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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY 1IEK: 8ATUI10AY, A PHIL 10, 1002. The omaha Daily Bee E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVKRt MORNING. TKRMD ftf KI-HSWUIPTION. VnWy lin (without Bumiay), One Year 4 no Lially lie and Humlay, one Year '' Illustrated Bee. One Year I0 Kumlay Re-, One Year Mm Saturday Hep, One Year 1 60 Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year.. 1.U0 iJKl.I VKItKU IIT CARHIKR. Pally' Reo (without Bunuay), per copy.. 2c J-'ally liee (without fluntlay), per wees.. .12c lMlly Ree (including Sunday), per week.lic HuniiH.v Hee, per copy be Evening Roe (without Sunday). Ier week.loc Jtvenlng Bee (Including Kunaay, per w.ek lie Complaint of Irregularities In delivery ho j lt be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Otriha The Bee Building. South Omaha city nail llutldlng, Twenty-fifth and M street. Council RlutTa K) fenrl Street. Chicago 1M Tnlty Rulldlng. New York Temple Court. Washington itil Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news ami tutorial matter should he addressed: Omaha Ren, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addressed: The Ree Publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, Payable to The Ree Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of wall accounts. personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE REE RLRL1SH1NU COMPANY. t STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss. : Ueorge R. Tixchjck, secretary of The Ree Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aye that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Itee printed during the month of March, 1W2, was aa follows: l !h,to 17 liu.oao 1 2tU,70 18 iW,-l30 W,420 1 2itt,B30 2U.T70 20 SiW.SiMI a sro.sio IM.OIW 22 Aew,suo ' 21MS2W 23 21I.OSO i B.4flO 24 M,10 .., JIU.7UO 25 ...XM.BUO w w,4o 26 m,nito li..... n vu.snu 12 .3TO 28 2U.S40 U 8W.B40 2U.B4U 1 Mao 20 2U.UO0 1 2,70 II 2U.U40 u au.uoo . Tot' B1T.4W Less unsold and returned copies.... 9,oi Net total salee 007,613 Net dally average XU,27T GEO. B. TZ8CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Jefore me this 31t day of March. A. D. I. QEORUli KASMUStEN, Hegl.) Notary Public. It usr-d to be Czar need. Now It Is Despot Henderson. Kaiser Wilhelin's Arucrlcnn yacht Lad a meteoric time of It crossing the At lantic. Now that peace appears in sight In South Africa, niuttei-iujrs of war are heard in Ireland. The South Omaha ballot bunglers should have known tx'tter than to make re-marks with a blue pencil. It Is an ill wind thut blows nobody good. The heavy advance in the price of beef may furnish the popocrats with another paramount Issue. A 15-year-old high school boy at Den ver fell dead the other night us he was leading bis partner to a seat after a waltB. Moral: Don't waltz. ; What Is the good of nine assistant su preme Judges If the court can't expedite decisions on an Issue that Involves the whole taxing machinery of Omaha? Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock declares that all fences must come down. This will be hard on statesmen who have been trying to close the gups In the fences around their political preserves. After mature reflection the Presby terian council now In session at "Wash ington has reached the conclusion that the pope of Home is nu longer suspected of being antl-Chrlst. The world do move. So long as lands on the South Dakota Indian reservation can be leased for $1 per acre the proposition to lease the pub lic domain to the stockmen at 2 cents per acre will hardly prove attractive to Uncle Samuel. Stuffing the ballot box Is the charge which members of the Chicago Culture club have brought against a sister mem ber. The prevailing impression among suffrage reformers has been that such naughty tricks were exclusively prac ticed by men. Mrs. Carrie Nutlon has turned her back upon Nebraska. She is mud be cause the people of Reward declined to pay her f to for prancing on the stage lu the cause of woman's right to polit ical equality with man. There Is a good deal of method tu Mrs. Carrie Nation's madness. i If "Our Dave" must have a sixth term In congress because he canuot afford to retire while he Is under Are, he may Lave to Invest lu a Belf-nctlng-politlcal gutllugjeAm that will scatter grape and canlister through the district and keep Jave under tire every two years for the remainder of his natural life. Now that the war tax is repealed and the revenues of the government , have been reduced to the level of anticipated expenditure, the democrats in congress and out of congress are hammering at the tariff, knowing all the time that a reduction of the Income from imports -would bring on a deficit and force a new bond Issue, which would furnish much needed ammunition lu the next presi dential campaign. ' The local democratic organ parades an editorial published at Fremont, appeal ing to republicans of this district to re nominate' Mercer for a sixth term. This is good democratic tactics, although it is an impenmeuce on me part or . the paper published iu another congressional district It is to the interest of demo crats to Induce republicans to nominate the weakest aud most vulnerable candi date, and