THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AIMUE 13, 1002. s- COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL FeTerith Performance on Grain Stage, with Corn Leading Actor. MUCH GUESSWORK BY SPECULATORS rrtrea Take "part In Karly Market, but Ease (T Later, Cora aad Oata t loslnar with Hale, hat Wheat Lower. CHICAGO, April 14-Ppeculators In grains hail a feverish time of It today. Corn shorts were badly scared over the continual bulges In the southwest mar keta, and fearing possible manipulation of .he market by bulla In Ita present peculiar condlt'on. bid prlcea up 2c. Wheat had an early beariHh tendency, but had to follow the corn lead and Jumped lc. All pita ex perienced marked activity and prlcea fluc tuated erratically. After the early excite ment conditions became somewhat normal and My wheat cloned 4C hjwer, May corn c higher and May oata He up. Provisions eloped a shade lower to 5c higher. Short. In the corn pit were the cauae of the panicky actions In grains. At the start there whs an Inclination to sell Bluff be cause of the eaay feeling In wheat. It took only a few spurts of the 8t. Louts market, however, to create a strong de mand by the unfortunate early sellers. The naturally bullish situation In the corn trade with continued rewrts of depletions of stocks at all prominent centers and an Im proving; demand, scared the aborts badly. Alay corn started Vc higher to c lower at kliul'no and Jumped ' W'e. This was an advance of about c over the low price on the decline of a week or ten days ago mnA Af almnat At RatlirHnV momlllfT. 8t. tn,,i. ... i.niin hr aniiiinsedl v to flnlnh firm undertone the covering the big short line began Hat- cllne of 2s d occurred, the market closing raelflo roast. 1901 Crop, 15giVt!; 1H0, lf 14c; olds, 4Cac. HAT Quiet; shipping, 60&c; good to choice fMriic. HIDKS Qillet: Oalveston, JO- to 26 lbs., Iftc; California, 21 to la lbs., lSVsc; Texas, drv, 24 to . lb., lac. LEATHFR Steadv; hemlock sole. Buenns Ayres, light to heavy, tS'WHtc ; acid, 24WV5C. PROVISION Heef. nrm; family, lJ.norf 14 00; mess, $10 Soll 00; beef hamp, 21. On; packet, 111.00; 12.00; city extra India meps. Iis.0uii22 ( t'ut meats, firmer; pick led bellies, a 25-510 60: pickled shoulders, t or,8 25; pickled hams, f 10.6"rm AO. Lard, pteady; western steamed, $10.10; refined, firm; continent 110 2fi; Bomh America, 110 7ft; compound, lo.12Vu'H.3i1,. Pork, firm; family, $ih.5; ahort clears, $l7.7rnw.on; mess, $1660 tJ 17.50. POTATOESFIrm; Maine, bag, $2 40f?2; New Yotk. fair to prime, sack, $2 152.25; Jersey sweets. Barrel, H.5fj6 tfl. RIC'B Hteady; domestic, fair to extra, tVpHc; Japan, tfeftc. TALIXJW Firm; city t$2 per pkg), 6c; country fpkgs. free), 6'46Vto. POULTRY Alive, steady : chickens, lie; turkeys, 14c; fowls, 13c. Dressed, weak; fowls, llfiljiic; turkeys, WAiac. HL'TTLR Receipt. 6,392 pkgs.; strong; state dairy, 25('.10c; creamery, WffOlc; June Creamery, 242tc; factory, 2o2Sc. CHKKSB Receipts, K73 pkgs.; firm; fancy large, full cream, fall make, colored and white, U'Z12fcc; fancy small, state full cream, early make, colored and white, 130 iV- EOQS Receipts. 21,415 pkgs.; strong; state and Pennsylvania, lVftl6c; weatern, at mark. WVanc. M ETA 1.9 A slight advance In the local tin market followed a good gain at Lon don and prices at the cloeo here were quoted up to $27.75$ 28.00. London finished tl 7s Ad higher, with spot at 124 15s and futurea at 124 12s'6d. Copper ruled quiet and steady here, with lake at $12 25, asked, electrolytic at $12.12 and canting at 112. ljondon closed with copper los higher, mak ing spot 63 17s 6d and futures 54. Lead at London advanced Is 8d, closing at 11 lis 3d. The New York market waa steady, but unchanged, at 14.12'v Spelter also re mained unchanged locally, showing a fairly t mm; at ixinoon a n urdav. OfTerlnss were not enough to sup' ply the demand. Trade was guesswork all around. After the early advance there was a patise and the market quieted down. Liquidation at top prlcea brought good profits. There was a good demand for cash articles, which, together with strong tables, helped In putting a bullish Inter pretation on every bit, of newa. Traders In all pits were talking of the remarkabls outlook for speculation and manipulation In com. News continues to arrive of farm ers proceeding with seeding. The visible supply deereawed 1,000,000 bu.-now 7.500,(100 bu., against 22.0W.O0O bu. a year ago. The country traders Saturday must have corn, and there Is little of that. After the ad vance May corn sold off to OlHc, but raW lied again and closed strong, c up, at 82'c. Receipts were qnly 56 cars. Wheat started out steady on unrespon sive cables and rains In the southwestern wheat country May opened He to He lower at 72S''ai3c, but at once felt the In fluence of the soaring corn market. In a very short time covering and an Invest ment demand sent May to T3SiC. As corn began itr decline after the opening bulge whuut eased off. Then a big line was sold '-for a leading bull professional and as the "tallers" filed In to sell, the market slumped off below Saturday's close. The southwest aold here and those markets were lower. Commission houses were on . both sides of the market, but principally sold. Liquidation for profits was very pop ular. The visible decrease of 1,800,000 bu. was a little more than expected, but had no effect. Trade was active. May cloned weak at Its lowest point, c oft, at 72 V. Local receipts were 25 cars, 2 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 1X3 cars, making a total for the three points of 208 cars, against 27 last week and 400 a year ago. Primary receipts were 308,000 bu., against 6(i3,or last year. Beabonrd clearances In wheat and flour equaled 271, 000 bu. The llrlllHh budget today Imposing an Import duty equal to about c a bushel on wheat and an equivalent duty on flour was a weakening Influence. World's ship ments were 8,062,000 bu., compared to 10. lbti.OiiO bu. last year. On passage, bread stuffs decreased 507,000 bu. Trade In oats waa fair and on the corn Influence prices advanced. May and July were bought liberally by receivers. Offer ings were small. The crowd usually In oats devoted much of Its time to corn. The prospect of more llberul. receipts caused some selling. May started unchanged to Sc up at 42W42',ic, sold to 43c and closed Vsc up at 42V,c. Receipts were 151 cars. Provisions had a fair general trade. Hogs were stead y, but the demand for products was good and packers supported. Commission houses were good buyers. The tone was stronger all day, but realizing on the advance produced In some of the grains. May iwirk closed Be up at I18.82H, May lard a shade lower at 13.724 and May ribs 5c higher at $9.1214J. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat i cars; corn, 65 cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs, :i ooii head. ' The leading futurea ranged as follows: Artlcleg. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bafy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Rlbx May July Sept. 724W73 61Hft2 leva's :oeol 42 (fi'i 347 30 6T- 18 75 IS Do 9 75 9 85 15 074 20 1 30 73: 74A, 74 634 2i BIT 43 354 36-V 3o4 16 17 124 9 80 9 DO 10 00 9 174 9 32' 72 72J 7?4 ' 734 73l4;7HWi 724 724 734fe4 614 624 614 61Si flltynlj H4I 614 4 4? 424 42 344 6 344 36 364 ;.. 