, retail dealers ex pense of selling, remove music teachers' commissions and It is easy to see why for l25o no more, no leBs I'll sell you a piano that dealers charge law) to 4io for. Beau tiful up-to-date styles In all the fancy woods. Cash or li.W weekly. Y'ou can call evenings. FRED R. W ALTER, manufacturers' agent, 1112 California St. walnut mil car. M!i7 26 MEDICAL. LADIES. If hopeless, worried or discour aged, write ws tor our regulator; one treatment guaranteed to relievo abnormal case of auppresalon, any cause. Dr. Mead Rem. CO., 21 yuincy ac, cnicago. M64 M3 DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In dlaeases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. u TREES. TREES, shrubs, rosea and vines of every variety, bales grounds, utn ana Douglas. t rknk . juarun, prop. iei. ana. -662 M4 FOR shrubs, vines, trees, etc.. see the Crescent city sales ground, south side of Farnam and Zlst sis. Phone ltJ6. 43 M22 SHORTHAND AND TYPWR1T1NG. QREQU Shorthand. Om. C. CoL, 17thADou A. C. VAN SANT 8 school. 717 N. T. Ufa. BOTLE3' college, court reporter principal. N. x. ure. m NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd OSTEOPATHY. OID E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, ueteopatha, Suite 613, N. X. Lit Bid. 1S1. 1664. -671 DR A. T. HUNT. (12 McCagua Bldg. TeL 2362. -4li DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. ! U TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITER bargains Smith-Premier. No. 1. 119. Smith-Premier, No. 1, U7.50, fine condition, Remington. No. , almost new, sta. Remington. No. 7. new. 170. Deneinorea while they last. 135, your choice. FLO I D bt. joiin. 1,12 Farnam st. 775 25 rowi. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, zuis rarnam street; pnone .no. 41L FIR DRESSING. a R- GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 So. 13th. STORAGE. PACIFIC Storags and Warehouse Co., 912- 114 .ones, general aiorage aua lurwaroing. sua OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611" rara. Tela. mt-Ki. ClKTAIkt CLEARED. LACE curtains cleaaed, 26s a pair. Farnam klireet nana t-aunary, kiu sarnam bt. . 4VI A30 STAMPS. COIHS, ETC. LOWaUT-Omaha Bump Co., So. Uta. I . sol I WANTED TO SORROW, WANTKP. to borrow, nn Inside rent paying dwelling house; home money pre lerred. Address Y 65. Hee. Mv 27 F.LES TR1CAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 ft Jackson Tel. MS. Ml' MM BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. Ill North Itn. -6-4 (Oil.. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. phon 9:1. -m5 NH FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling hags, suit caes; tri nks repaired Om. Trunk l actory, uou Farnam. 575) QARUAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clesns cesspools tnd va alts, removes gsrbaite urd dead animals at reduced prices. 6J1 N 16. Tel. 1779. 26 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING in families or st home. Miss Sturdy. 2 Farnam. M-6 LAIMJR Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, fc; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. FRATKHNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as ine. inaner menDers tree, particu lars from Frank Host water, supreme .nanager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724 SOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., mfrs. of paste for a,l purposes. In bbls. and H bbls. Write for prices. 2"J1' Cuming. 5SI 30 PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. NATURAL stone, cement, brick. Welshan's Mantel and Tile Co., 309 S. 17th. Tel. P'.S9. M225 A:6 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an business confidential. U01 Douglas. 670 NICKEL PLATINQ. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 25SS. tf STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. o-J BRASS FOINDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing ana nnisning. specialty Mtg. Co., li N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. 