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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1902)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY DHK: SATU I? DAY, A1MUL IP, 1J02. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AS e-rTlee-aeew fa far (brtf rwlassoe rill W likn ata-tll IS nx. fr its edition ad aatll at. aa. f a-e iHcrtlaa Seeds? edition. !. I 1 -e at ere rl laerrtlea, le seerd lrrraftrr. Kotklaat lkr for Iras ik atr-r (or the rat lairr ttoa. Tkn rr(lrawii aui V r m rntrrattirlf. ve-rtlee-rw, t re. ntllaa a sarel c-ke-elx. eaa kaee as were m m- resent to a MBt-rH lette-r u ear f Tk Bo. A aiwrn so 44rrHH will IKt oat reiee'wto.tioa. ( kvo stir. Mi l ATIO H AMI D. GRCCERY MAN ETpericrreed riifilpm man. gwod salesman. Iet referent--!-., wants position in whoiale or reiail store; correspondence solicited T), H'-e. A-M4v 2J V A NT K I be j-nurir Jaia:it- a nitiiatl m aa cotk ; run r-e hiniM-Jl tt Tir.t. tlana. Addiesa 1" Zi. lift. AM4C I'l" WANTF1', a ptMirlrn by a young iHtly fit bill clt't'i-., aHFirtHtM bofkkt't-r or t'ie writinp; bate h-id ireant iii;lon Jnr wtrn jnr, ri b plve bsl of rel-r-in-. A-ldr-ap V lt-r WAHTtD-MilE JlbLI. WANTED, two or three men to work Irrai vur Ktoii. aieaa or and e.ui jiu). C F. AUtima Co., lblH lioward et.. B A14HS OuoD mcaeuger" wanted: inereuFcU jy. A. L). i. Co., Suulli Ulh. i leu fc, roil HAUF A 1AY 6 WuKK. T If you liu la Hit c-oumry or in a ami. 11 town and bave a pftod acquu.iiiaiioe amuiig itie lumiert auJ ainck raixera in trie rit'tthooruLiiiU you can uiaat ii eaaiiy iy twui or Uv Lours aurk. Write uh and e will fcenu oj our oropowiLion. . 'i be bt ruulialiibg Cu, bouclloi Ln-l., A, NtU B JaUiJ WANTE1, a food njtn In every county to take ui'cs ipuoiia lor tbe laentieUi .entury runntr. Our aKema make finnl ttb(u evarya iiere. ifwrvticea rrguireu. AduriHa. 1 euUelb UiiUtr Farmer, vmalia.. Net.. ii bl 1HKEE or lour ir gouO men wanted; ln ier tL. 1 axion block. LiSHSli WANTED, Halesmen to aollclt ortlerk on a lit. truiioeiuoii by wbkjb you can earn H to fu a bay; youbc men troro S to a ciesired, wbe arc tiumwii and well recom- nieuOea. Koojs luw, omnlui iloe bitlg. WANTED, f.rt-clait nalntera and paper liaiicera. A. baabrtiuK. tut N. IH.b St. B 2i4 WANTED, house palrtera at St. L-ouln. Mo., aleady work, & per Suy, eitrbt houru. B MLCl '21 WANTEIi. a sentleman dnalres to take private lfBorip rn Frencb two eveninpa ach aeek. Muht cbll at my reaiuentre. Addrentt. ataunc method of teaching. X 42. .Be. B M970 WANTED, experienced Invoice clerk; mum be qultk and accurate at llgures; give ace, previoiHt occupation au4 aaiary wanted. Addreaa X 44, Bee. B MML WANTED Two upholstrrera at once. 2121 Leavenworth St. B 426 lit C R ' RATHBtN giver jirtrate lessons In bookkeeplnr.. Kotrm la, Cummercial Na tlonai bank. B-MlUo W ANTE: D Experienced Balduff. luif J'urnam soda dtleTiser. B 44! IV liOOKKECT'ER wanted. We want a thoroughly responsible end competent ."young man. 2D to so. to take full Imrrr f -tir botiks Apply only by letter, giv ing are. relerences, present employment and sMiir?- desired. The F. E. Sanborn Co., li Howard St., Omaha. B 47P 51 WANTED, an experienced salesman to sell tiat klna house product; stale nge. ex perlcm and salary expt cted. T 2., Flee. B 4S S 10 OR li flrBl-elass tinners, sreadv work to good men. Jensen Mfg. Co., Topeka. Kan. b s.k zr WANTED, book solicitor lor Chicaeo Rer-orfl Home Stud; Circle Library, to , fin aim and.Xuuuc.l FJule, an tuuiuUcnt iipebiiig for gooii man. Aodrest. at tinee Ltiir:h Xjealln, rt -presenting i Chicacro Itecord-Heraid. Box 1117,. itiiuaha, ieb.. riving age, address, cierieiiue. refttr- . ence. etc ' B Mi22 2t" EF'LENDID wages paid men who learn the barber trade with us: only two months required by our method of free -linic, exitrt Instructions, etc.; years of ap-prt-nticeshiit Vuve (1 ; i'omplet;' outfit of tools presented each graduate; wares and experience In shfips Suturda'S; difilomaa granted: positions guaranteed; ratalortie and iiartlculars mailed free. Moler Barber College. Ifi2a Farnum St. B Mr.lK 24 EALF.SMAj wanted to carry samples of 4u.tik.ets and dry pnola on fommisaion; retail trade: no middleman prohts. F. C. lUillmatin ft Co.. Mfra l-hiludelphia. Fa. ' B-MS15 lif HEU'ER wanted rn dye tiouse. The Fan. tori urn. 407 B. 15th, B MiiSft 2H "WANTED, a young man as stenographer and office assistant; must be well rec fnrimended and supfily t ypewriter; good salary 1a competent man. give age, refor etoes and eifwrltnce. Adareav J. Jkee office. Council Hltifls. B Mi23 !r ALENL UAtlllU. 6ALKPMEN wanted, big salary or com mlHsion paid t sell our goods, by sample wholeaale or rttall. Addiesa. encioalng He Tor posiagtt, inn- uex atanuiaciunug Cumpany, iiunaio. is. L. b. A M4M y WAITED FEMALE BELT. WAX1ED. rva young lady students to - learn baJro reusing, uuuucunng and uu- roj'oay ana scieirtinc umtttt. t ail or write i cum 2Ju. Hoc Hiaz. V4BZ WANTED Competent waist finisher. Mrs Calowell, &1 i.rou-t), id tluur. Council WANTEI. cimietent cuuk. Caldwell. SJu a. 20th, Mra V. B. C M116 2i GIRL for general, housework. 