Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Cabinet Offioials Weigh Canal Propositions
of Colombia and Nicaragua.
Xach Proposal Calls for a Guh Deposit of
8Ten Million Dollars.
Delay It Dae to Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Tailing to Agree.
president Ronotrll la Amlnsi that
Drriiloi Be Reached In the
Matter at This Session
of (oaiiru.
WASHINGTON, April :5. The cabinet
held a ahort session today, during vtlctl
tbe relative propotltiotia of the Colombian
and Nlraraguan governments In connection
arltb tbe proponed canal were discussed.
The president la exceedingly anxious that,
whatever determination ecgress may coma
to ai to the relative raerlta of the two
routes. In any event iom decision may be
reached at this session.
A comparison of the outlines of the
agreements or treaties made by the State
department with Colombia In relation to
the Panama canal and with Nicaragua and
Coeta Rica as to the Nicaragua canal shows
a general, resemblance In tbe scope of the
arrangements, but Important differences In
One point of resemblance Is the amount
of money to be paid down at once by the
United States government to the country
making the conceralons. In each caee this
uls $7,000,000. if ihe Panama route Is
chosen Colombia gets all of this money.
If the cholcu fails on the Nicaragua route
Nicaragua will receive $8,000,000 and Coat a
Klca $1,000,000.
The delay that baa occurred In consum
mating the arrangements wu owing to the
difficulty in reachlnc a basis of agreement
between Nicaragua and Coat Rica, and
this Is generally fixed upon as about to 1
In favor of Nicaragua.
No I'rovlaloa for Rent.
No provision is made In tbe Colombian
protocol for the payment of any annual
rent that matter will be left to future ad
justment, though of course It la expected
that some rent will be charged. Tbe agree
ments as to the Nicaragua canal, however,
specifically state tbe rent to be paid, which
la $30,000 per annum, of which Nicaragua
Will get about $25,000 and Coata Rica $5,000.
While thla rent is merely nominal, it
nerves a useful purpose In the estimate of
the isthmian republics, namely, to continu
ally assert tbe nominal sovereignty of
Nicaragua, and Coeta Rica over the terri
tory through which the canal is cut.
The original proposition waa to pay a
lump turn representing the capitalisation
f thla. rent for 100 years, but the republics
rrefer to bave'tbe money 'paid In recogni
tion of their sovereignty, and in considera
tion of the allowance of their wish In this
tnatter they have gone to. the length of
making tbe lease to tbe United States per
petual as against the 100-year renewal re
lease of tbe Colombian agreement. Neither
of the ministers Nicaraguan or Costa
Rican has yet received the full powers
from their governments necessary to the
perfection of the treaties.
Tbe question of tbe fiscal agency In the
Philippines waa alao discussed by the cab
inet, but no conclusion waa reached and it
was stated that none can be until the at
torney general renders his opinion on tbe
power of the Guaranty Trust company to
keep Its agency.
Attorney General Dorian; Trial of
Editor of Freedom tars Strong;
MANILA. April 25. At the trial today
tf tba editor of tbe Freedom, who is
charged with sedition lo publishing an ar
ticle from an American periodical, to which
The editor of Freedom agreed, and added
remarka of his own, cenaurlng the United
States commissioners' rule, tbe attorney gen
oral, L. R. Wlfley, created a sensation and
astounded ths Judge, lawyers and spectators.
He lost hla temper wltb Judge Odlln, and
"The rlvll amvernment wants to know
Vhere it stands under ths law passed. It
wanta to know whether It will be enforced,
or whether such unwarranted atatements
will be allowed. The court knows the
lavishes of tbe government and It is to bs
presumed that It knows its own rules."
Judge Odlln replied:
"Tbe court will determine tbe caas ac
cording to law. Tbe court wanta you to
understand that It believes Individuals have
fights, aa well as governments."
Tbe defense bad asked for a delay of a
iweek, owing to counael having been dla
qualified, en account of not passing tbe
Filipino standard of law.
The bearing of the demurrers in the ease
was postponed until Hay i.
General Rmlth'e Defense Adaalta
Order Waa Given to Make lanar
Hswllag Wilderness.
MANILA. April 25. Ths trial by court-
martial of General Jacob H. Smith on tb
charge of conduct prejudicial to gooi
order and discipline began today. General
Lloyd Wheaton presided.
Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, counael for
the defense, aald he desired to simplify the
proceedings. He waa willing to admit
General Smith gave Instructions to Msjor
Waller to kill and burn and make Kamar
howling wllderaeta; that ha wasted
everybody killed cspable of bearing arms
and that hs did apsclfy all over 10 years of
age, as the Samar boys of that age were
squally aa dangerous aa their elders,
Captain David Porter, marine corps, aad
Lieutenant Joha H. A. Day, marine corps,
were the only witnesses sxamlned. Their
testimony developed nothing new.
Major Littleton W. T. Waller, marine
corps, will bs the only other wttaess for
ths prosecution. He was unable to bo
present today on account of sickness, but It
Is expected will be In attendance tomorrow.
