Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Doctors Say That Every Human Ache is Rheumatic. The S:at o! Rheurmtism is in the Kid'
neys. Keep the Kidneys Healthy and Rheumatism Will Disappear.
Thousands of Men and Women Have
Kidney Disease and Do Not Know
It Until It Has Developed Into Blad
der Trouble, Rheumatism, Diabetes
or Bright's Disease Which Will Prove
Fatal It Not Doctored Promptly.
Fslns In the small of th bnck. painful passing of
urine, Inflammation of the bladder, torpid liver, cloudy
urine, pa Inn In the backf the head and neck, rheum
atic pains all over the body tell you your kidneys are
ind irA not Ahl to rtrt (help work nrnnprlv If vnu
have any of thee symptoms great care should be tak.-n to stop
the progress of the disease and prevent It becoming chronic and
pregnatlng the entire system.
Put some urine in a gloss; after it stands 24 hours If you find a
reddish brick dust sediment In It. or particles floating In the
urine, or the urine la milky and cloudy, you will know your
kidneys are In a diseased condition and are unable to perform their
work, the result will be the bladder and urinary organs will become
inflamed, uric, acid will poison the blood, the stomach will become af
fected and unable to digest the food, the system will become weak
and the result will be a break-down of the general health, with
Wright s dlsense or diabetes, -which will prove fatal If not treated
with promptness and great care. Warner's Safe Cure will purify nnd
strengthen the kidneys and enable them to do their work, It will
cure rheumatism, rheumatic gout, diabetes, Rrlght's dlsenHe, uric acid
poison, Inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs and restore
the nntlent a health and vigor.
A free trlnl bottle ha sometimes besn sufficient to cure cases of kidney disease
hen the simple home test described above has been made in the earlier stages of the
f L I
1 I 11 S t dlsiasi
1 (
V ) yW
r v J
Warner's Safe Cure
The following letter is a sample of thousand of unsolicited letter received from
grateful men and women who have been cured by Warners Pnfe Cure:
"Kighteen vears," experience with Warner's Safe Cure ought to satisfy anyone.
About eighteen years ago I was completely cured In four months of diabetes and rheu
matism which had a pretty strong hold on me. I had suffered everything. The doc
tors had almost given me up. My faith In Warner's Safe Cure has grown stronger
wince that time, as I know a number of the members of the Boston police force who
had suffered from kidney, bladder trouble and rheumatism have been entirely cured
nnd are well and robust men today; In fnct, everyone that I have advised to use
Warner' s Safe Cure has been greatly benefited by It. MOSES C. THOMPSON. Lodge
No 23 K P., Station W, Koyleton St., Boston. Mass., August 17, 1901."
Warner's Safe Cure Is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs; It does not
constipate- It Is a most valuable and effective tonic; it kills the dlseasw germs; It Is a
stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver. Warner's Safe Plll taken with
Warner's Safe Cure, move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure.
Cures Rheumatism.
Warner's Safe Cure is now put tip In two regular slzea and sold by all
druggists, or direct, fjO CENTS AND $1.00 A MOTTLE.
Refuse substitutes. There la none "Just as good" as Warner's Safe Cure.
It has cured all forms of kidney disease during the- last thirty years. It Is
irescrlhed by all doctors ana usea in me leaning nospnais as me oniy aoso
ute cure for all forms of diseases of the kidney, liver, bladder and blood.
Trial Bottle Free.
To convince every sufferer from diseases of the liver,- kidney, bladder
nit Mood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them a trial bottle will be
4ent absolutely free postpaid to any one who will write Waxner Safe Cure
Co., Rochester, N. i., ana mention naving seen mis nnerai oner in i no
Omaha Dnlly Be. The genuineness of this offer Is fully guaranteed by
the publisher. Our doctor will send medical booklet, containing symptoms
and treatment of each disease, and many convincing testimonials free.
General Manager Bidwell Talks of Eosebud
Agency Lands.
