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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1902)
8 TIIE OMAITA DAILY IJEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Hot Windy Weather Incites Grain.1 to Brisk Rapture at Opening. PROVISIONS DRAGGED IN DOWN HILL RUT Close Wrikfr Than for Many Iaye ad t orn and Oat Also Lose, bat Wheat Qalfs with ftllaht tiala. CHICAGO, April 21.-Weather reports ruled the grain fit sgaln today. Hot, windy conditions In the winter wheat country started grains with a smart up urn, but predictions of relief by showers worked against the bulls and May wheat cloned only a shads higher, May com c lower and May oats Ho down. Pro visions closed lnfrl7c depressed. Trade In wheat had a nervous strain. At the opening- thers was a rush toward the weather map, and when only a few scanty showers were shown to have fallen since Saturday there was an opening bul lish spurt. Yet most of the professionals (hesitated about plunging In on the bull side for fear that some small showers might bo magnified In the minds of the bears Into a big rain and a break of sev eral cents ensue. Considering the fact that the entire wheat belt was dry even dryer than before the early trade was tame. May opened tfic higher at 76ar74Vc; then cam predictions that the hot and un seasonable blasts would have some small relief by showers, and selling set In. Gem dp had It also that the Wall street crowd was selling heavily In order to create an impression on the Stock exchange that the wheat crop waa in no danger. May wheat fell off VWVie before the decrease of 2,370, 000 bushels In the visible supply came to the relief of the bulls and started cover ing. Weather reports, as of late, were conflicting and favored both sides of the market. This kept the talent guessing and held business down. The feeling was mixed: May late In the day had a rally and closed steady, a shade up at 74 V 4c. Ixcal receipts were twenty-eight cars, three of contract grade; Minneapolis and Imluth reported 209 cars, making a t1 for the three points of 237 cars, against 2f7 last week end 800 a year ago. primary receipts were 205,000 bushels, com- Jiared to 24S.00O bushels last year. Sea ward clearances in wheat and flour jqualed &K9.000 bushels. World's shipments jvere 7,470,(100 bushels, against 8.060,000 bushels last week and 8,2tj,0u0 bushels 'a year ago. RreadstufTs on passage in creased 264,0110 bushels. Corn trade was small and had no prom inent features. The market was Inclined to follow wheat and prices advanced at the opening. Stocks continued to decrease, hut the prospects of an easier wheat mar ket Irduced selling. Cables were unex pectedly firm, but soon lost their Influence. Mav corn opened ift'ne to a shade up at WttGtiiHc and sold off to 61c; later there fvas some covering as wheat rallied and some of the loss was recovered. Near the end of the session, however, the market turned heavy and selling ascribed to the Southwest brought an easy close; May, Hft'c lower at 6a. Receipts were lo6 csra. . There was a fair-sized flurry In oats at ttie opening, based on the fear of damage to sown oats by the dry weather. There was a good commission house demand, but later selling by receivers eased prices con siderably. When the hopes that the drouth stories would create a strong demand were not realized there was a further rush to unload and the market suffered. May sold from Wc down to 42r)e and closed easy, c down at 424ic. Receipts were 147 cars Provisions suffered a further decline and Hosed weaker than for many days. Hogs arrived In larger numbers than estimated and stock yards price-) were weaker. Added to this bearish factor was the fear that newspaper comment of excessively high prices for meat would retard consumption. Belling In all products was liberal, both bv Dackers and the scalnlnir trade. Mav norir closed 17Vie lower at I16.42H. May lard 10c .W. (town at a.w ana May nus ijc lower at $.'. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 35 cars; corn, 140 cars; oats, 235 cars; hogs, 24.0IKI head. The leading future ranged as follows: state dairy, UHtilc; state creamery, 2:vg2Sc; June creamery, 24'a27c: factory, tXal&r.. CHEFHE Receipts, 823 pkgs.; firm; fancy Isrse full cream, fall make, colored and white, J23T2c; fancy small stste full cream, early make, colored and white, l.Tjf LOOS Receipts, 21,638 pkgs.; firm; state and Pennsylvania, lAc; western, at mark, TA LliOW Firm ; city ($2 per pkg). 64c; country (pkgs. free), a'SiC. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4Vftl4c: Jaran. 4V-5c. MOLAPHKH Firm: New Orleans, 3.VS41C. POULTRY Alive, nominal; dressed, weak; fowls, lie; turkevs, 11Vu12'4jC. MKTAL8 The London market for tin sufTered a decline of 1 5s for spot and LI 16s for futures, spot being quoted at 129 6s and futures at 125 lf.s. At New York there was a decline of shout 80 points, with spot closing at $27.S04i2s t, snd the tone was weak at the decline, with business moderate. Copper was dull and weak. Spot lake closed at tll.Tofi 12.25. electrolytic at 111 601112.01) and casting was nominally $12. Standard copper waa about Ho lower on the inside price for spot and closed at tll.fMrll.ftn. Trading today was inactive. The London copper market was Is 3d lower, with spot and futures at -5.1. Iead was steady here and unchanged at $1 12S. and lxmdon was Is 3d higher at 11 15s. Spelter ruled tlrm and quiet at New York at $4 45, and Irfindon was unchanged at 1M.. The English Iron markets were lower. Glasgow closed at 64s 3d and Mlddlesborough at 4s M. The local Iron market remained steady and without change In quoted rates. Pig Iron warrants, nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, I19.0ifu20.fl0; No. 2 foundry, north ern, 418.0019.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, 117 W& 18.00; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, H7.60&1S.OO. crease of 2,S? bu.; corn, 7,22.0nr bu., a decrease of 324.onn bu.; oats, S.lM.non bu., an Increase of Hrymo bu.; rye, iwMin bu., a decrease of 1.19.'o bu.; barley, l,3S5,ou) bu., an Increase of 187,mO bu. Kaaaaa City tirala and FroTlsloas. KANSAS CITY, April 21. WHEAT May, 72c; Julv, 72'se; cash. No. 2 hard. i4Vu ijc; No. 3, 74c; No. 2 red, Mc; No. 3, 80c. CORN May. fWnc; Septemner, nc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 66H&tx'4c ; No. 2 white, WVic; No. 3, Mc. OATS No. 2 white, 40C. RTE No. 2, eoc. HAY Choice timothy, 113.1S; choice prai rie. 113 S"h 14.00. HLTTER Creamery, nc; dairy, fancy, 21c. EOflS Weak: at mark, ino. z new white- wood cases Included, 144c per doz. ; cases returned, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2.1.300 2S."iO Corn, bu 36,4oi 4."on Oats, bu 14,0io 11,0011 Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, April 21. WHEAT May, 73c; July, 747Va75c; on track, No. 2 hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 75c; No. 2 north ern, 73c. ru)l K f irst patents, it.nm.ji; second patents, 13 7.Vn3.5o; first clears, 3; second clears, ,2.25i 2.3ft. BRAN-in bulk, iH.WKn 14.W. OMAHA WHOLESALE M4RKET9. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 21. WHEAT Mar ket firmer; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 north ern, 7f4C. RYE Held higher; No. 1, 30c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 70c; sample, 60 69c. CORN May, 62c. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Prod nee. EOQS Including new No. 2 cases, 14 Vic; I cases returned, 14c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, 9c; old roostera. according to age, ffr7c; turkeys, 1012c; ducks an! geese, 8frnc; dressed stock in good condition, log 2c higher than live stock. BUTTER Packing stock, llgl9c; choice dnlrv, In tubs, 22ft 23e; separator, 26c. FRESH CAUOHT FISH Trout, 10c; crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 6c; bluenns, 8c; whiteflsh, 12c; catfish, 13c; biack bass, 18r; halibut, 13c: salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codtlBh, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, sue; shad roe. per pair, 30c; Elgin Batter Market. FLOW. 111.. Anrll '1. BUTTER Took a drop of 3c on the Board of Trade today. Of 2.400 lbs. offered 800 sold at 28c. But the quotation committee decided, the selling Srlce too high and declared the market rm at 27c. Sales of the week, 6OO.90O lbs. Peoria Market. No, PEORIA. April 21.-CORN-Steady 3, 63c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 44ftc. billed through. whisky 91. 30 ror nnisnea gooas. Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH, April 21. WHEAT Cash, No. 1 hard. 77c: No. 2 northern. 724c; No. 2 spilt shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per I northern and May, 744c; July, 75Vic lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb.. 25c, FRESH FROZEN FISH-Herrlng, 2Hc; trout, headless, 7c; whiteflsh, 7c; smelts, No 1, 7c; smelts, No. 2, 6c. OYSTERS Mediums, per can, Kc; stand ards, per can, 2ac; extra selects, per can, 83c; New York Counts, per can, 40c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.25; bulk, extra se lects, 1. 601.65; New York Counts, per gal.. 11.75. I'lUKONS-Live, per ooz., 91. VEAL Choice, 6c. CORN 60c. OATS 4fcc. BRAN Per ton. 117. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upianti. a; ixo. 1 menium, 8. 00; No. 1 coarse, . ye straw, m.oo. De- OAT8 43c. CORN 614c. HEW YORK STOCKS AM) ROD. Marked Activity In Stock and Silver Slnrap Minimum. NEV YORK. April 21. This waa another day of very active and varied speculation In stocks, but 'he campaign for the ad vance received a rather severe check. The day started off with Indications of a repeti tion of the successful tactics adopted last week of heavy buying at some new points to offset realizing at others. 1 I 1 1 11. unit 1 n. 1.0 1 1 . ..I'!' ii K r I realizing was attempted., namely, tne west are ior nay or gooa coior ana quality. De- ern anJ Pacific atocks. were acutely de- mana lair, neceipis ngni. I nresaed hv threat of harm to the erons VEGETABLES. and by the leave granted to the state of SEED POTATOES Per bu.. Ohlos. tl.Eo: I Washington to file a suit In the supreme Rose. 31.25; Triumphs, $1.15. I court against the Northern Securities coin- POTATOES Northern. 1. 0001.06: Colo. pany. rado. 11.20. I The leaders of the campaign for the ad CARROTS Per bu., 75c. I vance recovered their position to some tx- BEETS Per bu basket, 65c. I tent late In the day by a vigorous borrow- TURNIP8 Per bu., 60c; Rutabagas. Dr I inK movement In Southern Pacific up to 100 lbs., 91.25. I 6K14 and In Reading and Manhattan, which PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c. I were lined 214 and 374 over Saturday. TDls ASPARAGUS California, per lb., 15c Induced a general covering movement in CUCUMBERS Hothousa. per doz tl BO the whole market and In substantial rallies GREEN ONIONS er doz., according to wnlch materially reduced the losses, but 1 . 1 1 . . . f " . . n ' -1 . j in " 1.1 1 hi mi j , Ize of bunches, I6412&C SPINACH Southern, per bu., 75c. LKTTUCEJ Head, per hamper. 12.50: hot house, per doz., 40&45c. PARSLEY Per doz.. 80035c. RADISHES Per doz.. 2uJc: ner ho. ri.50. waa DtiAiNo r loriua, per basket, 94.00 The steamship meraer was accented gs additional Indication of the confidence of large capital In continued prosperous con ditions. The results of the day's operations in tne market snowed tne importance ot the outcome of the crop situation. An Incident of the day was the demorali zation In the silver market, which carried silver bullion to 60Uc an ounce, compared witn tne previous low record or omc on September, 1897, when Japan adopted the gold standard. The slump Is said to be due to celling by China as a necessary in cident to the payment ot the Indemnity to Articles. I Open.l High. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat I I I May 7475 75 U&Wi,K 74S July 75H,-1fc 76V4 75u 75Ti'(i76l 75 Sept. 7514I&H 76 747,l76H74l&76 Corn May 624V4 2H 6 61T4i62HVi July (viVe' 2 62l62HiiJi,62'ril4 Sept. 61 6lTi 61H 61M61V0"1 Oats I May 43i 4314 42 42T, 43 a July 36T4-6U 3H 36'a!35Hi;1 31 a Sept. 31V(j32 82 31HI31VOH 31 Pork I May 16 45 1 6 GO 16 42H 16 42i 16 60 July 16 6.'4 16 75 16 60 16 624 16 80 Sept. 16 72'.4 16 77V6 16 72 .6 72V4 16 t7H Lrfird May 9 70 9 70 9 65 9 65 17) July 9 80 9 80 9 75 9 77 9 85 Sept. 9 87 9 92'., 9 85 9 86 9 96 fclbs May "2 906 I97H 697 9 1H Julv 9 20 9 27 9 16 9 15 9 25 Sept. 9 27 9 27 9 22 9 26 9 35 GREEN PEAS Per basket. 75efitl. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb.. Sc. CABBAGE California, new, 8c. ONIONS Spanish, per crata. 12: Ohlna per bbl., 94.60. M.I .MM v 1 'a rnrn a uifflTTEn nviuiTova-i'inriii,' u i I the powers. 3 OOga.60. I 1 "trengin or Reading end Manhattan ISAVX BEANS Per tU., I1.8OS1.90. I w ' e "5 r""1 FRUITS. I n.1 at Paul Thir were nimnn n( uh- - " ,, , , n u," T , 1 1 IT,- l 011 IIIUII VI fllCIUIlia 111 ,l.llllBflHllltl 1 1 1 1 I !'. u, " ii'uw i wigs, per ddi., ; jona- I ests. No. 2. a Old. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $3.7(Mr 190: winter straights, 3.2iff3 60; winter clears, 83.0iik73.40; spring speclala. 94.0Oi4.1o; spring patents, 83.2m&3.60; spring straights. 92.7Wl3.10. WHEAT No. 8, 73JT74Hc; No. 2 red. 3'Hti3c. CORN No. 2 yellow. 62c. OATS No. 2. 44c: No. 2 white, 44?H6e; Ho. 3 wnlle. 4414(p'c. RYE No. 2. 68Wtf59c. BARLEY Fair to choice maltmg. 66c. BE EL No. l nai. 31. 8: No. l norm- western, $179; prime timothy, $6.85(36.90; clover, contract grade. 98. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 116.40 fj lii.46. Lrd, per iuo ins. h.dwbs. i. Short rlba sides (loose!. 19.0609 10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 87.627.75. Short clear aides (boxed). 39.65ae.66. The following were the receipts and shlp- mepis vesierany; thans, 95 50; Belleflowers, per box. 11.76. FIGS California, new cartons, 81: , hn- STRAW BERR,IE& Texas, per 24-nt case to; ijuuiBiana, per it-pi. case, z.ia. I KUf 1UAL, ( KL11U. ORANGES California navels, fancy, 34: inoice. ouaaea. u: men. sweets. )3 50. LEMONS Fancy. 33.50: choice. 13.23. BANANAS Per bunch, accordlna- to size. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, 82.75a,3.00. NUTS New croD walnuts. No l art shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb , llc: No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; xii per iu., tie; niDeris, per id., ize; almonds, soft shell. 16c: hard shell, if-- pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa- uuis. per BKl. u.bJ. MiiJfcB no. l green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; drj- fcMer. S&13C; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, Il.6tyy2.26. iue,k nenawxa, per bbl., 93.25; New lorn, U.DU. DftDfVtuXJ T it. r - - -i ii . wvva a ci iu,, sneiteu, oc. The market closed active and about steady. New York Airbrake, International Power, tne Electric stocks. Keokuk & Pes Moines and Nashville, Chattanooga A St. Louis made aensatlonal and unexplained advances. The heavy selling of union Pacific mi- United States bonds were all unchanged cn tne lost can. The following are the clostnar nrloes on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison O.. St. I.onls Grain and Prorlsions. ST. LOUIS. April 21. WHEAT Lower: do Bfd... Baltimore a: da pfd Canadian Pacific... Canada Bo Chea. aV Ohio Chicago A Alton... do pfa Chicago, Ind. at la- do pta Chicago E. III. . Chicago O. W... do IK pia do M pfd Chicago V N. W... p.. r. i. & r Chicago Tor. at Tr.. do ptd C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado So do lat ptd do Id pfd Dl. Hudaoo.... IXI. L. W Danvar A R. O... do pfd Erlo do lat pfd do Id pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .. loss Mi i:is 8Mt 38 74 80 1S6 25 88 Articles. Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu... Receipts. Shipments 19,000 10.000 42.000 10.00 87,000 419.000 196.000 245.C00 4.UUII 23,000 6.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa weak: creameries. 244f27c; dairies, 24t?2c. Cheese, firm, 12(1130. Eggs, steady; iresn, uwauc. M2W YORK GIXEHAL MARKET. notations ( tha Day oa Varloas Comniodltles. NEW YORK, April 21 FLOUR Re- celuta. 26.621 bbls.; exports. 20.211 bbls. settled but steady, with a fair trade; winter patents, 83.864r4.06; winter straights, $3.7o0 16: winter extras. 94-10a3.3o: winter loi grades, 32.90ti3.15; Mtnntsota Datents, 83 M) jt.uo, Minnesota bakers, 33.&u3.20. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 93.HxiiJ.40, choice to tancy, nwoJ). CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western, 81.30; city, 9128; Brandywine. 93.603.66. RYE Steady; No. 3 western, 64c, f. o. b., afloat; atate, 61062c, c. t f., New York, carlots. BARLEY 8'eady; feeding. 641368c, c. I. f.. New York; malting, 7'u73c. c 1. f , New Tfork. WHEAT Receipts, 140,600 bu.; exports, 120,296 bu. Spot, steady ; No. 3 red, 87c, t-levator; No. 2 red, 88c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 84c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 87Se, f. o. b.. afloat. Opening higher on a dry weather map wheat experienced a setback under ruin predictions and vigorous short selling, after which it mora than recovered on lurge .visible supply decrease, failure of rains to materialise and a demand for the shorts near the close. May, 80 7-ltflKlc. closed at II... Illlu t Ilil.ilL 1 . . . Mill... riv, w n i , , 1-" - i..i, , mi "i T , September, (KKjjIlc. closed at kc; Decem ber, si'u,-, closer at szunxc. CORN Receipts. 80.8U0 bu. ; exports, 81.270 Mi, epot, easy; no. z, wc, elevator, und eaC f. o. b., afloat. Opened up with No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 794c; track, soi 81c; May, 79Vc; July, 7474c; No. 2 hard. 75(&78c. CORN Iwer: No. 2 cash. 63c: track 66fctS5c: May, 63c; July, 6262'4c; Septem- OATS Lower: No. 2 rash. 44Uc- truck. 45c; May, 43c; July, 35c; September, 31c; iiu. a woue, ao'-j'jinnvfcc. ni rj urm at 60c asked FLOUR Lull: red winter natents. 13 65 '.5,,Ii,?.Bcy "nd lral-ht. 335e3.46; Ji'ircJitr.V SEEO Timothy, steady, 85.0Og4.00. COKN'MEAL Steady. 93.10. BRAN Easier: sacked, east track. a,tta 92c. HAY Steady to Arm: timothv. 312.00(3 la.ou; prairie, aiu.uotO'id.w. WHISKY Steady, 31.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, SL BAGGING Steady. 5iB,c. HEMP TWINE Steady. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbin. old. 816.26; new. 817.16. Lard, lower. 99.42U. l)rv san meats ooxeai, quiet; extra snorts and clear ribs, 99.62; short clears, $3.75. Bacon, (boxed, steady; extra shorts. 310.60: clear rios, jivu iv.ou; snort Clears, in.2 MK I'AlyH ueao. steady at Spelter, dull at 34.15. mubi hi-nieaay : chickens, 9c; tpr 4S5c. 8o. Paclnc So. Railway 3' do pfd K Teiaa A Pacific 4Jt loieao, si. e w. zz1 do pfd Xl Union i'aclAc Iu:, do pfd Wabaah 2f" ao pra 44- Wheeling L. B u ao za pia Wis. Central .., do pfd i Adama El , American Ex... V. 8. Ex Walla-Parso Ex Amal. Copper . Amer. Car ft F Oil ilO.62'4. 93.97: moo. do pfd Lake Krte W do pfd L. N Manhattan L, Mat. 8t. Rr Mexican Central .. Me. National ... Minn. aV St. L.... Mo. Pacific M . K. T do pfd N. 1. Central .... N. Y. Central .... Norfolk at W do ptd Ontario A W Pennerlvanla Reading do lat ptd do id pfd t. U . r ... do lat pfd do id pfd Bt L. Soutbv do pfd St. Paul i do pfd 3 47 210 .148 American Ex t:u .17 V. 8. Ex 120 XI Wella-Parso Ex 31" 40 Amal. Cooper 6S 10.ilAmer. Car F 29 .. Jit do pfd 89- .. n" amer. L,in. on 13 .. 4A18 do ptd 5J ..ltlSa American 8. A R... 4o ..286 do pfd 64 .. Anaconaa Min. CO. ..Ill .. l Brooklyn R. T 47 lk Colorado Fuel A 1...107 Tua i on. uaa 65 Con. Tobacco pfd. 186 lOen. Electric .... US' Hocking Coal .... tlt Inter. Paper 1484(1 do pfd Inter. Power eaVk National Olacuit . 7Natlonal Lead ... .....128 ."National Bait ... ma do pfd 137 No. American 161 Pacific Coaat lS!Pecl0c Mall 20WI People's Oaa Preaaed Steal Car.. ..lOlHl do pfd .. lav Pullman P. Car.... .. 6 Republic Steel .... ,.laa do pfd ..16"' Sugar .. ll':Tu' Coal A I.... .. ao Union Rag A P.... .. 14 do pfd ..151 U. S. Leather SUV7(0; money, 41 per cent; New York exchange 3 per cent. NEW YORK. April 21 Clearings, $il . 870.76O; balance!., 37,275.591. BALTIMORE, April 21 Clearings, 33, .Tfifi .2.75; balances, t'ks.3; money. 5 per cent. BT. LOUIS. April 21. Clearings. 8.431, RT'l: helances. 81.4!'.4; money. 6 per cent; New York exchange, 10c premium. Sew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, April 21. MONEY On call, firm, at 4'"o8 per cent; close, bid and afked, 5'on per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4i f per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Firm. with actual business in bankers' bills at 1 4 87Vu 4.87 for demand and at 34.8 for sixty days; posted rater. 34 M and 34.88; com mercial bills, 34.8494.06. SILVER Bar. Boo; Mexican dollars, 41c. BONDS Government, steady; state, in active; railroad, irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. ref. Je, reg....loH'l,. A N. nnl. 4a IH do rcgipon nH Max. Central 4a M'a do la. reg lrai do la Inc 4 do coupon 1" Minn. A St. L 4a.. .14 dn new 4a. rea !? IM . K. A T. 4a 101 do coupon in do la M do old 4a. rag UilN. Y . t antral la in ..11,'a do gen. ivta l" ..lftiljIN. J. C. gen. 9a 140 ..10' No. Pacific 4a 106 ..1UHI do 3a 74H .. 