The defense will call several officers of
Ninth Infantry.
Jorkey Wlas Hie rirst Rat.
NEW YORK. April B.-'Jlmmle" Mich
ael, the former cyclist, has won his first
race aa a Jo key at Uelons says a Parts
dlapat. a to the Herald. He rode Charron a
JtomUa la the selling race, distance one
and three-eighths ml Ira. There were flUees
alarters. allUvtcs won by a head.
Little Doubt that lie Will Be Be.
Elected President of
WHEE "O," W. Vs., April 25. Today's
session,' if.. Amalgamated association
convenr... y
ed to hearing the re
ports of thv ''V, '
mlttres. including
Kma .... . , uniu.t anil
headquarters. Alf . '"W -e except
the first named had finr. jay. The
wage schedule report will bv red first.
"There waa not likely to be la. rh debate
over the committees' reports," said a prom
inent official of the association. "All the
questions are fought out In committee and
by the time the reports are made to the
convention tbe delegates are tired of argu
ing and are willing to abide by the result
of tbe committee. It is only on very im
portant matters that fights are made on
the convention floor. I think all the re
ports can be disposed of In a day's time."
The wage committee met at o'clock this
morning In an endeavor to finish up be
fore noon. The committee Is preparing an
elaborate argument in favor of tbe course
followed in the signing of the scales and
will defend President Shaffer's policy vig
orously. As stated yesterday, a minority
report win be presented. This Is about toe
only matter that may occasion debate. Lit
tle doubt exists that the scales will be en
dorsed. Nothing Is given out regarding the
nature of the committee reports.
It Is said th) president's policy was en
dorsed from start to finish by all the com
mittees. This would Indicate his re-election
as president What action was taken
on tho question of the headquarters re
moval waa not given out. The convention
may act npon this point this afternoon. Ths
situation in regard to the election of on
cers continues very quiet. Little discus
sion of the matter Is heard among the dele.
gatea and It Is possible that no opposition
to President Shaffer will develop.
Assistant Secretary M. K. Tlghe, whose
name Is frequently mentioned In connection
with the matter, continues to preserve a
strict silence.
Noted Prelate's Condition la Regarded
A lamina by His Regular
NEW YORK. April 25. The following
bulletin, signed by Dra. Edward L. Keyes
and Francis Delafleld, was Issued at :80
o'clock this morning:
Archbishop Corrlarnn has an attack of
pneumonia. He DHHfted n comfortable nlrht
and Is resting easily. There are no -jnjsual
The archbishop's secretary announced
that two bulletins a day will be given out
concerning the archbishop's Illness one at
:30 a. m. and another at 9:30 p. m.
This afternoon Dra. Delafleld and Keyes
will have a consultation wltb Dr. Theodore
C. Janeway.
Dr. Keyes said pneumonia Is always seri
ous In a man of the archbishop's age 62
The workmen who have been digging the
foundations for the Kelly memorial chapel.
behind the cathedral, at Fiftieth street and
Madison avenue, were sent home today.
A number of persons today waited near
tbe arcbeplscopal residence to get news of
the sick prelate's condition. .
Drs. Keys and Delafleld ware In consul
tatlon this afternoon. -At the conclusion
of tbe conference Dr. Keys, who Is the
archbishop's regular physician, aald:
"The temperature of the archbishop Is
one-half a degree higher than It was at
this time yesterday. This speaks favor
ably for his condition, but considering his
age his condition is nevertheless alarm
Needed to Par Obllsjntlous
and Increase the Work
ins: Capital.
NEW TORK, April 25. Tbe directors of
tbe American Ice company have deferred
action on tbe commou stock dividend. In
a formal circular to the stockholders Presi
dent Scboomer made the following state
The conditions leading to this action
were brought about by the fact that many
underlying bonds and mortgages of sub
sidiary companies have been maturing and
many plants erecieci ana purcnasea tne
money far which hus come out of the
current receipts of the company. The com-
fany now nas an tne plants and facilities
l needs for the present conduct of Its
buainras and does not contemplate or de
sire any further expenditures for that pur
pose. To provide for the meeting of all future
maturities of bonds and mortgages now
amounting to 13.04,(4)0 In the aggregate, the
board nas aeciaea to issue so.uuo.ou or a per
cent collateral trust oortas, or
which are to be Issued only to retire said
bonds and mortgage aa they mature. The
balance will be coitl to provide additional
working capital as required, thus placing
the ntiunos of the company In a very sat
isfactory condition.
This eompsny bss no other bonds or
mortgages of its own.
Taken Naval Ssjaadron on Trainings
Toar Alonar English and
Irish Coasts.
KIEL, April 25. Ths first naval squad
ron, under commasd af Admiral Prlnca
Henry of Prussia, sailed today on a t rais
ing crulss, which will Isst several weeks,
along the English and Irish coast.
