Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Hard to Secure Machinery in Which Steel
Formi Largs Part.
Wmr Jobbers' DmlofM 4 nrtslled
' RmiII of Prrtrat Lars !)
mand for Prodnct of
Alt has not been as bright as an un
clouded day with the Omaha wholesale Ira
plement dealer this spring, although the
business secured 1y the traveling repre-
entatires baa been larger than any pre
vious year. The trouble with the local
bours has not been to secure orders, but
to find the goods with which to fill the
demands of the retail dealers In the ter
ritory. Existing conditions are really seri
ous, and managers of houses who find a
demand for farming Implements la excess
of any which has been seen since the first
house was opened west of the Missouri
river,-, have figuratively 'torn their hair
when they discovered that much of that
demand will have to go unsupplled because
of the Impossibility of securing the goods
desired. ..
Spring trade of the western Jobbers con
sists principally of plows, harrows and cul
tivators, machinery In which steel and
Iron forms the major part. Steel mills
which supplv this demand, ever since the
strike of last year, have been from three
months to six months behind with their
orders, and while many of the implement
factories have standing order with the
mills, the demand for plowa and kindred
tools has been so large that the regular
supply la not sufficient to fill the orders
received from the Jobbers. Managers of
steel rull la are the most Independent of
men at this time and when they have filled
their standing orders, turn their attention
to the supply of the transient orders, on
which, often, a premium Is paid, and regu
lar customers are forced to be pleased if
they can secure the full amount specified
In the contract without wasting time try
ing to obtain extra quantities.
Implement Factories Handicapped.
Such condition has resulted In the Im
plement factories running at normal rate
of output, when the demand for goods Is
in excess of the usual quantities. In con
sequence Jobbers have found themselves un
able to fill orders, and the volume of busi
ness has been reduced to a point where It
xceeda by little If any the volume of last
year, which, however, was heavier than
any previous year.
When the condition first developed In
February, at the time the filling of advance
orders began, the dealers followed the
usual practice of filling part of each or
der received, and placing on the "back
orders" the remainder of the Implements
called for. As the trade opened up It was
found that It would be utterly Impossible
to fill these back orders, and the majority
of tbem were cancelled. Retail dealers
were forced Into other markets, where they
found the same condition to exist, and It
la said that in the states of Iowa snd Ne
braska, a thousand farmers are compelled
to use worn out machinery because It Is
impossible to secure new ones.
Fortunately the spring trade Is not the
heaviest of the year, the value of the plows,
harrows and cultivators being much less
than the value of the machinery sold later
in ths season, which consists of reapers,
mowers, threshing machines and similar Im
plements used In the harvest. Local Job-
VlIIPB MM k,l th, -kvnansn I
this class of Implements is much better
than the prospect In the planting machinery
line, and that as a result they expect to
have a better trade this year than that of
1901, which late In the season fell off on
account of the drouth.
Loss of Last Year I'nknown.
Probably no accurate estimate will ever
be made of the loss to the Implement deal
ers caused by the dry weather of last year.
One house alone reported In September the
cancellation of orders for vehicles aggre
gating (50.000, and other houses reported
lasses In business In proportion. The en
forced reduction of business last fall, found
its corresponding Inflation this spring when,
after reduction In the size of the crop had
been somewhat compensated for In ths
higher prices of grain and live stock, which
has prevailed slnoa that time, the farmers
were In a posltioa to warrant the purchase
of supplies which, they had decided not to
buy In the fall. Much of the advantage
which would havo normally been secured
by increaaad demand has been lost by rea
son of ths impossibility of securing ma
chinery, and it begins to look. In the lan
guage of the manager of one of the whole
sale houses, "aa though the condition of the
iron and ateel market was going to confirm
the loss temporarily caused by the dry
weather of last year."
Pays PrlaHnsr osnpeay Will Have
Sewly Aeaalred Property Re.
paired a Oare.
Klopp Hartlett, lithographers and print
ers, at 1114-19 Farnatn street, have pur
chased from Edgar M. Morsman, acting for
the New Hampshire Insurance company,
the old Republican building at Tenth and
Douglas streets and the lot adjoining on
the south. The building la a three-story
brick with a basement and Is 83x1.12 feet.
