Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1902, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Winsome Wash Goods
V at Winning Prices
Worda are weak to tell of the dress
charma here.-. The beat of foreign products
are abown aide by aide with the tnexpen-
aire but neweat of domeatlc styles, and
tbere la that Indescribable eomethlng In
very piece tbat ta different from what ta
abown elsewhere.
32-inck Fine Lawns
N In dark blue and black (rounder polka
V dote and other neat effect, at 10c yard.
32 inch Kilmarnock
Arnold and flambeau dlmltlea, alao queen
and holly batlate, all In the moat up-to-date
styles. 15c a yard.
32-inch Embroidered Pineap
ple and Plumet Hwisses
These are abaolutely fast colore and will
not wilt by aea air or dampness, tbey
come In beautiful figured and atrlpe de
eigne, 25c a yard.
Bt. Oaul Swiss
In new and stylish designs, alao solid
colors with merserlzed cable rope atrlpe,
28c and 35c a yard.
43-inch Embroidered Tissue
In exclusive etyles and very latest
weaves, 60c a yard.
88-Inch blue and pink round thread suit
Ing linen, 60c a yard.
30-inch Mercerized Etamine
For waists and aulta, selling moat every
where at 76c, our price 60c yard.
45-inch Plain Silk ajid Linen
Alao 32-Inch embroidered pearl stripe silk
and linen batlate, worth $1.25, 60c a yard.
Imported Kt. (laul Swiss Pat
We are showing the most extreme atylea
and beat line ever seen In Omaha, from
18.60 to $20.00 a pattern.
66 pieces 32-Inch Anderson's msdraa
gingham In assorted atylea, abao
lutely faat colore and were sold by
ua at 18c a yard. We have decided
to make a apeclal run on them at
(Ho a yard.
Household Linens
10 Cases Russia Crash
Worth 10c a yard, on special sale at 5c
a yard.
68-Inch half bleached homeapun table
. linen, 47Vc a yard.
72-Inch full bleached Irish table linen,
the 31.10 quality, 75o a yard.
72-Inch etxra fine unbleached Irish table
linen, the II. SK quality, 11.00 a yard.
One caae 2Hx2H, readymade aheeta, the
70c quality, 69c each.
One caae of Berkley cambric, fine quality
and aold at 12V4o, apeclal price, 8Vc yard.
Beal Estate 'Exohwiga Aski to Have tin
' preme Court Beverse the Beferee.
statements Circulated In. East About
Amoant of Land Now Being I r
riguted Are Grossly.
(From a Btaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, , April 12. (Special.) The ro
tators In lbs Omaha tax mandamus caae
tkrough their attorney, H. F. Mclntoah, have
filed objections to the report of Referee
Ryan and have moved the supreme court
for a tew trial of their suit They contend
that the referee erred In the admission
aid exclusion of evidence, tbat his decision
Is not founded on law and that the pro
csodinga before htm were Irregular. The
motion and the objections will come before
the court for consideration at the next
sitting of the court, which beglna Tuee
day. April 15. The documents were Bled
late thla afternoon, Just before the office
was closed.
Misrepresents Nebraska.
Borne figures grossly misrepresenting the
Irrigation Interests of this stats have been
glvn publicity In connection with the die
euaalon regarding the Irrigation meaaurea
now pending In congreaa. One lnatance la
known where the charge was made tbat
7 Nebraska baa only 148,000 acres of land cul
tivated under Irrigation. Secretary Dobaon
(if the State Board of Irrigation declarea
there are upward of 1.000,000 acrea of land
under Irrigation. In Dawson county alone
there are eleven Irrigating canala. aggre
gating 175 miles.
"We have no positive data aa to the num
ber of acrea Irrigated in Nebraska, but we
can make an eatimalo that la very nearly
correct." said Mr. Iobson. "The records
of this office ahow that water haa been
granted by the State Board of Irrigation
for nearly 4.000 mllea of canal, covering
about 1,700.000 acres. I would estimate the
number of mllea constructed at about 2.600,
covering about 1.000.000 acres of land. The
umber of acrea actually cultivated .under
vrruratlon may be less than the figures
"given, but ta still much greater than haa
been charged.
