Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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TllE OMAHA DAILY Jim-, SATUllDAY, AriUL 10, 1002.
Sheriff Goe After Heap, Jr., tut Gets
Toned Down.
,Aetmm fioemr af Wjomlnt Ue
' anaads Affidavit from Cemplala
Ina: Wlfnese mmi prrldeatloa
from t'oaaff Attorney.
After a upoelarular ride on the rear n4
tof a t'nlon I'aclflo flyer. In the course of
hleh trip he is reported to have been
cheered by crowds en route that mistook
lilra for President Roosevelt. Sheriff John
Power of Douglasi county bunted Into Inex
orable state officials in Wyoming who
would not honor his requisition papers for
William Heap, Jr., and who have made It
necessary that he wait there for new
The objection. raised In Wyoming Is new
4o County Attorney Shields, and one on
nrhlch he proposes to post himself for fu
ture emergencies. William Heap, Jr., Is
alleged to have secured an advance pay
ment of $8,000 from the Perry Live Stock
Commission company of South Omaha for
tattle that he failed to deliver, and to
bsve then fled to Evanston. Wyo. Th
rommlsslon people told their story to ths
Bounty attorney, who considered the
grounds sufficient to warrant a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses,
find, accordingly, secured requisition papers
of the usual form.
Politely Turned Down.
Armed with these Sheriff Power went to
ecure his man, but the Wyoming officials
surprised him with a polite turning down.
The secretary of state, who was then the
acting governor, had the papers sent back
to the county attorney with a letter In
which he said that they were Insufficient, In
lew of the rules adopted by "the confer
ence of governors," which rules require,
among other things not formerly required,
that the requisition be accompanied by an
affidavit of the complaining witness that ha
Is not using the criminal process to enforce
the collection of a private debt; also that
the county attorney specify the section of
the criminal code under which he Is prose
cuting. Deputy County Attorney Burnam said:
"This is all new to us. Indeed, we didn't
know there had been a conference of gov
ernors at which any such rule was adopted,
nor do wa know yet when It was nor who
attended. The requisition papers that we
had for Sheriff Power's use were Just such
as have been honored elsewhere, time and
again, tbo latest s being in Illinois, where
only this week we got Malloy, the black
smith accused of embezzlement. The papers
were returned to us yesterday and we have
made out the new ones as required, without
waiting to look up the history of the 'con
ference.' They were sent today to Gov
ernor Savag and will, I suppose, reach the
sheriff at Evanston about Monday, wbea
he can serve them and start for home at
once. I do not know how soon after their
arrival we can get action on Heap, but It
Won't be long."
Mistaken for Roosevelt.
The tale of the sheriff being mistaken for
the president ts sponsored by M. A. Bea
owe, a traveling man now at the Mer
chant hotel. He says that "Honest John"
was standing on the rear platform when
.the train pulled out of Laramie, smiling ex
pansively, and with hla square shoulders
looming up la bis long black coat. He had
hla hat tilted back on his head and his
glasses cn. Somebody In the crowd said he
looked like the president. Somebody else
aid It was the president, going west on a
hunting trip. The operator at Laramie la
a "Josher" and he sent word ahead that the
president was on the train. The result la
aid to have been that the sheriff of Doug
las county got three cheers and crlea for a
speech at nearly every stopping place be
tween Laramie and Rawlins.
Monday, April 21, We 'Will Plnee on
'ale Fine Lot of Carpeta and Baas.'
The Comstock & Avery carpets and rugs
Save arrived.
. . The most superb collection of fine rugs
and carpets ever placed on special sale In
, Omaha la now here. Very nearly a carload
of high clasa carpets and rugs, some of
them slightly damaged, will be placed on
ale at the Boston Store Monday morning
at. In many Instances, less than one-fourth
of what the regular price would be If they
were bought In the regular way. The rugs
art mostly in large room sizes. Sunday
papers will acquaint you with more partic
ulars of this sale.
Our customers come In hopefully and
leave satisfied. Come In Saturday and see
now satisfied you leave with the bargains
we offer, Hayden Bros. Our ad Is on
Page 7.