The lot Is 66x132 feet. The company In
tends to begin repairing the building at
once and expects to have It ready for oc
cupancy In sixty days, the repairs to cost
about I2.0f0.
Just what will be done with the adjoin
ing lot has not been derided, though It Is
likely a building will be erected upon It
and leased, as the old building st present Is
sufficiently large for the needs of the com
"We expect to move to our new quarters
as soon as possible," said A. T. Klopp,
"as we are entirely too crowded where we
are. We have been on the lookout for a
new location for ths last two years and
are well satisfied with our purchase. At
present we have not decided what to do
with the adjoining lot. We have thought
of taking off a story of the Republican
building and extending a two-atory building
over the two lots, though It Is more prob
able that we will put up a building and
rent It. C. H. Klopp la In Chicago on busi
ness and while there will examine some
new machinery which we are thinking of
purchasing. We will, however, buy noth
ing until after the building Is ready for
occupancy. We practically closed the deal
for the property last Tuesday, but do not
expect to get the deed returned from the
company until Monday or Tuesday. If ths
title is all right we will take Immediate
Western Lrssse Headquarters Will
Be Taken from Kansas
A dispatch from Kansas City says that
Western league headquarters will be re
moved to Rock Island, and Mr. Sexton, the
new president. Is preparing to move the
league's office furniture, papers and other
fixtures to that city. He says: "I will now
devote ray entire time to base ball. Be
tween the presidency of the Western and
the "Three I" leagues I think I have
enough to do. I am confident of success for
the Western, because it Is representative
organized base ball." '
PItTKCE Sol. aired 49 years. April. 18, 13,
at his home. Twenty-second and Purt.
Funeral will take place at 1 p. m. Monday,
prtl HI. Interment. Pleasant Hill oeme-
tury. Friends invited.
a ,..
An Evidence
of Quality
Tbs Drlnkinr sf
dispels all doubt as to
its merit. A pronouns
d individuality with
f fyfyX tTerT food quality.
j. i vJ Th r,rr of thl"
i.''l",r ii conclusive
I proof of Its merit.
(Non-Intoxicant) Ton la Druggists
or direct.
&ia D(lM . Vat. lOsll.
ATso quauticA
Toarlst tar Svrvice to Dearer.
On April 15 the Union Pacific nlacert In
service between Council Bluffs, Omaha an1
Denver a through ordinary (tourist) car,
"The Colorado Special." Both flrat and second-class
tickets will be honored on these
cars, and passengers wishing to economize
In their traveling expenses may avail them
selves of this excellent service. The rste
for a double berth between above points Is
11.50. The csrs are Just ss neat snd clean
as Palace Sleeping cars, are well ventilated,
have separate lavatories for ladles and gen
tlemen, and all the cars being carpeted aud
This train
Leaves Council Bluffs 11:05 p. m. today.
Leaves Omaha 11:30 p. m. today.
Arrives Denver 2 p. m. tomorrow.
For further information, reservations,
etc., call on or address City Ticket Office,
1324 Fernam street. 'Phone 818. Union
Ststlon, 10th and Marcy. ..'Phone 629.
Rathbone flays All He Wants is a Fair
Trial Before Inlnflnenoed
HAVANA, April 20. Estes O. Rathbone
was brought before the supreme court this
afternoon on a writ of habeaa corpus. His
counsel bald the Audlencla court had ac
cepted the bond offered by a fidelity com
pany for Rathhone's appearance, but had
Imposed ths unusual condition that ths bond
be made a public deed, drawn before a
notary, causing unnecessary delay and ex
pense. Senor Nuno, a notary testified that It
would require a week to get the deed
through and to arrange the amount of the
state tax upon it. The court remained In
aesslon until 10:30 tonight, adjourning at
that time until tomorrow.
Rathbone says he will resist a movement
for his pardon either on the part of the
United States or the Cuban government.
