Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, APIUL 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Downpour in Grain Statei Incites Wild Day in Cereal Fits. STAMPEDE TO SELL SPURS COLLAPSE Valla Prostrated at Opening Gone anil Provisions Pot l'p Bold Front, bnt Finally Bon to Bear i lull Krndmrnt, riMCAno. April 25-Ralns In the four big surplus wheat and corn states played havoo with the price of grains on the Board of trade today and caused a commo tion for a time that resembled a stampede, - . L .1 .. .......I.,.- I. . . .. I I sell, Mil. 1'rlces fluctuated so widely and wildly that for a time a panic was reared When traders recovered their heads the pita quirted down somewhat. The bears, however, had too much the best of the srgiimmt to allow prices to recover and May wheat cloned lVVlVc lower. May corn lc down and May oats lc off. Provisions, though showing Independent strength for a time, could not withstand me pounoing in g-ralns and they closed EffT'c to 15c lower. There was a wild onenlna" In the wheat pit. Rain had fallen during, the night copi ously over Iowa, Illinois, Missouri ana Ne braska and the altuRtlon was materially relieved In Kansas. Strangely enough, the heavy downpour In this city, as usual, added fright to wheat holders, and with one accord there was a general wheat dumping press at the sound of the opening gong. Everybody seemed to have selling orders. So rapla was the decline and so Irregular the fluctuations that stop-loss orders were soon met and additional stuff was thrown Into the pit, contributing tow ard a further weaKness. npecuiators in general, big and little brokers, commission houses, scalpers ana plungers, ten ine n feet of the extremely bearish weather con riltlone following- the slump of yesterday. Of course rains were expected for a long time and trader had fortified themselves with stop-loss selling orders. Hut there waa such a quantity for sale that the break became a collapse Instead of a decline. Two million bushels were unloaded by several houses. The English cables were not re sponsive to our elump of yesterday, but they soon got Into line and closed weak. Receipts were weak and statistical papers Issued bullish reports. Another support was the apparent steadiness of the Kansas City market In the faoe of the break here. Pome traders were arguing that that mar ket should be In better position to know the truth of the situation than the present crowd. Outside markets were weak, but reports still complained of crop damage. After the early tumult prices recovered somewhat, but bearish aentlment Induced further pressure and the market weakened again. May wheat opened HSo lower, with sales ss wide apart aa 744 c to 7?c. Julv sold at the start between 7c and 75V The close was weak. May lVkfl'io lower, at 74VC, and July 114c off at X (fisS'SiC. Local receipts were M cars, none of contract grade, and Minneapolis and Puluth reported 108 cars, making a total for the three points of 134 cars, against 136 last week ami 267 a year ago. Argentine shipments were l,4H4.0a bu., compared to l.Si'C.ono last year. Primary receipts were 154.fKK) hu., against sM.noo a year ago. Sea board clearances In wheat and flour equaled 715.000 bu. Minneapolis and Duluth stocks are expected to show decreases for the week, respectively, of 800,000 and 1,000.000 bu. Last week the decrease of the two markets combined was 1,200,000 bu. Corn suffered even a worse break than Wheat at the opening, slumping as much as 2Vc. Wheat sympathy and the general rains were the factors. All day the pit waa a scene of much excitement and nervous feeling. Corn was dumped freely Into the pit regardless of prices. Stop-loss orders came out all the way down and during the early scramble there was practically no support. Even the big bull crowd sold out much of their holding for profits. "Tallers" were badly squeeted. After the general selling movement had seemingly knocked the bottom out of the market there was some responsive buying and prices recov ered mc from the low point of the day. Subsequently much of tnls recovery was again lost as scalpers sold again. Country offerings of corn ware freer than they have been for some time, especially from III nols. Iowa corn also was offered In liberal quantities, hut not much from there came Into Chicago, for Kansas City was lVac over this market. St. Louis was weak. May corn opened Mo lower at 624 SI No and slumped to SlVsC. July started -4 file lower at WtftttVic and touched 62c. The close was weak, but July and May closed lc higher at 6c and 63V4C, respec tively. Receipts were 119 cars. Oats declined with the break In other grains, but the market ruled comparatively quiet. Considerable stuff was sold on stop loss orders and the effect of the ralna on the sown osts was bearish. Receipts also were heavier. Receivers and provision dealers were the best early sellers. Later there was some fair Investment buying which picked up some Of the loss. The close, however, was weak. May sold from 42c to 41S.C, reacted to 43c and closed lo lower at 424c. Receipts were 167 cars. Provisions maintained a Arm undertone the greater part of the session In spite of the weakening Influence of grains. Prices, however, slid off In the face of a light run of hogs, and the highest prices of the year at the yards. Rears made some use of the contemplated prosecutlun of the meat trust to depress prices, but packers supported the market at the decline. There was a rtood demand for products, especially for urd. July pork closed 16c lower at IU.87H. July lard t$7Hc off at 9.95 and July ribs ii7Hc down at I9.72H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, SO cars; corn, 142 cars; oats, 146 cars: hogs, 12.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May SJuly July a Sept. Ji Sept. July Sept. Irfird May July .Sept. II ma May , July Sept. I 78-44 1 7Miff76 7 1bkV 76!, 62H 64 614-2H 63 41lfN2 43 r 36V "alJ 31V Xtftt 33 16 72V, 16 72V, 16 M 17 00 17 10 17 10 9 R7V, 87V, 10 00 10 00 10 10 10 10 3 25 9 871, 9 40 47V, 9 60 74V4 76V4f4 .64 634 644 63 43V4 364 '324 61 Vi 82V. 62Vi 634 61!62& 41H 35 424 36S 37V 86 16 60 16 82V, 16 95 9 824 9 5 10 06 16 624 16 874 18 80 17 024 17 10 9 90 10 024 10 10 9 25 9 424 9 50 16 974, 9 85 9 95 10 074 9 224 9 ivJ 9 424 9 224 Jo 9 46 No. 2.1a Old. lb New. Cash quotations were as follows: KLOl'It Steady: winter patents, $3 70ji 190; winter straights, $3.233 60: winter clears. 3.(V(J'3 40; spring specials. $4. 