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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL fricei Scramble Up in All Piu and Day Eemarkably Bullish. hO LET UP COMES TO OPENING BOOM pall Hold TUbt Rein and Values Go ' arlns I t to Dlssy Heights, Hold ins Rlsr Gains Whfn ,.-..- CHICAGO. April 23-Bull enthusiasm whs Jsrmnunt In all speculative pita on the lioard of Trade today. The Influence was a well developed weather scare and ahorta were the sufferers. Trade waa excited In general and a tun" waa held ao tightly that when the movement got Into awing prlcea advanced with big Jumps. Wheat made gulns of from 2c to 2Vy2c, ""rn 2&c to ifce and oata 14c to 14c. May wheat closed 2Vic up, May corn 2'c higher ind iny oata lc advanced. Provisions closed Ju4il7'c to Hoc higher. Wheat went booming from the very atart. There were numerous bullish Incentives and the crowd turned bulla to a man. Ca ble atarted out atrong and advanced. Thla unexpected and atarted the upturn. Then came the crop damage acare that set ' every one buying. The ralna In the winter belt yeaterday, tnough enough to allay the heat, were exported far from sufficient to aave rrnps. Added to thla rame the weather report that lroilng temperature would probably be reached In some sections of thi! southwest tonight. Receipt alao were exceedingly light and argued rapidly de creasing stocks. Higher outalde market, specially In the aouthweat, where It whs argued the speculators had Information nearer at hand, augmented the upturn. Reports, both government and private, per flated In the advice that the crops were being badly damaged. The Miller' as sociation of Kanaaa reported the crop of that atate at a condition of 56 per cent. Indiana was said to be suffering and ad vices stated that from 30 to 25 per cent of the aown tlelda would be plowed up. There aa a lot of liquidation for profits on the early advance, but commission houae buy ing sturted renewed spurt. The wheat traders were seriously aroused over the critical condition of the crop and bought With the conviction that there was money in It. Trade waa enormous, possibly as large aa on the big bull campaign laat De cember. There was practically no time when the market waa not advancing and at lumps. May opened Vno up at 744I&75: and snared to lie, closing atrong and ex cited, 2c up, at 77c: July closed 2c up at 714.14c and September 'la advanced at 784c. Local recelpta were 26 car, and .Minneapolis and Duluth reported 109 cars, making a total for the three points of 1X5 cars, against 144 laat week and 28 a year ago. Primary receipts were 2o3.f bu., compared to 446,000 laat year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled (J9.000 bu. Cash business was good and the seaboard trade Improved. Corn had the Influence of the wheat boom to start It advancing, but the bull incen tive In thla pit was the renewed heavy buying by the big commission houses, which, It waa reported several weeks ago, were trying to corner July option. Wall street la said to be behind this crowd and as the big line were accumulated "taller" followed and bought feverishly. The local crowd bought mainly on the theory th-it a hull manipulative campaign wa on, foot. There wa considerable liquidation at time for profit and to those moments the mar ket eased a trifle. U pward spurts Immedi ately followed, however, and aa offering Were never excessive, additional gains were made. The market was atrongest at the close. The southwestern markets were even more bullish than Chicago and Influenced prices here. May opened ir4c tilgnjar at to 66c and cloaed aVaS'c higher at 66"c. Jtecelpts were only U cars.- Oata were strong throughout the session ' on the Influence of the strength in the other grain and the fear that there might be serious damage to the new crop from lack of moisture. There waa also a good cash business, which added to the strength of the futures. Trade, while not large, was of good character, receiving and commis sion house buying. Scalpers aold to some extent. Crop damage report from Iowa and elsewhere were bullish incentive. May old from 43tyc to a strong close, lHo ad vanced, at 44So: old July gained lc, clos ing at 37ViE3ic. Receipt were only 75 car. Hog product had a strong and advanc ing market, Influenced by a steady hog market and the grain bulge. Trade, how ever, wa not very active, considering 'the rapH advance made. Buying wa good, particularly by the local crowd In the way of covering. Packer sold moderately on the upturn, but supported early. The country waa on the buying side. Heavy shipments of product waa a bullish Incen tive. Lard wa particularly In good de mand. May pork closed 30c higher at J 1 ft. 75, Mav lard 17He up at $9.85 and May ribs 1Mi174c higher at 19.30. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 10 car: corn, 85 cars; oats, 15 cars; hogs, ai(i head. The leading futures ranged as follow: erlce 62N ro62c and advanced to 64c, closing strong, 24c up, at that figure; July sold Artlcle. Open. High. Low. Cloae.Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May a July a July a Sept. b Sept. Pork May July lSE- May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 74775 ' " i l 7&va ' i lfinW, Ti. a 4.1 38 fi4 i :4 81' 16 7"J IB WJ 724l 9 s:vi 2vi cmj 9 20 I 27Vi 77 78 782 64i 64 44 K S9V 37W 35 32' 1 75 17 On 17 07V4 86 9 6 JD 06 9 30 9 37H 9 46 T4 7f4l 74 7SH1r, 7u: I rxti. r"4 ess WM.I 62 43H' 38 36 33V 81 16 50 16 67H 16 90 9 nv. 9 82Hl 2V .81 4J 64T,i 74H 75', Toft 63 62 U 434 39. 37. 137Hf!S5'ffSB 16 75 17 00 17 07H 9 85 9 PS 10 05 9 07 9 9 9 97 ffW 40 18 45 16 67 16 75 67 9 80 9 90 9 02 9 20 17 No I. a New. b Old. . Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents. 13.70 190; winter straight. 3.Qa 0; winter clears, f3.Uiftf3.40; spring specials. M.OCtH lu; spring patents, 53.203.60; spring atraigbts, 53.76 b3 10. WH EAT No. S spring. 75c; No. t red, 55c OATB-No. t, 44iff4414c; No. 2 white. 46 46c; No. I white, 46ij46o. . RYE No. I, 5ibfc BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6fi459c SKKL'B No. 1 flag, II. 8; No. 1 north western, $1.78; prime timothy, (6.90; clover, contract grade, 58 95. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 116.76 916.80. Lard, per luo lbs., $9 82(gfl5. Short ribs rides (loose), S9.154t9.26. Dry salted houldera (toxed, I7.62i7.76. Short clear sides (boxed), t9.7oii9.80. WHISKY On basts of high wines, tl .30. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday; Article. Recelpta. 8hlpnients. Flour, bbls. .................. SO.OHO 30.00 A heat, du 8.(1110 Corn, bu Tl.) 19.0 0 Oats, bu 213.000 102 9(0 Rye. bu 1.0iX l oo liarley. bu 2&.ouO 4.0u0 On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was easy; creameries, 22ft-2tc; dairies, 2124c. Cheese, firm, U413c. Eggs, ateudy; fresh, 16llio. 70Hc closed at 70c; September, 68e9Hc, Closed at Nc. OATS Receipts. 48,ono bu.; export. 6.815 bu. Spot, firmer; No. 2 white, &4c; No, 1 white, 6.1c; track mixed weetern, 60ii61c; track white, lfufiW Options werei active and stronger on crop new and the jump In other market. HAY Steady; shipping, 6Hi65c; food to Choice. 8Mjic. HOI'S (julet; state, common to choice, lfl crop. 16i20c; crop. 13fil4c; olds. 4'd6c; Pacific coast, 1901 crop, lb18c; l'4 crop, 13 I4c ; olds, 4T(c. HIDKS Firm; OHlveston, 18c; California, 18e; Texas drv, 13c. LKATHKR Firm: acid. 24'ii26c. WiMI yulet; domestic fleece. lCftCOt. PROVISIONS Iteef, strong; family. $1S; mess. tl2; beef hams. 2I.' 22 (: packet, 113; city extra India me. Ul.W)ft23.0(. Cut meats. Arm; pickled b llles, $10 5 "ti 11.25; pickled shoulders,; pickled hams, $11. 