4'N. W. con. 4a lni'a ..1024 1 Reading gen. 4a ' .. MiRt L A 1 M c. 6a... .114 ..nit st. L a B. F. 4a.. 101 10 1st, L. Southw. la... .ion , hi A. P. 4a.... tl Chea. A Ohio 4a...l1i Bo. Pacific 4a ?' hlcago A A. I'.a... MVBv Railway 6a 12-"t ., B. A Q. n. 4a WaiTeiee A Pacific la.. .120 , M A St P g. Ua..ll T., St. L. A W. 4a.. t . A N. W. e. 7!l...l3'4 Union Pacific 4a Iu6 C, R. I. A P. 4l.. .112 do cone. 4a loa C C C A 8t L g. 4a. 104 Wabaah la 1M hlcagn Ter. 4a 00 do Za lli't Colorado o. 4a V do deb. B 7 Denver A R. O. 4a. .10J', Weat Shore 4a. 1II Erie prior lien 4a. .. .lno! Wheal. A I.. E. 4a.. ! do general 4a w wis. central 4a rn . W. A II. '. la... 116 Con. Tobacco 4a W Hocking Valler 4a.lll keys, 11c: ducks, 10c; geese. HITTER firm; creamery. 254231 'ic: EGGS steady at lbc Receipts. BhlDments Flour, bbls 9.000 10.000 Wheat, bu 28.000 16.uuu Corn, bu 61,000 27.000 Oats, bu '. 68,000 42 000 LIVERPOOL. April 21. WHEAT 8 Dot. oulet: Nn. 1 northern, siirlns. fiaaurf' a 1 California, 6s 4d. Futures, tlrm; May, I Anaconda .. 4 .. 7t'4V .. t .. U .. 11 ..170 ,.10I do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel ... do pfd , Weatarn Union Amer. Locomotive. .. M ao pia.. K. C. Southern U ao pia fi 224 .1114 I...I2S .... tosi .... :i .... 764, ....172 .... to .... !' .... zv .... 4si ....lit .... at .... 41 ..104 .. 41' .. IU . .1X7 .. 1V .. 4Sa ..L'S .. 71 .. 16 .. ao .. 12', ,.. 17 .. 42 ... 91 Trjst receipts. Offered. London Stock "Market. IXiNDON, April 21. 4 p. m. Closing- Console for money.. S4 9-ltl do for account. 6s ld: July. 6a d. corn spot, steady; American mixed, new, 6s6d; American mixed, old, 6s 7d. Futures, steady; July, 6eld; September, oa T i , ut:iuuvi, um ttj u . Ft.Aa Canadian, nrm. 7s. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm. 3 1011 4 15s. FLOUK St. Louis fancy winter, firm. 8a cl PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, 90s. Pork, nrm; prime mess western. ililLl llama Arm ihnrl 1 1 , , 1 a I firm, 53s. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut. 26 to 3U Ins., 4Sa. Bliort ribs, 28 to 30 lbs.. 60s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 iba., 60s; long clear middles, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs.. en; anon clear oacss, la to lbs., firm. 4US an; clear Delllee. 16 to 30 lbs., 16s Ad. Bhoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. Arm. t.. tierces, 49s 9d; Atchleon do Dfd Baltimore A Obis.. Canadian PaclSc. Chesapeake A Ohio. Chicago U. W C, M. A St. P Denver A R. O ... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central Louie. A Naah M . K. A T do pfd New York Central. . Norfolk A Weetern.. au do pfd H't Ontario A Weetern... 46S rennarlvanla 7K Reading 12 so let pra 43 do Id pfd southern Railway.... xa do pfd 9t Southern Pacific To-V 44,lnlon Pacific 110 ! do pfd United states Steal.. 44S do pfd m Wabaah ti do pfd 4 apanian fours. 7(e . 6X . a6( .101 .111 .1J . 4H . It .177", . to' . 71 97 .161 .in 17 Rand Mines. . a OeBeera .lit I do coupon do ta, rag do coupon Atchleon gen. 4a.. do ad). 4a Pal, A Ohio 4a... do 3a do conv. 4a Canada Ho. !a Central of Oa. 6a. ...Ill do la do la inc 8. A. A Offered. Boston Stock ((notations. BOSTON. April 21. Call loans. 44 per cent; time loans, 4&5 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchleon 4a 109 Caa la Max. Central 4a 81 N. E. O. A C 63 Atchleon 83 do pfd ' Adventure Allouea Amalgamated Bingham Calumet A Hecla. Centennial Pneton A Albany 23 Copper Range Rnaton A Me 194 Iloaton Elevated 167 V , N. H. A H...224 Pltchburg pfd H Union Pacific 111M4 Max. Central Amer. Sugar 124 do pfd ll I American T. A T....108 Dominion I. A 8.... t Maaa. Electrlo 45 do pfd II N. E. O. A C 4 United Fruit 106 . S. Steal 42 do pfd K Weatlngh. Common. .111 Pair Wert.., f ranklin Mohawk Old Dominion .... Onceola 19 Parrot wuincy Santa Fe Copper.., Tamarack Trlmnuntain Trinity , United Statea Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine .. 22 .. 1 .. 6 .. 35 ..60 .. 17 .. 60 .. 4. .. 11 .. 15 .. 20 .. C2 . . 21 ..121 .. 1 ..177 .. o .. IS .. 21 .. 22 .. 6 .. 1 .. 61 Foreign Financial. IONDON. April 21. Money was In good supply and In fair demand today. Dis counts were steady. On the Stock exchange the tone was generally favorable and a moderate amount of -business waa trans acted. Silver reached the lowest price on record. Consols fluctuated. The new lanuo eased off on profit-taking. Home rails were well supported. Canadians were strong. Americans were firm and buoyant. Union ractnes advanced 111 response to New York and closed below the best price of the day. Knfllrs were quiet and Irreg. ular. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 143.80; Madrid, 36.35; Lisbon, 27.50; Rome, 2.35. The amount of bullion takfn nto the Bank of England on balance toilpy was 62,000. - Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 21. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3160,000.000 gold reserve In the division 01 redemption. shows: Available cash balances, 3182, 122, 6S4; gold, 892,086,652. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 21. COTTON Spot closed quiet and l-16c higher; middling up lands, 9c; middling gulf, 8c; sales 'M bales. Futures opened nrm; April, s.zsc; May, 9.24c; June and July, 9.22c; August, 8.9c; September, '8.41c: Ocober, 8.17c; No vember, b.obc; jjeoemoer, b.u&c; January, 8.07c. Futures claSed steady; April, 9.15c; May, 9.23c; July,.- 17c; Auguxt, 8.98c; Sep tember. 8.13c: November. 8.03c; December. 8.02c; January, 8.03c. The marl et opened nrm, wun prices irgjiu points higher, and during the forenoon was decidedly bullish In general appear ance. Shorts were greatly disturbed by his further rise and covered eagerly dur iig the first hour. The south, Europe, New Ens-land snlnners and room bulls were prominent buyers throughout the early .-es-slon, but commission houses had tew orders other than those to sell for Fresh buying gave the market a steady clone, with prices off to 10 points, but fresh buying gave tne jnaraei a steady clone, with prices net points nigner 10 1 point lower. Generally favorable crop 'ind weather news tended to noia tne late months from sympathlxlng with tho strength of the near positions. GA LV EbTOIN, April 21. .t-' 1 itllN UUI Il and slow. 9 l-16c. ST. LOUIS, April zi. cotton steady to l-16c higher; middling, 9c; sales, none; receipts, 1,408 bales; shipments, 1,736 bales; stock, 41,004 bales. NBW ORLEANS. April 21. Wl TON Futures barely steady; April, 9.31 bid; May, 9.33((i.34c; June, 9.38ii9.40c; July, 9.44ig9.45c; August, 9.UHWSU0C ; September, 8.39fi9.41c; October, 8.00c; November, 7.9iic; December, 7.84i'7.90c: firm: sales, 6,000 bales: ordinary. 8 1-loc; good ordinary, 8 1-16c; low middling. 8 15-loc; middling, 'ac; gooo middling, ircj middling fair, luc; receipts, 2,563 bales; stork. 