004 (,j spring patents, S3.Mj3.tj0; spring stralghs, t3.7H3.10. WHEAT No. 3, 74474c; No. 2 red. 824 jS4c. CORN No. t yellow. 634c OATS-No. 2, 4341484c; No. 1 white, 45 54c; No. I white, 444g64e. RYE No. 2, 6Sc. 1!A RLEYFalr to choice malting, 6tVS9c. HEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.68; No. 1 north western, 11.79; prime timothy, $6.9uU'7.0O; clover, contract grade, 88 36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbL, $16 So C'16.70. I-ard. per 100 lbs., I.K2VS.86. Short rlba sides (loose), 89.1539 26. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 7.75jj'(.874. Short clear aides (boxed), .70a.8O. . WHISKY On basis of high wines. 1 80 The fallowing were the receipts and ship- Articles. Receipts. Shipments. .... 14.00 .... 22.010 6, OHO .... fcu.J Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bj Barlsjr, bu... ....17O.0n 23",0u0 .... zv.uuu On the Produce exchange todav the hut. ter market was weak; creameries, Ww.'lc; dairies, 17tjj'2ur. Cheese, steady, 124413c. Eggs, easy; fresh 154ol84c. KtCW YORK GKNEHAL MARKET. Qaotatlaas ( the Day on Varlona Con, modules. NEW YORK. April 24-FIXCR Re ceipts, 1S.5M bbls.; exHrts, 14.800 bbls. ; easy but not quotably lower; winter straights, I3.754i3.90; Minnesota patents, ta.Hi.ji .; 'winter patents, 3.w4i4.fc; winter extras, j 10.0 3 Jo; winter low grades,; '.Minnesota bakers, 82 9vg3 20. Rye Hour, klull; fair to good, 83.10tui3.4O; choice to Jsncy. t3o04j3.ab. CORNMEA1. Steady; yellow western, ill .81; city. 11.30. RYE Easier; No. 1 western, 64c. t. o. b., lafloat; state, 61(u63c, c. 1. f.. New York, carlots. BARLEY Dull ; feeding. (4ti8c, c. I. f . New York; malting, k7471c, c. I. f., New torn. WHEAT Receipts. 233.000 bu.; exports, elevator, and st4c, f. o. b., afloat;' No. 1 northern, M4c, t o. b., afloat. A sensa tional decline rouowea the break In west ern drouth conditions today, pr-s losing over a cent per uusnei. weakness prevail ing all day. May. 80 -lMSlSc; July, b' 11-liiaM 9-lc, closed at fuV-'i September, hiVc: iHtrvmber. tlSiC COKM-KecclvU, UTW bu.; exports, 1.500 bu. Snot, weak; No. 1, 704n, elevator, and 74 f. o. b., afloat. Prices broke lHc In the first hour. Rain was the selling mo tlve. Later prices partly recovered, but closed weak, lfc14c net decline. May, CTS'a c, closed at 6Mc; July, 671!i4c, closed at 6x4c; September, 674c. OATB-Recelpts. M.fim) bj - exports, 575 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2 47c; No. i. 47c; No 2 white. 524oMc; No. 8 white, 524c; track mixed western. 4a4!c: track white, 615i2c. options sustained an early break, but ral lied with corn. HAY Unlet; shipping, 6065c; good to choice. RlwviflSc. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, l!tl crop, lfrii2r; lirno crop, 13fiI4c; olds, 4 6c; I'acitln coast, 1!oi crop, l;itilR4c; 19m') crop, l,? 14c; olds. 4ac. .JUDES-Ju,'t: Oalveston. 18c; California. 184c; Texas drv, 1.1c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 2f?i2.V C)t H yulet; domestic fleece, 1(Hj2c. PHOVISloNS-Heef, strong; lamllv. 116; mess, $12; beef hms, 221.0i"ii'22 1; packet, 113; city extra India mess, iL'i.aniriS.nn. Cut meats, Arm; pickled bellies. 8IO.Titxfill.25; pickled shoulders, lh 50; pickled hams, 11150 4)12.00. I,ard, steady; western steamed. $l".3(i; refined, firm; continent, 110.60; Houth America, til: compound, 8.124fr8.50. Pork firmer; family. Jl Otx 19.5; mess, $17.00(i 18.00; short clear. $lH.0ti)2" ). TALIXJW Firm; city t2 per pkg ), 6Hc; country (pkgs. free), 646n. HI 'TTER Receipts, 3.364 pkgs.; unsettled; state dairy, 22'23c; creamery, state, 2Kp24c; June creamery, Imitutlon, SnrrtJIc; factory. lMi21c. CH EESE Receipts, 1.902 pkgs.; firm: fancy large, full cream, full make nnlnnJ and white, 12&124c; fancy, small, state, full in, runy inn at, coiorea ana wnite, 13 EOOS Receipts. 10,5. pkgs.; steady; state and Pennsylvania. 17&il7w;r? mtarn mi mars, in'njic. mulaKb-Nw Or cans. Xtfi ltn POULTRY Alive, weaker: turkeys, 13c; iowir, ii, c. 1'resseu, sieauy; iowis, 12c; luraeys, ii-q ic. OMAHA WIIOI.KBALK MARKETS, Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce Enttft TnnluHlnv new In 9 n lnz. . t,ir,T- iriui iiru, i LIVE POt'I.TRYfhlefcen. nl.t roosters, according to age, 497c; turkeys. o'unv, iiui.-ji.a nu sese, e'gc; Drouers rer 1h . 25c. BUl 1-fc.K Packing stock, 18c; choice airy, In tubs, 2Kq2c; separator, 25c. - vm'ui, , rimiiiuui, , crappies, iuc; nernng, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike 11c nrh Ay. hitlfalA .1 .1 . n i. Be; bluetlns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c; ...... n '..-, , I in 1 1 U 11 L, JOi;, HHtlllOll, IDC; haddock. 11c; codfish 12c; red snapper. 10c: " . . " i w, Biiau lire, uer L'air. ; nil, V. .. ... Ik .A. 1 - . . . . . onau, iji iu iw; loDsiers, Donea, per 9?. InVi.tar. waam . . -1 V. n- lb OYSTERS Mediums, per can."22c; 'stand ards. ner can. 25c: extra snlt r.e nn 33c; New York Counts, per can, 40c; bulk" iinuaiun, irr pm., i.a; nuiK, extra se ec:s. tl.BM(Sl.ft5: New Vnrlr Count. r. I II 7R ' PIGEONS Live, per dog., JL VEAI-Cholce, (Vac. CORN-flOc. OATS 4Xc. R RAN Per ton. 817. It 1 V Prlpea K.. 1 , n..-. . -- . " " u " " v 1 r i n 1 1 vinoiesate Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. i upiaiio, n.oo; io. i menium, 88; No. 1 coarse, 7.50. Rye straw, 85.50. There prices .o mi unjr oi hiiou cinnr ana quality, ue mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. BF". RTl prvriTnrg t .... nki . m - " ' , '' - ' ' l.IIUS, l.iW. Rose, tl. 25; Triumphs, 81.15. POTATOES Northern, 11.15; Colorado, CARROTS Per bu., 75c. BEETS Per bu. basket, 66c. TI'HN'IPS Per hn uv.. ...t.k. - 100 lbs" $1.25. "rr PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dot.. 75c ClTCl'MBERH-HothoSse. per dox , i 50 size of bunches, 15fl-25c, '' oriiNACM southern, per bu., 75c . - - - . v.. ,iuuii;i nut house, per dos., 40qi45c. ranaiifii-m aoi., 30ffifS5c. RADISHES Pee io 9firtv,. v $1.50. ' ' "U' WAX BEANS Florida, per basket, $3.50 GREEN PEAS Per basket, 75c$l. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb.. 34c. CABBAGE California, newV 3c. OMInK'n Rninl.h . r iihl tZ" ' "-,"lc vinos. fann lut'S-no'lda, per 6-basket crate.. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. r lua .aiirornia, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lh., 12fh4c. bTRAWBERRlES-Texas, per 24-qt. case, $5; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case. $2.75. IKUriL'Ali FRUITS. nRiNnpfl rDiifnnia i ... choice, $3.76; budded. $3: Mediterranean sweets, $3.254?3.60. LEMONS Fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.25. BANANAS Per hunch anln. . i $2.25.76. B ., MISCELLANEOUS. U9i'ETkTper 2-ctlon case, $2.75tg3O0. . . . .. v.vp nuiiiio, mo. x sort shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb. HV4c- - " . , . . a aura Bneu, vc ' Rraslls. nee lh lir. e. 1 k.i .. ' almonds, soft shell, 16c; ha'rd shell.' 15C: pecans, large, per lb., 12o; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack, $3.50. . niunir-no. i green, ttc; No. 2 green. Be No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No i vai, o iV -.-7, iLo.t nu no. c veal calf pelts, 76c; horse hides, $l.uuuj' ' CI.DER Nehawka, per bbl.. $3.25: New York, 83.50. POPCORN-Per lb.. 6c; shelled, 6c. St. Louis Grnln and Provisions. ST. T-Oina Anetl 9K wire A .n , -.. .. . . nui l LAwer; "n, eiovaior. ivc; track, 8244 7S4c; Julr" 7!744c; No 2 CORN L.nirr? Kn 9 o.k 864c; May, 634c; July, 644c; September! 624c. . 1 , T CI T . & T . . .... uaio-uuww; 110. t casn. 444c; track, 456464c; May 434c; July, 354c; Septem- . , in.. , m n 111 lc, vw. m x r-r lrrn at lc. FIjOITR Dull. linrho n traA Patents. 13 70(3 nitn funv -n i k. . $3.40rp3.60: clear, $3.0t53.20. lUKNMKAi-nteaay, $3.15. SEED Timothy, steady, $5.00iff6.00. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 863Sc HAY Firm: tlmnthv tto florin 9fi. .,..1.1. not quoted. whisky Steady, 81.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 64a4c HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pnrlr Inmr. nkKln- -1J $16 45; new, $17.35. Lard, lower, $4.70. ' Dry vmii uiroii m"i-ui,; extra snorts, $9,624; clear ribs, i9 60; short clear, $9.75 Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $1005; clear ribs. $10,374; short clear, $10.64- POULTRY Steady; chickens, 9c; turkeys. 10c; dheks, 10c; geese, 44(&5c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2328c; dalrv, 2o25c. euub-steady at uc. nf.lntl Flour, bbls 4,000 7,000 Wheat, bu ll.noo 48 000 Corn, bu 64.000 K.0 Oats, bu 47,000 15.0,0 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 25. WHEAT Snot quiet; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s S4d; No. 1 California, 6s 44d. Futures, quiet; May. 6s 14d; July, 6s 4d. CtnRN Snot, steady: American mli.rf new, 6s 80; American mixed, old, 6s 9d! Futures, oulet: July. 6s lVd: SentemKer 6s lSd: October, 6s lTd. HOPS At London (Pacific coastl. Arm. 1 15atr4 16s. FIAJUH St. Louis fancy winter, firm. 8s 6d. PROVISIONS Iteef. strona: extra TnHI mess. 92s. Pork, Arm: prime mess western. T'tm ii.a Mama utir.rl m IA .. id , ,u.n.. .-..(, .....a, b.i... n ...... 1, iu 11, 1LW., Arm, 53s. Bacon. Arm; Cumberland cut. z 10 9) ids.. 4s tki; snort rtba, M to 30 lbs. Arm. 61a: long clear middles. Ilxht 2D 10 34 lbs.. Arm, 61s 6d; long clear middles, neavy, to ins., nrm, sis; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs.. Arm, 61s id; clear bel lies. 16 to 20 lbs.. 15s 6d. 8houlders. square. 11 iu ia ii.s., nrm, otb. i,ara, prime west ern. In tierces, firm. 60s 6d; American re flned. In palls, steady. 60s 3d. Hi n Kit-Firm; nnest United States. 29s CHEESE Firm: American finest whit. strong, 65a; American Anest colored, strong, 67s. TALLOW Prime city. Arm, 59s; Aus tralian, In Ixindon, dull, 32s 6d. Receipts of wheat diirinn- the dir.. days, 111.000 centals. Including 71,000 Ameri can, l-teceipts or American corn during the last three days, 14,400 centals. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 2S.-WHEATM.r. ket lower; No. 1 northern. 76c; No. 2 north ern. 75c; July, 754c. RYE-Steadv: No. 1, 60c. . BARLEY-,8teady; No. 2. 70ig7O4c; sam ple, not quoted. CORN July, 63Sc Dnlatsi Grain Market. DULUTH. April 28WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard. 774c; No. 2 northern. 72c; No. 1 northern and May. 744c; July, 754c; Sep tember. 754c; October. 74c. OATS September, SISc. CORNSlc. Toledo Grain nnd teed. TOLEDO. O.. April 25. WHEAT Fair active, weak, lower; rash. 84c; May, 83c; July, 774c. CORN Active, weak and lower; cash C4c; May, 63c; July, ic; September, 63c. OATS Active, weak and lower; cash, 44c Mar. 42Vc: Julr. 8ic: September. 81c. SEED Clover, dull, weak and lower: cah and April, $6 15; October, $5.35; No. 2, $4 .66 t3.iu; ino. z timotny, s. s SEW YORK BTOCK9 A5D B05D. Grain Monldntlon Canses pnrt la Gi NEW YORK, April 26. There was a rer- sistent tendency today among tne stocks or grain-carrying railroads to move In see-saw fashion with the price of grain The heavy liquidation and a violent break In prices In this morning's grain market sent prices of the grangers tip with a rush. I nlon Paclflc leading with an ad vance of 24. The movement spent Its force wnen it was seen tnai gooo nuying naa ne veloped In the grain market at e decline and that prices were rallying there from the slump caused by reporta of last night s rains and a forecast for fair weather to morrow. The whole market felt the lack of earlv aggressive leadership of Union Pacific, and during the Anal hour there waa a ragged recession, which wiped out many early gains and carried prices of Important stocks among the grangers, coalers: New York public utilities and high-priced Industrials below last night. There was a late advance In the southern group marked by very large buying of Duumem nanway at an extreme advance of 14. Louisville was lifted at the same tle 2H and Chicago, Indianapolis & Louis ville 34 over last night after erratic Auc tuations. This movement seems designed to check the decline elsewhere In the mar ket, and when It was seen to be without enect tne southern stock reacted. There was some bidding up of the grangers again at the close, which, was active and steady. There was large buying of the United States Steel stock later In the morning by brokers employed by the syndicates. This buying seemed to be In connection with the Issue of the bond circular. The stocks isacted and became dull with the rest of the market. The clroular disclosed that $35,0tio,000 of the proceeds of the bond Issue Is designed to capitalise expenditures already made for improvements and for properties purchased. The executive com- rnmee estimates that the expenditures of $25,(iO.00l) for Promised Improvements will add from $10,Or5,ooo to $15.