6' I-ard, firmer; western steamed, $10.2; refined, firmer; continent, $1') lf; South America, $11; compound. $s I2',ri8.37,-j. I'ork. tlrrn; family, $19 (Po'rfl9 50; mes, $16.75 17.75: short clear, $17.75'2o.OO. TALIW Firm; city ($2 per pkg.l. 6; country (pkgs. fne). 6f)6c. Hl'TTEH Receipt, B.784 pkgs.; stendy: rtate dairy, 24(o27c; state creamery. -'i'(t 27c; June creamery, imitation, 2it?2c; factory. 22firc. CHKKSK Receipts, 8.6T.1 pkg ; firm; fancy large full cream, fall make, colored and white, l'il2'4c; fancy, small, state, full cieam, early make, colored and white, 13ol3Vc. KO(J8 Receipts, 20.3S3 pkgs.; easy; state and Pennsylvania, 17cvl7c; western, at mark, 17'ol7c MOLA Sri KS Firm; New Orleans, S3541c. POCIjTRY Alive, weaker; turkey. 13c; fowls, 12c; dressed, quiet; fowls, 12c; tur keys, 1112C. M KTALS Conditions In the metal mar kets at home and abroad somewhat favored buyers today. At linilon tin prices closed 6s net lower, with spot at 125 15 and future at 122 7s6d. At New York the bid price was lowered about 25 points to $27. 2.Vri 27.37 for spot, the tone ruling easy. Copper was easier generally, with price's at IlLOoti 11.25 and June and July at $11.101 11.20. Lake closed at $11.7.V 12.2o. electrolytic at I11.65& 12.(10 and casting at $12, nominal. Ixindon wa lo lower to 52 5s for spot and futures. Lend was steady here at $4.12. but at London lower prices were In force, the metal declining to 11 15s. Spelter ruled easier and unchanged and steady at Iondon at 118. Pig Iron warrants were nominal. No. 1 foundry, northern, $19.omfr2o (O; No. 2 foundry, north ern. $IS.0f"ii 19 00; No. 1 foundry, southern. $17.50 18.00; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, l7.5(i''o 18.01). Foreign markets were lower. Olasgow closed at 64s and Mlddleaborough at 48s 4d. OMAHA WHOI.K.XAI.K MARKETS. XKW YORK GENERAL, MARKET. Qaetatlea of Ike Day Varlea CosBsaoelltlea. NKW YORK. April 23 -FLOUR-Recelpts. IX. Mo bbls. ; exports, iM bbls.; sales, 12.5u0 pars.; maraei was neia be higher and gen erally paid in a small way; winter straights, $3.7&4iS.90; Minnesota patent $3 9Uu4.20; winter pattnt. $3.8aU4.06; winter extras, $3.1oi8.35; winter low grades, $2 90'f s u; Aiinneaoie uaaers, K U3 JO. Kye flour steady; fair to good, WlojjS.W; choice " to lancy, d do(ij so. CORNMEAL Firm: yellow western, tl SO city, $1.2; Urandywine, $3.6uft!l&a. RYU Firm; No. 3 western , &V f . o b , afloat; slate, lt3c, c. i. f.. New York t riots. UAKLET Steady: feedlna. 64iaSc r, I t New York; mailing, ?7Jc, c. I. f.. New York. WHEAT Recelpta, 146 260 bu. Spot mar- kv viii. i. . r?u, iwc, elevator, and We, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth 76c. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard. Uanlmk,' 8c, f. o. b., afloat. There waa an exceed ingly strong market in wheat all day, with a big speculative trade, including liberal orders to buy. The demand waa chiefly due to lack of rain and serious rmn mn.n. tluns as indicated by numerous damage complaints from the southwest. All out- fide markets were strong, notably Bt. Louis The close was HU-Sc net hiaher. Mav 63c. closed at 53c; July, 81S&lc. closed at 83c; Beptember, SO 13-16e2c, closed at 2,c: Ieceinbr, WHtiMSc. closed at hv CORN Receipts. 10. W bu. ; exports. JO.iyO bu. Snot, atrong; No. 2, 71c. elevator, and 7"tc, f. o. b . afloat. Fair activity, a strong ana nig auvancva were ine it-aiures in c rn to.iav Influenced by manipulation west. the wheat upturn and bull crop news. The close was strong at lti2c net advance, -wito May at vc, closed at 70c; July, Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodnce. EGOS Including new No. 2 cases, 15c; cases returned, 14c. LIVE POL'LTKY Chicken. 8j9c; old rooster, according to age, 0370; turkeys, lif(jl2c; ducks anil feesc, 8fiSc; broilers, per lb., 25c; dressed stock In good condition, l(fr2e higher than live stock. BUTTER Packing stock, 19c; choice dairy, In tubs, 221123c; reparator. 26c. FRESH CAl'ilHT FISH Trout, 9c; crapples, 10c; herring, tic; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; nuntlsh, 5c; hlueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, 13c: salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, One; shad roe, per pair, 30c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2oc. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. i?c; stand ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can, 33c; New York Counts, per can, 40c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.26; bulk, extra se lects, $1.6tKgl.65; New York Counts, per gal., $1.75. PIGEONS Live, per doz., $L r.A ij noice, ouec. CORN 60c. OAT8-48C. URAN Per ton, $17. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 unland. $9: No. 1 medium. $8.50: No. t coarse, $8. Rye straw. $5.60. These prices are ior nay oi gooa coior ana quality. De mand fair. Recelpta light. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu.. Ohio, xl.fift. Rose, $1.25: Triumphs, $1.16. POTAIOICB- XMortnern. xi.uo&vi.OB . Colo. rado, $1.20. CAnKUlo rPr DU., 76C. BEETS Per bu basket, 65c. -TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c: Rutabagas, ner 100 lbs., $1.25. PARoNlrB yet DM., aoc. ASPARAGUS California, per lb., 15e. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., $1.60. GREEN ONIONS Per doz.. according to size of bunches, loraZ&c. SPINACH Southern, per bu., 75c. LETTUCE Head, per hamper. 12. SO: hot house, per doz., 4&45o. rAKBLKJ-m aot., JMB35C. RADISHES Per dos., 3oju25c: per box. fl-60. waa BBiAiMB r ionaa. per Dasket. it.oora 4.60. GREEN feas rer basket, 75cffi$l. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb 6c. CABBAGE California, new. 8s ON IONS Spanish, per crau. $2: Ohloa. per bbl., $4.50. iKiiLiti caiuomia. xjac. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. $3.0(KU3.5O. NAV Y BEANS Per bu $1.801.9a FRUITS. FIGS California, new cartons. $1: im ported, per lb., 12'S14c. BTKA WHEKK1KS Texas, ner 24-ot. ease. $5; IxHilslanu, per 24-pt. case, $3.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, fancy $4: choice, $3.76; budded, $3; med. sweets, $3.26 &3.50. LbMtJNS Fancy. 3.50: choice. 13.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.2ix&2.76. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.7593.00. NUTS New croD walnuts. No 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell. 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack, $3.oj MIDfcB Mo. 1 green. 60? No. X rreen. Rc- No. 1 salted, 7c; No. t salted, c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No 2 veal calf U to 15 lbs., 6c; drr b'dec. SlSc; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.60(32.26. UJUH.K rsenawaa, per bbl.. IZ.Z&: New York, $3.50. POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled, 6c. ' ' Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL- April 23.-WHBAT Spot, lulet; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 3d; No. 1 California. 