Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1902, Image 9

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Given Away
We Have Suits
On Saturday, our opening day, we will
give absolutely free with every suit purchased
that day, a stem winding and stem setting
watch correct timekeeper, as a souvenir of
our opening.
From $19.50 Down to $5
The $19.50 suits would cost you 525 any
where else in Omaha, and the tailor can make
no better for $45. The $5 suits are strictly
all wool and are usually sold at the so-called
bargain stores from $7.50 to $10.
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters
Clothing! Clothing!!
Whilst we sell popular priced goods at a very umall margin,
or in other wordH, cheaper than any other house in the city, we
also carry full lines of some of the most celebrated tailor-made
clothing houses such as Kuh-Nathan, Fisher & Co., Kuppen
heiiner, Crouse & IJrandegee, Calm, Wambold & Co., Kohn
Bros., etc.
All wool blue serge and black clay worsted suits 00
Fancy worsted cheviots, etc. an enormous assort- 7 "0
ment at '. kJVJ
Extra fine line of Al suits -JQ 00
Better grades at $12.50, $ 15.00, f 18.00 and fl 9.50 tailors
would charge as high as f 45.00. for the latter one.
Hat Dept.
Thli department Is filled with all the
newest ihapea and colors In both Fedoras
and Derbys.
The Quarantce special hats at $1.50 and
$2 regular hatters would charge you 12
and $2.60.
We also sell a good reliable make
and durable hat at, only
The John B. Stetson
hats on sale at
The town made, regular
value $1, our price only --A. Ow
The Wilson, sold every- f
where at $1.60, our price.. VOw
We also carry a full line of shirts
fully worth $1.00,
An extraordinary quality shirt, all
furnishing houses will charge you
76c our price E f
only OOC
We are headquarters on Trousers the
most exclusive In style and In the very
latest patterns. It will pay you to look
them over before you buy.
Trousers at $5.78 tailors will charge you
from $10 to $12 for the same kind.
Trousers at $3, $4, $3.60 and $2 their
actual value Is double.
A special trouser 90
Equal to any that you would be charged
$3.00 elsewhere.
Exceedingly strong working
trousers at ,
Cook's and Waiters
Jackets. Aprons Etc.
We have the local agency for
Morcus Ruben, Chicago famous
jacket maker. We also carry the
cheaper grades of Jackets at '
50c and 45c
Good Walter Aprons
If you want to save , money, do not
fall to examine these goods.
1 1
of Our New Store at 1519-1521 Douglas St.,
Saturday Doming, April
We open with a brand new and exceedingly well selected
stock of everything that pertains to a first-class clothing, furn
ishing and hat emporium at prices that defy competition. Our
well known motto, "One price to all" will be strictly adhered to.
We respectfully invite you to call and look over our grand assortments, which, for
style, fit and workmanship, cannot be excelleA souvenir given away free with each pur-,
chase on opening day.
No Shoddy
Any Price
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
if Not
No Trouble
to Show
Gents' Furnishings
In this department the smallest details have beeu taken care
The celebrated Flexo garters sold here only 20C
Cuff holders all the makes EZZo im
from P
Pure linen at, each 25c
Extra good values at 15c
2 for 25c
Some at 10c or 3 for 25c
Also a 5-cent one that will cost you 10 cents elsewhere.
One of our leaders a four-ply collar iu all of the
leading shapes and styles, at 9c or 3 for t-Jw
This department Is fully In Une with
the other departments, having a moat
complete and choice line of neckwear
ever displayed In Omaha and muat be
seen to know what Is new and nobby
as a starter for the opening day , we
offer a line of beautiful
For 45e we offer you neckwear In
four-ln-hands. Imperials, tecks, that
no gents' furnisher will sell for less
than 76c.
Thin department Is replete with all of
the latest fads In style, etc. A thorough
examination of our Immense assortment in
the varied styles and prices will convince
you we are heudqliarters In Hosiery.
811k half hose, worth 11.00. .JKr
only CJfc
Excellent quality half hca- flne f (f
value, at 350 or 3 Dalrs for I vl w
We offer a large line of hose In OS-"
fancy patterns, worth 35c, at "ft
AaV .'!n.e h.. . . 1 6c and 10c
A large line of Shaw knit socks 20C
Our line of spring and summer t'n
derwear is complete In every respect,
and the price can not be matched
Fine Imported Frencli underwear
you cannot buy them anywhere for
lees than $1.50 each. Our price only
Il.oi) each.