Send article of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
Ve will give them proper legal Insertion.
I Bee telephone, 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at the
Catherr. H-t20 Bee Building. Tel. 1716.
Chlaamnn Hastily Oris Away front
Colored Man nltk Threaten,
laa- Knife.
Harrison Talbot, colored, haa been ar
rested for trying to run a Chinese laundry
according to rules not specified In the city
ordinances nor approved by the police and
will be tried on a charge of creating a
disturbance. Talbot went into the Chlneae
iilac ' on Twelfth between Douglas and
' Dodge streets, and after drawing out a long
bladed knife declared It waa his Intention
to get a queue, and started for the keeper
of the place. The latter took time by the
' forelock, grabbed hla queue In his hand and
Jumped through a window, carrying sash
and all. Talbot waa rounded up early yes
terday morning and placed In Jail.
Store Open t ntll ftiSO aaterday
Women's and children's summer hosiery
end underwear, values that command at
tention. The "Munslng" combination suit.
This most satisfactory brand carried by us
only. Represents superior workmanship,
excellent fit, honest prlres.
Women's vests, rlchelleu ribbed, low neck,
sleeveless, splendidly made; special price,
10c each.
25c for women's fine lisle or cotton vests,
silk top, selvedged borders, with or with
out wing sleeves; umbrella drawers, with
deep lace trimming, 25c each.
Pure "Vega" silk vests, silk lace arm
holes, fronts and shoulders, also armless,
vega silk bodices, beautifully made, eream,
white, blue, pink; unusual values; Satur
day, 50c each.
The "Munslng" combination suits for
women and childrenone trial, our cus
tomers will wear no other make. Women's
low neck, sleeveless, knee length, whlte-
rlbbed union suits. Just as nicely finished
as our high-priced goods, fully worth 65c,
all alzes; our price only 85c per suit.
The "Munslng" women's high neck, long
or short sleeve, ankle or knee length, also
a superior quality In low neck, sleeveless or
wing sleeves, union suits, beautifully fin
ished, all sizes. $1.00 per suit.
Misses' and boys' "Munslng" combination
suits, high neck, long or short sleeves, low
neck, knee length, white or ecru, all sizes.
Saturday 60c.
Boys' Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawer, high
neck, long or rnort sleeve shirts, ankle or
knee length drawers, made well, nicely fin
ished, only 25o each.
Women's fine fast black Cotton Stockings,
plain or fancy drop stitch, double sole, heel
and toe, 15c pair, 2 for 25c.
25c for women's Lisle Thread and Cotton
Hose, Hermsdorf black, lace stripes or
plain, with maco soles, Saturday 25c.
60c Imported Hosiery for women, platn.
fancy and open work patterns, neweet and
prettiest effects, a beautiful line of all-
over black lace, our own special patterns,
on counter for Saturday's sale.
Children's fast black, fine ribbed Cotton
Stockings, spliced knee, double heel and toe,
all sizes, 15c pair.
25c for misses' fine ribbed blsck Cotton
Hose, maco sole, double knee, heel and
toe, also a very pretty line of black lace
lisle, extra values. .,
We keep a full and complete line of In
fants' Stockings, fine ribbed cashmere in
black, tan, red, blue, pink, white, also a
superior quality of lisle thread In same
shades, double knee, beel and toe; entire
line 25c pair.
Hayden Bros.' ad Is full of Interest to
the economical buyer. ' Read It on page 7.
Tonrlat Car Service to Denver.
On April 15 the Union Pacific placed In
service between Council Bluffs, Omaha anl
Denver a through ordinary (tourist) car,
"The Colorado Special." Both first and sec
ond-class ticket will be honored on these
cars, and passengers wishing to economize
in their traveling expenses may avail them
selves of this excellent service. The rate
for a double berth between above points is
$1.60. The cars are Just as neat and clean
as Palace Sleeping car, are well ventilated,
have separate lavatories for ladles and gen
tlemen, and all the cars being carpeted and
This train
Leave Council Bluffs 11:05 p. m. today.