it may be expected from now on until the nomination is made that the World Herald will keep on boosting Mercer and sandbagging all other repub lican aspirants for the lierver succes AS TO REPUBLICAN rROSrtRITT, Five years ago the republican party resumed control of the administration of national affairs nfter four years of demo cratic rule, during which the country had cxiKprleneed one of the severest In dustrial and commercial depressions in Its history. When the republican party was restored to power hundreds of mills and factories were Idle and hundreds of thousands of people were without em ployment. Iloth our foreign and domes tic commerce hnd made little If any progress lu the preceding four years. There had leen financial distrust and an Indisposition on the part of capital to Invest in new enterprises. The great transtmrtation Interest was unprofitable as a whole. The agricultural producers were not makiug money. . The wages of lalsir wen; lower than they had been for a number of years. The consump tion of the products of the farm and factory had materially declined. The republican party promised to rem edy this unhappy condition. It made provision for doing so as soon as possi ble. Indeed, immediately after the elec tion of 18!H the business situation began to improve and there was a steadily rising tide of prosperity. The Industries of the country became active and con tinue so. The demand for skilled labor grew until it exceeded the supply and wages Increased. Our foreign and do mestic commerce grew with unprece dented rapidity. TransiortatIon and agricultural production became profit able. The consuming power of the people was greatly increased. The country Is still prosperous. All Industries are In active operation, the great Iron and steel industry, which pel-Imps best reflects the general pros perity, having business which assures at least another year of undiminished ac tivity. The great transportation interest is making good earnings, which promise for the current year, If crops are fa vorable, to equal If not exceed the hlgh- wuter mark of last year. There Is little Idle lnlor in the country and in some portions the demand Is in excess of the supply. The March bulletin of the New York department of labor states that during the fourth quarter of 10)1 only 4.0 per cent of the members of labor or ganizations in the state were Idle as compared with 8.5 per cent for the same organizations In the corresponding period of the previous year, when the Idleness was less than it had been in any of the preceding years. Undoubt edly the percentage has since been re duced and the labor situation in New York may fairly be accepted as an Index for the entire country. One of the most striking results of the prosperity uuder republican policy during the hist five years Is the statis tics of savings banks. Kquully valu able evidence of the benefit of this policy to the agricultural producers Is the great amount of mortgage Indebt edness paid off, aggregating hundreds of millions of dollars. In short, there is not an Industrial or commercial In terest that has not shared In the re markable, proseiity which has pre vailed since the republican party re turned to power five years ago and labor In this country is as a whole better off today than at any previous time In our history. Demagogues miiy sneer as they will at "republican prosperity," but It Is a most substantial fact, attested not only by Indisputable statistics, but by the uni versal personal experience of the Ameri can people. The fiuanclul. Industrial and commercial progress of the Uulted States during the lust five years Is with out a parallel lu the history of any other country. MORGAN UN NICARAGUA ROUTE. Senator Morgon of Alabama Is the most persistent champion of the N'lcnrn guan canal and it is due him to say that perhaps no man In congress is bet ter equipped than he to set forth the claims of that route. He has been studying and dwelling on It for years and in consequence he appears now to be unable to see auy good or advantage lu another direction, even though pointed out with clearness and precision by some of the ablest engineers In the country. This was shown in his speech on the subject Thursday, when he ex pressed doubt as to the feasibility and practicability of the Tanama canal, not withstanding the fact that the Isthmian Canal commission unqualifiedly pro nounced the Panama route feasible and practicable and stated that the canal could be completed for many millions less money than the Nicaragua canal would cost. It is curious that the com mission appears to have overlooked a danger which the Alabama senator has discovered, that one or more dams on the Panama route might fail, with the result of heavy loss to the United States. The fact that the engineers who made the Investigation did not sug gest this danger will cause many to question whether there Is any sound reason for the fear which Mr. Morgan entertatus. At all events we suppose that some chances would have to be taken In constructing a canal at Panama as well as on the Nlcaraguan route. Mr. Morgan seems to still think that the government cannot secure a good title to the Panama route, notwith standing the Judicial authority given to the