Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY HKEi SATUKDAY, APHTL 10, 1002. 1 CM' Keep Your Eye on Hay Jen Bros' Special Saturday, Sales on Clothing, liii LADIKS' HU1TH AND 8KIHTS, rUKNIKIUM) (JOODS AND SHOES. SPECIAL SPOT CASH PUKCHASKS A1FOKDS YOU ASTONISHINO VALUES AND TIJEMENDOt'S VAHIETIES TO SELECT F1I0M. AOENTS roil IIUTTEKICK PATTEHNS AND KEYNEIIl KID OLOVES. OT Corsets and Furnishings Sale One lot of Royal Worcester coreta, extrs long. In large and smsll sires. tl.00 and 11.60 quality at 4c; also the Jacknon const waist for ladles. In Mack and drab. $1.00 quality at $49c to cloae thera out. A full line of batiste girdle and straight front coraeta at 49c. K330H in The Sahlln dress form and comet com bined for slender figures. at fl.OO. Tb Nemo self-reducing corset for stout figures at $2. BO. The La Grecqu Lattice corset, Saturday in tho Grand sale on underwear, hosiery, men's and boys' clothing, dress goods, wash goodi, silks, prints, etc. Clearing out all the winter stock of Dress Our special tor Saturday in dress goods will be 75c black dress goods In sollels, Jacquarda and black fancy figurea. Only one pattern to a customer, at a yard, 19 centa. Strictly all wool cheviots In black, the regular 65c goods, on sale at 29 cents. Wash 15c, 19c and 25c dimities, batistes, or gandies at 10 cents. .Short lengths or 15c, 19c, 25c. 35c and 393 wash goods. In all colors and all shades, on one large counter at 8 1-3 cents a yard. Largs line of 15 ct. batistes In all shades snd colora will go at 6 cents a yard. About 60 pieces of last year goods worth Attend our Famous ' FROM 10 TO 10:30 A. M. We will aell bleached muslin yard wide, regular stye grade, only 10 yards to a customer, at I 3-4 cents a yard. FROM 3 TO 2:30 P. M. We will sell 12Hc batistes and 15c dimities and other wash goods worth up to 19 cents a yard, only 12 yards to a cus tomer, at thi centa a yard. FROM 4:30 TO S P. M. We will sell spring plaid dress goods. PLEASES THE ARMY OFFICERS FnsidentSooMTeH'iBeoognition of Sen ice in Minor Fositioni. ALSO HIS PLACING OF RETIRING MEN Advaaeement of General Aaman Par tlralarlr rieaalas; oa Arcooat of Hli gervieea at Battle of Iss Jaaa. i At army headquarters here the recent appointment of general officers by tbe presi dent la received with pleasure, not only be causa the men so advanced are deserving of every honor which can be conferred upon them, but because the appointments Indi cate that the president la doing what ha caa under adverse laws to reward men who hava faithfully - and well served the gov ernment In minor positions, and that, while restricted In the number of appointments, be will provide for retirement at higher rank than at present held by men who are especially deserving. This opinion Is based upon the fact that of th men appointed to ba brigadier gen erals all will retire under the age limit within a year, the ona having tha longest terra to serve being General Simon Snyder, who will retire next February. General Bird will be the first to retire, his term of service expiring by limitation June 17 of tba present year, while Oeneral Auman will re tire in October. Tbe veteran officers at headquarters are GIRLS AT SCHOOL While they art accumulating knowledge, on the profound sciences, are often so ignorant of their own nature that they allow local disease to fasten on them to the ruin of the general health. Back- ache, headache, nervousness, point to a disordered or diseased local conditio Which should have prompt attention.. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription may be relied upon as a perfect regulator. It atop enfeebling drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration, and cure female weakness. mates weak women strong mnd titk women well. There is no alcohol in Favorite Pre scription " and it is entirely free front opium, cocaine and all other narcotic. Your tetter Juet rcri4.' write Him Ease gllfclher. of 41 Wret Saarsnack H., ICE M., UfTinM Word (ail to tewa. raiiaewipaia. rvaaa. apraas how Ihaakful 1 m to you far your dvice I aaaet esafcas that fu Ike least" tiate I have bcea using your madidae I ha found it to. be Ike nut wonderful sad beat remedy Ibr female truukte that 1 reer hare tried, aorry 1 did But kaow of your ' Fsvortt Prescription year ago. Dr. fierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent ret on receipt ol ai one cent stamp to pay ezpetu of mailing