(mo,ouo to the yearly proflts. The $5,000,000 proceeds of the sale ui me uo mis ror casn are tnus accounted for. The provision for the tin tino mm al lowed the underwriting syndicate and Its managers, J. P. Morgan & Co.. at the rate oi per cent or tne xin,ooo,ooo bond Issue, b nui iiihur clear. The American Ice stocks also mnvari it orously upward in face of the passage of me uiviuenu on ine common ana a proposi tion to Ihsjs debenture bonds based ahead of the stocks. There was a great variety of movements among the specialties. Amalgamated Cop per advanced on the conjecture that the consolidation of the Helm Interests was preliminary to their absorption. The stock mm lis BHin. Sugar waa weak on the nronns4 im it gallon of the company's Cuba holdings by a senate committee. The preliminary figures of the week's cash movement indicate receipts on balance from the Interior by the banks of upward of $2,000,000 to which Is to be added the rum or wmi.uiu on suntreasury operations, t Is expected that the nrtv nn,,i.i In the stock market may have contracted bank loans, although speculative borrow ing has been renewed and large syndicate iniTiTOcuimn may nave neen In progress The activity of the stock nirim hi verted interest from the bond market, but prices there were firmly held. Total sales par value. $5,306,000. United States bonds were an uiinnnRTO on ine last call The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison lo pfd Baltimore A O...,., do pfd Canadian Pacific... Canada So Chea. A Ohio Chlrago A A do pfd Chicago, ind. A L. . do pfd rhi.n a, b in . M4 .Kit . Ml .12 . i . 4t . J74 8o. Railway do pfd Teiaa A Pacific Toledo, Bt. L. A W do nfd . 88 4 41 23 . 40 .1054 . HH . 284 . 46i . 21 . 84 . 2H . 4t4i .loo .2.10 .120 .111 . (74 . 304 . 14 . 244 . (4 . 444 . e .118 . 704 .IUS .22a .1214 .82 . 214 . 22 . 764 .182 . . to . 184 . J" . .124 . r . 48 .1044 . 3 '4 . 864 .2.18 . 14 , 754 .1264 . 78 , 164 SOU 18 8S4 17 Union Paclflc . rin nfri Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E... do 2d pfd Wla. Central do pfd Adama Gx American Ex V. B. Ki Wella-Pargo Ex Amal. Copper Amer. Car A P do nM . 71 .15 Chicago A (1. w!,! . 2T4 oo lai pta do id pfd Chlcazo A N. W... . M . 44 2614 .171 . 20 . 1 .10M. . 1 . '34 . 4a .lie .z . 434 M . 40 . 704 . . 844 . ll, .148 . 484 ! . 88 74 .1311 12'4 .1614 . ;4 . 114 .1U C, R. I. A P Chicago Ter. A Tr. do pfd c. n r si I Colorado 8o Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd Amer. 8. A R do pfd Anac. Mining Co Brooklyn R. T.i Colo. Fuel A Iron... Con. Oaa , Con. Tobacco pfd.... General Electric Hocking Coal Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power Laclede Gas N'a. Rlnvul do lat pfd do Id pfd r-l. A H union Del. L. A W Denvar A R. O do pfd Erla do let pfd do id pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valla rin nM llllnola Central .... Iowa Central An nM Laka Rrla A w"!" National Lead National Salt Mo pfd No. American Pacific Coast Paclne Mall Peonln'a (! do pfd L. A N ... Manhattan L Mat. Bt. n Mm. ('antral Mex. National Minn. A St. L Mo. ParlAn Pressed 8. Car do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd .101 U I M . K. A T . ST,', . M4 do pfd N. J. Central N. V I' .1(0 I .164 , t . to . 854 ,1614 . 874 . 80S . 72 , 894, sugar Tenn. Coal A I Union Rag A P do pfd V. 8. Leather do pfd V .8. Rubber do pfd Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd da 2d nfd 6K'i 4.T4 44 2V, 86 4 to Si I. A, a U 8. Steal do pfd Western Union Amer. Locomotive... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd '. do let pfd....!!!..! , 84 73 . IS 804 1704 11 74i ao la pfd , Bt. L. South w do iifd St. Paul do pfd Bo. Pacific New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Anrll 26. MONEY On oil steady, 344 per cent; closing bid, 44 per cent - prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand and $4,854 for sixty days: posted rates, $4. 88. 884; commercial bills, $4 84Vg4 654. all l ' i.- t i . r a . , , , . . D'i.Tin omi , uinu, mcxican aoiiaru, 4ic. BONDS Government, firm: state. Inir. tlve; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: , U. 8. ref. 2a, reg... in4 loj'-, 108 104 us 184 11.4 n; 106 10 1034 4 102 L. A N. unl. 4s Mex. Central 4a do la Inc Minn. A St. L. 4a... M . K. A T. 4a do 2a N. T. Central la do gen. Sla N. 1. C g. 6a No. Pacific 4a do la N. A W. c. 4a Reading gen. 4a Bt. L. A 1. il. e. 6a. St. L. A 8. P. 4a.... St. U S. W. la . do 2s 8. A. A A. P. 4a.., Bo. Pacific 4a 80. Railway 6a Texaa A Pacific is T . 8t. U A W. 4s Union Pacific 4a..... do conv. 4s Wabash la do Is do deb. B West Shore 4 W heel. A U E. 4a.. Wla. Central 4a Con. Tobacco 4a 1024 84 4 1044 100 s 104 lot 140 1054 74 IOH4 , 89 111 . .100 , 87 , . 64 1:2 120 83 1K4 ,1074 .120 1114 , 771 113 . tl . 3-i , M4 do coupon do 8a, reg do coupon do new 4a, reg do coupon do old 4a. reg do coupon do 6a, reg do couDon Atchlaon gen. 4a.... do sal. 4a B. A O. 4a do 14a riA mh. 4a . M 10 I .108 .1124 67V. 108H . 84! . M4 116 .1364 .1114' .1041 . fl4' . ' .104 .1004 . 88 I lis .110 I Canada. So. 2a Central ot Oa. 6a... do Is Inc Chen. A Ohio 44a.. Chicago A A. 8Va.. C H A O n. ! C, M A 8 P g 4a... c. a n. w. c. ra... C. R. I. A P. 4a... C C C A Bt L g. 4a Chicago Ter. 4a Colorado So. 4a Denver A R. O. 4s. Erie prior I. 4a do aeneral 4a F. W. A D. C. la.. Hocking Valley 44a. Offered. Ex-Interest. Boston Stork (ttsolatloas. BOSTON. April 25. Call loans. 34UM per cent; time loans. 4gt per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a Gaa la Max. Central 4a N. K. O. A C Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany... Boaton A Maine.... Boston Elevated ... N. Y . N. H. A H. ritrhburg pfd I'nlon Paclflc Mei. Central American Sgger ... do pfd American T. A T... lHm. Iron A B fteneral Eler.trte ... Maes. Elartrlc do pfd N. E O. at C t'nlted Prult U. 8. Steel do pfd Westtnghj. Common. .1054 . 1 . 8: . 64 . 814 . 4 Adventure Alloues Amalgamated Bingham Calumet A Hecla. Centennial .. 14 .. 84 .. 871 .. 34 ..666 .. 20 .. to4 ..140 .. 11 .. IS .. 87 .. 14 .. 831 .. 2 . .ISO .. 4 ..175 .. .. ill .. 214 .. I .. .. 14 .. 61 .. 44 .14 .IN nit .2U .14a .106 . 2 .125 .111 .1811 .141 . 444 . 4 .1041 Copper Range Con. Dominion Coal .... Pranklln Isle Koyle Mohawk old Dominion OaceoLa Parrot Wulncy Santa Pa Copper... Tamarack Trlmountala Trinity United Stales Utah Virion Winona Wolverine Daly West . 4 . M4 .1114 Bid. w York MtatntT Uaatatlass. NEW YORK. April 2S.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Cos Alice Breeee Brunswick Con.... Comatock Tunoel. Con. Cel. A Va... Deadwoc Terra .. Horn Silver Iron Stiver Leadvllle Cm Little caief ... Onlarle Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard 11 85 1 21 1 I . 