Leave Omaha 11 :30 p, m. today.
Arrive Denver 2 p. m. tomorrow.
For further Information, reservations,
etc., call on or address City Ticket Office,
1324 Fsrnam street. 'Phone 315. Union
Station, 10th and Marcy. 'Phone 629.
Graphopbone at a Bargain.
FOR SALE Latest model type, A. G.
comblnatioa graphophone, which play both
large aad small records; list price, $90.00.
Thla la especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and
stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi
son records and carrying caae of twenty
four records. The machine Is entirely new
and has never been used. Will sell at' a
bargain. Address X 86, In care of The Bee.
Are Von Golnar to Lot Angelesf
If so, better reserve berth In the tourist
cars, which will leave Omaha at 6:20 p. m.
Monday, April 21, for Los Angeles via- El
Paao Short, Line, Great Rock Island Route.
Rate, one way $25; round trip $45; berth
accommodating two persons, $5. City ticket
office, 1323 Farnam street.
Bennett Free Sonvenlr Delivery.
Next Monday morning we will begin to
deliver our free souvenirs to all customers
who have registered. Four bannered wag
ons and plnmed horses will start out and
continue until our 16,000 have been distributed.
Publish your legal notices in The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Turn right to page 7 and read the big ad
of Harden Bros.
, I
Horaiord't Acid Phosphite
quiet and strencrthent the
nerves, allaying their weak
ened and Irritated condition,
whioh onuses wakefulness,
nervousness and exhaustion.
It improves the appetite,
cures stomach ailments and
induces refreshing sleep.
Intast on having
' ua Silt ISI Htw
Papll of .City School to Be Given
t nuanal Opportunity to
Th public library la to co-operate with
the city schools In the teaching of nature
lessons. On Thursday of next week th
walla of th children' room on the second
floor of the library building will be deco
rated with about fifty plates, presenting
birds In their natural colors, while on the
tables will be a set of the Audubon books
of birds, and also Audubon's "Quadrupeds
of North America." Wilson's "American
Ornithology" will be at the disposition of
the pupils and they will have access to a
large number of book containing colored
picture of buttarflles and other Insects
These works will be on exhibition until
the following Monday. The librarian will
send notice to the principals of all ths
schools, public and parochial In order that
the largest possible number of pupils may
avail themselves of this opportunity.
"The various grade of th city schools
hav taken up these nature studies this
spring," said the librarian, "and I am
doing this to let the teacher and pupil
know what the capacity of the Ubrarv la In
Ibis line. I csa tell by the kind of books
the pupils are calling for now that thev
are not aware of the best books cn the
It Application Here I Klffnrlaa; In
Salt la Jndse niekla.
an'a Coart.
Judge Dickinson 1 hearing arguments la
a cas that haa Its origin across the At
lantic ocean. John Morris of London has
sought to foreclose a mortgage on certain
Omaha lots given by "Lady" Phoebe R. E.
Linton of London aa security for his loan
to her of $80,000. The English law requires
that notes and mortgage bear a stamp, but
there I non on those give a by Mra. Lin
ton and Attorney Yelaer contends for bee
that they ar therefor void. Attorney
Slmeral. for Mr. Morri. take th view
thai English law ef that kind can hav no
effect here. He cites that congress cannit
make laws for the state courts and that
If congress cannot do ae surely th law
making branch ot a foreign government
cannot. -
M iijlj.... i j i imf ssmsmi -- PLWiJ-i. UJ1I.W m. i sin lis nil u aim-!
II I 1 ; J I fJ 1 I . 1 M III CL
, Zr ul I IwS
Each day of tliis sale its bewtits arc more nl moro
apparent. Today hundred of new lots of mill-end
that we had no room to display previously, will be placed
on sale. I?elow are some of the bargain that await, you:
Mill-Ends in Basement Saturday.
