Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AFRIT. 10, 1D02. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Balloonish Tactic, in Wheat and Corn Pita After Early Slump. RiCES PAUSE ON SUMMIT AT FINISH imrlr Market ros.essrs Depressing Attltalr. hut Itnlllsh fwi, with Glgantlr Stride In Wheat, Sends All Lines I p. CHICAGO, April !(. Bpertilatlnn In grains was of an erratic nature again to iy. Doubts as to the possible effect of Uie Itrltlsh Import duties on breadstulTs mixed the wheat trade early and other In luenre prised down prices somewhat, ahlle a break at St. Louis hurt corn there, lust before the close, however, wheat be tan to skyrocket and corn tailed after. May wh.'at closed ltyOtlHc higher, May corn. c up and May oats c advance; provisions gtilnt-d a shade to lic. Karly business In wheat was somewhat Jemorallzed. The crowd did not know how to Interpret the new lfrttish duties and larlv deals were a matter of guess work. Kaltis had fallen west and Inclined specu lators to the bear side. Northwestern re ;eipts. however, were almost nothing; and .he cash demand at Minneapolis was much nipioved, Iwcause nearly everything was M,n..rijiH itiifon im f'nrn wm weakening. Ind as advices from Ixtndon stated that1 Olivers would pay the outies inrnugn au ist and after that the duties would be lgured In the contracts, the crowd turned to settle. Mav wheat opened unchanged :o a shade hlaher at 72V- to 724c touched f2'ic and sold off to 72c. There was a irest discrepancy In cables. Liverpool arljr cables were ns much as c higher ind closing He lower. Inndon - prices ranged , lower to 2ViC higher. It was innounced that colonial as well as foreign wheat must pay the tax. It was assumed by the trade that export business would oe upset for some time owing to the tax neasure. After the weakness In corn wore iwav romewhit and the fair weather re sorts were offset to some degree by crop Ssmngn reports, heavy buying set in. Hradslreet reported a decrease of 3.3S4.oO ushela 111 the visible supply. Commission louses had good orders and shorts cov ired fre'-ly. The general sentiment turned rery bullish and the opinion prevailed that :he slight wettings the winter crop Is get ting at times helps It hut little. I,ate lamage reports scsred the crowd bndly ind in the half hour before the close May sas shoved up 2c from ita low price for he day and brought 74c, May closed itrong. lMile higher at 7Trfi7Jc. Local receipt were 44 cars. one of contract trade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported jnly ninety cars, making a total for the ihree points of 134 cars, against 235 last seek and 434 a year ago. "Trlmary receipts were 251,000 bushels, compared to 3fi9.uu" oushels a year ago. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 2t2.000 bushels. Corn shorts were subjected to hard 'liieejilng todaT. There was plenty of ituff for sale early on the break of 2c at 8t. Louis. The situation was almost the jpposlte of yesterday. Kansas City denied a report of a sale of 300.000 bushels cash tnd the southwest turned weak generally. Although cash stocks were practically r,one at the two southwestern markets, there was not sufficient demand to keep prices up. The market wu nervous most 3f the any, but gradually bears plucked it courage and began selling short.' Then came the bulge In wheat and prices lumped upward again as the shorts tried n cover. Action was very Irregular, but the business transacted was not heavy. May corn opened c higher to Vie lower it '"i to 6lc, slumped to Gl4c, then ad vanced to 63c, where it closed strong, lo higher than yesterday's close. Receipts STcre S2 cars. Oats held to better prices In sympathy with other grains. There was fair buying nf May and the new grade of July. Cora mission houses helped In a small advance. Local bears were not sellers, but trade was only moderately active and the larger re ceipts and better conditions for sown oats retarded advances somewhat. May sold between 42o and 43c and closed firm, He Higher at 4;ic. Receipts were 232 cars. Provisions were strong early on the bull ish hog situation. Packers were large buyers of pork and ribs and the outside bought liberally for Investment. Offerings, auch as they were, came out principally 'or profits and were quickly taken up. To ward the close prices eased somewhat, but the tone was-generally strong. May pork told st 117 and closed 10c up at $lt.924, May lard closed a shade higher at $9.75tf 7?Vi and May ribs uiTHo up at $9.17Mi 1.20. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 13 cars; corn. 40 cars; oats, 90 cars; hogs, 2S.IV0 head. The 'leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat May July ' Sept. Corn May July BepL Oats May I July July 8 Sept. Sept. rk May July' Jard May July Sept. libs x May July Bept. 72tfff Tariff's, 74 75 73Tj.(ffC4 72 734 72 62Ai 72Si!74'Ca7oi 7T&73 741 721 74! en 6'V. m 6i'V 63 I 61 Si 63 63 62H W 62H 61 42 43 3574 37'. 42S, 34-f, 3fii4 43 42 35 35 3T 3Bs 37 36V'-a4 3fl 2l7 80130 4c 32 314 16 921 16 R2 17 12 16 02 31 a2siVMj,1 18 95 17 15 m 17 00 17 22 85 9 K 10 05 9 25 9 40 60 16 90 17 05 9 75 9 75-7 9 87, 9 97 I 9 75 9 85 9 93 9 12 9 27 9 37 9 2V 9 S2! 9 97 10 00 17 9 15 9 30 9 40 9 1720 B 30 I 40 9 3S 9 42 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Firm: winter patents, $3 703 190; winter straights, t3.2Ka-3.60: winter jleara. 33.00(!i3.40; spring specials. &4; spring patents, S3.20if3.50; spring straights, J2.75J Loo. WHEAT-No. S. 69-3720; No. 2 red, 80c. OATS No, 2, 43&43c; No. 2 white, 44 ICSc; No. 3 white, 4445c. -RYK No. 2, 67c. BARLKY Fair to choice malting, lfi8c. SEEDS No. I flag, $1.65; No. 1 north western, 31.77. Prime timothy, 36.90. Clover, sontract grade, 37.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 316.90 S16.96. Lard, per 100 lbs., 39 759.77. Short ribs sides (loose), l9.NW9.fio. Dry salted Ihoulders (boxed). l7.aiWcr7.75. Short clear ides (boxed), S9.65Jr9.75. WHISKY Baals of high wines, 31.30. The following wers the receipts and ship ments yesisrany: Articles. Receipts. 20,000 62.0H0 54.000 245.0X1 5.000 30,000 Shipments. 19.000 139.0H0 142,000 v 122,000 "twoo flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Torn, bj .... flats, bu.... aye, bu Barley, bu.. ' On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 24ft'29c; lalrles, 2427c. Cheese, steady,, 12Jfcl3c. fexga, firm; fresh, 15c. SEW YORK UEKRAL MARKKT. Vaotatlosts el the Day on Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK April 15.-FljOUR-Recelpts, 19.324 bbls.; exports, 2.1K3 bbls.; Minnesota pa tents, S3.8fior4.00; winter straights, 3.Wp I.H5; Minnesota bakers, 33.20; winter pat ents. S38.Vo4.06; winter extras, S3.15gn.26; winter low grades, t2.9ttfr3.05. Rye flour, Iteady; fair to good, S3.25u3.40; fair to good, fancy. t3 6.Hl3.7u. COHNMKAL Firm; yellow western, fl 2; city. 31.28: Brandy wine, 32 55. RYK Firm; No. 3 western, 64c f. o. b. ifloat. , BARLKY Firm; feeding. 64f68c, c. !. f. New York; Malting, 67(i7Jc, c. L f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 10,300 bj.; exports, K103 bu. Piiot, strong; No. 3 red. 75c, elevator; No. 3 red. Kic f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern. Duluth. snc f. o. b. afloat. P.srlv weakness In wheat, following bearish weather news, the Rngllsh Imnort duty ind unloading by foreign and Wall street houses gave way in the afternuon to a feverish upturu and big advance on a tears of shorts and crop damage rumors. ins close was strong at milV net ad vance; Miy closed at 7Kc; July, 78j(SOS,c; closed at 0o; September. 