"In ths North Platte valley water haa
been appropriated for nearly 600,000 acrea
of land. The laat report of the atate en
gineer ahows tbat In Scotta Bluff county
between 60,000 and 60,000 acrea have beeo
Irrigated, and this la one of ths new
counties of the elate. Following along down
the North Platte and Platte rlvera a large
portion of the valley ta under Irrigation, la
aome places reaching a width of twelve or
fifteen mllea, and extending through Deuel,
b aa Ideal Qumpang.
abU-atd by Hjinj the
P l"" of grape
aaiureJIy fawteaUd. A
periec drink, with aroraa
cklkloua. . Try K.
an r g, ,
Mercerized White Goods
for Waists and Dresses
The demand for white goods
is already great. Our stock is
rich and complete, and the vari
ous styles shown are charm
ingly pretty. Everything that
smacks of richness, beauty and
individuality will be found
here, and the lownefs of price
is a powerful attraction.
32-inch Oxford Cheviots
Plain white, 15o and 18c yard. .
Pure White Marseilles Cloth
For walata, aklrta and suits. In band
some designs, 25c yard.
Black on White English Im
ported Oxfords
32 Inchea wide, large assortment, 35e
Mercerized Hea-Moss Madras
and Damask Madras
All exclusive styles, 45c and 40c yard. "
Lace atrlpe, embroidered pique; these
goods are light weight and the de
mand for them la exceeding the aup
ply. Nothing more popular for
walats, 60c yard.
Irish Lawn
In hand drawn effects, 69c yard.
Imported Lace Stripe Swiss
With dotted stripes, 75c yard.
Imported Hungarian Madra
32 Inchea wide and made from round
thread mercerized yarns, $1.00 yard.
India Linons
22c quality for thla week, 15c yard.
30c quality for thla week, 20c yard.
40c quality for this week, 28c yard.
Persian Lawns
At 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c, 60c, 60c and 75c
Opera Batiste
48 Inchea -wide at 80c, 35c, 40c, 45c, 60c,
66c, 60c, 65c and 70c yard.
Wash Chiffon
48 Inches wide at 40c, 45c, 60c, 60c, 65c,
70c, 75c and 85c yard-
Dotted Swiss
At 40c, 46c, 60c. 65c, 65c, 70c, 75c and
85c yard.
New Corsets
1 1.00 Straight front, for medium figures,
fairly low-buated, medium hip, made of
aterltng Jean; alao linen batlate.
$1.60 Erect form, white batiste only, for
medium developed figures, extra long over
' hipa and abdomen.
KELLEY, STIGER & CO., Corner Farnam and
Keith, Lincoln, Dawson and Buffalo coun-
ties, a distance of about 300 mllea. Espe
cially In Lincoln and Dawaon countlea haa
the Irrigation development been greatest
and many thouaands of acres of land have
been brought under the Influence of Irriga
tion. A great many canala have been taken
out on the Loup river. The Great Eastern
caual,' taken from the Loup a short dis
tance above Genoa, has about seventy miles
of canal and laat year Irrigated about 2,600
acrea auccesafully. There are other cases
too numerous to mention where large tracts
of land have been auccesafully Irrigated.
There Is absolutely no truth In the report
now being circulated to the effect that ws
have only 148,000 acres under cultivation by
Irrigation, as anybody can readily determine
for himself by examining the records or
going over aome of the Irrigation districts
In the western part of the atate."
Male Teachers Alarmed.
The Nebraska Schoolmasters' club, an ex
clusive organisation of forty of the leading
educatora In - the atate, ta beginning to
view with aome alarm the rapid displace
ment of the male members of their profes
sion. This passing of the rural school
master waa the aole topic of discussion at
the meeting of the club In this city laat
night and flgurea were presented to ahow
that women teachera are taking the places
of men, not only In Nebraaka, but through
out the United 8tatea. State Superintend
ent Fowler, who rea,d the principal paper
of the evening, aald:
Not only haa the schoolmistress crowded
out the schoolmaster to a great extent,
but It should be noticed also that the early
colonial schools were organised principally
and almost exclusively for boys, that the
curriculum waa adapted to the needs of the
bnva. and althoiurh It has arown and ex-
pamUd. It haa not been chanced materially,
but that the girls In the grammar gradee
of our public achoola now outnumber the
boys about four to three; In the high
schools about three to two and In trie
senior class two to one.
