10 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, A1MUL 2:1, 1!H2. DUNN ISSUES A PASSPORT Geta Prisoner Out of County Jail to Accommodate V. B. Walker. iClVES JAILER FLYNN A LIVELY CHASE While on llnaitln, street I'rlnre Wheeler Tell Policeman He-C an't lie Arrested Ilrranae He's la nnnty Jail. A GREAT inOB OPFORT1 !UTT. Harden Rroa. Will on Ttiaraday Mart the Greatest Shoe Kale on Mea'a snd Isdtes' shoes that haa ever been held In thin city. Two of the bluest iihoe failures In nrockton and Rochester have enabled in to do this. These lots Include the finest shoes, and both ladies' and men's shoes In all t-be loatherb. widths and styles will be closed out by us at OVK NINETY-SIX. Bee Sixteenth street window. HATDEV BROS. COMPLAIN OF EXAMINATIONS Parents Bay They Gome Too Frequently and Worry Pupils, MR. HOMAN FAVORS CHANGE IN SYSTEM Superintendent Pearae "naaeata that the Only atadeats Who Suffer Are Thoae Who Remain t p Late at Maht. toZMT:JiZm F0R THE UNDERTAKER John Walker Dottier, Girl Aataln. County JhII Custodian Flynn arrived at the W hat Ftta Hall's Mother Promlae. if wnni'i.- nt n . 111. aim mere locateij j Prince Wheeler, who he had released at 10:30 In the morning at the benefit of Dtp- I tlty County Attorney 1. J. Dunn, who wished I Wheeler a a state witness In the easel John Walker, residing In the vicinity of against umrer Martin Shields, to go visit- Twenty-fourth sod Bristol streets was ar- ing with victor B. YVnlker. rested Monday afternoon for beating bis it una a.'. iu:jii Monday morning that sistcr-ln-lsw. Etta Hall, and wns dl walker sppesrod at the Jail with a note '.charged in police court because the girl re from Dunn addressed to Jndgn Irving F. I fused to prosecute. Etta la 12 "-ears old Baxter of the criminal bench, stating that and when Walker came home and began inn iinnersignca consent and advises" I to anuso her she rrabhed n revolver and mat. wneeier he granted leave to visit his before the astonished Walker could pre "i marge or victor H. Walker," and undpr such ri-guiations as the sheriff might advise. Wheeler Is one of the slate's wit nesses In the case against Shields for the vent her she snnpped It In bis fnce a couple or times. He then grabbed the weapon and took it away from her. Neither side wanted to prosecute and th i i .i . . . . . ... in- nuunm i re roinnren witn them any more. "If he comes around any more bfatlng my child," she eald, "It will be the coroner that will have work to do, The parties are colored. The Name "Black Diamond Express" has become with those who travel a synonym for comfort, elegance and speed. The train runs be tween Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia via a Lehigh Valley railroad. alleged asnault upon W alker and was held j mother of the girl Informed the Judge that vj i-uuniy j i nge vinsnnnnlcr after the pre liminary heating on a bond too high for him to furnish, .ludge Baxter was not familiar 'lth tho clrctmitances and ss the request came from a iloputy county attorney he as sumed that It was all right and wrote over his signature "permission granted," Flynn Acta rtrltirtantly. The sheriff Is still In Wyoming and when Walker presented thin passport for Wheeler. Jailer Flynn reluctantly permit ted the man to go. but expressly stipulated that Walker should see to It that Wheeler returned to the Jail at 3:30 that after noon. The hour set failed to bring back the prisoner and Flynn at once started In pu suit. Me west first to Walker's house and fas there Informed that Walker had been called out of town on business. The sweat started on the Jailers brow and for the next few hours he hot-fooled the tender- i join and all contiguous territory llks an overdue census taker. It Is not know.i what he said of the methods of the astute county attorney, but It s essy to guess the general tenor of his thoughts. iMenowmie mo object of his hunt had been having a "veah wahm time." Walker quit hlra early In the game, it seems, for t aoout 6 o clock, as Officer M. McCarthy was patroling Douglas street Just below Fourteenth a colored woman ran hurriedly cross from the opposite side