Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1902, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
single corr 1TVE COSTS.
Vai:rr"t,OB Greeted Leave to Inrtitcte
larger Esit Before Bcpreme Court.
State Em Higit to Submit OripiLal
Claim for Vrit of Injunction.
Court Hoidi Obstacle is raunf-iotn Cam
Doei Eot Exist in PreBeit Ore.
letter Thinks Dlspesltlea All
Idea Petals te a fHr Prttle
xoeat f Act lea Ifilatl Ike
WASHINGTON. April II. -The Vnited,
Slates supreme rourt todiy granted leave
to tbe irate of Washington ts file an
or.ginal bill for an injunction against the
Great Northern Railroad compa"v, ib
Northern Pacific company and the . .hern
beruruiee coropsny. In srcordance w an the
petition of thai rial rerently fibd in the
The opinion tn the raae ll delivered by
Chief Juetire Fuller. who Slated that the
rourt had alesys exercised the utmost rare
la lta proceedings In original caes, and
that the present decision to grant lesve to
i a iutetidd to tie entirely nhout
prejudice to either party at interest.
i The thief Jueuce's opinion vu very brief
and root I Fled entirely of a review of origi
nal esses of the luce character hich bate
beer brought to the attention of the court.
The two most important of the caaea tbua
cited wre the rae of lbe state of Loulsi
ans se-ainju the state of Tcut, roncernl.ig
lbe Quarantine re filiation of the latter slate
In whirb leave at given to tile, and the
atate of Minnesota against the Northern
Securities company, in whirh petition to
file a dented. Referring to the latter
cam be aajd the petlti-m had been refused
because of lbe unsuperable objection that
iPdiepenseble parties to the caae could not
be brought into the rourt. This otjerticn
Aid not. however, confront the court In the
j-reeent caae. and the court felt thst be
cause of ita deslr to proceed with the ut -Dion
rare aDd dt-liberation in all cases
where original artloci are brought In this
ecurt the precedent of the Louisiana-Texas
case should be followfd rather than that of
the Minnesota case In the present instance.
Henoe leave to file would be granted and
ubpoecjts would be Issued returnable on
the first day of the next term of the cotirt
In October.
"The usual practice In equity cases has
feeen to boar such applications," the chief
Justice said, "although under special cir
cumstance a different course baa been
After referring to several precedents he
nade brief mention of the Minnesota rase.
Us aald: , ,
Is KhtnnntfSfskMt tbe I" oft burn. Se
runtlna Cumiuuiy application to tile a lull
simusi to this, and ta king simitar reli -f
wu artada and after examining thf Mil
w directed xiotk-r to be glvn and ben-d
argument on both sides. The result war
that leave tn file was denied Iwhum of the
want of certain tnc!l!eTiiiHble parties v no
couid not be brouphl in without delisting
oar oaiistituliuwfc.1 Jurisdiction.
Pre-seat t aee Is DIsTereat.
That tiieutxrahle difficulty does not meet
js on tlie tr.reAhdlci herfc, but aznfinc other
t. tect Kins ti. frrm.t leave it is urft-d tlia:
the court bas no Jurisdiction in the subject
mattw. because the lull cicx-a not ptveenl
the case of a controversy of a civil nature,
which is jimtiftutilr under the constit utlon
and laws of the Vnlted States in that the
suit due not Involve rlahts of a propne
tury or contractual nature, but is purely a
utt for the enfuroetnent of the local U.w
and policy nf a sovertlcn state, wboee
TiFht to make taw and to enforce law exists
onlv within itseif and by nana of lta on
ta-euulea, stui Umlted to lta own terri
tory. In tbe exerctse of orta-inal Juiisdictjon
the cwurt has a.lwaya tie4--saa.rily nrofeded
with tbe utmost care and deliberation, utid
in resjwet of all contested queeuona on ,W
fullest arrument. And tn the matter of
j ra uce we are obitrrci to bear In mind to
an rsicial da-ree the effect of every rtep
taeti in the lustai.t cae on those which
xnsv sucoeed it It seems to us wisest,
therefore, to take thw a.rne turtlon on iha
, t.(i'ii application as waa pursued in
Xjoumiana ftfunl iriu; luai IS. Wllbout
lntlmallnc anv ot1aioD whatever on th
OueeUons sutsnetod to Brant iBV to tile
to accordance, wun th fenermJ rule,
w awxtt aw Iwsla.a Please.
FT. fAVL. Wlna.. April 11 Both Gov
ernor Van Bant and Attorney General
Zougla raw expression of tbelr (Teat sat
tafartion upon bearing of the action of tbt
federal supreme court today la th as-called
guergrr case.
Attorney General iKmglaa said:
Tola la a great and duels! ve victory for
fho who have rontended thai the su
Jirin court bas jirtmary jurisdiction in
such auatters Haviiig prepared the britl
In the Wn.ti:nrtim (sc 1. ef course, am
elated over the result. I thick tbe ctiepoal.
tion oa ail alrins u for a siedy sett:ement
f ihs propositions lnvolvwa. V w iil Kin
know whether or not slats enactments
i.ave force and eSect in cases like thsee.
The action of the sujirrm, court is par
Uruiarly gratifying because it will afford
n opportunity for the slate of Yahtna
tun, which has statutes on this sub.)wot
v -r' similar 10 thoee of IfiiiDswota. to last
the scope and power of stste laws to pre
vent or rea-.te such matters as the con
solidation i t parallel and competing lines
f railroad Al the aa.nte time the acu n
of tlie tedrral authoriii-s wui make a tewt
ef the effecllveness of the federal statutes
lo re-ulate theer mtters. The outcome ef
these two actions w-lll be of great tntereat
to the public in geiif rai.