14ti n. C 44fc- Md. -Is WANTED, a romjtetent r'rl for -general Ttuseir; small lanuiy; guod wagea Mrs. Jay D. Foster, JiHi Geurgia ave. C M44.7 WANTED, girl to take a as let in atauall family. care of baby and 172a B. in at. C U46S iif WANTED, saltmiadiea and demonstrators ey t iiiuagtt .wveny tluuat. oin-ung up ktuslneaa at U Doulaa Btk., A t.r. Dodge ana jam eta. - j b At IK WANTED. Mrs. A. F. 1 ukr, tMl Chlcstgo Ht. ' C- i't 21 vt ATr:u. a caretaker for children at Child Baring Inatiiuie; also tu uatustant nurses lt lake courae in the training scniMii rn'turre ai Jj'.n ana otno s ree lelepnone Ilea. C sur 3te SF'LENTilD wages pahl ladies who learn hair dressing, niajiH uilng or fatnal nias kMge auk us; years tit apprenttcesiiip sat tid fey our mtsUiod eif free clinic, x- pert lnatructltMia. eic. : ttMi.s pceMr'nled some wages made p reaiaeut work from start: pueittois guaranteed: call or wr.te for catalogue, kluler Culitrge, la.s Farnum St. C hlulh H' ANTED, a seound gar), at HUM Purs e- C A4j2 3 AK'VTHLY oupymg letttrs at Iwnw; either aea- ?rrit: i siamjts 1 tar particu lars. Hicks fcupply to., atk".7 llaiatead. Cbicagti , C M.a.7 pe- HELT WAITED. WANTED, a number of work lu the twei be Ida. Cattle Co.. Amea, Neb. good families for Address e'.miSnrd -Mil7 25 i uk fab-k l Alol ska. TO JstcVE right got Omaha Vu Sto-re Co., 4ifhc Uii A-araaiu, ur Icia. I'd-kui. L ta. HuUeaj-. a bemla, PaxLDa lilockv. "lB RENT 7-room hojs lumu r-u., ai mudej-a, larye yard luQuuc at bundmg. e. TSdraod Call in good re(it. 5v.; 2S. ..T. L::a HOUSES V. Itavls 6c, a Be Biir la ad itA ul city. The Q. 1 : JtlGHT-p..k.4 smadrro, t I furnace. ai- L iSaiUvcec, aMM ituiAy. i'lioua au4. row mT-iioi r. lt CALIF' i KM A. s-room furnished hojt Csii eltenitKilie L 422 AJr HOt'SLS nd flit. F.!ngWalt. Barker bin' k I ISV FOR FXNT, S-room. modern. detached h'iuK. prre.J arid i 'Mil cspltol Ave. 7i. S72. E. li R .his .n, L K2S.: Til RLE ft 4-room apartments ni S 22d St, D M-ir la-RrsiM mocirrr r.ou. Y" outer house- Chris Buyer. 2 lug. lei. 2"H- N r'h st ; j1 and Cum. D auft-AJ VANS rd bi.ggags ifoni. Tel. US". D M ln-RfttiM lioimr. tt h bawmrnt. 2dth and Ju V."T.. ''. pood Iticuliun G L.. Turtiiir-lt'ii. "i I-. D M3G1 Mm surd V. at B. Co. ITU V elmter. Tel IOC l ot'7 bIE PATNE BOeTWICK ft CO. X T choice b'Jtaea "1-2 N. I. Lift Blug. Tel. ltlfi HOVPES. etc. F. U. Wead. 1U4 Dougiaa 1 4'IJ FCiR KENT, mi fl'-rn li-room hocse. fond furnat't atid bHthroom. eay walking di tanee m bumne jwirtlon of the fity; to mall family only at fr month. Ira." lewev a -. Inoulre tor key atid prtt ic uiar at i'K3 Hariiey at. L M4 Fir-TTIVEI-Y the most modern raui'len-'. a rooms, pew. situ, worth Mi. 24 Hamil ton. Tel. A1-72S. I-M4Mi VERT deBirr.ble 7-room cottace. w1:h mod--rn eon venlencs. Pi4 Georgia Ave.. 1m mertuitc possearioh. references regulrea. luyuire of W. C. Cose, lliS Fark Ave. I S"4 Ff'R RENT, moflerr 11-room houae near i-firh S' hool. The Cl. F. Davis Co . foj liee Bleu. I- 51 20 GOOD HOT FES FOR RENT. 2f-h ave and llnriiey. ft r . modern, Ha. .i S 31st.. r., mooern. tA r::1ti Webster. T.. motlern. ILT.St 2:T Capitol ave., f r . mrnVrn, HO. ca S Jfn h. f. r.. modem, rs;. modern, t2h. modem. I2H. city water, SIS. barn. t!7 If 'Ci I tttt'.re. 10 r., pot- P. i h. 4 r.. KIT fi lttth. at.. 2r. Charles. 7 T., 4 i'i' Nlrbolea. ., tiarn. !; 2T.!T ChicBK'i. 4 T., city w aier. t'iZ. 242! Cumins. 4 r.. flat. 10. lWf'MMHtm. D r . city water, fin. See tmr liFt . We have others. GARVIN BROS., 16o4 FARNAM FT. D Mo2 2 FCR RENT, elegant modern brick resi- denoe. 6-; 9 S. 2t;:h ave. M'-dern frame residence on paved street. -. -room house In Hannentn PlHce. US. Modern brlfk residence. 2413 Lake St.. tla. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 30 S Kith st D Mr,2 2T. TOR REKT FIHSIaHED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, 13th and Fiirnam. E eOl FX"R.N1SHEX rooms for rent. 1C7 Cass E kU28 LARGE front room, Douglua. also south room. !11 E-M27 FVRN1SHED RCOMS. pas. bsth. tele phone, cheap. 212 Farnara, Sd floor, west side. E M2S0 2 THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished. liarlor flour. 1JC Douglas. E M.Htlb 1 KEAT"T1FI"L rooms, furnished or unftir- nlFht-d. tttr light housekeeping, modern, large lawn, private family. 2o23 Burt St. E 4K7 ROOA1S ll 1! Capitol ave. E M5i3 23 FlklliHEL KVOKI AKD BOARD, NICE home lor young men, 10 B. 2Ttti Bt. AHOOMB ant board Gion cairn, lttu Doug-laa. F ua FOR KENT, cicely furnished, steam heated rooms, wlib or without boaru. Adiaiana soul, liiLb and Chicago Bta. i HOOMS Tba Farnam," lfth and Farnam. JP 4." UKeURABLS suit of rooma, imi floor. The Pratt. 2i2 & r ua ai- unl uriiiahea. May L 2uth Si. THIS KOBE, 2020 Uarnry, rooms with board. t Ut M-lO PLEASANT south room, with board, for Private family. K 4 si IB one or two gentlenveu. 71 Bt. Mary a Ave. FOR RE.VT-lAi lKAUUKD ROOMS. DESK, room space, per month, ground hour room 111 lue Bee bunding, lacing larnaiu street; no expense lor 101. haai or Jaiutur -aervioe. tx. C. Felula a: Co., xienial jLgenta, but bullaing- O till BL'FTE of rooma. modem. housekeeping. G M4St: 21" ttt tieoigia ave. TOR RENT-STORE Akl OFFACLk. FUK KENT, the builClng lurmerly oucu piBU p j tie Bee at ttlk A arnam 01. It iiaa lour siortes ana a itaaeuient wuich wa loruiuriy used as aum Ae preaii ruoxu ihia will be rented very reasonably, n Interested appi) at once to c C vose- waler, aecreiary, room AUU, Bee buliuink 1-iiu 6TGKE. 24saU. 24ui Leavenworth Bt, 11.4 A2J FOR KENT, store 'n flrBt-class locaUon lent-itaJKiualila. Apply K. C Peters Co.. giouna flour, Lee Bldg. 1 it LAKU room In the F axton lock to leu saiianie tor lodge purposes. Apply room - ani. x as ion billTli A IX. biuck, or W. F ARNAM FVR SALE, building on th and E. next to Frauek s bail, bu. Omaha; to he moved tiB tlie premises: for price and term apply to Btor Brewing Co., im tiherman ave.. Omaha, Neb. 1 Mu23 21 AaEkTII WAkTEa W ANTED, canvassing agenta Jn every county 10 solicit suoscripuoiis to Thi "1 t H.NTiE'1 rl CE TL it i FAKMER siau auipMyneiii wuh a as urea good incume; agents in the country witb bora and 4uagy especially ueaired: can vassers make euaiiy st u Slus per mou.h. Aoaiesa, Century Farmer tMiuultom Bureau. Lee buluiing, Omaha. WANTED, agects to Mil Life of Talmage official boos, all par cent cxraimissiuu; It-eight paia, creail gives ana premiums ouiul free, big money; write ihidmu Hely. Amerli-an Publishing bouse. Star buliUlug. Chicago. J klixl H AGENTS wanted: Life of DeWfrt Talmage UiXgeal, best, authentic otticial book; aU, profunely illustrated; retail, 11. a" price to agcr.ia, imc; outfit tree; um ready; creuit given; jirofit. 