ly. Address Dr. R. V. Fierce. Bui ". K. V. . . In white and colors, at $1.50. A full line of W. B. erect form corsets. Dr. Wsrnor's, Kabo, Thompson glovr-BttlDg and R. and G. straight front corsets at 11-00 and up. Special ssle on ladles' and children's stockings. Ladles and children's 25c fast black and fancy colored atocklngs at 12ViC Ladles and children's fine lisle thread atocklngs, In plain and fancy colors, at 2oc. Ladles' white and colored sleevelesa vests, In cotton and lisle thread, samples worth 25c at 10c. Ladles' long sleeve, short sleeve and leveless Egyptian ribbed vest, extra fine quality, at 25c. Ladtea' umbrella pants and umbrella combination suits, trimmed with wide lace, at 25c. Ladles' long sleeve, ankle length, com blnatlon auits, In One Egyptian cotton, at 80c, worth 75c. Ladles fine umbrella combination suits, In lisle thread, wide lace,' at 50c, worth $1.00. Ladles' fine cambric nightgowns, hand somely trimmed with fine lace and em broidery, some slightly soiled, worth from $1.50 to $2.50, at 98c. Ladles' cambric skirts, trimmed with lace and embroidery: at 98c, worth $1.60. Ladles' fine skirt chemise, trimmed with lace edges and insertions, at 98c. Bargain Room heavy goods at from one-third to one fifth their regular value. No dealers, peddlers or . manufacturers sold In this room. Goods Our special, on challls will be 75c silk S5ct. silk foulards and fancies will go at $ centa. ' Our special en cballls will be 75c silk striped all wool challls at 49 centa. Our cotton warp, wool filled silk striDed challls in plain and figures at 25 centa. Goods 12 V, cts. a yard to close quick we will sell them at 2 cents a yard, 10 yards to a customer. We will sell 6 and 7 He prints. 10 yards to a customer, at 2H cenia a yard. 36-lnch percales, the 15c quality, dark and light colora at 6 cents a yard. 30 Minute Sales dobule fold, 28 Inches wide, half wool dress goods In all the new shades, 28 inches wide, regular 12Vi cent goods and only 10 yards to a customer, at 8V4 centa a yard. FROM 8:30 TO 9 P. M. We will sell full standard prints, fast colors, fine grade, worth 6 and V4 cents. 10 yards to a customer, at 1 3-4 cents a yard. Other special sales will be held between these half .hour sales during the day. especially pleaaed with the appointment of General Auman, who by many of the offi cers of the army Is held to be the. hero of the fight at Ban Juan hill In Cuba. Ha waa Captain Auman then, commanding a company in the Thirteenth regiment of Infantry. In the battle at San Juan everv regimental officer waa killed or Intured. so that before the fight was half over tba command of the regiment aevolved upon Captain Auman. His subordinates in the regiment and those who observed closelv Its operation were loud in tbelr praise of the vetersn captain and many were very much disappointed when in the rewards which came to officers for excellent work In Cuba the Dam of Auman was not uoon tha list. Jaatlce Comes .at Last. Tha failure ot tha men in higher au thority to recognize the work of tbe cap tain called forth many protests and several letters appeared in army Journals calling attention to the oversight oa tbe part oV the government. Mr. Roosevelt was at San Juan and probably had personal knowl edge of the work of Captain Auman on that day, so the friends of that officer look upon hi present appointment aa in a de gree removing whatever Injustice may have been done him previously. Major Henry S. Tttrrlll, who has been ordered to report from the Philippine to relieve Colonel Wlnne as chief surgeon of the Department ot the Missouri, will be the senior major in the medical corps and upon the retirement of General Sternberc. who will 'retire In June, will become a lieutenant colonel. The chief quartermaster of the depart ment has received orders to purchase eighty-four horses for the battalion of en glneers now stationed at Fort Leavenworth. The officer who have held the position of quartermaster at this headquarters are very well acquainted with the horse and mule barns at Lathrop, Mo., which ar now said to be used by the British government lu defiance of the rights ot neutral nations. Said one of these officers: "Th mute de pot at Lathrop is ons of the most complete In the west. Mr. Guyton, tbe principal owner of the business, is one of th men who sell large numbers ot horses and mule to the American government and to other countrtea as