77 11-16c; cloned It 7c; , December, 7'ule; closed at uy. I CORN-JRecelpts. X.l"5 bu.; exports. 1.800 hu.. Spod tirm; No. 3. Guc, elevator, and H'o f. ol b. afloat. Cora opened firm on mall receipts, sold off under liquidation, but recovuV-d and was strong In the after noon with fheit. closing lc hither on May and ciin other months; Mav. I ,h4o; closed 6M.O; July, SrtWCc; sloped at 7c; September, 65Oic; closed at Mc. , OATS Receipts, 21.000 bu. Spot, firmer; No. 3. 4o; No. 3. 47c; No. 2 white. 5lii Uc; No. I white. 51t51c: track, mixed western. 4tvS4lsc; track, whits, 51MS&0. Op tions active and firmer on bullish crop news and strength In ths other markets. HOPS Firm, state, common to choirs. l'"il crop. 15'lc; 1900, l.l14o: olds. 4Hc; Pacific coast. 19ol crop, laul9o; 1900. 14c: olds. 4g4c. HAY Steady; Shipping. 3iSo; good to choice 8cMp:0o. - HIDE Steady: Galveston, 30 to 15 lbs.. le; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 18c; Tsxaa. try. U to lbs., 13c. WiiytHifAet; bsnjtfok; sola, Biutooa Ayres light (o heavy, 26'g2c; acid, 24 25c. WOOI-4Jlllet. PROVISIONS Reef, strong: family. SU ol) f 14 00; mess, 310 fsf no; beef hams. 32 iif 21.00; pocket. 311. Onto 12.00; city extra India mess, Sl9.0i'(r22.i. Cut meats, strong; pick ll bellies, SlO.flcgil.nO; pickled shoulders, S- 2fa.y; pickled hams. IU.nmgii2.00. Lnrd. Arm; western steamed, 110.10; refined, firm; continent, 310 26- South America, 310 75; compound, SS. liWS.3T. Pork, firm: family, ll 'i; short clears, SI 9. 754320.00; mess, 316.50 ti 17.60. POTATOES Firm : Maine, bag, 32 40r2 0; New Tork. fair to prime, sack. $1 .15&2.25; Jersey sweets, barrel, S3.B"6.(0. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4Mio; Japan, 4iic. TALLOW Firm; city S2 per pkg). 6c; country ipkgs. free), S'tc H UTTER Receipts, 6.W6 pkgs. : firmer; state dairy, 2Vfr3lc; creamerv. state. 27W 32c: June creamery. Imitation, 25-2c; factory, 2S28o. CHEESE Receipts, J.S19 pkgs.; firm; fancy, large, full cream, fall make, colored and white, 124il2c; fancy, small, state, full cream, early make, colored and white, 13'ol3c. E(RI3 Receipts, 24 845 pkgs.; steady; state and Pennsylvania, fm 16c; western, at mark, lfii&17c. Sl'OAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 2e; centrifugal. 96 test. Zc; molasses sugar, 2c; refined, steady; crushed, 5.28c; pow dered, 4.8oc; granulated, 4.75c. COFFEE Uulet; No. 7 Rio, 6c. MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans. 3-W41C. POULTRY Alive, steady: turkeys, l2o; fowls, 12i 13c. Dressed, slow; fowls, 121 16c: turkeys, 12?jl3c. METALS Dealing In copper under the new rule was inaugurated at the new Metal exchange. Trades amounted to 150 tons for July delivery at 311.20912.15. It was considered that the trading was started under favorable conditions. The local mar ket for copper was rather easy, but quiet and unchanged; spot lake was quoted at 312.25; electrolytic, 312.12 asked and casting 312 asked. The London copper market closed 15s lower, with spot and futures at 53 2s 6d. The Ixndon tin market was 2s 6d higher, with spot at 126 17s 6d and fu tures at 124 10s. The local market ruled firmer, with spot at $28. la ruled steady and unchanged here at 4c and London was unchanged at 11 lis 3d. Spelter was firm and unchanged here at $4.46; Iondnn gained 2s, closing at 17 15s. Iron ruled steady and unchanged here and a trifle higher In English markets. Locally pig Iron warrants were nominal; No. 1 northern foundry, S19.oniaao.on; No. 2 northern foun dry, $18.(Mi i9.oo; No. I southern foundry, 317.ROfrl8.oo; No. 1 soft southern foundry, 31.60a 17.00; Olasgow closed at 54a 6d and Mlddlesborough at 48s 6d. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotation Staple sail Fancy Produce. EOOS Including new No. 2 cases, 15e; cases returned, 14c. s LIVE POULTRY Chickens, 10c; old roos ters, according to age, Fij9c; turkeys, lixjji 12c; ducks and geese, M)isc; dressed stock In good condition, l2c higher than llvs stock. HUTTER Packing stock, 23c; choice dairy. In tubs, 246'25o; separator, 30c. FRESH CAUOHT FISH Trout, 10c; crap ples, loc, herring, 6c; pickerel, c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunilsh. 6o; bluetlns, 8c; whltetlsh, 12c; cattish, 13c; black bass, ISc; halibut, 13c: salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 80c; shad roe, per pair, 30c; spilt shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 25c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Herrlng, 2c; trout, headless, 7c; whiteflsh, 7o; smelts, No. 1, 7c; smelts. No. 2, 5c OYSTERS Mediums, per can, 22c; stand ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can, 33c: New York Counts, oer can, 40c: bulk standards, per gal., $1.25; hulk, extra se lects, $1.60L65; New York Counts, per gal., PIGEONS-Llve. per do.. ft, VEAL-Cholce. 6Q80. CORN 69c. " ' OATS 470. BRAN Per ton, $17. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesals Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No 1 upland 38.60; No. 1 medium, 38; No. 1 coarse, 37.50. Rye straw, 35. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light VEUKTAiiL& SEED POTATOES Per bu.. Ohloa. SlWi Rom, 31.26; Triumphs, 31.16. POTATOES Northern, $1.001.06: Colo rado, $1.20. CARROTS Per bu., 75c. BEETS Per bu. basket. 5c. TURNIPS Per bu.. mk; Rutabagas, par 100 lbs., $1.25. PARSNIPS Per eu.. 60c. ASPARAGUS California,, per lb., 15c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse,' per dos., 31.60. OREEN ONiONb Per do., according to Size of bunches, lo2oc. SPINACH Southern, per bu.. 75c. LETTUCE Head, per Hamper. .50; hot house, per dos., 40450. PARSLEY Per dos.. 3036c. RADISHES Per dos., A25c; per box, $1.50. CABBAGE California, new, 2c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, 2; Mich igan, red cr yellow, per id., So. CELERY California, 4075c TOMATOES Florida, per t-basket crate. $3.00(83.60. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.80ffl.90. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $5; Wine saps, S5.oo; Willow 'iwigs, per bbl., 35.00; Jonathans, $9.60; Belleflowers, per box, 1 7a. FIGS California, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb.. 12'tfHo. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, $4.O084.5O; Lnulsiana, per 24-pt., case, 32.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels,- fancy, 34; choice, $3.76; budded, $3; med. sweets, $3.26 63.50. LEMONS Fancy, $8.50; choice. $3.26. BANANAS Per bunch, according to alas. 32.252.76. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop wa-nut.i, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c: hard shell, per lb.. 11 c; No. 2 soft shell. 10c; No. 2 hard shell. So; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, lac; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack. 33.60. HIDES No. 1 green. 6tc: No. 2 areen. 4o; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. t salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, t to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 ins., be ary nines. suc; sneep pelts. 75c; horse hides. $1.6062.25. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. S2.75S3.00. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., 33.26; New York. S3 60. POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled, 6c. St. Loala Grata 4 Provisions. an t oiTta A n 41 IK tvittt itui-i.... No. t red cash, elevator, 80c; track. 80 804c: May, tsVic; July, 3c; no. z hard. WIS: ... . ... . : cokin Higner; ixo. i casn. MV4c; traca, 64c; May, 64c; July, 63c; September, 62c. OATS Higher; No. 3 cash, 43c; track, 4444c; May, 43c; July, 85c; September, 3o; No. 2 white. 46c. RYE Firm at 69c. , FIOUR Dull: red winter patents, $3 65 (63.80; extra fancy ana straight, $3.35g3.45; clear. S3.4si4iS.lB. TIMOTHY SEED Steady, $5.50e.O0. CORN MEAL Steady, $3.10. PRAN Strong: sacked, east track. 91SW2C HAY Steady; timothy, $12.506 15.00; prai rie, Ill.ZMU ld.tV. WHISK Y Steady 31.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $L BAGGING Steady, 60,c. . HEMP TWINE Steady. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, old. 316.60; new, w.tu. iara, sieaay, x.40. Dry salt meats (boxed), strong; extra shorts, 19 62: clear ribs, 3962; short clear. 39.75. Bacon tboxed) strong; extra shorts. Slo.50; clear ribs. sio.3mj lotto; snort clear, nu.trjw. METALS Lead, steady at $3.&ii4.00. Spel ter, lower at $4.25. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10c; tur keys, 12c; ducks 10c; geese, 405c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2531c dairy, 2Kt25c. EGOS-Higher at 15c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 6.O0 SOW Wheat, bu 32.000 49.0 0 Corn, bu : 2S.HOO 53.0 0 Oats, bu 43,000 $!t,(M) Ulverpoel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. ADril IS. WHEAT Spot No. 1 northern spring (Including duty), steady, lis 4d. Futures: Julet; May, 6s 11-d; July, 6s KVfl. CORN Spot : Steady: American mixed, new (including duty), 6s 6d; American mixed, old (Including duty). 5a 6d. Futures: Dull: May. 4a llVd: July. 6s V.d: October. 4s lld. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter (Includ ing .duty), tirm. s 6.1. PEAS Canadian, firm at (s lOd. HOPS At Ixndon (Pacific coaat), firm at 3 IStti 4 15a. PROVISION" Reef, firm: extra India mesa. ff 9d. Pork, Arm; prime mesa, west ern. 72a '3d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 ' firm at 52s. Bacon, firm: Cumberbtnd cut. 26 to 30 lbs., firm, 4.s an; snort ribs. 16 to 34 lbs., Arm. 4ss 6d: long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lba, 4Ss; clear middles, heavy, 3 to 40 lbs.. Arm at 4s b-v, snort clear paras, is to 20 lbs., 4Ss: rler bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., Arm st 49s; shoulders, siiuare, 11 to 13 lbs.. Arm at 37s 6d. Lard, prime western. In tierces Arm-at 49s 61; American refined. In palls, Arm at 49s td. Bl'TTEH Finest United States, Arm -it 95s: good United states, nominal. CHEESE Firm; American finest whit, 63s; American finest colored. 4oa. TALLOW Prima rltv. Arm st 39a ! Receipts of wheat during the last three days. 36.000 centals. Including 301, Quo Amer ican. receipts r - during the last three days, centals. , . rkisgti la Aiallak.c aapplles. NKW YORK, ArU U.-BDcleJ cable and telegraphic advices received by Bradstreefs show the following changes in available supplies s compared with last account: Wheat, In the United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased bu.; sflost. for and In Europe. Increased K0.0) bu.; total simply decreased 3.304,ftio bu. Corn. In the United States snd Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1.325.0O bu. Oats, In the United States and Canada, east or the Rockies, decreased 422.000 bu. Among the more Important decreases re ported this week are those of 552.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators, 55D,ooo bu. at Manitoba storsge points. 2i.000 bu. at northwestern Interior elevators, 72,OiO bu. at Lincoln elevators. 5VK) bu. In elevstors outside of thst city. 54.000 bu. at Portland Me., and 50.0HO bu. each at Fort Worth and at Minneapolis private elevators. Kansas City- Grata aad f-rovlaloas. KANSAS CITY, April 16.-WHEAT-Msy, 70c; July, 70c; cash. No. 2 hard, 71c; No. 2. 70o; No. 2 red, 79ffHOc; No. 2. 7S'U79c. CORN Mav, 64Vg4c; September. 61c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 6.'t(i6c; No. 2 white, 66 trK0c; No. 3, 64hijc. OATS No. 2 white, 44ig45c. RYE No. 2. 6ftf9c. HAY (holce timothy, $13.50; choice prai rie. 312.50613.00. BUTTER Creamery, 2Hc; dairy, fancy, rc. EGGS Higher: at mark, new No. 2 white wood cases Included, 14c; cases returned, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 34.4iO 4,000 Com, bu 36.800 30.4"0 Oats, bu..... 34,000 14,0110 Philadelphia Prodarv Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 15. BUTTER Firm, frt1c higher; extra western cream ery, 82ii'33c; western nearby prints, 34c. EOGS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 15c; fresh western, 15WlSc; fresh south; western. 15filnsr; fresh southern, 15c. CHEESE S tea ly; New York full creams fancy small, 12iS13c; New York full creams, fair to choice, lli&12c. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 16 WHEAT-Mar-ket stronger; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 northern, ?2''a73c; May, 75c. RYE Quiet; No. L 68c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 6768c; sample, CORN May, 61T463c. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 15. WHEAT May, 72c; July, 73c; on track,, No. 1 hard. 76c; No. 1 northern, 73it74c; No. 2 northern, 7272c Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, April 15.-FI3UR-Flrst patents, $3.80tfJ3.90; second patents, $3.7ofiz 8.80; flrst clea.-s, 2.903.00; second clears, $2-15. HEW YORK STOCKS AMD BOXD9. Trade Dimensions In Soathern Rail way Breaks All Stork Records. NEW YORK, April 15. The dimensions Of the trading In Southern railway atocks today eclipsed any ever before seen on the New York exchange. The total number of snares of common stock outstanding is $1,200,000. The dealings recorded in the stock today were to the number of 864.&U0 shares. On April 24, 1901, Union Pacific was dealt In to the extent of 662.800 shares during the struggle between the Morgan and Harriman interests In the transconti nental field. That figure was far In excess of any previous day a dealings In a single stock until today. The tremendous volume or these dealings dwarfed the rest or the market, and yet there were a number of other atocks In which the dealings were on a scale only seen during periods of great speculative activity. 