French company to sell Its prop erty and the proposition of the Colom bian government In regard to conces sions. It would be difficult to say what more can be desired to enable the United States to secure a good title to the property of the Panama Canal com pany. Mr. Morgan appears also to be In error in asserting that the canal commission bad uo authority to accept an offer of the Panama company, but even if it be granted that in this matter he is correct, the matter is not ma terial. The acceptance of the offer by the commisslou had no binding force snd it was just as well to get the offer before congress lu that way as by any other. The government was in uo sense committed thereby. With some of the general views of the Alabama senator everybody can agree, but he by no means demonstrates that the route he favors is the superior one. It Is beginning to be shine what doubtful whether there will be sny canal legislation at the present session. COUNCILMAN LOBECK" S PLAN. Councilman Lobeck has evolved a plan for reorganizing the municipal gov ernment of Omaha, which he presented In elalwrate form at the meeting of the Douglas County Democracy. According to Councilman Lobeck. our city govern men Is a one-man machine which would work much better if It were converted into a nine-man machine. As a remedy for present conditions Councilman Ixbeck would take the power out of the executive's hands by making all of the members of present appointive offices elective. He would elect the city engineer, city attorney, building inspector, health commissioner and Incidentally also, perhaps, the presi dent of the park commission and thus make the legs and arms of the municipal body politic Independent of Its head. He would abolish the fire and police commission and vest Its powers and duties In the city council, thus saving the taxpayers about $4,000 per year. Mr. Lobeck's plan has had a fair trial In Omaha as well as In other cities and has everywhere been discarded because It divides responsibility, creates friction and destroys discipline In departments of the city government that should as far as possible be harmonious. The ex perience of American cities has favored the one-man machine as against the many-headed city government, in which each officer Is answerable for his con duct only to himself. Experience in Omaha, as everywhere else, has shown also that elective officers are In no respect superior to the appointed officers either In character or competency. Turning over the control and manage ment of the fire and police departments to the city council might save the tax payers several thousand dollars a year, and then again It might not. It would not give us more efficient tire and police protection, It would not give us a better grade of firemen or policemen, nor would It tend to Improve the standard of the men elected to the city council. On the contrary, It would force the liquor deal ers to take an active hand In the election of couucllmen and make the eouncllnien simply an annex of the breweries and saloous. Every councilman would claim the appointment of his proportion of po licemen aud firemen and political ward heelers would tag at the heels of every councilman whenever there was a va cancy In the police or tire department. If couucllmen were members of the ex cise board councilmen would expect to sample all the beer and whisky on tap us a privilege and the periodic Jangle and wrangle over liquor licenses would not only demoralize the council but dis grace the city. Mr. Iobeck, of course, anticipates that all couucllmen enjoying these special privileges would always remain above femptatlon, but there is ground for fear that some might be tempted to feeep their bunds closer to their coat tails than ordinary etiquette would warrant. At any rate, the exercise of police com mission powers would not improve the breed of couucllmen or protect the eoui muulty from Bcandul. Mr. Lobeck has beeu in public life loug enough to know that the voters who Inflict upon the community a bad one-man machine would Just as readily intllct upon It a bad nine-man machine. He ought to know that the stream never rises above' its source and he should know that we must first purify the source before we can expect a clean stream. The trouble with municipal governments is at the bottom and not at the top. Comptroller Westberg tries to Justify his habit of meddling with other peo ple's business by quoting from the dic tionary,' which defiues a- comptroller to be "a critic, a fault-finder, a constant ceusurer of public officials on behalf of the people." This definition docs not fit Mr. Westberg individually or collect ively. If In the past he could only have found time to attend strU tly to his offi cial duties the taxpayers of Omaha would have beeu better off by many thousands. For example, when the de falcation in the city treasury occurred while be was chief accountant of the comptroller, he Insisted that the defal cation was only $3,000, but when the footings of the shortage were completed they turned out to be f 115,000, and the city In the end lost $83,000 by the negli gence or Incompetency of the "constant censuier. A Jaw-Handle Affair. Detroit Free Press (dem.) Mr. Bryan's idea of democratic harmony