well. At the present time he hss a contract with tbe British government to feed the horse and mules brought to that depot by their purchaalag agents. His contract calls for the feeding ot 5.000 anl mals dally and he draws psy for that Bum ber whether they are fed or not, but be says that frequently thn art as many as 10,000 animals fed for the British govern ment and that ths number seldom falls be low the minimum of 6,000. Ths chief quartermaster hss received or ders to advertise for bids for th construc tion of two detached lavatories at Fort Robinson, with steam heat and sewers com plete. for the accommodation for four com' panlea. Private John Carroll ot Company H Twenty-second Infantry, at Fort Crook, has bsea transferred to the hospltsl corps. Patrick J. Maloney, acting hospital steward has been ordered to Join th third battalion of th Twenty-second, now at target prac tic on tbe Winnebago Indian reservstlon. He accompsnles Captain Straub, th sur geon, who will Joint tba battalion at Blair and march with the troops to ths reserva tion. Gaue) for Rhennaatlaaa. Last fall I was taken with a very sever ttack of muscular rheumatism, which caused me great pain and annoyance. After trying several prescriptions and rheumatic cures I decidsd to us Chamberlain' Pain Balm, whira I had seen advertised ia ths South Jerseyman. After two applications of this remedy I waa much better, and after using ons bottle was completely cured. 8111 Harris. Salsa. N. J. , Women's Suits and Yaists A succetsful trip to Now York, a mag nificent purchase. Women's suits at one third price. The wise, economical woman's day at hand, saving you from $5.00 to $15.00. 1,100 women's tailor-made suits, secured by our buyer on his recent trip to New York, on sale. 350 of them selected for Saturday's sell ing, as shown In our window; every style known to the manufacturer; every cloth that is made up in women's garments and every color that Is shown; waists lined with the Glvemond taffotas; drop skirts. stitched and tucked, with satin taffeta bands, worth $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00. v Your choice for $8.75. 400 DOZEN WHITE LAWN WAISTS bought from the National Waist company. j Canal street, neaf Broadway, New York, at one-fourth regular value. 100 dozen of them, selected for Satur day's selling, worth $1.75, $2.00 and" $2.50, sale price, 89c. Attend the astonishing sale on exquisite millinery Saturday. Grand Ring Sale Call and see our demonstration of the celebrated new processN(old rings Satur day. These rings are made with a shell of solid gold over a patent composition and ate warranted to wear and look as well as solid gold rings costing $2 to $10. They may be had plain, chased or with set tings. The settings are genuine imported doublets, emeralds, rubles, opals, pearls etc. Tbe prices in this grand demonstra tion sale Saturday will be only 25C AND 60C. nn Ltl END OF TUKEYPLAT MATTER Final Exchange of Corrriposdeaee Betweea Real Estate Dealer and City Eoglaeer. OMAHA. April 18. To the Editor of The Bee: I want space to reply to the city en gineer's letter In The Bee, and to say that I am responsible for what I may say over my signature, but am not In any way re sponsible for what I am quoted as saying In any alleged Interview. Mr. Roeewater asks what right I had to sell property upon streets and alleys that were subject to mortgages. I will answer the question frankly by saying that I had no right on earth to do so, and if he will point out .a single case where I have don so I shall be glad to have the public know it. I think Mr. Rosewater has given us quite enough Insinuations and Innuendo and It ia about time to get down to facts, and for that f. JL-4sT si 0 ' ' Woman's Work in Club and Charity "A prominent club woman," whose ident ity . Is generally guessed and who is ad mitted to be from New York, is credited with the statement that "tbe General Fed eration has been nearly wrecked by Ineffi cient handling; It now wants a woman at tha head who Is known, not merely ss sumed, to be a skilled hand and a broad minded leader." This statement sounds rather awkward coming from " a promi nent member" of the state federation. that has supplied the present vice president and the woman who for one year of the present term acted as president of the General Fed eration In th absence of Mrs. Lowe and. Incidentally, the woman that that same state federation is