30 30 $04 304 31 Z 1 75 16 824 1 T74 16 95 16 024 16 974 9 724 9 75 9 774 9 824 IM 874 9 924 'ij 96 9 074 124 ' 074 9 20 9 274 224 9 30 9 874 9 824 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follows: fUilK-Klrm; winter patents, $3.709 (190; winter straights, $3.2o43.60: winter j cicars, j .nKfis spring specials, n; spring patents, $3.2Cft3.50; spring straights, $2.76 J a.cio. - WHEAT Nd. 3 spring. X724c: No. 1 red ?t,c. tat I'J'USIM-K1. Vv i 'OK N No. 1. 62c; No. 1 yellow, 62c. Xt,AT8-No. 2, 43c: No. 2 white, 44g 7YF,-No. 2. 57(574c 44&-464e; 'HAHLEY Fair to choice mpltlnir luif,Rr, SEF.D No. 1 flax, $1.76; No. I northwest rni $l.7; prime timothy, $6.90; clover, con tra.f t grade. $7 90. 'ROVISIONH Mess nnrli n kKI mu Mil &. Ij,rd nrr loll ilia t:?i-fiTi;''ot.. Tibs sides (loose). $9.(Kk(9. is. Irv ' .ul,.,! shoulders (boxed). $7.5()ca7.624. Short clear side (boxed). $0.6669.75. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.30 The following wera th receipts and ship- irel ilb Articles. Flour, btils.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Hurley, bu.. On the Produce exchange todav the hut. ter market was steady; creameries, 24fi2ie; dairies, 244(27c. Cheese, steady, 124il3c. Receipts. Shipments .... 11.000 16.0(10 .... 24.000 41ft,m .... 71.0K) SS.O0 ....Sis.tKW) 255.K10 .... 1.000 loO.frJO .... ai.vw ... MJW YORK CEM5BAL MARKET. Claotatloaa of the Day eat Various Commodities. NEW YORK. April 14. FLOUR-Receipt a 14. LM bbla.; exporta, t.139 bbla.; market Ir regular and about steady; Minnesota pat ents, $3.teij4.W); winter straights, $3.7iU 186; Minnesota bakers. $3.20; winter pat ent. W.So'iH.uo; winter extras. $3.156!I26; . winter low grades, $25n3.&. Rye flour steady; fair to good. $3.26e3.40; fair to good'. CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western . $1 28; cttv, $1.27; Krandywtne. $3 &0fi3.&5. RYE Firm; No. J western, 4c, I. o. b., HARLKY Dull: feeding 6365c. c. I f Mw xra; malting. Wwaic, c. 1. t.. New WHEAT Receipts, 114,075 bu.; exports 44?53 bu.; spot market easy; No 2 red' ti2e, elevator, and Mc, f. o. b afloat: iso. I northern, l'uluth. S24c, f. o. b", afloat No. 1 hard, Manitoba, hS'uc. f. o. b '' titlons . tiened lower, because of better ""I' weamer news and easy cables They recovered and turned strong on tha violent com advance, together with small rectlDts and a larse visible auonlv but eventually eaed off under realising Hnd disappointment over the mall enort trade. Closed eusy at 4c net decline. May Ml-lT94c. climed at 7c; July, 7v.t '.t'jC cloned at 7M4c; SepU-mber. 747s4c closed at "hSc; December, 7W,4n)04c, cloned' CORN Receipts, 9.450 bu.; exports, 590 bu Spot, firm; No. i. 4e, elevator, and e9,c! f o. b., afloat. Thera was a wild market at the opening and a stampede of shorts, due to small stocks In the southwest and oeratlonii by the Chicago bull clique. Prices sold up 14o here and then eased off in the afternoon, under realising, with the close easy. May, 67trxk4c, closed at "7'-, July. tWVUWiC. closed at kHc; September, 6b'4C, closed at tbc. OATS Receipts, 67,000 bu. ; exports, 14.15$ bu. Spot, tinner; No. t. 47c; No. S, 44c; No. 2 white, !614c; No. t white, &t4c; uaok mixed Weatern, 46.TVC; track white, 5H..S44i;. Options were firm for a time an bullion crop and weather talk, but later followed ine com reaction. HOPS Fit m ; state, common to choir, iy crois livali'jt. UpA Uiullc; olds, 4c; there at 17 12s 6d. Iron locally was quiet and unchanged. Pig Iron warrants remain nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, $19,000 MOO; No. t foundry, northern, $18.0019.00; No. 1 foundry, souinern, sir.DiwiN.ui; Wo. 1 fonndrv. southern soft. $17.60Ca 18.00. The Kniillph markets were higher. Glasgow clos ing at 53s 9d and Mlddlesborough at 48s 4d OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodnco. EOQS Including new No. Z cases. 144o ; cases returned, 14o. LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 10c: old roos ters, according to age, 6't(c; turkeys, lotf 12c; ducks and geese, Kj4c; dressed stock In good condition, lif2c higher than live stock. BUTTER-Packing stock. - 22c: choice dairy, In tubs, 22ta2&; separator, 30c. t LAUuin iBtt i .oui, joo; crap ples, loc, herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike. He; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 6c; Diuenns, sc; wnitensn, --azc; cainsn, uc; black bass. 18c: halibut. 13c: salmon. 16c: haddock, ile; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10o; roe shad, each, 80u; shad roe, per pair, 3uc; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb;, 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2oc. FRESH FROZEN FISH Herring. 24c: trout, headless, 7c; whlteOah, 7c; smelts, No. 1, 7c; smelts. No. 2, 6c. oxsiEKS Meaiums, per can, Z2c; stand ards, per can. 25cr extra selects, per can, 3c; New York Counts-ner can, 4oc; bulk standards, per ual., $1.26: bulk, extra se lects, $1.60131.66; New York Counts, per gal., $1.75. FlUKONB iive, per aox., $1. VEAL Choice, iSC. CORN-iOa , OATS 470. BRAN Per ton, $17. HAY Prices auoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. upland, 3.oo; rso. 1 meoium, $s; No. 1 coarse, $7.50. Rye straw, $a. These prices are for hay of good color and Quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu.. Ohloa. llBOi Rose, $1.26; Triumphs, JLli. POl'Ai'OEiJ Nortberu, Il.ou4jl.06: Colo rado, (1.104)1.16. CARROTS Per BU., 75c BEETS Per bu. basket, 66c TURNIPS Per bu. )c; Rutabagas, ear 100 lbs., $1.25. fAKSKirs-f er u.. oc. ASPARAGUS California, per lb., 15c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa., $1.60. GREEN ONION b Per do.. according to ixe of bunches, 1526c. . ISPiNACti uoumein. per du Too. LETTUCE Head, per Hasiutr. $2.60: hot house, per doa., 40fp46a. rAKBUSi-rer aos., suqrido. ' " RADISHES Per doa.. Xi2&c: ner box. I1.&0. CABBAUni noiiana eeea, cratea, ze; California, new, 240. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $2; Mich igan, red cr yellow, per lb.. So. CELEKX caiiiornia, o6o. TOMATOES Florida, uur (-basket crate. Hop. NAVI 'er DU., Il.BUVl.iSJ. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. $S: Wlne- saoa. $6.0u: Willow 'iwias. ier boi.. 1j.u0: Jonathans, $8.(0; Belleflowera, per box, $1.76. H'lUb cauiornia, new cartons, i; im ported, per lb.. 12-il4c STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, $4.0Oil4.60. ORANGES California naVels. fancy. $4: choice, $3.76; budded, $3; Died, sweets, 3.26. ltiAiursBn aiicy, h.bu; unoice, BANANAS Per bunch, accoruina to slaa. t2.2txij3.76. U 1 OIJ H. L,lA IN BHJ U O. NUTS New crop wainuls. No. 1 soft hell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. 114c; no. x soil men, iocs 00. . sara snail, HQ, Braxlla, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per ID., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, loc; cOcoa- nuts, per sack, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 4itc; No. 1 Baiieil, 7c; No. X salted, sc; No, . . 1 .1 . I'll. Ik. . VI,. . 1 I . 12 to 16 lbs., 6c: dry hides, Slic; sheep pelts, 7&c: horse hides, $l.o2.26. liuntii fer zt-secuon case. 12. ioyj&. CIDER Nehawka. per bbL. 11.26: x New York. $3.60. popcorn per id.. 6c; sneilea, sc. St. Irftala Grain and PrOTlslone. ST. LOUIS. Aoril 14. WHEAT Lower: No. 1 red. cash, elevator. 7tc: track, eofui 81c; May, 79c; July, 714c; No. 2 hard, 7340 (tc. CORN Higher: No. Z cash. 63c tracg. 654o: May. 634c; July. 624c; September, i t, 11 HI, V 1, , May, 424c; July, 36c; September. 