54 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly aitenuea to. j. 1. uciuttree, 2uth and Lake streets. 370 LOST. LOST, black collie with brown markings ana wnue tip on end or his tail. Reward will be paid. 2223 Dodge si. W6 25 LOST Set ring, two emeralds and four pearls. Return to 608 No. 17th and get re ward. Lost MH16 26 MAM FACTl RING. P. MELCHOIR. 13th and Howard, ma. cninist. ai363 OMAHA Safe and L-on Wki,, make a spe. ciany oi nre escapes, snuttera, doora and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 1U2 So. lOih St. -Mllli FLORISTS. U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1253. 66J XI RSERIESO TREES! TREES!! TREES!!! All kinds of shade trees supplied, fruit trees, snruns, Dusnes, strawoerry plants, pie plants, etc., etc. TREES PROPERLY TRIMMED. P. L. Forgan. 314 N. 15th St. M9n3 27 D D n' The Picture of Happiness nip"' 1 is presented when one of the j "J right Iiatrona ot this omce ir seen, t Is our ambition tn please each end everyone who visits us and we guarantee every thing to be as represented. I n d Bailey tk Dentist. S12 Fasten Block. 14th an rarnam Its. Lady attendant. Phone VM. HQ Nature's remedy for all nerve troubles. applied scientifically by a gifted healer. For free booklet, "Nerve Force and How to Ob tain It," address. DR. CHAS. I. WHITE, M. H. & V. P. P. O. Bog 111, Columbus. Neb. POSTOFF1CE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. aa changea may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending April 2. 12. will close tPRoMPTLY In all cases) at tne uenerai roeiomce, as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one ho ir earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malis for Germany close at i p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supplementary malls lor Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign branch. Tranaatlaatlo Malls. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. La Gaacogne, via Havre (mail fur other parts of t-urope must be directed 'per a s. La Gaacogne") ; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Hohenxollern (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hohen xollern"); at 7:3o a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Potsdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Potsdam"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Que ns- PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papera, and samples for Uernitur oniy. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary Transatlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary malis are opened on the piers of the American, Eugllah, French and German steamers, and remain open until within 10 raiuutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Ik aad Cealral Aaierlea, West ladles, Ele. SATURDAY At s. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. a. Ssn Juan, via San Juan; at I a. m. (supplementary So a. m i for .C URACAO and VENEZUELA, rx-r a. a. ZulU (mall for Savanilla and Cartageni must b directed "per a. s. Zulla'j; ut Su s m. (supplementary 0:Jv a. m for ST. THOMAS. BT. I KOIX, LUEWAKU id WINDWARD IHIAN1S. BRITISH, M TCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Roralm; at S.So a. m. (supplementary lu; a. ra.J tor- FORTUNE 1SUM). JAMAICA, "a VANILLA, CART AG FN A and OBEITOWN, vr s. a. Actios unali in li mil l in i n i-onTiirrii k oT!i p.. for Costa Rioa mut be dlrvtd "per s. s. A'h.s I, at 10 n. in. lor CL HA. p;- s. s. Morro Castle, via Haxann. Mi ls for, ly rail to North Sydney, and thence Im steamer, close at this oftlce dally at 6 Ji p. m. (connecting os,. here ery .Monday. t,-rJneslav ana Malls tor Mlrielon. ly r'Ul to Rostcn, and thence lv ste.imer. close at tliis uifli c dally nt 6 ;o p. in. Msila for Cuba, by rail to Florld.t, and thence by Stcsmers, are dispatched daily, tiral eon nccting closes, lor dispatch via Port Tiimpa on Mot'diiys. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 3' a m, for iilspatch via Mlnil. on Motnlsvs nnd Sfur dnys at . p. m. Mulls for Mexico CHy, overland, jnkss specially a.Mre.-ed for di-piiti h by sitnmcr. close at this oftlce dally except Sunday at !:. snd 11 :Ji) p. m , Snn.lnys Kt 1 p. m mid 11 ' nt. Malls for Costa Rica. Hellxe, Puerto 1'Vrtra and luateamli. by rail to New tlrlrans. and th' me by stesmi-r, ciose nt this ctTlce ('ally rxcent Sund.iy at ! :S0 p. ni., Sun days at 1:1C p. tn. iconnectlug closes here Mondnys for Itclii-, Puerto Cortex and,i, and Tuesday for Cosf Rica.) -neaisirrcu man ciosts at k:uv p. ni. pre vious d.iy. Transpacific Stella. Mnlls for Australia, texcert West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via llurope). New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dully at :''0 p. m. after April .Mb and up to April -"Uh. Inclusive, or on arrival of s a. 1'mt.rlo. due nt New York April 26th. for disn.itch ner a. s. Sonoma Mills for Australia (except West Australia, which gors via r.uropr, BtiJ .New Zee. land, w tilth goes via Han Franclseol. and Fiji Island., via Seat'! and Victoria. B. C. close here ilallv at :3i p. ni. up to April :tith. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s Moan.i isneciailv adilrf sSfl onlvl Malls fur Han all. China and Janiin. vll San Francisco, close here daily at 6 3d p. m. up to April 26th. Inclusive, lor dispatch ier e. . Doric. Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle and victoria, it. C, close here unily at 30 p. m. up to April JS'th, inclusive, for dls latch per s. s. Empress of China trrls torcd mail must be specially addressed. Merchandise fur the U. 8. Postal agency st Shanehal cannot be forwarded via Canada i. Malls for Hawaii, Japan and China (also leiter mall nnd specially addressed peri rdlcals for the Philippine Islands, via Manila), vlr. San Francisco, close here daily at ii:.k p. m. up to May Nth, In clusive, lar disf spulch per s. s. Nippon Mam. Mails for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close) here dally at :. p. m. up to May 5th, inclusive, fur dispatch per s. s Ainmnln, Malls for the Philippine Islands, via Sail Francisco, close here dally at :So p. m. up to May 11th. inclusive, for dispatch per U. S. transport. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via 8an Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. tip to May 2.ld inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Austri.lli . Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daliy and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted ovennnd transit. Registered mail closes at 1:09 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce. New York, N. Y.. April li, 112. GOVERNMENT NO l it ES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES-" Department of the Interior. Otflce of In dian aftalrs, Washington, D. March 1. 1!j2. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goout., clothing, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Nos. 77 and 71. U ouster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock p. m., of Tuesday, May 13, 19)2, for fur nishing for the Indian Service, blankeia, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bias must be made out on government blanks, bchedulea giving ail necessary Information tor bidders will be lurnlshed on application to tne Indian of fice, Washington, D. c. ; Nor 77 Bud iS Wooster street, New York City; 235 Johnson Street, Chicago, ill.; No. elo Howard street, Omaha, Neu. ; the commissaries of sub sistence, U. 8. A , at Cheyenne, Leaven worth, SL Louis. St. 1'aui and San Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux c'it, Yank ton, Arkansas City, v'uldwall, Tuptka, Wichita and Tucson. Bids will bo opened at the houi ana days ubovc staled, and bidders are Invited to be present at the oening. The department reserves the right to determine '.he p.,int of delivery and to reject in and all bids, or any part of any jid. W. A. JONEd. Commis sioner. AprlStoMayi TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICM of the SuiH-rvlsIng Architect, Washington, D. ., April 21, 1:4. 