112. uu per day enormous oeinaiid. i be Bible bouse, zi Plymouth Pi or, Chicago. Jii-UH So AT ONI E. a good, reliable agent making all branches of C, B. ft Q. in southern isenrasaa tc take a good sue line on coinniuMMon. Address A lb, bee. 3 A1431) MID- WANTED, agents in every tows and eouuiy in Nebraska, competent 10 earn gja to x. er - eek. to represent ua; ter ritory rapidly going. Nebraska Home Co.. Omaha. J Aaial 2u THE ONLY authorised ltfe of Talmage introeiuctioti by his son, Hev. 1 rank UWm Talmaac. D. D : contains ivt-r fc' pagts: magiiiricently llluKrated. retail price. 12: higtutst comniiamoti; freight paid: credit given; no capital reouirt-d. experience unnecessary: any one cau make tit tu li. per day easl.y ; beware of All It-her Palmare Hooka, the poopie want "The Only Auihoruied Life" and U! have 110 oilier, outfit free fur IS cents to cover lnsisgt . oruer 4iuitit imlay. Address The John C. Winsiou t o.. Tie Arch at.. Phua tieiphia. ur at lasarborn si.. Cnicago. J Mil lr ANOTHER BONANZA FOR AGENTS Life of Rev Dr. T. DeWiu Talmag,, the worlds Area left preaciier, author and lecturer: largest ktoi k. b st iitue-trated. authentic: extra lloeral terms to agei t; credit given; agents csa easily make Sa lter dsy: send at once lt cent postage on free uutni and secure terrtiory. Gilxestue ft Meiagar. i'dbUahera. 2s Lake s , Chl- , cago. J M.a ur TALM AGE A 10 tie tit ice life of fce great preacher, eulbtir. iwturer; by far the largest, n.oai com)leus and best ilius trs'Ml book puhhni.ed: sells on sight; oimt TlTi-.u ou'r'ripped and oxiiaone; itie .!' In A to ee l, prof. is uuegiuknl. ) V l-r vent to agents: write fr tree outhi and eai luuwe xerniory tuOax ; frM iaxid credit gtvee, CUiuago Bible Houae, S fc-lA kH, CAaWAgtt. I-MalS W f.E-iT WTI-.I. AGENTF WANTFl'. el:br i : Try plin rbv now ou n.ny Iwresae V"ur itifnmi' hotit an oep.'si. ou'tit or pr-vi..ue e perter-ee ; it v I'lMn de" not inte-f -r with irv oo Hint ten you hist be ensur d in. pecans no one need know yu ar my representative; If you mrr nut of wo-k ynu can mm ft'"' per momh w-orfcitic ir mr: you ran iet;rn how to work for me success! uiiy in hv mttiires wnif and :l-v rrk la a'nttfv htTftri- l'!f Up'ttniHtp i-iij jTrr.HTn-rl Acldr-H T. vJrfTiTi. Kt v , Fon W iTif . lnti.. for f?i )iani. u h'f I do not ant tmr iiny of .;r rrcmy. J-m:.;;: i.-f HHTED-TO tr:T. WANTF7D. pHFTurnee for to W yearlit; h'ifer. w:thin '2b mit-a of (imtlu, by reaKnaible party; atate tM-t tfrnip .f'tr t",x moTitba and lr one ;cr. Addrfjf Y i. Bee. K-M( '21 A!(TED-TU WANTED. oo1 aecondhand furnlturt. hlSh--t priiea paid. Enterprise Co.. lit b. ib. leL ZIMt. N ksi Mk WANTED. ocond-hBnd engint-er a level In eood tondltlon. Address 1 2b. Bee N i14t7 Ji" WANTED. hRlf-load of black dirt Mm. Stearns. 27.1s Jonte. N Mill I." FOR DtLL-FlkMTlHL. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1430 Dodg-. Tel I' Cti New and secondhand, bougft. i-oiO, exchanged. O 5i WTTH every $10 sale we will give FREE a beautiful oil painting, we have a com plete line of louse furnishings, new and secondhand ; prices ripbt. r rterpnHe Fur niture Co., ltiV-4 S. 14th, Tel. 22HC O !3 M FOR SALE HORSE. WAOOHS, ETC. GOOD Studebaker top buggy, cheap. See A. W. rfohusou, with John AJeere Flow Co. P 6m M-o- FOR repair work on light and heavy wagons see Frost, 14th and Lcaverwor h. P-- FOR SALE MISCEXLAKEOI S. FIR timbers for houae movers, etc 411 10 71 feet; cribbing ana bog lence. mi Dougias. W uiu lot' STTLEP trupses, catalogue free. Bhcr- man ft MoConneil lrug Co., iS.h a -id lougt, Omaha. v tie FOR 6 A 1.1'.. phonogTtiphs, superior tj any f.ncr muMt ai niatrument; Ad tip. J he Wltunau Co., 1U21 Farnam, Q 61U 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, Ul! Farnam. W 611 INDIAN goods and relics. 11U Farnam. y a ill 2D HAND safe cheap. BcbwarU. 114 S. 13in. W i14 FLESCHER sella bicycles. 1S22 Capitol Av. W 11 FINE a-paaseiur,'r, rubber-tired, open car riage, i2i; extension, leather pop, i seaied carriage, rubber-ured, uxed 4 times. tJTii, 'in other phaetona, surreys asi carriages. DKlMMoND CARRIAGB Co., lMh and Hariuy. Q 2a A2t WIRE fence for poultry, hog. lawn and yard, hut-b posts, tree guarua. Wire orks. til', Bu. 16th St Tel. l.Sj. W-2-MK7S JulyS FOR SALE, echolarsnlp In an Omaha Inquire 2"J2 Bee shorthand school, cheap. Bide FIR timber lor house morers, etc., 40 to 71 leet; iKiultry and hog lence. HS1 Docglaa. U--0lit BICYCLES and phonographs nn easy pay ments . aown, al-ot' per week; id hand wbeeis, ST. (8 and flu: new heels, (la. Omaha Bicycle Co., llith and Chicago sta W Mis: FOR BALE, el.imo first mortgage on land drawing per cent; will take face. Y 24, Bee. .M4KS Kit CH1CKER1NG piano. scuare. Inquire mornings ur evenings. Iitoa Chioane W 33 18 BOT.TH DAKOTA MAP, official, r-howUig tmiuidaries and deecrlptlons -according to government land office plats to date; -tree homesteads and land to 1- opened tor settlement; 2ic silver or jc stamfta. De partment Q, State Pub. Co., Pierre. B D. Or-Ad4tl M2 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remlnrton. Smlth- ITemier. Densmore, replaced bv THE I'NDERWOt'D: low prite. Rentals, tl.sti to to per month. A. H. Workman ft Co., 1(717 Farnam. 'Phone. 2136 u Miii2 CLAIRVOYAKTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1G14 Cass 8t S 61s MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist.. SIS S li . a lit ELECTRIC TREATWE5IT. MME. SMITH, baths, lit N. lu. 2d floor. R 1 T St "I M-(T MUE. AMES, vauor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. 