Estimates that Twenty-Five Hundred
Families May Be Cared For
ob the Land Rail,
road Notes.
General Manager Bidwell of the Fremont,
Elkborn & Missouri Valley railroad returned
from Chicago Friday with the first definite
Information regarding the portion of the
Rosebud Indian agency In South Dakota,
which is to be opened for settlement this
year, and which the new txtenslon of the
Elkborn from Verdigris will tap. Mr. Bid
well held a conference while In Chicago
with President Hughltt, General Manager
Gardner and Superintendent Ashton of the
Chicago & Northwestern railway. Said he:
"There about 400,000 acrea of land In that
block of the reservation which It Is pro
posed to cut oft and lay open for settlement.
It Is the extreme southeastern corner of the
reservation, which Is a vast affair. This
section lies In Gregory county, South Da
kota, and Is practically oblong In shape, Its
northeastern corner being cut off somewhat
by the Missouri river. Its longest dimen
sion north and south Is thirty-six miles and
cast and west twenty-elx miles.
Boon for Ten Thousand.
"Calculating on one family to every 160
acres, there la room for 2,500 families there.
That means 10,000 people easily If they
to in and take It all. The tract la directly
north of Boyd county, through which our
extension runs. We cross the Nebraska
state line east of the reservation, run
ning to Fairfax, which la two miles and
a halt up Into Dakota. Thence it la only
foir or Ave miles further to Bonesteel.
wtlch la three mile eat of the present
reservation line. Our terminal may be at
Bonesteel. It so, we should build the
track on to the reservation line in order
to bave head room. Bonesteel Is sUtv
ix miles and a fraction from VerdigrU via
our survey.
"Contractors on the Deadwood-Lead City
Una now promise to have the grading com
pleted by April 25. That has been a stu
pendous piece of work, and the cold
weather, with snows, has set us back time
and again on It."
Insurance Agents Assert that It la
Absurd and May Be R
oked. The advauce in rates of Insurance on
commercial risks where the property has
not been put under schedule rating bat
been put into effect by Omaha local agents
on property Insured, and Insurance renewed
since the first of the month, in those com
panies which have notified the agents of the
Increase. So far several of the companlea
in the union have failed to notify agents
of tho Increase In the rates, and for that
reason the agents believe that ' the new
rates will not bo put into' force by all ot
the companies and that those which have
ordered the advance will restore the old
rate In a short time.
"In applying the new rating," said an
agent, "we find some things In It which are
hard to account for. In the first place It Is
to be applied to commercial risks strictly,
and where a building (a used as a dwelling
house above the first floor the rate does not
apply. This makes some peculiar condi
tions. Take a bouse on Douglas street
where a trunk manufacturer resides above
his factory. There is no advance on his
risk. In the same building, next door,
there is a manufacturer ot cigars. The
rooms over that store are not occupied as
a dwelling, so when the clgarmaker comes
to Insure he will have to pay the advanced
rate. There are other features equally ab
surd and Inapplicable to conditions In this
city, and I think that when the companies
come to see the effect of the new rates and
the comparatively small amount of busi
ness affected they will be willing to restore
the old regulations. The largo risks of the
city are not affected, as practically all ot
the wholesale houses and many of the
larger retail stores are under the schedule
Response to Deatitnte Widow's Plea
for Place to Move Her
Mrs. Peter Nelson, a widow (0 years of
age, whose husband after an Illness ot two
years died last November, called upon the
city attorney yesterday morning to solicit
the donation of a lot upon which to move, her
house. Her's Is one of the eighteen or
twenty bouses that stand in the street on
North Tenth street, near Cuming, against
which eviction proceedings have recently
been brought by the city. She was told
that the city has no lots to give away.