A splendid line regular (1 7c.
goods our price, per garment, 'Ot
A large line, regular value .fRr
eoc our price, per garment
These goods must be seen to be ap
preciated. A special line of Swiss Conde under
wear, regular value 45c OSr
our price only "v
A full line of balbrtggan underwear
at 20c usually sold at the so-called
cheap stores at 25c.
The largest and most varied assortment
In the city, and at prices way bulow tho
usual Felling prices.
The President and Guyot sns- Afc
penders sold here only, 11 1 7W
You all know what you have to pay for
them elsewhere.
A big line regular value 76c. A E
A complete line of Wilson Bros, susptnd
erf regular 50c goods ORo
only uw
A splendid line a very strong fr
suspender, fully worth 25c, only aJV
Daily Mail Claims to Hare Authority for
Making tho Announcement. . .
British Offer the Alternative of At
eeptlusr Conditions Laid Down
or Breaking Off tho
LONDON. April 18. The Dally Mall
claims to have authority to announce that
basis of pete have been practically agreed
on at Pretoria, but says that some little
time will elapse before the details ot the
plan can bo perfected.
The paper adds that upon Boding that
the British government refused on Wednes
day to modify Its terms with regard to
amnesty, banishment and a responsible
government, the Boer delegates met again
on Thursday.
The British decision, practically leaving
them the alternative of accepting the Brit
ish terms, or breaking up the conference
waa then communicated to them and the
delegates proved more reasonable. When
Lord M liner, the British high commissioner
In South Afrlcs, promised the delegates
ne or two seats In the executive council,
subject to the approval of the government
and pending the restorstlon ot a respon
sible government, they practically agreed
to accept the British terms.
Some details, contlnuea the Dally Mall,
which are not likely to create difficulty,
still remain to be settled. Lord MUncr
has summoned from Johannesburg an Aus
tralian expert, who Is to assist In estimating
the coat ot rebuilding and restocking the
Boer farms. The delegstes, concludes the
paper, have so far acted quite Independ
ently of their representatives In Holland.
Hsne Sauer, a loyalist Afrikander, speak
ing at Bradford tonight, waa not optimistic
concerning the peace negotiations. He said
be thought It quite probable that the Boers
would ask Great Britain for 50.000,000 or
The Flavor of
Is concentrated
from Its uniform
and Is always
recognized. ;
ItlatheAmer 5ca j
m aM f'l ftrvt )M nlM ut r loblxrw
SB bUilAR B mom, WUMfl,
90,000.000 and agree In turn to clear out
of South Africa altogether.
Serious differences. It Is said,
have arisen between the Transvaal
and Free 8tate delegates who are
discussing peace terms at Pretoria. Gen
eral Botha and Acting President Schalk
burger, it Is reported, have given the Free
State representatives until April 12 to
come to a decision, threatening that there
after the Transvaal delegation will con
tinue the peace negotiations Independently
of the Free 8tates delegates.
It Is further declared that Botha and
Schalkburger had practically agreed
upon trms for surrender prior to their
visit to Klerksdorp, but that out of loyalty
to their allies they Insisted on a confer
ence, though with slight bopee that their
views should be shared by General Dewet
and the other Free State leaders.
Insurgent Leader Agrees to Obey Mal
. var's Order for a Prompt
MANILA. April IS. Gonzales, the In
surgent leader, has agreed to obey Mal
vars order and will surrender. Oenerat
Bell wires that no Insurgents are left In
Batangaa or Laguna provinces. The sur
render of the Insurgents ot the island of
Samar has been postponed until April 20
on account ot the weather making their
movements difficult. -
General Chaffee has returned here from
Malabang, Island of Mindanao. Ha ssvs
the Dattos have not responded to his In
vitation to take part in a conference, but
the Datto Grande rame to the American
camp and through him Qeneral Chaffee sent
a message to the other Dattos. assuring
them of the friendly Intentions of the
United Ststes, but warning them that they
must deliver up the assassins ot the Amer
ican soldiers.
General Chaffee Is sending the transport
Hancock to Mindanao. In case the Dattos
resist, which seems probable, as they mutter
a total of 20.000. of whom 400 are armed
with rifles. The remainder are spearmen
and bolomen. These natives are a dtf
ferent breed of fighters from the Filipinos.
They are religious fanatics to whom death
while fighting la regarded as a being a
passport to heaven. The American officials
hope, however, to avert a crisis.