224.006 bales. LIVERPOOL. April 21. COTTON Spot ; Fair demand; prices l-32d higher; Ameri can middling fair, 4d; middling, 6c: low middling, 4i2-;ua; good ordinary, 4 29-;2d: ordinary, 4 21-32d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 2.000 were for speculation and export and Included &,!u0 American. Receipts. 1.000 bales, Including 90O American. Futures opened steady. American middling g. o. c, txi. value: April and Mav. 4 63-64fa'id. buyers: May and Jui.e. 4 63-64Si6d, buyers; June and July, 4 6.1-6431 60, buyers; JUiy ana August, 4 os-biwoi, sellers: August and September. 4 68-64d. buyers: September and October. 4 41-644i 4 44-64d. buyers; October ana November, 4 s;-64'fi4 S2-r4il. buyers; jNOvemoer and De cember, 4 29-64d, sellers; December and January, 4 28-6ld, sellers; January and Feb ruary, 4 27-frtd, sellers. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITT, Pa.. April 21.-OIL-Credlt ha! ances. 31.20: certificates, no bid: nhlu ments, 170.411 bbls.; average, 107.486 bbib.) runs, 97.875 bbls.; average, .6.9: TOLEDO, April 21. OIL North Lima, 88c; no tun i.ima and inaiana, uc. SAVANNAH. Ga.. April 21. OIL Tur pentine, Arm. 42c. Rosin, quiet; A, R, C, l. E. 11.25: F. 81.30: G. 1136; H. 31.55: I. 81 .86: K. $2.45; M, 82.85; N, 83.25; WG, 8360; WW, l,i,w. NEW YORK, April 21. OIL Cottonseed. Arm. Petroletm. steady. Resin, steady, Turpentine, steady, 451i-46c. i.rVERP'HlL, April 21. OH. -Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, strong. 25s 6d. LONDON. April 21. OIL Linseed, 80s Turpentine spirits, 32s. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers Generallj Ten Lower, but Oowi Held Nearly Stead;. HOG MARKET ABOUT A DIME LOWER Roth Fat Sheep and l.ambs of (Sood toaflty In Active Demand at Prlees Ranalnn; Strong to Ten Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. April 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav Same day last week Same week before Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks sgo.. Same day last year RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table 3.474 4.1'Vi 7.'"8 2.573 2.641 B.725 2.631 S.lnO 4.756 3.2S8 4.145 4.6M 2.HM 5.142 6 9H1 3,036 6.165 6.3K5 YeaR TO DATE. shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, and comparisons with last year: 1D02. 191. Inc. Dec. Cattle 246,870 203,970 41.900 Hogs 801,626 65,3) 116.246 Sheep 2i8,041 361.002 62,961 The following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. I 1902. 11901. 11900. 1S99. 1898. 1897. 1896. April April Anrll April April ADrll Anrll ADrll 8 April .. April 10. April 11. April 12.. April 13. April 14. April 15. April 16 April April Anrll April 20. April 21 6. 7. 17. 18. 19. 65 66; 68 63 f 6Si W I 681 9 6 891 I 3 83 8 88 6 9i 6 91 96 6 99 6 96 a 6 88 5 97 O WJi 6 6 ttt 6 96 t 9 e 8 01 S 92 6 08 6 15 0 koi 6 30 t 30 6 27 e 5 33 8 87 6 3X 6 191 B 5 804 e 6 01 6 94 6 92 6 85 5 89: 6 851 6 33 6 40! 6 48 e 6 45 6 55 5 49 5 46, 6 45j 6 42j 3 64 e 3 5 3 6 3 66 3 62 8 64 3 66) 3 63 3 67 3 631 3 61 3 67 3 72 I 3 72 3 68 3 71 3 75 3 77 3 65 3 67 8 73 8 79 3 7i 3 72 3 71 8 76 e 8 71 3 71 3 67 3 70 3 67 3 61 e 3 1 3 61 3 63 3 73 3 92 8 54 3 92 3 64 3 81 3 66 3 03 3 90 3 86 3 57 8 83 3 6 8 80 8 61 3 86 3 62 110 IU 3 57 l7 3 97 8 60 3 86 3 49 3 80 8 38 3 87 3 29 3 91 3 35 3 43 3 91 3 84 3 35 3 83 3 30 11 44 av- a t KtsailreTa linrlftr aanassl Hlllr.ei I Vf L"?.?! ?Hfcf? mTreS Tn'S 2. uii luiia, yiuaru io nei lower. I HI'TTFH Firm' finest I'nl i PtmbT. 'ft l-Jo 63s : Ajner lean flres t t"ouTreS ! BAR 8 1 LVER Uncertain; 83d per ounce. MONEY 262 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills la 2V per cent and for three months' bills 2 11-16HT24 per cent. closed at 66c OATS Receipts, 43,bU0 bu.: exports, 1.1.155 bu. Spot, ateady; No. 2, 48c; No. 3, 48c; iNo. 3 white, 62c; No. 3 white. 52c; track tnlxed. nxn-iitc: trck white. 644iic. ( lotlnna ulet but firm at first, later selling eff Wltn oinrr araina. I HAY Dull; shipping, Xa6c; good to tcnotce, Ktotajc. 1 HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, '1901 crop. I&u30e; 1901) crop. 13 a 14c: aids. 4ii6c; Pacific, coast. 1801 crop, lctjisc; ltuO crop. U"ii4c; otas. qac. HIDKft Flrra; Galveston. 18c; California, uac; ! ary, wkj. LEATHER QulaH; acid, 1443250. W(HL 4Julet: domastlo fleeva. lMlIk PROVISIONS Baef. Orm; family. 813 SVfj 14 60: mesa, 111; beef hams. 3j0 6 rJl fi; tiaekat. 812; city extra India mesa, .V'td 22.00. Cut meats. Arm; pickled bellies. 310.354311.26; pickled shoulders, 88 ki; pickled hams. 311 Onto 12 00. Lard, dull: western steamed. HO.ltr4lo.u1; rennad, nrm: contl nent, 3l0at: South America, I10.K; com pound, 88.60439.(0. Pork. Orm; family, $l 00 ted States, 29. finest whita. bin. TALLOW Prime city. firm. 49s 6d: Ana. trallan, Iu London, dull, 82a 6d. The imports of wheat In Liverpool last week were 4.4a) quarters from Atlantic ports, I.OiU quarters from Pacific porta and 23. 'U0 Quarters from other Burls. The imports 01 corn from Atlantle ports last wee a were o, l v quarters. Nee-. York Mlatagr Caaotatloas. NEW YORK. April 81 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, O.. April H. WHEAT Active and strong; caan, Wi.o; May. sitae: July. 7c. CORN Dull, steady: caah. 3c: Mav. 2c: July. 2'c. . OATS Dull, firm: cash. 44c: Mav. 43c: July, 36c; September, 82c, nominal. SEED Clover, active, f.rm: cash. April and October, No. 3. 84.40434.90; No. 3 akxyka. 4 av. Adama Cos Alloa Hreece Branevtek Coa... Comal oca Tunnel. Coa Cel. a va... Daadwooe Terra .. Hora Silver Iron Silver Lee4vtlla Cos .. It .. 4 .14 . 74 . Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr , Phoenix Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard . 11 .116 .110 . . ,. I . lo . 40 .144 Bank Clearings. Visible Snpnly of Grata. NEW YORK. Anrll . The visible sun- piv or grain eaturtav, Apr I is. as com- git 60; mess. H4.7Mjn.7i. I pi 1,4 by the New York, Produce exchange. I per rent. 8,088 pkgs.; stoady; I by aa follows; Wkeat, 44.aM, da- I CINCINNATI. 'April OMAHA, April 81 Rank clearings today,; corresponding day last year, 81.218.0x9 09; tncreaaa, 852.068.14. CHICAGO. April 31 Clearings. 829.S58.729: balances, 82.036.378; ousted exchange. 84 8 for sixty days, 84.88 on demand; New York exchange, auc premium. BOSTON. April 31 Clearings, 828.838.370; balances. 81.889.384. PHILADEI PHIA, April 21 Clearings. 315.suO.CT3; balances, 83.184.406; money, 4 SL Clearings, Evanorated Apples and Dried Frnlts NEW YORK, April 21. EVAPORATFD APPLES The market ruled firmer In tone and the movement for jobbing account was quite active. Supplies are linilleu. mate, common to good, ItitKc; prime, 9fc"J",c; choice, 9Vfil0c; fancy. P'fillc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes fair movement and steady undertone: prices unchanged. Apricots, steady to nrm, with fair volume of buidness noted. Peaches in Kood demand and firm, witnout change Prunes. 76i6fec. Apricots, Royal. 10WM 13c; Moor Park. Ifleill Peaches, peeled, 14 (fl8c; u 11 pee led, 8jllc. Sngar Market. NEW YORK. Anrll 21. SUGAR Raw steady; fair refining, 2c; centrifugal, 98 test. 3c. Molasses sugar, -'-ac. U1NDON, April 21.