He says all he wants Is that the supreme
court shell grant his sppeal for a new
trial, and that that trial bo held before an
uninfluenced court.
Dumping of Oity Garbage Becomes Too
Invest In Beet Sagar Business in
Michigan Beranse It is
DETROIT. Mich.. April 20. A special to
the Free Press from Bay City says:
N'egotlstlons which have been pending for
several dayb between the stockholders of
ths Bay City Sugar company and represen
tatives of the Hsvemyer sugar combine
were consummated this afternoon when O. C.
Scranton of Detroit turned over to the
stockholders a certified check in exchange
for one-half of the stock of the company.
The Havemyera paid par for the stork and
asked to have one director on the board,
who will be selected at the annual meeting
to be held April 29. This director will be
Charles Warren of Detroit, who la also a
director in the other Michigan sugar fac
tories at Caro. Croawell and Alma, in which
the Havemyera have obtained an Interest.
According to tbs best information at hand
the Havemyera have entered the Michigan
beet sugar business In good faith, because
the factories have proven to be paying ventures.
Death Mask and Eyebrows ef Famous
French Warrior Amona;
the Collection.
NEW YORK, April SO. Several remark
able reltca of Napoleon Boaaparte were re
moved from boxes In the public stores today
and inapected by groups of Interested em
ployes of the appraiser's depsrtment. the
Herald will say tomorrow. Keating in a
velvet lined mahogony bos was ths death
mask of the great French emperor, taken
by Dr. Francis Antommarchl, who attended
him at the time of hla death on the ialand
of St. Helena. Two hairs front ths imperial
eyebrow atlll cling to the plsster and may
easily bs discerned through a magnifying
By ths slds of tbs original plaster was a
bronsa mask, with ths name sf the physi
cian stamped on one side. la addition to
the two masks, ths collection Includes a
ease of silverware presented by Marshal
Bertrand to , Dr. Antommarchl. In this
thsre Is a teapot which Napoleon used at
St. Helena.
Publish your legal notices ia The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 23S. '
fittllmaa A Price, att'ys, law, collections.
A. P. Lillls. notary. IS U. S. Nat. TsL 17.
Shampooing and halrdreaslng, 25c, at ths
Bathsry, lll-IiO, BuikUof. TsL tat
Writes (hat He Will Close Road
Throaah His Property If Old
Agreement Is Sot Betfer
The garbage question was brought forci
bly to the sttentlon of the city authorities
yesterday by a letter from Herman
Kountze, who owns a greater portion of
the land fronting on the river from Gibson
to a point near Q street.
Mr. Kountze writes to Mayor Koutsky:
"About a )ear ago I made arrangements
with the city of South Omaha by which I
permitted It to locate a road across some
of the land controlled by me between the
railroad tracks and the river. This road
was opened only on the condition that
the city erect a suitable fence. A condi
tion was made that no garbage or dead
animals be dumped on the river front, but
that all such matter should be carried to
the stresm and dumped Into It. I am
Informed that the city Is paying no atten
tion to the agreement, and If not carried
out I will enforce it by fencing that part
of the territory over which no road to the
city was granted. This will shut the city
off from access to the river."
Mr. Kountze asks the mayor to advise
him what will be dono In the matter. A
city official who Is conversant with affairs
says that it Is true that the dumping of
garbage has been going on and that it
should be stopped. The big sandbar which
the pontoon bridge company took so much
pains to protect has been washed away
and now the refuse dumped is a nuisance
to those who reside In the neighborhood.
Even should Mr. Kountze decide to close
his road to the river, the city has means
of getting there. It can open U street
with little or no cost, or If desired, Q street
could be opened. It is probsble that the
U street route will be used after this.
While the route Is a little out of the way.
It Is deemed better for the city to use its
own streets snd not be continually making
arrangements for an open road to the river.
Court Decides Contest.
In the recount of the ballots cast for
councllmen In th Fourth ward Judge Vln
eonhaler has decided that O'Connor has the
most votes. This defeats Mclntyre, repub
lican, and makes the council democratic. It
Is understood that on Monday night the
council will meet and a president snd pres
ident pro tern, will be elected. By the Issu
ing of a certificate of election to O'Connor
the deadlock will be broken and the chances
are that Queenan will be chosen president
and Welsh president pro tern. As soon as
the organization Is completed the mayor and
council can proceed with business.