The case of Mrs. Nelson Is unique In sev
eral ways. With her husband she has lived
In a little frame shack at Tenth and Cum
ing streets for fifteen years, and their only
child, a daughter, was born there. "Fete"
Nelson was only a common laborer, but he
was thrifty, and at one time they bad a
snug bank account. Then the city notified
them that they would have to move out ot
the street. Nelson consulted a lawyer, who
told him that, by virtue of his long resi
dence there, he could hold the property on
the principle of "squatter's sovereignty,"
and the case was taken to the courts.-
, About this time Nelsoa was. stricken with
paralysis'. -.' ' 1
The case went against' them In thefts
'trlct court, but Mrs. Nelson took up the
fight where hei husband left off and paid
the lawyer almost the last cent of their
savings to have It appealed to the state su
preme court There It hung fire until a
few months ago, when again It was decided
against them. A few weeks later Nelson
The widow la now penniless and Is de
pendent for support upon her 15-year-old
daughter, who works In an overall factory.
The house In which they live Is a tumble
down frame shanty of two rooms with a
lean-to. As tbe Union Pacific Railroad
company wishes to lay tracks along the
street, the widow and her daughter will be
required to move some time this week.
Child Mother Once More the Subjeet
of Habeas Corpus Litiga
tion. Ths attorney for Mrs. Sarah C. D. Bas
sett of Marsland, Dawes county. Neb., se
cured from Judge Baxter yesterday an
order for writ of habeas corpus, compelling
Margaret Duffy, In charge of the Salvation
Army home, to produce in court this morn
ing Ida May Mitchell, aged 14, who is al
leged to be unlawfully detained at the
Mrs. Bassett seeks to gain possession of
tbe girl who was, she alleges, left In her
care by ber foster parents, but taken from
her forcibly some months ago by a Mr.
Sal a, agent of the home. The girl la said
to have given birth to a child at the home
two weeks ago, and Attorney L. D. Holmes,
who represents Mrs. Basaett, says that it
is reported to be the purpose of friends
ot the young man to keep the girl and ths
child both out of court, it possible, to de
teat ths prosecution against him.
"Let tho GOLD DUST
twins do your work"
Soap I
Better for clothes, dishes, pots and pais, floors and doors and yat mora economical COLO DUST
drives dirt before it makes everything clean and ' bright lessens ths hou&swife's cares. With COLD
DUST'S aid wash-day ceases to be "Blue Monday." It makes it possible, to havs snow white clothes
without rubbing them to pieces on ths washboard.,,
Chicago. Mew York, Boston, St. Louis Makers at OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
Hall of Philanthropy to Be Erected at St.
Louis World's Fair.
C'lrrnlar letter from the Memorial
Committee Apprises Women of
Plan and Recounts Its
Under date of April 18 a circular letter
has been Issued to the club women of
America by ths Missouri Federation of
Woman's Clubs. -
At tbe Milwaukee biennial It was de
cided that federated clubs of the Louisiana
Purchase states should erect a permsnent
memorial to the purchase some place In
the included district. .To decide upon such
a memorial a conference was cslled In
Kansas City last spring, when a number of
projects were offered to be presented to
the federations of the purchase states tor
their consideration, they to return a definite
reply at a subsequent meeting. This meet
ing was held In St. Louis January 20, 21
snd 22 ef this year, all the states being
represented, with two exceptions, Nebraska
being one of these.
At this meeting the various projects pre
sented by the ststes were discussed, the
hall of philanthropy seeming to be tbe
most popular. It was then estimated that
It would cost sbout $150,000, the raising
of which sum wss considered by many a
rather heavy tax upon the states of the
district. No definite decision was reached
and it was decided to. refer ths matter
to the Los Angeles biennial and invite the
co-operatton of other club women In the
establishment of the memorial.
Tbe women of tbe Missouri federation
have been urging the scheme for the
Hall of Philanthropy, and as the necessity
of some place for keeping the general fed
eration records Is generally recognized, this
plan will doubtless receive strong support.
Test of the Circular.