In thla atate the number of men teachers
employed is decreasing very rapidly. The
highest number ever emploed was 2,861, in
lfwo. Binee inai lime n nae waverea a ions.
about l.joo, .4u0. 2,i0, dropping to 2.134 In
din II. . O -nA In 1l-2 JvAM.An.Ka
liud, rebounding to 2,700 In ISisi (remember
the tlmvs). dropping again to 3.033 In 1WI,
and 2.06. in 1900. 1-a-t year 19"1 the num
ber reported waa 1.&40. All this time there
has been a ateady Increase In the number
of women teachers and the total number
of teachera employed. We usually ascribe
lew salaries aa the chief cause for the He
crease In the number of men teachers em
ployed from year to year. If we Insist upon
that, we must make our comparisons be
tween the salaries paid for teaching and
the aalariea paid In the other proftsalona
and In the tradea and the various lines of
busineas. for the salaries ot men teachers
In Nebraska during the last twenty years
show a slight toci-vase from year to yenr.
with orca-iunal variations. Previous to WS
th- averaae monthly salary or male teach
era In the atete never exceeded M. In 1SSS
It Jumped to H- n. ana until jmi ranged
between that amount ajid -U. The iMt-r
ear it advanced to M4 si, in uri to nn 3W,
i 1813 to the blithest In the history
oft the state. From that time to 1NS It
fraduallv declined to $42.61 In TO It waa
I5.U5. In I) .J and In 1901 147.64.
Ta Testify Aanlnsl Jonea.
Charles Ryiner of thla city, aa employe
of the Orlawold Seed company, started for
Detroit, Mich., today to give evidence in
the trial of William A. Jones, who Is ac
cused ot the murder of C. H. Heywood.
Jones aad Rymar were formerly associated
together In business. Before leaving Mr.
Rymer made the following statemeat to the
"Jonea and I traveled about the country
all ot laat summer, finally landing In De
troit. Jonea told me about having a wo
man la that city -who was 'dead gone' on
him and he on her. Tbat was one reason
why he said ha beaded for that place.
"I saw Mrs. Heywood and Jones together
ma ay times while I waa In Detroit. Jones
made a confidant of me and told me all
about bia Intimacy with Mra. Heywood and
frequently boasted to me of the meetings
he had with ber. He aald he bad rented
a room at the Empire hotel, which tbey
used as a place of assignation. All thla
New Laces, Veiling
and Embroideries
Correct Styles. Reasonable prices
Black Filet
Mesh Costume
Special values
a yard.
ana F.srarlal Ga
Blark thaatlily
Elegant aerpentlne and medallion effects,
extraordinary values, at 9c, 10c, 12Hc, 15c,
25c, 36c and 60c a yard.
rials Crochet and Veaetlaa Pol at
White, cream and ecru edgea, galoona,
Insertions and all-overs to match, at
price that will pleaae you.
Point o' Parle Lares-
Elegant bow-knot design, very aervlcable
for trimming underwear, etc., various
widths to match; apeclal valuea at 7Vac,
10c, 15c and 20c a yard.
Fine Torchon and Mldlee Laces
Excellent designs and durable qualltiee,
the correct thing for trimming the new
cbambray and gingham aklrta; apeclal 8c
10c, 12VxC and 15c a yard.
Latest Novelties In Velllnge
Plain, fancy and dotted Tuxedos, dottett
chiffons, extra valuea at 16c, 20c, 25c, J&o
and 60c a yard.
Fine French Chiffons, Moaaae-de-Sole
and Liberty Cause-rf
In all the new sbadea.
Novelties In Kmbrotderle
A perfect collection of fine nainsook and
Sates matched sets, edgea, flouncing. In
ssrtlons, beading and galoona to match,
In elegant Irish point, hand drawn ana
dainty effects.
13 and IB-Inch Swiss and Kalnsoolc
Embroidered Flounclna;a
Just the thing for the new corset covers,
1H yards will make a corset cover; extra
valuea at 40c, 45c, 65c and 75c a yard.
New Shirt Wnlst Materials
45-Inch fine French reverlnga, have the
effect of high grade all-overs, 1 yarda
will make a walet; special valuea at 75c,
85c, $1.00 and $1.50 yard.