Troop Accepts Invitation.
Captain Holland of the South Omaha cav
alry troop has accepted an Invitation from
Rev. M. A. Head to attend memorial serv
ices at the First Methodist Episcopal ,
church on Sunday. May 25. Members of the
Grand Army and the Woman's Relief corps
have also been Invited. The troop will at
tend In uniform.
Wish Laws F.nforced.
Members of the Anti-Saloon league hava
requested an Interview with Mayor Koutsky
In relation to the carrying out of the prov e
ions of the Slocum law. The league wants
a strict enforcement of the law and the
mayor Is not giving out any Information as
to his plana beyond the fact that he has
ordered all front doors of saloons closed
on Sunday.
Bishop Williams Preaches Today.
Bishop Williams will be present at St.
Martin's church, Twenty-fourth and J
streets today. A class will be presented
by the rector. Rev. John T. Foster, and
will receive the sacrament of confirmation.
This service will De at 11 a. m.
t'nrd of Thanks.
In appreciation of the assistance and
sympathy shown Dy the many friends of my
deceased brother, Thomaa Kelly, I extend to
all my heartfelt thanks. J. C. Kelly.
Manic City Gossip.
Mrs. J. M. Cook is back from a trip to
New Mexico.
So far nearly ninety saloon keepers have
advertised for license.
Tho Methodist Sunday school now num
bers over 2j0 members.
Scott Dunn Is In Central City, Neb., look
ing after property interests.
John M. Westerfleld proposes going to
California for an extended stay.
The Union Pacific has completed the re
laying of tracks In Est Albright.
Mrs. C. W. Hill. 720 North eighteenth
street, was reported better yesterday.
Mayor Koutskv has decreed that all
druggists must procure liquor licenses.
Frank J. Fitle In here from Lincoln, the
guest of Mayor Koutsky and other friends.
Frank Spear, mail carrier, haa moved
Into his new house at Twenty-seventh and
A streets.
There is a demand here for good, heavy
horses. Prices will average $150 per head.
Evening services at the Methodist and
Presbyterian churches will commence at S
p. m. after May 1.
All of the booka belonging to the Library
association were moved yesterday to rooms
In the Murphy block.
The King's Daughters will meet with
Mrs, J. M. Fowler, Nineteenth and M
streets. Friday afternoon.
The Cecellan clut will give a card party
In the Casey building at Twenty-fourth and
I streets Thursday evening.
Restsurant keepers reported snother raise
In mt yesterday. Beef roast was quoted
to them at 19 cents a pound.
Rev. M. A. Head will hold memorial
services In honor of Rev. T. DeWrltt Tal
mage at the First Methodist church to
night. Captain Talbot of Castalta reports thst
the river Is rising rapidly. He says that
both Castaila and Henrietta, are out of the
City Clerk Shrlgley Is limping around
with the aid of a cane. He la Buffering
from a sprained ankle, caused by a wrench
on a defective sidewalk.
Helen, daughter of William Wemraer,
Thirty-first and F streets, died yesterday.
The funeral will be this afternoon, with
interment at Evergreen cemetery.
W. J. C. Kenyon, general manager of
the Union Stock Yards company, is back
from Miles City, Mont., where he attended
the annual meeting of the Montana Stuck
Growers' association.
The funeral of Mrs. Pursells will be In
charge of the ladies' auxiliary of the
Woodmen of the World at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. Services will be st the Metho
dist church and Interment at Laurel A 1111
Lecturer from a Story Book.
Alfred Whitman, the "Laurie" of "Little
Women," will lecture on louisa M. Alcott
at Unity church Tuesday evening. Mr.