Following is the text of the circular re
ferred to:
To the Club Women of America: In order
to answer some of the practical questions
which have been asked, we submit the fol
lowing Information concerning the use, coBt
of erection and malntalnante of the Hall
of Philanthropy:
An ordinance Just passed by the muni
cipal assembly of the city of St. Louis
? rants a permanent site on the World's
air grounds In Forest park for a building
to be erected by the Oeneral Federation of
Woman's Clubs. It Is to contain .n audi
torium and other necessary rooms, and be
used as a Woman's building during the
World's fair, and afterward will be con
verted Into a Hall of Philanthropy, where
we hope to place the large sociological ex
hibit which will be collected from all parts
of the world at the time of the World's
The ordinance also provides that the Hall
of Philanthropy shall be a permanent meet
ing place for tho General Federation of
Woman's Clubs and for the directors of
the Missouri federation. As General Feder
ation headquarters. It furnishes a place of
deposit for the club archives. Organized
as a central bureau of Information for the
use of charitable and reformatory Institu
tions, it will serve the same purpose for
the Federuted Clubs. The came building,
the same equipment, the same management
will answer for both. On the building will
be inscribed: "Hall of Philanthropy, Erected
by the oenenal t eueration ot woman s
Advssttge of the Offer.
Not only has a site been, secured free
of charge and exempt from taxation for
the Hall or Philanthropy, but In considera
tion of It k uh aa a woman's building dur
ing the World's fair, tbe directors of the
exposition will give to the Federated Clubs
erecting such a building for the purpose
designated, in , the ordinance, a Duiiaing
fund of idM0' to be added to the sum to
be raised ry the rlub women for the same
purpose. Ttei -additional eum appropriated
by the World's fair directors will enable
us to build a handsomer and more com
modious structure than we could otherwise
erect, to which our successors can point
with Just prldo. Its beauty, its prominence
the use to which it will be dedicated, will
make It one of the noblest permanent me
morials of the Louisiana Purchase exposi
tion. The ordinance provides that the Hall of
Philanthropy shnll be managed by a board
ot directors consisting of nine women, six
of whom shall be nominated by the Oeneral
Federation of Woman's Clubs and three by
the Missouri Federation of Woman's Clubs,
with three city officials as members ex
officlo. Appointments will be made upon
reccmmendatlon of the women of the Gen
eral Federation of Woman's Clubs and of
the Missouri Federation. After the appoint
ment of the tirst year the term of office will
be for fix years.
The Hall of Philanthropy as planned will
be a library and museum of everything
pertaining to the improved methods con
stantly being adopted all over the world
In the Interests of the defective, dependent
and delinquent classes. Here will be readily
available Information which can be pro
cured only through a long, tedious corre
spondence, if at all. It will till a national
want which is more and more keenly felt
and emphatically voiced by earnest work
ers. It will be the only Institution of Its
kind In the world. The building erected by
the united efforts of the club women of
America will have the effect of bringing
women Into closer touch with each other
for the Interchange of Ideas on all sub
jects In which they have a common Inter
est. .
Committee Is Inanlntons.
After careful consideration, the commit
tee unanimously recommends this project,
believing that it will commend Itself, In
that It embraces so many of the varied
activities of woman's work, offers a site
free of cost and exempt from taxation and
Insures a generous gift from the World's
By the World's fair committee: Chair
man. Mrs. Edwin Harrison; secretary, Mrs.
T. B. Waters; treasurer, Mrs. 8. K. Wood
stock; Mesdames George H. Bhlelda, Henry
Eliot, Mary Perry, T. D. Kimball, A. J.
Ellison and W. B. Pettlbone.
Campaign for Subscriptions Will
Begin Among the Churches
Sunday Evening.