6s 4Md. Futures, steady: Mav. OslVd; July, 6s ld. corn spot, steady; American mixed. new, 6s 9d; Asaerloan mixed, old, &s 8d. Fu tures, quiet; juiy, bsia; September, 5s ld: October, 6s ld. M r,AW-VWtOUI.H, 111 111, I HOPS At London (Pacific coastv Arm 3 l&siq 4 16s. FLOUR tit. LOUIS fancy winter. Arm. 8a d. PROVISIONS Reef, strona: extra India mess, 90s. Pork, firm; prime mess western. MB ou. na ni, nrm; snori cut. .4 to la loa., Arm. 53s tki. Bacon, firm: Cumberland rut 26 to 30 lbs., 49s. Short ribs. 26 to 30 lbs.. Arm Fw . OH Iflnr plt.ur inlHHIa. H .. V. , . ,A 34 lbs., firm, 49s 9d; long clear middies. heavy. to w ids., nrm. 60s: short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., firm, 49s 6d; clear bel lies, 16 to 20 lbs., 15 6d. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., firm, 39a. Lard, prime west ern. In tierces, steady, S9s8d; American re fined, In palls, steady, 39a 3d. bl' i i r.K- irm; nnest united states. 29s. CHEESE Firm; American llnest whua. strong, 56s; American finest colored, strong. 67s. TALLOW Prime city. Arm. 49s 6d: Aus tralian, In London, dull, 32s 6d. St. Leaia Grain aa4 Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 2$ WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 81 Tc; track, 82 82c; May, 81Jc; July, 77c; No. 2 hard. 7! 79c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 66Sc; track, 66f()7c; May, 65c; July, 66c; September, 64c. OATS Higher: No. 2 casn, 45c; track, 45c; May, 44c; July, 36c; September, 32c; No. 2 while, 4t'4Hc. RYE-Hlgher at 61c. FLOUR Firm and higher; red winter patents. $3.7ov3.85; extra fancy and straight, li4id ) 50; clears. $3.0(K)i3.2o. SElCD Timothy, quiet, $5.00(9.00. CtiRNMF.AI Steady. $3 15. BRAN Stronger; sacked, 85fir9c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $12.5o 14.76; prai rie. $KUvrl3.50. WHISK Y-Btoadv, $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 6V(ibSe. HEMP TW INE-Steady. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old. $16 00; new, $17.45. Lard, higher, $9.70. Dry suit meats (boxed), strong; extra shorts, $9 50; clear ribs, $9.10; short clear, $9 62. Bacon (boxed), atrong; extra short. $10 37; clear ribs, $10.37; short clear. $10 62 M ETALS Lead. quiet at $3f74j4.0O. Spelter, dull at $4.16. POULTRY Easy; chickens, c; turkeys, 10c: ducks. 10o; geesti, 4't5c. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 23c; dairy. 2i4j26c. liGGS Steady at 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..' 6 i) 7.O0O Wheat, bu 8.01O S7.)0 Corn, bu 22.0m) 83,J Oata, bu 20.0JO 4j.oi0 fresh western. I7c: fresh southwestern, 1S 717c; fresh southern. 16c. CHEEHK Steady; fancy small, 12fil3c; fancy, fair to choice, 11ui2c. Kansas City Grain ana Provision. KANSA8 CITY. April 23-WHEAT-Mav, 74"r; July 76c; canh. No. 2 hard. 7.Sc; No. $. i5c; No. 2 red. 0c; No. 3, 79-oHOc. CORN May, 65'"8S6c; Spleml-r. 3Vc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 67c: No. 2 white, 6c; No. 3, 6ti7c. OATS No. 2 white, 40c. RYE No. 2. 59c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.50'4 00; choice prairie, $13 5cu 14.00. BUTTER Creamery, 26-; dairy, fancy, 21c. EGGS Steady; at mark, new No. 2 white wood cases Included, 14c; case returned, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu l?.3"f' S.X'in Corn, bu 27.201 48.500 Oats, bu 8,000 18.000 Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. April 23 WHEAT Active anil strong; cash, 86c; May, 85c; July, S0c; September, 80c. CORN-SActlve, strong; cash, 63c; May, 64c: July, 65c. oats Active, strong; casn, 4o'.xc; May, 43c; July, 3c. fKKl D Clover, sctlv", strong; cash, $5 2".'; April, $5 22; October, $6.40; No. 2, $4.60f4.70. Minneapolis 'Wheat, Klonr and Rran. MINNEAPOLIS. April 23. WHEAT May, TfiHc; July, 77c: on track, No. 1 hard, 79c; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 northern, 75e. FWJUR Higher; first patent, $4.1oi.20; second patents. $3.9rtj4.06; first clears, $3; second clear. $2.26'j2 35. BRAN In bulk, $14.oO(iil4.50. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 33. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 northern. 76c; July, 78c. RYE Steady; No. 1, 60c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 70c; sample, 60 69c. CORN July, 65c. Peorln Market. PEORIA, April 23. -CORN Inactive; No. 3, 64c. OATS Firm; No. S wntte, 444c. billed through. WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fin ished goodB. Dnloth Grain Market. DULUTH. April 23. WHEAT Cash No. 1 hard, 744c; No. 2 northern, 72c; No. 1 northern and May, 76c; July, 7714C OATS 40c. CORN 64c. NKW IOHK STOCK" ASD BONDS. Sharp Rally In Suarar, bat Market I'ndertone Hfstf. NEW YORK. April 23-Today's trans fers of stocks again reached an aggregate of over 1,000 shares, but the animation of tho speculation la decidedly deteriorated from the nearly 2.000,1(00 share business of Monday. There waa great variety In the dealings today, but the undertone of the market was decidedly heavy all day and the advance In some portion of the list were Insufficient to clear up the tone. The weather new from the western grain regions was the central topic of dis cussion. Prices were successfully turned upward during the dealings, the grain car riers sharing fully In the advance. In the case of Atchison the opening rise was 1, but half an hour later when trading began In the grain markets, with prices strongly advancing, these stocks gave way. The government weather map wa suffi cient evidence that yesterday's hopeful es timate of sufficient rain to undo any dam age already done were not well founded. The strong rise In the corn market alxo helped to de res stocks, notwithstanding the unllkllhood of any accurate knowledge at this time of the chances of the corn crop. There waa a renewal of the recent active demand for the coalers, the Readings again taking the lead on the supposition that the settlement of the wage dispute I im minent. When, however, It was perceived that the strength In this section of the market had little effect in checking the dribbling liquidation of western railroad stocks the movement of the coalers ceased and prices reacted lower. The strength of the sterling exchange market called renewed attention to tho Sossibillty of gold exports and revived Iscusslon of the present heavily expanded condition of credits. The provision to be made for the great steamship merger, the coming stock conversion by the United Statea Steel corporation, the provision for the purchase of the Louisville A. Nashville and the BUbscrlptlon to the Pennsylvania bond issue for $50,000,000, indicate some of the heavy requirements upon the present narrowed resources of the money market. An Incident of the day was a sharp rally in sugar of 4 in the expressions of confi dence from Washington that an agree ment would be reached on the Cuban reci procity bill. The stock closed with a net gain of 3. Amalgamated Copper, Tennessee Coal, the Cotton Oil and Vlrglnla-Cnrollna Chem ical stocks. International Silver preferred and a number of minor specialties were strong. There was strength also In the number of minor railroad stocks on the ground. The Wisconsin Central stocks, the Toledo, St. Louis & Western stocks and the Detroit Southern stocks were in this class. The market closed heavy. Consolidated Tobacco 4a were, strong and active. Otherwise the bond market wa irregular. Total sales, par value, $4,790,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the las', call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: O.. w.. W... Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 2J.