8..Rled ropcbul will be received nt this office until 2 o clock p. m. on the 27th day of May, li'ij, and :Ikii opened for the construction (except licallu,; apparatus, electric wiring and conduits of the I!. S. postolllce at Creston, Inwa. In ac cordance with the drawings and ai.cciiiiv. tions, copies of which may be hua ut lh:s oftlce or at the oiticu of me postmaster at Creston, l..wa. at the discretion of ihe su pervislnR arihltect. JAMES KNOX TAY LOR, Supervising Architect. -A24-eodtt CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nib.. Aiuli i;l. lnoj. S.-aied uro- posals, In triplicate, will Ik received ut th s ! ottice until 10 a. ni . central time. May la, I lft (!, and then ok-ii'.1, fur furn-shing ohIs, bran, baled hy and bedding at Fort Si.l, Oklahoma. for delivery at other s w ill ne enu rtaiiu d. I . b. i serves to reject or accent any or all pro posals, or any part tlvreof. Information lurnished on application 1 1 this i lllce, or to Quartermaster at Fort Sill. O. T. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposing for Forage," unit ad dressed to JNO. W. Pl.I.LMAN. C. V- M 24-25 2ti-2sM12-13 WANTED, for V. 8. army, able-bodLed un married men between ages of 21 and i5, cltlxens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who enn speak, read and write English, f or inlormanon apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge sta Omaha, and postofflce oulldlng, Lincoln, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. TO ALL CREDITORS AND HOLDERS of Debentures of the East Omaha Liind Company: You are hereby notified to die with me on or before May 15, 1M)2. a verified statement of any claim or demand you may have or may assert against Ihe East Omaha Land company, stating particularly when and for what purpoae your claim was con tracted, and the amount you claim to be due. with interest. GEORGE II. TIH'MMEL. A24dlOt Special Master. STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Now Yoik-Jtotterdam. via Boulogne. . M. New Twin-ecrew, s. a. of 13.WM loos regis tar. TStlenafnerrW POtSdaOl Apr. M. 10 A. M. Twin-Screw Steamer Twin-Screw Steamer May 3, 10 a. in. Rotterdam May 10. 10 . m Apply to Harry Moores, 1415 Farnam street; J. B. McNaily, 1ZZ1 Farnam s treat; H. eV Jones, 15o2 samara street: Louis Neese. First National Bank. Omaha. ANCHOR LINK IT. . MAIL STEAMERS Balllnt rularljr tsrtwaan K(W TORK. LoNUDNPKgRY CLASOOW; NEW YORK, CIHkACTAU 4 KAFLKS. Superior accommodationa. EiralUnt Online. Brery rs(rd far tba comfort ul S'aaaoaara atudiaaalr con aUr4 anil iirai-lUvJ Single or Hound Trip tlrkata Issued aatwaaa Naw York and aVotru. Eutllab. Irlab and ad rrlaclpal C'onlloanlal polnla at aitrartiva rsloa for tlrktta ar nral Infurautloa tpfy to HENPERtuSj BROS., t'k'uaso. or aan COcAb AUI.vtr Mow York to Havro 6 Days Cumpngnte t.euerale f ranaatlanttuue kikllluaa Pverr Ibursday at 1U A.M. L' Aqultallia. . . La Tuuraina... atar a. juua April 14. Mir ti. Juaa 1. Julr It ...Mar I. Mir 2. June 14. Julr 14 La Sasola La Lam loa Oiganuo Famt How Mir ii. Juns li. July l The FRENCH LINE Inairr4 ti irar ata MotJOM Century Oevl'. L.rr. intruded tjr v . r (-m-rs inaunnii aaa f Mfffl'dOfOMr of War duciullna. lAiiurluua FvniiJlae evml.iru fertactrulslna. Tela IIIILSIiroiS paonallaraWoa. StOantOia vlj fliu4 aaiiiiun from FimlitmllMll'w '"r" averTaurwli.jr. Full K-XOIUmlWiy Information rail ar wrlla ta . w. soaaikaai.uaa.iis-t.aat.,11 saafWBSi.,t'kiaaa,af HAKHT E M'XiRea. 141k riraam hi. 1. I. M' N ALLY, m K.rn.m St., Plrat Nil' I Bank. GKUHI.E E. ABBUTT. IZlk finiatB St. II JOSBS. lior Krnim St. FOUR SEPARATE AID DISTINCT SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers gall ing regularly from Boston, Portland sod Montreal . to Liverpool, also Boston to Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, etc.. apply to local agent or company ofllce. M Dearborn St., Chicago, UL