Tbe battleship Kaiser Wllhelm der
Grosse, which sailed with Prince Henry's
squadron, returned later, to tha imperial
docks. Its machinery became deranged at
sea and caused some damage on board tbe
Insurgents of Colombia Report Tak
ing; Rio Hacks, Kens
NEW YORK, April 25. The New York
repreaentatlves of ths liberal party ot Co
lombia were advised by cable today that
their forces had captured Rio Hacha, a sea
port town 200 miles from Cartagena.
Ths cablegram said that tbe engagement
lasted many hours. No account of losses
waa given.
Bereeford Goes to Parliament.
LONDON. April 26. Rear Admiral Lord
Charles Beresturd. conservative, baa been
elected, without opposition, to ths teat in
the House et Commons, representing Wool
wich, made vacant by ths retirement of
Colonel Edwin Hughes, conservative. Great
interest was taken in Great Britain la the
candidacy of Lord Beresford for Woolwich.
In consequence of his recent severs com
Bsnts on ths condition of the British navy
and ths snorts of certain members of Par
liament to Induce tbs admiralty to disci
pline him. In tbe way General Buller was
disciplined, for ale Uarasooa regarding tbe
Bruiaa army.
Government it Taking Etepi to Cope with
the Morgan Shipping Combine.
Board of Trade Officials Slstnlfy Intea-
tlon to Inqnlre Into Sltnatlon aa
Boon aa Authoritative Infor
mation a obtained.
LONDON. April 25. Further questions
In the House of Commons today on the sub
ject of tbe shipping combine elicited In
formation showing that tbe government
was taking ateps to cope with the situation,
which eventually was officially considered
detrimental to Great Britain.
The president of the Board of Trade,
Gerald Balfour, said the Board of Trade ha1
no official Information about th; combine.
but plenty of unofficial Intelligence bal
reached tbe board. The effect of such a
combination on British shipping generally
would receive the careful attentton of the
board, but any formal Inquiry would be
No Information regarding the arrange
ments made by the American syndicate to
control the Atlantic traffic. Including pas
senger, freight and the movements of the
vessels largely belonging to British com
panies, had been submitted to the board
before the arrangements were made.
As to steps to secure tbe commercial and
political interests of tbe Vnlted Kingdom
and to prevent foreign Interference with
British shipping, conflicting with engage
ments made wltb tbe admiralty, the mat
ter had occupied, and is occupying, tbe
government's attention.
Tvveuty-Klaht British ft hi pa.
The secretary of the admiralty, Mr. Ar
nold Foster, replying to Henry Norman,
liberal, said that the attention of the ad
miralty had been called to the formation
of the Atlantic shipping combination or the
trust with a capital of $170,000,000, mostly
held In the United States snd with regis
tered offices In America. The secretary
waa Informed that twenty-eight British
transatlantic steamships . were controlled
by this combination, among them being
three subsidised steamers and five others
which were held at the admlralty'a disposal
without subsidy. The White Star line gave
the admiralty no notice Of its Intention to
enter the combination.
The statements regarding tbe intentions
of the managers of the Atlantic shipping
oomblne vary with each edition of almost
every newspaper here and moat of' them
entirely lack even tbe semblance of au
thenticity, but they serve to enhance ths
general scare which Is fully voiced by the
startling newspaper headlines.
Inquiry In Demand.
Satisfaction Is expressed with tbe an
nouncement of Mr. Forester, secretary of
the admiralty, in the House of Commons,
of the appointment of a committee to in
quire Into the whole subject as affecting
the admiralty. Much la made of the tact
that the Inman line steamers City of
Paris (now the American line steamer
Philadelphia) and the City of New York
(now the American line steamer New
York), after receiving 23,990 (134.oO In
subsidies, were transferred to the Ameri
can flag and it ia contended that there is
nothing to prevent a repetition of sucb
Tbe Westminster Gaxette, however,
solaces Itself with the thought that if the
law by which only American built ships
are entitled to fly the American flag la
repealed the British, aa ship builders, stand
a chance to gain what they will loae as
ship owners.
Sir James Fortescue-Flannery, M. P.,
once associate of Lloyds and former presi
dent of ths Institution of Marine Engineers,
takes a serious view ot tbe situation. In
tbe course of an Interview he says the
present movement Is part of a well defined
scheme In American mercantile and naval
circles the ultimate object of which is to
foster American shipbuilding. He sees in
the new shipbuilding yards Important
factors in tbo fast-maturing project for
enlarging the American navy, which, be
considers, must Inevitably be extended In
proportion to the present enormous en
largement of the American mercantile
Imperial Troops on Way to Kan Nlnsj
Encounter Force of
HONeJ KONO. April 25. Advices re
celved today from Wu Chou, under date of
April 21, announce that a bloody battle was
then proceeding between a force of Im
perial troops on their way to Nan Nlng
and a large force of rebels.
The imperial army attacked the rebela'
encampment in the Wu Chang hills,
brought up two Maxima and two Im
pounders, and finally scattered tbe rebels
and captured their leader. Hung Yung
Seng, who was wounded.