Is to have all the rest of the fellows sub mit to him. Dos t Kaaw When lie's Licked. Baltimore American. General Uribe-Urlbe has suffered two de feats. Presumably, after the enemy had whipped the first half of his name, It had to resume operations on the second. Too Mack of sv Good Tklasil Baltimore American. Uncle Sam is Buffering from too much prosperity. He baa more money than he knows what to do with, and more advice about getting rid of It than he can use. Henri's Hopeless Task. Chicago News. When Henry Watterson succeeds In con victing the president of being s despot he will be entitled to curl up somewhere and dream another thrilling chapter of Ameri can bistorr. , Philadelphia Ledger. Congressional oratora are sow required to deliver their speeches on Cuban reci procity before they can be printed in the Congressional Record, but they are not obliged to certify to their authorship. Chlacaa Esclaalaa. Kwnsaa City Star. The senate's substitute Chinese exclusion bill la altogether preferable to the house measure. The present law la sufficiently drastic. That It la effective enough has bees shown by the experlenoa of the United Btatfs for the last ten years. The minute provisions of the house bill, besides being Live Nebraska Towns McCook An McCook Is preeminently a railroad town and Is justly entitled to the distinction of being one of the most "metropolitan" of Nebraska cities of Its class. In two dec ades here baa been built an up-to-date liitle city of 3,000 alert, energetic citizens, a city with excellent waterworks and elec tric light plants and the latest telephone system. Being headquarters for the west ern division of the Burlington route here are situated the headquarters buildings, roundhouse, machine shop, blacksmith, shop. storehouses, etc., In all one of the most ex tensive railroad plants in Nebraska out Bids the largest cities, and employing; hundreds of men In all departments. The Burling ton's payroll at this place la about 130.000 monthly. While this Is distinctively a rail road town It haj nevertheless all the de sirable features of any other hustling Ne braska city. As the county seat of Red Willow county It has the finest court house In southwestern Nebraska and Its achool. containing over 700 pupils, are the pride of Its people. All lines of business are repre sented with stocks of goods which would be creditable to much larger cities and the enterprise of Ita business men keeps It at the head of the commercial procession. A substantial business district Is backed uo by the handsomest, best-kept residence sec tion of any city of Its size In Nebraska. and it la in this portion of the cttr that at variance with treaty provisions, were unnecessarily Irritating to Chinese feel ings. It is unfortunate that exclusion la oeceseary. As It la it should be carried out as decently as possible. Charming- Monatala Modesty. Denver Republican. The Republican Is so much superior to any other paper printed in the Rocky mountains that there Is hardly inr com- Jparlson to be made. It contains at all times the fullest, the best written and the most trustworthy reports of current eventa and the most sensible editorial discussions of questions of interest. Colnn to the Bottom. Indianapolis Journal. Secretary Root's instructions to General Chaffee show that the administration In tends to meet fearlessly the charges of cruelty In the prosecution of the war In the Philippines. From whatever aource they may come the charges are to be thor oughly Investigated, and If any are sub stantiated those who are responsible for the cruel orders or practices will be pun ished. ISiCLE SAM AS A FARMER. A Ollmpae of Last Year's Business wltk Other Lands. Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. -Uncle Sam can well afford to sit on his farm fence and whittle and let nature do the rest If his agricultural enterprises turn out as well In the future aa they did in the year 1901, for which he has just struck a balance In the Agricultural department, where he keeps his accounts roughly chalked up. They show that he sold to other nations during the fiscal year the largest bills of goods in any one year since he started the ranch, to say nothing of tlie family consumption, which for 75,000,000 odd at table is no small matter, where the very best in quality, and' without stint ing quantity, ' Is always freely supplied. Indeed, the tacts are freely commented upon In less favored households of nations that the people do not know what domestic economy means, and that they waste more of the necessities of life In any one year than would supply in luxury the table of their English or French or German cousins. In spite of waste and luxurious home living, the United States managed to sell abroad farm products to the value of 1952, 000,000, an Increase of over $100,000,000 of the exports for 1900. Of course, there was a credit offset to this in certain lines of staple products which Uncle Sam does not raise with profit, but which the family has a taste for. They cost only the trifling total, however, of $392,000,000, which was $28,000,000 less than the same goods cost In the year 1900. It leaves the healthy and gratifying surplus of $560,000,000, a very comfortable margin of profit for