Novelties in
Elegant Chiffon and Liberty Raffs
In white, black and white and all black.
Excellent valuea, $2.60, $3.60, $5.60, $6.60
to $16.00 each.
Novelty Antomoblle Ties
.Exquisite effects, in taffeta, moire, satin.
Liberty, etc.. at 60c, 66c. 76c, $1.00 to $2.00
time he was abusing hi wife and neglecting
her, and after hie mlatreatment of ber,
drove ber to return to Lincoln, he' went to
board with the Heywoods.
"One morning while we were walking
down Michigan avenue Jonea told me tbat
Heywood waa entirely Ignorant of the re
lations existing between them, but that
hek Jonea, waa prepared for any trouble
Heywood might make, if he ever did dis
cover what waa going on.
"Jonea also added that If anything hap
pened to Heywood that Mrs. Heywood would
marry him. -1 Inquired how he knew, and
Jonea aald the woman had promised the
night before ahe would marry him. Jones
also said that if somebody would push Hey
wood off Into the river It would be a
financial benefit to blm, aa Heywood bad
money. I always tnougni mis was an in
vitation on Jones' part to get me to get
away with Heywood, but I steered clear
of It. A day or two afterwards we quar
reled over a business matter aad I left De
troit." Inspect State Institutions.
. Land Commissioner Follmer and Treas
urer Stuefer returned today from an official
tour of Inspection that included the atate
Institutions at Hastlnga. Geneva, Grand
Island and Kearney. Attorney General
Prout and Secretary of State Marsh, the
other members of ths Board of Public Laada
and Buildings, were detained by business
from going on the trip.
"We found all of the institutions In good
condition," said Mr. Follmer. "At Haatlnga
the new building for the Hoapltal for In
curable Insane la faat Bearing completion,
but it Is not likely It will be ready for
occupancy before October 1. We put In
considerable time at each of the four In
stitutions, and I can say we were satisfied
bath with their condition and management."
Articles of Incorporation of these Institu
tions were recorded In the secretary of
state's office todsy:
The National Tontine Savlnga company,
Grand Island, captlal stock, $100,000; In
i corporators, R. O. Adams and W. O. Tall
' . ... . . .
man; for ouying ana aeiung larm imple
ments. The Mutual OH Tank Line company,
Omaha, capital stock. $10,000; Incorporators,
J. I. Lamprecht, Frank B. Fretter, J. H.
The Midland Realty ccmpany, Eaat Or
ange, N. J., capital stock, $125,000. .
The report of Chief Oil Inspector Hays
for the month ot March ahows that during
the period of collections of his department
amounted to $8S9.0. Over 8.000 barrels
of oil were Inspected. The balance turned
Into the treasury was $19.08
Governor Reoneats Superintendent of
Wtmii'i Industrial Home to
Vacate Flaee.
LINCOLN, April IS. (Special Telegram.)
Governor Savage thla afternoon gave out
the Information that be had requeated Mra.
Amanda Edwarda. aupertntendent of the In
dustrial Home for Women at Mtlford, to
tenaer her resignation, but declined to aay
why he bad taken the action. "I have rea-
, sons that are good and aufflctent," aald he.
"but further than that I have nothing to
aay." Mist Margaret Kaely ot Hastings
baa been aelected by the governor aa her
The change will take place May 1.
Mra. Edwarda baa been superintendent of
the Mtlford home for the last five years and
was ths only fusion appointee retained by
former Governor Dietrich.
Weet Point Laundry Shut Down.
WEST POINT. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
The Standard eteam laundry of thia city,
after undergoing many viaalaltades. baa
cloeed Us doors aad shut dewa the' plant.
Silk Department
It will pay you to anticipate your wants,
In this department. Hundreds of bargalna
for Monday's sale.
Shaatuna; Tussore Silks
In great variety, plain, figured, hem
atltched and embroidered, the lateat fad.
all widths, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 per yard.
Blark Taffeta
Guaranteed to wear, the gusarntee woven
In the aelvedge of every yard, 65c, 69c,
75c, 85c yard.
27-Inch black taffeta, reliable, 88c.
27-Inch black taffeta, guaranteed, $1.00,
M-lnch black taffeta, guaranteed, $1.25,
$1.50. $1.75.