80c; N. 2 white, 4uwoo. hie-Better; ovo via. FI.OITR Stronger: red winter Datents $3.6&; extra fancy and straight, $3.2tf 8.4b; clear, SEED Timothy, steady; lair, $; ongni clean, ie.2t. CORN MEAL Steady, J.iu. BRAN Higher; sacked, 9193c. HAY Steady; timothy, $11.3014.50; prai rie not quoted. WlllKlkl-Bteaay. i.. IKON COTTON TIES Steady, $L BAGGING Steady, 64at4c .HEMP TWINE Steauy. c. 1 PROVISIONS Pork, higher; lobbing, old. $16.50; new, $17.60. Lard, steady. $V.60. Dry Bait meats (boxed), strong; extra shorts, clear ribs. $9,624: short clear. $9.76. Rayon (boxed) strong; extra shorts. $10.60; clear ribs. $10,374; short clear, $10.50. METALS l-ad, sieaay. i1l.if. a I . .. . mtaAv at 11 2fi I'OULTRY Steady ; chickens. 10c; tur keys, 124c; ducks, loc; geese, 446c. BUTTER Flrnv; creamery, Z54j4lc; dairy, till 26c ,GG8 Higher at 15c. Receipts. Shipments .... 9.000 4j0 .... 76.000 16.0U0 .... 40,00) 47,0 .... 64.0U) 3i,A) Flour, bbls Whest. bu Corn, bu Oats, du Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 14,-WHEAT-Bpot, No. 2 red western, winter, no stocks: f 1 northern, stirlna:. steady at 6s Id; No. Calif, mia. steady at 6s 20. Futures, quiet; Vuv f,ll.d: Julv 6s lid. CORN Spot, sieaay; American mum, new, 6a 341; American mixed, old. 5 Hd. Futures, steady; May, is 2d; July, 6a 44; October, 4s llla. PRAM Canadian, firm at as lOd. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm at 8s 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast). Arm at S lSstt 4 15s. PROVISIONS Reef, firm: extra InJIa mess. 85s. Pork, nrm; prims mess, west' em. 72a 3d. Hams, ehort cut. 14 to 16 Pis. Arm at 51s. Bacon. Arm; Cumberland cut, 16 to 30 lbs., nrm. 4s i; rnort ribs, 16 to 24 ID., firm, 4; long clear middles, light. 2? to SI lbs., M , clear miuoies, neavy, v 10 40 1011. tirm. 47s ad: short clear backs. 16 to 30 lbs. 4as; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 4m; shoulders tuuare. 11 to 13 lbs., Arm. 37s ed. Lard prime western. In tierces, firm, 4 (d American ro lined, in palls, Arm, 49s 6d. HI T 1 KR Klnept i iiitea States, Arm at 96: aood United States, nominal. CIIKESE Firm; American Anest Whita, 63s; American nnest colored. m. TALLOW Prime city, steady at e 6d. Onlath Grain Market. DULUTH. April 14.-WHHAT-Cash, No, 1 hard, 76Vc; No. 1 northern. BS'.c; Nc northern,' rash and May, 724c; July, 724c. OA i n usc CORN -61c Visible (apply of Grnln. , NEW YORK. April 14. The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, April 12, aa com- f1le1 by the New York Fmdnre exrhinge, a as follows: Wheat. 46,614, (no bupheis; decresse, l.Hno.ftV) bushels. Corn. 7,5"iO.Oi( bushels; decresse. (,( bushels. Oats, 3.OM.000 bushels; dreffsse, 256.0H0 bushels. Rve, 1,972.'"' bushels; decrease. 44.0m bushels. Barley, L178.000 bushels; decrease, U7.0HD bushels. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLF.DO, April 14. WHEAT Dull: cah and May, 80c: July, active, but weak. 7S4c CORN Active, firm; cash, 61c; May. 62c; July, 24c OATS Active, firm; cash, 42c; May, 424c; July. 36c. SEED Clover, dull, weak; cash and April. $4.96; October, $5.05; No. 1, '$4.304.1 4.65. Minneapolis Wheat. Klosr and Rran. MINNEAPOLIS, April ' 14. WHEAT May, 714c; July, 7?4ffT24c; on track, No. 1 hard. 74Sc; No. 1 northern, 7241 724c; No. 2 northern, 704Q714c. FLOUR Firm: !lrt nateTits. $3.RO?j3 90: second patents, $3.75!i3.80; first clears, $2.90 03.00; second clears, i.m. BRAN in bulk, $1. Mllwaokee Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 14 WHEAT Un settled; No. 1 northern, 73Hc; No. t north ern, 724i5T24c; May, 7244i 7240. Ki ti steauy ; ro. 1. 6V(.ttv BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 67u74c; sample. 647c. CORN May, BZC. Peorln Market. , PEORIA." 111.. April 14.-CORN-. higher; No. 3, 63c. OATH Higher: No. 2 white, 44c, billed through. WHISKY On the basis of $L30 for finished goods. NEW YORK STOCKS A "(I) BODS. Day of Varying; Sentiment, with Fe verish and Eielted Close. NEW TORK. Aorll 14. There was a feverish and exited close In today's stock market, after a day of varying sentiment. The early strength was not maintained In spite of wide advances In a few stocks and the course was gradually downward until the late dealings, when there was a sRneml break all around. Prices had arisen again after the sagging tendency under the stimulus of the extraordinary advancea In some of the grangers and north westerns. But the perception or real ising under cover of this strength, and he sensational advance to 133 In Louis ville & Nashville unsettled sentiment again and led to the general unloading in the Anal dealtnga. There were some feverish and spasmodic rallies, but the market closed feverish and Irregular with a weak undertone. Much attention and surmise were given to the Louisville A Nashville situation, and the disposition to be made of its control, whloh Is now without dissent understood to have escaped Its long-time holders. Rome hope Is entertained that a community of Interests among the southern trunk lines will be worked out as a result of the new control whicn seems to have been acquired without any large railroad policy In view. but simply for speculative profits. It Is patent that financial and railroad Inter ests are now striving to readjust the situa tion from the standpoint or railroad policy, which necessitates a settlement to the sat isfaction of the Interest which have se cured the control almost by chance. The action of the stock today did not Indicate any very definite prospect pf settlement, the feverish flight of the stock Indicating rather profound unsettlement and uncer tainty of the speculative mind. The remarkable rise in northwestern grangers waa without explanation, unless it was the result 01 pure manipulation to further proflt-taklng at other points. The Chicago et Northwestern stocks. St. Paul Ac Omaha and the St. Paul stocks were marked up In a short period of trad ing from 24 to 13 points. St. Paul relapsed as suddenly to below Saturday and fluctuated at the last al most as wildly as Louisville itself. The money market was appreciably eas ier aa a result of the stronger condition of the banks as revealed by Saturday's statement. But the extent to which out standing credits are Involved In the great speculative operations going on In the stock market is not entirely satisfactory to the conservative minds and was the sub ject of much comment and some criticism today. Reports of rain In the winter wheat belt were productive of much buying of stocks and reports were received ot a heavy merchandise movement on western rail roads, in spite of . the shrunken propor tions of the grain movement. The February statement of the Missouri PaclAc did not serve to corroborate this view, the net earnings for the month de clining $436,926 and for the two . months $9o8.226, comoared with the corresponding penoa ot last year. The peace rumors from London helped the early strength In the market, although the buying from that source seemed to be in the nature of reinvestment of the proceeds of Louisville & Nashville stock sold. The British budget statement came too late for digestion and influence on this market. Wide movements In International Power, New York Dock preferred and Des Moines & Fort Dodge were without sds- clal explanation. Heavy realising In the Central of Georgia Income bonds made the bond market un settled and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,906,000. United States 2s advanced 4. the 3a. registered. 