bending every effort to elect as Mrs. Lowe's successor at the Los Angeles biennial, Mrs. Dlmies T. S. Denl son, president ot Sorosis. In a full-pags article in the San Fran cisco Examiner of April Mrs. Mary I'rqu hart Lee Is quoted as saying: "Some of the friends of Mr. Robert J. Burdette, past president of the California federation, ar urging her canqMdacy for th presidency of the General Federation, but probably the beat-loved woman In th federation today and the one best fitted to bsrmonlxe all factions and insure the looking to better things la Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Den ver." Mrs. Mary Vrquhart Lee is not alone in this speculation. There Is a strong undercurrent of feeling all over the country In favor of Mrs. Decker, who fulfills all ot the requirements stipulated by the "promi nent club woman" from New York and la sufficiently tar removed from Maasacbusetts and Georgia and tbe sections lnfiuenced by them to act unbiased tor ths best Interests of tbe organization. Her ability to direct large affairs cannot be questioned, owing to hsr past valuable service to the General Federation of Woman's Clubs, snd it seems especially fitting that this trying period of sectional differences shoold be embraced to try what the ability ot th mlddl west can do for the General Federation. To be sure Mrs. Burdetts represents a aection even further removed from the east and south, but It must be admitted thst she Is prominent in clubdom for having vis ited the clubs and federations of twenty five different states during th last six months rather than tor any especially prominent service she has rendered the General Federation outside of California. As for Mrs. Alice Bradford Wiles or Chi cago there la such a diversity of opinion regsrdlng her ability among Chicago club women that It Is difficult to estimate her real strength aa a candidate, Mrs. Denlaon's service In the exscutlvs of the General Federatloa ot Woman's Clubs will probably glv hsr th support f that High Grade Dress Goods Department In our high-grade drees goods department we will place on sale for Saturday from 9 to 11 a. m. our $1.00 Tailor Suitings, in all the nice spring grays, 'M Inches wide, strictly all wool, only 6 yards to a custo mer, at, a yard 43c. FROM 1 TO P. M. You can buy our $2.50 Basket Cloth, In the new shades, extra weight for tnilor suitings and rainy-day skirts. 68 Inches wide, only 5 yards to a customer, at, a yard 9Sc. FROM 4 TO 6 T. M. We will aell Lupin's Etamlnea, In colors, no black, our $1.50 grade, only 1 pattern to a customer, at, a yard 7"c. FROM 8 TO 9 P. M. We will sell our $2.50 Eollennes and $2.98 Eollennes, in all colors and black; these are silk-wsrped Eollennes; only 1 pattern to a customer, at, a yard 98c. Be sure and attend these sales; every ar ticle Just as advertised. Other Special sales during the day In the high-grade dress goods department. Special Sale in Teas and Coffee A beautiful present given away with one pound of any of our celebrated teas. Sun-cured Japan, 35c. First crop fine Japsn tea. 4ftc. Basket fired Japan, choice drink. 48c. English breakfast gun powder and Oolong tea at 45c. Royal Santos coffee, 12Hc. Broken Mocha and Java coffee. 15c. Old government Mocha and Java. 25c. The best old line Mocha and Java at 35c: 8 pounds for $1.00. Go to Hayden Bros for Pure Fresh Crackers We sell 30,000 pounds a week. 3 lbs. ginger snaps, 13c. 4 lbs. soda crackers, 19e. 4 lbs. farina crackers, 19c. 4 lbs. oyster crackers. 19c. 4 lbs. milk crackers, 19c. 4 lbs. pearl oyster crackers, 19c. Cheese and Fruits 6wltzer cheese, each 7c. McLaren's cheese, each 10c. Limberger cheese, per pound, 12'-ic. Fsncy new dates, per pound, 6c. Peanuts, per measure, 3c. Sweet oranges, lc. Fancy lemons, per dozen, 11c. iU IL LIU.. L2) purpose I enclose,' herewith, a copy of tbe letter I mailed Mr. Rosewater yesterday, which I trust he will answer in due season. Please publish tbe letter In connection with this article. If Mr. Rosewater will honestly answer the questions contained in this let ter I will gladly leave the decision of this controversy to the same unsuspecting pub lic whom be would have you believe I am trying to Inveigle Into dark places and for whom he and the city council show such a sudden and great dealre to protect and guide. Very truly. A. P. TUKEV. OMAHA. Nrb., April 17 -Mr. A. Rose water, City Knglneer, City: Dear Sir Will you