Whitman was a student In Concord In 167
snd It wss his good fortune to furm an
Intimate acquaintance with the Alcott
family and to be numbered among Louisa's
"boys." He will describe "Meg." "Jo,"
"Heth" and "Amy" as he knew them;
Miss Alcott s devotion to her sinter KjMza
beth, who was the "Both" of "Little
Women," and the unique courtship of John
Pratt and Anna Alcott, "John Brooke" and
Movements ( Ocean vessels April 19.
At New Tork Arrived La Touraln,
from Havre; Minneapolis, from Ixmdin;
St. Paul, from Southampton. Sailed
Staatendum, for Rotterdam, via Plymouth
and Boulogne: Menomlnie, for London;
Anchoritt. for Glasgow; Saxonla. for Liver
pool; A Her. for Naples and Genoa.
At Cherbourg Bulled Fuerst Bismarck,
from Hamburg and Southampton, fur New
York; St. Louis, for Southampton.
At Liverpool Sailed Gvoraia, for New
Tork: Umbrla, for New York; Lucanla,
for New York; Sylvanta. for Boston.
At Antwerp Balled Frleeland, for New
At Havre Balled La Bavole, for New
At Calcutta Sailed Cymbeline, for Sn
Seed of KateodlnaT Lines of Industry
t racd by President Inaalls
of. Bla Knur.
CHICAGO, April 20 The necessity of ex
pansion was the dominant theme at the
banquet of the Bankers' club, which wm
held tonight at the Auditorium hotel. The
chief speakers of the evening were: Presi
dent M. E. Ingalls of the Big Four rail
road. Robert Lowery of Atlanta and Frank
O. Lowden of Chicago.
The principal address of the evening was
delivered by Mr. Ingalls and his views
found earnest support among his hearers.
Mr. Ingalls said:
Tioth parties In this country have noti
fied th:s world that they will uphold the
Monroe doctrine: that Is. that no foreign
power shall be allowed to Require terrl. ry
on the American continent; mid we lire
prepared to maintain this. While foreign
countries have aci-epted this political hncl
arbitrary notice they have been Insidiously
and actively engaged In cultivating nml
commercially annexing the Went India
islands anil the South American stntes by
sending out their merchents, their manu
facturers and their bankers, by luinlng
money, by promoting enterprises ami by
long credits.
The very first thing to do to promote
commerce and trade with the West India
islands and the South American states Is
to build a system of transportation and
communication between our country ami
these several ports and cities. Trade al
ways follows facility and cheann-s of
communication. If our country today. In
stead of spending millions of dollars on
subsidies for American ships, which are to
be used to compete with the fnst ships on
the North Atlantic and wtth the profitless
trade of Europe, would allow the postmas
ter general to spend whatever sum was
necessary In carrying the mulls, at least
once a week, between the t'nlted States
and the principal ports of the West India
Islands and the South American states He
should soon rind our commerce Increasing
and bankers establishing agencies for fur
nishing exchange and credit.
You cannot bring about a change of con
ditions by saying we are the greatest peo
ple on earth; that we have more railroads;
that we have the biggest trusts and that
we are the people. These things do not
count when you get down into South
America among the l.atln races. You
have got to show them that it is easier
and cheaper to visit the United States than
ingianu; tnat their freight can be shipped
with greater dispatch and at a cheaper
rate, and, above all, you must show them
that there Is money enough In the country
and machinery for using It, to furnlRh.
them long credits upon good security and
ii a gooa rate or interest.
If we would make this nation as rich
and powerful as It ought to be we must
adopt some of the plans that were out
lined by Blaine In his day, were emphasized
by Mckinley In his last message; we must
adopt a system of reciprocity bv which we
can Increase trade. A tariff wall against
the labor of Europe and Its competition
may be necessary. It certainly Is consid
ered so by a large number of our peonle,
but the same wall that protects us upon
that side is our ruin upon the other and
we must cultivate the West Indies, the
South American states and the Islands of
the Paclilc by reciprocal arrangements and
relations which promotp our commerce. We
must admit their products free. In con
sideration of their purchasing from us, and
If this Is done we have not ships enough
upon the ocean to carry the commerce be
tween those countries and our own, and
there Is not money enouph In the banks to
furnish the credit and exchange.