Subsequently the rebels captured two
villages on the outskirts of Nan Nlng and
established their headquarters la those vil
Temncratara Indicates that tho Fever
Is Tnklnsr Its Rearalar
THE HAGUE, April 25. The morning
bulletin posted at Castle Loo today aa
nounced that Queen WUhelmlna slept at
Intervale during tbe night.
Her fever temperature continues to in
dicate that ber majesty's illness, which baa
now entered Its third week. Is taking its
regular course.
The afternoon bulletin from Caatle Loo
waa noncommittal. It merely aald that her
majesty's condition called for no special
Bad Accident on tho Great Eastern
Hallway at Station Rear
LONDON, April 21. Fifty persons were
Injured this morning la an accident on the
Great Eastern railway, near the Hackney
Downs station. As a train from Waltbama
tow, called the "Three Penny train," was
eroaalng a bridge, aa axis of the ear sear
eat the locomotive broke aad ths coach
Jumped the rails, crashed into ths aids of
ths bridge aad lodged across both tracks.
Tbs trsla waa filled with persons on thslr
wsy to work. Tbs two coaches following
tbs straadsd car crashed into It, caualng
the wreck aad dealing awful havoe among
tne passengers caught therein. Ths sec
ond car was also wrecked aad a number
of Its la states were badly hurt. The la
Jure! were Uksa ts tbs Dais lea kesflUJ.
Senate Committee to laTrsttnnte Al
leged HoMlna of P ban Iron
tir Amerlruu TVnat.
WASHINGTON. April The senate
committee cn Cuba today decided to Insti
tute an Investigation Into the charge that
the greater part of the present crop of
Cuban sugar Is held by the Sugar trust of
this country, as directed by the resolution
Introduced in the senate by Mr. Teller on
the 19th Inst.
The action of the committee was favora
ble only to tbe first half of the resolution,
which provides for an Inquiry affecting the
present holdings of Cuban sugar. It waa
decided to strike out that portion of the
resolution requiring an Investigation of the
normal cost of making sugar in Cuba and
also into the general question of reciprocity
with Cuba.
The committee held ttat those questions
sre always before the committee and to
adopt that portion of the resolution wonld
be eaulvalent to Instructing the committee
to perform lta ordinary duties.
A provision was added empowering the
committee to send for persons and papers
snd a subcommittee consisting of Senators
Piatt of Connecticut, Burnham snd Tanner
was appointed to hear 'ha testimony.
Senator Piatt announced that it was his
purpose to extend all facilities to those
making the charge that the Cuban planters
ould not get the benefit ot the proposed
reduction in duties, to prove those charges,
sddlng that he wonld do all la his power to
render the Inquiry exhaustive.
The resolution was adopted and tbe pre
amble upon wblch it is bsset follows:
Whereas. It haa been currant tv rnnrtit
that nearly the entire crop ot Cuban sugar
nas oeen purrnnoea ana is now held hv
what is generally known as the "sugar
trust." which is the principal consumer of
raw sugar In the I'nlted States, and that
ny concessions given to trie raisers of
cane sugar In the Inland of Cuha or any
measures Intended for their relief by ad
mitting their nucar t rerlureti rates nt
duty Into the Vnlted States will only bene
fit the said sugar trust, and that the
Cubans will receive no real benefit from
such concessions; and,
wnereas, it Is alleged that a large num
ber of citizens of the United Rtalpa have
acquired large holdings of cane producing
ibmuk in una ana ere now especially urg
ing the reduction of duty on sugar under
the claim that such reduction will benefit
the people of Cuba: therefore be It,
Kesolved. 1 hut the rommlltno nn rl..
Hons with Cuha Is hereby Instructed to
make an Investigation an tn the truth of
such charge and to report to the senate.
New York Delesratloa Ehi
Greetings at White Honso on
Retnrn row Chnrleaton.
WASHINGTON. April 25. The president
today received a delegation consisting ot
the members of the Merchants' Association
of New York, the Chamber of Commerce
and the Cotton exchange, accompanied by
women. The delegation is on lta way home
from a visit to tho Charleston exposition
and numbered about forty.
William F. King, chairman of tbe dele
gation from the Merchants' association, ad
dressed tbe president, saying, among other
During our StSV In Chjirtaatnn wo r
deeply touched by the many cordial and
feeling expressions we received end which
you s roused by your visit ta the exposi
tion. At a baivr-iet whlt-h v m nfd
every one si'ioke most feelingyof you.
in louirnmi me eompsny a seem bled I
told them that It rested with themselves
to take a leading part In the world of to
day; that we would help them all we could
In the north. They have made a wonderful
sian in me last rew years. There Is no
reason why Manchester should not come to
America. I believe their exposition Is a
new day for the south. If they continue
sctlvely st work their section will become
one of the must prosperous parts of the
country. What they need now to draw on
is their labor, skill and brains.
