Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Extraordinary Sale
tomorrow of
on i
A very rare and
splendid opportunity
Rugs and Carpets from the Comstock-Avery Furniture Co., Peoria, 111.,
nought ar auction in Chicago on sale at remarkably low prices.
ONDAY wc begin the biggest carpet sale ever held in Omaha. We bought nearly the entire stock of the Comstock & Avery Furniture Co of Peoria,
111 These goods were sold at public auction in Chicago, on account of some of the goods having become damaged. What we offer for sale are
almost all sound and perfect goods, and the price will be in many instances less than half of what the goods would sell for regularly. Below arc a few of
the exceptional bargains to be offered. . .
If v?
$50 Royal Wilton Rugs $25
In tbls lot are nil the finest Koynl Wilton nitfs that are tmido. They Are
nil the 0x12 nlz In tho tnost lx'uutlful Oriental and jj"onit'trical patterns,
In those rich luxuriant colorings only found In high clnss rugs, Comstock
ft Avcry'H irlv wns no loss than $.", nml some of thcin nrc worth $7.".
tomorrow you can take your ilck ns long ns they last for $25. We would
like to hare you txar In mind that thes
nre not velvet nign, but the highest Uo
Itoynl Wilton nigs, and for 25 they are
the Mggept bargain ever offered In
$25 Rugs on Sole at $15.98
Made-Up Carpets at Just About Half Their Value
Comstock & Avery just before the sale had secured the contract for furnishing one of the largest eastern
summer resort hotels. They had made up over a hundred carets ready for shipment The carpets nre In Moquette.
Body Hrusselrt. Tapestry Brussels, Wilton velvet, etc. They nre In sizes that will lit the average room and nre In the
most beautiful patterns. They were made for the highest class summer resort hotel, consequently they nre the best
material. We will sell them Monday at about half of Comstock & Avery's price. Bring the measurements of your
room and if you can find your size you: will secure a rare bargain.
$35 Rues on Sale at $19.98
$20 Rugs for $9.98
$12,50 Rugs for 5.98
In this lot are oil the 8-3x10-15 Axmlnster, Smyrna and Body Brussels
Bugs. This Is n most convenient size, being suitable for almost any
room. Many of them nre In the small sleeping room
designs, In Oriental and handsome floral patterns, at
$15.08 they are Just about half price
$1.50 Highest Grade Carpets 69c
9x10-0 Brussels rugs in floral large center designs a good
substantial rug Comstock & Avery's price fl'J.'JS
go In this sale all sound
aud perfect
$5 Rugs for $1.50
$7.50 Rugs for $1.98
In this lot we have placed a big line of Smyrna rugs, doubts
faced, heavy Smyrna rugs. In the 6x9 size. These are suitable
for sleeping rooms, libraries, dens, etc. 7 V
Comstock & Averv'a price $10.00, all go In ""t 3 J
this sale, absolutely sound aud perfect, at ....
In this lot we have placed nil the Royal Wilton rugs that are In any way
damaged, nil the Smith's Axmluster rugs, all the best grades of all wool
Smyrna, nil the velvet rugs, nil the Saxony rugs. They are In the 0x12
size, all In the most recent and up-to-date patterns. It Is but seldom that
an opportunity would present Itself to buy this character of goods at
about half what they are reallv worth.
e wisij to lay especial stress upon the
fact that these goods are all of superior
make, and all the highest-class pat
terns, at $10.08 It Is a rare opportunity.
$22.50 Rugs on Sale at $12 98
50c Hassocks for 19c
au me jx.-' ncavy Moquette rugs we Have All the 17.50 Wilton and 86x72 all wool All the Wilton Hassocks that Comstock
put into one lot at 11.50, .f Smyrna rugs, in the most -fl g Avery sold at 50c,
Comstock & Avery's price I I J beautiful patterns, we I VJ i4 we will sell
was $5 our price x-r wll, geH ech v-r t
5xl2 best grade Brussels Bugs, best grade heavy Smyrna Hugs In those
beautiful, rich, floral designs, in blockwork patterns,
good substantial Rugs, really worth $22.50, nil
absolutely sound nnd perfect, s at
19c $1 Brussels Carpet for 35c yd. 1
In this lot are all the Wilton, Wilton Velvet, Ax minster. SJavonicro. extra
Axminster, etc., etc., In fact all the best grade of -74 carpeting, Comstock
& Avery's price $1.(10 yard most of It absolutely
sound and jierfect, some of It a very little dam
aged. In the newest patterns, with nnd without
border, all go at, yard
Ingrain Carpets at 25c, 39c and 49c Yard Worth Double
The ingrain carpets are all absolutely sound and perfect. We have divided them into three lots.