1 ne opening in soutnern Railway was quiet enough . and the opening bulge In Louisville & Nashville to nearly 4 points over last night awakened some momentary skepticism or tne over nignt reports or a settlement of the dispute for control of Louisville & Nashville. But the parties In Interest were already In consultation when the stock market opened and there was a scurrying of brokers from the neigh borhood of the consultation rooms. Imme diately buying orders opened In Southern Railway for seemingly unlimited amounts of the stock. The movement In stock did not become wild at any time. In spite of the extreme advance of 6 points to 40. The reaction ary tenaency or Louisville & Nashville was also a convincing demonstration that the struggle for that stock had terminated and the scramble to get out by the smaller operators wno naa loiiowea tne aeal car ried it down by successive stages to 125; tne last price, nowever, ten it at 127, a net Ions of only a point. southern Railway surrered at the last from thi profit-taking on the part of the professional element, which bought the stock recklessly, but were aDDarentlv not disposed to remain in It over night In face or tne many possiDie contingencies etui open In the situation. The reaction car ried Southern Railway back to 37-V and it closed only 1 higher at a net gain of . The preferred stock gained 3 per cent. The extent of the publlo information when the stock market closed was con tained in the formal statement by the Gates element that they had bought con trol of Louisville & Nashville and that they proposed to leave the settlement of the dispute to J. P. Morgan & Co. as arbi ters. This was accepted as conclusive evi dence that Southern Railway would be benentea by tne settlement. The movement In Illinois Central and In Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville were directly in sympatny witn tnat In South ern Railway. It waa supposed that Illi nois Central would be allowed to share In the benefit of the Louisville absorption, and that Chicago, Indianapolis & Louis ville will form a connecting link to Chi cago. The very large buying of St. Paul was supposed to be due to a renewal of the campaign for a rise by the element that bought Louisville. There was some strength In the other Grangers and Pa cifies and In Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohio. Amalgamated Copper advanced at one time over a point, but did not hold It. There were notable advances In special ties here and there. International Power rising nearly 12 points. But there were also points of weakness and outside of the congested centers or activity there waa notable demand for stocks. There was some stiffening of the rate again, but the continued calmness of the money market throughout the day relieved the apprehension that was felt lest the enormous speculation should develop a stringency. The easing of the exchange market Indicates that borrowing in foreign markets was freely resorted to. General considerations received little attention. The market closed Irregular under realis ing. The bond market was Irregular. Total sales, par value, S4.O29.00O. Bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrhlaon do fd Baltimore a Ohio.. do pfd ranadlaa PsclSc... Canada Bo Chos. Ohio Chicago 4 Alton... do pfd Chicago. Ind. L. do Dfd .. n Bo. Railway .. .. fttva da nM . 37H iKu Tmi a Pacific ,. M .Tolado. ll L t W . 17 Si . 42" . Ill ..lia1.- no pia ,. T Union Paclno . 44 do ptd , ,. 17 iWabaab ,. 7414' do pfd .. Whaallng 4k L E. .. 7 do Id pfd ,.1MK Wia. Cantral ,. 24H d" Pfd , ,. I7i Adama Ex..., ,. 44 American Ex ,.t6;sl'. 8. Ex ..Ui Walla-Fargo Ex ,. It ,Amal. Coupar .. J7H ''. Car A r.... ,.10J do pfd , ., Amar. Lin. Oil.... ,. )4HI 00 Pfa , .. 44 Amor. 8. a R ..ITlVal do pfd ..21 lAnae. Mining Cu... .. 44 Brooklyn R. T .. 14 ' Pual A I . if, .102', . 47 t 14', . 4J' . to " . 24 . 44' .lit .133 .lllUj .0 . Ml, . MS . . II . 4S.I, : .116 . 45 Chicago a B. ill., w.. Chicago O. do lat pfd.., do Id pfd... Chicago N. W. C, R. 1. a r Chicago Tar. a Tr. do pfd C. C. C. St. L.. Colorado So do lat pfd do id pfd 11. A Hudaoo L A W. ....... lnr A R. O ... do pfd Erlo do lat pfd do td pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocklug Valley ... do pfd llllnola Cantral .... Iowa Cantral do pfd Laka Erla a W.... do pfd U A N Manhattan L. ...... Mm. st. Rr Maxlcan Cantral .. Max. National .... Minn. St. L, Mo. Pacific M . K. A T do pfd N. J. Cantral N. T. Cantral .... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pannerlvanla Kaadlng do lat ptd do td ptd St. LAS. r do lit pfd do id pfd St. L. South w do pfd St. Paul do pfd So Pacific , .. 1H ' on- aa ,. hfoa, Tobacco pfd... .Z-4 .119 .lad ..ins- Hocking Coal .. 'm,Int''. Papor ., .. l I do pfd . . . . In, .P w . 2v . iO . 70", .110 . a . St . . 1 - " ....... .. 4s lc'la Uaa .. National blacult ... ,. si i"""onai Laad .... ,.1J Natlonal Salt ,.1J7 j do pfd ..USVk American ,.1M .Pacific Cue at .. to l"clnc Mall .. r'ople a Uaa ..10 Pl? a. Car P'd .. ,4V,llmn Car.... .. 14 "Public Steel .... L4' 'd lu iugar .. miT'""- rl .. t (1Iob Hag A .. Kt. Hd ..leov""- Laathor .. efa so pfd .. a! a. Rubber .. del,,0. Pfd .. U Pfd .. 7aVwaers Unlos .. ta .Anier. Locomotive. . li ,. .Ito . It . 43 .lo24 . . M Ui . 17 . TJ .UH, . ". . 14 . St . 114 . S4 . It 40 . 41 . 3(4 . . e.'4j 00 pro K c- Bouthara ..Ill I pfd S4 11 Offered. Bask Clearla OMAHA. April lb Bank clearings today, Sl.2nl.0itl.S9; corresponding day last year, S1.ui2.9d4. 62: Increase. S24t.i87. f w n A . 1 1 1. - i .. -t eqo err rwi. balances. tV.Ooo.T'Ki; posted exchange, Mini for sixty days and $4.ett on demand; New Y-k exchanse. 30e Drtmlum. ST. IX)ri8. April li Clearings. $8.5o4. 41a. balancea, $l,UA,nli muney, steady at 4'yfid) er cent; New Tork exchange, 4As prt'mlttm. NKW YORK, April 15. -Clearings, $021. .V.fC9; balances, S12.IKs.4a3. HAI.TIMORK. April IS. Clearings, $fi,.Ul,. Sl; balances. $.MiX.jM; money, 1 per cent. I'HIKADKI.l'HIA, April 15. 'lesrlngs, tJl.2M.TfW; balances, t2.19tj,419; money, 4Vx per cent. BOSTON, April 15.-Clearlngs, $M.23.S; balances. S1,S71,T24. CINCINNATI. April IF. Clesrlngs, $4,JA money. 4ij45 per rent; New York ea change, par to loc premium. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Arll 15-MONEY-On call, firm, 4&"i per cent; closing, bid and asked, 4i per cent: nrlme mercantile paper. 4S4 D per cent. H1KKUNQ EXCHANG E Heavy, witn actual business In bankers' bills at $4.K7ij for demand and at 14 HMi46' for sixty days; posted rates. $4 H and $4.88H; com mercial bills $4.84St1 4.'. ri iv r;it liar, w'-ao: Mexican aonars, 4.1c. BONDS-Government, steady: state. In active; railroad, irregular. ins closing quotations on Donus are as follows: U. g. ref. la, reg... do coupon do la, reg do coupon do new 4a. rcg.... do coupon do old 4a. reg do coupon do tM. reg do coupon .ltS 109H ,lf ,lov, l 1U4 lilt, .HIV, lf. 107 10.H4j HW 107 , tV V. A N. unl. 4a.... Max. central 4a do la Inc Minn. A 8t. U. 4a., M.. K. A T. 4a do la N. T. Central la... do gen. 3'ta N. J. C. gen. ti.... No. PaclBo 4a do la N. A W. con. 4a... Reading gen. 4a... , Rt L A I M con. ts, St. L. A 8. P. 4a... St. L. South w. is.. do la 8 A. A A. P. 4a... 80. Pacific 4a Bo. Railwar fra .. M .. .14 '4 ,.1044, .10O'4j . M . .inj'4, ,.10 .140 14, ..tor.'i .. 74H .102 ,. M ..111144 .101 .lno't ,. 17 . r. . M 1'lVt .111 . Ill .1044 .1074 .120 ..nit . 764 .lilt .. It . 11 . 6H Atchison gen. 4a do ad. 4a Baltimore A o. 4a.., do xvta do con. 4a 109 S, 11 7 IOSV4 Canada 80 la , Central of On. Bs do la Inc Chee. A Ohio 4a... Chicago A A. 1'.... ... ti. ft vi n. 4a... C. M A St P n a.. Texaa A Pacific la.. lit , 134 14j 1124 ltltViJ !', 101V, 100 1 74 ! 1114, T . 8. I,. A W. 4a. Union Paclflo 4s.... do cone. 4a Wahaah la do 2a do deb. B Went Shore 4a Wheel. A L. B. 4s., Wla. Central 4a Con. Tobacco 4a C. A N. W. c. 7a.... C. R. I. A P. 4a... C C C A St h g. 4s. Chlcaso Ter. 4a Colorado 80. 4a ienver & R. o. 4a. Erie prior Hen 41... do general 4a f. W. A I). C la.. Hocking Val. 4'ia.... Ex-Interest. Boston Stork ((notations. BOSTON. April 15. -Call loans. 