kindly publicly answer the fol lowing queKtloiiR, In the next Issue of The Omaha Bee, without equivocation or eva sion, for. the benetlt of the public: First Are there nny mortgages, of rec ord, of any kind whatever, covering block 2, Bemls park, or covering the twenty acres In the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ot section 32, township 16, range 13? Second Are there any bacK taxes on the above twenty acres? t Third As this land Is bounded on the body, and then she will have the support of the east, which promises to have a large representation at Los Angeles. Mrs. Decker Is not a candidate for the presidency and is in favor of the election ot Mrs. DenUon, but Colorado club women are fairly insisting upon her accepting a nomination, and if she does she will un doubtedly receive the support of the middle west, and probably ot the south as well. The committee appointed by the art de partment of the Woman's club has made Its selection of tour busts and two figures to be placed In tbe reading room of the High school. The busts are Minerva. Homer, Hermes and AJax and the figures Michael Angelo's Lorenzo de Medici and Glulano de Medici. Tbey are to occupy the Immovable windows on two sides of the room and will be in place about the middle of May. The women of the First BaptUt church will hold a sale of horae-mado cakes tomor row at 1517 Douglas street, the proceeds to go to tba fund they are raising tor the year. The annual election ot officers or th household economic department was held Thursday morning, all of the officers serv ing last year being re-elected Mrs. H. C. Townsend, leader; Dr. Mlllen. assistant leader; Mrs. T. H. Smith, secretary; Mrs. Weaver, treasurer, and Mrs. W. L, Beard, treasurer of the philanthropic fund. It was decided to continue the department 'meetings until May 1 and the committee for next year's program will meet during the coming week to decide upon the course for next season. Several excellent suggestions were made by members of tbe department, among them being the study of the model house, to consist of a series of papers and discussions on the various rooms, depart ment and branches of the model home. Announcement ot the n "t department kindergarten will be made later. After the business session the remainder of the hour was occupied with an address on "Biology" by Prof. Benedict of the High school. Ths members of the executive committee of the Nebraska Women' Christian Temper ance union will attend their semi-annual meeting, to be held at Lincoln. April 29-30, with conflicting sentiments. This will be ths lsst session at which Mrs. 8. M. Wslker of Lincoln, stats president, will attend lu ber official capacity, as her resignation goes Into effect June i. Mrs. Walkers with drawal from the work, which will be made necessary by her removal from the stats, will occasion grauin regret en the part ot the entire organisation. Cue ha so care T Spring Clothing for Boys at Half Actual Value for Saturday All the richest products of the finest boys' tailors in America. Low prices for high grade materials snd we have the most complete boys' department in Omaha. $3.00 Boys' All Wool Sailor Suits. $1.50. $5.00 Boys' fancy Sailor Suits, $2.95. $3.25 Boys' D. B. Knee Pants Suits, $1.50. $5.50 Boys' extra fine Norfolk Suits, $2.95. $5.00 and $6.50 Boys' three-piece Knee Tants Suits, ages 9 to 16, at $2.95 and $3.75. $5.00 Boys' D. B. Knee Pants Suits, $2.50. $1.25 grades Boys' Odd Knee Panta. 60c. $7.50 to $15.00 BoyB and Youths' long Pants Suits, ages 12 to 19, on sale at $3.75, $5.00 and $7.50. $2.00 and $3.00 Boys' odd long Pants, sires 28 to 33 waists, at 95c and $1.75. Big Taffeta Silk Sale 10,000 yards fine black apd colored Taffeta Silks on salo at half price. 