The ingrain carpets
Avery sold at 50c,
we will sell at,
that Comstock & Those that Comstock & Avery sold for 59c All the best grade of all wool ingrain car-
and 69c yard, we " f pets, such as Lowell, Hart-
will sell for.
ford, etc., many stores aeli
them up to $1 yd., we will sell
In this lot we Lave placed all the best Brusels carpet, the newest and
most beautiful patterns, with border to match, none of them nre worth
less than $1.00, only a few of them are
damaged, most of them are absolutely
Bound aud perfect, all go at
Mill End Sale of Laces
Mill Ends 10c Laces 21c yd. Immense lots of medium width torchon Ol-
and Plat Valenciennes laces and insertions, lOo quality at
Mill Ends 20c Luces 5c yd. All kinds of washable laces and Insertions, medium
and wide widths, torchon and net top oriental, also black
silk laces, worth 20c, at
Mill Ends 25c Laces 10c yd. Including fancy trimming laces and galoons,
black, white and ecrue, also Normandy Valenciennes laces, -4 f
25c quality at 1UC
he SI
s ' mo
Mill End Sale of Embroideries
Mill Ends 7ic Embroideries Mc yd. Narrow embroicery edgings and -4
Insertions, very good quality, worth icyd, at 12
Mill Ends 10c Embroidery 2Jc yd. Fine embroideries, including 'r
swiss, nainsook and cambric, worth up to 10c yd, at
Mill Ends 20c Embroidery 6ic yd Medium widths, neat and showy embroid
eries and insertions, scores of styles, very pretty Si 1
patterns, 20c quality at J2
BBlBiap 1 m pi n m $m rasa 6 .reawisg m .JMMel
B 01 w ODlCiliBa
HpHIS WEEK winds up the 4th Mill End sale It's success was assured from the start. The quantities and class of Mill End merchandise and the extremely
low prices were bound to appeal to all consumers. The remarkable bargaingiving that has been the distinguishing feature of this sale will be con
tinued with greater fervor. The offerings of which those we mention below are fair examples are urgent enough in their demands for you to come, to
allay further urging, Its to your interest to be here tomorrow by all means, The carpet and rug sale and the Mill End sale form an irresistible combination
Dress Goods Bargains
lleduced prices on the dress fabrics the people are now buy
ing and want. A very notable occasion.
A Qp yard fur Mohair Lustre, pink, sky, cardinal, creme and
a1 all colors. This is a 75c quality.
EQt yard for Cheviot, 5G inches wide, all wool, in all styl
wVt ish colors.
QCn yard for 50-inch wide Mistral. Our regular
VOL, $1.25 grade.
(tl yard for Noile Etamine, sold elsewhere at fl.50 this is
P our regular fl.25 quality all colors and black and
Black Dress Goods of Every Conceivable Weave.
Qp yard for Noile Etainine, fine foreign quality, sold else
OVL where at fl.OO.
OQp yard for Mistral, the J1.25 grade, splendid, irresistible
O-'v clinging stuff.
QQp yard for 56-inch Mohair Sicilian. This remarkably
VOL, wide and stylish cloth sells at $1.50 always, but for this
sale, 9Sc yard.
High Grade Wash Stuffs in Dress Goods Dept.
Wblt Etamine. 33 inches OCS Mousseline da Sole, white
wide, at OC and all colors, yard OVC
Damaalc Walsting-s, OA 75o SUW Embroidered Swiss, Of
yard OVC all colors, yard OVC
Dress Goods on Bargain Square remarkable offers
At 25o and 39c, just two prices for dress
goons of 75c, II and 11.25 values, In cash
meres, Henriettas, serges, imported novel
ty mohair cheviot, etc.
Mill End Sale of Fine Silks
Black Silk Special
Over 3,000 ytrds black Imported Swiss taffetas, all
27 Inches wide, very strong and lustrous. We giyr
antee every yard of these high
grade black taffetas, and will close pm f-v
the entire lot at, yard jf j Q,
75c, $1, $1.50 Corsets 29c
An extraordinary sale of very high grade
corsets at the lowest price ever known. If
every woman knew what kind of corsets these
are, every woman would attend this sale it's
an unusual opportunity.
All the odd lots of fine corsets in black,
white and colors, medium and extra long 6tyles,
iucluding model form corsets, made of the best
summer netting and yv 4".