The president responded as follows:
Mr. King. Ladles and Gentlemen: I ap
preciate very much your visit to me and I
am glad you were down at Charleston. I
was deeply touched by the reception I met
mere, a reception not personal to me, but
given to me as representing the nation to
which all of us belonged, and all the narta
of which and the success of any part of
which are matters of pride for every one
of us everywhere.
i teei in tne strongest wav that nnthlne
can be more Important than the building
up of the great Industrial interests of the
south through just such organizations aa
you represent here today. I thank you for
calling upon me. Tou represent bodies of
the kind that have made New York's great,
ness what It is.
As regards what Mr. Klnir said concern.
Ing the expressions i-.sed by the people of
Charleston about me, I can only say that
I am going to do my best to serve them
and to do all that I can In keeping up the
wonaerrui prosperity, material and moral,
of our country. (Applause.)
Attacks Stronghold at Pnlns Before
Staying; Order Ar
rtves. WASHINGTON. April 25. Adjutant Gen
eral Corbln today made public tbe follow
ing extract from a cablegram Just received
from General Chaffee respecting the situa
tion In Mindanao, dated Manila. April 24:
Before Baldwin could be eommnnlented
with he had taken fort at Pulaa after
allgnt resistance. No casualties. Very soon
aner neignoonng lown ot uanasi opened
ts doors, hoisted white flag and delivered
red flags. Datto Ismpok and others with
strong following asked permission to call
and make peace.
Datto Amam rack or uanasi, who sent
threatening message In reulv to mv letter.
Is one o( those who have submitted. Camp
ia two miles rrom uanasi, wnose sultan
has asked Baldwin to come there. Have
directed him not to move. He ia ten miles
rrom tne aatto.
It la my purooee to have interview wrtth
General Davis. Will go on Hancock, which
leaves here today to Nalbang with bat
talion Tenth Infantry. It Is our purpose to
show considerable orce troops to Ijkke
Moroa converse with dattos. then retire
troops by - different trains to Malabang
ana rarang. merearier to sena expedi
tions occasionally to lake.
We aupposed Ganssl thirty-five miles
from Malabang, actually short twenty-one
miles, no ngniing. not necessary over op
position to advance to present location
troops; TT5 men with Baldwin, two troops
cavairy aismouniea, iweive nines in rear.
Every effort will be made prevent gen
eral war. Davis says situation this time
very tavoraoie.
Womlnntlons ny the President.
WASHINGTON. April 25. Ths president
sent thess nominations to ths senate today
Consols M. A. Oottschalk' of New York-
at San Juan del Norte. Nicaragua: Rufua
Waterman of Rhode Island, at Dublin, Ire-
Commander Albert Roes, to be rsptaln.
Paymasters to Be Pav lnsnectors Charlee
W. Littlefield. William W. Ualt and Arthur
rif rion.
Pest Assistant Paymasters to Re r
masters John Irwin. Jr., snd J. H. Mer
rlsm. Aselatant Paymaster to Be Past Asststant
Paymaster H. R. Inalev.
Paat Assistant Burgeons, with Rank of
ueuienant n. m. heeler ana Robert
Blake man.
Pennsylvania Forest Klres.
OIL CITY. Pa.. April 25 Forest fires la
this Immediate vicinity have entailed a loss
of 130,900 upon Venango county oil produc
ers In ths past twenty-four hours. Reports
from Forrest county show that the Drs Is
doing much damage in the virgin forest
ear Tloneata. Tbs big saw and lumber
mill at Gilfoyle, near there, was destroyed
oy are yesterday afternooB front a bias la
toe adjacent weeds.
Gale Aooompaoied by a Delugs Takes
Omaha Into Charge.
Wind Wrecks Billboards, Sheds and
Mans, tnroofs Balldlnsis and
Tiny Hnvoe ttenernlly
Dnrlnsr the Evening.
With a howl and a rush the wind came
down from the north yesterday afternoon,
driving before It what seemed to be clouda
of dust. Higher and higher swelled the
blast, until by 5 o'clock It was a furious
gale, and the dust clouds hsd turned to tor
rents of rain. The storm was at Its worst
when people were on their wsy home from
business. Msny had been lured from home
by the promise of the morning and were
without coats or wraps for protection
sgainst wind and rain. I'mbrellas were out
of the question. Those few that were
bested went quickly to the limbo prepared
for them.
For more than two hours the rsln fell
steadily, driven with terrific force by the
gale. All over Omaha damage of a minor
nature was being wrought. Signboards were
blown down, chimneys wrecked, sheds top
pled over, billboards riven snd shattered
and destruction generally was dealt to what
ever was loose or weak.
Only one serious accident was reported.
although narrow escapes were many. Mr.
George P. Bcmls. twice mayor of Omuha,
was caught near Eighteenth and Fsrnam
beneath the wreckage of a large advertla
Ing signboard. One leg was broken and he
was bruised seriously about the body. Mr.
Bemls was taken to Clarkson hospital.
It was nearly midnight before the gale
showed any sign of letting up. Very little
rain fell after 8 o'clock, but the wind
howled and roared and whistled for hours
after the rain ceased. Electric light serv
ice waa aerlously Interfered with and many
of tbe street lamps were out all night. Tel
egraph wirea to the north and west were
also in bad condition, but the telephone
and afreet railway service suffered very
High Wind Accompanies the Rain
and Considerable Damage
Is Done.