14 . 6 .126 . 7 .144 Baak l learlaara. CHICAGO. April S -Clearings. Vt.4. ttli balances. posted es-cbang. MM for sixty days and $44 on demand; New York exchange, 1V discount. OMAHA, April 2R. Pank clearings today, $1,173.4'"$ il; corresponding day last year, $1, 3n3 4.12.D7; decrease. $:1,S7S.7.. NEW YORK, April 2R. Clearings, $381, 711.3M; balances, $1.'.2S7,4I. HOSTON. April 3. Clearings, $22,389.fc"5; balances. $1.RR7,D6(. BALTIMORE. April 28 Clearings. $1,W5, 607; balances, $.53,502; money, 6 per cent. PI) ii.a ntrt .imi a Anrll 2fi. Clesrlners. $ls.KS8,167; balances, $l,!-s'.507; money, 44 per cen t . ST. IOUIS, April 25 Clearings. W.9WR47; balances. $11.429; money, steady, 44) per cent; New York exchange, 2c premium. CINCINNATI. April 25 Clearings, $2.83. 1"0; money, 46 per cent; New York ex change, par. I.ondoa Stork etarket. LONDON, April 24.-4 p. m. Closing: Cnneols. moner....4 1 (Norfolk A Western do pfd Ontario A Western . M4 . . 8.4 . 77 . HH . 44 . 87-4 . 88 . "4 . .lo . (Of . 46 . 7 . 274 .. 474 . 78 . li'i do account 4 lls Anaconda &Te Atchison 2 do pfd 101 "a Baltimore A Ohio. ..111 Canadian Pacific 182 Chesapeake A Ohio.. H Pennaylvanla ...... Reading do let pfd do id pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Southern Pacific... I'nlon Pacific Chlcaan II. W MVn C. M. A St. Paul Denyer A R. O.... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central ... Louisville A Naah M.. K. A T do pfd N. Y. Central ..174 .. 464 do pfd .. 414 I mien ciaiea Dii-01 do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4a , Hand Mines , DeBeera .. 124 .. 78 !.lj't .. .. 661 PAR SILVER Steady at 2374rl per ounce. MONEY 24r3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 13-18 per cent and for three-months' bills Is 2Va27. per cent, Ex-dlvldend. Foreign Financial. LONDON, April 25 The amount of bul lion taken Into the Bank of Hn gland on balance today was 53,000. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: At Buenos Ayres, 143.70; at Madrid, 37.37: at Rome. 2.27. PARIS, April 25. Three per cent rentes louf 85c for the account. Spanish 4a closed at 78 92. BERLIN, April 25. Exchange on London, 20m 484pfgs for chetks. Discount rate for short bills and three months' bills, 1JU4 per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 25. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In tjie gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $180,952,104; gold, $91,890,285. Wool Market. BOSTON, April 25.-WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report on the wool trade of the United States: The market is still dull, with only small lots sold aside from the cleaning up or' a big pile of Ohio delaine at a price which other sellers have refused to acceDt. The activity Is all In the west and heavy operations in Wyoming, Ulan and other sections have been at ll(rfl3c. which means more than can be obtained here. Forelarn markets are firm and London quotes an other advance of 6 per cent at the auction sales opening May 6. The receipts of wool In Boston since January 1, 1902. have been 78,741,955 lbs., against 82,553,552 lbs. for the same period In 1901. The Boston shipments to uaie are k.zio,m ids., against Tl,bu.bZ2 lbs. for the same period In 1901. The stock In hand In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77,340.404 10s.: the total stock today Is 7, 8tifi,869 lbs. The stock on hand April 27, wan 4;,oio,u?9 lus. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Anrll 25 CnKWVV Hnnr ftiu. ouii: iio. 1 invoice, n i-itic. Mini mtier Cordova, HgUc. The market opened steady, with prices 6 points lower and con tinued 10 ease otr as the day progressed. Wall street and the bull cllnue were mod erate Duyers at tne lower prices. The close was steady, witn prices net .vrtio points lower: sales. 45.500 Vires, inclnriinir- Ma. 48.V-a4.9rtc; July, 6.0fi(&6.10c: Auuust. 6.20c: ociiiriiiuer, o.Dlt3.3UC : UClODer. b.OOC: IMn vember, 5.50c. Dry floods Market. NEW YORK. Anrll KS-DRV nnniw 1 ncnangeo conditions nrevall In the rfrw Kuu-.m inn Hn niiu iiusinesn inoay nas been on a decidedly moderate scale. Prices are firm, notwithstanding the small demand and the sellers show no Indications of dis tress In any direction. Copper Rallies at London. LONDON. April 25. Conner, which rm. ced.ed steadily throughout the week rallied slightly today pn New York reports that the Helnse interests had been combined under a new company, with a capital of $)i0,OUp,0O0. Visible "apply of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. Anrll 2X 9eee..r Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the total vtmhi. as a. 1 10.0.1a oaies, 01 wnicn 2,658,598 are American. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Steady and Hogs Close Lower. CHICAGO. Anrll 26. CATTLE Reclnt. 1,500 head: steadv: Brood to nrlm sieera' $6.8007.50; poor to medium, $4.7te4.50; stock ers and feeders, $2. 76-6. 50; cows, $1.60ri2.00; neirers,; canners, ll.5Wi2.50; bulls. $5.00!i.00; calves, $2.5U6.60; Texas fed steers. $5.4006.50. HOGS Receipts. 13.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 10,000 head; left over, 4,000 head' opened strong to 6c higher, closed 10c lower; mixed and butchers, $2.8015.7. 25; good to choice heavy, $7.2fK&7.25; rough heavy. $6.90$i7.fl5; bulk of sales. $6 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; steady; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $5.4006.00: fair to choice miv-wt $4.7506.40; western sheen, $4.7506.00; native lamns, ciippea, 4.; western lambs Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. 6.W9 2.972 13.767 3.834 11.092 1,651 Cattle Hogs Sheep Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 25. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.500 natives. 200 Texans and 100 calves; killing grades steady. Blockers and feeders lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.6007.00; fair to good. $5.6n0) 6 60; stockers and feeders, $3.5005.35; west ern fed steers, $5.7006.70; Texas and Indian steers. $5.006. 