French Uatiste, in r ( 1C
Iucluding model form corsets, made of the L
summer netting and yv
French Uatiste, in (
plain and fancy col- ' ) VV" j
ors, worth 75c, $1.00 S
and $1.50. Choice.. S-
Moire Velours, Black Only
About 500 yards 21-inch black moire
velours, moire imperial, moire
Francaise, moire special Mill End pmm g
prices, yard J 5C
Black Grenadines
Mill Ends of black grenadines, all 45 inches wide,
and very sheer. Black grenadine waist lengths,
skirt lengths, some pieces have enough for entire
gowns. These grenadines include all the latest fash
ionable moussellne de Lyon, with dots, stripes, small
and large figures, also a few white and black, usual
price $2 to $5, Mill End price
95c, 1.25, 1.50, 1.98
85c Silk Taffetas 59c a Yard
200 pieces extra heavy qunlity all silk taffetas in all
the latest spring colorings. Including black. This Is
our regular high grade 8Tc quality taffeta. Wc have
over 40 different shades tho entire
lot go for quick selling at,
Black and Colored Moire Velours
We have a large assortment of these popular silks so
much In demand for the new Gibson waists and
jackets. Including white. These goods
have been selling np to f 1.50
Mill End prices Monday OOv
Silks on Bargain Squares
6,500 yards of all kinds of plain aud fancy silks,
black and colored all silk taffetas, black aud colored
duche8se, corded silks, yard wide blink and white
washable Japanese silks, printed warp Loulscue, 27
lnch tucked taffetas,. fancy printed and satin striped
crepe de chine, Cheney Bros, pretty twilled aud satin
foulards, 30-inch wide and narrow striped imported
silk walstlngs, aud a big lot of high class silk ends
from 3 yards to 20 yards, all go at, per yard
35c, 45c and 67k
Muslin Underwear Sale
Dainty and well-made Muslin Undergarments are priced less than the material costs.
Ladies Corset Covers, 1
plain cambric, all sizes ... JL 2C
Ladies' muslin Druwers, with
clustar of tuck, jl
very special liC
Ladies' muslin Drawers, also
enrobric, umbrella styles, with
deep rutiles, -4
3."c quality IOC
Misses' and Children's muslin Drawers, all 6izes, Q 1
per pair OC
Misses' Night Gowns and Skirts, O n
with deep ru(lle t)(jC
Ladies' finest muslin and cambric Drawers,
trimmed with lace and embroidery..
We.2Si, 39c, 49C
Ladies Gowns, Jskirts and Skirt Chemise, trimmed with
fine laces and embroideries, hemstitched with deep ruffles,
in great variety of styles, worth almost double our special
P " 39c, 49c, 69c, 98c
Men's 10c Handkerchiefs, most of
them considerably musaed, made of
fine sheer cloth with all
widths of hems, ty r
fancy borders 2v
Ladies and Men's handkerchiefs,
genuine Irish linen, all sizes, sheer
and medium widths, very neatly hem
stitched, wide and narrow 71
hems, 20c quality at
Basement Mill Ends
Heavy Two-Toned Silesia Lining, worth 15c, go In the forenoon only at
Best grade Standard Prints of all descriptions in mill lengths at
yard ,
Thlrty-sli-inea wide light and dark One Percale-yard
Lonsdale and Fult of the Loom Muilln earh piece branded in mill
ends at yard
Fine Dimities and Fancy Corded Lawns worth 25c go at
One big lot all kinds one White Goods and Shirt Waist Madras at
One big table short remnants all kinds fine Colored Lawns, dotted, corded,
etc., worth up to 25c In mill end go at per remnants
One big tabla all kinds Silkollne thirty-six Inches wide-yard
One big table thlrty-ilx-lncb Covert Cloth remnants worth 15c go at
One odd lot of Covert Cloth worth lOo go at
Special bargains in rerananta and odd lengths of all kinds of Table Damask at
about one-half regular price. I
Special bargains in half rolls and 10-yard lengths' of all kinds of Toweling at
about one-half regular price.
And hundreds of other bargains, of which the lota aro too small to advertise, will
be sold ai long as they last at about one-fourth regular price.
$2.00 Shirt Waists 98c
An immense assortment of Ladies' Shirt
Waists, very beautiful effects, made of all
the popular fabrics, in the moHt approved
fashions. The variety is extensive and
includes all the styles that are so much
desired this season. $2.00 Q&r
values, all sizes
75c and $1 Shirt Waists 25c
Tomorrow we will place on nalo all the
odd Hhirt Waists, that is, wbero there
are no more than one or two of a kind
also an immense lot of Kample Waifcts
one of a kind. These come iu light and
dark percales, lawns, etc. They are
worth 75c aud $1.00 each your choice
of the entire 0r'
lot tomorrow r-w