LINCOLN, April 25. (Special Telegram.)
Tbe drouth of nearly a month was broken
tonight by tbe fall of three-quarters of an
Inch of rain. The wind has blown fiercely
since early morning and about 5 o'clock th?
showers began. For a few minutes there
waa an almost blinding fall ot snow, but
the flakes soon disappeared. The wind did
s,ome damage to trees and signboards. To
night the telegraph, telephone and railroad
companies are experiencing trouble with
their wires. Gas telegraph company re
ported only one wire working through east.
Trains are delayed as a consequence of the
condition of tbs wires. From the meager
Information gleaned here It Is aupposed that
while the storm waa general through tbe
state it was most furious and tbs rainfall
greater in the eastern half and In Iowa.
West of Kenesaw it la' reported there is
comparatively no trouble with the telegrapa
NORFOLK. Neb.. April 25. (Special Tele
gram.) An inch of rain fell this afternoon
and the ground Is now thoroughly soaked.
It was badly needed, as grain was begin
ning to suffer. A high wind accompanied
the rain and did considerable damage. Tbe
roof was blown off tbe Morquardt block, In
which the Elks have their lodge room, and
everything In the building was thoroughly
Soaked. Considerable damage was also
done by the blowing down ot signs, chim
neys and the demolition of small out
buildings. All tbe telegraph lines to the
east, except tbe wire to 8loux City, are
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., April 25. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tbe. heavy wind that has
been prevailing here since noon has done
a great deal of damage. Tbe shell of the
old city ball that has been waiting tbe
disposal of the city council since the Are
In January blew down this afternoon, tak
ing all telephone and electric light wires
on the north side with It. Tbe wind was
accompanied by some rsln.
WINSIDE. Neb.. April 25. (Special Tele
gram.) About noon today tbe clouds and
fog settled down so close that lights were
needed to enable the people to prepare
dinner. It soon changed to a violent rain
storm and in a few minutes the streets
were full 1 of water and everything loose
floating. This was followed by twenty
minutes of small hall, which whitened the
ground. About 2 o'clock a terrific wind
began to blow from the north and con
tinued Intermingled with rain. Windmills,
light buildings, trees and fences were
blown down and the creeks are bankfull of
WAYNE, Neb., April 25. (Special Tele
gram.) A very heavy rain has been falling
here all afternoon, accompanied by a high
wind. No particular damage has occurred.
The ground Is thoroughly soaked, being of
great benefit to the growing small grain
crop and garden truck.
ST. EDWARD, Neb., April 25. (Special
Telegram.) Nearly a half-Inch of rain fell
here today. Tbe fall wheat Is In good con
dition. TEKAMAH. Neb., April 25. (Special Tel
egram.) A severe storm struck this section
about 4. The rainfall was heavy, with In
termittent hall and snow. A high wind
accompanied the rain, blowing away every
thing loose, but doing no extensive damage.
Tbe telegraph line was blown down snd
the only outside communication Is by tele
phone, BEATRICE. Neb.. April 25. (Special Tel
egram.) A violent wind and dual storm
prevailed here this afternoon. Toward even
ing a light rain fell and the temperature
has fallen to 8 degrees.
HASTINGS. Neb.. April 25. (Special Tel
egram.) A much needed rain fell here this
afternoon, putting tbe ground In good con
dition. BLAIR. Neb.. April 25. (Special.) A
welcome shower fell here about 1 o'clock
thla morning, bringing glad relief to the
dusty condition of tbs laat few days. It
was sccompanlsd by thunder snd light
ning sod a alight fall of ball, but not heavy
enough to do any damage.
ALBION. Neb., April 25. (Special.) A
heavy hailstorm visited this section at 1
o'clock this morning, doing some damage
to skylights, but no particular damage
to crops. There wss very little rain, but
there Is prospect for more. Winter wheat
looks fins, but spring grain needs rata
badly. Oats ars not coming up good.
Plowing for corn is well under wsy. Al
falfa Is looking nlcs. A largs amount of
alfalfa has been sown this spring.
OAKDALE. Neb., April 15. (Special )
A fins rsln fell tn this vicinity last night
and this morning. Pastures ars In ax-
J Continued a Becoud Page.)
Forecast for NebnskH -Tartly Cloudy and
Ccoler. 1
Temperature nt Omnha leaterdnyt
llonr. Den. Honr. Den.
An. tn ntl I p. m
n n. in nil 8 p. m. r.T
7 n. m...... 1ST .1 p. m R
si n. m ...... i 4 p. m "
t n. m i:t It p. m 43
in n. m trt l p. m 1
It n. m OT 7 p. m :
12 m 73 p. m !'