-Sl'GAR-Beet, April !kW ORLEANS. April 21. BUG A It- Steady ; open kettle, 2ii3 3-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 5a3c: centrifugal yellow, o tjac; seconds. 280. noiasses, aun centrifugal, 7 43 18c. Philadelphia frodnra Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 21. BUTTER So lower; extra western creamery, zoc nearbv rrtnta 81c. EtHlS Firm: fresh nearby, 16c: fresh western, 17c; freeh sojthwestern, 16(0; lbc; rresn southern, 10c. CHEESE Steadv : New York full creams, fancy, small, 12613c; New York full creams, fair to choice, ll'3'12c. Dry Gaods Market. NEW YORK. April 21.-DRY GOODS The week has opened quietly In the dry goods market. Mail orders today, though small Individually, in the aggregate make a fair showing. On staples the market re mains firm arid unchanged at last weeks quotations. Indicate Sunday. SATURDAYS SHIPMSN'TS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Sat urday and their destination: Cars. C. W. Sterhen. Billings, Mont. B. & M . . . . 2 j. r. Mooe, Killings. Mont.-ti. & ni.... z Fred 1 ..ultman, Union, Neb. M. P.... 1 R. Kfnor. Webster. 8. D. Mil 2 J. B. Morton, Webster, S. D.-Mll 3 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hoas.Sh o.H ses. C, M. & St. P. Ry 4 0 .. 1 O. & St. L. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 4 6 union pacific system ..18 3 17 3 C. & N. W. Ry 4 3 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.... 14 11 C. St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 6 9 II. & Al. K. Ry 38 6 11 1 B. & U. Rv 3 2 K. C. & St. J 4 C, R. I. & P., east 4 6 .. .. Illinois Central 6 4 Totals 106 63 28 5 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der 01 neaa muicatea: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. umana racking uo Swift and Cimpany Cudahy Packing Co Armour at uo Swift and Co., country. Hammond Packing Co. Yansant & Co I-obman & Co W. I. Stephen 11111 Ac ituntzinger Huston & Co Livingstone & Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild L, F. Hust H. L. Dennis & Co , B. F. Hobblck Wolf A. M Fowler Packing; Co Other buyers Total 1.736 3,955 7,003 CATTLE There was not a heavy run of cattle here today, aa receipts were Just about the same as thev were a week aao. and aa compared with the same day of last year mere is a aecrease. All markets were quoted lower, so that the general ten dency of prices was downward at this point in spite of the moderate offerings. There were a good many beef steers In cluded in the receipts this morning, and the quality was good on the average. As Chicago was quoted a dime lower packers tried to take off that much here, and suc ceeded to quite an extent. Sellers did not like to take on very mucn from last week a prices, and a slow, weak market was the result. The general market was right around a dime lower, though some sales looked worse than that, while others were better. It was rather late before anything like a clearance was made. The cow market was not very active, but still packers did not take off much. A good many salesmen succeeaea in getting usi about steady prices for 'desirable stuff, but in some cases it waa impossiDie to get quite last week's quotations. The situa tion could, pernaps, pest oe aescrioea ny calling the market steady to a shade lower. Hulls, veal calves and stags sold at about steady prices, where the quality was sat isfactory, but where the quality was poor the market waa slow and weak. The stocker and feeder trade was rather slow and weak. The hot, dry weather of today and Sunday It was feared would Interfere with the demand from the coun try, and as a result speculators were a little cautions about getting too mnny cattle on hand. Anything on the common order was extremely slow and lower, but the best grades sold at right close to steady prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. , 214 t6 2,020 4W 8il 451 4S9 827 730 289 479 4,44 37 121 451 161 67 148 230 5 46 28 76 23 98 5 641 203 8,378 No. 1. 1. 1 3 1 14 44 11 14 88 I If II 4 If 11 40 I I 11 AV. 780 700 .. M .. 171 .. (20 ..1126 ,.llt ..1144 ..1011 ..1176 .. 80 ..1114 .. 1 .. t74 . .l'0 ..1001 ..1K ..1271 Pr. i B0 4 60 I 00 4 26 t 16 6 60 I 40 ( to 4 70 I W 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 16 4 16 4 10 4 10 4 10 No. 13 41 4 If If 7 II 17 44 40 10 10 14 14 If 71 II Av. ..1140 ..1110 ..1121 ..lilt ..1171 ..1141 ..1241 ..1100 ..1141 . . 12(8 ..1115 ..1334 ..13)4 ..12l . .13 ..I2fi ..1471 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 70 74t 6 60 It. i 60 ... cows. I0 761 Pr. 4 1J f 26 f 36 t 40 4 46 4 46 4 46 t 46 4 60 4 65 4 OS f 65 f 0 4 6f 4 S f 6 4 71 I 16 I 16 1 760 t 00 6 114 I 85 t 780 I 00 14 874 I 10 1 1000 t 16 1 12M) 4 00 1 u0 1 15 1 f0 4 00 I HI IU I M lot 1 786 t 40 1 IW IM 1 fuo I 60 T tu4 4 00 J 1026 I 60 I ltii'O 4 10 1 fiO I 60 10 .41 i pi 70 t 60 If 11114 4 10 1 1100 I 76 6 1021 4 16 1 120 I 76 1 ll'IO 4 25 1 100 t 76 1 t0 4 26 1 M I 75 4 1146 4 16 1 1040 t 76 1 "0 4 25 1 710 t 76 4 inn 4 2s I 60 I 76 4 U76 4 is 1 880 I 76 t 80 4 60 1 1060 I 76 1 lliiO 4 60 1 1W0 I 00 If KI I id 1 UM 00 1 HAO 4 80 1 :nt0 I 00 II 74 4 to 1 M0 I 00 4 im7 4 ft 1 1020 I 00 1 1JM 4 76 1 1O20 1 00 1 u60 4 75 1 flO I 00 4 1015 4 76 6 til 3 10 1 820 4 71 6 814 I 16 1 tlf 4 to 1 1010 I 16 1 1040 4 64 1 1030 I 15 It 8.14 4 86 1 1010 26 1270 f to 1 luao I 15 11 If 00 I til I 15 II SO i 25 1 11U0 I 26 1 ll.V) 6 25 1 860 I 25 1 1240 I 25 1 686 I 26 4 11,20 6 26 10 til I 60 1120 6 25 14 .'.. 660 I 16 1 1'XjO I 26 I M 111 I Ulf I 16 1 140 I T6 1 1020 6 16 I IM I 76 1 1330 i 40 1 Hot I 16 3 lutt 1 4a HEIFERS. I rrt 4 00 1 460 i 00 1 460 4 OS 1 I860 I 00 1 181 4 00 1 820 6 80 16 121 4 16 t 130 6 86 II 84 4 76 1 1170 f 00 1 t46 4 tu 1 180 t 00 1 830 I M BULLS. 1 1IM t It 1 140 I to 1 UW I 16 1 6W I 76 1 1270 I 16 1 1210 I 16 1 1180 I 16 1 U20 I to 4 1111 I 6 1 1 4 00 1 lino I U 1 1320 4 M 1 1600 I 40 1 1460 4 8 1 1100 I 40 I...., 170 I 00 1 1430 I 60 1 KM i 26 1 12e6 I 60 1 UuO 6 40 1 1U78 I 66 CALVES. I 180 4 to t 114 f 6 1 180 4 00 I f 64 1 lit 4 00 1 130 i 71 f 114 4 16 1 170 6 16 6 144 f 2 1 to f 16 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 410 1 00 1 666 I OS 1 80 I It t 634 I 00 1 f I I 1 64 I 16 1 IM IM 1 6! I 16 t 130 I 6 1 47T I 16 1 tit I i II lit I K 8 M IK 1 616 I 16 15 , HI , 8KO , 720 840 . 6M , 64 8(1 4 I 75 I 8" I 80 I o I OA I 0 I ! I m I nn on I.. t7ff 44 431 110 lie , 70 40 , 174 860 STOCK CALVES. 1M I 00 4 217 446 I in t t 816 J .80 1 HO .164 J 36 1 20 nr. 8 f. BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 25 I 2.1 I Jo I 40 I 60 I 6n I SO I 71 I "6 3 to . t 80 4 On 4 60 4 16 1 6V1 1 i 14 i7 4 OS 1 MM 1 60 42 6"0 4 on 8 5s; 1 75 1 7o 4 on 1 8 I no 7 428 4 4 M7 I on 20 2I 4 26 1 811 I on PI 648 4 25 I 70 1 00 23 20 4 26 2 67 I 00 12 760 4 15 6 714 I 00 tl 65 4 26 i 480 3 no 6 4S1 4 3.1 1 471 I 36 66 804 4 45 71 647 1 25 10 441 4 45 33 m l 52 4M1 4 60 6 814 I 26 I " 4 60 1 160 I ;.1 If t7 4 60 t 741 I 15 4 t!0 4 60 1 806 f Ml 83 628 4 60 27 ll 60 It 7t 4 60 SO 6M 60 27 748 IW 47 6D8 66 15 86 1 4 40 t 625 I 75 8 821 4 10 1 8MI I 15 31 lit 4 86 74 411 I 75 J. Wagner Colorado. 