and, pointing io a man roiiowlng her, pleaded for his ar rest. The man was Wheeler and he was resplendent in a brand new 18-karat drunk Walking over to the officer and the woman ne said: Dares Offlrrr to Arreat Hlra. "Jca you dnhr ask dis man arret' me, wuumn. jes you agcr: "Well, Prince, if you feel that way, she don't have to ask me. I II throw you in anyway,- said tne officer. iNo. you won t. No aah. I'se In de county jail and you caln't arres' me." re sponded the gentleman of the regal name. wen see, was the officer's answer and five minutes later Wheeler was In the city Jail, still proud and verbosely serene In tb.3 thought that the newly-formed law Arm of waiaer ft Dunn was at his back. When Jailer Flynn arrived and related tne circumstan?ea the city's minions prom iaei 10 seno v neeler back to him, which waa none yesterday. When Interviewed at noon Mr. Flynn would only aay that wnen ne gives prisoners tlcket-of-leave ncrearter it will be when they can furnish nono, not upon "tho advice and consent of Deputy County Attorney I. J. Dunn. Hotel Empire. New York Modern, fire proof, select, excellen; cuslne, excellent ser Vice. Moderate rates. COAL COMPANIES COMBINE Kanaaa and Texas Becomes Part of the Central Coal and Coke Company, Pursuant to Instructions from the prin cipai omce at Kansas City, the office of the Kansas and Texas Coal company In this city baa been closed and the bust ness transferred to the branch of the Central Coal and Coke company. The con solidation la the result of the recent pur chase of a controlling Interest of the stock In the former company by tho latter con cern. By the consolidation the Central com pany comes Into the possession of seventeen actives mines. In addition to those al ready owed, and a large field of mines which have developed, but are not In oper ation. The Central Coal and Coke com pany la a consolidation of the Sweetwater Coal Mining company and a Kansas City concern which controlled mines In Kansas, Missouri. Arkansas and Wyoming. O. W. Megeath, formerly of Omaha, is general manager of the consolidated companies. Announcements of the- Theaters. Iovers of good vocal lam are being treated to a performance that takes rank In the superlative class, at the Orpheum this week. Even the most hypercritical find "Les Trou badours Toulousalns," a quartet of singers whom they pronounce the best that has been heard here in a long time. They possess splendid voices, which have been trained for grand opera. Among the selec tions they render is an arrangement of Strauss' "Blue Danube." the finale of "Faust" and "The Angelus." which was specially arranged for them. Lew Bloom In a tramp makeup that has all the appear ance of the genuine ho bo, creates hllarlou laughter with a number of stories an parodies, while the comedy four add to the fun-making, as well as pleasing music The moving pictures are of more tha ordinary interest. The one showing Pres Ident McKlnley visiting the TransmlsBls slppl exposition Is roundly applauded. Many prominent Omaha men ran be recognised In tne procession. The regular mid-week mat Jnee will be given this afternoon. Complaint have been made to members cf the Board of Education by patrons of several of the grade schools that examina tions are coming too close together, the result being thst a msjorlty of the pupils are kept under a constant nervous tension which impairs their school work and en dangers their health One mother writes: "My daughter, 14 years old. Is In continual dread that she will not pass these exsmlna tlons. She cannot Bleep well nights be cause of constant brooding over them, and I feat that if this keeps on ber health will be undermined. The examinations seem to follow each other In quick succession, and I don't believe there has been a week this school year that some kind of an examina tion has not been in progress. Kindly do wnat you can to correct this evil, and accept a mother's thanks." W. R. Homan, chairman of the committee on teachers and examinations of the Board ANOTHER LINE OUT FOR FISH Bait la Silk Shawl from t fclaa. with Only Ninety Cent, rrelaht. What la believed to be the