-BUTTER Suady; extra creamery, 28c; extra nearby print, tv. LUGS o lower; fresh nearby, 16317c; Atchison do Dfd. Baltlnmrs ao pi rsnsdlan Pacific. .. Canada 80 ( has. Ohio Chlcaio Alton... do pfd Chlraco. Ind. L. An nfd Chicago at B. III. Chicago St u. do lat pfd. do id pfd.. Chlcaio St N. C. R. I. P Chicago Tar. at Tr. do pfd C. C. C. A 81. I,.. Colorado 80 do 1st pfd do id pfd Pal. A Hudaon.,... Iwl.. L A W Danvar ft. O.... do pfd Erla do lat pfd do Id pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hotklug Vallay ... do pfd Illlnola r.ulral ... Iowa Cantral do pfd Lata Erla at W.... do pfd L. N Manhattan t alet. St. Hy Mrxlcan Caotral ., M.i. National ... Minn. A 81. L.... Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T , do pfd N. 1. Cantral ..... N. Y. Cantral Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pannaylvanla Raadlng do lat pfd do id pfd t. LAS. F do lat pfd do id pld 81. L South do pfd at. Paul do pfd o. Facile . WW . 17. .10Vi . M .124 . BO . 47S . H . 1 . ta . 80 ,.1T . ttVi . U . 4 .171 . il . il .104 . 0 . 14 . 444, ,.J7 in AA . il 80. Railway ao pra Texaa A Pacific Toledo, 81. L t W do pfd t'nlon facile do pfd Wabaah do pfd Wheeling A L K... do id pfd Via. ('antral do pfd Adama Ex American Ex f. 8. Ex Wella-Pargo Ex a mai. ( upper Amer. car at r do nfd Amer. Lin. OU ao pra Amer. 8. A R do pfd Anac Mln. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.. UvlCon. Oaa . iVCon. Tobacco pfd... . fVGen. Electric .1M Hocking Coal . M Inter. Paper . tl do pfd ..14 Inter. Power . 4 l-clae Oaa . MV National Blacult . (714! National Lead .12, I ''National Bait .124H1 "do pfd . 1 34 1 No. Americas ,.15:' Paclc Coast . 2 Pacific Mall !llJ .Preaaed 8. Car!!"!!! . tv 00 pra ,. IS' Pullman P. Car . ot', Hepubllc Bteel ,.19-i 00 pfd ,.1M 8uar .. i, ,Tenn. Coal at I ,. ao t'nlon Rag at p ,. 1414 o pfd ..HI ,V. 8. Leather .. o pfd ,. w V. I. Rubber .. 71 I o pfd ,. Cf V S. Steel .. a, o pfd ,. TJVWeetorn t'nlon ,. 27i Amer. Locotnottro. . . . ao I do pfd ,.1 IK. c. Southern . .1X1 I 4o pfd . 164, . 161, . 4P, . 22', . 40V, .101 . 67 . 25', 44 . 20 ' . !3' . Id- . t .104 .13(1 .11 .ill . ti . id', . t . 14 . 15, 441 . 1' .111 ' .IOC .124 .120 .12S . 201, . 12 . 764, .mi, . 11 . 6o4 . Il4 . 10 . .Hi . (t . 42 .10.11, . 40',, . M 2(6 1H . fit. . to . 12s . ti'. . it . 41 'i . 12A, . MS . 2 Trjst receipts. Offered. London Stock xarket. LONDON, April 2S. I p. m.-Clos!ng: Console, money... do aecount Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific. Cheeepeaka A Ohio Chicago O. w C M. A 61 Paul Denver A R. O e pfd Erie do tat pfd do M pld luteal. Central Luulatllle A Nash M . k. A T .do pfd N. T. Central M 7-14 .. 14V .. M. .. t2s, ..101 ..11Y ..127 .. 4 2 . .1714 .. .. tl', .. 41 .. 114 .. il ..lilV, ..121 .. .. ' . .14- Norfolk A Weatern. do pfd Ontario A Weatern.. Pennalvanla Reading do 1st pfd do id pfd Souther Hallway... do pfd Southern Pacific I. nloa Pacific da pfd tolled Statea Bteel. do pfd Wabaah , do pfd Bpantea 4a Hand Mines tieUaara . tot. . 77 . 4.1 . . t. . 4J . to1, . 4J . tl . N . 4.1 . IS . I? BAR SILVER Dull at Z3d per ounce. MONEY !'Q$ per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is i per cent ana ior uire, months bills 2 ll-lbM32 ier cent. Dank 1'leartasjs. OMAHA. April . Rsnk clearings today. 1.4e.s7H 14; corresponding day last year. $1..'7 lij 91; decrease. HS.777.M). HALTIMOKK April 23. Clearings. $4.H2,- usi: Daiances, a,n.i4o: money, k per cent. P.O8TON. April U Clearings, $26.64.161; balance. l.e!H.2J. CINCINNATI. April a. Clearings. $J.447. 7(; money. 4j6 per cent; New York ex change, ic premium. PHILALLLPHIA, April a.-Cleariogs, $'-M, 512,904; balances, $a,niB,S46; money, 4 per cent. CHICAGO. April 2:1 Clearing. $?S.0.7"i: balances. $:M.u;ti6; posted exchange, $1 Kg for sixty days and $1 vi on demand; New York exchatigp, irc discount. NEW YORK. April a. Clearings, $.14, BOI.L'77; balances, $l.V:tol.9!'2. 8T. LOUIS. April 23. Ctearliigs. $7,(pHS. C62; balances, fl.(; money, steady, 1 fu6 per cent; New York exchange, 2oc premium. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. April .-MONEY-On call, steady at 3'tt4 per cent; closing bid and a.-ked. 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4'ttf'-4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 Si's 'it 4 H for demand and Ht $4.asfi4.R5V Ior slxtv days; posted rates, $1 S6 and $4.SN; commercial blllr, $4.84'ii4.8S4. SILVER Bar, Blc; Mexican dollars. 41c. BONDS Government, steady; state, Arm; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are at follows: U. 8. ref. 2a, reg... an coupon do 3a. reg do coupon do new 4a, reg do coupon do old 4,. reg do coupon , do lie, reg do coupon Atchlann gen. 4a.... dn aril 4a B A o. 4a do It,e do conr. 4 Canada Hn fa Central of Ga. ta.... do la Inc Che,. A Ohio 4V... Chi. A Alton i... C, n. A Q n. 4,..., C. M A 8t P f. 4a.. C. A N. W. c. 7a... C. R. I. A P. 4a ... C. C.C. A B. L. g. 4a. Chicago Ter. 4a D. A R. O. 4a Etle prior Hen 4,..,, do general 4, r. W. A D. C. la... Hocking val. 4,.... to',i in', irs ltv't lnv, 11; , !(, Id' 101' 14 lo;', 10, : 10s II2V,I 7H I0' M N 11. I 1 13' 1044 to in loot. 7N.I I1IW L. A N. unl. 4a.... Mex. Central 4a.... do lat Inc Minn. A St. L.. 4a.. M . K. A T. 4a do 2a N. T. Central 1, do gen. lV,a. v. J. C. I (a No. Pacific 4a do 3a N A W. con. 4a... Heading gen. 4a... St L A 1 M t. ta.. St. L. A 8. T. 4a. 3t L, Bouthw. la . do is 3 A. A A. P. 4a... n ParlAr 4a So. Railway Aa Tcxa, A Pacinc la.. T.. 8t. I. A W. 4a Union Pacific 4a.... do conv. 4a Wabanh ll do 2a An A.h R West Shore 4a W heel. A 1. B. 4a. Wla. Central 4a Con. Tobacco 4a .105 . :i . 33', .lift .10014 . 4 .104 .101 .141 .10:, H . 74 .101', . .117V, .101 .1004, . . H . If.V, .ISiv, .121 . M4 .106V, . 10', .120 .U0'4 . Tt .W . ! . tsi, . nn Offered. Boston Stock notations. BOSTON. April 23. Call loans, 3Vf74 per cent; time leans, 415 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4s Gas la Mex. Central 4a N. K. U. A C Atchleon do pfd Bnatnn A Albany... Bnaton A Me Roatnn Elevated N. Y.. N. H. A H.. Fltchburg pfd t nlon rartflc Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd Amerlran T. A T... Maw. Electric N. E. O. A C t'nlted Emit V. 8. Steel do pfd Wertlnxh. Common. Adventure 10S . H2 ML, , IS', , 174, t4 15 m .229 140 10.1 , 24 i: 111 I7'4 . 44 , 441, . 11 . 41H . !2H .112 . 22 Alloiie, Amalgamated ..... Baltic Bingham Calumet A Hecla Copper Range ... Dominion Coal ... Franklin Inle Royals Mohawk Old Oomlnlon .... Oareola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fe Copper.. Tamarack Trlmountaln Trinity , t'nlted State, t'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine ..v .:. av, ... MS ... 86', ...87S ... It ... to4 ...117V, ... 11 ... 11', ... tr.s ... 1H ... 24j ... 24V, ...125 .... 1 ...17t ... tt ... lit ... liv, ... ilV ... 6 V, ..1 1-14 ... 62V, Sew York MlntntT (taotatlons. NEW YORK. April 23 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Con 1 'Little Chief Ill Alice to I Ontario i75 Rreere Ft Ophlr lit Brunawlrk Con 13 Phoenix t Cnmstock Tunnel.... 6 Potoal to Con. Cal. A Va .lis Savage It Deadwood Terra 70 Sierra Nevada id Horn Silver 140 Small Hnpea 45 Iron Sliver 70 Standard 145 Leadvllla Con I I Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 23. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 146.20: Madrid, 37.07; Lisbon. 27. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today waa 158.000. India coun cil bills wore allotted today at is ftfl. Money was In keen demand today. Dis counts were maintained. Business on the Stock exchange vas inactive. Consols and high-class securities were Eteady. Home rails rallied. Grand Trunks and Canadian Pacifies were easier and aulet. Argentines and Spanish 4s hardened. Rio tlntns were steady. Kamrs were quiet and firm. DeBeers further relapsed. .Americana weakened on realizations, in sympathy with New York, and cloaed Irregular. Cop per closed dull at &2c. PARIS. April 23. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 26c for the account. Spanish 4s, 74. R2. Business opened- Inactive on the bourse today. Prices were firm, especially in the case of Kaffirs. Spanish 4s had a setback on the uncertainly regarding the debate In the Spanish Cortes on the Bank of Spain bill. DeBeers declined. Copper Issues were freely offered. Rio tlntos declined as a consequence of the fall In copper. Prices finished weak. Dynamite shares and Rus sian Industrials were easier. At the close prices were weak. The private rate of dis count was 2 3-16 per cent. BERLIN, April 23. Business opened Ir regular on the bourse today. Later prices became firmer on London advices. Inter nationals were quiet. Canadian raclflcs weakened. Exchange on London, 20m 48 rgs. ior cnecas. msoouni rates: snort Ills, 1 per cent; three months' bills. 1 per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON." April 23. Today s state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $lfV) gold reserve in tne division or redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $180,141,818; gold. $91,721,678. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 23.-COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling upland. 9c; mid dling gulf. 9c; sales. 1.060 bales. Futures closed quiet and stendy; April, J 20c; May, 20c; June, 9.22c; July, 9.15c; August, 8.93c; September, R.41c; October. 8.17c; November, 8.07c: December, 8.v5c; January, 8.07c. The market opened quiet and steady, with prices 2 points higher to 1 point lower, Liverpool cables were bullish and private wires from the south reported active de mand and at full prices. Room traders took the short side soon after the call in the absence of .healthy speculative support and succeeded In forcing July off to 9 12c Port receipts were larger than expected and clearances for export for the day reached less than 6,008 bales. The market closed quiet and steady, with prices I'd 3 points higher. Total sales of futures were estimated at 75,000 bales, an unusually small trade. GALVESTON. Tex., April 23. COTTON Steady at 9 6-16c. NEW ORLEANS. April 23.-COTTON-Flrm; sales. 2,000 bales: ordinary, 8c; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 87,c; middling, 9c: good middling. 9-16c; middling fair, 10 3-16c; receipts. 4.700 bales; stock. ?19.514 bales. Futures, quiet: April. 9.85c: Mav. 9.27479.28c: June, 9.32ft9.84c; Julv. 9.3W9 3SC; August. 9.05c; September, 8.38c; October, 8.03'li 8.04c: November. 8.94c. LIVERPOOL, April 23. COTTON Spot, good business done; prices favor buyers; American middling. 6d. The sales of the day were 12.0HO bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and included 11.500 American. Receipts, 6.0iJ bales, in cluding 5,200 American. Futures opened qjlet and closed steady: Amerlcau, g- o. c, April. 5d. sellers; April and Mav. 4 63-64 5d. sellers; May and June. 4 63-64(01, sell ers; June and Julv. 4 63-64d, buyers; July and August. 4 63-S4d. sellers; August and September, 4 57-4fi4 58-64d, buyers; Septem ber and October, 4 40-64(94 4t-4d, sellers; October and November. 4 Sl-64d. sellers; November and December. 4 28-4(ff4 29-64d. sellers; December and January. 4 27-64' 4 2-4d. sellers: January and February, 4 2-64'S4 27-S4d, sellers. ST. IXHMS. April 23. COTTON Steady; middling, 9c; sales, 50 bales: receipts, 1.470 bales; shipments, 1,732 bales; stock, 30,2U) bales. Rvaporatesl Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. April 23 EVAPORATED APPLES There continues a good export demand for the lower grades of evaporated apples and supplies sre firmly held at quo tations. Best grades rather quiet. State, common to good. 7b8c; prime, 9'7j9c; choice. 9til0c; fancv. lMi'Uc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS In prunes the movement Is light and chiefly for Jobbing account. Small fruit dull and heavy; other grades steady. Not much In terest shown In apricots or peaches, but the tone Is steady and prices unchanged. Prunes. 37,'atv'V.c. Apricots. Royal, 10fs 13c; Moor Park, lolic. Peaches, peeled, 14418c; unpeeled, 1311c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 2J.-COFFEE-8pot Rio. quiet and steady; No. 7 Invoice, $ ll-16c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 312c. The market opened steady, with prices unchanged ami ruled stupidly dull throughout the session, with fluctuations confined to a bare 5 points. The foreign market news lucked special feature and receipts In the crop country were heavy, as anticipated. The close was steady, with prices net un changed. Total sales were 14.750 bags, in tl'iding: May, 4 95c; June, 5c; September, Slot1: October, &4"c; November. $.4c; Ie rember, 5.fwc: January, 5. f"c; March, 5.75c. . Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. April 23.-DRY GOODS Business In the market today has been on a decidedly quiet scale. A belter feeling, however. Is evident owing to Improved weather conditions and lubbers look for substantial re-orders. The nuirket closed quiet at unchanged prices. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef Steers and Cows of Good Qualitj , Bold Stead; to Strong. HOG MARKET STEADY TO FIVE LOWER nly Two ( are of sheep and Iambi on Sale, hot the Demand Was Active for Desirable tirades at "Irons; Prlcea. SOUTH OMAHA. April 23. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 3.174 4,'M 7"8 Official Tuesday 2.703 7.W1 2.V6 Official Wednesday 2.669 7.242 510 Three days this week.. 8.836 19,321 Same days last week....l',"ul 21,'i6 Same week before ll,0i"3 Si-ISO Same three weeks ago. .11.912 23.127 Same four weeks ago... 9,!r 25.IV12 Same days last year 8.844 J1.3:i7 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, and comparisons with last year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Cattle 251.378 207.106 44.272 Hogs 816.859 7c6,24() 110,619 Sheep 301,147 364,195 63,018 The following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days, with com parisons with former years: 10,114 i.4;9 13.0.6 16.371 18.('26 11,891 Dec. Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.189.il898.1897.186. April 1... April 2... April 3... April 4... April S... April ... April 7... April ... April ... April 10.. April 11.. April 12.. 1 April 13.. April 14.. April 15.. April 16.. April 17.. April 18.. April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. April 22.. April 23.. 6 65 6 66 t 68 6 . 