19-lnch colored Taffeta, pure silk and heavy rustling quality, all colors. In the regular 75c and 85c grades, for 49c. Yard wide colored Taffeta In good shades, the regular $1.50 grade, for 69c. Black Taffeta, 27-in. wide, pure silk, on sale, 50c. Black Taffeta, 27-in. wide, worth $1, on sale at 69c. Black Taffata, 36-ln. wide, worth $1.25.' on sale at 80c. Black Taffeta, 64-ln. wide, worth $3, on rale at $1.76. Black Peau de Sole, 21-ln. wide, worth $1.50, for 88c. Black Peau de Sole. 27-ln. wide, worth $2, for $1.25. Black Peau de Sole, 36-ln. wide, worth $3, for $1.75. Black Moire Silk, worth $1.25, on sale at 75c. Black Moire Silk, worth $1.50, on sale at 98c. Black Moire Silk, worth $2, on sate at $1.50. See special announcement Sunday's paper for Monday's great silk sale. north by the county road, on the west by torty-second street, and on the south by ,rl .8e,'t huB the owner the right to sell this property, as 1 nave advertised to do, in acre or five-acre tracts, without making any new streets or allevs of any kind whatever, without getting the consent of the city engineer or of the city council? Fourth Have a majority of the plats of ground, accepted by the city engineer and the city council, during the past fifteen years, been free from mortgages at the time they were platted? Very renpect ful'y. A. P. Tl'KEY. OMAHA, April 18. A. P. Tukey. Esq.: Responsive to yours of April 17, requesting answers to certain questions through The Bee, I submit that the matter has been laid before the city council and by It di rected to be placed In the bands ot tbe law department of the city. My statements were explicit and unequiv ocal. The fact that other parties have vio lated the law In tbe past is no Justification. Tlespectfully, ANDREW ROSEWATER, City Englaeer. fully supervised the work during her eight years as president that there is no depart ment that has not felt the Impetus or her furthering interest, no leader but has been encouraged by her counsel and no member that has not been Inspired by her example. The work will for the present be supervised by the vice president, Mrs. Wbeelock, whose efficient service in the past has inspired the confidence of all. Tha result of the spring election In many ot the towns of tbe state shows a percepti ble Increase In the temperance work that ia most encouraging. The general advance ment of the work, department interests, the possible establishment of a lecture bureau and many other things will be considered at the coming meeting. Tbe public Is Invited, especially to the evening sessions. The convention promises to be a large one, all superintendents ot departments, the county presideuts and general officers, seventy-five In all, being members of the executive com mittee. "Missionary Hymns", will be the subject of Sunday'a gospel meeting at the Young .Women's Christian association, Mrs. Byers to make the address. The association's anniversary service will be held at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, April 27, in the association rooms, ths an nual address to be given by Rev. H. C. Herring. The meeting promises to be one ot the most successful yet held and all members are urged to be present. An in vitation Is also extended to the uiea friends of tbe members. The board of director will meet at 10 o clock on Saturday morning. Rev. E. F. Trefs will address the literary of tne south Branch Monday evening at 1 o'clock, bis subject to be "John Ruskln' Message to loung Womanhood." The Sunshine club la devoting its meet ings of late to work for the association rooms. There wss a large attendance at Thurs day afternoon's meeting of the Visiting Nurses' association, Mrs. Rogers presiding, owing to the vacancy caused by tbe reslg nstion of the president. It is probable that the vacancy will not b filled until the annual meeting. Mrs. Adsms, superintendent ef nurses, re ported 364 visits made during the last month, forty-seven patients, two deaths, one esse sent to the hospital and three cases requiring special nurses. Miss McKeeiy, one of the nurses, gav an interesting account of how her days ara spent. DuriDg the last month the asso ciation has received liberal donations from interested friend. Phenomenal Prevails at the Big Store In the two big shoe departments. Thousands of shoes be ing sold at less than tbe cost to make them. The entire stocks of two (2) big shoe fac tories cloaed out by us at a mere fraction of their cost. All of our customers- know the Crown 8hoe. We havs succeeded In getting 5,000 palrj of these goods and will be on sale Saturday at ONE NINETY SIX and TWO FORTY-EIGHT. Hen's and Boys' 600 dosen four-ply collars In all styles, standing and turndown and (he high turn down, every collar warranted perfect and the most stylish, worth 15c, on sale at 6c. MEN'S 35C AND 60C SOCKS AT 15C. 200 dozen men's fine lisle thresd socks. In plain and fancy colors, made to sell at 35c and 60c, on sale at 15c. MEN'S $1.60 MADRAS 8HIRTS AT 98C. All the best makes In men'a fine Madras, in white and colored, shirts, worth $1.50 and $2.00, on