latest scheme to separate the unwary from their rash has come to the attention of Cadet Taylor, sur veyor of customs at the port of Omaha, through letters brought to hlra by two resi dents of this city. These letters. Identical In wording even to the omission of a word necessary to an understanding of the romunlratlon, were received by two women who were school icacners before their marriage. In both Instances the maiden names of the women were used. Tne letters are written on letterheads of "James B. Rcss. forwarder and freight agent, general agent for the Diamond line of stesmers to China." and are dated at Victoria. B. C. Each letter ststes thst there arrived at that port a box containing one silk shswl. shipped from Sbsnghal. China, on which all charges to the port of Victoria, Including me initefl states customs duties, have been paid, but that the freight cha rep from victoria to Blair. In one Instance and uenson In the other have not been naid me marges are said to be 90 rents, upon receipt or wnich the box will be forwarded Tl. - ne person addressed Is requested to send me money by express money order or In z-rent stsmpa When the first letter was shown in th. of Educstlon. said: "I am ..H.a.d t. 7. ":ur porx lD, c"' thought tha ...minnti , .... l. """'"' condition should ex and I have heen tr.m. for . I m. """ . "V"1 n recipient to send the to have ,h. av.t.m S' w Th " k" l. ,he S," "ul at Vlc- as a whole Is alow to InteVfere wlti TThe 11" ''""! rom " detail, nf Mr p..,..'. -i, a i- . . .'. iiimi me seroni letter was re- to the present system there are three kind? otaS'"":. "J0 eiamlnatlnn. r fp.. . .h "n no sent to tne Accompanying each letter was what pur- of ca principal and one by the superintendent. The superintendent's tests come twice every half-year, while those of the teachere and principals, come whenever the exigen cies of their work will permit. This some times brings all three examinations so close together that there Is absolutely no Inter val between. Something should be done. If not to eliminate one or two of the tests, at least to prevent this bunching of them. ports to be a manifest of the steamer "Em- preB. snowing the consignment th. box and its markings, with the ststement that It is a "soldier's alft " The .m addressed knew of no soldiers In China who would address them by their maiden names. u looks," said Chief Clerk Rirrn.. though the sharpers had secured sn old lint nf ,n-nt , . . ... which ceralnly must be very trying on the 8choo," ,n7 , p .ea ,n NBnr"" . ..... . scnoois and are ualna- the names fr n.. purpose of securing monev under fi nerves of the pupils, as well as inimical to the best results In school work." Superintendent Defenda Syatent, Superintendent Pea roe said: "I don't inins. any oi tne pupils sre suffering as a result of the examinations, unless it be pretense. When I was in the consular service there were several takes worked and it was aothtng uncommon for me to receive requests to investigate the stand ing or certain firms which were unknown Dick Ferris brings his stock company to the Boyd for a week and two extra Sunday performances starting Sunday matinee, the Russian melodrama, "Slaves of Russia" will be the opening attraction. It will be give Sunday matinee, night and Monday night peaceful Valley," Sol Smith Russell splendid play, is to be given Tuesday weanesnay and Thursday. Friday night and Saturday matinee "Carmen" will be presented. The concluding bill will be "Reaping the Whirlwind." It will be given Saturday and Sunday nights. To the Omaha Woman's CI oh. The New England and Michigan delega tiona will pass through Omaha, Friday April 25. A personal appeal is made to each and everyone of the members to b at the Union station, from 2 to 4 p. m., to extend tne courtesies of the club to thes guests, in a manner befitting an organlza tlon as strong as the Omaha Woman's club. It is requested that the Nebraska pin or ciud colors of yellow and white be worn, LILLIEN COX GAULT. IDA V. TILDEN, Recording Secretsrr. President. Graphophone at a Baraala. run balk Latest model type. A. O. combination graphophone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90.00. Tnis is especially designed for concert pur poies. having a thlrty-alx-lnch horn and atand. It also Includes twenty Urge Edi son records and carrying case of twenty four records. The machine is entirely new and haa never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X 36. In care of The Be s. Maaonle. School of instruction at Masonic Hall Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p. m. Monday rrlday and Saturday at 9:30 a. m.. 