63l 3 6 79 89( 83 86 6 9o; 5 91 6 96 ( 99 6 96 a 88 SoV, 6 85, 6 97 tail 6 98 6 i 961 $ 01 6 92 6 87 1 6 19 B8 04; e 6 01 6 94 6 92 S 86 5 89 f No e S 81 6 80 t 08 $ 16 a 2o 1 m I $Oi 6 it a 6 33 6 3 6 6 331 o ao e 6 45 6 55 S 49 6 46; 5 451 6421 5 3e J Ml 3 5 1 vol 3 651 t b2j I 4 1 66 e 63 S 6 3 631 3 61 $ 67 3 72 e 3 72 3 68; 3 711 3 751 3 77 3 721 S 6SI 3 9: 67 3 92 I S tl $ 73 1 $ 71 3 90 7 3 861 3 72 I 83 71 I 751 e 3 71, 3 71 ; 3 671 a 70 3 67 8 61 e 3 6l 3 61 3 63 3 73 3 84 3 74 8 80 3 86 3 901 97J 3 971 3 85 3 80, 3 87 3 91 8 91 3 84 8 54 3 64 I 66 V t $7 3 5 3 61 3 62 a m 1 a &7 a so a 49 a 38 3 29 3 35 8 43 e 3 85 3 83i 3 30 3 841 a so 3 82 3 28 247 675 443 1.925 447 2.390 510 368 2,21 178 491 13 32 4 64 18 94 69 38 21 1 1 163 Indicate Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yesterday and their destination: Cars. Amos Snyder, Billings, Mont. B. & M.... 8 J. Gerhume, Litchfield, Neb. B. & M.... 1 Kyle Bros., Palmer. Neb. B. ct M 1 Bruce & H., Marsland, Neb. B. & M 2 Charles Meyer, Pender, Neb. M. & O.... 2 Ames Mercantile, Ames, Neb. V. P 1 J. B. Burgess, Kennard, Neb. K. E 1 O. Spelts, Surprise, Neb. F. E 1 J. O. Frlrr-ell, Oakland, la. R. 1 1 T. O. Gault, Oakland. Ia. R. 1 1 Burd Bros., Thayer, la. VI 1 M. T. Munslnger, Tabor. Ia. Q 3 C. A. Hodglnson, Tabor, Ia. Q 1 SHEEP. Richardson Bros., Dubuque, Ia. I. C 1 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.H0g9.Shp.Hses. C, M. ft St. P. Ry.. 4 6 O. & St. L. Ry 8 Mo. Pacific Ry 6 1 1 Cnlon Pac. System.. 17 15 2 1 C. & N. W. Ry 12 6 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 12 2H C, St. P., M. & O.. 21 14 .. 1 B. & M. R. Ry 25 12 .. 2 C, B. & Q. Ry 6 8 C, R. I & P., east.. 6 7 C, R. I. & P, west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 3 .. Total receipts Ill loO 2 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. omana facKing 1:0 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co G. H. Hammond Co R. Becker & Degan Vansant & Co Carey A B Iobman A Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huntslnger...u Livingstone ft Schaller. Hamilton A Rothschild. I F. Husi H. L. Dennis A Co Wolf A Murnan Other buyers 163 Totals 2,192 7.772 610 CATTLE There was Just a moderate run of cattle at the yards today, so that the receipts for the three days this week are considerably less than for the same days of last week, but as compared with the same days of last year, there is not much difference. Packers seemed to want the f;ood kinds, so that the bulk of the ofer ngs waa out of first hands In good season. The big end of the receipts was made up of beef steers, and while the market was not particularly active, still the prlcea Raid were steady to atrong. The strength, owever, was confined almost entirely to the choicest grades, and such kinds sold freelv. The great bulk of the cattle, though, were no more than eteady, and did not sell any too freely. Most of them, though, were disposed of In good season at not far from yesterday's prices. The cow market was fairly active on good stuff, and the market was steady to strong. The prices paid today were rather uneven, so that while some sales looked strong, othera did not seem to be any more than Bteady, and still others looked a shade lower. As a general thing, however, the beet grades commanded strong prices, while the others sold In Just about yesterday's notches. A fairly early clearance was ""very little change was noticeable today In the prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags. Good stuff was easy to dispose of, but the common kinds dragged, tho same as usual. ... There were very few stock cattle In the yards this morning, and aa a result prices did not show much change. The good heavy feeders or choice light cattle sold freely but the common kinds were neg lected, the same as usual. There were about 20 cars of cattle shipped to the country yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Av, ... 470 ...1080 ... 47 ...1040 ...770 ...1444 ... 710 ...lfO ...U"5 ...10MI ... tto ... no ... 10 ...1040 ...1064 ...IK ... MS ...1014 . ..1360 ... 124 ...1044 ...1074 ... t:l0 ... tt ...1074 ...1'lM ...IIU ...1020 ...1043 HFJt STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...10U7 4 10 7 UU t 70 el 1 tt 8TEER3 AND STAGS. ...1110 No. 1 J 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 II 1 i 4 I It 1 11 14 4 17 tl 4 4t II 14 It 4 Pt. No. Av. Pr. I 00 10 1133 t 3d 4 40 t 11.11 t 35 I ftt 41 1131 4 36 t 00 11 1124 t 40 I 00 0 llti 40 t It 11 13 4 40 I 40 t 1425 4 45 I 50 It 1400 t 45 I to II 1131 45 t to I HbJ t 45 I (6 1100 t to t 45 10 llht t tO f 75 ll. J to t 75 11 122 4 10 t 75 12 IMlt 4 55 t 10 11 't: I fit t to tl i:: t 16 i M 50 li5 ( u 4 00 II 1371 I tn t 00 II 1334 4 40 4 00 1220 to 4 10 1144 4 40 4 10 14 1200 t 40 I 10 1 1427 10 4 It 1111 tt 4 15 124 175 4 2S I 1341 75 4 IS 'f '440 to I 25 15 14,; ( is 4 M II." .... 740 .... IU 10110 140 .... 70 .... 130 130 1027 .... li-0 .... 0 .... tto 160 ....1120 1140 .... W0 .... fWO .... 7M ...1040 ....1030 .... eo .... 475 .... I0 140 .... mi 110 tie .... lit .... 735 1130 .... kM ...lilt ....l'0 ttt .... 771 ....101 . . . . 1"1 .... 70 VM . 510 7W aie lit t to COWS. I 00 11 imi 4 00 1 15 10 777 4 00 t ) 1 1 115 4 04 I 16 1 ISO 4 00 t 15 t ji 4 00 1 1121 4 it I 15 1 1U34 4 15 I 40 M4 4 50 I 50 1 1171 4 to 1 50 1 SAO 4 50 1 15 1 too 4 to I 15 1 1310 4 to I 75 1 liji 4 45 t 15 I I0 4 75 I 00 1 110 4 7S I 00 5 1000 4 15 1 00 10 tut 4 75 I 00 1 1010 4 71 I 00 1 7(4 I 00 I 00 11 H I lj I 10 1"7 i u 1 :t 1 1:2a 1 00 I 15 IU IM I it i iuM 1 a I It 1 KM I HI1 I 15 1 13M t 3. . I 35 ' 1131 I 31 I tt 1 tiO i to I 54 II lilt I to I 50 1 1171 t 10 I 50 ' til i M I 50 I 12M i 7t I 10 1IW t 11 I 4 4 t 71 I 15 1 I0 I t I 15 1 i:,:o t to I 75 I l'Jf.S 4 00 I 15 1 114 4 on I 75 HEIFERS. t to 1 i is 1 15 I i" 1 r I 0 1 5 74 4 15 1 ,70 I to 4 it 3 It 4 V0 S 114 4 TS 1 ... 1 f 4 0 t ... 1 741 I ( 1 BULLS. 5 1170 I 00 I I i.o I tn 1 1 l.iyo I 50 1 t Ml I 50 1 1 ioro I to 1 1 1170 1 HI 1 1 i.iao I tn 1 1 1S40 I 50 1 1 i.v.m I 84 I 1 lfo 4 J 1 1. . .1M0 4 50 1 1 1000 4 n CALVES. 1 :io 4 iv 4 1 3.W 4 on 1 1 170 t J.", 1 1 110 4 00 1 1 125 4 00 1 ... STAGS. 1 70 I 15 1 1 1140 I SA STOCK COWS AND ..l. ,.nr ..UM . .100 . .1030 . . 1550 . .100 . .1720 . .1MKI ..1510 ,.I50 ..lit . . J" 20 so 1 4 15 4 90 I 00 t 00 t It 5 15 I 15 I 25 t 40 I M t 40 I 71 4. 4o!!;; It..'.'.' I on I 75 1 fl 1 00 1 00 1 10 1 It STOCK ton I on 1 til K4 3 00 14.". 3 on 5 t"4 170 414 45 1... 1... I S II I CALVES. 12 120 150 120 140 115 ...into ...1000 ... 450 . .. t"4 ... 57 . .. J0 414 tot 240 303 7m STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4K .. 4N0 . . 114 .. 125 .. 55 ..10O0 .. 701 .. 717 .. 4.15 S30 1 (Mi I 00 I 25 1 50 I 40 I 00 I to I 70 I 75 I 75 6. 44!!!.' 11..'.'.' 10. 554 tno 130 too 401 411 700 130 .. 151 1 feeder. , 4 feeders t feeders 13 feeders 8 steers. . 6 steers.. E. W. Heckwlth Wyo. I 00 4 to 4 to 4 75 t 00 I 10 1 15 I 15 I 35 I tt I 5 I 50 t 00 I 00 I 75 I to 4 00 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 15 4 It 4 15 4 It 4 50 4 40 710 , 797 c:o , 776 , 9M 951 3 5(i 4 35 4 35 4 45 6 20 6 20 5 cows. 1 cow.. . 1 cow... 1 cow... 17 cows.. 4 cows., 00 .. 900 .. SHI ..1(120 ..l'V ..10H2 4 no 4 no 4 00 3 Oil 4 no 2 50 HOGS Receipts of hogs were not at all heavy this morning, so that a slight de crease for the three daya this week Is noted as compared with the same daya of Inst week. As compared with the same days of last year there Is an enormous decrease, as will be seen from the table of recelpta above. Packers started In and tried to buy the hogs a good deal lower than yesterday, but sellers held on and the market soon Improved and the bulk of the offerings sold only a shade lower than yesterday. The good weights brought right around steady prices, while the lighter loads Bold weak to 5c lower. The quality of the hogs, though, was much above the aver age, so that the market on paper looks high as compared with yesterday. The most of the heavy hogs sold from 16 90 to $7.00, while medium weights went from $.) to $.9tf, and the lighter hogs sold from $ down. The same as usual f lackers were very slow about buying the Ight hogB and they were left until the last. Representative sales: No. 14... 