Colored Moire alike
Moire velours and all silk moire antiques,
plenty of the acarce naviea, browns,
grays, res I da and white, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75
per yard.
Black Moire Silks
For long and abort coata, waists and
dresses, $1.25, $1.50. $1.76. $2.25 per yard.
New Iron Frame Grenadines
44-Inch, $1.25. $1.50, $1.76.
New fancy ribbon atriped grenadines,
44-inch, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50.
Special tor This Sale
Changeable Taffeta Silks
I All colors, some are slightly
fancy stripes, silks, good shades" ITt
Plain pongee (colored).- Jmtzf
Fancy Hemstitched Waist Silk-
In shades of rose, red, blue, navy and
white, regular $1.00 quality.
for this aale .
Black Dress Goods
Don't aelect your black dress for spring
until you have seen the latest novelties on
display here, for never have we shown
auch an array of attractive materials.
4t-lnrh Prnnrlla Clothe
These materials are dressy and very
durable, especially adapted for tailor
gowna and separate aklrta; special price,
$1.25 and $1.60 yard.
45-lnch All Wool Crash
A new weave of bopeacklng, very fashlon
able this season, $1.50 per yard.
S3 to 58-Inch Cheviots
An exclusive showing of black cheviots,
one of the most popular weave far suits
and shirt waist skirts, "sponged and
shrunk," from 86c to $3.00 per yard.
44 to 44-Inch Etamlnee
Voiles, grenadines and all the new
weaves of the open sort, so popular this
seaaon; an unusually large assortment
to aelect from at all prices, from 75c to
$2.25 per yard.
Unparalleled valuea In black drese fab
rics for Monday at $1.00.
44-Inch silk and wool crepe de chine,
44-inch wool grenadine. $1.00.
44-Inch all wool etamine, $1.00.
44-Inch all wool veiling, special, $1.00.
46-lnch melrose, 44-Inch atriped etamlae,
64-lnch broadcloth and 66-lnch alclllan
cloth, $125 and $1.60.
Uncertain Whether It is a Case of Harder
or Suicide.
Death Was Due to Strangulation,
Handkerchief Havlaar Been
Twisted Tlarhtly Abont
Hla Neck.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 12. (Special
Telegram.) Walter Groff of Wood River,
Neb., waa found dead In an out building
in West Cheyenne laat night, having died
by strangulation. He was not Identified
until tonight, when G. H. Gllland ot Pine
Bluffs, Neb., viewed the remalna at the
morgue and pronounced them the body ot
Groff. '
Groff came here several days ago enroute
to Rawlins, where he Intended to file upon
some land and run a tew head ot cattle.
To a hotel man he said he had $20 In
money, but when tne body waa found there
was only 10 cents left. The last seen ot
young Groff was yesterday noon, when he
said he waa going to telegraph to Ne
braaka relatives tor money. When found
Groff lay In a doubled-up position in the
closet. His boots had been removed and
stood in a corner. There waa a bolo one
Inch In diameter In bis neck, from which
blood bad flowed freely. In one band he
olutcbed the handle of a pocketknlfe, with
which a atrip of baadkercblef bad been
twtated tightly about the neck. The face
waa dark blue In color and blood oozed
from the noae and mouth, showing that
death had been cauaed by strangulation.
A bottle . of strychnine was found oh the
The authorities are attempting to clear
up the mystery, but tbere have ben no
developments. OrofTs parents are said to
be wealthy residents of Wood River.
William SelrTe, Said to Have Illecal
Wives, Is Held at David
DAVID CITY. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
Laat Monday morning William Selffe ot
Bellwood waa arrested, charged with big
amy. The complaint waa made by Abed C
warren of Bellwood
Hia preliminary bearing waa concluded by
County Judge Skllea yesterday evening and
BslHewee bound over to the dlatrlct court
under bonds of $1,000. He did not furnish
bonds and is now detained in the county
From the evidence it seems that some
time during the summer of 1901 Selffe met
Miss Nellie Enyeart of Bellwood In Omaha
and made love to ber, saying he waa a sin
gle man. Soma time later In the season
Selff came to Bellwood and, aa he says,
married Miss Enyeart, not In the usual
way, but each signing an agreement to take
each other for better or worse, alleging this
to be a common law marriage. Some of Mlaa
Enyeart'a relattvee susplcioned that the
marriage was crooked and began an Investi
gation. They allege to have learned that
Selffe has a wife and two children about
11 aad 14 years or age now living In Chi
Pay Tribute ta Departing Pastor.