44.4 per cent; time loans, 46 per cent Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a lni 84 3 (2 7 7'a 2(1 M44 Adrenturs ........ Allouet Amalgamated .. 12. .. iv, .. MH .. o4 .. II ..10 .. 1H .. 90 .. 11 .. 14 .. 214 .. (3 .. 27 ..121 .. t ..m .. M .. 1S4 .. 20H .. i:4 .. BV4 .. 14 .. r4 .. ti lae la lex. Central 4s.... I. E. a. A c Paltlc Bingham Calumet A Hecla.. Centennial Conner Hangs Atchison do nM Boston A Albany... Ftnaton A Me hoaton Elevated .... 1K.4S Franklin itchburg pfd nlon Pacific lex. Central .147 lll4 Mohawk Old Dominion Osceola Parrot American Sugar do pfd American T. A T... Dominion 1. A 8... llt'k Quincy Santa Fa Copper.., Tamarack Trtmountaln , Trinity United states Ctah Victoria Winona Wolverine Copper Rang Con. 171 ' 12IOi eneral F.lect-ie Maaa. Electric 41 do pfd 1. E. O. A c 'nlted rwlt , 17 4 10J "4 Dally West , 44'4 , 8. Steel do nd 40T, 111V Weatlngh. Common. London Stock Market. LONDON, April 15. I p. m. -Closing: Consols, money... 94 9-li 11-14 14, Norfolk A Western. do pfd Ontario A Weatern. Pennsylvania Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Southern Pacific Union Pacific do pfd United States .Steel.. do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4a Rand Mines DeBeera do account 14 9 13H 77 19H 42'4 Is 214 9914 (14 ..109 JO 471 95 '4 24V4 4f 784 12St 44 Anaconda Atrhiaon do pfd 100 Vi 110 I 1214! 7 261, 172 44' 944, n 7014 MVll 148 llW'i 3fi ti ICTVb Baltimore A Ohio.... Canadian Pacific Cheaapeake A Ohio., Chicago Q. W C, M. A St. Paul... Denver A R. O do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d Dfd llllnola Central Laulavlie, A Nash.., M.. K. A T do Dfd N. Y. Central BAR SILVER Quiet at 24Hd per ounce. MOMW tl.r..OU. n T-k. .... - - - - ' . . . , . 1 wo 1 a itj ui discount In t h a ntion marliat trf mUnwt 1, 1 1 1 is per cent and for three-months'' bills ll-l per cent. New YerU Mining; Quotations, VtTW VntJt? An.n 41 mu. n t the closing prices on mining atocks: Adams Con ......, Alice j, Breeca , Brunawlck Con 1, 29 90 ro 12 Vi 12s 90 149 45 t Little Chief ... 11 987 V4 99 4 19 1 90 49 139 Ontario Ophlr , Phoenix Potost Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ... Standard Comatock Tunnel... Con. Cal. A Va Deadwood Terra Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvlli Cos Foreign Financial. LONDON. Anrll 15 OoM nmim. .M quoted as follows: At Rimnna a vmi 140 lo af. Madrid, 3T.50; at Lisbon, 28. Money was f""""' "u tne qemana was stimu lated by heavy repayments to the Bank of England. Discounts were weaker. Busi ness on the Stock exchange opened Irregu lar, but Improved later and was fairly ac lye. Consols fluctuated and closed below the best quotations of the day. Home rails were hesitating and Irregular. Orand trunks were fractionally harder. Canadian x-Kciiics easea. foreigners were inactive. Kaffirs were otilet aorl firm Am.i-i,n. hesitated. The rise In Louisville & Nash ville had a depressing effect. Southern railway was the strong feature of the market. Practically no business was trans acted. Prlcea closed firm. Copper was steady at 63. PARIS, April 15. Prices were firm on the bourse today and business was quiet. Span ish 4s were dull at first, but rallied and continued to Improve. Kaffirs were firm. Ottoman banks were well supported. Bra slllans were steady. Araentlnea werei weaker. Rio tlntos commenced atrona- hut subsequently reacted, owing to the fall In tne price or copper. Metropolitans were firm. Thomson-Houston was dull. Rus sian Industrials wers weaker. Credit was favored. At the close prices were firm. The private rate of discount was I 7-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 2Mc for the ac count. Exchange on London, 26f 17Wc for checks. Spanish 4s, 79.10. BERLIN, April 15. Exchange on Lon don, 20m 44pfgs far checks. Discount rste for short bills, 1V per cent: for three months' bills, 14 per cent. Internationals were quiet on the bourse today, the fluctua tions of British consols checking dealings. Russian were firm. Canadian Pacifies were steady. Coal shares were In good demand for Paris account. Banks were maintained. Condition of the Treasary. WASHINGTON, April 15.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $U0,uu0,0Q0 gold referve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $175,860. 221; gold, $K,gsl.62. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. April 16-COTTON-8pot closed quiet and steady; middling uplands, V; middling gulf. 9Mc; sales, 2.5a bales ST. LOUIS, April 15. COTTON Steady ; sales, 3ii0 bales: middling. 8 15-16c; receipts, l.!r bales; shipments, 2,038 bales; stock. 4" TH bu loe GALVESTON, April 15. COTTON Mar. get dun at 8c. LIVERPOOL, April 15. COTTON Spot In fair demand; prlcea l-32d lower; American middling fair, 6 13-32d: good middling, 6Vdd; middling, 5d; low middling, 4 2S-32d; good ordinary, 4ft4 25-32d; ordinary, 4 17-S21. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 60 were for speculation and export, and Included 7.4tiO American. Receipts, 15.000 bales. Including 12.000 American. Futures opened quiet and closed steady; American middling, g. c. c. April, 4 6S-64d, value; April-May. 4 6o-o4'fl4 56 64d, sellers; May June. 4 55-6K&4 5n-44d, sellers: June-Julv, 4 &4-64fi4 66-64d. sellers; July-August, 4 35-454d. buyers; August-September, 4 KMW194 51-tWd, sellers; September-October, 4 37-6l'.i4 SK-tMd, buyers; October-November, 4 29-44 3iV6td. buvers; November - December, 4 26-6449 4 27-64d, buyers; December-January, 4 25-64'ij) 4 26-4d, buyers; January-February, 414-64-4 4 25-4d. buvers. NEW YORK. April 15 COTTON-Fu-tures closed steady: April, 8.06c; May, 8 02c; June. 8.01c: July. 8.99c; August, 8.83c; Sep tember. .37c; October. 8.17c; November, l.lttc; December, 8.06c; January, 8.0!c. i Evaparalrd Apples aad Dried Fralts. NFW YORK, April 15 EVAPORATED APPLE8 The market for evaporated ap ples ruled exceedingly quiet and featureless, without change In the prlcellat; low grades easy; top qualities about steady; state, common to good. 7ftfcc; prime, 99'c; choice, Hil0e; fancy. lOH'Sllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes were moderately active on spot and steady for new fruit, but dull and easy on old. Apricots showed s fair Jobbing movement st steady prices. Peaches quiet at 6id quo tations. Prunes. H4e. Apricots. Royal, lCTtflAc; Moor Park, lmaVUc. Peaches, p4led, 14al8c; unpeeled, owluc. Dry Uoods Market. NEW YORK. April 15.-DRY GOODS Firmness In all quarters with s moderate amount of business in progress again chsracterlged the dry goods market today. Sales were reported at Fall River of regu lar print cloths on a basis of Jai The market ss a whole, however, waa qulst and unchanged. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET f ti Cattle Bather Slow, but About Steady with Yesterday. HOGS ACTIVE AND FIVE CENTS HIGHER Good Sheep Commanded strong Prices, bat Lambs Were Rather Slow ale aad If Anything Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, April 15. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. Official Monday J.57J 2.641 S.T25 Official Tuesday 4.1S7 10.314 10.296 Two days this week.... 6.760 12.3 16.0?1 Same days last week.... 7.2"6 11.312 10.81 Same week before 7.M71 12.611 ll.;8 Same three weeks ago.. 6.631 H.57 15.140 Same four weeks ago.... 7,35 9.!"n7 15.914 Same days last year 7,744 16,027 16.760 Receipts for the tear to Date. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, and comparisons with last year. 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 235.673 llS540 46.133 Hogs 770,828 6.S2.246 117,572 Sheep 281,084 319,311 8,!27 The following table shows the sverage price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. I Wfl. 1901. 11900. 189. 1898. 1R97. 1896. March 28. March 29, March 30. March 31. April 1... April 2... April 8... April 4... April 6... April ... April 7... 59 S 59 a 6 911 5 85 5 06 3 661 6 16 8 8 57 8 6n 3 70 3 6S 3 t S 51 S 64 3 65 8 53 e 3 57 3 59 3 61 3 62 3 56 8 57 a 8 83 5 Hill 5 12 S Ml 8 62, 8 62 8 66 3 67 e 3 87 8 91 t 65 t 66V! t 68 6 6.4H 63 a 5 6 10 S 59 S 64 e 3 921 8 92 3 ti e 3 90 3 85 6 08 6 98 6 9 5 951 6 15 S 65 8 66 5 2i. 8 73 5 301 3 65 8 62 3 64 S 79 8 79 8 72 3 71 5 96; a 1 6 01 6 $21 6 871 S 19 5 981 eM 6 01 i SO 6 27 e S 6K, 3 831 8 80 April 8, 6 63Va 3 66 e 8 63 April April 6 68U 79V4 6 89'! 5 S3 6 3S 8 75 s tr; .. 10., i 3 71 3 90 e April 11. 5 3d 3 67 April 12. April 13. April 14. April 15. ( 83l 6 331 3 631 3 71 3 971 5 401 3 611 6 48 3 67! I 3 72 a 67 8 70 3 7 3 9l 3 60 3 49 3 85 8 80 8 33 Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cars. R. D. Waggoner, Crelghton. Neb. F. E.. 1 Hy Schnoor, Snyder, Neb. F. E 1 Chas. A. Moore, North Platte, Neb. U. P. 1 M. F. Smith Stromsburg, Neb. U. P.... 1 S. Flnnell, Hamburg. Ia. K. C 6 J. 8. Blackwell. Kellogg. Ia. R. 1 1 Fremont Barnes, Underwood, Ia. R. I.. 1 T. Patterson, West Side. Ia. N. W 1 C. Gelser, Neola, la. Mil 2 J. R. McKowen, Underwood, Ia. Mil 1 D. Rankin, Rlverton, Ia. (J 3 The official number of cars ot atock brought in today by each road was: C, M. A St. P 6 3.... Wabash 5 .. Missouri Pacific 9 6 Union Pacific System 62 24 20 2 C. ft N. W 14 11 1 F., E. A M. V 26 40 4 1 C, St. P., M. ft 0 16 19 2 B. A M 19 15 14 2 C, B. ft Q 9 3 K. C. & St. J 2 1 C, R. I. A P., east.. 3 13 C, R. I. & P., west.. 3 Illinois Central 9 3 Total recelpVs 178 142 40 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 465 1,104 (i. H. Hammond Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Vansant A Co Carey ft Benton Ixibman A Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huntztnger Huston & Co Livingstone A Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husa H. L. Dennis A Co B. F. Hobblck A. A 8 145 621 875 376 1"9 74 225 6) 108 6 74 298 12 22 75 70 604 2.698 3.221 3,425 1,701 1.423 2,lo6 Other buyers Total 4,023 10,348 8,000 CATTLE There was a good average Tuesday's supply of cattle hero today, and while the market waa not what would be called brisk, still there were no very radical changea In prices, and the bulk of the desirable grades of both killers and feeders sold at right around steady prices as compared with yesterday. There was about the usual proportion of beef steers included In the receipts this morning, and the quality was quite satis factory. Packers did not take hold with as much life as they generally do, and the trade was rather slow. Sellers were holding for steady prices and would not cut loose until they were bid right close to what they considered steady prices. The situa tion could probably be best described by calling the market slow, but nearly steady.. The cow market was also slow and the tendency was to pound the market wher ever possible. In some vases the more desirable grades sold at steady prices, but as a rule sellers found it a hard proposition to get yesterday's quotations. The common and medium gradea, in particular, were hard to move at steady prices, and the morning was well advanced before a clear ance was msde. . Veal calves of good quality sold at steady prices, but the feeling on bulls and stags was a little weak. The market waa slow except where the quality was good. The stocker and feeder trade was also rather devoid of activity. Good to choice gradea sold without much trouble at steady prices, but the same as has been the case all along, the undesirable grades were very hard to move at any price, and the ten dency of prices Is undoubtedly downward. There has been very little trade from the country- so far this week, and yard traders think that farmers are too busy with their spring work to come to market now, and they Took for a light demand until the rush of spring work is over with. Representa tive sales: . .. Uf.r.r n 1 ci.nn.. Do. 1.... 1.... .... I.... .... 1.... 14.... It.... 1... 17.... 13.... 18.... It.... ... 11.... J.... It.... 1.... 1.... 18.... 1.... .... 45.... 18.... 13.... .... .... 1.... I.... ... 16.... 10.... t.... JO.... It.... 11.... ... IS.... .... Av. .... 470 .... 1X1 .... 42 .... TM) M .... M0 .... U4 til .... Me ....1011 .... 44 .... 5 ....1011 ....1011 .... o tu ,....1041 ,.;.ioi ....1001 ....I22 ....1160 U10 11L1 10U ....1101 .,..1230 1100 .... too ....1064 ....10J4 ....1140 ,....llt ....140 Ii30 ....10.14 . .... 104 ....MM ,....1077 ....1114 tr. So. At. Pr. I M 24 1248 I 40 4 12 11. 4 t 40 4 46 II 1141 t 40 I 00 17 .....ISOi 40 28 14 1031 t 40 I 48 It 1276 t 46 6 46 IT 1148 t 45 I 6 18 1224 t 46 I 78 40 1125 t 48 I 80 21 1173 t 46 i 80 it 1318 t 60 8 89 20 106 4 60 8 to It 11X8 t 60 4 00 87 1231 t 60 00 11 1230 t 60 t 00 80 1140 t 60 t 10 18...'. me t 6t t 10 it 1221 t 68 10 20 1276. t 40 t 16 II 131 t 40 t It 24 1274 f 40 20 28 12l I CO t 20 40 1311 t 46 t 20 33 133 t 45 t 10 13 13H8 t 46 t 20 14 1310 I 86 t 14 1247 t 416 t 26 17 1277 t 48 t 26 It 1307 t 70 t !5 124 t 70 t 26 It I1M 70 t 16 t 11113 74 t 36 t 1238 t 70 t 80 17 1310 8 70 I 30 18 12 I 76 t IS 14 117 4 73 t M It 1471 g 80 t 40 t I2l kt t 40 11 122 t 88 t 40 18 1458 t at STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...,111k 4 16 STEERS AND STAGS. ...111. 44 COWS. .... tM .... 10 .... T78 .... 110 ....1130 .... 844 .... 840 .... II 840 .. .100 ....loto .... Sat .... 137 .... M ....1 .... 871 .... 8M 1100 ....1080 .... 848 ....101 760 .... 850 ....ISO ....101 .... t0 .... u ....lufcO .... - lost .... 801 .... M ....1M3 1 71 1 ;..14I0 t 00 I 00 t 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I It 6 16 I 36 I 26 I 28 I 28 I If I 28 t 80 t 46 I 6 I to t 80 I 60 t 8 I to t 6 I 48 i 76 I 78 t an t to I to t 00 t 06 t It t 00 t 00 t 36 t to t 16 I 00 t 34 3 it I 21 t 80 I 46 t 16 I 16 I 88 4 0 4 00 4 OS 4 28 4 88 4 36 4 40 4 60 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 8 4 6 4 60 4 14 4 16 4 76 1 til 1 1100 1 1040 1 830 II 8,7 1. .1170 14 . 14 '. ... 76 ...lual ... ...JIO0 ... 440 ...1020 ...1310 ... 20 ...HM ...111 ...1044 ...Itiai ...130 ...1M ...11.10 ...1&0 ...11-40 ...1810 ...Uki ...lis ...113 ...111 . . .1030 ... t4 ...140 ...M 19... ll!" it'!. 4 84 t 00 K16 COWS AND HEIFERS. ... 371 4 60 1 Hot I TI ... tat I 23 HEIFERS. 43 4 M i I Ot 4 OS 4 tS 4 lb 1.. I . I SO I to BILLS. I ft . lao ..14r0 . .1MO ..1JS0 ..147 . . 14.40 ..1470 .. M) ..100 t on 4 ;s 4 60 4 80 4 86 I o I no I 38 t 80 I so I oo I to I o I fl I en I 0 I 80 4 00 CALVES. 4 00 r to lit . :io 130 10 7 00 7 00 1 00 T 00 T 00 1 00 4 80 I to t 00 t 26 t 80 STAGS. ltM 6 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. hft 8 60 1 4"0 I 16 411 t 76 13 Itt t 16 I 16 1 1100 I 18 MO I 78 1 140 8 IS . 70 I an 441 I 15 80 I SO 4 160 in 776 8 08 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. tl 107 1 3" 4 743 4 S3 1 740 t 28 76 878 4 18 1 878 I 80 t 627 4 88 1 446 t 80 t 80S 4 40 4 440 t 60 10 611 4 60 I .