4. and the old 4s. coupon, 4 on the last call. 1 ne commercial Advertiser s London Ananclal cablegram says: A moderate amount ot activity character ised the stock market today and shares were strong all around on hopes of peace In South Africa. Balfour admits that over tures are passing back and forth. Consols touched 95 and closed at 944. There la talk that a new Issue of from 26,Ouo,Ouo to 3O,OUO,Ou0 will be announced In tonight's budget. Americans were more active, but thera Was not much local buying. The shares opened well above parities. Then Hew York came a general buyer, and as a reslilt the close was at the top. Louisville A Nasnvllle was again the feature. Tha stock opened at 1224, which was nearer parity man since tne beginning of the present upward movement. The price ad vanced to 1224 and In the street the price bulged to 1264. There Is no definite newa about the stock over her, but the buying aeems to be by Kuhn, Loeb A. Co. for the noes, laiena. riaruiy a snare Is being of fered on this side. Big houses short and jobbers are chary about dealing, but ar bitrageurs are bolder on the arrangements for future deliveries, other features of the day were Union Pacuic, Atchison, Balti more A Ohio, Southern Pacific, all on New lors. oraer. Rio tlntos were 4 ud and Conner m to 63 3s 4d the ton. Anaconda U rinwn to 64 on sympathy with Amalgamated Cop per. Xlie luvaiiiiiieni is uiaoursillg lunus. Silver Is flat and looks lower on New York realisations. The following are the closing nrir., nn the New York Stock exchangu; do da Atchison an of a Baltimore A O... ao Did Canadian Psclae Canada southars , Chaa. A Ohio Chicago A Altoo. do Did Chicago, 1. m V.. da ord Chicago A B. Chicago ot. W do IK sra do M Sid C. N. W c, R. I. r Chicago T. AT... do prs a C. C. A (I. Li. Colo. 8outharn ... lat pfd td pfd rla. A HiidnoB... ImI. L. A W IXnrar t B. O... do Sid Brla do lat pfd do Id prd.r.... Ot. Nor. pfd Hock. Vallor do prd llllnola ("antral ... Iowa Central do pfd L. B. A W do pfd Louis. A Nash.., Manhattan L, .... Mat. at. Rr , Max. Cofltral Mai. National ... Minn. A St. L.. Mo. Pacific , M . K. A T do pfd N. J. (.'antral ... N. Y. Central... Nor. A Waat..... Ontario gt W..i. PonnaylTaoUl ... Reading do lat pfd..,. do Id pfd..". St. LAS. r.. do lat pfd.... 4o td pfd.... st l. a V do pfd St. Paul do pfd .. TVCo. .Pacific .. T Bo. Railway . .104 i do pfd .. Pa IToxaa p ,.114 T.. St. u A W... Ml. ... ... 1 ... It ... tl ... 7 ...ltV ... M4 ... nv, ... 4t ...IMS .H4V . It . 4 .no-. An nra Colon Pacific do pfd Wahaah do pfd W . 1. E 00 Id pfd Wla. t antral do pfd Adama Kipraas .... Aniar. Kiproaa ... f S. Kipraaa Walla-Fargo Ex A ma I. Coppar Amor. C. A F o prd ... 7S Amar. Lin. Co ... 444. Pfd ...1704 Amar. 8. at R.... ...Ml I do pfd ...44 Ana. Mia. Co ... 1S Brk. Rap. Tr ..1. 1 1 ,i .. . T4 ...ItbV, ... lv ... tl ...1414 ... Wh ... Cua. ft,. Con X..K u . Oanaral Electric'!". noiaing foal Inl n l Paper da nra Int'n'l tnwmi".'."" liadaua Oaa National Blacult .. National Load !!!.1J74 No. American !.' ,.1IIS 'Paciac Coaat .. ,...aiia, u. man .... to iPeupla-a Oaa .... 11 Praaaod 8. c ,...1 oo pfd ....luostlPullinaa p. c .... U Republic Slaal .... 4(! no pfd ....laa I Sugar ....lal ITann. C. 4k I .... M'i.U a 4V P.. Co.... .... 114I pfd Uv V. S. Laathar .... aJ4 so pfd .... alVa v- S. Kubbar .... at o pfd .... 1o V. S. steal .... n do pfd .... TH,,W,alaru I'nlon ... .... MVAm LocomotlTo . .... tlU do prd ... ....Ita iK. c. Soutbara... ....1M ( do pfd . tH4 a4 . H . 41 . tl . t .1014 . MV . .a . 444 . Iu4 . 13 . IS . 44 .Mb .Ml .12o4 .tut . M . 4 . a . t: . 4 . 444 . M4 lit . 444 . M .124 .li4 .3 . 104 ,. K14 . 14', .111 ,. a . Al ,. II ..US' .. 70 , . 41 ..1014 .. 44 .. tl :. il' ,.lHt4 .. .' .. It ... it .' 24 4 1 tu 41 U4 ',. , tl ti4 , 24 , it Ex-dlvldend. Bank Clearlaaa. OMAHA. April 14. Bank clearings today, tl. 22.046 29; corresponding day last year, I1.06K. 1KJ.U. Increase, (223.663.06. CHICAGO, April 14. Clearings. I2S.J82.1S8: balances, t4.106,OM6; posted exchange, 14. ui for sixty days and on demand; New York exchange. 40c premium. BT. LoL ld, AprU 11 Clearings, 19.IC5 SSI; balst.cer, tl.04K.rwi; money, steady. 4U(B per '.ent: New York exchange, 25c premium. CINCINNATI. April 14 Clenrings, 15.016.-r-r0; money, 4ti6 per cent; New Ifork ex change, par. NRW YORK. April 14 Clesrlngs. $131. ;.;; balances. $7.4oi.6CO. I1OKT0N, April 14. Clearings, r7,(C9,53T; balances. $!.( 714. PHILA1KI.PHIA, April 14. Clea rings, I3.7,031; baumces. $1,H18,066; money, 44 per cent. BALTIMORK, April 14 Clearings, tl.611, 915; balances. 17X6,2x3; mony, 6 per cent.' The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. raf. la, rag... do coupon do 2a, rag do coupon t do n-w 4a, rag... do coupon do old 4a, rag do coupon ., do ta. rag do coupon Atrhlaon sen. 4a.... do adj. 4a B A O. 4s do 24a do conr. 4a Canada So 2a C. of O. (a do lat Inc......... Chaa. A Ohio 44a.. C. A A.4a C. H. A q n. 4a... C, M A St P p 4a.. C. ft N. W. a. 7... C. R. I. ft P. 4a... CCr?ft St. L. (. 4a. Chicago Tar. 4a Colo, ft So. 4a D. ft R. ). 4a Erla prior Man 4a... do gan. 4a F. W. ft D. C. la.. Hocking Vallar 4a im loS in !' I jo 3 HI W 1111 lnj 107 111,1V, . 044 l"iV lot I lot IMS , t7 l'V 4', Mi 111 ,I3B4 HIS 104 H t!l 13 W loo ' HI 1134 tit I.. A N. unl. 4a Mai. Ontral 4 do lat Inc Minn. A St. L 4s.. M . K. A T. 4s do la N. T. C. la do (an. 14a N. i. C. g. 6a No. Paclflo 4a do 2a N. A V. c. 4a kaadlna gan. 4a.... St. L I M c. Sa. St. L. A 8. F. 4a.. St. L Southw. la., do 2a S A. A 'A. P. 4a... Ro. Pacific 4a 0. Rallwar ta Taiaa A P. la T., . L,. A W. 4a. I'nlon Pacific 4a... do conr. 4 Wahaah la do 2a do dab. B Want Shore 4a W. ft I.. K. 4a... Wis. Ontral 4a i.'on. Tob. 4a .1024 . . .1044 .101 . t4 ,1"J4 .lit .140 .lot,1 . 74 .1114 . M li4 .101 .10114 , It n ts 1224 1214 . i .101 -It .1114 .1104 . 77 . .111 tt.t Offered. Boston Stock tjeetatlons. Bf8TON, April 14.-CalI loans, 444 per cent; time loans, 4fg6 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon 4a , Oaa la , Mai. Central 4a N, B. O., A C Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany.. Boron A Malna Boaton Eleratad . N. Y., N. H. ft H., Kltrhburg pfd I'nlon Pacific Maxlcan Central .... Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. ft T Uom. I. ft 8 Oen. Elect rlo Msas. Klartrtc do pfd , N. E. O. ft C , t'nltad Fruit ........ liailr Wast l. 8. Rtaal do pfd Waiting. Common .. in4 4 65 Tt t74 tu 11K I IBS 324 147 1014 20 121 1194 181 71 2274 42 7 44 101 414 41 112 Adranturo Allouas Amalgamatad ...... Baltic Bingham Cat. ft Hecla Centennial Coppar Ranga Dominion Coal .... Franklin tale Royal Mohawk Old Dominion Osceola . , Parrot Qulncjr Santa F Coppar... Tamarack Trlmnuntaln Trlnltr United States t'tah Winona Wolverine Copper Range Con. .. i .. tS4 .. "' .. II ..tu .. 20 .. to ..142 .. 114 .. 144 .. It .. 114 .. 64 .. 274 ..126 .. 14 ..175 .. t!t .. 14 .. 14 .. 2: .. 1 .. 544 .. tl London LONDON. April Stock Market. 14. 4 p. m. Closing: Cone., money do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio ('.nidi.. T.B..IA.. Cheaapeaks ft Ohio.. viucago u. w C. M. ft St. P Denver A R.eQ do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central Loulsvllls ft Navh... R. ft T do pfd N. Y. Central 4Ui all t 14 10H ltO's 172 48 1724 444 4 21 704 14', 124 i 254 56' it' I Norfolk & Western. do pfd ontsrlo A Western.. Pennsylvania Reading du lat pfd do 2d pfd Southern Railway.., do pfd Southern Pacific Union Paclflo do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanlah 4s , DeUeers , Rands . BIT . 