As to our own suit we will make anoth-r
gnove in that when we have txamlnea kll
the knotty problems li.volved In the ques
tions raised by the defendants.
afcaWte Itairaeal ( ACalrw at t hai,
aaetie, bat Details Are
TVAFHTNGTON. April n The complete
peport of Colonel Crowder of the Judge ad
wotate general's department upon fcia tn
sjuiry into the coaditiuos at Port Ckalmette.
Wfct-iue sun lies are being shipped to South
Africa, ts now is tbe hands af the presi
6enu At tbs prealdeat a auggealloB eer
tain details were added that were not orig
inally included.
Aa important feature of taa document la
that It makes ne recommendaUoas as Is
the treatmeai of aCatra at Port Chalmetta
It ts merely s statement of tba conditioes
there as they were discovered by Colonel
Tbe War departmect offlriiii u tiui is
baking this inquiry Colonel Crowder is a
peraunai repreaecutlie of the prealdeat
and so he is not accountable ta tbe depart-
wjant. For this reason tbey decline ts
snake sty aiatemest aa to tbe character
of the report, and for hie part Calonei
Crowder declares that it u tor tbe areal
dient alone to Kieka tba report or any part
U pubiic if be destrea. It U aald that
tbearutbent will be laid belere tba aab
Acm al temcirrow'a aeaainq.
iarrlrti ewry K Will Flaiarr
I 4f rtir l Hull r,4 -
V. l-eedee.
LONMiN. . 'V " iff " Morgan will
taiorf to the .. t.",Om.i -"lilioaa
usance to the x . 'Va ""in'oaa
- underground ran. Lon-
(Jon, which w!U rlvnl Cn- erkes
scheme of obtaining posstt slo... all tbe
lntermural transportation. ''
Clirton E. Has kins of tbe Morgan firm
will testify tomorrow before tbe House
of Lords' committee which is now lrTesti
gaticg tbe whole question of the under-,
ground transit of London, in favor of tbe
construction of a new t?stetn and puar
anteeitig tbe Morgans financial support.
Combined with the Morgans are the Fle-ro-ns
Bros and other larp British interests.
The promoters expect they will meet with
but little difficulty in retting tbe penrissloa
of the House of Lords' tomanlttee for the
construction of tbeir line. A detision la
expected to be reaches within a week,
whereupon the Morgans will immediately
btrin the work of financing the concern
and constructing the roads. The Impor
tance of tbe (cbeme consists chiefly in the
amalgamation eCrrted at the end of last
wet-k. tinder the Morgans' auspices, of tbe
various projected tubes, which, when con
structed, will extend forty miles tn a con
tinuous line to the north and to the west
and southsest of the metropolis. These
lines In turn, will connect with ninety
miles of surface roads, the London Veiled
Tramways being also a member of tbe new
t llbelBBtne'e Com.tltlnw Is IsckiBtrl
diet Date ef Crisis.
THE H AGl'E. April II The condition of
Queen Wilhelmina is unchanged. Hr phy
sicians say It is impossible to predlrt the
date of the criele in her Illness. An extra
ordinary cabinet council was called today.
Tbe meeting engendered numerous rumors
regarding tbe recency, but It Is said on
good authority thst this mstter ws not
discussed at tbe council. It was reported
that one of tbe maids of Queen TTilhel
mina's household bas been attacked with
typhoid fever.
The queen mo'ber butwt Into tears when
she was Erst told her daughter had typhoid
fever. Fhe seldom leaves tbe sick chamber.
LONIiON, April IT. In a dispatch from
Castle Los the correspondent of the Daily
Mall declares tbe information vouchsafed
the public Increases tbe gravity of Queen
Wilbelmina's condition and minimizes ber
rbanrea for recovery. Tbe grlef-wtrlcken
nation, which loves tbe queen to tbe point
of Idolatry, is la a state of terrible sus
pense, while tbe politicians are agbast at
the possibility of a fatal termination of her
ladBatrtaJ Paralyeis la Braaeele
(a weed by wtrlkee id It I eta
Cradaally Iaprsves,
FRCSSELS. Arrll Tl. There waa a gen
eral re-sumption of work in this city and
vichniiy today, la th central tiatrsrt Utv
per cent ef tbe workmen have resumed tbelr
tasks. The chartered metal and glass
factories bsve again started work. Tbe
miners of Charleroi will resume operations
tomorrow. No noteworthy incidents have
been reported todsy from any district.
LONKON, April II A dispatch to a news
agency from Brussels says that during tbe
last two nighta, strikers In tbe Liege dis
trict attempted to wreck express tralna. and
that last night a cannister filled with dyna
mite and gunpowder, was found near the
rails, over which tbe Brussels express
passed shortly afterward.
Veaesaelaa Oeveraaaeat latereeata
Wreaaae evggafftBa; tbe Aeeaae
laatloa at Prewtaat Caste.
CARACAS. Venezuela. April I Tbe gov
ernment has intercepted a letter written
by an officer of the Brltieh rrulser Inde
fatigable, belonging to tbe British North
American and West Indian squadron, to aa
English friend. In which. In speaking of
tbe Venezuelan revolution, tbe ocer asked:
"Why does not someone assassinate
President Castro and thus save further
bloodshed ?"
Official papers here have as a result
made bluer attacks on tbe British nary
and oa tba officials of tbe British legation
In Caracaa.