the horny banded cultivator of the soil. The account doee not Include the figures of our trade with Hawaii and Porto Rico, and that for the year 1900 did. Since then the junction of those outlying islands to the home farm would properly leave them out of any calculation of what our debit and credit trade was with foreign consumers, but the business cuts a small figure anyway, as In the year 1900 our sales to these islands amounted to only about $24,000,000, while we purchased from them a beggarly $5,000, 000. Cotton, for the first time In several years, took the lead in our exports, followed as a close second by breadstuffs, and third in order by meat products. The chief items imported and which make .up $351,000,000 of (he total value of $392,000,000 were sugar, coffee, hides, skins, silk, fiber (vegetable and woolen), tea, fruit, nuta, cocoa, vegetable oils, vegetables and cptcea, wines and spirits and seeds. The result shows Uncle Sam to be ' a pretty good farmer, even if bis family is a trifle wasteful and extravagant. . POLITICAL DRIFT. After all. Senator Jones Is assured of a bale of comfort In private life. The projected statue te General Butler has been defeated by the legislature. Mas sachusetts cannot so soon forgive the Tewksbury revelations. The legislature of Maryland assembled In extra session last Thursday for the single purpose of correcting legislative blunders committed at the regular session last win ter. Nebraska's distinguished example Is tak ing root in Maine. Joseph H. Manley has Invested In a farm as the first step in his campaign for the governorship of the Pine Tree state. Voting machines were given a trla) at the city election la Hartford, Conn., on the 8th lnst., and worked like a charm. In two voting preclncta 2,400 voters pressed the button during the day. The assessed valuation of St. Louis real estate for the current year foots up $3J1, 69,520, an Increase of $15,655,330 over 1901. Valuations of quasi-public corporations and of banks and trust companies were also pushed up, making the total Increase $25, 991,750. Oeorge 8. R. Wright, a member of the Philadelphia council, has horrified the other city fathers of that most corruptly governed community by returning to the Pennsylvania railroad an annual pass which the company sent him. Mr. Wright says he always paid his own fare before and sees good reason why he should do so now more than ever. David B. Hill favors John Q. Mllbura of Buffalo as the democratic candidate for governor of New York state next fall. It Is lotlmated that Mr. Hill Is guided In this matter by the fact that Mllbura was bora In England and therefore, even if elected, Is barred by the constitution from becom ing president. The ex-senator could there fore have the glory of favoring a winning candidate without bringing s dangerous rival toto national view. Up-to-Datc City. the greatest activity Is apparent In fact, residence building has gone on uninterrupt edly all winter long, employing every avail able mechanic. McCook lit becoming promt nently known as the renter and headquar ters of the movement to encourage the growing of sugar beets In the Republirsn valley and uplands, and It does not require the vision of an enthusiast to aee In the not distant future a beet sugar factory at this place a business project which would be of the very highest Importance to this portion of Nebraska and which should re ceive every encouragement, for In this dl rection lies one of its most promising sources of succeea and prosperity. It may be noted with satisfaction, too, that Ave times last year's acreage has already been contracted for the present season. Profit able results were obtained on the uplands aa well as from Irrigation In the valley In addition to the usual crops alfalfa has come to be' one of the growing crops of this part of the Republican valley. This means an expansion of southwestern Nebraska's chlefest source of wealth, the growing of stock. It Is to this end that nature has especially smiled on this section, and along this sure road to substantial prosperity and wealth there Is the most permanent devel opment herein are the most reliable ad vantages to the settler and Investor. F. M. KIMMELL. OTHER LANDS TIIAX OURS. Among the seditious proclamations re eently circulated In St. Petersburg by the students Is one addressed especially to workmen, which draws a somber picture of their wretched existence and their moral and physical degradation. The circular de Clares that the whole existing situation Is due to the tyranny of the system of gov ernment. It then proceeds to assure the working classes that what Is taught them In the name of God Is only a tissue of false hood, a shameful exploitation of religion carried on for the benefit of governments, priests and the holy synod; that the peo ple lu the eyes of the government repre sent nothing more than a vile herd of ani mals, without knowledge, will, rights or worth of tny kind. But, saiys the circular, the students have taken into their own hands the people's cause, In -order to free the workmen from this sad state, and even though each student should have at his side ten policemen and ten gendarmes threatening him with the lash, he would none the less fulfill the task