From 9 until 10 o'clock Saturday morning Nve will sell 10
yards of Corded Dimity, worth (ic yard. at. .... . 15c
A 10-yard pattern for 15c. That's a bargain-you don't
want to miss. ' . ', ,
llest grade 30-iuch wide Drapery Silkoline yard . . . . 2ic
Tine Zephyr Gingham, worth 15c, in long remnants. . 8Jc
Tine Scotch Gingham, in mill remnant yard 6Jc
30-inch wide light and dark Percale yard 6ic
llest Muslin lileached, such as Lonsdale, Fruit of the
Loom and New York Mills all go at yard 6c
Fine Plain and Corded LawiiH, worth 10c and 15c, in 'mill
remnants go at per yard 34c
Fine White Madras Hwiss, Nainsook, etc., worth up to
25c go at per yard .'. '. '. ..... . 10c
Fine Dimity, Mercerized Striped Lace Lawns, worth up to
25c go at per yard ; 10c
Fine Mercerized Sateen, worth 40c, go at yard 10c
3(5-inch wide Covert Cloth, worth 20c, go at yard. . . . 8ic
Heavy Shirting and Dress Duck and Drills at yard. . 6ic
Fine Scotch Lawns, in long mill remnants, go from 8 to 0
o'clock Saturday morning at yard lc
One big table 25c finest quality lisle organdies go at yd34c
One big table remnants Drapery Velours, worth 75c, at .39c
One big table remnants all kinds of Toweling, in lengths
up to 10 yards, go at about One-Half Regular Price
One counter all kinds of Table Damask Uemnants, from
l to 3 yards, go at about. . .One-Half Regular Price
One big table odd bolts, all kinds, wide and narrow rib
bon, 10 yards in a bolt, go at per bolt 10c
One lot table cloths, up to 3 yards long, and worth $2.50
each, all go at each..... . 98c
Tercaline and Silesia Linings all kinds yard 5c
Bargains in remnants, all kinds of ribbon, at yard
. 3ic, 5c, 7ic, 12ic and 15c
MONDAY, APRIL 21. we win hold a 1
If you want a bargain don't miss thla sale.
You Might as Well
f;et the benefit of these short prices if you
Ive out of town, us we make no extra
charge for boxing or cartage to depot. We
have our own expressman, and freight or
express will not begin to eat up the saving-
Bee your neighbors and make up your
order together.
25c Putxlne, to clean wall paper 15c
Hest Dimtlesa oil ror noors, gai toe
1.U) Kilmer's Swamp Hoot tile
yr. Cramer's Kidney Cure 40c
tl.OO fiexlne I'llls 7S
ll.(ii) German Kimmell bitters 75c
fl.00 Parisian Hair Tonio 75c
11.00 Peruna 1 to a customer bTc
tl.UO Wine Cnrdul 1 to a customer .... 4Hc
11.00 Herplcide if you want it (Hc
Zac Eagle brand Condensed MUK lac
$1.00 Mother's Friend 73c
Jl.ftO Fire Drops 73c
iz.w pennyroyal mis si.uu
Prescriptions called for and delivered to
any part of city, day or night, without ex
tra charge. v e never clone.
Tel. 74T. W. lor. lttth ad Cklcaa:.
A Happy Hit
He said it was a happy lilt when he
painted his own carriage with Lowe Bros.'
Gloss Carriage Taint. He had always hired
a painter and paid a big price until we
showed him how to get the same results
at one-fourth the cost. You can do as
Well let us show you how.
Lowe Bros.' Qloss Carriage Paint ready
for use comes In black, blue, yellow, wine
color, green, meteor red, Vermillion. The
ooet to a trifle. Quart cans retail at onlv
75c and brushes are cheap. You don't
seed any varnish for finishing. See us
for wagon paints, oilwood and varnish
stains. These are all standard prepara
tions absolutely guaranteed and scld
cheaper than ever before. Ask for color
18th an4 Kara am St re t a. Osnafca.
Bleach 3 Hats
We sell package Hat Bleach Tablet.
Price per package, containing enough for
three hats, 10c.