Feraser Dlreetar ( Pasta Gets Oat
f Haraaa Prise a aa
HAVANA. April 21. Former Director of
Posts Esteo G. Rathbone baa been released
on ball.
K4 wa r Helas Iklra Levee.
LONDON. April 21. King Edward held
Ma third levee today at St. James palace, to
which be proceeded for the first time from
Buckingham palace. Tbe public took full
advantage of tbe greater possibilities of
viewing the procession afforded by the
longer route. Tbe levee waa moderately
attended Vnited States Ambassador
Cboate and the other members of the
Vnited States embassy were among tbe
diploma ta present. Otherwise no Americans
were presented ta his majesty.
Csf erssr aesersl let Attacked.
VIENNA. April 21 There is ne truth la
the report published by a news agency tn
the I'nlted States that a atudect tired three
.not Frday night at tbe governor general
of Warsaw, wbe was aaid ta have beea
atanding at a window of bis residence at
the time. It ta alao ua'rue that a news
paper of Prague published a report to this
I btlll tale.
HONG KONG. April 21 A oiepatch re
ceived here from Wu Chow eontradirts
lbe report, current at Canton Saturday, that
Nan King province of Kaaxg Bi. had fallen
Into the hands of the rebels. Naa King is
still safe, though surrounded at a distance
of fifteen milt by rebels. River com muni -cauoa
with Naa Ning remains ope a.
Gerasaay A ere pis Si aeaee' TrsaL
BERLIN. April 21. It at announced that
Eniperor William haa notified the executors
of the will of the late t'ertl Rhodes of
his reentry's acceptance of tbe trust rela
uve te the German scholarships at Oxford.
hssssieea Have Babaake Places.
fTDVIT. K. 6. W., April 21 Bubonic
plague haa appeared among tbs Wallaby
I ar kangaroos) ta the aoolocira.!
amrdena. which ronaaquoaU have
U Lka faUls
Great Damag to ti Grotrirg Crop ii
Fotr reared by Tanners.
Msrrsry at Kaasas ' Itr (s
Talrt-Tw Degrtei la Heeea
Hear. While Daat terss
tlelt t. Jweeae.
KANSAS CTTT. Mo., April II The hot
south winds that swept over the better part
of Kansas yesterdsy prevailed araln today,
and this morning no reports of rain had
been received at tie local weather bureau.
Increased damage to vegetation of all kinds
will doubtless result.
Tbe temperature at Florence and Abi
lene, is central Kanaaa. and Hiawatha, la
tbe Don h ess tern comer of tbe atate. ranged
from W to M degreea above In tbe shade
yesterday, and tbe prospects todsy are for
a repetition of this weather.
The ground generally is reported dry and
bard and badly in need of rain. The mid
summer weather experienced In Kansas
City yesterday, when the thermometer rose
22 degrees tn seven boors, from it to PI.
prevailed today, with perhaps a alightly
cooler wind.
The Weather bureau at 10.30 this morning
reported that the only promise of relief
for the next twenty-four hours In tbe south
west were Indications of scattering showers.
The highest temperature recorded yester
day was 100 at Concordia. Kan. Other read
ings folios:
Kansss Hays, W; Dresden, ti; Port
Scott. PI: Dodre City. fC; Baker, M; Man
hattan. P7; McFhereon. M; Osage City. S3;
Toronto. W; Wichita, SI.
Missouri Kidder, P2; Harrisonville, Pf:
Lexington. PI: Marvsvllle. P4; BrvinFWiek,
P; Fprlngfleld. M; Lamar. 87.
Oklahoma Enid. PO.
PT. JOSEPH. Mo., April n Tbe hot
wave which struck this city yesterday con
tinues, and at 7 o'clock this morning the
thermometer stood at 76 degrees. Two
hours later It had crawled up to S2. with
prospects of reaching a record-breaking
height before night. Intermittent storms of
dust accompanied tbe beat,
CHICAGO, April ri. Chicago is feeling
tbe effects of the hot wave which devel
oped In the west yesterday. Tbe thermome
ter at & o'clock registered 7 degrees. Re
lief, however, for a great portion of the
central west is expected today. Prof. Walsh
of tbe Vnited States Weathe; bureau says
a storm area of considerable magnitude Is
gathering over Missouri, Iowa and Illlnola.
Because of the exoesslve and unseasonable
warmth thunder showers are expected. Par
ticular Interest In the weather ta manifested
for fear that unless rain comes to tbe
relief of the winter wbeat fields troublous
times will ensue on the Board of Trade.
TOFKKA, Kan., April 21. A hot wind
blowing thirty miles an hour from tbe
southwest and changing to tbe south pre
vails over this section of Kansss today,
with a temperature of 74 at 10 o'clock.
Many telegraph and telephone wires are
down. Sunday the wind blew steadily from
tbe southwest at the rata of forty miles an
hour. Tbe maximum temperature was M.
the highest In any April for txteen years,
except tn tPT' "Wlien reatbed FT Tb
oil la dry and wheat la being badly In
Bllssar4 la Kerala, Wyssjlag, Usks
aaa. smsBi tsisisss,
1 tab sb! Meat aaa.
SALT LAKE, Ttab. April 21. Nevada.
Wyoming. Idaho, southern Montana and
; parts of I'tab and Colorado are experienc
ing a anow storm that at some points baa
taken on the proportions of a blizzard.
Snow began falling last night and at ill
prevails to a greater or lesser extent over
almost the entire lnter-mountaln region.