- 65.6 4 00 32 171 4 80 1 636 4 10 I ST.O 4 80 1 1170 4 It 43 711 4 80 10 441 4 16 II T8t 4 80 14 "4 16 II too 4 86 I 70 4 !5 21 4 86 I t 4 21 10 7l 4 3 i 426 4 30 STOCK CALVES. 1 6tt 3 7. A. Roberta Idaho. 41 feeders.. 720 4 20 3 feeders. . 766 3 M 75 feeders.. 840 4 50 1 bull 1530 3 75 Bllbrick ft G. Idaho. 26 steers... .1275 6 70 19 feeders. .1108 4 85 HOGS The receipts were llbersl this morning, but so also wss the demand end ns a result the market ruled active and stronger from start to finish. Heavy hogs were in the best demand, the same as usunl, and sold strong to a big nickel higher and In some cases sales were msde that vers a dime higher. The lightweights were neglected the same as usual and In a good many cases were no more than steady. Although receipts were liberal practically everything was out of flrst hands In good season-end the last sales were fully as high as those made earlier in the day. Heavy hogs sold largely from 86 95 to $7.10 and as high as $7.15 was paid. 1 ne meoium weights went mostly trom $6.85 to $6.95 and the lighter loada sold from o.w aown. todays advance carries the market to the highest point of the year and also the highest point since 1893. Rep resentative sales: No. 12.... 113... 56.... is).... 40.... 75.... . . 4W .. M .. 610 .. 4 ..1270 ..13' 1 .. 4 , .!" ..1170 ..l!IS ..irao .. " ..1640 .. t .. 170 .. 2M .. 2KI .. It .. mo Bh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. ... 6 00 67 221 ... 6 95 2M 6 25 76 234 180 95 ... 6 70 71 231 80 6 95 ... 6 80 ,, 7 222 80 6 95 ... 6 80 66 232 ... 6 95 120 6 80 75 214 40 6 95 40 6 80 45 16 ... 6 95 ... 6 80 71 218 160 6 95 40 6 80 72 222 80 C 95 40 6 824 60 222 240 6 95 80 6 85 77 214 ... 6 90 80 6 85 64 235 80 C 55 ... 6 85 81 205 ... 95 80 6 85 64 234 40 6 95 40 6 85 66 2M 120 6 91V, 160 6 85 72 220 120 6 974j 80 6 85 76 2S6 40 6 97U ... 6 85 72 227 120 6 974j ... 6 85 81 250 80 6 97V4 60 6 87H 83 240 80 6 971 124) 6 87 61 268 80 6 974 ... 6 87Z 64 245 ... 7 00 40 8 86 17 26 80 7 00 80 6 874 65 258 ... TOO 40 6 874 73 263 240 7 00 ... 6 90 28 265 ... 7 00 120 6 90 60 258 ... 7 00 120 6 90 64 239 40 7 00 ... 6 90 58 244 ... 7 Ot) ... 6 90 75 273 ... 7 00 ... 6 90 70 230 160 7 00 ... 6 ft) 78 236 80 7 00 ... 6 90 68 230 160 7 00 40 6 HO 19 266 40 7 00 120 6 90 63 230 ... 7 00 M) 0 50 313 80 7 00 160 6 90 63 236 160 7 00 120 6 90 65 237 40 1 00 ... 6 90 87 224 80 7 00 ... 6 90 72 266 40 7 00 240 6 90 38 218 ... 7 00 40 6 90 62 2o6 ... 7 024 160 6 90 45 258 80 7 024 160 6 90 76 256 40 7 024 80 6 90 52 25 160 7 024 ... 6 90 66 215 ... 7 024 200 6 90 64 242 ... 7 024 80 924 62 270 ... 7 024 40 6 924 64 277 80 7 024 ... 6 924 69 239 40 7 02', 40 6 924 64 264 40 7 05 ... 6 924 63 22 ... 7 05 SO 6 924 65 259 ... 7 05 81) 6 924 60 2S4 ... 7 05 80 6 924 66 277 80 7 05 40 6 95 55 272 120 T 05 2(0 6 95 66 275 ... 7 05 J20 6 96 71 559 ... 7 05 160 6 95 48 271 160 7 05 120 6 96 61 287 80 7 05 80 6 95 65 242 ... 7 06 ... 6 95 61 248 ... 7 10 160 6 95 61 251 160 7 10 80 6 95 66 255 80 7 10 200 6 95 56 288 40 7 10 ... 6 95 61 296 ... 7 10 ... 6 95 60 320 ... 7 10 40 6 95 66 259 40 7 1Q 120 6 95 57 i 40 7 10 ... 6 96 29 290 80 7 10 240 6 43 352 ... 7 124 160 6 95 . 57 316 ... 7 15 120 6 95 66 290 ... 7 15 .130 .155 .187 .1S3 .172 .187 72 200 102 189 74 187 36 203 66 199 46 230 85 2"3 79 225 78 2oO 61 219 78 200 75 181 53 195 62 2" 16 56 229 76 24 73 307 50 209 78 2"9 65 23S 74 239 80 185 87 213 63 227 44 220 77 222 26 212 76 195 84 210 85 216 89 217 66 218 76 210 68 217 86 212 73. ..1. .2i9 72 210 86 213 72 191 89 213 79 206 77 223 67 244 66 245 71 212 65 224 62 226 64 238 70 223 78 27 76 226 69 237 62.,. ...238 71 221 64 243 67 235 66 232 83 256 78 223 78 28 75 213 63 242 69 239 66 234 62 242 45 253 27 239 SHEEP There was a generous supply of sneep ana tamos nere toaay, tnougn tne bulk of the offerings was msde up of lambs. Buyers took hold in good shape and bought up the sheep at good strong prices and In some cases sales were made that looked a little higher. The quality to day was nothing extra which, of course, had a somewhat depressing effect on the marke and made the sales on paper look rather lew. Practically everything on sale was disposed of In good season. The trade on lambs was rather slow and the feeling was undoubtedly wesk. Some sales were steady and others a shade lower. Receipts for some time have been quite lib eral on lambs but light on sheep, so hst buyers are not ss anxious for lambs as they are for sheep. Quotations for dipped stock: Good to choice lightweight yearlings. $5.756.00; fair to good, $5.25(6!7u; good to choice wethers, 85.35igo.50: fair to good, $f.00f(tS.35; good to choice ewes, $4.755.00; fair to good. $4.0010 4.75; good to choice lambs, $6.15(6.35; fair to good, $5.90(9615; feeder wethers, $4.60 5.00; feeder ewes, $3.754.60; feeder Iambs, $5.00fi6.00. Wooled stock sells about 2o4to(tc above clipped stock. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 20 western ewes 94 6 35 34 western ewes 94 i 35 212 cull lambs 64 6 65 130 western yearlings 68 6 80 106 clipped lambs 91 8 10 1150 Colorado feeder lamba 83 6 40 733 (Colorado lambs 77 6 75 46 spring lambs 41 7 50 25 culls 83 3 00 100 western ewes 88 4 25 69 western ewes 91 4 65 499 feeder lambs 57 6 25 185 clipped wethers 115 6 50 176 weatern ewes 87 6 60 100 western wethers 91 5 50 I'O western wethers 93 S 50 63 .western yearlings 69 6 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT. Cattle Steady Hogs aai Sheep Strong mud Higher. CHICAGO, April 15. CATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head. Including ne Texans; steady; good to prime steers, nominal. $6.757.40; poor to medium, $4.7.Vf!.50; stockers and feeders. $2. 754)5. 25; cows. $1. 404(6. 60; heifers. $2. 506 6.36; canners, $1.4Ofj.50; bulls, $2.6W 5 45; calves, $2.5035.25; Texas fed steers, $5.25625. HOGS Reoelpts, 18.000 head; left over, $.000 head; market fraloc higher; mixed and butchers, $6.854i7.36; good to choice heavy, $72.V7 35; rough heavy. $7(Xa7.25; light, $.30ffir7.1i; bulk of sales, $7.0ixEj7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000 head; sheen strong to 10c higher, lambs steady; fsir to choice mixed. $4.755.40; western sheep and yearlings, $4.7rCa5.0ii; na tive lambs, shorn, $4.75i4i.50; western lamba, shorn. $5.2Si6.90. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 19.110 8.270 Hogs 84.U35 10.2M Sheep 18121 6,001 Kaasas City e-i Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. April 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.2HO natives, K) Texans. 200 calves; market strong to 10c higher; choice export dressed beef steers, $.l(X(iJ.75: fair to good. $.r.0tt.50; stockers and feeders, tt.fjOt&t.So: western-fed steers, $5.75&6.65; Texas snd Indian steers, $5.0ocffi 20; cows, $3. aotrc. (0; native cows. $3.6oft'5.75: heifers, $4.0uri6.50; canners, $2.60(&3.dO; bulls, $3.5f&S.25; calves, $4 6or06 50. . , HOOS Receipts. s0 head; market strong to 6c higher; top. $7.26; bulk of sales. $6 8(4 7 15- heavy. $7. li&'7. 25; mixed packers. $6.85 tfl 80; light. $6.6"(i'7.nO; pigs, $o.tyg.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 500 head; market steady; native lambs. $6.5t'a7.'; western lambs. $6.2tVu 85: native wethers, $5 40416 00; western wethers. tf.