20; Texas cows, $3.5O0.25; na tive cows, $3.50'35.25; native heifers, $4.0Ofj 6.25: canners. $2.5003.50; bulls. $3.600 6 15; na tive heifers, $4.0006.25; canners. $2.5003.50; bulls, $3.505.15; calves. $4.506.OO. HOGS Receipts, 6.900 head; market 6il0e higher; top, $7,374; bulk of sales. $6.7507.25; heavy, $6.K50 7.374; mixed packers, V.iKXti 7.30; light, $6 91)07.20; pigs, $6.1506 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.700 head: market steady: native lambs. $6.ftO0) 7.00; western lambs, $6.6506.K5; native weth ers. $5.6006.00; western wethers, $6.6005.90; yearlings, $6.OO0.6O; Texas clipped year llnits. $5.7506.30: clipped grass sheen. fc.bVo? 6.75; stuckers and feeders, $3.250T5.2a. St. Lonls Lire Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS. April 25 CATTLE Receipts. l.liiO head, Including 900 head Texans; mar ket steady ror natives, lower ror texans; native shipping and export steers, $5,250 M0; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.?o! 6.25; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.2506.25; stock ers and feeders, $2.5tk4.80; cows and heif ers, $2.2606.00; canners. $1.2503.90; bulls, $3.75 05.1O; calves, $4.6006.50: Texas and Indian steers, grassers, $34504.50; fed, 4. 4506. 30; cows and heifers, $2.7004.60. HOGS Receipts. 2.500 head; market, 6c higher; pigs and lights, $6,7507.10; packers, $6.9507.15; butchers. $7.1007.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, SOOhead; market strong; native muttons, $4. 7506.26; lambs, $5.v0!5O; culls and bucks, $3.fXt04.UO. New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. April 25. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2.5HO head; Bteady, shade heavier; steers, $5.0005.75; bulls, $3.7506.50; cows. $2 60 04.65. Cables, steady. Exports today, 400 head cattle and 2 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 612 head; firm; veals, $4.0007.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.500 head; slow; unshorn sheep, $4.5006.26; clipped sheep, $4.0006.00; clipped lambs, $5 6:'Vo.75. HOGS Receipts, 176 head; firm. St. Josrps live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 25. CATTLE Re ceipts. 661 head; market 10c lower; natives, $5 2507 25; rows and heifers, $1 25'S6 60; veals, $3 266 60; bulls and stags, $3.Ou0.OO; stock era and feeders. $2 0005 35. HOGS Receipts, 6.M3 head; tteady to strong: light and light mixed, $6507 174; medium and heavy. $7.06's7.35; pigs, $4,353 6.00: bulk, $7.O"0 7.2o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, IMS head; steady to weak; western lambs, $6 26 67.10; western sheep, $4.8606.26. Stork la Sight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the live principal markets for Anrll 25: 1 ame. Hogs. KM 15.0110 6 2.5HO 5.843 Sheep, l.oll 4 CJ 1.7"K MO 1.515 South Omaha Chicago Kaunas City . St. liuis Bt. Joseph .... Totals .... 1.971 1.500 1.700 I,l4 661 (,S32 38.589 10.528 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef 8teer and Oowi Slow Stlet Lower Prices. HOGS OPENED STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER Light Receipts of Sheep and t.amha and Qaallty Rather Common, bnt Jnst A boot Steady Prices Were Paid. SOUTH OMAILA. April Receipts were: Cattle. Hons. Sheen. Offldsl Monday 3.t74 4 11x8 7.00tl Official Tuesday 2,703 7.991 2.V6 umcial Wednesday 2.659 1.241 610 Ofnclal Thursday 2.K!H 6 9(7 2,474 Official Friday 1,871 8,346 1.013 Five days this week. Same days last week.. Same week before Same three weeks ago Same four weeks ko. Same days last year.. RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table shows the receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha vi .lie yeni iu uaie, sna comparisons wun last year: 1902. Cattle 256,240 Hogs 832.162 Bheep 304,634 1901. 212.111 72V339 367.653 Inc. 44,129 103,813 Dec 63.019 The followlnsr tshlai ahnwt tii averse: price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days, with com- "-."iim Tiiiii iviuiwr years. Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.189.1898.1K97.189 .13.6DS S4.M7 13.601 .13,227 34.2:'2 24.746 .16.314 35.342 16.114 . 16.653 S,9;i 2.6,6 .15.271 39.244 24. 30 .14.216 62.149 15,tl7 YEAR TO DATE April 1... ((6 6 7 114 Iffi IR IM April 3... $664 $00 $08 $ 67 1 92 3 64 April 1... $68 6986 16 165 $$1386 April 4... 6 tM4 699a2stK$73 IU April I... 634 (96 63O$6SI7tl0 April ... I N 1 10 I (1 I ; t I (1 April 7... 1(84 e I 27 I (4! I 72 $ 63 S 69 April S... 34 (01 8 66 1 71 $80 $61 April I... t 684 6 93 t 83 3 75 $ So $ 43 April 10.. 6 794 I 87 6 8 63 IN IM April 11.. 6 884 6 1 6 36 3 67 I 71 $67 April 12.. I 8341 t M 6 331 3 (31 3 71, 8 I7 ' April 13.. e 04 6 401 3 (1 3 (7 3 7 3 60 April 14.. 8 86 6 48 3 67 3 70 3 K6 8 49 April 16. . f4 8 01 3 72 3 67 3 80 $ 38 April 16. . 6 91 6 94 6 45 3 61 3 87 3 29 April 17.. 8 964 6 92 s 66 3 72 3 81 I 85 April 18.. 8 99 6 86 5 49 $ 6 S 60 343 April 19.. 964 5 89 5 46 3 71 3 61 3 91 April 20.. e 6 851 6 45 3 75 3 63 3 84 3 35 April 21.. 8 884 6 42 3 77 3 73 3 83 3 80 April 22.. 8 864 $811 e 3 72 3 84 3 84 3 30 April 23.. 6 854 5 SO 6 36 3 74 3 82 3 2S April 24.. 6 964 5 76! 6 32 8 67 3 83 3 36 April 25.. 7 034 6 77 6 36 8 65 3 71 131 Indicate Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following list shows the number of cars 01 ieeciers snipped to the country yesieraay ana tneir destination: Cars. H. M. Wood, Chamberlain, B. D M. A O. 1 n. a. Anxeny, Laurel, Neb. M. & O... William SteDhens. Eldorado Neh F E. I A. Hanks, Atkinson, Neb. F. E B. M. Mageth, McPaul, la. K. C A. Rude, Mnorhead, la. N. W O. I Lawson, Carson, la. Q The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'r's. c, m. c Bt. f. ity.... s 13 O. & St. L. Ry 4 2 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 8 1 Union Pacific system. 15 15 Ci & N. W. Ry 3 4 F., E. & M. V. Ry.... 21 27 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 21 17 B. & M. R. Rv 18 15 C, B. 4 . Ry 3 C, R. I. & P.. east... 3 14 C, R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts .... 94 117 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 32!) Swift and Company 6!0 Cudahy Packing Co 6fl6 Armour & Co 121 G. H. Hammond Co R. Becker & Degan 1 Vansant & Co 32 Carey & B 30 Hill & Huntzlnger 32 Huston & Co 2 Livingstone & Schaller.. 6 North P. P. Co 4 R. F. Hobblck 1 Krey Packing Co Other buyers 208 469 90 2.248 234 1,85 426 2"! 