At Lima, Mont., aix inches of snow bsve
fallen. High winds and low temperatures
are reported from many polana.
Reseated aa Iaealt t a H aass ssi
Gets Kwlfe Threat la
Ret era.
WTNFTELD, Kan., April 21 (Special
Telegram.) H. B. Raley, a traveling repre
aentatlve of the Hand Sewed Shoe company
of Omaha, was stabbed In the aide by Bert
Oaks on tbe Brettun bouse steps Sunday
night. The stab waa made with aa ordinary
penknife. The blade penetrated tbe left
side, entering tbe abdomen and breaking
eff Early this morning the Injured man
was taken to a hospital, where an opera
tion waa performed. Thia evening his phy
sicians fear it is a fatal stab
Early in tbe evening Mr. Raley and four
other men. comprising tbe Wesleyan quar
tet of Rochester, were atanding oa the hotel
steps talking to two young women. Bert
Oaks pushed his wsy into tbe crowd, ebov
lng Raley and others aside, and spoke
rudely to one of tbe women. Raley knocked
hlo down. Oaks got up and left, but in a
few momenta returned, accompanied by
several of bis friends, and stuck a knife
lnte Raley's left aide. Oaka ran and haa
not been raptured. Raley'a friends re
moved him to tbe Wlnfield hospital.
! Kaasas nye Vetera a Fire Chief Ea
st era.
KANSAS CITT. April 21 George C.
Hale, chief of the fire department in this
city, was removed from office by the city
council tonight upon the recommendation
of Mayor James A Reed. Edward Tnckett.
first assistant chief, was choaen aa Hale'a
Chief Hale has beea at the bead of the
fire department here aincc IS 71. He la the
inventor of fire apparatus la general use
ead In IWXi took a fire company to Europe
for exhibition.
The new chief ha been a fireman here
for twenty-three years.
wellies by Chlaa aad tailed lisle.
arssi M eta 1 is lHl
ersrsed Price.
LONDON. April 21 Financial experts ia
London explain that the tall in tbe price
of silver ts the lowest point oa record todsy
waa caused by the tact that China, lnstaal
of buying tn silver, as usual, at thia time
of the year. U selling, la order to pay the
war indemnity In gold.
It ia generally believed that the fall tn
the price of silver would not have occurred
had London supported ths market This,
coupled with tbs tact that ths Vnited
States ia selling, caused the dec Use. which
It new believed ta Lavs reached ihs cui&l
asaJB Aries.
Metkwa. ar n ItarM, eer f alls la
Extract Deal red Islsrmallss
freaa Ftlkwlawa.
Washington. April n The senate
committee on tbe Philippines todsy resumed
the examination of witnesses tn connection
with tbe lnrestigstion of affairs tn tbe Phil
ippine islands. Grover Flint of Cambridge,
Mass., who served aa first lieutenant in tbe
Thirty-ef'.h Volunteer Infantry, testified
that early in May, 1W. he had been a wit
ness to the water cure, as administered to
the natives by the Macabebe scouts and
that this was done ta tet information as
to tbe w bores bouts of their runs. Tbe
guns were delivered. Tbe following day
some men of his own regiment applied tbe
cure, but tbeir art was e Knout authority
of their commanding offieara.
Tbe Macabebea at the time referred to
were not under command af a commissioned
officer, tot under a eergeant of the lulled
Slates army. Flint had been, be said, a
witness to at least twenty cases of water
cure. He never bad seen anyone die as a
result of tbe cure, but bad seen a hospital
corps man working on native who had
been rendered unconscious. It also bad
been reported to him that one Filipino
died from tbe effect of tbe water cure.
The witness then described tbe method of
administering the water cure and aaid that
in aome caaes where it had been given to
old men he had area their teeth fall out,
Mr. Flint, in response ts a question by
Senator Deltrirh, aaid be was present upon
these occasions "to draw, tbe line on ex
cesses. " He did not recommend to his
mijor that the practice cease nor did be
give any orders ta his met to atop the tor
ture. Answering a question by Senator Burrows,
the witness declared that 'the eflect of tbe
cure waa immediate, the victim Invariably
turning In his gun or a nolo and giving in
formation as to the whereabouts of others.
He aaid it was impossible ro Judge whether
tbe victims were insurgent soldiers or peas
snti. but tbey appeared to be peaceable
Barrios or vlllagera. Some of them were
thrown dow-n by force; others, who were
timid, would submit readily, while those
who resisted were simple held the more
tightly. Tbe tresunent be aaid. never got
to the point of great brntklity.
Replying to a question by Senator Lodge,
tbe witness said that be had been refused
a rommiasion in tbe regular army, because
his colonel bad reported him aa -using in
toxicating liquors to exceaa. The witness
deplored the raising of this question, but
Senator Beveridge aaid It had aa impor
tant bearing on the caae. Flint denied that
on any of the occasions when be had wit
nessed tbe water euro was be under tbe In
fluence of liquor.
After considerable questioning be finally
admitted that be approved of tho water
rure, and, responding to a query by Senator
Beveridge. aaid that It was not an Ameri
can Invention, but aa old aa tbe "Chronicles
of Newgate." Asked regarding Filipinos In
guard houses, he said tbew were treated
exactly the aame aa American prisoners
except that tbey were supplied with food
which they were accustomed to and not with
tbe army ration.
Tbe witness described tbe burning of
email vllagei. tbe Idea beta I. he said, ta
drive tba people to the v ends or ta the
and eaanaafraea tbtd
Teller Asks Senate to Psaa Ressls
tloa Cesseasisg Trial Wltb
at a Jary.