25c Strengthening Plaster, our price 7c
10c Frog in Throat, our price 5c
50c Poxzonl Powder, our price..... 28c
60c LaBlanche Face Powder, our price.... 35c
50c Claret Wine, quart bottle, our price. .25c
50c Zlnfandel, quart bottle, our price.... 25c
11.00 Pe-ru-na (genuine), we sell 58c
25c Hires' Root Beer Extract, we sell. ...14c
25c Vermont Root Beer Extract (makes
6 gallons) 14c
25c Thompson's Cherry Phosphate, we
sell 14c
Hires' Root Beer, ready to drink 10c
Violet Water (long green bottle) 25c
Velvet Candy lOe, 15c and 25c
Sherman & F.lcConneli Drug Co.
Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha.
. Saturday ts always a big bargain day at
the big store of Hayden Bros. Read our ad
on page 7.
BO AND Milton A., on April 1. beloved
ton of Harry L. and Emma Boand, of
Funeral from family residence, 2026 Ban
croft street. Bunitay afternoon at i o'clock.
Interment Laurtl Hill cemetery. Friends
STAFFORD J. R.. father of Joseph R..
Harry . fciiith If.. Morris H. and Mrs.
C. H. Scott. April 11. la hlw SJd year.
Funeral services J rid ay afternoon, April
10. at 1 o'clock, at the residence of hta son,
H. C. Btafford. 21 North Nineteenth street.
Interment Forest 1-awn. Loulsrllld, Ky.,
and Jelliro, Tenn., patters pleasa copy.
BTREIOHT Oeorre Arthur, son of Mr.
and Mra. Henry O. B Ire t tit, aged 4 yeara
1 months.
Funeral Sunday at p. m. . Interment
The Other Day
A lady told us she had never bought
a pair ot shoes for her boy that gave
the satisfaction - that a pair of our
11.50 shoes did, which she bought
from us last , fall. We never hear
anything but praise for these shoes.
They're made ot honest leather and
put together so as to wear. No mat
ter how big or little your boy Is, we
can fit him with these $1.60 shoes.
Just so he is a boy. Saturday Is boys'
and girls' day at our store.
Drcxcl Shoe Co.,
Catalogs Free for the AsklaaT.
Omaha's I'p-to-daO Shoe) Hoaae,
One of the finest. An American wine,
par excellence, made at Weldon. N. C.
from selected grapes. For a light, dainty
table wlae, Eacapernoog is unequalled.
Nothing' better caa be bad at the price:
pints, 60c; quarts, only 80c. Don't forget
that we have 'the only exclusive liquor
store In the city. . No bar la this store.
Ladles ran order here with perfect pro
priety. Fine California wines at $125, 11.50
and 1200 per gallon. Pure whiskey, 12 50.
12.75 and 13.00 per gallon.
Mall orders promptly filled.
City orders delivered.
Fine Wines and Table Liquors.
Opposite PostonV. Telephone 1148.
This store is such n popular shopping place! No wonder it grows
bigger mid better every day!
Our constant aim is to bring you better values than other stores
can offer. Expert knowledge, ample capital with strict adherence to
business integrity are the factors that have pushed this store so far
ahead. Your patronage tells us in unmistakable terms of the solid sat
isfaction found in shopping here, and this makes us only the more alert
to provide greater facilities and bigger inducements.
Saturday Morning
April I9th, at 9:30 A. M
We Will Place on Sale 800 Samples
of Women's White Waists.
This is one of the most import ant offering!
of women's White Waists ever made by any
store in Amoriea. Here is the story briefly:
Our cloak buyer, who has just returned from
the eastern market, closed out the entire
sample line of a New York waist manufac
turer who stands very, positively at the top in
the production of tine waists they were
bought for loss than the making alone would
first yon. They are made of the very best
quality of white sheer lawn, handsomely
trimmed with lace and embroidery all this
season's newest designs not a waist in the
lot worth less than $1.50, and up to $3.50
they are mostly size 36, and a few 34 and 38.