7. T M:ri7 M12 rERHOSAL PRIVATE hospital, before and during eon finement: babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. - Mra Gardela. Tel. F-UaS. VZ.1M FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. u : isl DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R, 12, Ftenaer Block. V ii HAIP.DRESSING, manicuring and thlrc- poay, for ladies only, ui connection w'tfa The Bather), ls-220 Bee Bldg. U 2tS BrPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 00 days; send for circular, u. e. Wood. M D.. iCl New York Life Bldg Omaha. Neb V&SU ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest.' Mrs. A. C Mark. 17 ft Itouglaa. L Id GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Plane Co.. 1C22 lmj- CHiROPODT a specialty. In connection with The Uauiery. rooms ia-20 Bee Bid Tel. 171a. V oJ SHAMPOOING and hairdressing. 2fVe In connection with The BUier. 21b-220 Bee building. Tel. Uli. U tii Middlemlsm. wall paper cleaner. Tel. 17a. U MTuA Ms RI PTCKE cured, 2S; no patn, aetention from business; send for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure Cu. 102 N. X. Life Bing., Omaha- . L Miti GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. fur all kinas of pleating. Their new machinery enables them la do itetter, cbeatier, quicker work than ever before. Sou Doug las biock. L M2.4 EECAv ft CO wall paper cleaners. Tel. 747. UU21S A2i V1AV1, woman s say to health. Horn treat men 1, Booklet free. Ms Bee Bide., Omaha. V uZ7 ELITE PARLORS. US Bo. ltith St., C- id floor. -S27 M7 PRIVATE home for ladies before and dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 2t21W burden. Mrs. Burgee V Mi2 Mil MME. SMITH, hatha, UK N. ii. 2d Coor. r. 2 L-M47S Mis A BABIES for IU2tt Burdette. adoption, uiie years o,d L 4su 2t" MCjLLIE The toast from w in." see page 12k April Gurge.. "Martin Ch utile- iial to l:al ' r Mr.14 is MOaEV 1X AAI A x.AI, ESI AI Ai- AW PER rpKT on business property. I K-r oci.i on resioence property. Options to bay w buie ur part any tioik W. B. MK.IK l.u 4ul c. laik i. - W-S2 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real tstala. Breiiian-lave Co.. 2At bo 13:h. W laUU. Cti AND Hat pHvste money, L 2. ur i years, on eastern Nebraska farms r well lues ted collage In Onxuita, W. L fceiby. Board of Trade Eid; W 5 I"R SALE hole rnortkare loan; farvot Bros., Xtu Farnam kt., oinaha u M-JS W UJS WANTED, ioano and avmrranta W, it Va UJt aruaon 8t .Wa t aXLaVili WO FT Tl l4V-Kl, KTTK. FAI'.M and rl:y Inana, lfw ratva W li, Tlii.mti. t Nat. i.ank iJicig It' jtv w : i TEH CENT Farnani. Itiana. Gamn W- C"H".!t.-E FAKV LOANS TK ML.K. FL C. IETEK6 t v:0.. 17 Fart, urn Pt. V ML'i-M 7 11. IV ATE tnt mj. F. t. Vmc. jim !-aria WANTEF' ciy and lnrm loatiF; alan t-on end arrai,ts F. C 1'ett ra ft Co. :1 Pt.. Itee Fid. W T03 4 TO i P. C. monry. Bt-tni. I'ait"n P'k. w L.a 1'F.ITATE money. Bherwoofl. 1C7 N. T. L WILLIASON.? rHARLFS E.. 12IE arnam Ftreel. W S.V MO El IO LAI A HAT1LLA. I I t I t I 1 1 1 1 1 1 MONEY! I I MONET! WHEN IN NEED OF MONET DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO." LOANS FROM 110 TO J2 MADE I I On Furniture. Flanr. etc., and to people holding a stesct position, withuut pub licit v or removing the property, ana at much CHEATER AND EASIER RATES than elsewhere. Tou can hare the taioney on the same day you ack lor It. end th loan can be paid off In er.ry wcellr or monthly payments, or as your circum stances w ill permit, thus enabling you to pay without inconx enlence or worry. Come in and talk it over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 303 Third Floor. Paxton Plot "k X M.tlC WE make loans on Furniture. Piai.ot-. Horses. Wagons, Carriages fnd other chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent position YoJ ran get the money on very fchnrt notice and pay H back In one month, or keep it longer, and pay for it only M 0 N E Y slut time you keep It We are I tenders in lo- rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc We give you tbe full amount of the LOAN in cash. We always "try to OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN rv. H." Boa'd of Trtiue Bldg Tel. 22"):.. lEstabliBhed INK:.. 3;C S. lKth St. X Ms LARGEPT PfFINFSS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOI't-E. merchants, team sters, bosrdlng hoi'nes. etc.. without se curity: eanlext terms; 40 offices In prin cipal citiea Tolman. 44t Buurd of Trnue f,idg. X-&44 MONET lnand on pianos, fur-ilf.ire 1ew elry, bt.rses. cows, etc C. F. P-eed. Zlt S IS. X 647 MONET loaned on furniture. Ires stork, jewrlrv, to salnrled peonle. Folcv Loan Ct.. sue. to Duff Green, t larker R'k. X MC MONET loantfl on plnln note to salaried people; 1 iisines- corfidentlal; lowesn Tstes. 614 Paxtor block. The J. A, Hattot Co. X a45 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALAJR.IE3. J. W. TATLOE. C3i Paxton blouk. X-frK Bl MESS t'HAX KS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411 McCague builuii,g. I 4I WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your huainoas or property quick communi cate with one alio has the customers. J. H. Johnson, tat N. Y. Lite. 'Phone L-227U. I-04S FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section f Iowa; large annual trade; stock will invoice about tlij.uo-J; proms large; must close up an estate Interest tbe only reason tor selling. Address V 4L, Bee. Y M42k FOR SALE Furniture, fixtures and two year lease of the only hotel-In osmonu, Neh. For particulars writ Box ant, Osmond, Neb. T 7a 1 IF YOU wnnt to BUY or SELL real es tate call ot write NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th Floor N. Y. L fe Blag.. Omaha. Y-872 WANTED, mill man to buy interest In manufacturing plant and take charge f planing mill business ; . good reasons for selling and good opportunity If taken at once Address Y Xti, Bee, Omaha. Y M4S0 2- A NO. 1 new brick blacksmith shop. !Cx0. in and 12-foot ceilings, equipped with the latest improved machinery, gives employ ment to three men. located in thriving business town. For particulars address Carrsher Bus., Elgin. Neb. Y MLH 12 Unsurpassed. FOR a profitable proposition, monthly in come tituu, elegantly equippeu rooming and boarding bourn-; patrons thu wet; best location in city; large capacity. J. tL Johnston. N. Y. Lite. 