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. By R. E. French, grand custo dlan. All Master Masons Invited. M. J. KENNARD. W. M. of No. 1. Sam'l Burns Is selling a beautiful Libbey cut glass Olive dish, $2. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Black, a son. 1 1 I Sportsmen . ana ll who travel much sustanancc In little bulK. mm COMPANYS EXTRACT BEEF aaaat ShampooiDg and hair dressing, 25c, at th, Bathery. 216-120 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. ' from Array Headquarters. The order for the reassignment of troops in me lH ri meni or I tie Missouri will use the companies of the Twenty-second Infantry now at Forts Niobrara and Kob inson to be sent to Forts lyean II. Roots Hnd Sill. The troops at Robinson will leave upon the arrival of the Tenth cav alry, which Is expected to reach this de partment fnm Cuba In a few days. The troops at Niobrara will remain at that post until the arrival of the Twenty-fifth infantry, the date of which Is nut an nounced. Polonel Thomas and the troops of the Thirteenth cavalry, which were at Fort Kohlnnun, are now on their wav by easy marches to Fort Meade, 8. D., where they will take station. The commanding officer at Jefferson Ttar racks has b-en Inetriicleil to send thirty six recruits for the coast srtlllcry to Key West hHrracks. KIr., fur assignment to rumpanl's there. The detachment will be In charge of Colonel Charle, It. Morton of the Klghth cavalry. MRS. J. BENSON. uslin Undorvvoar We art hnwujr the itvtti't niunlin un derwear fur the leant inouej that in made. C'orw't cover, lat e. heititltrhed or em broidery trimmed, tnmbrie and wtll made, '2Z cent . With two n.wa of lus, rtlon tn.ut an.l g.H lac art.unU n.s k ami levea for 'M tvnta. Trlniuittl with finer lar at nevkan.l arm slxe ami four rows of Insertion flown or arroaa front, plain or tu k1 ba.-k. ,vuis ail M rvut. Any of the aN.ve .vim. In marguerite !!,. wnb tali in back or with aktrt I'r.'iu h. all one i.r. t covers .rttlly Irlmiu.-l. M ivula up. Fint r inutfrtnU lu cm-era. prt.ee 5il i-.i t. up a A liaiitlaoiue line .f covers 'ii u i( k. lU-eMca all the Ut goo.! Iu U,,..' uiua'.ln tiu.lervtear w carry a ft U tin tf chll.livn-. In dra.vra. eklrta suj u!ut Ur.a.-. tUrtir tUaa u tan iniUy 21 NT III CCD It, . . . those who remain up late nlghta at parties , recipients of letters. Sometimes the or those whose attention Is divided between I"""" "crc r'8 ana sometimes fskes their school work and music lessons or . """""ea, out this dodge Is a new other forms of studv. Rometimea i and a Dno lo m- T1e British government Is not foolish teacher who la constantly goading a I f?"y upon ,hl' torm ot ,rau(1 " when pupil with warnlnga lest he fall to Dase: I m"er is called to the attention of never fall to reprove them for such an in- autnorltles at Victoria. Mr. Ross will discretion. DUl OI ousmess If bis business Is of the "The purposes of the examinations are DaUlre 'UBect- threefold: First, to show the tescher whether the instruction she has been glv- KEEPS A I ARftP FnPrC DIICV in v- .. . , I ' t WIIWL UUlll e i v.j.. i j t y i iT-i hiiu aoeimi- I lated; second. It enables the pupil to show Street Railway Company Make. Many whether he can on demand furnish the knowledge he Is supposed to have acquired; tniro, it enables me to point out to the teacher any deficiencies there may be In her meiooa or instruction and to keep the ays- The rails for the Thirty-third street ex tern unuorm tnrougnout all the schools. tension of tha Hamev .tr.t n... ... mo miucii give nn mil in toe nnn. I well aa thoae fnr h. H.,ni n--,. I . . - I . . .1 (AKTUDIUH Wl IUH I illK a.xtn seventn ana eighth grades, because line to Florence, have not yet arrived. The "" s'"". cjin umo uuukb are usea miiunp r,t th m. in. i , m . . . ... i " -" 1 w 1 1. iii ..in una. uuwever. ' . .w. written work and the pupil la definitely promised them for the last of and fourth arraHea .V....""