0: . 334 . 77 . 4 . 42 '4 . r . ar4 . 7Vi . tr .K4 . . 424 . vt1 . 2t4 . 45', . 7 . 44' . 12 H RAR SILVER Weak; 244d per ounce. MONEY 24 per cent. The rate of dis count on the open market for short bills Is 2 ll-lt&24 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 ll-lbujii-ji per cent. ew York Mining; (tnotatlona, NEW YORK, April 14.-The following are the closing prices on mining atocka: Adams Con Alice Rrrece Rrunawlrk Con .. Coostock Tunnel Con. oa I. ft Va.. Dead wood Tsrra ., Horn Hllver Iron 8llver ...... Lesdvllls Con .... . 25 . to . r ,. t . .126 . id ..140 . 63 . t Little Chief ... Ontsrlo Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevd Hmall Mopes .. Standard 11 176 ..... tt It ..." It 45 129 Ex-diVIdend. Foreign. FJneaclal.. LONDON, April '1. The amount of bul lion taken in the Bank of England on bal ance today waa -16,000. Uold premiums are quoted. At Buenos Ayres, 144; at Ma drid, 36.30; at Lisbon, 26.6o; at Rome, 2 25. The demand for money slackened today. Discounts were slightly ' easier. Business on the Stock exchange was quiet and prices were firm. While awaiting peace news from South Africa public Interest In the market was- small. Consols and high-class securi ties were easier on the approach of the budget. Home rails were strong. Orand trunks were firm. Canada Paclllcs hard ened In response to New York. South Americans were firm. Bpantsh 4s, Italians and Rio tlntos were easier. Kafllrs ad vanced generally. Americans as a rule were well supported and were above parity. The close was firm. PARIS, April 14. Three per cent rentes, 101 f 24c for the account. Exchange on Ixndon, 15f 204c for checks. Spanish 4s, 78.77. Prices were firm on the bourse to day and business dull, operators awaiting the outcome of the peace negotiations in South Africa. Spanish 4s were easier, on the rise in the rate of exchange. Rus sians were inactive. Thomson-Houstons, Metropolitans and Rio tlntos were heavy. Kafllrs were buoyed up by the satisfactory Transvaal news. The private rate of dis count was 2 7-16 per cent. BERLIN, April 14. Business on the bourse today was undecided. Internationals were dull. Locals opened firm, but subsequently weakened on realisations. Canadian Pa cifies were In good demand on isew York ndvlces. Exchange on London, 20m 49pfgs for checks. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, April 14. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the tl60.000,0)0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, 17o.&6.9t3 ; gold, ttt.T63.9bb. . ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 14. COTTON Spot closed quiet, l-ldc lower; middling upianos, 9 3-loc; middling gulflunds, 9 7-16c; sales, 3,300 balea. Futures closed steady; April, 8 94c; June, 8.96c; July, 8.94c; August. 8.77c; Remember. 8.35c. October. 8.1fic; November. 8.0bc; December. 8.07c; January, 8.08c. The market opened steady, with prlcea 2rfl9 polnta higher, the near months leading the rise. This improvement was due largely to a fright of ring shorts, who had antici pated weak Liverpool cables. Contrary to expectations, tht English market started out quite steady In tone, with prices about a point better than anticipated. Again fur ther talk of peace In South Africa helped to alarm bears here Nevertheless, soon after the call, heavy Wall street and com mission house selling, chiefly of July and Augustrweakened the whole market. The decline which followed the turn to sell was accelerated bv a sudden shsrp break In the Liverpool market and Dy foreign sen lnif orders. ' ST. IXJUI8, April 14.-COTTON Steady; sales. 100 bales; middling upianns, a la-isc receipts, 1,143 bales; shipments, 1,519 bales atrrk. 42.4IM hal-s. GALVESTON, April 14,-COTTON-iulet LIVERPOOL, April J4. COTTON Spot, fair demand; prices l-32d lower. American minaung lair, 4 l-itxi; goou mioonng, s mlddllnir. 6 1-32d: low middling. 4 16-lod good ordinary. 4 13-lod; ordinary, 4 9-lbd. The aales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included .100 American. Receipts. 6,uu0 bales, Including &00 American, futures opened quiet and closed easy; American miaaung, g. o. c. aiuii, 1 wmm w-wu, buyers: Al.rll and May. 4 55-64tt4 5t-64d. sell. eis; May and June. 4 5S-b4d. sellers; June ar.d July. 4 55-fi4fi4 66-ld, sellers: Julyand August, 4 &i-64 a4 06-Wd, sellers; August and Kenteinber. 4 61-Md. buyers: September and October, 4 3S-64d, sellers; October and No vember, 4 29-6441-4 30-Wil. sellers; November and December. 4 26-Wii4 27-Wd-, buyers; De cember and January, 25-44J. buyers; Jan uary and February, 4 24-64'i 25-i4d, buvtrs. NEW ORLEANS. April 14 COTTON Jjlet: sales, 3.0n0 bales; ordinary, 74c; good ordinary, 84c; low middling, 84c; nild- aiinir ft." unn,l tnLtrtltnfr. 9W': mirlrlllnor tutr 9 15-160. a Receipts, 3.41S bales; stock. 247. 9l4 bales. Junius, steady; may. ,; June, .lttfr.04c ; July. 9.f.9to910c; August 8 9c; September, o.-'iC bid; October, S.utu l.ozc. Evaporated Apples Dries! Frails. NEW YORK, April 14. EVAPORATED Ai ri.r.n v ere In ligni uemanu ana tne market was without new feature, the small business transacted being witnin tne quoted range. Ou lower grades the tone waa weak, but steady on best anplea: state. common to good, 7a!4'; prime, 90j44c; choice. 94'nloo; fancy. lo4flllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes reflected steadiness aud some activity In a Jobbing way for larae slses. Small con tinued easy and dull. Apricots and peaches were steady and unchanged, moving fairly well. Prunes. 84'd7e. Apricots, Royal, 10 to 14c: Mi Kir park. H4'ii24c Peaches, pveiea, 14V 18c; unpeeled, fc'yPJC 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipta Moderate and Prices Held JuBt About Steady. HOG MARKET SLOW BUT UNCHANGED Sheep 1st Light 'pplr aad Trade Baled Active aa Steady to Strong;, bat Lambs Were So More Ttaaa Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. April 14. Receipts were: Cattle. Ht-. 8ne p. Official Monday 2,54 2, Ml 6.7:5 Same day last week .... 2.6.U 3,1d0 2.1m Name week before a.utx 4,146 4. tut Hume three weeks ago.. l.VHi 6.14 b.Wl Hame tour weeks ago.. 4,ool 8,io3 7,48o Bame day last year.... 3,5oS 6,118 6,618 Receipt lur lat tear to Hate. The following table shows the receipts 01 cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omatin lor tne year 10 oate, anu comparisons wltn last year. Ifrtt. 19ol. Inc. Dec. Cattle 231,uo 1S8.2M) 43, J, s Hogs eo,olt 41,oo4 llS.fbO bheep iiiU.iog SZJ.bob 4U,8bS lha tollowlng taole shows tne aveia.e price ui nogs sold on tne South Omaim market the past several days, with com parisons wltn former years; Date. I 1902. im.1900.1899.1898.1897.lia)6. March 17 March 18, March 19 March 0, March a, March 2, March 33 March 2V March 6 March M March 37, March Wl March 29. March au March 31, April 1.., April April April April April April April April April April April 12.. April- 13. April 14. 10. 11. 1 Hi .1 I I 3141 6 5ol i f 6 U I l.t.i s 1 I 3641 6 S3I I alibi ou I 6 1 I 2841 I I 881 6 71 I II sn, 6 8 I 4o4, 6 tfei 1 C 59 I 6 i i C 09 I 8o I I 01 I WVtl S tin 1 fi 97l , b4l W" a so 1 s vs bd4 0 99! 6341 i 9e 1 6 9! I 6841 ' b bo t ui t UbVkl 6 92 794 6 8i 89 v! 6 1 I b t TO I I ' 041 I M I I 4 94 I 4 89 4 ett 4 81 4 80 1 4 90 4(93 4 8 4 9, 1 6 0b 6 1 LSI 10 I i 08 6 16 5 3ui 6 30 6 80 6 il I 6 33 6 3 6 36 6 33 6 4o 5 48, 3 65 3 btj I I bS 3 bi 0 8 b3 3 bO I 611 .'J 3 so I ttO 8tM, 8 69 8 bi a o 8 bt 8 5 a 2 3 4 8 bb I a U 3 6i 3 3 3 bl 3 t 8 71 3 73 8 i3 t 3 75 3 7t 8 3 7l 8 i .