'Phone L-2270. Y M2446 FOR Nebraska company, as active man ager and secretary, a man with business abUity beyond tne average, w ho can n util ity as a stockholder lor aU.iiW and ex perienced lu handling salesmen; state ex perience and reierencea. X Su. Bete. Y i"8 18- TEN ROOMS, splendidly furnished modern brick flat, best location, fully occupied, lirsi-clasg roomers; paying proposition. J. H. Johnson. N X. LUe. . 1 M.244 7-ROOM brick flat, niuely furnished, good location, rent reasonable, lurnnure at bargain; lady going away; investigate. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Ltl a Imu WILL buy a complete butcher e outfit, ice tux and ail. Audresa, X 14, Bee. Y-44BO FOR BALE, a good paying cigar iUire and small jobbing bufcineaa cleap. At taken at once. Audreas Y IX Lee. 1-M41 STOCK of about $2,000 in good location. Would take Ouiana resilience property for about (Lsoo. A-ddreaa. Box lini. Ute, Iowa. Y T71-M-12 FOR BALE, interest In wood working busi ness. Planing mill and steam power plant ready to operate; manufacturing well es tablished: chance fur young man to get good business already made. Address Y 3k Bee, Omaha. Y MIDI 21 FOR SALE, easy terms, small cash pay ment, balance monthly, my entire livery slock, hacks and hearse; excellent cttam-e to step into good paying business. W. C. Vtterback. Ogden barn. Council B uffs. la Y-U227 A2T FOR SALE Goed restaurant, bakery rooming house, ma l sell by May 1, cheap tor cash. Audreas Lock Box 3lt. Ceaar l.aplds, JSeb. J MWu Jf A BARGAIN New. clean stock of Jewelry, siatKinery and wall paper and fixtures: invoice about fc.iiic: loa n of 2 ; good country; reason, ill health; splendid open ing for man wuh moderate means. A 1L La tun. Central Oty, N b. 1 MiU Si" AN OLD established real estate, loan, in surant aud abstract business in one of the best towns in norttiw esiern Iowa. f r saie at a bargain; a bright opportunity lor the right man: only ttioae meaning business apply. For particulars andre-a Y" 2k.-care Lee, Omaha. Y MJ'J 5 FOR BALE, harness shop, stock, fixtures and toots: good location: pood business; reasons, other business. W. H MPchen-r, Emeraon. la. V Miatk FOR EiCHAkGIi. WILL exciiange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 4a. Bee i Milu WILL sell ur exchange fur Omaha prop erly a-ruom roitase and six lots in Lin coin. Value, tl.uou. Y 14. Lee OSTEOPATHY. Cir E ft ALICE JO1HNS0N uateojiatha . Built. Slia.Ny. Lite Ling TeL lti.4. 571 I'P. A. 7'T. T. HUNT, tit McCagae Bidg Tel. l&. ItiUL Itl'fclCJC XuuTlaa p. Tei i-aa I TOR MlX-HEIl FfTlTE. ! FINE RESIDENCE. i f rooma. all modrra litua. near Uticoib park. eitti.U-m katiok M dtr. pTt mttu all paid, oval (:aot lut. t.nt u. ri. LaiirT Itarii.c cibiLluL, U1 atill at l-o-lui ri(lu -.! let, uuaaeUtl ttaat'ak.uu WAi-iACiiM rei eiait. mol- .Ik, m A. .-C. iTvoil k . J til W liul ti-f and lo'.a lu ail pan ol my, mik kilt iiiviiui- ibiiu -a.Ui t.'fiua. a lit" J. 1 . .'mi. k. u 4i,uoiu a av cuiluiiA;. KANCli and ;aim lauds lor Bale by the L l.tu.t A'actilL tuuJau t-ottlPao . ji. A. aict.iit.ta:!. uhdu cuouixutaiiMtei, x nluAi Pa I ciiiv utuuuki tela, Uuaiix, INeb. j RE i-M J l-i ACRES lor V4iu. near Himtrt park, tine lettu laiiu lui a' "iia- - 'J be L.ilw.i j.eeu v.v., a hlxi st. iwa MX2i aF YOL" a ant one lloUit ;. ltl tial.Br in a bia tain. ntit of the nicest s-roum 1 isi.e 1 ui give Oa lell Ci-A. auiu.1 at-ix. I. i. a. Biua. Axa. MiuS a . Ax. oiier ovu, Sui SLE PAYNE. BOSTWiCK ft CO. for choice balgaiua. Stu-A .N. A. AaUS ciux. 'Aeu julk. Ava, AtoSi THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1.SJ1 lougias 1., upeixurr; sniaii iiouses ikir-saxe, cheap b uiuiug luts. cau for catalogue and price list. I'mxie munty. iv iuau tin eaci' terms. Ua M. FOR SALE, good. aUI modern, eight-room liullht, lieal xllkh school, hue UlBlUC home, cheai at . iiru. vt Ui coi.eiuer pari naue. AUuiess A as. Bee. ivta alxai HOl'fLo, lois. larmt-, ranches, loan; alas tile insurance. Bxnus, A'axiou iiock.' Axh, ir WILLIAMSONS CHARLES E.. 12u amain atreeu Alia 3m SIXTEENTH FT. bnslness property, 22xbk, coruer laard. linprut-ea, ohiy a-.ajti. xu.1 nsuu at Morion, A. Y. Lite. Kt, 3t4 uu ALL A HOARD for California: Bm.'.imo acre got eminent land in soutbern t aillornia i.eii lor set iiemetit ; tne lat gest Irriga tioti canal in America is no completed Uiiousli these laiiui-; soil is very ru b and lei iut , flnehi aiiaila and cattie country on earth, UJt acres allowed each person; permanent water riajils soia 011 easy terms, railroau throitgli tfiese lands a ul 1 cinipieteu in hhort ttmt ; send it cents fur books and maps and full informa tion, lit id a: Heber. agenia, lin suudi Liuudway. Los Angeles, Cai. KE 5J170 MIC MODERN cottage, 8 rooms, entirely new, paved street, nrlck slnewslk. neU;r 2io.h and St Mary's ave.; easy terms. l,';.fKnt. O. C. Oisen, 17H1 1 arnam st. KE M528 iu A RARE CHANCE. I have two tlesiraloe building lots on cor ner near 24tb and Oak eta., the beet resi oetice locality Itetwecn Omaha atid South Omaha; will sell either for t4'l. or the two ior I7i If taken -julck. J B F'lxter. Ramgp lilock. Omaha. RE M;,27 ' TREE". TREES SHRUBS The choicest and largest assortmerit of home pown Fruit Ornamental CI HWPRQ and Parking 1 reea, rLWW CiXO Shrubs and flowers ever brought to this city, from The famous Crescent Cttv Nurseries, located K) miles from Omaha. All sizes and prices. Stock guaranteed. Come and p ic. out w hat you want, CRESCENT NURSERIES, ' G. H. Keys Mgr. Omaha Business. Salesground 21st and Famam, South Side. Telephone 3626. TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of very variety, bales grounds, istn ana uougiaa. Frank R. Martin, prop. Tel. HO M4 CRIMSON RAMBLER rosso and ' Panicu- - lata Clematis.