? . ." "lil tV )' " U fk " eivan .nriT h-.V . .. i nirxy-tnird street extension will begin next, month. WORKERS FOR OTHER STATES Kehraaka Sends Oat Thoaaaada l.ahnr In Siuaar fleet Field. The movement of almost I.OM Russian from Nehrssks to beet sugar fields In other states In practically a single day Is attra. t Ing the greatest Interest, among rsllrcnj men. Yeatenisy afternoon at 2 the Chi cago. Milwaukee 8t. Paul rosd took out of Council Bluffs a special train of twelve tars, carrying io beet sugar workers from Lincoln snd llsstlngs, enrnute for Miihlasn Today the Burlington road will take 800 more to I.ovrland Colo., and 200 more to Michigan. Practically every one nf the emigrants will return to Nebrsska In the fall, aa their absence la to be only tem porary. "I do not believe that one Nebrsskan out of a thousand r-allres what an enormous Journeyman laborer population the state possesses." said Assistant Oencral Westeru Agent Eugene Duval of the Chicago. Mil waukee St. Paul road. "The number of beet sugar field workers that Is shipped out of the stste each spring and back home again in the fall Is something remsrkshlo. "About Msy 1 the work commences In the beet fields, and during April the bosses are scouring the country far and wide for employes. Russians are what they snt, because most of them have had experience In the fields over there. They sre sll avail able men. women and children, ao these beet sugar concerns simply trsnsplsnt tem porarily whole families by the hundreds anil thousands." avi aaa ! SL jB I HH WLI uJr-N f3Tu-a W -oo sua Extraordinary, Unusual and Attractive ariffains Federation of Women's Clnha, Lo, Anaelea. Cal., May 1-8, lOOU. For this convention the Chicago Oreat Western railway will on April 20 to 27 sell through excursion tickets to Los An geles or San Francisco to return June 25, at $50 for the round trip. Return tick ets vis Portlsnd and the northern lines. U higher. Through excursion trains from St. Psul and Minneapolis on April 24 and 26 to carry the Minnesota and Iowa dele. gatlons. For further Information apply to any Great Western agent, or J. P. Elmer, U. r. A., Chicago, 111. For Wednesday. Great Saving Opportunities 2M new reroute Wrappers - Light and dark rnlnrlnaa. gunrsnteel II on quality, on mile on 4i uiain floor . 4C $I.OOhmJ l...n Cnraeta-Nea-iy every well knnan brand In this li.t. all sires. Mark, drab snd hit e. on m In floor 2.c r inhi olJcrica widths, also Insertions, styles to select from, on mslii floor, st, yard Lhc For ti-lmmlriira wesr, with Insertion to match, sll widths, yd.... 29c M i tl it in dorens of 7!c neck 5c ni'l Improvements In Addition to. Rateaslons. SOLECISMS IN PARK fU.- A , oireei railway company la now laying Aintln I ' " J wuiihii to UUW I a I II oluNo heavy ralla on VlntOn street between Six i leenrii ami Tw6ntifh mti t I r- . .. . . I ; . ...vv... U.JIU VI pavement on Twenty-fourth atreet between nine pencil on Ilia Sln the ralla of the Btreet car tracka began Writers. I ,nl, week, the concrete work having been practically completed. The company is I Ban m A nlatanna wakIUJ la. Some carping critic has written to rntnml.alnnaa T7 T " 1 l A I vuujiuiooiuur. Ca, UFUIHO lO CULTtluaiU OI I la- . . , . . ... certain alleged anleel.m. in .h i . -..w I . u"u1" la "iase tne latter Derore . aav vii. J una 1 ska aa Mat l '....k.J a . Signs. "You csn never he elented to enn. "" -u'a. me present grass. Mr. Cornish." he writes, "so lone a en.Ba8e.d ,n Putt,n8 ss these Rneii.h h.rhn.m. .,.n ,h-rl -- '"B OTer "'Toaag wnerever the tracks of ien. car company cross tne Belt line This work will be completed before any other work la undertaken. The company la now employing about 200 monumen worth. I aay moral, because I don't believe bad ayntax to be conalstent with a pure heart." Mr. Cornish Issued orders forthwith to have the park literature expurgated "W hlle it is true," said he, "that those men In its repair and construction gangs, a larger numDer man waa ever emploved ex cept during the paving of West Farnara and mxieenin streets. The record for the num. will probablv he algna were posted under my direction. I am h,P , m.n tint .In..M. - n.i ji . i vruDaoiy ne waa VeZ to he tZ ' po'.sibmty o rT"' " k th. language being garbled never occurred U"?Jh.'m.!"