Lines Are Tied I p In Sun Francisco
nnd More Congestion
la Thrrntenrd.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. Ths strike
of the street railway men began tonight. At
9 p. m. the only lines affected were the cable
lines on Market and Powell streets. Shortly
before 8 o'clock these cars were stopped and
in a short time there was a double line of
cars extending for several blocks. It Is
asserted that the stoppage will soon extend
to the electric lines, and that by Monday
the entire United Railroad system will be
tied up. Two systems, the California street
snd Presidio lines', are hot Involved.
The executive committee of the local di
vision of the Amalgamated Order of Street
Railway Employes claims that 3,000 men
will quit work.' The committee has issued
a statement to the public bespeaking sym
pathy and support and setting forth their
j Hundreds of HomeaeekoTi Pour Into Bail
way Oentera Daily.
Milwaukee F.stenalnn spurs Movement
.er Linton nnd Trnln Lands A r
rlving with o Prospect
of Let t p.
Ht'RO.N, 8. D.. April 20. (Special.! This
city was literally alive with land-seekers
Wednesday and Thursday. Trains from the
east and south Tuesday sfternoon and
evening were loaded wlthh excursionists.
A very large number stopped here and
others went north and west. Everything
available In the livery line was pressed
into service, and land dealers and their
agents were driving over the country In
every direction, showing homeseekera lsnds.
It Is estimated that from Sunday night to
Wednesday morning not less than 600 peo
ple, all In search of land for actual settle
ment or for speculation, arrived here, and
more are coming. Every train brings from
a doxen to forty people looking for lands.
A large part of the newcomers are from
Illinois, southwestern Iowa and Wisconsin.
PIERRE, S. D., April 19. (Special.) The
movement of homeseekera into this por
tion of the state Is increasing, and the
number of filings on government land for
the first half of this month has been equal
to the total for last month.
The filings for the next few days will be
heavy, as nearly 100 homeseekers arrived
Tuesday and Wednesday and are now look
ing over the country to make their selec
tions, while others are known to be on the
road. The filings this week alone will
probably reach 100.
ABERDEEN, S. D., April 19. (Special.)
Land-seekers are flocking Into this section
of the state In large numbers.
Ex-Governor Lee and others have Just
returned from a trip to Emmona county,
where It Is reported they bought a large
tract Of land.
The extension of the Milwaukee road
from Eureka to Linton is causing a genuine
boom In lands In that section. Settlers
are flocking In rapidly and prices aro
steadily advancing.
Field Meet of Black Hills Schools.
STURGIS. S. D., April 20. (Special.) A
meeting was held In this city recently by
seme of the members of the Athletic. asso
elation of the Black Hills High Schools and
arrangements completed for a contest be
tween the members of all the high schools
of the IIIIAs In athletics. The event will
take place In this city at the famous
Beatty park June 7. Thomas Peterman of
Lead, the chairman, has charge of general
arrangements. A big time Is looked for,
as the attendance from all the Hills towns
will be large.
Pardon Bonrd Favors Two.
PIERRE, S. D., April 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The State Board of Pardons has
recommended pardons for Otto Bamske,
sentenced from Day county for perjury;
Frank Gupenthrang, sentenced from Brook
Ings county for criminal assault. The ap
plication of James West, sentenoed from
Brookings county for robbery, was denied
Application for rehearing was denied In the
case of Frank Bates and the applications
of Elood Chausse and Edward Perry were
Brewed in plant aa clean ai the cleanest home kitchen-ahraya open to
your inspection 58,971 visitors last year.
The UNION PACIFIC has plm-tnl In nervire a
through Ordinary (Tourist) Car ou ''The Col
orado Pperinl" running between Omaha and
Both first and second class tickets will be honored
on these cars, and passengers wishing to economize
In their traveling expenses may avail themselves of
this excellent service.
The rate for a double berth between itbovo points
i A $ 1 50
The cars are Just as neat and clean as Palace
Sleeping Cars are well ventilated, have sepa
rate lavatories for ladles and gentlemen, and all
the cars being carpeted and upholstered.