Lleeteaaat Day Says He Killed Spy
t Commas of Major
MANILA, April IS. The mixed court-
martial which tried Major Littleton W. T
Waller of the Marine corps on the charge
of executing natives ' without trial todav
began the trial ot Lieutenant H. A. Day cf
the Marine corps, on the same eharge,
Lieutenant Day testified in his own de
fense. He said the man shot January 19
was a spy. who wss shot by Major Wal
ler'a otders, snd added:
I ordered Private Kresge to fire at his
head and ordered Meaee 10 fire at the
center of his back. After the shooting
I saw a convulsive shudder of the man's
shoulders. placed my own revolver to his
forehead snd shot him dead. I ordered the
police to leave the body on the ground, as
an example 10 tne natives.
Major Waller testified that he ordered
the shooting of sleven men January HO,
but denied ordering the execution ot a
man January 1. He admitted he was very
111 at that time.
Surgeon Love testified that Mator Wal
Itr a temperature January 1 waa 103. Hit
Illness then wss such that he waa not
fitted to command. It waa likely be micht
save gives the eras aad forgot all atou
It. He thought an officer would have been
justified In disobeying the order.
Redmond Says Conspiracy- Exists In
England to Foment Lawless,
ness In Ireland.
LONDON. April 18. In the House of
Commons today John Redmond, the Irish
nationalist leader, speaking of the crimes
act proclamation Issued last night by the
lord lieutenant ot Ireland, Earl Cadogan,
declared that an Infamous conspiracy was
on foot in England to foment crime In Ire
land, where none existed. The stories ot
riots and outbreaks In Ireland were Infa
mous calumnies. The nationalists In Ire
land were only governed by a contemptible
minority. Thla statement waa cheered by
the Irish members.
A hundred men, continued Mr. Redmond,
stood ready to replace every man sent to
prison In thla struggle. They entreated
Mr. Wyndham. the chief secretary for Ire
land, to change his policy, but it he con
tinued they would meet him face to face
and give blow for blow. Their answer to
his coercion of Ireland would be to harden
heir hearts, strengthen their organisation
and compel redress.
Mr. Wyndham replied that while It was
true that there waa a comparative absence
In Ireland of crime against the person, the
Uvea of persons were made miserable by
Intimidation and boycotting. The govern
ment was not acting from political mo
tives, but as the result of a mass of In
formation laboriously collected and care
fully examined.
John Redmond and John Dillon have sent
a Joint cablegram to former Congressman
John F. Flnerty ot Chicago appealing for
American sympathy and support In the
struggle against coercion.
Bntchera Petition Parliament to Ad
mit Canadian and Ageatlne Cattle
to Avoid Famine.
LONDON. April IS A meeting of the
Butchers' association held here tonight, at
which representatives ot the entire retail
meat trade of London were present, unani
mously petitioned Parliament to remove
the existing restrictions on the importation
of cattle from Canada and Argentine. The
meeting asserted that In view of the reduc
tion In the American meat supply the ac
tlou they petitioned was Imperative In or
der to prevent a meat famine during the
coronation of the king.
Resolutions similar to those adopted to
night will be presented at a meeting ot
representatives ot the meat trade from
120 cities ot the United Kingdom, which
will be held at Manchester April 22.
Replying to a question In the House of
Commons this evening, R. W. Haabury
president of the Board of Agriculture, said
the government had no reaaon to apprehend
a ssrlous meat shortage and that It could
not entertain a proposal to remove the re
strtctlons on cattle Imported from Canada.
Chinese IsisrgtsU Hold Villages
with Fore Armed with
Maaaer Rifles.
HONO KONO, April II. A Chinese
banker, who fled from the province of
Kwapg St and has arrived hare, says the
rebels In that province hold over thirty
towns and villages and that they are well
armed with Mauser rifles aad .revolvers,
which were smugglsd la from the French
I protectorate ( Aaaam by contrabandists
as opium merchants. The rebels have
adopted the name ot Hung Siu Chuen, the
famous leader of the Tal Ping rebellion.
They have placarded the country with an
nouncements that the present dynasty has
sold parts of China to foreign powers.
These posters urge the people to resist the
collection of taxes for the payment of in
ternational indemnity.
Men Give I'p In Several Districts and
Tronble Is Rapidly Dimin
ishing. BRUSSELS. April 18. The strikers in the
Liege district now number 40,000 and the
strike at Vervlers has extended to all the
surrounding communes. The striking
miners at La Louviere, however, declared
today that they would resume work shortly.
At Herstal 2,000 men have returned to
work. Quiet prevails everywhere this
The strike In the Brussels district baa
practically ended. The diamond - workers
of Antwerp did not strike, although tney
threatened to do ao.