Your unrestricted choice
Til V.- ,
Women's Man
Tailored Suits
75 Sample Suits on sale they
are made of the finest mater
ials, Venetians, broadcloths,
cheviots and etamines, in the
new eton and Gibson blouse ef
fects, all high class garments
made by one of the best manu
facturers in America as sam
ples, we bought them at 50c on
the dollar and will sell them
the same way, suits worth from
Silk Skirt
Special for
Just received by today's express
75 women's Silk Dress Skirts
for Saturday's sale. Made of the
best taffeta and peau de soie
silk, trimmed with ruffles and
ribbon ruching; they hang
gracefully and nre as good as
you will see elsewhere for fif-
0... $10.00
In Our Clothing Section.
When you buy Nebraska Clothing you buy GOOD CLOTHING looks
good and wears good. We can dress you for any occasion for less money
than any store that we know of. Your money back or your money's worth
at this store.
Children's Suits
Children's Suits Made up of a choice line of
suitings, made to wear, correct in style and
well made; they come in light and dark
checks, plain and fancy patterns; they are
made in double-breasted or Norfolk styles
with patent waist band and buttons, well
worth $3.75;
Children's Suits Made of serges, cassi
meres, plaids and over-plaids, checks and
"in colors, perfectly tailored with the best of
linings; the' come in double-breasted, Xor
folks and three-piece suits
that are well worth $4, Jf O ff
Men's Suits
In a choice line of worsteds, cheviots, includ
ing'the new "black and white cheviot" that
will be very popular this season!1 They are
cut in the latest styles and perfectly tailored.
Our price for HO
these suits . .' i)y.UU
Men's Suits
In a choice line of patterns in half a dozen
different styles to choose from, fancy
worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, including a
handsome assortment of "pin check"
worsteds; they are just the suits for the par
ticular young man who wants the best in
quality and best in style at a popular price.
Our price for (tlO
such suits mJ.UU
si-' 'ill "1J i( H H
Hats for Boys and Children
Our Hat department for children is com
plete in the widest range of high novelties
and staple styles, at lower prices than the
ordinary store can sell for.
We Are Showing the Largest
an J fcv far tlie most attractive stock of
HOYS' -amz: A I AM)
GIRLS' llCriL' TT l-w-.JsV
IN THE WFBT School Caps, 2or, S5o and S0c. Turn O'Shanters In popular col
orlnm 6"V tor 75c. II GO. Il.iio. !& Yacht. College and Waxh Cap, Ion, short
and medium Vloor Kton". Many exclusive things In Corduroys, Tarpaulins and an
Immense line of Straw Hats.
I.lttle finer It Utile nicer Mill later a bftlrr Thinr Utile lower
material. II patterns. 15 styles. LIUIO tinlh. 1111115 prices
that are making this a very popular store.
Talks AMtl
Catalogue on Request,
"Man want but
little here below"
Said a morbid poet
long yeara wgu,
I'm prone to doubt
that ancle nt sane
When I look at The
liee'e great "Want
Ad" page.
This kieans Juts what
It Suva, tmrtnff 40 jrr'
frrtk-e I dUM-oTnl an
ulnll'.Wo cure tor Hui1h)
and bervoualteliljlly .and
will fad a full rurutiva
.. tart.
no one on trial, to be Buld for U allfa:UrT.
No Cure, Ho Pay. Blniply aud yonr mi aud
tiidrM. uttarrsfrora Vanco!. BIod Poison.
Euptora.Ktdary.Itiad.Wr aad ProataUe blMaaaa.
rit'tiir mr Hmb Tiotaicnt Kn Addr.
M. WILLIAMS. BalU Uftu. WbltoOaa Bay. la.
"Giving Him Taffy" j
won't suit him half as well as offering: fclm
a flaes of Metz beer wbea he rail tioon
you. There isn't a man Id Nebraska whose
ejrs't sparkle with delight when his
host or hostess quenches bis thirst with a
foaming fclass of rich and palatable Met
beer, lion't be afraid of anklua; him to
have one! Ked lemonade fciul cake Uu't
In It with hlin.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Trl. 1IB. Oaaaka.
Or Jacob Keumaycr. Agt., care Nsumsysr
lluUl, Council Ail una, luwa. .