This train leaves Omaha 11:30 P. M., Today,
Arrives Denver 2 P. M., Tomorrow.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Telephone 316
Union Station, 10th and Marcy Sts. Tel. 629-316.
Arc you ready to move ?
, Atlll Keeps It lp,
"During a period of poor health some
time ago I got a trial bottle of DeWltt's
Little Early Risers," cays Justice of the
Peace Adam Shook of New Lisbon, Ind.
"I took them and they did me so much
good I have used them ever Blnce." Safe,
reliable and gentle. DeWltt's Little Early
Risers neither gripe nor dletres. but
stimulate the liver and promote regular
and easy sctlon of the bowels.
Polk Convention In Mir.
OSCEOLA, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
The Polk county republican central com
mittee has named May 24 as the date for
the county convention, at which time dele
gates will be nominated for the state convention.
Women Foresters Klect President.
CHICAGO, April 20. Mrs. Elizabeth
Rogers was today elected chief ranger of
the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
over Miss Annie K. Daly. The convention
will continue Monday and possiblv Tues
day. A spirited contest la on for the posi
tion of secretary. Mrs. Catherine Hunh.'s,
the present secretary, Is being opposed for
re-election by Miss Julia O'BrU-n. Mrs.
Catherine Hoffman, the treasurer of the
order, has withdrawn from the race, but 's
being urged as the unanimous choice for
the office.
Republicans Win Again.
DULTJTH, Minn., April 20. Trevanlon W.
Hugo, republican, was today declared
elected mayor of Duluth over Henry Truel
son, democrat, by a majority of 5 votes.
At the election- which whs held on April
4. the official canvass of the votes showed
that Hugo had won by hut two vol.
Truelson. who contested the returns, al
leging Irregularities, announces his Inten
tion to appeal to the state supreme court.
YVaro ia. York .1.
YORK. Neb.. April 20 (Special.) The
York and Waco base ball teams played
yesterday on the new base ball ground.
The score was 13 to 2 in favor of Waco.
York and University are billed for a game
of base ball today.
Knlahts Templar Elect.
HURON, S. D.. April 20. (Special.) La
Co-Tah commandery No. 6, Knights Temp
lar, has elected these officers: William
Tolmle, eminent commander; C. T. Bal
drlge, generallselKo; O. A. RIcker, captain
of guard; John Banks, prelate; J. A.
Cleaver, senior warden; B. F. Ives, Junior
warden; E. J. Miller, treasurer; B. M. Row
ley, recorder; Arthur Howard, standard
bearer: M. W. Knowlton, sword bearer; H.
H. Steere, warden; W. II. Edgerton, sen
Ilrndle County It epohllcans Meet.
HURON. S. D.. April 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The Beadle county republican cen
tral committee, at Its meeting here this aft
ernoon, fixed May 13 as the time for elect
ing twenty-five delegates to the republican
state convention, and September 2 as the
time for nominating candidates for county
officers snd legislative ticket. The election
will be under the primary system: Nearly
every member of the committee was pres
Won't Give Money for Exhibit.
STURGIS, 8. D., April 20. (Special.)
At the recent session of the Board of
County Commissioners of Meade county
that bed declined to sppropriete any money
for a South Dakota exhibit at the St. Louis
exposition in 1903, as suggested by the
Business Men's association at Huron.
Grnphophone at a Bargain.
FOR SALE Latest model type, A. 0.
combination graphophone, which plays both
large and small records; list price, $90.00.
This Is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-six-lnch horn snd
stand. It also Includes twenty Urge Edi
son records and carrying case of twenty
four records. The machine is entirely new
and has never been used. Will sell at a
bargain. Address X 36, In care of The Bee.
Shampooing and hair dressmg, 25c, at the
Batbery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices ef
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tbs Bes.
Ws will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bes telephone, 238.
I JplV.
Help them
to help them
selves. . What
Then why not tell
your friend who is ill
just what Ayer's Sarsa-
;p! parilla has done for you ?
when you see a person weak
f-'. 4 4 at si nai a
yy ana paie, nervous ana aeoiii-
T tatea, just recommend our oarsa-
-M-'' narilla. If in dniihtahniir this. act vnnr
x J
doctor if he knows of anything better.