620 104 235 Total 1.961 8,096 1.015 CATTLE There was rather a light Fri day's supply of cattle here today and the receipts at other markets were also short. The feeling, though, was weak and as a result slow markets were experienced. Packers did not seem to be at all anxious for supplies and aa a rule they bid con siderably lower than they did yesterday. The steer market waa extremely slow this morning and It waa late before much of anything was done. Packers bid all of 6010c lower than yesterday and In some cases lOftloc lower. Sellers, of course, were holding for more money, so that trading was very slow. Packers were not at all anxious for cattle and would seldom raise their bids. The general market could safely be quoted 5010c lower on the good stuff and the coir moner grades wero worse than that. It was very late before any thing like a clearance was effected. The cow market was also slow and lower. Packers were very Indifferent buyers and the same conditions applies to the trade on cows as menuonea unove ror steers. As a rule the market was right around 6010c lower than yesterday and In some cases more. The greatest decline was on the commoner grades. ' Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show much change today where the quality was satisfactory, but If the quality was poor they were neglected and lower. There were oniy a tew siocaers and feed ers In tne yards ana ine aemann was ex ceedingly light, with the tendency of prices downward.- Anything on the com mon order waa almost Impossible to move at any price. The demand from the coun try has been very light for the last few days and yesterday only eleven cars of cattle were shlrped to the country. Rep resentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. r. No. At. Pr. 4 114S i 00 10 JIW1 35 1 8"0 8 25 20 1238 45 I K.5 6 16 to 1026 45 I M I 25 3 II Hi I 45 1 100 t 25 4 HI ( 50 1 710 I 40 21 1245 ( 50 8 80 5 40 It lino ( 60 6 1225 ( HI 40 1.124 50 17 851 I 70 21 ur,5 55 4 11 6 70 21 1077 55 40 1061 1 80 18 1430 4 55 7 765 I 0 40 looo 4 55 42 1167 0 17 1278 l 21 1047 4 0 55 1271 to 20 1150 10 28 1332 40 12 1158 10 8 1341 43 68 1141 20 32 1450 70 1 loll 30 20 1371 75 21 121 3 8 1391 M 12 1170 35 1 14H8 to 12 Hti 4 85 1 144 ( 4 1 JO0 ( 34 11 U2( T 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 8 00 COWS. ..... o t 00 1 10M 4 25 I 0 1 70 4 25 t 7S 1 1250 4 25 t 76 4 1027 4 40 76 1 77 4 4 I 75 1 1226 4 60 i 76 t 1175 4 to 05 13 1011 4 to 10 1 o 4 to I 25 10 1050 4 5 3 KM) 4 70 8 1 1160 4 75 M 0 lull 4 75 0 10 til 4 T5 5 1 til i 00 50 1 1270 I It 0 1 IM I is 0 1 1270 I 16 76 14 7 ( 10 74 10 ion 15 4 00 1041 i 46 4 00 1 1-0 t 50 4 00 1 1240 I 50 4 10 t 1V74 tl 4 15 1010 o 60 30 50 700 W7 a4 10S0 1140 100 726 1040 ...160 ...I10O ... 30 . . . 103 ... o . ..10WJ ... l ... 130 ...1114 ...113 12!!! 11..'. COWB AND HEIFERS. ... 04 4 l5 HEIFERS. ... 4o I 2 (4 ... (20 8 25 1 560 ... 6 4 25 6 727 ... 7M 4 85 2 546 4 50 4 60 4 to i 00 BULLS. 1 1500 I 76 1 1 11MI 1 25 1 1 into 25 1 1 110 1 40 1 I! 700 I 50 1 1 100 t i 1 1 M IN 1 1 12U0 4 It 1 1 140 4 20 1 1 1IU0 4 10 CALVES. 1 110 i Ml 1 1 10 00 1 1 14 4 00 130 130 l'KSO 1840 1570 130 lt 15S0 liJO 4 40 4 80 4 6 4 10 6 1 ( It i 25 ( 14 4 50 13 15-1 6 .) t Ml) STAGS. 1 1J30 I 76 I 1500 6 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. , 1 40 1 36 1 470 1 50 4 U-i IS It 76 1 71 t lt 8 35 13 744 4 50 STOCK CALVES. 1 ' 1 00 i at 4 6 1 130 4 5n PTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 4 620 1 76 14 11 4 20 I 57 4 0 2 4 16 t JO 4 M 22 til III HOGS Receipts of hogs were not exces sive, as will t seen from the table given Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. OF AMERICA has been organized to control the Marconi system of wlrelesr telegraphy and all inventions and patents relating thereto in the United States of America, and Cuba, Porto Rico, the Hawaiian Islands, the Philippine Islands, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and all ships under the American flag. $1,200,000 of the $6,650,000 total Capital Stook of MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO. OF AMERICA is hereby offered at 65, Par value 00. The above is the only public Issue that will be made, and aharaa will be allotted in the order applications are received, but we reserve the right to allot or reject any subscription In whole or in part. Of this capital stock $500,000 has been olaeed in the treasurv of the Company for future requirements. We offer the shares at advance the price without notice. Payments to be made: $10 per share to accompany aoDlication. to be rttumA if - as shares are not allotted. $55 per share on allotment, by the Morton Trust Co. E. ROLLINS MORSE & BRO., 6 WALL 8TREET, NEW YORK. 43 STATE, STREET. BOSTON. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: FREDERIC H. BETTS. of Betts. Betts, Sheffield & Betts, Lawyers. WILLIS HOWSKTKIt BETTS. JOHN W. (iRIGGS, Ex-Attornev General of the IT. a SAMI EL ll LI., President of the Chicago Edison Company. COMMANDER J. 1J. J. KKI.I.Kl, Commander U. 8. Navv KIGEK H. LEWIS, of Eaton & Lewis. Lawvers. 11. II. M'Cl.IRE, of the S. 8. McClure Company. As to the probable income which may supply dividends on the stock, we quote from the speech of Mr. Marconi at the meeting of the Marconi Wireless Tele graph Co.. Ltd., held in Loudon on Feb ruary 20th last He said: 'Returning to the question of commercial working, I may mention the It Is no uncommon thing for the messages passing to and from a liner, either outward or homeward bound, to realize, apart from service messages, a sum of from 30 to 40. Upon a recent arrival of one of the American liners in home waters no less than 8,050 words were transmitted and received within the space of sixteen hours. I would point out that In each complete day of twenty four hours only that same number of words should be transmitted between two of our transatlantic stations and the supposition is, surely, not an extrav agant one that, at (id a word, would represent an annual income of over 73,000 from each pair of such stations, of which, in the first Instance, we are proceeding to install two pairs." From the directors' report submitted at that same time we quote as follows A formal agreement has also been concluded with Lloyds, whereby that corporation has adopted Marconi's sys tem exclusively In connection with their signal stations. The necessary Instru ments are now being installed at ten of their stations and these will alsov be worked for the passenger and commer- iul traffic of the Marconi International Marine Communication Company. "The chief steamship companies are also giving orders for installations on their vessels, the Cunard Line, Nord-Deutcher-Lloyd, Compagule Trausatlan- tiuiie. Beaver Line, Belgian Mall Pack ets, etc., etc., are regularly and success fully employing the Marconi system to the great satisfaction of the passengers ud of the officers of these vessels. 