17... 16... 41... 46... 57... 40... 18... 101.. tl... II... 41... 61... 21... It... 113... HO... 13... tt... tt... 44... 17... 47... 71... 77... 73... 17... 64.. AT. 8h. .107 ... ....Ill ....125 ,...131 ....177 ....171 ....118 ....115 ...101 ....IKS ....ioi ....lot ....201 1H4 ....ICO 108 ....11 ....107 191 ....205 ....114 ....114 ....lot ....111 ,...2"4 ....16 ....Km .187 76 127 43. 77. 12. 72.... 70.... .... 70.... 70.... 74.... 70.... 72.... I.... 17.... 41.... 45.... 70.... 16.... 44.... 36.... 43.... 40.... 10.... 70.... 72.... 64.... tl.... 47.... .222 ...125 ...127 ...115 ...10 ...131 ...13 ...104 ...111 ...1.11 ...120 ...lit ...111 ...134 ...134 ...233 ...228 ...220 ...151 ...121 ...132 ...234 ...231 ...121 ...125 ...120 .141 40 10 120 140 140 iftt 40 M 120 200 80 100 160 80 120 'to 520 120 140 40 10 80 0 120 40 40 110 140 Pr. I 75 I 15 ' t tt t Ml 4 23 4 60 4 45 4 45 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 70 4 724 I 75 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 tfl 4 10 I 80 4 80 4 10 I to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 80 4 10 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 10 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 40 4 824 4 8! 4 I 824 4 85 4 85 f tl 4 15 4 85 86 4 86 4 8 15 4 IS 4 85 4 85 4 85 4 86 4 It No. 41 44 70 74 75 74 44 at. Rh. Pr. .125 10 4 17V, 1W 70.... 14.... la.... tl.... 46.... 84.... 68... 10.... 70.... 15.... 1.... 61.... 61.... HI.... II.... II... 18.... 64.... 10.... 44.... 48.... S. ... 38 ... 71.... 44.... 44.... ti.... 67.... C6.... 40.... 84.... 40.... 45.... 16..,. II.... 61.... 61..., 44.... 43.... 16.... 41.... 41.... 61.... 72.... 41.... 48.... 41.... 120 40 10 120 JOO 0 110 120 M 100 io to 'to to 110 120 to 40 120 '40 m to to 4 174 I 874 874 4 874 4 174 4 874 4 874 4 to 4 to 4 0 4 10 to I to 4 to I to 4 to 4 10 4 K) I 0 4 10 4 to 4 10 I 10 I to 4 10 4 05 4 15 4 134 4 824 4 1:4 I 124 I 124 4 114 I M 4 95 4 tt I 16 I 16 4 to I tfi 4 16 4 tt tt I 15 I IS I 15 4 15 I tt 4 15 T 00 7 00 7 0 1 00 7 00 ( 05 cars of 231 .211 .128 .231 .237 ..160 ..155 ..232 ..151 ..142 ..141 ..lot ..177 ..171 ..111 ..114 ..254 ..135 ..241 ..271 ..140 ..224 ..144 ..141 ..146 ..806 ..277 ..Ml ..154 ..281 ..141 ..285 ..141 ..165 ..154 ..154 ..1(17 ..247 ..241 ..141 ..145 ..151 ..14 ..271 ..185 ..171 ..284 ..174 ..245 ..282 ..Kit ..175 ..180 ..! ..191 SHEEP--Thera were ontv tan sheep and lambs on sale this morning, so that there waa not enough here to make a test or tne market. There was one car of clipped lambs that Bold for $6.30 and a car of wooled ewes that brought $5.55. Both sales looked good and strong as compared with yesterday's market. Pack ers all seemed to be anxious for supplies and had there been more good stuff here It Is safe to say that it would have brought very satisfactory prices. For the week the market can be quoted strong to a dime higher, with good stuff in active demand. There have been very few feeders on sale so far thla week, but the few that have been offered have sold readily at strong prices. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lightweight yearlings, I6.75ig6.00; fair to good. ,5.26i6.76; good to choice wethers, $5.3566.00; fair to good, $5.00Cq5.35; good to choice ewes, $4.75fi5.00; fair to good. $4 OOu? 4.76; good to choice lamba, $6.O0.36; fair to good. $6.75a6.J0; feeder wethers, $4. 5031 6.00; feeder ewes, $3.75fi4.60: feeder lambs, $5.00.6O. Wooled stock sells about 25500 above clipped stock. Representative sales: No. A v.- Pr. 22 clipped ewes M $4 75 2(18 western ewes 9 (55 280 clipped lambs and yearlings., si ti 30 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Strong; to Higher and Hogs Shade Lower, CHICAGO, April 23. CATTLE Receipts, 15.000 head. Including 200 Texana; active and Btrong to 15c higher; good to prime steers, $6. 0ij7. 50; poor to medium, $4.756.50; stock era and feeders. $?.75fo.30; cows, $1.6ojji 6.00; heifers, $2.504f.26; canners, $1.6tiC,i'2.5u; bulls, $2.5(Mp6.60; calvea, $2.00p5.6o; Texas fed steers. $5.25&6.25. HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 22.0(a); left over, 6,000; steady to 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $6.6(Kii7.05; good to choice heavy, $7.0iK'r7.l74; rough heavy, $6.75ro 95; light, $6.504i.75; bulk ot sales. $6.75(7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000 head; sheep and lambs, Btrong to 10c higher; good to choice wethers. $5.&(t?S.26; fair to choice mixed, $4. 75(5.50; western sheep, t4.76'i(rt.25; native lambs, clipped, $6.50 4i6. 6T; western lambs, $5.60(36.66; wooled Colorado lamba. top, $7.25. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 7.197 1 415 Hogs 19.6H9 2 4HH Sheep 6.917 457 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.S00 head natives, 7u0 head Texans, 2(io head calves; market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef . , uru bi miiT 1(1' fulr trii. ..I ar. OttA, t,. stockers and feeders, $3.40$ja.u; western fed steers, o.!yriu. 10; lexas and Indian steers, $6.0uCuS 0); Texas cows, $3.5((6.00; native cows, lit aoajo no: heifers. $4.0iKbe 60: nnn.n $25oi35o; bulls, U wW6u0; calves, $4.0U.(pO. noun neccipis, e, cju neaa : market steady to 10c higher; top. $7 20; bulk of sales, to. ,5 ill. 16; heavy, $7.1(X7.20; mixed and pack ers. $6.9Wi7.iO; light, $6.50411 .07: Diss. tti.Ot, 6.60. BHEEP ANU LA MHB Receipts, 800 head; market steady; nstlve lamba, $6.60ii7.iO; western lambs, $6.5.-1(6.85; native wethers $5.5u(Ha.Of: western wethers, $5.5ou6.90; year lings. $60116.50; ewes. $o.0ia.&: T. cllpied grass yearlings, $6.0ii(.50; clipped IK ed- Texas sheep, $4.76'u5.66; stockers and ers, J (J Kito.w. St. I.oala Live Slock Market. RT I-OIMH Anrll 23 riTT! rH.ln,. S.oiiO head. Including 2,7uu head Texana; market steadyj native shipping and ex- fiort steers. $a.35'u6 .tn; dressed beef snd lutcher steers, $4 &VU6.60; steers under l.(8) II. a tl KiiL 111' al,U'Ura ttwA tmttA. nn. 4.75;' cows and heifers, $2 2646 2o; canners. ai.uopu, uunv, e.ix.vo.iv, calves, UiArQ 6 Ou ; Texas and Indian steers, grasaers $3 451-4 4; fed, $4 45&.A; cows and heifers .6V4H 6u. IK KJ8 Receipts, S.7U0 head; market 6c lower: pigs and lights. I6.75(u6,t0: D4U kera KW-0; butchers. $6 tr-'u 7. 16. niitr.i- a.w i.A.Mii- necetpts, I.4O0 ---. . .. . . - . ...u.iiiiia, aa.oo (nil (at li.mtta 14 FdtfnH .al: ctilla un4 k 1. . , , - iui a. a, $3.50U4.5o. hew York Lira Stork Market. V WW V(tK U." A nril 41 lnrci,ii.a a - . . . . . -, . ... . w. . . , , , xn re celpta, I Uhl head; steers. 10c higher; bulls, steady; fat cows, slow to shade lower; me dium and common, firm; steers. 5 tfj7 30' bulls. t3.Mi 40; cows. tl.ZSifs 60. Cables' steady; exports, 3.790 quartera of beef v .-w.-i r.o -r,--ri,i . t.iy,i neao ; market ac tive and 2&if5ic higher: veals, 3 5u'a7is'' few tons at 17.25: cltv nr.twl i- u. .A ior per lb. ' , "" ' PHKKP AND LAM HI4 Receipts (434 head; sheep, slesdy; lambs, steady ' to lor lower; unshorn sheep, $4 301 5.75; clipped sheep, H-M.6.W; unshorn culls, tt.50.fx42- clipped culls. W.Opva.t.60; unshorn lambt. $ is i.(0; clipped Utnl. $5 r.ij .".; clipped culls, $4 'n;..iwi; spring lambs, $3.(irtfr. no HOGS-Keci-ipts. n.34i head; mark-t lower; state, $,..'5; choice light. $7 3n. St. Josepn I. lie Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April M.