Mk nicrTihor of mine ha4 a "Ml A mhn hsri nflrrd (mm f.l.
riil- " - ""
kr for a lone time. Having used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in my own family
for a great many years, and always with satisfactory results, I recom
mended it to mr neighbor. The child was quickly cu ed. and the Darants
were gTeatly delighted." N. K. Dean, Spencer, lnd.
KM. AO arsuiste J. C AVER CO., Lewetl, Mas.
The Indications point to a scarcity of first-class accommodations thta aprlng
We have a few rooms which offer a aelectlon, so that we know that we can show
you something which will please you.
There Is no office building In Omaha which can give tho same accommodations.
We can offer you light, handsome offlcea In a fireproof building, with all day, all
night and all day Sunday elevator service, the rental price Including light, heat, water
and janitor service at reasonable rates.
We hsve a uniform schedule of prices for rooms which you will And ouotad be
low, together with the description of ths rooms we can now offer.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Building
Ground Floor.
' IOU3I Hi 18x43 feet. Faces Seventeenth street ani haa windows along "th01"
alley. This Is a large, light room, ai d the rental price incluaes beat,
,T8?,!.wa,er nd Janitor service. It has an entrance both on Ths Bea
building Court and Seventeenth street Price J8J.0I
First Floor.
HITE ion There Is no finer office suite In Omaha than this one. It Is located
Just on the right nand of the great marble stairway, and haa unusually
large windows looking upon the front entrance way of the building It
fronts on Farnam street. One room Is 17x19 and the other sxl. It has a
. burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to suit tenant I'rlco Sa.M
ROOM 104i This room is Just at the head of the main stairway on the first floor.
It would be a very desirable office for soma real estate man or con
tractor. The floor space Is Mxla feet , price 120.0
Third Floor.
ROOM 30Si .This room Is 21x8 feet and is very conveniently located near the
elevator. A sign on the door can be readily seen In stepping off the eleva
tor , Price 915.00
ItOOM JlUs ."0x13 feet. This is a light, pleasant room. It haa been newly
decorated, and like all rooms in The ilea Building, the price Includes
light, hriat. water and janitor service Price 1.0
ItOOM aagi This room Is 17x32 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
This room is particularly adapted tor some concern needing large floor
space and is a decidedly h&udsome office, having an entrance facing the
court and windows looking out upon Seventeenth street. It haa a very
large burglar-pruof vault, hard wood floors and Is one of the choicest offl.
ccs In the building Price
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 4.1Hi This room faces east and is 9x19 feet. The room has been newly
painted and is a very desirable room In every way Price I15.0O"
ItOOM 4it 15x13 feet. This room Is next to the elevator and faces court. It
has a large burglar-proof vault and Is well ventilated. Has good light.
and tor tne price furnishes nrst-class accommodations....... Price $17.M
HOOM -5i 16x1714. Divided Into reception room and private office. Haa
burglar-proof vault; is well lighted Price tlLOt
Fifth Floor.
IUITE M-li This Is a very large room, 17x43 feet. It faces west, but is very
light and well ventilated. It Is very seldom that space of this slzs Is of
fered In The Be Building. It could be used to advantage by some firm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring laige floor space a
wholesale jeweler, or manufacturer's agent, who would llks to bs In a
fire-proof building, or It will be divided to suit the tensnt Price M.M
ROOM K2t i This room faeces the court and la 18x14 feet. It hns a burglar-proof
vault, ana as it is near me leiegrHyn ojnc ana on ine sums noor wun a
number of grain firms, It woulcf be a particularly good room for a grain
firm desiring first-class accommodation Price 120.00
Rental Agents.
Ground Floor,
Bee Building.
PARTS 1 to 13
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents
This slgnatvrs is oa every bos of the gsstnlas
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy last cares a cld la day.
Ttdme msToVftV: rrom isei t. liTI a,rT AKet tW.L'.SX.iZ-.'-'-t.