WASHINGTON. April 21 Senator Teller
today introduced a resolution declaring It
to be tbe scene of tbe senate that the sedi
tion lawa in force in tbe Philippines sbouid
be repealed. Tbe resolution is preceded
by a preamble reciting the arresta of tbe
editors of tbe newspspers. Freedom and
Volcano, published In the archipelago, aad
asserting thst tbey are to be tried under
these laws by Judges who owe their ap
pointment and tenure of office to tbe gov
ernment commission, for tbe criticism of
which tbe men are to be tried.
Tbe last paragraph of the preamble and
the resolution are as follows:
Whereas. By the enactment of such 4s ws
and the denial of trial by Jury to those
accused under them, and the administration
of such laws by Judges app ilnted by the
officials against whom the offenses are al
leged to have been committed and who
have reserved to tbemstlve the right to
remove said Judges at pleasure, every
vesllge of civil liberty is destroyed. Jer
aoual liberty and property are without the
security of law and the Piltplno people are
being taught to hate the I'nlted States
even as much aa they baled Spain: there
fore, be It
Kesolved. That It is tbe sense of the
senate of the I'nlted Siates that the said
sedition laws and all of them ebon Id tie
immediately repaled and procut!ons
unoer them 1mmed.ate!y ceased, and that
no jiereon shall hereafter be punished by
death, imprisonment or fine in tbe prov
ince of the I'hl!ttuiiee in armed resistance
to the I'nttiid State, unices the accused I
has been tried by a jury oi Ills peers ana
lawfully pronounced guiltv; and. further,
that thereaftej in the courts of said archi
pelago, when the offense rharg-d consists
of words written or spoken against any
clttsen or officia.1 of the department of said
government the truth of said words spoken
or written msy be given in evidence and
shall constitute a full and perfect defense.
rvrsviss Csrrraaral te Orsjaatse
Exs-esltlea ef Marklacrw De.
sigsed far tkat rsrssse.
WASHINGTON. April 21 Information
has reached tba Peruvian legation in this
city that a general exposition of the meth
ods, apparatus and machinery for ths appli
cation of alcohol to tbe production of mo
tive power, heat and l'.gbt, will be held at
1 .imi during the month of September. lPfJ.
Peru ia one of the chief alcohol-producing
countries of the wsrld. and tbe object of
tbs exposition at ts give alcohol producers i
an Insight into the capabilities of alcohol
in the industrial field. I: la also believed
that by encouraging tbe use of alcohol for
Industrial purposes Us consumption as a
beverage can be very considerably relieved.
Gold and copper medals and honorable
mention will be bestowed upon successful
exhibitors In the order of merit- The
government has appointed a commission
consisting of Mr. Jos Balta. director of
public works; Mr. Edward Habich, director
of the school of mines, and Mr. Alejandro
Garland to tormula'e tbe program for tbe
exposition, collect the neceasary data and
communicate with manufacturers, inventors
and Institutions with tbe view of obtain
ing their support and assUiancs through
the sending of exhibits.
Cars lied (s la haa Praaetaea.
SAN FRANCISCO April 21 -The tie-up
of the etreet rax stent operated by the
l ulled 1-a.nroaas company ut fcnn FtsD.
rtere is complete, liol a pasaet.ger car on
thai kvstem moving toda. Mail cars on
this line are running without ltiierruptiou.
and the liuee of two inoependert companies
are bring operated Th strikers are or
eeriy aud assert tbetr aOiutT u botd out
inaeAiii'ety A conference between rail
way om.-iais. tbs mayor snd a rommiriee
ef strikers wrtll be held toaev. and Mayor
ecbauat expresses tbe belief Uial ,T striAa
Prrposn to Ebate Duties os Goods Im
ported to United States,
late (kilrnn Ltaaaay aaa tstlssal
t esBBsltteesBaa Irkselaer Is aik
lartaa ta Talk. Politics
erltk reaaterw.
iFrrvm a Staff Corref pendent
WASHINGTON. April JL (Special Tele
gram j Senator Dietrlih introduced a bill
today which may solve tbe complicated Cu
ban situation and relieve the present stress
ful conditions regarding reciprocity between
tbe Vnited States and Cuba. Tbe bill au
thorizes the president on behalf of tbe
Vnited States, to enter Into a reciprocal
agreement s i'.h lbe permanent government
of Cuba, respecting trade between the
Vnited States and that country. The bill
provides thai when the permanent govern
ment of Cuba It established that the presi
dent shall make a trade arrangement be
ts een the islands and tbe Vnited States for
a period of five years and during that time
to pay Cuba for its use and benefit a sum
of money to be ascertained and paid as
folios S 1
Al end of each quarter of tbe fiscal year
ending June 30. 1P03. a sum of money
equal to 40 per rent of tbe amount of im
port duties collected during each quarter of
tbe year on articles of tbe growth and
product of tbe island of Cuba coming di
rectly from the island into the Vnited Stales
in American or Cuban bottoms; for tbe
fiscal year ending June 30, 1!04. during each
quarter. 30 per cent Is to be paid; for the
fiscal year ending June 30. IPOf. 25 per cent;
for tbe fiscal year ending June 30, 1P0.. I'd
per cent, and after the fiscal year ending
June 30. 1P07. 16 per cent. The amount
thus collected is to be devoted under the
terms of the bill to tbe construction of a
permanent harbor, a system of aanitstlon
and other public Improvements and a sys
tem of public schools.