-, years 01c de-Uvered And planted anywhere in Omaha or Suuih omaha. "in- each or (1 jer patr; orders taken ior all nursery stock. A. V. Spauld ing. 4ii7 N. 23d St. M472 AUOE1BAAD A HI TTP W RITllxU. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col., 17thftXou( A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' college, N. Y. Llle. court reporter principal, unv NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd 1 Theater. MEDICAL. LADIES, if liopeless, worried or disoour aged. write vs for our regulator; one treatment guaranteed to relieve abnormal case of suppression, any cause. Dr. Mead htm. Co., 21 (Juincy St., Chicago. Mailt Mr ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co. 1C ft Jackson Tel. 3K4C Mil Mlo BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. EH North Pith. M4 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. Phone B7L WD MS F RATERS AL ORDERS. THE GARPEKERB protect old age as well as life. Charter men be re tree. Particu lars from Frank lHjsewaler, suprem manager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724 MAtl FACT! RIa. T. MELCH01R, Ulh' and Hoartl, ma- chimat. Mti OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka., make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 11 Bo, lu h feu MI If. ITOEAtE. PACIFIC Storage anp Warehouse Co., 12 V4 Jones, general aUiragt and forwarding. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1511- Faro. Tela. luue-HCS. FIR DREfcSlKG. R. piLBERT CO, tanners. 1434 BolSth. FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling hags:, suit oases; trunks repaired Om, Trunk Factory, ill Farnam. 176 (IMTAIkS fLEAAED. LACE curtains cleaned. 2fc a pair. Farnam (Street Hanu Laundry, 2210 Farnam tot. ua ajb ( ARPEkl EBI AkD JOIkERS. ALL kinds of cartienter work and repairing promptly atleuued to. J. T. Ochiltree. j 11 f h, u m , and 1741 kUTKE, rAPER UAkbEKi. OMAHA fc'-eam Paste Co., mfrs. of pasts lor all purposes, in bbia. and S bnux. Write for prices. LiO Cuming. uCl ikl FLORISTS. L, HENDERSON, lii Farnam. TeL (.ARRACK. ANTl-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. cleans ratai-poois and ra-wivol gwrsAge and Orad arimais at-redauexi triseA SU N' K. TeL 177k. ' - t 03. rtlSAIEkT SltJcrsTALlaS. NATITAL stone, cemeet, brick. 'VrebiluiTi's MaHUal kit aiat t-s, M k. inn. Tt-L itjsa. ri imii. Suggestions TO BUYERS. ltM-fte the pt-mo riTe o! rtrte-nKlvc bimltn f at ore rei.ta. rtiail deaie-p -l- Tir of a-'iliTtc. rt'no-- nuifii i'at bt t mr:iaeio:if. ani it I hv io a- a lit for t-'i' no rn-re. io r-t n a-!i s-in u piano ibnt b'aiere cbn'-re t:tt. io e f-t'n i.' . ; f ti 1 i:-t.w(i!i :e ft )' ip n;l t h.-faTit't- wood I'udii. or li. fio .etk). You of ml) eeenlrr FF:t".D R. WAI.TfcR. manularmrerf apent. Uli: Ca:i!oriua a;. Walnut Dili rtr Tirr. RITER. TYI'E WRITER hurgi.lns Srr.t' h-premler. No 1. JtH. Snm h-lYemier. No. 1. 127 i. ct'ndulon. H' siK.rioi., No. h. almost ihw, .,. i:t niii!iiim. No 7. to w. n lt n-nior-t- w hile they last. ;r,. your choice. lUilli SI. JoHN, 1712 Famam st 071AHA Steam Laundry: shins, tic; collars. 2c, cuffs, 4c 17ia) Leaven worth. Te, -47. IlRl:Skt AKIkt. DRESSMAKING in families ur st home. Mia tiutruy 3041 Farnam. M-t STAMPS. OiS. ETC. BOU GHT Omaha Stamp Co., 20s So. l.i.h jc7 EDI t AI KlkAl. FLENCH, Spanish, lenclng. S3 Flee Bldg. Mi;.7 AJi MCKEL I'LATlkG. OMAHA Flatinc Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. t-i FAlk'kBKOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, eccommod'tt Ing; all business confidenual. 1301 lHiuglas ITAMHLRIkl, AD S11TTERIG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg D Satisfactory j dental work Is the rule In this office. The qualtty of the work- a mansnlp and material we use , insurer durabtlil. Teeth, JL.uo ."a" I to iik.ra. ! Bailey tko Dentist. " -IS paxtaa Black. O Ilth and Farnam tts. Q j Lady attendant. Phone lots, j , a ; FREE to all FREE Owing ts the large titimber of patients whom we were unable xo wait upon, we nave aecioea to exietia trie H$3.()0 time until April 2(1 We make a full set of teeth for CALL EARLY AND AVOID RUSH. IN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CLINIC we want every- man, woman and child in Omaha to have their mouths exam ined by the professors of this college. All your work will be done rree. Small charires for material. WE IX AS WE ADVERTISE. Teeth Extracted FREE Teeth Clraaed ...FREE Stiver FIHAatataW from zr.e Soft FHIIera .' -.FREE Cold C re ax a s ak.K.1 WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 TEARS. WE ARE HERE TO STAY. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE PAINLESS DENTISTRY 1722 Douglas. Opp. Open aally nights till s. Boston Store. Sundays. 10 to 4. I'OITOl'FK S AOT1C1L. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any nme.i Foreign mans fur the week enmne Annl 1. 