sale at 98c. Men's 35c neckwear, la tecks, four-in-hands and puffs, all silks, on rale at 15c. Ladies' The,Reynler glover at $180. This Is th? best glove made and sold everywhere at $2.00, on sale at $1.50. Ladles' kid gloves In all tbe latest splng shades, at $1.50. Ladles' kid gloves In sll the latest spring sbsdes, with two clasps, at $1.00. Ladles' silk gloves in all th latest shades, The Gibson Veil Saturday we place on sale the finest line of new veils ever seen in the city of Omaha. The new veil, the Gibson, has just been received; this is the latest novelty of the season. We have twenty different styles, every one a beauty; prices, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $1.98 each. A new line of 60c Veilings. p?r rsr.l "1,-. EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR 1;0lu Chief Donahue Looks with Favor 00 Three Shift System. THINKS IT WOULD IMPROVE SERVICE May Recommend the Chance to Fire and Police Board and City Council After IavestU statins It Farther. Chief of Police Donahue Is in favor of Introducing the three-shift system In the Omaha police department. Instead of having the two shifts, as at present. Tbe new system would mean eight hours a day work tor the men Instead of twelve, as at present, and the chief ' believes the change can be made without increasing the present force. He ia at present Investi gating the question more fully, and In a short time will bring It before the board and the city council. The tbree-shlft svstem is In vogue at Denver. Nashville. Milwaukee and Buffalo and has lately been adopted at Minneapolis and other cities. Under the present system the men go to work at 7 o'clock In the morning and work until T in the evening, with an hour and a halt for lunch, the night men going on at 7 in the evening and reporting off, except Ix men who do dog-watch duty, at 4 In the morning, these men being allowed forty minute for lunch. Th chief believes that by th clght-bour plan mor efficient work could be done and the men would be In a much better condition to do the work. Works Well Elsewhere. "I advocated such a change two years ago in my annual report," said the chief, "and have since written to several chiefs ot police who have worked under both sys tems, and all who have tried it seem bet ter satisfied with the new plan Tbe chief of police at Denver wrote that the service under tbe eight-hour system was much bet ter and th men were in better condition for work. I received the same reply from Nashville. I believe It can be done with the same number of men. Th first shift would report tor duty at I In th morning and quit at 4, the second work until 1 and the third until 8 in the morning. Tbe men would be allowed fifteen or twenty minutes for lunch. All the men would be available for emergency duty. "When a man walks a beat for twelve hours In tbe hot sun In the summer time he feels very little like coming back for an hour'a work in the gymnasium. The new system would mean another captain and poaslbly another sergeant, but It could be done with very little extra expense. I am goiag to attend the national convention of chiefs at Louisville. Ky., in Msy, and will find out more about the efficiency of the new system. If there are no unfavorable reports at the convention I shall bring tbe matter before the board and council." Indigestion Is the direct cause of disease that kills thousands of persons annually. Stop the trouble at the start with a little PRICKLY ASH BITTERS; It strengthen the stomach and aids digestion. Shampooing and balrdressing, 25c, at th Batbery, 214-220. Bee Building. Tel. 171. SHAKE INTO YuUR SHOES Allan's root-RM. a pxwdr. It c-ur painful, KisAf-tlQC. nsrvoiat ftwi tnt. Ingrowing ntUa, and lu- Matntljr iakt th ttiLg out of torn u4 bunions- It's ln grtnttM cuuiun 4tsv-ovry or ih as. Allan's Kout ICovm mskM tight or uw slioos fl m?. It Is ctiIq cup for Miinff. ailoua sad hot. UrosJ. ach ing ftMt. Try tt today. Hold ly all druggtata and ahoa sioraa. Don't aopt any aubstKuts. by anall for Mc la stamps. T rial Mrkag rfcE. AddsTSsa, Ails ft. Olmatod, La Ho, H. V. Shoe Selling Thousands of pairs of these shoes hav been sold during the different sales we have had and NOT 0X13 PAIR has ever been returned to us on account of not wearing well. Men's black kangaroo bal. welt Crown shoes, worth $3.00, $1.96. Men's black vlcl bal welt Crown shoes, worth $3.00, $1.96. Men's black velours