The Omaha City Mission society opens
Its campaign for popular subscriptions for
the purchase of the city mission property
on Sunday evening. It has arranged to
have every society of Christian young
people's organizations in the city visited by
a representative and tbe work and plans
presented for their consideration and co
operation. The societies at the followln
named churches will be visited br the
delegstes named:
First Methodist, Dr. W. O. Henry; Knox
Presbytertsn, Dr. C. E. Henry; Westminster
Presbyterian, Alfred C. Kennedy; Park Ave
nue United Presbyterian, Charles B. Rey
nolds; First Baptist, H. H. Daldrlge; First
Christian. George W. Gsrloch; Castellar
Presbyterian, A. O. Guthrldge; Trinity
MethodUt, W. E. Richards; Parkvale Con.
gregatlonsl, Miss Nellie Magee; First
United Presbyterian, D. Burr Jones; South
Tenth Street Methodist. Mary D. Goodman;
Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Miss Myrtle Ben
nett; Hanscom Park Methodist, Miss
Frsnces Standlsh; Second Presbyterian,
Miss Delia DeMoss; Southwest Presbyter
Ian, M. A. Nye; Central United Presbyter.
Ian, H. O. Beatty; Seward Street Methodist,
E. G. Jones; Plymouth Congregational. Rob
ert Smith; Immanuel Baptist. C. H. Jansen;
Walnut Hill Methodist. Claude W. Mason;
First Congregational, EHsha B. Cook; First
United Evangelical. J. W. Barrltt; St.
Mark's Lutheran, Miss Elisabeth Garrett;
Kountie Memorial Lutheran, Miss Ivy
Heed; Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Miss
Agnes E. Wsrd; Calvary Baptist, Mrs. E. H.
Shtnrock; Grant Street Christian, Miss Ora
Shiniock; Cherry Hill Congregational, Wil
liam Harms; Hillside Congregational, Oliver
Chambers; First Presbyterisn. Thomas R.
McNalr; St. Mary's Congregational, E. M.
The plan Is to have these societies raise
an amount equal to $1 per member for the
purpose of purchasing tbe lot, and when ths
lot Is secured ths business men of tbe city
war J
fids piea.sartly
Acts Berveficiallyi
tstrily as a.Laxaiiver.
.V?- 3 ;:
run of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
informed and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
quality or surstance. in the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
Louisville. Ky.
For ej, by ll. dr umiaks
Skt' Frrcieo. Csl.
new York.N.Y.
Price, fifty cents per bottle.
will be appealed to for funds sufficient to
erect a permanent and creditable modern
mission bouse upon the site.
Announcements of the Theaters.
"The Climbers," Clyde Fitch's great play
on social life in New York, will bs given
at Boyd's theater Sunday night by popular
Ths engagement of the company was to
have ended last night, but so many re
quests were sent in to Manager Burgees
to continue It for one night that he talked
the manager of tbe company Into playing
the night. This company usually does not
play Sunday night engagements, eo thst
there Is a treat in store for Sunday patrons.
This is the first time this season that the
company bas played a Sunday engagement.
The regular Saturday matinee will be
glvan at the Orpheum this afternoon and
tbe women and children who attend will
find In the program much to their liking,
especially to series ot pretty living pic
tures by Mile. Chester and her statue dog.
The week will be brought to a closo with
this evening's performance and for the
week commencing tomorrow a varied pro
gram ot eight acts, embracing much that
Is new, Is announced. A number ot moving
pictures, showing scenes at the Trans
mlsstssippl exposition. Including one show
ing President McKlnley visiting the grest
fair, will be among tbe views projected
by tbe klnodrome.
The Trocadero patrons were never more
delighted with an amateur show than ths
one presented last night, over fifteen com
peting for the cash prizes which were put
up by the management for the successful
contestants. "The Blue Bloods Burlesquers''
conclude their engagement today with two
performances. On account of tbe success
which tbe cycle whirl has achieved. Man
ager Rosenthal bas re-engaged this act tor
next week in conjunction with the "City
Club Burlesquers," who will present two
new burlesques and an olio.
If You Want Fine Shoes at
Half the Original Price
Forced from Business.
Passenger Train Has Karrovr Escape.