- a 57 3 bt! 3 b 3 (U 3 W V7 3 73 I 79 a V9 a 72 3 71 V6 a ni a 71, 3 6; 1 3 0 a 911 8 83 3 8S I 3 81 8 941 a 14 4 00) 3 til I 3 U a 98i 3 9o 3 9i a a a 93 a d 8 91 3 M 8 bbl 3 1 3 iv 3 83 8 811 a a 9i a no 8 ai 3 el a ii a 3 81 8 tu I 3 ui a 90 8 fc5 a 67 a 83 a 59 8 0 8 bl 3 86 8 M 3 9ui 3 5b 8 oi 3 9T 8 97 1 8 DO 8 85 3 49 1 1 6 15 3 3 9 1 4 1 5 8.. 1 4 i " !! 33 23 Hots. Sheep. Indicates Sunday. ' "atnrday's Shipments, The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their uestinatlon: Cars. Nefsy & Co., Moorcroft, Wyo., B. & M. 13 Kd Parley, .Bancroft, Neb., M. & O.... 4 O. Connaughey, Olbbon, Neb., U. P 1 A. L. Ingram, Council Blurts, la., R. I.. 2 S. J. Davis, Malvern, la., (J 1 M. T. Munsinger, Taoor, la., Q 1 C. W. Spargur, Essex, la., Q 1 The official number ot ai3 of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. Shi. c, M. or t. p. . .. 1.' U. P. system i'4 C. ot N. VV. Ry 9 F E. & M. V. n. R. 10 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 6 U. ti M. R. Ry 38 C. B. & Q. Ry 3 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 2 C R. 1. At P., weBt.. 1 Illinois Central 4 Total receipts ....109 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber ot head indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company .. Cuuahy Packing Co Armour tic Co Nwut &Co., country... U. H. Hammond Co.... Vanxant l 'Co Lobmun Ac Co W. 1. Stephen Hill & Huntslnger Livingstone At tk nailer.. Hamilton oi Rothschild. L. F. Husz 11. L. Dennis 3b Co.... it. F. Hoboick Wolf & Murnan Other buyer Totals 2.531 2.643 4,014 CATTLE There was no more than - an average run of cattle here today, but still the market was not particularly active, just about steady prices were paid for all desirable grades, but when It came to the commoner kinds the market was slow and sellers found it rather difficult to get last week's prices. The big bulk of the offerings this morn ing consisted of beef steers, and while the quality was not as good as on some previous days, there were, nevertheless, tin He a few good to choice cattle on sale. The general market was Just about steady, with the close of last week, but the trade was not very active. Owing to the mode rate receipts practically everything was sold In good season, but In some cases sellers thought they had to sell their com mon kinds a shade lower. A string of Montana hayfed cattle sold as high as tti.lo, but they were good. Taking quality Into consideration, t.iat was considered just a good, steady price. The iw market was fully steady on the good 40 choice kinds and buyers took hold of the cattle anawerlng to that descrip tion In fairly good shape. The commoner kinds, though did not move very freely, the same aa has been the case all along, and prices on such kinds were 'certainly no more than steady. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold In just about the same notches, they did last week. There were not many atockers and feed ers on sale today and the good heavy weight cattle brought steady prices with out difficulty. A slow market, though was experienced on the common light weight cattle, and while prices were not much different from the close of last week, still it was very evident that no one wanted the common light weight cattle. , Repre sentative sales: ' BEEF STEERS. Ay. Pr. No. 135 49 I,4i6 4o3 0"t 261 3M 7o0 , 1,122 1J& 6b8 1,3.8 203 1W , 119 ' 42 M- V-... 17 82 120 97 8 ...... .... 3 258 2j1 No. 1.. 1.. .., 41.. It.. 11.. 1.. 7.. tl.. II.. 12.. 13.. S3.. 44.. .. 7M 4 to .. tl I M ..844 (00 ..1068 t .. 810 I 10 .. 110 I it ..1140 I St ..list t 10 .Ul .KKI t 40 t 40 ..1240 I 60 ..1230 t 65 ..IM t to ..1377 t 45 .1315 t IS t , I , IS , 81 14 , It , It , 1 20 , 1 , 44 , 20 1 40 .It. Av. Pr. ...llHt 4 75 , . . 1000 t.00 ...llKM 4 00 . . .10.13 20 ... Wl lit ...1(164 t 38 ... l t SS ...1142 I 44 .. .12117 t 40 ...1120 SO ...Uot t to ...Ki2t f SS ...1360 I SO ...U2S t 70 I47S 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. It 72a t to 21 4t I 90 8TEERS AND STAGS. M.. Ill I to COWS. 1 70 I M 1 lOfto I 65 4 I7 t 00 I lens 4 3 t tht t Ot 1 1140 4 50 1 140 t to 140 4 M 4 104S I IS IS 104 4 SO ItS I 25 10 luhl 4 tt 1 170 I SO IS. . 1064 4 0 J 40 I to 1 11 Ml ( 00 130 I SO 1 70 I 00 I I7t I TS 1 1270 I 00 1 171 t 71 1 1025 00 1 1010 t 00 I ISO i 10 t 710 I 00 t H4T I SS 1 110 1 SS 7 12ts I t S 1241 1 SS I in l Sir- 1 K0 I SS t Ml U t 10IMI S SO 3 mo It 1 1120 I 60 1 no I Tt 1 lo.1t I SO COWS AND HEIFERS. 14.. 1., 4.. I.. 1... .:::: St 4 50 SI HEIFERS. 45 t 10 2 HI t 25 12 724 1 tt i IK IKl BULLS. 1 11 t 7b 106 8 00 16i t 04 102t I tt ..... iao 1 tt Kl0 I 2S 1040 I 40 IM I 44 12 t 4t 110 I It 1140 8 It 1 . Ml 4 11 tdl I IS Ita t is I 71 13H0 I 71 ....13M t 79 ....1340 I 25 .... 430 4 00 ....1HM1 4 SO ....1140 4 to ....1710 ....1470 4 W t .1710 t 25 I-., t. CALVE8. 10 Ou 1 130 T 00 STAGS. ISfO Ti STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. .. lo 1 So .. 141 8 t .. 7S 1 0 ..144 I IS ..10 I IS , .. 4 1 I It .. IIS 1 7 1... 1 siw t 7t 0 I S Tut I vt 410 I 00 lk I 40 too I so It I tt STOCK CALVES. no 1 t ii lit 8 424 1 TS 1 12 8 ti .! I OO 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS u t Ou til I tt W Tt T' I Tu 141 8 SO WIS IU 111 tti 4 J , Tit 4 tt te 4 tt t. ST I IS to It tt !! 4 11 4 4M 727 4 40 111 4 40 tit i 4 Til 4 to m in so 4 to , til 4 II Si 4 W Bitter Root Stock Farm Montana. lot steer.. .UTi 4 1a I steer. ...1MU 110 ll steers.. .IM IS 1 Steer. ...IW 150 steers.. .1295 15 1 steer... .1400 00 Hons There wss a very light run of hogs here today for even a Monday and In fact there were hardly enough on sale to make a m.Tket. Packers did not take hold with mnrh life, as there was not enough to make a good killing for any one house. The general market was slow, but about utendv elth Saturday. The light hogs were very hard to dispose of. the same as they have been all along, and In some rases sellers could not even get a bid on their light hogs.' The range of prices was Just about the same as on Saturday. The bulk of thp good weights sold from 8 9i) to a7.on. Tho medium weights went largely from 16.80 to $fi9n and the light stuff from $6.0 down. Hcprenentatlve sales: No. A. Sh. Pr No. 1 Av. Bh. Pr. 2 171 4 f5 75 127 ... 13 ... t S Tt tl ... I7H 34 1"4 ... 7J 131 ... I to M I7S SO 75 S 21 tO t to 71 1K7 ... ITI 7 Sit 10 n 70 15 to t to T3 Kl ... t f0 n 11 1 at, as 2:1 to I tin kl 110 120 so 7 225 ... ttv, M lis 40 n 71 t"T ... t tl 5 241 ton t l 4 147 ... t to 2?2 24 t S 17 tr.t 120 t lb 76 21 2WI I W 70 24 14 I 5 M 114 40 5 44 21 ... 9 171 21 !((! t S 7 ... 15 7 217 tio ss CI 250 ... T 00 Tl 22t 40 5 250 ... ton 4 1"3 110 IS 4 332 ... 105 7 231 10 S t S.5 ... 