As a set off for this rebate which Senator
Dietrich proposes to give Cuba for five
years, that country is to remit on all Im
ports from the Vnited Slates, subject to
payment at tbe end of each quarter of tbe
fiscal year ending June 30. 1P0S, 75 per cent
of tbe Import duties and otber charges im
posed upon like articles imported Into Cuba
from any country otber than tbe Vnited
Slates, for tbe fiscal year ending June 30.
104. HO per cent is to be absorbed; for tbe
fiscal year ending Juae 80. IPOS, 85 per
cent; for tbe fiscal year ending June SO,
IPOS. 90 per cent and the same la 1P07.
Prwlt ef Ceasaltatiea.
Senator Dietrich. In speaking of this bi 1.
aaid: "Ever sines the Cuban question
came up I have urged that something
should be done In the way of reciprocal
trade relations with the sew government.
After a rrrat deal of dlecusoion among
senators, to whom I submitted tbe outlines
ef what I believe would bo fair solution
of tbe present dlffioaltlea. the bill I ratrs
duoed today ia the result. This bill turns
back Into the Cuban treasury 40 per cent
at. the- iaxport-dlHUas . seTWeted daring ths
first year nf tba rertprwjlty treaty with
Cuba. SO per cent daring ttsi second. 25 per
rent during the third. 20 per cent tn the
fourth and 15 per oent In the fifth year.
And this refund ta. bv the terms of the
bill, to be spent In permanent improvement
in the islands, so that should the time ever
come when Cuba Joins the union of slates
these improvements would be beneficial to
all tbe people, the Cuban people In tbe
meantime having enjoyed the beneficial re
sults of good harbors, good aanitatlon.
good roads and good schools.
"Vnder the terms of my bill the whole
Cuban people would be benefited by thia
rebate and not the sugar trust or specu
lators In sugar. On tbe otber hand. If
Cuba would give us trade concessions nf.
first. 25 per cent reduction on Imports from
tbe Vnited Stales It would be the means
of stimulating enterprises and manufac
turers would be induced to make Cuba one
of the first markets In me country. Tbe
bill not only furnishes monry for the gov
ernment of Cuba, but will tend to build
up Its enterprises, and I believe Is a happy
outcome of tbe present conditions."
Papers in the case of the Schuyler Na
tional bank and other against George
Thrush and others, remanded from tbe
supreme rourt of Nebraska, have been re
ceived by the clerk of ths supreme court
of tbe United States preparatory to being
filed and tbe caae commenced.
Uastsey aad behaelder la Capital.
Chairman H. C. Llndsey of the repub
lican atate committee of Nebraska is in
Washington, having been summoned here
by Senator Dietrich, presumably for the
purpose ef talking over some prospective
postofflce changes and also to go over tbe
situation concerning the Judicial division
bill which languishes in the house commit
tee of Judiciary. It Is understood that Mr.
Llndsey Is slated for the position of Vnited
Slates attorney tn the event of the bill
beoatnlng a law.
National Committeeman R. B. Schneider
la also in Washingroa, it ia believed for
the purpose of talking over the political
situation In Nebraska with Senators Die
trich and MUlard. Mr. Schneider aaid his
presence here was wholly without sig
nificance. Peatal Matters.
Senator Dietrich made the following
recommendations for postmasters today:
Sutton. Clay county, J. H. Tower, reap
pointment; Thayer, Turk county, J. A.
Eikles. reappointment.
Tbe following substations of the Dee
Moines da ) postoffir have been or
dered established July 1: No. I at Sixth
and School streets, Ne. 4 at Ninth and
Center streets. No. i at tls Eaat 6cott.
Easton Place staiion at Easton boulevard
and Searle street.
William H Schriver was today appointed
substitute carrier ia tbe Mount Pleasant
(la ) poet office.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska. J. E.
Etingley, Elyria. Vaiiey county, vice J. W.
Carkaagi. resigned, losa, C. F. Thayer,
Avery. Monroe county: Lee Cenfield. Ben
son. Blackhawk county; J. D. Comstork.
High Pom- Iiecatur county.
William Stax.bc of Syracuse and William
L. Kirkpatriek of Tork. Neb., were today
admitted is practice before tbe Interior
The Interstate National bank of Kansas
City. Ksa.. was today approved as reserve
agent for the First National of Mount
pleasunt, Ia
Thebe rural free delivery routes have
been ordered established: Iowa on Jul) 1
next, Grinoeil. Poweshiek county, four ad
dition! routes, with A. C. Noma. E. G.
Porta. J. N Houghton and G. W. Peace
carriers. Tbs routes embrace aa area ef
122 square miles containing a population of
t.lss The postofflce at Chester Center will
bs supplied by rural carrier. Kslloca.
jCcAUBItfid M fteC0B4 I 2
cast for Nebraska ethew-ere Tuesday,
ib Cooier in southern Portion.
sersnre at Oasaba leeterawyi
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ft a. m
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tartleatea kettle Bitter Hatred ta
ratal Ptreet Flabl with
V1NETA. I. T.. April II In a fight be
tween cattlemen west cf Collinsville. in
j tbe Cherokee nation. William Phillips was
instantly killed, and William Mayfield. Jess
Skidmore and L.ce Johnson were mortally
wounded AH are prominent cattlemen, who
owned pastures Dear Oolagah. not far from
Collinsville. The fight was tbe result of sn
old fued bet een Skidmore snd Msyfield.
which bad Its origin in a court contest over
some grazing land.