1U2, will close (F'ROMPTLY iu all cases) at the General Pusiotlice, as loliows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier lhan climinf, time shown below. Parcels iost mans for Germany close at 0 p. m. ednesday. F.egulAr aud supplementary malls close at loreign branch ha.t hour laier thun closing-time shown below. iexoept that supplementary mails ior Lureiie and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at lortigu branch. Traaaatlsatie Maila. SATURDAY At 1 a. m for EI ROI'E. per s. s. Slaatendum, via Plymouth (mall tor Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Staat endani' j: at !c;si a ni. (supplementary 11 a. m.) Ior El HOPE, iw-r s s. Suxonla, via Queejistowu; at a. m. for ei 'oT LANd aired, per s. s. Anchoria imall must be di.'tcted "per a. a. Anchoria' 1; at 11 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Aller (mail nuist be directed "jM-r a a Aller"); at 11 a. ro for DENMARK di rect, per a. a. Island (mail must le di rected "er s. s. Inland "!; at 12 m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. k. Trojan Prince. PRINTED SCATTER, ETC. This steamer take pun led mailer, commercial papers, aud samples for Germany on y. The same class of mall matter lor utner parts of Europe will not be sent by trus ship unless speciaiiy directed by her. After the closing of tbe supplementary Trans-Atlantic mails named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers xf the American. English, Frencb and German oteaniers, and remain open until withtu 10 nulultl of the hour ol sailing of steamer. Mails tow Sswth aatat Oalrsl Aaserira, daily except Sunday at 1:30 and 11:30 p. rn . Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 p. m Malls for Costa ilica, Behse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, aud thence by steamer, cioae at tins office daily excent Sunday at 1 .3u p. m.. hun das at l:0t' p. m icoiniecUug closes here Monday lur Lelise, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, and Tuesday tor Costa Rica ) Registered mall closes at k:uu p. m. pre vious (lay. Traassseise Mafia. Malls for China and Japan, via Taooma. ciose Aiele dally at Cau p. m. up tu April 13vh. inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Taooma, Mails tor Hawaii, via Ban Tranciscp, close here dally at fcJO p. m. uj to April 14th, inclusive, fur Oeiich I'er a. a. Alameda. Mulis fur laliltl and Marquesas lsianas. x-ia Ban FraucMsro, rluaa here dai'y st (.30 p. m. up so April 17tn. Inclusive, fur despatch per s. a. Australia. Mails tor Hawaii, Japan and China, via San Francisco, close here daily at f .30 P ra. up la April lisih. Inclusive, lor dispatch per m. B China Mans for Cluna and Japan, via Seattle, ciose here aaiiy at t p. m. up to April "Pith, inclusive, fur -dispatch per a. a. Riojun Maru. t Registered mall must be directed "via Beattie' j. Mstis for Australia, (except West Aus tralia, which is forwarued vis Furoei, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, cioee here uai'y at 6 '40 p rn. after Apr:! ir.u and up 10 April mth. inclusive, or on arrival of - a. T'mbrta, due at New York April "JUth. - for dfapaun ier a a. Sonoma Malls fur Australia (except West Aurtrallu. which goes Via Eurojte., and New F.ea l.'iid. whkh goes x-ia ban t ran Cisco I. and Fiji Islands, via e-atv' at0 Victoria, li. C-. rl'Hw- iters daily at 4:30 , m up to AprU "3tith. lnciuajve. fur disislb jar A a kioana sper.a:lv addressed oni j. Maila for Hawaii, China and Japan, via fcaa FraiiLisLU, close liars daily al SJv l.AlARY. , ri ic unit r. m wp to Apr:: .t!,.h. tnt'lusive. lor 'IV t ' r. i" f a I 'on 1 "r CI I'ta i....; rkiMiti. via P if at i HiR. li t . t " tft itH'-V at f la1 a: it- I' m p to Ap--ii 2Hh. utr u:, I,.- li. patt-h I" r a Hrr-pr-- of China ir.-t v. i'"'ofi h;h1! niiitsi 1 Koriel'v a iit-,-ni-a Kit : 1! ' :nlia J.'t lit I tv l'o;iiii i,ti n ' at Mii nflial cki i'o: te toraarueu a rt ladles. A.te. FKII'AI-.M 12 m iFUpplemeftaev 12 8 p m..i for FaIUMa a m fAMlA'in. per a s ftr:ig--. i II ni for MEXlt'o, p-r s. a ji.a -h -lEat., x !a l aniilci ilnitij mo' bt tli-e i-d ' -por s s Msisnsns 1 SATi'Ki'Al-A: !' r. m isupplemeninry s." a. m. 1cr 1'i'" KK'o t I RAt'AO and i:st:;.i i.i... i i s s r'h.iiidcii'hia tm i ftir r-Htnii!,:!, mid CAtiugena inuM be 0: '.f d "I- r f f limaile plua '1. st e a. m. lor 1;':aZ1L. pet s t merhtre. xis Itnha attd Kto Jaoeiro intall for N'O-Uo-rn Bras :. Are"titm. I rugun.x and I'ursgusy nnift Ih direc" 0 "iter s s Cc-la-ridge l.'at S:3B s m ipt.ppi" ni' ti-nt) 1 .: a m ) for FCRTCNK ISLAND. JAMAICA. R A V A -ML1.A and l AKi AtiENA. p-r a s. Altai tltihll tol CoMa Kk-ii must Ik- tlirH-ted "pel s s Altai"; at r He a. m (supple in.tiisrv Hi. Sm a m.i lor HAITI and SANTA MART A, pet s s Adirondack; el a ni tor A t-P i ENTl.N E, ! HI -Gi'AY and PAKA(7I A V . M-r s. s. Rirabo; at P' s In for Cl DA per s. s. Mexico, t is Hat ami; at )" a. tu lur HAl'l 1. x-r s s Orrnje Naesitu iiuhI! for turjc:tn, Veneguelu. Trinidad. liri.iFli and lHitt h Guiana must lelireclta "ikj s .. itranje Nassau' i. at 12.Ho p m i,.r CIT.A. per s s (Hindu, vis Mstatituf. e'o tirt:iitiry mail otilt . which muht Ik- uu-ccli-U "er s. s. Olinda I. Ms lis for Newfoundland, by ra il to North bt otii y, slid ihcncr by steamer, close at this office tluiiy at v-i1 p. ni. t(ioiiiiectiiig clone here every Mciidnt. Al edtit-ua y ana Saturday). Mails fur klugtieion by ran to DoMcn. slid tlietice l-.t -teatiier, (lose st tint- ofii"c daily at .;' p. m. Mails tor Cuba, by rail t" Florida, and thence by steamers, are dlnpatched flail, final con necting closes, tor diSi'hicb via Port Tunipa. on Sunnays at ! a, m.. Tues d itt- and 1'ritiut's at 12:3o p. m. ; f'.T dia patch t la Miiinil, on Mondays and 1'ri-iiatt- at lJ:3(i p m. Mali for Mexico City, overland, atii'ss Sislly addressed lor d,KiL-' li by stcamt-r, uoe at Una oftice Ci.natia MhIik tor the Philippine Islands, via Fa a 1 ranciscu. coiec liere daily at :t' p ra ufi to Mhv "nih. Inclusive, lor dttietcb jar V. S transport. 