7 OS 83 211 ... IS SHEKP The bulk of the receipt today consisted of lambs. Pnckers took hold In fairly good shape and owing to the light receipts of sheep the market on ewes and wethers could be quoted steadv to strong, as compared with last week. There were no choice yearlings offered, but some clipped wethers sold as high as 8.V4.V The lamb market was not atilte as brlsk. but especially on the start the market was fully steaay. Toward the close the feeling was not quite as good, but still the general market could be quoted about steady. As high as 86 86 and 86.90 was paid for some choice Mexicans. Clipped lambs sold up to I6((0. There were not enough feeders In the yards to make a test of the market, but It Is safe to say that anything at all good would have brought steady prices. Quotations for clipped stork: Oood to choice lightweight yearlings, $A.7r8.fl0; fair to good. $i.2iiin.76; good to choice wethers. JA&'.fr'fc.ftO: fair to good, 85.00w6.35; good to choice ewea, t4.7rifcfj.00; fair to good; .0KW 4.75; good to choice lambs, t8.15fi6.3S; fair to good. io.90dnl.lfi: feeder wethers. UlAKii 6.00; feeder ewes. t3.7Mi4.liO: feeder lambs. . Wooled stock sells about SfxnoOc above clipped stock. Representative sales: yvv. i-r. ... 123 4 00 ... 7 4 50 ... 99 4 75 ... 74 4 75 ,.. 97 6 35 ... 92 6 35 ... 87 6 85 ... 119 6 45 ,.. 105 t 65 ... 100 6 75 ... 76 00 ... 82 6 15 ... 93 50 ... 76 6 70 ,.. HO 80 ,.. 78 6 5 ... 79 6 90 ... 77 75 No. 3 bucks 25 culls 76 clipped ewes 38 western ewes 1H9 western ewes 5 Colorado ewes 4X3 Colorado ewes 1W western wethers 114 western wethers 16 stag's 535 western lambs 2il western lambs 4rt0 western lamlis 2K8 Colorado lambs., loo Colorado lambs 2M western lambs 564 western lambs 4X' Colorado lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M Alt K IS T. Cattle and Pheep Strong and Higher and Hogs Lower. CHICAGO, April 14 -CATTLE-Recelpts, 18.500 head. Market strong to 10c higher; good to prime steers, t6. i.Vrt7.00; poor to medium, I6.5(Ka6.o(; stackers and feeders, t2.75jj6.25: cows, tl.4(Hi6.10; heifers, 2.bixfi, 6.35; canners, tl.4oftr2.50; bulls, t2.50in6.4ri: calves, 12.50415.85; Texas fed steers, ti.26(i 6.25. HOGS Receipts today, 35,000 head; to morrow, zo.ouo (estimated); left over, 6,000. Market opened steady to 6c lower and closed steady; mixed and butchers, t6.85ft 7.27; good to choice heavy, t5.20(i5.3i; rough fieavy, t6.90fft7.20; light. t6.7ti(&'7.00; bulk of sales, t6.95'&7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18 000 head; sheep strong to 10c higher: lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. to.25'o6flO; fair to choice mixed, t4.75Hjo.liO; western sheep, t4.7.Viifi.25; native lambs, t4. ioij7.00; western lambs, t".25Cg!7.00. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. April 1 4. CATTLE Re celpts. 3,3oO natives, 1,1(0 Texans, 100 calves. Market strong to a shade higher; choice export and dressed beeT steers, $6. 5(141 6.75; fair to good, t5.00fii6.5o; Blockers and feed ers, t3.5txji4.90; western fed steers, t5.75'(jl 6.65; Texas and Indian steers, t5.OtVa6.20; cows, f3.5ivj76.ofi: native cows, t3.504j6.76; heifers, H.0offi6,6o; canners. t2.5ojjJ.o0; Bulls, f3.50ti4.50; calves, f4.60f(t6.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.9UO head. Market strong to Rc higher: top, t7.25; bulk of sales. t6.80(&7.15; heavy, f7.10iji7.i5: mixed packers, f6.85(ij7.20; light, f6.5O7.00; pigs, f5.60ftT6.30. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.700 head; sheep, steady to l(Xft:15c higher; lambs, steady; native lambs, $6.6tXci7.00; western, t6.2546.85: native wethers, to.60Cfi: 6.00; western, t5.40ffl6.90; yearlings, ffl.StYcfy 6.50; ewes, fn.OOftj'S.fjO; stockers ana feeders, f3.60fci6.75; grass Texas lambs, f6.00ij6.30; sheep to. 40. ( New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 14. BEEVES Re ceipts, 38,465 head. Market firm to 10c higher for steers, bulls and fat cows; steers, f490ft5.76; bulls. J3.35GS.60; fancy bulls at f6.00; cows, t2.10fro.00; exports to day, 27 cattle, 30 sheep and 156 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 5,835 head. Market firm to 26c higher; closed strong; veals, f3.0O6.50; some early sales of choice at t6.76iii7.25; city dressed veals, firm at 7810c per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 10.403 head; 2H cars on sale; sheep, steady to slow: Iambs, 10fil6c higher; unshorn heep t4.50g6.25; export shepji, f6.60; culls, t3.50.ji 4.25, clipped ttlieep, t3. loirto.bO; clipped culls, t?.50f'3.oO; unshorn lambs, JS. 50476. 75; culls, t5.50v6.25; clipped lamba, fo.75ftj6.60; spring lambA. t2.50fo5.50 per head. HOGS Receipts, 9,006 head. Market 10c higher; state hogs, t7.25ftj7.40; westerns nominal. - St. Lonla Live Stock' Market. ST.' LOUIS. April 14.-OATTLB Receipts. t.RoO head, including 1.4U0 Texan". Market steady for natives, to strong and 10c higher for Texans; native shipping and export steers, f5.75ftt7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, f4.9(Kii6.60; steers under 1.000 lbs., f4. 60416.25; stockers and feeders, t2.7oftj5.n6; cows and heifers. t2.25(jj6.25; canners, $1.60 ft 2. Mi; calves, f3.00fti6.26; Texas and Indian steers, grassers, f3.6.V(H.&6; fed, t4.45; cows and heifers, f3.75ftj5.O0. HOGS Receipts, 1.500 head. Market strong; pigs and lights, t6.75fti7.00; packers, t6.90ftii.ln; butchers, f7.Oiifti7.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head. Market steady; native muttons. f4.5ofti6.75; lambs, 15.5iKu41.75: springs, f6.5ord lo.oo; culls ami bucks, f2.604j4.76; stockers, tl.6oftll.25. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ' ST. JOSEPH. April 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.OuO head. Market steady: native, fS.otiftj t.00; cows and heifers, fl.254iti.Tio; veals, t3.0OCu6.75: bulls and stag. $2,754 COO; stockers and feeders, f2.00ftj6.25. HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head. Market steady to strong; light and light mixed, t6.9oftj7.10; medium and heavy, f7.07!A!ji7.2O; pigs. f4 50ftj6.6ii; bulk. t4.954i7.U. SHEEP AND LA MRU Receipts, 6.900 head. Market steady; western lambs, to.uO 4)6,75; western sheep, f 4.25 Jj 6.00. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY April 14. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt a, S.200 head; best stockers strong sod killers steady; beeves, t4.50ftj6.l6; cows, bulls and mixed, t2.5ufti523; stockers and feeders, f3.lXru4.50; yearlings and calves, f2 60414.26. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head; steady, sell ing at HHwaV.OO; bulk, t6.75ftj683. Sleek la Sight. The following table shows the receipts ot market rattle, hots and sheep at the five principal s fur April 14: jam, nogs, eneep. ... 2,545 2 641 5.75 ,..18 6l 18,0ii0 ... 4.4i 4.9 2.7O0 ... S 1.6H0 20 ... 1.000 1,000 4.900 ...29.245 47,041 33,525 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis .... St. Joseph .... Totals Oil aad Rosla. OIL CITY, Pa.. April 14.-OIL Credit bal ances. $1 16; certificates, no bid: shipments. 29,226 bbls.; average, 109.968 bbls.; runs, 111.196 bbls.; average, 75,62o bhls. TOLEDO. O., April 14 OI L North Lima, 85c; South Lima and Indiana. Hoc. NEW YORK, April 14 Ol I Cottonseed, stesdy. Petroleum, quiet. Rosin, steady. Turntlne. dull, tHftMoe. LIVERPOOL. April 14 OlL-ottonseed, Hull refined, spot. firm. 25s. LONDON. April 14. OI 1 Calcutta lln seed spot, 5ts. Linio-ed oil, 3os 7Sxd. Tur pi mine eiilrita; 31s 9J. SAVANNAH, a., April 14 Turpentine, firm. 42'.c. Rosin, firm; A. B. C, D, tl 25; E. tl 30: F, tl 36; O. tl 40; H. tl.60; I. tl 95; K. $2.45; M, $4 85; N, t3.35; WG, f3.70; WW, t-' 6. tifir Market. , NEW YORK, April ' 14 SI'GAR-Raw steady: fair refining, 274c; centrifugal, 9b teat. Zc. Molasses sugar, S-: refined, steady: No. 4. 4 20c; No. 7, 4 10c; No. 8, 4 ouc; No. 9 4.5o; No. 10, 8 toe; No. 11, 1.86c; No. 12, 1.80c, No. 13. 3 80c; No. 14. t 8t c; standard A, 4.65c; confectioners' A, 4.65c; mould A. .VltV: cut loaf. S.25c; rrusbe.l, 6.2ftc; powdered, 4.86c; graniilaied. 