WI8NER. Neb.. April 12. (Special. )
Tueaday evening the buatneaa men and
their wives of Wlaner tendered to Rev. A.
W. Ayers and wife a farewell reception.
Rev. Ayers recently accepted a call to
Dress Goods
Our line of Spring Dress
Goods is now complete. We
are confident that we are show
ing the best and most complete
line of lightweight fabrics in
all the newest and most Rtylish
weaves and colore.
Flake Etamines, fl.00 per yd.,
44 inches wide
A new light weight weave, having a
flaked and crepe effect, which la very
new. In latest ahades.
Iron Frame Etamine, $1 per,
yard, 42 inches wide
The popular weave of the seaaon, a light
weight fabric, to be made up over silk
or other aultable lininga, very dressy and
stylish. In a fine choice of colors.
Voiles and Eoliennes, $1.50 per
yard, 46 inches wide
Eolienne, sheer and transparent, some
thing In a new and up-to-date weave.
Voiles, the clinging kind, a soft, silky
fabric, which Is much used. A large
showing of colors.
$1, $1.25 a yard Dress Goods
French basket cloth, broadcloths, Eng
lish prunella, cheviots, meltons, granites
and canvas cloth, are among the many
weaves at these prlcee, 45 to 60 Inches
White Wool Goods
This la to b an unusual aeaaon for whit
goods. Accordingly by careful buying we
have one of the finest offerings possible In
all the new weavea In light weight white
and creams, woolen fabrlca.
Belts, Bags, fans
Ladies' Ileal Seal Leather Belts
Warranted real seal leather, covered
'buckle, excellent finish, 60-cent value;
apeclal, 25c each.
Ladies' Soft Silk Crush Belts-
New allks and new bucklea, black, whit
and pongee, correctly made, only $1.60
and $L66 each.
Novelties in Wrist Bags
Fin leathers and fine mountings, at $1.60,
$2.25. $3.00. $4.60 to $10.00 each.
Novelty Japanese Fans
Choice new designs, 10c, 16c, 25c, 35c and
60c each.
the pastorate of the Congregational church
of Beemer, after a paatorate of four years
here. Durltfg his work In Wiener he was
very popular with the busineas men and
this reception was entirely In their charge.
It was a fitting tribute to his high ability
and hla successful work aa pastor.
The feature of the evening waa the pre
sentation of a $75 gold irzfTS and chain to
Rev. Ayres and aolld silver set of table
spoons to Mr si Ayres as tokess of the es
teem which they have been held by the
citizens oft Wiener.
Plunder from Two Stores Found en
Suapeete Arreated at Co- -Inmbus.
COLUMBUS, Neb., April 12. (Special.)
Two alleged crooks giving several names
are confined la the city jail here and on
charges ot burglary.
They went to the aecond-hand store ot
John Busden last evening, and while one
of them negotiated with the aged and dlin-
vlsloned proprietor for the purchase of a
gasoline stove, the other pocketed seven
Emll von Bergen, another merchant.
mlaaed a caae of knives about the same
They were arreated on the outskirts of
the city an hour later, and the plunder
from both stores was found on their per
Four West Pointers Begrla Journey.
v Expecting to Hake Tu
In Four Veara.
WEST POINT, Neb., April 12. (Special.)
A quartet of young men of this city have
started on a tour of the world on foot,
pledging themselves to take no money, but
subsist on the proceeds of their labor. They
are Amandue Krauae, Will Gefeke, George
Mler and Edward Clancy. They intend to
go first to San Francisco. Tbey expect to
make the tour In four years.
More Coal Veins nt Jamestown.
FREMONT. Neb., April 12. (Special.)
H. H. Brown, who la drilling for coal on
the Remmele place at Jameatown, Is la
town today and Is pleased with the pros
pects. At a depth of 152 feet, a four-inch
vein was struck. The formation beneath
thla was the same aa In the first bole, a
hard slaty rock. At, 172 feet the second
vein was struck. The two veins are sup
posed to be the ssme aa were found In the
first hole, aad were found at about the
same depth,. The second vela was struck
yesterday, and when Mr. Brown left bis
men bad not gone through It. He brought
with blm a sack containing some small
pieces of coal. It appears ta , be a good
quality of bituminous of about the same
quality as Rock Springs and burns freely.