1 rttnsiSf.fic mail tre forwarded to port cl sailing dmiy and the scttedule of cltis Ing is ai-riitt(:ed on the presunilttlon ef their tin Interrupted overland transit, FleglMered mall closes at 45:S0 p. m. previout- iiv. t'OKNLl.ll'F VAN COTT, rosfmssler Posloflice. New York. N. Y.. April U. 1W2. COVEKKMET NOTICES. FROF'OSALS FOR 1NIHAN SUrrLIEF iH-partmtiit of tlx- Intenitr. t-'ftice of In dian artalrs. Washington, 1 C, March 1. lKti2. St-aled protoialK. Indorsed "l'tuposals lor hiunkeih, woolen and cotton good, clothing, etc.." as the cuse may be, and tiirectea to the commissioner of Indian uCairs. Nos. 7'. and 7k V ouster street, New York City, will be reoen-rd until 1 o clock P m , 01 Tuesday. May IS, 112, Ior fur nishing lor the Service, blankria, wooieu and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps, iiitis must tie made out on government Plunks Schedules giving all necessary Inf onuatlon lor bidders will lie furnished on s)pllcntlon to Hie Indian of fice, V ashington. D C : Nor 77 and 7S Wooster street. New York City; 236 Johnson, street. Chicixgo, 111.; No. K1S Howard street. Omaha. Neb : the commiSHurles of sulv ststence. U. B. A , at -Cheyenne, Leaven worth, St ituls, St. I'aul and San Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux Oty. Yank ton. Arkansas C1t, x 'aid well, Teka, Wichita and Tuceon. Bids will be niiened ai the bom anu days above stated, and bidders are invited to be present at the o)enlng. The clepurtmeiit reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and nil bids, tir any part of any bid. W. a. JoNF:S. Commis sioner. AprlfttoMay7 I'ROF'OPALS FOR FOUR P-UILD1NG8 and Water fcyslem. Department of the In terior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. D. C, March ft. licit bculed iwoposuIb endorsed "Proposals lor lmproveim't. s, Flandreau, South Dakota" and addr. v . J to tlie Commlssiotier of Indian Aflairt. ' .1 be received at the Indian tiffice in.t 2 o clock p. m. of Wednesday, April a-; l' 2. fur furnishing the necessary materials and labor reuulred to construct and complete at Flandreau Siovol, ouih lJakota, one brick wttrkshop, brick wat-ehouse, one frame empl' es i,.i..i-ioes. one hrick laundty and one waier rxstem. 111 tt-ii-t t.ccurnaiiDo with 1 iamt. Kpec.licatuttia uh. inaiructione to bidders, which may ie e;. atti.ned at this oflice. the t.lticcs t.l ih Moody County Enterprlsf. Flandreau. Soutti ltakota; the Improvement Bulletin. Minneapolis. Minn.; lliiylnter Ocean. Chicago, ill.; the Builders' anu Traders exchange at Omaha, Ne braska, and Milwaukee; the I . S. Indian warehouses At M7 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; 23i Johnson street, Chicago, Illinois, and T7-7P Wooster street. New 1 ork Olty, J and at the ..ohool. For further Information I apply to Charles F. I'ieroe, euMirinlndeiit, 1 Indian School, Flandreau. South Dakota. '. W. A. JoNEti, CommiMBionor. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Stores. Oflice Purchasing CoinmiHsury oX Suhti"tence, Omaha. Neh.. April lk. IIKE Sealed proposals, subject to the usual coti dllitms. will be received at this office until in o ( look a. m . April 3k, lkii2. st which time and place they will be publicly ve.ned for furnishing subsistence stores as fuj lows: Bacon, flour, coffte. sugar, canned goods, etc. F'reference will be given to articles of domestic pioduciJoii. Blank pro posals find SJu cltii atlons can be obtained at this oflice. W. K. GKOVL, Pun-basing Commissary. AH dote WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men lietween ares of HI and as, ritisetis of United Slates, ol good character and tem)eraie hablls. who can aiieak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge ata., Omaha, and post office puilding, Lluoulu, Neb. LEGAL KOTHE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The town council of the Incorporated town of Coon Rapids, Iowa, aak lor bids to furnish and lay ttve k blocks of four 44j inch cast water mains, together with hy drants and cross T. Bids to be opened Mon day. May 6. lKtii Council reserves the right lu reject any and all bids. For further in lormatiou inauirs of ED. MORGAN, Recorder. Coon F.apldn, Iowa, April 12. 1WJ2 A-li-d-k t CERTIFICATE OF Ft BLICATIOS. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC A TKN, Slate of Nebraaka, fhee of Audilor of Public Aocounls, LliitiOln, Fob. 1, IMS.. It Is hereby ctertlfn-d that the Aetna Indemnity company of Hartford, in the state of Con necticut, has complied with the insurance law of this stale, applicable to such com panies and is therefore authorised to con tinue the business of fidelity and surety and plate glass insurants in this atste for the current year ending January 31. 12 Summary of report hied for Ike year cad ing December 31, ll'l : INCOME Premiums irKJ6s6 AU other sources 11.2.4.U1 tlSSJWO.aT DISBURSEMENTS Paid ptJirv holders I W.BItf, 7 All other payments ltll 47 14S.S.4.I. Admitted assets 3.7st;.3' LIABILITIES. Unpaid claims aud ex pense f 10 4'C OS Unearned premiums K4.2" K7 All other liabilities 2.U2 ifc Mi.4 10 Capital stock paid up... Su.oiki.oo Surplus lietond capital siock ana oilier Inabili ties 20.13616 Total $76. 245 Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public an turns the day and year first above writ ten. CHAKLES WESTON, Auditor of public Accounts. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy. LEGAL TAOIICE. EXTF.VKION OF CHARTER OF THE NEBRAHKA NATlt i.N'AL BANK OF OMAHA. Treasury Department. Office of Comp troller of the Currency, Waahlngiou. D. C. 11, 112 Whereas, by saiit-fao-tory evidence presented 10 the uiidersayneAl, it lias been maae 10 appear that "The Ne braska National Bank of Omaha," in the city of Omaha, in the rounty of Douglas and state of Nebraska, has complied wi'ta all the provisions 4tf tbe act of congress to enable national banking association tu ex tend their corporal existence and lor other purpose, approved July 12. 12 Now. therelore. I, Vt illiam J: hiigely, comptroller of the currency. 00 Cereby certify that "The Nehraska National Bank of Omaha." in the city of Omaha, In the con tit ol Douglas and slate tif Nebraska, is aaihorixed tu Lave succession lur tlie period im Iliad In lis ami-nued articles of association, iihttuj, utitll ciose cS busuiess on April il. 1J2 In toei:no'i. whereof witness my band ana seal of uflti this UU Oay -ai AprU, L'2 (SlgnetT) tl'M B rTIDrJELT, Abealj CompU-uiicr ut the C'urraaa ,