." Pre"f nt eD" to me. However. I think there Is little ;, b,f1B. ' " b , vt eiuuiuar ueing ajaae a political issue. The critic, who signs himself "Saxon polnta out the following verbal monstrosl TO REMODEL OLD BUILDING ties and says all may be found either In I Hlitorle Rtroet.r. .i T...k j n PfvervlAW nr Uan.nnM I I " "Don t take no ahort cuts. Keen in tha n, path." There are educated hogs Keep to the in the I.I. I T-U I M f I n ... . . i iu win uuiaiia nepuDiican building oi shows and Boston Is said to have literary the southwest corner of Tenth and Doug v.i.. m c. ,. . B,Ka wnicn seems to las streets, which wss recently purchased Imply on the part of Omaha dogs the power by the KloDD-R.rtl.tt rnmn.n i. v. tO read: I entlrelv retnnrf.lt j, I " ' ....... uu'ltl U 1 1 L I I IU U OI iuwub iu auKB iou are nereDy warnel I uuildlng InsDector Carter Th- m....- to keep out tinder penalty." pile waa condemned as uns.r. . f. ' "uo lrv" wnicn tne needing was ago and ordered torn down h..t i.t.. Omitted, hut It la evIHentlw i n - I . i ... j . . ' . uuw.tj iu i Bpniiuu umm avwuDiiiraiea mat at least a hens, for It reads, "Don't lay on the grass." part of it can be saved. The too story is " umio iu aieucu snouts: i to oe removed, which m-ni i.a. i . . ,u mnu. I IWO-StOrV DUldinr H the nnrth .l " ...c, ion are Dsrsinc un I wnicn is now hariiv ! ahit i. v.- , . , .. , , . , ' 1 . w w "'" e oeen in use for gen-I straightened snd trussed ... .... .v. ""--""is . iou are accuB- inia win make the second time In its uS u lui.ucrui. man. out a Hanscom park history thst a -story has been subtracted uu.rr gave a literal meaning when he I from Ita helsrht. In 1S9S there ... . nalnted in htv htalr 1--- . i. - i i ., I . . i .. - . , . . , ... . . ,r.o tun iujuui iiuu, i u ntn ore in tne Duuaing, wnlrh 10 UP ineae trees." This is not weakened the walla that the ton irm.rthi "Notice to dogs." story had to be removed. It was built "Saxon," ssys this weird combination, originally in the later 80s ss a Drlntina appeara on a algn at Rlvervlew nark: and newsoaiier office, but of recent v..-. vvai imer nu papers tne grounds and It nas been used for mercantile nurnnae. also egg shells." It was probably ths work Now. uader its new nwnershlD. It aaaln oi aome oimnr or the . Katseniammer Decomea a "Drlat ahoD." tamiiy. Ilia list of exhibit, end, with this rsre gem: "Don t trow rocks at the saulrals." Mr. Cornish ssys that if half of what Saxon writes Is true there should be a gen eral calling la and blue penciling of park Igna. He will take the matter up with he board at Its next meeting. A "elf-Kvnlanatory Letter. April 22. 1002. Hayden Rros.. City: Dear Sirs I wish to express my thanks for the lovely piano you gave me today free of rost. I will be plessed to show it to any person desiring to see It snd explain to them how they can get one free of rost to them. MRS. ANNIE DRIFFKORN. 1435 North 19th. Send articles of Incorporation, notices ef stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The Bes. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. thy 2At I in ported SvvUh 1 awna-ln plsln colors etrbroldercd -auh same l"t. Il.ile.l e Innns iih hand some fi,i r Inr.lrrs fr wUt a id en tire ,Ir,.-s, lie.iuiiful swlt In pinRi Mi' k. light blue, reds Hh white "Me I si ripe, rspii tally silsptrd for ehlit Hiia, go In bascmetit it oisriinent 44 b 14c E Miirt Waiat (:i.,tlM mBjPtt, snd xeptnr ginghsm In checks, plaids and prim Ipnlly sttipi-a, j j l.isemcnt bntgHln siiuare, yt .O 'C -'c lliinititfi a, Hwi Lawns in remnant.. lihi and dark groundi linen color. In waist lengths. 