JOLIET, 111.. April 18. The through Rock
Inland train from the west, due here at
12:35 p. m., had a narrow escape today
from being plunged Into the drainage canal
here. A long freight train was being
backed off the main line to let the pas
senger through. The brakeman threw thi
wrung- switch and several freight cars
were plied in a heap on the bridge over
the canal. The pasenger train was speed
ing toward the scene of the wreck and was
stopped Just in time by a flagman running
down the track and waving a signal. No
one was hurt.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See PaofllasUa Wrapper Bsiew.
?6.00 Shoes ...$3.69
$4.00 Shoes ........... .$2.98
$3.00 Shoes .l.C9
Hoys' Shoes 98c
Childs' Slioes 39o
Patent Kid Slippers 79c
$3.00 Shoes $3.38
$3.5Q Shoes .., $2.38
$2.50 Slioes ....'..".....$1.18
Misses Shoes 88c
Infants'. Slioes 9c
Broken lines Shoes, men
and women's 98c
Prices so low that you can't resist the temptation. Your
price is ours, as we quit and quit quick.
Extra help for Saturday. Store for rent or lease for sale.
The Rochester Shoe Company,
1515 Douglas Street 1515.
Office Ruildinir l l
I Moving Is not plesssnt to think about B H
except when the prospect of a handsome B H
tabs a swgna.
( vary hub
rot icaIackl
r0l DIUINEll.
roi imoutictt.
J. P.
.Those suffering from weak
nesses which sap the plessures
of life should take a dollar hot-
" lis of Juvea Pills. One bottle
will tell a 'story of marvelous results snd
create profound wonder. This medicine bas
more rejuvenating, vitalising forrs than has
ever been offered. Sent by tnsil in plain
parkage only on receipt of this sdr. and tl. if
This it 4 worth of medicine for one dollar.
Mads by its originators C. I. Hood Co.. pro
prietors Hovd'S fcarsapsrllla, Lowell, Mass.
office Is in prospect. You have to get up
a certain amount of steam to move, even
when you are driven to desperation by
poor Janitor work, wretched elevator ser
vice and offices that bavs been long In
need of paint as well as soap and water.
The Bee Building
always looks fresh and attractive because
It is never allowed to get out of repair.
This together with effloient janitor service
make It a plsassnt place to do business.
Besides this ths rents are no higher
than In other buildings.
R. C. Peters & Co.
Ground Floor, Be a Building.
On account of Its frightful hldeousness, Wood Poisoning is commonly called
the King of all Diseases. It may be cither hereditary or contracted. Once the sys
tem is tainted with it. the dlxease may manifest Itself In tha form of Scrofula.
Kcsema, Rheumatic pains. Btlff or Swullea Julnts, Krupllons or Copper Colored
Hiots on the Face or Body, little Ulcers, In the Mouth, or on the Tongue, Sore
'ihroat. Swollen Toni-lls, Falling out of Hair or Eyebrows, and finally a Leproun
like Iecuy of the Flesh and lt.meg. If you have any of these or similar symp
toms, get BROWNS HU GD t'l'HE Immediately. This treatment is practically
the result of life work. It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of the Disease and forces out every
particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom dlnappears completely and
forever The blood, the tissue, the lienh, the bones and the whole system are
cleansed, purified and restored to pert e t health, and the patient prepared anew
for the duUes and pleasures of life. BROWN'S P.I.OOD Cl'RK, Vi.iit a bottle,
lasts one month. MADE UY i)R BROWN, KiS Arch ritreet, Philadelphia,
bold only by sherinnn at Mcluascll llrut t o., lota ana IJoda Sis.. Omaha.
L rt.contIUrtrot.
Taujy. Pvunrruyti. ! riffle f(lur; lunge I, luoat
H. L. Ramacclottl, D. V, S.
Deputy State and City Veterinarian.
orric-B ahd utriaaiBT, sum . t i.
Street, I nr. af
Ttltfktst 6S. ssakn, Rfb.