Barlingtoa Preparing to Construct
New Line North of St.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 18. (Special
Telegram.) The Burlington railway will
soon double track the line between St. Jo
seph and Falls City, Neb. A survey of the
route was ordered several days ago and
engineers have been quietly, but steadily
at work ever since. It le estimated that
the cost of the proposed improvements will
reach $1,000,000. The extra roadbed will
have to be constructed either outside of tho
present line, along the banks ot the Mis
souri river, tor a great part ot the dis
tance or be cut out of immense bills, some
of them solid rock. "Eventually the entire
line between St. Joseph and Lincoln and
Omaha will be double tracked," said a Bur
linaton official.
Bryan Declares Chalmette Male Stn.
tlon Is Opernted by the'
English. I
KANSAS CITY. April 18. William J.
Bryan, who passed through Kansas City on
a lecture tour, said that he had Intended
to visit the alleged British remopnt ramo
at Lathrop, Mo., but waa unable to make
train connections.
"I know nothing at all about the csidd
at Lathrop," said Mr. Bryan: "the camo
at Chalmette, La., Is. however. In uy
opinion a British camp and T fcnow that
the British have no right to use any camo
on United States soil as a basis for mil
itary operations la another country."
I.lpton Talks of Contest.
LONDON. April 18. 81r Thomaa Upton
reiterates that he Is prepared to plats
Shamrock II in commission shortly after
J Fleruont Morgan dt-cltlrs what he will
do with Columbia. In an Interview 8lr
Thomas eaa the British yacht cluhs will
provide the rivals for the America's cup
mi m mri irm hi rm-rm ruuim IH9 COSlflt.
Columbia and Shamrock II could also be
towed to Kiel, take part In the regatta
there and return to British waters In time
lor the Solent races.
Nominees for Congress.
PLANO. 111.. April IS. The republican
convention of the Twelfth congressional
dltrlct today nominated Judge Charlea C
Fuller for congress. The nomination wa
MONMOUTH. III.. April IS. The repub
licans of the Fourteenth congressional dis
trict todsy nominated Colonel Benjamin
Marsh, former congressman from the old
r tluenth district, by acclamation.
Engineer Directed to Enforce Compliance
with Gompert' Eecent Decision.
Brewery Workers Ordered to Revoke
All Charters Issued to Engineers'
and Firemen's I'nlons Slnee
Louisville Convention.
WASHINGTON, April 18.-The executive
council of the American - Federation of
Labor today Indorsed the strike of the tex
tile workers of Augusta, Ga.
The following decision was rendered on
the controversy of Jurisdiction between the
National Union of United Brewery Work
men, the International Union of Steam En
gineers and the Brotherhood of Stationary
First The International Union of Steam
Engineers Is directed to Immediately en
force compliance with the declalons rend
ered by I'rewldent Qompers In the Cincin
nati dispute, namely, that within three
days from the date hereof the Engineers
Union No 18 of Cincinnati withdraw their
ultimatum by which they locked out the
brewery workmen, members of the National
Union of United Brewery Workmen, that
within twenty-four hours thereafter thev
refuse to furnish steam to brewery workers
are not members of ths National Brewery
Workers' Union, that upon the failure of
Engineers' Union No. 18 of Cincinnati to
comply with this derision the International
Union of Steam Engineers shall within
three days thereafter revoke the charter
of steam cnglneera local union No. IS.
Revoke All Charters.
Second The United Brewery Workers'
Union Is hereby directed to revoke all
charters lseued since the l.oulvllle con
vention to engineers and firemens' unions.
Third The declwlon of the Louisville and
Scran ton convenflons regarding the Is
suance of charters to engineers and fire
mens' unions must be compiled with.
Fourth That engineers and firemen who
have been dlsplacd from their poHltlons by
the actions or the Brewery workers union
shall be reinstated.
Fifth The only manner In which en
gineers and firemen working In breweries
can belong to the National Union of United
Brewery Workero la by Individual and
voluntary action.
However, in such cities or towns where
engineers or firemen have - no orgsnlxa
tlona, these craftsmen can belong to the
National Union of the United Brewery
Thla decision applies to conditions In the
crafts Interested since the Louisville con
vention or tne American federation of
Labor, December, lit A.
Decide la Canene to Vote (or Removal
of Differential on Reined
WASHINGTON, April 18. The democrat!
ot the house, at a caucua held tonight, by
a very Urge majority, estimated at 2 to 1
adopted the following resolution, introduced
by Mr. Saanson of Virginia:
Resolved, That we favor the removal of
the differential on refined sugar, both from
Cuba and elaewhere. and believe that such
amendments are properly In order, and we
insist mat 11 is ine duty 01 all democrats
to vote whenever opportunity is given to
have these amendment added to the pend
ing bill providing for Cuban reciprocity.