4 , "' 10c Ladies' nnd iMfsscs' $2.50 Trimmed Hnts, $1 taste- ,'i imi and Shampooing and halrdresslng, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220. Bee Building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legsl notices la The Weekly uee. Telephone 238. Stlllmsn ft Price, atfys, law, collections. A. P. Llllls, notary, 23 U. 8. Nat. Tel. 1729. Oft SCDFIELD cuumurfca 1810 Dosslsi . Spring . Jackets Weather man says, "Cooler tonight." Tou'll need a wrap. We have the moat desirable styles in the city at leaat those who look say so, and the fact that they buy or us la proof that they think ao. We have Eton Jacketa and Box Coata as low as 15.00, silk lined. We hsve cloth blouBes and cloth Etons. silk lined, with poplons at 110 and 110.75. We have Jaunty fly front and double breasted cloth Jackets, silk lined and handsomely tailored at 17.50, $10 and 112.50. We have silk Etons and blouses up to 116.00 each. We have ailk raglana at 110. $12. 115 and up. All new and latest styles. T Department store prices or less. mr.SCOFIELD UIVaoAmuiTca trimmed hsts f..r ladies an dtnUM-s m hlte. ''. i'i"n, niitr nmi nih. r ..I. 'ir irimme-i alth fine quality soft ,r- a''is are rasny unrill 4 g tii). tomorrow Je'll $5 Flower Hots for LndlcH and Misses, A large asaortmenl of beautiful flower ai.d fia o hats, now so much mantel In large .asii .-i ritieV The.e hnts sre artistically g,,tt,.n up hy ,ur best dengn. rs. and are prli .., In most . s'nres at l.'i fxi snd IK imi i,..m.,.. a 50 rases of untrlmmed ha's of sll descrlpl Ions. toiisht from PhlUdelphla and flaltlmore Johlwrs at a very small frsctl.in of Ih.lr original net thev Were made to sell at Mr, T.V snd $1.00 -4 f all go tomorrow at , iCfC Great Carpet and Rug Sale Comstock & Avery's stock of fine carpets and runs are being sold at half their actual value. While this sale Is In progress you hare a'n unparalleled opportunity for saving money on your carpets snd rug. They sre all high class g ...'m a,, the prices are extremely low. Come tomorrow and mske your sccct0.,s while the assortments are still rood. Next Monday, April 28th, we Hill ti.ld a reat sale of Fine Lace Curtains DOCJ'T FOKT I thnt tho wondi-rftil slioc luirnnliia ofTen-il lu-rr arc for a shott tliue only as we quit and quit quick Tho rn-oplf are not slow in n'.-.-.iiig- n-nl sIhk- Imrgnlns. const' inontlv this ntlrp shM stiM-k Is jrolng- List. Iion't fall to atti n.l tliU snl. If yon wnnt ltlli grml.. kImk-h it l. ss man in1 prHiiictivi cunt. Don't wait come now store for rrnt or lenat for k The Rochester Shoe Co., FORCED FROM BUSINESS, 1515 Douglas Street 1515 Mortality Statlatlea. The following births and deaths hva tx-.n reported at the offlce of I he Id.jr.l t Health during the twrnlv-fuiir h.n.ti ndlna Tueaiiui' n,on: Hinlia A 1". Htuben. ICal North Hl. teenth etreet. girl. 8teolu.ii Snilih Kli hkiuth Twentieth etre. t, girl; AILiert A lenwall. Ti"S h,.ulh Thirty-klath street, buy; Kobert J. Krskiue. Xiz: t'urbv lret. girl laar Van Hera. Hilt North Tnenlv-lhlrd srrei-t. girl; J H. Kurd. iL'3 North Twvntv third irret b.,; Krank Whli. T114 North tnntreiith strew, buy: (.ira l.ear. l.',3 North l.lgtiteeiith airuet. U ; Harvey altrrnas. lilt chut streri, boy, iKalhatleury '. Ihie.lvns. 1H1J Martha skrvrt. ageil month,, Morria K.ljar Nerly. Thirtiith and Hniney atrevia. aa, i month. Krilcia II. UltW. North Platte ait J rar. tynlhn Jay 11. William. iiJtt Mouth i uriy-almh airei. agvil . years. Isra Tbaaks. We leader eur slarere thsaka te the Al pha rsoip. Woodmaa of the World. Vet,rsa Itremca's aaae isilus. aaJ aiaay frlea-ls fr kiadseaa extended us during the sU-k-Base asa ds k ef aur huebaad asd father. MR PRINT AND FA MILT. r IMS u. II A V N l.a - lamea. M i,.l i .gad T tears, at kia ra.l-n. f f..n.l.i,.,, aten'ie Kunaral ai ikn Hijin.li ax,rnlna al It eii.n-a at Il4usi.ua, lark MtudUI -Uiavl taurra. EKimusTiorj When you are all tired out, feel weak, sUi-p ds not rest you, aud your apptit is poor, Horsford' Acid Phosphate will revive your atrenjrth. In lue natural slevp, iiutrovn apiivtite, and reator nerve) Iower. It strtDKthena tht entire system, enring the causes of lieailarbe, iujl.