calf bal welt Crown shoes, worth $3.00, $1.96. Men's black vlcl bal. welt Crown shoos, worth $4.00. $2.48. Men's black ebony calf bal. welt Crown shoes, worth $4.00. $2.48. Men's black velours calf bal. welt Crown shoes .worth $4.00. $2.48. Women's vici kid lace, worth up to $3.50, $1.79. Woman's vlcl kid lace, wortlj up to $3.00, $196. Woman's vlcl kid lace McKay welt, worth up to $3.00, $1.96. Woman's patent kid lace McKay sewed, worth up to $4.00, $1.96. Woman's pstent leather lsce McKay sewed, worth up to $3.00, $1.96. Selling tbe CROWN SHOES at $1.96. SHOES IN THE BARGAIN ROOM. Men's satin calf bale., worth $2.00. $1.00. Boys' satin calf bals, worth $1.60, Skc. Children's -shoes, 98c. 76c, 60c and 19c. Women'a vlcl lace, worth $2.00, $1.39. " 15c Collars at 5e Men's 50c suspenders In all styles at' 25c. Men's medium weight merino shirts snd drawers at 39c. Men's balbrlggbn shirts and drawers, In ecrue and fancy colors, at 49c; worth 75c. Men'a light wool shirts and drawers, reg ular $1.50 quality, at $1.00. Men's $1.50 part silk shirts and drawers, In pink and blue, at 11.00. Men's union auits at $1.00, $1.30 and $3.00, In ecrue, pink and blue. Men's all linen handkerchiefs at 13c. Men's $1.60 and $2.00 sufpenders at $1.00. Men's $1.00 colored laundered th r s at 49c. Glove Sale with Kayser's patent tip, at 50c. 75c, $1.00. Ladles' lisle thread gloves In all the latest sbsdes, at 25c and 50c. Misses' kid gloves In all the latest spring shades at 76c and $1.00. Miseea' silk gloves in modes, ton, grey and white, with Kayser patent tip, at 50c. Misses' lisle thread gloves, In tan, mod", red, grey and white, at 25c. Laces! Laces! Laces! 25c, 60c and 75o wash Laces, rer yard, 5c, 10c and 15c. Saturday always Ribbon day. All kinds of new Ribbons, 6c up. $1.00 French-plate mirrors, 25c. New Belts r.Oc Belts. 25c. U.00 Belts, 60c. IXNESS IS A EAO HABu AND IF YOU HATE IT, SMITH'S GBEEN MOUNTAIN KEN0YAT0B WILL CUBE YOU OF IT. Why be sick vtheii rre gaaruntce this medicine to help 700! Some people are nptly described at "alwayg grunting." Tltey never seem to feci just right, and if one thing isn't the matter with them miothcr is. These are the people that wo always eel like crossing the street to avoid meeting. They are always more or Icks ill because tlicy refuse to adopt a sensible course. When they feel somo particular symp tom they dose themselves with various things which aio supposed to bo good for what that symptom indicates. There is no uso in pursuing such a course as this. Tho only way to get cured and stay cured is to find the root of tbe trouble and pull that root out. Now, everybody knows that weakness or diseases of the stomach, liver or kid neys and consequent impure blood it responsible for more than ninety per cent of the ills that flesh is heir to. The only aensible thing to do i to take Smith's preen Mountain Renova tor. That doesn't waste any time chas ing around for this symptom or that symptom, but coes right to the vital . organs, cleans tbemout and strengthen! and upbuilds them, and purifies and en riches the blood. Just a soon aa this is done you get well, and just aa long aa you keep yourself In proper condition by the use of this famous old medicine you are going to stay well. There isn't any guesswork about this. In its native New England Lome, where it is the standard household remedy for old and young, rich and poor, Smith's Green Mountain Renova tor has been effecting the most wonder ful cures for a great many years, and it s will do for 70a just what It has done for ( others. " My husbaad hss already told yon how won derfully ha has barn brnrfttd by taking Hurra's (iniiic Mouhtais RsnovaToa, and now I want you 10 snow uwreas or iita story. " Tor rears I hare Wn a frail woman. My household duties and car of a family ort ao much upon ma thla winter that I waa afraid of a erara lllnana. Whan Iaaw what tha RENOVA TOR did for Mr. Brhott, I decided to try t. It doe not seam poaalbla, but ia four weeks I have rhangad Into a haaithy, raated and viKorutia woman. Your medicine Is tiia best remedy for tired out people that I hare ever tried. I hare no mora backache, headache or nervousness. The KKNOValOB oured ma," (Signed) Mas. Hswav Scaorr, BIO 8. Beaato ok, Indianapolis, lad. March 1, 1801 Try this medicine. If it fails to help you, com back to us for your monsy. Boston Store DRUG DEPT. SOLE AGENCY. Bee Want Ads Produce Results