1 bis example will doubtless soon be followed by other steamship companies. By the organization of an extensive t the head ot mtv iuiuiiju. -tie iii-ui-tTi uened up In tooa snape, wun prices on find welttht hogs ranKing from strong to oc higher than yesteruay. At those prices ouite a few htigs changed hands, but along toward the close of the market packers id not seem to uc tc , "' lies and the last sales were only Just bout steady with yesterday. Light stuff was at no time mucn, il any, mgner man vesterdsy and on the close salesmen hud In some cases to take a little less than he same sums . j.w.,. hough trading was not very brisk, the Uik OI mc Uliriiiit ..ic,..j j . i ii ood season. The good weight hogs sold luraely from $7.u to and fancy hogs old from n- to J7-10- The medium weight hogs sold mostly from 16 95 to J u6 and tne ugn. iwn "- iim u. Heyresentatlve sales: No. AT. ....101 ....17t ....174 ....1 lb. Pr. .. I to D III 10 74 M I tl No. 72.., 70.. to... II... ft.. 72... .. 41.. 47.. 47.. at.. 41.. St.. 71.. .. 1.. II.. to., tt . 71.. 7S.. tl.. to.. 71.. 15.. tt.. t4.. tl.. It. . .. M.. 7.. t . 41.. 74.. 44.. II . 24.. It.. St.. 70.. 71.. It.. At. Bh. Pr. T 05 7 02i, 1 Oi 7 06 1 0 T IS 7 0 7 01 1 1 06 1 4 1 0 1 M 1 0 t 0 7 0 7 ot T Ot 7 06 7 ot T u 7 06 1 ot 7 07V, 7 10 I 10 f 10 T 10 7 10 10 7 10 1 10 t 10 1 10 7 10 7 10 7 Hi T 10 T It T 10 7 1 t It t 10 2s... .231 42... .2J 240 10 10 114 120 10 St... U... 227 241 22 tu 242 US 241 m Ml 141 .... 24 fIS 231 242 221 221 24S J7 Ill 244 2tT 241 162 240 242 234 2M .....i.l 4S 2I 270 Ml K 140 21 IM 2 2 til ei 12 Ul t... :... M to to M to to to M i t u as t 16 M 5 M H M t t t to M I M t 4 i 4 H V5 M I tt M IT" t 7't I7K, f'. 7', 1-t t aa 1 ao T to 1 in ... ...114 . .. .S"U .....1" ....Ml ....II ....IM ...126 ...207 ....4 ....IM 141 2u0 .... ....I"l ... i7 ....lit ....7 ...111 ...114 ...Ml ...110 ....IX ...lit ...til ... S ... I't ....22 :::ifS ....214 ...117 ... J"4 111 ....Sit ... Ill ... I... . l... a.. Ml... 17.. to.. ... 7.. tl.. I.. St.. 7t.. I... ts.. 76.. u. M.. 7u.. tl.. 7.. at.. 1 . It . t.. 2.. CM,.. M . at.. il.. 4 . 11.. IM THE $65 each, but reserve the riirht to ' A v . Vw a. a, when certificates will be issued JOHM J M'COOK, of Alexander & Green, Lawyers. G. MARCOM, Inventor of the Marconi System. ROLLI MORSE. E of E. Rollins Morse & Bro., Bankers. CVBl'H J. SEDGWICK, Treasurer of the Hall Signal Company. LOYAL L. SMITH, SPENCER TRASK. of Spencer Trask & Co.. Bankers. system of shore stations, and by means of the agreement with Lloyds, the Mar coni system has secured a practical monopoly of mercantile marine signal ling and sea telegraphy, and the Instru ments have therefore become the stand ard instruments for the ships of all nations. It may be noted that ships fitted with the Marconi Instruments will alone, to the exclusion of all others, have the right and power of using for wire less telegraphy Lloyds and the Interna tional Shore Stations established and be ing established throughout our organiza. tion. The Instruments specially design ed for sea piirjwses are used In every day commercial work over a range of 100 miles or more and great Improve ments have been effected In other re spects." The Marconi system has been adopted by the British Admiralty and the ships of the navy are being steadily equipped, over 37 vessels having been already equipped. This Is under a contract giv ing the English company a substantial royalty, and for a ieriod of 14 years. The Marconi system has been adopted by the Italian navy, and negotiations are being carried on with various govern ments aud work is In proifress for othep engagements of an Important and bene ficial character. It Is Intended that the station at Cane Cod, now almost completed for transat lantic work, shall be equipped In the most efficient and thorough manner and Immediately. Another station Is to lie erected at once ot Montauk Tolnt for marine service. With such a revolution lu world- around communication it would lie Inad visable at the present time to make de tailed statistical estimates of the com mercial profits that are confidently ex pected, but of all wireless telegraph In ventions the Marconi alone have shown commercial value, and this company is the sole owner of all rl. hts to the Mar coni system iu the United States. E. ROLLINS MOUSE & BHO. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY iloent 4, Act lark Lift) Hid. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS bought and sold for cash or on margin. Ail telegraph, telephone or mall orders will receive csreful and prompt attention. Telephone 1U3. OMAHA. KCB. 7... 71... 71... 44... at... M... 6... t... ... 71... U... 71... 76... 66... 66... 61... 44 .. 44 .. 71... 211 7 00 1 00 76. 6. 71. 44. 12. 61.. 2.. 6S.. I).. 72.. 4.. 4.. 61.. 14.. !.. 6.. 21.. 62.. 46.. 244 140 1 10 .210 1 llVi I Hit 142 10 1 00 226 40 T U IT ID 1 04) 124 90V T 00 ...2fvt ..27 40 I It ... I It ... 1 16 40 1 It 60 f it lto T it ... T it M T it 10 7 it ... 1 17V, ..241 ..a7 ..24 ..21t ..Jul ,.22t ..11 ..21 ..247 ..llil . .2V4 .274 ..If. .117 .114 7 00 ...26 ..240 .227 ..111 .210 ..121 ..227 ..IM ..2U .11 ..232 ..lit 10 7 00 ... 7 00 124) I 00 ... 7 00 40 7 00 140 7 OU ... T 00 to 7 oo ... 1 00 t 7 oo 120 7 HO ao 7 ua 1 SO I SO I 21 1 H T SO 14) M. 22 7 00 8HEE1J There were onlv Ave furs nf sheep and lambs on aale today, so that the receipts for the week to date show a big decrease both as compared with the ssms days of lust week and of last year. lvua, puckers, though, took hold In good shapt and everything was disposed of In good seaxon at Just about sUaily prices as com pared with yesterday. '1 lis quality of the offerings was nothing extra, ae hat the market on paper does not look very high. There were some wooled Mexican wethers that sold for ft. 12 and some clipped weth ers brought IS ao. A few feeders were offered and they sold St J unt about steady prices. Quotations for clipped stork: Good to choice lightweight yvanlngs, ttT&2J.0u; fair to good, f5 -3Ti.7s; good to choice wethers, t6.S&o6.60: fair to good, S0t&6te; good to choice ewes, 14 Ibh&.lM; fair to good, 4 OO'dl 4 75; good to rhnice lambs, t.O.(i J: fair to good, U Ktli ud; feeder wethers, I4 iit 8 00; feeder ewes, 3 704,4 50; feeder lambs, 15 th)ji.S0. Woolrd sto k sells sbout tLUvt above clipped stock. Hepressntatlv sales: No. Av. Pr. 7 cull ewes K4 Oo 24 cull ewes 117 t to 14 feeder lambs 71 I 0) M western lambs S (26 S"l clipped wethers 11 I M) 5ti Mexican wethers, wooled..,. u f UVij