-rs-tion and DebUit. DflLl 1 B. ,.,, , ssssias ,., Before you are through house clean ng don t forget to clean thoae amoky walls, with the season's lateat stylts and designs of wsll paper. Here's our prices csn't be best this side of Chicago: 6c psper at t" a roll. White blank,, In deep colors, from 6c to 8c per roll. Gilts, from 6c to 10c per roll. We also have a fine Hue of the In grains, In all shades. Ws are con tractors for sll kinds of palming Come In and get our Ideas of the Istrst style, etc. We are agenta for Electric Wall Taper Cleaner, 2.e per ran. We carry a One line of picture moldings. S. A. KELSEY, 17th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 1603. -J PAINT FOR METAL ROOFS !nn't think thai pi.lnt tti.il Is "mhI enough for a IIiih Iioiih la for tint reason all rlaht for nii-i.il rooting, el run ural Iron work, etc. ()T H' It takes a paint which haa the aiei i il iility of Al'lle. K INO, aa well ua ' V Kit I N ', T ii iall lles are found In Hln-r a In - W Itllama "I;ikiK AND Hit 1 1 nil-:' pulnl. nhlih la ma. I- on 1-iiriMian lor Iron and other met., I ork BoliI In 1-gal. i ana lor ll.iai. i gila f,,r $ If von want to pelnt a !lt'V'I.K a t HII'Vt'l.K i-naini-l I'rlce. pa-. MA'I'HTI II riwnii'l for bHtliiuhs t'lii-e. . for pint. n pint. If It a h MID Hill UK ..r a lnt- iim i von w.ir.i to p., Int Hit VH I - 1 1. 1. 1 AilS PAINT for I.WKI.I.IM1S In t a il fans for tl &-aul. runa $;:.',. HKWAIIK of paints shi'i'i' i tili-f ii.-rtt olsst in their l-IKAI'.NK!l HI I t:it W I . V II. I.IAMH pa'-'s tost hr i.r ! rioir, Ihni mont trainln in the market- I'Klt 1IAI.I.11S In the iMKlnning. bul ioi Ml I'll I.I SS thin any nraiol of mUe,l j.rtint- ,.r wt.n. leu I and lln-i--il oil rlthrr. I TIIK KM as every gtllnn will -mer a n.ir,- f.rt Ti I "OATH Hin ,l.a ., . 1 f,,. i,,.i d-ra not li'.M.h -all f..r i-.i-t , r. .,ii I.-II ua hat ou ar going to (MINT Siierman&McConnell Drug Co. lor. itn anl ln.l-e. Omah,. Carey Rcof Good for Any Oulldlng. Cma!sa Roofing ind Su;p y Co., 54J laata IWilJiaf. OMAHA. KHKAKA. leaf OuUava Ttltpbeat lit GOLD JEWELRY art sheatBg a sue liae of tiuid Ja,lr i-umt'tiaia, Hraa aa la tb aa Art Noyv.sa dweranoa. al.Jallli., sriis'lr ijr. M mH Hu ihih, larl.. dual aa I Turauolae aaatria. set eitfc pearls sal 44 aiuu.l. H"S Hsrf ft, Hal I'm,, ht-,oaa- "c tl as o yen I Base gouda. Uanhlnnoy 6 Oyan Co., "lhsHfu Kr,r:.:iV aV j. . T. EVERY SPORTSMAN should te u lulled aith a fei'tle ef ." eur I." yr.r oll WrUn Hi .a our tn aprriai br,ud f htk ,n I u Blighty Si.f aftute t o i can t ,,rl h kMH vr B-H aiihwj' it Kiaa Cslii,rsi atn., at i an I II ft tal.ou (' ii re ebiak'H. 1 1 " t' ' est II o btr islloii Jkf-ill . r I r. , -.irii,i . a- ,d l I' t " r, J. .1 .rr. This is the Best Sea son To Get a Kodak or Camera r give sn instruction fn . Call I on us ir you Intent getting csmers. We rsrry sll the biteat t)e. of the mst makers Including Prettio's, Poca's, Korona and Cctitury. A lautlfu Cycle IVico. ix . m it h double lens, aiilnnintic shutte . null) r.l.s.e. carrying case, ro.upiete; prl. e, only 00. We only rarry photo suppl ,. snd have everything up lo tlaie. THE Robsrt Dempster Co. 1215 Fnrtmm Si. lM-veoping a . I rl..-lng a Pp, laity, ALVINE POISON I, ehi imi ioi that ttred frr lag fre-u.-t.'i a ! i. r. . ..na tin. it your i l.t anl lit .ntfll i,f tik. all a e. ... . I pn"i " "ir Ui ail ti'..iv. i in .in.',, no -o.r In mill iit m .i,k I I a. a ..k Biota aii.1 le-1 at n ltn 1 Ki-o.ih A:io- I'oia- i, ;.i , our 1 r atAi k ii ' in. . : t i tl atltm, . -ui. mlo.;s. . i ... t.i'ii, ilill Htoii... li.ia n.nt tie ; r n, .1 in; . ,ri lha nji la ar 1 4 yo.ir i . it.ii I . (hi -ilor nf a ala .it. It I ! a. I' ' ... 'l.t e 1 1 It A lit. It k l.X. ' fy. "l li'WI'l.lt la ll only .l,:ln mil r ia I !-. it. .rv .,. Al- I a . oi. ..il.li a tror ..lii., e . I i . I . and Ihib. i j 4 i. i , -. t. i uti-il ,y v::". CACKLEV lifms n.. wi... ..i lu. u,.,.. ;W. j, Shr3J3r Madicin. Go, I'l -". I' .l-..f J ... ' V..tM ft'K Tlllfl (UbHAltll HIN. W " llt. dial . iUif, TtH hi a: Hu iielk Ce, iiast ms; a, ,M) tux SMa i kw. a.... .-.. ... ...... k ava mmtm suav a sawmg aeatl tn 1 "i i