O p. ni It.l
Action nt Kannaa City Credited to
the Pendlnst Government
KANSAS CITY. April 25 (Speclsl Tele
gram.) Following Immedlstely on the heels
of the announcement that the government
Intends to Investigate the methods of the
beef trust, the prices of the higher class
of beef fell from 1 to 3 centa today. Loins,
which have been costing 23 cents, went to
20 cents; ribs, which have been bringing 1
cents, fell to IS, and loin butts, which have
been selling for 1.1 cents, were reduced to
11 cents. Furthermore, the butchers be
lieve the packers are so bndly scared that
they will not have the courage to make
their usual raise In prices next Mondsy
morning. It was confidently predicted by
the packers before the airing of the meth
ods of the packers' was commenced, that
the price of carcass beef would go to 12V
cents in Kansas City before grass fed cat
tle began to come to market, but they have
not raised the price above 10'4 cents as yet
and It begins to look as though they will
not do It.
Refuses to Bid I n to Ten Millions for
Maryland Hall-
BALTIMORE. April 25. The hid of the
Fuller syndicate for the Western Maryland
railroad will not be Increased. This an
nouncement was made this morning by K.
L. Fuller, the bead of the syndicate. In re
sponse to the city council's action asking
that $10,001,000 be offered for the city's
Interest in the road, which sura has been
bid by the Reading company. It was Inti
mated at the same time that if the Fuller
syndicate responded favorably to this prop
osition preference would be given It over
the three other bidders.
The bid made by the Fuller syndicate,
which Is said to represent tbe Wabash sys
tem, ts IS, 731, 370. 45. This sum Is equal to
the Indebtedness of tbe road to the city
and Mr. Fuller says he will not give a
dollar more. The matter will come up
again when the council meets again on
Monday night, before which time do furtber
steps can be taken.
Castoms Officer Increases Imports on
Yonns; tattle Drought from
. . w w
EL PASO. Tex., April 25. Collector of
Customs Patrick Oar ret t haa created a sen
sat Ion among cattlemen In El Psso by rul
ing' that all imported Mexican cattle under
1 year-of -age should pay Import duty of
$3.75 per head Instead of 12 as heretofore.
The decision has raised a storm of dis
approval and the Corralltoa company has
made a protest to the authorities at Wash
ington. The appraisement of th Cor
ralltoa cattle was made by Inspector
Dwyer, under the supervision of Collector
Garrett. The Importing sesson has Just
opened and tbe ruling will affect thousands
of young cattle that are to be shipped to
northern ranges.
Crowds Hail Srlf-Confeaaed Slayer as
He Leaves the Court
room. WELLINGTON, Kan.. April 25. John
Cummlngs of Portland, who was arrested
last Saturday after confessing that he had
killed his servant girl three years ago, was
given an ovation today aa he left the court
room after being released on bond pend
ing his trial. It Is believed that Cum
mlngs' willingness to plesd guilty to the
charge of murder Is to shield a member ot
his family. He asked to be released in
order to fix up his personal affairs before
he goes to tbe penitentiary. Several prom
inent business men signed bis bond.
Declines to Hate What Action la An
ticipated In tbe Meat Pack,
era' t'nae,
KANSAS CITY, April 23. Major William
Warner, United States attorney for the
western district of Missouri, continues
silent regarding any move that may be
anticipated by the government against the
packera In this city. lie declines to state
whether or not an injunction will be ap
plied for in the United States court at
Kansas City, aa was done in the case ot
tbe railroads recently.
Repreaentatlves of the packing compa
nies in this city deny that there Is any
Mississippi Steamer Bnrned to Wnter's
Edits at Mew Orleans
NEW ORLEANS. La., April 25. Tbe
steamer SunrUe. Captain Frank Scovllle, of
tbe Red River line, burned to the water's
edge at lta wharf here Just before daylight.
It had a number of passengers, all of them
Loulslsolsns except Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Dsvldsonof Ironton, O.
The fire spread rapidly, and some of the
passengers and crew bad narrow escapes,
but all were saved. The boat carried con
siderable freight, which was badly dam
aged. Sunrise was valued at (25,000,
with Insurance ot $12,000.
Man Is
llanaed for
of His Wife
NEWARK. N. J, April 25. Henry Schauta
waa banged here today for the murder of
his wife and child. Tba drop fell at 10:10
o'clock. As the body fell the head was
Dearly severed and blood apurted from the
Schaub was a barber, but did not work
steady and waa dissipated. His wife mads
arrangements to leave him and when he
learnsd ber determination bs killed ber and
their child. Ha cut nls own throat, but
not enough to causa a serious weuAO.
McOnmber Addresses the Senate on Bill to
Prevent Adulterations and Imitations.
Saji Congress Has Power to Regulate Sale
of Products in Interstate Oommerce.
Orer Billion Dollars' Worth of Impnre
Tood on Markets Annually.
Aaaerta It Prraenta One Aspect of Im
perialism nnd durations Right of
for Islands.