4.7. ; cubes, 0. ("v. Wool Market. ST. Ull'IS. April 14. WO01-Dtili. niv; medium gradm. 14,171.; light fine, 12,iUc; heavy fine, 9'pllc; tub waj-he.i. 14'u2lc. BOSTON. April 14 WOOI-The Com mercial Hiiletin w 111 say In tomorrow s i sue of the wool trade: An Improvement in the demand Is reported by some dealers. More buyers have len on the market. Labor troubles, however, are still nils: lit. Price are steady and show no ( haiise. rull rates above the eastern parity run tlnne to be paid In Nevada ami other sec tions for the new clip. Foreign markets are firm and the prospect or ending the Boer war has a strengthening Influence. 1 h receipts of wool In Boston since Jan uary I, inc. been 61.191,904 pounds, against 39.43..300 pounds for" the same period In lKol.iThe Hoston shipment'. 10 date are 64.2(11. 944 pounds, against lilp merits of 66,075.025 pounds for the sums period In 191. The stock on hand in i'.m on January J. l:V2. was 77.340.403 p.uin,l; the total stock today is 67.718,776 pounds. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April H.-COFKKK-Spot. Rio. nominal; No. 7. Invoice. iV,c Mild dull; Cordova. Kni2c. The market openeti steadv. with prices 6 to Hi points V.wer and for the rest of the dav was verv heavy, under fairly active liquidation and bear pressure, prompted by weak cable from European markets, heavy receipts In the crop country and bearish private ad vices from abroad. Smaller local holders were thoroughly disheartened bv this fur ther manlfeatatlon of weakness and at the new low record level unloaded their staple. There was little sign of a rally at any lime during the rest of the dar. The mar ket closed steady, with prices net 5 to 10 points lower. Total sales were 27.500 bags. Including May at 6.6(V. July, t.lV7i.25c: August, 5.&K-; September. 6.40ftjS.45c; Pe-' cember. 5. 65c; January, 5.75c; March, 6.65c. Kansas C ity rala and Provlalona. Jf, ,r,TJ- Ar,r" ".-wheat-Ms y. V"c; July. 6914c; cash, No. t hard, 7147 7-ffl-sc0' 7Vf-"ic- No- 8 rd. "ST9o; No? 3. CORN May. 64c: Sptmber. ft0S'(T.c: N; 1 rnixfd. 66tj66c; No. 2 white. 66 JWec: No. 3, tjfo. prHriertS'l",.Ara0thy' "S : UTTER-Creamery, 28c; dairy, fancy, EOGS-FIto; at mark. No. 2, new white v ood cases Included, 14140 doE ; cases re turned, 14c, whe.t hu RertW" Sh,p'"rr"' : 1 . ... . 1 torn, bu , St.iao rui n, Oats, bu 20,0110 2(mo Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 14. R UTTER Firm and In fair demand; extra western creamery; 32c: extra nearby prints, 34e EGGS Steady: fresh nearbv, 15'4c; fresh western. ltjlOc; fresh "southwestern, loHc; fresh southern, loc.' I HEE8E Steady; New York full creams, fancy, small, 12i(U13c; New York full creams, fair to choice. llftil2V4e. 1 Klgln Batter Market. EI11N. Ill , April H. BUTTER-Of an offering of 2.100 oiinds of butter on the Elgin board today 600 pounds sold at 30c. The market was declared firm at 30c, the same as last week. The sales of the week were 600,780 pounds. CERTIFICATES OF PI BI.ICATIO. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, Feb. 1. 1902. It Is hereby certified that the United States Guarantee company of New York, In the state of New York, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state, nppllcablo to such companies, and la therefore au thorised to continue the business of fidelity and surety insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31, 1903: Summary of report filed for the year ending December 31. 1901: INCOME-. Premiums , f 94,358.03 All other sources 15,629.78 tl09,987.Kl t 99,60.1.64 ,f522,430.62 Total DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders f 27,460.94 All other payments .... 72,142.70 Total Admitted assets LIABILITIES. Unpaid claims and ex- . penses f 37.011. 36 Unearned premiums ... 47,i7.30 AU other liabilities 1,000.00 f 85,618.69 ' Capital stock paid up. 250,000.00 Surplus beyond capital stock and other lia bilities 1S6.811.96 t436.811.9fj Total t522.430.62 V Itness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public accounts, the day and year first above written. tSeal.) CHARLES WE8TON, Auditor of Public Accounts. By H. A. BABCOCK, Deputy. t GOVFRMKT NOTICE. PROPO8AI.8 FOIl FOUR BUILDINGS and Water System. Department of the In terior. Office of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. D. C, March 25, 1902 Sealed proposals endorsed "Proposals for Improvements, Flandreau. South Dakota" and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affair;, will be received at the Indian Office until 3 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday. April 30, Pi2. for furnlrhlng the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete at Flandreau School, South - Dakota, one brick workshop, one brick warehouse, one frame emplcjci' quarters, on3 brick laundry and one water system, in strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the ortices of the Moody County Enterprise, Flandreau, South Dakota; the Improvement Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn.; the Inter Ocean, Chicago, 111.; the Builder' and Traders' exchange at Omaha, Ne braska, and Milwaukee; the U. (4. Indian warehouses at ,M7 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; 235 Johnson street. Chicago, Illinois, and 77-79 Wooiter street. New York City, and at the .chool. For further Information apply to Charles F. Pierce, superintendent, Indian School, Flandreau, South Dakota. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. LF.tlAL KOTICK. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The town council of the Incorporated town of Conn Rapids, Iowa, ask for bids to furnish and lay live 5 blocks of fojr I4 Inch cast wster mains, together with hy drants and cross T. Bids to be opened Mon day, May 6. 19n2. Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For further In formation inquire of ED. MORGAN, Recorder. Coon Rapids, Iowa, April 12, 1902. A-16-d-6-t NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. School District No. . 53, Dundee, wants plans and speelllratlons for six-room mod ern brick school building. For further Instructions call on John H. Harte, Room D. New York Life Building A-13-d-J-t D. L. JOHNSON. Director. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Room 4, New York Life Bids;. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought and sold for rash or on margin. All telegraph, telephone or mall orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Telephone lua. OMAHA. NER. CAPITAL SKCTRKD For Rallroana. Mine. Inrtuatrlsla, ITiH'KS I'NIlEK WK1TTKN, BONUS Ol AHANTKhll. In atronsaat 8'iaoi lal lustltutlona. Edward D. olilffan. Hanassr Llfs ln.ur.lioa Company tl Wall atraal, Ns York. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 8. M. Kew Twin-Screw a. s. of U.ouu tons register. Ksmfr"" StalBndaniApr. 1, : a. m Via 1'lymuuth mid Boulogne 8ur. Met. Da4b f( m rUleUOIII Apr. 26. 10 A. 11. Ryndam Twin-Screw Steamer n" lo-H. r.w Hieamer njllUaill May t, 10 a. 111. Apply to Harry Moo res. 1I1S Karnarn street; J. S. Mc.Nau.s-, Yii Fa mam street; H 8 Jones, liAi? Fernem street: Louis Ness. First National fctvnk, omaba. EH FOUR SEPARATE AND DISTINCT SERVICES. Fait Twin-Screw Pasienget Steamers ailing weekly from Hot ton, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet, Mditemnun'illwtrUd." For rites, etc., apply to local agent or company'! office Dearborn at.. Chicago. Ills ' I www iseMveteu M tM.u Hi xl of Qllf, r