All four men were In Collinsville. duntg
the day heavily armed aDd apparently ex
pertitg trouble Late In tbe sfternocn
Skidmore an3 Johnson left for Oolagah. and
a few miles eest rot Havfteld snd Phillip,
awaitit.g tbem by tbe roadside Without any
preliminary words. Mayfield leveled his
shotgun and fired at Skidmore. who received
lbe load in the ricbt fcreest. As tbe
wounded man reeled from his saddle, be
turned his gun on Phl'.lips, who frixi also
raised his g'.in to fire at him. and rfcot fc!m
through the heart. As Skidmore fell from
bis borse, Msyfjeid turned his gun on John
son and both men fired simultaneously.
Vsyflelfl was vourded in the sbouldrr and
Johnson In the fide.
Thoujth desperately wounded the men
fired again and acxin each man t rhot took
effect. Friends who bad feared trouble end
who had followed Skidmore and Johnson
from Colltnrvilie. arrived at this point and
prevented tbe wounded men from CniKhlng
tbelr fight. Though fatally wounded they
were attempting to reload tbelr guns
Tbe wounded men and the body of Phil
lips were taken into CoiUnrvilJe. Skid
more's wounds were pronounced faial and
little hope is given for lbe recovery of the
others. The presence in Collinsville of a
large number of armed men. friends of
both sides, has led the authorities to take
precautions to prevent a possible clash be
tween tbem.
Okjeet eaatkt la I ailed Verde Capper
CesBpaay's Deal as Glvea by
senator Clark..
NEW TOF.K. April 21 Senator William
A. Clark of Montana was cross-examined
today In the suit of George A. Tread well
against tbe Vnited Verde Copper company.
Senator Clark and others to secure the ap
pointment of a receiver for the company
aad to compel an accounting. Tread well
claims to own C20 shares of the stock of
the raited Verde Copper company, which,
be ssyw. are worth tls6.00T and be alleges
that be was damaged by tbe sale of the
concern to a company of the aame name
organised In West Virginia. Senator Clark
said that when be acquired tbe property
he found it In very bad condition and b
had to put a great deal of capital into the
mines to make tbem profitable.
Senstor Clark, in answer to a question
concerning tbe contract between the Vnited
Verde and Lewisohn Bros., said that If
the Vetted Verde Copper company bad in
1KP6 gone Into tbe market and sold the
product of its mines direct to tbe trade,
a panic might have resulted Vnder the
contract Lewisohn Bros, took the entire
output of the Vnited Verde. It was better
business for a rompary like his to sell
Its output In bulk rsther than to go into
the market and retail tt. Tbe idea was to
do away with competition as much as pos
Geaeral Belief la Orleat la that Caar
Hill May la Maa
rharla. SAN FRANCISCO. Arrll 21 Ths Aaao
elated Press correspondent at Teklo, under
date of April 5, aays:
"Tbe Impending signature of tbe new
Msachurlan treaty waa looked upon with
some dnubt by Jtpacesr officials, who. how
ever, regard the terms aa the best procurable
under the circumstances, and tbe consum
mation of the vexed question. If obtained.
Is due to the effects ef tbe Anglo-Japanese
alliance. Tbe common belief, however, tt
that Russia will find some new pretext for
remaining in Manchuria on tbe termination
of tbe eighteen months agreed oa and that
ahe will never really withdraw from the
province, whence ahe menaces tbe peace of
the far east. The Japaneae press pro
fesses to believe the northern power is
acting In good faith."
Operators ef luteals, lews aad Mia
eearl Ce-Operate te Preasie Basl
aesa aad Pis Prices.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 21 TwentT-five
leading laundrymen from Missouri. Iowa
and Illinois met la Cklllicotbe today and
organized a tri-stste association called the
Mlssouri-Iow-a-Ilitnois Laundrymen's as
sociation. Tbe organization was perfected this even
ing, with tbe following officers: C. F.
Simmons. Peoria, 111., president; O. H.
Beach. Ottumwa. la. first vice president.
John Cunningham. Marshall. Mo., second
vice president: W. E. Fltcb of La SaJie.
111., secretary-treasurer.
Tbe association was formed to learn bet
ter methods and for ro-operstion in prices.
Meetings will be held annually, tbe next
one at Qulncy. 111.
Prefeeeer la Kaasas Plate uraaal
hrkeel ta berleasly atshkrd
EMPOF.1A. Kan.. April 21 Prof Ctxrles
. Huey. asainact In tbe department of
phyalcal trainlr.g of Kansas State Normal
school, was slabbed la the right breast and
had the upper portion of his Jasbone
crushed today by youtg negro n.frt
Both sounds are serious Huey had driven
the negroes from Lbs feaoe of tbe park
where a base bll game waa In progress
The negree commenced throwing ete&ca
over the fence Into the crowd Tb pro
feeeor went sotside ts stop tbeir disorderly
eeedsot sad was attacked, asm Harrison.
(he are ht 4U4 Ut SlahUx. waa ar
ras led, -
5 Erdcutwa of Steamer" Tiotiira AiVr
Two Part Seajohhgk
Half f Original K umbei, Out Esndnd and
Torty-f re, I tin kiiirp.
Work of Ecacnw Greatly aicpred by tht
IinesKTs Eit of EaU
Deflalte Kaewlrsge ef Fire'e Oris la
III Urklsg, bet taaeeredlted
Passer srs It Was ef la
reaaisrr Character.
CAIRO. III.. April II After sexrttm;
two dsys tbe death list ef tb burntii
i steamer City of Pittsburg has not been re-
dured any from tb first reporta. Of tbe
145 persons who were on the boat when tt
j burned yesterday morning, about half are
j still miesing and tonight no further bop
; for them is xpTwesed..