&Otijft .80; yearlings, Wta4.U; ewes. $5.006.60; stock ers and feeders, $3.6ti6.75: Texas grass lambs, $6. WW V sheep. $4.75(36.441. St. I.oola l ive tteek Market. ST. LOTUS. April 18.-OATTLE Receipts. S 400 head. Including 3.rf Texans: market steady for native steers, with butchers' stuff lower: Texans, l"0l5c lower; native hipping snd export steers, $S.rf7.on; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.6urj.76; steers under 1.04) lbs., $4 tV.25; stockers snd feeders, $2.764;4 50; rows and heifers. 8J.2C.o6.uu; canners. 81.354U2.8o; bulls, $3. Zi 6?5: calves. ll.TWitM; Tess snd Indian steers, grassrra. 83.fH ; fed. $4 4t"'t.3"; cows and heifers, $.'. i.i'ut 85. Ht MIS Receipts. n.i'n"' hesd; mnrkct; plKs snd llRhts, $S M7 .'; packers, $...! 1 .:; but. hers. $7.1K;7.83. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts. l.OfO head; market steadv; native muttons. 84 50 jnvTTi; lambs. $6.tiiirivfc: culls and bucks, $2.60ii4.50; stinkers, $l.s".4i2. err York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, April l.V-BFEVES-Re-relpts. 73 head; dressed beef steadv; city dressed native sides, general sxlri. Italic; Cables, Hst received, quoted American steers at 1.1'fil4c. dressed weight; refrig erator beef st )2o per lb ; exports todav, partly estimated. 7R cattle, 1,813 sheep ami 2 640 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, if.) head; city dressed vasls, iriAr per lb SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 195 head; dressed muttons, 8i,ul04c per lb.; dresse.i lembs, liaise. HOGS-Recelpts. 1,393 hesd; market weak. St. Joseph l.le Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5.500 head: steady; nstlvrs. tS.tW 7.0"; cows and heifers, $l.r"i 5o; veal $1.v?i6.75; stockers and feeders. $2 0"j6 & HOGS-Receipts, 6,9K) hed; sternly; tKht snd light mixed, $7.00421.15: medium and I'""!. ' l(l 1 .."; PlgS. S4.ilVUK.ZA. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, J.roo nram; sieany; western lambs, tt.0nn..n western sheep, $4.5O4i.00. Slosia City Live Stnrsi Market. SIOUX CITY, t. April 16.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTI.E Receipts, 900; market steady at $4.5t"fi6.70; cows, bulls and mixed, $!; stockers and feeders, $2.9i'il4.50; yearlings and calves, $2.75ii4.60. HOGS Receipts, 4,n); strong to 6c higher at $Ki7.ti6; bulk, $80G6.0. SHEEP In demand. Stork In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal iiie.rn.t-in jur April 10: South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Intls St. Joseph Cattle. Hogs. Fheep. .. 4.187 10,314 10,2 6 .. 4,( ll.tvut . . 6.300 6.m 5 .. 5.400 6, 1 () .. 5.5a) 6,0 2.5 H) Total 24.3S7 47,014 28,2:6 Wool Market. BOSTON, April IB. WOOI There Is lit tie change In the wool market since last week and dealers report trade about ns dull as at any time this yesr. Territory wools are steady In price, but hnve bpeh quiet. The scoured basis of 4T.c to 45c for line medium and 47c to 4v fur fine Is quoted. There has been more actlvltv In fleece wools this week. Prices lire firm and denWs confident. Choice XX and above Is quoted at 274c. The market Is firm in Australian wool" hut with little business. BOSTON, April 15 WOOI, Not much change for the better can be said of the market here this week. Rtislness on the whole Is quiet, but there has been rather inme Inquiry for fleece wools. There has been no change of the prices. The under tone continues firm snd good Judges of the situation feel thst values are not going lower. Territory wools nre steady In price, but they have been rather quiet. Fine choice staple scoured is selling at BOWo and fine medium at; ordinary fine scoured Is quoted at IS'fijOc, with fine me dium at 43fi45c. There has been more ac tivity in Ohio fleeces and the Inquiries have nli.i been Increased. Choice XX and above sold at 27c. while the average XX at 27c. Ohio fine delnlnes hnve been sell ing at SMjfJSHc Michigan XX and above Is ouoted at 28c, with No. 1 at 25t28c. ST. LOI'IS. April 15. WOOL The new clip Is beginning to come in. but In small quantities and Is of mixed and poor quality. Although these lots are selling rapidly at from 12c for burry to 177fl74c for clear nearby unwashed and 2417'Jl4c for choice tub washed, there Is not enough new wool here to establish Its accurate mnrket rates or show the extent of the demand for It. Old quoted nominally: Medium grades. 14 174c; light fine. 12il44c; heavy line, 9?llc; tub washed, 14f?24c. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. April 15. COFFEE Spot Rio, steady; mild, quiet; Cordova. SC(jl2c. The market opened steady, with prices un changed, and during the early session gave promise of Improving on demand from snorts and light buying for a turn by some of the room contingent. The for eign market news was about ss expected, but receipts In the crop country were very heavy. In the later session liquidation broke out afresh and prices slowly eased off, with the market finally barely steady and prices net unchanged to 5 points lower. Total sales were 24,250 bags, including May at 6.05ri6.10c: September, 6.403.45c; Decem ber, 5.65c; March, 5.9"c. Sonar Market. NEW ORLEANS, April lS.-Sl'OAR-Qulet; open kettle, 24fi3 3-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, SCdslHc; centrifugal, yellow, S4ffj37c; seconds. 24S34c. MOLASSES Dull; centrifugal. 7f7"!c. PHILADELPHIA, April IS.-81'GAR Refined, steady. NEW YORK, April 15. Sl'OA R Raw. firm; fair refining, 2Tc; centrifugal. 91 test. 3c. Molasnes sugar, 'ISf refined, steadv. LONDON. April 15.-SUGAR Beet, April, 4s 64d. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. April 15 WHEAT Active ai.d strong; cash. 81c; May, 81c; July, 77c. CORN Fairly nctlve and strong; cash, 62c; MaV, 63c; July, 6.1c. OATS Cash, 424c; May. 43c; Julv. 365c. SEEDS Clover, dull and firm; cah. $4. 8.1; April. $4.95: October.l $5,024; No. 2 alslke, $7; No. 3, $4.25(4.60. , Prorln Market. PEORIA. III., April 15.-CORN Steady; No. 3. 63c OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 44e, billed through. WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fin ished goods. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS , OF OMAHA MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Dills & G9wgil( iron Works, lULOTrACTtTRERS AND OBBHRJ OF MACHINERY. OBNBRAls RBFAIKINO A "TDCIAXT IRON AND BRASS FOUND 11 ReV. IH1, ISM susel lootl Jaekan Street, Oaiaks, Mete. Tel. 881. B. eesrlskie. AtreaU i. B. Oeergtfi, Ma (-DANE CO. ataaafaetarera and Jobbers ol Steam and Water Supplies Of All Klnda 14M4 and DOUGLAS ST. ELECRICAL SUPPLIES. Ucsfcrn Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. 0ectrt Wlrtsg Balls aad Jas XifatlMt a. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 110 Howard. Bu 3 AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oaaaaa, Neb. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. Bead tor Cttttilugut) Number 93 GA 0LINE. ENjINES. Ql.DSf.10DILE" Olds Gasoline Engine, Olds Gasoline Engine Works, lilt Farnam St.. Omaha. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Hooae 4, Bess fork Life Blag. GRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought snd sold for cash or on msrgtn. All telegraph, telrphnn or mall irdera will receive inr-ful snd prompt attention. Teleybuns luJS. OMAHA. Sli.