45 steers.. ..122. 6 90 4 bulls.'. ...1490 4 83 Van Dyke A D. Montana. 24 steers.. ..1319 6 10 HOGS Today's hog market was gener ally a dime lower than Saturday. Receipts were not excessive, but as prices at all other poin's took a drop, packers, of course, pounded the market at this point also. On the start some sales were, per haps, not over BJilftc lower, but It soon became Just about loc lower. Trading was not active at any time, but as there were only about 50 cars on sale most everything was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. There were no prime hogs on sale, so thut the top looks more than a dime lower. The bulk of the good weight hogs sold largely from 36.95 to 37.00. and medium weights went from 86.86 to 86.95, while light weights sold from 36 80 down. Today's decline car ries the market back to about where It was on Wednesday of last week. Representa tive sales: No. i: 10 30 11 68 78 71 78 10 52 tl 75 64 66 80 67 68 18 77 210 81 217 87 191 75 210 64 211 89 214 10 227 ..101 ..109 ..176 ..lot ..200 ..181 ..200 ..2ol ..Jul ..IM ..103 ..24 ..218 ..224 ..223 ..2.10 .229 .224 Bh 140 Pr. 4 to I to 4 90 t 10 t to f 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 t 90 4 90 f 15 t 95 4 95 f 96 4 95 f 85 t 96 4 95 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 00 . 7 no . 7 00 than At. Sh. Pr. No. At, 4 00 68 224 6 60 60 228 f 56 87 211 I 10 (16 224 f 75 67 244 f 75 68 221 4 80 74 214 4 80 75 231 4 8il 68 141 4 80 69. ...... .114 4 80 75 201 I 80 14 267 4 80 48 235 4 85 40 237 I 85 72 241 4 81 71 222 f 85 79 217 4 85 3 247 f 85 64 271 I 65 40 M I 86 68 264 f 85 tl 269 ... 6 S74) 70 274 10 I 87Vt 43 28 ... 4 90 10 261 ... SHEEP There was no more than an average run of sheep here today, as receipts were about the same as they were a year ago todav. thouerh somewhat In excess ot a week ago. The demand was of liberal proportions and an active and stronger market was experienced. The general mar ket could sflfelv he ouoted atrons: to a clime higher, and everything good was out of nrst nanus in good season, it was notice able, however, that packers were not par ticularly anxious for the commoner grades a n ,1 11 . . .. il , Ii.r3 o,,u rrilcio, lit ri,lllc i.. lliumi . I. um " to move their common stuff at what they considered satisfactory prices. Wooled lambs sold as high as 86.90 and clipped wethers brouaht 3o.90. There were very few feeders on sale, but anytning good undouDtediy orougnt steauy Drices. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lightweight yearlings, $5.75g6.0O; fair to mod. ih.2MiB.7n: aooa to cnoice weiners, 85.35416.60; fair to good, 850Wi 5.35 ; good to choice ewes, H.TSiga.OO; fair to good 34.00fi) 4.75; good to choice lambs, 86.0f)i6.35; fair to good, 85.75fd6.00; feeder wethers, 34.5o4i h 181: Teener ewes. st. itKa.Bv: xeecer lamon 85.00(fi6.50. Wooled stock sells about 2tVg5'lc above clipped stock. Representative sales No. Av. 26 bucks 129 6 cull ewes 72 5 cull ewes 88 15 cull ewes ss 4 bucks 177 6 cull lambs 44 10 cull lambs 53 118 western ewes It 1 western ewe 80 24 Colorado ewes 77 62 Colorado ewes 86 80 Colorado ewes 86 87 western ewes 97 253 feeder lambs 66 212 feeder lambs 62 11H6 clipped sheep and yearlings. 95 444 clipped western wethers lol 43 Colorado lambs 69 282 western lambs 63 642 western lambs 61 21 western lambs 67 650 Colorado Iambs 82 8 spring lambs 31 20 culls 107 1 buck 170 116 feeder lambs.. 60 clipped western wethers.. 132 clipped western wethers.. 1 western lamb 6 western lambs 602 western lambs 97 western lambs 982 western lambs 63 1"3 1H3 120 S3 88 114 82 Pr. 3 23 3 50 3 60 3 60 4 60 4 60 4 75 4 76 6 00 6 60 6 60 E 60 6 60 6 60 6 65 6 75 5 90 6 26 6 60 6 60 6 75 6 90 7 00 8 60 6 00 6 50 6 60 6 50 6 00 6 00 6 65 6 70 6 70 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Hoars Loner and Sheep Are Higher. CHICAGO, April 21. CATTLE Receipts. 22.6UO head; about 187t'15c lower; good to prime steers, 36.808'7.35; poor to medium, 84.6oij6.40; Mockers and feeders, 32.50i;.8l; cows. 3l.40di6.liu; heifers. 32.5iK(f6.25; canners, $1.402.4O; bulls. 32.50ru6.50; calves, 12.MU 0.25; Texas fed steers, 32.75f(i6.25. HOGS Receipts, 42.0UO head: estimated tomorrow, 25.000 head: 10tjl6c lower; mixed and butcher. 36.754j7.20; good to choice heavy, 37.1h'7.25; rough heavy. 86.80w7.05, light. 36.606.95; bulk of sales, 86.85i7.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head; steady to strong; lambs, steady to 10c higher; good to choice wethers, i.iv 6.20; fair to choice mixed, 84.76tin.50; west ern sheep, 84.75ii6.00: native Iambs, 34. 75 6.60: western lambs, 85.at8g7.15. Official Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 208 721 Hogs 11,282 1,430 Sheep 769 423 New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. April 21. BEEVES Re ceipts. 3,400 head; market slow, steers Ww 15c off, medium and good cows steady, common cows strong; steers, 86 .5O4T7.20; bulls, 83.75ii.0O; cows, 82.26'ii6.60; extra. 85. Cables quoted live cattle steady at 134 14c per lb., dressed weight; sheep, easy, at 13V4B15C, dressed weignt. and rerngerator beef at HSillWc per lb. Exports tomorrow. 600 cattle, 11,446 theep and 2,560 quarters of beer. CALVES Receipts. 7.921 head: market fair, but nrlces 6til0c lower: veals. 33.ft7 600; choice, 3666; city dressed veals, lower, at 7'A'olOc per in. SHEEP AND UMB8- Receipts, 10.546 head; sheep slow, but steady; lambs aver aged full as high ss Saturday; unshorn sheep, 34.5orn6.40; clipped sneep, 84.CVa41.00; unshorn cuns. 4: cuppei cuus, w owd no; unshorn lambs. 36.60if7.75: clipped lambs. 35 5Oti6 60; unshorn culls, 5.006.ft) per head; clipped culls. M.uaao.uu per head; spring lambs, 33.CVy4.75 each. HOGS Receipts. 11.138 head: market lower; state hogs, 37.40; a few outside deals at 37.50. Kaaaaa t'lty Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Anrll 21. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.5iiO head natives, l. head Tex ans, 100 head calves; good killing and feed ing, steady; inferior grades slow: choice export and dressed beef steers, 86.5o4i6.86; fair to good. 86.U1436.6O; Blockers and feed ers, 33.4mti6.25; western fed steers. 85.oJ 4 00; Texas and Indian steers. It; Cxiiii 2T, ; Texas cows, 33; native cows. tl fWif 5.60; heifers. 4.C8(; canners, 32.6Vj.t.50; bulls. 33. U Kilo. 75; calves. HUU.C. HOGS Receipts, 3.100 head; market 5? Ino lower; top. 37.30; bulk of sles. 36 60j7.1.r; heavy. 37.15i7 30; mixed packers, 86. "(j 7.20; llg'nt. 8 5f.4j7.n6; pigs. 360or0.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.8f head: market 10c higher: native lambs. $4i.o"U7 Ou; western lambs, 36 5&A6 86; native wethers, 85 WKU6.C1; western wethers, 35.5CH' 5 90; yenrllngs, 36 004jifi 50; ewes. 86.CVjVi do; Texas dinned and grass yearlings. 36.CVav 6.50; clipped Texas sheep, 84 75'a6.60. St. Josepit Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 21.a-CATTI.F-Re-celpts, 511 head; steady: natives, 85 5off7 10; cows and heifers. 