which he has taken upon himself for the good of the people. The effect of this and similar methods of agitation waa clearly observ able In the participation of the working classes in tho recent student demonstra tions. In France possibly more than in any other country ail organized demonstrations for the improvement of labor conditions are tainted by the extreme actiona of an archists and radical socialists, who seize every opportunity to attack all established institutions and thus force honeBt and rational opposition to abuses to become identified with mob rule and violence. A serious attempt is now being made on the part of French labor organizations to elimi nate from their ranks all extreme and revo lutionary elementa. The first national con gress of the "Jaunes de France," or yellow mining syndicate, In opposition to the revo lutionary syndicate called the "Rouges," or Reds, Is now in session at the Salon des Families, In the Avenue de Salnt-Mande, Paris. The delegatea are numerous, rep resenting 317 syndicates, with a total mem bership of 201,745 miners. M. Burrln, dele gate for Montceau, has been chosen presi dent! The proceedings promise to be of au interesting character, for we are in the presence of an organized attempt to elimi nate the collectlvlst and revolutionary ele ment from the settlement of labor dis putes. The riots In Belgium are much of the same character, but not yet so general or violent, as thoBe that prevailed at the last change in the conditions of suffrage some ten years since. As at the former period there Is a good deal of trouble with the purely lawless element In the cities, but apparently there la a concerted move ment, led by the socialists, to force the government to a wider basis of suffrage. In 1893 nominally universal suffrage was adopted, the minimum of age being fixed at 25 years. Then the number of voters was Insignificant, less than 200,000 at most, and hardly more than half that at some elec tions. The new law was calculated to in crease this number largely. But certain classes were given what are known as sup plementary votes. Two additional votes were given to married men having chil dren, one was given tor the possession of a certain amount of property, snd two were given to the graduates of the higher educational and technical Institutions. The result has been to keep the conservative party In power, though it la undoubtedly a minority of the voters. There has been for aome years a vigorous agitation for the repeal of the supplemental vote and the adoption of the policy of "one man, one vote." The struggle has been much em bittered by the acute animosity of the so cialists and a large part of the working men toward the "clericals." It Is impos sible to say what will be the Immediate outcome of the present disturbances, but if events take the same course as In 1893 the government will first suppress the dis turbance with such success as It can at tain, and then will yield a more liberal suffrage. The following Is a comprehensive esti mate of King Oscar of Sweden: King Oscar is a sailor, or rather, was one until he ascended the throne. Oscar is probably-the moat accomplished, as well as the moat majestic, of all old world monarch of the present time. Besides being a great traveler, he Is an author, a poet, a dra matist, an artlBt and a composer. Indeed, most of the church music now used in Sweden Is of his composition. Add to this that he possesses a remarkable knowledge of history, of Oriental lore, of chemlatry, astronomy and other branches of science, that he la a clever and successful business man, that be stands six feet three In his stockings, and that he wears on n1s breast several medals, cenferrea upon him prior to his succession to the throne, for saving lives at the risk of his own, and you have a monarch well worthy in every respect of occupying the throne of the Vikings of the heroic days of the Sagas. The plan of the Russian government to colonize Siberia on an extenaive scale Is said to have broken down completely in execution. The inducements offered to Rus sian peasants were very generous, and In the last twelve months over 200,000 have crossed the Urals to make new homes for themselves. It seems, however, that Insufficient provision waa made for their reception and that It waa impossible to take proper eare of them until they had secured their farms and started In their new life. The result is that at least 60,000 have returned to Russia empty of pocket and ruined in health from the hardships they underwent. Likewise has M. Wltte's plan for the settlement of 8 Iberia by Im poverished nobles failed. Such persons were permitted to purchase lands ea the GramBaIdsig Powder The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dol lar a year. The poor powder would cause doctors bills many times this. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the most economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and insures perfect, wholesome food. Used always in making the biscuit and cake it saves both health and money. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar, most healthful of fruit acids. Prici Bakinq Powder Co, Chicago. easiest of terms, about 8,000 acres being allotted to each one, the payments to ex tend over thirty-seven years. Instead. however, of nobles taking advantage of thta offer, these lands have been taken up by speculators and Jobbers, who in many cases have resold them at ten times their original price. But the chief obstacle Russia ha to meet In the settlement of Its vast Asiatic dominion Is the unwillingness of the peas ants to live on farms. They prefer tho towns and trading stations, and Instead of becoming active factors in the develop ment of the country more than often be come charges on the government. ... Victor Emmanuel la said to be emulative of Haroun al Raschid, and enjoys nothing more than to wander about the streets and countryside, mixing among hla people, hearing good things of himself and the opposite. As Italy Is supposed to be the hotbed of anarchy, the police are com manded to keep a particularly close watch on their sovereign, so that no harm may befall him. But not a week passes that he does not elude them and get away by himself. By this means he is continually having adventures which are rarely the lot of monarchs and at the same time he gets closer to his people, more In touch with their likes and dislikes, than Is usually the case with one In his position. LIXES TO A SMILE. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Thn editor of the Manila Volcano has been arrested." "Wonder what they'll do with the crater?" Chicago Tribune: "I see old Bklmmer horn la up for office again. I thought he had got out of politics." "Well, you're not far wrong. About everything he has he got out of politics." Somervllle Journal: Almost every busi ness man by the time he gets to be 40 carrfca around 'with him all the time at least one little bottle of pills, and some times two. Chicago Post: "Are they happily mated?" "I don't think so. I overheard hla wife telling him that she thought mourning was very becoming to her." Philadelphia Press: IJeutenant Ixvett (sentimentally) I've coma to nay "good by." I've been ordered to the Philippines. Miss Giddy How Jolly! It'll be to in teresting now to read the lists of the killed and wounded. , Baltimore News: "Young man." said the solemn-looking gentleman In the throng, "do you know you are on the path to quick destruction? ' "I do," replied the youth, as he detached Vv wrs it's in the Quality Of Our Clothing for MEN and Coys that Hake it Cheap. It Is better In materials and workmanship than you'll tad at most places. And It doesn't cost more than the kinds that are cheap only In name. Men's Suits, $10.00 to $25.00. Boys' and Children Suits $2.50 to $18.00 The novelties In Bailor and Russian Blpuse Suits for small boys are extremely attractive this season, both in design and materials. They will Interest every mother of a boy if she desires good cloth ing at reasonable prices. No Clothing Fits Like Ours. Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. R. & Wilcox, Manager. Note. You cannot, if you value Rood health, afford to use cheap, low-grade) baking powders. They are mostly, in spite of the pure food laws, made from alum, which endangers the health. All physicians will tell you that such pow ders in food are injurious. himself and hastened forward, for he had only ten minutes to epend In tho quick lunch room. Baltimore American: "And so," se'd the member of the Investigating committee, "you are the gentleman in charge of the rogues' gallery?" '"Yes, sir," answered the police lieuten ant, "we are the committee on weighs and miens." This subtle connection of the manage ment of the Institution with the methods of cnnKreHs raised dark suspicions In the minds of the committee. TUB WASHERWOMAN. Eugene Ware ("Ironqullt"). In a very humblo cot. In a rather qule spot. In the suds and In the sonp, Worked a woman, full of hope; Working, singing, all alone. In a sort of undertone: "With the Savior for a friend, lie will keep me to the end," Sometimes happening along, I heard the semi-song, And often used to smjle. More In sympathy than guile; Hut I never said a word In regard to what I heard. As she sang about her friend Who would keep her to the end Not In sorrow nor In glee Working all day long was she, . As her children, three or four. Played around tier on the floor; Hut In monotones the song She was humming- all 'day long: "With the Savior for a friend. He will keep me to the end." It's a song I do not sing, Kor I scarce believe a thing Of the miraclea of old; Hut 1 know that her belief Is the anodyne of grief. And will always be a friend That will keep her to the end. Just a trifle lonesome she, Just as poor as poor could be; Hut her spirits' always rose, Like the bubbles In the clothes, .And thouKh widowed and alone. Cheered her with the monotone. Of a Savior and a friend Who would keep her to the end. I have Been her rub tfij scrub, On a washboard In the tub, Whlla the baby, sopped in suds. Rolled and tumbled In the duda; Or was paddling lit the pools. With old scissors stuck In spools; She still humming of her friend Who would keep her to the end. Human hopes and human creeds Have their root on human needs; And I should not wish to strip From that washerwoman's Ud Any song that she can sinpr. Any hope that songs can bring; For the woman haa a friend Who will keep her to the end. t