The books and valuables of the boat,
crew and passet.gtrt are still tn th ruins.
Tbe wreck is above water and sull smol
dering tonight. Owing to the bested condi
tion of tbe bull search for those cremated
j in tt bss not been begun and very few of
j tb bodies of thoee drowned have been re
covered, owing to th swift current.
At tbe coroner s inquest today over tbe
body of Cr:ain Sylvester Dos and Miss
Msrla Tissln. a verdict was rendered that
the former came to deth from exhaustion
and the latter from inhaling smoke, and
nothing was developed as to tbe origin,
cause or responsibility for the disaster.
1 aable la lve the Oris I a.
Captain Phillips testified that he could
not account for tbe origin of tbe fire unless
an electric w ire bad started It. He stated
that so far as he knew there were fifty-six
lives lost. The coroner wss advlaed of
other bodies being recovered at distances
from this city, but none of tbem bss beea
Senssilonal reports have been circulated
about an alleged quarrel between tbe of
ficers of tbe steamer and tbe rousts bouts
and thai tbe fire may have been of Incen
diary origin, but ne credence Is given to
these reports. Many stories have been told
today by survivors of their thrill leg ex
periences tn escaping and some of tbem are
of a most startling character. The vic
tims were from points along the Ohio val
ley and they have left a trail of bereave
ment from Pittsburg to the Mississippi
Beras te Mater's Estate.
The steamer City of Pittsburg burned te
the water'a edge about 4 o'clock yester
day morning seventeen miles down the
river. C M. Ellis of thw Telegram and
Fred XVmnfU . af this plate, who were tba
first on the scene from Cairo yesterday .
I and sent to Mayor Wright for aifl. have
been investlgating'the disaster ever since
1 yesterday and report as folic s:
I City of Pittsburg, with a crew of aeventy
' and paasengrr list which included aixty
j six men. wrmen and children, waa on lta
way from Cincinnati to Memphia. At 4:0
I a m.. at a point three miles above Turner's
! Landing, fire waa discovered in the forward
I hatches. This was apparently eeen about
i the same instant by tbe engineer on watih
and the first mate, Arthur Shrtver. The
j former directed a deck hand to open a
valve which would turn tbe water for the
i purpose of flooding the bold, when be ex-
claimed that tbe valve was red hot. Indi
cating that its ronnenion below waa In
contact with the flames.
Mate Fhriver was Juat going oa watch
accompanied by his wife, who had gotten
up early to keep bun company. Seeing tbe
flames and realizing tbe gravity of the sit
uation be rushed to the roof and ahoutrd
to Pilot Harry' Doss that the boat waa on
fire and to run to a tor will all speed. He
then hurried back to the cabin and aided
in arousing tbe sleeping passengers.
Ptlet tayw at Pest.
Tbe big bell was rung four times and
then with one --ntjiuoua clamor spread
the news. Pilot Doss remained bravely at
his post until the bow of tbe boat at ruck
tbe bank. Then he rang the belli for the
engines to stop. The "Texas" beneath him
was blazing and he wax enveloaed In amoke.
He leaped from tbe pilot bouae te tb
"Texas." thence to the root, made hla way
to tbe wheel bouse, leaped ta the liver and
swam ashore. Wesley Dosa. hla aged
father, and an old-time pilot, whs was
making the trip for pleasure, had been la
tbe pilot bous with him. but left a few
minutes before Harry did, " 1 g his way
to tbe after guards, where bs sprang lute
the river snd despite his 47 years awaa
asborr in safety, but died a few minutes
later from exhaustion and excitement. Hla
body was brought to Cairo.
The name spread with such rapidity that
passengers had as time ts dress, but they
rushed to the guards, and w'hlls soaay
j sprang overboard ts take tbelr chaaeaa be
ts een death by drowning, or death by burn
ing, others were aasisied into a yawl by
Mate Shnver and Sailor Ed 8. Holly. The
latter had climbed one of the supports that
kept tbe yawl suspended, rut th ropes and
let the craft la'o the water, where women
and children were placed, until it was full
and hurr.edly takea at bore, fourteen per
sona al a time.
Mea Blak Tkelr Usee.
Several trips ?tre made at tbe Immedi
ate risk of their lives, until it was too late
to aid further In tbe rescue from the boats
direct. ben the men set themselves ts the
work of aavtcg those who were afloat ta
tbe river. A timber were rescued mil
or tvo below tb wreck.
Dr. W. T. Dsugherty, with his wifs and
baby was enroute from Marlon, Ky.. to
Charleston, Mo. Hs placed a life preserver
around his wife, snot ber oa himself and.
taking ha baby le his arms, lowered him
self to the water by a rope. Then bs aeid
ca until h.s wi.'e folio sd and. with their
baby ti.i.g.Lg with her arms about his keck,
ttey tierted for ahore, but the swift cur
rent carried tbem down nearly two mJe
bfor they were rescued by people oa tk
bank Tbe L!ld had In the EVAStim be
come exhausted with csld ant waa uncoa
i luii Kir grasp rented, but her father
graces ber Llgndrets la teeth a.;4
held her head out of the water. Vscn tbey
were rescued be too. wa nearly
but whea ii 'Ldi whs rostrated he was
ei4 LAat ef rt'-af f a.
The follow jig la a new a4 rsvaasd Lat
U the nasaes af ths auteelrg passes gars
acrt eUiOBXa the g.a.ttaf U'.yI mi