81 2Mi6 50; veals. 81 600f 80f; bulls and stags. .'.75(J.C); stnekers and feeders, 82Ci6.2.'i. HIMJ8 Receipts. 2.578 head: 10c low-ir; light and light mixed, 86.8a7.10; medl im and heavy. 37.O7V07.25; pigs, 84 7.Va6 26; bulks. 36 75427 05. H1IEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8 019 head: steady to 10c higher; western lamba, 36.2iu'.c; western sheep, 34.7&-'o 25. ers. 12 ?f.'(7f 96; canners. 31.2.Vtj3 9n; bull 3:..6tn.4ii; calves, 83.'i.fiO; Texas and In dian steers, grassers. HM"g4 4o; fed, 14 4,i 6 .t; cows and heifers, $2.i.i I y. Hi it IS Hei elpts, i.i head; market ;, lewer; pigs and lights, 36.;.Vrr7.n; pack -re. 8 9..i.,; butchers. 37 ri7 25 MIKKI' AND LAM US' -Receipts. l.C" head; market steady; native muttons. 14 7u w.i; lambs,; culls and hues. a).UUJ.HI. Inux City I, Ire Stork Market. PIOVX CITY, I.v. April 21. -(Special Tele gram ) CATTIJC Receipts, fs; market BtCMilv nn li.ii . .'...I. . . - .. .. 1 i.i 3 .1it S; rows, hulls and mixed. 32fln5:5; stockers Atltl rrnlru I) Tt. ii "., ., .1 IHMiS-Recelpts. l.xrtn; market 61M0o lower, 8.H"i7.1o; bulk. 36 7T06.. Stork In Msjht. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets for April 21: ... " . Cattle. lWs. Sheep. South Onviha 3 CI 4.i 7.i 2.ri 4: .um ;),, Kansas lty ;).:i j ,,) 281 St. Louis 4,.i e'soo , St. Joseph 811 2.57S 6 Ml St. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. int'IS. April 21 CATTLE Receipts, 4.C0 head. Including 2.0 head Texans; market steady tor native steers, with butcher stuff lOc lower; Texans 57 10c lew 0 I. ....,,!. n.l lifl-MLn .1 ...- native shipping and export steers, lo.o7 4 95; dressed beef and butcher steers. 34 "Tt 3 35; steers under 1 CO lbs . 14 Ci4i l6; stock- era and feeders, i iW(-t..ft; cow and heit Totals .34.285 64.C ;2.:7 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April Sl.-COFFKK.- Spot, Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6 7-16..; mild, quiet; Cordova, 8vjil2c. Tho market opened steady, with prices 5 points higher, and throughout the afternoon displayed a tol erably healthy appearance. Prices at orm time were net 5ful0 points lower, with shorts the leading buyers. The Improve ment was more a covering movement than a response to foreign strength. Receipts were again very large, spot demand wan tame and clearances for the Cnlted States were burdensome. Ijiter In the dav tht market had a partial setback, with the close steady and net unchanged to 6 points higher. Total sales were 39.5c hags, In cluding: May, 4.K64jf4.c; June, 5.CK ; Sep. tembcr, 6.26ti6.30c: October, 6.36c; Decem ber, 6.50c; January, 6.8K'; March, 5.70c. Wool Market. BOSTON. April 21.-WOOL-The rc P'5 - wo' 'n R'ton since January 1, lMAJ?ave b,,en 74 I' lM pounds, agalnst'42. 415.900 pounds for the same period in 19ui. The Boston shipments to date are 61,611. 944 pounds, against shipments of 79,060.872 pounds for the same period In 1901. The stockon hand In Boston January 1, li2 ra-8, i'j3443 pounds. The total stock today Is i2.3a,7S5 pounds. ST. LOt'18, April 21.-W001VeaK. nominal; medium grades. 14fi'17c: light fine L'f'iltc; heavy fine, 9llc; tun wnshed, 14 J 24c. LIVE AGENTS To Sell 6 Per Cent Gold Bonds. CUMMINS' INDIAN CONGRESS AND WILDEST WEST. BEST PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET. Quick Seller. 60 Per Cent Already Disposed Of. 8end for protpectus, 160 Broadway, New York City. UOVKHMEKT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN Sl'PPLIES Department of the Interior, Ulllce of In dian aiTairs, Washington, D. C, March 1, 11812. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the case may be, ana directed fo the commissioner of Indian affairs, Nob. 77 and 79 VYooster street, Nuiv York City, will be received until 1 o'clock p. m., of Tuesday, May 13, 1Sj2, for fur nishing for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Kids must be made out oil government blanks. Schedules giving ail necessary information lor bidders will be furnished on application to the Indian of fice. Washington, D. C. ; Nor 77 and 78 Wooster street. New York City; ;35 Johnson street, Chicago, 111.; No. 81o Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; the commissaries of sub sistence, LI. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Leaven worth, St Louis, St. Paui and Sap Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux Clt, Yank ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topc-ka, Wichita and Tucson. Uids will be opened at the hour ana days above stated, ami bidders are invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or u'iy part of any bid. W. A. JUNES, Commis sioner. Aprl5toMuy7 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., April 19, 19u2. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, subject to the umsl conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m.. May 9, 1!M2, and then opened. In the presence of attending bidders, for eighty-four (84 Cavalry Horses, for de livery at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, or at prominent railroad points. L 8. reserves right to re lee t or accent anv or all urn. posals, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full Inform ation and requirements will be furnished on application to this offlce. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked "Pro- nisais ror Horses, and addressed to JKO. V. PULLMAN, Chief y. M. 6tD21-22-23-24M-7 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., April ID, 1CI2. Scaled pro posals, in iripiicaie, suojeci 10 tne usuul conditions, will be received at this office, until 10 a. m., central standard time, May 9, lwe, for constructing two detached Lava tories, to Include construction proper. dumbing and steam heating, at Fort Rob nson, Nebraska. Full Information fur nished on application to this office, where plana and specifications may be seen, or to tne vjuariermuster, eon ttoninson. pro posals to be marked "Proposals for lava tories," and addressed to Major JNO. W. PULLMAN, Chief Quartermaster. 6tD21-22-23-24 M6-7 Only $45 California and Return First-class rouod trip open to everybody $15 from Omaha to Los Aogelei and San Francisco Tla GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, on sale April 21 to 27 tickets good for return until June 5th. Only 63 hours and 40 min utes Omaha to Los Angeles via El Paso Short Line. Choice of routes going snd returning. For further Information call at or address CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1323 Fsrnam St. Rock Island Route CURE YOURSELF Vm M for jniittartl tl4obrgtlott.rtUiftttOLiat tir.tAi.uc 01 .c4sriloai mmt U ItfUMrt OI Kioail iniui su-a rN.-H rMMii4 rft.BlMi, ad lot Mfc im 0. 1. A. A. I If" Pwo wri 00, or I botiMi BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Itoaaa 4, New Vvrat Lite Mid. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought and sold for cash or on margin. AU telegraph, telephone or mall orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Telethon iv, OMAiU, KiUl. eae'irWWMr'iripnrr's'fan'r W