Mother of CummluuV First Child.
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
The 66th birthday annlveraary of Mrs.
John D. Nsltgh was celebrated yesterday.
Mra. Neligb and ber husband homeateaded
the present townalte of West Point, and aba
was motosr of the first whtto child, Mrs.
Alice Bime, born In Cuming county. Her
husband, Hon. John D. Nellgh. the father
I of West Point, died some years ago.
BEATRICE. Neb., April 12. (Special Tel
egram.) The Cage County Threahennen's
association met here this afternoon and laid
concerted plajjj for the coming threahlng
aeaaon. Some of the moat aubataatlal
firm era In the county are members of the
Ready to Wear Gar
ments Ready for
Your Inspection.
Up-to-date, man -tailored
suits, made of the most popular
materials etamines, mistrals,
canvas cloth, cheviots, etc. The
jackets are all silk-lined, skirts
nilk and percaline lined also
Ladies' Jackets .
Silk etons, cheviot blouses and
long, silk Kaplans, separate
dress skirts and walking skirts,
Misses' Keefers, blue and
reds, age G to 14, with Peter
Thompson embroideries, army
and navy colors.
We have on display a very
choice selection of man-tailored
shirt waists in white, oxford,
cheviots and canvas effects
Now is the time to make your
selection, while the assort
ments are complete and you
can secure exclusive styles.
White lawn waists, Gibson
styles, handsomely trimmed
with lace and embroideries
Shirt waists in colors, all the
new creations in cheviots, ma
dras, dimities and lawns.
Prices range from $1.00 to $5.00
Women Tailor Made Shirt
Waist Salts
, Gibson waist and flounce
skirts in plain colored oxfords;
also blue and white and red
and white stripes.
Shirt Waist Suits
In plain colored madras
handsomely trimmed in em
broideries and white braids.
$5.00 to $7.00 for entire suits
An early inspection solicited.
Judge Hurrlngton Disposes of Twenty-
One Caaes Darin the
BASSETT. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
The spring term of tho district court tor
Rock county closed tonight, after a five
days' session. Judge J. J. Harrington of
O'Neill presided. The docket contained
only seventeen civil cases and four crim
inal, but moat ot them were litigated. The
most Important civil caae was settled by
the court getting the litigants together
during a recess taken for the purpose of
permitting the attorneys to produce au
thorities on a technical question raised by
the plaintiff during the trial ot the caae.
Three criminal cases were disposed ot as
follows: Chris Pope, who was arrested
last November on the charge ot cattle
steeling, pleaded guilty to the charge. He
bad an accomplice In the theft In George
Wlegrefe. who entered a plea of not
guilty, and was tried and convicted. Pope
la a widower, about 45 years old and bis
family consists of a girl 12 years old and a
boy 16. Wlegrefe la 68 years old and bas
a wife, who Is 64 years old. Both are old
residents of the county. The jury ' re
turned with their verdict a recommenda
tion that the lightest sentence be Im
posed on blm. Wlegrefe was defended by
R. R. Dickson ot O'Neill and J. 8. Davis
son of Long Pine. A motion for a new
trial has been filed In this case and the
same will not be submitted until April 19.
Pope la not to receive his sentence until
tho motion In the Wlegrefe case bas been
passed upon.
Otto Treniel, a single man about 36 years
old, was prosecuted and convicted on the
charge ot adultery. He was defended by
Dickson and F. N. Morgan of this place,
who filed for blm a motion for a new trial.
The same waa overruled, and after repri
mand from the court was sentenced to six
the best tonic you can possibly take. There's
nothing" like it for building up the nerves, for
throwing off that feeling of exhaustion, and for
making rich blood.
Suppose you ask your doctor -how often he
prescribes this splendid-tonic.
"After suffering terribly, I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles and now feel lika a now man. 1 woUd- ad viae aJl in need of a tonic to try
this medicine." I. D. Good, Browntown, Vs.
tl Msasttls. All sragflata.