We are opposed to the aooptlon of the
previous gueauon. when tne Din is re
ported to the house It shall hava been
properly amended In committee of the
whole, as this will prevent an opportunity
for lust and proper amendment with
recorded votea on the same.
Kesolved. further, That the action of this
caucus is binding.
The caucua waa rather turbulent during
the early part ot the evening, but toward
the close the differences disappeared aad
it broke up amid evidences of harmony
and good feeling.
.The actios taken tonight blade the demo
crats to vote to abolish the differential
on refined sugar and against the previous
Mr. Underwood of Alabama, who got the
floor immediately after the meeting was
called to order, threw a bombshell Into
the caucua by announcing that overtures
bad come to him from the republican side
by which It wss to be agreed that the re
publican leaders would abandon the Crura
packer resolution to Investigate the south
ern elections law If the delegation from
the states concerned (North Carolina, South
Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi. Louisiana
and Virginia), would aid the majority to
close debate and would vote against the
appeals which will be taken from the de
cisions of the chair when the motions to
open the bill to general amendment are
offered. Mr. Underwood declined to give
the name ot the republican from whom
these assurances regarding the abandon
ment of the Crumpacker resolution came
and, although arguing that It was to the
Interests ot the states Involved to accept
the offer made, he stated that the agree
ment had not been positively accepted, and
for himself agreed to abide by the decision
of the caucua.
The democratic vote on Wednesday to
close debate came principally from the
atate mentioned above.
-q rnoiiviij aqi Suqjj,)uoo eouBuodtu
tween the church and state In the Phl'.ln-'
pines, so that tbey will be able to advise
the Vatican officials In advance of Gov
ernor Taft's arrival and thereby facilitate
bis buslnets.
Archbishop Ireland and Bishop O'Gor
nian Start Soon on Philippine
WASHINGTON. 'April 18 Archbishop
Ireland and Bishop O'Gorman probablr
will leave this country for Rome In time
to be at the Vatican when Governor Taft
reaches there on hla way to Manila. Thi
prelates are well advised of the Intentions
ot this government respecting not only ths
friars land question, but other matters of
Nominations by tho President.
WASHINGTON, April i8. The president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate:
James 8. Clarkfon, surveyor of customs.
District of New York.
Army Colnnelx to te brigadier Ronrrals:
Simon Snyder. Nineteenth Infantry; Wil
liam Aunian. Twenty-ninth Infantry. Lieu
tenant colonel to be brigadier general:
Charles Bird, deputy riuaru-rmmtt r gen,
eral. Aslntant adjutant general, wl'U
rank of colonel: Lieutenant Colonel W. H.
Carter. AaxlKtant adjutant general, with
rank of lieutenant colonel: Major Jumes T.
Infantry Lieutenant colonels to he
roloneln: Davltl t'ragler, A. H. Mnwmun,
Fifth; Morrlw V. Foote, First. Majors to
be lieutenant colonels: John T. Van OrK
dsle. Seventh; James A. Kurhanan, Twenty-eighth;
Joseph F. HuKtnn, Nineteenth.
Captain to be major: Arthur C, Ducat.
Connrmatlone by the gennto.
WASHINGTON. April 18 The senate hai
made these confirmations:
James fif Clarkson, surveyor of customs.
New York; R. A. Sharkey, naval officer cf
customs. District of New York; Michael
Kerwln,' penaiou agent at New York.
Postmasters: Missouri J. M. Crowder.
Lexington: U. G. Holley. Slaeston: J. II.
Hsrrls, Kansas City; H. C. McCrscken.
Want Stndenta 1'nnlshrd.
WICHITA, Ksn., April 18. The official
of Falrmount college have Bked I hone of
Friends' university, both denomination il
collogt-H here, to illHclplInc elinientH who
on Monday night laat met Prof, (iavltt of
Falrmount college, escorting a young lady
from the Friends' collexe to church, he I I
him up. overpowered him and sheared off
the right side of his moustache.
is King
of bottled beers,
because of its uni
form excellence.
Brewed from the best Barley-Malt
and imported Hops and "lagered"
(stored for maturing) until just
ripe and most Wholesome,
Tlt pretfecl e
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louie, U. 8. A.
Brewer afje Black A Taa, Anheuser-Standard. Pala-Lager.
Faust, Espert Fale, xulelte. Mlckeleb and Mvlt-fimtrint.
All orders promptly ailed by
GEO. KRU0, Manager Anheuier-Busch Branch, Omaha, Neb.