WASHINGTON, April 25. At the ccn
cluslon of the routine business tn ths
senate today Mr. McCumber of North Da
kota, chairman of ths committee on manu
factures, addressed the senate on the
bill "to prevent the adul:-ratlcn, mis
branding and imitation of food, beverages,
candles, drugs snd condiments In the Dis
trict of Columbia and the territories and
for regulating Interstate commerce
The object of his address, ha said, waa
to convince the senate of thj very greet
importance of the subject to tba American
Mr. Carroack of Tennessee addressed the
senate la opposlttou to the Philippine gov
ernment bill. He saw In the bill one a -pect
of Imperialism, by which he charac
terized the pllry of the administration In
the Island. During his speech the senator
sarcastically criticised General Funston's
recent utterances regarding those who as
sailed the work of the army lu ths Philip
pines. Mr. McCumber, continuing his speech,
"For a quarter of a century nearly every
state In the union bad been struggling with
the question ot procuring pure foods. Ex
perience bss proved that It has been im
possible to obtain uniformity in atate laws.
This bill attempted to regulate the aals
of only such foods as entered Into Inter
state commerce, and the tongresa, there
fore, bad ample authority to deal with the
Kilrat of Fraud Appalling.
He declared that the extent ot the adul
teration and misbranding ot food producta
was appalling, that the time had come for
congress to act. He enumerated many of
the frauds, products, which he said, were
crimes, against tbe retail merchant and
consumer, alike. Tbe amount of deleterious
food products placed upon tbe market each
year, Mr. McCumber asld, was valued at
fully $1,170,000,000, while tbe total amount
of adulterated food producta each year was
nearly $4,000,000.
Mr. McCumber expressed tbs belief, based
npon evidence taken by hla committee, that
manufacturers and dealera generally would
net object to the enactment :f ths bill
Mr. Piatt of Connecticut, chief of tho
committee on relations, with Cuba, reported
from that committee a aubstltute for tho
resolution offered a few daya ago by Mr.
Teller, the aubatltute providing for an In
vestigation by tbe committee of tbe hold
ings of Cuban sugar, and of Cuban augar
lands by American cltlxens. the committee
to have authority to aend for persons and
papers and to sit during sessions of ths
senate. Tbe resolution waa referred to the
committee on contingent expenses.
A bill for the protection ot game In
Alaska was passed. At 2 o'clock the unfin
ished business the Philippine government
bill waa laid before the senste. Mr. Car
mack of Tennessee, a member ot tbe Philip
pines committee, addreesed tbe aenate In
opposition to tbe measure.
Aspect of Imperialism.
Mr. Carmack said that this bill, like tbo
Philippine tariff bill, almply preaented one
aspect of imperialism. It waa not a ques
tion only ot framing Just lawa for ths
Philippines, but a question ot right to
make any laws, whatever, for that people.
"Tbe claim ot tbe republicans," aald bs,
"Is that they bad burned enough towna,
wasted enough country and killed enough
peopls to make good their light. Ths land
Is ours because we have strewn It with tbs
ashes of lta bomea and drenched It with
the blood of Its people."
Opponents ot this policy dsnled that
we bad derived any Just powers of gov
ernment from the subjugation of tbe gov
erned and that was tbs real Issus of this
debate. In the former debate, he said,
Mr. Spoon er had charged that tbe minority
bad prostituted ths question to partisan
purposes, and that Mr. Bryan had seised
upon It to force an Issue with tbe admin
istration. Unfortunately for this argu
ment, tbo fact waa that Mr. Bryan bad
declared his. position upon this qusstioa
long before anybody knew what tha
policy of ths administration would be.
At that time the public utterances of
McKlnley and Bryan were In sxact accord,
and if the administration bad not reversed
Its policy there would have been bo differ
ence between them.
Course of Democrats.
Tbs democrats in the aenate, be In
sisted, hsd tried to remove the questloa
from party politics. It waa now clalmsd
that the civil authority of the United States
was suprems throughout ths Philippines
and It was treason for a democrat to si
press an opinion. He cited tho publlo
utterances of President McKlnley snd Mr.
Roosevelt, and the speeches of republican
senatora, and quoted from the republican
campaign book to ahow that a general
policy of colonialism and conquest waa ad
vocated as republican doctrine.
"The Idea that you can transform ths
rbsrscter of a racs by teaching them to
read," aald he, "la ths wildest, craslest,
tbe most fantastic dream that ever flitted
through a lunatic's brain." Hs quoted
utterances from Mr. Roosevelt charging
that "treasonable" utterances bad Incited
tbe Filipinos to Insurrection, and aald that
we must not Judge tbe president In bis
moment of oratorical ferocity or when tba
ferocity of battle wss In hla blood. Ths
president was not vindictive, but simply
strenuous, and resembled In his bablta of
speech a certain Tennessee borse in that
running assy was bis natural gait.
Mr. Roosevelt bad habitually spoken of
the Filipinos as "savages," and "bar
barians" and "Apaches," and these denun
ciations bad been scattered broadcast
throughout the lslanda to Inflame tbe
people against the Vnlted Bates. Tbe effect
of the president's language had been to
harden and Intensify Filipino opposition to
American rule.
Borne of our military . heroes had beta
ullty. ot 4 like clluaa. 21 xtXarrei U