Underwear and
Women's and children's
spring and summer hosiery
and underwear. The recent
mild weather puts one in mind
of lighter under garments.
We expect to sell a great many
women's vests of good quality,
cotton or lisle thread, at a spe
cial price tomorrow. . Sale on
Munsing" Union Suits.
ln 11 for !." Women's Hlclellea Rib
bed Yeats
Silk tapea. pure while or ecru. A linn
of 25c and 35c vests are Included in thla
tot for Monday's aale.
Women's While Rlbbril Vests
Very nicely finished, silk tapes, pearl
buttons, long or short sleeves, also a
superior line of llsl thread, low neck,
sleeveless, umbrella ribbed drawers, with
lace trimming to match all slxea, Mon
day, 25c earh.
We Offer Tomorrow Women's
vea:A silk ribbed vests, with fancy lace
trimmings, hand crocheted neck, also a
apeclal make In bodies to wear with
low-neck dresses; white, pink and skf.
One of the best bargains offered thla
season, only 50c each.
The "Manning;" I nloll Snlte
For women and children cannot be
equaled. The fit la perfect, much better
finish and material than ever before.
Women'a union suits, very nicely made,
low neck, sleeveless, knee lengths, the
"Munalng," only 35c per ault.
Our 60c "Munalng" are beautifully fin
' lahed, pure white, fully worth 75o per
ault; our price only 60c all sixes.
Misers' and Boya' "Masalsg" talon
The only suit that Is made Just right
for children; all atyles and sizes for all
ages Monday, 60o per ault.
Women'a Faat Blark Seamless Floe
Cotton Hose
Plain or fancy drop stich, double 'aole.
heel and toe, worth 25c our price. IRo
2 for 25c.
SBC, 3 pair, Women's New Pat
terns In Fancy Hose
Black, drop-stitch, Hale thread, fine blark
cotton; alao black guate lisle thread, for
our Monday's sale.
Jnat Received, lOO Doits of Children's
School Hose
Fine ribbed faat black, double knee, heel
and toe, never retails at leas than 23o
pair all sites, 6 to 9, only 15o a pair.
Women's Milk Umbrellas
Black, blue, red, green, handsomely fin-'
lahed with caae and taaael, fine Imported
handlea, a remarkable offering, (1.50 each
Children's Srhool t'mhrellaa
Black allk cover and taaael, natural wood
handles, made strong, steel rod, I'aragon
frame, $1.00 each. '
months' Imprisonment In the county jail
at bard labor, fined $150 and coata and or
dered committed to jail until the fine and'
coata are paid.
All of the prosecutions were conducted
by J. A. Douglas, county attorney.
Two Weddlsss at West Point.
' WEST POINT. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
John H. Behrens and Mlsa Mary Kaaae
baum were married thta morning at St.
Paul's German Lutheran church by Rev.
A. R. E. Oelschlager, pastor. The bride Is
a daughter of Casper Kaaaebaum, a promi
nent citizen, of tbla place.
Anton J. Langer, former editor of the
West Point Republican, and now of Hum
phrey, Neb., waa married to Clara Wlesner
of tbla city thla morning at St. Mary s
Catholic church during high mass by tho
rector, Rev. Ruealng. The couple will re
side at Humphrey. The groom owns an In
terest in the First National bank or that
place. .
Ensign Brian's on Furlough.
WEST POINT, Neb., April 12. (Special.)
Enalgn Zeno Brlgga, U. 8. N., arrived in
the city yesterday on a month's furlough;
He Is attached to the United States ship
Essex. His advancement alnce graduation
.from Annapolis haa been rapid. He Is the
second son of Judge Emory Brlgga of this
Sale of dago County Farm.
BEATRICE. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
The 8. Y. Hill farm In Riverside townrbtp
has been sold for $5,200 to Peter Berger.
The farm Is located a short distance south
of the city and la ona of the best farms In
uage county. (
Chautaaejun to Meet nt Salem.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. April 12. (Special.)
The Salem Interstate Chautauqua asso
ciation will hold its eighth assembly at
Salem, Neb., August 9 to 17, Inclusive.
Rev. Lincoln McConnell will be director:
The newspapers keep you
Read this one and you will
learn that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
J. C. AVER CO., Uwell, Mass.