-CATTLE-Re. relpts, 1.2S4 head; stendy to l"r higher; na tives, $.', 5r7 25; cows and heifers. $t -;:-ri S .Vi; veals. t3 .'.Vfi.75; bulls and sing $,; u,, B.oo; Blockers and feeders, $2 ttrftn 35. ' Hi KIS-H.-celpts. 374 head; 5c higher light and 11k ht mixed. $6.So'700; niedlcni and heavy, K WJi 7.25; pigs, $4. j(-(i6 no; bulk S.sMi7.15 SHEEP AND I.AM US Receipts. 1 i head: strong; western lambs, $8.:.'?T7.1ii, western sheep, $4 Soli 6. 25. Hloux City live Stock Market, PIOCX CITT, la.. April 23. (Special Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 4"i; market steady, !4.6o4j6 6; cow s and bulls, $2.75'n5 5 stockers and fi-eders, $3oo(f4.6o; calves and yearlings. $3.ixii4.25. HOGS Receipts, 2,On0; market Heady. $6.6587.10; bulk, $6. 7541 6. 85. Stock In Sight. The following table shows the receipt cattle, hogs and sheep at the five prim markets lor April 23: Cattle, South Omaha 2. 659 Chicago 15.t Kansas City 6.SK0 St. Louis 3.5( St. Joseph I.2.H4 s of ipa! Totals Hogs. Phccp. 7.212 ."10 2H.(1 inn.i R.7l si 3.700 3 4 3.874 l.'.5 27,943 49,516 IR.fir, Rerord-nreaker for Cattle. ST. JOSEPH, April 23 A bunch of l tW pound steers sold on the local market to day for $7.25, which Ib the highest price ever paid In St. Joseph for cattle. The previous high point was $7.10. till and Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa.. April 23 OilCredit bal ances, $4.2o; certlflcatea, no bid: shipments, 104.342 bbls.; average, 1"9,R-S1 bbls.; runs, 116.110 bbls.; average, 78.663 bbls. IIXDON, April 23. OI!-Caleuttn lin seed, spot, 61s; linseed oil, 80s 9d; turpentine spirits. 32s 14d. NEW YORK. April 23 Olt-Cottonseel. firm. Petroleum, quiet. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. TOLEDO. O.. April 23 OIL North Lima. 88c; South Lima and Indiana, 83c. SAVANNAH. Ga.. April 23.-OIL-Tur- Fentlne, firm, 42c. Rosin, firm; A, 14, C, I, $1.20; F, $1.25; O. $1.30; I. $1.,V,; K. $2 4M M, $-'.i; N. $2.95; WO, $3.5o; WW, $3 60. Wool Market. ROBTON, April 22 WOOL- Territory are quoted: Choice fine, scoured, 4(i'n4Sc; fine medium, 42ra4nc; medium, 4!ie. Fleece wools sre exceedingly quiet, but prices held firm. Choice staple, scoured basis, quoted: Fine, 60fu&2c; f,ne medium, 47(fi4Hc; medium, 4.V for ordinary territory wools; fine, SASnc; fine medium, 434K5c; medium, 39fi40c. Flee. e wools are quoted: Choice Ohio XX and above, 27'ic with average straight XX nt 28c and X at 24''u25c: Michigan X Is nom inally quoted ut 2123c; Australian wools", quiet btjt firm. ST. LOriS. April 23-WOOI.Nomlnal; medium grades, 14V317c; light fine, 12'yHc; heavy fine, 9fcllc; tub-washed, H'ii24c. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, April 23. SUG A R Ra w, steady; fair refining, 2To; centrifugal, 96 test. Sc; molaasea sugar. 2tc. NEW ORLEANS, April 23 Bt'GAR Steady; open kettle, 24(fj3 3-16c; (bpen kettle centrifugal. 34531'c; centrifugal vellow, Vj'-f 37,o; seconds, 2V6(S34c. Molusses, dull; centrifugal, 718c. Capital Stock Is Increased. TRENTON. N. J., April 23 -The Golden State Steel and Iron company filed a cer tificate here today Increasing Its authorized capital stock from $125,000 to $111,000100. The certificate was signed by Edward C. Mc Dowell, president, and R. Lee Smith, sec retary. Mother and Triplets Dead. MILWAt'KEE, Wis., April 23.-The bodies of Mrs, Monica Krxewlnskl and her dead Infant triplets were burled in a single grave today. The children were born Sunday and died a few hours later. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Wednes day, April 13: ' warranty Deeds. Francis McDermott to Hase Dear mont. lot 24. block 6. Monmouth Park $ C. B. White and wife to A. P. Tukev et a I, lot 6, block 8, Patterson 1'ark Anna 8. Mallett to J. S. Ronk, e SI 4 feet of W4 w 374 feet lot 3. block , Foster's add E. P. Colvln and husband to C. A. Colvin, Jr., lot 6, block 23, Water loo B. F. Redman and wife to Elizabeth Redman, s 22 feet of n 66 feet lot 1, block 201V, Omaha South Omaha Investment company to Mary McKenna, s 30 feet of lot 1, block 4, S. R. Roger's add Blanche Bloom et al to Sarah Bloom, lot 5, block 134, South Omaha; lots 19 and 20, block 2. Kllby Place, and a tract commencing at nw corner lot 6. block 8, McCormlck's add J. J. Toma and wife to Jennie Bar- ber, s 30 feet lot 12, Axford's add J. E. George to George Byrne, lot 26, Sullivan's add J. A. McCreary and wife to Nels Beck.lot 7, block 1, Marvavllle add.. H. A. Tukey to Thomas Heldy, lot 15, block 1, Cilfton Hill Sarah Maloney and husband to N. Busman, lots 1 and 2, block 23, 1st add to Corrigai Place Albert Cahn and wife to J. W. Thomas, lots 3, 4, 6, block 12. High land Place Julia II. Haskell to A. C. Busk, lot 12, block 6, Bemls park Andrew Bajuk to Michael Brumski, lot 22, block 3. Albright Annex A. "H. Wilcox and wife to Ada L. Bartlett, lot 5, block 2, Comer A. C. Busk and wife to C. B. Sage. ett lot 101. Olses add O. L. Dare to R. L. Honey, lot 8, Missouri Avenue park Same to Mildred E. Dare, lot 12, block 28, South Omaha Mildred E. Dare to Sarah C. Dare. same W. T. Marvin to Agnes GUmore, lot 16, block 3, Exchange Place Qalt Claim Deeda. John Voracek to Mary Voracek, n'i lot 16, block 4, Kountxe 3d add T Olof Magnusnn and wife to Conser vative Savings and Loan associa tion, lot 11, block 4 W. L. Selby's add Richard Scannell to St. Patrick's church of Elkhom, 2 acres in se cor 12-15-10 O. L. Dare to Mildred E. Dare, lot's 6 and 6, block 10, South Omaha Mildred E. Dare to Sarah C. Dare, lots 6 and 6. block 10, same F. H. Kent to H. C. Nielsen, lot 10, block y. Lowe's add Sarah C. Dare to D. W. Merrow, lot o, miBsuuri Avenue para 1 Deeda. Sheriff to A. H Wilcox, lot S, block 2, Comer 25 1 lot) 1.15'1 3o(l 51 75 4,000 3.0O) 125 600 Ilk) tvio 4.(X 900 600 450 2,650 400 1 1 10 Total amount of transfers. .$19,474 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Roosa 4, New York Life Bide GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought and aold for cssh or on msrgln. All telegraph, telephone or mall orders Will receive careful and prompt attention. Telephone 1039. OMAHA. Sil GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFF1CE Omaha, Neb., April :'3, 1:(2. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 a. m , central time, May 15, 19u2, and then opened, for furnishing oats, bran, baled hay and bedding at Fort SHI, Oklahoma. Proposes for delivery at other points will be entertained. I', is. reserves right to reject or accept any or all pro posals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application to this office, or to Quartermaster at Fort Sill, T. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage." and ad drersed to JNO. W. PULLMAN. C. O. M 24-26-28-28MU-13 WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 25, clt liens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can spesk, read and write English, f or information apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th snd Dodge sts.. Omaha, and postofflce building, Lincoln, Neb. a I.KG4.L XOTIC'K. TO ALL CREDITORS AND HOLDERS of Debenture of the East Omaha I-"1' Company: You are hereby not'led to file with me on or before May 18. lUtf. a verified statement of any claim or demand you may have or may assert uKalnst the Last Omaha Land company, stating particularly when and for what purpoeie your claim was con tracted, and the amount you claim to be due, with Interest GEORGE H THI MM EL X24dl0t Special Muster.